The Finals: Scholarship for Opening the Kimono

(Photo: Markal)


Please find below the finalists for the scholarship spot to the $10,000 Opening The Kimono event (all semi-finalist videos here).

There are nine contenders, listed in no particular order. Please watch the videos and vote on your single favorite at the bottom of this post. Two important things to note — achtung!

1) Voting ends next Thursday, June 9, at 11pm PST.

2) Because there were so many outstanding videos, I’m offering a second “wild card” scholarship. That’s right — another $10,000 spot, though you’ll need to cover flights and hotel, just like the other scholarship. Here’s how it works…

– You cannot have a video that qualified for the semi-finals or finals.

– The YouTube video with the most views wins the “wild card” scholarship. The link and view count must be posted in the comments below by the same deadline of next Thursday at 11pm PST. No exceptions, so don’t wait until last minute.

– The video must have at least 2,500 views to be eligible. If no one reaches this number, no additional spot will be given away.

Enjoy the videos and best of luck to all!


Dustin Patrick

Gonzalo Paternoster

Charles Phillips

Rachman Blake

Maneesh Sethi

Benedict Westenra

Sheila McCarthy

Michael-Scott Earle

Clark Weigand



Odds and Ends: More Book Notes on Amazon

If you’re interested, I’ve uploaded my Kindle highlights from several new books, ranging from hedgefund investing to Katie Couric’s new compendium of “the best advice I ever received” stories from notable public figures. Find them and all of my public notes here — be sure to follow me at the top left to see my new notes and highlights as I post them.

The Tim Ferriss Show is one of the most popular podcasts in the world with more than one billion downloads. It has been selected for "Best of Apple Podcasts" three times, it is often the #1 interview podcast across all of Apple Podcasts, and it's been ranked #1 out of 400,000+ podcasts on many occasions. To listen to any of the past episodes for free, check out this page.

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Comment Rules: Remember what Fonzie was like? Cool. That’s how we’re gonna be — cool. Critical is fine, but if you’re rude, we’ll delete your stuff. Please do not put your URL in the comment text and please use your PERSONAL name or initials and not your business name, as the latter comes off like spam. Have fun and thanks for adding to the conversation! (Thanks to Brian Oberkirch for the inspiration.)

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13 years ago

My money is on C. Phillips… go bro go!!

Charles Phillips
Charles Phillips
12 years ago
Reply to  Laurence

Holy cow! Thanks Laurence! I hope getting naked pays off! haha 😀

Brandon Roaten
Brandon Roaten
12 years ago

Charles is the man! You had better win this hands down!

Michael Solarez
Michael Solarez
12 years ago

Mr. Phillips,

Great video…you got my vote…good luck

Dan Jaffe
Dan Jaffe
12 years ago
Reply to  Laurence

No doubt! Great video Charles!

Charles Phillips
Charles Phillips
12 years ago
Reply to  Dan Jaffe

You guys are awesome! Thank you!!! 😀

13 years ago

Michael-Scott Earle great video. I like the fact that you already have a manuscript in hand and seem ready to implement the marketing ideas from Tim Ferris. I hope to see your book on shelves and online some time in the future. Wishing you all the best. All the best to the other contestants as well who put themselves out there, you should be congratulated for taking the leap whether you win or not.

13 years ago
Reply to  Denise

Thank you for your kind words Denise 🙂

Linda Casey
Linda Casey
12 years ago
Reply to  M-S

Good luck to you Michael-Scott wishing you and your family all the best. I’m looking forward to reading some great published works from you 🙂 Take care

Sarah Ward
Sarah Ward
12 years ago
Reply to  Denise

After seeing Michael-Scott’s video, and reading the unpublished book he wrote thanks to 4hww’s teachings, it really inspired me to buy the 4hww book. I can’t wait to see what it does for me since it’s done so much for him, his wife and his future. I’m voting for MSE not just because he’s a great guy and he deserves to win but because he will help so many other people with what he learns in this seminar.

Benedict Westenra
Benedict Westenra
13 years ago

Hi Tim,

If I win I’d like you to auction my ticket and donate the proceeds to Room to Read, if that would be okay. Just so long as I get to name a school in Bangladesh, my girlfriend’s country of origin.

This way you get full control over attendees again and some kids get some more books.

Best wishes,


Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
13 years ago

Dear Benedict,

You are awesome. That is more than OK, of course. Room to Read rocks and would do great things with any proceeds.

All the best,


12 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss


Since you are applying the principles learned in the 4 HWW you may not read this but some will. I agree, you are awesome and after I now order the 4HWW, I’m going to be looking for lessons to utilize our old upright piano that’s been sitting dormant for all these years. Hope it will tune.

I read the 4 Hour Body and now because of your video, I’ll be ordering the 4HWW to learn to write, play piano, and expand my research of my Northern Irish roots.

To Your Success,


Benedict Westenra
Benedict Westenra
12 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

Well done Scott! Making the decision to start is the hardest part. Then you just need to learn to enjoy practicing.

To Your New Musical Adventures,


Charles Phillips
Charles Phillips
12 years ago

If the kids who go to that school end up half as nice as Benedict, the world will be a better place.

You sir, deserve more high fives than a blog comment can provide. Seriously, I’m pretty sure people get statues made of them for less. Awesome.

