How to Lose 20 lbs. of Fat in 30 Days… Without Doing Any Exercise

Fat Loss via Better Science and Simplicity

It is possible to lose 20 lbs. of bodyfat in 30 days by optimizing any of three factors: exercise, diet, or drug/supplement regimen. I’ve seen the elite implementation of all three in working with professional athletes. In this post, we’ll explore what I refer to as the “slow-carb diet”.

In the last six weeks, I have cut from about 180 lbs. to 165 lbs., while adding about 10 lbs. of muscle, which means I’ve lost about 25 lbs. of fat. This is the only diet besides the rather extreme Cyclical Ketogenic Diet (CKD) that has produced veins across my abdomen, which is the last place I lose fat (damn you, Scandinavian genetics). Here are the four simple rules I followed…

Rule #1: Avoid “white” carbohydrates

Avoid any carbohydrate that is — or can be — white. The following foods are thus prohibited, except for within 1.5 hours of finishing a resistance-training workout of at least 20 minutes in length: bread, rice, cereal, potatoes, pasta, and fried food with breading. If you avoid eating anything white, you’ll be safe.

Rule #2: Eat the same few meals over and over again

The most successful dieters, regardless of whether their goal is muscle gain or fat loss, eat the same few meals over and over again. Mix and match, constructing each meal with one from each of the three following groups:


Egg whites with one whole egg for flavor

Chicken breast or thigh

Grass-fed organic beef




Black beans

Pinto beans





Mixed vegetables

Eat as much as you like of the above food items. Just remember: keep it simple. Pick three or four meals and repeat them. Almost all restaurants can give you a salad or vegetables in place of french fries or potatoes. Surprisingly, I have found Mexican food, swapping out rice for vegetables, to be one of the cuisines most conducive to the “slow carb” diet.

Most people who go on “low” carbohydrate diets complain of low energy and quit, not because such diets can’t work, but because they consume insufficient calories. A 1/2 cup of rice is 300 calories, whereas a 1/2 cup of spinach is 15 calories! Vegetables are not calorically dense, so it is critical that you add legumes for caloric load.

Some athletes eat 6-8x per day to break up caloric load and avoid fat gain. I think this is ridiculously inconvenient. I eat 4x per day:

10am – breakfast

1pm – lunch

5pm – smaller second lunch

7:30-9pm – sports training

10pm – dinner

12am – glass of wine and Discovery Channel before bed

Here are some of my meals that recur again and again:

Scrambled Eggology pourable egg whites with one whole egg, black beans, and microwaved mixed vegetables

Grass-fed organic beef, pinto beans, mixed vegetables, and extra guacamole (Mexican restaurant)

Grass-fed organic beef (from Trader Joe’s), lentils, and mixed vegetables

Rule #3: Don’t drink calories

Drink massive quantities of water and as much unsweetened iced tea, tea, diet sodas, coffee (without white cream), or other no-calorie/low-calorie beverages as you like. Do not drink milk, normal soft drinks, or fruit juice. I’m a wine fanatic and have at least one glass of wine each evening, which I believe actually aids sports recovery and fat-loss. Recent research into resveratrol supports this.

Rule #4: Take one day off per week

I recommend Saturdays as your “Dieters Gone Wild” day. I am allowed to eat whatever I want on Saturdays, and I go out of my way to eat ice cream, Snickers, Take 5, and all of my other vices in excess. I make myself a little sick and don’t want to look at any of it for the rest of the week. Paradoxically, dramatically spiking caloric intake in this way once per week increases fat loss by ensuring that your metabolic rate (thyroid function, etc.) doesn’t downregulate from extended caloric restriction. That’s right: eating pure crap can help you lose fat. Welcome to Utopia.


If you enjoyed this post, check out my latest book, The 4-Hour Body, #1 New York Times and #1 Amazon bestseller. You will learn: the finer details of the Slow Carb Diet (outlined in the above post), how I gained 34 pounds of muscle in 28 days, how to produce 15-minute female orgasms, and more.

You can also get the Expanded and Updated 4-Hour Workweek, which includes more than 50 new case studies of luxury lifestyle design, business building, reducing hours 80%+, and world travel.

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Richard Riddick
Richard Riddick
4 years ago

If 1 cup of cooked white rice is estimated to have 200 calories, then how on earth does a 1/2 of cup of rice have 350 calories? BRO, YOU’RE CLUELESS. SMH

Team Tim Ferriss
3 years ago

Hi, Richard –
Tim’s approximate calorie count of 300 calories per half cup is for uncooked white rice, and I think you were looking at cooked.
Team Tim Ferriss

16 years ago

Hi Dana,

Since there is so little conclusive information by women in these comments, I wonder if I could ask you your age?

Sally Siegel who commented on August 2nd, said she was 60, and refers to a marvelous reduction in cholesterol levels, but she says nothing about her weight or body tone.

Also: are you using canned beans or soaking them overnight and cooking them yourself?

If you are taking the day off, as Tim advises, how does this affect your overall progress?


Gabriella in Spain

Juan Navarro
Juan Navarro
16 years ago

Is that possible to lose all this weight and keep my body without extra skin?

If this not, please, tell me what to do to keep skin healthy.

16 years ago

Hi Gabriella! I’m 20…and to be honest have been using all canned and/or frozen veggies and beans! I think the day off is helpful because if you really want something you’re just like “oh, I can just have it Saturday!” Then when Saturday came I went all out, but was looking forward to Sunday and eating better things again, which was good!

16 years ago is still chugging along. I have had success and I have had failure.

Need advice, criticism, recipes or just plain support.

16 years ago

Hey there! I’m always here for support…I need it to!!! We all do! 😀

16 years ago

I have been on this diet for about 5 days now and I have lost approximately 4.5 – 5 pounds. I’m going to say this clearly: This diet DOES work. I have noticed already that i have lost some weight in my face, fingers, and shoulders, which are the first places you notice weight loss. To those who don’t know, weight loss normally occurs from the upper body and works it way down to the lower body.

What I found out is that instead of having a “go wild” day, every couple of days I reward myself with a piece of chocolate.. NOT a bar.. but a piece. This way, I don’t have to have a binge day because I’m not tempted to, and I haven’t been tempted. I had a chocolate muffin with chocolate icing one night (I think my third day) and I STILL lost weight when I checked my weight in the morning. I still go to school, so it’s easier for me to eat the same meals over and over again. This is my normal schedule:

7:00am – One whole egg with black beans and a cup of cappucino.

11:00am to 12:00am – Peanuts. (If you grab a small handful of peanuts every 15-20, I find it keeps my metabolism racing.. and I can feel it by the end of the day.)

2:30pm – Plain beans, doesn’t matter which kind. I probably eat about 1/2 to a cup depending on how hungry I am.

7:00 – 8:00pm: For dinner, about 95% of the time we have a lean meat and some sort of vegetable, which is great.

11:00 – Bed.

It’s not that hard to choose a selection that follows the rules at a restaurant. For example, if you want a burger, order it without a bun, and a salad or other vegetable instead of french fries. This way, it’s several hundred calories less, and few carbs.

Ladies, to those who want to lose weight…. I AM a female myself. If you follow this diet, and you can’t seem to lose any weight, it’s possible you might need to downsize on your proportions, drink ONLY water, and eat more vegetables rather than legumes for a couple days. Or maybe, cut back on the “go wild” days. Its also possible you’re not determined enough. Get a little more sleep, too.

Next week, I will post my progress on this site. I will, however, be checking back everyday to see the progress and comments/questions others leave, and reply to them.

Start weight: 157 pounds

Current weight: 153

Goal weight: 125 pounds

16 years ago

What a bunch of whiners! “I need milk in my coffee.” And why the #!$

16 years ago

Your diet looks surprisingly like mine! I’m losing over 4 pounds a week. I eat at Chipotle Mexican Grill twice a day, every day. No rice, no tortilla. I can’t believe it’s working.

