Optimizing Investing, Blood, Hormones, and Life (Podcast Double-Header: #63 and #65)

Raoul_-_MPEG_Streamclip_1_9_2_©_2004-2008_Squared_5Discussing life and investing with Mark Hart and Raoul Pal.

[DISCLAIMER: I’m not a doctor, nor do I play one on the Internet. Speak with a medical professional before doing anything medical-related, m’kay?]

There is something here for everyone.

This post details two jam-packed discussions  — one with world-renowned macro investors and investment strategists (Mark Hart and Raoul Pal), and another with a top performance doc you’ve referenced hundreds of times (Peter Attia, MD).

In both, we address dozens of topics, including:

– How do you choose an optimal investment style?

– What’s the most useful definition of “ROI” for lifestyle purposes?

– What are the 5 lesser-known physical tests you should consider?

– How does hormone therapy fit into the bigger performance and longevity picture (or not)?

– Productivity and exercise/diet tips from all participants.

Below, you’ll also find the most comprehensive show notes and links I’ve done to date. They’re DEEP.  If you like them, please let me know in the comments, as these take a TON of time to transcribe and summarize.

EPISODE 63 — I am interviewed by Mark Hart and Raoul Pal for Real Vision Television, which was created to combat the dumbed-down approach to finance in traditional media. Mark predicted and bet on the subprime mortgage crisis, the European sovereign default crisis, and more. As Forbes put it, related to Mark, “Sometimes, combing through a mountain of manager letters felt like reading the newspaper years in advance.” We talk about nearly everything in this roundtable.

You can find the transcript of this episode here. Transcripts of all episodes can be found here.

Ep 63: Hedge Funds, Investing, and Optimizing Lifestyle (Mark Hart, Raoul Pal)

EPISODE 65 — Peter Attia, MD, answers your most popular 10-15 questions (e.g. top blood tests, hormone therapy, increasing VO2 max, long-term ketosis, etc.), as voted on by thousands of you. Peter is President of NuSI and a tremendous endurance athlete in his own right.

You can find the transcript of this episode here. Transcripts of all episodes can be found here.

Ep 65: Supplements, Blood Tests, and Near-Death Experiences (Dr. Peter Attia)

This podcast is brought to you by Mizzen + Main. Mizzen + Main makes the only “dress” shirts I now travel with — fancy enough for important dinners but made from athletic, sweat-wicking material. No more ironing, no more steaming, no more hassle. Click here for the exact shirts I wear most often. Order one of their dress shirts this week and get a Henley shirt (around $60 retail) for free.  Just add the two you like here to the cart, then use code “TIM” at checkout.

This episode is also brought to you by 99Designs, the world’s largest marketplace of graphic designers. Did you know I used 99Designs to rapid prototype the cover for The 4-Hour Body? Here are some of the impressive results.

QUESTION(S) OF THE DAY: What is the best investment advice you’ve ever read or heard? Please share and explore answers in the comments here.

Do you enjoy this podcast? If so, could you please leave a short review here? I read them, and they keep me going. Thanks!

And here are the copious show notes and links for both episodes…

Part 1 – Investing and Life Optimization – Episode #63 (Links and Time Stamps)

People Mentioned

Companies Mentioned

Books Mentioned

Selected Links from the Episode

Time Stamps

  • Raoul sets the stage for the conversation [3:33]
  • Tim discusses his background [4:13]
  • Mark discusses his background [5:30]
  • How Tim approaches productivity improvements [8:15]
  • How Mark implemented Tim’s advice [11:15]
  • Establishing a baseline for self-tracking [13:20]
  • Hacking 10,000 hours to mastery [17:05]
  • How to hack breakfast [21:25]
  • How to hack insomnia [22:35]
  • Hacking cheat meals [23:25]
  • Genetics testing [25:10]
  • Thoughts on time management [26:10]
  • Cold (ice bath) and heat (sauna) therapy [31:03]
  • Lucid dreaming [34:35]
  • How to find out what you are good at [39:30]
  • On Journaling [41:55]
  • Feeding your subconscious mind [45:10]
  • Tim’s calling [47:50]
  • [On constantly improving [52:23]
  • On enjoying the journey [56:00]
  • Psychological dynamics of making or losing money [57:34]

Key Takeaway Show Notes

How to Approach Productivity Improvements

There are a number of ways to try and improve the performance of a company, group of people, or single person.

If you look at it like rally car racing, you have a racetrack that is designed to kill you.

  • It is not designed to be as safe as possible. The path is somewhat known, but the terrain is unknown (it could be raining, sleeting, etc.)

People tend to have this separation of mind and body, but at the end of the day you have certain levels of neurotransmitters that are produced and depleted at a certain rate, and that is the rate-limiting step in your mental performance.

  • If you want to have better levels of working memory and sustained attention, etc – you can optimize those by optimizing the car (i.e. the body in this case).

There are also process things like what are the daily habits and ways you approach turning your effort on or off for productivity and recovery throughout the day that you can tweak.