…*high five!* 😀

Benedict Westenra
Benedict Westenra
12 years ago

Thanks for the comment, Charles! I would high five you but that’s not very English so I’m just going to awkwardly pretend that you were going for a gentlemanly handshake.

*awkward gentlemanly handshake*

12 years ago

Benedict, I just voted for you, before I saw you comments regarding the auction. I also liked Charles who was very gracious with his comments to you. I agree with him we need more people like you on this earth.

You see besides my belief that you deserve the prize, the queen came to visit our small island, right next door to you. What an amazing lady, she reminded us that we are neighbours and we should act like we are, so a small part of my vote was in that spirit. Still enjoy beating you guys at rugby. Tim Ferris is the man, I am trying to convert his inspiration into a 4HWW project. Gary

Adam Mollon
Adam Mollon
13 years ago

Hey Time, it said on your site the the best way to get in touch with you was to post on here:

I’m reading 4HWW at the moment and didn’t know at the time but while reading it I’ve realized that I’ve was doing some of the things you suggest before ever picking up your book. Once reading it however it’s helped me to understand how I can improve my lifestyle drastically with the advice and resources you provide. I’ve never been keen on the idea of following routine so I no longer do, now I just live on the road and see the parts of the world I want to.

I’m 22 years old and I’m from Scotland, last year I bought a one way ticket to Costa Rica once I was done with college and I have been playing small stakes online poker to support any traveling I do. I’ve been doing this for a year now and even though some days I’m almost broke and some days I have money (I have bad spending habits) I’m loving the lifestyle I have and it’s taken me to places I never thought I would reach while also giving me an unshakable amount of confidence.

I’ve just gotten to the point in 4HWW where you talk about outsourcing to make better use of your time and improve your life so I contacted YMII tonight to see if they can help me put together a work/exercise/saving/training schedule for me while I’m on the road and traveling a lot and if I hadn’t picked up your book I would have never of or thought to have used a company like that to make my life easier. I’m also going to be trying to start a business at some point and I know for a fact I will be using your book as a template of how it should be run and how I want it to be.

I’d like to keep you up to date on my progress through my journey and your book and how I everything turns out when I begin to apply more of it to my life. It’s an awesome book and I can see how it has changed so many lives for the better.


Andrew Hill
Andrew Hill
13 years ago

Tim, this is an amazing opportunity for those on this post. I am curious if I was to post a video over the weekend I would be eligible for the wildcard if I can amass the most views. I also can not recall if there is an age requirement, I’m 19 but have health issues so there is no chance of me drinking.

I read your book a few years ago while in high school and it completely changed my view on life and entrepreneurship to the extent that a week after I completed my freshman year of college I was sitting in a board room in Manhattan for one of the most important tests in the world as a member of their committee as one of the two student members. While sitting there my iPhone buzzed at lunch, I had just made $75 from an order that was placed on my website that is now approximately 90% automated. I was also able to leave the business at home while I moved from RI to attend Arizona State University and have it grow while I was a full time student 2,900 miles from home.

With that said, I’m also applying for a fully paid internship in Singapore with a new startup so I have no idea where I’ll be this summer, but the philosophy behind the 4HWW and 4HB have changed my life and my room mate’s life. He went from scrawny geek to absolute freak this year because of your book, he gained more than 20 pounds of muscle and he was only about 140 to begin with!

Andrew Hill
Andrew Hill
13 years ago
Reply to  Andrew Hill

I left out I also took a dance class this semester and learned to dance to the amazement of my friends and am now considering a minor in dance, my family is still scratching their heads at that pivot. Although it was latin dancing, not Tango, yet. I plan to tie that title of yours within a few years.


13 years ago

All the candidates are great, but I vote for Gonzolo Pasternoster!

13 years ago

Gonzalo Paternoster, if you please!

Wil C
Wil C
13 years ago

Very hard choice here as everyone seems that they deserve special kudos for the incredible ideas and follow through in realizing their ideal lifestyle. However, as Ricky Bobby said, “There can be only one.”

Maneesh has always been my favorite of the video submissions both past and present. I did not pick him based on the fact that he seems to have his life and future pretty well worked out. I can’t wait to hear about the desert island adventure.

Charles Phillips had the best personal presentment overall. Energy, excitement about life, and a sincere earnestness to DO something fun that he is passionate about.

In the end I had to vote for Benedict for two reasons: he had the best video presentation as a whole, and this was a video presentation after all. Sound idea concept, nice flow and storytelling for a little clip; just all around enjoyable. Second, of course, is that he is teaching music and seems to have a unique and structured idea on how to move his life forward while being charitable and advancing overall knowledge on the planet, which for me is one of the greatest things a person can do.

Then the comment above about giving it back for Room To Read? C’mon man! That’s awesome. The more educated this world gets the better our chances are of not wiping ourselves out. So, here’s hoping for that, and here’s hoping you win Benedict. Keep on keeping on.

Benedict Westenra
Benedict Westenra
12 years ago
Reply to  Wil C

Thanks so much for the considered comment, Wil! Moving my life forward but dragging people kicking and screaming (in a good way) with me is what it’s all about.

Making the Room to Read decision was tough but I don’t drink and the conference is mostly about wine, right?

13 years ago

Hey, can a smart person please tell me why tim said that the china study- in linking animal protein to cancer- was not quite right?

