My Evening Routine for Optimal Relaxation and Sleep

evening routine
This soaking tub is an essential part of my evening routine.

I’m often asked about my morning routine, which I detailed at length in a previous podcast.

For me, a reliable nighttime routine is just as important.

The short video below explains the exact protocol I use to wind down in the last 60 minutes of my day. Some of these tactics have been honed over many years, while others have been borrowed from guests on The Tim Ferriss Show. (Note: I’ve collected all of my favorite habits and routines from podcast guests — including some you haven’t met — in Tools of Titans.)

In my experience, these evening steps practically guarantee less stress and a better night’s sleep.

Do you have any favorite nighttime rituals? Please share in the comments below! Enjoy…

The Tim Ferriss Show is one of the most popular podcasts in the world with more than one billion downloads. It has been selected for "Best of Apple Podcasts" three times, it is often the #1 interview podcast across all of Apple Podcasts, and it's been ranked #1 out of 400,000+ podcasts on many occasions. To listen to any of the past episodes for free, check out this page.

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7 years ago

Great video Tim. I am genetically predisposed for poor sleep so I have to be pretty dilligent. My favorite methods are pretty simple. They are: (1) hot/cold contrast therapy in the shower, short and sweet (2) turning down lights and reading before bed (2) magnesium about an hour before bed (3) about 5 minutes of meditation before bed (4) cool, dark room approx 67 degrees F, sheet covering body, comforter on feet/legs only (5) eye mask to block out misc light (6) all the obvious things like no stimulants, alcohol, etc.

I’ve been experimenting recently with drinking about 6 oz water before bed (counter intuitive I know) but so far I’ve actually been getting good results. Waking in the middle of the night to use the restroom seems to slam me back down into REM when I get back to bed. Will keep testing. Of course, low dose time-release melatonin when I really need it. Drinking passion flower tea for me is like getting hit by a Mac truck. I usually try not to do that during the workweek though. Anyway great content as always! Thank you!

Nick McMahon
Nick McMahon
6 years ago
Reply to  DH

Have you considered using Night Shift settings for Apple Products and F.lux for Windows and Android? It helps reduce blue light exposure at night to improve sleep. The orange hue better mimics sunset and triggers our sleep hormones. Blue light is naturally heavy in the morning sun so it tells our body to wake up. Blue blocker glasses can help as well if you have to be exposed to heavy blue light environments at night. Get softer and lower lumens lighting for night time 1 hour before bed. I use a low lumen salt lamp in my bedroom before going to sleep and candles in the winter for natural heating as well.

allyson macinnes
allyson macinnes
7 years ago

yes please id love to share xx

7 years ago

That kitchen tho! Nice!

Tim, glad to see you post this- I’ve been curious about it for a while, as like you mentioned, it’s common for you to respond to the morning routine, but haven’t discussed evening routine much.

Alinka Rutkowska
Alinka Rutkowska
7 years ago

My ritual is collapsing as soon as my baby decides to fall asleep 🙂 So those 60 minutes sound amazing – I will definitely be doing that in 17 years when the kids go off to college 🙂

7 years ago

Truth right there. Or start some evening work when kid finally goes down

6 years ago

So true Alinka. I use to be an evening and morning ninja until my little boy came along. I’m 39 so I’m quite an old dad.

The sleep deprivation has hit me like a ton of bricks. He’s 9 months old now and teething so the sleep thing continues. Oh, the joy.

@Tim – I really want to see your like hacks when you have kids!!!!

I guess you are rich enough to afford a night-time nanny though. Roflol

Keep up the great work though.

6 years ago

You chose to have a child and had lots of “conjugal relations” to create that child, so not sure why you parents moan and complain all the time.

Try getting a job in a challenging field, where there is no financial or other support by taxpayers given to help you, and then you’ll know what hard work is.

Eric The Swedish Meatball
Eric The Swedish Meatball
7 years ago

Love this video s Tim. Keep em coming. Just preordered your book on amazon too and am pumped to have all those lessons in an easy to read and re read format.

You da man !

7 years ago

Beautiful routine and space Tim! Thanks for sharing. I like to write in a journal at bedtime, but not thoughts, more like “channeling” because it invites in wisdom and connection with Self as the last thing prior to lights out.

7 years ago

Hi! What’s the water temperature for your bath? How long do you stay in it and why??

7 years ago


I’ve been a fan since FHWW.

But there’s something sad about this routine-led life.

