Looking for a Change in 2015? How About Becoming My Managing Editor?

I’m looking for the perfect Managing Editor.

This person will be my right hand for all things related to content. Some of things you’d get to work with:

– One of the world’s most popular blogs (this one). Typically 1.5-2 million readers per month. See “The Tim Ferriss Effect” on Forbes for a funny description of what it can do.

– One of the world’s most popular podcasts — The Tim Ferriss Show — selected by iTunes as “Best of 2014” and often the #1 business podcast across all of iTunes (at times, #1 across all categories).

– Email broadcasts to nearly 500,000 people.

– Social media accounts that reach millions of people.

– New top-secret projects for 2015, including high-end video and new book stuff.

Things would start with a paid one-month trial, probably around 20 hours per week. If things go gangbusters, there would be potential to expand significantly from there. Competitive pay and tons of interesting options.

Here’s more on me, if needed.


To help me focus exclusively on writing, interviewing, and other content creation, I need someone who’s expert at handling quite a bit.

The Managing Editor’s responsibilities would include, but not be limited to, the following:

* Spearheading the editorial calendar for the blog, podcast, email, etc. for the next 6-12 months. I’m too ad hoc and last-minute right now. It’s unnecessarily stressful. I need someone to manage most or all of it, including…

* Helping me reach out to would-be podcast guests and book them, prep them, confirm them, etc., whether celebrities, world-class investors, or scientists.

* Helping me draft blog posts that I don’t otherwise have the bandwidth to adapt. For instance, great unused parts of The 4-Hour Body that are currently Word docs with footnotes, etc. A past example of such adaptation: The Truth About “Homeopathic” Medicine.

* Sourcing great guest posts and guest authors. Here are two different but equally successful examples: Hacking Kickstarter and 20 Things I’ve Learned From Traveling Around the World for Three Years.

* Helping plan and implement content promotion. This would include social accounts reaching millions of people, cutting-edge experimental stuff, and more.

* Experiment with different ways of increasing traffic (syndication, managing SEO/SEM contractors, etc.).


* You’d be working behind the curtains on high-profile projects. You’ll see all of my projects first, and get to play a critical role in their creation and launch. This could range from interviewing icons to wordsmithing posts or book chapters that will be seen by millions of people.

* I will ask your advice and look to you for original ideas, new experiments, and more.

* If you’re in SF (or willing to visit), you will also be invited to spend time with the most impressive people in my network. In fact, that would be part of your job.

* I might send you great tequila, there will be strange assignments, and you get to work with a weirdo. That’s me. There won’t be a lot of boredom.


Please note that most of the below are “must have,” not “nice to have.”

First and foremost, you need to understand and love the goal of my content — helping people unlock their latent potential, and providing non-obvious toolkits to that end.

These types of stories must make you excited to conquer the world, do huge things, and tackle big problems. Alignment with the above mission is the most important, but you should also:

1) Have at least 2-4 years of writing/editorial experience

2) Be a great writer and equally good at editing/improving other people’s writing.

3) Have managed tight deadlines and successfully put together editorial calendars.

4) Ideal: Have managed other writers.

5) Ideal: Comfortable with WordPress.

6) Ideal but not required: Live in or near SF.  Remote is also possible.

I need someone with relevant experience. This is non-negotiable. I cannot take fresh grads or people who don’t check most of the above boxes. I’m hiring a pro, not looking to mentor someone from ground zero.


A friend and well-known editor for a massive site cautioned me about this section. In his words:

“[It’s] great to tell people about these, but maybe be a little less brutal with your self-descriptions? These are reasonable expectations in my trade.”

Alas, I still prefer the Shackleton approach to job descriptions. Being my Managing Editor will not be easy. Rewarding? Definitely. Exciting at many times? Absolutely. Easy? Not likely. Think of it like a professional sports team.  I’m not going to haze you or anything stupid, but my content works because I take it very, very seriously. We’re here to create posts that are more valuable (traffic-wise) two years after publication than the week we put them out. We want epic content that gets linked to by “real” media all over the world. If you have the right personality for it, you’ll love this. But…

Here are some fair expectations:

* I’m an unrelenting perfectionist. If you’re not the same, it will probably make you insane.

* I live and die by deadlines. They are absolutely sacred, and I am merciless about this.

