Real-World Blueprint for a $5-Million Week

Ramit Sethi is on the short list of people I respect in the world of finance. In a space saturated by gurus who promote one method of investing and then follow another, Ramit has always been willing to share real numbers. And as a guest on the podcast, he also revealed many of his best successes and experiments.

Ramit built his personal finance blog up to more than 1 million+ readers per month, and has turned it into a revenue generating monster and a growing business with more than 30 employees.

I asked Ramit to dig into the specific details of his most recent success: a $5 million week. Here’s the blueprint he used to make it happen. Enjoy!

Real-World Blueprint for a $5-Million Week

In April 2014, our business generated $5,524,714 over the span of 6 days.

$5million week

basic stats

In this post, I’ll show you the launch formula and strategies I used to grow a blog from $0 in revenue to a multi-million-dollar business.

Quick caveat: I had no idea that my blog — which I started from my dorm room in 2004 as a hobby — would ever turn into a “real” business.

The first version of my site was focused on personal finance.
The first version of my site was focused on personal finance.

Notice the horrible design and lack of any business model. It was just a hobby!

Along the way, I learned that you can create a business using your own rules.

Tim has already invited other great entrepreneurs to explain how to find your first business idea, how to gather 100,000 emails in a weekend, raise $100,000 on Kickstarter, or even travel the world while building your business.

These are the lessons you won’t learn in any MBA program, but they can be the difference between launching a product that struggles…and one that generates millions of dollars, year after year.

This is the deeper side of business that’s not often talked about. Most of the advice I found when I started my business focused on tools and “hacks,” like A/B tests on headlines…but very little about what happens at higher levels of business. That’s why I decided to write up what I’ve learned.

Since I never expected this to become a real business, I experienced the journey with a blank canvas, in a sense. Everything was new. I didn’t know what I was “supposed” to do, so I tried it all. Over 11 years, we made some unconventional decisions in our business. Some were big mistakes. Others paid off.

Now let me show you how we got to a $5 million week.

*     *     *

“It’s Not Magic, it’s Math”

I used to look at other entrepreneurs who seemed to intuitively “know” what products to create, how much to charge, etc. Years later, I learned they actually used sophisticated models to help them make decisions. (Weird how they failed to mention that.)

Over time, I learned that it’s not magic — it’s math.

Let me show you a simple version of these models, which can help you understand where to spend your time and where to not waste it.

Take a look at what it takes to generate $1 million over five years:

1 million revenue plan

Let’s ignore what the product actually is. We can figure that out later. For now, just focus on the numbers.

Here are a few things to notice and consider:

  • Isn’t it surprising how you can sell 30x more of the $50 product, but the $2,000 product still generates more revenue? (Of course, it’s much harder to sell a $2,000 product than a $50 product.)
  • These estimates are conservative: I chose 15 sales/month because anybody can achieve that with a little bit of work. I chose 5 years because — who knows? — maybe you’ll decide to move on and do something else. I like to be conservative in my projections.
  • QUESTION: Based on what you just read, would you create a $50 product or a $2,000 product? (Hint: There are successful businesses at either price point. Each has trade-offs. For instance, you could create a $50 product in a month or two, offer it for sale, and get market feedback FAST. A $2,000 product will take considerably longer — months, if not years. But the long-term rewards can be worth millions.)

Now here’s how we might get to $5 million:

5million plan

Things to note:

  • Here, we have the exact same 3 products, but a higher number of sales. If you want more sales, there are two primary ways to do it: more traffic or higher conversions. Simple and straightforward.
  • If someone buys from you once and likes what they get, they are far more likely to buy again. In our own analysis, a customer is 2,300% more likely to buy from us than a non-customer.
  • QUESTION: Should you optimize for more customers or more revenue? Based on the numbers above, if you had to choose, what would you do? For instance, with a lower-priced product, you’ll need a lot of customers to make substantial revenue (the “McDonald’s model”). Alternatively, you could sell a higher-price product and profit from fewer customers — but those take longer to build and test (the “Rolls Royce model”).

Now let’s get even more sophisticated: Let’s say we wake up and realize that selling a $50 product is a lot of work for a small return, so we decide to add a subscription product.

subscription model

This is starting to get really interesting.

  • Subscription revenue is considered “high-quality” revenue since it’s recurring. In other words, it really adds up, which is why businesses like Netflix are so amazing.
  • QUESTION: Can you spot which factors we’re leaving out to keep the model simple? (For example, retention, refund rates, cost of marketing, taxes…) That’s intentional. If this simplified model shows that you can’t realistically make a profit, none of that stuff matters. You only need to pay attention to these details if the model says the opportunity is worth pursuing.

What do you take away from the 3 examples above?

For me, seeing these numbers raised a lot of questions. Can an entrepreneur really survive selling a $5 or even $20 product? If you’re Procter & Gamble, sure. If you’re Alex The New Entrepreneur, that’s going to be tough. (Especially since low-price customers are lower quality, ask for refunds more often, and often make your life a living hell.)

Now let’s go one level deeper. Instead of just asking ourselves how many sales we need to make, we wanted to “stress test” our idea to see if it’s even realistic:

$5million revenue model

I don’t know about you, but I have no damn clue how to get 100,000,000 to visit my website. But I knew I could find a way to get 250,000 to find me.

By the way, this isn’t all-or-nothing. If you can’t find 250,000 visitors, you can start with 50,000 or even 5,000.

Let’s say instead of 250,000 visitors (which takes a lot of time to get) you have just 1,000 email subscribers. Also, instead of creating a $2,000 product (also tough when you’re starting out) you build a $250 product.

Using the same math above — a 1% conversion rate — you could earn $2,500 per month from just those 1,000 people.

Kevin Kelly calls this the 1,000 True Fans approach, where even 1,000 true fans can fund you for life:

A creator, such as an artist, musician, photographer, craftsperson, performer, animator, designer, videomaker, or author – in other words, anyone producing works of art – needs to acquire only 1,000 True Fans to make a living.

This is pretty amazing if you want to create something with impact. It means you don’t always need venture capital fundraising. It also means that 1,000 “true” fans are worth more than 100,000 vaguely interested readers.

We actually have data to support the “1,000 True Fans” idea. Take a look at the difference between a dedicated group of “true” fans vs. a larger group of onlookers.


Here, we got virtually identical sales from a small group of 10,422 customers vs. a larger group of 178,111 subscribers

We got more sales from a much smaller, focused list than a huge list of 178,711 subscribers! You don’t need everyone — you just need the right people.

