The 4-Hour Chef – Samples from All Sections (Plus: $5 Amazon Gift Cards)

Thanksgiving 2011–Darya Pino of Summer Tomato, chowing down at my house. Food = Love.

I can’t wait for launch! Less than 48 hours away…

To whet your appetite, here are sample pages from every section of The 4-Hour Chef.  The PDFs are far prettier (and from the book), but the blog posts may load faster:

Front Matter:  (PDFblog post)

Introduction:  (PDFblog post)

Meta-Learning:  (PDFblog post)

The Domestic:  (PDFblog post)

The Wild:  (PDFblog post)

The Scientist:  (PDFblog post)

The Professional:  (PDFblog post)

There is also a soundtrack (yes, a soundtrack) for The 4-Hour Chef. Here are the 29 songs.

Want a $5 Amazon Gift Card?

Good news: if you already bought a print copy of The 4-Hour Chef, you’ll be getting a $5 Amazon Gift Card! This brings the effective cost from $21 down to $16. That’s more than 50% off the $35 cover price!

Until tomorrow (Monday, November 19th) at 11:59 p.m. PST, Amazon is offering a $5 gift card to anyone who orders the hardcover edition of The 4-Hour Chef. Find all the details, fine print, and naked pictures of me here. Just kidding on the naked pics.

What else might Amazon be up to this week? Hmmm… How about full-page ads in People Magazine and bus wraps in NYC? That’s just the tip of the iceberg…

Second Printing and Errata

“Errata” is a fancy way of saying corrections in a book or article. The 4-Hour Chef is going into a second printing, and here are a few screw-ups we caught and are fixing:


p. 472: Tanya Harding should be Tonya Harding


p. 500 (2nd to last line): eying should be eyeing

p. 505

Under Technology, (left-hand column, second line from the bottom), the sentence should read “It has a surface that can be lowered to -30ºF.” Currently it reads “45ºF.


p. 573: Correct spelling of Liechtenstein in the shorthand recipes.

p. 606: In the quote attribution at the top of the page, correct the spelling of Rain Man–should be two words.


page 56: 12O+ lbs should be 120+lbs [changing the O to a zero]


page 192: The words “Pickup 13” have been removed from image

page 220: Re-labeling images for the correct order [the C and D should be swapped]


[in each of the following cases, 455g is listed as the equivalent to 1lb. The should be fixed to 454g]
page 484: 455 g to 454 g (in chart and in text)

page 534: 455 g to 454 g (in chart and in text)

page 538: 455 g to 454 g (in chart and in text)


Tonya Harding AND Rain Man in a cookbook?  Oh, yes.  Not to mention Calvin & Hobbes and Alessandra Ambrosio, too…

The Tim Ferriss Show is one of the most popular podcasts in the world with more than one billion downloads. It has been selected for "Best of Apple Podcasts" three times, it is often the #1 interview podcast across all of Apple Podcasts, and it's been ranked #1 out of 400,000+ podcasts on many occasions. To listen to any of the past episodes for free, check out this page.

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Comment Rules: Remember what Fonzie was like? Cool. That’s how we’re gonna be — cool. Critical is fine, but if you’re rude, we’ll delete your stuff. Please do not put your URL in the comment text and please use your PERSONAL name or initials and not your business name, as the latter comes off like spam. Have fun and thanks for adding to the conversation! (Thanks to Brian Oberkirch for the inspiration.)

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11 years ago

The sample sections look great! Can’t wait till Tuesday when the book comes out!

11 years ago

I just purchased two copies of the book, right before you put this post up. Will amazing be issuing gift cards to me, or am I better off, canceling and then re-ordering?

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
11 years ago
Reply to  Pat

Hi Pat, you’ll automatically get the $5 gift card! No need to cancel.

11 years ago

Poem about Tim!

There was a young man named Tim Ferris

Who wanted job hours just the rarest.

