Tony Robbins on Morning Routines, Peak Performance, and Mastering Money (#37 & #38)


“Our revenues are now over $5 billion annually. Without access to Tony and his teachings, wouldn’t exist today.”

– Marc Benioff, Founder of

“[Tony] distills the concepts of the best investors in the world into practical lessons that will benefit both naïve investors and skilled professionals.”

– Ray Dalio, Founder of Bridgewater Associates, the world’s largest hedge fund

Tony Robbins is the world’s most famous performance coach. He’s advised everyone from Bill Clinton to Serena Williams, and from Leonardo DiCaprio to Oprah (who calls him “superhuman”).

For years, you’ve also asked me to interview him in-depth — so here it is! I flew to Florida to spend time with Tony in his home, and what ensued was an epic two-part conversation.  It covers just about everything imaginable. Special thanks to Joe Polish and Peter Diamandis for re-introducing us.

Ep 37: Tony Robbins on Morning Routines, Peak Performance, and Mastering Money
Ep 38: Tony Robbins (Part 2) on Morning Routines, Peak Performance, and Mastering Money

My visit coincided with his first new book in 20 years: Money–Master the Game.

I love Tony’s work and it helped me start my first company, but when I got an early draft of the book, I thought to myself–really? Another book on money? Ugh. I prepared to be bored, especially since I think of myself as an experienced investor [pats self on back]. Instead, and very surprisingly, I was blown away. Before I knew it, I was pushing off other work, letting my dinner get cold, and staying up hours past bedtime each night, all because I couldn’t stop reading.


First off, he saved me years of my life! Over the last 10 years, I’ve been approached by several top hedge fund managers, who’ve suggested I write The 4-Hour Investor by collaborating with them and their friends. Tony has written that book perfectly, so it saves me the trouble. I can just point people to this book. Which leads me to…

Reason number two, he goes DEEP with many of the investing icons I’ve always wanted to meet, including Paul Tudor Jones (who he’s coached for 10+ years), Ray Dalio, Carl Icahn, David Swensen, Kyle Bass, and many more. These are the hard-to-interview “unicorns” who consistently beat the market, despite the fact that it’s called impossible. In this book, they disclose details and examples I’ve never seen anywhere else, and I’ve read A LOT of books on investing.  For me, the interviews alone were worth the entire book.

In the following interview, we dig into everything: Tony’s morning routines, his diet, how we works with the world’s highest-performing athletes and traders, common misconceptions about him, the most typical money mistakes he’s uncovered, and on and on.  I even ask him to palm my entire face (Here’s the pic!).


You can find the transcript of Part 1 (Episode 37) here. You can find the transcript of Part 2 (Episode 38) here. Transcripts of all episodes can be found here.

Tons of links and goodies in show notes below…

If you can’t see the above embedded players, here are other ways to listen:

This podcast is brought to you by 99Designs, the world’s largest marketplace of graphic designers. Did you know I used 99Designs to rapid prototype the cover for The 4-Hour Body? Here are some of the impressive results.

Also, how would you like to join me and Sir Richard Branson on his private island for mentoring? It’s coming up soon, and it’s all-expenses-paid. Click here to learn more. It’s worth checking out.

QUESTION(S) OF THE DAY: What is the best piece of investment advice you ever received or read? Please let me know in the comments.

Scroll below for all show notes, and thank you for listening!…

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Selected Links from the Episode

Show Notes

Note: “Ep1” = Part 1 and “Ep2” = Part 2.

  • What it’s like to coach (and question) the worlds top 1%? [Ep1-10:07]
  • Tonys advice for ‘How to get out of a slump’ [Ep1-14:25]
  • Tony’s morning routine – including using cyrotherapy [Ep1-19:08]
  • Tony’s daily priming ritual [Ep1-26:16]
  • The biggest misconceptions people have about Tony [Ep1-32:20]
  • How 2 millimeters can change your life [Ep1-41:14]
  • What inspired Tony to write his first book in 20 years [Ep1-45:30]
  • How Tony’s new book is feeding 50 million people this year [Ep1-55:01]
  • The first questions Richard Branson always asks before going into a business [Ep1-59:14]
  • What a 50% investment loss actually means [Ep1-60:04]
  • Why a nickel costs 5 cents but is worth 6.8 cents. [Ep1-63:01]
  • What “average rates of return” actually do to your money [Ep2-3:40]
  • Nobel Prize winners’ advice on automating your investing [Ep2-5:16]
  • Why investing is just like monkeys playing with apples [Ep2-5:54]
  • One of the nine biggest lies in our investment lives [Ep2-6:23]
  • How mutual funds are driven not by rates of returns, but marketing [Ep2-9:10]
  • Why most mutual funds underperform the market [Ep2-9:54]
  • Ray Dalio’s “All Weather” Investing Principles [Ep2-12:51]
  • Why losers react and winners anticipate [Ep2-27:07]
  • What exactly is “diversification”? [Ep2-30:10]
  • Why investing should be maximising quality of life, not maximising returns [Ep2-34:08]
  • What you need to ensure against your lesser instinct [Ep2-39:23]
  • The story behind Tony wanting to punch Obama [Ep2-42:20]

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The Tim Ferriss Show is one of the most popular podcasts in the world with more than one billion downloads. It has been selected for "Best of Apple Podcasts" three times, it is often the #1 interview podcast across all of Apple Podcasts, and it's been ranked #1 out of 400,000+ podcasts on many occasions. To listen to any of the past episodes for free, check out this page.

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9 years ago

I love the podcast and have been waiting for your to interview Tony. So happy to have this. My best piece of investment advice came from a mentor in banking: “Keep it simple”. If you keep your investment plan simple, its likely to be more approachable. If you make it complicated, you avoid looking at it like building a rocket.

I take Tony’s “bucket” approach and made an infographic on what to do with my money when it comes in. Pictures resonate with me better than spreadsheets.

9 years ago
Reply to  nivek21

Any chance we can see your infographic?

9 years ago

Great couple of episodes!

I was excited when I saw the title of this post. I’ve been interested in morning routines for some time now, so hearing about Tony’s was particularly special. I’d love to publish a more in-depth version of Tony’s morning routine on my site sometime!

