How to Lose 20 lbs. of Fat in 30 Days… Without Doing Any Exercise

Fat Loss via Better Science and Simplicity

It is possible to lose 20 lbs. of bodyfat in 30 days by optimizing any of three factors: exercise, diet, or drug/supplement regimen. I’ve seen the elite implementation of all three in working with professional athletes. In this post, we’ll explore what I refer to as the “slow-carb diet”.

In the last six weeks, I have cut from about 180 lbs. to 165 lbs., while adding about 10 lbs. of muscle, which means I’ve lost about 25 lbs. of fat. This is the only diet besides the rather extreme Cyclical Ketogenic Diet (CKD) that has produced veins across my abdomen, which is the last place I lose fat (damn you, Scandinavian genetics). Here are the four simple rules I followed…

Rule #1: Avoid “white” carbohydrates

Avoid any carbohydrate that is — or can be — white. The following foods are thus prohibited, except for within 1.5 hours of finishing a resistance-training workout of at least 20 minutes in length: bread, rice, cereal, potatoes, pasta, and fried food with breading. If you avoid eating anything white, you’ll be safe.

Rule #2: Eat the same few meals over and over again

The most successful dieters, regardless of whether their goal is muscle gain or fat loss, eat the same few meals over and over again. Mix and match, constructing each meal with one from each of the three following groups:


Egg whites with one whole egg for flavor

Chicken breast or thigh

Grass-fed organic beef




Black beans

Pinto beans





Mixed vegetables

Eat as much as you like of the above food items. Just remember: keep it simple. Pick three or four meals and repeat them. Almost all restaurants can give you a salad or vegetables in place of french fries or potatoes. Surprisingly, I have found Mexican food, swapping out rice for vegetables, to be one of the cuisines most conducive to the “slow carb” diet.

Most people who go on “low” carbohydrate diets complain of low energy and quit, not because such diets can’t work, but because they consume insufficient calories. A 1/2 cup of rice is 300 calories, whereas a 1/2 cup of spinach is 15 calories! Vegetables are not calorically dense, so it is critical that you add legumes for caloric load.

Some athletes eat 6-8x per day to break up caloric load and avoid fat gain. I think this is ridiculously inconvenient. I eat 4x per day:

10am – breakfast

1pm – lunch

5pm – smaller second lunch

7:30-9pm – sports training

10pm – dinner

12am – glass of wine and Discovery Channel before bed

Here are some of my meals that recur again and again:

Scrambled Eggology pourable egg whites with one whole egg, black beans, and microwaved mixed vegetables

Grass-fed organic beef, pinto beans, mixed vegetables, and extra guacamole (Mexican restaurant)

Grass-fed organic beef (from Trader Joe’s), lentils, and mixed vegetables

Rule #3: Don’t drink calories

Drink massive quantities of water and as much unsweetened iced tea, tea, diet sodas, coffee (without white cream), or other no-calorie/low-calorie beverages as you like. Do not drink milk, normal soft drinks, or fruit juice. I’m a wine fanatic and have at least one glass of wine each evening, which I believe actually aids sports recovery and fat-loss. Recent research into resveratrol supports this.

Rule #4: Take one day off per week

I recommend Saturdays as your “Dieters Gone Wild” day. I am allowed to eat whatever I want on Saturdays, and I go out of my way to eat ice cream, Snickers, Take 5, and all of my other vices in excess. I make myself a little sick and don’t want to look at any of it for the rest of the week. Paradoxically, dramatically spiking caloric intake in this way once per week increases fat loss by ensuring that your metabolic rate (thyroid function, etc.) doesn’t downregulate from extended caloric restriction. That’s right: eating pure crap can help you lose fat. Welcome to Utopia.


If you enjoyed this post, check out my latest book, The 4-Hour Body, #1 New York Times and #1 Amazon bestseller. You will learn: the finer details of the Slow Carb Diet (outlined in the above post), how I gained 34 pounds of muscle in 28 days, how to produce 15-minute female orgasms, and more.

You can also get the Expanded and Updated 4-Hour Workweek, which includes more than 50 new case studies of luxury lifestyle design, business building, reducing hours 80%+, and world travel.

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Richard Riddick
Richard Riddick
3 years ago

If 1 cup of cooked white rice is estimated to have 200 calories, then how on earth does a 1/2 of cup of rice have 350 calories? BRO, YOU’RE CLUELESS. SMH

Team Tim Ferriss
3 years ago

Hi, Richard –
Tim’s approximate calorie count of 300 calories per half cup is for uncooked white rice, and I think you were looking at cooked.
Team Tim Ferriss

Rob Maylor
Rob Maylor
17 years ago

This is quite possibly the most important thing dieters can now:

“Paradoxically, dramatically spiking caloric intake in this way once per week increases fat loss by ensuring that your metabolic rate (thyroid function, etc.) doesn’t downregulate from extended caloric restriction. That’s right: eating pure crap can help you lose fat.”

I’m going to do this for one next week and let you know the effects of just one week!!! Thanks for this info Tim. As always you’re the man in the know…

12 years ago
Reply to  Rob Maylor

Yes, this is very true. Going on a diet for long periods of time can certainly lower your metabolism. What is more, severe calorie restriction or fasting for more than 60-72 hours can put you into starvation mode. That’s why it’s very beneficial to increase your calorie intake from time to time to avoid metabolic slowdown.

12 years ago
Reply to  Katecotros

Hi everyone, I’m 14 years old, and 170 pounds. Within the last month, Iost 18 pounds(I really don’t know how…), I try to do what I did before, but nothing is happening, I want to lose at least 10 more pounds before September. I also have no idea what ANYTHING on this site means, I know some things, but not all these fancy terms that people my age wouldn’t know. Can someone give me some foods that are simple, for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Thank you to anyone who can help me out!

11 years ago
Reply to  Chris


Try black coffee, it may sound gross but without the extra sugar and cream you’ll be taking away the fat calories. Eggs are especially good because it boosts your protein level, and some toast.


Always be looking for more protein like tuna fish because it can give you energy to work out more.


3 ounces of meat lean or chicken some green beans

**ALWAYS drink lots of water substitute it for soda or sugary juices

**if you’re having hunger cravings try some negative calorie foods like apples, celery, mangoes, broccoli

11 years ago
Reply to  Chris

Hey, I have a son that’s 11 years and is the same weight as you. It would be nice to chat with you and have my son chat to I will give you my email address email me some time and we can go from there. Would be nice to have a motivator for my son.




11 years ago
Reply to  Chris

Hi everyone, i’m also 14 years old and i have 175 lbs, and i have to lose weight for my mother’s wedding next january 1st but i dont understand half of these terms here so i will have to ask for someone to please simlify it for me………….. thank you.

11 years ago
Reply to  Chris

I am a weight-loss expert. I teach people how to lose 1 pound a day (Anymore is unhealthy and although possible is generally unhealthy unless you are extemely obese)

If you need help, call me: (818) 384-6211


I can also help with with gradually improving your overall health.

(Eat Raw Vegetables and forget about cooking. The only foods you should cook are meat, poultry, fish, beans, rice, eggs and a few others)

If you eat raw veggies as your main source and walk 2 miles a day (Not as far as it sounds), you will lose 1 pound a day. For protein eat hard-boiled eggs, beans, and white chicken (Fish if you can afford it)

DO NOT eat out (NEVER!) The food served in the USA is a direct cause to diabetes II. I am also a specialist in blood-sugar control.

11 years ago
Reply to  Chris

Hey Chris you’re fourteen there’s no reason for you to be looking up thesediets, you’re still a kid, you have energy go run around enjoy life be a kid. Perhaps dribble around a basketball, eating healthy if really a great option, yes which I think we should all do, but c’mon you’ve gotta experience what being a child is like at one point or another. Have fun, Exercise!!!(:


11 years ago
Reply to  Chris

Hi Chris and Aaliyah,

For breakfast you could try oatmeal cooked with water. 1/2 cup of oatmeal and 1 cup of water mixed together and put in the microwave for a few minutes until cooked through. Mix a small handful of berries through that and it should keep you good for the morning.

You could have a high fibre, low calorie, low sugar cereal with almond milk – read the labels to choose one that’s best for you.

Alternatively you could have eggs for breakfast.

Have a snack around 10am when you’re at school, something like fruit or raw veges (carrot, celery, cucumber etc).

For lunch have something low in saturated fat and high in protein like tuna, chicken breast etc. Have a spinach leaf salad with your favourite salad veges and the tuna/chicken mixed through.

I imagine that you don’t get a lot of choice with dinner as you’re both fourteen, but maybe if your family is having a high carb side to their meal (like potatoes, bread etc) you could sub that for a salad or a carb which is easier to digest like sweet potato. You could cut your dinner down a little too and eat a smaller portion than you usually would.

What you guys have to remember is that you’re fourteen. It could just be a simple case of cutting out all junk food and making your meal portions a wee bit smaller which will make you lose weight. Your bodies are still developing so make sure you don’t cut out too much as you are going through a lot of growth and development at the moment.

Oh and drink LOTS of water!

Kat :)
Kat :)
11 years ago
Reply to  Chris

Hi Chis, I just turned 13. I know about this diet because my dad lost 45 lbs from it and I stay on low-carbs because of “sugar reasons”…eat proteins such as all the: steaks, eggs, chicken, salads, veggies, pork grinds (kind of like chips), cheese sticks, hot dogs (pork) you want! Then always count the carbs and calories on your food item. Remember, NO SUGAR! Many say to eat fruits…..don’t! Also, make sure you drink water, crystal light, diet soda and teas (or anything else you find that is diet). When you want a little something sweet to….let’s say coffee….add Splenda and less milk.

Stay healthy and good luck! God Bless 🙂

Milley Rogers
Milley Rogers
11 years ago
Reply to  Chris

Hey Chris,

You have lost 18 pounds in 1 month?That’s 4.5 pounds per week.It’s unhealthy to lose more than 2 pounds per week.

11 years ago
Reply to  Chris

Hi Chris, have for you some list of low carb foods that can aid your fat

burn process. Here’s the list: sea foods, egg, meats, vegetables, fruits, oil (olive oil),

11 years ago
Reply to  Chris

if you wanna eat a snack eat peanut butter with an apple it helps a lot!:)

11 years ago
Reply to  Chris

Hey Chris,

I’m now 18 and 175lbs. I lost 22lbs in 2 months. Although “unhealthy” all I did was walk. In school I walked up and down the stairs with my best friend and after school I walked around the track talking to her. We never ran or jogged (we are both to self-conscious), only walked.

We didn’t pay to much attention to what we ate as long as it wasn’t crazy unhealthy for us. However, we drank LOTS of water!

Drink water, stay calm.

Emerald (=

11 years ago
Reply to  Chris

How you loose your weight

11 years ago
Reply to  Chris

I hope this works i will try it i need to lose at least lose 10 pounds but it is better for me to lose 20 am i right better than nothing…and if works i will be happy

k johns.
k johns.
11 years ago
Reply to  Chris

Hi Chris,

Like other people said, you’re very young. And you are trying to look after your health so good for you!

Perhaps learning about the nutritional content of food, what vitamins and minerals you need, would be a good place to start. Then how much sugar, salt and fat you should have each day.

Simply try to eat 5 different types of vegetables every day. And 2 different fruits every day (don’t worry about what Tim says about fruit. You’re 14, you’re still growing. Fruit has vitamins and minerals for you. Or just stick to apples and bananas if you’re worried).

If you can’t eat different ones, that’s okay. Just eat the same amount and 2 fruits and 5 veggies which is about 2 and a half cups per day of veggies and 1 cup of fruit.

Remember 2 and 5. 2 fruits, 5 veggies. And you’ll be on your way to a healthy diet.

You can include some of those veggies on a 7-grain bread sandwich for lunch because that’s easy to take to school. Take an apple too. Maybe some almonds, dried fruit or maybe a couple of rice cakes with peanut butter or celery with peanut butter.

Other than that. Try not to drink juices and sodas.

But just try for the 2 and 5.

Remember healthy eating is about balance and getting enough veggies for your vitamin and mineral levels.

11 years ago
Reply to  Chris

Could someone help me? I am 5’6′ and weigh 140. I really need to get down to 125ish, but i can’t seem to lose this last few pounds. I’ve been following this diet, and I play tennis 2 hours a day. And to anyone who says its about the inches, well, i’m a size 8, but i really want to fit into a 5. I think I’ve hit my platuo. Any suggestions?

11 years ago
Reply to  Chris

Well done on the weight loss. You are 14 and you weight now about 152 pounds. That is not at all bad and it may be better just to keep it at that whilst you continue to grow. My teens (14) lost some weight and my view has been it is best to let it stabilise, change the foods you eat for life to a healthy diet with no junk food and as you grow taller and exercise any existing excess weight will disappear naturally.

11 years ago
Reply to  Chris

Don’t eat anything packaged (cookies, poptarts, waffles, snacks) only eat fruits and veggies (preferrably raw with ranch maybe) lean meat (chicken, turkey) fish, and whole grains like oatmeal. Also eat dairy in moderation.

Michael Young
Michael Young
11 years ago
Reply to  Chris


I am happy to help, would you try a new milk shake for breakfast instead ?

lunch as well would be even better

this is tried and tested and comes with a 90 day money back guarantee

let me know


10 years ago
Reply to  Chris


I have two 14 year old sons.

You want to be told simply what to eat.

One of my boys tries to eat lots of protein. Here in England it is quite common to have bacon and eggs for breakfast or sausages, not cereals.

Lunch well mostly that is what the school provides and here it would be meat, veg and potato.

Dinner – chicken and veg and perhaps baked potato.

Do not lose more than a pound a week – remember you are growing taller so extra weight is likely to disappear just by being active.

The best things my boys ever did was drink only water ever. If you do that you will do your health and weight a lot of good. Tap water.

Endrit Sermaxhaj
Endrit Sermaxhaj
10 years ago
Reply to  Chris

breakfast : what you want

lunch : whhite meat (not grilled)

after lunch : do any exerccisse you know .

dinner : boiled egg and piece of bread

do exercise before going to bed .

Notice !!!!!! ;

Avoid : Coca-Cola , Pepsi , Sprite , Ice Tea

Drink more water as possible , till 5Lit. per day , cause water doesnt have any sugar and it burns your Calories. for 7 months Im doing this i was 102 kg and im only 17 old , now after 7 months Im 78 i feel brilliant and i started fitness and i have got my six-packs (which were my dream)

10 years ago
Reply to  Chris

Yes. I have been on weight watchers forever, which is normal eating and how I maintain never getting over 25 more than I’d like. Check out their site or email me for meal plan ideas. It is truly s lifestyle change and teaches you healthy eating. Good luck!

12 years ago
Reply to  Katecotros

I have been on this diet since May 1, 2011 – which means 3 months. I have lost 23 lbs and can not get past the 23 lbs. 23 lbs is great but I wanted to be down 40 by now! What am I doing wrong?

Here is what I have been doing (I actually typed it out for a friend to follow) – every week!!!!

Here is what I eat six days a week:

1st meal – 7:00-7:30 am – green beans, other beans, low fat cottage cheese, slice of 97% deli ham

2nd meal – 10:30-11:00 am – green beans, other beans, 4oz lean meat (ham, chicken, beef)

3rd meal – 2:30-3:00 pm – green beans, other beans, slice of 97% fat free deli meat

4th meal – 6:00-7:00 pm – green beans, other beans, 4oz lean meat (ham, chicken, beef)

On the 2nd or 4th meal I sometimes have a salad! (But no dressing, croutons, fruit, only veggies)

NO SUGAR, nothing white (potatoes, rice), no bread, no fruit.

If you eat canned veggies try to cut back on your sodium they are high in sodium and you will get too much. I had to start buying no salt added green beans – you can add Mrs. Dash to them and they taste better!

Drink Water – Limit your diet drinks to two a day!

***very important – I take 1 beano with each meal! Probably more of a women thing! Guys will usually be guys!


On the 7th day eat what you want – I start at 5:30 am and don’t stop till 9:00 pm. I am going to try to cut back at night on the 7th day to see if that helps.

Don’t be upset the day after the 7th day you gain 4-5 lbs. You will see it go away the next 2-3 days.

11 years ago
Reply to  Debra


I had the same experience as you.

What helped me get past that point and lose more weight is cycling carbs and exercising (not a lot – but the right exercise)

Click on my name to get to my blog where I explain exactly how to do this properly.


