The 4-Hour Chef – The First Kindle Fire Book Teaser (Want a Free Kindle Fire?)

A first look at the beta-cover of The 4-Hour Chef. Let me know what you think.

The magic elves and I have been hard at work on an early Christmas gift for you all. In fact, there are quite a few goodies in this post, including 50 free Kindle Fire devices!

Let’s start with one of the most time-sensitive…

The 4-Hour Chef is Live!

The 4-Hour Chef is now on sale on Amazon!

I’ve been keeping things under wraps, but there is one big surprise. For the last 5 years, the most frequent request from blog readers has been a guide to mental performance. In other words, answering the question: how do you deconstruct and learn any skill?

Well, I’ve been listening all along, and that book is here!

Here’s the complete title: The 4-Hour Chef: The Simple Path to Cooking Like a Pro, Learning Anything, and Living the Good Life. Intended to be “the cookbook for people who don’t buy cookbooks,” The 4-Hour Chef will use food as a vehicle to teach the art and science of meta-learning–the skill of learning skills. Whether you want to learn a new instrument or a new sport (or anything in between), you’ll have a field-tested and research-backed blueprint. In addition to insight from world-class chefs, we’ll have an unreal cast of characters helping you to multiply your learning potential.

For a limited time, to celebrate the announcement, you can pre-order The 4-Hour Chef for 50-80% off. Instead of $30 for print, you can reserve a copy for $15. Instead of $22 for Kindle, you can get it for $5.99.

You can cancel anytime up to ship date, so there is no downside, only locked-in savings.


Why might you buy the physical book, even in addition to the Kindle? Three reasons:

1) It will be gorgeous, a wonderful tactile experience, and truly unlike any cookbook you’ve ever seen.

2) I’ll be thinking up bonuses for people who buy the print edition early.

3) It would really help me out. Inexplicably, The New York Times excludes all advice/how-to books from their e-book bestseller list, so only the print edition counts towards the bestseller list. Silly, but there you have it!

See the full book description, sneak-peek photos, and more here.

A Christmas Countdown Experiment: The 4-Hour Chef Teaser

Next, I present to you the first Kindle Fire book teaser and app!

100% free and titled “A Christmas Countdown Experiment: The 4-Hour Chef Teaser,” it includes a seven-day Christmas countdown advent calendar, with unusual tips that allow you to enjoy wine, cookies, and all the other holiday vices… while losing fat.

From strategic yo-yo dieting and tequila hot chocolate, to exploding cows and tattoos, it’s full of surprises. Here’s are a few screenshots and the introduction video, followed by the download link…

Main menu – just tap any food for the recipe and much more.

I love advent calendars! Tap any day for your prescription or reward.

Download The 4-Hour Chef Teaser here. Please note! This version is limited to Kindle Fire at the moment, but the iPad (iOS) and general Android versions are almost done. They’ll be coming along shortly, and I’ll keep you posted.

But… why not get yourself a free Kindle Fire? That’s next.

50 Free Kindle Fire Devices

If you don’t yet have a Kindle Fire and would one for free, I’m giving away 50 of them. This is a thank you for providing so much helpful feedback over the last six months.

Here’s how to get one:

1) Just spread the word in the next 48 hours! Send people to this blog post or The 4-Hour Chef page on Amazon. Here are some ideas: Facebook like, Facebook sharing, retweets, Twitter, e-mail, e-mail signature, street miming. The last one doesn’t scale as well as the others.

2) By 11am PST this Thursday (Dec. 1), leave a comment on this post telling me what you did. If possible, quantify the impact (clicks, page views, etc.), and be sure to follow these two rules, which are required for your entry to be valid:

– In the first line, tell me what you’d most like to learn in The 4-Hour Chef.

– Keep the entire comment to 200 words or fewer, so use bullets!

We’ll consider the first 300 submissions, and a few judges and I will choose the 50 we think did the best job (subjective, I know). Then we ship them off! Void where prohibited, Martians under 21 not allowed, etc., etc. Winners will be announced next week.

Happy holidays!

Much more to come…

The Tim Ferriss Show is one of the most popular podcasts in the world with more than one billion downloads. It has been selected for "Best of Apple Podcasts" three times, it is often the #1 interview podcast across all of Apple Podcasts, and it's been ranked #1 out of 400,000+ podcasts on many occasions. To listen to any of the past episodes for free, check out this page.

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Comment Rules: Remember what Fonzie was like? Cool. That’s how we’re gonna be — cool. Critical is fine, but if you’re rude, we’ll delete your stuff. Please do not put your URL in the comment text and please use your PERSONAL name or initials and not your business name, as the latter comes off like spam. Have fun and thanks for adding to the conversation! (Thanks to Brian Oberkirch for the inspiration.)

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Ryan Baker
Ryan Baker
12 years ago

Hi Tim and Charlie,

-Liked on Facebook

-Shared on Facebook


-I work at a winery in Napa (one you almost chose to hold your last Napa event at) and I emailed the link to all of the employees and to employees at more then 30 other wineries in town (probably will get into trouble 🙂

-Will be spreading the word to ALL customers (see about 200 individuals/week)

If I win the Kindle Fire I will give it to my mom for Christmas under the pretenses that she reads The 4-Hour Chef and 4-Hour Body as she needs to change her life and get healthy.

Thanks a million!

Ryan Baker

12 years ago

I want to learn a simple break down to cooking and how to go about the cooking process. I’d like to get the Kindle Fire for my mother tho.

