How to Do Crazy Good Turns — Frank Blake (#303)

“You get what you celebrate.” 

– Frank Blake

Frank Blake (@frankblake) served as chairman and CEO of The Home Depot from January 2007 to May 2014, and then as chairman through January of 2015. He previously served as deputy secretary for the US Department of Energy. Prior to that, he served in a wide variety of executive roles at General Electric.

Frank’s public sector experience includes having served as general counsel for the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), deputy counsel to Vice President George H.W. Bush, and law clerk to Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens.

Frank serves on the board of directors for the Georgia Aquarium, Proctor & Gamble, Macy’s, and is currently serving as board chairman of Delta and Grady Memorial Hospital. He holds a bachelor’s degree from Harvard University and a jurisprudence degree from Columbia University School of Law.

Frank also produces a short-form podcast called Crazy Good Turns, which tells inspiring stories about amazing people who do things for others. In this wide-ranging conversation, we discuss a book that inspired both of us, advice from Jack Welch, the art of customer service, “productive conflict,” and much, much more.  Enjoy!

You can find the transcript of this episode here. Transcripts of all episodes can be found here.

How to Do Crazy Good Turns -- Frank Blake

Want to hear another episode with a fascinating leader? Listen to my conversation with Ray Dalio. We discuss how Ray thinks about investment decisions, the three books he would give to every graduating high school or college senior, how he might assess cryptocurrency, and much, much more (stream below or right-click here to download):

#264: Ray Dalio, The Steve Jobs of Investing

This episode is brought to you by Shure, makers of the SRH1540 Premium Closed-Back Headphones. These headphones feature an expansive soundstage with clear, extended highs and warm bass. They are made with aluminum alloy and carbon fiber construction for a lightweight and durable design, and Alcantara ear pads for maximum sound isolation and comfort.

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QUESTION(S) OF THE DAY: What was your favorite quote or lesson from this episode? Please let me know in the comments.

Scroll below for links and show notes…

Selected Links from the Episode

  • Connect with Frank Blake:


Show Notes

  • Frank and I discuss a book that’s near and dear to both of us. [05:11]
  • Frank talks about growing up in New England and recently celebrating his sharp-as-a-tack mother’s 100th birthday. [10:20]
  • While growing up, what did Frank aspire to become? [11:55]
  • What led to Frank’s early fascination with politics? [12:33]
  • How does Frank explain his eclectic career’s rare blend of politics, law, and entrepreneurship? [13:18]
  • Frank walks us through the decision process to leave his DC law practice and join General Electric. [16:19]
  • Frank talks about getting CEO advice from GE’s Jack Welch, and why he would “never take a phone call from him sitting down.” [18:49]
  • Advice Frank got from Home Depot co-founder Bernie Marcus about the perils of corporate echo chambers. [25:06]
  • How did Frank disrupt The Home Depot’s echo chamber and encourage productive conflict? [25:57]
  • What did Frank learn about the importance of celebration as a CEO that he missed as a lawyer? [28:05]
  • A relationship-building technique Frank picked up from working for George H.W. Bush. [31:27]
  • How does someone in charge of 350,000 associates pick who gets rewarded for their good deeds? [33:27]
  • What makes a customer service story noteworthy? [35:20]
  • When he took the reins at The Home Depot, what metrics did Frank focus on? [37:37]
  • How — and why — was Frank asked to be CEO at The Home Depot when it wasn’t really a job he felt cut out for at the time? [39:23]
  • Why did Frank recommend selling the business? [40:41]
  • How did Frank’s legal training help with (or hurt) what came later? [44:02]
  • How was The Home Depot’s Net Promoter Score (NPS) measured? [47:29]
  • What has Frank found to be the best way to deal with business worries? [48:54]
  • Now that he’s about as retired as he’ll ever be, how does Frank cope with anxiety these days? [54:03]
  • How and why might someone unsure of a higher power decide to pray? [58:10]
  • What happened when Frank posted his phone number online and invited Home Depot customers to contact him. [1:02:08]
  • Lessons learned from Bernie Marcus. [1:04:01]
  • What changes did Frank make to The Home Depot that made hourly employees more invested in the company’s success? [1:05:30]
  • Frank talks about dealing with The Home Depot’s 2014 data breach. [1:07:51]
  • An embarrassing but important failure. [1:13:27]
  • Are there different species of worrying? How can it be constructive? [1:17:21]
  • Does Frank find value in practicing anxiety transfer? [1:19:13]
  • What advice did Frank give his successor at The Home Depot? What advice might he offer to someone in similar circumstances? [1:21:25]
  • How did Frank develop the skill of simple and portable messaging? [1:22:49]
  • Frank’s “favorite story.” [1:23:32]
  • What projects keep Frank occupied these days? [1:26:12]
  • How is Frank working to become more genuinely helpful and generous? [1:28:32]
  • Books Frank would recommend to a budding entrepreneur. [1:31:27]
  • Books gifted most often. [1:33:27]
  • Books Frank has recently read. [1:37:18]
  • How does Frank choose the books he reads? [1:38:32]
  • A recent, relatively inexpensive purchase that has had the most positive impact on Frank’s life. [1:39:33]
  • What class would Frank teach, and what would the course description look like? [1:42:22]
  • What figures from American history would Frank most like to meet? [1:43:44]
  • What would Frank’s billboard say? [1:44:57]
  • What episodes of Crazy Good Turns would Frank recommend as an ideal starting point? [1:45:58]
  • What prompted the creation of Crazy Good Turns? [1:47:29]
  • An ask of the audience and parting thoughts. [1:48:53]

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Comment Rules: Remember what Fonzie was like? Cool. That’s how we’re gonna be — cool. Critical is fine, but if you’re rude, we’ll delete your stuff. Please do not put your URL in the comment text and please use your PERSONAL name or initials and not your business name, as the latter comes off like spam. Have fun and thanks for adding to the conversation! (Thanks to Brian Oberkirch for the inspiration.)

