How to Get The 4-Hour Chef Audiobook Free — Only Until 10am PST (1pm EST)

Gilbert Gottfried reads 50 Shades of Grey. NSFW.


Many of you have been asking me for the audiobook version of The 4-Hour Chef. Now that I control the rights, I’d like to offer it to you… for free.

The offer is at the end of this post, but first…

Who should join me?

I’ll record a lot myself, but I’d like to involve other voice actors for small bits and pieces.

Who would you vote for? Here are some of my favorites. If you like any other them, please Tweet at them using the following format:

“Request! @[insert name] Please narrate a piece of The 4-Hour Chef audiobook! @tferriss is a fan.”

For instance:

“Request! @SamuelLJackson Please narrate a piece of The 4-Hour Chef audiobook! @tferriss is a fan.”

Here are a few I think would be incredible, even for just a few lines:

– Samuel L. Jackson – @SamuelLJackson

– Patton Oswalt (played “Remy” in Ratatouille) – @PattonOswalt

– Ben Stiller – @RedHourBen

– Morgan Freeman – I’m unsure which Twitter account is real, if any.

– Chuck Norris – Not on Twitter?

– Tony Robbins – @TonyRobbins

– Neil Gaiman – @NeilHimself

– Brad Garrett (played “Gusteau” in Ratatouille) – Not on Twitter?

Who am I missing? Any requests?

The Offer

Here’s the offer, good only until tomorrow (Saturday) at 10AM PST (1pm EST):

Buy one (1) hardcover copy of The 4-Hour Body (BODY) and fill out this form. You’re all set.

Or… if you buy three (3) hardcover copies of The 4-Hour Body (BODY), you’ll get both the audiobook for free and my $299 CreativeLIVE course described here for free. Just purchase the 3 books on Amazon and fill out this form.

– Give extra books to close friends and family who can use them. Challenge them to join the current DietBet.

NOTE: If you already bought three books this week through the last promo, you’re automatically getting the audiobook 🙂 Otherwise, alas, only new orders count.

What will it be like?

I’ve never had a chance to make an audiobook myself and intend to make this one VERY fun and unusual. It will necessarily omit the recipes and be abridged, but there’s a lot of room for creativity.

Completing it could take a few months, but it will be well worth it. If you buy The 4-Hour Body with this promotion, you’ll get the audiobook (free) at least a month before anyone else.

If I think up more cool opportunities, you’ll be the first people to hear about it.

The Tim Ferriss Show is one of the most popular podcasts in the world with more than one billion downloads. It has been selected for "Best of Apple Podcasts" three times, it is often the #1 interview podcast across all of Apple Podcasts, and it's been ranked #1 out of 400,000+ podcasts on many occasions. To listen to any of the past episodes for free, check out this page.

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Comment Rules: Remember what Fonzie was like? Cool. That’s how we’re gonna be — cool. Critical is fine, but if you’re rude, we’ll delete your stuff. Please do not put your URL in the comment text and please use your PERSONAL name or initials and not your business name, as the latter comes off like spam. Have fun and thanks for adding to the conversation! (Thanks to Brian Oberkirch for the inspiration.)

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Kerry Armstrong
Kerry Armstrong
11 years ago

Tim, Did you know that visually impaired readers can ‘read’ at over 400wpm?

The inventor of text to speech, Ray Kurzweil MUST read from your book and one of his Kurzweil software voices!

Did you know that all resources that school districts buy must be UDL (Universal Design for Learning)?

The director/creator of UDL, David Rose, must also read a chapter!

Love the book and I hope you put a device on the recording where we can speed up the speech! Then I could read the whole book on my 1 hour run!


11 years ago

How about Nigella Lawson (@Nigella_Lawson) — I absolutely love the way she speaks.

11 years ago

What about Neil Patrick Harris? (@ActuallyNPH)

11 years ago

Sam Elliott. Also, the entire cast of Family Guy.

11 years ago

Hey Tim… Bought the 4 Hour Chef and am working on learning and applying the DISS process. I am a 1st year Physician Assistant student and I am trying to work this in on my learning of medicine. Just wondering if you have any specific experiences, techniques, advice for learning medicine.