  • This would be the example of driving the car.

On Self-Tracking

You want to establish a self-tracking baseline.

  • You don’t want to make health decisions on once-annual blood tests because if you took that test the very next day the values would be different.

What you are interested in (in terms of blood values) is not just a snapshot in time, but rather you want to understand the trends.

Journaling is also a good way to establish a baseline in terms of a daily and weekly routine to identify what led you to states of flow or what 20% of activities / people are producing 80% of your negative emotions / bad decision-making.

On Hacking

There are many ways to circumvent the 10,000-hour rule for almost any skill.

  • Study the anomalies rather than discarding them as outliers.

One easy hack is to have 30 grams of protein within 30 minutes of waking up (lentils, spinach, and two whole eggs for example).

  • By doing this, it is not uncommon to lose 20 pounds in the first month if you have 20% body fat (if you are a male).

If you have trouble sleeping, it is often due to low blood sugar.

  • You could have a tablespoon of unsweetened almond butter before you go to sleep, and you will see a lot of people who are chronically fatigued fixed immediately.

If you have to have a cheat meal you could have a tablespoon of vinegar before the meal, which will help lower the glycemic index (your glucose response to that meal).

On Time Management

Time is one of several currencies.

  • A currency is something you trade for something else.

Time is non-renewable, whereas capital is renewable.

In the hierarchy of prioritization (past a certain point of Maslow’s needs), time should take priority.

If you don’t have time it is an indication of not having sufficiently clear priorities.

On Cold (Ice Baths)

Cold exposure can improve immune function, serve as anti-depressant therapy, and effects hormones like adiponectin (which leads to increased rate of fat loss in many cases).

On Lucid Dreaming

You can further reinforce or develop your skills while you’re sleeping during lucid dreaming.

  • Lucid dreaming not only improves performance, but also helps you develop present state awareness.

On Journaling

Journaling has tremendous value, especially if you don’t view yourself as a writer.

Writing allows you to freeze your thoughts in a form that you can analyze.

You should write down your fears and worries, and explore them. This will clarify what they are.

  • Sometimes they will end up unfounded, and you can remove them as an influence.
  • Other times it will clarify how those risks can be mitigated.

Part of the value is taking these muddy distractive thoughts and imprisoning them on paper so you can get on with your day.

On Constantly Improving

Seeking constant improvement and dissatisfaction do not have to go hand-in-hand.

  • If you aren’t getting stronger, you are getting weaker.

The way you reach equilibrium, or the sensation of balance, is by having appreciation and a set of activities and practices for that.

On Enjoying the Journey

At the end of the day you have to focus on the process because, due to good or bad luck, you can get a bad result after a very good process or a great result after a very bad process.

  • You can also help avoid depression that can come from bad outcomes by enjoying the process.

Part 2 with Dr. Peter Attia – Episode #65 (Links and Time Stamps)

Medical Terminology –

People Mentioned

Companies Mentioned

Books Mentioned

Time Stamps

  • What are the top 5 biological tests everyone should get? [4:53]
  • Should you eat carbs following weight training to promote anabolism within the muscle? [12:00]
  • What are the top 10 supplement recommendations? [15:11]
  • Should the ketogenic diet be a short-term intervention or a long-term lifestyle? [20:48]
  • Blood testing at home [28:45]
  • Should you not drink alcohol? [32:40]
  • The results of Peter’s insulin suppression test [38:45]
  • How do you figure out if a ketogenic diet works for you? [47:30]
  • What type of cardio is best for you? [50:54]
  • When can we expect results from the energy balance consortium? [58:05]
  • Testosterone replacement for men [1:00:00]
  • How Peter maintains his productivity [1:06:22]

Key Takeaway Show Notes

What Are the Top Five Biological Tests?

This answer depends on an individual-by-individual basis and the risks each person faces (cardiovascular disease, cancer, etc.)

Through the lens of preventing death these five tests are the most important:

  1. APOE Genotype – helps us understand what diseases you may be more (or less) at risk for.
  2. LDL Particle Number via NMR (technology that can count the number of lipoproteins in the blood) – counts all of the LDL particles, which are the dominant particles that traffic cholesterol in the body both to and from the heart and to and from the liver. We know the higher the number of these particles the greater at risk you are for cardiovascular disease.
  3. LP(a) via NMR – This is the most atherogenic particle in the body. If this is elevated (independent of the LDL particle number) it is an enormous predictor of risk and something to act on indirectly (diet and drugs don’t seem to work as effectively in mitigating this).
  4. OGTT (Oral Glucose Tolerance Test) – This is a time 0-hour, time 1-hour, and time 2-hour test that looks at insulin and glucose. The 1-hour mark is where you may see the early warning signs with elevated glucose levels (anything over 40-50 on insulin), which can represent hyperinsulinemia (a harbinger for metabolic problems).
  5. IGF-1 (Insulin Growth Factor 1 Level) – This is a pretty strong driver of cancer. Diet can help keep IGF-1 levels low.

