The Random Show, Episode 21: Smart Drugs, Bitcoin, Apps, Fish Taint, and More

This Random Show episode was an experiment via Google Hangout. The show starts around 11:00 if you want to skip the preamble and dumb-assery.

Here are just two of many, many links mentioned in the show:

Jacked – The Outlaw Story of Grand Theft Auto

Cozy (start-up)

See the bottom of this post for show notes and more links, courtesy of reader Robin of MoveAutism. Thank you, Robin!

Two requests:

– Please let us know what you think of this experimental format!

– If you’d like to see what stuff I’m using or pining after, follow me here.

For all previous episodes of The Random Show, including the epic China Scam episode, click here.

Now, all the show notes and links…

Random Show Notes (6/5/13)

6:20 – What’s this show all about?

11:00 – Tim shows a wine (that he clearly likes) and the show begins.

Kevin Rose’s App of the Day

POP – build sketches of your app

Tim Ferriss’ Daily Use Apps




Jot Not

Scanner Pro

Cat in the Hat Comes Back


Zombie Road Trip

Jacked – The Outlaw Story of Grand Theft Auto

Foodist is awesome

As is the author

Darya’s guest post on this blog


Tim takes 2 grams per divided dose as immune support

Grape Seed Extract

Fish Taint? At minute 29:00.

Google Book Pixel

Imitation Daft Punk Helmets



M-Pesa – 3rd party payment via SMS

The Biography of a Dollar

A Smart Drugs Birthday Present (“My cat has dementia”)

Alertec (A.K.A. Modafinil)

Female Viagra

Anacervx – Increasing Cognition

Tim discusses pros vs. cons of smart drug use:



Artichoke extract + Forskolin



Intermittent Fasting

Fasting Twins

Athletic Greens


Rubber Guard in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

“How do you organize your life?”



Everything Scanned and Stored to Evernote

Delectable App (Wine)

Trader Joe’s wine are generally fantastic

Upcoming Events

Ignite Expo

Founders Conference

Dublin Web Summit

The Tim Ferriss Show is one of the most popular podcasts in the world with more than one billion downloads. It has been selected for "Best of Apple Podcasts" three times, it is often the #1 interview podcast across all of Apple Podcasts, and it's been ranked #1 out of 400,000+ podcasts on many occasions. To listen to any of the past episodes for free, check out this page.

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Comment Rules: Remember what Fonzie was like? Cool. That’s how we’re gonna be — cool. Critical is fine, but if you’re rude, we’ll delete your stuff. Please do not put your URL in the comment text and please use your PERSONAL name or initials and not your business name, as the latter comes off like spam. Have fun and thanks for adding to the conversation! (Thanks to Brian Oberkirch for the inspiration.)

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Dave L
Dave L
11 years ago

Woooo first! Love the random show. Wish you guys could do this more often.

Aaron Bennett
Aaron Bennett
11 years ago

Hey guys, love the format of being able to ask questions yet it is much more difficult to understand both of you. Maybe still do Google Hangouts but add an external microphone. You guys rock!

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
11 years ago
Reply to  Aaron Bennett

Good suggestion, Aaron. Thanks for the comment and for watching!

Kevin McKissick
Kevin McKissick
11 years ago

I absolutely loved the format! Would love to see more of this style in the future; wine and everything. If this experiment gets you guys together more than I encourage you whole-heartedly to keep doing what makes sense to you.

Nicholas Montgomery
Nicholas Montgomery
11 years ago

Audio quality is so bad 🙁

11 years ago

Big fan of the format! Love the live vibe, banter and vulnerability of a live show.

11 years ago

One of the good things about the random show was always production quality.

My suggestion would be to live stream but also have a proper camera set up going.

That way glenn can clean it up in post and put up a nice resolution copy with good audio, as well as the livestreamed bit. Alternatively just ask for questions a couple hours before you shoot and dont do the livestream bit.

11 years ago

I liked being able to watch you guys live, but I think I like the old format better. The quality was pretty crappy on both the video and audio side. But hey! I’ll take it if it means more Random Show episodes!

