Tony Robbins and Peter Diamandis (XPRIZE) on the Magic of Thinking BIG (#35)


If you want to 10x or 100x your results and impact, this interview with Tony Robbins and Peter Diamandis is a must listen.

Where else can you find two people who regularly advise everyone from Serena Williams to Bill Clinton, from NASA to the world’s fastest growing companies? Here’s their next project, if you want a sneak peek.

You can find the transcript of this episode here. Transcripts of all episodes can be found here.

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Ep 35: Tony Robbins and Peter Diamandis (XPRIZE) on the Magic of Thinking BIG

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This podcast is brought to you by 99Designs, the world’s largest marketplace of graphic designers. Did you know I used 99Designs to rapid prototype the cover for The 4-Hour Body? Here are some of the impressive results.

Also, how would you like to join me and billionaire Richard Branson on his private island for mentoring? It’s coming up soon, and it’s all-expenses-paid. Click here to learn more. It’s worth checking out.

Now, on to this episode’s guests…  Note that show links are included below their bios.


Tony Robbins has consulted or advised international leaders including Nelson Mandela, Mikhail Gorbachev, Margaret Thatcher, Francois Mitterrand, Princess Diana, and Mother Teresa. He has consulted members of two royal families, members of the U.S. Congress, the U.S. Army, the U.S. Marines and three U.S. Presidents, including Bill Clinton. Other celebrity clients include Serena Williams, Andre Agassi, golf legend Greg Norman, and Leonardo DiCaprio. Robbins also has developed and produced five award-winning television infomercials that have continuously aired on average every 30 minutes, 24 hours a day somewhere in North America since their initial introduction in April 1989.


Dr. Peter Diamandis has been named one of “The World’s 50 Greatest Leaders” by Fortune Magazine.

In the field of Innovation, Diamandis is Chairman and CEO of the X PRIZE Foundation, best known for its $10 million Ansari X PRIZE for private spaceflight. Today the X PRIZE leads the world in designing and operating large-scale global competitions to solve market failures. Diamandis is also the Co-Founder and Vice-Chairman of Human Longevity Inc. (HLI), a genomics and cell therapy-based diagnostic and therapeutic company focused on extending the healthy human lifespan. He is also the Co-Founder and Executive Chairman of Singularity University, a graduate-level Silicon Valley institution that studies exponentially growing technologies, their ability to transform industries and solve humanity’s grand challenges. In the field of commercial space, Diamandis is Co-Founder/Co-Chairman of Planetary Resources, a company designing spacecraft to enable the detection and mining of asteroid for precious materials.

Scroll below for all show notes.  Tons of amazing links and goodies…


Who should I interview next?  Please let me know on Twitter or in the comments.

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Selected Links, Including Projects, Books, Etc.


Global Learning XPRIZE

Indiegogo XPRIZE

Feeding America




Jim Rohn

John Grinder

Clinton Global Initiative

Elon Musk TED Talk

Date with Destiny


The Spirit of St. Louis by Charles Lindbergh

Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand

Man Who Sold the Moon by Robert A. Heinlein

The Singularity is Near by Ray Kurzweil

As a Man Thinketh by James Alan

Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl

The Fourth Turning by William Strauss

Generations by William Strauss

Slow Sex by Nicole Daedone

Mindset by Carol Dweck

Brain Rules by John J. Medina


QUESTION OF THE DAY:  What books or resources have most inspired you to think BIGGER, to 10x your results or impact?

The Tim Ferriss Show is one of the most popular podcasts in the world with more than one billion downloads. It has been selected for "Best of Apple Podcasts" three times, it is often the #1 interview podcast across all of Apple Podcasts, and it's been ranked #1 out of 400,000+ podcasts on many occasions. To listen to any of the past episodes for free, check out this page.

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9 years ago

Question of the Day Answer: Linchpin, by Seth Godin – WOW! Also loved Unbeatable Mind by Mark Divine.

Quick question for you – any chance you’ll be posting show notes to the Ramit Sethi interview (easily my fave so far)

Appreciate all you do 🙂

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
9 years ago
Reply to  David

Yep, show notes from Ramit coming soon!

Matt Miller
Matt Miller
9 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

Yes, I agree with David your interview with Ramit was REALLY REALLY GOOD. There is a lot to be said about having a great rapport with someone you interview. This will be a podcast that I will share and re-listen to repeatedly.

9 years ago

great show

Rob L.
Rob L.
9 years ago
Reply to  makais

Tim, Tony, Peter and everyone else reading this,

I have been raving about the Fourth Turning for years now and have never seen it mentioned by anyone else until today. Nice going Tony (I was so excited that I literally fist pumped the air Tiger Woods style when you said it)!

The book was published in the 90s and the authors accurately predicted “something” big related to the economy happening at the turn of the century (.com bubble) and again roughly 5-10 years after that (housing crisis).

