Beating the Morning Rush: The 3-Minute "Slow-Carb" Breakfast

Breakfast is a hassle.

I want it to do one thing: provide nutrient-dense food and proper macronutrient ratios in the least time possible. It’s a functional meal.

The above is a video of the 3-minute high-protein and “slow-carb” breakfast that I find perfect for fat-loss and cognitive performance.

All ingredients were purchased at Safeway in less than five minutes, and if you dislike the whiteness of egg whites, just mix in some tumeric to create that familiar yellow. Flax meal instead of oil can also be mixed into either for a nice added nutty texture, and barring that, a handful of organic almonds with sea salt (also at Safeway) as a dessert adds a good caloric wallop.

[Postscript: I am replacing my plastic containers with Pyrex and glass! Several commenters have pointed out that toxins are released if you microwave certain types of plastic containers. Who knew trying to be healthy could be so dangerous?]


Odds and Ends: Answer “what is technology?” and get a MoGo mouse!

I met the CEO of Newton Peripherals, Matt Westover, on The Big Idea with Donny Deutsch, and it turns out we have friends in common. He was kind enough to offer 50 MoGo mice to readers of this blog, and their latest MoGo Mouse X54 recently won “Best of CES” from Bluetooth SIG. It stores and charges within your PC Card slot and also acts as a media remote. Cool.

Here’s how you get one (or another choice below).

Upload a video of no more than 20 seconds in length to YouTube or elsewhere answering the question “What is technology?”

Be one of the first 30 to link to your video from the comments on this post, and you get your choice of the MoGo X54 or MoGo BT. The remaining 20 mice are reserved for the first 20 people who link to a video of their kids, the younger the better and no older than 14, answering the same question.

So the first 30 adults and 20 kids I see linked to in the comments get them (not the first 30 comments but the first 30 links to videos, so there could be 100 comments and only 25 links, and double entries count as one link). Be sure to put “techdefinition” in the “tags” section when you upload your video.

One more thing: you’re not allowed to check the dictionary definition, and it will be obvious if you do.

This competition expires on 5pm PST this Sunday, March 2nd and winners will be contacted via e-mail.

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The Tim Ferriss Show is one of the most popular podcasts in the world with more than one billion downloads. It has been selected for "Best of Apple Podcasts" three times, it is often the #1 interview podcast across all of Apple Podcasts, and it's been ranked #1 out of 400,000+ podcasts on many occasions. To listen to any of the past episodes for free, check out this page.

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Comment Rules: Remember what Fonzie was like? Cool. That’s how we’re gonna be — cool. Critical is fine, but if you’re rude, we’ll delete your stuff. Please do not put your URL in the comment text and please use your PERSONAL name or initials and not your business name, as the latter comes off like spam. Have fun and thanks for adding to the conversation! (Thanks to Brian Oberkirch for the inspiration.)

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16 years ago

Bro, here’s the video. I definitely need a haircut! lol.

– J

Loved the breakfast idea – will be doing it tomorrow!

16 years ago

Hi Tim,

I have a burning question…

You seem like are living in total freedom, I truly admire you and wanting to live like you oneday.

What I’m wondering is about if having a girl friend(or boy friend) USUALLY interfere having a life like you or not.

I currently have a girl friend and it seems sooooo hard to do what I want to do when I want to do.

Do you PURPOSELY avoid having a steady relationship? Did you strategically structured your life by avoiding steady?

I know it’s kinda odd question… but I’d like to know how you can live such a wonderful lifestyle…

Thank you Tim!



Hi Michael,

I don’t avoid long-term relationships, and I’ve had quite a few good ones. The challenge is more matching time freedom, if you have it, with the schedule of someone who has not achieved the same. The choices are: 1. compromise and work within their confines, 2. generate enough income to liberate them from their need to work, 3. encourage them to develop the leverage needed for improved lifestyle design.

Hope that helps!


16 years ago

Hey Tim, I have a quick Q.

Post workout meal – you mentioned that you allow white stuff within 1 hour.

BUT, how about:

sugars- juices/deserts

Fried food

Potatoes.. etc

I know that before I’ve been following high carb intake post workout (sometimes 100g of carbs as dexterose) for the insulin spike.

with this program, am I safe eating potatoes and say fried chicken with a glass of OJ post workout or should I still be strict?

Thank you much! (10 lbs lighter since started your program) 😉

John Murphy
John Murphy
16 years ago

G’Day Tim,

Read you book (more than once) and enjoyed the synchronistic expansion of thinking and inspiration. I’m busy putting many of your principles into action – a big thank you for your example!

In regard to this post…

I like the nutritional value of your breakfast but from my energy research, I’d be losing the microwave… pronto.

Microwaves screw the molecular structure of food and drinks. Put up with a little cleaning and your body will use less energy overprocessing ‘alien’ food structures.

Thanks, John

P.S. Let me know where I can send you some complementary ppersonal energy products.

16 years ago

Hi Tim!

Great video!

I’m currently looking for some ideas for more healthy food and I’ve come across the low carb concept several times now. I’m still looking for more receipe ideas… so your video was just what I needed 🙂

Here’s a picture from my take on your menu idea:

(I’ve no microwave oven so I had to cook it. It took about 15 min time for washing the dishes, which I didn’t like as well…)

I added some olive oil, flax oil, rapseed oil combination (comes already mixed)… didn’t taste too bad and I didn’t have to vomit on my shoes 😉

Joel Mueller
Joel Mueller
16 years ago

Hi Tim. I’ve read that men should not use Flax Seed Oil because there is a possible correlation between increased prostate cancer. However, Flax Seed (grind it up so it can be digested) is ok. Also, I’ve read that you should never cook with Flax Seed oil as its temperature sensitive….so put it on afterward.

Also, I’ve read that you shouldn’t microwave your food in plastic containers, because it releases chemicals into the food.

All these things can be googled and confirmed. Otherwise, great idea. I like what your getting at here. It’s almost RIGHT ON!