13 years ago

….and go charles! Wow! I love that line “people to feel as uniquely great as I do.” wow, thank you. was really depressed today, and this video helped me feel uniquely hopeful.

Charles Phillips
Charles Phillips
12 years ago
Reply to  Heyward

There was so much I wanted to say in such a short time, and that phrase best summed up my general enthusiasm for life, learning, and giving back.

Helping others so that they’re in a position to help themselves is one of the best feelings I’ll ever have. I’ve taught everything from juggling to photo composition and from longboarding to ambidextrous pitching. To experience that moment when everything *clicks* for someone…it’s addictive.

I feel like it’s almost my duty to go out and live life to the fullest, just so I can share it with other people. 😀 Glad you feel better!

Henry Brown
Henry Brown
13 years ago

My vote goes for Dustin Patrick.

Tom Menendez
Tom Menendez
13 years ago


Watched your most recent Random Show and I will actually be out in San Francisco next week from the 11th-18th. I’m an entrepreneur who has launched a successful business in Missouri and placed second in a business plan competition in Illinois. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed your books and your website and would definitely enjoy getting a drink with you at Orbit Room or any SF watering hole of your choice. Shoot me an email if your interested in grabbing a drink sometime next week.


Tom Menendez

Dustin Patrick
Dustin Patrick
13 years ago

Hey All! Thanks so much for this opportunity. Congrats to everyone in the videos above. I feel honored to even be on the same web page as you all!

Robin P.
Robin P.
12 years ago
Reply to  Dustin Patrick

My vote is Dustin Patrick all the way!!

Leonard Irwin
Leonard Irwin
13 years ago

Ok I vote for Sheila McCarthy

All the best to the other players.


Iris Eben
Iris Eben
13 years ago

Charles and Benedict! You guys are an inspiration to me, especially Charles because you are my age. Makes me be like shit, WTF am I doing. My baby steps need to start turning into Big Foot leaps.

Both have gone above beyond, by shaping the principles of 4HWW into a lifestyle. Bonus-they killed it with what I believe is the most fundamental principle-sharing what you have learned with other people to improve Their Lives.

Tim, you are about exponential results via focused effort on the RIGHT actions.

These guys did just that by revealing compelling stories of their journey creatively. Clearly, they applied Pareto’s principle and the holy shit effect to create vids that demanded the top spots. This isn’t some sweepstakes or reality TV cast video-these men knew that to impress you and the 4HWW community, it had to be epic!

I wish they could both go. Everyone should vote for them!

Haha I don’t think it’s a coincidence that Charles was the first name. Primacy effect at its best.

Charles Phillips
Charles Phillips
12 years ago
Reply to  Iris Eben

I think I apply the “holy shit effect” to my entire life, for that matter! hahaha Thanks for the awesome thoughts, I’m going to get in touch with you when I need a film review! 😀

Benedict Westenra
Benedict Westenra
12 years ago
Reply to  Iris Eben

I wish we could both go too. Whaddya say, Charles, let’s pull the two-kids-in-a-trenchcoat-trying-to-get-into-an-adult-movie trick?

Thanks for the comment, Iris. Be sure to let us know what you get up when you start taking Big Foot leaps!

Gonzalo Paternoster
Gonzalo Paternoster
13 years ago

My kids & I are grateful for everyone who voted for us.

My youngest asked, “If you win do you get to spend 4 Hours with Tim.”

I asked him why, and he said “Everything Tim does is four hours long.”

Also here are the outtakes for the video we made:


12 years ago

Big shout out for MIchael-Scott Earl!!. I have known him for about 3 years and have seen a lot of growth. He’s both friendly and focused. He gets the job done with little fuss, and always makes time for people. He would be able to put to great use the things he would learn as the winner of this scholarship. He has already shown he can implement the things he has learned well

Good luck, Michael-Scott

12 years ago

Charles Phillips, all the way!

Charles Phillips
Charles Phillips
12 years ago
Reply to  Morgan

Thanks, Morgan! Whoo! 😀

Judy Howell
Judy Howell
12 years ago

I vote for Sheila McCarthy! Go get ’em, Sheila!

Sheila McCarthy
Sheila McCarthy
12 years ago

How Fun!!! I’m so excited to be part of this adventure 🙂

12 years ago

she is cute!!!

Charles Phillips
Charles Phillips
12 years ago

If I win this scholarship, I’m going to hit the ground RUNNING. Forrest Gump, Road Runner, Usain Bolt…they’re going to be eating dust. When I see Tim, despite my better judgment, I’m going to tackle him in the greatest bear hug the world has ever seen. I’ll give him enough high fives and fist pounds to express the immense gratitude that not only I have, but that I’m sure his readers do as well.

I would CONSUME the knowledge, wisdom, and lessons learned that he shares at the event. Imagine being on the Geek to Freak diet. Or your first binge day in a month. Now multiply that amount of consumption by about x4, add in a few bear claws, a few chicken breasts, and a dash of garlic…and then that might equal my appetite for consumption.

After the event… I’m going to do everything in my power to knock the socks off the filmmaking world. Sundance, Tribeca, Telluride, SXSW, Cannes… they’re the beginning. Every step along the way will be documented and shared, so that others can learn from my mistakes and gain from my experience. I’m not going to be the next Steven Spielberg or Martin Scorsese… I’m going to be the first and only Charles Phillips.

It all could start with winning this competition.