Man wrote a bestseller book

With a Four Hour hook,

And now he deals with the fairest.

Disclaimer: Fairest is used in the old timey sense of beauty, not race!

Tim I would like to help get your books into as many hands as possible, but am not sure quite how to do that. Already gave everyone copy of 4 Hour Workweek. Am currently working on petition to Repeal the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act at

Loved reading of the Stoics and my mom and I are trying the 30 day criticism challenge. Go Tim!

Kyle Munroe

John P
John P
11 years ago

A Soundtrack!? Boss

Stanley Lee
Stanley Lee
11 years ago

Didn’t know you have this sense of humor.

Ryan Berg
Ryan Berg
11 years ago

We’re all rooting for you, Tim! Ready to see you knock this out of the park and show the publishing world what’s up. Stoked to get my copy in the mail on Tuesday!

11 years ago

It would be helpful if you created a separate page containing the errata, perhaps under the ‘The Book’ tab?

11 years ago

Aww, the naked pics were the most intriguing part… 😉

11 years ago

The book looks ace – definitely looking forward to receiving my copy.

Brian Van Peski
Brian Van Peski
11 years ago

Spotify playlist of the Four Hour Chef (soundtrack):

Some songs not available on Spotify.

11 years ago

So I take it the gift card cannot be used for the purchase of the book? Just future purchases?

11 years ago

I ordered my copy on the 12th on and just chatted with the customer service. German customers will also get the gift card about 5€ via email. Thats the good news. Sad point is that I have to wait maybe 4 – 6 weeks longer since there is a slight delay in the delivery chain. The customer service agent wasn’t able to verify the correct shipping date, so I will get a update as soon as my order is ready. Gee 4 – 6 weeks…maybe I just order additional copies from and use express shipment from the US to Germany and beat amazon at their own game…just for the fun of it and because I am highly impatient (wonder whose fault is that…superior book marketing skills at work…there is one name which comes to mind)

11 years ago

Hi Tim,

I pre-ordered 4HC two days ago on Amazon Germany for 26,90 € (thats the full 35$ price) and wanted to ask whether we get a discount/gift card here as well?

Best regards,


11 years ago
Reply to  Filip

Yes we do, as soon as amazon ships the book we will get an email with the gift coupon code.

Best regards,


11 years ago
Reply to  Sven

Just ordered a copy through, thanks for the tip Sven! I’ll get the Kindle version later this week as can’t wait 6 weeks to get the copy either 😉

11 years ago
Reply to  Fred

Same here. Thanks for that!

11 years ago

More authors/writers should be like you.

11 years ago

Spine cracking while getting straight

The many levels I’m being aware of are unprecedented (in my own experience) sometimes I (and guess almost everyone) has a deep vortex swirling desire of connecting and getting across life with all their beings for a specific reason that binds us and integrates from and through the center of our core, this wrapped in skin existence has experienced a couple of these magnificent catharses.

My own desires have been (and guess others’ not) just hallucinations from a poor local sorrounding environment that ended up digging a mythical hereditary lied grotesque forgotten bagagge path that had every reasonable idea for hope burried. Dead.

I (hope others too) have managed to discern and get face to face, eye to eye… I’ll stop here for now. Anyway: a deep vortex swirling desire of connecting and getting across life with all their beings for a specific reason that binds us and integrates from and through the center of our core ,sans the lie.

This time I’m feeling like a happy boy playing in a in-re-creation fortress’ backyard, having the right feeling and the correct meaning, y’all leaving a FLASHING neon light on top of that open porch door leading to the first ever never ever land?!?!?!


(Deep re(not)lie.ving breath)

Miriam J
Miriam J
11 years ago

Thanks for sample pages and YES, it worked, they make me want more… And can’t wait to find out what lesson will you extract from Ms. Harding?