I commend you Tim for how quickly your interviewing style has developed and improved in such a short space of time. When you first mentioned that you were considering starting a podcast the idea of hearing you consistently (rather than reading you consistently) seemed foreign to me. Now, several months down the line, it honestly feels like you’ve been doing it for years.

Kudos! There’s always a space for you on MMR too, I’d honestly love to hear a more in-depth insight into your mornings.


9 years ago

U are a genius TIM….Tony and u Tim are both my Mentors. Thanks for the good info here!!

9 years ago

Awesome interview Tim, thank you! Tony really is a beast! The best piece of investment advice I got is not so much related to “investing” world but rather to managing money and resources in general and comes from Ramit Sethi.

And that is (in my words): “get your shit together FIRST aka get out of debt – and THEN go and build a business, change the world etc”!

While there are stories about people going from bankruptcy to riches, and one could say that when you have no options (push yourself into a corner) – you will make it work, I think that because we fail most of the time (like Ray Dallio says to expect it) – you are highly likely to be wiped out completely…

Then it takes a lot of time to recover to be able to try again.

I tried to build 3 different businesses while I was in a huge credit card debt. All essentially failed and gave me valuable lessons, but I realized that with about $1000 to spend on a new business before you go completely broke is a very, very unlikely way to make it work.

If I had known this 4 years ago, I would have first focused 100% on paying off the debts and clearing other money-wasters, and then focus solely on building the business, which is what I am doing now (look forward to spending a week with You and Richard Branson in 2015)!

Thanks for the work you do Tim, it is highly appreciated!!!


9 years ago
Reply to  Amir

Could not agree more! I have learned this the hard way. Get ur shit done first helps reduce risk, distraction, while improving success!

9 years ago

Be fearful when others are greedy, be greedy when others are fearful.

David J. Bradley
David J. Bradley
9 years ago

Love the Obama story – good work!

Nina Salerno
Nina Salerno
9 years ago

I can’t wait to read the book….most of this is way over my head.

I’m eager to make money so that I can follow his advice.

Thanks for the great podcast, Tim

8 years ago
Reply to  Nina Salerno

Read the book. Me and my girlfriend both did. Took action and found a really, really good fiduciary (will cost you time, please don’t rush this step) as Tony points out is so important. We have invested with this fiduciary €25.000 and start new investment plans when we have kids – for them. We did this after first getting out of debt. You can start small. But start.

Patrick Simon
Patrick Simon
9 years ago

At the end of the second interview, Tony mentions that he has three videos available for people who preordered from amazon, but he never says how to send him the amazon receipt. Does anyone know what he meant or how to do this?

9 years ago
Reply to  Patrick Simon

Same here pre ordered via ibook store i wonder if there is any 3 vid bonus:-) there to ppl who knows to let us know:-)

9 years ago
Reply to  neobod

I pre ordered iBooks as well… How do you get the videos ?

9 years ago
Reply to  Patrick Simon

Visit and you’ll find the email to send your receipt. I’d give it a whirl if I’d bought via iBooks. Why not?

CAN NOT WAIT for the book!

9 years ago
Reply to  Patrick Simon

To get the three quick-start videos Tony mentions in the interview, e-mail your Amazon receipt to timVIP at

Daniel Prince
Daniel Prince
9 years ago
Reply to  Patrick Simon

Hey guys and Tim.

I also ordered the book and was sent an email with a link to create a new account on Tony’s site so as I could watch the videos.

BUT, the link doesn’t work…..

Any help appreciated!

9 years ago

The only good advice I have every received about money is to pay off debt quickly. The children of the US and the world need a better education about money and finance or they will always be the 99%.

At the end of the recording Mr. Robbins mentioned that he would give you a link to share for people who purchase his book to get access to some videos. Can you please post that?

Brooke Stewart
Brooke Stewart
9 years ago
Reply to  Keith

Email receipt to: TimVP at (per the show notes).

9 years ago

Investment in oneself. You were the medium for the information to be found but Seneca’s “On the Shortness of Life” has been the best investment I think I’ve ever made.

9 years ago

Excellent podcast! The best investment advice I ever received was to take all emotion out of your investment strategy. Too often people make their investment decisions when in a heightened emotional state. It’s just a bad idea, and causes people to buy things when they are at their peak and sell when they are at the bottom.

People don’t see it until you put in in more familiar terms. For example, most people can understand selling their home. If the did home purchases in the same manner as they buy and sell stocks, they’d wait until their home value dropped and then sell it for fear of losing all of their investment. Then they wouldn’t buy until everyone and their brother was talking about a neighborhood, thereby ensuring that they paid the maximum price for the hot popular area.

By studying and implementing a system for when and how to invest, and when and how to exit an investment, a person can remove their emotions as much as possible and begin to maximize their returns.

9 years ago

PLEASE continue adding transcripts. Thanks for sharing the best info on the Web

9 years ago

Best episode so far.


This is one I’ll listen to over and over.

I think there are so many lessons to be learned by Robbins operating system. It’ll take me many different points of view to distill it all.

My biggest take-away was to henceworth view myself as an investor: to view all decisions as investments of resources. No matter how small the decisions are.

Thanks Tim!

(Left a very thoughtful comment on the episode with Diamandis & Robbins. Please read it if you have a few seconds to spare.)

9 years ago

Another brilliant podcast Tim. A friend of mine who also has his own business recommended Tony to me a while ago so having him on your show has been the perfect introduction and will definitely lead to me reading and listening to more of his stuff.

I am in the middle of one of those self-doubt slumps that you both mentioned so it’s perfect timing to listen to two people I have so much respect for talking about how to get out of it – I had already started taking a step back to re-evaluate and re-focus, so the additional guidance right now is priceless.

Keep up the good work – your books, blogs and podcasts to me are like Tony’s first book was to you.

Paul (from Liverpool, UK)

Dave Vincent
Dave Vincent
9 years ago

There was also going to be a link regarding the breathing techniques Tony mentioned in his priming ritual? Is that coming, or did I just miss it😊

Dustin Byington
Dustin Byington
9 years ago
Reply to  Dave Vincent

I was looking for that too – this popped up on a google search ( not sure if it’s the same thing or not – but it’s pretty cool!