I get extra guacamole too.


16 years ago

Hey, what if we don’t eat so many beans and eat more of the veggies, chicken, lean meat etc. Is this ok or do you need the beans in order to make this work for your body. Are the beans just for more calorie intake? I haven’t been eating beans at every meal but I am not eating any white foods. I have to say, if anything, I do feel better. Anyone have any feed back on this?


16 years ago


I’m going to respond to several people/posts with this comment, so please bear with me. 🙂

Regarding the beans…besides additional protein and calories, they do have a diuretic effect. I only learned this through a web search that was triggered by my own body’s reaction to the diet.

I am a 48-year-old female and have lost 10 pounds in a couple of months. I do cheat one day per week…and I cheated for a whole week while on a scuba diving vacation in Bonaire. The diving seemed to make up for the cheating so I didn’t lose any ground that week. Yea! I have noticed, though, that the “cheat day” results in my weight loss forming a spiral pattern instead of a straight down pattern. Now I’m learning to moderate my cheating to minimize the up-tick on the scales. I am halfway to my weight loss goal…and intend to be at my goal before the holiday season begins!

I love this diet because it’s become something I can live with. Most diets fail because they don’t become a part of one’s lifestyle.

Keep up the good work, everyone!

16 years ago


I started the diet on September 21st and have lost 5lb in the first week. It is good so far. Will keep you posted.


Rob in Australia
Rob in Australia
16 years ago

Hi everyone

thanks Tim! Ijust started this diet this morning 🙂 I’m 33, prof musician, and went from a fairly fit guy to a married guy 4 years later…and 18 kilos heavier! Sick of it…its not me, and affects me in so many ways. With the birth of my son, I feel motivated again. Before i got married, I worked out heavy to failure, one set, and only once a week and got so strong…this is after years of volume training. Mike Mentzer just was so logical that I decided to give abbreviated hard traing a shot. I ended up doing full range squats with more that my bodyweight for 17-20 reps (the hardest thing I’ve ever done tho…) but in a week, I’d break all my records without fail. So I’ve gone back to it and feel great already. Boxing, MMA, swimming and walking were all done in a week so my diet was terrible but didnt matter as I burnt it all off. Now with a family it isnt possible to train like this- so the diet which is very convenient and easy, WILL do the work…-I tried it last month for ten days- it was pure magic! By the way- it is my experience that one of the biggest lies are supplements. So much money and it is a hoax. Why else does the latest greatest, go out of the market so soon, only to be replaced with the next? Garbage, thats why. The best gains i made in strength and fitness and speed, were supplement-less!

Will keep you all updated on my progress…

ps keeping a journal is brilliant- it was going thru my old journal that inspired this re-dedication. tchau!

Rob in Australia
Rob in Australia
16 years ago

Hi everyone

Ijust started this diet this morning 🙂 I’m 33, prof musician, and went from a fairly fit guy to a married guy 4 years later…and 18 kilos heavier! Sick of it…its not me, and affects me in so many ways. With the birth of my son, I feel motivated again. Before i got married, I worked out heavy to failure, one set, and only once a week and got so strong…this is after years of volume training. Mike Mentzer just was so logical that I decided to give abbreviated hard traing a shot. I ended up doing full range squats with more that my bodyweight for 17-20 reps (the hardest thing I’ve ever done tho…) but in a week, I’d break all my records without fail. So I’ve gone back to it and feel great already. Boxing, MMA, swimming and walking were all done in a week so my diet was terrible but didnt matter as I burnt it all off. Now with a family it isnt possible to train like this- so the diet which is very convenient and easy, WILL do the work…-I tried it last month for ten days- it was pure magic! By the way- it is my experience that one of the biggest lies are supplements. So much money and it is a hoax. Why else does the latest greatest, go out of the market so soon, only to be replaced with the next? Garbage, thats why. The best gains i made in strength and fitness and speed, were supplement-less!

Will keep you all updated on my progress…

ps keeping a journal is brilliant- it was going thru my old journal that inspired this re-dedication. tchau!

16 years ago

i’m 5.4 and i am 9.4 im really skinny round the waist but my legs are fat how can i loose weight off my legs??? i think it might be off all my running

16 years ago

Here’s a simple recipe if you get bored with beans!

it’s a mashed potato alternative…and tastes great!

Put a little olive oil in a pan…add a can of white kidney beans, mash them with a spoon or whatever you choose, add a bit of water to get the consistency you want, season with a little bit of salt, pepper, garlic powder, and some parmesan cheese if you wish…tastes awesome and cooks in no time at all!

16 years ago

I am a current college student who is looking for exactly what you offer. The only problem is that it is very hard to cook here. What are some other foods that i could make without a large amount of cooking?

16 years ago

thank you for this, Tim. And while I’m at it, thank you for existing at all. you are quite obviously one of the few who has discovered what it is to truly be in the zone. I am currently experimenting with this diet right now and am so thankful for the comments from this post and your replies to them. i was very happy to read that salsa was an option because i am a sauce junkie and needed some flavor badly. i cannot wait for dieters gone wild day. i read about this concept a while ago and just knew i connected to it. i am definitely the type of person to eat for comfort and enjoys foods that are not at all good for me. knowing that i can have a day to eat with reckless abandon makes the other 6 days totally tolerable. i am so excited to watch my body change and my cravings switch to more healthy ones. i think i’ll even dare to take before and after pictures to show the female results! also, i love the red wine at night. just one lovely glass as i wind down. thanks again to you and your readers. we rule!

16 years ago


I’m also a college student. I find canned veggies to be simple…most just need to be warmed…or frozen…and for meat, I usually individually freeze each piece so I use it as needed…all my meals are done in no time with minimal effort. I usually buy what i need for the week so it’s there and you can just grab it!

16 years ago

Hi Tim, your book is an inspiration! I have already started outsourcing certain things to “my man in India” and have started this method of losing weight of yours. I’ll let you know how it goes…

16 years ago

thanks for the info but what if one is a fussy eater like me, I do not like beans of any sort, I do not eat dairy products I like eggs, and for veggies I like mixed and more raw veggies so what can I eat instead of the beans. thanks I want to loose 20 pounds in a few weeks can I do it

16 years ago

What about “sprouted grain bread” as a carb such as Food for Life’s 7 Grain bread? It’s organic and flourless and makes some killer toast to go with those yummy eggs. Also makes a killer turkey sam.

16 years ago

tim if that is your half of a face in the are smoking hot my friend.:)

16 years ago

This diet sounds very intriguing! I’ve been on them all from atkins to WW to eat right 4 your type, to lowfat, to the pills, to Nutrisystem. They all seem to work if you stick to them, but then that’s the hard part isn’t it… I like the concept of this as its simple and takes the guess work out. Some people have drug problems, some people have alcohol problems, others have eating problems. What makes kicking the bad habbits when it comes to eating is that you still have to eat where as other habbits you just don’t go near at all…at least this is how I feel about it. I like how Tim makes this so simple and repetitious! The hardest thing about dieting IMO is thinking about what you’re going to make as it triggers all the old thoughts of; “how about pizza, that’s easy and good”, or “maybe just a little cheese on these egg’s, and some sausage, and toast” and so forth. One thing that I really enjoyed about the Nutrisystem program is that it’s brainless… the worst thing, it’s tasteless…

Curious if this is listed in his book? I’ve been thinking about buying his book, anyone read it?

Anyhow, I’m going to be giving this a shot here in the next couple of days (have to prep the food sources so that I don’t cheat) i.e. refrigerator. Does anyone know if we can add in spices, salts, ketchups, etc? Also, are refried beans ok, or do I have to buy the whole pinto’s and mush them up? Can you prepare the meat with sauces, marinates, etc or do they have to be plain Jane?

