Tony Robbins on Morning Routines, Peak Performance, and Mastering Money (#37 & #38)


“Our revenues are now over $5 billion annually. Without access to Tony and his teachings, wouldn’t exist today.”

– Marc Benioff, Founder of

“[Tony] distills the concepts of the best investors in the world into practical lessons that will benefit both naïve investors and skilled professionals.”

– Ray Dalio, Founder of Bridgewater Associates, the world’s largest hedge fund

Tony Robbins is the world’s most famous performance coach. He’s advised everyone from Bill Clinton to Serena Williams, and from Leonardo DiCaprio to Oprah (who calls him “superhuman”).

For years, you’ve also asked me to interview him in-depth — so here it is! I flew to Florida to spend time with Tony in his home, and what ensued was an epic two-part conversation.  It covers just about everything imaginable. Special thanks to Joe Polish and Peter Diamandis for re-introducing us.

Ep 37: Tony Robbins on Morning Routines, Peak Performance, and Mastering Money
Ep 38: Tony Robbins (Part 2) on Morning Routines, Peak Performance, and Mastering Money

My visit coincided with his first new book in 20 years: Money–Master the Game.

I love Tony’s work and it helped me start my first company, but when I got an early draft of the book, I thought to myself–really? Another book on money? Ugh. I prepared to be bored, especially since I think of myself as an experienced investor [pats self on back]. Instead, and very surprisingly, I was blown away. Before I knew it, I was pushing off other work, letting my dinner get cold, and staying up hours past bedtime each night, all because I couldn’t stop reading.


First off, he saved me years of my life! Over the last 10 years, I’ve been approached by several top hedge fund managers, who’ve suggested I write The 4-Hour Investor by collaborating with them and their friends. Tony has written that book perfectly, so it saves me the trouble. I can just point people to this book. Which leads me to…

Reason number two, he goes DEEP with many of the investing icons I’ve always wanted to meet, including Paul Tudor Jones (who he’s coached for 10+ years), Ray Dalio, Carl Icahn, David Swensen, Kyle Bass, and many more. These are the hard-to-interview “unicorns” who consistently beat the market, despite the fact that it’s called impossible. In this book, they disclose details and examples I’ve never seen anywhere else, and I’ve read A LOT of books on investing.  For me, the interviews alone were worth the entire book.

In the following interview, we dig into everything: Tony’s morning routines, his diet, how we works with the world’s highest-performing athletes and traders, common misconceptions about him, the most typical money mistakes he’s uncovered, and on and on.  I even ask him to palm my entire face (Here’s the pic!).


You can find the transcript of Part 1 (Episode 37) here. You can find the transcript of Part 2 (Episode 38) here. Transcripts of all episodes can be found here.

Tons of links and goodies in show notes below…

If you can’t see the above embedded players, here are other ways to listen:

This podcast is brought to you by 99Designs, the world’s largest marketplace of graphic designers. Did you know I used 99Designs to rapid prototype the cover for The 4-Hour Body? Here are some of the impressive results.

Also, how would you like to join me and Sir Richard Branson on his private island for mentoring? It’s coming up soon, and it’s all-expenses-paid. Click here to learn more. It’s worth checking out.

QUESTION(S) OF THE DAY: What is the best piece of investment advice you ever received or read? Please let me know in the comments.

Scroll below for all show notes, and thank you for listening!…

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Selected Links from the Episode

Show Notes

Note: “Ep1” = Part 1 and “Ep2” = Part 2.

