"5-Bullet Friday" — 5 Things I've Been Loving, Using, and Reading

Absolutely the best for flying. But which one? The booze, hat, or weird footwear?
Absolutely the best for flying. But which one? The booze, hat, squat, or weird footwear?

Greetings, friends.

Here are some popular links, thoughts, and articles that have appeared in my “5-Bullet Friday” e-mail newsletter, which is free and goes out every Friday.  I cheated in this post and gave you six.


Article I’m enjoying (and pondering)How Bold Entrepreneurs Are Breaking $1 Million In One-Person Businesses by Elaine Pofeldt for Forbes.com

Clothing I’m loving — Check out Myles’ “everyday shorts.”  I originally got these as a gift from Huckberry, and they are now my go-to shorts for nearly everything. I swim in them (quick drying), I wear them while working at coffee shops, and you can even wear them to a nice dinner if you have decent shoes. Multi-purpose rocks.

My most popular Facebook post recently — Japan’s Michael Jordan of Day Trading. His “one rule” is quite smart, methinks…

A quote that’s on my mind — “People think focus means saying yes to the thing you’ve got to focus on. But that’s not what it means at all. It means saying no to the hundred other good ideas that there are. You have to pick carefully. I’m actually as proud of the things we haven’t done as the things I have done. Innovation is saying no to 1,000 things.” – Steve Jobs

Responses I’ll be practicing (yet again) next week — How to graciously say no to anyone by Austin Kleon. This is worth revisiting constantly.

New footwear, long overdue — I’ve needed Adidas slip-ons for years. No idea why it took me so long to get them. They’re perfect as indoor Japanese-style slippers, or for wearing outside when you don’t want flip-flops killing your toe webbing. I’m typing this on an airplane, where I’m wearing them with socks. #GermanStyle

Would you like to get a very short (five-bullet) e-mail from me every Friday with the five coolest things I’ve found that week?

It might include books, gadgets, albums, articles, new hacks/tricks, and — of course — all sorts of weird stuff I dig up around the world.

These “5-Bullet Friday” emails are only available if you subscribe to my e-mail newsletter.  They will not be on the blog or anywhere else.  This post is just a teaser to entice you to sign up.

Try it out for a week! Unsubscribing is easy, and there’s great stuff coming next Friday. Just submit your email address in the opt-in below (or here) and you’re set.

Sign Up For 5-Bullet Friday

P.S.  If you haven’t seen this short commencement speech, you’re in for a treat.  Perfect weekend viewing.

The Tim Ferriss Show is one of the most popular podcasts in the world with more than one billion downloads. It has been selected for "Best of Apple Podcasts" three times, it is often the #1 interview podcast across all of Apple Podcasts, and it's been ranked #1 out of 400,000+ podcasts on many occasions. To listen to any of the past episodes for free, check out this page.

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8 years ago

If you enjoyed “To Be and To Have” you will equally enjoy “Tocar y Luchar” (To Play and To Fight) [Moderator: link removed}

Great blog!

Manny Matos
Manny Matos
8 years ago

Hey Tim, I’m a 5 Bullet Friday and podcast subscriber. I really enjoy the content. Heads up: In a recent 5BF broadcast you attributed a quote to Ralph Waldo Emerson that appears to be from Harrington Emerson (see, e.g., http://www.goodreads.com/quotes/346365-as-to-methods-there-may-be-a-million-and-then).

Mike Heydt
Mike Heydt
8 years ago


You mentioned in your podcast this week about finding a device/contraption to cool water while doing submersion practices. Have you seen the work Drs at Stanford U are doing with cold water therapy post workout? They have a device which cools blood via your hands. Many pro sports teams are already using it. Maybe theres a way to increase the size of the contraption to fit what you are looking for. Just a thought. Presently the latter sells for about 1k.

8 years ago

Thanks for sharing YakTrax. They are brilliant.

Tina R. Olson
Tina R. Olson
8 years ago

Love reading the five bullet Friday every week.I enjoy the personable approach as I feel like I could be having a drink with you while reading. My mind continues to be expanded and this fuels the learner in me and challenges me each week. Cheers!

8 years ago

I live your show. But heard something that was way off. Not a big deal just a correction. Yellowstone is in Wyoming with small pieces of it in Idaho and Montana. The next thing. Permafrost was in the soil not on the snow. That one I am not sure. Anyway love the show and think you are brilliant

Jorge Miramontes
Jorge Miramontes
8 years ago

Hi Tim, I’ve been meaning to watch the Tim Ferris experiment, but since I’m in Mexico I think I’m outta luck, ITunes doesn’t list it and Vimeo says it’s not enabled for the region.

Am I missing any other way to see it? Or do you have any plans to release it over here?



Brandon Haynes
Brandon Haynes
8 years ago

check out youtube. i have seen some of the episodes there!

8 years ago

Hey Tim,

Enjoying your 5 bullet Friday’s and podcasts.

Got onto your book by once googling the “lazy way to live life” or something like that when I was stressed out working long high pressure hours at an investment bank in London. Was basically looking for hacks to be more effective which I have since discovered in your book / series / podcasts. Loving it all. Keep up the good work.