Matt Suttner
Matt Suttner
11 years ago

Hey Tim

I’m a professional voice artist in South Africa, I’ve done work for brands such as Mini, Aquafresh, HP and a host of local big brands.

I do a bunch of deliveries and characters.

I would do an exert for your book just for the bragging rights. Let me know, offer is open till next Thursday 10AM (EST) 😉

11 years ago


11 years ago

I can’t wait for the audiobook to be completed!

I love the list you have going for guest voices, but after recently watching Les Mis and knowing that you have an appreciation for Hugh Jackman for his Wolverine and his recommendation of 4HB (I think you mentioned in a Random Show), I say it would also be great to add Hugh Jackman to your list!!

Keep ‘er up, Tim!

Adam Hurwitz
Adam Hurwitz
11 years ago


I purchased the 4-Hour Body via Audible audiobooks and am interested in taking advantage of the 4-Hour Chef Audiobook deal. Is the deal still valid for me?



Connie Joe
Connie Joe
11 years ago

dear Tim,

Besides beef, could I eat some fish meat during the weight-losing?

11 years ago

I ordered 4 books and filled out the form on Friday, but I haven’t received any communications about the offer.


Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
11 years ago
Reply to  KC

Coming shortly, guys!

11 years ago

I looked but might have missed it. I already bought three books through amazon during the last promotion. Do I need to send you the receipt or will the audio book just show up in my e-mail with a link?

11 years ago
Reply to  Jeff

Sorry Tim, I went through all the comments and see that someone already asked you the same question.

11 years ago

Hi Tim

I submitted a copy of my receipt for 3 x Four Hour Chefs to take advantage of your original offer and recieved a confirmation notice advising that I would receive your course in the next ten days however haven’t seen anything come in yet. Could you advise if it has been distributed yet please? Looking forward to receiving it.

PS I can provide the receipt again if required.



11 years ago

Tim, sorry. Just read previous comments. WIll wait.



11 years ago

Hey Tim

I submitted the Amazon receipts thru the Wuffoo form. When should I expect to receive the link the videos?


11 years ago

Chuck Norris is not on Twitter but he is on Google +

I’ve sent him your Tweet… in Google+

He would be the all american BAD ASS in your book!

11 years ago

WOW! I just recieve the CreativeLIVE course and i am so glad i jumped on the occasion to buy some duplicates of those books to get the course. It’s amazing how much value is in there. At first i though to myself “humm, Tim will say the same things i’ve heard from many different interviews i’ve listened (many many) so I’m not sure of the value, but what the hell, its 45$ just buy the books and give them to friends. And i’ve been listening to the first day and now im listening to the Noah Kagan interview and boy this guy is amazing, wow. I’ll make a summary of all the videos to make sure i internalize all this because i want to use as much as possible in my life. Knowing what’s in there, i would easily pay the 300$ of the course to get it now so this is extreme value. Thanks Tim!

Joel from Montréal

(by the way, do you ever come in montreal, toronto/ottawa for events/speaches, etc so we can meet you?)

Oscar P.
Oscar P.
11 years ago

I guess it would be awesome to hear Sir Christopher Lee narrating a piece of the book. Maybe the last parts of the book for an epic ending…

David Wolk
David Wolk
11 years ago

Just purchased all three of your books from Amazon. 4HC got me interested but 4HB is really turning my house and family around. I’ll be buying more 4HB for my children and my friends. Are any of your offers still available? In any event, thanks for your work.

Alex Karasz
Alex Karasz
11 years ago

I’m a Voice Acting Guy. I’ll read as many sections as you want for free. Email me, I’ll send you a demo

Jaron Ensley
Jaron Ensley
11 years ago

Can’t I just buy a copy of the audiobook at Audible like I’ve done for your other two books? This seems like using alternative marketing to become a huge pain in the butt.

I love the idea of suggested authors, but to say that I just can’t buy this audiobook because I haven’t bought more of your products is not cool.