Launi Lewis
Launi Lewis
12 years ago

I have a grandson who is 1, he is allergic to Peanut Butter, Soy, and Egg Whites. I would like to know of recipes that are a cookie or desert that I can make that do not have egg whites in them. Also any other recipes you can suggest.

I subscribed to your blog 🙂

Tweeted your blog and shared on facebook as well as liked your page.

Thank you for this blog can’t wait to check it out more.

12 years ago

Hi Tim!

I was once a disbeliever with the 4 Hour Work Week when someone bought it for me. I’m now glad to say I’m on the highway to changing my life with your ideas and advice. I posted the links to this blog post and the amazon page for the book on my facebook. I can’t wait to begin reaping the rewards of 4 Hour Work Week and putting all the advice from this blog’s posts into action. Hopefully I can submit one of those videos in the near future!

4 Hour = Life Power!

– Isaac

Elinor Gawe
Elinor Gawe
12 years ago

Tweeted to 131 followers. Linked it on Facebook to 115 friends and their friends can see it, with this comment,”I loved the 4 Hour Work Week and now he has a cookbook, The 4 Hour Chef. I’m a pretty good cook and even a decent baker. Hmmmm!.” I have a Klout score of 44.

I am always looking for new skills and a quick way to get them would be great. Thanks

Blair Slavin
Blair Slavin
12 years ago

From the 4 Hour Chef I would to learn to dance, or more precisely, I would like to learn to get rhythm. I want to be able to take my husband in my arms and waltz him around the dance floor in either a country bar or a ballroom situation. I have tried to dance and I am all thumbs on the dance floor when it comes to traditional In-The-Clench Dancing. That would by far be the coolest thing in the universe to learn.

I liked and shared the book site from Tim’s Orig post on Facebook and Here, I sent it to all my friends and tweeted it on Facebook. I also ordered both Kindle and Printed and liked those as well on all the ways Amazon allows. Since you are taking the first 300 comments, it is better to post now and quantify later if possible.

Have a better than good day.

Marcelo Borges da Cruz
Marcelo Borges da Cruz
12 years ago

Hey Tim,

I would like to learn how to make a savoury steak without spending much time to spicy it.

I’ve taken a picture of your book cover and shared it on my instagram feed at mbcruz1977, and also created the hashtag #4hourchef.

Also shared on Facebook and twitter (@mbcruz1977)

12 years ago

Hi Tim. Over here on the other side of the pond, has no listing for pre-orders for the book or Kindle version (I want to order both). Do you have any idea when we UK Kindle owners will get to sign up?

Looking forward to seeing your latest attempt to share great info with us all.

Malcolm Ong
Malcolm Ong
12 years ago

As part of team @Skillshare, I want to learn about your take on meta-learning (meta^3 ?), and how to more effectively teach others about my passions, and likewise, empower others to be better teachers. Let us truly democratize learning and teaching, and disrupt education!

Already pre-ordered, and tweeted/shared on Twitter, FB, etc. so looking forward to the book.. and will be adding it to our company library too.

Hope to run into you again (perhaps at SXSW?)


Brian Y
Brian Y
12 years ago

I created a simple google sites page to promote the Free Kindle giveaway aspect of the promotion for those who may not be familiar with your work. The address is:

Mike T.
Mike T.
12 years ago


Why are you only considering the first 200 comments? I was going to put in an entry, but then I saw that there were already over 500 comments. Can you increase this limit?



Sarah Robinson
Sarah Robinson
12 years ago

From my restaurant kitchen on a spanish mountain top my family, my guests and I have been 4HBing all summer, the locals thought we were superhuman but now the secret it out and they are all at it!

here in europe among the female community i find facebook the most effective way of getting messages out, and i abhore the guy that mentioned the cover of the book should only have a man on it. what nonsense. take a look at the 4HB participants on facebook, those over 40 Mamas of 3 are out there big and strong with perfect posteriors just waiting for Tim to reconstruct their cooking.

LOVE LOVE LOVE and i dont mind the wait for the hardback one little bit. x

Colin Stuckert
Colin Stuckert
12 years ago

Hey Tim,

I own a CrossFit affiliate in Florida and have to battle daily to get my clients to change their eating habits. This will be a huge help. I sent out the pre-order to my entire gym mailing list…maybe 500 contacts or so.

If the book is as good as I anticipate than I will be buying multiple copies to give out at the gym for member of month and contests and whatnot.

Long time fan since the original 4hww and also a foodie/inspiring amateur cook.



12 years ago

hey when will this be available in the UK?

12 years ago
Reply to  smickle

If you’re getting the pricing not available message as an international customer:

Log into your Amazon account, select “Your Account”, then “Manage Your Kindle” and finally “Country Settings” you can change your postal address.

Put in a USA address, hit save and you will be able to pre-order. You can then repeat the steps to reset it to your real postal address.

12 years ago

Hi Tim, purchased the pre-order… and spread the word on FB … FYI: Been on the 4-hour program for 12 weeks now… weightloss happening (slow, but its working), and system feeling great.

12 years ago

Looks like the time difference and working on my muse ( cut me out of the running for the Kindle…but I suppose living in Italy does pay off in the end!

Anyway, I may not have been street miming, but my Italian friends are now decanting in 20 seconds! So hurry and get it translated, I am already priming a market for you!

12 years ago

Looks like the time difference and working on my muse cut me out of the running for the Kindle…but I suppose living in Italy does pay off in the end!