8 years ago
Reply to  Dave Vincent
9 years ago

I’ve read a couple of Tony’s books, and reading his words you can get a decent feel for the subtext and the emotion behind the points he makes – which I find very helpful. That said, it’s a whole lot better listening to him speak instead! An inspiration, I am not surprised Marc Benioff from SalesForce gave him that compliment as mentioned at the start of this post.

Thanks for the interesting listen 🙂

9 years ago

I just found the link to the book site. You can get a copy of Anthony Robbin’s new book for FREE (+s&h $6.95) at After you order the book you will be receive links to the three Fast Track videos starting Monday, Oct. 20, 2014.

Tim, if you are getting any referral revenue from your Amazon link, I’m sorry for posting this link. However, I did order two copies from Amazon as gifts to my kids.

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
9 years ago
Reply to  Keith

Totally fine — I was actually looking for that link!

Thank you for posting it. I’ll put it in the blog post when I finish a few things this afternoon. I don’t care about the Amazon links.

All the best,


Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
9 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

Actually, looks like his team might prefer I use another link. Checking in with them…

9 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

Tim – definitely just went ahead and ordered on that site before seeing your subsequent comment.

….Hoping the comment doesn’t mean it was a scam….

9 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

Hi Tim, was the link to Tony’s free book a scam? tks.

Jon LaRiviere
Jon LaRiviere
9 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

Tim, any luck on getting the proper link? I pre-ordered on Amazon and want to make sure I did the right thing.

9 years ago
Reply to  Keith

Thanks for sharing! Just ordered my copy!

9 years ago
Reply to  chillik

Is this offer related to US citz or can we order it globally like the UK?

9 years ago
Reply to  Keith

Hi, does this offer (or does the shiipping cover) only apply to US citz or can anyone globally benefit from the free book?

Fernando Imperator
Fernando Imperator
9 years ago

Hi Tim. Loving the podcast. Keep it up.

Just a honest feedback from a longtime listener of podcasts. Whenever you release 2 files in the same day (as today), people usually only get the latest. The podcast app generally only downloads the latest file, so for example today I left thome only to find that I had only “Tony Robbins Part 2” downloaded. I manually downloaded the other one, but not everyone can do that without wifi.

So, just a head up. Love your work, and I’m loving the podcasts even more than your books and blogs. Maybe not 4HWW. Bye!

9 years ago

As a trader, I loved Tony’s insights from the top performers in trading and how they manage risk and how the average people make irrational decisions and get fooled. Awesome! Thanks Tim!!

Adam B
Adam B
9 years ago

“Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.” Oh, and diversification. That’s important.

Jason Chang
Jason Chang
9 years ago

Great podcast. However, Tony kept bashing “weeds,” so I just want to correct him and write a note on “weeds.”

It’s a popular consensus that weeds are bad. However in nature, weeds are good. Weeds are the first stage for a natural environment to become its natural self sustaining state once again (e.g. a forest). Weeds loosen the soil so that the soil can absorb more water. After this stage, the 2nd stage occurs and weeds go away. (it’s a 7 step natural process to become self sustaining again).

So Tony and the rest of the world, quit bashing weeds, it’s actually the pesticides, constant mowing and idiotic man made landscaping which is detrimental to the Earth, not weeds!

For more info on this, study Permaculture (the study of natural systems). They teach how to reforest any landscape. Basically the study of how to prevent climate change…Tim do an interview with Geoff Lawton (the permaculture guru)!

9 years ago
Reply to  Jason Chang

@Jason Chang – thank you for your comment! We all need to change our thinking about some things and weeds are one of them. What is a weed anyways? It’s just a plant, any plant, growing where you don’t want it to.

I have to second the suggestion for Tim to interview Geoff Lawton. Geoff is an amazing and humble guy while also doing earth-changing work. Hope to see his interview on the blog soon 🙂

9 years ago

Absolutely loved the episode Tim! Thanks for bringing another one of my heroes on the show!

9 years ago

Nice, I’m a big fan of tony and I enjoyed the last podcast with him as well. Btw – is Frank Kern writing your blog posts now? I’m kidding, but it reads like one of those old long-form sales letters. Frank is actually pretty interesting, too – you should do a podcast with him.

Amy Furbee
Amy Furbee
9 years ago

Fantastic Interview! Quality is so good – I was wearing my headphones and I actually looked behind me when he snapped. Thanks Tim, there were lots of great tips. Off to listen to again to see what I missed.

9 years ago

Invest in yourself.

“Spend” time (and money if necessary) on preparing yourself for work every day, every week. Make yourself into the most valuable asset you have.

Joanna Penn
Joanna Penn
9 years ago

Thanks again Tim for an amazing interview – like you, Tony Robbins changed my life back in 2005/2006 when I started reading his books, listening to audios and changing my mindset.

I am a hardcore reader so I have missed his books – I’m thrilled about his new one.

It was a great podcast – and you didn’t sound too fan-boy-ish:) It’s so brilliant that you’re using the access you have to such big names to share the knowledge with us. Thank you – I seriously appreciate this interview, and have re-ordered all Tony’s backlist.

I would be really keen to learn more about NLP for peak performance – perhaps you could interview someone else about that another time.

Kush Sharma
Kush Sharma
9 years ago

Great interview!

I think the kind of people in Tony’s book are obsessed about money to an extent that it has become a second nature art for them because they have been doing it for so long!

So simply thinking that these principles can be followed by everyone is not realistic! You have to have the same passion for making money as these people have. Think if ‘making money’ as a sport and these people as pros who have been practising forever.

You can hear Roger Federer tell you about the right technique about serving, but unless you are really passionate about tennis and yourself know the ins and outs, it won’t be of any use to you.

Still lot of gems in this podcast. Thanks Tim!

Thad Cox
Thad Cox
9 years ago
Reply to  Kush Sharma

Hi Tim,

I was always keenly anticipating your podcast since reading the 4 Hour Work Week in Jan this year (yes I know I’m late, but that book truly changed my life and the way I think). The evolution in your interviewing style, podcast content and your choice of those to interview is excellent and the recent Tony Robbins interview was your best yet.

You asked for advice, mine would be that ‘The grass is greenest where you water it, feed it and invest time and love in it”. This is true of anything, be it relationships or business.

Keep up the good work, you are an inspiration.