* You will need to be self-directed and very self-organized. Besides inflexible deadlines, I won’t provide a lot of structure. I assume you’re bringing a lot of your own process and best practices.

* You need good mental and physical stamina, and you MUST have the discipline to “turn off” and recharge during off hours. You should have a regular exercise regimen or activities for decompressing.



Just to re-emphasize: I absolutely need someone with experience. If you have no experience, there will be other opportunities with me in 2015. Please don’t clog things up here.

If you do check most boxes, I’d LOVE to hear from you.  2015 is going to be a LOT of fun.

Please click here to tell me about yourself.  Any questions?  Please let me know in the comments, which I’ll be watching.

Thank you for reading this far, and Happy New Year, all!

Pura vida,


The Tim Ferriss Show is one of the most popular podcasts in the world with more than one billion downloads. It has been selected for "Best of Apple Podcasts" three times, it is often the #1 interview podcast across all of Apple Podcasts, and it's been ranked #1 out of 400,000+ podcasts on many occasions. To listen to any of the past episodes for free, check out this page.

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Comment Rules: Remember what Fonzie was like? Cool. That’s how we’re gonna be — cool. Critical is fine, but if you’re rude, we’ll delete your stuff. Please do not put your URL in the comment text and please use your PERSONAL name or initials and not your business name, as the latter comes off like spam. Have fun and thanks for adding to the conversation! (Thanks to Brian Oberkirch for the inspiration.)

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Paola Torres
Paola Torres
9 years ago


“Unrelenting perfectionist, merciless about deadliness, demanding about stamina levels” sounds like the perfect boss to me. Plus, working with Tim Ferriss?! Where do I sign?

Loved the “brutality” about this job description.

I can be a badass on this job, but I’m 23 (sometimes equals “recent grad” or “no real experience”, though I had graduated 4 years ago and worked since 8), also outside of the US at the moment, so ZERO chances.

Totally jealous about the person getting this job, who is probably a guru with over 10 years of experience in writing epic content (perhaps, even a future bestseller) or has been managing editor of Seth Godin.

Yup. Not a chance… For now. 😉

Definitely looking forward to one of those other opportunities in 2015.

Good vibes to you all!

Jessica Maria
Jessica Maria
9 years ago

I’m polishing my answers to your form questions now. I don’t think I’ve ever been this excited about a job prospect … or sure of how great I’d be at it. Whatever happens, thank you for posting this opportunity the way you did. After a tough day yesterday, this was just the kick I needed. Pulling together the things I’ve had to for this application has put a huge smile on my face. You’ve done it yet again.

Christian Petersen
Christian Petersen
9 years ago

What an Interesting prospect. I’d be up for discussing the opportunity with you further.

I have a health, fitness and organic food importing/manufacturing and product development background. In 2005/6 I worked for the Australian Branch of a gym that also had the rights to Oxygen magazine and Musclemag. I wrote filler articles and marketing copy for them when publication deadlines would near to help them out. (I was at university at the time. It was a part time Job where I was a gym supervisor – I used to help with target driven sales and marketing promotions of supplements).

After I graduated I moved onto to an organic food company called Loving Earth where I was Sales and Marketing Manager. I helped build the business from a start up with 3 people to a 25 person operation in 2 years. http://www.lovingearth.net I was responsible for coordinating trade shows and expos, formulating products, writing nutrition panels and marketing, updating the website shopping cart and pages as new products were added (it was html), assisted the managing director with travel/operation management in his absence, wrote articles for the monthly newsletter and helped launch the brand internationally managing shipping logistics and media coverage in Malaysia and Japan.

After this I worked full time as a Personal Trainer and yoga/pilates instructor at Virgin Active. Managed a demanding client base with tight scheduling. I also have public speaking experience – having presented on health and nutrition topics for other trainers and gym members at Virgin Active.

I now work for Emirates airline as Cabin crew. I have also started writing for the Emirates Group portal (50 000+ employees use this portal) on corporate health and wellness. I manage my own publishing schedule for article and video generation.

I have also recently started my own venture for cabin crew health and wellness where I have taught myself Photoshop and Indesign, created a health and fitness guide and set up a basic WordPress website with a Paypal shopping cart and edit and create my own (basic) videos. http://www.cabincrewtube.com. (it’s still a work in progress)

I am from Australia. Live in Dubai. Speak Japanese (lived there for 3 years – I can see you have met the Harajuku girls or Akihabara maid cafe waitresses lol). I would definitely be open to relocating to SF (it’s a dream of mine to live there – it’s one of the most amazing cities I’ve visited, and I’ve been looking for the right opportunity) I am happy to work remotely for a trial.