Anyway, I may not have been street miming, but my Italian friends are now decanting in 20 seconds! So hurry and get it translated, I am already priming a market for you!

Ron H.
Ron H.
12 years ago

I want to learn your detailed methods for deconstructing a traditional learning process and reconstructing your areas of focus in order to drastically reduce time to proficiency. Basically, how to acquire new skills faster.

To promote the upcoming 4-Hour Chef, I…

-Pre-ordered a hard copy of 4HC, Amazon Order #: 105-1288550-9209062

-Posted/Linked to the 4HC on my Personal Facebook (290 people), Business Facebook (420), Personal Twitter (30), Business Twitter (150), LinkedIn (75), and Business Mailing List (2000)

-Wrote letters to The Food Network, The Travel Channel, The Discovery Channel, Mythbusters, and more spreading the news of your upcoming book and recommending they reach out to you. I think there is a big crossover between your audience and these TV networks.

-Wrote letters to several well-circulated podcasts related to lifestyle design

-Started a beer recipe contest for my brewery tour business in honor of your announcement. I cited the announcement of the 4HC as the inspiration for the contest and linked everyone (non-affiliate) to your book on Amazon.

-Am interested in doing a cross-promotion or discount brewery tour tickets in the North Bay to those who purchase your book.

I hope the 4-Hour Chef is a huge success!

12 years ago

Neither Kindle Fire nor the pre-order links are available to UK shoppers, guess we must be Martians the Tim! I know neither you (nor apparently Amazon) can fix the Kindle Fire copyright problems at the moment, but there’s plenty people this side of the pond who would like to pre-order your book and don’t require a special edition printing for us either, we are mostly bilingual in US and UK English/measurements… just sayin’!

12 years ago

Hi Tim, I would like to learn your 80/20 tricks to become proficient in the kitchen and pair a great wine… This has to be the secret to the 15 minute female orgasm!

• I have the number one Google/Bing position for the Keywords 4-Hour Chef and had 2000 unique pageviews today because of your blog post.

• I have linked to your book in my Hello Bar and throughout my post.

• I have offered a free Kindle Touch and a digital copy of your book to a reader if they help get me a Fire.

• I have Tweeted this to over 1090 followers who love your work.

• I love your work!

• I have just sent this to almost 200 Facebook fans who are your dedicated followers

• I have sold over 200 copies of your book the 4-Hour Body through my web site.

• My Spanish translation of your Slow Carb Diet has been downloaded over 3000 times… many of my patients have bought and recommended your book including my med. assistant who has lost 81 lbs.!

• If you give me a Fire my readers will never hear the end of it!

Angie Gilmartin
Angie Gilmartin
12 years ago

Hi Tim,

I’m an avid follower of your blog and I love your books. You’ve helped me lose 14 pounds of post baby fat (which I previously thought was stuck to me forever, being age 36 and 3 years since baby arrived)! I live in Ireland, and searched for your new book to pre order, it’s not listed yet. When do you expect it to be released to the UK/Ireland market?

Thanks Tim 🙂


12 years ago

part 2….in a rush to post within the first 300 I forgot to mention:

-I would like to get a glimpse into the mind of an Iron Chef.

-I purchased a few books

-I posted on Oink

-I posted on Instagram

12 years ago

Hi Tim,

Made two ads, one on facebook (11 clicks, reach: 58’000) and one on Google Adwords (16 clicks, 8147 impressions) a few hours ago. I hope that counts as well.

I’d love to learn the deconstruction part of the learning process, so that I can use it to learn programming.

João Hornburg
João Hornburg
12 years ago
12 years ago

Tim Ferriss, I’ll do this primarily because I like you, and not because you might give me a kindle.

So I:

* posted it on facebook for my 1200+ friends (most of whom eat),

* emailed 28 of my goodlooking friends,

* had actually talked about your work at a dinner tonight with famous journalists, writers and film studio execs (hmm did that even before knowing this was going on) and I gave them the links to your books

* and of course, acted it out in a 22-min improv street mime.

And tomorrow. I will tell my mother. And that, surely, will be enough.

What I’d like to learn:

I am honestly looking forward to seeing what new counterintuitive self-experimented truths you have to share with us about our biological relationship with food (and deeply hoping you might make peace with fruit – will there be a section devoted to peace with fruit? please?).

Anyway, good luck with everything, it will surely do very well..



tracey byram
tracey byram
12 years ago

I posted on my facebook page-!/permalink.php?story_fbid=264857640229596&id=627760565

I’d like to know how to make various types of gravy.

Adam Hansen
Adam Hansen
12 years ago

I would like to learn how to make a couple of easy but awesome impressive meals.

– Oinked the 4-Hour Chef.

– Pre-ordered a paper copy and a kindle copy.

– Scheduled a twitter post (using crowdboost to optimize the posting time) to 1000+ followers (@AdamHansen)

– Liked the book on facebook

– Will be using to follow click throughs

John Breese
John Breese
12 years ago

This post couldn’t have come at a better time (and I’m not just referring to the release of the 4-Hour Chef).

A production group I’m involved in is presently hard at work at developing new Kindle marketing strategies and this post adds very nicely to the conversation.

In fact, I’ve posted a link to this post in our last little experiment:

Good luck with the launch.

Rodney Lane
Rodney Lane
12 years ago

I’m hoping to learn how to master some new music related skills, drums, guitar, cello, piano, and recording/sound engineering. Cooking is great and will probably be entertaining, but seems to be merely a conduit for learning any skill. I have self-taught to a basic or intermediate level on these musical skills, but I’m interested to see if you can help me progress to an advanced level more quickly and efficiently.