9 years ago

the best piece of advice I got was during my MSc and was a bit technical “they ALL move in tandem, so if you see a low correlation.. check again, you’re probably missing something” talking about stocks. and 2nd best was “what fundamentals? it’s all about speculation” talking about oil price

9 years ago

Great episode.

The audio for this seemed a little off. It seemed like 80% of the sound of your voice was coming out of the left channel, and hard to hear from the right channel. And the opposite was true for tony, most of his voice was through the right channel. Got used to it but it’s not something I’ve noticed before.

Rodney Rogers
Rodney Rogers
9 years ago
Reply to  T.J.

I think you put your headphones in backwards. My issue was the reverse of yours.

9 years ago
Reply to  Rodney Rogers

I don’t remember if I had them on backwards or not but I had the same problem. Great interview…poor recording.

9 years ago
Reply to  T.J.

T.J. I agree and experienced the same thing wearing headphones. Listening to the podcast streaming onto my car stereo via Bluetooth, I guess it only streamed the left channel as Tim’s voice was clear but Tony’s was very faint, so I had to bump up the volume almost to max. Tim, please fix the audio. There are suggestions on the thread to use SoundSoap.

9 years ago
Reply to  T.J.

Hey T.J.,

I think this is because the podcast was recorded with stereo sound instead of mono. Mono sound would make both speakers/audio channels play at the same levels, while stereo sound has the audio channels manipulated individually, giving you a distance effect. Stereo recording makes it sound a bit more realistic as it emulates how sound would actually travel to your ears if you were physically placed in the middle of where the recording was taking place. For example, if you were sitting in a room with people talking, the person on your left would sound louder to your left ear than your right etc. This is why you get the varying volume levels in the left and right ear channels.

Joseph O'Day
Joseph O'Day
9 years ago
Reply to  T.J.

I found it a little off too, but changed the output on my iPhone to mono in the accessibility settings.

9 years ago
Reply to  T.J.

I found the audio a little weird as well, but you can fix it by changing your output audio to mono on your device. In the iPhone, it’s in the accessibility settings.

9 years ago

Hi Tim,

Awesome podcast. I always look forward to your new releases. I just wanted to give you quick heads up that the last two with Tony Robbins are actually in stereo, instead of mono. So, your in the left speaker and Tony’s in the right. Not that it’s critical, but if someone is listening to this with one ear-bud in, they’ll mainly hear one mic and the ambient sound from the other side. So, the levels are off. If this was recorded on a portable recorder, it’s an easy fix, it just needs to be summed to mono and everything is heard equally from both speakers.

Thanks for all the great advice.

Liz Grant
Liz Grant
9 years ago

Hi Tim,

Tony mentioned the free videos if we send a copy of our Amazon receipts. Do you have the link or email for that? Fabulous show. I’ve never really listened to any of Tony’s stuff but I’m hooked now.

I’ve met Ray Dalio but I would never have known what to ask him. He is a generous man though.

9 years ago

hey Tim,

Thanks for the interview. Always good to hear from thought leaders.

Sidenote; RE: 99 designs: do you know any other services where I can get people to labor on say, house projects, website programming, investing, and myriad other professions, where if I’m not satisfied with their hours of labor, I can get my money back?



9 years ago
Reply to  jack


Bill Montgomery
Bill Montgomery
9 years ago

Tim, when Tony influenced you so much you were probably smart enough (not having any real money at the time) to not spend $20,000 on all his seminars – DWD, Life Mastery and Financial Mastery, but I was not. I loved all the seminars, but I couldn’t even take advantage of the Financial Mastery at the time. Now about 15 – 17 years later years I am a poor 69 year old man. I can’t resist the guy however so I will be buying the book. At least I can tell my kids what they should do.

Tony always says your life is either an example or a warning. Mine is a warning. I think “warnings” are important learning opportunities. I would be happy to do an interview. 🙂


9 years ago

best piece of advice –

Bobby Huang
Bobby Huang
9 years ago


To remove the static and hissing from the audio, put it through SoundSoap.

Did the exact same thing with Annie Lalla’s podcasts, and they sound sweet after static and being over the phone recordings.

– Podcast is awesome. Tony Robbins is legendary, and you asking questions just made it sweeter. Pre-ordered the book.

Ash Ahuja
Ash Ahuja
9 years ago

Awesome episode! you rock Tim! I did preorder the audiobook off amazon as Tony suggested and want to know where to send in the receipt for the fast track videos?

9 years ago

I didn’t even know Tony Robbins had a book coming out next week – so hyped for it! Thanks for the amazing podcast and thanks for keeping us all up to date 😀

9 years ago

Hi Tim, another great podcast with amazing content. Thank you very much!

I think the notion of trying not to lose capital coupled with asymmetric bets is the most fundamental piece of investment advice. Apart from the great investors that Tony mentions, variations of this theme are preached over and over again by various other investment hall of famers, e.g. the Dhando framework of Mohnish Pabrai “Heads I win, tails I don’t lose much”, Graham’s margin of safety, Munger’s advice on preventing stupidity before attempting genius, Buffett’s motto of waiting for the fat pitch and heeding the two rules of investing:

Nr. 1: Don’t lose money

Nr. 2 Remember rule Nr. 2

etc, etc, etc. As Tony says if you continuously to go for the 3-5 baggers and you allow your money to compound, you’re bound to get satisfactory results in the long run.

But we all know that this is easier said then done and requires more temperament, character and discipline than 160 IQ brains.

Beste aus Berlin,


9 years ago

Hi Tim,

I do not know much about Tony Robbins life, but in your intro you state that Tony Robins “consulted or advised” Mother Teresa… is that true? I only find reference to a brief interaction he had with her, not any reference to consulting or advising.



9 years ago
Reply to  Aaron

Of course it is not true. Tim is the biggest bullshiter, we all know that.

9 years ago
Reply to  Lord

How do you know it is not true?

Mike Adams
Mike Adams
9 years ago

Great work Tim!

Well that totally interrupted my morning routine! But it was worth it…

Investment advice:

Preserve principle & manage risk – if you just never lose money and gain moderate returns you will accumulate over time. Not sexy but you do end up with “assets to allocate” and can punch for bigger wins and minimising risk…

Thanks again Tim.

Sarah Geatz
Sarah Geatz
9 years ago

Wow Tim , this podcast is brilliant. Both you and Tony are such inspirational people I look up to. Keep these podcasts coming!