Count me out. Jaron

Matt Suttner
Matt Suttner
11 years ago
Reply to  Jaron Ensley

No Jaron, You will be able to buy it, it doesn’t exist yet. The deal is added value not compulsary.

Aysegul. Jones
Aysegul. Jones
11 years ago

I think it is not fair Tim. I have read your book and started to SCD. So far, no weight lost. I am not throwing a towel yet but I’ve been searching and searching. SCD is not working on women as the way it works on men. That is why; you MUST find a female version of you, and she should experiment different expects of the diet. Hormones are different, plus reactions are different. I though you like to find an answer for anything. So…what about us? It is not FAIR. Will you do it?

Alexandra fox
Alexandra fox
11 years ago

Hi Tim,

My name is Alexandra, I’m almost 40 & live in LA.

I was given your book by a pal, after mentioning hearing you on Nerdist & WTF podcasts. I found you very inspiring, as well as practical.

Quick question, re: my usual supplements, I’m in first “official” week now.

I have been taking all my usual, except CLA, I took it for a few days-then stopped (only 1, 1000mg daily).

Here’s my list of daily supplements-

Multi (generic centrum)

2 D3’s 400iu each (my mom had BC)

1 vit.A 8000 iu (Ex cig.smoker for 20 yrs., & still medicinally smoke pot 1x day in PM)

2 cinnamon capsules 1g + chromium (amino acid chelate) 100mcg (all in one)

1 Milk thistle extract 140 mg.(seed extract 140, silmarin by UV 98mg)

1 vit. E 400iu

2 Ginkgo Biloba tablets (don’t have orig. package, but I know it’s low dose)

1 Garlic & parsley “”(same as above)

1 ALA 200 mg.

1 dose Pure powder vit.C, 1000 mg. Just started doing daily again past few days, I was out.

Echinachia & goldenseal (low dose tablet) 2-3x week, maybe

1-2 phenylephrine PE 10 mg

Melatonin (Trader Joes) 500mcg. 2-4 nightly

That’s it for the daily. I did think I was getting a canker sore 3 days ago, so I took some Lysine for 2-3 days. That is only x I ever take Lysine, which is rarely.

I am a performer & artist, just barely scraping by month to month, to avoid a McJob. I am going to order supplements you suggest today online (sans ALA, which I have). I’m also getting magnesium, as you suggest for sleep. I haven’t had blood done in MANY years, needle phobic. I’ve been planning on getting done in next few mo.s. I grew up w/ Dr. In family until I was 17, when he passed. My Nana died at 97, she is the one who got me into supplements, along w/ The Bottom Line health publication, which I subscribed to for years. I don’t work out much in past 2 yrs., but am very active, walk plenty, bike & tennis few x a mo. I look much younger than I am, thanks to genes. Quitting smoking once and for all, last year (after many failed attempts) seemed to coincide with some stubborn belly fat, then somewhat sudden cellulite, more than I’ve ever had, on my thighs. I only want to lose 12-14 lbs. at most. I’m hoping that’ll help both these issues. I’m planning on blood work in next couple of months, as soon as I can afford it.

Thank you, or your assistants, for your time. I appreciate it very much.

I have been spreading the 4HB word far & wide, not that you need it:-)

Best Regards,


11 years ago

Hey there Timothy… where can we buy you 4 Hour Chef audio book? I drive for 3 hours a day getting to and from work. It’s the perfect time to listen to books that I would love to read! I look forward to starting my 4 hour journey! Cheers 🙂

11 years ago


Has the audiobook been published or still a work in progress? I haven’t seen hide nor hair in my email about it.

All the best,


Larry Owens
Larry Owens
11 years ago

Hey Tim, the toy guy here…hope the book is coming along good. I honestly loved Ray Porter for the 4HWW…sounds sorta like Dan Akroyd to me! I am curious having you read your own work to see where the infliction’s evolve within. I’d assume a more emotional connection with the work, ya know? If you want any listening input, just yell, my time is yours!


11 years ago

Tim. Is audio book of 4 hr chef avail yet? If so how can I get ? I can’t find it anywhere. Thanks. Bless up. Sean