11 years ago

Any gift card love for those who pre-ordered from

We already had to pay almost $5 more even though our currency is at par with the USD…

Alex Ikonn
Alex Ikonn
11 years ago

Looking forward to receiving my pre-order copy 🙂

Your book launches always fascinate me and there is so much learning in just this launch itself. Thanks for bringing something new to the publishing industry. Very refreshing.

Michael K.
Michael K.
11 years ago

I can’t put this book down. It’s like I’ve found a kindred spirit

Josiah Redding
Josiah Redding
11 years ago

Ah, I can’t wait to check the book out! The sample pages look great.

Rick McClelland
Rick McClelland
11 years ago

Awesome. Pre-ordered this a long time ago for $15. With the gift card, brings my total down to $10. And I’m sure that the content of the book is worth much more than that.

Good luck with all this cross promoting and the book launch, Tim. Hope you reach your goals despite the barriers in the way.

11 years ago

Haha! Nom nom. Will miss you guys on Thanksgiving this year.


Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
11 years ago
Reply to  Darya

We’ll raise a glass (or several) to you and your dear Kev-Kev!

Judith Shipstad
Judith Shipstad
11 years ago
Reply to  Darya

Try shoving that dead turkey leg down the other hole.

11 years ago

Why is there discount on hard cover copies only. I have pre ordered kindle version like many others. I know your digital orders are significantly less than hard copies. So it will be cheaper to give discount. But I am a big fan so I will pay any price for that book.

Zach Gamble
Zach Gamble
11 years ago
Reply to  Apoorv

Because his goal is to get it to #1 on the New York Times Bestsellers list. But the New York Times doesn’t count E-book purchases for the category that 4-Hour Chef has been placed in.

Shane Duquette
Shane Duquette
11 years ago

“14,000 calories in 20 minutes”

You’ve got me very intrigued!

11 years ago

Your writing is different. You seem to be transforming into a craftsperson. Perhaps an artist is on the horizon.

It is nice to watch.

Joe Strong
Joe Strong
11 years ago

Intro page says eat 14,000 calories in 20 mins, scientist section says 15,000 calories. Another mistake that needs correcting?

Benny Hsu
Benny Hsu
11 years ago

Tonya Harding?

Must be in the section about how take out someone’s knees. 🙂

Look forward to the book!

Dain Miller
Dain Miller
11 years ago

Me and my gf support the shit out of you tim. I think that this book will do well for one reason. I make 45k a year, and barely have any leftover after billls and we are buying 3 books to hand out. We were literally on the verge of buying the 25. That’s how much your fans support you.

Never never, never give up.

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
11 years ago
Reply to  Dain Miller

Thank you so much, Dain. Please thank your gf as well! I really appreciate you and everyone who’s so damn supportive. It’s the only reason I keep writing these things 🙂

Pura vida and thank you again,


11 years ago

Hi Tim,

The PDF samples look great. Perhaps a dumb question (but there’s no way to preview sample content from the book on Amazon) – is the book printed in full colour too?



Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
11 years ago
Reply to  Jack

Hi Jack,

Oh, yes!

It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever made — 1,000+ photos and illustrations, all full color.

Hope you enjoy!


11 years ago

Your drive and ingenuity are so sexy

Shane Duquette
Shane Duquette
11 years ago

The girl that can dead 400lbs—does she have a name?

I run a strength training community for women. I’d love to use her as an example of a wickedly strong girl who doesn’t look masculine or bulky—two big fears for women strength trainees.

11 years ago

Have you ever researched into improving the senses?

11 years ago

Pre-ordered the kindle version as it will take too long to get the printed copy in Fiji.

Loved your definition of “happiness=excitement” in your first book.

Your second book helped me lose 10 KG…. and keep it off.

Looking forward to the new book.


Deborah Owen
Deborah Owen
11 years ago

Tim et. al.,

I am so impressed with your 4 hour body and workweek that I am going to purchase the 4 hourchef without hesitation. In one week i have lost 7 lbs and 6.5 inches on the slow carb diet. I have 107 more lbs to lose and even bought a friggin kettle bell. I hope not to bop my head or kill my animals. My teen daughter, bless her heart, took before pictures that will never, never, be posted anywhere. But I had to take a good hard look. Whew!