Ben Greenfield
Ben Greenfield
9 years ago

Loved this Tim. Any details on his morning breath routine?

Jonathan Roquet
Jonathan Roquet
9 years ago
Reply to  Ben Greenfield

Tim, hello from Tokyo. In the podcast you both stated you would provide a link to information on the breathing routine Tony does each morning. Has this become another Secret? Should I call up Rhonda Byrne? リンクを投稿すると言えば、状況が変わっても何か情報を出した方がいいと思いません?

For anyone else interested in learning some powerful breathing techniques, Dr. Weil has a great program.

Jennifer Lewis McKay
Jennifer Lewis McKay
9 years ago
Reply to  Ben Greenfield

Ben, Read “Jumpstart Your Metabolism” by Pam Grout. One of her breathing exercises is the one Tony Robbins is referring to. And the other exercises are awesome, as well.

9 years ago

I’d be curious to know how you know this. No where does he mention this author or book, so it’s a pretty suspect recommendation…

9 years ago
Reply to  Ben Greenfield

And the music.

Nina Salerno
Nina Salerno
9 years ago
Reply to  Ben Greenfield

I am aware of one breathing routine of Tony’s but do not know if it is the same one he talked about on the show. (This one comes from M.I.T., breath walking)

This comes from “Ultimate Edge” :

you breath in four breaths through your nose and exhale through your mouth four breaths. Tap your finger tips at the same time. With the first breath your thumb taps your index finger, the second breath your thumb taps your middle finger, the third breath your thumb taps your ring finer and the forth breath your thumb taps your pinky. Repeat this for the exhale as well.

I just revisited this and am doing it daily and it is incredible. You breath like this for 5 mins, then 5 mins of gratitude and planing your day followed with incantations. It is WONDERFUL. I get high from it.

9 years ago
Reply to  Ben Greenfield


9 years ago

Dollar Cost Average your savings to invest in a diversified ETFs; Live below your means; and leverage your cash by taking the biggest mortgage you can afford. Rick Edelman is one of the smartest and most ethical independent financial advisers available. He provides extensive free financial literacy education for those who are interested.

9 years ago

Big fan of both, great listening. Two links were mentioned, URL of stronghold and Tony’s breathing technique. Please provide.

CA Surfer
CA Surfer
9 years ago
Reply to  Dale is the company he mentioned

9 years ago
Reply to  CA Surfer

Enjoyed the podcast. Well done Tim. Disappointed with the stronghold analysis of my broker account (that I linked as requested). While my portfolio has a relatively similar asset allocation to the stronghold recommended allocation and an average expense ration of just .2%, the analysis somehow claims that I will save a fortune by subscribing to stronghold and adding their .75% fee. Obviously a flawed simplistic analysis designed as marketing. “Look at these savings!”

Better strategy, invest yourself at a discount broker buying stocks/bonds directly or lowcost ETFs directly.

I think that anyone following the book’s advice would never use stronghold and pay such a significant fee (even if this fee is much lower than many other firms).

Brian J
Brian J
9 years ago
Reply to  CA Surfer

I’ve seen a lot of shaky reviews of the book that simply strawman argue against the “product placement” that Tony does, but fail to make any substantial argument against any of the principles of the book. My open-minded reading see these as suggestions about how to implement, that always have to be passed through a common sense check. Stronghold, for example, is likely not needed for anyone comfortable enough with basic financials and doing some homework themselves.

But I appreciate that some people find finance boring and dry, and are mentally unable to bring themselves to focus on it, because they hate it. At that point, there are 2 options: let it fall into decline (much like an unmowed lawn), or pay someone to do it. I do this mental math with my lawn, and pay someone. My parents belong to a different generation, do the math in their head differently, and do it themselves.

This comes to the second point. For some of us, there’s also a time/money gut check for things we don’t believe we have the time or skill to execute with competence or excellence. I’m not going to do my own taxes, plumbing, or my own electrical wiring. If I devoted myself, I could become competent, but my time earns more money elsewhere. Some will also gut check this and want to pay someone else to be up on the latest, know the market,etc. this is where I view the “product” suggestions.

Before I used a single one, I’d ask myself if I needed to pay someone (and be dependent on them, like the Stronghold example), or whether its truly the product out there that meets my needs best (like the annuity products). In the same way that Tony advocates knowing and challenging the fees with funds, that same advice has to apply to products he recommends: Don’t buy or sign up blindly, examine what it offers, what it costs, and decide if it fits your situation.

9 years ago

I found the interview with Robbins fascinating as I have avoided all his informercials, etc. Now, I am going to buy his Money-The Game book for sure.

Thanks for a great interview.


Ozro Hepworth
Ozro Hepworth
9 years ago

An amazing interview. Got chills just imagining being in your shoes during the process. Question, Tony mentioned something about if we get the book through amazon and send him a receipt we’ll get access to some additional content… Did I hear that correctly? If so, do you have the details?

Thanks for bringing us in “proximity” to Tony and his amazing enthusiasm! Your last three podcast have been great – Keep up the amazing work!

Rodney Rogers
Rodney Rogers
9 years ago

Best podcast yet. Only knowledge of Tony Robbins came from the film “Shallow Hal”.

Did Tony leave his contact info to where we can send our Amazon receipts to receive his video?

Also, did you have a link for Stronghold Financial.

Great job!

Matt Mills
Matt Mills
9 years ago
Reply to  Rodney Rogers
9 years ago

The best financial advice I ever received was and is always, always, always protect the downside.

The second best advice was assign all your investments an expiry date. It could be two weeks or ten years. If you haven’t met your ROI targets by that day on the calendar – pull the plug and move on.

9 years ago

Great interview. Please post the info about the breath work. Danka.

9 years ago

Pure gold your podcast. I started listening to many, but this one has so much of good stuff instead of “blah blah, we are doing podcast and we’re so cool” – so many podcasts are like that.

As for investing advice, pretty basic – invest 10% of what you earn each month. I grew up NEVER learning about investing, so just basic ideas that anyone can invest was really revealing.

Also – you asked before what could be your next project. I think in podcast with Alexis you mentioned your interest in human gut bacteria and all those things. I think this information is so not well known, and many people suffer from bacteria imbalance (like candida) and they have totally no idea, keep taking antibiotics and making things worse. If you get this thing out there, could help millions of people.