11 years ago

Not a fan of the google hangout. I am hearing impaired and have a hard time lip reading and listening. Also, you guys aren’t the only one, but every live show I watched on the internet, don’t have closed captioning. I would love to see it in the future.

11 years ago

A little birdie told me that headaches when taking modafinil go hand-in-hand with being in ketosis.

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
11 years ago
Reply to  Dan

That’s fascinating. Did the birdie give any explanation of mechanism of action or why that would be the case? I could very well have been in ketosis.

10 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

I believe I was in ketosis when I recently tried modafinil (Provigil) as well. Even half a dosage left me with a splitting headache. I’m ordering some ketosis strips to find out, though I’m actually not impressed by modafinil for alertness/cognitive and I won’t get another Rx. Would like to know other cognitive enhancers, preferably not requiring rx?? Or is that your next book 🙂

10 years ago
Reply to  Chris

please let that be the next book!!! 🙂

10 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

I too used to get massive headaches when taking modafinil (and I usually took modafinil whilst in ketosis). I read this post and decided to experiment with taking it while not in ketosis and this had no effect on reducing the severity of the headaches. I essentially figured modafinil wasn’t for me. I subsequently started eating 4 eggs a day to increase protein intake and I unwittingly discovered that about a week later when I had one last shot at taking modafinil the headaches had ceased. I was also in ketosis at the time. Since then, whenever I take modafinil (and continue eating 4 eggs a day) I don’t seem to get headaches. I assume this has something to do with the levels of choline in the eggs but I can’t be sure. Would be interested in seeing if anyone has had similar experiences.

Ryan Critchett
Ryan Critchett
10 years ago
Reply to  Jovan

Interesting! I’ve never tried Prvg, but it makes sense that extra Choline helped prevent headaches while on it. I wonder if the higher levels of ACH (acetylcholine) helped facilitate neuronal firing that Prvg was invoking.

Robbin Williams
Robbin Williams
11 years ago

Just love each of the episodes because of the production quality it have! You guys are rocking. However, I didn’t understand the format of asking the questions in the episode. Is the question being asked a couple of hour before you shoot?

James Tolf
James Tolf
11 years ago

Awesome that you all are using Google hangouts. I have used public hangouts all the time since June and have made some great connections on the public hangouts.

It seems the video can be a bit grainy but it still gets the message across.

It would be cool if you guys do a random show with another computer or maybe have other “Random” people come on but that may take away from the original format.

Ether way….Good show. Great format. More wine! lol


11 years ago

I like it. Truely random. It can play in the background while I cook arancini balls, drink barossa red and yell at the ‘news’. More.

11 years ago

The mask doesn’t help Kevin Rose, you still totally look like the Boston Bomber…

11 years ago

The quality is awful, please leave production to Glenn. I’ve always loved the show because it’s two friends BS’ing. I don’t care what questions the internet has for you. Please don’t drag the underbelly of the net public, we already have Youtube comments for that. 🙂

11 years ago

Hi Tim –

I’m including my Show notes in another comment. With so many links I think it will be marked as spam so I will also email it to Donna and CC you.

The Google Hangout experiment worked fine. I forgot that you were using a different format for the better part of the show. I agree with the previous comment about sound quality – audible but mediocre. Nothing a microphone won’t fix. Some of the things you held up to show (supplements) were blurry and the copy couldn’t be seen.



11 years ago

Random Show Notes (6/5/13)

6:20 – What’s this show all about?

11:00 – Tim shows a wine (that he clearly likes) and the show begins.

Kevin Rose’s App of the Day

POP – build sketches of your app

Tim Ferriss’ Daily Use Apps




Jot Knot

Scanner Pro

Book and Life Philosophy

Cat in the Hat Comes Back

Tim has a teepee (for chilling, tea, meditation…)

Tim, and then Kevin, fondle a throwing axe.


Zombie Road Trip

Jacked – The Outlaw Story of Grand Theft Auto

Foodist is awesome

As is the author

Darya’s guest post on this blog

Tim’s Supplements


Tim takes 2 grams per divided dose as immune support

Grape Seed Extract

Fish Taint? At minute 29:00.