11 years ago
Reply to  Debra

when you eat and exercise, your weight comes to an equilibrium of

(calories taken in) = (calories spent). That means that your current weight is normal for your diet+exercises, and will stay this way. The only way to lose extra is to consume less or to exercise more. If you change your meals (for example, you have 4 pieces of chicken for every one of your meat intake, so now you have only 3), or increase your exercise (add 15 more minutes of walking every day) then you’ll go down a bit more. It’s all a balancing act : )

11 years ago
Reply to  Debra

So you dropped 23lbs but can’t drop past that, well I didn’t hear you say anything about excercising. Are you excercising as well? You need to burn calories as well not just dieting.

ann-marie mackay
ann-marie mackay
11 years ago
Reply to  Debra

Debra–get rid of the cottage cheese. No dairy, is part of the 4 hour body 🙂

11 years ago
Reply to  Debra

Green beans are starchy. Try cutting them out for a while and cut the cottage cheese. Make sure that your first meal is 30g of protein (which yours would not be). Also, you should be measuring progress in terms of inch loss or body fat percentage loss as opposed to weight. Scales are not an accurate assessment of your health.

11 years ago
Reply to  Debra

Actually, if you read Tim’s book he talks about how eating more protein and healthy fats can help you get over your plateau. He advises eating one more egg in the morning as an example. I would also add oil and vinegar to your salad as dressing to add healthy fats. I don’t think cutting down the already low cal meals your eating would help. Read Tim’s book for some more ideas. 🙂

11 years ago
Reply to  Debra


Tim also explains that it is not as simple as calories in/calories out. The type of calories you eat, especially when working out is very important. For example, eat carbs before a workout, your body will simply burn down the carbs. But, if you eat lean protein before a workout your body will use that protein to burn fat and build muscle.

10 years ago
Reply to  Debra

I am doing the same only in night time as I work in night shifts everyday, but this is really working^

10 years ago
Reply to  Debra

If you are at a plateau, try and cut out the things that have a lot of sodium, such as cottage cheese, deli meats (probably the worst) and red meats. Substitute alternatives like fresh turkey (not ground) or chicken. You would be surprised what happens in a week with lower sodium diet.

12 years ago
Reply to  Katecotros

Of course, if people would stop thinking of weight loss in terms of caloric restriction in the first place, this wouldn’t be such a problem. I do find my weight loss slows down if my calories are too low. Although I’m not sure it’s the caloric restriction causing the problem; rather, I don’t see how you’re going to get in all the nutrients you need every day when you’re not even eating enough food to meet your energy requirements.

If we can agree that fat gain and fat loss are hormonally driven, it becomes obvious that one should eat for hormonal balance rather than for caloric deprivation–and then people wouldn’t be frying their thyroids, or whatever.

11 years ago
Reply to  Dana

Dana, it has taken me just over 2 years to loe 50 pounds. I’m still losing but very slowly — which is good, not bad, because I’m establishing habits that will be with me the rest of my life, and losing slowly keeps the metabolism from feeling as if it’s starving, So now I’m eating the fats and proteins that enable me to make healthy cells and my body’s critical biochemicals like enzymes, without which I wouldn’t be so healthy.

Anyway, slower is better, and as you say, eating enough fat and protein calories in order to keep the metabolism burning fat (which cannot happen in the presence of starches that become sugar once digested) is the way to do that.

According to Well Being Journal Jan/Feb 2013, pg 4 an article titled Diabetes, Fats, and Carbohydrates, the sidebar article states “A healthy amount of good (saturated and olive oil) in a daily regimen of 2,000 calories would consist of at least eight tablespoons of these fats in order for you to get JUST HALF (caps mine) of your calories from fats. One tablespoon of coconut oil or other healthy fat generally equals about 130 calories”.

In a diet of 2000 calories, then, we would need 1000 calories from fat, and some sources say more, that the ratio should be 80% fat calories, but that might cause too much fat-burning too fast, there might be a metabolic reaction.

Another sidebar to the same article, on page 2, is titled Replace Sugars With Healthy Fats can be read by purchasing the magazine at, and part of the article is posted at this blog:

12 years ago
Reply to  Katecotros

just smoke weed and don’t eat after, so metablism stays up

11 years ago
Reply to  surfbug

lol aahahahahhh

11 years ago
Reply to  surfbug

you mean it stays high

11 years ago
Reply to  surfbug

That made me giggle.

Cody Clark
Cody Clark
11 years ago
Reply to  surfbug

Ha! Good one Tom.

11 years ago
Reply to  surfbug

I know someone who did this and lost 80 pounds in 9 months! I don’t even understand why its illegal. So many people die from DUI’s and cigarettes. But when do you hear someone dieing from Weed?

11 years ago
Reply to  surfbug

This link is for response to “me”! As for never hearing about people dieing from someone who smokes weed. How about killing 14 people with a train collision as a result of the train operators getting high!

11 years ago
Reply to  surfbug

I read that article about if they weren’t high the train wouldn’t have crashed?? seriously you can still test positive from smoking even if you weren’t high that day. No where did it state they were currently high..just that they “tested positive”….people kill me with their wierd assumptions about weed

11 years ago
Reply to  surfbug

Are you kidding?!? That is too funny. I didn’t know that the mary-jane would keep your metabolism up. I think I should invest…LOL…but really, does it work?

10 years ago
Reply to  surfbug

Take one day off per week? Great Ideea, no way I can apply it yet, but yes, one day off is the greatest point in the article.

Thank you for great content sir!

10 years ago
Reply to  surfbug

Smoke weed , really ? Never heard of it. Lol !

12 years ago
Reply to  Katecotros

If you’re on a 1200 calorie diet, don’t go below that number, and once a week when you “pig out” you don’t want to do more than 2000 calories because to lose 1 lb of fat a week, you need to cut down 3500 calories from your normal diet if you really eat like 10 sandwiches or something, you will not only not lose weight, but the whole week of dieting will be ruined. It is very important while dieting to move your body. Dance to 3-5 fast pace songs every day, you can do it while you cook, clean, do dishes or laundry. Doing something you like while doing your normal chores will eliminate the excuse “I have no time to exercise”. I have 4 kids, and have lost a combined total of 150 lbs by eating right and dancing while I work around the house.

11 years ago
Reply to  Stephanie

I just had a baby 5 months ago and I feel huge! I want to lose weight but I dont know where to start. Trying to figure out what to cut, what to eat, what kind of exercise. It is all confusing to me. All I know is I want to lose weight and soon. I am going to try the dancing while cooking

11 years ago
Reply to  Stephanie

I love it! This is what my Mom has always told me to do and is her secret weapon in maintaining a nice physique. She also tries to walk 3 miles every day. But the dancing is a fun way to help with building muscles and burning fat. Have you ever gone to a wedding, danced hard and then woke up sore the next morning? Think about it….

11 years ago
Reply to  Stephanie

Balanced diet is anessential one to maintain both the weight loss and Weight gain.Rest of the life ,our fitness to health will gradually stablise for day to day life.

11 years ago
Reply to  Katecotros

Definitely worked for me. I now do a bit of intermittent fasting, eat more primal and frankly I’ve stopped counting or caring about calories.

Such a relief to be on the right track, with the right eating habits, and not have to worry about that anymore.

11 years ago
Reply to  Patrice

Yeah, I’ve found that by following a few simple overall strategies one doesn’t have to be paranoid about the details like counting calories everyday. It’s not like our ancestors would or could have tracked their calories, or would have even known what a calorie was.

Farid Behnia
Farid Behnia
11 years ago
Reply to  Katecotros

@Rob and Katecotros:

There’s a psychological element to it as well. Taking down your food cravings on paper and batching them for the cheat day, reduces the risk of falling off the wagon the rest of the week and keeps you sane.

sneha shah
sneha shah
11 years ago
Reply to  Farid Behnia


m 21 (girl) ,5.4(height) nd m 150 ponds … i am very tenced about my weight n wanna reduce 10kg in 3 months ….m stuckd to morning walk for an hour for 6 days a week …..

it will be helpfull for me if you tell me the proper diet and exercise which i should go for …….. thnXx ………… god blSs 🙂

11 years ago
Reply to  Katecotros

have some rich fibre cereal for breakfast, an egg, brown bread and also yoghurt as it helps to break down fat

10 years ago
Reply to  Bavina

Did the same for 2 weeks before the wedding as I couldnt fit inside the wedding dress and it helped!

Pip Power
Pip Power
11 years ago
Reply to  Katecotros


There’s no chance people in the West will starve. We love ourselves too much, even when we go on a diet!

10 years ago
Reply to  Katecotros

Skip the fad diets. This won’t be long lasting results for you. There are many options for this. Like an example, if you take in 1,050 to 1,200 calories a day, and then exercise for 1hr/day, then you could lose 5 pounds in the 1 week or 2nd week, or more if your weight is more than 250 pounds. Don’t cut the calories too much, it is dangerous, and could get into trouble long-term.

I am myself a victim of cutting calories fast, and long term I suffer from severe heart problems. When I was young, I was running a lot just to cut weight big time – and the results are not very good after 8 years. Just stay active, do some cardio, get a trainer, visit a gym – keep it simple. Don’t take any chemicals to lose weight fast. Eat more veggies, but don’t forget about the meat too, since you have to maintain all your tissues, your muscles and vital elements in your body.

Stay safe and hard work, dedication, hard work, dedication!

8 years ago
Reply to  Katecotros

No, no, no NOOOO. Starvation mode does not exist in our neck of the woods. I have waterfasted for 37 days (lived on nothing but water) and I experienced no problems, no loss of muscle, no loss of energy, nothing. So please, I know you mean well, but there is no evidence for your statements.

12 years ago
Reply to  Rob Maylor

I just started this diet on Monday last week. I am a wedding DJ, so my cheat day was Saturday. Monday through Saturday morning I lost 8lbs without really changing my activity level much at all.

On Saturday I ate my typical breakfast of 4 egg whites, 2 whole eggs, and 6-8oz cooked baby spinach. 2.5 hours later I drove through Taco Johns and ordered a grilled burrito, small potato ole’s, and a small Mountain Dew. (I actually had a hard time finishing it whereas this would have almost been an appetizer before). 3 hours later I ate mixed fruit and some veggies and dip (cocktails), and finally ate chicken breast, dinner rolls, and a few M&Ms at the end of the evening. I will also note that all day I drank about a gallon of water or more.

Yesterday (Sunday) I weighed in again in the morning and was surprised/pleased that I had only gained 1lb! I started at 242.0lb and today I am back at 234.2lb. I will definitely vouch for this diet already! I’m excited to see where I can be in a month.

12 years ago
Reply to  Jason

I can definitely vouch for this diet, and if you want to take things a step further, cut out the carb sources, and eat 1 gram of protein for every pound of LEAN MUSCLE MASS.

Do this in 14 day cycles. (or even as less as 7 days).

I lost 14 pounds in 14 days in this way, while strength training and doing 10 minutes of cardio three times per week.

I gained only lost fat.

Then, I cycled back to eating moderately.

11 years ago
Reply to  sediqua

what do u mean by cardio???

12 years ago
Reply to  Jason

what have you lost to date I am interested in fallowing along with someone else that has had a running start at it already if you want please email me ssimply AT

12 years ago
Reply to  Jason

Hi, Im 23 years old, weigh 125 pound. Im on a diet almost for a month and I lost only 4 pound. Here is the list what Im eating. Morning, @8:00 I drink a of soya milk (80 cal) with a tea spoon of sugar. Afternoon, @12:30 I only eat one fruit such as kiwi or apple. Evening, @4:00 pm I ate on sun,tue,thur and sat veggie soup I mixed in my soup corn carrot cabbge green beans lental and on mon, wed, and fri I ate salad with 2 piece chicken breast. Around 9:30 pm i ate 3 oranges for my dinner and a very small amount of chikpeas. I drink 4 litres of water. And also im breast feeding as well. Someone please tell me what Im doing wrong and what should I exactly do to lost atleast 15 pound. Thanks in advance.

11 years ago
Reply to  Meena

Fruits are high in sugar so you may want to eat veggies instead

11 years ago
Reply to  Meena

Just want to point out that if this lady really is/was breastfeeding and also already weighs only 125 on this incredibly limited diet, not only is she setting herself up for disappointment with weight loss eating only fruit (and adding sugar?), but she is also setting her baby up to have future health problems. Nursing infants need lots of fats and they only get into the breastmilk from what the mother eats. Just something to think about.

11 years ago
Reply to  Meena

In order to lose weight, you should eat every 2-3 hours so your body does not get hungry and start storing fat. If your body knows you will be eating every 2-3 hours it will stop storing fat as long as you are not taking in too much fat. The water intake is good. Also, you should try to exercise at least 3-5 times per week. It sounds like from what I read that you are not taking in enough food and calories especially if you are breastfeeding. You may want to check with your doctor and find out how many calories you should be taking in when breastfeeding so the baby gets all the nutrients and you also will get the nutrients. If the baby takes everything, this could have an effect on your body especially your bones if you are not receiving enough calcium. Good luck!

11 years ago
Reply to  Meena

I’m thinking if you’re breast-feeding, then I wouldn’t be potentially cutting out any nutrient my baby was receiving by dieting.

11 years ago
Reply to  Meena

I am a mother of 2 and breastfed both my kids and I can understand how frustrating it is to face yourself in the mirror each day. But you have to remember that your priority right now is your baby’s health, your baby needs all the nutrients that he/she needs in order to be healthy and strong. You can worry about losing the fat later by eating healthy food and exercise. If you still want to lose weight now, why not do it gradually, start by eating small portions and more frequent like every 2 hours with healthy snacks like fruits, veggies. Yoga also helps in toning your body.

Hope this helps.

11 years ago
Reply to  Meena

theres nothing wrong if you only weigh 125 pounds! 🙂 I think your diet is fine minus the 3 oranges at night… although a citrus fruit they tend to be super high in sugar… To me it seems like maybe you shd just add a little cardio to your plan since your still unhappy with your weight (which happens to be a number I myself would turn sideways and disappear if obtained lol) it shd do the trick.

C note
C note
11 years ago
Reply to  Meena

Breastfeeding made my body hold on to pregnancy weigh until my son was done nursing. He nursed for one year, and once he weaned himself, I started dropping weight like crazy. I gained ~60lbs during my pregnancy, lost 10-15lbs after the birth, and lost the rest after my son stopped nursing. Ironically, I was much less hungry and ate less whilst nursing than I did during the pregnancy, but still retained the weight. I think my body reacted to the lactation hormones in such a way that it was near-impossible to lose the weight until after I was done lactating. It took me about a year and a half to get back down to my normal weight of 115-120lbs.

Just keep in mind that if you restrict calories and food intake whilst breastfeeding, you can seriously harm your baby’s health. It takes time to lose the weight, especially when BFing, as your body is awash in all kinds of fun hormones right now. Just enjoy your baby, eat well and eat enough. BFing Mums are recommended to INCREASE their daily calorie intake by 300 calories to supply the infant with the necessary nutrition. You can worry about skinny jeans soon enough; they’ll still be in the closet; but your baby is a baby for only a short while. Enjoy babyhood now, it’ll be gone before you know it.

11 years ago
Reply to  Meena

@meena – you are starving yourself! Your breast milk is probably fine, but only at your expense, and it cant go on forever. Your body will eat up lean muscle mass and hoard every calorie you consume as body fat. STOP what you are doing immediately and eat a “whole foods diet” of lean meats, good fats, and like Tim Ferris suggests “slow carbs”. DO NOT count calories! Your body will tell you when it’s had enough. If you are hungry EAT. Do exercises at a level you are comfortable with. You can safely lose weight while breast feeding, just not the way you’re doing it. You and your baby will be happier if you FUEL your bodies the right way.

To all the people giving diet advice here to young people – please refrain if you don’t have an educated background in the field of nutrition. It amazes me the advice some are giving out here!!!

11 years ago
Reply to  Meena

Meena, you should be consulting with your doctor before trying to lose anything at all.

Also, you are NOT following this diet even a little bit based on what you list for your food intake.

What you are eating is dangerous. I was anorexic at a young age and the way you worded your post and the amount of food you are eating (especially the types and how you seem to be measuring the amounts), is very close to how I started down that path. This will be detrimental to your fitness goals in the long run, as well as detrimental to the child you are breast feeding.


11 years ago
Reply to  Meena

You are not eating enough calories to sustain your weight loss

Michael Young
Michael Young
11 years ago
Reply to  Meena


would you be open to trying a new milk shake for breakfast ?

this can make all the difference and comes with a money

back guarantee


12 years ago
Reply to  Jason

Have you ever supplemented with protein shakes n also become a part of a challenge community to keep you motivated and accountable? I have found these two things to drive me to get in good shape. :)) I think everyone knows that the more we can keep our insulin levels down, the less sugars we store, less fat stored. Have that one day or couple melas that we splurge a bit: just do it before 7pm.