Thanks, Tim, looking forward to this plan and I’m glad that you provided something so simple and free!

16 years ago

Today is oct. 16 and I have been on this diet for 1 month as of today. I weighed this morning and

I lost EXACTLY 20 pounds!!!! I could hardly believe that. I followed the plan to the exact but I did not do the cheat day. That’s just because I know myself. If I cheat to much, I get off track. I’m going to do this diet again after a short break! It was pretty easy most of the time!

16 years ago

hey, i know smoking is bad but will it affect the diet plan, just wondering. looking forward to try this plan out thnks:)

16 years ago

Hi Tim,

I just wanted to mention that you may want to cut out your soda intake. I have been trying so hard to reduce my diet soda habit. My Mom and my Dad, who are both health nuts, have shown me so much evidence on how bad soda is for you and how every time you drink one it does damage to cellular structure. That’s just one of the things soda does. Anyway, because you are so into fitness and a healthy life style I thought that I would run it by you.

By the way, I read your book on the plane to and from my last great adventure and I was VERY IMPRESSED! Kudos for cutting through all the crap and helping people get down to what’s truly important. Our precious time here on this earth can never be replaced!

Bye for now,

Heather 🙂

16 years ago

wanted to know if punches, kicks, knees, and elbows, interfere with the muscular failure exercise plan. also do explosive single reps interfere with this exercise plan. the sports i play require explosion so i feel i need to train my muscles in this area as i am training to play football and to fight, not to lift more weight. please advise. also the web reference given clearly states that a diet doesnt need to be altered to realize gains, how much truth is there to that as it was written in the 1970s if im not mistaken. i thank anyone that responds in advance for their help and i wish you all well whatever walk of life you come from.

16 years ago

by the way i did read your book and i was wondering about medicinal marijuana. does it really increase production and storage of estrogen in the blood stream which leads to belly fat?

16 years ago

Hey guys it’s Josh, (just recently posted on Monday)

Just wanted to let you all know that as of today, I’m down 6.2lbs… I couldn’t beleive it. I started on Monday, and Friday morning (today) I’m down 6.2 lbs… I was snackin’ pretty hard before I started, so I’m guessing I had some fecal matter built up, maybe a bit of bloatation from gas or something? I just find it hard to beleive I lost that much in just 4 days. I’ll keep you guys updated on my progress but so far I’m following everything as above. (With the exception of oatmeal in the morning.

Daily diet to date:

Morning: 3 scrambled egg’s (2 yokes removed), pepper, dash of salt.

Bowl of Oatmeal

Cup of coffee (no creamer :O(, with splenda)

The other two meals I stick to the plan, just beans, vegi’s, and a side of meat. I found that bison is realitively healthy (no additives, steroids, free range, low fat) and not too expensive. I can make 3 patties for $6.

Working on a way to dice up the vegi’s though, beans are no problems.

Water Water Water, one diet Dr. Pepper at night.

Lots of Dill Pickles, are dill pickles ok?


One five mile walk on a trail with the dog.

Same day did a workout with weights in the gym.

Next day did a 5 mile ride on the bike in 45 mph winds (burrrrrr….)

So far, 6.2 lbs in 4 days. I’ll keep yah posted to keep this going, it’s good to check in!

If anyone has a good recipe for vegi’s and or how to cook chicken so it taste’s good, post up!



16 years ago

Hey guys it’s Josh, (just recently posted on Monday)

Just wanted to let you all know that as of today, I’m down 6.2lbs… I couldn’t beleive it. I started on Monday, and Friday morning (today) I’m down 6.2 lbs… I was snackin’ pretty hard before I started, so I’m guessing I had some fecal matter built up, maybe a bit of bloatation from gas or something? I just find it hard to beleive I lost that much in just 4 days. I’ll keep you guys updated on my progress but so far I’m following everything as above. (With the exception of oatmeal in the morning.

Daily diet to date:

Morning: 3 scrambled egg’s (2 yokes removed), pepper, dash of salt.

Bowl of Oatmeal

Cup of coffee (no creamer :O(, with splenda)

The other two meals I stick to the plan, just beans, vegi’s, and a side of meat. I found that bison is realitively healthy (no additives, steroids, free range, low fat) and not too expensive. I can make 3 patties for $6.

Working on a way to dice up the vegi’s though, beans are no problems.

Water Water Water, one diet Dr. Pepper at night.

Lots of Dill Pickles, are dill pickles ok?

Once in awhile, primarily when I want to cheat or after one of the work outs I make my pretend chocolate shake. It’s really good, consists of the following: 1 scoop of EAS protein powder, 1 cup of light silk soy milk, 1 frozen banana, and 3-4 frozen strawberries. (I buy them fresh, clean then freeze for shakes). It’s my cheater treat but still healthy.


One five mile walk on a trail with the dog.

Same day did a workout with weights in the gym.

Next day did a 5 mile ride on the bike in 45 mph winds (burrrrrr….)

So far, 6.2 lbs in 4 days. I’ll keep yah posted to keep this going, it’s good to check in!

If anyone has a good recipe for vegi’s and or how to cook chicken so it taste’s good, post up!



Elisabeth Fies
Elisabeth Fies
16 years ago
16 years ago

This diet looks great…I love the food choices; but what about fiber? Personally, I need a lot of fiber to keep me regular (even with diet and exercize). I drink plenty of water, but I have always ate fruit and bran to regulate me. If I can’t eat fruit and bran-cereal, than what will I do? What about calcium? I think that as a woman I need this. I eat yogurt every day. Are almonds okay? Also, will this diet provide me with all the daily vitamins I need?

To sum it up:



Live Active Cultures?


Other vitamins?

16 years ago

Hey All! I am motivated by all your posts and the results of your progress. I started this diet yesturday and I am surprised at how I’m not as hungry as I thought I’d be. Its 10:30 pm and usually I’d be ravenous at this time but I’m fine … I am slightly hungry, but nothing unbearable.

Age: 23

Starting weight: 130

Target weight: 110

wish me luck!!

16 years ago

Awesome post.

To echo Rebecca (post 186) above:

“I’m confused… the title says “without exercise,â€? but there’s a photo of a “post-workout pizza.â€?

Are you allowed to eat the pizza after every workout? Cause I workout 3 days a week and I looooooove pizza.

16 years ago

So i need help! Please. i had my daughter about 3 yrs ago and ever since i have had excess fat on my stomach and legs. i would really like to get rid of it. I’m starting this diet tomarrow i think it sounds great! But Can someone recommend any excersies that does not need a gym.

Could someone also tell me some good recipes they have used with this diet?

16 years ago

Hey guys,

I’m a lady and really need to get started losing the weight. Thanks so much for all your posts. Today’s my first day. Wish me well and I’ll check in later this week.


Gabriella Kortsch, Ph.D.
Gabriella Kortsch, Ph.D.
16 years ago

Shelley (post 332 above):

For fiber have 1/2 or 3/4 tblsp of flax seed every morning (use the coffee grinder to grind the seeds into powder, only do enough for about 10 days at a time and store in a small air tight container). Just swallow them with water, and about 2 days after starting, you should see wonderful results. Always works!

For your calcium, have fresh green vegetables every day. On precisely this topic, see today’s post in my blog on the side effects of dairy, with lots of links to more information.

Good luck!

Gabriella in Spain

16 years ago


Day 2 on the diet and so far so good. I have a question that I’d appreciate anyones answers on…are sandwich meats okay on this diet? I mainly eat turkey slices for lunch with some low fat cheese. is that allowed?