Recently I purchased the 4 hour workweek and with the advice I hope to have a lifestyle design that includes remote work, learning languages and traveling with my daughter.

Does Tim travel in any Integral Theory (Ken Wilber) crowds? He looks so familiar.

So Grateful,

Deborah Owen

“When you realize how perfect everything is you will

Tilt your head back and laugh at the sky” ~ Gautama Buddha

11 years ago

Damn it, i was really hoping you were serious about those naked pictures. My names Lance Bass and I’m interested in the kindle version, how much will it be and when will it come out? Could you offer a pre-order promotion?

Pete Derpinstone
Pete Derpinstone
11 years ago


Is there enough material on learning in the book?

I don’t interested in cooking. I don’t know why you wrote a book about cooking AND learning. I only interested in learning methods and tricks you use, and I like your mentality, but I’m afraid there are little material in the book about learning.

So I want to know whether is it worth for me to buy the 4H Chef.

I have your two previous books by the way. I loved the 4HWW, then I became a fan of you, read your blog from 2007. But, sorry to say, I couldn’t utilize the informations of the 4H Body. There were more hype than actual usable info, or maybe I am stupid to grasp… I was a little disappointed with the 4H Body.

There were the diet and the exercise program in it, but very little actually usable info on ‘becoming superhuman’ 🙂 That was the hype. So I’m afraid if I buy the 4H Chef, I’ll get an interesting cookbook with fancy recipes with weird ingredients that American people can buy, not an average (or non-average Eastern European), and a little cool sounding stylish examples of your previous experiences about learning the tricky way, but no actual usable information on how could I really use your tricks if I have not high enough IQ to invent that kind of tricks.

I badly want a book about learning fast and efficiently and with the mentality of yours, but maybe you should write a whole book about learning methods. I would surely buy it. But not an appendix of a cookbook.

So I dunno what to do; maybe I should spend another 10 dollars and try it. I think I will. But I don’t want to be disappointed as I was with the 4H Body. I want a whole book about learning by you 🙂 with really usable methods average people can use. Thanx.

Best regards,


Christian Kleineidam
Christian Kleineidam
11 years ago

Why did Tim write a book about cooking? After 4-Hour Body a lot of people wanted to try the low carb diet. Average people like you found that the book lacked the practical directions about what to eat when switching to low carb.

The book intends to make the average person eat a healthier diet.

The average person won’t have the drive to copy Tim’s learning strategies. There no way Tim could write a book that would let the average person learn the way Tim does.

If Tim succeeds in helping the average person to eat better that a big accomplishment. Eating better means being healthier. Having more energy.

It’s the over average people who profit from Tim explaining how he’s learning.

Tim writes in the introduction PDF: “FAILURE POINTS—


I don’t care why people pick up cookbooks.

I’m much more interested in why they put

them down […] Too many ingredients (and therefore too

much shopping and prep).”

Tim seems to recognise that giving people fancy recipes with weird ingredients is not enough to teach people cooking. He actually intends to focus on making things easy. At least in the “THE DOMESTIC” section.

It’s also not about IQ. It’s about stepping out of your comfortzone. It’s about doing stuff and experimenting.

The 4-Hour Body has many suggestions for experiments. Average people won’t do them. No book on general learning theory will turn someone who doesn’t like to do experiements into doing the experiements that are necessary for learning the way Tim does.

Tim best change is to write a book that makes it easy for the average guy to put the book into practical use. Cooking is perfect. The average guy can simply follow the recipes. Afterwards he can experiment.

Getting people to experiment is really hard. This is Tim best shot.