I have spoken with several friends, family, and coworkers regarding your new book. Most of them are light internet users that really enjoyed the 4 hour body on my recommendation but would not have known about you otherwise. In fact, your last book was the only book some of them have read in many years.

Harrison Smith
Harrison Smith
12 years ago

Hey Tim!

I want to learn about using sous vide techniques in my everyday life!

Posted on Facebook:

Tweeted that sexiness:

I also “liked” this article. And screamed like a little girl to all my friends.

PS you rule!

12 years ago

Hey, I retweeted this,emailed everyone I know and will post on facebook. I need this book (Kindle Fire wouldn’t be too bad either) to try and reclaim the “king of the kitchen” crown from my roommate. She is the back to back Boston Takedown cooking champion (’10 Lamb, ’11 Bacon). See third pic down


Kathleen Marler
Kathleen Marler
12 years ago


As I age (as well as my husband), we need to adjust the way we cook and eat. Also as my children grow older, I'd love to be able to install in them a healthy way of cooking and eating. This Slow-Carb diet I'm sure will prove life changing and will benefit all of us. I look forward to attemping this philosophy. What I'd like to see – being truthful here – are ways to cheat (tee hee) without really affecting the outcome (our eating/cooking transformation!). We love traditional recipes as well as trying out-of-the ordinary ones. I freely admit I am not the best of cooks – so getting great tasting recipes (and healthy) recipes is a must.

I'm sharing on facebook, as well as telling friends via phone – and mothers I gather with during school events, etc.

John Dengler
John Dengler
12 years ago

This is a phenomenal idea for spreading the word about your next book.

I would like to learn some 4HB Breakfast Ideas for people who hate eating breakfast. And some ideas on how to replace popular food items, that are staples for many dishes, with Slow Carb versions, ie, chips, tortillas, bread, rice.

To spread the word about the book.

I shared it on my facebook wall to my 424 friends

Retweeted on Twitter to my 114 followers

+1’d on Google+ to the 36 people in my circles

and started a thread on reddit on r/4hourbodyslowcarb which has 522 active subscribers.


Mitch Galloway
Mitch Galloway
12 years ago


Here’s how I promoted your new book different from everyone here (with the exception of Facebook, but that’s a given):

I contacted over 100 cadets here at Virginia Tech who are in the ROTC programs, and I also told them to pay it forward. A lot can get done with rank 🙂

Looking forward to the new read, and applying it!

All the best,


Air Force ROTC

Bryan Cush
Bryan Cush
12 years ago

Hey Tim,

Something I would love to see is cost effective channels or resources for indigenious foods. I love things like mate, grass fed poultry and beef. Most of the outlets I know are very expensive or not as high of quality as something from the origin country.

I posted links to your blog and page within my facebook account that have close to 1000 friends from over 30 different countries. (I used to work on cruise ships) So you info will span the globe.

I set up revolving posts to go in the news feed periodically with different tips and tricks that you have released about the books content. I am trying to expose all the different areas that will be covered to have some different to catch everyones eye.

Buena Suerte!

12 years ago

I got a tattoo of your face across the center of my back with the caption below it saying “The 4-Hour Chef.”

But seriously, even without getting a Kindle, I was happy to inform family and friends about your upcoming book. Also, posted it to sites such as and other social media sites.

P.S. – finding a relevant/profitable/niche/non-sucky muse is difficult.

12 years ago


Shared on FB

Really excited about this as I love cooking, but always wanted an easy way to learn more.

I’d love to learn how to make simple (but delicious) food look fancy.

12 years ago

I’m more interested in learning how to be a better learner, and how to learn things faster than I am cooking.

What I did:

– Sent an email blast through campaign monitor to my works 400,000+ blogger network (used my work account, kinda sketchy but felt the Cookbook applied to this group)

Carter Bailey
Carter Bailey
12 years ago

By far, I would like to learn more 4HB recipes and shortcuts to getting in and out of the kitchen as quickly as possible (I like cooking enough but I’m usually too tired to be bothered with it or I just don’t have the time).

* I tweeted to my followers, and I tried some targeted tweets.

* Posted to FB re 4HC on Amazon, and this AM about winning the Kindle Fire.

* Posted to /r/keto (w a xpost to /r/paleo) (those are both diet plans that tend to be close to Slow Carb)

* I’ve also been spreading word of mouth to friends and family who were interested in 4HB when it first came out.

Here are the bitly links I used (if you want to see the stats on these links type in bit [dot] ly [slash] [link value below]

* Amazon link: sVsi2x+

* Blog post: vLL3hv+

As of now, I have 92 clicks on the Amazon link (of 1528 on the aggregate link) and only 6 of 9776 on the blog post (which I didn’t post to reddit). Not bad for having only ~160 followers on Twitter and ~350 “friends” on FB.

12 years ago

Kindle pre-order not available 🙁

12 years ago

As I said in the tweet – Rapid Skill Enhancement imperative, learn how here – it is imperative and looking forward to the new book and learning skills to do so… Along with the Tweets, retweets, 2 post at my blogs, and email signature (Simple, Buy this book now! Thanks!)

Sharon Hurley Hall
Sharon Hurley Hall
12 years ago

I’d love to learn how to create great videos.

I’ve shared your comment on Twitter; off to reshare on Google+ now.