Google Book Pixel

Imitation Daft Punk Helmets

On Establishing Digital Currency-



M-Pesa – 3rd party payment via SMS

The Biography of a Dollar

A Smart Drugs Birthday Present (“My cat has dementia”)

Alertek (A.K.A. Modafinil)

Female Viagra

Anacervx – Increasing Cognition

Tim discusses pros vs. cons of smart drug use:



Artichoke extract + Forskolin




Intermittent Fasting

Fasting Twins

Athletic Greens


Rubber Guard in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

“How do you organize your life?”



Everything Scanned and Stored to Evernote

Delectable App (Wine)

Trader Joe’s wine are generally fantastic

Upcoming Events

Ignite Expo

Founders Conference

Dublin Web Summit

11 years ago
Reply to  Robin

@Robin: You sir are a scholar and a gentleman. Thanks 😉

11 years ago
Reply to  Dilanka


The link for Grape Seed Extract goes to Grapefruit seed extract. Other than that, great job

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
11 years ago
Reply to  Ray

I’ll correct the text. Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE) is correct.

10 years ago
Reply to  Ray

Quick note: In vivo and in vitro trials suggest GSE must be taken at > 2% solution to be effective against some bacteria strains (klebsiella) ie, 2 drops per 100 ml.

Justin M.
Justin M.
10 years ago
Reply to  Robin

Yo, the Forskolin links to Relora on Amazon. Is that right? Forskolin actually seems a little difficult to find…

10 years ago
Reply to  Robin

for the artichoke extract and the forskolin you have the brands backwards, from what was said in the video.

not sure which is right, and if that changes the 1:1 ratio. Tim mentioned in the video?

11 years ago

I always enjoy The Random Show, especially being a fellow red wine lover, and I was looking forward to a new one. I liked the format, but the audio wasn’t too great, and so I kept missing bits of what you were saying (or was that just the wine slur?). I have sympathy with Nick accusing you of being a walking Wikipedia. I get the same levelled at me although people tend to say I have a brain full of useless info. I never knew Parmigiano-Reggiano had MSG qualities though… interesting.

Gideon Bright
Gideon Bright
11 years ago

I looked at the length of it before watching, which turned me off but this definitely is worth a watch.

It’s a very interesting insight into the way you guys think & bounce ideas about. Its funny (red wine ha ha) & I like the ‘big coin’ chat.

I like the relaxed format & they under-produced feel. it’s watchable.

I’ll be watching future episodes. a great find.

11 years ago

Unwatchable. Horrible audio and video quality. Very unstructured. Not gripping, boring to listen to. Too long. Rambly.

Sorry, this is not enjoyable.

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
10 years ago
Reply to  Tix

Haha… sorry for the audio and video quality, but it’s the Random Show, hence unstructured by definition.

11 years ago

Very nice.

By the By, is there some list of the supplements you were naming off? several of the names were “blurry” sounding.

11 years ago

I haven’t seen Tim since the last Random Show…looks like he’s been dosing a little 4hr diet and gym time. Looking good.

11 years ago

Love it as an experiment

But honestly – I loved the HD cam + shooting shit format. JRE style. I’d rather hear you guys talk shit about what you wanna say, otherwise everything is a bit too ‘Q&A’ish

Love you whatever you do, so whatever. #4hourlyfe

11 years ago

This empty Bulliet bottles make great water bottles. Great episode guys!

Tim Gaffney
Tim Gaffney
11 years ago

Thanks for the show

Really liked the smart drug overview and Bitcoin comments!