Unlike building an audience of 250,000, you can get 1,000 true fans from a single guest post. On Tim’s podcast, we talked about how one blog post can be “life-changing”(skip to 23:35).

And just like you don’t need 250,000 people on day one, you don’t need all 1,000 True Fans on day one. If I were starting from scratch today, here’s how I’d frame it:

“Yes, 1,000 fans would be amazing, but I can start with 1 fan. And if I can get 1 fan, I know I can get 10 fans. Then 100. And once I have 100, I know I’m onto something.”

Nobody builds a massive audience overnight. I wish I could go back in time and shake myself to stop comparing myself to people who’d been in business for years and years. Trust your models, put in the work, and your business will grow.

I used these simple models that told me some basic things:

  • How much could a $50 product generate vs. a $2,000 one
  • You don’t need $10 million in venture capital to start a business
  • In the beginning, you just need a few fans who love you instead of aiming for tons of people.

Were these models perfect? No. Later, when my business grew, I showed these models to more sophisticated entrepreneurs. They laughed.

But you don’t always need the fanciest tools to grow. These models were good enough to take me from idea, to launch, to sales. Leave perfection to losers. “Good enough” is the motto of every entrepreneur who lives to fight another day.

Once I started generating a little revenue, I noticed something I wouldn’t have expected.

The World Wants You to be Vanilla

Have you ever noticed how the minute you start trying something new, the entire damn world tells you what you should do?

This happened when my business started growing:

  • “Ramit, you really need to get on Facebook”
  • “LOL $99? Maybe I’d buy it if were $0.25 and had a 30-year-guarantee” (I hate these people)
  • “So you’re just one of those scammy ebook guys who writes those long sales pages?”

If you’re ever tried to change your diet, you know what happens: Your boss, your aunt, and your garbage man all start giving you their advice.

I got this a lot. People would laugh at the name of my book (Tim and I both joke that we have the scammiest sounding book titles of all time). They told me my headshot sucked. And they had all kinds of tips for places I needed to advertise, including buying random people McDonald’s meals and talking to them about personal finance. Never ask the general public for marketing advice.

Here’s an unexpected lesson I learned: The world wants you to be vanilla. They want you to be the same as everyone else. But the minute you are, they abandon you.

They’ll try to get you to charge less. They’ll critique your design. But as soon as you conform…you look like everyone else. And in a world full of websites and ebooks and apps, if you look like everyone else, you’re dead.

When I started growing business, I realized something: I could choose. This was MY business. I didn’t have to follow someone else’s formula to be successful.

Marketing tactics

This chart should surprise you — not at all the things we did, but at all the things we chose not to do. If you listen to the advice of internet pundits, they’ll tell you how you “need to” use podcasts, SEO, SEM, marketing automation, email marketing, webinars, and on and on. Ignore them. The worst thing in the world is to be mediocre at 15 different platforms.

We’re very selective about what we pursue and when. For example, it makes no sense to split test until you have enough traffic for statistically significant results.

Sometimes the stakes are even higher. Here’s a type of marketing funnel that’s been effective for us:

marketing funnel

You see a lot of people on the internet trying to launch on day 1 with funnels like this. The truth is not so simple.

When I was in 4th grade, they separated the boys and girls into separate rooms and taught us a sex-ed class. I’ll never forget my teacher, Mr. Binning, giving us a serious warning:

“Guys, avoid shaving for as long as possible. Once you start, you can never stop.”

I think about his advice a lot. For instance, we used to use Aweber, a simple email service provider. As we grew, we kept hearing people tell us we “needed” to switch to a more sophisticated platform. The world wants you to be vanilla — why don’t you buy a new car? Why don’t you upgrade your software? Come on, dude.

I resisted for years because I knew that once we switched, we’d need more and more staff to support it. Finally, after we were bulging at the seams with over 150,000 subscribers, we switched to a more sophisticated email platform. Now I don’t even know how to send an email! We have an entire staff dedicated just to running the new platform! Be careful of when you choose to upgrade — you can never go back down.

“Get a real marketing automation platform. Run Facebook ads! You definitely need SEO.”

The world wants you to be vanilla.

Another example: there’s a great sushi restaurant in San Francisco where it’s almost impossible to get reservations. If you try to walk in after 7:30pm, sorry — you’re out of luck. When I finally got inside, like a true weirdo, the first thing I did was start analyzing how much revenue they were leaving on the table.

I’m sure they could generate 25% more revenue by squeezing more tables in. But they just don’t care. They run their business the way they want to, and they have a line out the door every day. That attitude inspires me — to be able to run my business the way I want, and to be able to choose the customers I want to work with. To sacrifice short-term revenue to create a business I am proud of.

Most entrepreneurs don’t explicitly decide what kind of business they want to run. I’m challenging you to think about it. Do you want a business like McDonald’s or Louis Vuitton? There are no wrong answers, but your decision will have profound effects as you go from $10,000 a year, to $10,000 a month, to $10,000 a day, and even $2 million in one day, as we did on 4/4/14.

Just think about the way Louis Vuitton sells its items. How do you expect to be treated when you walk into their store? How much merchandise is on the shelves? How is it displayed? What does the staff member look like? How do they treat you?

Now compare that to McDonald’s or Home Depot. Totally different. Not better or worse. Different. Different prices, brands, scalability, etc.

How to Draw the Line in Your Business

Years ago, we made a decision not to play in the $50 sandbox. I’d rather give away 98% of my material for free and charge premium prices for top-tier material for elite students. Once you make a decision to play at the top of the market, that narrows your audience, the channels you use, and your marketing strategies. That’s exactly what you want to do — make a decision, then focus.

For example, here are a few decisions we made that makes us starkly different from most businesses in our space:

  • We spend millions of dollars testing, refining, and perfecting our products before they ever see the light of day.
  • We make it difficult to join our courses and actively encourage people not to join. We consider student selection a strategic decision
  • We send long, meaty emails — even though the “experts” say you should get straight to the point because “nobody has time anymore”

You can do some of this, all of this, or none of this. The point is that it’s up to you.

We chose to operate in a premium market. Now let me show you how selling works at the $2,000+ level.

Sales Strategies to Generate $5 million+ in 6 Days

Selling a $2,000 product is nothing like selling a $100 product. Think how the Four Seasons is marketed vs. Holiday Inn.

