Pimping Firefox: The Basics (Matt Mullenweg, Garrett Camp, and More)

Pimping Firefox: The Basics (Matt Mullenweg, Garrett Camp, and More)

Don’t pimp real foxes. That’s just mean. (Photo: wildphotons) 38.16% of the people who visit this site are still using Internet Explorer (IE). It’s like buying a hybrid car for the gas mileage and then driving with flat tires and the doors open. This post will serve two purposes: first, to introduce beginners to features …

10 Computer Shortcuts: Obvious to Techies but Unknown to the Rest (Plus: New World Record)

I’ll cover my head in shame: I only discovered keyboard shortcuts about a year ago. There, I said it. Here are a few shortcuts that take out excessive mouse use and — cumulatively over thousands of computer movements per week — save hours and hours. There a million and one “shortcuts,” but learning them all …