Are you ever in Australia? Would love to hear you speak.

Take it easy.


8 years ago

Hey Tim, here’s new research on long term antibiotics and Lyme Disease. I know you’ve mentioned Lyme disease & Doxycycline a few times in podcasts I’ve heard.



8 years ago

Hi Tim

I’ve recently started following you and I’m enjoying! Thank you!

A few of my friends have suggested i start a blog for busy women/mothers who have forgotten how to look after themselves wth regards to diet, exercise and being mindful of themselves.

How would you suggest I get started? I love helping people and would love to help other hardworking mammies become more mindful, happy and healthy in themselves. Please help!

Drew Overholser
Drew Overholser
8 years ago

Hello Mr. Terrific Tim. Thank you for your outstanding content. Is your email list segmented so I don’t’ have to receive 5 bullet Friday but I still get your other stuff? Thanks again for your awesomeness.

8 years ago

Hi Tim

Really enjoying all your stuff in the UK, thank you

Please keep the $100 or less purchase question going on the podcast!


james derienzo
james derienzo
8 years ago

Have you come across http://calnewport.com/ it might provide an interesting podcast.

8 years ago

DUDE, I have noticed you are slacking on the music that you are listening too.

8 years ago

Dear Tim,

I have a dream, but my spouse doesn’t share my passion.

Below is detailed explanation of the situation, but if you want to know the bullet points please jump to SUMMARY below.

I am working on online fitness program that will allow me to train many people at once in different parts of the world. I can see an awesome potential here and become an important person to so many people around the globe! I want to change 50 people’s lives within the first year, then additional 50 each year so in 4 years I plan to have 200 regular clients at once. I’m developing a plan to get there: client avatar, program, ebooks and lead magnets, platform to train clients, ads and email campaigns, videos, website etc… I understand the importance of automation so I’m trying to develop a content first and put it all together before starting with the first client.

The bottom line is that I see what’s necessary and where it can bring me.

But my spouse doesn’t share my enthusiasm and passion. I hear every week “be realistic” or “we don’t have time for this” . She would like me to ” have a salary like everybody else” so maybe we won’t have any financial problems at the moment. I know she loves me and it doesn’t affect much on our common life; also I know what I want and it doesn’t stop me from pushing forward with my plan but it would be good to have a support of your second half. Otherwise I feel like I’m alone on my journey. How can I change her mindset about my plans?


– my spouse doesn’t share my passion for online personal training

– She says that I am too optimistic and it’s going to hurt when the reality sets in

– I see huge potential in my program

– She wants me to start a job to have something “secure”

– How to change her approach / mindset?

Your big fan,


Bumper Metcalfe
Bumper Metcalfe
8 years ago

Tim, I wish I would’ve known about you nine years ago. Thanks for being such a powerful presence in my life. And you don’t even know me. Yet. Big kisses!

Jesus Trujillo
Jesus Trujillo
8 years ago

Thank for posting so many great content! Look forward to keep learning and putting out some of my own content

8 years ago

Hi Tim ….Marty from Australia. Enjoying your work. Mental health is a big one with Aniexty and depression becoming all to common. A great podcast would be to have kick arse strategies on how to perform your way through it. And can you unconsciously model a healthy mind and achieve great benefits. How can we look at these mental health issues as an opportunity for change (not just an illness with a stigma) Crack this code and you will change the world….but hey you are already doing that. Love your


8 years ago

Tim, I’ve read your book three times now and admit to being a bit stuck. My career has been one of a worker bee in the giant hive that is corporate America. However, not in any sort of sales role. I have no experience with it, and frankly I’m at a loss as to how to apply my skill set to your method. Therefore my question is this. Can the method of developing self-driving income be adapted for someone who has no experience or background in sales? (To be clear, I have been a secretary in the legal field for the past 16 years). I can’t quite figure out how to automate that skill in such a way that wouldn’t keep me chained to a computer for 8-10 hours a day (even after I managed to get myself unshackled from my day job). Any thoughts or insights would be appreciated.

Robert Bartz
Robert Bartz
8 years ago


Read your Apr 22, 2016 5 Bullet Friday and I do love this quote (below). However, you should note that the quote is spurious and due to wide internet misattribution, it is difficult to find the real source. I read The Prince hoping to find the context of the quote and the quote does not exist in the book. I’d love if you or a virtual assistant figured it out though.

“All courses of action are risky, so prudence is not in avoiding danger (it’s impossible), but calculating risk and acting decisively. Make mistakes of ambition and not mistakes of sloth. Develop the strength to do bold things, not the strength to suffer.”

– Niccolo Machiavelli, The Prince (Not actually from The Prince).

Thanks for all the great books and podcasts,


Pernille de Neergaard
Pernille de Neergaard
8 years ago

I would love a podcast with Rupert Sheldrake, Dean Radin and Lars Tvede (www.supertrends.com). By the way I like the slippers – perhaps an inspiration for those men who always lock their poor feet up in socks and shoes 😉.