By the way, I keep reading posts where nutcases (usually Silicon Valley engineers) rant about enterprise software businesses that don’t show the prices on their website. “What a waste of time,” they say, “I would never buy from this site.” They are right. They are not the customer. Instead of trying to understand the real business model, they dismiss the companies as stupid.

These companies are not dumb. They just know their customer, and it’s not the person who wants to comparison shop on price.

Here’s an example of how we sell one of our flagship courses, Zero To Launch, a course on creating your own online business:

Actual $5 million email funnel from IWT
Actual $5 million email funnel from IWT

This is the sales funnel for the product, consisting of emails, blog posts, and webinars. Certain marketing elements are obvious, but others are not.

First, we aren’t reinventing the wheel in places we don’t have to. Just like Tim wrote in The 4-Hour Workweek, “I don’t walk down the street on my hands just because everyone else walks on their feet.”

Similarly, much of the structure of this sales funnel is quite standard:

  • We sent 3-5 emails per week (ignore people who say that’s emailing too much — people actually love getting emails as long as they’re good)
  • We did a webinar to introduce our sales week
  • We used case studies and money-back guarantee elements to provide “risk reversal”

We also used a variety of tools to power the launch:

So far, none of this is out of the ordinary. Many entrepreneurs have used the exact strategies and tools above to generate a 6-figure launch. But I didn’t want the typical 6-figure launch.

It turns out that the real decisions that drove $5 million in sales were not the tools I used nor the pricing tier we chose. In fact, many of the most important decisions contradict the “rules” we’ve all been taught.

The real decisions that drove $5 million in sales were made years before we ever launched this product.

$5 Million Lesson #1: We’re Selective About Who We Serve

We’ve all heard about “niching it down,” or choosing your customer. When I learned more about that sushi restaurant in San Francisco, I started to admire how they lived and breathed this.

If you weren’t there early enough, sorry. If you asked for substitutions, you should probably try another place down the street. Of course, they had to have the best sushi to set these rules, which made their restaurant even more interesting to me.

Over time, we’ve learned to be very selective about who we allow to join us. Notice we use the word “allow” — not to be arrogant, but because we spend millions of dollars developing and testing our material, we consider it a privilege to allow someone to join.

That means we don’t allow anyone with credit card debt to join our flagship programs, a decision that costs us more than $2 million dollars per year. We use the carrot-and-stick approach:

  • The carrot: If you’re in credit card debt, we don’t want your money until you’re financially comfortable. We believe you should be focused on paying your debt off, not joining a $2,000+ course. So we send them a free copy of my book chapter on paying off debt and tell them to email us when they’re debt-free. We’ll be here to welcome them in.
  • The stick: We also tell them that if they join with credit card debt, we’ll refund their money and ban them for life. We take this seriously and maintain a “DNS” — Do Not Sell — list.

We also make it intentionally difficult to join our courses. One of the first things you’ll notice when you visit GrowthLab is that you cannot buy anything from it. We strategically and intentionally only allow you to buy from our email list, so we can first build a relationship and show you how our material is different.

And even then, courses only open for a few select windows throughout the year, then close days later. They remain closed for months or even years.

We’re looking for decisive students who are ready to take action. (When students miss a deadline, we get predictable requests to let them in. We always say no.)

Perhaps, it would be easier to simply post a list of our products with a link to buy, and if our courses were $100, we would take a very different approach. But that’s not the customer we want, just as a high-end handbag store does not run 70%-off sales.

In fact, we have actual data showing the difference in quality between prospects (non-buyers) vs. students (buyers). Remember how we generated 649 sales from 10,422 people — and just 619 sales from over 15x as many people?

Tim often writes about 80/20 analysis. When you focus on your true customers — the ones who are ready to take action, the ones for whom price is a mere triviality — you can counterintuitively spend more time and more money serving them.

This is why every single student who joins one of our courses receives a live phone call from a trained representative.

It’s why we continue to send high-quality material and free updates years after they’ve joined a course.

And it’s why we’re able to extend 12-month payment plans when our competition typically only offers up to 3 months.

How to Find Your Rabid Fans

I’m going to show you the first step to attracting diehard, lifelong fans who buy from you and tell their friends.

First, just for fun, let’s assume you’re creating a product about careers. Right off the bat, we can answer some important questions:

  • Who are you targeting? Based on what we covered today, do you want to target (1) college students who have never had a job, (2) unemployed people, or (3) people who already have jobs but want to make a change? You could choose any option, but let’s pick #3, people who already have jobs but want to change.
  • What’s going through the mind of people who want to change their careers? If you went to the bar with a friend, what actual words would he use to describe it? Maybe it’s “I don’t want to be chained to this desk for the next 40 years.”
  • Why haven’t these people already taken action? Do they say things like “I know I need to network, but I’m an introvert and I hate selling myself?”

Here’s a tool to get even more specific about who your customer really is:

rabid fans

This is called a Customer Desire Map. Here, you write down the pains and fears, hopes and dreams, barriers and uncertainties of your best customer. This tool has helped us nail down the positioning for million-dollar product launches in multiple industries.

Now you try it: Pretend you’re building a fitness product. Using the same format above, paint the perfect customer for a fitness product using the same phrases they would.

For instance, your map might include phrases like this:

  • “I try so hard, and nothing works.”
  • “I need more energy.”
  • “You want me to eat less bread? No way.”

By the time you build your Customer Desire Map, you will know who your most likely rabid fans are. You would recognize this person if you met them in a bar. And when you sit down to build your product, write your copy, or publish guest posts, you’ll be 100% clear on who you’re speaking to.

$5 Million Lesson #2: The “Students For Life” Philosophy

For 8 years, we’ve sent 3-5 emails per week, plus blog posts, plus videos — all free.

My goal is to create free material that’s better than anyone else’s paid stuff. And when a reader uses my free material to negotiate a $28,000 raise, they instantly become a student for life.

At that point, price is practically a triviality.

One of the primary reasons we can sell products that are 10x – 100x the price of our competition is that we get them results before they even have the chance to buy. That’s because 98% of our material is free. In fact, if you look at the sales funnel above, you’ll notice that the first two weeks are focused on getting our students successful results — whether or not they pay us a cent.

We believe that as long as we continue producing the best material — free and paid — it’s just a matter of time until they join us. With that long time perspective, you can do some really cool things.

You can invest in them first by sending them free PDFs, detailed videos, and even host meetups around the world because you know when you invest in your prospects first, eventually they’ll invest in themselves. It could be with you or with someone else, but if your material is the best, they’ll eventually come to you.