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Evan Buckingham
Evan Buckingham
6 years ago


6 years ago

Hi! Saw in the 5-bullet Friday email today that you were enjoying the Barkley Marathons documentary. You should also check out “Where Dreams Go to Die”, another documentary about Gary Robbins’ quest to complete the Barkley. He’s going back for his 3rd attempt this year!

Andy McAnally
Andy McAnally
6 years ago

Lazarus would be a fun interview, however Tim, if you want to interview somebody with true grit, may I suggest Gary Robbins from N.Vancouver.

Gary is hoping to be the first Canadian to complete the Barkleys and this year will be his third attempt!

6 years ago

Tim you’ve helped me lose 40 lbs! Turned me into avid reader! Expand my intellect tenfold! And one day an entrepreneur! Question: Do you ever take extended breaks from non fictional reading? Cerebral de-load of sorts.

6 years ago

Hey Tim, would love to hear from more entrepreneurs compared to the recent guests. Nothing against the recent guests, I just prefer the business and top performer interviews. Is it just me?

6 years ago

Hey !

very nice article, keep up the good work.

6 years ago

Hey Tim please bring Big John McCarthy on the show. It would be an incredible interesting podcast, because he is very knowledgable and

he has a totally different perspective on the sport. He seems to have a scientific like so hearing you both nerd out on combat sports would be awesome. Guys please reply or upvote this, because a request from one person in a million will be ignored.

6 years ago

I was ready to skip over this when I heard “Home Depot CEO” but I’m glad I stayed for the entire podcast. Very thoughtful and edifying, tons of quotable goodness in there. “Optimism is a force multiplier,” “Worrying is praying for what you don’t want.”

Mireya Loewe
Mireya Loewe
6 years ago

Is the 4-hour Chef available in either ebook or full PDF format anywhere? Thanks.

Felix Dragoi
Felix Dragoi
6 years ago

Hi Tim,

This was definitely a very interesting podcast, especially since you can feel the high level that was required from Frank in order to get in that position. The people who have helped in this journey to the top have also added a lot of value to this episode.

We might need more of this kind of “best advice” your guests have received during their life, since, as we all know, no one is really self-made. Looking forward to the diversity of the podcast, and seeing how the questions and conversations are being refined for maximum quality advice and life-lessons.

Will make a blog post on my website with the podcast notes of this episode soon, after I catch up with a few others. It’s great to identify the patterns and be able to take away, even if just one thing that can make a smaller incremental change.


Marissa Myers
Marissa Myers
6 years ago

Phenomenal. I did not know who Frank Blake was before your interview. Thank you for introducing me to him. What a gift.

Adrian Yap
Adrian Yap
6 years ago

Hi Tim, Thanks for creating a wonderful blog that creates an immeasurable impact on people’s lives. First of all, I am Deaf and I am hoping to get the most out of this inspiring talks. However, there is no closed caption or script provided for the Deaf readers to get the benefit out of it. Is there any possibility of attaching the rough script for our benefit? For your consideration.

6 years ago

Hello.where could I find the script of “crazy good turn”.I am an English learner .I have already download a pdf document .But I can’t find it .Could you help me ?

6 years ago

Tim needs to stop focusing on worry, anxiety, and fear, they only exist if you let them… :/

6 years ago
Reply to  Eric

aaaaand this “fact finding” keeps you trapped in the past because you keep retelling the stories to yourself and looking for an “answer.” the only answers come from not looking for them. pious buddah out

6 years ago

Thanks, Tim, for an excellent interview with Frank…perhaps among your best! His approach to business and life is worth a book, which I hope he writes. As an attorney being tagged to be CEO of a large retailer, it must have been daunting, but he seemed to fold in like he knew what to do and how to do it! Incredibly rare, as he is. As memorable of a discussion as I have heard in a long while.

6 years ago

The firefighter Frank mentioned that made the tunnel to tower run was Steven Siller. His foundation now supports building homes for disabled veterans.

Rick P
Rick P
5 years ago

Wow, this podcast truly inspired me and led to a fantastic chain of events. First it reinforced my wish to do more philanthropic work as I enter into my latter years. Second Frank’s strategy of truly listening to his team was very insightful as I am a retailer as well. But most importantly it led me to Frank’s Crazy Good Turns podcast and after writing to them one of my causes, Curt’s Cafe in Evanston, IL was selected to be featured in December of 2018. It is so inspiring to see someone focus on bringing more good things into the world, Thanks for all of this and keep up the great work!

4 years ago

Sounds like a good man