Lou Vascek
Lou Vascek
9 years ago

At the risk of being redundant…! just wow !

Tony Robbins….everything he says is new, amazing, and fills a person with energy while demanding that one take a hard look at oneself and say- ” I have to change, I can change, and I am going to .”

Tim, you do a great service to 1000s of people with these podcasts, please keep up the great work.

thank you.

9 years ago

So … did you try out the cryotherapy? what was that like? I would like a Tim Ferriss breakdown of the benefits and explanation of how it “removes” inflammation. I love Tony … great interview … Tim Tim Talk Talk A+

9 years ago
Reply to  Kathy

That does sound like a classic Tim Ferriss “experiment”. I would also be interested in that analysis/breakdown.

9 years ago

Where are all the show notes?

– brand name of the cryotherapy machine.

– the stronghold financial website Tony mentioned.

Those are the two that come to mind at the moment but there are plenty of times in the episode when you mention “it will be in the show notes” but I’m not seeing much here.

9 years ago
Reply to  Jason

I think there’s already a great deal of work that Tim puts into having this podcast up and running. Be a bit grateful will you?!

Do research on your own and if you dont find what you’re looking for, I will help you.

Jason Manheim
Jason Manheim
9 years ago
Reply to  Chris

I’m enormously grateful.

Your reply strikes me as nothing short of trolling. But perhaps that was not the spirit in which you meant it. That’s the thing with comments on the internet, you never can be sure so usually one does not make rude assumptions all the while saying nothing of actual use.

If you can help, do so.

9 years ago
Reply to  Jason Manheim

Who is the troll? Certainly not me. I did try to look up the information. If you’d read my comment you would see that. Happy trolling to you.


9 years ago
Reply to  Jason Manheim

Sorry, wrong thread.

9 years ago
Reply to  Jason

Good point, I am also interested in the brand name of the cryotherapy machine.

Neb Nıtram
Neb Nıtram
9 years ago
Reply to  Jason

I believe this was the Cryosauna brand….

Juka is the distributor…



9 years ago
Reply to  Jason

I’m with Jason. Loved the podcast, great interview. Missing some show notes. And poor audio quality.

It’s called a review…do your research Chris.

9 years ago

Great episode. Listening for a second time now.

Do you happen to have the link to the breathing technique that Tony mentioned?

Chris Popoff
Chris Popoff
9 years ago

Tim, boy are you hard on yourself. Managed to take in part one today and it was fantastic start to finish. I could feel the excitement of you getting to meet one of your long time heroes, it was something special. I can’t thank you enough for brining these conversations to a place where so many of us can be proximal to this way of thinking and become inspired to act.

You asked on Facebook if you should teach a course. Many people were quite negative about the idea, and it seemed as though you were agreeing with the naysayers. Tony said something in this interview that compelled me to urge you to design a course and go for it. I can’t remember exactly but he was saying something along the lines that he only chooses to work with people who have the potential to create a huge impact and then went on to cite the work of Paul Tudor Jones and his Robin Hood Foundation.

Well you have the unique opportunity to leverage what you do into 20-100x performance out of some of the highest potential people on the planet, just like Tony does every day. It will take you amazing places, go for it!

9 years ago

The most important advice/learning I got from my finance degree is knowing about alpha hunters vs beta grazers and accepting who I really am in this spectrum. Too often, everyday people with no special knowhow or skill fancy themselves as alphas, taking outsized risks with little information, poor diversification, etc. data shows that in stock investing, few beat the market consistently. Understanding my weaknesses, i chose to be a beta grazer. I invest in a handful of mutual funds and take a view on economic swings which directly correlate with overall s&p movements. I get approximately just the market returns, but it gives me the peace of mind and the time to pursue other things that also give me happiness and wealth (my skills, job, hobbies, family, etc). It also doesnt leave me too exposed to the risks. This approach may seem like such a chicken-shit approach that is probably not typical of the tim ferriss reader, but it works for me (for now).

John William Johnson
John William Johnson
9 years ago

I just listened to the first podcast. You are so right on, this is a great update on what Tony is currently up to. I love your questions and his clarity and respectful tone in deepening the conversation.

I was disappointed to find that the book isn’t even out yet, lucky you to have a copy already. You might want to mention that somewhere.

And you and Tony both mention a ton of resources that you are going to post links to that i can’t find. I’m looking for the cryotherapy products, the one he has now and the one he is getting. Also the audio he listens to in the morning.

At one point he says he’s a high protein, grains person, no carbs person, not sure what that means, grains are carbs. He looks overweight to me, and has for a number of years now. Having watched him over the last 30 or so years, his voice seems very tired and gravelly and he seems to have gained a bunch of weight. Not a great modeling. What was your experience of being with him?

9 years ago

I think he said high protein + greens guy. At least that is what I understood him to say.

9 years ago

i also was looking for a few links. Tony mentioned an app for tracking investments but nothing else is mentioned about it.

9 years ago

This is amazing …Thank you)) Tim, you will love seeing Tony live!

9 years ago

Awesome podcast! Can’t wait to read the book.

Will wait for the new link to be loaded before ordering.

Erric Dillon Jr.
Erric Dillon Jr.
9 years ago

Wow. This was just amazing and so inspiring. I love it man. Great questions and great answers!!

9 years ago

Hi Tim,

Great podcast! Where can we find out more information about “priming” and the breathing techniques & thought process used?

Naeem Mahmood
Naeem Mahmood
9 years ago

Thanks Tim! That was awesome!

9 years ago

Another all-star podcast, with a true legend no less! You both have a direct, no BS style…and that really meshed throughout the interview. It was fun to get to know Tony on a more personal level…and at no point did I feel like he was here hawking his book (pre-ordered). I’m excited to try out some of Tony’s morning routine, including his “explosive change in physiology”. Thank you for making this interview available to everyone!

Best investment advice: Focus on investments (or trades) with 3x,4x,5x returns for the money risked…give yourself some cushion for the times that you will inevitably be wrong.

Greg Johnson
Greg Johnson
9 years ago

Tim, I love your podcast and am a big fan of Tony as well as most of your guests. I really appreciate your time and love you are putting into sharing this information with us. But, it felt really shitty when you called us your “dear little munchkins” and really think you can raise the audio quality on these in person interviews. Tony was in one ear and you in the other. Fine with headphones but didn’t really work in my car. Content is so amazing! I am a better person for it. Thank you.