I promise you, NO ONE wants to win this scholarship more than me. If spilling my heart out and baring it all myself (literally) doesn’t show you my drive and desire to win… please try and find someone who can. This is an amazing opportunity, and I owe Tim not just a bear hug, but the biggest, warmest, sincerest thank you EVER.

Please, PLEASE, watch my video (until the end!) and spread my enthusiasm for life to others. And at the end of it all, I’m still going to stick with what Jim Henson said, “Life’s like a movie, write your own ending. Keep believing, keep pretending.”

Harsh Batra
Harsh Batra
12 years ago

Charles good luck! And thanks for the quote – which I am stealing 🙂

Charles Phillips
Charles Phillips
12 years ago
Reply to  Harsh Batra

Thanks Harsh! Quotes are meant to be stolen, my friend!

12 years ago

That’s why I voted for you Charles. I can feel your energy and I felt you are already the Charles Phillips. Let your energy flow and expand in this amazing life!

12 years ago

DUSTIN PATRICK is my fav!!

great job to everyone! so many neat people doing awesome things around the world…

but my vote is definitely for Dustin Patrick!! keep up the amazing work! i hope you win!!

Brian Cormack Carr
Brian Cormack Carr
12 years ago

Almost impossible to choose between these great entries – wishing everyone the best of luck!

12 years ago

All I have to say is:

I’m sorry, Tim.

You aren’t kidding when you say it’s stupid-hard to decide on these videos. They are all AMAZING.

Anna H
Anna H
12 years ago

I vote Dustin Patrick.

Dustin Patrick
Dustin Patrick
12 years ago
Reply to  Anna H

Why, thank you Anna H!

Anthony S
Anthony S
12 years ago

I can’t decide – but I do have a preference for Benedict, as a fellow muso.

I can’t believe the changes you’ve all made!

Benedict Westenra
Benedict Westenra
12 years ago
Reply to  Anthony S

Thank you for the blatant bias! If you know any orchestras please get them to vote for me too. There are only so many ways I can vote for myself. 😉

12 years ago


I invited you (via Youtube) to my latest epic 4HWW video! I was hoping to release it on your blog with a guest post (check Youtube messages).

Special thanks to you at 3:56 in a 9-5 parking lot!

I didn’t officially enter the first contest, and didn’t want to interfere with this contest, though the Kimono scholarship REALLY intrigues me! If you decline on my guest post, perhaps I can submit the video for the contest?


12 years ago

All these videos are really good…but Maneesh Sethi’s is awesome. I love his 90 days, DJing, 4hww lifestyle 🙂 I voted for him!!


Brian Frank
Brian Frank
12 years ago


I can’t give you and your book all the credit, but I am writing this from Croatia right now. I had wanted to start my own business and travel long before I discovered an article for your 4 hour body book on Wired, part of my wasting time at work. With a little more research I was inspired by your large online community and words of advice, and quickly devoured both your books. Following the advice that the time will never be perfect and you must create your own timing, I started a small clothing company (unsuccessful so far, but still enjoyable), contacted inspirations (also unsuccessful), gained 15lbs in 3 weeks without a bodyfat % change, quit my job, and set out on my travels. I deem those first things unsuccessful as measured by profit and response but in the personal growth and educational sense, they were more than that. I have however probably sold more of your books to friends and acquaintances on my travels than my own product but that is a testament to your marketing skills I suppose, a product that sells itself. Living out of a backpack for the past few months and traveling has done so much for my mind state that it won’t be fully realized until years from now. As Seneca writes we may guard our fortune but waste our time, the only thing we cannot get more of, I may return to the states with 0$ in my bank account but I know I will not have wasted my time, plus I have grown a pretty sweet beard.

I wish you and the community here success in their endeavors! I live in AZ and no way to post a video so I can’t participate in the contest, but I will place my vote. Off to Thailand Monday!



12 years ago

Some inspiring stuff here. Charles Phillips rates high in my book for keeping it fun and playful. I am also a person who tends to speak their mind, and I have to say that adorable children aside, the JoyProof software concept had me cringing in my seat. Way too 1984-esque for my taste. I admire all who have participated and wish you good luck, some more than others of course.

12 years ago


12 years ago

I vote for Gonzalo Paternoster!!!Goodluck!

12 years ago


Love it that you’re reading about screenplays and may be applying your intellect to writing one sometime in the near future.

As an interested amateur myself, I’ve read a few books on the process and highly recommend Writing a Great Movie: Key Tools for Successful Screenwriting by Jeff Kitchen. The other, much less helpful, books I’ve read include The Screenwriter’s Bible (a distant second), Screenwriting for Dummies (good), The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Screenwriting (okay), The Screenwriter’s Workbook (okay), and The Portable Film School (poor).

I’m salivating at the thought of possibly having the opportunity to watch a movie about personal growth written by Mr. Growth himself.

Gone Howard Hughes ?
Gone Howard Hughes ?
12 years ago

Benedict all the way….with his super cool donation pledge !

I also just thought of a cool nfp edu idea while jogging on the mountain today..

Benedict Westenra
Benedict Westenra
12 years ago

Thank you, um, “Gone Howard Hughes”. If I win will you put a veggie burger in a tree for me for free? It has to be a giant redwood.