  • What it’s like to coach (and question) the worlds top 1%? [Ep1-10:07]
  • Tonys advice for ‘How to get out of a slump’ [Ep1-14:25]
  • Tony’s morning routine – including using cyrotherapy [Ep1-19:08]
  • Tony’s daily priming ritual [Ep1-26:16]
  • The biggest misconceptions people have about Tony [Ep1-32:20]
  • How 2 millimeters can change your life [Ep1-41:14]
  • What inspired Tony to write his first book in 20 years [Ep1-45:30]
  • How Tony’s new book is feeding 50 million people this year [Ep1-55:01]
  • The first questions Richard Branson always asks before going into a business [Ep1-59:14]
  • What a 50% investment loss actually means [Ep1-60:04]
  • Why a nickel costs 5 cents but is worth 6.8 cents. [Ep1-63:01]
  • What “average rates of return” actually do to your money [Ep2-3:40]
  • Nobel Prize winners’ advice on automating your investing [Ep2-5:16]
  • Why investing is just like monkeys playing with apples [Ep2-5:54]
  • One of the nine biggest lies in our investment lives [Ep2-6:23]
  • How mutual funds are driven not by rates of returns, but marketing [Ep2-9:10]
  • Why most mutual funds underperform the market [Ep2-9:54]
  • Ray Dalio’s “All Weather” Investing Principles [Ep2-12:51]
  • Why losers react and winners anticipate [Ep2-27:07]
  • What exactly is “diversification”? [Ep2-30:10]
  • Why investing should be maximising quality of life, not maximising returns [Ep2-34:08]
  • What you need to ensure against your lesser instinct [Ep2-39:23]
  • The story behind Tony wanting to punch Obama [Ep2-42:20]

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The Tim Ferriss Show is one of the most popular podcasts in the world with more than one billion downloads. It has been selected for "Best of Apple Podcasts" three times, it is often the #1 interview podcast across all of Apple Podcasts, and it's been ranked #1 out of 400,000+ podcasts on many occasions. To listen to any of the past episodes for free, check out this page.

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Comment Rules: Remember what Fonzie was like? Cool. That’s how we’re gonna be — cool. Critical is fine, but if you’re rude, we’ll delete your stuff. Please do not put your URL in the comment text and please use your PERSONAL name or initials and not your business name, as the latter comes off like spam. Have fun and thanks for adding to the conversation! (Thanks to Brian Oberkirch for the inspiration.)

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9 years ago

Tim, when would the person benefit the most from cryotherapy- when he already dialed in the diet, stopped drinking for some time, etc, so that way the immune system is already performing well…. OR do this first to shock the system and then dial in the other parts after this? Also, what is minimum effective dose in terms of times one should do it?

Pari patel
Pari patel
9 years ago

Thank you for Nice information in sharing…

Gen Y Finance Guy
Gen Y Finance Guy
9 years ago

I absolutely loved this episode with Tony Robbins. I also enjoyed the photo’s a saw circulating with Tony palming your face. I guess I never realized he was that big. I want to try one of those Cryotherapy machines you guys talked about.

9 years ago

Tim, it’s been a few months since this podcast and I too am making my way through Robbins’ book. It’s really quite good and makes sense to someone (me!) who really gets confused with financial matters. For those who say Robbins takes ages getting to the point, I counter that people like me need that!

However, I want to know if since reading the book you’ve changed your investment strategy to reflect Robbins’ advice? (Yes, you note you made a quick fix that saved you thousands, but did you do more?)

I you have followed it to the T, I’d like to know, or if you’ve tweaked the formula, I’d like to know too!

9 years ago

Ray Dalio put this out a few years back on how the economic machine works.

9 years ago

Just a correction on your blog… Warren Buffett’s last name has 2 t’s, not 1 🙂

About to listen to the podcast. Interested to see how it plays out.


9 years ago

What I appreciated about this was that it didn’t sound like every other Tony Robbins interview I’ve heard lately. Would be great for another episode with him in the future on other topics besides his new book. One of my favorite series of his was Power Talk where he interviews super successful people.

Steven Male
Steven Male
9 years ago

Still blows my mind how powerful one man can be perceived… Time to brush up on my rapport skills!

Luis Martínez
Luis Martínez
9 years ago

What’s the name of the surgeon mentioned around the 42:00 mark?

9 years ago
Reply to  Luis Martínez

Hello, I had the same question. Did you ever find out his name?