16 years ago

Honestly I don’t know how many others could convincingly demonstrate how drinking wine from the bottle first thing in the morning is “part of this complete breakfast”… LOL. Look out Tony the Tiger, you’ve got *nothing* on Tim Ferriss…

If I weren’t north of the border I’d come give you a high five for apparently being the man.


16 years ago

Honestly not positive if this will count for the contest, but thought it would at least be funny if it didn’t count.

html link

non-html address

16 years ago

I usually have a can of Slim Fast High Protein as my breakfast. I find that it contains all the necessary nutrients and gives me a real boost in the morning. I definitely feel the difference when I skip it on weekends. As an added benefit it tastes great!

Tim Walsh
Tim Walsh
16 years ago

What is technology?

I’m not sure if I’m within the first 30 adults, but it’s worth a shot anyway!

Thanks for all the wonderful and useful posts.

Raina Gustafson
Raina Gustafson
16 years ago

Woohoo – finally booked my flight to Austin!

My favorite breakfast from when I was a raw food vegan (and still amongst my favorites, though I make a killer omelette now):

1-2 apples (I like the “pink lady” variety)

handful of walnuts

sprinkle of cayenne pepper

optional for those with a sweet tooth like me: a drizzle of maple syrup, handful of raisins or chopped fresh dates

While not particularly high protein, these are the pros:

No cooking or cleanup involved except for maybe a knife and bowl

Relatively low glycemic and low fat

Omega 3’s from the walnuts

The cayenne clears congestion and wakes me up without caffeine!

16 years ago

Huh–that’s more or less my standard breakfast, minus the spinach (I’m really lazy first thing in the morning), and subbing a healthy dose of habanero sauce in for the salsa. If you can take it, that’ll wake you up faster than 3 shots of espresso…

Unfortunately I don’t have a camera of any sort, so I can’t do the YouTube thing, and anyway words are my preferred medium for the most part, so just for fun I’ll throw in a written definition:

TECHNOLOGY is a series of physical approximations of the way we think the world should be.

Heather G
Heather G
16 years ago

This was fun with my kids….

and yes, my 4 year old said that technology is “san jose”

P.S. Yo quiero MoGo Mouse X54 🙂

Brian Sirgutz
Brian Sirgutz
16 years ago

Senor Ferris,

Your old NY roomie Brian here. Just joined Crunch. The guy who sold me a membership told me if I joined now, I could beat you in a JuJitsu match in 2 weeks.. what do you think? haha.. anyhooooo..

per your 3 min slow carb, what can a vegan do in the AM to get a meal like that as I begin my training regimen?

I may be out in Cali soon.. Ill hit you up when I book my trip..

all the best my friend,



What’s up, big B! Given my current rate of injuries, I think 2 weeks is a fair bet 🙂

See you soon,


16 years ago

A “dash” of Flaxseed oil won’t do much for your Omega3 needs. Some high-potency fish oil is easier to take and converts to Omega3s in the body 20 times better than Flaxseed oil….

16 years ago

Hey Tim!

This is my first time on your site and I saw your video first thing! Your breakfast is VERY similar to mine. However, I cook fresh spinach in a skillet and then create an omlette with egg whites (and one yolk), salt, and pepper. I also add some cayenne pepper for a kick (I like it spicy!). I hear cayenne pepper helps kick your metabolism…any experience with this? I then top with salsa; however, without the black beans.

I always notice a difference in eating this for breakfast versus cereal. I stay full much longer!

Keep up the good work! 🙂

16 years ago

Great article !

I just ate my 2nd 3 minute breakfast and it’s good.

How would you rate this breakfast : Choco Pops with milk and an apple.. What’s missing in this food?

Ciao !

16 years ago

Hey Tim,

I have to say that I’ve loved 85% of all of your posts to date, but this one I am surprised by. Why on earth for your first meal of the day would you eat, frozen, microwaved food, even if following your lifestyle plan? A recent study in Aus, put a plant in a microwave for just under a minute and it died only a few days later. Enough said really!

Have you heard of Dr Robert Schulze’s superfood plus? It’s dense in nutrients,( alkalising one’s and protein from plants ) and it perfect 4Hww kinda thing,( it travels too as it’s powder but not dairy whey stuff at all -don’t get me started on that Cr**!) you just add water or a non-acidic fruit juice ie apple, or pear – ie. It’s vegan too and people use it who are training. My pilates teacher tried it instead of her usual coffee ‘pick-me-up’ and was surprised at how energised she felt!

It’s the best stuff I’ve tried on the market and I’ve tried a lot. Maybe worth a try?



16 years ago

This is really cool, I am thinking of going after my biggest fitness obstacle – my nutrition. – years ago I was in incredible shape and grappling with Jeremy Horn and I ran out of gas after 15min… (at the time I thought it was conditioning mostly) I now know that it has at least as much to do with nutrition – you’ve been, and continue to be, a giant inspiration to me.

Thanks a ton!

Quick sidenote: Have you ever thought of the time wasted thinking about what we’re going to wear everyday? For my junior year in HS I decided for some reason to just wear a white t-shirt and jeans every day (I bought 4 dozen white shirts and 4 pairs of jeans) – must have been a James Dean thing or something – I still think about it from time to time because I remember such a relaxing feeling in getting up in the morning and spending no thought on the outfit…

Donna Papacosta
Donna Papacosta
16 years ago

I’m surprised to see a health-conscious person like you cooking food in a plastic container in the microwave! Please switch to glass for your health’s sake.


[…] gave ol’ Tim some MoGo Mice to use in a give-away contest/promotion on his very own site, and it was awesome to see him using such an awesome new technology to get […]

16 years ago


Unrelated info; what kind of blogging software are you using?

PS: I’m listening to your book at the moment – on disk 4.



I use WordPress. More to come on this soon….


João Nunes
João Nunes
16 years ago

Try to substitute the plastic containers with pyrex or glass ones, and you’ll get less dioxins in your body (or so they tell me…).