Live a little more!

Have a beer, smoke a J.

It’s never too late.

7 years ago

Smoking a joint hampers testosterone levels big-time. A beer is OK if you aren’t recovering from training but smoking a joint really will slow down any growth you are working to make happen.

7 years ago
Reply to  steve

Hey Steve, what research shows that weed hampers testosterone levels?

Even small puffs seem to remove my dreams, while 1-2 glasses of alcohol seem to give me more vivid, memorable dreams. Anyone seen research on weed or alcohol affects on dreaming?

Brian Fogarty
Brian Fogarty
6 years ago

Be careful that you are controlling your routine and your routine is not controlling you. If anyone is aware of this its Tim. I would say very few people seek his help in how to best blow off steam and let loose…most people have that covered.

7 years ago

Hey Tim

Do you have any pointers for improving QUALITY of sleep, rather than the actual “falling asleep” part? I always get exhausted around 10pm, but no matter what time I wake up, I don’t feel rested.

I’ve had hypothesis proposed including low blood sugar in the morning, dehydration overnight, and even mild hypoxia due to closed doors and windows preventing airflow in the bedroom, but so far nothing has improved my sleep quality.

Would love to hear your thoughts on that side of thing!


London, UK

7 years ago
Reply to  Tom

1) Drink a lot of water during the day. This makes your blood more liquid and makes it easier for the body to cleanse the organs during sleep

2) Exposure to daylight. This stimulates production of the chemicals your body relies on to sleep

3) Go to bed and wake up at the same time

6 years ago
Reply to  Tom

Consider reading Shawn Stevenson’s book, Sleep Smarter. He’s got a ton of great stuff on getting more and better quality sleep.

3 years ago
Reply to  Tom

What do you eat in the evening before bed? Ayurveda suggests earlier, lighter meals. Stick to soups/salads for your evening meals, and try to be done eating by 5/6pm. Kitchen closed in the evenings. If hungry, try warm/hot drinks to fill you up. I have experienced more rejuvenated mornings, if I focus on healthier eating the day before.

7 years ago

And for todays silly sounding question – how do you avoid waking up for late night trips to the john? Love before bed tea, but the ensuing 4am bathroom trip is a dealbreaker

troy gardner
troy gardner
7 years ago
Reply to  Hank

maybe use filtered water with dash of electrolytes stays in body better, tap and mineral tends to pass quickly through me

Christopher Carmichael
Christopher Carmichael
7 years ago

I’ve never tried the ACV + honey idea. I’ll have to do that.

In the epsom bath, I add baking soda and either peppermint, eucalyptus, or lavender essential oil depending on the type of training I’m doing.

One thing I do use that works exceptionally well (better than anything else I’ve tried) is a hypnosis/guided meditation audio. I had to create my own since I couldn’t find any that seemed to work. I’ve never had anything else give me that “lights out” experience. I have since given this to friends, and they’ve all had similar experiences.

7 years ago

Sounds like you need to turn that into a 4HWW case study

7 years ago

There’s a very soothing, lullaby-like Ericksonian hypnosis audio by Tom Condon and Carol Erickson (Milton’s daughter) from Changeworks called Deep Sleep & Sweet Dreams.

Caren McCourt
Caren McCourt
7 years ago
Reply to  Richard

I will look that up. Thanks Richard!

7 years ago

Peppermint and eucalyptus oils are stimulating. Go for lavander, or Australian sandalwood, or chamomile to be soothed.

7 years ago

hey tim big fan, but I have to say that they quality of your content has been slipping

7 years ago
Reply to  simple

While I think this content is great, in regards to his podcast I agree. I think he’s just been busy with his book and other projects.

7 years ago
Reply to  Vito

Yeah I realized that as well, but he’s back at it~ so I’m fine now. Great content haha

7 years ago

This is to anyone that sees it: How do you reliably find good, clean, true honey? Here in the US that seems to be very difficult. Thanks!

Brice Journot
Brice Journot
7 years ago
Reply to  Chris

Best source is if you know someone that has manages their own hives (my dad has been doing this for a while) and you can get some of their honey direct from the spinner.

If you don’t know any beekeepers, try looking at hobby groups or associations like this and make friends: (this would be for Minnesota, my home state, but I would assume other states have something similar).

Failing that, try and find a meadist (someone who brews mead) as they might know someone. I can’t vouch for this method though, as I only know one meadist…and he wanted my honey. 🙂

7 years ago
Reply to  Brice Journot

Thanks for the reply, I’ll start checking around.