Should You Eat Carbs Following Weight Training to Promote Anabolism Within the Muscle?

It depends what you are optimizing for.

If your primary objective is to increase you muscle size, then yes there is a benefit to consuming carbohydrates and / or whey protein.

However, if you are someone like Peter who could care less about the size of your muscles then the answer is no you should not do that.

  • Peter doesn’t even consume whey protein post workouts anymore because he is optimizing for longevity and using caloric restriction as one method for that.

What Are the Top Supplement Recommendations?

There are few things everyone should take across the board unanimously.

  • It is highly individualized based on your needs and goals.

Peter takes:

  • Vitamin D
  • Baby Aspirin
  • Methylfolate
  • B12
  • B6
  • EPA
  • DHA
  • Berberine
  • Probiotic (which he cycles on and off of)

He takes all of these because he is managing to certain targeted levels for all of these markers that he can’t get to without supplementing.

Peter does not take:

  • Multivitamin
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin K
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E

Should the Ketogenic Diet be a Short-term Intervention or a Long-term Lifestyle?

Peter is not sure, but questions the evidence of any society (for example, the Inuit culture) that has been claimed to have lived entirely on a ketogenic diet in perpetuity.

  • However, this doesn’t mean that ketogenic diets cannot or should not be sustain long-term.

Nobody has done a long-term study of people on ketogenic diets.

  • The data we do have is generally conflicting.

There is a lot of documentation on ketogenic diets being safe and effective, at least over the short-term (less than 1-year) for type 2 diabetes and obesity.

Peter spent 2.5 years in ketosis, but hasn’t been for a little over 1 year consistently.

  • He does still get in ketosis once per week as a result of fasting, and he feels he is at his best on a ketogenic diet.
  • The main reason to move away from it today for Peter was a craving he has had for more fruits and vegetables, which makes it hard to stay in a ketogenic diet.

Going forward he would use a diet that cycles in and out of ketosis, but it is less about him believing there is long-term harm in ketosis and more about him scratching other itches in experiencing a broader array of foods.

It is pretty clear when a ketogenic doesn’t work.

  • When C-reactive protein, Uric Acid, homocysteine, and LDL Particle numbers go up it is clear that diet is not working for that person.

On Blood Testing at Home

What is interesting is what a company like Theranos is doing, which is creating a black box that allows you to use less than a thimble of blood and use that for a very broad array of testing.

  • The goal may be to have these in places like a CVS where you can go in and put a finger prick of blood on a strip and get a wide array of testing.
  • Legal hurdles could be a challenge here.

Should You Not Drink Alcohol

Peter has never seen convincing evidence that the addition of alcohol creates a health benefit.

For some people, ethanol alcohol, up to reasonable doses, has no harm.

  • Other people are prone to having an inflammatory response from drinking even a small amount of wine or beer.

Peter recommends doing an elimination-reintroduction test.

  • Knock alcohol out of your system for 1-month while making no other change, and then slowly reintroduce it.

What Type of Cardio is Best For You?

The type of cardio activity that puts an undue stress on the heart, in terms of cardiac output, is not ideal.

The heart has to expand (open much wider) to accompany the extra blood volume.

  • If that expansion sustains for a long period of time it can result in deformation of the electrical system of the heart (particularly the right side of the heart as it is less muscular than the left).
  • This can result in electrical system failures of the heart.

At very low levels of physical activity the outcomes are not good (people don’t live that long).

At medium levels of physical activity (30-45 minutes a session / 4 sessions a week / modest output) had the best outcomes where people lived the longest.

Really high levels of physical activity (greater duration / greater intensity) resulted in the curve falling down again.

Testosterone Replacement for Men

This is a complicated topic because we live in a society where somehow we have let morality get in the way of science.

Testosterone replacement is a viable option in men with whom levels are deficient and symptoms justify the use.

  • The problem is we have this belief, which is not substantiated by rigorous science, that overstates the detriment of its use.

The data is not clear that hormone replacement in men results in an increased risk of heart disease.

  • People are more willing to accept that testosterone replacement in men actually reduces the risk of prostate cancer.

The problem with all hormone replacement is that the numbers alone aren’t significant, which means you have to treat patients based on symptoms.

How Peter Maintains His Productivity

Peter is a big fan of creating to-do lists, and he carries physical cards with him for daily, weekly, and long-term professional tasks. He also carries a personal monthly to-do list.

  • Writing these things down takes the stress out of it.
  • Most of the anxiety is worrying you will *forget* something, not feeling overwhelmed about *doing* things.

The Tim Ferriss Show is one of the most popular podcasts in the world with more than one billion downloads. It has been selected for "Best of Apple Podcasts" three times, it is often the #1 interview podcast across all of Apple Podcasts, and it's been ranked #1 out of 400,000+ podcasts on many occasions. To listen to any of the past episodes for free, check out this page.