Brian Vanderberg
Brian Vanderberg
8 years ago

There was a post to 5-bullet Friday, Quote I’m pondering about learning priciples vs. learning tasks and I can’t recall quote or source fully — help?

Laura O
Laura O
8 years ago

Good Morning Tim,

Just a quick word of thanks. I had started dieting and working out about 10 weeks ago. I am the only “non-athlete” in the family. My 22 year old decided to help me, we were working out 6 days a week and I could see some change – building a little muscle and lost 4 pounds in 6 weeks… I was then in visiting a client who told me about the 4 hour body. I bought the book – read it over the weekend and told my husband and daughter about it – my husband played professional tennis so of course he called it “bullshit” – lol. I bought him all the supliments and he started the geek to freak and my daughter is doing the kiwi workout and I am doing the slow carb diet (I’m the only one overweight) and the Occam’s Protocal 1 and the kettle bells, we are all doing the 6 minute abs. My daughter has always wanted to have her abs show and her and my husbands have done hundreds of sit ups.. They both thought I was crazy. After 2 workouts she has abs poking out! I lost 4 pounds the first week, my daughter gained 4 pounds the first week and my husband gained 7 pounds! We are finishing week 2 today and everyone is so happy with the results. Amazing! I tell everyone that asks me what I’m doing! So THANK YOU!!

8 years ago

When I go to my Amazon Prime account and search for Showtime (also happened when I clicked your link) it shows Showtime being an add-on subscription. 30 day free trial with it going to $8.99/mo there after. Are there other things that factor into this being a free thing?

8 years ago

Man I loved the quote! you gotta push to advance, so if you don’t ride your bike you won’t fall, but you aren’t going to learn how to ride it either.

Thanks for sharing few bullets of the week

Brandon Haynes
Brandon Haynes
8 years ago

whats up Tim, I have heard recently of contact lenses that can record video and play back the vid. any experience with these yet? If so fill me in. if not, could you see if they are worth a damn?! I think they are still in beta mode. Brandon Haynes Charlotte NC

8 years ago

Bruh where you get that fine hat?

That is all


8 years ago

Hi Tim

Long time listener and reader. I can’t thank you enough for all the inspiration and motivation you have provided.

To return the favor , I have recently been listening to beats antique and just heard another instrumental band you may enjoy. They are from the UK and are called Three Trapped Tigers. Hope you enjoy.

Kevin Seaman
Kevin Seaman
8 years ago

Hi Tim!

I have followed you and your work for some time. I love your pragmatic approach, candor and willful intelligence. I love your books and refer them to people I believe will benefit. I would love to send you a copy of one of my books, The Winning Mind Set. It is right up your alley and I love to share. Shoot me your address in an email and I’ll put it in the mail or digital or whatever your preferred method of ingestion. Thanks for all your guidance and wit, Brother!

Kevin Seaman

Justin D Blair
Justin D Blair
8 years ago

Tim, read 4 hr ww a couple of years ago & started listening to the Podcast a couple of months ago. Other day got into the car with my 9 year old daughter and the Cal Fussman episode started up automatically. I expected her to ask me to turn it off, but she was as captivated. When we got home we sat in the driveway for another 45 minutes listening because neither of wanted to stop. You’re the man. Keep it up!

8 years ago


You should drink more while doing Q&A’s. It’s fun hearing the free flowing thoughts with fewer inhibitions 🙂

Something I’ve been pondering:

Is money really not everything? 33 years old, have been in NYC for 5 years (over it) and considering moving closer to my roots about 100 miles away; where the economy is frankly crap. People do make money of course but had always had bigger plans. Is choosing a better QOL, closer to family greater than making way more money in the long run?? What gives…

Ohh btw: also a Lyme guy.


Mary Es Townsend
Mary Es Townsend
8 years ago

So how much of the hydrolyzed gelatin are you having per day?

thomas paciello
thomas paciello
8 years ago

Have you ever considered posting transcripts of your podcast? Some of us (me) prefer to read rather than listen.

Andrew Rizzo
Andrew Rizzo
8 years ago

Have you ever tried electric stim therapy using a DC current device? Also ive recently decided to quit the job, sell the motorcycle and spend the next 6 mo. on a very strict regimen to chase my passions in life through all the habits I’ve adapted from you and your guests, i want to thank you for changing my life for the better. I’ll keep you posted as i kill it in the industry or stries that i will soon be rising to the top in.

Thanks again

garry harper
garry harper
8 years ago

G,day Mate I have just found this product Called ASEA and this thing called Redox Signaling,,,,,??? i was wondering if you have come across it in your search for Lime disease treatments,,,Ijust thought you might get some great relief to know there is something that can help,,,,keep up the great work Thanks Garry

Nancy aharon
Nancy aharon
8 years ago

How can I find a personal trainer familiar with your methods?

8 years ago

Hey Tim. I know you are a tea drinker and you and Alex hannold were discussing tea on the podcast. Do you have any types or brands that you recommend?