16 years ago


I do wonder too, about overloading on Protein causing baldness, – ( see and digestive problems such as constipation, as it’s all well and good ingesting nutrionally-dense food but if there’s too much acid – ie protein or fat, then it blocks your colon and you are less able to absorb the nutrients. Also, I wonder how you think having less clogged colon affects performance- ie in every arena from in sports, to daily activities and even in the bedroom?

I have my own ideas about this but I feel these areas are important as are the energetic impact of giving up carbs- ie the sugar entities that come from them? A group of ladies I know who are sports instructors are giving up carbs on protein rich and vegetable and fruit rich programme for 21 days and lots of them are having nightmares, this is the sugar entities not wanting to let go, as they are feeding off their systems. it’s not just insulin levels or hormonal imbalances although of course that does come into play.

I wonder what you think and feel about this?

The emotional, energetic and spiritual side of nutrition?

Also, the importance of digestion, and colonic clearing and ‘poohing properly,’ and how it impacts one’s overall wellbeing and performance in life, as you do tend to look at things from a male, rational and scientific viewpoint alone, and less from other viewpoints! ( and there’s nothing wrong with that, just an observation:))

Look forward to hearing from you.


16 years ago

Sorry, the cancer risk attribued to nuking plastics in a microwave is an urban legend. See .

Susan Murphy
Susan Murphy
16 years ago

I just had this for breakfast (minus the flax seed oil but I added some light feta cheese). It was delicious and I feel ready to face the day!

Unfortunately I didn’t have any wine on hand so the swig was out, but next time…:-)

Thanks for the great recipe, would love to see more.


16 years ago

Great post. No need to throw out your plastic containers though. Microwaving plastic releases toxins is a myth –

Assuming they’re microwave safe, you’re fine.

Bob S
Bob S
16 years ago

Tim great video. The microwaving plastics is an urban legend – here is the link to snopes – heard it many times from my kids’ friends parents, and others, but it ain’t so.

Keep them coming.

Jonny X
Jonny X
16 years ago

Tim, (or anyone)

I just googled the GI content of cornmeal mush –

I’ve been on the 4HWW diet for almost two weeks straight, with some good results. However, I am questioning about eating corn meal mush (or grits). Is this okay? is it not, etc.

Any suggestiosn helps.

– J

16 years ago

Hi Tim:

Have you notified winners of the “What is technology” video contest?

My antsy 13-year old is certain he was among the first 20 kids to post a definition.

Looking forward to hearing from you!


Hi Lorraine,

Thanks for the note. An e-mail should be coming anytime, and there were fewer than 20 videos of kids, so you definitely won 🙂


16 years ago

what did egg yolks ever do to you? why just egg whites? just to save time?

16 years ago


You might want to consider switching to box wine if your drinking for health benefits. The box/bag keeps oxidation at bay.

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
16 years ago

Thanks, PT. I’ll check out the box wine…


16 years ago

Good idea. Actually might be interesting to come up with a video series of quick meals like that. Though you might be treading in Rachel Ray’s territory. OK, so a cute girl to come up with a video series of quick meals you can add to your blog.


[…] love the yogi bowl, but if you’re after something lower (or slower) in carbs, you could try Tim Ferriss’s 3-minute slow carb breakfast. I also like to mix 2 egg whites with 2 whole eggs in a shaker, put my skillet on the burner, and […]


[…] — get up and eat high-protein breakfast of 300-400 calories (I’m typing this at 2:22am, as I do my best writing […]

Mike OD - IF Life
Mike OD - IF Life
16 years ago

Nothing wrong with some good old fashioned egg yolks! Of course ideally would be the Organic Grass Fed kind that are higher in Omega 3s and less Omega 6s. But the fear of sat fat and cholesterol is a myth….that and both of those contribute to more production of Testosterone, your big muscle building hormone. All good stuff! Keep up the great work on the site!

Here’s an additional link to the whole sat fat and cholesterol topic….little long but the best write up I have ever seen on everything you ever wanted to know about fats.

Lalla Mira
Lalla Mira
16 years ago

Hi Tim!

I just got an email letting me know that I won one of the MoGo mouses. Sounds great, right? But actually, I didn’t participate in your technology contest, and I see that many people participated properly with videos and everything. I hate to think that I am getting a mouse that someone else deserves better. You probably mistook my email for someone else’s, so please take the time to correct it.

Congrats to all the winners!

Alyssa Dazet
Alyssa Dazet
16 years ago

Hi Tim!

I too received an email confirming my winnings of a MoGo without participating in the “techdefinition” contest. Hmmmmmm…not sure how this happened? Thank you, but I believe it may belong to someone else!

Alyssa 🙂

Michelle from Walnut Creek
Michelle from Walnut Creek
16 years ago


Someone in comments said you are freakin’ awesome – I think you are freakin’ adorable! Besides that, I need to school you on the use of the microwave and how it destroys the nutrients in your food. From the Nov. 2003 issue of The Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, broccoli “zapped” in the microwave with a little water lost up to 97 percent of the beneficial antioxidant chemicals it contains. I would feel much better if you were eating fresh spinach and whipping up this little breakie on the stove instead. It won’t take that much longer and you will actually get the nutrients. Think about it…

16 years ago

MMM. Wine for breakfast, I guess that helps to deal with the Flax seed oil gag 🙂

16 years ago

For super fast cleanup, I highly recommend Calphalon’s Nonstick 10 inch Griddle/Crepe pan. No need for oil in the pan, food just slides right off. Bought mine for a good price on Amazon.

16 years ago

I know this contest has already closed but I also noticed that you had less than 20 child entries. Since stepping out of one’s comfort zone seems to be a recurring theme in your book (and blog), I am going to take a chance and step outside of my “follow every rule” comfort zone by submitting an entry past the deadline. I’m hoping you’ll reward my boldness with one of those handy MoGo mice. 🙂

On another note – I’m not sure who your intended demographic is but I’m betting it doesn’t include stay-at-home moms. Even so, as a SAHM of two, I find a good deal of your advice to be refreshing and applicable. At my 24/7 “job” I spend less than 7 hours each week doing mundane tasks which leaves more time to spend with those I love.