11 years ago

Tim……do a podcast already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It would be a great opportunity to showcase people from the tech world, your friends, as well as let us suck the knowledge out of you 🙂

11 years ago

the show rocks, i agree with Aaron i would get some external mics, although this would cut back on the “rawness/quirkiness ” of the show. Also you guys need to get YouTube to allow you HD, i cannot imagine they wouldn’t grant you that option…

Personally, i enjoy hearing of your traveling adventures and items like the grape seed extract, and L-Lysine is actually one of the few remedies to cold sores, well actually it is a prophylaxis to cold sores (HSV-1 group not the “taint” group HSV-2)

Speaking of taint, i would like to hear more fish taint talk!… you guys briefly brushed over this topic! ha, great show, cannot wait for the next one

11 years ago

Hi Tim, Thank you for the show. Do you know of a website that would show how Lysine would interact with vitamins, CoQ10, fish oil, etc? I am, and I am sure others too, take several different supplements, etc. It is hard to know how all these thing will interact with each other. If you know of a source or site that does this, please share.

Thank you for the new Random Show.


11 years ago

Tim – What do you think of Alpha Brain from It’s a cognitive enhancer, but it doesn’t have any of the ingredients you talk about. It’s not cheap so I was curious what you thought about the ingredients in it.

Btw, I really enjoy the random show, thanks for posting these!

11 years ago
Reply to  Justin

Never mind, just heard you mention it!

11 years ago

Hey Tim,

Loved the information about the smart drugs. Ive had experience with hydergina for concussions while playing football. Great stuff while taking after the game, but not so much before a game cause it made me think too much about what I was doing. Since concussions and brain health are such a big deal in football now, what smart drugs do you think are the best for stopping the progression of brain trauma? Anyone that has played high school, college, or professional football have definitely experienced head trauma. From my experience i think players could benefit from smart drugs for their long term health.

Best Regards

11 years ago


Love the show, but hated this set-up. Audio sucked. Missed half of what Tim said. Video sucked, Couldn’t read labels. Please go back to using professional equipment.

Tim, you recommended a stack of artichoke extract and formumble. What was the second one, please?

Thanks, guys. See you next time.

11 years ago

I think if the audio/video quality was better, it would be perfect.

11 years ago

Is that a teepee?

11 years ago

I like the longer videos and I think the quality added to the casual feel of the discussion. Nice work.

11 years ago

The Q&A format is cool, but the sound and video quality on the previous episodes better. In this episode, when the products were being discussed, it was either to blurry or the lighting was too bright.

11 years ago

love your stuff – First random show is entertaining (lysine and agua…take that on the spot; axes; bday gifts – lol!?) and interesting (apps, using hangout for the first time, foodist, body hacks etc)… Maybe since its live, have time a time limit (I mean if you want more viewers in our ADD and time limited world – luckily today I have the day off! 🙂 Love the comments coming in which helps with talking points…! Fun. And Thanks!!! Always good stuff. PS my 13 yrs old sons home made daft punk box for NYE 🙂

10 years ago

Organizing his life (storage/ back-up) ‘Tim Tim’ said he uses:

Back Blaze


Time Machine (Mac Basics)


And something else…Kevin spoke over him…can you repeat Tim please?

10 years ago

I would suggest reading “The Create from Jekyll Island” by G. Edward Griffin-

Nice TP! haha

10 years ago

The link you put up for Forskolin is for Relora.

Greg Blome
Greg Blome
10 years ago

What do you think of Alpha Brain?

10 years ago

Google hangout sucks.

Glenn is a genius.

Zach Morris
Zach Morris
10 years ago

Read the Rolling Stone cover article about Daft Punk. The helmets are a guarded secret even to most of their friends.

10 years ago

I love the show guys.

But Jesus Christ Kevin Rose, you’re a grown man, would you fucking act your age?! Your half giggling, half condescending behavior is like watching some frat boy tossing paper from the back of class! It’s not becoming.

You do so much cool stuff and you have many interesting and insightful thoughts. Stick with those instead, please.

10 years ago

Have you had any small visual hallucinations from modafinil. Some mates and I were quite into modafinil for a while at uni, but we all started getting small visual hallucinations after we stopped.

Imo it really isnt very good, it just makes you feel productive but the work you produce is crap.

When it comes to study you cant really go wrong with dexamphetamines, but again I think the danger is you feel productive, but really you are just high 😛

10 years ago

Can you turn on automated captioning.

I am deaf and would like to view your video.

10 years ago

Is there a way to follow which supplements and smart drugs you (Tim) try?