8 years ago

I bet you can’t learn how to play street ball like the and 1 finnessers or the Harlem globe trotters without breaking your ankle, not to challenge you or anything but if you can learn that in 4 days, that’d mean I can school anybody on a 1 on 1 lol

8 years ago

Hi Tim, check out point 4 in http://www.idoportal.com/blog/hangingfaq for fixing elbow pain. The dowel does the trick, promise…:-)

Kind regards


8 years ago

Golfer’s elbow?I had a TERRIBLE problem with it. I was able to fix one elbow with two days of trigger point therapy. The pain went away, period. Never returned. The other elbow, not so much. That took physical therapy, application of steroid cream, heat, massage, but over a three month period of bi-weekly appointments, I was golfer elbow free, now for several years.

8 years ago

Hey Tim,

If you are having trouble with tennis elbow, I’ve got a stretching routine that will make a huge difference. I used to practice Bassoon 4 hour/day and I’m a rock climber so I’ve put a lot of strain on my forearms/tendons. My routine is inspired by stretches I learned through the Rock Climbers Training Manual by Mike and Mark Anderson in the “Recovery” section and by occupational therapists I’ve visited in the past. I use a 7-minute routine with the SecondsPro workout timer application to make sure I don’t cheat on the intervals. It makes it really easy to do after each climbing session and keeps me loose and healthy. Hit me up if you are interested.

7 years ago
Reply to  pittmanw

I’m interest, but I’m not Tim.

6 years ago
Reply to  pittmanw

im interested mate, im a rock climber as well – what’s this routine then?

Nicole Plewinski
Nicole Plewinski
8 years ago

I hadn’t read the quote of the day but I wrote down in my diary today that exact quote when I read his book maybe 3 weeks ago and then today I read the email. Very Strange.

My thought on the quote was something from a different prospective. Take nature for example it will always provide something more you can always take away more beauty, more nutrients and more serenity therefore it will never be perfect. If nature was perfect you wouldn’t have anything more to take away and therefore have no purpose. As I see it perfection is boring and limits progress.

Gordon Strole
Gordon Strole
8 years ago

Definition of perfection:

Doing the absolute best you can with the limited information available at the time

John Cronin
John Cronin
8 years ago

Suggested reading “Boys in the Boat” amazing story of the 1936 US Olympic Rowing team. Very inspiring, incredible determination, grit, and and talent on full display.

Cindy Haggard
Cindy Haggard
8 years ago

You always seem to find some kind of interesting food or drink combination how about sharing that with us on your Friday newsletter

Jon Kennedy
Jon Kennedy
8 years ago

Last of the Mohicans Soundtrack–Thank God you mentioned it. I watched the movie 4 months ago and have not been able to get the soundtrack out of my head (wrote it off to having historically Gaelic mitochondria)–listen to it all the time on weekends if I’m working and need to focus…or on the way to working out. Just want a tomahawk to go with it.

8 years ago

Why do I increasingly feel like I am unknowingly partaking in your increasingly thinly-veiled attempts to utilize your blogs, podcasts, and other marketing venues to find a mate?

8 years ago

So, in the whole universe, there are no worthy women mentors for this Two12? Hmmmmm, I see.

Scott Murray
Scott Murray
8 years ago

Just a heads up Tim – the last two images in your emails (one of your face and one of the certified email logo) are very pixelated and blurry on mobile (iPhone stock email app).

Andy Morgan
Andy Morgan
8 years ago

Regarding your latest newsletter with the video of John Oliver tearing down the media for their bad science.

One of the guys that has possibly done the most to combat the industry nonsense in the last 5 years is Sol Orwell. He’ll be speaking at the Two12 event in Boulder also. I hope you two get to chat, he’s a great guy.

I’ll be there also, flying from Japan, but just to chill and enjoy conversation.

I’m sure you’ll be surrounded the whole weekend and I may not get to say hello, so I just wanted to say that the 4HWW inspired me to create a little blog fighting the fitness industry nonsense here, which over the last 5 years we turned into the most popular and trusted evidence-based fitness website educating Japan.

Indirectly then, you have helped to set in motion something that is ultimately raising the standard of the fitness industry here in Japan. You of course had no idea, but thank you! Hope this comment makes your day too.

Plenty more to do though. 😀

8 years ago

Loving 5 bullet Friday but increasingly finding I the links behind subscription walls or licensing issues. Your readership is maybe more international than you know. Hey Tim can a techno- bunny like yourself make 5 Bullet more accessible internationally?

7 years ago

Is there an archive of past 5 Bullet Fridays? A friend has golfers elbow and I was trying to find the articles from a couple months ago that you referred to to fix your gymnastics related elbow pain but had no luck.



7 years ago

I’m looking for this too!

Leelee Davis
Leelee Davis
7 years ago

Hey Tim,

I’ve been a consumer of your work for a little over a year now. I often look forward to your podcast amd recently your mail outs, even telling friends to check out what you are up to.

As a GLTBQI community member, I found myself surprised that you made no mention of Orlando in your mail out and I have some questions for you.

What do you make of the term ‘socially conscious’, and does it play a role in what you do?