When will this book be on Amazon UK?

Cathy Wilson
Cathy Wilson
12 years ago

OK: Facebook, Twitter, email, and prebought the Kindle edition. But here’s the REAL reason all my friends want to buy your books: they want to know how, at 60, I am looking so f–ing amazing.

Amy Abramowitz
Amy Abramowitz
12 years ago

Sounds like a great book. So I FBed, RTed and then, believe it or not, actually mentioned The 4 Hour Chef live and in person to other actual human beings!

12 years ago

So…I’m not in the first 300…but its a good book to share.

*as for what I would like to learn from this book…its simple…I want to out cook my husband.

As to how I shared you…I’m an over involved pta & soccer mom.

*pta site on recommendations page millions of national members, 693 local to my district

*general school site (3 different schools) in blog and recommendations 1000 views daily

*cub scout council site in the links and suggestion area 2500 hits last month

*broadcast email to all my contacts (every parent associated w my kids sports obsession over last 6 years and more) 1349 total.emails

* from our scout website to all 243 parents

* and don’t forget Facebook

12 years ago

Just ordered my copy. Cant wait!

Steve Santinelli
Steve Santinelli
12 years ago

Ok, I LOVE the idea of this book and the ‘peeks’ you’ve been providing, but….. Sept 2012??! I’ll preorder both, but you better get your butt in gear and get it out soon than THAT, I SOooooo need cooking help! 🙂

12 years ago

I’d like to learn to cook it right. The 4-hour body food, I mean. It gets boring after a while and organic food (and/or grass-fed beef) is not only hard to come by in Hong Kong, but also expensive as hell.

By the way, I think it would be a cool idea for the next book, if you traveled the world, spending a couple of days in the most expensive cities of the world, trying to come up with budget ways for the 4-hour body diet. If you’re ever in HK again, feel free to drop me a line 🙂

12 years ago

I want to learn learn better and faster because that is what I enjoy doing.

Posted link to your page on Facebook

12 years ago

Hey Tim,

I shared this page and your facebook update on my facebook profile. I would like to get to know your techniques of hacking into the learning process, since there are still about 50 more things I’d love to learn and master.

As always, you continue to come up with absolutely fantastic stuff. Thanks a lot for that!

Joe Lalonde
Joe Lalonde
12 years ago

I would like to learn how to learn new skills. It is something that I struggle with. I get lots of new knowledge but lack the retention.

I twittered a link to the book and encouraged my followers to buy it.

david holmes
david holmes
12 years ago

In 4 Hour Chef, I’d love to expand my cooking abilities beyond the few, basic dishes I know how to make. I like healthy, cheap and quick.

I spread word of the book on my social networks – Facebook, Twitter ( and word of mouth.

But most importantly, I’d love a Kindle Fire because my 8 year old niece already has one and I don’t! Such an uncool uncle.

Jonathan S
Jonathan S
12 years ago

Hey Tim, I would love to learn how to cook great food and cook quickly so I can cook great things for my family and spend more time with them! I believe it’s all about quality of life!

I have tweeted a link to your Amazon site complete with cheeky hashtags as well as sending a link to all my FB friends. I hope to have made any sort of impact (positive of course) on your sales!!!

Good luck with the new book, can’t wait to win a Kindle so I can read it!

12 years ago

Do you have any tips on traveling into the future so I don’t have to wait 10 months for this book?

Joe Beeler
Joe Beeler
12 years ago

I’ve shared through the following social sites:




diaspora (first on this site based on comments so far)

I found that the approach taken in the 4HB really worked for me and I am looking forward to seeing that approach taken for the 4HC. I am really good at following a recipe but would like to be able to better understand how to be more creative with any ingredients that happen to be on hand, Iron Chef style 🙂

Even more I am interested in understanding the process of learning new skills better and taking those techniques to learn something completely different such as Japanese language. I’m also curious how these learning techniques can better help my kids (9 and 5) as they are just starting their education.

Daniel S.
Daniel S.
12 years ago

Wow! What an incredible amount of support and responses…

John J.
John J.
12 years ago

RTed and FBed post for the fire contest! Pre-ordering now.

Hassan Osman
Hassan Osman
12 years ago

Done! Just bought the Kindle edition. Super excited about this one.

John Felkins
John Felkins
12 years ago

I Liked it on FB. I have 133 “friends” and I actually know many of them! I’d love a Kindle!

12 years ago

Hi Tim,

I just wanted to let you know that I finally found the perfect gift for my mother-in- law. Your 4-Hour Chef book! I also loved your 4-Hour Workweek book. I’m a big fan of yours. It feels good to constantly improving my life…

I’d like to learn mostly how to cook faster and healthier. I also like to try new recipes.

Anyway, I’ve shared the link of your Cook book on my Facebook page, liked it on FB and also retweeted it (@atownes21). I’m sure my friends will like it as well.

I’ll also write an article about it on my Healthy Living Blog.


Liz C
Liz C
12 years ago

I will be posting a blog post on my website about this book, and will tweet (only 52 followers) and Facebook about it too.

I am a good but not passionate cook, and like cookbooks that focus on the “why” of cooking rather than the “what” to do. I am also fascinated by the process of learning to learn. I’m looking forward to reading the 4 Hour Chef.

12 years ago

I would like to learn how to cook slow-carb dinners, awesome cheat meals, and to make pork belly or marrow or something exotic.

I pre-ordered a couple of books for myself and family and friends.