Texas Twin Mom
Texas Twin Mom
16 years ago


Loved the reminder about low carb breakfasts and the benefits paid during the rest of the day. These are great for kids, too, as they tend to crash in the AM somewhere between math class and lunch.

Have you considered putting together an ‘advisory panel’ of people who are successfully living the 4HWW lifestyle and can talk about issues from different perspectives? I’m a WAHM of three small kids and the demands are different (not better or worse) than a twenty something singleton; your book appeals to a wide range of people and having others who are walking in similar shoes while living the 4HWW lifestyle would be immensely valuable to you and your readers.

Thanks for the effort you put into this blog; it shows.

Sandi Krakowski
Sandi Krakowski
16 years ago

Tim! Eat some good fresh eggs…. stop it already with the Egg Whites… those egg yolks are good for you. Also add some Raw Virgin Coconut Oil so that your furnace stays hot… 🙂

16 years ago

Hi Tim,

I’ve only read your blog up until now and never clicked on a video or looked much at your pictures. Which means that your charisma, charm, and general sexiness completely escaped me until this moment. WOW. You are freakin’ cute! I guess I’m not surprised that you chose “world domination” over “Abercrombie model” as a career choice, but still!

16 years ago

Am i missing something here? 12-13oz of spinach is a LOT to have to gag..err..i mean eat every morning. A “box” of frozen spinach from Albertsons is 10oz and the serving size is 1/3 cup w/ 3.5 servings! So that is MORE than one box of the dense stuff every morning? again, what am i missing here?


16 years ago

Hey Tim,

Great post indeed! love the quick and easy breakfast idea.

My question is directed toward an earlier post by Jordan:

How exactly did you go about using elance to find a nutritionist to sculpt you a diet, find you online sites to order, etc? I would love to have food delivered to me weekly /monthly instead of having to dredge through the grocery store every week. Such a miserable experience haha. I’m pretty new to this whole outsourcing thing, so any explanation from someone in the know would be great.



16 years ago

Hi Timothy Ferriss,

Although I really like your book and the site, there are far too many things wrong with your breakfast idea above. I’ll list them below real quick:

1. Use whole eggs!!! Don’t believe the morons that say the yellow part is bad for you—this is so incredibly wrong.

2. Anything processed is BAD for you. This includes the lemon juice, salsa, egg whites and the spinach you recommend. If it’s not fresh then it’s not living and you won’t get all of the nutrients that your body needs. One other thing, if you can’t go fresh then go fermented. Remember this, if it stinks, it’s great for you (e.g., kimichee (Korea), natto (Japan)).

3. A little brown carbs in the morning will not hurt someone trying to lose weight. Try some raw unfiltered honey to give you a boost.

4. The perfect breakfast for people on the move, natto, raw eggs, and some whole wheat toast then wash it down with some Bragg’s ACV mixed with water. You’ll be kicking serious @$$ all morning long after that breakfast.

16 years ago

Dear Tim,

I read your book and I applaud your challenging the “Do-more-constantly-now-busyness” of the culture we live in, especially for young adults who grew up with this message. I think it’s fresh and courageous to step outside of the box.

You have become very influential, so I ask that you research what you’ve presented in this post a little further. Please research microwaving in plastic. Then read THE CHINA STUDY. I would hope that you don’t want to be another short-term-benefit provider. I hope you want to provide long-term healthy advice.

Best wishes for your continued success,


16 years ago

Hi Tim,

I have one question that has got to be on the mind of every female who is interested in your diet or energy management, as I’d rather call it; will your advice be less or over-effective for females? I’m not sure if there is research to corroborate this, but it is mu general belief that males have a higher need for protein, and for anyone in general who consumes a lot of protein and does not use it, it is turned to fat. So I want to try a low-carb, high-protein diet but I’m afraid to eat too much protein and have it turn to fat. I like to exercise and try to exercise thrice a week either by running/taebo or a gym workout. My body is very resistant to showing change as a result of physical activity, but I have never tried to cut carbs at this level from my diet. Do you believe that this plan can be just as effective for women, and might you have a teeny weeny suggestion for a young, busy woman, who can eat healthy, likes to stay fit ,but whose body never seems to respond to various diet/exercise changes?

i know its a bit much..

Thank you c 🙂


Hi Nemo,

This diet is VERY effective for women. Lean protein is extremely difficult to convert to fat and has a large thermogenic effect, so I wouldn’t worry about it at all. Good luck!


John Michailidis
John Michailidis
16 years ago

Holly smokes! Three days ago I made the commitment to “strictly” stick to the diet for thirty days and I feel radically different already. For as long as I can remember I wake up groggy, with my head in a fog, but no more! I feel very energetic, which kinda freaks me out — it’s so different! Don’t get me wrong, I keep a busy schedule, go to the gym etc., but it was always “forced” in spite of not feeling like it . . .

I’m going very strict with the diet and don’t feel deprived at all. I’m doing four meals a day — your breakfast exactly — and then three additional small (but quite satisfying — I’m not depriving myself) meals of some combination of fish/green vegetables/beans. I have a protein shake (mixed w/water) with some creatine thrown in along with each meal (I decided to go with the creatine b/c I am going to break with my regular 4-day a week lifting routine in favor of a twice weekly “colorodo experiment” workout — tomorrow is my first as I wanted to get a bit of a creatine load first). And oh yes, 2-3 glasses or red wine nightly (which is a new thing for me — I was a beer guy).

The only “bad” food is the 2 oz +/- of half and half in my coffee each morning and I can’t imagine that 2 oz of half and half a day is going to have any effect.

I’m excited to see the 30-day results. I took all of my body measurements, am journaling my weight/body fat every morning (Tanita scale) and will retake all measurements at day 30.