How do you use the impact your voice and reach has to elevate communities with less visibility and privilege? How important is diversity and inclusion to you and your work?

Check out this thoughtful response on Orlando from another writer and podcaster who, like you, I respect, recommend, and follow.

Thank you for your work, time, and attention. Looking forward to your response.

Leelee Davis

“In response to Orlando

I continue to be horrified and angry about the Orlando shootings last week, where 49 people died and 53 were wounded. I’ve been calling as many of my friends who identify as LGBTQ as possible, to hear their feelings of fear, rage, sadness and utter confusion. One person said: “I know we are supposed to rise up, especially since there are so many PRIDE events happening this week, but actually I’m scared for my safety in a way that seems totally irrational. I’m too scared to get angry yet. And too upset to celebrate.”

Buddhist practice reminds us to open to suffering.

I’m a straight white cisgender man, I haven’t stepped foot in a dance club in years, and yet I feel I need to say something. What we’ve witnessed in Orlando is an example of the worst of humanity. A majority of the victims were Puerto Rican, Mexican, and Salvadoran, and the shooting happened on Latinx night. It’s important that the mainstream does not silence the LGBTQ Latinx voices by using this tragedy to fuel an Islamophobic agenda. This is a community that has always been targeted by how they love, who they love, and where they love.

To my friends in these communities hit by this tragedy: You are paving the way for future generations to express themselves, build safer communities, and love who they are. Keep saying what you believe, doing what is right, and loving how you love.

When the media and politicians make statements like it’s not the LGBTQ community being targeted, it’s all free societies, I cannot agree. These attacks were specific, focusing on one segment of society. I’m being told by friends that this violence and loss reminds the LGBTQ community that they remain a target of hatred. My grandmother, a Holocaust survivor, would always remind me that no matter how safe she felt, targeted attacks could come from nowhere. She was traumatized by this until her death.

I want to know how I can help. And I’m curious about how my friends and extended community are doing. Like the statement H.H. The Dalai Lama made this week, “prayers are not enough.” The queer community is piecing lives back together again, and with that – values, hearts, and bodies. I cannot vote in the U.S. but I would not vote for a party with such loose gun laws, and one that makes intellectual gymnastics around gender identity and access to public restrooms. I’ll give blood this week because in many places gay and bisexual men are still not allowed to give blood. I’ll check in on my friends. I’ll write. I’ll listen. I’ll find a way to give those affected by the tragedy a voice in my teachings over the next months. I’ll remember that 40% of American homeless youth identify at LGBTQI.

Lastly, it’s so easy to come out in support of one particular community and claim to be an ally in times of tragedy. More importantly, being an ally means not taking breaks. That’s something I’m learning in this process. Reach out to people you know who identify with the communities affected by this tragedy. Listen. Let them share what comes up for them. After all, the best way to be awake is to practice creating the conditions for others to be awake, to have a voice, and be loved. One practice of love is giving people our attention.

I’d love to hear from you.

Michael” (Michael Stone)

Julia Leszko
Julia Leszko
7 years ago

Thank you, Tim. I began listening to T4HWW yesterday and today, at chapter 8. Then i watched the BJ Miller Ted video. Blubbering.

Sean O'Brien
Sean O'Brien
7 years ago

Love your work Tim! Keep on sharing with us. Your work is Inspirational :).

Greg Binns
Greg Binns
7 years ago


Thanks for the Wilczek quote. I work as a psychotherapist and, as you might imagine, making sense of mistakes and failures figures into the work of all of my clients. This sentiment from someone who had reached a pinnacle of success in their field is very useful way to reframe the experience of missing the mark. I’m grateful for the work that you’re doing.


Greg Binns

Jesus Negron
Jesus Negron
7 years ago

Tim, I love the way you carry your self through life. I’m envious of all the things you have done and continue to do. You’re a brilliant man ” con un corazon tranquilo”( with a relaxed heart). Tim. I need your help. I’m 18 years old and sorrounded by negativity and nay-sayers. I do believe I can live a comfortable lifestyle with constructive criticism, selective ignorance, and motivation. People around me are consumed by financial problems and everything is money to them. 1 Timothy 6:10 says ” for the love of money is the root of all evil”. I know I can live a life where I don’t have to be consumed by financial problems or be surrounded by negativity. I need your help. I know you’re a busy man with a lot on your plate, but i’m just asking for your wise words of advice. Thank you.


Debby Page
Debby Page
7 years ago

Just want to tell you how much I love your 5-bullet Fridays. I look forward to it every week. I especially love what you are listening to. Do you have a Spotify playlist that you update with all the songs you post? That would be awesome. 🙂

7 years ago

Doterra on guard is the best toothpaste.

7 years ago
Reply to  smsorensen

Tim, Here’s a new book released on June 27 that may be of interest. Is about workplace happiness, by Jurgen Appelo.


Thanks for sharing the article by Elaine Pofeldt!

7 years ago

Tim. Just finished up the shay Carl podcast. Great interview. One of the most entertaining.

Shay mentioned Dave ramsey. You have got to get him on your podcast. He is the “Tim Robbins” of personal finance. Your listeners will get a lot out of him.