7 years ago

Hi Tim

This is going to sound like a silly question but since you consume so much liquid before bed, don’t you have toilet issues during the night? Is there a way around it?


6 years ago
Reply to  Alex

Ambien. Why struggle?? Works for me!

Tim O'Callaghan
Tim O'Callaghan
7 years ago

Hi Tim,

Just thought i’d point you (as a relentless self experimenter) to Steve Gibson’s Healthy Sleep Formula. He makes no money on this, its pure quantified self citizen research. Its something he and other volunteers have developed that apparently works to give a fantastic nights sleep.

Certainly is has enough of a following that the specific ingredients for the formula create a global shortage in days.

I know you like toys and measurements, He developed this formula using high resolution EKG’s for his sleep research [Moderator: link removed]

I’d be interested in your opinion on the formula. Or at least, considering your contacts, a similar tool to the Zeo pro, because it’s out of manufacture.

Darcy Quinn
Darcy Quinn
7 years ago

Hi Tim, In an older post about hacking your sleep you mentioned having some low glycemic index foods before bed. Do you still do that? Why or why not?

Celeste Terrell
Celeste Terrell
7 years ago

Sorry, I know this is rude, but I seriously want to have one of these. Around how much was the soaking tub with install? I know SF is will be more than Houston, but just curious. I absolutely love this room.

Charlie Glynn
Charlie Glynn
7 years ago

Hi Tim,

My name is Charlie Glynn and I’m a student at the University of Minnesota. I listen to your podcast, read your book, and am currently in the process of starting my own business. For one of my classes, I have to interview someone who were curious about and I thought you’d be the perfect person. I know you’re a busy guy but if you have half an hour to chat about your experiences ,as well as give any advice to a young entrepreneur, that would be fantastic. Shoot me an e-mail if this is at all possible. Hope to hear back!

7 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Glynn

Hi Charlie,

Tim has said many times the best way to approach is when he’s urinating at the airport. Have you really been listening? (really?)

Kindest regards,


7 years ago

Beautiful tips! Your house’s energy is 👌! Next time you re up on magnesium sulfate consider magnesium chloride. [Moderator: link removed] You’re a legend thanks for all you do!

Eric W
Eric W
7 years ago

A full bath every night uses ~70 gallons of water, which is about how much the average person uses in an entire day. So your water usage is probably double the typical American, which is already pretty bad. Seems wasteful, no?

7 years ago
Reply to  Eric W

Make the same point. Actually, a soaking tub actually users closer to 100 gallons…even more wasteful.

7 years ago
Reply to  AndrewDC

Not to worry – I bathe exclusively in ocean water so this should offset Tim’s excess water use. Seriously though, let the man have his baths. I think his contributions more than make up for anything “wasteful” he might do as an individual. Search “Tim Ferriss shark finning”, for example. Besides, if any of us gets on an airplane or eats ribeye steaks on a semi-regular basis (beef requires a ludicrous amount of water), none of this is worth discussing anyway.

7 years ago

Thanks Tim, really appreciate the information about your night time routine. Pertinent, and hopefully transformative, for me at the moment as I struggle with switching off and getting adequate sleep.

I would appreciate your insights into the following:

1. Regarding the sauna- you have selected dry. Dry v IR: do you have any comments? Ideally I’d probably like both, but one will have to suffice, at least for now.

2. Do you have any comments to make about auditory input in night time ritual? I have recently found binaural beats, and brain fm useful.


7 years ago

Hey Tim,

Wondering, how many days a week are you able to have this routine, and can you tell me how you stick to that?

Thank you Tim!

7 years ago

OK, the sleep routine is helping you sleep better but that is probably ( excuse my grammar ) The best shape I’ve ever seen you in? Keep doing whatever you are doing in that crazy Ferris ride!

troy gardner
troy gardner
7 years ago

as a fibromyalgia and medical marijuana patient, got special needs.