12 years ago
Reply to  Jason

omg i should try that because im trying to be a model and yeh i need to eat a little healthier before the summer lol (: last year i lost 12 lbs. in a month by just eating small proportions of food :] so that was cool lol

11 years ago
Reply to  maiya

I saw you were interested in the post about proteing shakes, so I thought I would add my two cents (I hope you don’t mind). For long term success one might consider a company called Qivana – they have a product called Metaboliq which has over 30 years of research in it. This product is designed to reset and recharge your metabolism… metaboliq is designed for long term success. I have been really impressed with the Qivana products so I started following the metaboliq program and tracking my progress on my website. I already know it works because I’ve viewed the literature and the testimonials. You can contact me if you wish to view them yourself – text or call 860-608-7716 Good luck in your weight loss effort!!!!

12 years ago
Reply to  Jason

Thanks for the motivation .. I started last saturday and lost about 3.40 pounds.. am going on a wild diet tomorrow (saturday) and was hoping to see if it will screw up something till I read your post 🙂

12 years ago
Reply to  Jason

you drop weight really quick with this diet due to water loss in the first week. Carbohydrates are stored as glycogen in the liver. An easy way to think about it is glycogen ‘holds’ water. So, if you eat fewer carbs, you store fewer carbs as glycogen and your body ‘holds’ less water. Which means…you’ll lose a lot of weight the first few days and then it levels out to a lb or 2 a week (more if you’re more disciplined and have a good fitness plan or have an easy body type for losing weight). don’t lose more 3 or 4 a week at that level chances are you’re dropping muscle.

11 years ago
Reply to  Jason

Jason, what is your meal plan mon-sat?

I am hungry all the time and want to snack a lot. In order for me to stick with a diet, I need an exact meal by meal plan. It’s hard for me to stick with diets as well, for the fact that I have 4 kids. (exercise is hard because my youngest, 6month old, is very clingy and with back issues I can not work out holding her. We live in the country and I want to go for walks, but we have mountain lions as well as coyotes, so the treadmill will have to be my source.) So, this plan seems like the one that doesn’t seem too tough, just need a cheap, simple meal plan (another hard thing is the fact that my husband does not eat chicken.) we are ranchers so we have a lot of beef! Thanks for any advice.

12 years ago
Reply to  Rob Maylor

Not technically, all that part was really saying was that it helps with your metabolism because your body is already so used to that “crap” that just getting rid of that will actually double the effort to get rid of it in your system. If you still have that “crap” at least 3 times a month than it won’t shock your system when you quit cold turkey. It would regulate your metabolism, that’s all. Of course simply just eating that will get you to gain weight for sure.

12 years ago
Reply to  Rob Maylor

what about fruits?

12 years ago
Reply to  celina

Fruits are very good for you . Especially colorful ones. They’re good for you and they keep your metabolism boosted up all day. You know what they say an apple a day keeps a doc away .

10 years ago
Reply to  Meridth

Hi guys, I really want to loose weight..I’m 17 years old. What is the best way to loose weight. I hate myself of being fat. Please. I have no idea. Please guide me to be loose weight. [Moderator: Email removed]

12 years ago
Reply to  celina

If you’re following the 4-hour body, you should not be eating fruits during the week. Go crazy on your cheat day though. Yes, fruits are good for you, but this diet requires a very low intake of sugars during the week, and fruit has high levels of natural sugar. To satiate my sweet tooth during the week, I’ll have a small bowl of sugar-free jello.

12 years ago
Reply to  celina

Some fruits are high in sugar. You just need to research which ones and limit the intake. If you eat foods high in sugar especially before you go to bed, these are added calories and will be stored as fat.

12 years ago
Reply to  celina

you can go to http://www.usdasugarcontent.pdf and find every sugar content thinkable i use it for my son that has a rare sucrose deficiency.. hope this helps…

12 years ago
Reply to  celina

Fruits are awesome for replacement of a snacks but on the other hand (depending on your level) they are still simple sugars.

12 years ago
Reply to  celina


11 years ago
Reply to  celina

Fruits are good to have. I eat one or two servings a day of strawberries or raspberries. They are lower in sugar and calories. I wouldn’t eat anything sugarfree if it has sucralose, Splenda, or anything like that. If you really want something sweet look for things like Maltitol, stevia, and xylitol. Hope this helps!

Kemal S.
Kemal S.
11 years ago
Reply to  Amanda

With respect to amanda, regarding fruit “being good for you” it is a matter of the timing the amount and other factors. Fruits, all of them, do spike your blood sugar. They are more healthy than candy of course, full of necessary nutrients, vitamins, and fiber, but at the end of the day they are also full of sugar.

This does not mean they are bad, after all sugar is a nutrient the body needs glucose. However it does mean that fruit can’t be eaten uncritically in any quantity at any time and not be expected to have some effects.

It’s a matter of the quantity, when it’s eaten, and with what it is eaten. Consuming fructose or sucrose will encourage the secretion of insulin at times this is very good, however when trying to lose weight there are times in which this is not desired.

That’s all. Like everything that is good for you, what’s good for us at one time in one quantity may not be at others.

11 years ago
Reply to  celina

Some fruits are better than others, a cup of strawberries has only 50 calories and is really filling… other good fruits are grapefruit, apples, raspberries, blueberries and oranges

12 years ago
Reply to  Rob Maylor

I am 23 years old, weigh 164lbs and have a horrible body fat % and i need to do something about it. In the past month i have really started watching what i eat and i work out hard at least 4 times a week, however i have not seen a decrease in my weight and i am getting very discouraged. I have even gone to the lengths of getting a personal trainer and still nothing.

Reading this has been very inspiring and i am going to really focus only eating the foods that Brian has listed, however how does fruit play into the plan?

If any of you are like me, i feel like i have tried everything, and i am ready to get the body that i know i can have. Any advice or words of encouragement would be greatly appreciated.


Taylor Middleton
Taylor Middleton
12 years ago
Reply to  Kourtney

I’m 17 and I did the same thing as you; I worked out about 4 or 5 times a week and ate properly and for the first month did not really loose anything which was discouraging. My dad has been a body builder and personal trainer for 25 years and when I spoke to him about my frusteration he told me a few things. When you begin working out you have to keep in mind that you’re building a lot of muscle (which weighs more than fat) so your weight might not actually drop but you’re getting leaner. And of course the more muscle you build the more calories and fat you burn by doing nothing. After the month was basically done I started to loose weight quite quickly and have lost 25lbs in two months. My eating is by no means perfect (as I am still at 150lbs right now) but I am steadily loosing weight and if you hang in there a bit longer you’ll definitely see results.

I know it can be discouraging but it feels great!

11 years ago

I’m 17 now and have been at the same weight forever like 145 to 150 it fluctuates it would be great if you emailed me seeing how your around the same age and at first had difficulty losing weight as i am now. Please email me

12 years ago
Reply to  Kourtney

What you need to pay attention to is the inches that you are losing. If you are working out and eating right and not losing much weight it is very likely that you are gaining muscle weight (which weighs more than fat) and losing inches. Body Fat is based off of your measurements not off of your weight.

12 years ago
Reply to  Kourtney


I have good news for you! Follow this diet as closely as you can and you will see quick results!! I had a personal trainer for 2 1/2 years and KILLED myself for an hour twice a week and cardio on the off days. I worked so hard they told me they wanted to train me for one of those bodybuilding shows. The only problem was, I never lost a pound. Not in 2 years! I was stronger, but still had a belly & big hips. My trainer always grilled me about my diet. He said losing weight was 75% diet and 25% working out. Take my advice and dont’ waste your money on a personal trainer until you get your eating right. When I finally ate right, I lost 12 lbs in 3 weeks. You will lose quicker since you have a little more to lose. It all starts with diet! I kept a diet chart and couldn’t believe all the times I was eating the wrong stuff. Good luck!

12 years ago
Reply to  Kourtney

I understand, 4 weeks and nothing!!

12 years ago
Reply to  Kourtney

Hi Kourtney

if you can’t lose weight and you’re “watching” what you eat, the most obvious reason for your condition is that you’re reactive to certain foods. Either allergic or sensitive (two different things). If that’s your case, you have to learn how to identify those offenders and eliminate them from your diet. But you can be reactive to a lot of foods and develop further reactive response as you go. Most of your body fat is “false” fat, which is fluid.

If you take a shot of straight whiskey, it may be to strong for you to drink and you dilute it with water.

So does the body by rushing fluid into the offending food and reduce the irritation.

It is sad that a lot of “experts” don’t address this issue since they never heard if it. There are other causes of too much blubber but it is beyond the scope of this page to go to deeply into it. But there is a way of solving your problem. Everybody can lose weight but not everybody knows how to.

11 years ago
Reply to  Drongo

Wow, I have heard a lot about people cutting gluten and other foods to which they’re sensitive seeing weight loss. (My mom, for example… hmm.) I am 5’3″ and weigh 140 lbs, and I feel like I have a weirdly large belly for my size. Maybe this has something to do with it. I am a very “sensitive flower” in a number of ways (eczema, asthma, allergies), so it makes sense. I think my body fat %-age might be way up from losing weight the wrong way in the past, though, too. Anyway, good food for thought!

12 years ago
Reply to  Kourtney


Have you gotten your thyroid checked out? If you are eating right and working out and still not losing, it might be worth it.

11 years ago
Reply to  Kourtney

Hi i was in the same exact boat until this last week so i started at 160 after 4 weeks i was only at 156 with tons of working out until last monday (7 days ago) i tried something different and finally today i weighed in at 147! Email me hopefully this can help u too

11 years ago
Reply to  Melissa

Dear Melissa,,,, Hi my name is sehrish nd i m 21 years old nd married,,,, ndi have a baby boy of 5 months,,, before pregnancy i was so fit nd smart i was about 57kgs nd after delivery i gained weight horribly now i m about 79kgs can u plz help me……????? guys pls you all gv me some advice i want to lose 20kgs…

thanx u all in advance

11 years ago
Reply to  Melissa

Melissa, I’d love to hear what you did differently….

11 years ago
Reply to  Melissa

hi my names octavia i am 17 a senior in high school and i weigh 220 i wanna weigh at least 140 by prom which is in may, graduation, and college. i wanna know if you can help me tell me a routine a diet etc i need help asap!

11 years ago
Reply to  Melissa

Hi mellisa, I have the same problem as sehrish, Iam 23 y/old with a 4 months old son. Before I get pregnant I was only 67kg. and after I give birth my weight become 81kg which is frustrating. I didn’t breastfeed my child as I don’t have enough milk. Pls give me some advice on what to do I need to lose 20kg at least. Pls help! I just don’t know how to start my diet. 🙁

11 years ago
Reply to  Kourtney

Stick with it Kourtney, since you have started exercising you are building muscle which weighs more then fat. Use measurements – chest, waist hips, instead of weighing yourself.


Have protein snacks available. I keep Cheddar cheese, cooked chicken cut into bite size pieces, hard boiled eggs, nuts (not that many of these though) celery with sugar free peanut butter. in my fridge ready to grab. Keep going you will get there.

12 years ago
Reply to  Rob Maylor

Try something new and working good !

12 years ago
Reply to  Rob Maylor

Hi, Im 23 years old, weigh 150 pounds Im on a diet almost for a month and I only lost 3 pounds. I dont know what Im doing wrong here is what Im eating. Morning,@ 8:00 a cup of soya milk (80cal) with a teaspoon of sugar. Noon,@12:30 one apple or kiwi. Evening,@4:00 on sun,tue,thur and sat I ate 2 piece of chicken breast with salad and on mon,wed, and fri I ate soup (the soup include corn carrot lentil corn strach cabbage). Night,@9:30 I ate 3 oranges with a small amount of chikpea. Im not sure what to do to lost atleast 15 pound and im breast feeding as well. Please help me what to do . Thanks in advance.

12 years ago
Reply to  Mina

I didnt eat any kind of bread rice

11 years ago
Reply to  Mina

Mina I don’t think you’re eatIng enough calories and your body is thinking you are starving it, so it is storing everything you eat. You need to eat more often or more food (one apple for lunch?!?!) along with doing a little exercise. This will get your metabolism up.

11 years ago
Reply to  Mina

Im guessing your weight is in your mid section which is called visceral fat (also known as organ fat) and is very dangerous breifly inform you it has been linked to Alzhiemer’s, Heart disease, type II diabetes andvacular issues so its not just vanity this serious and here is what i did accidently fell upon the solutions.

I am 33 & have always battled with my weight. I been very ill havent been able to keep my food down or in me for 8yrs Dr. after Dr. i have been to they want to diagnose me with everything except whats causing this. Sept 2011 my gallbladder was removed & I still continued being ill nausea, vomiting & diarrhea 24/7 NO WORK & NO LIFE. 2 months ago 1of my dr associates stepped in forhim & she saidstop eating gluten & lactose GUESS WHAT?? It worked, I have an appetite after now 9yrs & I have other medical issues pending so im stuck in bed but GUESS WHAT I’m losing weight this has never happened before no gluten no lactose how ever since i cant lift, jump, or stand long enough 2 walk i use an old Total Trainer DLX to do so toning/cardio. In less than 2 months (June 14th she told no lactose or gluten) I lost 6 inches off my waist it was 34″ & I was about 158 I weight 136 today and my waist is 28 inch and losing one last thing you need to eat brocolli, asparugus everyday greens they burn fat and you can lots all day stay away from bananas and use an organic maple syrup or honey instead of sugar.I wish you success I know my clothesare falling off of me all by accident. God Bless!

12 years ago
Reply to  Mina

Eat a lot of Bi Bim Bap (Pi Bim Bab). (Look for a Korean Store and ask for Bi Bim Bap hot paste)

Also drink lots of White Tea (Bai Mu Dan) or Green Tea (5-7 Cups a Day)

Once you get to your chose weight you will only have to drink two extremely strong Bai Mu Dan cups.

Weight Loss Consultant



11 years ago
Reply to  Darrell


my name is sehrish nd i m 21 years old nd married,,,, nd i have a baby boy of 5 months,,, before pregnancy i was so fit nd smart i was about 57kgs nd after delivery i gained weight horribly now i m about 79kgs can u plz help me……????? pls gv me some advice i want to lose 20kgs…

thanx u in advance

12 years ago
Reply to  Mina

Mina, I don’t think you’re eating enough. If you are breastfeeding, you should be eating nearly 2500 calories per day. Don’t starve yourself, or you will have no nutrition to pass on to your baby. See a doctor at once.

Good luck.

Krystal Kidnocker
Krystal Kidnocker
12 years ago
Reply to  Mina

Mina, I think your def. not taking in enough calories during the day, and therefore, putting your body in starvation mode (esp. since your a breastfeeding). As the plan reads, you should be eating more than just a beverage at breakfast, and one piece of fruit at lunch (actually the plans doesn’t say any fruit). It would probably help if you consume more calories, esp. at breakfast time as it will get your metabolism rolling for the rest of the day. I think the key to this ‘diet’ is the foods being suggested to consume during this period are actually being consumed. Your soups also dont seem to be in line with the plan either. I would say to read over the plan again, stick to the foods listed, and def. eat more throughout the day.

12 years ago
Reply to  Mina

If you are breastfeeding you really need to eat balanced meals, with proteins, low carbs and some fat. Whatever you eat, your baby also eats. For the health of your child, maybe you should start supplementing with formula so they get the necessary vitamins they need. It is hard to lose weight after pregnancy, I have a 8 month old and am still trying. Good luck!

12 years ago
Reply to  Mina

please be carefull if your breast feeding you need the calories and calcium that baby takes from you, depending on the age of your baby, remember that the baby weight took 9 months and may take a while to come off. keep breastfeeding and you will loose the fat. good luck

12 years ago
Reply to  Mina

Mina, apparently soya milk is not so great in e mornign and definitely not sugar. You must must eat protein within half an hour of waking. That means eggs, meat perhaps or a protein shake, with legumes. The protein in the morning makes you burn fat for the rest of the day. Follow the list of foods for the rest of the day and you can eat a lot more than your current list indicates. No need to get hungry and starve yourself.

12 years ago
Reply to  Mina

too much sugar. he limits sugar to pretty much just saturdays.