Gone Howard Hughes ?
Gone Howard Hughes ?
12 years ago

Sir ,one hates to be at odds with your ideas, but finding a redwood in South Korea for your essential burger placement in a tree would be exceeding difficult.The vegetarian option however could be whipped up by the kitchen staff.

Good evening.

12 years ago

I vote for Gonzalo Paternoster! 🙂

12 years ago

I thought Michael Scott made a very convincing case as too why he is deserving. I am rooting for him.

Kelly Hutcherson
Kelly Hutcherson
12 years ago

I voted for Michael-Scott because he is awesome!!!!!!! You should vote for him too…… Go Michael-Scott!!!!!

Kirk Bevington
Kirk Bevington
12 years ago

After reading Michael-Scott’s book, combined with his passion for helping others and his appreciation of the 4HWW’s teaching’s, I don’t think there’s a better candidate for the recognition. He’s a winner in whatever he does!

12 years ago

I vote for Rachman Blake

12 years ago

i vote for RachmanBlake

12 years ago

Vote for u, rachman blake!

12 years ago

i voted to Maneesh Sethi

Karen Cruz
Karen Cruz
12 years ago

Voting for Rachman Blake

12 years ago

Hey Tim,

this probably isn’t the best place to tell you this, but i don’t know how else to contact you.

just bought 4hr body. great book by the way. but am having issues on your blog.

i keep getting HTTP 500 internal server error on your blog. This happens after following the link in “topics” called “the 4 hr body” on your blog home page and then proceeding to click “Housecleaning and Clarifications: Blog Content, 4HB Corrections, Competition Winners, Slow-Carb Mistakes, and More”. This is when i get the error message.

help please. Many Thanx in advance.

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
12 years ago
Reply to  shah

Hi Shah,

Should be fixed within 24 hours. On it!


animesh chatterjee
animesh chatterjee
12 years ago

I vote for Maneesh Sethi.

Sheila McCarthy
Sheila McCarthy
12 years ago

Hi Tim/Team!

I’ve connected with a CBS affliate radio station that said they might be interested in promoting the contest to their listeners but they’d need to speak with you/your team to determine if it’s a good fit. Interested? Just let me know 🙂

PLUS–If anyone is reading this and wants to create a WildCard video and win a scholarship of their own, I’d love to help in anyway I can. To learn more about what I’m about and contact me, just click on my name above my picture in for this comment. Thanks and Good Luck!!

12 years ago

i vote for Rachman Blake

12 years ago

Voting for Rachman Blake

12 years ago

I vote for Rachman Blake

12 years ago

Charles Phillips’ video had me in tears laughing. He’s such a committed individual, my vote is definitely for him!

Charles Phillips
Charles Phillips
12 years ago
Reply to  Stephanie

Yay! Thanks Stephanie! 😀

Indian book publisher
Indian book publisher
12 years ago

Wish my kids could go to a school as amazing as Benedict 🙂

12 years ago

I will DEFINATELY vote for Maneesh Sethi.

Loved the underground feeling of the video. We are so used to see trillizions of youtube videos about everything! But his video really makes you wanna fly to Berlin right now and look for his parties!

The music was also very well studied in the short video!

ROCK ON MANEESH! We support you!!!!!!!!!!!


12 years ago

i vote for RachmanBlake

12 years ago

I vote for Dustin Patrick

12 years ago

Go Charles!! Looooove your work. Big fan of Happy Hour, but this is clearly awesome as well.

Charles Phillips
Charles Phillips
12 years ago
Reply to  Mallory

Mallory! Thank you! Hope all is well in Missouri, tell Suzanna and Chris hello!

Jeevprakash S.
Jeevprakash S.
12 years ago

My vote goes to Maneesh Sethi. Keep up the good work!

12 years ago

Go Charles!! Loooove your work. I’m a big fan of Happy Hour, but this is clearly awesome as well.

12 years ago

Voted to Maneesh Sethi

Harsh Batra
Harsh Batra
12 years ago

Everyone in this post is a success in their own right. Charles your video was hilarious! Benedicts story, muse and editing was superb. Despite everyone’s success I was looking for the “why” and I thought Dustin answered that why better than anyone else so my vote went to him! Good luck everyone.

Benedict Westenra
Benedict Westenra
12 years ago
Reply to  Harsh Batra

Thanks for your comment, Harsh!

The aim of the charity that Dustin works for, One Mission, is “to build Christ centered, self-sustaining communities through the development and discipleship of the local people” (from its website) whereas Room to Read has no religious agenda. That might help people choose one way or the other.

12 years ago

greest!!!!!!!!! Maneesh Sethi

Maneesh Sethi
Maneesh Sethi
12 years ago

Hey Tim!

I’m really excited about this contest. If I win, I was moved by Benedict’s offer to auction his ticket donate it to charity. I would like to do the same, if I win.

If I win, I’m thinking about donating half to a charity of your choice, and half to my NGO in India.

Can’t wait to see the results

-Maneesh Sethi

12 years ago

I vote Maneesh!

12 years ago

i vote for maneesh sethi

Rachman Blake
Rachman Blake
12 years ago

Tim –

I’m thrilled that I made it to the finals. But I’ll be overseas during Opening the Kimono, so I won’t be able to attend. If by chance I do win, I will follow Benedict’s lead, auction the ticket and donate the proceeds to a charity of your choice.


p.s. Great hanging with you in Berlin. Good times. Here are some photos from the event ->

Benjamin Spall
Benjamin Spall
12 years ago
Reply to  Rachman Blake

Just saw this man, but I voted for you all the same. It was a tough call, but your video spoke to me the most.