Josh from most recent
Josh from most recent
16 years ago

Hey guys,

This is Josh checking back in… I think we are on our own when it comes to answers and what not so maybe the best way for us to stay motivated and informed is to assist each other with our own understanding of this and experience from this and past due. SO I’ll start with those who posted under me;

Isabel: good luck, I also felt that once I detoxed the body (ate the diet for a couple of days) I was not as hungry as before!

Hayden: I’m right there with yah but I highly doubt we can consume a pizza after working out everytime. Pizza is actually my “Saturday” splurge as it’s my favorite. I think if you put in a good 2 hours of cardio via cycling, hiking, or otherwise you could probably get away with a slice, but save the whole pie consumption for the saturday splurge.

Danielle: Welcome, excersize is really quiet simple and you don’t need a gym unless you are really trying to tone up. Use a mentality of hitting major core groups of muscles such as; pushups, situps, self body weight squats, calf raises, and back up’s.(like situps but for the back if you lie on your stomach and arch, no hands) As for cardio just try walking around the neighborhood, local trails, etc. If you are city confined maybe just do jumping jacks. All of these will help you out without using a gym. You can get creative with your own excersize routine just make sure you’re posture is correct. As far as meals go I’m a big fan of this diet because as Tim mentioned, it’s simple and mindless. You can get creative with your meals but everytime I get creatively thinking, I get hungry… so I just try to keep it basic, simple, and fast. My personal favorites are 3 eggs with 2 yokes removed and scrambled with salt and pepper along with a side of my favorite beans and steamed vegi’s. For dinner I found a frozen package of pre-chopped vegi’s and meat with a healthy sauce from my local grocery store. I just crack open a can of beans and heat them up and bam, instant meal. I prefer to heat all my food on the stove though as the microwave supposively messes with the chemical make up of food when “waved”. I also think it tastes different. Just figure out what your favorite meat is that’s healthy and lean, your favorite vegi’s, and your favorite side of beans and you can pretty much make your own meals.

NK: Welcome, it’s easy once you get going!

Isabel (#337) I’d think that lunch meat would be ok…but the healthier the better (smoked turkey 98% fat free)would be my guess. Just watch the sodium intake unless you are doing lots of cardio. Not sure about the cheese, I’m just trying to stick to the vegi’s, beans, and meat as much as possible with the little amount of assistance (cheese, sauces, etc)

Anyhow, hope to hear from more people and I think that again we are on our own with support, tips and advice so lets chat with each other and offer up assistance!

God speed!


Week 2

Down 7lbs

16 years ago

ok. so i am at week three. the first week i felt like i had shed some of that surface fluff and got really excited. i was working out [aerobic exercise focus on two other muscle groups-45 minutes] for the first week. my meals are identical to Tims. except absolutely no carbs. basically, egg whites and legumes for breakfast, chicken and veggies for lunch chicken and veggies for dinner with whatever legume [black beans or lentils.] i started adding in salsa to some meals. then i made the chicken/veggie meal into a salad. but week two and three with absolutely no exercise. and on saturdays i go crazy with the eating. but every other day i am completely devoted to the system with very few exceptions in regards to eating the same food combinations [for instance, eating a steak and asparagus when eating out one night.] if i drink at all it is red wine and not much of it. so, again, exactly Tim’s plan minus the post workout pizza. now, i thought since this diet was supposed to work without exercise, that i would still lose weight, and at this point i feel like i’m right back where i started from, physically. point being, i think being a female in her thirties with my metabolism the way it is and my genetics, the exercise is imperative. i deserted it only because of a new job and a new schedule, but i see now that it is necessary. the good news is, i see now how much crap i was putting in my body and how often i just threw food down my throat. i miss fruit pretty terribly, but the saturday free for all is awesome and makes every other day totally tolerable. and trying to spike the calories is actually harder than i thought it would be. maybe i’m impatient, but i really believed that 20 pounds in 30 days was possible. i am currently 150lbs, 5’7″ and naturally athletic in build, and maybe that is an unrealistic weight loss in that time. i think that there are a lot of women like me who saw this post and thought they finally found the answer and perhaps Tim could address the fact that women and men are different physically. and to echo what another poster said–a whole book could be written on this diet alone…

so, i hope it really does happen. and i cant wait to take “after” pics that reflect real change. i’ll keep with it and hopefully those of you that just started make sure to exercise!

16 years ago

Hey! i am 17 and i hate the way that i look…everyone tells me i am “beautiful” but i dont see it. and i dont know if they are just telling me that or what but i really want to loose about 15-20lbs…and i want to do it fast…tell me everything you ate and everything u did so i can do it to.


Victor Patterson
Victor Patterson
16 years ago

Tim. I love your book (4 hour workweek) and the direction it is taking me.

I am following many of your principles from a fitness point as well as the financial freedom end.

By Christmas of 2008 I hope to publish my results and path that I used to attain my goals.

Looking forward to meeting you one day so we can compare notes.

Regards, Victor

16 years ago

Thanks Josh! You rock!!!

16 years ago

Hey everyone! I haven’t posted in quite a while, but i’ve been on the diet a little over a month and have had great results…I tend to obsess over numbers on the scale so I haven’t actually weighed in, but the way I feel and look has definitely improved…but i’m to the point where I need a little support…I cheated for the first time today…YIKES! So let’s keep the posts going…good luck everyone…it seems like the going is good!

16 years ago

Hey it’s Josh:

JLA, good post, stay with it and let us know the progress.

Chealsea: I’m not a female but I do know how hard it is to like yourself if you aren’t “cover girl” material. I’m a mail but had 2 sisters and a mom who were very particular about their bodies growing up. This in fact is probably why I have an eating disorder on the opposite spectrum along with a few other reasons. Hang in their girl, if people tell you that you’re beautiful then know that you are regardless of your weight or how you size up to the girl next to you. We are all different and IMO this is what makes us so great. Just follow Tim’s advice above (given it’s ok for you by your doctor) and you will see results. It’s basically a glucose regulating diet (eating plan, I hate the word diet) to help your hormonal levels and sugars stay regulated. I’m not a specialist but it seems that this way of eating does help shed the excess. I’m right there with you in wanting the “abs of the year award” today but these transformations take time so just take it day by day staying on que and try to focus on more important issues like praying for the people in San Diego at the present time! Give it a shot and keep us posted, this forum board really helps if we are all here for each other! Shoot, if we do enough posts maybe Tim will open up a real forum board for us ;o) hint hint :O)

NK; Thanks but I’m just an everyday dude battling the bulge like the rest of us!

Hey Dana: I cheated today… I got word that I owed $1800 for registration and tax on my new jeep… as always, when that brown ick hits the fan, I turn to comforting tools… so I had some pizza. I started to get depressed thinking I fell off the band wagon but really, it’s just one day out of the last 9 that I’ve been doing so well on. That’s an 11% failure rate, or a 89% on a test score. Tomorrow’s another day so just swing the leg back up over the saddle and get back at it again. I know I will!

Talk with ya’ll tomorrow.


16 years ago

Thanks so much for that…you’re right…tomorrow is a new day! 😀

J looks like you are the new forum leader 😉

16 years ago

Hey thanks for the response Josh!! It is much appreciated. Yeah i do go for the low fat smoked turkey and as for the cheese, ive been doing low fat on that too. In one of Tim’s posts he mentioned cheese was okay on this diet. In any case, it definitly not something i eat everyday. I am on day 4 and it’s been going great. Yesturday alone I lose a pound! Since i started I’ve been down about 2.5-3lbs which I am really excited about. I feel most of what im losing now is water weight because I’ve significantly upped my water intake and I feel the effects (notely by running to the bathroom every two seconds).

Best of luck to everyone!

Start of Day 4

Starting weight: 130

Current weight: 127.2

Target weight: 110

16 years ago

Good news…Great morning…sick workout…good breakfast…back on track! YAY…I was seriously worried for a minute there! Keep up the good work ya’ll!!!