My only question is DO I HAVE TO PIG OUT ON SATURDAY?

Thanks Tim!


Hi John,

You don’t have to pig out if you don’t have the urge 🙂 Good luck and keep good records!

All the best,


16 years ago

Does anyone know a good website that delivers ready to microwave food to your door? Looking for some cheap timesaving healthy options!

16 years ago

Great book.

If you’re on the right track with nutrition, but still a novice. Glad to read that you replaced your plastic containers. However, your breakfast primarily consists of inorganic processed food.

1.) Egg whites stored in a plastic container. (processed). Ask one of your VA’s to research the benefits of eating real eggs. All the nutrition of an resides in the yolk. Eating eggs does not raise your cholestrol. Eat fresh eggs from free range hens feed nutritiously. You get more omega 3 from the eggs of hens raised on a diet that includes flax seed.

2.) Inorganic salsa from mass manufacturer (processed)

3.) Inorganic frozen spinach (processed)

4.) Salt -presumably not sea salt

5.) Oil in a jar goes rancid very quickly. Any oil that you buy in the store is already rancid. Buy whole flax seed and grind it or just chew it.

6.) Do you know how much resveratrol that you must consume to counter the effects of aging? 100 to 1000 bottles per day

Firstly, drink wine because you enjoy it. Joy extends one’s life. The Europeans drink for joy and social reasons not for resveratrol. That’s the real benefit. Filling our hearts with love and joy.

7.) Perhaps the worst – you cook in the microwave which within 30 seconds destroys all the nutrients in the food.

Tim, I bet that you if you had your breakfast actually analyzed, you will find that it contains very little nutrition and plenty of toxins.

Eat more nutritious food -more live food- and you will discover that your body requires less food. Carbs are not the problem. Lack of nutrition is.

With your reach and influence, you could do more to help people eat more nutritiously.

Be joy.


John Michailidis
John Michailidis
16 years ago

Hi Tim,

I’ve read a couple of “food Nazi” posts and they’re a real hoot! Perhaps your ideas aren’t 100% optimized to the molecular level, but compared to:

* No breakfast

*10 cups of coffee with cream

*A cheeseburger with fries for lunch

*A six pack of beer and a frozen pizza for dinner

Your ideas sound pretty good to me!

In fact, tomorrow marks my first week eating as you’ve suggested and I feel fantastic and I’ve lost six pounds! Yes, I switched to “glass” containers for the microwave. Yes, I’ve switched to “boxed” wine. But, anyone who thinks that the “average joe” is going to chase around for “free range chickens that only eat flax seeds” needs to get out of the Ashram more and mingle with real people.

I love your advice and it’s working for me! I think the key to “practical” healthy eating is SIMPLICITY — complicated regimens just won’t work (at least not for me) in the long term.

Thanks Tim!


[…] I was browsing the interwebs and I found this great breakfast tip from the blog of Tim Ferriss author of the holy Four Hour Work Week… He makes breakfast in 3 […]

16 years ago

Hi. Its Lea-Ann. My husband turned me on to your site and I think its great. I like the tips for busy professionals. I am a working mother of two and also compete in figure. I wanted to give you my new smoothie recipe I stumbled on at my figure show last weekend. It was time to eat and I was freakin’ out. I looked in my HUGE food bag I carry everywhere. Magic bullet? Check. Whey Advanced? Check. Frozen fruit? Where is my frozen fruit? OMG no fruit not even a banana! So this is what I did. I had peanut butter, agave nectar, and whey advanced. I mixed about a cup of water, one tablespoon peanut butter, one teaspoon agave, and some ice. This – I swear – was the best smoothie I have ever had. Dense with healthy fat,high in protein and amino acids, and sweetened with a natural sweetener that wont spike your fat storing hormone isulin. Try it out and let me know what you think.

15 years ago

Hey Tim, talking about functional meals (and profitable business), my brother invited me to join USANA (ever heard of them?), and some of their products include macronutrients with low glycemic index, so that you can keep rolling without the ups and downs of hunger, thought you might want to check it out

(it is also a network marketing business, which i have found to be very profitable, i was able to fire my boss and outsource my life)


Hi Andrew,

Thanks for the comment. I tend to avoid network marketing due to the frequent legal issues and such, but — all things equal — low-glycemic is good.



15 years ago

P.S if you ever come to Mexico City or Monterrey, lemme know! i’d Really like to meet you

15 years ago

Hey Tim! I really like your site and and all your articles! Great work!

But what actually got me to post this comment was the “so” in the video. I just had to laugh at how German that actually sounded 🙂

Keep up the great work.


[…] Without Doing Any Exercise From Geek to Freak: How I Gained 34 lbs. of Muscle in 4 Weeks Beating the Morning Rush: The 3-Minute “Slow-Carb” Breakfast digg_url = […]

15 years ago

This is an awesome breakfast. I eat is every morning now. Kick Ass.

A good addition is to add a little red pepper flakes to the top of the salsa. It not only ass a little spice, but a good dose of antioxidants.

15 years ago

Hi, Tim…I enjoy your blog and your website.

I am concerned that you are still using a microwave. Here is an excerpt from an article on Dr. Mercola’s website…the link to the full article follows…



Ten Reasons to Throw out your Microwave Oven

From the conclusions of the Swiss, Russian and German scientific clinical studies, we can no longer ignore the microwave oven sitting in our kitchens. Based on this research, we will conclude this article with the following:

1). Continually eating food processed from a microwave oven causes long term – permanent – brain damage by “shorting out” electrical impulses in the brain [de-polarizing or de-magnetizing the brain tissue].

2). The human body cannot metabolize [break down] the unknown by-products created in microwaved food.

3). Male and female hormone production is shut down and/or altered by continually eating microwaved foods.

4). The effects of microwaved food by-products are residual [long term, permanent] within the human body.

5). Minerals, vitamins, and nutrients of all microwaved food is reduced or altered so that the human body gets little or no benefit, or the human body absorbs altered compounds that cannot be broken down.