8 pm start moving. turn led lights to nightime candle and midnight blue colors

karaoke with bad or good youtube music videos, cheesy 80’s, industrial, treat it like ddr video game, you have to lip synch and throat synch as if the singer were you, and if you don’t get each inflection right the music dissapears/de

eted ….i like to imagine an audience ( high school drama, peers, where i first had to do this sort of exercise)

meanwhile is inverse motion to whatever you spent your day. e.g. if you were still serious all day ( doctors, work at a desk etc) have to be silly to be point of harry potter ridiculous d fast fluid moving above head, sing the song with your hips, or your foot etc. go half speed double speed.

besides bleeding dry my problems, triggers sympathetic really helps me avoid meta pain, e.g. new forms of pain like stiffness baked in bad posturefrom sitting stilll trying to avoid it. as the different types of muscles short, long firing tend to get out pf balance in modern monochromatic life.

after hot bath

foam roller while listening to music on ipad behind head which creates a amazing sound field if positioned correctly.

thc in coco or magnesium dmso topically everywhere that hurts, pain diminsishes quickly

15 -45 min prior to sleep cbn cbd in tincture for oral

either audio journal, paper journal, list everything i’m proud of today, looking forward to

sleep on a giant monster sak foam .. only thing doesn’t feel like a bed of nails, in a room devoid of any lights, aluminum foil under tape to black out and, box fan with air filter helping air quality and white noise

David U.
David U.
7 years ago

What camera/audio equipment is your man using?

7 years ago

The biochemistry is simple. Glucose from honey especially at night reduces cortisol and other stress hormones especially for those with anxiety and insomnia.

7 years ago


Great looking space. Few points though.

The apple cider vinegar daily might do a number on your teeth. Not sure what qualifies as too much but something we might want to ponder.

When do you walk the dog? I need to walk mine before bed and find that a nice cool down of sorts. Eithe way, I can’t walk her and then begin a 60 minute cool down process.

Lastly, and most importantly, a full soaking bath daily is an amazing waste of water! A soaking tub can hold approximately 100 gallons of water…700 gallons of water used weekly for bathing is waaaaay too much.

Just my 2 cents but overall great stuff.

Steven Zhang
Steven Zhang
6 years ago
Reply to  AndrewDC

Re ACV and teeth, my dentist tells me if I drink a cup of plain water as a “chaser” (or just spit it out), should be fine

Ben Landers
Ben Landers
7 years ago

Tim, I love the youtube videos with the walkthroughs around your house – really cool to get a peek behind the curtain of your machine. Thanks for all the great content!

Mr Dee
Mr Dee
7 years ago

Nice soaking tub. I need more money…….

Tried the honey, puts me out OK, but I find it’s not a great sleep, and I feel weak as a kitten the next day.

15 minutes meditation gives me good sleep, mostly. Even if I don’t drop off quickly, I still sleep reasonably well. Half a teaspoon of Camu Camu powder gives me great sleep too. Much more keeps me awake though.

Gotta have the window open a crack, and get airflow across my face. I’d rather keep warm with blankets than heating.

Quality of sleep is usually my problem, rather than getting to sleep.

Two things that will really disturb it is computer screens, (No big secret there, I guess) and heavy exercise before bed

I always sleep a whole lot better after waking up in the night, for some reason.

The better I feel when I go to sleep, the better I sleep.

7 years ago

Very useful post..thank you. I incorporate a 10min stretch into my nightly routine…your thoughts?

7 years ago

I noticed your concern with keeping the mood set when you turned on the lights to your soaking room. I’m not a salesman, don’t play one on the internet, but I work for a company that could help you with that issue and potentially help make other routines more efficient through home automation.

7 years ago

Thanks for reposting this. It was very interesting to listen to this after consuming a combination of the podcast with Tony Robbins and this. I learned some about the lymphatic system and the amount of fluid we all have. Have you looked into the soaking tub and its effect of the lymphatic system for relaxation?

Karen Kier
Karen Kier
7 years ago

I just drank your tea/cider vinegar/honey and am hoping it works. I’m curious when’s your bedtime?

7 years ago

I just bought some Philips Hue smart lightbulbs and set them to create a sunset throughout my apartment 30 minutes before I want to go to sleep. I also have them set to so that I wake up to a sunrise every morning. Highly recommend them

7 years ago

I have to get up at 4 am in the morning, meditate and then exercise from 5 am. If I don’t then I will have sleep issues that night…. it’s 11 pm right now and I have a 5 am flight… eeek let me try what I can do with your tips. Thanks all!

7 years ago

As a longtime–but no longer!–insomniac, I recommend the Sleep with Me podcast:

From the website:

“Sleep With Me is a bedtime story designed to take your mind off of the racing thoughts that keep you awake at night.