Apart from the 4 – Hour Body.

It would be super interesting to see what the effects are.

Mike Williams
Mike Williams
10 years ago

This guy in my new hero! I am about 1/3 the way through the 4 hour work week and love it! I have listened and rewound the “tape” about 5 times to get as much good stuff as possible. Killed the news a long time ago and it was cool to hear Tim say that. He has verified a number of things I have been doing for years. Feels amazing to continue down the road and I just can’t thank you and your team enough! Looking forward to being part of this blog.

10 years ago

Like the live format, but get a best of both worlds with something like livestream? Would love to see it!

Also are you speaking at Ignite or just checking out the amazing city that is Toronto? 🙂

10 years ago

Would you please make all of your videos accessible via captions? There are 48 millions of deaf/hoh people in USA that you are leaving out. Also, auto captions in YouTube are not of acceptable quality and need to be finalized manually. I give training to businesses and individuals on how to make aural information accessible based on best practices. Thanks!

10 years ago

I loved the show and I’ll echo the sentiments that a livestream + higher quality followup sounds like a great mix.

One question, though: You briefly mentioned that VC firms release presentations on the state of technology and such. I tracked the one from Kleiner Perkins down and loved it so much that I have to ask:

Are there any other ones you’d specifically recommend? Or, in a broader sense, do you have a specific way you track down those kinds of insights?

Thanks man!

10 years ago

Didn’t think use of Google Hangouts was necessary if it meant bad audio/video. I think the links to the Artichoke extract + Forskolin are incorrect, also b/c the video was bad and couldn’t see the dosages either for both. Artichoke was Now Foods and Solaray was Forskolin, but Solaray spells it Forskohlii or is this the wrong product??? Also missing a link to Demiurge.

10 years ago
Reply to  Chris

Anyone figure this out?

10 years ago

Bring Glen back. Please. The hang out thing is lame on so many levels.

10 years ago

The link for Forskolin is actually a link to a different product for Relora, which is used for weight loss.

Ann Day
Ann Day
10 years ago

I love watching your “Random Show” and have seen every Iglesias on but I have to mention that the video and audio were not as good a usual on this one. Is that something that could be improved for next time? Keep up the otherwise great work !!!

Ann Day
Ann Day
10 years ago
Reply to  Ann Day

Argh !! That should have read “every single one ” damn autocorrect

10 years ago
Reply to  Ann Day

im part of a movement that tries to rename “autocorrect” to “automistake” seems more aproppiate

10 years ago

two things, first on the money history front BBC’s The Ascent of Money docu series is just awesome, and its full on youtube

second, the light was so unflattering to Kevin, it made the shadow of his nose look like a Hitler moustache, it was funny though.

10 years ago

Hey Tim. At 49:00, you say you’d choose Provigil (Modafinil) over Nuvigil (Armodafinil). Could you explain the reasoning behind it.

Is it due to Provigil having a partially shorter half-life than Nuvigil?: “The R-isomer of racemic modafinil [Armodafinil / Nuvigil] has a half-life of approximately 15 hours; the S-isomer has a half-life of 4 to 5 hours.” (

So even though Provigil contains some portion of the longer half-life from having both the R and S isomers, the shorter half-life for part of Provigil puts less chronic stress on the liver to metabolize it. Thus making it less stressful overall to the body.

Fabio Peres
Fabio Peres
10 years ago

Hello Tim!

Awesome show.

I couldn’t get the name of the “lamborghini” of smart drugs, the one on the black bottle. Can you write it down?

Greetings from Brazil!


10 years ago
Reply to  Fabio Peres

I have the same problem, I can’t get the name of the “lamborghini” of smart drugs, and it’s impossible to read the name on the bottle because the video is not HD. I can only grape the last 2 letters, “GE”.

So if you can write here the name of this smart drug, Tim… 🙂

Eric DelGrego
Eric DelGrego
10 years ago

Hey Tim,

The discussion on smart drugs was really interesting. In 4HB, you mention using Huperzine A for language acquisition. How does Huperzine A compare with the smart drugs in this Random Show?