[…] found this on Timothy Ferris‘ blog: How to Lose 20lbs of Fat in 30 days. I was familiar with this method. I’ve been […]

16 years ago

I’m on day 4 and I have lost 5 lbs!!! I’m so excited. It’s a really good thing that I’ve lost that much weight this soon, b/c I was about to “change it a bit” b/c it is so hard. I’m living for Saturday.


Thanks for the encouraging words!


[…] and jam with breakfast then. And more poached eggs? So, not all calories are created equal and eating slow carbs matters [not recommending that diet, just think it is an interesting thought […]

16 years ago


Definitely, the most sensible thing i have seen in a long time….


[…] my energy levels up but to acquire some lean mass.  To do this, I was going to loosely follow the slow-carb diet described by author and inspiration Timothy Ferris, which argues that you can reduce body-fat by “optimizing any of three factors: exercise, […]

16 years ago

wouldnt it be bad for you not to eat all food groups? and i thought milk was good for you?

otherwise im definetly trying this, Thanks!

16 years ago

Just read the 20 pounds loss in 30 days. And yes it is possible. 1O years ago I lost a record stunning 55 pounds in about 45 days. Many of the same Rules listed were the same Rules I followed too: With on exception, I replaced meat (aka chicken & beef) with a soy substitute–garden burgers.( I would also worry about any hormones in the eggs whites–beans are a good substitute here.

I love the reminder “not to drink our calories”. Over the years, I have slipped back into the sugar and cream in the morning coffee habit, and yes the pounds sneaked back on.

I believe, that when a person is severely over weight,( a 200 pound woman who is suppose to weigh 100 pounds) tries to EXERCISE and go on a DIET. T

16 years ago

Thank you for your column on 20 pounds in 30 days. 10 years ago, I lost 55 pounds in 45 days. Most of the Rules you list, were the same things I did as well.

It's Josh
It's Josh
16 years ago

Hey guys,

So how’s the progress coming along? Last Thursday I was doing great(part of week 2), got invited to go build a mountain bike trail and really over did it on the energy I was putting out there. So, a little thought creaped into my mind saying; “you’ve done so great so far and have lost 8 lbs in a week and a half, you worked really hard today so you would probably be ok to get some good food”. So I ended up splurging, then Friday came and I didn’t feel like the usual so I ate crap again, then saturday, then sunday… Needless to say I screwed up and gained around 3-4lbs back. What I learned from this dissappointment is that first and foremost we should make sure that when we do fall off the bandwagon that we get back up on it. Secondly, I’ve learned that once I do reach my goal weight that I really need to find a comfortable eating pattern that doesn’t go over my daily caloric need. With all diets I’ve done, I’ve always gained back my weight. I think the problem is not the diet but rather the fact that the reason we are overweight in the first place is that we consume too much on a daily basis. I love my pizza’s, chocolate ice cream with resees cups, buffallo chicken sandwich’s, etc. But I think Tim is on to something here by selecting a day to enjoy that crap and then eating sensibly the rest of the week. Key for me to learn on this is to incorporate a regular 2k cal diet for the week that is enjoyable (once I get to my goal weight on this diet) and to still use Tim’s concept of selecting a day to enjoy the goods. That way we don’t get carried away and do all this pain and suffering to loose weight in vein.

Well, back to the bandwagon for me, hope you all are doing good!


16 years ago

What about oatmeal?

16 years ago


Although he doesn’t reccomend it except after a workout to refuel the carb loss, I’ve been eating my standard bowl of oatmeal in the morning with my 3 egg whites and 1 yoke scrambled. I’m sure I’d loose more at a quicker rate if I didn’t but the thought of eating vegi’s and beans first thing in the morning wants to make me gag (sp?). If you compare the carbs to the carbs in a serving of beans they are about the same. Oatmeal seems like a fine thing to consume in small quantities (bowl a day) but the point is to get rid of the simple carbs as much as possible.

What i found that works best for me is to take a diet such as this and “try” to follow it as best as possible making educated guesses based upon the “concept”. If you really need something that is close to the concept to get through your days like a touch of cream in the coffee in the morning I don’t think it’s going to make a huge difference. I steer clear of the cheese that he says is ok to eat but offset it with the 2 tablespoons of cream I enjoy in my coffee. I also eat the healthiest and most loaded protein oatmeal I can find vs. the beans in the morning. THe rest of the day I seem to manage ok (lots of wants but able to hold out) as I just focus on the saturday free for all (within reason).

My rational is that a touch of cream in my coffee and a bowl of kashi oatmeal in the morning isn’t going to blow my diet, the change is night and day compared to what I was consuming before so I allow a lil bit of room to make it possible to follow. I was on a fast food diet before so I probably went from 1-2k calories per meal down to around 300-500. I still follow this as close as possible but I don’t think the oatmeal will kill the diet. Just my $.02 though, take it for what it’s worth.

16 years ago

Hey guys,

Not sure how many of you are sticking too it or following my posts but I found a recipe that I wanted to share. Now that the winter months are creaping up on us the weather has been getting a bit chilly here in Denver. I’ve been trying to figure out ways to make this diet tolerable with different meal plans and such and then it hit me…CHILI! I don’t think it’s been mentioned yet but homemade chili I think is going to be my lifesaver for quick meals that I can make ahead of time. If you think about it, it consists of everything we need in a meal; protein, vegi’s, and beans. Last night I got brave (as I don’t cook that often) and made my own chili, it turned out pretty good.

Recipe I used:

2 packets of Mccormicks chili seasoning

1.5 lbs of lean ground beef

1 whole onion

1 can of corn

2 cans of beans; one black, one pinto

2 cans of chopped tomatoes with chili’s

2 cans of tomato paste.

Brown the meat, then put all the contents into a big cooking pot and bring to a boil. Let simmer and stir occassionaly and bam…chili. I’m sure most of you know a good recipe for chili and if you do, feel free to share. I wish I could of had some frito’s, cheddar cheese, and some corn bread but it turned out to be pretty dang good and I know have at least a weeks worth for lunch.



4HWW Mum
4HWW Mum
16 years ago

OMG Tim!

Having started my new 4HWW life, I was going to launch a diet/fitness side to my online business!

Uuuum maybe not! I would need 50 virtual staff to keep up with all the questions!!

Guys, if you don’t like beans, and can not sacrifice bread (ANY kind of bread), and can not restrict yourself to the guidlines of this diet….. then Don’t Do It. There are millions of other diets which may be more fitting. Trying to ‘change’ the principles of the diet is what is making you fail at weight loss. Do it by the letter, or try a different diet altogether.

Tim – you must have a headache!

Congrats to those that followed the diet and had success, and my respect to your patience replying to all these (mostly pointless) questions!

16 years ago

Hi guys,

I also fell off the wagon for a few days and gained 3 lbs, but I’m back on again. Thanks for all the posts most of them are really encouraging.


16 years ago

Hey guys,

So curious if anyone has hit a slow point in progress? First week I dropped 7lbs, second week I got off track and gained 3 back, now this week I’m slowly loosing half pounds at a time. I’m noticing eye sight changes of my body but the scale isn’t reflecting the changes I’m seeing. Just curious if there are any long time dieters of this plan and what their experience was?

As for the 4HWW Mum above, keep the negative comments to yourself, we don’t need your negativity, thanks.