Kate Hough
Kate Hough
6 years ago
Reply to  Nataliya

Hello, I’m hunting around for the surgeon’s name as well, did anyone ever find out who he is?

5 years ago
Reply to  Luis Martínez

Curious about the name too. Anyone ever find out?

Marco M.
Marco M.
9 years ago

I bought and read Tony’s book after reading this podcast. It is enlightening, even if you’re outside of the US (some parts are extremely US centric, like the 401k retirement plans, etc.)

The best investment advice ever is that you can’t time the market as an individual investor. If you try, you’ll get crazy. At best, what you can do is buy more when the market is down and buy less or sell a little when the market is up. Other than that you should have a fixed schedule of investing, no matter what the market conditions are at a particular time.

9 years ago

Tim, did you further look into the cryotherapy or cryosauna? If so, what do you think and would you a recommend a time of day to do it?

9 years ago

Only buy into companies with products or services that you understand

Bobby Green
Bobby Green
9 years ago

After listening to this podcast, I am torn. On one hand, Tony is clearly an accomplished guy, proved by the company he keeps. I can’t get passed this feeling that Tony makes me a bit uncomfortable or skeptical…I’m not sure if I’m building it up in my head but he seems like too much of a salesman or something.

9 years ago

Fantastic Interview Tim. Tony speaks so fast I had to listen twice! Once before I bought his book, once after. His book is fantastic and profound and I’ve come away brimming with ideas BUT though the book is for sale here in the UK, it’s really difficult to implement his suggestions – Fiduciaries/401k’s/Roth IRA’s – we have none of this in the UK. Using his suggested asset allocations in a tax efficient way becomes a lot trickier as so much deciphering/translating has to occur). He also has fantastic online comparison tools and financial companies available for readers, none of which work in the UK either. Has anyone seen a forum for the book where there may be answers to points like these? Thanks…

9 years ago

It’s more of a question. Who is the plastic surgeon that tony robbins mentions in part two. There is no reference of him in the notes or in The people mentioned.

9 years ago

Hi Tim, thank you for your podcasts. I just a few reviews on amazon about Tony and his new book, not everyone is praising him like they do in comments below. All I am saying is that we need to question everything and take all with a grain of salt.

9 years ago

Thank you for the podcasts, they have been very inspiring. I only want to say that I was looking on amazon for Tony’s book and came across several reviews, (one really long one), that didn’t praise this latest book but mentioned it being 600+ pages of filler, with very little meat in there. With most things being a way to promote Tony’s companies and seminars. Listing to your other podcasts, (the one with the creator or wordpress) you mention that a coaches goal should never be someone that will work to keep the customer coming back, but instead giving them the tools to stand on their own. Yet, with all I heard about Tony, it doesn’t seem like the case at all. He also talks about saving money with not drinking that latte, his book has no bibliography, etc. And lots of name dropping, that I think we can all do with out. And seems like that according to Forbes, Tony is making most of his money from his seminars and not his investment strategies. At least initially. Anyhow, I feel a little disappointed in you. Quality above Quantity. Aloha.

9 years ago

In awe!

Thank you Tim!

Favorite website ever!

9 years ago

Great Interview Tim! Took some great notes and ordered Tony’s book today on Amazon. Keep up the great work!

9 years ago

Hi Tim great podcast both in questions and answers,

Doesn’t the breath walking technique and other mind altering rituals, apart from simple gratitude meditation, seem to reflect the eastern yoga practices (specifically Kundalini awakening)? These types of breathing techniques in yoga often invoke and draw in spirit entities into your life. Does Tony actually do or has he derived his breathing exercises from these esoteric yogic practices?

9 years ago

Very inspiring episode. After finishing your podcast, I immediately picked up Tony’s book. Personally I am very interested in morning routines and the benefits it has during the rest of the day.

Keep up all the good work Tim, been a huge fan ever since I got my hands on a copy of Four Hour Work Week.