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Comment Rules: Remember what Fonzie was like? Cool. That’s how we’re gonna be — cool. Critical is fine, but if you’re rude, we’ll delete your stuff. Please do not put your URL in the comment text and please use your PERSONAL name or initials and not your business name, as the latter comes off like spam. Have fun and thanks for adding to the conversation! (Thanks to Brian Oberkirch for the inspiration.)

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Jonathan Chung
Jonathan Chung
9 years ago

Dr. Attia’s content is outstanding as always. Even when I think I know what I need to know, he brings new things to the table.

James Seago
James Seago
9 years ago

Tim, the more detailed show notes are a fantastic addition to these posts. I often only take very short notes during the podcast and love to have the option to come back to the site to re-hash the key takeaways from the pod.

Excellent new feature and as ever terrific work, you truly are an inspiration for young aspiring entrepreneurs and those that seek to maximize their professional/life goals. Thanks!

9 years ago
Reply to  James Seago

Definitely! The detailed summary notes are exactly what I was looking for!

Theresa W.
Theresa W.
9 years ago

Tim — seriously, mate. Huge fan, been reading your books and blog for years. But it’s discouraging seeing man after man after man profiled. Your last profile of a woman? November 2014.

We’re talking about 50% of the population here! Surely you or your staff can seek out some interesting women to profile.

I’m not asking the impossible (50% of your profiles devoted to women). Let’s compromise — maybe after every 2-3 profiles of men, you’ll include a woman.

9 years ago
Reply to  Theresa W.


Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
9 years ago
Reply to  sharon

There are more women coming, but I’m not going to force my podcast guests’ demographics to fit the US Census. I think men can learn from women and women can learn from men. Simple as that. I want people to focus on what they can learn from anyone, regardless of genitalia, color, or creed.

Daniel M
Daniel M
9 years ago
Reply to  Theresa W.

I agree. More profiles of woman who are high performers would be appreciated.

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
9 years ago
Reply to  Theresa W.

Some amazing women coming, though, as well as a couple or two 🙂

9 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

In the same line of comments about women… if you had to point out your female counterpart in the world, who would it be? I am just curios if you think you have one

Abbey Ladwig
Abbey Ladwig
9 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

I really appreciate your stance on the gender issue. Can’t wait to see the awesome couples you have found too – should be fun!

9 years ago
Reply to  Theresa W.

I second Theresa. 66 episodes (and counting) and less than a handful of women almost looks deliberate. You’re at less than 1% – and while there are fewer female CEOs, hedge fund managers, investors and VCs, the percentage is higher than what your show gives credit for. No, you don’t have to force your podcast guests’ demographics based on the US Census, but a realistic percentage of females would send a better message to your listeners (some being aspiring young female entrepreneurs like myself). If you’re having trouble finding outstanding female leaders, I encourage you to ask your listeners. Branch out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself! Realize that everyone has biases and prejudices and that they are often subconscious. When so many women are voicing this same opinion, I think it would be wise to take it to heart. I look forward to hearing a more equitable set of guests in the future.

9 years ago
Reply to  reamichelle514

I’m a woman and am just fine with whoever you choose. Interestingly, if I think about it, I’ve been more inspired in my career and life by men than women. Thoughtful comments add to the discussion; complaints do not.

Jeremiah Onwubuya
Jeremiah Onwubuya
9 years ago

Hey Tim, the best investment advice I ever read is, “in life there is no such thing as one size fits all. It’s not important what you buy, it’s the price at which you pay for it”

P.S. I know that you have tremendous demands on your time, and i’m just wondering if there has been any progress on interviewing a visual artist for the podcast. As always Tim, great work.

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
9 years ago

I’d like to do visual artists. The only challenge is doing a good job with the audio medium 🙂

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
9 years ago

Would love to! I just worry about doing a sufficient job with limitations of the audio medium. Thoughts?

Jeremiah Onwubuya
Jeremiah Onwubuya
9 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

I think that this situation calls for an experiment. I’m not sure how many of your resources you’re willing to put into this, but I’m thinking you should do the visual artist interview by video, the same way you and Chase Jarvis interviewed one another at creative live.

P.S. I think it would be pretty cool if you demonstrated some of the information in the interview by recording yourself creating cartoon illustrations at the end.

lenny huttner
lenny huttner
9 years ago

cut your losses

j livermore
j livermore
9 years ago

Fantastic show notes Tim, *very* useful. I posted notes for one of your previous podcasts so I know how much effort it takes!

9 years ago

Loved the summary, generally prefer written content to the podcasts as I can slow down and speed up as I wish.