If you would like to Skype to chat in person, and think I might be a fit for the role, please PM me


9 years ago

When’s the deadline, Tim?

I’ll be submitting today after taking probably too much time to craft some of my responses. However, I’m sure other people would benefit from a deadline.

Also: I know you said that remote is a possibility. But what if someone is particularly interested in moving to SF?

Thomas Halpin
Thomas Halpin
9 years ago

I couldn’t check the experience boxes because I don’t have any experience with editorial calendars at all. That seems like an oversight on my part, so I wanted to ask, “How do you suggest gaining experience managing editorial calendars for those that aren’t interesting in padding a resume and just want to actually perform the task well?”

9 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Halpin

Hi Thomas,

If you use WordPress, checkout a plugin called Edit Flow http//:www.editflow.org. I just started using it and it’s super easy to learn 🙂

Cheers and best of luck!


Lynn DeRoccco
Lynn DeRoccco
9 years ago

Tim, please don’t make a choice until you see my application. I am the one in a million+ readers who is meant for this job. Trying to prove it is another story. I’m working on it and will get my materials in today.

9 years ago


I applied, and I’m excited about such an engaging opportunity.

I was the managing editor of a nationally-distributed, bi-monthly print publication with a readership of 100,000. While there, I built an editorial framework from the ground up and worked with at least ten contributors per issue to refine their submission drafts.

Job satisfaction, to me, is the ability to point to making someone’s life better (even if just a little) at the end of the day. Being your managing editor would give me that chance on a scale I’d never before imagined.



9 years ago

I can check most all of these boxes and am very interested. I will be submitting my resume for consideration.

9 years ago

Hey Tim, I’m going to be straight forward! I want to do something with you, very likely on a volunteering basis. Please hit me

ps. I’m homeless in Edinburgh and just said no to a room so a a student can have it. I think she needs it more.

9 years ago

Hi Tim,

I check all the boxes and then some.

Actually… Almost want to sent the “Are you looking for a change? question right back at you because, within the next 24 hours -you’ll see why then- you will receive an application that will probably open up your perspective on that position.

Talk soon,


9 years ago

It’s great that despite your challenging job description and expectations, you still value your employee’s welfare and health. It would be a difficult job but reading this made me think that you are fun to work with but with restrictions. I hope you will find the right Managing Editor that fits what you’re looking for.

DeeDee Downs
DeeDee Downs
9 years ago

A specific pool of talent you might explore (who frankly, might not have time to read your blog) are the Segment Producers and Senior Producers on tv new programs… some of whom might like a lateral move into your sphere. These are highly experienced writers, time managers, self-drivers who know how to research and secure interesting stories; who are masters at deadlines; and who tick every one of your boxes. Reach out to them. Producers at tv news magazines also fit the bill. And the best part? Their professional background will make them immune to the irony that they cannot work a 4 hour workweek with you. They don’t want to. They are driven. Good luck, Tim!

Eric Price
Eric Price
9 years ago

Would be fun interesting to listen to Tim’s exchanges/interviews with the potential candidate list…

Matt Scofield
Matt Scofield
9 years ago

Still taking applications? Happy MLK day

9 years ago

Tim, I’ve put in my application. When can we expect to hear back? I meet all of your criteria, and then some.

9 years ago

Talk to you soon, Tim.

9 years ago

Not really up to the task, so i will keep this short. If you ever need connections or assistance for a future project in Portugal, let me know.

9 years ago

“Thanks you for your interest.” If nobody else caught this error on Wufoo after submitting the application, I think I should get the job! — Lynn DeRocco

9 years ago

I am the Jiro of words. Nobody wants this job as much as I do or would work as hard at it as I would.

9 years ago

you should interview kevin hart!

Magnetic North
Magnetic North
9 years ago

Is this position still open?

9 years ago

Does this hire mean you are game planning for a 2 hour work week?

9 years ago

My children, various family members, and several friends have decided that I need to get a job. Not just any job, they believe that I need to apply for the position as Managing Editor for an author by the name of Tim Ferriss. This seems like a very improbable feat, especially considering the applicant pool. Yet it does pose an intriguing challenge.