9 years ago

Great podcast and interview with Tony Robbins. Tony Robbins is such an inspiration and after hearing your interview I immediately picked up his book. There is a lot of good stuff in your podcast and I especially like how he organises his morning rituals.

The cold therapy is actually a perfect way to reset your body and create more brown cells that will strengthen your overall body and health. A great advocate on this topic is Wim Hof, also known as the ice man. Look it up you won’t be disappointed!

Keep em coming Tim, great work as always!

Jim Evans
Jim Evans
9 years ago

I have to saw I really appreciate how the audio comes through on the Headphones it is like I am in between both of you while you are having this conversation. Really cool to just close you eyes and enjoy. 3D Audio love it.

9 years ago

I meant Tony, where do I send Tony the receipt for the book to receive the extra content?

Rayner Teo
Rayner Teo
9 years ago

Hey Tim!

Great episode and thank you for sharing.

The best investment advice i received would be to always know when to get out when you are wrong!

By holding and praying is a recipe for disaster.


Joe Ruzich
Joe Ruzich
9 years ago

great interview! just ordered the book. Do not see the breathing ritual in notes though and would really like to mimic that since I can not sit still either. Also no luck looking for that on Tony’s site. Thanks!

Andrew Hazelton
Andrew Hazelton
9 years ago


I wanted to reach out to you and thank you for all the amazing things you do and share with your audience. You’re work has CHANGED my life in so many GREAT ways. I toured Europe while consulting in 2004 thanks to your first book.

After many years re-introduced to your work through this episode of your pod cast. I’ve now been listened to a rediculous number of your podcasts and with your help it’s changed my life.

I’ve now found myself focused on studying success and it’s changed/ing my life! I went from watching to doing – I’ve joined a startup in the SEO field and absolutely everything is falling together for me.

So thank you for everything you do and keep up the amazing work! I’ll be in touch again one day… I want to change the world on a mass scale using the internet… and we’re building a team over here to take on that challenge.

All my best to a true gentleman & scholar.

Andrew Hazelton

9 years ago

Tim if you can get John Grinder (father of NLP and mentor of Tony Robins) on your podcast that would be the ultimate interview of mind decoding and meta pattern on modeling the excellence. Please do. Since you are one of the few can convice him

9 years ago

I study economics and it seems we only focus on small things. What are the first steps I can take to try to understand the whole picture? What would a 19 year old Ray Dalio do or read?

9 years ago

Great podcast Tim!

9 years ago

Finally got over my resistance and am glad to say i appreciate tony more now. I think the concepts in his former books lock into certain culture/psyches much better than others. North American psyches love the whole ‘ you can do it ‘ thing, others less so. I have personally known sensitive, vulnerable creative people to build up a really arrogant persona cos they read tonys books and thought they had to exude courage, charisma, leadership, wealth etc in every word and action – or to get people to like them. And i was really pleased to hear Tony being so generous and down to earth, even the swearing was refreshingly real, he seems really sincere. I am grateful for sering through my misconceptions 😉 few comments-I don’t know what happened with Nixon but money actually went off the gold standard in 1932/1933, thats when it became fiat (debt currency) and the gangsters (bankers) privatised the federal reserve. The motivation vs strategy comments were GOLD Tim and Tony thankyou very much. Nicholas Talebs Anti Fragile is essential reading for anyone wanting to get into the market, ( sort of expected him to be mentioned ) i know hes a hero and friend of yours Tim. It’s a work of STAGGERING intelligence. I couldn’t believe someone could have such insights. I was pleased to hear Tony keep saying how generous the master players were. I have the following beliefs – the market runs on fear and greed ; wealth comes via major exploitation of the underdog ; beyond a certain point people are simply addicted to money, it doesnt bring them any more happiness but in fact often more misery. I do myself live a mega frugal simple asthetic life . Are these misconceptions? I am willing to be proven wrong, can’t wait to read Tonys book 🙂 by the way Tim did you hint there were more episodes with Tony-sounded that way- would love to hear him discuss his coaching psychology more next time- also more about his doubts, vulnerabilites, fears etc – very helpful. He took on the president! What a guy, loved that 🙂