Alex Orr
Alex Orr
9 years ago

I’d love to know whether Raoul still believes bitcoins will be valued at around $100,00 each in the near future, oh, and about that prediction that an end-of-the-world economic crash was going to hit in early in 2013 and be in full swing by now…how’s that going, by the way? Seriously, the guy wasn’t alone in making money off the global recession, but a lot of his high-profile predictions since then have sounded a bit ridiculous and/or been completely wrong. Suspicion of Raoul aside, I did learn a lot of cool things from the episode. My GF often has really bad insomnia so I’ll pass along the info on almond butter before bed – she’s generally a believer in not eating after a certain point in the early evening, so, going to bed four hours or so after eating could indeed be putting her in a position of having low blood sugar at bedtime. I was also unaware of the impact of vinegar on lowering the GI of a meal, which is good info. Also, if you get Peter on again, I’d love to hear what he thinks about recent studies that have linked berberine with a possible increase in risks for certain cancers.

9 years ago

You’ve outdone yourself with these show notes, good sir! The difference is, in the past I would listen to a show and forget about a lot of the valuable and actionable content. Listening to a podcast again wasn’t going to happen either. Now I have everything at my fingertips. Vielen lieben Dank!

9 years ago

Hugely appreciate the time and effort in these show notes

9 years ago

Thanks Tim for these thorough show notes! Very useful and worth the effort, I found them very helpful.

mike lyons
mike lyons
9 years ago

“The day you buy is the day you sell” – my grandad (farmer and cattle dealer).

9 years ago

Wow, excellent summary!

As regards ep. 63, you were talking about writing down problems/questions before going to sleep to allow your subconscious mind to elaborate during the night.

Can you suggest any solid (no fluff) web or book reference material on this subject (how to properly understand and use the subconscious mind)?

By the way, your new book should be on the peak performance improvement techniques you are using with Josh. It would be an outstanding bestseller and a great reference for everyone interest in such topics.

Thank you and Ciao!


9 years ago

Love the format of the post.

Information is useless if it can’t be practically applied, and this form of bullet points are excellent as memory cues, facilitating recall and application.

Compare with a deluge of information with or without summarizing principles.

9 years ago

Time being my most valuable asset, I consider “Tend to your own business” the most valuable investment advice I ever got. From Robert Kiyosaki.

Your notes are priceless.

I’m reading Ray Kurzweil for the first time.”The Singularity is Near”. Just nuts. Interview this guy. Thanks Tim.

Irene Cross
Irene Cross
9 years ago

Tim, thank you for the copious show notes and links. They are invaluable!

Nathan Ayala
Nathan Ayala
9 years ago


Thanks for introducing me to Peter Attia! You should interview Paul Chek. The guy is definitely a top performer!

9 years ago

Tim I have listened to your podcasts from the beginning and enjoyed them without commenting, but feel compelled to do so after episode 65. I find Dr. Attia’s knowledge and insight extremely compelling and very much hope for a part 3, or perhaps the continuation of a mini series. I listen to a ton of health “gurus” and he is nothing of the sort — I really feel that the information transfer that you’re facilitating here is fantastic. These podcasts are really valuable to me, and I really appreciate this work Tim. Please keep it coming.

9 years ago

Thank you for these notes, Tim! I don’t have time to listen to your show and I read much faster than it takes to listen anyway. You’ve had several shows that I really wanted to listen to but couldn’t get to so this is a huge help!! You rock! Have you ever done a show on fiction writing? I know you mentioned wanting to “hack” that at some point and I was curious if you are working on it?

David A. Messner
David A. Messner
9 years ago

@timferris How do you know when you have achieved the hormonal relase as described in the 4HB? Is it a physical response or is it based on time under tension?

Angie unduplicated
Angie unduplicated
9 years ago

Is it possible to offer podcast transcripts on the blog? Time-challenged speed readers would love the opportunity to scan at our speed instead of being tied down for an hour plus interruptions.

9 years ago

1. A person who represents themselves in a legal matter has a fool for a client.

2. Make money do the work–invest some in dividend paying equities and things that pay you.

3. There are more people daily, but no more land.

4. Time is scarce by the time you realize it.

5. Invest for much later, which doesn’t mean just money.

6. Don’t fret over an opportunity missed and miss the next opportunity.

7. Start now. Now.

8. Understand many things to see opportunities and revel in the world.

9. Honor commitments.

10. The leading edge offers greater rewards.

11. Always understand what your buying.

12. Live by the Golden Rule.

13. Know what you don’t know.

Andrew B
Andrew B
9 years ago

Tim, you HAVE to get rid of the screaming monkey noise after the podcast ends but before your closing remarks. This is the second time that it has nearly given me a heart attack—often I need to turn the volume way up to hear some of your guests speak (probably caused by soft speakers rather than audio issues), but the result is that I get BLASTED with a screaming chimpanzee through my earbuds after the end of a great episode. I was walking around my school’s campus at the time, and I instinctivly grimaced, crouched down, and ripped out my earbuds—needless to say my classmates thought I was crazy. Not sure I can listen to your podcasts on the go anymore if there is a risk of this happening again. Love the content. Lose the noises.

Eric Crockett
Eric Crockett
9 years ago
Reply to  Andrew B

That is truly laugh out loud funny. I was on a plane recently and freaked out for a second when I heard that fricking monkey sound – my head snapped around not knowing what the hell that was, then tried to play it off as nothing really happened. I love it! Thanks Tim for the quality content and occasional silliness.