So, what do you do when your resume does not quite reflect the life experience and unique skill set that you actually have? When a one to two page summary cannot even come close to revealing the true scope of your abilities. When you spent decades taking the most important job as a mother and wife seriously instead of building that killer network or slam-dunk resume. You develop one heck of a self-promoting sales pitch and approach the challenge with genuine tenacity; thinking completely outside of the proverbial box.

The Building the Perfect Sales Pitch

Know Your Customer

Like any great sales pitch, you must first know your audience before you can construct the perfect pitch. RESEARCH! In this case, Tim Ferriss, is a best selling author, self-proclaimed super-human, weirdo, neurotic, with a type-A perfectionist personality. This I can work with and strangely enough relate to.

Understand the Customer’s Needs

When we break down employment as the definitive dynamic between the employer as a consumer and the employee as a product it open the logical progression of the working relationship. Does the product fit the needs of the consumer (does the potential employee’s skill set fit the needs of the employer)?

Step two of the sale pitch process is to determine which of the products characteristics, elements, features, and upgrades would be important and useful to this particular consumer. What does this consumer say he needs, what does he imply that he needs, and what needs can we anticipate?

Stated Needs

What are the consumers stated needs? Tim Ferriss states that he is looking for a writer/editor with experience; the ability to plan and manage projects (editorial calendar and schedule); experience managing other writers; the ability to blend/improve others writing; proven ability to meet strict deadlines; and comfort using the WordPress software.

Does the product meet the consumer’s stated needs? Yes; absolutely. I have more than four years experience as a writer; four years experience proofing and editing my own academic writing on more than 200 academic projects; and two years experience proofing, blending, and editing team projects and papers. I have two years experience project planning, scheduling, and managing on more than 100 projects and have managed teams of writers up to 8 members per team project. Additionally, I have a proven track record in organizing and managing team projects meeting and exceeding strict deadlines on more than 100 projects. Finally, since I had never worked with WordPress, I took the time to start a WordPress Blog and learn the software. I can now say I am familiar and comfortable with the program.

Implied Needs

Implied needs are not always as clear and precise as the needs stated by a consumer; this is where a fair sales pitch becomes a great sales pitch. Does this product meet not only the stated needs of the consumer, but does it also meet the implied needs?

Identify the consumers implied needs. Beyond the job requirements, Tim Ferriss mentions that the perfect candidate for this position has superior organizational and analytical skills; is self-directed and self-motivated; is a problem solver, innovator, and freethinker; and finally someone who shares his unique philosophy.

Does the product meet the consumer’s implied needs? Yes, most definitely. I have superior organizational and analytical skills that have been tested over the past two years working in a team setting. I am currently working on a Masters Degree In Science in General Psychology and Industrial/Organizational Psychology on a self-guided study which requires me to be self-directed and self-motivated. My writing and references reflect my ability as a freethinker, innovator, and problem solver. And most importantly, my education and interests have focused on tapping human potential through psychological reframing and motivation; with strong interests in growth mindset theory and grit theory.

Anticipated Needs

Often the consumer does not consider that they need seat warmers or remote starters when they are content with a high safety rating. If the extras are available at no extra charge, it is important to point out those bells and whistles. The ability to incorporate anticipated needs into a sales pitch makes the product more desirable to the consumer.

Does the product offer any extra features that would fit the needs of the consumer? I have two years virtual project management, development, and organization working in team environments. This qualifies me to work from remote locations efficiently and effectively. Finally, I have 31 years experience catering to the needs, habits, and mannerisms of an eccentric, highly neurotic, Type-A personality.

Resume verses Referral

Does the product do what the sales person claims it does? Could the product be a diamond in the rough or possibly the most important and versatile tool in the shed? The perfect sales pitch does not rely on the product description as much as the recommendations from other consumers. As a sales person, I can say anything about the product, but what do other users have to say? The perfect sales pitch is always supported by word of mouth and the power of positive feedback.

My resume may not reflect the elements that make me the perfect candidate for this position, but my references, samples of my writing, and my practical experience will reveal the elements and qualities that make me the perfect candidate for this position.

Here’s to Another Adventurous Trip around the Sun,

Elizabeth Haynes-Fisher

Russell Simano
Russell Simano
9 years ago

hire Elizabeth. She’s great.

9 years ago
Reply to  Russell Simano

Thank You Russell.