Or, put another way, of all the smart drugs you’ve experimented with, which protocol do you currently find best for acquiring a new language?

Arkadiy B
Arkadiy B
10 years ago

the show is great as always, but hate the quality via Google Hangout and whatever the video/audio you use…hard to understand and almost impossible to tell anything you are showing on the screen

10 years ago

Would definitely like to see some more of the supplement/smart drug reviews!

10 years ago

Enjoyed the show but next time I’m going to enjoy a glass or two before jumping in… 🙂

10 years ago

Great show, if a bit hard to hear…

I usually enjoy listening to Kevin, but it got somewhat frustrating when he keeps talking over Tim when they were discussing smart drugs.

I really wanted to know what smart drugs Tim uses and recommends, but I think Kevin wasn’t 100% jazzed about the conversation. Tim, maybe another post/video where you just talk in detail and at length about smart drugs? I’m sure we all would love it!

@Dan Interesting point about ketosis and modafinil, that might explain some headaches I’ve had with modafinil.

10 years ago
Reply to  Wes

I completely agree lol whenever Tim is trying to explain something interesting im like please god no, don’t let Kevin talk now lol. Yea more awesome stuff from Tim is the what we want!

10 years ago

Unfortunately I wasn’t able to understand anything about MSG, will future episodes be G+ too? It’s like the 90s all over again.

Jason Markow
Jason Markow
10 years ago

Another awesome episode. It made me go back and dig for any episodes I may have missed, and I stumbled across one where you mentioned your desire to get back into drawing/illustration. Did you ever find the time you were hoping to get back into things?

Callum Stevens
Callum Stevens
10 years ago

What was the last nootropic stack called please? Heard something like “abigail lindsay” but couldn’t find anything. Thanks

Chris Odell
Chris Odell
10 years ago


Rubberguard can be done without hurting the knees so much, it’s more about your angles. Did you go to 10th Planet SF? Denny is great and should be able to show you how to do it for the less flexible folks like us with fat thighs 🙂

10 years ago

A/C quality aside, I miss the old format. Watching you guys, crammed into such a small frame, creates an awkward experience for the viewer. It prevented me at least from kicking back, relaxing, and watching the show. Step back in my book…. Random Show may be random, but let’s not not make it amateur.

10 years ago
Reply to  John

Yeah, that should read A/V

10 years ago


How the hell did you get your hands on Hydergine? Canada?


Scott Kiersten
Scott Kiersten
10 years ago

Great Show – got a lot out of it

chris Lambert
chris Lambert
10 years ago

I’m interested in ..was it hydrogene? I’ve had other creations of albert hofmann and very curious but nothing on google about hydragene, hydrogene, novartis, navartis etc…

10 years ago
Reply to  chris Lambert

Try Hydergine (Brand name from Novartis) or the actual drug which is Ergoloid Mesylates.

I’ve wanted to get my hands on it for a while. You can order from Canadian pharmacies. There’s little legal risk, but I don’t know if it’s the real deal. Hence why I’d like to know where he got it, but I can see why he wouldn’t wanna throw that out there.

I find it really fascinating that one of the side effects is nasal congestion. I’ve read a lot of people reporting that. Looks like you can get it from Nubrain.

One weird one I tried that a lot of people don’t discuss is Lucidril (centrophenoxine) … it’s also an anti-alzheimer’s drug. Strange stuff.

chris Lambert
chris Lambert
10 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Thanks mike!

10 years ago

I found it difficult to understand you two. Perhaps a professional mike attached to the computer… I figured the notes would be available…so not too worried about figuring out the products.

10 years ago

Like the show but please use real microphones. Many great suggestions on the show – if possible to it more frequently and invite some guests. 🙂

10 years ago

Love the show, but miss the high quality video. Found the video quality above almost unwatchable in comparison.

Paul Baumgarthuber
Paul Baumgarthuber
10 years ago


Really enjoyed the show. The section on smart drugs was very interesting. I am looking forward to testing the artichoke extract and forskolin stack. You mentioned trying Alpha Brain. I am one of the partners at Maven Labs and would love to send you a bottle of our nootropic blend, BrainStack, to try and get your feedback. I am looking forward to the next show. Great info!