12 years ago
Reply to  Mina

Do you know that oranges create a spike in insulin ? which store more fat …

12 years ago
Reply to  Mina

i think your problem is the fruit. in the book it is one thing that is forbidden, fructose has many negitive effects and fruit is non-essensial for your diet as a whole, pick up the protien levels and drop the fruit should help you out

11 years ago
Reply to  Mina

Mina….you are trying so hard to be skinny when sometimes your body will make it harder while breastfeeding. This is not the time to worry about being fat as long as you are eating healthy foods/nutrients packed and not fried/junk food. when you are breastfeeding the body is trying to hold on to fat for the baby. you cant have it both ways (unlike what you see with celebrities). not all people will be thin while breastfeed (some celebs who you dont hear about are fat from it too). I was always skinny 120lb 5’7″ and eat whatever I want. at 32yr, i had my first girl and was only 10lbs overweight. But, each year I breastfed her, i gained 5lbs while eating like a cow – i was always hungry. ..and therefore, I looked 5 months pregnant while doing no exercise cuz my daughter was so high maintenance. I didn’t start an exercise program for two years after and steadily on year 3. you cannot short your baby by cutting calories so low like you’re doing. you might as well just give him/her a bottle formula. You are younger than me, I had the added problem of being older and realizing that as you get older weight is harder to drop after 30 plus. now i still battle that last 5-7lbs even though i exercise vigorously and have a semi good diet. I dont eat not even half of much bad stuff i used in my twenties and still cant get my body fat to go down past a certain %. I now 125lb but still have all my fat in my stomach (genetics but always bad place to carry it). i cant feel my six pack with showdowy outline).

Eat eggs (organic) they are packed with nutrients for both you and baby and have protein to keep you full. avocado/guacamole. meat/salad or salmon/salad. just watch out for too much mercury from too much fish. sardines are great due to almost no mercury. dont be afraid of good fat food, they help in weight loss especially when carbs are low. no insulin pike will occur. but please eat eat eat. tell your husband to shut up and wait after baby has stopped breastfeeding. I drop almost 10-15lbs right after i stopped. good luck

Pam Woolford
Pam Woolford
11 years ago
Reply to  Mina

Hi Mina,

I’m concerned that you are not taking in nearly enough calories a day. You are putting yourself and your baby’s health at risk if your don’t consume the required amount of calories, especially when you are breast feeding,

You sound as if you are in a bad way and should see a doctor to perhaps be assessed by a nutritionist as well.

I would like to suggest another way in which to be more relaxed and to also lose weight. It is something I found helped me, Yoga.

When starting to practice Yoga take it slow and easy. Don’t force your body into the different postures all at once. If you do more than your body says it can do, you could hurt yourself. Like any exercise program, you need to go slow and stick with it. You might not notice a difference in your weight straight away but hang in there, it will happen.

Practicing yoga brings the perfect out of all of us, teaching us to meditate and at the same time, helps relieve all those little things that cause stress in our lives. As well as the Yoga relieving you of the stress, it will also help to strengthen your limbs and your mind and refresh you. Yes, it even will help you to lose that post baby weight. You will feel your energy level increase because you feel better. Then you can have some fun playing. Please take a look at the above website, and give it a try. I wish you the best of luck. Pam.

12 years ago
Reply to  Rob Maylor

On this diet are you supposed to cut out salt intake?

Are you allowed to have cottage cheese or any other kind of cheese?

12 years ago
Reply to  Rob Maylor

Ornish Diet is based on the almost total elimination of the use of fats. And if fats are not included in one form or another in almost all foods, than it can be easily called a fatless.

11 years ago
Reply to  Rob Maylor

Hi I have actually done something similar to this and I actually lost 1.2lbs. I paid a trainer $500 to find this out. I actually lost 32lbs doing this, but I worked out everyday for at least an hour.

11 years ago
Reply to  Paige

I mean I lost 1.2lbs/day and about 32lbs a month

11 years ago
Reply to  Paige

i need to lose im 2007ibs how do i get here to 160

11 years ago
Reply to  Rob Maylor

Great information! Where can i see the “after one week results”? Im curious how it worked out.

Di Eats the Elephant
Di Eats the Elephant
11 years ago
Reply to  Rob Maylor

Definitely. I found whenever I hit a plateau on a low-carb diet, gorging on carbs broke the plateau. Glad to see that Tim has researched that more thoroughly and found it to be more than just a fluke for me. Thanks, Tim!

11 years ago
Reply to  Rob Maylor

is this safe for diabetics like me

Kat :)
Kat :)
11 years ago
Reply to  adrian

Yes! I am one as well and I have seen that this has made my glucose stay lower, better and more steady 🙂 I have also lost good weight with the no-carb diet and I would recommend it. Look up the Atkins diet, it’s all no-carbs and it works great. This diet can actually reverse type 2 diabetes. Low carbs will Improve glucose control for sure. Good luck and God bless!

11 years ago
Reply to  Rob Maylor


So did you try this binge eating advice once a week like this book? I am in a weight loss competition and I want to lose the most fat I can. Im afraid to try this because I dont want to mess up my diet. What do you think?

11 years ago
Reply to  Rob Maylor

hey how’s your diet?

11 years ago
Reply to  Rob Maylor

So did the slow carb week work?

9 years ago
Reply to  Aldo

Good question

10 years ago
Reply to  Rob Maylor

Rule #4…Do you stay away from whites on my day off as well?

8 years ago
Reply to  Rob Maylor

A late reply to a wayy old post but from experience I’ve noticed that you really have to have, (at least in my case), been on your diet for at least two weeks. I’ve tried the once per week cheat day and strictly gone right back to business the following six days and found that my weight loss stalled. However, I’ve stuck to the diet for 14 days straight, then massive cheat day, then 14 days etc and the weight has tumbled off.

17 years ago

What about breakfast? What do you typically eat for breakfast?

13 years ago
Reply to  Rod

So far actually enjoying the diet. Need to know the minimum amount of food I can eat in the am. I have a lapband and mornings seem to be the most difficult time to eat. Even at lunch it seems that the veggies literally take up too much room, leaving less room in stomach for the proteins. If I take vitamins, how important are veggies at every single meal. At breakfast i do well to just get the volume of 1 egg down, no way I can get legumes and veggies down w/ the egg, lunch is a little better and dinner is usually good, volume wise. Any suggestions.

13 years ago
Reply to  ba

With a lap band, sometimes volume of food is a problem. How important is it to eat a food from all three groups-protein, legumes, veggies- at every meal. Sometimes i’m doing well to get 2 of the groups consumed. Weight loss is going well, about 15 pounds in 3 weeks. Have had at least 1 person daily comment about my weightloss. Of the 3 groups, which is better to leave out or should I alternate leaving out veggies and legumes every other meal. Don’t think it would be wise to leave out protein. Oh, I never get hungary, is it ok to skip a meal. Lunch or dinner I can skip occasionaly, but I never skip breakfast even tho breakfast is the most difficult meal to eat due to the lapband. I appreciate answers from anyone.

13 years ago
Reply to  ba

Just wondering about the lap band. If that is working so well why would you need to do this diet? Sounds like the band is a success story. How long have you had it and who did this for you? How many fills have you had……sounds like a good choice. To you success! Would like a response from you.


13 years ago
Reply to  ba

To Elizabeth,

The lap band worked great. Lost about 115 pounds in 2 years. I’m doing this diet b/c my normal diet had become really crappy. I started eating food that was “easy” to eat due to the lap band. Not complaining but ther are a few inconveniences. I was really huge and now just want to get off the last 40 or so pounds. This new way of eating has got me back to following the “eating rules” of a lapband aswell as improving my diet. I have lost about 15 pounds in the first month, feel much better and I can tell I am stronger in my golf game-distance, stamina, etc due to the kettlebell workouts. By the way, I didn’t gain the weight back from the lap band, just was really big and had let my choice of food be dictated by convenience and not what I should be eating. Anyway, I waould have the lapband done again in a heart beat- literally added years to my life.

13 years ago
Reply to  ba

how is that lapband thinking bout getting it…are u seein results right away?

12 years ago
Reply to  ba

Just curious, did you lose weight and keep it off with the lap band?

12 years ago
Reply to  ba

To the lap-band guy> Its okay to leave out the veggies if you take vitamins. The purpose is to add fiber to your diet, something that having a lap band makes hard to do. Also lap banding forces you to eat smaller portions more frequently, rather than large portions less often. (this is how it helps you lose weight) The protein is the most important thing, so if the choice is between the eggs and the beans, eat the egg.

12 years ago
Reply to  ba

What is “lap band”?

12 years ago
Reply to  ba

hey ba i also got the lapband done 2 years ago ive lost 110 pounds.My lapband doctor told me to make sure i take my vitamines everyday because i still cant eat veggies..I also have to do a fiber drink so i can get my fiber.Sense there is days i cant eat cause i regeratate he tells me to make sure i drink my protein shakes to get my protein in me..I know ive come to realize i can eat eggs good and fish they go down pretty good with out pain.Today i started a egg white diet to see how it works..I know theres time i get aggervated cause i want to eat and enjoy family meals like on holidays thats the hardest for me..what kind of exercises do you do to help you lose weight?

13 years ago
Reply to  Rod

Oatmeal meal, yogurt and fruit.

13 years ago
Reply to  Cathy


Please, no oatmeal, yogurt or fruit on this diet.

Protein & veggies!!!

Usually eggs, sausage and veggies for the core meals.

12 years ago
Reply to  Cathy

what about yogurt?

12 years ago
Reply to  Rod

his breakfast is eggs, beans and vegetables. i’m doing with just the eggs and it works for me.

12 years ago
Reply to  Rod

oatmeal with a bowl of blueberries

12 years ago
Reply to  Rod

Egg whites is what I do. Or the whole egg! Left over dinners are good too. You don’t always have to eat breakfast foods for breakfast!

12 years ago
Reply to  Elly

Can somebody PLEASE tell me what a ‘lapband ‘ is………….

Maggie B
Maggie B
12 years ago
Reply to  Elly

LAP BAND is a drastic weight loss stomach surger – FROM WIKIPEDIA: “A laparoscopic adjustable gastric band, commonly referred to as a lap band, is an inflatable silicone device that is placed around the top portion of the stomach, via laparoscopic surgery, in order to treat obesity.”

I hope that helps a couple of you that have been asking! 🙂

Vladimir Sedach
Vladimir Sedach
17 years ago

Where it’s available, I recommend substituting turkey for chicken, especially for the post-workout meal. It’s got a lot less fat and more protein, and IMO tastes better anyway.

12 years ago

Hi Guys

I see a lot of your diets here, unfortunately most of you will experience the same problem, once your body gets used to the diet plan you are on, it will stop burning fat, so if you can work out 2 meal plans stretching over 2 weeks each, one that you are on now (consisting of beans ect.) and then a stricter one that you have to also cut the following food out, NO beans, corn, Patatoes, any high sugar fruits (best to eat is watermelons, grapefruits ect, NO bananas, apples, grapes ect).

Also try and substitute most of your proteins during this time with soy, like soy milk, soy beans (instead of meat/chicken) and NO flavoured waters just normal spakling or still, you can always add lemon for flavour

Annie Post
Annie Post
12 years ago
Reply to  Ina

soy? seriously? are people still promoting soy? It’s poison and as a phytoestrogen kills your thyroid. It’s a cheap protein that is in almost all processed foods even tuna. It’s one of top allergens. Soy was promoted by big agribusiness as a health food specifically because it is so bad for you.


11 years ago
Reply to  Annie Post

You are 100% correct Annie, im suffering from hypothyroid after

consuming soy protein shake for weight lose .

Before taking soy i was abslutely healthey.

11 years ago
Reply to  Annie Post


Yes. Even I was hypothyroid after taking soy milk for 2 yrs. I stopped it and now I don’t have any thyroid problem. Soy is bad 🙂

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
17 years ago

Rod, believe it or not, my breakfast is the egg, black bean, and vegetable combo. I actually prefer lentils over black beans.

Breakfast is usually the hardest meal for most to modify, as we’re a country of toast and cereal-eating junkies. Moving to slow carbs and protein requires a more lunch-like meal for breakfast. This is easier when you realize that breakfast can be a smaller meal, particularly when followed by a lunch 3-5 hours later. Try it for 5 days and you’ll see the difference. Not only will the increased protein intake in your first meal decrease water retention, it will also increase resting metabolism about 20% if your breakfast calories are at least 30% protein.

David S
David S
13 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss


Started slow carb diet today after reading 4 Hour Body over the break. Had a great breakfast of egg whites, one whole egg, microwaved spinach and onions mixed into the eggs, and a half cup of no fat refried beans. I had this at 7:30 and my lunch (work lunches) is not until 1:00 pm. Its 10:30 am and I am already hungry!!!! What do you suggest? I know that tomorrow I will up my bean intake at breakfast to fill up.


13 years ago
Reply to  David S

Hey David,

Between breakfast and lunch you should have a slow carb snack (remember you will be eating 4 to5 meals a day at 2 1/2 to 3 hour intervals). I suggest either an Organic vegan food bar, or greens plus vegan bar from Whole foods.

13 years ago
Reply to  David S

Hi David,

I would suggest bringing a little zip loc baggie with about 15 (1/4 cup) almonds. That’s what i do when i have a morning class but need to eat something before “lunch time” .

Hope that helps,


13 years ago
Reply to  David S

Hi David,

Are you eating enough volume of food during breakfast? I eat breakfast at around 8:00 AM – lentils, mixed veggies, spinach and a protein supplement (pea protein) and sometimes I don’t feel hungry till late in the afternoon or early evening if I have to miss lunch…

Some days it seems like forcefeeding early in the morning, but it pays of well during the rest of the day. Keeps hunger down and concentration/mental performance high.



karelys davis
karelys davis
12 years ago
Reply to  David S

it could easy be that your metabolism is revving up and you’re hungry. Maybe more food or food sooner? snacks?

13 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

I need to ask i have been having a herbal life shake for breakfast and one for lunch then a sensible dinner and working out at the gym for an hour 6 days a week the weight is coming over very very slowly

12 years ago
Reply to  Debra

I would drop the herbal life. Maltodextrin (sugar in disguise) is one of the key ingredients. This will inhibit your attempt at weight loss. They are sneaky and don’t tell you that. Find a good whey protein shake. It will help to build lean muscle mass wheyyy (hahaha) better than soy protein will anyhow.



jim nastiks
jim nastiks
13 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

Yo Tim

a good friend of mine dropped from 150 kg’s to 87 kg’s on your diet and looks healthy as all hell today , and i did this diet instictiveley a few years back and dropped around 30 kg’s , i did not keep a weight loss diary and i need to drop 16 kg’s now . so i just wanted to know

1. should i work out before or after i have eaten ?

2. should i skip the dieters gone wild for the first month ? ( this is what my friend tells me )

3. can i eat chickpeas ?

4. you say we must not eat carbs or cheese but you have a picture of a post workout pizza on here ??

thanks budd !


12 years ago
Reply to  jim nastiks

Chickpeas should be fine as they are high in protien

12 years ago
Reply to  jim nastiks


Here’s my two cents to each of your questions:

1. Have a full meal only after working out. It’s typically best to workout on an empty stomach but if you do need to eat something then make it something easily digestible like yogurt or fruit.

2. If you have a lot of fat to lose (ie. >20% body fat) then I would recommend a “Cheat Meal” to start rather than a “Binge Day”. There’s a continuum from Cheat Meal to Binge Meal to Binge Day in how severely you break the diet’s rules. A Cheat Meal might be excessive but still quality carbs like potatoes or pasta while a Binge Meal will have both excessive and low-quality carbs like a Snickers bar or slice of cake. The greater the fat to lose then the less severe of a binge is appropriate.

Someone like Tim who’s under 10% body fat can get away with a whole Binge Day. However, just like anything, try them out, measure the results and determine what works best for you.

3. Yes.

4. That’s his Cheat/Binge Meal.

Marian Wiseman
Marian Wiseman
13 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

Is dairy allowed/recommended? I have been following the diet for 2 weeks and I am not including dairy b/c I am basically just copying what you eat. But, is it part of your diet plan?

Thank you,

Marian Wiseman

13 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

Tomorrow will be my first week on this eating schedule. My trainer recommended this plan to me. Today was my “Splurge” day. My weigh in will be on Tuesday. I am really hoping this works. I have stayed completely committed, no cheats throughout the week. This has actually been incredibly easy to follow. I have 10-15 pounds to lose in the next 4 weeks. Hopefully I have already have lost 2 pounds in this first week, then I’ll only have 8 or so to go. I have a big photo shoot the 1st week of March, so I am following this plan strictly and working out like a fitness freak 😉

As far as the protein goes, I am eating fish, eggs, and protein powder. I don’t eat chicken, beef, pork… so those are my swaps, hoping it wont mess anything up. I just had my gall bladder out, so my system is a bit touchy. I had beans all week, and it’s been rough. I have a hi protein, hi fiber, low carb, organic whole grain bread that I may try swapping for the beans a few times this week. (only 2 net carbs) I hope it goes alright, I don’t see why not?

Any advice would be appreciated.

Cheers to being our best!

13 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

I have noticed that urine volume has increased a lot. Frequency remains pretty much the same though so thats good. You’re right though about changing breakfast being the hardest. I just keep eating eggs and bacon which psychologically is wrong (I’m not sure bacon is even allowed!). I’m used to greek yoghurt with a tablespoon of apricot and honey compote on work days (with large filter coffee) and a Venti non-fat starbucks on saturday with a bacon & egg bap on Sunday. I’ve been on it for 7 days. I’m not hungry at all. I’m sufffering from the mental challenge of it though, hitting a wall atm. Must…find…strength.