11 years ago

Since this is Amazon Publishing, any thoughts to selling a “combo pack” where the Kindle and hard copy are bundled together for a discounted price? I will be applying that gift card to the Kindle version, but it may be an effective way to pull digital buyers to the hardcover for NYT presence.

I’ve found that cookbooks are the one item I still prefer in hardcover vs digital, but I sure like being able to look up recipes and ingredients off my iPhone on a whim.

The PDFs look great, can’t wait to get my pre-order on Tuesday!

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
11 years ago
Reply to  John

Hi John,

Oh, yes, we’re thinking about that!

Later this week, the Kindle price will suddenly drop to $5 or so, so if you buy the print edition now, you effectively get the Kindle version for free 🙂

All the best,


lance bass
lance bass
11 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

Sweet you can’t go wrong at that price, by the way just saw your youtube promotional video and am amazed at the 1.4 million views in just over 10 days, kudos by the way have do you still find stumbleupon to be useful for paid ads? or is there a better source?

Avi Solomon
Avi Solomon
11 years ago

This is awesome Tim, and thanks for scoring the color printing throughout, it makes a great difference in the reading experience.

I’m quite impressed at your grasp of the importance and impact of the physicality of a book. I select print books very carefully precisely due to their unsurpassed capacity for engaging my attention and your book over-delivers in this regard.

I got two copies, one for me and the second for my seven year old son who’s just started reading long-form text! My bet is that he’ll learn more useful skills from this book than all his years in public school:) It will also provide the context for making the most of what he does learn at school.And I’m still an eager student of yours too at the wee age of 40.

Wishing you continued success in helping others to become their best,


11 years ago

Tim –

Whatever happens, you’ve already won.

Will the book be a hit? Conventional wisdom says the powers that be are against you, so how could it be. They forget one thing, everything you’ve done has defied those powers and that increasingly antiquated wisdom. Kinda like Amazon, if you know what I mean…:-)

I’m just one of what by now is likely millions of people whose life you have changed by connecting the dots from one unconventional thinker to the next with a “drum beat” that says, “Just because they’ve told you it’s so, doesn’t mean it is.”

When I read the “tut tut” attacks I always think back to Donnie Deutch following you on some talk show saying what a nice kid you were, but you can’t run a business working 4 hrs a week — a terrific example of the “wizards of smart” not seeing the future because they have never been challenged before.

You’ve already won because you’ve consistently challenged that wisdom. You’ve already won because they BOTHERED to boycott you. And we’ve already won because we were lucky enough to find you and take the time to see that there is another, better way.



Christian Kleineidam
Christian Kleineidam
11 years ago

I ordered the book through Does that mean I will also get a gift card or do only people who order it through get the gift card?

11 years ago

Yes you will get the gift coupon code via email as soon as the book ships. That may take a will since the delivery date is stated as 4-6 weeks. The customer service agent wasn’t quite sure about 4-6 weeks and as soon as I “pressed” him about this amazon prestige project and

mentioned that the 4HB had the second highest sales worldwide in Germany (someone dropped this nice nugget of knowledge as he discussed the cover design on creativelive) he mentioned something about a computer glitch. We will see. Bottom line Germany (I think everybody, because amazon has a lot riding on this) will also get the gift coupons. Thats what the customer service rep told me. Please feel free to refer to me as “I know about someone who gets a that gift card” if you run in some kind of trouble

11 years ago

Hey Tim,

I pre-ordered the paperback UK edition. If I also order a hardback edition through am I eligible for the gift voucher?

Thank you!


11 years ago

Hi Tim,

love the idea behind 4HC and I was wondering if a german version is planed. Thoughts?



11 years ago

So excited! Got me email from Amazon saying that my copy has shipped. I actually pre-ordered last Dec 29th. Love the promos Tim. Thanks.

Joe Adkins
Joe Adkins
11 years ago

$5….sold. just picked it up on Kindle. to get this kind of material for $5 is almost unbelievable. I seriously would have paid $500 for 4HWW…and I’m sure this book, although different, but will top that. The information you give is life changing.