Keep it up man!

Anil Kumar
Anil Kumar
12 years ago

Good Video

by maneesh sethi

12 years ago

Charles Phillips, FTW! <3

Heather Brandt
Heather Brandt
12 years ago

Voting for Charles Phillips, of course!

Cody Beck
Cody Beck
12 years ago

All the videos were great! but my vote is for C Phillips! The man has turned into a beast, and not only is he a very creative individual who lives and breathes the books he reads, but he also shares the wealth by passing on the info that he’s learned. Charles is the only reason I know about the amazingness that is Tim Ferriss!

Charles Phillips
Charles Phillips
12 years ago
Reply to  Cody Beck

Alicia, Heather, and Cody,

You guys are true friends! Keep rockin! Thanks!!!!

edgar neo aka the twilgrim
edgar neo aka the twilgrim
12 years ago

I vote for Maneesh Sethi

Marcos Lowe
Marcos Lowe
12 years ago

It was hard deciding to vote but I choose NOT to vote for Maneesh or Benedict.

It is great that they are offering to donate their tickets to charity but the contest was setup for those who can not afford to attend the event. That was the spirit of the contest that Tim gave to his group.

So vote for those that WANT to go.

Keeping It Real!


Benedict Westenra
Benedict Westenra
12 years ago
Reply to  Marcos Lowe

Hi Marcos,

That’s a very good point and I did originally enter the competition intending to attend the event. However, once the Room to Read idea occurred to me I decided that I couldn’t justify not doing it if I could. I wouldn’t want it to bias readers’ votes, though, which is why I ran it past Tim first. If he, or one of his elves, didn’t approve he could have chosen not to publish my comment and email me explaining why, which would have been totally fine with me!

I think people should vote for the person with the best video, and I certainly wouldn’t want other contestants to feel pressured into making a similar pledge as me. The winner could, after all, use the knowledge, skills and contacts they’ll acquire at Opening the Kimono to raise much more than $10,000 for charity in the future.

Ironically I was one of the people who thought that Tim didn’t need to give away tickets for free when he first announced the conference, since going to the event without having used his advice to make a lot of money first strikes me as being a little like starting a PhD without having previously earned a degree. For instance, while I’ve applied a lot of Tim’s ideas in quite novel ways, in my opinion, I haven’t done a very good job of automating income! However, when Tim launched the contest I thought it was a great opportunity to show how his writings have impacted my life. And, of course, if I could raise $10,000+ for Room to Read /and/ go to the conference I would.

May the best man or woman win!

Best wishes to all,


12 years ago

I was directed here by a Mechanical Turk job, which means someone is buying votes. That’s pretty messed up since there is a prize involved.

J Howel
J Howel
12 years ago

I vote for Maneesh Sethi!

12 years ago

I realize this post won’t be met with a lot of positive attitudes.

But I have a problem with the people donating their scholarship to charity.

Remember, Tim is offering a scholarship because a lot of people that couldn’t afford to attend asked him to open it up for someone deserving.

Basically, you are taking the one ticket for someone that can’t afford it and selling it off to another wealthy person. You are going to open the event to the 201st rich guy. But this time it’s a person that didn’t get approved by Tim and his crew. So it lowers the quality of the event also. It’s defeating the whole purpose of the scholarship.

I agree that it’s a worthy cause to donate to but doing it this way seems tainted somehow.

Just my thoughts.

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
12 years ago
Reply to  Paul

Hi Paul,

That’s actually a very good point that people should consider. Thanks for raising it.



Benedict Westenra
Benedict Westenra
12 years ago
Reply to  Paul

Hi Paul,

I suggested that Tim sell the ticket, not me, so the buyer will be approved by Tim and his crew, unlike the winner of the competition! It arguably raises the quality of the event.

Given that I didn’t think that Tim needed to give away a ticket for free in the first place (see above) I saw the donation as a way of reverting things back to the way they were and raising $10,000 for charity in the process. I guess how you feel about that depends on where you stood on the original issue of the event’s price tag, but the fact that the event’s oversubscribed suggests to me that it was underpriced.

Hope that clarifies things. I certainly wouldn’t want to “taint” the competition!



Charles Phillips
Charles Phillips
12 years ago

I was really interested in what Benedict’s response was going to be…damn good thoughts. I agree with Paul’s idea on a applied on a general scale, but then Benedict’s specific situation seems totally acceptable, admirable, and logical.

*gentlemanly handshake* to both of you cool cats! 😀

12 years ago

A new Charles Philips’s fan!

Charles Phillips
Charles Phillips
12 years ago
Reply to  Unachoca

Whoo! Excellent!

12 years ago


The nakedness almost blew it but you got my vote too!

Btw all the contestants are great, so this wasn’t easy.

12 years ago


And Paternoster’s product will inspire his employees to read the 4HWW

Marcos Lowe
Marcos Lowe
12 years ago

Someone buying votes see this:

Maneesh Sethi
Maneesh Sethi
12 years ago
Reply to  Marcos Lowe

Hey! I wasn’t buying votes—just buying a facebook ad. It’s part of my marketing strategy! I’ve also had several big name bloggers tweet out my video, an I wrote a guest post here:“i-wish-i-could-travel-like-you-do-”-you-can

Marketing isn’t as easy as just sitting back and praying for votes 🙂

Sjors Provoost
Sjors Provoost
12 years ago

Thanks for encouraging people to make these case study videos.