6). The minerals in vegetables are altered into cancerous free radicals when cooked in microwave ovens.

7). Microwaved foods cause stomach and intestinal cancerous growths [tumors]. This may explain the rapidly increased rate of colon cancer in America.

8). The prolonged eating of microwaved foods causes cancerous cells to increase in human blood.

9). Continual ingestion of microwaved food causes immune system deficiencies through lymph gland and blood serum alterations.

10). Eating microwaved food causes loss of memory, concentration, emotional instability, and a decrease of intelligence.

15 years ago

Hi Tim, great blog…

I hope you don’t mind I comment. if you are looking for a healthy breakfast, this one has some healthy ingredients. Here is how I would change it to extend your lifespan

(-Liquid egg whites – ok, but limit to 1/4

-Frozen spinach – great, increase amount by half

-Mild ranch salsa with black beans, corn, etc.- good

-Flax seed oil – try 1/2 avocado instead instead of saturated oil or 2tbsp of ground up flax seeds would be great

-Lemon juice – great

-(Optional: lentils) – also good

oh why wine for breakfast?, why not just add some washed grapes to it?

You can blend all these up in a blender with some water or fresh juice.

15 years ago

Looks good except that microwaves are pretty bad for health. They destroy up to 90% of nutrients in food and causes other problems so it kinds defeats the purpose of health. Google it of course.

Coconut oil is one of the best oils for you, researchers are finding out these last few years. It’s not as bad as some when heated. I have been using it and it’s fine, even if you want to loose weight.

Check out for some info on microwaves and coconut oil.

Flax oil is great too but not if you heat it.

Otherwise, looks like a good start to the day.

Gina Rafkind
Gina Rafkind
15 years ago

Thanks for this recipe Tim. I’m always looking for new breakfast ideas. I was going to say something about the plastic, but looks like others have covered that already. I will actually use the conventional frying pan because I rarely use the microwave, read too many things about it. I’d have to clean the microwave bowls anyway so really doesn’t take that much more time.

Thanks again. I’m going to try this recipe out soon.




[…] is anything high in protein. I’ve been experimenting with breakfast bars, smoothies, and the 3-minute slow-carb breakfast. You’re literally, “breaking a fast”, and as a result your body is weak when you […]

15 years ago

What about fruit for breakfast?

15 years ago

I like your breakfast idea, but I think I’ll stick with my routine. It took me 24 years to figure out the best mix of foods to keep me going and full all morning. This daily meal has helped me unintentionally lose 20 pounds in two years. I split the breakfast with my boyfriend (which means we rotate cooking days—great for those of us that HATE making breakfast):

–1 1/2 cups cooked oatmeal. Stir in 1/3 cup plain yogurt, 1 tsp honey, and a whole banana. I usually mash up the banana so we taste it in every bite.

–5 egg whites, 1 whole egg. Scrambled. No seasoning.

–Coffee with about 2 tbsp of 1% milk, and 1/2 tsp sugar.

Try it and let me know what you think. Speaking of Zen Habits, this is mine.


[…] Beating the Morning Rush: The 3 Minute Slow-Carb Breakfast […]

jeff d
jeff d
15 years ago

Tim or anyone who wishes to comment,

Eating eggs every day seems a little stodgy. What other low carb breakfast can I eat to mix it up a bit?

otown pyle
otown pyle
15 years ago

One deal I like to do is 1/2 cup oats w/ a scoop of chocolate protein powder mixed w/ a little more water than says on the oats box… throw that in the microwave to cook, then stir in tbsp on peanut butter (natural of course), and a 1/4 cup milk poured in… quality breakfast if you’re lookin to mix it up…

otown pyle
otown pyle
15 years ago

and only in the 300 cal range… 360 i think…


[…] necessarily have to take up that much time, though. I’m a big fan of Tim Ferriss’ 3-minute slow carb breakfast, and want to start making that (or variations on it) every morning […]

15 years ago

This is almost exactly the breakfast I am using. I did the whole slow-carb deal a while back because Tim’s post made sense to me. I lost about a pound a day (with a regain of about three pounds on my off days) for the three weeks I did so. I am doing it again and keeping better track of my losses on my website. If I meet my goal I will post before and after pics.


[…] to be obsessed with cereal, toast, and other major offenders in the war against fat. Head over to this article by Tim Ferriss to read about how to whip up a fantastic “slow carb” breakfast that will kick […]

15 years ago

the video is shocking and highlights at best the american way of living (not in a bad way guys, hope none gets offended)! as european is shocking to see what he gets for breakfast. Also, i never understood why americans always wear a hat??? and i never saw any having wine in the morning….

14 years ago

Hello Tim

Your 3 min breakfast is great!

Sorry to hear you have to hold your nose while taking the flax seed oil. In case you are not aware by now there is flavored flax oil now. The Cinnamon flavor is great and you know the additional benefits of cinnamon. Its by Barlean’s organic oils. I can tip the container over and squeeze it out without holding my nose. I usually make a smoothie with cinnamon flax oil(3 table spoons), including frozen dole blueberry’s at least 1 cup, cottage cheese 1%fat 3 to 4 table spoons, lemon flavored fish or cod liver oil(1 table spoon). I alternate the last to items, add some rice milk and blend to thickness of your choice. Either eat with a spoon or throw in a straw. Maybe you can help me figure out how many calorie of a meal this is…Thx Doug


[…] 21, 2009 I really like Tim Ferris’ ideas and this is a great video that illustrates how easy it is to cook a healthy meal quickly. I enjoy more natural state […]

14 years ago

Hey Tim,

I’ve been experimenting with some of your diet tips (lost about 15lbs so far, thanks). This combination (egg whites and spinach) is a killer hunger beater. If I’m feeling real hungry at the end of the day, (which is when I’m usually ready to really chow down) I’ll do 1 cup of egg whites, half a plate of spinach, and a piece of wheat toast: a hunger beating, 500 calorie wonder-meal.