16 years ago

Not for nothing but i agree with mum, i have this discussion with people all the time. when you execute a successful diet plan (i have no problem losing or gaining when i follow either type of diet) you follow it to a T. Why? Because a “diet” as people understand it is a quick way to lose weight right? wrong! the reason people diet is for long term results (i hope). That means a life style change. Not a half a lyfstyle change. why? because you are attempting to change your body chemistry. how long have you been ruining your body chemistry with artificial sweeteners??? and saturated fats??? and the dreaded carbs???? oh and by the way for your info skinny doesnt necessarily mean healthy so keep in mind what your goals are. if you are 5’9 225 and you can run a marathon then genetics may be hindering your process, but if you are under or close to the desirable % of body fat you want then what do you care about being skinny??? for the look??? please!!!! diet to be healthy not to be skinny. i just watched a news program about how the lower your body fat % is the less at risk you are for cancer. people with high body fat % are more likely to get cancer than smokers. i dont know if thats true, but if it is then i know i want to be lean and healthy. sorry if i offended anyone but why waste your time and effort to inevitabley gain the weight back because you have screwed your body up so much that it just reverts back to what it used to do before you were on the diet when you fall off the “band wagon”. A lifestyle change doesnt involve a bandwagon to fall off of. Notice Tim’s general premise for life, dont work more work smart. so if you did every meal exactly correct and completely tortured yourself (high intensity dieting) dont you think your results would be drastically better in a shorter amount of time meaning that the torture wouldnt last as long, instead of mildly torturing yourself to never see real results? just some questions. i appreciate all of your comments too. it is motivational and inspirational to find people who want to be healthy, but what r u willing to do to be healthy?

Victor Patterson
Victor Patterson
16 years ago

20 pounds of fat in 30 days. Wow!! Can it be done? Yes. Should it be done? Well maybe for some people, maybe not for some people.

The truly best way to lose 20 pounds, or 10 pounds or 100 pounds is patiently. Most diet that promise you will lose x pounds in x days may work but keeping the pounds off is the key.

Not to knock any of Tim’s strategies on weight loss. Actually they do make a lot of sense. His thoughts on NR is even more exciting and I am following many of his teachings.

The main key is to have a realistic goal and keep it in your sights. And keep moving there.

As far as dieting, you have to listen to your body, and follow what your body in saying. Strictly follow!! I for one am a little lactic intolerant. I love Clam Chowder soup. I can’t really eat New England Clam Chowder. Whoa! Don’t do it. It takes some discipline. But I have my eye on the goal.

I plan to keep it off.

16 years ago

I’ve been on this diet for 1.5 days and have lost about 5 pounds already. Whether it’s water weight or fat loss, I don’t care — it’s off to a great start so far. Thanks for sharing.

16 years ago


I am a 26 yrs male, 6’1 240lbs. I am mostly fat but i am on my way to changing that, but I think i need some help. Also i was just diagnosed with high blood pressure. Is this diet good for people with high blood pressure? Is there a site that has the size of the portions or recipes? Is it also ok to supplement in a protein shake instead of chicken or just eat pork or beef again? I am Canadian and for some reason chicken is about $12 for 5 breast.



11 years ago
Reply to  John

Hi John,

I think Tim has had an incredible success on his site here and the advice he has given to people who pass it on to other people speaksfor itself. You mentioned however, your problem with high blood pressure. My sister also had a similar and found another way to help her was through Yoga and Meditation. I have a site I put together to assist people with their weight loss problems with the help of Yoga. You might be surprised. Check out my website above and let me know what you think John.

From Pam.

Practicing yoga brings the perfect out of all of us, teaching us to meditate and at the same time, helps relieve that awful stress. Along with helping to relieve stress, yoga strengthens our limbs, mind, refreshes us and even helps us lose weight. Our energy level will increase because we feel better.

When starting to practice Yoga take it slow and easy. Don’t force your body into the different postures all at once. If you do more than your body says it can do, you could hurt yourself. Like any exercise program, you need to go slow and stick with it. You might not notice a difference right away but hang in there and it will come in time.

I know that this a great site that Tim

16 years ago

All in all like your advice however I heard That drinking one can of soda a day even if diet can make you gain weight like crazy! Like 15 lbs. or something.

16 years ago


While it possible to lose 20 pounds in 30 days, it’s not really ideal. Countless animal studies show that sudden onset calorie restriction decreases lifespan, while gradual onset increases lifespan.

The diet itself is a good one, but I would only recommend such a drastic calorie cut for athletes trying to make weight. 20 pounds in 30 days is only practical if you are starting with a BMI of about 35. If you are already close to normal and trying to lean up, it’s too fast.

16 years ago

Tim, thanks for the last comment. A slow step by step program is best for most people.

A few simple rules. Small portions!!! No, or little breads/pastas that are white. Slowly build up your aerobic levels. Walk, then walk some more, then walk fast, then maybe run…swimming is great. Treadmills, and stationary bikes are great.

But most of all SMALL PORTIONS…don’t have seconds!!

Raina Gustafson
Raina Gustafson
16 years ago


It goes without saying that you’ll want to be under the care of a qualified herbalist, nutritionist, doctor or naturopath… But so you’re aware, you have a ton of options for dealing with high blood pressure. The use of common foods/herbs like cayenne, garlic, hawthorne and many more can be incredibly successful, inexpensive ways of supporting normal blood pressure with few or no side effects. Also, calming activities like yoga and walking can help. I’m sure there are experts in your geographic area who can further advise you on a personal basis.


I agree that chemically-manufactured artificial sweeteners are evil, and I stay away from them. Though some of the condemning literature may smack of paranoia, it’s just not worth the risk to me when there are wonderful alternatives like the herb Stevia rebaudiana, which helps support the pancreas while offering a sweet taste with few or no calories. If you’re not familiar with it, stevia is most often available as a white powder or clear liquid. I use the Wild Oats brand, as I think it is a good value. It is very potent – 2-4 drops in a beverage is sufficient. A quick search on Google should deliver documentation of its long-term safe use in Brazil and Japan. Even for someone who believes that artificial sweeteners are innocuous, why put something merely neutral in your body when something beneficial can be used in its stead?

16 years ago

K. – u lost 5 pounds in 1 day? huh?

16 years ago

Hi Tim,

If you’re working on a book or more blog posts about the four hour work out week, I’d love to see time-effective aerobic workouts approaches. I’ve recently seen research that interval training is more effective at fat-burning than a steady workout time-wise. I feel like spending an hour on a Stairmaster is for the birds and would love to see if your data-driven approach can provide better leverage. By the way, I took most of the work-out tips you gave, and am now spending about an hour and 15 minutes a week lifting to get the better results than I was seeing using 5 hours, broken out by muscle groups and with 3 sets.



Dr Jonny Gleed
Dr Jonny Gleed
16 years ago

Be careful about the quantities of diet soft drinks you consume. They are very stressful to the body, by providing very little that is useful and a whole lot of ‘stuff’ that is harmful, which the body has to work hard to eliminate.

Water, green tea and a drop of red now and again are my main liquid intakes.

16 years ago


Just have to say that this is a wonderful plan! I had ortho surgery this summer, which means I had my mouth wired shut for 6 weeks. I lost a little over 15 pounds in the process. Score, right? As soon as I started eating again, I gained 5 pounds and my belly started looking huge… found your plan and decided to try it out. Within a week I lost the 5 pounds once again and could see my abs! It really is amazing how fast the carbs get into the belly.

While I don’t follow this diet strictly anymore, it definitely gives me a different perspective on feeling “full.” So now when I eat the good stuff (I love carbs ^_^) I can have less, but still reap the benefits and feel totally satisfied. Thanks for your advice!

16 years ago

So what about fish? I know the fatty acid’s from fish can seriously aid weight loss, flax oil, salmon, tuna, etc. Would you recomend this as healthy and low carb as say chicken breast or turkey?