9 years ago

elizabeth is a very self motivated, lets get things done person,she is very reliable and very people friendly. elizabeth is very self propelling when she knows she has a deadline to meet and sticks with whatever she is doing til it is finished. i think she would be an asset to your company, once she knows what is expected from her she will deliver. she is not afraid to speak up during meetings or when giving a sales pitch. elizabeth is very a very polite person who has no problem with speaking to potential consumers. i have had the pleasure of knowing her for many years before she moved away, and i’m sure that had she remained here she would be pursuing the same kind of employment she is seeking today. i had the privlage of reading a poem by elizabeth on motorcycle riders and i hope she submitted to you as well. as i said before i think she would be a great asset to your company..

9 years ago
Reply to  shirley

Shirley, Thank you for the referral. That was very sweet. The “poem” you mentioned was “Faces of the American Rider” Thank you so much for pointing out a sample of my writing. That was very thoughtful of you. It is so nice to see that the people in my life believe in me. https://haynesfisher.wordpress.com/2015/01/28/faces-of-the-american-rider/

9 years ago

Hire Elizabeth, and you will be pleased. I have not had the pleasure of meeting in person but stumbled on her writing and have been following since. Elizabeth has a very communicative nature you can not help but look forward to her posts.

9 years ago
Reply to  Jane

Jane, Thank you so much for the support and for following my posts. At times I wonder if my words reach anyone other than the unusual usual suspects. I is nice to know that others enjoy my efforts.

Alex Slawson
Alex Slawson
9 years ago

Tim Ferriss, you need someone like Elizabeth Haynes Fisher as your Managing Editor. She is an extraordinary communicator, highly organized, simultaneously left and right brained, a deadline driven perfectionist, a true self-starter with mental and spiritual agility and an inspiration in her own right. Trust me when I say that this opportunity sounds like it was tailor made for her abilities. She comes with my highest recommendation, as a professional and as a friend. You owe it to yourself to at least consider what Elizabeth has to offer.

9 years ago
Reply to  Alex Slawson

Alex, THANK YOU! I agree it sounded like this job was tailored for my unique temperament and skill set. What is amazing is that it was so perfect a fit, I would have had so much fun with this, unfortunately I do not think I made the final cut. So on to new adventures and delightful dances around the moon.

Cindilyn Boone
Cindilyn Boone
9 years ago

Dear Mr. Ferriss

I guess I will also jump on the bandwagon to throw in a positive referral for Elizabeth Haynes-Fisher for the position of Managing Editor with your organization.

I have personally paid Elizabeth to edit and tutor me through a number of academic papers when I was in college. In more than one class her expertise, ability as a writer, and eye for structure, spelling, grammar, and clarity was key to my success as a student writer. Moreover, her correction methods teach proper form and how to lead an audience.

After I left school, I contracted Elizabeth to conduct a business analysis and build a simple accounting system that I could maneuver. She analyzed our books and employee schedules and not only design and built a very easy template for our use, but she also found anomalies in our books that indicated employee theft and deception. Because of her ability to break things down into smaller parts and find the patterns, we were able to catch the employees responsible.

While Elizabeth may not have a resume that reflects years of work experience, she does have paid and practical experience as an editor and an analyst on an as needed basis. Thank you for your time.


Cindilyn Boone

Owner and General Manager

Mad Hatters

9 years ago
Reply to  Cindilyn Boone


Thank you so much for the referral. I have enjoyed working with you in the past and seeing a different perspective through your writing. Your paper on Coping with Bipolar Disorder was an amazing look at the daily struggle a person with bipolar disorder faces in conforming to social norms and expectations. Thank you so much for the opportunity to edit your work and gain a new perspective.

Kayla Best
Kayla Best
9 years ago

Mr. Ferriss,

I noticed someone posted a request to face book for people to send in recommendations for Elizabeth Haynes Fisher for a position as managing editor with your company. After reviewing the job description I will gladly submit a referral for Elizabeth Haynes-Fisher as the “perfect match” for this position.

Elizabeth has a way of showing a person that they can succeed as long as they try. She saw that I was unhappy and not living up to my potential; then she asked me three simple questions, “where would you like to see yourself in five years?”, “can you imagine yourself being there?”, and “what are you afraid of?” That conversation changed the course of my life; and now I am in my second year of college working toward my dream and striving to meet my potential.