10 years ago

Hi Tim – love the experimental nature of your work and how freely you share your results.

Q. What one drug do you use, or recommend when presenting/ speaking to calm the nerves? The blog post on planning your keynotes and the coffee tip work great, so looking for a little hack to help on game day. Thanks in advance.

Way Wong
Way Wong
10 years ago

So after random 20 somebody in the “Wong” commented about Kevin switching to Android and now look what happens by show 21….. well at least your consistent. Mr. Rose you owe me a rickshaw ride. Though I suppose rather than you driving Google probably has the driverless rickshaw.

10 years ago

Love this one. Pharmacology is my speciality 🙂 and yeah miss the better quality vids. Love the random show!

10 years ago

Enjoyed the show as always, but please go back to the previous way of recording!

10 years ago

Lots of really interesting topics need a high quality podcast to go with it as audio very poor, can then listen in the car ;-). We use loads of L Lysine in cats with herpes virus 😉 felines rule. Keep up the great work a 4 hour week and body fan 😉

10 years ago

red wine drinker here but totally clueless. couldnt see the label on the video. would love a list of recommendations to upgrade me to slightly knowledgeable instead of just lush.

love the show!

Peter Lopez
Peter Lopez
10 years ago


Huge fan and follower!! I have all three of your books and I constantly talk about you and all your badassery…

I know you’re not a doctor and don’t play one on the internet but if you were sitting around thinking about what you would take to help you ace a test what would it be?

I need to pass a real important test.

This is really, really important so if you could please reply it would be awesome.


Carlos Rosario
Carlos Rosario
10 years ago

Thanks for the “Smart Drug” knowledge drop. I’ll be picking up some Foskolin and Artichoke Extract later today. Very, very, very cool show format and content.

Pat S
Pat S
10 years ago

Tim – love your work and the show. Am I crazy or does intermittent fasting completely contradict recommendations such as to eat 30 grams of protein within 30 minutes of waking up? Do you believe one approach is better than the other? Or that there is a benefit to using both? Thanks!


Paul B
Paul B
10 years ago
Reply to  Pat S


Ever since Tim mentioned the 30 grams helping his father(or father in law not sure which right now) break through is weight loss barrier I haven’t found any supporting data about the 30 grams in the morning recommendation. I tried the fasting thing after reading about it on Lean Gains dot Com but started to do the protein thing after Tim mentioned it helped. I probably was trying to many things at once ( intermittent fasting while reading the 4HB) I too would love to know the logic behind it and what data supports it.

Mark Greenman
Mark Greenman
10 years ago

Hey Tim,

Here’s the initial thread by Abelard Lindsay on the CILTEP (artichoke and Forskolin) stack:

I’ve had good luck myself with the lastest stage of the racetam family, Noopept, so I’m curios to see how this compares.

Richard Hanley
Richard Hanley
10 years ago

I’m a big fan of the show, however I like where the quality was. Great audio, ok video. Maybe you could do it like Chase Jarvis Live, he announces when he is going to be live, then pulls questions live via twitter while retain a great level of audio.

Still enjoyed it brother,


Mike Williams
Mike Williams
10 years ago

Did someone do the math on the old format? Let me guess, it came in at over 4 hours a week 🙂

Jason Ford
Jason Ford
10 years ago

Holy shitballs Tim… I just read The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing this weekend. You, your actions, this blog, how you position yourself… it all makes so much sense! Reading that book was like a shroom trip. So much melted away and got to the core of reality.

You created a category, you became the leader in that category, your product name is the benefit (not the feature), you used the opposite position to create credibility in the mind (e.g. NR vs D), shit..balls… you are a master at this. Mind blown. Respect.

10 years ago

It has been way too long… You should really start doing these random shows less random 🙂

Jason Cane
Jason Cane
10 years ago

Tim, I’m a huge fan of your work, and have purchased all three of your books. I have an off-the-wall question. Have you done any research on celiac disease? My wife has it bad, and we’ve tried everything. Any direction? Thanks!