9 years ago

Dr. Attia was tremendous. He mentioned that tannins, such as in wine, have negative effects for many people. Does he feel the same about sulfites? In my personal experience, sulfite-free (ie. no-sulfites-added) wine has none of the unpleasant effects of conventional wine. The same goes for beer and other foods. Does he recommend particular supplements for sulfite-sensitive people?

9 years ago

What’s up Tim, I built a company off a number of the principles in FHWW, and wanted to thank you. We’re now in hundreds of stores around the globe and doing a healthy (and rapidly increasing) 7 figures in sales a year. We’ve gone a little past the FHWW philosophy that guided us in the beginning, but it was an excellent tool for the early stages. I’m based in Portland at present, not too far from you, so maybe someday our paths will cross. I also hear from friends at Onnit that you might be making an appearance at SXSW. I’m out here at present, though starting to feel too damn old for these week long festivals! On another note, I lived in Nicaragua for 5 years and know you stayed with my buddy Brian down there when working on 4 hour body……small ass world. Well, just wanted to say thanks!

Chance McGrath
Chance McGrath
9 years ago

Just discovered the Tim Ferriss Show app for Android and just finished listening to #5 with Ryan Holiday. It’s like binge watching shows on Netflix but better. I have a lot of catching up to do. Thanks man!

9 years ago

Tim, did you ever find that personal assistant you were looking for? My wife has a small Executive Assistant Search firm and has found assistants for many of your contemporaries. If you’re still looking for the perfect match and think she could help you, give me a buzz. All my best, thanks for the infotainment. Willy.

9 years ago

The best investment advice I ever got was from your friend Ramit Sethi, and that was not to buy into the script that owning a house was the best investment you can make. It might be, but one should be skeptical as all get out when investing that much money into one thing.

How about we set the minimum bar by how much time and effort you spend in booking a vacation (researching places, flights, hotels, asking friends for recommendations, etc) and spend that much time into effort asking the question whether or not you should buy a house (not which house to buy).

9 years ago

I’ve made this suggestion before but am reminded by the interview with Dr. Attia. You should try to get an interview with Elizabeth Holmes, whose company, Theranos, is inventing dozens or hundreds of super cheap and easy blood test delivery techniques. She may be kind of busy, but I think you and her would have a great conversation.

David R.
David R.
9 years ago

Loving the detailed and summarized show notes. Please continue doing that if at all possible!

9 years ago

Ep 63 has probably been my favourite episode so far alongside josh waitzkin and kelly starrett.

I’ve been journaling my activities, thoughts and feelings for over a week now as the episode suggested and I have noticed just how great a simple morning routine is and making sure I’m proactive instead of reactive. I’m defiantly going to continue journaling as recommended and keep on with improving my routines. Thanks so much tim

9 years ago

Love the written summary. As a speed reader written text is far more efficient for me than video, and I usually don’t bother to watch any videos. But reading yhe summary was great.



Kieran Brennan
Kieran Brennan
9 years ago

Hi Tim,

Really enjoyed these podcasts. I was wondering if you have any suggestions for good scientific reference books for nutrition and biochemistry?

Eric Crockett
Eric Crockett
9 years ago

For your consideration Tim – So I’m listening to this podcast as I’m traveling through three airports. Connecting the dots in my head with some of your other podcasts, the 4 Hour Body and what I’ve learned from Dave Asprey among others. Later that evening I meet a friend out and get introduced to a guy who owns a busienss that serves as a springboard for our conversation. I share this podcast and some ideas on mass customization of vitamins, supliments, micro nutrients, and more. You might imagine where this is going, and I think its right up your alley! Let me know if you want to know more and you can be the judge. Avid listener, keep it up!

9 years ago

The show notes are really useful. I almost missed the art of learning reference in the first podcast, and was delighted to find it here while reading.

9 years ago

Hi Tim. Please do a self-narrated audio book version of FHWW. I’ve read the book a couple of times, and suffice to say I love it and consider it an important and useful work. But that Narrator’s voice on this audible version is hard to bear with, man! Artificial, toneless and staccato. He sounds like an uptight up Robot. Speaks too slow, as well! Reckon you could shave an hour off the running time too, and it could be read over 3 x four hour weeks! 😉 You sound so much more sincere in your podcasts, I don’t think this chap is doing your work justice at all. I appreciate it would take some time and be a drag for you, but this would be time well spent. In my humble opinion! Thank you – I’m grateful for what you do. Cheers! James

9 years ago

30 lbs of Muscle in a month? -RUBBISH!!!

Lean mass includes water. You can gain 30 lbs of weight but not muscle mass

unless on steroids.

Imagine eating a 32 oz steak, now imagine 20 lbs more of that steak, put that on your body and you will be huge.

Marketers and experts are two different things.

The most an average male will ever gain in his life drug free is about 25 lbs of Muscle over many years.