9 years ago

PS is it possible keep competitions seperate from the comments? The Arnie one had over 500 comments, but almost all were people talking about how well they marketed the podcast etc, i had to wade through all that. Quality interviews, quality shownotes, quality comments section – but then the all the self promotion for competition really lowers the bar quite a bit. But thankyou 🙂 very generous Tim

tobias nowamani
tobias nowamani
8 years ago

i extend my sincere gratitude to Tony of what the role he played. he is one of my first role model in the world.

Mark Brandis
Mark Brandis
8 years ago

Hey Tim, I really loved this interview, I am a big fan of both you and Tony. I had a hard time with the audio quality on this one, so I have cleaned it up for you and fixed the panning issue. If you would like me to send you the file, just let me know. You’re a real inspiration mate.

8 years ago

Jim: Tim, I enjoyed your episode featuring Tony Robbins so very much. Also, the episode with Tony and Peter Diamandis. Your podcasts help make my commute (3-5 hours / day) a bit more tolerable. The above mentioned episodes were incredibly inspiring, motivating, and thought provoking. I have a colleague who also has a long commute, so I think with me sharing what gets me so amped up / excited about possibilities from your podcasts, he will also become a Tim Ferriss podcast fan. Thank you very much for the incredible folks you are finding to interview.

8 years ago

Tim, I wonder if you’re still endorsing “Money: Master the Game” even after it finally came out? The book was a complete joke on Tony’s part (90% fluff, hype, marketing and promoting his partner organisations) and I was highly disappointed for two reasons: (1) It’s Tony, (2) You’ve created such a hype about it in your newsletter and podcast that I HAD to read it as soon as it came out. What a let-down! The price of the book is not a big loss to bear, but the loss of trust in people who so far have delivered value – irreplaceable. I guess in the digital marketing era where everyone’s just promoting products they get a cut from you can’t really trust anyone… Don’t mean to rant, just genuinely disheartened by the book’s empty content and your review of it 🙁

8 years ago

Tony is the best snake oil salesman I’ve ever seen and if you don’t buy any of his books and DVDs you’ll be even Richer. Go figure

8 years ago

Thanks, Tim

Great interview – will definitely pick up a copy of the book. Also piqued my interest in chryotherapy – planning to give that a try soon.

Brooks Elms
Brooks Elms
8 years ago
Reply to  jay

Hey Tim — any plans to compare and contrast Ray Dalio’s “All Seasons” strategy with the approach by Wealthfront? Very curious about your thoughts on that.

Daniel White
Daniel White
8 years ago

I enjoyed this podcast. I had never heard Tony Robbins speak before, and he certainly is powerful. And Tim you most often impress me in what you do/who you are. I did have one concern listening to the long rap on the whole financial thing. Bear in mind that I haven’t read Robbins’ book and so am just going off what I’ve heard.

From the sounds of it, both Robbins and yourself Tim are quite aware that certain people have a lot of clout in the financial markets, and that those people can and regularly do rig the system to their gain through methods X, Y, or Z. In the case of this podcast, deception comes to mind as one method, which I think was framed as “marketing” (something along the lines of, “the $11 trillion secret: It’s called marketing”). And so yes it is the ethical scope of the whole thing that rankles me.

But further, what I gather is that Robbins’ book was written for the common person, the lower, average, middle income, know-little-about-the-market, guy, and was written with good intent–to help that guy (or gal) find a bit of the pie. I just think it is an interesting approach to take, writing a book about how to succeed or participate in the giant casino stock market when another financial crisis is not just likely, but almost certain to come in the range of visible future. I recall you discussing with someone on some show, I think it was with Joe Rogan, about your lack of trust in the integrity of the whole financial/economic scheme in place. You were talking about collapse crisis scenarios and said you had a a bunch of gasoline in your home to use for a back-up generator, and mentioned something about a shot-gun, if I remember.