You can get more personalized. I get 2,000+ emails per day and read every single one.

If someone emails asking whether a course is right for them or not, we’re completely candid and often direct them to a competitor product. We know the power of trust you build when you’re honest with a prospect, especially when it goes against your best interest. In the short term, it might cost us $2,000 or $5,000. In the long term, it’s priceless. This is based off of my mentor Jay Abraham’s strategy of preeminence.

In short: While others focus on sales-page optimization, by the time we make our sales page live (“open” it), we aim for the sale to be a foregone conclusion.

Here are some specific suggestions for creating fans for life:

  • In your emails and blog posts, aim for a ratio of at least 80% meat (valuable content with no selling whatsoever) and 20% pitch (sales material).
  • Prove how good your material is first — for free. There are millions of other sites out there. Why would anyone listen to you? Prove it, using great content, success stories, and even personal interaction using email and chat. You’ll instantly stand out.
  • Employ the Damaging Admission. If someone wants to buy your product, but you know it’s the wrong fit, be honest. You’ll give up short-term revenue, but they’ll respect you, tell their friends, and someone will be 10x more likely to buy when the time is right.

$5 Million Lesson #3: The CEO Sets the Strategy, Not the A/B Test

We once ran a low vs. high price test. According to the test, we would maximize revenue if we charged the lower price. I reviewed the data and thought about it. Deciding on the low price would instantly generate hundreds of thousands of dollars of revenue.

As an entrepreneur, some of the most challenging decisions are those where lots of money is staring you in the face. But I don’t think business is always just about money. Ultimately, I decided against the lower price because it would attract the wrong kind of customer (and headaches).

Tests are terrific. Data is critical. But the CEO ultimately sets the vision and makes the call.

Don’t get me wrong: testing is a huge component of my business. For example, we ran a successful test to optimize our email subscribers that generated $87,000 for us.

Can you guess which variant was the winner?

split test

The winner was variant 3. This one test produced a sizeable increase in email subscribers, which is worth over $87,000 annually to our business.

You see lots of winning split tests on the Internet. They’re fun to brag about. But almost nobody will tell you two things:

  1. How much revenue their test generated. It sounds impressive to say you got a “50% lift in email subscribers,” but if that doesn’t generate actual money for the business, who cares?
  2. The shameful secret of the testing industry is that most tests produce 0 winners!

At IWT, between 70%-80% of our tests do not move the needle in any way. And we’re good at what we do! Would you be comfortable doing something and knowing that 70% of the time, it would fail?

The key is the strategy of being methodical, not any one test. It’s like writing a book — your table of contents matters more than any individual page.

When you understand that failure is part of the process, you just keep going. A few years ago, I was sure my readers wanted a product on healthcare. After all, I’m an educated guy and I couldn’t figure out how to choose my health insurance!

We spent over $50,000 building a product, beta testing it with students, even writing copy for a launch.

We locked this healthcare product away in our vault and it will never be sold to the public.

Because after all that testing, we realized this product was going to be a complete failure. It turns out people love to complain about healthcare…but few want to really do anything about it.

This was a very expensive lesson for us. It taught us to become much more rigorous around testing. Our goal is to virtually guarantee success before we ever launch something.

Of course, sometimes your gut choices backfire. 

I once decided we needed to switch email service providers. We hired someone to help us lead the evaluation process, which took more than 3 months. We finally conducted the due diligence, legal and engineering checks, and signed the $100,000 contract. The next week, when my team logged in, they realized — to their horror — that the software couldn’t perform a simple function that was critical for us to use the software. Their engineering team wouldn’t promise when they’d build this feature in the future, so we were stuck. My team asked me what we should do.

By this point, we’d already paid them $30,000. I gave them a call and said, “Look guys, I’d appreciate your help on this. We made a mistake. We’ve already paid you $30,000 even though we haven’t imported a single piece of data. Honestly, you should keep that money. But I’d personally appreciate it if you could cancel the rest of our contract so we don’t have to pay $70,000 for software we don’t use.”

Their response:

Translation: We feel sorry for you, but we’re still collecting your $100,000.
Translation: We feel sorry for you, but we’re still collecting your $100,000.

I can’t really blame them. After all, it was my fault for not overseeing the project. I fired the team member, swallowed the $100,000 cost, and set systems in place so we’d never make the same mistake again. Sometimes your gut leads you the wrong way.

Still, if we were to base every decision on what test data showed us, we’d soon look like every other site — with loud, shrieking claims, blinking headers, and page-long testimonials. I’d rather be dead.

We do use rigorous testing methodology. In fact, we’re running more than 20 tests at any given time. But we always balance science with art.

Let me show you what I mean. There are two kinds of posts that gets tons of likes on Instagram: food pics and inspirational quotes. I love nachos as much as anyone, but I’ll be damned if my Instagram is going to turn into a food-review account.

Yet if we follow the raw data, that’s what many businesses become: a test-driven Frankenmonster built to appeal to the lowest common denominator. They chase the empty click, the easy “like.”

It’s tempting to post something that you know will get 500 likes tomorrow. And sometimes, you really want to post an inspirational quote. Great! Do it!

But the pursuit of a cheap click at the expense of all other standards is the beginning of the end for a business. Every time we’ve insisted on quality, it’s paid off. And every time we’ve tried to take a shortcut, we’ve paid dearly.

To make sure you can set strategy, here are a few important considerations.

How to Find Time

The first thing I learned was to be intentional. I wasn’t going “find” time unless I made it. So I started by clearing one hour per week for big-picture thinking. Eventually, I blocked off an entire day.

It’s on the calendar so my team knows:

“Strategy Wednesdays” on my calendar. DND = Do Not Disturb
“Strategy Wednesdays” on my calendar. DND = Do Not Disturb

At first, it feels weird to block off this time without any clear-cut purpose. Do it anyway. I found several million-dollar breakthroughs on my strategy days and they’ve become a catalyst for my business.

Once you have time, it’s important to read the right material

Personally, I like to read books from people I admire. Here are five books I suggest you start with:

Good ideas can shape your mindset and strategy. So, making time to read is inevitably a part of building a better business.

The True $5 Million Lesson

I thought that as I grew my business, I’d learn about the super-secret tools that successful entrepreneurs used once they crossed $1 million, $5 million, and beyond.