I emailed some colleagues (abused corporate computing policy)

and shared on linkedin/facebook.

Keep up the good work Tim, next should be the 4 Hour Life Box Set

12 years ago

I shared this with all my coworkers, friends, and family via facebook, email, and face-to-face conversation. Just yesterday, I shared The 4-Hour Body and your blog with my new coworker, and now today we can’t stop talking about our excitement for The 4-Hour Chef! I pre-ordered my print copy…I wish it was coming sooner!

From the book, I hope to:

-gain an understanding of how to cook in an efficient and fun way – not just follow a recipe

-enjoy pouring over a cookbook with a new design

-learn how to cook new types of food (including slow-carb)

Rachel Mathews
Rachel Mathews
12 years ago

Great, can’t wait Tim! And yes I’d love a kindle! Spreading the work about your book regardless though ;o)

Kiran Singamsetty
Kiran Singamsetty
12 years ago

I love good food but have never enjoyed cooking. In fact, I can say that I have never cooked in my life; I am 32 and the closest I have come to cooking in my life is boiling an egg a few times…haha. Having derived great benefits from the previous two books in the 4-hour series, I am looking forward to making more positive changes in my life after reading the 4-hour chef too; hopefully my perspective on cooking will change after following the “simple path to cooking like a pro”:).

About quantifying the impact of spreading the word so far, I have

1. tweeted the link to my 50 followers,

2. posted a link on my Facebook page so my 213 friends can see and repost, and

3. forwarded your blog post to all 100+ friends in my Gmail address book.

I can’t believe I have to wait for another 10 months to lay my hands on a copy of the book but I am excited about it anyway.

Daniel Bentes
Daniel Bentes
12 years ago

Learn how to learn better. A concept anyone should master. I’ve shared with al my Facebook and Twitter friends and followers (a couple of thousand) AND I’ve pre-ordered the book hardcover version. I’ve had the hardcover versions of both previous books as well as digital copies. I like to listen to books on my way to work, so I also have enjoyed my copies from too!

As always – thanks for sharing and for getting us in shape, eating well and living our lives to the fullest!

Lloyd Dewolf
Lloyd Dewolf
12 years ago

Oh wow, I overlooked the release date on Amazon being September 25, 2012. Is that correct?!

nick balcombe
nick balcombe
12 years ago

I would like to see how to master the art of Language learning in the 4 Hour Chef.

1. TWEETED to over 500 Followers.

2. FACEBOOKED to over 2000 Friends who posted that on their wall until finally KEVIN BACON saw it and liked it!

3. Achieved 7 Degrees of Marketing success.

4. Prayed to God that one of the judges would read this so i could WIN!

Michelle Gordon
Michelle Gordon
12 years ago

I am so excited for this book! I am a complete moron in the kitchen, and find that I only eat a combination of certain foods because of my lack of know how… I am in a rut, and am excited to continue to learn from Tim! I want to be able to make interesting and nutritious meals for my husband and myself, along with teach my daughters that eating healthy does not mean boring.

I have shared on Facebook, my personal page (over 330 friends) as well as my business page (over 100 members), and tweeted about the 4 Hour Chef. I will continue to post and repost, and IF I had a Kindle Fire, I could share instantaneously about all of Tim’s awesome books and blog! I love your information and as a personal trainer, business owner, and Nutrition Science major, I learn so much from you, even more then my professors!! Thank you!!

12 years ago

Tim, I have been dreaming of this book!! Besides the obvious social media plugs (just posted to Twitter and Facebook), I’ve already sent this out to my Paleo Pals – a group of like-minded girlfriends that get together once and awhile to talk about 4-hour body and the Paleo diet. Targeted marketing, my friend 🙂 I guarantee that 99% of us will be preodering this!!

Thanks again for all that you do!

Holly Edwards
Holly Edwards
12 years ago

If Tim wrote it I want it. Plus…

1. cool pics.

2. my husband can barely make microwave popcorn. this could get him to cook.

3. I do want a kindle fire.

4. It looks really fun to read. I will be buying the print addition.

Michael Ludwig
Michael Ludwig
12 years ago

I would like to be able to learn how to quickly prepare dinner for my family (2 kids, 11 and 8, and my wife). Ideally, preparing nutritious meals that the kids will gobble up!

I have forwarded this e-mail (with a recommendation and reminder that it is the holiday season) to all 74 recipients of my photo blog of the kids (I’ve been doing it for 11 years and I’ve had my far-flung friends be able to watch my kids grow up). I suggested that they also forward the link to their contacts. I can’t quantify this but I can tell you that the 74 recipients will READ what I send them–some might not like the salesmanship, but since they’re friends, I’m sure they’ll forgive me.

Thanks for considering my reply.

Austin Beals
Austin Beals
12 years ago

Hey Tim! Super excited for the book! I’d like to learn how to prepare delicious, healthy meals in bulk that can save for 1-2 days so I can cook them in advance and bring them to work for lunch, etc. Also, I’d like learn to make more simple healthy sauces that can go with different base foods.

Alright, so spread the word, I:

+ Shared it and liked it on my Facebook

+ Tweeted the link

+ Retweeted the page

+ Liked it on my stumbleupon

+ Emailed it to 57% of all my contacts

And I’m already seeing some feedback on the links I’ve shared.

Max Daniels
Max Daniels
12 years ago

Looking forward to this, and have pre-ordered the print edition.