I experience some cognitive friction in entertaining these different schemes. 1) Going to the masters of the shell game, the great white sharks, and asking them for advice for the little guy: An approach that does not address the ethicality of the entire system in place which allows a few, through whatever degree of cunning and hard work (it does not matter) gain so much at the expensive of so many, but rather aims to help the disadvantaged play the corrupt game, is not an ideal solution to the very serious problems of our time. 2) Entertaining this whole conversation without at least mention of the very serious problems of our time, and how lacking in stability and integrity is this financial circus, seems to be an important oversight.

James DarkPool
James DarkPool
8 years ago

Tim, did you get to experience Tony’s CHILL machine????

If so, are you going to write about it?

Loving the adventures and learning.

Christine Marsh
Christine Marsh
8 years ago

Tony Robbins is amazing, helpful, and super to many.

Except, for some reason,

when I listen to him, I am thrown

into a pit of despair for a few days.

It would be lovely if this did not happen.

When listening to you, Tim,

I feel like I can do anything

and then proceed to easily

make changes and accomplishments.

Currently at the 83rd day streak learning

Spanish in Duolingo,

thanks to your recommendation,

along with other marvels.

The attempt was made to listen to this,

because you are there too,

but, the despair pit still got me for a few days.

Luckily you have other podcasts

to throw me a log.

Have you ever heard of such a thing?

Have you experienced that with certain people?

Thank You Terrific Tim.

Nate Raynor
Nate Raynor
8 years ago

Did anyone ever look into getting the additional content Tony Robbins mentioned after purchasing his book through Amazon?

8 years ago

amazing podcast. i still listen to it once a month or so. thanks so much tim

8 years ago

I’ve always thought of Tony Robbins are someone who teaches people how to go from the proverbial ‘mailroom’ to reaching their highest potential. I should read this book but there is one thing holding me back; the desire to learn from someone else, how to dig deep inside of myself and tap into what I need to in order to change. His methods apply to all. Is it really that simple? We are all unique and have different triggers, different desires. I could listen to him for a few hours and not be bored. I might even go as far as to say I’m inspired, but ultimately, I need to be the one to make it happen. Much of what he talks about is positive energy, and key to creating the mindset that drives success, but what’s in the ignition is what I want to know. Where does it all start?

8 years ago

When are you going to have Richard Bandler (the one Tony Robbins ripped off all his material from) on your podcast?

8 years ago

Your ads before the podcast is beyond annoying Sonia the music. Wish you didn’t have that almost didn’t listen to this awesome recording.

Ben Austin
Ben Austin
8 years ago

I loved this episode! One of my favorites.

8 years ago

Awesome stuff! Love Tony and love Tim!! to have the two of them together was just great listening will be keeping this one to listen to more often! I do have one question though are there any cryotherapy places in Newcastle Australia? I have had a brief look and could only find one which was similar to ice bath treatments.

Many thanks keep up the Great stuff Tim!


Jason Palmer
Jason Palmer
8 years ago

Salad ans fish for breakfast is awesome

8 years ago

if Anthony is blaming Obama for the failure of the Simpson Bowles plan that only shows he doesn’t really know the background about how it fell apart. The Republicans had initially supported the idea of a bipartisan deficit commission, where their plan would get an up or down vote within congress… until Obama agreed and publicly supported the idea. As soon as he did that the Republicans dropped all support for it, refusing to vote for the bill that would guarantee it would get an up or down vote. Regardless, Obama moved forward with the simpson-bowles plan, giving them his backing. They proposed closing the deficit gap with 70% from spending and 30% from tax increases. Meanwhile the republican candidates of 2012 refused to accept a ratio of 10 dollars in spending reduction for every 1 dollar in taxes. It’s pretty clear which party wasn’t willing to compromise, and I’m glad Obama didn’t completely fold to their obstruction.