Nina Aguilar
Nina Aguilar
14 years ago

I have *just* discovered your blog and am devouring your 4HWW book. I want to add a couple of breakfast notes, well, food notes. I also love Safeway’s mild salsa, with the black beans and corn kernals. It is also delicious on baked potatoes!! I went strictly vegan for one year, hoping to short-circuit a life-long case of rheumatoid arthritis. No dice for the RA, but I lost 30 pounds, without exercising.

Like you, I also don’t cook much, because I don’t like to clean; no energy to cook; sometimes, no energy to even eat! I suggest squeezing cod roe paste, caviar, over slices of cold boiled potatoes! I also have the curse of Scandinavian genes, but I like them!! Or try high-fat Greek yogurt, scooped out of the container with whole wheat pita bread, or hummus with WW crackers. No cooking; no dishes.

Thanks for your delightful book. I look forward to meeting you one day on some deserted island!

Namaste, and hilsener, Nina


[…] from Tim Ferriss to Leo Babauta, expound on their aspirational morning routines, which involve getting up at half […]

13 years ago


Plastics do leech chemicals into food, although very small amounts.

However, I’d be more worried about what the microwave itself is doing to the food, i did a quick google search and found an article to support this:

(Just so you know, I am in no way affiliated with this website)

Loving to book by the way!



13 years ago


Don’t know if you are still cooking your breakfast in the microwave after all the comments, but I have found that using Ziploc Steam Cooking bags is a much easier method of cooking my breakfast. You can even add in the fresh spinach with the eggs and they turn out really yummy. I wouldn’t suggest eating them out of the bag though. LOL

Duane Storey
Duane Storey
13 years ago

Why is it that you omit the egg yolks? Is it because of the cholesterol? I’m just surprised, since most of the bad cholesterol in the body (triglycerides and VLDL) are the result of carbohydrate metabolism.

Just curious – most low carb books I’ve read don’t say anything about egg yolks.

13 years ago

Cooking lentils takes a long time! Do you mean one could use *canned* lentils? Do they have the same nutritional value?

Dr. Tom Gibson, D.C.
Dr. Tom Gibson, D.C.
13 years ago

This breakfast might be beneficial for migraine sufferers that skip breakfast. Proper nutrition, although not a treatment, can greatly help in the treatment of migraines. Eating right will allow your nervous system to function better.

Dr Anderson
Dr Anderson
13 years ago


Hey- I am sure that you have heard this by now (as you are well read) but I thought that your audience might find some of the following info of value.

With regards to flax seed use in males, it has been suggested by research that ingestion of flax seed oil in males may promote prostate enlargement. This is definitely not something you would even want to risk- just ask anyone whom has had to undergo a TURP procedure or has had a foley catheter placed in their urethra for urinary symptoms.

COLD water fish oil capsules that contain high concentrations of EPA/DHA and have been molecularly distilled (to prevent toxic metal ingestion) are a much better alternative. EPA and DHA are naturally occurring molecules in fish oil that have been linked to improved mood, stabilized blood sugar levels, and healthy aging. Some believe that ingestion can additionally increase testosterone levels and help with arthritis type symptoms.

Secondly, cooking food in the micro will absolutely destroy the molecular structure of protein and all of the wonderful nutritional content in plant matter. Protein structure is highly specific and using the micro will rearrange those components into less than desirable food.

Lastly, cooking in plastics or even using plastics that contain BPA is not advised. BPA can leech out of plastics especially during the heating process of cooking . Many European countries have already banned BPA from their products- as BPA is thought to be carcinogenic. Many excellent websites including the environmental working group (EWG) have data with regard to this. That said, I have no ties with the EWG and I am not endorsing them.

Hope this helps to spread the word to you and your fantastic audience. If you have any questions regarding any of the above please let me know. By the way, most of the above information is not taught to most physicians during medical school. I have taken it upon myself to think outside the box and outside our unfortunately failing medical system model. Again, please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have questions.

Take care- Dr Anderson

p.s. i am starting my online muse currently, thanks for all of the inspiration.

I applaud your efforts to educate the masses with your new and upcoming book. My wife has pre-ordered the book already for my birthday. Cheers from Rhode Island.

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
13 years ago
Reply to  Dr Anderson

Thank you for the thoughtful comment, Dr. Anderson! Happy holidays 🙂

13 years ago

What do you have against egg yolks, especially from real farm-fresh eggs?

Check out this link regarding the nutritional powerhouse that they are, particularly in comparison to just whites.

Debra Cornish
Debra Cornish
13 years ago

Item 1) just finished reading 4HWW. I live in a rural area where jobs without long commutes, that pay decently for my grab bag of talents are thin on the ground. I had decided that going into biz for myself was the way to go and was researching home organizing when I came across 4HWW. I have perfect timing ? I have phoned both my sons and bought the books for them as well –before reading the blog –silly human. I have ordered 4HB and wow am I looking forward to 30th Dec!

Item) Chia Seed Info – I can’t believe you don’t know this great stuff!

Read the majority of the posts and no-ones mentioned Chia seed. Chia is gluten free, GMO free, loaded with omega-3, has all eight of the essential amino acids for protein synthesis, is loaded with anti-oxidants, soluble and insoluble fibre and is digestible without grinding. Chia is grown without pesticides because the high oil content in the leaves repels insects.

Nutritional facts: 4 Tbsp (5g) – 134 calories

Nutrient daily value Nutrient daily value

Fat 8.2g 13% Dietary Fibre 6.0g 28%

Saturated fat 0.7g 03.5% Protein 4.3g 9%

Trans Fat 0 *** Vitamin A-can’t read the label – rubbed here

Poly unsat fat 5.8g ** Calcium 205mg high

Mono sat fat 0.5g ** Iron 4.1mg 23%

Cholesterol 0mg Omega 3 5.2g

Sodium <0.5mg free Omega 6 1.7g

TotalCarb 11g 4.0%

1. Chia can be used as an Egg Replacement or thickener by creating a gel. Combine 2 tbsp of ground Chia to ½ cup cold water & mix. In recipes ¼ cup of gel replaces an egg.