Luciano Neriah
Luciano Neriah
12 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

I’ll start today ferris footnote 10 that business around, lol.

Rene de Goeij
Rene de Goeij
12 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

I have a question in holland we have brown beans and kidney beans are these a good substitute for black beans and pinto beans?

12 years ago
Reply to  Rene de Goeij

I found black beans at Xenos yesterday!

12 years ago
Reply to  Rene de Goeij


Most beans are OK. Beans in general are high in fiber and protein but black beans and lentils have higher antioxidants and lower in calories that why they are prefered.

12 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

Hi, I am an Inn Keeper and love different foods for breakfast. I eat all of the things you talk about in this diet, AND sometimes serve breakfasts just like this. I was wondering, you say not to drink your calories. I can’t eat much dairy, but crave soy milk. Can I have soy milk on this diet? I don’t drink sodas or tea. Coffee once in a while. Soy milk is like a snack to me, so I would hate to give it up.

Judy Nash
Judy Nash
12 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

What about Canadian bacon, egg whites, green/red peppers (any veggies)

12 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

where have you dissapeared to tim? it seems you havent been on the blog since 2007

12 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

I’m about to start the slow carb diet, as I have a good 20-25 lbs to loose. My question is post diet. Let’s say I loose the weight and decide to start eating carbs in a reasonable manner, will that be ok. People tell me dieting doesn’t work as all the lost pounds will be gained back. How can one prevent that?

12 years ago
Reply to  Marie

Did you ever get a response about the weight gain after you coe off this diet? I noticed you wrote this a few months back, how did you do. I was curious, Thursday will be a week for me and I am down 7 lbs.

11 years ago
Reply to  Sara

I ate slow-carbs for 3 months and lost 30 pounds. I went back to a less-restricted diet (a few slices of toast, some potatoes and rice) and didn’t gain back a pound. Normally, those who gain back pounds are those who go back to the Standard American Diet way of eating — 300g of refined carbohydrates, candy bars, pop, sandwiches and fries galore — that will surely cause you, and anyone else in the world, to gain weight. Eat sensibly, incorporate lower-carbohydrate foods sparingly, as this is much better for your health, and exercise. You shouldn’t have any weight problem after that!

12 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

Are Navy Beans okay to eat?

12 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

what is ‘slow carb”? I’m just starting the low carb approach so I’m trying to learn.

12 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

hello sir

can i use the protein shake as well?

pls let me know i am so exited to start this method from tomorrow

and thank u so much for suche a blessing program.


12 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

Hi tim , love the 4HB book. Im confused on the supplements. You stated to use P A G G for 6 days. But you also stated to use CQ only on cheat day. Then you stated to use CQ and PAGG togather. SO is to ok to use both togather 7 days a week. can you braket down for me.


Adrian Stones
Adrian Stones
12 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

I have a question. I’m 14 and I weigh 95kg, i need to lose weight. Whats the best diet can you suggest?

10 years ago
Reply to  Adrian Stones

I would suggest a good gym and less low quality foods. Eat more veggies, fruits in combination with lots of cardio and plenty of water. In 3 weeks you will get a different look and you do not need any special diet.

12 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

Hi! I wanted to ask you about using agave nectar as sweetener. I drink a lot of yerba mate, but, I can’t drink it without adding any sweet. I replaced sugar with agave nectar a while ago and it works great for me. Can I still use it while I am on your diet??

I weight about 130 and I am 5.1. I need to loose between 10-15 pounds.

otherwise, I love your diet, I will definitely try it!

Thank you


7 years ago
Reply to  ana

You could use stevia, or if it’s too bitter, then try Truvia, it’s great & is just stevia & erythritol.

12 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

Tim, I have been on this diet for 3.5 weeks,

I haven’t lost any weight! I have been starving myself

For 30 years, is my body now in shock

With three meals a day? I don’t want to quit

As it is working wonders for my husband,

Is this normal, will I see results, I’m desperate?



Mahd Bafaqeeh
Mahd Bafaqeeh
12 years ago
Reply to  Tanya

Trying to lose weight by not eating isn’t the answer. you must eat to keep your nutrients, and protein up. eat all your meals for a day but the appropriate amount, and it will help.

12 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

Can I have gravy on my lentils

12 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

I have lost about 20 -30 pounds . I am stuck on 188 and can’t get past that for the past two weeks, Tried to eat less and that doesn’t work any suggestions??

Alan Chatfield
Alan Chatfield
12 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

Hi Tim,

you sound like you really know your stuff and I enjoyed your 2 books but I’m afraid to say I’m trying this diet and it doesn’t seem to be working for me! Please help.

I have really great will power and love experiments so thought I’d try it. 10 years ago I tried giving up alcohol for 6 months (the year before it was 3 months) at the end I just continued & I haven’t drank alcohol since (for over 10 years now).

So I’m great at following the rules. I do allow myself one exception – tea with milk but surely that couldn’t stop the whole thing from working? All I drink is tea (milk, no sugar) & water – otherwise lentils, veg, chick peas, soup (without potato), meat, fish, eggs – nothing else (p.s. Are nuts allowed?)

I’m now on week 4 but really haven’t seen any results. Could you help at all – is it possible this just doesn’t work for some people? I’m certain that the tea I drink with a little milk can’t be the problem because that equates to very very little plus I’m really often craving snacks during the week but am a really good boy and resist (I eat a tomato instead)

I’d love to see this work for me as I could continue knowing there’s a chet day each week but so far I’ve made a really dramatic change to my diet (I have a sweet tooth & love fruit, rice & pasta) but with no discernible results 🙁

Can you advise me at all?

Barry Bridges
Barry Bridges
12 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

I am very interested in this approach. I am going try it. 🙂

12 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

I’ve lost ten pounds in 6 days !! I’ve exercised loads as I like to anyway…however I’ve been having porridge for breakfast made with water is that a no no ?

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
17 years ago

Vladimir, good recommendation. Turkey (or ostrich, if you can find it) is a great alternative. For those adventurous souls looking for lower-fat and high-protein red meat besides beef, I also recommend bison (American buffalo).

13 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

I’m a 5’3″ woman who was already close to my ‘goal’ weight before deciding to experiment with this method… and I lost 5 pounds on my first week. Holy shit, right?! I was pretty psyched, but 3 days after cheat day I’m crazy bloated (nowhere near my period) and up 2 pounds (for a total loss of 3).

Are the beans making me bloated? Is it all the beans + bonanza cheat day? Is it because I ate cheese on cheat night and I’m lactose intolerant?

I’m still following the plan to the letter (including cold showers and semi-cold baths) but I’m thinking of not going so hog wild on my next cheat day… Any other advice?


13 years ago
Reply to  NK

I’m in week 2 of this diet, and I’ve had the same experience, too, NK! I lost 3.5lbs the first week, had my cheat day, gained 1.5 lbs, and 5 days later I’ve only lost .5lbs of the post-cheat weight. Help!

jessica garlandra
jessica garlandra
11 years ago
Reply to  NK

Try making your last meal of the day no later than 5:30pm, I’m not doing this diet at present but I have found that if you eat this early than you actually use the carbs or calories you eat. I’ve lost 3kgs in a week just from cutting down my meal size + 3 10minute workouts a day (only 4 days a week) + using fresh instead of frozen vegies. Oh and any snacks are muslei bars or fruit. Another great vegie to add to your meal is cabbage because cabbage uses more calories to digest it than what you gain from eating it. When you pick a diet pick something you want to do for the rest of your life because as my doctor explained to me crash diets and diet pills work for now yes but as soon as you eat different to the FAD all the weight will come back + extra. Also calorie counting diets do not work this is why some of you are having problems on your cheat days, when we cut calories or count them our fat particuls seperate and turn from one large particul into two smaller particuls and they keep dividing again and again, this creates mote storage space for fat so meanless to say when you eat junk or high calorie foods it fills these extra particuls and causes more of a problem than there was in the first place. So of you want Long term results you have to change your lifestyle permanently otherwise you will just be in the same situation when you stop your diet. If you are having trouble starting weight loss than I do recommend the cabbage soup kick start diet but you have to be very commuted because it is hard and you do need to put in a lot of effort with the excercise because other wise you will get excess skin from how rapid the weightloss is

13 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

Kangaroo meat is also an outstanding alternative.

13 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

If you can get it then Minke whale meat is great.

26 % Protein

0,9 % Fat

0 % Carbs

It is red meat, so red that it almost looks black.

Tastes like beef except it does not get chewy when over cocked.

Minke whales are baleen whales so there are few food chain steps for toxins to accumulate and you can’t get more “wild range” than whale.

And before the flames start note that Minke whales are not classified as endangered

12 years ago
Reply to  Daniel

Hi! Is Minke Whale available in the US? I had it in Iceland.. amazingly a fat free filet mignon! I am craving it so badly! Thanks!

7 years ago
Reply to  Daniel

I had no idea that there was any low fat whale meat, or non-endangered. Good to know.

12 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

Alaskan Moose is my favorite alternative to beef. Not gamey at all – just good!

17 years ago

I want to know more about that pizza. Where do you get it / how to you make it? It looks delicious.

Isn’t there a lot of white carbs in the crust though?

13 years ago
Reply to  Phil

Post workout.

17 years ago

i was clicking my ‘stumbleupon’ button and came across this. i’ve been looking to lose some weight, and trying. once i read this, and because i hadn’t eaten in a few hours, i quickly made myself some chicken, pinto beans, and vegetables. this is the exact diet i was looking for. i’ve never been much of a breakfast food person, so i have no problem substituting the typical american breakfast foods. but one question….are canned foods alright?

13 years ago
Reply to  sara

oh cool you have a stumble upon account!!

11 years ago
Reply to  Anon

canned foods- watch out for sodium.

17 years ago

Thats what works for me too, but you left out the meth.

Kevin D.
Kevin D.
17 years ago

What about 100% whole wheat bread? I love Acme’s whole wheat walnut levain. Whole grain plus protein.

12 years ago
Reply to  Kevin D.

Are there amount limitations, or is it all you can eat at each mix and match meal?

Amy H.
Amy H.
17 years ago

Sounds great, but eating the same 3-4 meals cycle after cycle is going to get BORING! Also, what do you have to say about the idea that men’s metabolic rates generally allow them to lose weight faster/easier? Thanks.


[…] author says that it is possible to lose 20 lbs in 30 days without exercising, but by changing what you eat and how you eat […]

17 years ago

i have a question. how does whole grain wheat fit into this, if at all? would it be considered “white carbo” and is thus to be avoided?

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
17 years ago

Hi All,

Thanks for the great comments and questions! Here are my answers:

1. Canned foods are absolutely fine. No problem. All of my vegetables are either frozen (80%) or canned (20%). I’m a huge fan of canned tuna in water mixed with lentils and chopped onions. If you’re trying to gain muscular weight, just add durum-based macaroni to that and you’ll be set.

2. The pizza is from Pizza My Heart, based here in Nor-Cal ( It’s wonderful. Most small independent pizzerias should be able to help you customize a pizza, and you can always have chicken strips at home that you add on top for the finishing touch. Frozen chicken breasts from Safeway can be microwaved and cut in a matter of a few minutes.

3. Meth is bad, unless you want to look like 80s Axle Rose or Kate Moss.

4. Whole grain is not recommended on this diet, due to high caloric content and generally high glycemic index. I challenge you to find one that is not “enriched” (it is bleached, then vitamins, etc. are added back in) or that doesn’t contain high fructose corn syrup in its first five ingredients (the ingredients of the “ingredients” listing on all food products are listed in descending order of quantity). It is tempting but not good for fat loss. True whole-grain bread is better than white bread and actually tastes pretty rough, but if you’re serious about fat-loss, I discourage consuming it. Saturdays allow you to go nuts, so be strict otherwise.

5. Eating the same meals over and over again is boring, yes. I will generally eat the same 3-5 meals every day for 1-2 weeks and then rotate to a new 3-5 meals that comply with my diet plan. It is not practical to have consistency and variety at the same time, so I rotate in this fashion to prevent feeling like a POW. That said, being in incredible shape usually justifies having good but familiar food from Sun-Fri. Saturday is no-holds-barred.

Hope that helps!


13 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

Sort of smirking here as I read your comments… I just read them in the “4-Hour Body” a few hours a go. I thought what I was reading sounded awful familiar.

13 years ago
Reply to  Valerie

It’s probably because the book was based on this blog post and then some. This was posted in 2007, the book came out in 2009, right?

13 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

Um, quick tip Tim, most women DO want to look like Kate Moss! But you are right that meth is bad, but it won’t make you look like her because it rots your face off :S.

13 years ago
Reply to  DW

I don’t want to look like Kate Moss. I want a belly dancer body

Maria Eulalia Bello
Maria Eulalia Bello
12 years ago
Reply to  DW

Your tip is false, do not generalize. I’d hate to look like Kate Moss.

12 years ago
Reply to  DW

I don’t know one woman who wants to look like Kate Moss. Curves are way sexier.

11 years ago
Reply to  DW

LMAO I was totally thinking the same thing. I was like why Yes I Would like to look like that lol but def won’t do meth bc of all the rotting :0/

13 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

Regarding #4 (whole grain)… Oroweat’s 100% Whole Wheat Bread comes pretty close to making the cut. But I don’t know how it impacts fat loss even if you limited yourself to 1-2 slices a day.

13 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss


hey i bought the book…on tape of course, where the f is the work out program biaach?

13 years ago
Reply to  frank

Hi Tim, I have just been briefly reading through and I am doing all the Rules you have mentioned plus exeercising for at least 30 minutes a day doing walking/jogging and have been for a week now and I cannot see any results!

What am I doing wrong or do you have any tips to speed up this process?

Appreciate your feedback! Thanks.

13 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

Hey Tim, I noticed you discouraged eating whole grain bread. I really like “Ezekiel 4:9” bread, which, to the first timer can taste like a bail of hay.

Its ingredients (in descending order) are: organic sprouted 100% whole wheat, filtered water, organic sprouted barley, organic sprouted millet, organic malted barley, organic sprouted lentils, organic sprouted soybeans, organic sprouted spelt, fresh yeast, organic wheat gluten, sea salt, organic sesame seeds.

It has 80 calories and 4 grams of protein in every slice.

What do you think about this kind of bread? If you are monitoring your caloric intake would it even matter?

12 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

Hi just wondering about bread made from whole wheat (no white at all- grind at home) with honey.

12 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss


Just curious, on the note of Whole grain…Are you familiar with Ezekiel Whole Grain Flourless Bread or Wasa multigrain crackers? Neither of those have enriched flour.

Wasa Multi Grain Crackers


Whole grain rye flour



Whole grain wheat flour

Whole grain oat flour

Whole grain barley flour

Oat kernels


Oat flakes

Malt extract

Mono- & Diglycerides (all natural emulsifiers)


Serving Size: 1 Slice (14g)

Servings Per Container: about 20

Amount Per Serving (%Daily Value)



Calories from Fat


Total Fat

0g (0%)

Saturated Fat

0g (0%)

Trans fat



0mg (0%)


80mg (3%)

Total Carbohydrate

10g (3%)

Dietary Fiber

2g (8%)





Vitamin A


Vitamin C






Ezekiel Whole Grain Flourless Bread

Organic Sprouted Wheat, Filtered Water, Organic Malted Barley, Organic Sprouted Rye, Organic Sprouted Barley, Organic Sprouted Oats, Organic Sprouted Millet, Organic Sprouted Corn, Organic Sprouted Brown Rice, Fresh Yeast, Organic Wheat Gluten, Sea Salt

I really enjoy both of these.

12 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss


What about orowheat double fiber bread? It has only 10 net carbs, 70 calories, nothing enriched.


7 years ago
Reply to  Logan

That sounds strange, soybean oil? Also has too much sugar.

5 years ago
Reply to  Logan

Soybean oil is solvent extracted.

12 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

Hi, Just bought your book yesterday and reading religiously . Love the information specially the way its written. I have a one question though According to your slow diet I I have to eliminating carbs. yes I’ll lose weight bu tdont I gain all the weight back when I am done dieting. I seen one of my co worker done the “no carb diet” lost weight magically in 5 month and gain back all the weight back(even gain more may be she look bloated most of the time ) . Please advise.

12 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

Tim, my husband and I are struggling with vegetarian options for breakfast according to your slow carb diet since we don’t eat eggs/fish/meat. Please do suggest options. My husband started Kettle Bell training after it was recommended in your book, he loves it. He complains of low energy from time to time and I have no idea how to restructure our meals. Currently started a homemade fig+dates+banana+yogurt smoothie to replace cereal and toast in the morning. Otherwise ghee, lentils and veggies for meals and lots of spinach. But there is still whole wheat flour and wholemeal bread as part of our diet which I haven’t been able to shake off yet simply because it’s traditional food and I don’t know what to substitute it with that will still fill the stomach and not make us feel hungry all the time. Help!