The cover: Is that a woman at the stove? If so, she’s remarkably flat-chested. I would make it clear that one figure is a man, and one a woman.

Alex Swenson
Alex Swenson
12 years ago

Posted a Link on my Toolbar ” that says YOU’VE got MAIL, on my TVonPCExtreme

as actual tab on toolbar.

Then sent out

This Guy is My Hero……

Buy his books

Click the link Now Please…..

*17,000+ desktops, sent out Alert to 500 active daily.

* 20,000 installs Sent alert to 2000 people’s desktops daily.

* So a potential 40,000 people can see it, with 3000 active daily…

It stays on desktop until either the Pop-up gets X out or they open link..These are my subscribers to my product, they follow me and listen to what I say..I will leave the link up until Dec.20th…for maximum exposure.

Hope it can bring you some sales..

I took screen shots of everything I mentioned above, including the pop-up which poped up on my own computer, the second I pressed send…

-Alex Swenson

by the way tim I bought your 4 hour work week at a thrift store in Oct 2007 for $3. when i read it i thought it most amazing book on the planet, and you were the smartest man alive..the book still is amazing as it ever was, some how you are still the most creative person on the planet….and you have changed my life, my thinking….more than any other book I’ve ever read..It’s the only book I take with me when i get on the plane…or take a trip…which means the original book has gone with me to over 200 destinations…that book has litteraly made it into many different countries, and does not leave my bed side. Thank You Mr. Tim Ferris….thank you.

12 years ago

HI Tim – I’d love to learn more about portion control through your book.

I’m always a fan of what you’re up to. Keep us informed!

Thank you.

12 years ago

T –

When do you expect a Google Books Version? (if at all)


Will Morrow
Will Morrow
12 years ago


I understand I may not be in the first 300 submissions but wanted to give it a shot.

Some of the biggest things I would like to learn…..

-Learning the Hacks to cooking flavorful meals w/o having to spend the whole night cooking/cleaning. (cooking perfect steak every time)

-Cooking Hacks- unique tricks to modify my cooking experience

-Accomplishing the impossible running a marathon w/o having 4 months to train

-Learning a new Language (Spanish)

I got the word out

A. Through Word of Mouth

B. Facebook Profile/ Writing on my friends/influencers wall (in a non spam way)

C. Twitter

D. Company Email


Chris Hollon
Chris Hollon
12 years ago

I just told everyone in in book readers email list about the new book and your blog.

Amy Furbee
Amy Furbee
12 years ago

I am looking to add new 4-Hour Body type recipes to my meal plan. After suffering from anxiety & Panic I found that nutrition and exercise are what set me free.

Today I am Panic and Anxiety free, I share my tips with my web community & have lead many of them your way.

Today to promote the 4-Hour Chef, which I am super excited to receive & give I have:

• Posted a note on Facebook on my fanpage & personal page.

• Sent a email note with the link to my 10,000 community members.

• Created a link in my recommended reading bookshelf.

• Once the book comes out would love to cook and blog for my community.

Thank you for all of your books and inspiration. 4-Hour Body and 4- Hour Workweek have been a blessing to my own life.

All the best & thank you for the consideration on your giveaway.

Jordan Laubaugh
Jordan Laubaugh
12 years ago

Hey Tim,

Pre-ordering the book myself. Also I recommended it to my 12,000 twitter followers, 350 FB friends, and 400 plus clients (via aweber). Here’s the immediate snapshot.


Chris Hollon
Chris Hollon
12 years ago

Hope there is some Keto friendly Recipe Ideas. I will be letting my cooking buddies know about this as well. Loved your last 2 books.

12 years ago

I like the book cover!

I think a shade or two brighter of green could help even more.

Look at this post.. TOTALLY blown up. I’m starting to see a little traction on my blog as well.

You’re a self-marketing genius, my friend. Maybe a topic for the book after the 4-Hour Chef?

All the best,


12 years ago

I want to share this book with all of my nutrition coaching clients to help them get their healthy cooking on with ease-as well as well as to see what other crazy, wonderful, and interesting tips and tricks you discovered that I never heard of before and would love to try (like in 4HW and 4HB)!

Here’s what I’m doing to spread the word:

-Shared on my blog

-Sharing on FB (600+ friends)

-Retweeting on Twitter

-Talking to friends and family (we all loved the other books)

-Liked on amazon

-Emailed my email list

Jeff Thomas
Jeff Thomas
12 years ago

Tweeted about the four Hour Chef. I would like to take some of the cooking duties off of my wife’s plate.


Ann Donnelly
Ann Donnelly
12 years ago

Wow, 500-something comment! I’ve spread the word on and (via a share AND a like!) Thanks Tim, you rock! Coincidentally I wrote a quick post about 4-Hour Work Week on my internet marketing blog. I’ve been referring to the strategies in that book to a lot of clients and in my talks. Most people fall down in their internet marketing because they don’t have time and I say, even if they don’t want to get down to 4 hours of work per week, your strategies are a great way to get more time for important things!

12 years ago

Hi Tim,

My husband and I loved the four hour body, lost a total of 90 pounds in six months, and are craving more four-hour wisdom from you! I pre-ordered a copy of the book, shared the amazon page with my facebook friends, tweeted, +1’d it, and shared your book cover with a link to your blog on Pinterest (which you should add to your social posting choices btw, there is a huge community there.)