7 years ago

Great choice of music on your July 8th Five-Bullet Friday. I’m amazed by many years of great music – both musically and lyrically of Breaking Benjamin. Tim – if you’re not a big fan already, check out any of their albums. They are ALL chocl full of great stuff! And if you’re a true fan, you’ll know the story behind the name of the band 😉 GREAT music!

Courtney Ray
Courtney Ray
7 years ago

Tim! do you have any interest in helping save the bees? I’m with a non-profit that saves bees here in Austin, and really enjoy your articles! We would also send as much honey your way as you wanted 😉 But really, the bees need your help.

Thanks, Courtney Ray and The Bees 🙂

Alex Karasyov
Alex Karasyov
7 years ago

Hey Tim,

I know you are a fan of martial arts, like Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. If you are ever in Toronto, you should check out Vladimir Vasiliev Systema Martial Art school, you can find it here: http://russianmartialart.com

I think you will like the approach around breathing and relaxation.

Hope to see you there sometime.

7 years ago

Hi Tim, big fan of the podcasts. You are articulate and interesting however I sometimes find its too much about you instead of the person you are interviewing. Take Larry King eg you never knew anything about him from his interviews because he did such a brilliant job in making it all about the interviewee.

Likewise, on the Friday bullets. Way too subjective and not really useful. Would have loved to hear more on useful apps, websites vs what music you like for writing.

Just some constructive criticism. Hope it comes out the right way.

Also spent a lot of time in Japan ..17 yrs …

Ryan Aubichon
Ryan Aubichon
7 years ago

Tim……Love getting my ‘5-Bullet Friday’s’……even when I have a total, horrible week like this one was…I look forward to the positive thoughts/vibes from you. I love ‘Faith No More’ as well, did you know Mike Patton has a 5-Octave voice…and regularly sings with world class opera performers……that man has range and talent to burn! Hope your weekend is full of potential..and you use it!

Sincerely Ryan Aubichon

Nanaimo, B.C.


7 years ago

Hey Tim,

What is your take on ‘The Convict conditioning’ and have you ever considered having the author of this book, Paul Wade, on the podcast?

7 years ago

Tim – regarding this week’s 5 Bullet Friday, I recommend you listen to the song “Beautiful World” by Colin Hay. You’ll hear why I recommended it when you do. Thanks!

7 years ago


I was lucky enough to stumble upon your world (i.e. podcasts, blog, books, etc.) and I am a big fan. Whether you intend to or not, what you say and recommend is inspiring and influential. Please keep up the great things you are both doing and shining a light on for others to see.

In the past, you challenged students to contact people, so I am using you as one of those people. I would love an interview with you (say 15 minutes over coffee) the next time you are in New York.

Thanks for taking the time to read this,

D Nice

Lee Radtke
Lee Radtke
7 years ago

Thank you. Now I can’t stop reading Tim Urban and even the Panic Monster has plopped down to wallow in his brilliance. Now I’ll NEVER get my business going! (Despairing wailing, excessive whinging, self-pitying sniffling.) Now I have to get back to his blog….

Kimberly Smith
Kimberly Smith
7 years ago

You’re busy. This will be quick.

You tell your readers and listeners to reach out to unreachable people – I listened and am doing so now. I have a one-minute question in regards to my muse; I’ve got a great idea and know you’ll have the best answer to my question.



Chad Jowers
Chad Jowers
7 years ago

Hey Tim – love your podcasts, your guests, your insights but especially the book recommendations. One of the books I can’t for the life of me remember is a novel I think recommended some time ago — the title and topic had something to do with Learning to do business in China or Asia. I believe one of the unique qualities of this book was how it was written in the 3rd person.

Can you help me locate this?


7 years ago

Hi Tim…I apologize for bombarding you. I’m really interested in knowing if you still recommend the same supplement regimen on pg. 186 of the 4HB, or are there now better alternatives? I’m starting the slow carb diet and will soon commenced the Occam’so protocol workout. Thanks….Rob.

7 years ago

I think the birthday card my brother created was funnier: Remember, you’re only 18 Centigrade.

tom LI
tom LI
7 years ago

Please don’t send anymore links to People magazine(Olympicshotput dad goes to Olympics)…I got so caught up in all the gorgeous people links I fell behind schedule on my chores, plus it crashed my tablet! Lol

Another Great post keep it up!

Daniel Brondt
Daniel Brondt
7 years ago

Hi Tim,

I got you an new design for the emails – where should I send it?



Howard Alexander
Howard Alexander
7 years ago

Hey Tim, I have always been interested in Mentalism,Hypnosis. It would be great to read your type of research and self experiment in this field.

7 years ago

Hi Tim, I love your 5 bullet Friday posts. But I want to thank you for the recent podcast with Tony Robbins–on achievement vs fulfillment. It was so good. I was washing my car with my iPhone & headphones and I washed it twice so I could keep listening. I went home & listened again (I know-weird) and took a bunch of notes!

Thank you so much!