But actually, I learned two very different lessons:

My first lesson was that business isn’t just about creating money. Of course, you need to get paying customers. And when you launch, you should be fiercely focused on building an audience of people who love what you’re doing (and are delighted to pay). Ultimately, every successful entrepreneur I know looks for more meaning than another $100 of revenue. For me, it’s about impact and generosity.

My second lesson was that you can create a business your way.

There will always be people who criticize you for charging too much. Let them complain. They’re not buyers.

There will be people who tell you that you “need to” set up a Facebook page, or Twitter account, or Instagram. I didn’t have those for years. And even if you took all my social media accounts away today, it would make zero difference to my business.

There are even people who think that online courses are a total scam! Nothing I say will change their mind. I love getting their hate mail, though.

And don’t always be different, especially conspiciously. I once had a friend tell me he wanted to charge $62, an unusual price, for his product. “Why?” I asked. “I just want to try something new.” My friend was being an idiot. There’s no need to reinvent the wheel: Most things in business are remarkably similar. You need a website, an email list, a sales page, and a product. Get those basic things right, and you will grow. You don’t need to reinvent the wheel on everything.

The most successful entrepreneurs — the top 1% of the top 1% — learn when to break the rules. It’s like when you learn how to dress well and you start experimenting with patterns and textures because you want to. One day, someone’s going to say, “Dude, that doesn’t even match,” and you’ll say, “So?”

It’s the same with your business. Know the best practices, execute them, but as Marshall Goldsmith says, “what got you here won’t get you there.” Your greatest successes won’t come from imitating best practices. Your competitors are almost certainly following a me-too playbook.

We were fortunate to generate $5 million in 6 days. Sure, the tools helped. Yes, the headlines mattered. But ironically, when we stopped chasing revenue and instead shifted to impact and students for life, that’s when we grew faster than ever before.

Ramit Sethi is the New York Times best-selling author of I Will Teach You To Be Rich. He writes for over 1 million readers/month on business, careers, negotiation, and psychology. If you’re interested in launching an online business, get our exact, word-for-word funnel that generated $400,000:

The Tim Ferriss Show is one of the most popular podcasts in the world with more than one billion downloads. It has been selected for "Best of Apple Podcasts" three times, it is often the #1 interview podcast across all of Apple Podcasts, and it's been ranked #1 out of 400,000+ podcasts on many occasions. To listen to any of the past episodes for free, check out this page.

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Comment Rules: Remember what Fonzie was like? Cool. That’s how we’re gonna be — cool. Critical is fine, but if you’re rude, we’ll delete your stuff. Please do not put your URL in the comment text and please use your PERSONAL name or initials and not your business name, as the latter comes off like spam. Have fun and thanks for adding to the conversation! (Thanks to Brian Oberkirch for the inspiration.)

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Jason Palmer
Jason Palmer
8 years ago

You do it.

Jesse Gernigin
Jesse Gernigin
8 years ago

Ramit is amazing! I am a member of ZTL and his content is spot on. Never before have I come across such an engaged and well thought out teacher!

Felipe Gonzalez
Felipe Gonzalez
8 years ago
Reply to  Jesse Gernigin

I agree! Been loving ztl.

8 years ago
Reply to  Jesse Gernigin

Can you tell me how it has helped you?

Greg Smith
Greg Smith
8 years ago

Tim, do you still recommend $50-$200 as the price point for an initial Muse product?

8 years ago

I’ve that generating revenue is a numbers game. $5 Millions Week is mind blowing to me. I need to digg further into this reading with real numbers…

8 years ago

If your goal is to “make money online,” you’ll never build a lasting relationship with other humans. These aren’t just “opt-ins”, “leads”, or “prospects”, but people like you and me. It’s so easy to lose sight of that online.

I actually like to think of my readers as family members. Would I send a certain email to my mom or dad? Would I sell my course to my siblings? If there’s any doubt, the quality of the material just isn’t good enough.

One last thing I want to mention is that thanks to Tim’s 4-Hour Workweek I got my feet wet in online business and thanks to Ramit’s Zero to Launch course I can now work from home and support my family, all while helping Millions of people from around the world.

Thank you Tim and Ramit for your dedication to sharing your knowledge and experience over all those years.

8 years ago
Reply to  Martin

What is it that you do?

8 years ago
Reply to  Martin

I really like that idea of treating readers as family. It makes a ton of sense. Thanks for that little tidbit!

8 years ago
Reply to  Martin

I agree with you Martin

Vytautas Alech
Vytautas Alech
8 years ago

Superb article.

The best and surprising bit was how Ramit chose just a few channels in order to laser focus on specific marketing path.

Guys, Ramit, Tim, how do you decide on which channels to address and which to kill off? All of them seem like a potential way to get new traffic…


8 years ago

$23 per subscriber in 6 days is really impressive. People don’t realize how much they could make with the same traffic if they would just raise their quality.

If you have 1000 people visitor your website. Roughly 40 of them will be millionaires (US traffic). Rather than focusing on capturing those 40 people, everyone is trying to make a penny from the other 960.

Björn Blomgren
Björn Blomgren
8 years ago
Reply to  Allen

Wow! That millionaire insight is a mind-blowing game changer. Thank you 🙂

8 years ago

Love it 🙂

Waseem Khan
Waseem Khan
8 years ago

Wow! Tim Ferris and Ramit are my two favorites.

I joined ZTL recently and can say without it I’d have no idea what I’d be doing. I now have a clear road map of what to do with my online business.

The quality of the material is just unreal.

Thank you Ramit and Tim for sharing.

Bernadette Peters
Bernadette Peters
8 years ago

I’m currently a ZTL member working through Ramit’s course and I can attest to the quality and value of his material. It’s a testament to the adage – “You get what you pay for”. Those numbers don’t surprise me in the least.

8 years ago

Great post. Thanks.

Jay Kim
Jay Kim
8 years ago

This is one of the best posts that I’ve read in a long time. Unbelievable work Ramit and thanks Tim for sharing.

8 years ago

Thank you Ramit for taking the time to write this and for making courses that are so prized and valued. Going to your site now to get on your email list!

8 years ago

Thanks Ramit. The “Road Less Traveled” business approach changed my perspectives when Derek Sivers described building a business as creating “your own utopia.” I found this article interesting on the other perspective about a company that wanted to unlock revenue growth (I had never heard of 4-axis pricing):

8 years ago

i love the podcasts, but man have i missed this written posts!