The order of videos is not the same as the order of names in the poll. I’m pretty bad at remembering names in real life, so even this digital space I used “3rd video, movie maker guy in bathtub” as a mental anchor (I noticed it on time though).

Charles Phillips
Charles Phillips
12 years ago
Reply to  Sjors Provoost

That’s me! My name’s Charles Phillips!

I’m pretty positive the voting system is randomized…which explains why the names aren’t in the same order. And which also might help with the primacy effect. 😀

12 years ago


I didn’t hear back from you (re: guest post), so I released my newest video 2 days ago.

I’m hopping on a long flight later today to take my dance around the world, so I won’t know the final view count as the deadline draws near. My last sunscreen video eventually made it to with 250K views! Many thanks to you (check 3:56)

For the wild card!

All the best,


Sheila McCarthy
Sheila McCarthy
12 years ago

Hi Everybody!

My friend Camila created a ‘WildCard’ entry youtube video. I found it to be very inspiring, I’m a big fan and wish her the best of luck! You can find it by searching for her username WakeUpBeast100

Sheila McCarthy
Sheila McCarthy
12 years ago
Sheila McCarthy
Sheila McCarthy
12 years ago

fyi Camila has updated this link

Wanda Freely
Wanda Freely
12 years ago

After viewing each video twice,I narrowed it down to Dustin, Charles, Gonzalo, and Benedit. But WOW…what a tough choice!!!

Final choice was Dustin: “It would be terrible if a great idea that could help millions of people failed because I’m bad at marketing.”

Wanda Freely
Wanda Freely
12 years ago

OOOPS! I screwed up my vote. It should have been for Dustin, but I hit submit before realizing my mistake. Anyway you can correct my error? If not I understand, and the one I actually voted for was my 2nd choice, so all is not lost.


12 years ago

I vote for Shelia McCarthy!!

Tanner M.
Tanner M.
12 years ago

My vote is for Charles Phillips, hands down. Funny, catchy, and honest. Can’t go wrong with qualities like that.

Charles Phillips
Charles Phillips
12 years ago
Reply to  Tanner M.

Thanks Tanner! You’re too nice! 😀

Holly B.
Holly B.
12 years ago

Best of Luck Sheila…knock ’em dead!

noman asif
noman asif
12 years ago

well done Sheila McCarthy

Sheila McCarthy
Sheila McCarthy
12 years ago
Reply to  noman asif

Thanks Donna, Noman, Holly!!!

Joi Wengert
Joi Wengert
12 years ago

Here is my wild card submission video.

Sharing my 4HB Success Story.



12 years ago

My vote is for Charles Switchblade Phillips. As a former basketball teammate and friend, I personally know that Charles brings great enthusiasm and energy into everything he does, whether it be sports or his videos. He also brings a certain intelligent humor to everyday life. The other contestants are very worthy candidates, but I can honestly say that he deserves this prize and is someone Tim Ferris should definitely meet. Good luck man!

Charles Phillips
Charles Phillips
12 years ago
Reply to  Tim

TIMMY!!! You dog, you! I owe you, buddy. Big time! Thanks!!!!! 😀

Lloyd Budd
Lloyd Budd
12 years ago

Maneesh Sethi doing a Facebook was a nice topper.

Jacqueline Biggs
Jacqueline Biggs
12 years ago

Hi Tim,

As a semi finalist, i was gutted not to make the final, so have gone all out to win this wild card and only hope I have done enough!! Thank you so much for the second chance, it made me pull my socks up and focus on smart ways to get votes….fast!

Here is my video link – so far 40,000 views….still going…..

All fingers and toes are crossed.


Marcos Lowe
Marcos Lowe
12 years ago

Sorry Jacqueline. You do not qualify for the wild card.

Contest Rules:

“You cannot have a video that qualified for the semi-finals or finals.”

12 years ago

WAKE UP BEAST! It’s what I tell myself.

Here is my submission for the Wild Card:

If you like it, please help me and pass on to your peeps. And thank you 🙂

I won’t give up until the end!

Benedict Westenra
Benedict Westenra
12 years ago

With regards the wild card, presumably the reason Tim emphasized having to post the link /and/ the view count in entrants’ comments is so that people achieve 2.5k+ views by themselves, without benefiting from the traffic that Tim’s blog receives. Also, semi-finalists as well as finalists are ineligible. If I’ve understood correctly, that means that Gary and Joi Wengert are the only eligible candidates so far, by my reckoning.

I just point this out so that future entrants don’t accidentally disqualify themselves!

Benedict Westenra
Benedict Westenra
12 years ago

Another quote from One Mission’s website, the charity that Dustin works for and talks about in his video:

“We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost; they that are saved unto the resurrection of life and they that are lost unto the resurrection of damnation.”

Does this mean that I’m damned?

I’m a huge fan of a lot of what One Mission does, like improve literacy and provide medical care, but Room to Read and Médecins Sans Frontières achieve this without telling disadvantaged people that they’re “sinful” (another quote).

If Dustin thinks that Christianity is a good thing for everyone, why did he choose not to mention the religious aim of his work in his video?