Rob Brooks
Rob Brooks
7 years ago

Tim I’d like to say thanks for changing my life! Your influence and passions have influenced me no end. About 4 years ago my girlfriend at the time left me as I was a fat lazy slob with zero drive. It was a very low period of my life, my heart was broken and my mom was having a mastectomy. I had enough to deal with and know it was tough for her so I figured I wouldn’t chase her and wished her the best. I figured that the problem clearly lied with me so I started looking into self help books etc. I came across the 4 Hour Work Week and then soon after the 4 Hour Body.

It was the kick in the ass I needed. I finally had a drive and I lost 4st in 2 months with the help of the slow carb diet and geek to freak.

6 months later, as by pure chance, I bumped into the girl who left me. She couldn’t believe the change and I am glad to say we are now happily married and have our first baby boy who is now 7months old.

Thanks for everything! I am writing this email working from my home office. Working.. well 4 hours a day but beats working for someone else.

If you’re every in Bournemouth England I’d love to buy you a drink and talk shit!

All the Best!

7 years ago

I just realized not only have I bought all of your books and loved them, but I’m still benefiting from your bullet emails and I haven’t even taken the time to say thank you.

7 years ago


What’s up man? I love your work and respect your attitude toward life. I mainly listen to your podcast and receive your 5-Bullet Friday emails. You really helped my transition in moving to Miami. I listen to your podcasts in my 35 minute commute to work every morning, great stuff man.

One day in the shower, I had an epiphany that we are in this so-called ‘tech bubble’ and it is going to burst, and maybe sooner than I hope… I don’t really know what to do with this thought. I have explained it to a some people and have yet to receive a solid response that struck up a more in-depth conversation about it. People seem instantly stunned and I see it in their helpless eyes that, ‘oh no, I pray you’re wrong…’

If you want to hear my thoughts about it in more detail let me know, I’d be happy to share.

Keep up the good work, I’ll continue spreading the word about your generosity and motivational insight.

Best regards,

~Nick N.

Ben Hammond
Ben Hammond
7 years ago

I’ve got 25 bucks to a recognized book store.. I typically listen or kindle books but this one will be a hard copy. If you could suggest 1, what would it be.

*I already own Four Hour Workweek

*Whichever you choose, I’ll go get it

*I’m a 36 yr old married firefighter and a father of 3 boys.

7 years ago


I’m learning SO much from you and your guests. I have been listening to your podcast from day one and have been following along with fascination and really appreciate all of the hard work that goes into creating such meaningful content that I can apply now to improve my life. I can’t wait for your book on your podcast guests please let us know when we should look for it in news stands. As a former high school wrestler from South Pasadena I also share your opinion that folks now adays (in general) don’t have any idea of what it means to truly suffer to grow faster and learn more. Pura Vida brother! All the best! Keep up the good work! Bill

7 years ago

Hi Tim

I just watched your YouTube video on how to peel a hard boiled egg with ease. I’ve got a better way. Crack an egg into a small bowl or teacup, place it into a bamboo stack steamer, and steam away. It takes exactly the same amount of time, but without the shocking or peeling. You get the same results, only in a different shape


Lisa Olszewski
Lisa Olszewski
7 years ago

Tim, I’ve loved your books (work week, body, chef) and have recently found your podcasts and I loooove that I have a treasure trove of content crafted by you! Your interviews are always so well thought out and sooo interesting but always entertaining. I learn so much. And 5 Bullet Friday’s are just the icing on the cake. Thank you! Do you have any public appearances planned? Will that happen maybe with your new book?

Benedict Westenra
Benedict Westenra
7 years ago

Hi Tim,

It’s such a great thing that you’re releasing a new book! I know you’re not doing it for the money or other egotistical reasons. I thought I’d give you the tip-off that in British English “tool” is quite a common word for male genetalia, so “Tools of Titans” makes it sound a bit like you’re calling the book “Big Dicks” (check with Ed Cooke if you don’t believe me!). Which is not necessarily a bad thing, depending on what you’re going for…


B 😉

7 years ago

How about a podcast with Greg Glassman

7 years ago

I agree with you. The only Chardonnay I like is from Rombauer.

7 years ago

What’s prompted you to visit the Oscar Wilde quote Tim?

7 years ago

Federico Aubele on Pandora is Awesome! Thanks for sharing…

7 years ago

Hi Tim,

In case this email finds it’s way to your attention, will be short and sweet.

Read 4HW last year and loved it..been listening to podcasts on a road trip from the Bay area (Marin) to Minnesota and back..they are FABULOUS.

A couple thoughts:

Podcast Question: In addition to asking what your current self would tell your 25 year old self, ask the opposite. I find myself asking “what happened to the 25 year old me, where did that person go, and how did I lose my way”?

I’m 59, turning 60 in March, been in the financial markets almost allmy professional life.

Some Podcast Ideas:

Below are three people whose stories I think others would find interesting. All extremely bright and talented

1. Paul Nordstrom: Big Thinker, Self-taught programmer, probably the smartest guy I know. Developed one of the first stock index arb. programs in the early 90s (just the story of sending orders to brokers who ran around the NYSE floor is fascinating). Worked at Amazon, Google (was the designer of the Google Wheelhouse project).