Jonathan Christopher Wise
Jonathan Christopher Wise
8 years ago

thank you so much for all you do, Tim

Glenn David Barres
Glenn David Barres
8 years ago

Great podcast; one correction though. Bruce Lee got the one inch punch from his Wing Chun training, not from that Aikido instructor that Robbins mentions. Wing Chun was Bruce Lee’s primary art until we began to develop Jeet Kune Do.

will rey
will rey
8 years ago

Wow!! My body actually felt a natural high listening to you guys!

8 years ago

hey, where is the info on the breathing patterns? Would like to start the 10 minute ritual thing

Olaf Kroneman
Olaf Kroneman
8 years ago

I noticed the comment about it is impossible to beat the market.. I have to respectfully disagree. There are many good funds that beat the “market” significantly overtime.. Said funds tend to limit huge drawdowns in down years and only have to participate modestly in up markets to match or outperform. Investors spend too much time worrying about not missing the 10 best days and completely ignore the 10 worst days, which actually have more of an impact on wealth than the best days They especially ignore what happens when you avoid the 10 best and worst days…

Digital Nomad Spirit
Digital Nomad Spirit
8 years ago

Wow… my two hero’s in the same room

Sensory overload

8 years ago

I love what Tony Robbins is doing and has done. I consider him absolutely more than a motivational coach. I have read his books and they have changed my life! I am writing a book which I was afraid to do before. I am greatful to Tony and consider him a mentor in my life. Thank you Tim for this podcast. You are inspiring! Keep up the good work!

8 years ago

🙂 excited to hear you re-uploaded this episodes with my audio fix, hope you’re reigning supreme sir!

8 years ago

The 70 30 rule is probably the best advise I have gotten on investing, especially if starting as a young investor. Use 10% to pay off debts, use 10% to give as a tithe and the last 10% invest for your retirement. Only buy low cost index funds wit 25% in large growth, 25 % large value, 25% small cap and 25% in international fund. But build a emergency fund of at least 6 months before you begin anything and with these times we live in I believe 9 months is even better.

Howard Stein
Howard Stein
8 years ago

Tim — it’s very interesting to see your energy and interest float at different levels in your interviews, but you rode a different wave with Tony Robbins. I was skeptical, having read his books so many years ago — but I was blown away. You were cruising in your element discussing a subject you were so excited about. I’m a graphic designer, with horrible money management history, and am buying this book today. I’m always updating, upgrading in a variety of other areas and I know zero about investing but I am SO charged up to begin. Thanks Tim — great job!!

8 years ago

Tim Ferriss champions Wealthfront and Tony Robbins espouses that people should mimic Ray Dalio’s All Weather Portfolio in his book “Mastering the Game.” Tim and Tony seem to collaborate. Wouldn’t it be great if Tim, Tony and Ray got together and created a Ray Dalio All Weather Portfolio option within the Wealthfront platform! How can we as fans of Tim, Tony and Ray encourage these impressive individuals to collaborate on an automated investment solution that combines Tony’s advice and Ray’s portfolio acumen with Tim’s product?!?!

8 years ago

Hi there, des anyone know who the surgeon Tony Robbind mentions as one of his clients is?

He mentions the 2mm rules applied to beauty around the 35th minute of the podcast and I found the surgeon’s theories fascinating.

Any ideas what his name is?

7 years ago

My wife has some serious carsickness. Get’s it instantly and pretty serious. Does anyone have information where/with whom Tony cured the flying sickness of his wife?

Nick Skriloff
Nick Skriloff
7 years ago


Is there any chance you could share a link to the 50 page ever note you made from the Tony Robbins audios?