Reading Four Hour Work Week currently, it’s enlightening. 🙂

12 years ago
Reply to  Kay

You will Eat meat!!!!

God said to kill the animals and eat them because you have dominion over them.

12 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

I see you have said to use beans but all the low carb diets iv read up on have said they are high in carbs??

12 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss


Love the slow carb and it has changed my life. Thanks so much. What do you recommend if you are Bikram Yoga addict and you are on the slow carb? Bikram is pretty intense. Is there anything special I need to be doing on the diet to still lost fat? I don’t want to overtrain.


17 years ago

All of this sounds intruiging, but what about substiuting the bread for a corn or flower tortilla, making a wrap or a buritto or sorts, and eat with tomato based salsa? I do not know about you, but A diet with tortillas and salsa could never get boring.

13 years ago
Reply to  nathan

as far as wraps go, I have a friend who was showing me some and his were made from vegetable, a sprout I think, no carbs.

13 years ago
Reply to  nathan

Can fruit be eaten on this diet?

13 years ago
Reply to  VC

No. No fruit until your off day.

17 years ago

Are there any further resources on this tye of diet? I’d like to learn more about meal options and recipes. Do these types of meals work better with any kind of spices or light sauces?

thanks for the info.


17 years ago

What do you think about (lacto-ovo) Vegetarian alternatives? I’ll eat eggs, but no meat whatsoever. Think it’s safe to stick with eggs & beans?

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
17 years ago

Hi All,

Tortillas are not ideal, as they’re still calorically dense without much added nutritional value, but if you must have some carbs, corn is typically the least damaging.

Salsa is outstanding, especially chunky medium spice salsa with corn, beans, etc. I can’t stand egg whites by themselves, as it’s too boring even for me, but if you just add a few spoons of salsa on top, it’s a delicious little meal (just don’t put the salsa and lentils in the same bowl, as the mix is disgusting).

For books, I recommend “The Glucose Revolution” ( and “Protein Power” ( for some good basics on low-GI eating and how protein affects hormone levels and metabolism.

Last but not least, lacto-ovo is fine. Meat isn’t necessary, but it does make the job easier. Egg and beans will be sufficient to lose weight, but if you’re sticking to the “lacto” portion, I would also include 1% milk in combination with the eggs. Casein protein and calcium will aid in fat-loss; just don’t exceed one glass per meal, as the lactose will spill over to bodyfat past a certain point.



12 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

Hi Tim,

I am curious of the work out options on here. I’m a female and I like my weight but I need to lean up quickly( 7 weeks). I need to replace about 15 pines of fat to 5 pounds of muscle, I am religiously doing the diet, started last week, but it doesn’t say how much cardio/strength training needs to be done. I do Zumba for about 45 minutes 3x a week and love it and weights 2x a week, and I’m middle Easter and love hummus! Any thoughts?

12 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

Me and my husband just started this diet and I had a question regarding a few things you are and are not allowed to consume. 1st – is it ok to use vinegar on salads as well as olives? Are nuts allowed at all? Are there any restrictions as to how much calorically should be consumed men vs woman? Can butter substitutes and spices be used?

11 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

try replacing tortillas with lettuce or collard green leaves for wraps! :] yummy!

17 years ago

tell us more about supplementation – are you saying you can lose 20lbs in one month just from supplements?

please share… 🙂

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
17 years ago

Hi Jay,

That’s exactly what I’m saying. Supplements can be used for this, even if your diet and exercise is mediocre. That said, the regimen of supplements that would accomplish this would make your liver and kidneys most unhappy, as both will be affected, and the liver will be filtering most of them from your blood.

In the next 10 days, I’ll be doing a full expose on the regimen I used to gain 34 pounds of muscle in 28 days while cutting bodyfat percentage by 4%, including supplements. Keep an eye out!



11 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

Tim thank you my buddy showed me this diet! I have just lost 17 pounds in 19 days! No lie!!! 10 more to go!

17 years ago

i’m on day 2 of your plan – if you are cool w/sharing the supplement info, would love to see it!



Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
17 years ago

Hi Jay,

Congrats on jumping on the plan. I’ll suggest a few that I currently take in exchange for you keeping us all updated on your progress via comments on this post 😉

I could recommend several hard-core thermogenics like ephedrine hydrochloride, but the trade-off in liver and kidney damage (not to mention things that few people realize, like sinuses) isn’t worth it.

I approach the problem differently. Rather than focusing on speeding up the metabolism via adrenal hormones (adrenaline, norepinephrine, etc.), I prefer to increase insulin sensitivity. Most people get fat via a moderate “Syndrome X” of resistance to insulin, which is a storage hormone. Just google “syndrome X” and “insulin sensitivity” for more. Before bed, I take:

200mcg (that’s micrograms, not milligrams) of chromium polynicotinate (not “picolinate”), which is niacin-bound GTF chromium; this can be found under the brand name “ChromeMate”

500mg of slow-release niacin (nicotinic acid) under the brand name “Slo-Niacin”

23mg of policosanol (I use Nature’s Life brand)

1-2 glasses of red or white wine: I believe these have fat-loss properties, plus they taste great 😉 Look at the research on resveratrol and other wine compounds.

This cocktail not only aids in fat-loss, in my experience, but it lowered my total cholesterol from 222 to 147 in four weeks (!). If that is your goal, I’d also add an organic orange just prior to bed.

Keep us posted on your progress!


I take another 500mg of niacin upon waking in the morning.

13 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

Hi Tim-

I just asked for and got your 4-hr Body book for my Birthday. I am trying the Slow Carb diet that has been so successful for so many and pray it works for me. I LOVE Mexican so this should be ok. Questions: I think I saw somewhere that corn is ok to eat and salsa in spite of the canned tomatoes? Is the product “wholly guacamole” ok? The ingredients seem all natural enough. I am a woman, 41, in ok shape (can run 6 miles if necessary), but I bulked up over the holidays, what can I expect the 1st, second, 3rd and 4th weeks?

Thanks Tim!

Jamie Ladd
Jamie Ladd
12 years ago
Reply to  Jennie


How many times a week did

you workout to lose 25 lbs of fat ?


Aniket Deosthali
Aniket Deosthali
12 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

Hey Tim,

so sorry to dig up an old thread but the reason I am searching is because I am taking graduate biochemistry courses in school right now and one thing I learned is the niacin inhibits hormone sensitive lipase. Given that my current goal is to lose body fat and that is the enzyme that breaks down fat in adipose tissue for energy mobilization, I searched into google “Niacin bad for fat loss” and came across this page. I am a fan of yours and read the 4 hour body already but I don’t understand how Niacin helps in fat loss if in inhibits HSL, could you please explain?



12 years ago

THis is the most important and difficult question to answer and it concerns me that an ‘expert’ doesn’t address this in detail. Be VERY careful with this diet and remember as soon as you return to normal eating habits you will gain all back and more. Be smart, choose a diet you can maintain for life and that won’t screw with your hormones.


[…] How to Lose 20 lbs. of Fat in 30 Days? Without Doing Any Exercise – The Blog of Author Tim Ferriss […]

17 years ago

Dude. Just stop eating. Seriously. You’ll go bald and stuff, but you’ll definitely lose twenty pounds as well!

12 years ago
Reply to  Donnie

your so silly!!!!

17 years ago


I am curious about the legumes. Should I limit myself to these listed or can I elaborate into other kinds of beans? Also, are there any fruits or vegetables to avoid?

I have around 10-12% bodyfat right now, and I am in the process of resistance training in order to gain more muscle mass. Will this diet help me gain muscle AND lose bodyfat? I look forward to your expose on your experience.

17 years ago

Sorry for leaving two in a row, but I have found more questions.

I have been reading about slow-carb, and it says to avoid white-bread and refined cereals. The only cereal I eat is organic health cereal, ‘wheat squares’ and ‘bran’, and the only bread I eat is whole grain wheat.

I asked about tortillas because I thought the whole wrap-instead-of-bread craze was about the low carb diet. Is there a diference between tortillas used in wraps and burritos?

They have alot of information on low-GI diets and a refined food pyramid on and

17 years ago

Dude – if you stop eating… that’s a serious eating disorder! My site can help with that!

17 years ago

I find it insane not to be able to eat any type of vegtable out there. Why only the four you’ve mentioned? Also what’s wrong with brown rice? Will I have enough energy to exercise?


17 years ago

Another question, do any of the supplements you mentioned cause insomnia or anxiety?

Blanca Kelly
Blanca Kelly
17 years ago

Hey i came across ur whole lose 20lbs in 30 days and of-course i wus intrigued. N e ways since april of last year i started working out and went from weighing 217 to now weighing 145 , by now im obsessed with fitness and nutrition . Well i dont wanna give you my life story:)but the point to all this is the whole saturdays dieters gone wild day seems to good to be true. Can i just treat myself to one chocolate bar and maybe ice cream u know stuff i normally i wouldnt eat, or is your advice to literlly stuff myself 4 dat day??

12 years ago
Reply to  Blanca Kelly

Hi there

I have 70 lbs to lose – where can I get the full diet plan?

FYI I have tried the HCG – couldn’t get past the first day on that, done the BFL diet, The Atkins, The Nutrisystem of which only the BFL worked for me in the past but I didnt keep it up because of a back surgery which prevented me from lifting the weights. Now I am desperate to rid this excess fat and weight and look normal again!

Any help would be appreciated

Michael Manu
Michael Manu
12 years ago
Reply to  Blanca Kelly

I just finished my first week of TSCD … The cheat day was amazing … I ate til I was stuffed and I ate anything that caught my fancy … Now it’s back to the reg 6 days and Im still down from my start weight by 1.5kg . Next “cheat” day I will only eat things that I normally would but dont on the other 6 … the 3 Krispy Kremes rally did me in : )

17 years ago

Thanks for the great article. A few questions though:

I love my carbs, but could probably give them up if egg whites and chicken are involved. However, I hate vegetables, making the rest of the diet tough. Are there any other “normal”/non-veggie foods that could be successfully integrated into the diet?

I’ll also echo the previous poster and ask how fruits could play in. Any particular good ones for this diet?

17 years ago

“I prefer to increase insulin sensitivity”

This is a great approach. I’ve read that cinnamon, fenugreek seed, and vinegar all have similar effects. I take 1000 mg of cinnamon per day and use either red wine or apple cider vinegar olive oil to make a salad dressing on my mixed green salad (mostly spinach though).

Also, I’ve read that one or two drinks a day of any kind of alcohol (probably except for high sugar drinks) lowers risk of just about every disease known to man (including obesity). These positive effects stop at the third drink.

Great article by the way!

11 years ago
Reply to  Cody

Ya! The Jack Danials Diet works for me. If you drink enough before you eat anything, you pass out for the rest of the day and you can’t eat when your passed out. Time for another drink. Later “)

17 years ago


I read about your diet with interest. I do something similar, but without the beans, lentils etc.

I have a couple of questions. Can you eat cheese and nuts with this diet? Especially cheese, because I like to snack a little with swiss cheese.

Is fried chicken OK? Turkey bacon? When I’m traveling I eat a lot of KFC.

What have you got against the egg yolk? Are egg yolks bad on this diet?

Oh, I like Middle Eastern food, and they use a lot of garbonzo beans. Are they OK?

Thanks, much appreciated.


17 years ago

Dear Tim,

It is with great interest that I write to you. I’m an opera singer from South Africa and have been struggling with weight related problems for long.

I have recently been on a diet regime combined with Lipolytic Injections. The result was OK, but I still have at least 8Kgs to drop before finally goal weight,

I do exercise regular by walking for an hour 4-5 times per week. And burn quite an amount of calories this way.

Question: Why is there no fish in your diet?

Would grilled tuna steak/Hake/Cod not be a great

low fat protein?

I’m looking forward to a lean mean singing machine!

Thank you for sharing your success with us.

Warm greetings from Cape Town

Marion Roberts


Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
17 years ago

Wow! This post is getting out of control. I’ll do my best to answer a few of these, but with the book launch ( coming up next Tuesday, I won’t be able to give specific diet recommendations to each person. Grab the books I recommended, and you’ll be set.

A few things:

1. Cody, excellent observations. I use vinegar on salads, cinnamon, and even lemon in drinks to lower collective meal GI. Smart lad, you are.

2. I never said you need to limit veggies to those I listed, but I’ve found that the more variety you try and build in, the less you stick to your diet. My diet is not designed to be fun — it’s designed to be effective. Those four are the four I’ve found to be most tolerable when eating again and again. Feel free to substitute whichever you want, but some legumes are a good ideas for sufficient calories.

3. On MY diet (this is not to say it’s for everyone), brown rice is not OK unless within an hour after exercise. Too calorically dense and still normally high GI. Some will disagree, but here’s the thing. I’m not trying to get to 12% bodyfat (bf), I’m trying to get to 5-6%. This is HARD and requires that I be more strict that the average person.

4. This diet is great for gaining muscle. Just up volume and ensure you get a good amount of low-GI starches (organic whole-grain brown rice or quinoa; the latter is my favorite) after training sessions. Macaroni mixed with tuna is also a great bulking meal.

5. None of the supplements I recommended generally cause anxiety or insomnia. None are stimulants.

6. Fruit, and fructose, are not good for fat-loss diets — period. Fructose is easily converted into fat after it spills over from the liver. I eat one organic orange before sleep to increase HDL cholesterol, but this is not for fat loss.

7. Cheese (ideally low-fat), nuts, and occassional fried food (ideally without a ton of breading) are fine on this diet. Notice that all are protein-rich and low GI.

Buy the books! They’re more comprehensive than I can hope to be on this post, and I apologize in advance if I can respond to more personalized requests.

Please help each other if you can, and thanks for the discussion!


Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
17 years ago

That should read “I apologize in advance if I CAN’T respond to more personalized requests” 😉

17 years ago

Im very interested in this diet, however a few quick questions.

One, I cant stand chicken Breast that isnt properly grilled. Is it possible to grill them for a few days(lets say 8 or so) then jam them into the fridge and just heat them up quickly via the microwave or over a skillet for a few mins? or does that lose a lot of its nutrients?

Also Im heavily swimming and doing some light lifting, and push ups. Will this diet along with Whey Protein be enough to help my body maintain itself under this strain? Arnt those all way below the fats that you need? wouldnt an avocado a day or two also help in this matter? Im quite new to this, and greatly appropriate your help.

Lastly, how about posting some cooking instructions for us cooking impaired ;).

I would be more then glad to take some before and after photos and stick to this regiment if it can fit into my lifestyle (IE, being able to slap something together quickly as a meal).


Ivan Brezak Brkan
Ivan Brezak Brkan
17 years ago

Hey Tim,

Just one more question. 🙂 Can you recommend some nutrition blogs if there are any good ones that you know of?

Cheers and thanks in advance,


17 years ago is one by the guy who wrote one of the books Tim recommends.

17 years ago

Interesting article, thanks. I have a couple of questions:

1) This diet is one of the closest I’ve seen that gets close to a “change your lifestyle” approach versus a “reach your goal” diet. However, it still has components of a “reach your goal” diet, which is destined for eventual failure for most people as it doesn’t address the behaviors or emotional reasons for over-eating. Have you written, or do you provide in your books, a “bridge” type program where you move from this diet to one that instills healthier eating habits for life? For instance, I find gorging myself on Saturdays to be a temporary diet, not a habit one should indulge in for life.

2) You mention grass-fed beef in your article, but don’t mention why grass-fed is important (grain-fed has a higher, hidden caloric/carb content due to the corn feed, and consuming the antibiotic soup required to keep grain-fed cattle from exploding is probably also unhealthy; I’m sure there are other reasons). Is this also something you mention in your books?

3)How do you personally use this plan? Is this how you eat all the time, or is it a temporary meal plan to reach a goal weight or bulk?

Thanks again for the article, and I look forward to any comments you might have.

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
17 years ago

Hi Cris,

Gotta run out the door, but here are a few thoughts:

1. I didn’t address the emotional eating concerns b/c I was just trying to explain my diet, not prescribe one to others. That said, they’re important, and I found Dr. Phil’s book (“Weight-loss Solution”?) to address this surprisingly well.

2. Grass-fed, in addition to those reasons, has higher nutrient content, such as CLA (conjugated linoleic acid):

3. I eat like this all the time and have for 7 years. If you don’t want to binge, there is no need to be, but I find that everyone does if they don’t cheat on their meal plans. I just preschedule it to limit the damage.

Thanks for the good observations!