8 years ago

Fantastic post, thank you Ramit.

So, there are 2 things I don’t understand:

1) When starting out small, with a first ebook rather than a whole course: which parts of your post don’t apply anymore/yet?

2) You mention testing, a lot. But I can’t really see any info about what specifically I should test. A/B tests don’t seem to be anything you focus on too much. So what are you testing? I guess that’s a subject for a follow up article 🙂

Many thanks and best regards


8 years ago
Reply to  David

From what I know, there are many things you can split test:

– headlines (example: “5 easy ways to do ” v. “Doing in five simple steps”)

– color of your Call To Action button

– Placement of your “Buy Now” button (lower left v. upper right, for example)

– description of your product (example: writing how you talk v. writing “standard” sales copy with power words)

There’s a bunch of things, and it’s hard to say what changes effect what, if at all. Some suggest changing one thing and testing it for a month. If it creates a positive change, keep it; if it has a negative effect, ditch it. If it has no effect, go with what makes you happy and find something else to split test.

8 years ago
Reply to  David

Note (from the graphic) that Ramit didn’t do split testing until beyond $1 Million. A/B test can be very misleading (for example, I saw a 300% lift from doing absolutely nothing [Moderator: link removed]

8 years ago

Ramit is a boss. I have followed him since his free blog days and ass kicking guide. NOBODY puts out free content like Ramit. After reading for years I finally bought a course. I bought negotiate salary course and received a 5k/yr raise while most were getting cost of living raises. One day I hope to afford ZTL. No question he puts in the work and knows his audience.

Rahul Yadav
Rahul Yadav
8 years ago

Just what I needed! Thank you

Sarah Jones
Sarah Jones
8 years ago

“We always balance science with art.” << Ramit lives and breathes that quote, and it's the reason I am a happy multi-product student of his.

I bought ZTL during that $5mm week back in April 2014, and I still remember two years later how he talked about creating an "artisanal business" during the launch. Hearing that back then felt fresh and striking.

With the help of his material, I did it!! I made an artisanal business of my own. If what he taught was all art, there would be no business. And if it was all science, it wouldn't be worth my time and energy.

When you meld the two together, it's like magic.

8 years ago
Reply to  Sarah Jones

Sarah, my mom sent me your Business Insider article last summer. I’d been coaching single women how to date offline through workshops and a video course on the side of my corporate job. Reading your story was inspiring, and also my first exposure to ZTL.

I credit it with planting the seed for me to join ZTL in August.. followed by quitting my corporate job in September (my last day was also Sept 30) and make the leap to my business full time.

5 months later I’ve now gone through ZTL, built my website and my opt-in offer, and am now in outreach phase (still teaching workshops too). I also think of my work as artisanal and it’s fulfilling beyond anything (that’s why it’s taken so long to get things up and running!).

Thanks for being such a well-grounded, inspirational woman doing her badass thing in the dating world. I look forward to connecting with you some day.

PS another ZTL friend and I were just saying how jealous we were of your website. It’s awesome.

Sarah Jones
Sarah Jones
8 years ago

Thank you, Camille! I’m so happy that my story contributed to your ZTL decision and that you are doing so well with it. 🙂 Wishing you all the best as you continue!

Celia Baruchin
Celia Baruchin
8 years ago
Reply to  Sarah Jones

Sarah, I’m sick in bed today with some bug my daughter brought home from school, so I just read through your whole website. It’s terrific! What a generous, special product you have to offer.

There was one particular section that needed editing in three or four spots. Being the former tutor/grammar geek/editor that I am, I copied that section to a Word doc then made changes/suggestions for you to insert. I’m emailing it to you c/o the address you posted for amy@…

Again, congratulations on your success, and thanks for helping so many lovely men get their true greatness!


Celia B.


Sarah Jones
Sarah Jones
8 years ago
Reply to  Celia Baruchin

Thank you so much, Celia! I appreciated your doc and quickly made the changes you outlined. 🙂 Hope you feel better soon!

Samuel Awosolu
Samuel Awosolu
8 years ago

I would have paid for the paragraph you wrote on the customer desire map. That is priceless information! Thanks Ramit for writing, sharing and detailing your experiences in building your blog. I found this so helpful I had to bookmark it so that I can use it as a reference for my projects.

Thanks Tim for allowing Ramit to guest post on your blog and sharing his insights with us all.

8 years ago

Brilliant and insightful piece, Thank you.

Jade Barham
Jade Barham
8 years ago

Incredible post. This deserves reading multiple times. I am a member of ZTL and so have access to all this and more, but Ramit has given away 98% of what you need to get started on a long-term path to a sustainable online business. Niching(?) down, positioning, creating great content, reaching out to people and making connections, building a warm and engaged list. Gold.

8 years ago

Wow, so many useful insights, thank you Ramit! This was my favourite part:

“[…] we always balance science with art.”

I think it’s really important to put that extra energy into blogposts, landing pages, etc. because it will attract the right audience. Yes, not anybody will recognise the small details but the ones who do, it’ll be a big value for them.

I used ZTL to build a blog and I’ll launch my online course this month. I invited 8 beta testers to be part of the whole experience and they LOVED it. I’m proud of it and also really excited about the launch. 🙂

8 years ago

Great post. Ramit has great content and he is genuine and authentic. He also spends 6 figures a month on traffic (Chad). I wonder what the breakdown was between organic and paid traffic as it relates to revenue.

8 years ago
Reply to  Thomas

If he isn’t using FB ads, where is he spending that six-figures per month?

Jack D.
Jack D.
8 years ago
Reply to  Thomas

How do you know he spends 6 figures/month on traffic? Based on that blog post, apparently he doesn’t spend any. Would love to hear how you found that number.

Cory Boatright
Cory Boatright
8 years ago


Phenomenal post bro. I love how you was candid and stayed on-point. The mindset lessons in here are even more valuable than the business strategies. Bravo.

Remember… Be a servant,


8 years ago

Great read. I don’t sell products online but I can still see areas that I can implement in my own business. Especially the big picture day!

8 years ago

Been part of the Zero to Launch community for close to 6 months now and it’s been hands down the best business learning experience of my life. Ramit is a master in what he does and for anyone looking to launch an online business I’d highly recommend his course. If not read all his free stuff there’s a ton of valuable content he’s put together

Bob Sagget
Bob Sagget
8 years ago

That’s awesome

8 years ago

I’ve been weaving in and out of Ramit’s blog posts & revenue-making reports. I’m in the active process of drastically reducing my credit card debt so I can apply for his premium courses. I want to learn how to scale my online business. Understanding viable market niches is good and all, but I’ve a specific side project I want to do, simply because I enjoy doing it. It’d be great if I can also monetize for large scale, but I can’t seem to be able to niche down in this sector (language learning).