Dr. Nikolas R. Hedberg
Dr. Nikolas R. Hedberg
10 years ago

The successful use of Echinacea depends heavily on the species genus used and extraction methods. Most people are using Echinacea purpurea when they should be using Echinacea angustifolia which is much, much stronger and more effective. In addition, alcohol-based tinctures will yield much better clinical results vs. capsules in my experience.

Lysine is an excellent anti-viral in the doses you suggest. Your tip should help a lot of people, especially with recurrent herpes outbreaks.

Matt Kammerait
Matt Kammerait
10 years ago

Tim: You seem to use grape seed extract and grapefruit seed extract interchangeably. They are different things, correct? GSE (grapefruit) has the antimicrobial benefits you discuss, but grape seed extract also has some purported health benefits as well, thoughts?

10 years ago

Appreciate the effort that goes into showing the thoughts. musings, obsessions of both you and Kevin.

But I agree with many of the other posters, the video and sound production on this episode were awful. (no disrespect). Also, no need for live questions. Solicit ahead of time and use the best of them to tailor your show.

10 years ago

First time watching and the set up was so lengthy that I didn’t want to continue to watch what i’m sure would have been and interesting show. Probably not indicative of your market so take it with a grain of salt.

João Baltazar
João Baltazar
10 years ago

Sorry, I could not understand in any way what does Tim Cheats intermitant Fasting with.

Athletic Greens + ??

Sorry, several years speaking english and sometimes these moments happens

Thanks 🙂

Matt Kammerait
Matt Kammerait
10 years ago
Reply to  João Baltazar

BCAAs (Branch Chain Amino Acids

João Baltazar
João Baltazar
10 years ago
Reply to  Matt Kammerait

thanks dude 🙂

10 years ago

Tim, The Provigil headache is only a loading phase….it will go away if taken for 1 week at the same time of day

10 years ago

Im really interested to hear more about your opinion on the whole (potential) collapse of the US fiat currency system… Kevin talked about it mostly but I did some more investigating into this and there are blogs out there like sovereign man and the dollar vigilante who preach that its the beginning of the end of the US/Canada/UK/Aus the financial systems / governments that run them. Id like to hear more on your opinion of that stuff Tim, and anyone else too.


10 years ago
Reply to  Nick


julio alarcón
julio alarcón
10 years ago

Please, go back to the clasic and by far more professional video recording

10 years ago

Hey Tim or Anybody else that knows about this stuff, I am interested in trying a few of these nootropic concoctions and don’t really feel like throwing a bunch of money around to buy everything and test myself so I have some questions and my googlefu is failing me so hopefully someone here might know.

First off would Artichoke extract or Quercetin be a better PDE4 Inhibitor to mix with Forskolin?

Or should I just use both?

Also when it comes to racetams I am very interested in aniracetam compared to the others because of its anxiolytic effects but I have also heard it can be counterproductive and cause lack of motivation and a foggy head when compared to the other racetams, any experience with this?

And finally I would love to try modafinil, any suggestions on how to acquire in the US, preferably legally?


10 years ago

I’m a big fan but dont like the format of this episode. The audio isnt clear and when u show products etc I cant see it clearly.

Thanks for the tip about MSG in thai food. My diet has slowed and this maybe the cause, I eat a lot of Chinese food.

Scanning tip – I think you would like the StandScan Pro, I use it with my scanner apps or evernote to get perfect OCR results.

T. Bailey
T. Bailey
10 years ago

Despite the quality, which everyone else has commented on, this is close to being one of my favorite Random Shows, and I’ve been watching since the beginning. It almost feels like I’m hanging out in the living with you and Kevin. I’m big fans of you both and am actually taking my first trip to San Francisco next weekend. Looking forward to visiting some of the spots you have mentioned in previous episodes and even filmed at. Thanks for being a wealth of knowledge and an inspiration. I don’t think two days go by without me bring up the 4-Hour Series. Peace!

Trey O
Trey O
10 years ago

Love the random show but this format was terrible. Been watching since the beginning but won’t watch this format.