As you listen you will find yourself distracted from your worries and drifting off into dreamland..due to the fact the story gets a little bit more boring with each passing minute

This podcast is a little weird, a bit silly and a tad offensive so beware. It is very similar to ASMR or guided meditation bedtime story that slowly carries you off to slumber.”

I read about it in this New Yorker article:

7 years ago

I’d be interested in hearing what motivational presentations you’re interested in as of late.

Kelsey Seppa
Kelsey Seppa
7 years ago


Where are the women? You know we are 50% of the population. But 5% of your inteviews?


7 years ago
Reply to  Kelsey Seppa

Feminism is a disease

6 years ago
Reply to  Kelsey Seppa

I’m a woman and I don’t mind. Women don’t always have to be in everything. Still excellent advice.

7 years ago

Tried the ACV in my tea but a tablespoon of the stuff was a lot. Really strong flavor and upset my stomach.

Parker Harris
Parker Harris
7 years ago

Tim, through my Kung Fu training I was exposed to qigongs (mediations combined with breathing patterns and sometimes different movements). In practicing one of those I’ve achieved lucid REM. I know use that qigong before bed and it cuts my sleep time down significantly.

P.S. I love the space you’ve created with the soaking bath.

7 years ago

Thanks for the article, Tim. Although some do not recommend, I used to read half an hour before sleeping. It helps me disconnect from the reality and after turning the lights off, my brain is no longer ticking on work related problems.

7 years ago

Hey Tim

For the apple cider and honey, what ratio do you use?

Jon Reznor
Jon Reznor
7 years ago


Do you have a book list? Can you post it on the site please?

Greg Hauenstein
Greg Hauenstein
7 years ago
Reply to  Jon Reznor

Here is the link to it.

7 years ago

I have tried a ton of stuff for better sleep, and what I use the most is glycine, an amino acid that suppresses stress hormone cortisol. Works for me 🙂

7 years ago

Good to see this post thanks for sahring, I am also have a very bad sleep because i am working in the IT field i have more tension it makes me very lazy these healthy tips useful for me

7 years ago

Thanks for sharing that Tim and all the stuff you test and share. I’ve been reading your stuff for a long time, first round of 4hww and just a big thanks.

Questions …

Wouldn’t that read of the get rich in china book or the podcasts/audiobooks you mentioned be akin to reading non-fiction? Is that book non-fiction?

Also, how would your non-fiction reading happen in that hour if you’re in a tub and/or bouncing around and with the mention of the podcasts (unless that was just reference to other times you’re tubbing).

Awesome stuff Tim!

Caren Aschke
Caren Aschke
7 years ago

Cleaning. I clean before I go to bed. I actually leave stuff to clean out after dinner. So I am usually washing the dishes, which then makes me getting everything ready for the next day (tupper ware for lunch, vitamines, etc.), then I have a tea and go to bed. I think cleaning is so meditative (maybe not cleaning windows, but small things).

James Fischer
James Fischer
7 years ago
Reply to  Caren Aschke


If I’m not traveling than I always do the dishes and sweep up a bit before bed, maybe pack some lunch for the next day or get things organized for me to cook breakfast.

John Robert Marlow
John Robert Marlow
7 years ago

Very nice layout; functional and tasteful. One point on hot water in shower / tub / sauna though: waterborne toxins are aerosolized and inhaled. Hot water also opens the pores, making it easier for toxins to penetrate the skin. Generally speaking, city water has a lot of toxins…

Bernie Roseke
Bernie Roseke
7 years ago

The soaking tub is a fantastic way to wind down. I starting doing that too and I love it. I think its effect lasts all the way to the morning and helps me while working on projects in the morning.

7 years ago

Love this video. And am so jealous of the downstairs spa room!

Rachel Dorrian
Rachel Dorrian
7 years ago

Hey Tim! You mentioned listening to audiobooks and motivational presentations as part of your routine. Do you have any go-to websites or know of any online resources that provide presentations, lectures or university talks free of charge?

Thank you, Rachel

James Fischer
James Fischer
7 years ago

I had a terrible nighttime routine brought on by constant travel for many years. I never realized how big of an impact it had on my life until I started to do things right, waking up full of energy and feeling well rested instead of tired and groggy.

My nighttime routine consists of a few cups of water, a cool bath, and reading a few chapters. My morning routine is nearly the same 😎

6 years ago
Reply to  James Fischer

A cool bath and you read a few chapters in the morning?