I’m an aspiring polyglot, but web design & development is what pays the bills. I need guidance in conducting more efficient market research to uncover models that will sell.

Anyway, in three months I’ll be ready to take the leap as one of Ramit’s life learners.

Tom olson
Tom olson
8 years ago

This was wonderful

Thanks for sharing

Would love to be on your list

8 years ago

I am just starting out with Zero to Launch along with the help of Accelerator, an add on to ZTL that includes coaching support. Before I joined these programs, I was floundering around for 2 months trying to figure out how to build and grow a blog as an online business. I found Ramit’s IWT website and course recommendation on Pat Flynn’s Resource Page. The timing could not have been better! Ramit and team were in the process of launching ZTL. I digested as much information as necessary through the process shown in this article and bought in to the course. I knew without a shadow of a doubt that this course would give me the direction needed to streamline the 1st year of business which is learning as well as provide me a system to grow my business and then scale it to whatever level I want.

When I read this article, I was impressed yet again with the amount of information Ramit divulges. His program always over delivers! I BELIEVE the math (I’m an engineer so I trust it) and I know, if I follow the system, I will have success. Could I have a $5M week? I hope so! That means I can serve my audience that much more!!!

Ian GL
Ian GL
8 years ago

I am a new ZTL student, and one of the things I love most about Zero To Launch is that everyone wants you to succeed. The community offers support and helps you out. The ZTL program, in my opinion, resembles college in many ways: You have a large community (which is perfect for networking and making like-minded friends), Ramit dedicates time to the community and his students, and he’ll even answer your questions (unless the community gave you a great answer), and the success of your business depends on the amount of work you put in. This isn’t one of those courses you buy that gives you ebooks and leaves you to figure it out on your own. Ramit also really cares about his students and creating very valuable content that’ll last you for a lifetime–he truly goes out of his way. This article is the perfect example of ways Ramit gives his students value, and he teaches you exactly how to get there. Two qualities that I love about Ramit are that (1) he’s not in it to make a quick buck, and (2) he is very honest; he wants only quality students that are ambitious and ready to work hard to get what they want. I highly, highly recommend his courses to anyone that is ready to put in the work and is ready to make a great personal investment. In the month I have taking his course, I can tell you that my life has changed for the better, and so have my business skills. Honestly, for the value he provides, his courses are definitely under-priced.

Eileen McGurty
Eileen McGurty
8 years ago

Fascinating post! I have been thinking about offering free webinars and worried that they were giving too much away. Now I know I can go for it! Thanks.

Also, so many online courses, while inexpensive, offer very little actual learning! If a course provides an opportunity for deep learning, not just gives a bunch of information, the price tag should go up. But, the number of people who want that type of educational experience is much less because it requires a commitment (beyond money) from them. As a teacher, I’d much rather have fewer fully committed students then a big bunch of folks who want to be spoon fed.

8 years ago

I’m a ZTL student and love Ramit’s willingness to share the behind the scenes. It’s all true. His free materials are a mix of amazing biz advice, funny stories + inspiration, and his paid materials are even better. I’m totally drinking the IWT kool-aid. And it’s f*%-ing delicious.

8 years ago

Fantastic article Ramit, love the adage “insist on quality”. I think it’s what makes a product remarkable, far more valuable and in the end what truly pays off. The focus on quality and customer, rather than the bottom line, seems to counterintuitively pay off the most, similar to Derek Sivers’ approach with CDBaby in Anything You Want.

I think readers would also love Sean McCabe’s content on his Seanwes podcast and website. A real focus on value, and some great concepts like “full-price or free”. A very similar approach to Tim and Ramit, but also caters to freelancers too.

I’d love to know how Tim and Ramit would initially test/market an idea before developing it. I don’t know if the 4HWW AdWords approach can still gauge demand, and would be worried that I would mis-identify the idea as a failure because I tested in the wrong places/with the wrong approach.

Also, does Tim still think 110% guarantee is still useful, especially for digital products?

Carlos Rios
Carlos Rios
8 years ago

Excellent, getting to understand much more the how to and dynamics.

8 years ago

Thank you for sharing this raw and honest information. As many others, I very much respect your business model.

8 years ago


8 years ago

Great stuff Ramit and thanks for sharing the details. I think one key is that your e-mails are actually worth reading. Even when you’re selling something, you have a lesson worth learning in the text, no b.s. and no trying to avoid stepping on toes. It’s a self-selecting process. If people are annoyed, they’ll leave, and your left with the ideal customers.

8 years ago

Wow, I love to hear about another testimony of Ramith Sethi. I can say, you’ve been loading me with information since I joined your mail list.

Soon, I will start implementing the tips one by one. God bless you boss. Have a nice day.

8 years ago

Best post I’ve ever read on this blog. Wow.

Ryan R
Ryan R
8 years ago

Wow! This blog post was Mic drop – walk off the stage – type EPIC! This was on another level man! You were throwing nuggets of wisdom like Yoda schooling a class of young jedi knights. It was jam packed of knowledge like a Krispy Kreme donut stuffed with jelly…. it was hmm hmmm good!

I signed up for Zero To Launch during the $5million dollar week back in April 2014 and it was definitely the best decision I could’ve made. Ramit practices what he preaches and he goes above and beyond. I mean, you can just tell from this post alone. There’s sooo much great info in here. All for free!

There was a couple of things that really stood out for me from this post. One was that you don’t need 100,000 people to be successful, you just need the RIGHT people.

Another was to decide upfront the kind of business you want to have and the type of customers you want to serve. These decisions will have a huge impact on your business in the future.

Another was not focusing on sales right away, but instead focus on developing a trusting relationship with your customers. Do this work upfront and continuously go above and beyond and provide value for them. If you do this, you’ll have customers for life

Running a successful online business the way you want, can lead to the type of lifestyle you want. And that’s the beauty of it. You get to choose!

8 years ago

You recommend sticking to the fundamentals for your business. You also recommend separating yourself from the crowd. How do we know when to depart from the pack?

8 years ago

Seriously, not one comment with a critical eye, or a challenge to the supporting details. Amazing!