9 years ago
Reply to  Greg Johnson

I second Greg’s sentiment. I could just about hear it in my car on loud volume but not with the windows open.

Keep up the great work with the interviews, Tim.

Hugh Thomas Lorch
Hugh Thomas Lorch
9 years ago

Tim…thank you always for the life insights…I tried the Tony Robbins wake-up routine…I am in Thailand so only could jump into very cold was awesome..feel like it got my system going for the day…thanks again…

9 years ago

I enjoyed this podcast- thanks! Best piece of investment advice: buy low and sell high. What was it that helped his wife get better?

9 years ago

Another very informative and entertaining podcast. You mentioned briefly in one of your podcasts about the micro biome being beneficial for skin. Would love to hear more of your thoughts on this through blog/podcast. Thank you for all the practical information you put out.

9 years ago

Guys, is Tony’s book exclusively talking about money from investing strategies or money in general. still deciding upon getting it or not?!

9 years ago

So awesome to hear two of my biggest inspirations together. Great stuff Tim, thank you! Very excited to get my hands on Tony’s new book.

As for the best investment advice I ever received, simply put, don’t follow the crowd! As the great quote goes:

“When you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect”.

Patrick healy
Patrick healy
3 years ago
Reply to  Julien

Who is the plastic surgeon Tony mentions he got the 2mm rule from?

Adriana Suarez
Adriana Suarez
11 months ago
Reply to  Patrick healy

I made a bit of research on the Internet, and his name might be Halle Toleth. If that’s the case, he passed away a few years back. More info here:

9 years ago

Is the website (which forwards to and only has a register-interest page)?

9 years ago


I loved the podcast. He is such an interesting person and i enjoy his no bs attitude. Great questions, I really got a lot from the interview.


Ponleu Mam
Ponleu Mam
9 years ago

Just come here to ask: where is the “Download the transcript” ? I need to print it out.

Caelan Huntress
Caelan Huntress
9 years ago

Tony mentioned a link to his breathing pattern that would be online shortly, and you promised it in the show notes. Please let me know when it’s available, I’m very interested in the breathing pattern Tony uses.

This was a fantastic interview, Tim. It was a real pleasure listening to two high-performance paragons getting into the nitty gritty.

9 years ago

Tony mentioned that we could receive 3 videos that he created by sending him the receipt for purchasing the book. Where can we send that receipt to get access to those videos?

On a separate note, your podcasts are the highlight of my week. I was reading Four Hour Work Week and Unleash The Giant Within simultaneously years ago which both changed my life (I actually credit them for landing me a job with Uber). Keep the great interviews coming!

9 years ago

Outstanding podcast! I rarely enjoy your interviews or speaking style (though I’m a huge fan of your work, in general), but this was a home run, Tim.

9 years ago

“Most investment decisions based on greed turn out badly” Jack Bogle

Steve Spillman
Steve Spillman
9 years ago

Thanks fort this interview, so valuable! Preordered the book and ordered The Obstacle is the Way from your BC as a way to say thanks.

Best investment advice I ever received was from a retired banker and former right-hand to Armand Hammer. I was seeking very modest JV funding in return for half my startup. He told me: “Don’t give away your company. Go home, talk to your wife, mortgage your home and finance your own company.” We did, we paid off the mortgage and we owned 100% of the equity and 100% of the direction.

9 years ago

Best piece of investing advice email I’ve ever been given; Don’t listen to investment advice.

Great podcast!

Mark Davis
Mark Davis
9 years ago

Anthony Robbins is quite the snapper.

9 years ago

Great episode as always Tim, I’ve been following Tony’s advice for years. I’d love if you could find a link to the breathing exercises he was talking about. I tried looking on his website and didn’t see anything.

Also, I had an eye brow raise when he was talking about the Nickels and his friend. I may be mistaken so feel free anyone to correct me but I get the whole “penny hoarder” thing. The coins are worth more in material from a specific date, you hoard pennies of that time range and can sell them to collectors or melt them down for the copper which has a much higher cost than the actual penny. – for nickels, it costs 11.2 cents to MAKE a nickel, but the actual materials used is less than the marked coin of 5cents. It wouldn’t make sense to hoard any nickels, and even still you’d have to find someone who’d want to pay more than 5 cents per nickel if they did cost more material wise, (which they dont)

9 years ago

Tim, thanks for the great interview! I was looking for something in the show notes about Tony’s breathing patterns that you mentioned would be here. Also, the link to Tony’s investment website which I couldn’t find in an internet search.

9 years ago

Tim Tim, this has to be the best podcast around. I love Rogan, Chris, Aubrey, all those fellas that are out there killin’ it. But, these last few guests, excuse me these last 4 hours of your podcasts, have been more influential on my perspectives than the past twenty years of my life. I don’t like to tell people what to do with their lives but I’d definitely say this could be one of your many vocations.

Thanks again for all this beautiful content you’re bringing to the world,


9 years ago

Just a few minutes in and why am I not surprised that Mad Science results! Allow me to add my voice to those asking for a review of the cryotherapy experience. It sounds mental. Seriously, Silver Age superheroes used to gain powers by doing less.

Ken lofald
Ken lofald
9 years ago

tony robbins mentioned something about ‘stronghold financial’ or something like that, but I cannot find the specific site. Do you mind posting to show notes or emailing me the link?

Great show, especially this episode! Keep it up!



9 years ago

Question on cryotherapy:

The benefits and mechanisms seem to be the same as cold baths.

But liquid nitrogen is used instead of water.

Does this preclude the cold shock you can experience with cold water temperatures? Or is the sensation and effect just the same?

We need an honest guinea pig.

I just don’t trust Debbie Oz’ pokerface in the video:

TIM: Is that the same Oz you taught tango lessons to? (in the video)

Dan Slipkowsky
Dan Slipkowsky
9 years ago
Reply to  S.K.

Your body responds differently to 50°F water in an ice bath than to -250°F dry air in a cryosauna (300° difference). The central nervous system knows that the body cannot fight -250°F, so the body shunts blood to the core and releases chemicals that reduce inflammation and accelerate recovery. [Moderator: link removed]

Taylor C Shields
Taylor C Shields
9 years ago

Best investment advice: The ROI on education is your entire net worth, never stop growing.