[…] also like How to lose 20lbs of fat in 30 days.  I am going to try out both ideas.  I also ordered his book so I’m looking forward to […]


[…] How to Lose 20 lbs. of Fat in 30 Days… Without Doing Any Exercise […]

16 years ago

I’m a male, 22, 5’7″, 145 pounds, athletic. I began this regimen around 155

I was on this regimen for about 2 weeks. Although the 2 weeks was diifficult. I lost 10 pounds of fat, while beginning to sculpt a six pack. As an athletic person from surfing here in Hawaii, I’m in pretty good all around shape, except I still had a beer gut. In around 2 weeks, my friends noticed I had lost weight and noticed my arms, shoulders, chest, and abs were getting leaner, yet more muscular. I’m no longer following the regimen so strictly. As a matter of fact I haven’t followed it at all in the last 2 weeks. As a college student, it’s difficult to be so dedicated to such hardcore eating habits. Now, for the last 2 weeks, I’ve eaten whatever I wanted, drank beer excessively, and eaten pizza and pasta like crazy. Perhaps the most amazing part of all of this, is in the last 2 weeks, after eating so poorly, I haven’t gained any weight. As long as i continue working out, my muscles suck it up and burn it off. There is hope. I know each and every one of you can do this. I was the last person I thought would ever diet. I know, I didn’t need to lose much weight, I merely wanted to provide more positive feedback and support to those of you who are struggling. Stick with it. I’ve never been so confident and felt so motivated to do more. I’m starting the diet again, wish me luck!

16 years ago

I lost 5 to 8 lbs a week in a similiar way and felt extremely good eating the following:

1. breakfast a very small amount of fiber one cereal (which is almost all fiber no carbs) and skim milk mixed with ice water (tastes like milk but less calories). and sweet n low (no saccharin doesn’t cause cancer – research it.)

2. lunch a can of tuna with a little oil or seasoning .

another can of the the same. the first day or two while my stomach was big i mixed it with a some salad greens for bulk and taste.

3. dinner was a bunch of mixed frozen veggies boiled and eaten with soy sauce or spray i can’t believe its not butter. i drank the water too for the vitamins and to stay hydrated. i also sometimes had boiled frozen chicken breasts with some mustard or spices or lemon pepper etc.

and spray fake butter.

by the second day your stomach shrinks and you aren’t hungry but if you get hungry air popped popcorn with spray fake butter is great.

Eat tons of salt to ensure you stay hydrated with the diet sodas (never avoid salt – it only makes you dehydrated and hurts your body and you aren’t losing weight you are simply shedding water which your metabolism needs to process what you eat and stay healthy)

Eat a daily regular consumer vitamin, and lots of diet cherry pepsi which seems so sweet after a few days that it seems like desert. I carried a 1 liter bottle left in my car and drank it driving down the road or anytime I was hungry. (never leave yourself without what you need for your diet because if you are forced to eat bad food or a sugary drink your body will suddenly be starved for more bad food.)

avoid any sugar because it triggers appetite like crazy. the pink sweet n low packages stay with you at all times.

asparatame doesn’t work and is bad for your brain based on what i have seen so use sweet n low. (aspartame was first not approved for the public by the fda until aspartame company head donald rumsfeld (yes the same one) called Reagan in the 1980’s and got him to add another fda review board members who voted the extra vote to get aspartame released to the public for GD Searle company – look that up if you don’t believe it!)

The water with a lemon slice they serve at restaurants is a great diet drink with 1 4 a sweet n low in it.

You get very energetic very quickly for some reason and your mind gets clear like on a fast.

you can get forgetful because your blood sugar stays low so your brain gets forgetful. write down your PIN numbers before doing this!

by the end of the first week you feel so good and you have dropped so much weight you absolutely can stick with it until you drop as much as you want.

Avoid people who want you to eat with them.

stay out of restaurants.

this diet works because you can fix this stuff anywhere. take some cans of water tuna in your car with a cheap can opener and a fork. if you get hungry eat one.

I went for over 200 to 165 in a few weeks. i think it was about 4 weeks or less. It was amazing.

I actually kept dropping for a while even when I started eating again at about 170 but honestly i didn’t want to get off the diet because it was so functional and easy to do.

i felt ten years younger and realized EVERYTHING i thought was old age pains was actually weight related. I proved conclusively that anyone can lose weight. the excuses are myths. if you eat less than 100 calories and eat healthily you will lose weight and fast and feel good.

one thing people forget is when you have dropped 10lbs in 2 weeks you have the muscles of a heavy person and so you feel very strong and light.

the fizz of life

16 years ago

obviously i meant if you eat less than 1000 calories a day – not 100! that was a typo.

I often ate about 600 calories a day with the above diet but everything was healthy and i got all the vitamins and veggies and water and salts I needed to stay healthy which I think was the key.

you will be amazed how much better looking EVERYONE looks when they are their proper thin weight. half the plastic surgery for jawlines and nose jobs and lipo wouldn’t be needed if people simply did this diet for 3 to 4 weeks.

NO ONE is big boned and everyone will lose weight doing this and probably be eating healthier pure proteins and veggies than their current diets.

16 years ago

Hello all

just checking in..thanks again to Josh for all the encouragement and thanks to Raina for the heads up on Stevia, cant wait to check it out!

so, i fell off the wagon my fourth week in [i think due to no further results] but hopped right back on this week and feel better. its amazing how quickly the body reacts to digestive change. i had headaches again and some heartburn at the weirdest things [mixed veggies??]

one thing i am allowing myself is splenda till i get the stevia and almond or soy milk in my coffee, although i am trying to ween off and enjoy it black. and i like the discipline. i like having to say no to things and being strong about it. and i hear what people are saying about diet soda..i love it, but have cut it completely. now if i can eliminate the other artificial sweetener, i’ll be golden

i want to make a pumpkin stew now and cant even think about how to do it deliciously without something sweet or something fatty [cream, butter] any ideas?

glad we’re all here for each other! who won the date with Tim, anyone know? hope it was you, Raina! wish it were me!

16 years ago

Hey Tim,

Does the Pizza have cheese? And do you have it on wheat crust?


[…] How to Lose 20 lbs. of Fat in 30 Days… Without Doing Any Exercise – Ähnliches hat er mit einem Ernährungsplan gemacht, durch den er 9,07 kg Fett in 30 Tagen verlor. […]

16 years ago

omg. i have been looking for a good diet and i think this may be the one. thank you.


why do you have a pizza with white carbs if your not allowed it. or is that for your “cheat” day. lol.

16 years ago

you idea has many similarities to the common diet here in s. korea.

16 years ago

Hi i have been reading everyone’s post and have a few questions that maybe someone can help me with. I am coming off 3 weeks of the south beach diet phase one and i think this one sounds better. What i want to do is start this one in 2 weeks after thanksgiving because it is hard to do diets around holidays. Then I want to take about three weeks off because of xmas and i have training in another state for my job for two weeks. Then I would like to start this diet again. Meanwhile in between breaks I will maintain healthy eating just not the way it is set up here. Is this a good idea and does any one think it is possible to lose weight both times??


16 years ago

Been reading everybody’s post. I have been on the south beach diet phase 1 for three weeks. i would rather do this plan but decided to take some time off from dieting until after thanksgiving. I will do it for a month, then take 3 weeks off for xmas and my trip that i have to take for work. Then i plan on doing this for another month. i will eat healthy in the meantime. is this ok and does anybody think i will be able to lose weight both times???


16 years ago

Dude, this is not only bad advice, but it’s also dangerous. The ketogenic diet is a great way to treat epilepsy if someone is allergic to anticonvusants, but that’s the way it should be used. A simple wiki-search reveals all possible adverse side effects — including, but not limited to, diarhea, kidney stones, constipation, dehydration, bone-thinning, and pancreatitis. Worst of all, if you manage to stay on the diet for a month and then go off of it, you’ll gain all the weight back.

Shame on you. For some things in life, there are no shortcuts. Eat right, lift weights, stretch, and run. HTH

16 years ago

Someone censors their comments, huh? NYT will hear about this.

16 years ago

Hi, can you compare/contrast your diet to the Zone diet ? You reference Atkins but I dont see anything about Zone diet.