P.S. I’ll let you guys help each other on this post from here out. I have to focus on the book launch next Tuesday!

12 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

hi tim i saw this diet and i think it looks pretty cool so i started and today is my second day. i live in trinidad and don”t work since im seventeen , and go to school, therefore i don’t really have access to these books so i’m basically following the diet based on what is on this page. Its my second day and i simply cant wait for saturday. its going well so far but i have some concerns:

1) i am a teenage girl , and i am not sure if the diet is age suitable

2) i was reading an earlier posts which stated that this diet may not work for people who are extremely overweight, which i am because i weigh 210lbs and am 5ft 11 inches. so should i continue the diet or not?

3)exactly how much exercise do i need to do? i mean, i know when i saw the site i saw no exercise was needed, which is what attracted me to it in the first place, but im trying to up my game A LITTLE since ive seen your muscles , and everyone else seems to be quite active.

well these are all of my concerns at the moment i hope you can answer these questions soon because i really want to lose weight , and if you dont think this diet is suitable please recommend 1 that is

thanking you in advance,


12 years ago
Reply to  afeisha

Hi Afeisha,

This diet is entirely suitable for somebody your age and weight. Definitely give it a go.

Re. exercise: not entirely necessary, but if you feel the need, focus on a combo of 80% low-intensity (i.e. walking) and 20% high-intensity (bodyweight training, all-out efforts (whether it be running, swimming, cross-trainer, cycling)). Should see good results.

Go for it!

12 years ago
Reply to  afeisha


I am currently in Trinidad also and I purchased the book online. Check out the sites and you can buy the e-book to download on you computer where you can print and read it.

12 years ago
Reply to  afeisha

Try this diet

Korean Diet

The dish below is a modified version of Bi Bim Bab (Pi Bim Bab). You can see the Korean style by putting “Bi Bim Bab” into the search enging and click “image”. It is one of the healthiest dishes in the world, and almost nobody who eats right in S. Korea is overweigth! I added some of my favorite vegetables because it is hard to find theirs in the USA.

Cooked Ingredients

Brown Rice

Hard Boiled Eggs (Korea uses a fried egg, but I modified it)

Raw Vegetables (Try to have multiple colors).

I use the following: Broccoli (Rip them up until they are very small), Red Onions, Spinach, Carrots, GARLIC,

Other Ingredients:

Sesame or Olive Oil

Hot Pepper Paste (I am sure you have something similar to Korean Red Paste being that you live in Trinidad)

12 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

I’ve been on this diet for about a week now, but the biggest problem I have is the no beer rule. I know Tim does have wine, but I’d love to know exactly why beer is off limits? My thought would probably be 1) Tim says he prefers wine to beer 2) Beer tends to be high in calories (hence don’t drink your calories) 3) Beer tends to be high in carbs. Unfortunately for me, I’m an avid beer fan, and wine won’t cut it (light beer doesn’t either). Sooo what about something like Guinness Draught? It’s only 126 calories for a 12 oz serving and only about 10g carbs. There is some misleading information about beer containing a lot of maltose (very hight on the GI scale) however, maltose is mostly metabolized by the yeast during the fermentation process. Not to mention the fact that dark beer is also rich in anti-oxidants. So I guess I’m just trying self-justify drinking Guinness in place of red wine. Both options are hard to swallow for a craft beer nut like myself, but Guinness is the lesser of both evils to me. Does this pass muster, chemically/nutritionally?


[…] Your answer: » How to Lose 20 lbs. of Fat in 30 Days… Without Doing Any Exercise […]

Jack brown
Jack brown
17 years ago

great idea , you´re right , white carboidrats sucks

17 years ago


I just lost 23 pounds last month on the most revolting diet plan ever. If I had heard about this a month ago, I would have spared myself and my family alot of misery. Also, I just preordered the book. Congrats on a living well.

13 years ago
Reply to  Dean

congrads, i only lost 13 pds but was very happy with the outcome. did you eat the meals they showed on here and since am single i did have alcohol several times, does this affect the diet, and now am waling 4 miles a day.

12 years ago
Reply to  Dean

What diet was that?


[…] stumbled across Tim Ferriss’ interesting article on How to Lose 20 lbs. of Fat in 30 Days… Without Doing Any Exercise at his blog, Usually I quickly review then ignore articles like […]

17 years ago

That Dr. Phil book is great! I went out and bought it on your recommendation Tim, because stress eating is a major problem for me. Thanks for pointing it out. The book by the way, is The Ultimate Weight Solution, The 7 Keys to Weight Loss Freedom.

I also wanted to mention that you can buy eggs made by hens that were fed feeds high in Omega3 fatty acids. These things are passed down into the eggs the hens lay. It is a good (and relatively inexpensive) way to get additional omega3s into your diet.

Frank Pelkey
Frank Pelkey
17 years ago

Is this diet good for your health?




[…] » How to Lose 20 lbs. of Fat in 30 Days… Without Doing Any Exercise  […]

17 years ago

Frank, this diet is very healthy. It contains lots of vegetables, healthy, lean proteins, and refined starches/sugars are almost nonexistant. Everyone can benefit from a diet like this. Eating this way will even out bloodsugar, provide lots of phytonutrients, is high fiber, and offers quite a few essential fatty acids.

I personally would consider this a method of eating that is sustainable for the rest of your life (which will also probably be a considerably longer life eating this way).

That being said, if you are suffering from type 2 diabetes or are borderline, you may want to restrict all carbs for a few weeks/months and then gradually move to this type of diet.

Also, someone who is extremely overweight/highly metabolically resistant might still not lose weight on a high-protein/moderate fat/slow carb diet. The reason being that protein can be converted to glucose (from what I understand). Fat however, cannot. Your body can burn fat directly. This is why some diets (like atkins) stress lots of fat in the beginning. You don’t want to be eating lots of lard, though. 🙂 When your body no longer has any glucose left (this can take from two to six days because your muscles store a form of sugar for energy called glycogen), it will switch to fat burning mode full time. This may very likely be unpleasant at first, but you get used to it, and its temporary to fix your body’s insulin resistance. Contrary to some folks’ opinion (probably all carb addicts by the way), this state (ketosis) is not dangerous to a healthy individual. They mix up ketosis with a dangerous state caused by kidney failure called ketoacidosis. Not the same thing. Also, there has been no record of a low carb, high protein diet causing kidney failure in a previously healthy individual, ever.

Bottom line, if you are only moderately overweight (i.e. not morbidly obese), then this diet should work great for you, in combination with regular strength training and aerobic exercise. If you are morbidly obese, then I’d suggest looking at a diet like this as your long term goal. In my opinion, you want to start out much more restrictive on the carbs, eat lots of healthy fats and protein, and work your way up to this type of eating as your long term maintenance/lifestyle plan.

For more information, pick up Dr. Atkins’ book. I highly recommend it. Most folks seems to miss Dr. Atkins’ point that you want to start out with a highly restrictive diet and move to include slow carbs in phases. The highly restrictive diet helps to eliminate your sugar/carb cravings and increase insulin sensitivity. It kind of tears you down and builds you back up in a healthy way. By the end of the diet, you’ll be eating lots of berries, nuts, beans, and other healthy carbs, once you are moving towards life-time maintenance mode. It also stresses whole foods and lots of vegetables.

I’m not a doctor or a nutritionist, just someone who has had a weight problem their whole life, done a lot of research, and who is trying to be as healthy as possible.

17 years ago

Thought I’d let you guys know, I started this diet on Monday and I’ve already lost close to 4lbs. I am 29 years old and I started this diet weighing in at 229, now I’m close to 225. I am very active, training for a muay thai kickboxing fight in Nov. where I have to be around 185 (my goal weight). It’s imperative to me that I do not lose muscle or cardiovascular strength during my weight reduction period.

So far I am very pleased with this diet, I weigh myself every morning and each morning, I have lost another pound. We’ll see how long I can keep that up till I start to plateau.

I have also modified the diet somewhat. For example I do not limit myself to the veggies that are recommended above… I eat a salad with oil and vinegar mainly. For my post workout meal I like to eat a peanut butter sandwich on whole wheat bread, and a chocolate chip cookie (so I do crave it later) or some fruit (I really feel that fruits are vital to good nutrition… and I happen to really love mangos)and cottage cheese (all small proportions).

I can say that I have been feeling very hungry between meals and I know that my caloric load his drastically decreased due to this diet. However, I have not seen a drop in my training performance, which is surprising as I have normally felt fatigued during low carb diets.

I am also trying to lift weights or do some form of cardio for at least 20 mins a day, but normally I train at least an hour a day.

This diet is not for the faint of heart. It’s been 3 days and I’m already getting tired of all these damn beans (my girlfriend too is tired of the beans, but for different reasons). I’m craving carbs pretty hardcore, I can’t even watch a pizza commercial. But all in all, I’m glad to see results so quickly and I intend on maintaining this diet for the next few weeks. I’ll let you all know how it’s going. Wish me luck.

Thanks again


17 years ago

Thought I’d let you guys know, I started this diet on Monday and I’ve already lost close to 4lbs. I am 29 years old and I started this diet weighing in at 229, now I’m close to 225. I am very active, training for a muay thai kickboxing fight in Nov. where I have to be around 185 (my goal weight). It’s imperative to me that I do not lose muscle or cardiovascular strength during my weight reduction period.

So far I am very pleased with this diet, I weigh myself every morning and each morning, I have lost another pound. We’ll see how long I can keep that up till I start to plateau.

I have also modified the diet somewhat. For example I do not limit myself to the veggies that are recommended above… I eat a salad with oil and vinegar mainly. For my post workout meal I like to eat a peanut butter sandwich on whole wheat bread, and a chocolate chip cookie (so I do crave it later) or some fruit (I really feel that fruits are vital to good nutrition… and I happen to really love mangos)and cottage cheese (all small proportions).

I can say that I have been feeling very hungry between meals and I know that my caloric load his drastically decreased due to this diet. However, I have not seen a drop in my training performance, which is surprising as I have normally felt fatigued during low carb diets.

I am also trying to lift weights or do some form of cardio for at least 20 mins a day, but normally I train at least an hour a day.

This diet is not for the faint of heart. It’s been 3 days and I’m already getting tired of all these damn beans (my girlfriend too is tired of the beans, but for different reasons). I’m craving carbs pretty hardcore, I can’t even watch a pizza commercial. But all in all, I’m glad to see results so quickly and I intend on maintaining this diet for the next few weeks. I’ll let you all know how it’s going. Wish me luck.

Thanks again


17 years ago

A thank you to TIm for a glimmer of hope – something that seems doable. Trying for variety and not being BORED has always tripped me up in the past. I am excited to begin with SIMPLE.

I also want to say thank you for giving me the impetus to DO something. So often I read a diet book or a blog and think “yah, I should do that. Sounds hard though. Who am I kidding? I’ll never do that.” But what Tim is describing makes me think “That I could do.”

That said, I’ll have to keep you posted.

Best of luck to all you seekers.

Randy Bradshaw
Randy Bradshaw
17 years ago

I used muscle milk protein powder 3 times a day to get the protein I need (1 gram per pound of body weight). Any problems?


17 years ago


Thanks for getting back with a reply. I am going to give the diet a shot, except maybe expand the list of veggies a bit for variety’s sake. I’ll start in two weeks when I finish school for good. It would be virtually impossible right now, as I routinely put in 80-100 hour weeks between grad school and work. I wish you absolutely the best in your quest to stay healthy!


PS – Tim’s book is quite good – lots and lots of food for thought!!!

Randy Bradshaw
Randy Bradshaw
17 years ago


I can’t stand beans because of something that took place in my childhood. I am hoping that eliminating the “white” products is more important than eating the beans. Your thoughts?


17 years ago


I would think that any non-starchy vegetable would be ok. I think Tim’s point is that his diet is a no-brainer. He probably has almost the same exact grocery list from week to week. You’ve got the gist, though.


I’d double check the carb content on that Muscle Milk. It looks like it has about 10 grams of carbs per serving (not counting fiber). That’s 30 grams per day you probably don’t need on this diet, but depending on your goals, it shouldn’t be a big deal.

I’m not Tim, but the benefit of the beans is that traditional low-carb diets are lower in fiber and very low in carbs. Beans, becuase of their high fiber content and high protein are not going to cause a massive spike in blood sugar. You’ll need a food that delivers something similar. I.E. complex carbs, fiber, and protein.

Have you ever tried quinoa? This is a seed from south america that was a staple food of the Incans. It is a pretty good slow carb food. Also steel cut oats with some kind of protein powder might suit this purpose for breakfast.

Also Randy, does this dislike of beans extend to all beans, or can you stomach black beans? I’m assuming your issues from childhood may be from Navy or pinto beans?

17 years ago

I don’t like or eat meat of any kind; so eggs, cheese, canned tuna and nuts are my main source of protein. How can I adapt this diet to suit me?

17 years ago

This is probably a dumb question, but is it okay to have a bit of butter with the vegetables, or are they best eaten dry? Also, I do see the logic of keeping things simple. On the other hand, I usually have a nice garden every summer, so I tend to have a variety of veggies on hand.


PS Quinoa rocks!

10 years ago
Reply to  Frank

Ghee is clarified butter. Ghee is very good for health and also it lowers LDL cholesterol.I get horizon butter and melt it slowly for 15 min till it changes it color to light brown and store it. Ghee has lot of importance in Indian foods. Infants are always fed with ghee mixed with everything. Ghee also improves memory . The difference BTW ghee and butter is their chemical structure (carbon bonds). Ghee is super healthy and i use ghee daily. If u are using ghee , lessen your olive oil.My BMI is normal but i want to get my BMI to 20 which is closer to the lower range of normal BMI.

Any suggestions are welcome , especially TIM

17 years ago

I wouldn’t think that a bit of butter would hurt anything.

Gardening is great. You get so many rewards from it. Excercise, lots of sun, fresh air, and great food.

Also, from a pure biological perspective, the wider variety of food an organism eats, the healthier that organism usually is.

I think Tim’s examples are really his preferences. We are an adaptive species. The idea is to eat good, natural sources of protein, lots of veggies, and slow carbs. You can mix and match to your hearts desire and with whatever you have on hand.

Tim’s recommendation on having the same thing over and over is a sound one, though. I’ve read and heard that people who are succesful at losing weight and keeping it off, tend to have the same thing for breakfast EVERY SINGLE DAY. Its a no brainer. You start your day off right, build up some positive momentum, and its easier to make good choices the rest of the day.

Something I’d like to point out as well is that recent studies have shown that the saturated fat in eggs and diary does NOT raise your risk of heart attack and stroke. They do raise LDL levels, but the LDL molecules are larger and don’t pose any risk.

I really believe that in a few years, the medical and nutritional community will come around to the low-carb/slow-carb way of thinking. Its all about insulin and blood sugar control. Its not about how much fat you eat. Butter never killed anyone. Stress and white bread? Now that’ll kill ya…

Cody Ballard
Cody Ballard
7 years ago
Reply to  Cody


Hey man I’m kinda new at this diet and it seems like you have a pretty good handle on how to apply it. I was wandering if I could get some contact information, so I can send you some of my questions. Just need some help getting my feet underneath me here.

Thanks man

zach even - esh
zach even - esh
17 years ago


That is awesome you train at AKA!

Have you ever seen my articles in Tap Out mag?

I co presented w/Randy Couture at the Arnold Sports Fest on MMA Conditioning the day before he defeated tim sylvia, it was awesome.

Your books is rockin’ my world!

Keep kicking ass and hope to chat soon!


NJ native!


[…] was reading Tim Ferris’s blog and came across this title: How to Lose 20 lbs. of Fat in Thirty Days…Without Doing Any Exercise. I really don’t like to exercise, so this sounded perfect for me. I know that I need to […]

17 years ago

Okay, so I am changing my eating habits starting today (Sunday, April 29th). I had my pig out day yesterday. 🙂 I am also fatblogging: So, I am hoping that will help keep me motivated too.

My husband and I are enjoying your blog and we just ordered your book last night. My husband has 3 motnhs left in the Air Force. We are very excited! He has started a business of his own and we are very happy that we found you to help guide us on this path of giving ourselves and our kids the life we have dreamed of. More time with the family is a big reason he is getting out of the military.

Thanks Tim!

Blaine Moore (Run to Win)
Blaine Moore (Run to Win)
17 years ago

I don’t think that I would do very well with this diet. I prefer to eat the majority of my calories through bread, pasta and rice. I have about a 5.5% body fat, and weigh about 140-145 pounds most of the year. I do run a lot, as well as cross train a lot; any time that I stop workout out, I lose weight too fast and have trouble getting it back. I like the concept, though, and will certainly plan some meals around it.