I totally see how you felt “really? another book on money” but its such a good reminder not to get to comfortable with your level of education.

Great podcast Tim, It’s awesome to see how your interviewing has evolved. I cant tell you how much my interviewing and questioning process has improved just by listening to the podcast (and 4 hour chef of course). I have to say one of my favorite questions that you just tweaked a bit is the ” 2-3 books to a group of 20 something entrepreneurs”. I’m 22 and a big reader, so I’m always looking forward to your book recommendations.

If I could make one suggestion it would be to do a podcast with you as the interviewee, and have your questions turned around on you. I think a lot of us would love that. I certainly would. Plus, I’m dying to know who you think is punchable! =)

Whenever you come out with a new podcast its a bit like Christmas for me (and Christmas is my favorite holiday). Always looking forward to more.

Hope your lyme situation is improving, please keep us updated.


9 years ago

Respectfully, I’d like to interview you on how you managed to get such a hot wife lol.

Taylor C Shields
Taylor C Shields
9 years ago
Reply to  Dean

HAHA! Studied martial arts & Pole vaulting from her father before we started dating! Get in with the father first lol

Marc Theiler
Marc Theiler
9 years ago

First off, the podcast with Robbins was outstanding. Compliments to the chef.

Next you inquired about “best investing advice”. Everyone in the audience had best step back. Put the women and children to bed. Prepare for the best advice ever given to an audience.

The advice stems from a man who changed my life forever, to say his influence is great is an understatement. I consider him a dear friend and the uncle I never met. You may know him as Charlie Munger, Warren Buffet’s counterpart over at BH. Here’s the best advice you will ever entertain – EVER: Do whatever it takes to get your hands on $100k.

“The first $100,000 is a bitch, but you gotta do it. I don’t care what you have to do—if it means walking everywhere and not eating anything that wasn’t purchased with a coupon, find a way to get your hands on $100,000. After that, you can ease off the gas a little bit.”

You can’t bankroll passion, insight and critical knowledge without first coming to the table with suitable ends – by that – $100k. Can’t sit at the table if you ain’t bring nuttin to it.

Now a $100k doesn’t guarantee shit, it’s a mere jumping off point – an initiation point. So, here’s the next piece of advice – and you can find a shit ton of this knowledge and advice on my blog,

Become a life long learner – yet first, destroy/dissolve all you assume to know. Realize you are entirely full of shit and that you live in a assumed world of self-delusion and self-indulgence. Begin anew. Rebirth yourself into a new foundation. Build, Build, Build your Knowledge and Philosophical Cores with Quality, Richness and Depth. Build your foundation with attention and care, with a keen savvy eye. Begin to know thy self and the pitfalls that continually withdraw the self into the confusion of the lower-tier pursuits. Our own naturalness are the same mechanics that keep us pinned within the carnal, dopamatic-response feedback loop. It’s our own conditioned insecurities that keep us a slave to the Unconscious Master, overseer.

Fear, Bias and Self-Indulgence are the three thieves that will steal your gold.

Invest wisely. Invest in thy self – and in the meanwhile…….Grab that $100k.

9 years ago
Reply to  Marc Theiler

what do you do with the 100k?

Jānis Krūms
Jānis Krūms
9 years ago

Hey Tim, Loved the post. Any advanced copies for the book?

Nina Salerno
Nina Salerno
9 years ago

Tim you were going to try the Cryotherapy machine that Tony had. How was it?

9 years ago

Tim, awesome interview. I feel more motivated and alive after listening than i have since reading 4 hour work week. Awesome questions and even better answers. Keep up the good work man.

9 years ago

Exceptional episode. The best advice “Buy low, sell high” from my grandfather. “It’s not personal, it’s business” from The Godfather. “We get married to people, not investments, so don’t get emotionally attached to your stocks.” That one’s mine. It’s also the toughest to follow.

9 years ago

Great work, best podcast yet. Keep em’ coming!

First and never fails investment advice I ever learned, The Rule of 72.

9 years ago

Awesome podcast Tim! I tried to “shock my nervous system” by taking a cold shower this morning and boy…it was hell.

9 years ago

Any update on where we can find Tony’s breathing routines

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
9 years ago
Reply to  gabe

Updating the links now.

9 years ago

Great interview Tim. Relevant and fun. Thanks for putting it together.

9 years ago

Outstanding interview with someone who helped me greatly back in the early 2000s! Learning about value investing from Warren Buffett was the best investment advice I received. Also, to everyone who asked, here’s a link that Fast Company had to Tony’s “Hour of Power,” which includes his breath work at about 1:10:30

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
9 years ago
Reply to  Jeff

Perfect! Thank you for the link, Jeff.

9 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

It’s my pleasure, Tim. Thank you for providing me with inspiration and strategy in recent years!

9 years ago

Awesome! Thanks to both Tony and Tim.

Best investment advice? “It’s not the winners that make you in this business. It’s the losers.”

That and the advice from Tim a while back that was something like “You don’t have to make back losses in the same way you lost them.”

9 years ago

Any transcript available for this podcast?

John Kenney
John Kenney
9 years ago

Hey Tim, awesome interview!

Do you have links to Tony’s morning routine, breathing patterns, and meditation music?

Micah Rygaard
Micah Rygaard
9 years ago
Reply to  John Kenney

Yeah i did not find the breathing exercise either…can you please share what it was TIm…Mahalo

Mahalo again Tim for at least pointing us in the right direction for his breathing exercises…what program does he teach the one he specifically mentioned in your interview…you are a genius brother…thanks for your good work.

9 years ago

Just found this podcast as a link from Tony Robbins on Twitter. So far I’ve loved all that I’ve listened to. Thanks Tim. But in this interview Tony mentioned a web site where you could go and enter your investment funds and it would do some comparison on fees and such to other alternatives. Anyone have a link to that?

9 years ago
Reply to  viii_ball

No, but I’d like it too. Can’t remember where he said it, but someone further down mentioned Stronghold Financial. Rings a bell, but don’t think it’s exactly that when putting into google!

Nick Cicerchi
Nick Cicerchi
9 years ago
Reply to  Hari

think it’s

1 2 3