I’ve been on Zone for about a year and lost 35 lbs but looking to lose more. Good points about fruit and fructose….didnt know that.

what about fish and Omega 3’s ? thumbs up or down ?

Raina Gustafson
Raina Gustafson
16 years ago

Hi Geo,

I enjoyed your post! There was also a lot of legal nonsense when stevia was brought in to the US – for a while it had to be sold as a topical skin care agent (it does have beneficial effects for the skin) – I think it changed only after the patent on aspartame expired.

I am happy you have had such success. I’d be even happier for you if you were doing it without hydrogenated fats (which are in the imitation butter products you mentioned and about a million other processed foods). I’d also recommend you look into juice fasting – for instance celery juice contains lots of organic sodium along with other beneficial compounds – and you’d probably feel even better than you did while using the diet soda.

Further, you might be interested in a book called “Excitotoxins” by Russell Blayloc. I haven’t read it, but I know that it’s about chemicals commonly used in processed foods that easily penetrate the blood-brain barrier causing brain cells to get so excited they basically explode and die.

If that sounds like too much of a downer, “The Food Revolution” by John Robbins is awesome.


Glad you enjoyed the information on stevia. I forgot to mention that it is heat-stable, which means you can bake with it. Also, cinnamon naturally promotes blood sugar balance, and cardamom reputedly helps mitigate the toxic effects of caffeine. It’s common to put cardamom in tea and coffee in Indian and Persian traditions for this reason.

Did you know you can easily make your own almond milk? Soak almonds overnight in water. In the morning, rinse them off, and then add 3-4 parts water (measuring by parts is called the “simplers” method in herbology – so if you have 1 cup or handful or whatever almonds, add 3-4 cups or handfuls or whatever of water). Then, just blend. You’ll get better results with a high-powered blender, but you can strain it and then it doesn’t really matter. You can flavor it (I like adding a date or two to the mix – carob would provide B vitamins), and it tastes great. It is used as a sexual rejuvenative in Ayurveda (an after-sex drink to restore energy). Better than a cigarette, yes?

I could go on and on with various things… so, I suppose I need to get around to having my own blog. I’ll post a link here when I do.

To sum up, though, I guess I have three basic rules of thumb:

1. I refuse to view my own body as the “enemy”. I believe that my body has its own intelligance and set of priorities, and that it’s doing the best it can with the materials I am providing.

2. Providing my body with good materials should be a sensual, pleasurable experience as often as possible. Healthy food can be extraordinarily decadent at the same time. Though we’d never know it from a trip to the local grocer, we could eat a different fruit every day for the rest of our lives. Nature delivers abundantly.

3. Be pragmatic. Pay attention to how my body feels in response to changes in diet and other stimuli. Learn to trust an innate sense of what is good, and how much is good for me. I don’t weigh myself, and I don’t believe that calories are worth counting. I feel that unless I have a specific reason to pay attention to these things, they are unhelpfully abstract and obscure more important issues.

I have been following these principles for 6 years with good results. I have a healthier body image, and a healthier body, without unnecessary rigidity or negative psychological impact.

JLA – P.S. I missed my chance to see Tim this weekend. Things just didn’t fall into place quite right. But, if he’s interested I’m sure he’ll make it happen.

16 years ago

I am starting my fourth week on this. A co-worker and I committed to doing this together and share results. He’s dropped twelve pounds and I’ve dropped 16. I had been working with a trainer for several months, but my belly, despite trying everything, wasn’t getting any smaller. For the first time in several years, I am on the verge of seeing my ab muscles. I am psyched!

Just shy of three weeks ago, my doctor had diagnosed me with hypoglycemia, which had temporarily manifested itself due to illness and the related, very potent antibiotic. I had mentioned that I had just started this diet three days before my office visit. She took a look at the diet and said that it was an excellent way to eliminate the hypoglycemia, and just a healthy way of eating regardless of my intentions. She was right on the money.

I used to feel groggy after eating and almost always had something sweet to finish off a meal. On this diet, I have a ton of energy and find that I am able to multi-task much better than I was before the diet (especially at work). And although I looked forward to stuffing my face on “eat whatever you want day” the first two weeks, the grogginess that came with it led me to tone it down in week 3. Either way, I am very pleased with the results.

Since I’m in the wine business, a glass of wine is always nearby. I really enjoy having one glass with dinner. One recommendation regarding wine consumption. Avoid German or American Riesling, Champagne and, even if you’re not on this diet, White Zinfandel. All of these will, or tend to contain residual sugar. Definitely lean toward red or dry whites.

16 years ago


You lost 35lbs in 4 weeks? Damn, that would be epic!

How’s everyone doing on this so far?

16 years ago

People! Wake up! Tim is not a Nutritionist. Stop asking him such ridiculous questions.

Also, read what 4HWW Mum has to say.

No wonder you dropped off a long time ago Tim.

16 years ago

I have been on this diet now for about 2 weeks and have already lost 10 lbs. I will continue this until i lose another ten. I prepared 2 dishes that i keep repeat eating and they are very tasty.

the first has lintels, ground turkey, stir fry combo of carrots, bell peppers, broccoli, and a little lawrys seasoning for flavor. I portion it out to about half a cup which is aprox 250-320 calories per meal.

The second dish is for after i workout and is very much a treat for my post workout meal. It has a combo of lintels, ground turkey, potato medley mixture with awesome flavoring from trader Joes. I do about 1 cup of this after working out and also a few times during the week if I feel a little low on energy.

Every other day I will treat myself to a tall nonfat vanilla latte which i was overdosing on daily pre-diet with ventes and grandes like twice a day.

I cheated this weekend on Saturday but still i only was able to finish half my entree and appetizer and only had 1 beer.

Thanks for the direction Tim


16 years ago


16 years ago

Shelly, it definitely works for females. I noticed a difference in a few days.

Just wanted to pop in for some meal suggestions. Stir-fry has been a mainstay for me on this diet, with only a slight bit of cheating. It’s great cause it takes less than 15 minutes to cook about two portions worth. First I spray the pan with PAM and heat up my choice of meat (turkey is my favorite). When that is fully cooked but still really tender I add in the veggies… usually broccoli, cauliflower, corn, and soy beans. Steak and vegetable seasoning is great for flavor. When those are done heating up, add I pour on a bit of canned beans (usually white or red) and let those cook until they start sticking to the pan. Stir periodically.

Since Thanksgiving is just around the corner I found myself grabbing canned pumpkin. Add about a tablespoon of olive oil, some sugar, chopped onions, veggies, steak and veggie seasoning, cayenne pepper, and your choice of meat and it makes a great stew (sometimes I cheat and add about 1/3 of a sweet potato). You can also put this on top

of rice or pasta for those “after-your-workout” meals.

Also, omelettes in the morning are amazing! Once the eggs are cooked (assumingly intact) drop a few spoonfuls of cottage cheese in the center and sprinkle shredded cheddar around it. Close, put some baked beans and guacamole on the side, and eat up!

Hope that’s helpful to SOMEone! 😉

PS – A little hope for the ladies… I’ve been able to maintain a size 4 (I was a size 8 in june) loosely following this diet and doing natural strength work through dance. Gonna try to follow a little more closely and add routine jogging to see where it’ll get me. I’ll let you know how it goes. Besos ^_~

16 years ago

what about corn?

16 years ago

Whats with all the sauces and flavoring man up like the rest of us and stop poisoning yourself with sugar and steak seasoning and trader joe’s. most “flavors” are extremely high in sodium and sugar, just like salad dressing you can take something perfectly healthy and make it disgusting. also dairy is NOT included in any of the groups you are supposed to eat from, so how do you put cottage cheese in an omelete. you know what people do, they make up their own rules and claim that they are following someone elses rules. duh that dont work