I know that this comment will be controversial, but to quote Tim (June 7, 2008), “I hesitated to post this and will alienate some readers, but I accept that”.

Best wishes to all,


12 years ago

Just submitted my vote for Maneesh. You can do it!

Jacqueline Biggs
Jacqueline Biggs
12 years ago

Hey Benedict,

Just seen your post. Maybe it’s because I am English and this was written in American 😉 but I’m confused.

I have re-read the rules several times and at no point does Tim say semi finalists or finalists are ineligible and therefore cannot enter.

If this were Tim’s intention, surely he would have made this clear.

Tim wrote:

You cannot have a VIDEO that qualified for the semi-finals or finals.

And not:

Semi finalists and finalists cannot enter the wild-card comp

After reading the rules, I knew that I couldn’t use my original video so had to make a new one.

I think this is a three horse race….for now!

Benedict Westenra
Benedict Westenra
12 years ago

Hi Jacqueline,

Don’t worry, I’m English too and am also confused. Just thought I’d raise the point!


12 years ago

jacqueline, i think that’s benedict’s nice way of saying ‘you are not eligible because you didn’t make it to the finals and have already submitted a video’. but nice misinterpretation of the rules 😉 let some of the new candidates have a fair go now

Daryl Rosser
Daryl Rosser
12 years ago

I’m sure others would agree that basing who wins the ‘wild card’ entry on ‘view count’ only is a very silly (and somewhat fishy) way of doing the contest.

The first round of candidates have some amazing videos and competed fairly based on votes. Should this not be the case for the wildcard contest?

12 years ago
Reply to  Daryl Rosser

hmmm… I think I like you…

12 years ago
Reply to  camila

however… there is an element of challenging our resourcefulness and creativity with the view counts. but i hear you…

Daryl Rosser
Daryl Rosser
12 years ago
Reply to  camila

haha Camilla. Well if you want to win the contest you can just go and buy youtube views..

Honestly, what is so ‘challenging’ and ‘resourceful’ and ‘creative’ if a known way to gain youtube views is to online? I’m obviously not the only person who knows this (or maybe not… yikes, maybe I should film a quick 1 min video now and blast 100k views in the next 5 hours to it … then I win by default!) That’s a $10k scholarship for like $100…

Daryl Rosser
Daryl Rosser
12 years ago
Reply to  camila

opps i mean buy youtube view counts online. Tim, why not do the wildcard contest also based on our votes like the other finalists? That way people can’t exploit the system.

Benedict Westenra
Benedict Westenra
12 years ago

I think it was a significant omission that Dustin Patrick’s video doesn’t mention the religious goal of his work.

One Mission’s aim is “to build Christ centered, self-sustaining communities through the development and discipleship of the local people”.

2 out of its 7 Statements of Faith are:

“We believe that for the salvation of lost and sinful people, regeneration by the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential.”


“We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost; they that are saved unto the resurrection of life and they that are lost unto the resurrection of damnation.”

It seems that the idea that Dustin wants to spread is an evangelical Christian one, so readers might want to let their views on that guide their voting.

Dustin Patrick
Dustin Patrick
12 years ago

I thought Christians were supposed to be the unfriendly and condescending ones.

Calm down man, we’re on the same team. People helping people is what matters. Any division is a bad division.

All the best to you – Dustin

ps – you missed the next line on our website “we serve with everyone regardless of religion, race, gender or ethnicity.”

Benedict Westenra
Benedict Westenra
12 years ago

I should add that I’m a great fan of a lot of what One Mission does, like promote literacy and provide medical care. However charities like Room to Read and Médecins Sans Frontières who do this without seeking to convert people.

Gonzalo Paternoster
Gonzalo Paternoster
12 years ago

I wish everyone the best. I am pround to be among the finalist. You guys are amazing group of people.

I remember reading in the orginal 4HWW that Tim had a contest for students. They would get a round the world ticket if they were successful at reaching famous people.

People gave up before trying. They created a mental wall. He said even IF someone had a partial success he would of maybe given them the prize.

It would be great if he added 1 or 2 extra prizes. The funny thing about Tim and always has suprises up his sleeve.

You never know.

Hi Tim new headline for your next posting:

“Tim Ferriss loses his mind and is hopitalized!” That what his friend told him for sending all the finalists to his event.

I am just saying that would be cool!

M-S Earle
M-S Earle
12 years ago

I agree with you Gonzalo. This has been a great experience and I do feel close to all of you. I’m sure you are going through the same emotional roller coasters I am.

BTW- your kids are pretty awesome. I laughed during the outtake video. You can tell they are extremely intelligent and have tons of charisma.

12 years ago

You know what? Me too dude. I’m proud just be here too. I was just going to post a sob story about my views getting frozen, which is annoying, but then I realised… I actually MADE the video I wanted to make, which seemed impossible last week. It’s amazing how you can create something from nothing. And we are all doing that here in our own way. So I’m gonna just celebrate that and be happy. Thanks Gonzalo, you put it into perspective.

Sheila McCarthy
Sheila McCarthy
12 years ago
Reply to  camila

Celebrate and be happy 🙂

Great thought/thread–Thanks Gonazolo and Camila!

Cheers to all of us!

ashley p
ashley p
12 years ago

My vote’s for Charles! Good luck!

12 years ago

Shelia Mcarthy should win