2. Michael Flaxman: 30ish self-taught programmer, also been involved in a few start-ups (Thumbtack is one). Now an expert in cryptology, block-chain stuff.

3. Michael Steinmetz: CEO and founder of Flowkana, SF based “Farm to Table” marijuana start-up. Michael is from Venezuela and a really interesting guy. My son is a co-founder and COO (I think), he turned me on to your book.

Screenshot sharing app: In one of your podcasts (Ramit Sethi I think) you asked how he shared screenshots. I have been using 5-Clicks for many years..easy to use..just save (jpg,png,etc) straight to Dropbox for sharing.


Thanks so much for what you are doing. Would love to have coffee if you are interested.


Dan Steinberg

Tommy Baldacci
Tommy Baldacci
7 years ago


I really enjoy the work you have been creating. It has been a substantial influence on my search for knowledge, especially your referrals of books to read and people to follow, including, and most importantly the Stoic Philosophers… and Sapiens… and, oh wait, the list doesn’t stop.

You have made it clear on many occasions that you are a big fan of red wine. Well, it just so happens that my family owns and operates a winery, Baldacci Family Vineyards, in Stag’s Leap Napa Valley, that specializes in Cab. In repayment of your bestowment of knowledge upon many, including myself, I would greatly enjoy sending some bottles of wine for you to try. This is not a gimmick, nor am I striving to obtain cheap advertisement. I am just a fanboy that would be extremely excited to connect with you through sharing wine from my family to you.

If you are interested in trying some bottles please let me know the best address to send them to you.



7 years ago


Thank you for all you work. I don’t think there is anyone in the world who has had a greater impact on my life then you have had.

Here is a short list of things in my life that are awesome that started with you.

1.My business, Young Hip & Married. Because of the 4hww I ventured into business for myself and have created a location independent business that allows me a very nice life. Last year I took 12 weeks Vacation and in 2018 we plan to take our 4 kids on an around the world trip.

2. My body. The 4hb inspired me to get my health in check and led me to discover The Ketogenic Diet. This way of eating changed everything for me. Myself, my wife and my kids thank you. We all eat Ketogenic now and love it.

3. My mind. The 5-minute journal. This little book changed my entire outlook on life. I heard about it first from you. I rarely miss a day and now live my life in a place of gratitude. Incredible. Thank you.

There are countless other insights I have learned from your Pod Cast. From Jamie Fox inspiring me to learn piano and teach my kids, to Tony Robbins 90 sec rule to stop suffering, to learning to get up early, to implementing a meditation routine, Boomerang for Gmail (life saver), all the ketogenic goodness, Four Sigmatic Mushroom Bulletproof Coffee, the list goes on and on.

Thanks for giving so much.

You have helped me to change my life and I am forever grateful.

I’m looking forward to meeting you someday and if you are ever in my neck of the woods (Vancouver BC) and want to experience some of the best BC has to offer from a local, please look me up.

With a gratful heart,

Shawn Miller

Ken MacPherson
Ken MacPherson
7 years ago

For Jocko,

What is your process when crisis strikes? (personal, family, business, life)

7 years ago

Why don’t you mention your latest podcast here?

7 years ago

Any idea when next random show will be?

Jeff litton
Jeff litton
7 years ago

Some brilliance: The Wisdom of Joseph Campbell, on audible. 5 hours of listening with enough wisdom to change lives. Enjoy.

Barry Murphy
Barry Murphy
7 years ago

Hi Tim. Have enjoyed reading your stuff and listening to your podcasts. Wondering if you have done any research on carbalose (a low carb flour used to make Carbquick)? I’ve found it useful for thickening up things like cauliflower mashed potatoes or making “low carb” biscuits but am not sure if I’m just fooling myself. Any experience with it? Thanks so much!

7 years ago

love this post and every post. I can not thank you enough for doing what you do. The info, your presentation and humor are awesome.

Steve Hord
Steve Hord
7 years ago

Cheers Tim, your an absolute legend..thanks for 5 bullet friday and the awesome bonus’ you give out on signing up!

Inspirational mate, well done 🙂

Rich Gehron
Rich Gehron
7 years ago

Tim, I have been really enjoying the 5 Bullet Friday Newsletter. It often sends me off discovering things that I never would have found on my own. I just read an article in The Atlantic about the “Free Time Paradox” in America. Fascinating on its own, but it contained a quote from economist John Maynard Keynes that struck me as – well, as very Tim Ferriss. Thought I would share:

“But it will be those peoples, who can keep alive, and cultivate into a fuller perfection, the art of life itself and do not sell themselves for the means of life, who will be able to enjoy the abundance when it comes.”

Thanks, Tim, and keep cultivating the art of life.

7 years ago

Hello Tim ! I am a fan from Taiwan, I just bought your book and finished reading it . Your book was excellent ! Althogh I have a question , I cant access to http://www.pxmethod .com . I really wanna see how a landing page should look like . It would be very helpful if you could answer my question . Thank you