So if you are 6ft and under the most you will weigh and at 10 percent bodyfat will be 185 lbs and under.


Phoenix Squirrel
Phoenix Squirrel
9 years ago

I love the show notes! So much easier to keep track of things. I tend to run several episodes behind (busy life and not much time to listen to things), so being able to skim show notes helps me remember why I was so excited to download a particular episode in the first place 🙂

9 years ago

Tim Ferriss- I’m currently reading the 4 hr work week, just like you challenged your students in your book to contact a seemingly unreachable celebrity, I am trying to get in touch with YOU! Please get back to me!

9 years ago

Nothing else like this out there. Or, if there is, you find the ideas and bring it to us. Major thanks! – Amy

9 years ago

Two typos you can fix quickly:

– search for “broad away”, replace away with array

– search for “undo stress”, replace undo with undue

The in-depth notes are FANTASTIC for me because there are some podcasts that I’m not interested enough to listen to in entirety, but still interested enough that I want to know the key points.

9 years ago
Reply to  Max

Thanks, Max. They’ve been fixed!

9 years ago

Hey Tim, first off I loved your conversation with Maria Popova. I especially liked when the two of you went into your methods on tracking your thoughts and important quotes while reading. I was wondering if it would be possible for you to expand on your note-taking methods because I know that I find that process very difficult and would really benefit from an episode dedicated to your method.

9 years ago

Spend less than you make and invest it using compound interest…

Tony Fahkry
Tony Fahkry
9 years ago

I was impressed with Peter Attia’s parting comment – very funny! He is certainly knowledgeable and someone I could listen to for hours. I see how you find him interesting Tim. Thanks again!

9 years ago

I have learned so much from your podcasts, Robb Wolf , and Jommy Moore podcasts I just wanted to let you know how truly appreciated your efforts are.

Living in Winnipeg MB, Canada I do not have access to many high fat low carb/ paleo experts and depend on blogs, podcasts to guide me in my journey. I particularly enjoyed Peter Attia 2 hr interview, and follow up question and answer podcast. Call me science geek/ hungry for information and fascinated by the information, I would like to hear many more and longer versions Peter Attia podcasts.

9 years ago

Dr Attia is correct, there is no benefit from drinking alcohol. Alcohol is a poison to the body – no benefit, only harm. Any arguable benefit to alcohol is offset by the fact that alcohol is not benign – it is ADDICTIVE. Meaning, if you start, you will end up taking poison regularly. The person posing the question is correct, not drinking is the ultimate health hack because you are avoiding ingesting a poison and avoiding the mental disaster of addiction. To understand addiction (cure yourself), read Allen Carr’s “Stop Drinking Now”. Addiction is 100% mental and is easily curable. I am not associated with Allen Carr in any way other than someone who has benefited. It’s the ultimate brain hack!

9 years ago

Tim, you used to provide transcription of your interviews and was tremendously useful. any chance to do it again for every podcast?

9 years ago

Loved the summarising notes Tim, incredibly helpful. Also, great podcasts.

9 years ago

Tim, have you thought of using threaded comments (reddit style), or just hosting comments on reddit, for your blog posts? They’re much more conducive to readability, visibility and interaction; many valuable comments currently get lost in the weeds unless each viewer was to read through them all.

9 years ago


You mentioned that changes in diet or exercise wouldn’t necessarily lower ApoB levels and that one would have to “pull the lever harder on other things.” What other actions should one take to reduce ApoB levels?

9 years ago


Really informative podcast with dr. Attia. Can you take it him up on his ‘offer’ to do a few more of these Q&A? He mentioned on the topic of hormone replacement part that this is a totally different ball game for women. Having dr. Attia discuss this topic on another podcast would be fantastic.

Thank you.

9 years ago

Tim, the show notes are amazingly helpful. I like to read them before I listen to help remember and reinforce any information I want to remember. Plus, if I’m somewhere I can’t listen to the podcast (like the airplane I’m on now) I enjoy being able to read the notes.

I WOULD LOVE TO HELP WRITE THEM FOR YOU. I listen to the podcasts anyway and would love to help out if you need it.

9 years ago

So much information. I’m enjoying all of the content that is coming through this site. Dr. Peter Attia that was a blast learning so much from you. I feel like each podcast is a lesson that is usually very dense. Dense in the best way. The part about testosterone therapy was good and to the point. I was just talking to a guy at the gym I coach at about steroids and testosterone replacement therapy. I’m definitely going to have him listen to your view on the topic. It is better articulated than I was able to be. Cheers!

9 years ago

Hey! Thank you for the show notes! The shows and the notes are fabulous!

9 years ago

Hi Tim,

Loved the finance focus as have macro background myself. Would love if you can go more indepth with guests of this background. Josh W’s episode has been my favourite to-date by far, and hope we can hear more about personal optimisation and optimisation of thinking process.

9 years ago

Excellent show notes! Please keep up the format.