It all boiled down to fear. I was afraid of failure so I just failed to even make an attempt to fulfill my dreams. But when she explained that true failure comes only from the failure to try and all other failure is just practice toward success I realized that it never hurts to try. And over the past year Elizabeth has managed to show me ways to stay motivated and find the small rewards that keep me going through the long stretches between assignments, classes, semesters, and years. She broke things down into smaller less overwhelming tasks so that I could manage a full school load and the demands of a three year old.

Even though I have never paid Elizabeth for editing one of my papers, she has reviewed my papers and offered suggestions for changes in content, for clarity and quality; and corrections in grammar, format, reference structure, and spelling. To date I have written 25 papers and Elizabeth has reviewed and/or edited at least 20 of the 25 papers.

I am asking that you take this unsolicited referral into consideration and at least place Elizabeth Haynes-Fisher in your top possibilities for this position. Even though she tends to be very blunt, brutally honest with her critiques, and slightly odd in her approach to life; she is an amazing woman who seems to have the ability to motivate others in positive ways.

Thank you for your consideration,

Kayla Best

9 years ago
Reply to  Kayla Best


That was such a sweet referral. I am so grateful that I had the opportunity to inspire your dreams and motivate you to exceed expectations.

9 years ago

Elizabeth Fisher is more then qualified for the position. She has impacted my life so much words aren’t enough to express. My sports career has dramatically improved ever since she and her deiced husband Jon (God rest his soul) put me through their training. Their training has earned me a lot of rewards just in one year, I can only imagine the awards I could have earned if I would have went through training all my high school years. Elizabeth has helped me in many other ways besides sports, such as school etc. She is a very smart woman and is capable of tackling any task.

9 years ago
Reply to  J.Davis

Thank you so much JJ for that referral. Jon and enjoyed the time that we spent helping you bulk up and train for your senior year in football. And for anyone reading this, this kid is AMAZING! In his senior year he earned Iron Man of the Year and All Conference RB. We are so proud of you.

Jon Hedrick
Jon Hedrick
9 years ago

Dear Mr. Ferriss,

My sister Jessica Haynes mentioned that our mother needed a reference for employment with your company. I looked over the job requirements and our mother Elizabeth Haynes-Fisher is a prime candidate for this position. Unfortunately, she has spent the past 26 years devoted to raising us, keeping our dad alive, and helping others in our community; instead of building a resume. So the most important job in the world (the job of a parent and wife) is the only factor that will most likely prevent our mother from having the job of her dreams. And that just cannot happen. So we have decided to follow her example and think outside of the box so that she has a fighting chance.

When I was seven years old I was diagnosed with sever dyslexia and dysgraphia. When the teachers could not teach me to read and administrators started hinting around that I may never read, my mother set out on a mission to prove them all wrong. She studied and researched everything that she possibly could about my disability and she designed a learning program to teach me to read. She called it a repetitive emersion program and it was focused on building new neural pathways through multi-sensory stimulation and repetition. Within three months I was able to read and recognize most words on my grade level. This was more than a decade before she started college. This is what my mother does, her approach to life; she sees a problem and she solves it.

Our mother may not have the work experience and history that a company would typically expect for a potential candidate for this position, and she is right to assume that her application would quickly find its self in a recycle bin because of the lack of work history. Logically the filtering process is the best way to thin out a large applicant pool. But it is not always the best way to find the perfect person for the job.

Our mother Elizabeth Haynes-Fisher is likely the perfect person for this position. Hopefully others will step forward and put in their experiences working with my mother. Thank you for your time and consideration.


Jon Hedrick

9 years ago
Reply to  Jon Hedrick

Thank you Jon Luke. I think I will go bake you some cookies now.

RedBone Redmond
RedBone Redmond
9 years ago

Elizabeth Haynes Fisher is one of the best I’ve ever met. She has done a article on me when I had went to D.C. with a group called 2 million BIKERS to D.C. the article got much attention and could be searched and read calling it the sleeping giant is now awake. Clearly the article got so much attention that other internet news had traveled thru many news publishers. I am very proud of the work she has done. If you don’t believe this you can search and read it yourself a great piece of work coming from such a talented young lady.