Great idea with this campaign contest for a Kindle Fire, please choose me 🙂


12 years ago

Tim Ferriss, I want the “4 Hour Chef” (please notice I’ve included your name and book title in this sentence to help a brother out!) to teach me how to discipline myself to finally learn the Autoharp so I can be a sassy, tattooed version of June Carter Cash, as I already cook like Betty Crocker on a heavy dose of Rock n’ Roll. Also, please teach me to how to get a publisher for my childrens’ books that are sitting dormant on my Mac and deserve to be on a Kindle and in print! I have “liked” “4 Hour Chef” on facebook and tweeted ( to my readers! (Forgive the shameless self-promotion. I learned it from you, oh Wise One!) xoxo and forever inspired by you, Lindsay

12 years ago

I posted your blog to my facebook page, and spread the word to my running team, my friends associated with MMA, and my bull rider friends (they are all very healthy, but get burned out with the same ol routine). I also told my entire family using the following “which one of you does not have the idea of “get healther” in some way playing around in your mind for your binding new year’s resolution? I also pre-ordered!

I would like to learn how much, when, and what to eat that my body needs so it does not hate me and can produce valuable things like muscle and skin cells instead of pimples and food babies…..

Thank you for your knowledge and I cant wait for 2012!!

Miles Rose
Miles Rose
12 years ago

I have read all your 4Hr stuff, its great stuff. I have passed it on to my personal list, facebook, twitter and all that stuff.

I wait for your 4Hr Cook and then I want to see 4Hr for dummies.

I have bought multiple copies of your books

thanks for some good 4 hr shit and the real question is how to deal with the other 20 or 140 or 168 or 156 hrs and the rest of your life.

12 years ago

I want quick, low ingredient, good tasting weight loss recipes in the book

I tweeted your amazon link to my 5000 followers.

Brian Pulliam
Brian Pulliam
12 years ago

Well this is not in the first 300 but I’ll post anyway. I would love to learn how to make coconut cream and banana cream pie. I’ve tried a few times and it never works out right.

Tom Fafard
Tom Fafard
12 years ago

I want to live a dream life like yours; however, without a “cookbook” to get me there I never seem to allow myself to take the steps necessary to get there. It seems that many people dream of living a certain kind of life, but most do not how to achieve it or are too afraid to attempt it. However, what if there was someone that already has done it and that person was willing to hold your hand through it? That is what I believe your new book will do.

This is almost like dad giving you the keys to the car on a beautiful night where you can go with your “gal” and watch the submarine races; you are so excited seconds and minutes seem like days and weeks.

Matt Ruby
Matt Ruby
12 years ago

– I would to learn tips on stream lining the preparation step in cooking and tips on not letting food go to waste. Do you buy fresh daily? Buy canned and frozen? What works best?

– I posted to Twitter, Facebook and Google plus. All have a URL with analytics. I’ll be reposting in the evening for A/B time testing and will track stats.

– Cheers!

Jonathan K
Jonathan K
12 years ago

Hi Tim.

– I would like to see some heavy hitter chefs if possible (Anthony Bourdain, Michael Smith, Jamie Olliver) and learn different spice combinations that are used by different cultures around the world that are healthy and taste fantastic

Book Promotion

1) I posted a thread about your book on Dr Berardi’s nutrition and lifestyle blog in the member zone that has thousands of members who are very interested in all aspects of nutrition.

2) I liked this page on facebook and posted a comment encouraging others to check it out. I did this for two reasons. Firstly, to grab attention to people that may have read your other books and not heard about this new project. Secondly, the free kindle may attract new people to your blog.

3) I started a discussion on regarding this new project.

Michael Ludwig
Michael Ludwig
12 years ago

I posted earlier (to try and win the Kindle)…one of the recipients of my forwarding of this post was to my wife. She replied:

“I want the real scoop on this guy, like does he own a home? does he have hired help? is he partnered( have a wife/relationship)? does he have kids? does he have extended family? aging parents? Then we can talk about a 4-hour anything!”


Alim M
Alim M
12 years ago

I’m organizing a campaign for you using:


Twitter under the twitter handle: 4_hourchef_tips


I will post final results tomorrow with quantified results.

12 years ago

All of the above done to pimp the book out Tim! Liked, Tweeted, Stumbled & of course clipped it to my Evernote to share w/others when I’m out and about.

Charles Carriere
Charles Carriere
12 years ago

What I’d like to learn? New ways to challenge myself + new avenues for self improvement. I want to see ideas I hadn’t considered before.

Thanks to 4HBI’ve changed my eating, reduced my workout volume by 50%, and have lost 18# – I weigh less and feel better than when I was running Ironman Triathlons and an ultra-marathon! From 4HWW I’m reading Seneca, finished Branson, starting Chouinard.

What I’ve done: Liked on FB, posted on FB, Tweeted and Re-Tweeted. Have pre-ordered 6 copies (would have been 20+ for Christmas presents if it was coming out in time!) and told all my buddies. I’ve given away at least 4 copies of 4HB . . . and counting!

Copy of my FB Post: I just pre-ordered 6 of these! I’m a huge fan of the author. His 4-HOUR-BODY book can change your life. I’ve lost 18#, wearing jeans with a waist size smaller than I wore in college, and feeling like a teen-ager (physically, that is – not that really awkward emotionally confused feeling).

12 years ago


tweeted link

facebook liked

Google+’d it

I don’t really care about winning a fire.. I just like the four hour workweek concept and am a firm believer in we can only be efficient for a certain amount of time (note I am distracted from my work to write this and its only 1030!) LOL.

Best of luck with the new book Tim,