11 years ago

Nice use of Te Reo!

Marcin Bajer
Marcin Bajer
11 years ago

“If you ordered the Kindle edition at a higher price, you’ll only be charged the $4.99.” – well, not true. I pre-ordered yesterday and just got the book on my Kindle plus E-mail from “Total for this Order: $12.77”

That’s a big -1, even before I started reading 🙁

11 years ago

I don’t like being censored in what I want to buy or read. I will be boycotting Barnes & Nobles this holiday season. Won’t you join me?

Note to Barnes and Noble: what goes around, comes around.

Luke Key
Luke Key
11 years ago

Hi Tim,

I noticed in an interview you were talking about self sustainable farming and made a reference to the tv show river cottage. Just thought you might like to check out the NZ tv show Off The Radar, where self sustainability is attempted and many traditional farming and food preparation methods are explained. Just thought you may enjoy this.

11 years ago

Hi, Tim.

Please clarify for everyone if they will be getting a $5 gift certificate for each book they purchase or one per customer only. I really don’t care about it, but I don’t want to see people getting all pissy and giving you backlash over a few dollars.

I purchased three hardcover books, but I just had quite a time trying to get just one $5 certificate so I could get the Kindle version as well. Customer service didn’t seem to know what I was talking about, lol. I had to show them the links from this Blog.

I also asked them to send out a memo to the rest of their staff because there might be a few thousand people trying to redeem their $5 gift certificates to get the Kindle version in the next few days, smile.

Much success!


Jim Miles
Jim Miles
11 years ago

Looking forward to the new book. I ordered when I got your first promotion in which I was to recieve an signed copy,Is that still happening? On the free Kindle version will that be downloaded or are there steps I need to take.

Thanks Jim

11 years ago

HI Tim

we got the book early on Nov 20th, I had pre-ordered on Dec 25 2011

I believed we were getting a signed copy as we did 4HB, but to my sadness it was not signed…

can we get a signed copy.?.. ( pay for it gladly)


11 years ago

Does the paperback have colour photos?

Is the hardcopy available in the uk?

Zach Gamble
Zach Gamble
11 years ago

Another possible errata:

P54: Under “Flavor profiles”:

Fourth word is “”. I’m guessing the “.be” should not be there.

Christian Lair
Christian Lair
11 years ago

Tim, is there somewhere we can submit errors/typos found in the book? Hive mind editing?

The Osso “Buko” pickup section never mentions when to put in the tomatoes. The tomatoes are included all the way up until actually using them. Are they put in before or after the wine?

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
11 years ago
Reply to  Christian Lair

Hi Christian,

Thank you for the note, which I’ll pass on. Is this in the Kindle or print edition?

I’ll also set up a post or page for Errata. That’ll save us all some time!

All the best,


Christian Lair
Christian Lair
11 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

Sorry, I should have specified. it’s the Kindle edition. I just checked my hardcover version and it’s correct. The kindle edition is missing step 3.

01 Place the carrots in the pot to create a bed for the meat to rest on.

02 Add the 4 lamb shanks.

04 Sprinkle in the 3-finger pinch of garlic

Ferriss, Timothy (2012-11-20). The 4-Hour Chef: The Simple Path to Cooking Like a Pro, Learning Anything, and Living the Good Life (p. 137). AmazonEncore. Kindle Edition.

11 years ago
Reply to  Christian Lair

I feel your energy, your blog is inspirational and inspiring, I’m new to affiliate marketing and blogging, and now reading and commenting on great Blogs with helpful an moving content…. I’m enjoyed my time spent on your page

11 years ago
Reply to  Christian Lair

Yep, same problem here with the Kindle edition. Even deleted and re-downloaded it to see if it had been fixed yet. Step 3 is completely missing in the Pickup section. I figured it out tho 😉 Osso Buko is in the oven with about 90 mins to go. Can’t wait!