2. For those that loathe cooking – crack a bottle of water, take a couple swigs, then funnel 2 Tbsp in and recap the bottle. Give it a few shakes and shake occasionally over the next 20 minutes. This works better if water is room temperature. You end up with an almost flavourless, fine textured (these seeds are 1/3 the size of flax seeds) bubble tea. The biggest advantage is that the fibre will coat your stomach and act to slow release food into your system.

3. Comparing the nutritional info to other foods, 1 Tbsp of Chia includes (among other nutrients):

The calcium of 3 cups of milk, Omega-3 of 28oz of Atlantic salmon, Fibre of 1 ¼ Cup Bran cereal, Iron of 5 cups of raw spinach, Vegetable protein of 1 ½ cups of kidney beans, Potassium of 1 ½ bananas, Vitamin C of 7 oranges.

13 years ago

Hi Tim,

Looking forward to getting my copy of TFHB … but watching this clip and having read other bits on your blog, I have to say that I am a bit shocked at your use of packaged / processed ingredients … why not squeeze a fresh lemon (instead of that gunge they put into a lemon-looking plastic bottle?), why not just steam the vege’s (instead of microwaving them?) And egg white’s out of a bottle? Jeez … how long can it take to just separate the egg whites off from a real fresh egg. Seems strange to make these decisions and then insist on Grass-fed organic beef … why not just pour it out as some liquidized cream from a can (I’m pretty sure it exists!). Also read that some people alerted you to not using plastics in a microwave … come off it … how can you be so hyper aware and OCD on things and miss out on these basics? Seems a bit odd don’t you think? Take care. Greg

Chef Mark Garcia
Chef Mark Garcia
13 years ago

Hey Tim!

Love the book and have started on the Slow Carb program this week. After watching your video I was urged by some of my/your fans and readers to give a “Chef’s Perspectve” on the breakfast wtih some EZ cooking and clean-up techniques.

Hope others benefit and enjoy the video

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
13 years ago

Love it! Thanks, Chef Mark!


Chef Mark Garcia
Chef Mark Garcia
13 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

Hey Tim!

You are welcome! You and your book have reinvigorated my workouts, diet, and overall goals for 2011. I can’t thank you enough.

If you are ever in the Republic of Texas and would be up for a few “Rock Star Chef” cooking lessons/demo….then consider yourself invited and you now have a professional chef in your value network!

Chef Mark Garcia
Chef Mark Garcia
13 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

In response to the breakfast video I posted, I have added several “How To” recipe videos as well as some tips, techniques, and marketing shopping to keep us all motivated on the 4HB and SCD


13 years ago

Please Please Please tell me those are BPA-free plastic containers!!! cooking with plastic containers leaches some bad stuff into your foods. Tim-do you have an opinion about this?!

13 years ago
Reply to  Monica

oh by the way, me and my husband are in love with your new book and totally inspired, and on the slow-carb diet now for the second day! Thanks!

Cassandra H
Cassandra H
13 years ago

I am on day three. I am struggliing with my sweet tooth and feeling hungry between meals. I got some sugar-free gum to help deal with the sweet tooth, but I need to work on healthy snacks that I will enjoy (more protein and veggies are not appealing). Any suggestions?

I feel like I am on an AA program…one day at a time. I haven’t cheated but it has been a challenge.

Tell me it gets easier after the first week.

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
13 years ago
Reply to  Cassandra H

It gets MUCH easier. Stay the path!

Best of luck,


Brandi Fansler
Brandi Fansler
13 years ago


Can you recommend a cookbook that has a variety of recipes that can help my husband and I stick to the “slow” carb diet? Would a low carb, Adkins, or low GI cookbook work best with this program?

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
13 years ago
Reply to  Brandi Fansler

“Primal Blueprint” by Mark Sisson is quite good. Good luck!

13 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

Hello Tim! Big fan of all your books but especially the 4HB. I’ve lost 10lbs so far in 2.5 weeks (gaining 3-5 lbs after cheat day). But it’s been great. One quick question though, I get up at 5am every day (baker) and I don’t like to go into the kitchen and wake my roomates (small apartment) so i usually have a protien shake 30g and rush out. I don’t know if this is enough but it’s been working for me so far ( I follow the rest of your diet strictly & workout )! Am I missing ambig part of the point by only taking the shake?

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
13 years ago
Reply to  Luis

Luis, that’s totally fine. That’s what my dad did as well, and he lost 90+ lbs of fat.

13 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

hey Tim!

excellent work my dude. listen, i have been trying to find protein isolate sans the sucralose :(. Having read about Splenda® ‘n all in 4HB, I have been trying to locate a isolate that doesn’t include it…any ideas man?


Will Sawyer
Will Sawyer
13 years ago


I have been following the slow carb diet for 30 days and have done Bikram Yoga for 25 days and have lost 20 plus pounds. I have a great recipe for Guacamole Deviled Eggs, that I eat for breakfast, lunch and snacks. It has been a hit on my blog and on Facebook! My Blog is The Fat Yogi Will

13 years ago

Would regular salsa, or salsa with beans suffice? From what I know corn isnt the best either, its a grain not a veggie, I might try this for a while though, I picked up some egg whites. Can you add in one whole egg for flavor perhaps? I know eggs have healthy amino acids among other things in them as well.

13 years ago

Seconding the comment on chia seeds! It packs in tons of protein, fiber, omega 3 and omega 6. And it could be a very useful ingredient after an unintentional binge since it slows the breakdown of carbs.

13 years ago

What do you recommend for someone who is allergic to eggs? What is an alternative breakfast?

Jim Kauker
Jim Kauker
7 years ago
Reply to  Susanne

Susanne, I have the same problem with Eggs. Did you get an answer?

Jason McCain
Jason McCain
13 years ago

Where can I get a full list of allowable foods? That would be very helpful.