9 years ago

Tim, the extended show notes are ENORMOUSLY appreciated. I can only imagine that they take a substantial effort to produce. Your podcasts stand the test of time.

9 years ago

How can I leave a question for next Peter Attia podcast

Achraf Berrissoul
Achraf Berrissoul
9 years ago

Wonderful show notes Tim, it keeps me coming to this post and view it from different angles.

9 years ago

I applaud your research – I experiment with energy medicine with quite remarkable success. Devoured your book – Question re weight loss and hormones. I think the template does not apply to all females with hormone issues – personally I did not have encouraging results. Actual increase in appetite and weight gain!

Dale Walker
Dale Walker
9 years ago

I am always trying to lose weight and get into better shape. I love listening to this guy. I would like to hear him talk about the health/fitness issues of slightly older people (60s). All your guests are great. Thanks

9 years ago

As someone also with mthfr mutation I would be curious to know how much methyfoalte dr Attia takes and if he monitors his homocysteine levels to adjust his dosing.

Andrey Yusupov
Andrey Yusupov
9 years ago

Thanks Tim and Dr. Attia!

Another informative and killer show.

I have been recently thinking a lot about which blood tests (5-10 within reason) I can perform now to get a baseline to determine what supplements or lifestyle modifications to implement.

For context, I am a physician with access to a standard large hospital lab, however I am not sure I can order tests #s 1-3 above in the “Top 5” without sending them out, which may may someone suspicious or at least require an appointment with a colleague. Four and five should be easy to get.

I would argue that tests # 1-3 may not be very useful for someone less than 45-50 years old. To clarify: whatever the results turn out to be, is it likely any actions you take would make a worthwhile difference? I’m not so sure. TIM: Would love to hear your thoughts on this. Anyone else please feel free to chime in.

9 years ago


Great information. I learned a lot about blood testing from Peter and I’d like to take some action with my own blood testing. Do you have a recommendation for a blood test lab or a what type of doctor would I work with to aquire my own blood work?

8 years ago

Peter- what an articulate, sincere man. Methyl cyanocobalamin is said to be best form of b12 – make sure it’s sublingual.

Great to hear his skeptiscm about alcohol being healthy. Notice how standard grape juice doesn’t get the same good press wine does 🙂 one thing about wine in small doses could be the relaxation effect, and the emotional release of losing inhibitions to share freely in company.

I did read-unsure exact data- that our body manufactures an amazing quantity of ethanol (or methanol?) as a byproduct of functioning which it then has to eliminate. Every day, some ungodly amount in the double digits of litres- and ‘why would you want to willingly add to that?’ . Issues of psychological addiction to drinking for many people (to ‘unwind’ or ‘socialise’) make it more tricky to be pro-alcohol.

High LDL cholesterol attributed to heart disease you say, Peter? I guess it would be rare to find a Dr saying otherwise. Well, many disagree for good reason. If it is true, then it means that saturated fats (coconut oil and butter) are bad , and polyunsaturated fats ( margarine) are good for you.

I challenge readers to study the history and alternative facts behind the ‘high cholesterol kills you’ orthodoxy. Mis attributions to artherosclerosis are part of it. Economics, another part.

8 years ago

Ep 65 was one of my favorites. How could I find a doctor who practices similar testing and protocols as Dr Attia?

6 years ago
Reply to  Jesse

Did you ever get an answer to your question? Wondering if there’s anyone good in San Francisco

Lucas Marston
Lucas Marston
8 years ago

Quick side recommendation for Tim: As an audio junkie I feel responsible to make the suggestion that before posting these podcasts he sends them off to a musician friend who could compress, limit, EQ and maybe multi-band compress them a bit (I’d gladly do it.) This will level out the volume, clarity and consistency of the audio. If I listen to these while cooking or going about business at home I often miss half the things one person says so I crank the volume only to have the next speakers voice boom like crazy and scare my cat (and me 🙁 ) Just sayin…….Anyways, keep ’em comin’

8 years ago

Tim- how do you go about selecting a physician to work with you on such tests? How do you develop a medical relationship with a physician to assist you in optimizing your various wellness paths?

8 years ago

Thank you for these comprehensive notes on the shows. I just found your podcast, website, and books in the last month. I’m thoroughly enjoying the information-rich content. Love the topics. Love the book recommendations. Amazing job.

8 years ago


Any way you can find out where Dr. Attia gets his berberine supplement from? Unless he has it made for him…then can we get a recommendation on the best place to buy berberine? As an analogy: I don’t want to make the mistake of buying “raspberry ketones” when I should be buying KetoCaNa. Thank you!

8 years ago
Reply to  James

I’d like to know the answer to that as well…

Yasmine F
Yasmine F
7 years ago

Hey Tim, is there a way to do blood tests for diagnostic purposes? Particularly for diseases such as malaria?

Nick D. Devenport
Nick D. Devenport
7 years ago

Seriously Tim, you need to have more women. Not to interview but I mean in your dating life. Haha! 😂