9 years ago

Thank you Redbone, I continue to be amazed by the political stand that so many have taken since that ride. If anything the bikers involved in that ride opened the eyes of so many to the responsibilities we as Americans have to this country. We all talk about our rights, but we often fail to realize that some of those rights, like the right to vote, is a civil responsibility. Thank you for going the distance an sparking the flame that fueled that article.

9 years ago

I’ve had the pleasure of knowing Elizabeth for about one year and have read many of her writings.

I am very impressed with her writing skills. I am college educated and I have reasonably good writing skills myself. Beyond her editing skills, Elizabeth has a very readable style.

I think very highly of her as a communicator.

9 years ago
Reply to  markieman3000

Thank you so much Mark. It has been a pleasure reading your posts too.

9 years ago

Hello ferriss,

Im a lawyer by education, a model by passion, willing to do modeling at global level, and wish to start my own buisness of fashion boutique of luxury jewellary and a few dresses! Both can go hand in hand i believe. But i m not having any genuis mind to guide n mentor me the steps! I read your post , i fell in love with the step to step guide! Can u please do this for my buisness!

9 years ago

Hello Tim,

As I submitted my application I wanted to let you know a few things. I’m going to bullet them for the sake of time — both yours & mine 😉

-I came across 4HWW in a very delicate and decisive moment of my life, which was not too long ago (2 years). It helped me find strength to take risks and make important decisions which definitely changed my life and made me a happier, healthier person. I can say I found out a lot about myself by following your book’s advice. Of course, it also helped me expand my network and grow as an independent professional (a.k.a. “freelancer”). On top of that, thanks to those decisions I eventually got to meet my wife. Paraphrasing Steve Jobs: “you can only connect the dots looking backwards”. So I guess this first bullet is a bit of a “thank you note” — knowing for sure that, as you said, you’ll be reading all comments on this post.

– Hence, I’m very grateful for this opportunity. It’s the first time in a while I see a job description which seems so like me. Here’s why:

– I’ve been writing and editing for more than 10 years in both English and Spanish.

– I specialize in digital: I got a Masters’ in Digital Business and my recent work has been around websites, newsletters, marketing, and social media. (Not all of it shows on my Linkedin profile.)

– I’ve been working with public figures and celebrities on those fields; specially on Social Media, which means I can help you with your Digital + SM strategy. (Again, I cannot put their names on my LinkedIn profile; but I’m happy to talk about that over phone/Skype.)

– I do have a some experience in broadcast & radio, which can come in handy for your podcast.

– I’m a “global citizen”. I embrace multiculturalism. Pretty much like you do.

– Last but not least, being the perfectionist I am, I had a bit of an “ouch” moment after sending the application: I left out a few interesting and more pragmatic ideas to answer your case — which of course came to me after hitting the “send” button. So at this point what I can do is hope I do get a chance to speak to you about it when advancing to the next phase of your selection process.

I’m sure it will be a pleasure working with you.


9 years ago

Hello Tim and everyone!

What a great opportunity to change the world!

I applied some time ago and believe I have the relevant experience – 17+ as a journalist and interviewing, writing, editing, training other journalists, podcasting and founding startups, etc.

And I hope Tim and his team will take a look at the application and also at the companion materials, interviews and testimonials/references I got especially for this application, etc.

What’s interesting though, is what the process of applying gave me.

I had heard a few episodes before but this time got really hooked and listened to all podcasts again. Needless to say, I got a ton of insights and inspiration.

I set up a countdown alert for how much time I got left on Earth (credits: Kevin Kelly – http://bit.ly/VWytBG). Of course you never know how much it is but that put a lot of things into perspective.

The moment I set the clock ticking down, I had the insight I had been looking for for years. And it’s not surprising – do the things that are most likely to positively impact as many people as possible out there.

The specific answers came from another episode – Peter Diamandis and everything he and the folks at Singularity University are doing. In addition – also Tim’s question – what is likely to still be around and inspire the world 200 or 300 years after you’re gone.

Based on all that, what would I love to see Tim do (and I’d love all of us to be part of it).


Here we go:

Set up The 4-Hour Labs (4HL) – a Tim Ferriss-led think tank/accelerator calling for projects of global importance and value which will impact positively the lives of 2 billion people in the next two decades (20% of the world’s population projected for 2050).


Let’s say we were approached by a space civilization to send a sample package representing the most advanced projects in the areas of science, culture and arts on our planet.

Sounds pompous and contrived but just to give an idea of the scale and value we’re targeting. Doesn’t need to be communicated this way.