7 years ago

Thanks for sharing a peek into your digs, Tim! A strict morning routine 5-7 days per week tames my monkey mind, but a loose structure most evenings lets me look forward to daily free time. 5-10 minutes of stretching after a hot shower, one beer or glass of whiskey and an hour with one great book or film seems to be the most modest, relaxing combo. The decision not to pay for home cable or internet forces me to work from the office and avoid the useless time and expense of TV. Plus, I get the delayed gratification of actually looking forward to those red Netflix DVD envelopes or pushing a classic VHS into the VCR. So satisfying.

Also, what’s that black, weird lookin’ mug in back, top shelf!? I wonder what it looks like up close…haha thanks again for the peek into your place. These short tips are more helpful and motivating than you know.

Tina Warren
Tina Warren
7 years ago

Really interesting. PS AND you have the same Houdini picture as me which I adore. I saw it in a curious shop and for years loved it then eventually bought it. PPS I was in a film with Harvey Keitel about Houdini “Fairytale, A True Story” – magical.

Luke Cafferty
Luke Cafferty
7 years ago


What can you tell me about the soaking tub? I’m liking the design and depth of this one.. might be time for an upgrade.


7 years ago

Why the ice water during the bath?

Tyson Zimmermann
Tyson Zimmermann
7 years ago

What is the brand of the tub?

7 years ago


You didn’t mention the bath temperature, though you did reference the thermometer.



7 years ago

What are your thoughts on melatonin? Sometimes I can’t quiet my mind and I’ll take about 3mg before bed. The only bad thing is if taken too late, can leave one a bit groggy in the morning.

Victoria Beck
Victoria Beck
7 years ago

Hey Tim,

thanks for sharing your evening routine, amazing Spa Room. Try to get the tea and the book as well (not sure if I can get the tea in the UK?).

I’m sharing this with my audience, they gonna love it.

All the best and keep doing what you are doing,


kevin wu
kevin wu
7 years ago

doesn’t all that liquid make u need to pee in the middle of the night??

Paul Bounthong
Paul Bounthong
7 years ago

Try japanese go, getting a go set and board and stones, and make it a routine to play against yourself 10 moves morning, 5 moves before bed, i wanted to give you a lesson if you have the time, its a game that improves your mind far beyond any other game in the universe haha. I’m looking forward to your go games and hopefully getting a chance to meet you, have a good day 😀

7 years ago

Just came from conducting a sleep EEG & MR study and found this post on FB, voila!

Thanks for sharing Tim, wonderful routine.

Body Scan or Yoga Nidra has been my number #1 tool just before bed, and also upon waking up. I have been experimenting more with Body Scan lately, amazing how deep one can go into relaxation. It feels like floating in an altered state of conciousness if done long enough with a pin point focus… So today I tried this for the sleep study -without sleep depriving myself overnight- and I was able to go into sleep in late afternoon with EEG electrodes & caps in MR scanner.

There are some yogic breathwork that can help relax mental & physical body too…

7 years ago

Wow Tim. This was really amazing! Thanks a lot for sharing. I just started meditation and it helps me a lot deal with anxiety. I like mindfulness meditation the most. [Moderator: additional text and link removed.]

6 years ago

UMM, EARPLUGS!! Eyemask, 1/2 an Advil pm, socks, long sleeves, fresh pillowcase

Allyson Macinnes
Allyson Macinnes
6 years ago
Reply to  junie136

Hi is it in the nude what do you think

6 years ago

uh yeah, maybe for a guy

allyson macinnes
allyson macinnes
6 years ago
Reply to  junie136

id love to see tim in the nude thats what i meant

6 years ago

Two sleeping tablets and 150mg of a mood stabilizer with sleep as by-effect does it for me (takes only 15 minutes). Combine with your favourite conservative podcast on 30mins sleep for maximum effect.

6 years ago

So you fill the tub with warm water I guess and what concludes “a cycle” to drink the ice water?

Carol C
Carol C
6 years ago

The tea with apple cider vinegar and honey TRULY does knock you out. I’ve never slept better. I went to my dentist today and happened to mention this to him and he said apple cider vinegar is very acidic and bad for the teeth and told me I should stop it immediately. I was upset because this is such a good combination, and really does work. But I want to keep my teeth in my head also! Thought you would want to know. Thanks for all you do, Tim!