8 years ago

Great quality stuff by Ramit. He got me out of debt 2 years ago and about to work towards ZTL next week!

Eva Meijer
Eva Meijer
8 years ago

Great post!

Although you might initially be drawn in by the catchy title and be tempted to look for the (quick) tools and tricks as to how such an impressive result may be achieved, when scrolling down you come to realise there is no quick fix which is emphasized by the length and content of this post.

In fact, what I notice in this post is all that is stressed in ZTL: long-term, strategic thinking, being clear about who your ideal client is and giving them outstanding products. I am doing ZTL since February and love the depth which the course forces you to look for while remaining structured and practical at the same time. All the information and support you get is refreshingly honest, to the point and all drizzled with a sense of humour — what more can you ask for?

8 years ago

Hi tim,

I am a great fan of yours since you show people what to do and do it yourself.The best part is you dont blabber about money or those desperate sales pitches like “It works”.I have tried your low carb ook and damn I lost 10 kgs in a month.Its none of my business to tell you that ramit sethi is nowhere in your league .He is just a cocky salesman who uses stuff like “Dont buy it now bla bla” .Well.. nobody is interested Mr Ramit.You should first try to add value to peoples lives and then talk about money.Stop using Tim brand to promote yourself.

Jason De Los Santos
Jason De Los Santos
8 years ago
Reply to  Indian


Interesting comments about Ramit, especially “You should first try to add value to peoples lives and then talk about money.”

I personally do not know Ramit, so this is just out of personal curiosity:

Why do you say that Ramit does not offer value and is just a cocky salesman?

Hope to read your response.

8 years ago

Fantastic once again Ramit and Tim. Thanks for sharing. I’m going to have to show this to my clients.

8 years ago

Wow! One of the best articles I’ve ever read on entrepreneurship and developing and launching new products. I love how Ramit quantifies things and makes this a science!

Keri Vandongen
Keri Vandongen
8 years ago

WOW! Who writes a 6000 word blog, shares insightful business details, includes valuable info and clear graphs, highlights what’s important versus not important and even shares about personal, major financial losses – all to benefit and inspire entrepreneurs?



Matt Gallant
Matt Gallant
8 years ago

Amazing article! I, myself am trying to learn new ways to increase my sales and productivity. Thank you for sharing this article

Adeel Chowdhry
Adeel Chowdhry
8 years ago

I spent an hour reading this! I love real world case studies. Thanks for sharing behind the scenes information. Bring on more!

James g kuras
James g kuras
8 years ago

You guys just blew my mind idk how I got so far into this reading session of mine. I work construction for the last 15yrs in that time I somehow developed a standerd of quality that I will Uphold . when I discuss a job with someone in a social setting or when asked about my day 80%of the time I here

(WHY NOT JUST SLAP IT TOGETHER AND GET PAID)to cut it short. reading about your decisions and tests .these people want me to b vanilla ice cream .i can confirm your theory because when I come across the other20% were friends 4life . If I wasn’t 3 months behind on the mortgage or have two little girls to worrie about .man I would totally come work for you guys for free that’s living the dream is about having a good time doing what you feel is right even if sometimes you have to eat a shit sandwich as long as you don’t make the same mistake twice.

8 years ago
Reply to  James g kuras

The sincerest and most educative post I have read s far.

Brian Manon
Brian Manon
8 years ago

Great article. So for someone who is starting out selling a product would the best way be a monthly subscription service or a $500 product?

7 years ago

Fantastic read. Totally agree with the “students for life” approach. Giving quality contents for free, but reserve the best for those who are ready to take it to the next level.

Vikram Shetty
Vikram Shetty
7 years ago

It is amazing how you have shared out such a remarkable milestone with detail explanation. My question to you Ramit is should we focus more on tactical thinking till we reach a sustainable revenue of say couple 100 K (200-300 K) OR Should we focus on strategic approach from day one of our business?

Chris Wilson
Chris Wilson
7 years ago

It’s so refreshing to see proof that you don’t have do everything. Things like start a podcast, make videos, speak at events, network at some convention, etc. Focus on whatever medium you dig and create authentic content. The simple act of writing a weekly blog post has helped me grow my audience and sell my art. Nothing else.

MacKenzie Whyte
MacKenzie Whyte
7 years ago

One day…

Ramit is always an inspiration.

Fidelis Fatima Fidel
Fidelis Fatima Fidel
7 years ago

This is wonderful

Abhijeetsingh Rajput
Abhijeetsingh Rajput
7 years ago

I brought 3 courses of Ramit..They are simply worth every penny….

I wish I came to know about him earlier… I would be much ahead in my career now.

I quickly raised my rates in consulting to $40/hr where I help full stack developers to build there service business while doing there job.

Thanks Ramit

7 years ago

Wow! First things First. Monster of a content here. Learnt so many things

Below are some of the things I liked in the post

a) $50 product- Mcdonald model

b) $2000 product-Rolls Royce Model. Too many time as a business owner we are stuck on price delimma and therefore compromise on the customers whom we are going to do business with

c) Mention of Jay Abraham-I just adore Jay abraham and follow his teachings to the core. Glad, Ramit like him too.

d) CEO Selects Strategy: Yes the buck stops at CEO, he should focus on strategy rather than fancy tools and hacks

d) Maths-Yes, at the end of the day, generating revenue is all about maths driven by business models and too an extent price point.

7 years ago

Thank you ! for writing your valuable post

Nitin Prasad
Nitin Prasad
7 years ago

I am definately going to buy “I Will Teach You To Be Rich” and put it on test…

6 years ago

I’m working on how to apply many of these lessons to my book sales. I’m a self-published fantasy author looking to build my brand up and gain my true fans.

6 years ago

Rereading as a reminder for myself. Ramit’s blog had been my eye opener when I was dead broke college student in 2015 looking for online income stream. I remember it as if it was yesterday, I was typing how to earn money online and found all the conventional wisdom like answering surveys and such, then I found his article by accident. It’s so different and genuine, though it’s longer than others. Using Ramit’s free materials and mini courses it helped me not just to earn an income as a freelance copywriter, it also changed my mindset.

6 years ago

Inspiring and treasure full of knowledge, thanks ramit and tim

5 years ago

Very new to this but getting the hang of it ram it is amazing he’s a great teacher as well blows my mind every time I want to learn everything from this course and I agree with surprising potential ways that a visitor can make money too.

Sahani Roy
Sahani Roy
1 year ago

very nice content sir..