The 4-Hour Labs is commissioned to select and execute the projects, put the package together and send it to space (not unlike The Voyager Golden Record – http://bit.ly/1FiIUkk).

To this end, 4HL holds a contest for the best projects in the following categories (obviously TBC):

– biotechnology (intersection health, AI & tech)

– education & learning

– literature

– arts (visual & performing, best movie, music, painting, etc.)

– tech


– get the best global talents to compete and come up with the most advanced solutions in the categories.

– set up a crowdfunding platform to support the development of the projects in the period prior to selection. People vote with their wallets for the best ones. At the end, a specially appointed committee selects the winners in Stage 1;

– 4HL holds shares in all the projects and Tim advises and supports the teams throughout;

– create a 4HL campus with satellite campuses around the world for the execution

– set up a support infrastructure of advisors, experts, tutors, workshops, seminars and hackathons to help and train the teams;

Sort of like a crash-course MBA in world excellence!!

– design a 4HL curriculum and methodology of accelerated learning the Tim Ferriss way to support the teams with dissecting and modeling world expertise. Initially, to be used in-house but then package the know-how to be applied it in schools and unis across the globe

– teams work for free (the Shackleton way) on the the execution for 3 months and then the committee picks a winner (in any category) in Stage 2 and awards the team with the 4HL Prize.

– attract leading brands in the respective industry to sponsor the prize

This way, Tim has a chance to tap into the tremendous latent talent and potential within the 4HWW community and support the best of the best to change the world.

World tour

If time (and schedule) allows, Tim will do a world tour visiting key locations prior to the selection process, presenting the contest and meeting with the community. This will be a great way for thousands of peeps to meet him face-to-face, discuss ideas and be inspired. We’ll set up talks on different topics of interest within the 4HWW categories (books, fitness, health, tech, arts and movies, productivity, etc.) and at the same time announce and promote the contest.

If time and schedule do not allow, we can still do these talks within the 4HWW tribe and he can attend some of them remotely.

I’ll be absolutely honored to set up the talks around the world and arrange things before Tim arrives. Again, Shackleton-style of course.

How cool is it to be able to work on something like that?

Who’s in?

Good luck to all the applicants and let’s rock and roll! 🙂

9 years ago

Your closing phrase “Pura Vida” is my opening for this comment. I am from Costa Rica and, definitely, we feel that phrase as our asset. I have been following you and your sharings for more than 3 years now. Put in practice all? Nope

But that is something that I am working on.

What I urge you is to have a Spanish version of your monthly or weekly info.

Tim, it necessary. If I can support in any way for this to happen please let me know

Pura Vida!!!!


Sarah S.
Sarah S.
9 years ago

What a terrific opportunity! Will someone be responding to all the applicants, or only those that make it through to the second round of cuts?

9 years ago

Hey Tim, any update on this? I understand you won’t be able to get back to everybody personally but if you’ve made a decision already, could you put a note at the top of this post?

9 years ago

March 1. I cry. Will you be sharing who you picked?

9 years ago

I no longer give 2 f’s!

Preston Kuo
Preston Kuo
9 years ago

Hi Tim,

We saw this posting back in Dec, but we play in a different physical space…CHINA. We know you have great experience here as well as awesome language. We would like to know how we can enhance your efforts out here with the foreign and local audience. We want to see what we can do to help Team Tim!


9 years ago

Polite question. Did you ever appoint a Managing Editor? Thanks

8 years ago


Thank you for an entertaining and interesting read. I lead HR regulatory compliance in a Bay Area MedTech company so job descriptions are my thing. Particularly enjoyed your “fair expectations” bullets and really appreciated your required discipline around off time.

Thank you for being the kind of leader who puts positive pressure on his team to take care of themselves.

8 years ago

Hi Tim,

I’m perfect for this role. I’m assuming, by now, the successful applicant has grown tired of your ranting and raving, has figured out how to make more money, have a better life and work less hours.

If this is the case let me know.

If not, please make it easier to find the forms and calculators you speak of on page 54.

8 years ago

Did you fill the position? If not, I’m applying. I’d move back to San Francisco for this.

Liz Barrett Foster
Liz Barrett Foster
8 years ago

Did you find a managing editor last year? Did they work out? If not, I’d love to throw my hat in the ring.

5 months ago

So who did you hire??