[…] Eat enormous quantities of protein (much like my current fat-loss diet) with low-glycemic index carbohydrates like quinoa, but drop calories by 50% one day per week to […]

17 years ago

According to bodybuilding legened (the late) Mike Mentzer, a calorie is a calorie. Therefore it shouldn’t really matter where you get your calories from. Ellington Darden (of HIT fame) and Clarence Bass (5% bodyfat at 65 years of age) also recommends a high carb, moderate protein, moderate fat eating plan to lose fat and/or build muscle. This is very much like Blaine Moore’s (above) dietary habits and they seem to work very well.

I personally find it much easier to stick to a high carb diet where I control my calories. My complete exercise plan also consists of resistance training and walking for 45 minutes every day and I am happy with my results so far. Tim’s ideas have a lot of merit, but I find my method easier to stay with.

17 years ago

Any suggestions for those of us allergic to eggs? Use egg substitute?

Frank, try Ghee, an Indian substitute for Butter without the casein.

12 years ago
Reply to  Pickel

I’m Indian so I know for a fact that ghee is terrible for you!! It’s just pure fat with no nutrients. I’d say you would be better off with just plain butter.

10 years ago
Reply to  Pickel

Ghee is clarified butter. Ghee is very good for health and also it lowers LDL cholesterol.I get horizon butter and melt it slowly for 15 min till it changes it color to light brown and store it. Ghee has lot of importance in Indian foods. Infants are always fed with ghee mixed with everything. Ghee also improves memory . The difference BTW ghee and butter is their chemical structure (carbon bonds). Ghee is super healthy and i use ghee daily. If u are using ghee , lessen your olive oil.My BMI is normal but i want to get my BMI to 20 which is closer to the lower range of normal BMI.

Any suggestions are welcome , especially TIM

Chris Harris
Chris Harris
17 years ago

The Keto diet is a god-send. I’ve been on and off for a year, and it works! Eating increased fats (healthy, mind you) and reduced carbs –no beans even– can harbor roughly 5-8lbs per week lost. Stick with roughly 20g or less a day. My lifts have greatly increased, too. Anyone looking to lose fat fast MUST try this. After reading this, I plan to apply the lift methods listed to see if I can increase my overall LBM while still dropping BF.

Butter, olive oil, cream cheese, avacados, etc are all your friend on this diet. My overall blood work IMPROVED on this diet as well. It also helps to increase test production in males.

Sell Your Motorcycle
Sell Your Motorcycle
17 years ago

I have to ask (and am surprised after 63 posts nobody has yet) but if we can at least agree that weight loss is primarily an equation of calories in versus calories spent, (we can, right?) why isn’t there a limit on the number of calories one should limit themselves to? Is it because it’s expected you can’t eat beyond the limit of the calories you need to lose weight when you’re eating 10 cups of spinach to match that old 1/2 cup of rice?

In any case, I’m game. I’ll give this a try and report back the progress in 4 posts (one a week). Starting at 205/6’1″ today.

Tim, bought the book today after seeing your FSB write-up this weekend. Already turned about 5 others onto it. Thank you!

12 years ago

It’s kind of freaky, but your starting starting stats are my goal height and weight. Right now I’m 5’9″ and 260 pounds. Wish me luck, okay?

17 years ago

Thanks for the eating advice, I have some questions:

1. Can you suggest any other foods that will work in the place of the beans? I really don’t like beans very much. Is the purpose of them in this just to get the caloric content up? If so, would I be ok in substituting more protein and fat in place of the beans?

2. Can you really eat any starch that you want if its right after a workout? So, for example, if I spent a half hour doing bodyweight exercises like squats, push ups, pull ups and the like would it then be acceptable on this plan to go out and have a big cheese burger and fries?

3. What kind of calorie level are you sticking to on the Saturday blow out cheat day?


17 years ago

It took me 2 years to lose 65 pounds. I was looking great and then last August 2006 I had a heart attack. Is this diet O.K. to use for a person like myself who has heart disease now and who has been putting weith back on since the heart attack. I have regained 20 pounds and feel myself losing ground. I am not as active anymore and I find that the medications are making me have some water weight gain and I am craving sweets. I know I will get back on track and am reading articles on ways to lose the pounds. Do you have any recommendations for a women in my situation. I am 52 years old. I do not want to go to weight watchers but feel a buddy system would work for me . Thanyou for the good info and pictures in your article. I found it to be a fresh look for me at a way to start back on the weight loss plan. Thanks so much for getting the word out there about ways to do this sensibly.


[…] Of more interest to us here, though, he recently posted an article on How To Lose 20 lbs Of Fat In 30 Days. […]

17 years ago

Hi Tim,

I love your regimen. I am 5ft 6ins and weighs 140lb. Most of the weight is in my stomach. I do not know if this diet would help my stomach or will it take fat off of my entire body. I don’t want to loose weight from any other part of my body because I am skinny as people would say. Do you think that I can loose the fat off of my stomach from this diet? Please advise.


[…] Tim Ferriss has a great post about how he lost 20 pounds in 30 days without doing any exercise. It should be noted, that he actually DOES exercise – but the tips that he gives are nonetheless pretty solid. The best part is that his method doesn’t seem to require as big of a lifestyle change as most diets. You’d have to change what you eat but not how much or how often you eat. […]

17 years ago

Just a little update…today is tues, started changing eating habits sunday. I have lost 6 pounds already!! I accused my husband of messing with the scale. He promised he didn’t touch it. 🙂

Late in the evening around 10 I have been getting pretty hungry, but I just pour myself a glass of wine and forget all about it.

I am so pumped!!

17 years ago

How to Lose 20 lbs. of Fat in 30 Days… Without Doing Any Exercise…

t is possible to lose 20 lbs. of bodyfat in 30 days by optimizing any of three factors: exercise, diet, or drug/supplement regimen. I’ve seen the elite implementation of all three in working with professional athletes. In this post, we’ll explore a…

17 years ago

Great article!

I am going to try it today and see how long I can last.

Thank you

Dave M
Dave M
17 years ago

I absolutely LOVE hummus (hommus) with cut-up raw veggies like cucumbers, peppers, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, etc. So much so, in fact, that I could probably eat it every day and not get tired of it. Do you think it would be OK to eat that much hummus and veggies? I’m just not sure about the fat content due to the olive oil and sesame paste. And wouldn’t the chickpeas contain a good amount of protein?

I would still throw in eggs, chicken breast, and some beans every now and then?? Of course, I would also look forward to the freebie day! 🙂


[…] How to Lose 20 lbs. of Fat in 30 Days? Without Doing Any Exercise […]

17 years ago

Wow. My main mental note from this being – don’t publish a diet online! Or at least do it anonymously.

The (“quick”) *questions*!

What’s the nutritional content of ‘blahed’ chicken??

Ummmm… yay for google?

Still, some good points, or rather, reminders. I should get back into having legumes and specifically, lentil curries more often – I really do love dhal, and that used to be my major protein source, second only to rice for calories, although since I’m not _really_ trying to diet, I’ll stick with brown rice with curries. Or save it for after workouts? Hmmmm…

The one thing I didn’t think I could do was – no whole grain bread? (no *vogels*?!)

But, I read further…

They put corn syrup in the bread over there? Ewww!

Thank christ (allah / shiva / buddha / brigid) I live in NZ.

*Googling:* The GI of my favourite toast is 36 , so I’m happy to stick with that and use it with the verrrry handy breakfast protein recommendation (I’m so not into breakfast cereals – well actually, I’m good with ACTUAL rice or corn for breakfast), and go for beans on toast, or tofu-miso-vege soup for brekkie.

13 years ago
Reply to  Pearl

god bless the kiwis and vogels!!!!!!

Susan Parsons MD
Susan Parsons MD
17 years ago

Congratulations on an interesting and stimulating post, Tim! Your weight loss plan is very effective because it makes sense biochemically and you have succeeded in customizing it to your needs and tastes. I agree that the slow carb approach is much more effective than just eating the typical American diet and counting calories. Controlling insulin is a key principle to remember when trying to lose weight. Automating your food choices is a great plan. It obviously worked for you! I’m looking forward to reading more of your posts and “life experiments�. I’ve ordered your book since it looks intriguing.

17 years ago


I hope the results are still positive. I also weight train and would like to preserve as much muscle as possible during my cut. I’m 190 now, looking to be around 175…then build up with excess calories using the modified mass building side of this program…we’ll see how it goes.


17 years ago

I just finished my first week on this diet. First some background.

I’ve been dieting for years, but since I read Atkins and the South Beach Diet (The Zone, etc.) I have been doing mostly low carbs.

About 7 months ago I started my diet. I begin by consuming NO CARBS for two weeks to kick start things. I also fast one day a week. Fasting is no big deal and once you get used to it and you kind of look forward to your “fast” day. I went from 218 to 198 and then I kind of went off the diet.

This Sunday (my cheat day) I had my first banana, raisins and sandwich in 7 months.

I have to say when I read about this diet there was no way I thought it could work–at least for me. My metabolism is slower than a tortoise running uphill. But what the heck.

I can’t eat beans on my old diet because they are high in carbs, but I dove in. Lots of beans, eggs,(I eat the yolks) and chicken. I also have the occasional whey protein shake. I don’t eat red meat.

On my cheat day I don’t go crazy with the cake and ice cream, but I just eat the carbs I like the most. This Sunday I had oatmeal, bananas and raisins and a bagel for breakfast. For lunch I had a sandwich, and for dinner sushi.

I lost one pound for the week. I know my body pretty well, and I could tell I wasn’t losing much weight, but I will say this: if I lose one pound a week eating this way I’ll take it. In ten weeks that’s ten pounds, so I’m not going to give up quite yet. I’ll give it a month and see what happens. A four or five pound weight loss for the month I’ll consider a success.

I knew there was no way I could lose 20 lbs. of fat in one month, but I sure did enjoy myself on Sunday.

17 years ago


you exclude rice from your diet but I thought that rice was a slow card diet. Many professional body builders have rice and chicken as principal constituents of their diets. What do you think?

17 years ago

Hey there Tim. I stumbled across this and it seems promising. I have 30 days until a much anticipated vacation, and though it has been planned for months my attempts for weight loss have failed. I have printed your rules and plan on getting on the serious boat first thing. However I was wondering about having that combination each time in a meal. Such as the eggs, beans and veggis. I raely eat breakfast and when I do its been a peice of toast or fruit. I am not sure if I can eat all of it. Also are we not allowed fruit!? Thanks in advance.

Maria Eulalia Bello
Maria Eulalia Bello
12 years ago
Reply to  Ashley

Read his book. No, no fruit! Geebus.

17 years ago

I have looked at many websites about weight loss et c. but I have to find one that is suitable for people over 50 : the age when you have to start considering gout [uric acid level] as important as anything – basically it means no legumes and care to be taken with the type and quantity of meat.

If you know of such a site I would be interested to look at it.

17 years ago

Are there any bread-ish foods that can be eaten? Like a tapioca/flax bread? I really want something I can bake in bulk (with my bread machine if possible).

17 years ago


When I was younger, I’d run 6 miles three times per week, and even with this small amount of running, I could eat pretty much whatever I wanted without gaining weight. Of course, I was in my early 20’s too. Not sure now that I’m past 30 that this would work quite as well. 🙂 Oddly enough, when I did run that much, I didn’t really want crappy food. I actually craved vegetables. I ate a lot of white rice and garden burgers. After my runs, I would drink a half gallon of OJ and eat 3 bran muffins. Still lost weight.

Julie and Bob, congratulations on your success!

I’m doing basically phase I of Atkins currently and recently broke through a plateu. I’ve lost 20 pounds in the last month, giving me a grand total of 37 pounds lost in the last 6 months. I’ve only been going at it serious for the last month, though.

I really look forward to switching over to Tim’s diet, though. I love beans. I also miss my smoothies (lowish carb of course, with strawberries, blueberries, walnuts, whey, yogurt, pomegranite juice, and cocoa powder – it was an antioxidant coctail).

17 years ago

Hi- My brother competed in the Ford Iron Man in Hawaii this past October. He did this after going from 400lbs to 230lbs with diet and intense exercise. He is having a hard time though keeping the weight off even though he is consistently competing in marathons, triathlons etc… Would this diet be okay for him with how much he competes?


[…] to Tim Ferriss (who gained 34 lbs of muscle in a month), repetition in meals is good for losing body fat. (And […]

17 years ago

I do not recommend eating whatever you want or cheating once a week. I myself did this and eventually I feel off my diet and gained my weight back. Now I do what is called a “refeed,” instead of cheating and I do it every 2 weeks. I will continue doing this until my body fat levels are lower. Once they are lower, I will refeed more often.

More information on refeeding can be found here:

Also, whether you choose to refeed or cheat, obese individuals should do it every two weeks to see faster results.

11 years ago
Reply to  Renee

Thank you Renee!!! I have been low carbing for about 8 years now. I am on day one of Tim’s plan and am very hopeful. The refeeding makes so much sen

se to me! I’d never heard of it before and will do more reading. I plan on incorporating it… As guessed, lc has leveled out for me and I seriously needed a boost for my eating lifestyle.


17 years ago

Renee, I agree with you. I have a cheat meal once a week. Otherwise I personally feel like I’m losing forward momentum. Kind of a two steps forward, one step back type of thing.

17 years ago

I forgot to mention above^^: When I was on my old diet of having a cheat meal once a week, I did not have my period for about 7 months. Now that I am refeeding instead, my period has returned to normal.


[…] How to Lose 20 lbs. of Fat in 30 Days… Without Doing Any Exercise (stumble reviews) – while I typically ignore “lose weight fast” type articles, this one by Tim Ferriss was worth reading. I wrote a response, modifying Tim’s rules to be more compatible with lifestyle change. […]

Dennis Law
Dennis Law
17 years ago

Good healthy recipes in free download book starting at page 86


Easy Bean Salad

Serves 10

1/2 cup low-fat Italian salad dressing

1 15-ounce can kidney beans, drained and rinsed

1 15-ounce can pinto beans, drained and rinsed

1 15-ounce can black-eyed peas, drained and rinsed

1 10-ounce frozen package fordhook lima beans, thawed completely

1 cup frozen corn, thawed completely

1 large red bell pepper, diced

1/2 medium onion, diced

1 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon pepper

Toss all ingredients together. Serve cold or at room temperature. May be

covered and stored in the refrigerator for several days.

Dennis Law
Dennis Law
17 years ago

I did a Google search on the word “refeeding” and the results seem to associate it with some kind of eating disorder…

17 years ago

What about popcorn?


[…] » How to Lose 20 lbs. of Fat in 30 Days… Without Doing Any Exercise (tags: weightloss tim ferris) […]

17 years ago

I would also like to know about vegetarian alternatives. There’s got to be some way to work this without meat…?

8 years ago
Reply to  Meredith

Yes, of course there are vegetarian and vegan ways to lose weight in a healthy and quick way. This website does not have the only or necessarily the best weight loss solution. No one strict program works for everyone. If you are on a diet that is not focused on or supported by this workout plan (in your case, vegetarian) then research other ways- from reliable sources- to safely lose weight.

17 years ago

is the jury out on fruit? is this an “after workout only” food?

*with this question I am asking about fruit in moderation — and I understand the fruit juice restriction.

17 years ago

From step #4…

“..but drop calories by 50% one day per week to prevent protein uptake downregulation.”

Can you give more details on this? What is the story on this downregulation?

Also which day is best to do this on? Considering that I am guessing the Saturday when you eat what you want would tend to be an above average day for calories compared to the other days when you are restricting your diet to low-GI and high protein.

12 years ago
Reply to  JeeJo

Dropping calories by 50% once per week is not in the book. The only mentions I can find are other people saying to do it, not a direct quote from Tim.

8 years ago
Reply to  Ernie

I hope this works. I will let you know if it works for me.


17 years ago

I’m on Day 8 and I’m out. I’ve lost 2 pounds, but I’m pretty sure that would have happened by just giving up sugary treats — I’ve more than made up the caloric difference in increased protein foods. My mood has been nasty, I’ve had headaches all week, my workouts have been hellish, and I’ve been absolutely obsesssed with food.

Good things: I’ve looked forward to my weight-lifting so I could enjoy my couscous afterwards, and it’s done wonders for curbing my craving for sweet treats.

Maybe this works better for the guy who is building up, rather than the girl who just wants to sleek down. Best wishes to you, Tim, and the others who give it a try, but I’m heading to Trader Vic’s for some crab puffs! Heavy on the puff!

3 years ago
Reply to  Angela

Actually this is a great chance to know a lot about diet plans for weight loss and how to lose belly fat? in one place even if iam trainer already but it adds to me, Thanks for this article.

3 years ago
Reply to  Angela

It is possible to lose 20 pounds of body fat in 30 days by optimizing any of three factors: exercise, diet, or drug/supplement regimen.

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