John Pothala
John Pothala
7 years ago

Tim, Please please PLEASE give us the case study of BrainQuicken. ive been searching for months for some thing or anything related to YOUR own MUSE but no luck. It would make my entire Year if you gave me at least 2 pieces of info :

1.When and how you went into retail with Brainquicken and

2. what were your top 2 most profitable marketing methods for BrainQuicken?.

if you dont read this or have 0 time no worries you r still my hero bro! …show goes on and its a pleasure watching yours 🙂

thanks in advance for your help and all the help so far.

Maya Jain
Maya Jain
7 years ago

Hi Tim, you mention some documentaries, books and that are not mentioned in the show notes. Like the one available on VHS toward the end of the episode 37

7 years ago

Why did the end of the interview end abruptly? No goodbyes, thanks etc?

7 years ago

Not sure if this is it – but Tony mentioned Indian meditation music mix

Craig Melby
Craig Melby
7 years ago

Love the subject matter in your podcasts – makes it easy to get smarter and keep up on things! No wonder you’re #1!

7 years ago

Thank you!!! the best of both of you.. I would like to have the transcription. you know i spanish!!

7 years ago

Trying to track down a list of all the money books recommended by Tim and his guests since this site’s/project’s inception. If this has already been done please let me know (if not, feature request); I’ve looked high and low. Plus it would be difficult to listen to every episode all over again (and remember to take notes).

7 years ago

“Buy and sell near support or resistance levels.

This answer from a friend, I will call him MKU.

I posted this to see what others think.

Piseth Kham
Piseth Kham
7 years ago

Great interview. I learn something new to improve my daily rituals. Thank you very much for bring this cutting edge to everyone.

7 years ago

Perfect. I Like this episode and come for it again and again for notes and motivation. Thanks Tim.

7 years ago

Hi Tim,

Love your work. I listened to this podcast a few times- Tony Robbins mentions that he listens to certain Indian music when he’s doing his morning priming.

You said you would put it in the podcast notes but I don’t see the source anywhere. Please could you clarify if you found out and which music it is he uses?

Thank you!

7 years ago

I would love to know the name of that plastic surgeon, or to read the book that he was releasing. To me, that’s very fascinating. Does anyone know if that book exists?

Justin Gedak
Justin Gedak
7 years ago

Absolutely love your podcast, and this is still probably my favorite interview you’ve done. I’m constantly recommending it to people. Very very awesome!

Ashley Offensend
Ashley Offensend
6 years ago

Such great content. Thank you Tim for helping me live a fuller life.

6 years ago

Hello Tony and Tim,

I am 83 years olds and like to basque in the warm sunshine. I have balance problem and a bad knee and I procrastinate. I first listen to Tony Robbins when his goal was to get a stretch limo and than preceded to get my BA which took 11 years.

I want to get out of this canyon of “shouldofs” and into mountain of success.

Please give some way to turn this barge around.

6 years ago

What are your thoughts about what Tony has accused women of doing in the #MeToo era Tim? Did he go too far on this issue or are people too sensitive on every topic?

6 years ago

I’ve just listened to the two episodes and there was mention of a program/documentary called Inside Out.

I’m trying to find it, but all sorts of stuff is coming up when you search it on the net.

Does anyone know specifically what Tim and Tony were referring to? A link would be helpful too!!


5 years ago

Not the right use of “rapid prototype,” by the way!

Lawrence Jean-Louis
Lawrence Jean-Louis
3 years ago

First time hearing Tony Robbins speak so openly and widely. Viewed a webinar with him and Peter Diamandis once but it was different. It’s amazing what he said about it costing the US government $0.10 to make a nickle. That’s mindblowing. When I was studying for my series 65 (need to retake or apply for exemption when once I go through with CFP), one of the instructors (recorded and online) removed 4 quarters from his pocket that he had since childhood. Physically, they’re worth $1, but melted down as far as material makeup… they were worth probably more than $3. Maybe the future is cryptocurrency(?). Makes you think.

Cody Betchtelar
Cody Betchtelar
1 year ago

Excellent post! Thank you for giving us an idea about this. Looking forward to the next one