Ian Moone
Ian Moone
6 years ago

For awhile I would read a book aloud to my wife and when I started dozing off in the middle of a sentence I’d know it was time to turn in. These days I have to admit that nothing beats a nice shower, glass of room temperature milk and 20 mg of THC in an edible. Honestly, I didn’t every use cannibis until my 40s, and I don’t particularily like feeling high during the day with the exception of consuming some sativa when I have to get some yard or housework done (takes away all distracting thoughts about all the more fun things I could be doing and I’m able to just get those chores finished quickly), but the heavy relaxing feeling of an indica allows for a very restful sleep. One has to get the dose right otherwise you risk moving a little slowly the next morning.

Anne Trachtenberg
Anne Trachtenberg
6 years ago

Hi Tim,

Why do you prefer being vertical in the tub rather than horizontal as in the more traditional (Western) tub shape?


milen yordanov
milen yordanov
6 years ago

Not really on the topic but… I do not want to lose this page. Tim, can you recommend tricks and maybe courses or whatever would help me with speed reading and better retention?

Michael Boyle
Michael Boyle
6 years ago

Tim, Love it. My wife and I live in Austin, I’m a retired C level Exec who helps run several startups and we are going to build a house this year and I was wondering who the architect/designer you worked with in Austin is. If you could drop me a note it would be awesome.

Shawn Yu
Shawn Yu
6 years ago

Great stuff! I am going to try cider vinegar, honey and kava tea. Hopefully, it doesn’t mess me up.

6 years ago

Wouldn’t water consumption be high?

This I Know
This I Know
6 years ago

Thanks for sharing, Tim! Trying to develop a consistent bedtime routine myself, and keep finding myself up at 2:38 am on the computer still! It’s hit or miss until I make it a habit, I’m SO aware of the benefits if only I can succeed in putting this in place! When I entered grad school 4 years ago I slowly gained over 100 pounds over 2 years, which I have since taken off (ironically, the Masters is in “Obesity Prevention and Management” – I couldn’t make this stuff up!), but I know that if I don’t really become intentional about mastering this (healthy sleep, healthy stress management) I put myself at risk again with every day that passes. Going to DO THIS THING! Oh, and hey, tried the Reishi Mushroom stuff, did NOT put sweetener in it, and LOVED IT! It is a part of my developing night-time routine. In fact, come to think of it, I didn’t have any earlier this evening and now look at me! Still on the computer at 2:42 am! DAMMIT! OK making myself a cup now….make it a blessed day, Tim, and again, thanks for being you!

Stephanie wells
Stephanie wells
5 years ago

You said you visited Japan and based your room off a Japanese … alhuto? What is this?

Jake White
Jake White
5 years ago

Tim, just wanted to say, I am so jealous of that awesome bath you have! Didn’t know I wanted a room specifically for my baths until now.

My wife already thinks it’s funny I take 2-3 baths a week, glad to know someone else loves them also! They’re just so relaxing.
5 years ago

Based on Rhonda Patrick & Satchin Panda interviews, I’d be more inclined to imagine the reason for sleeping well may be more attributed to the magnesium infusion from the bath, rather than the tea + acv + honey concoction. From my understanding, ingesting even water will generally kick start the liver’s digestive clock and bring on a bout of wakefulness.

4 years ago

Thank you of the great information! Your article highlights the importance of recovery to help create a powerful routine. Has anyone used magnesium before bed as a form of sleeping aid? Cheers!

4 years ago

Fine evening ritual but way too time intensive for me. I will add the hot tea ritual with the apple cider vinegar and honey to my fiction reading bedtime routine. I’m now reading a book of stories by Jacob Appel.

Alicia Berciano Alba
Alicia Berciano Alba
3 years ago

Hi Tim, I’ve really enjoyed having a tour into your private spa, thanks for sharing!
Could you please elaborate on the following topics:
1) using oils in the soaking bath as part of your training routine.
2) doing “cycles” in the soaking bath. Do you mean cold/warm cycles?

And finally, a comment:
I got into practicing meditation after listening to the several podcasts that you have made on this topic, and including a 10min guided meditation before going back to sleep really helps me to go out like a light. How come that you haven’t included meditation in your evening routine?

Thank you for your time, and have a nice day!

Sandra Schuster
Sandra Schuster
1 year ago

so when do you brush your teeth?

1 year ago

That room is amazing — we’re renovating with a small ofuro-inspired soaking tub right now but it’s not as cool as this one. Which sauna is that? Clearlight?