According to them we won’t enter the next cycle until around 2028 (assuming the crash of 2008 was the start of the fourth turning). From that point and for 20 years after that though we should be in “golden age” of growth according to the cycles of history. But until then we are in a period of extreme volatility and turbulence…what Tony calls a “winter”.

When I finished the book I felt like I had just looked into a magic crystal ball showing me possible directions of where we’re heading and the reasons for what has happened in the past.

This is a more recent talk (2012) by the author William Strauss, senior economist and economic advisor for the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago discussing the state of the economy at a trucking conference.

Cannot recommend the book enough for this audience.


P.S. Funny story- I found this book by accident while searching for Neil Strauss on audible after hearing about him on this blog many years ago.

Thanks for cultivating the ultimate rabbit hole Tim. You have changed my life more than anyone I have never met! 🙂

Mark L
Mark L
9 years ago
Reply to  Rob L.

Hi Rob, The author actually passed away in 2007 so would have had difficulty in doing that 2012 talk you link to 😉

Joanna Penn
Joanna Penn
9 years ago

Thank you, thank you Tim! Tony Robbins’ books changed my life back when I was a corporate slave – along with your 4HWW. You have the best guests on your show 🙂

Please keep doing the podcast – and maybe, just maybe, you can do a show with Branson from Necker when you go?

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
9 years ago
Reply to  Joanna Penn

I’ll do my best with Sir Richard 🙂

Clint Fix
Clint Fix
9 years ago

The Magic of Thinking Big by David Schwartz is a book that inspired me to think BIGGER, and to 10x my results and impact.

Chris Brady would be a great person to interview. He shares your love of traveling (and even wrote a book called A Month of Italy). He’ sold over 1 million books. He’s the CEO of LIFE Leadership and speaks all over the globe (most recently to the Italian Senate). is the link to his twitter profile.

Andy Schlotterbeck
Andy Schlotterbeck
9 years ago

Best books I’ve ever read besides yours for getting 10x your results are: 1)Charles Givens, Wealth without Risk, Financial Self-Defense, and Super-Self. All are still great books even though they were written years ago. 2) Marshall Sylver, Passion Profit Power. The best $12.00 book I’ve ever spent.

9 years ago

Great stuff as usual! (Surprised you haven’t dropped the extra “r” and “s” in your name though)

Brice Morrison
Brice Morrison
9 years ago

I’d love to hear you interview Elon Musk! At a Donors Choose dinner you and I were at last year, you said that you admired the audacity and boldness of his dreams, how colonizing Mars is so much bigger even than starting a billion dollar company.

Loving the podcast! Keep it up!

Brice Morrison
Brice Morrison
9 years ago
Reply to  Brice Morrison

Question of the day answer: “Success is not an Accident” by Tommy Newberry is something I go back to often to be inspired.

Nicki S
Nicki S
9 years ago

Wow, I never thought you had any ‘Tony Time’ in your past Tim. Is it me or have you kept that on the QT in your past?? If these 2 make you feel like a lazy bastard…there’s no hope for the rest of us lowly mortals 😉 I love the stuff you put out there…..much gratitude xxx

Scott Brickler
Scott Brickler
9 years ago


I actually learned about you via a Tony Robbins event that I attended in 2011. Many of the other attendees were big fans of your work. Both of you have changed my life with your work. It is great to see you both coming together for this interview.



9 years ago

Hey Tim, Loving the podcast series. And what I’m really loving is that you ask the questions that can help connect us mere mortals with doing and achieving things which currently seem completely out of reach

Scott Bowers
Scott Bowers
9 years ago

Hi Tim…

Good show! Great to hear from Tony. I did the entire Mastery University with him back in 2001. I actually started with Tony by ordering the Personal Power program back in 1996 when I was changing from a law career to a business one. I was at the Life Mastery seminar in Hawaii on Sept 11, 2001…one of Tony’s most historic events and one I will never ever forget. Tony’s motivational teaching was a prime instigator in my starting a mergers and acquisitions advisory back in 1998 that ultimately led me to Costa Rica (on a deal that involved the sale of a university there). I have now lived there as a permanent resident for the past 13 years. Needless to say, Tony Robbins has been impact-full to my life in ways that I could go on about at length…

It was great to hear his voice again!

Live with Passion!!

Pura Vida!

9 years ago

The quality of these podcasts from the get-go have been fantastic.Who would I love to hear in the future?

Richard Koch

Seth Godin

Alain De Botton

Al Ries

Jason Fried

Leo Baubauta

Tynan (Leo’s Buddy – Very interesting chap)

Thanks again


Daniel Launer
Daniel Launer
9 years ago

Tim, wish this contest would have been open to people outside of the US, alowing them to participate too. Can you please tell what’s the chance next year’s will be?

Anyhow, that’s also a good opportunity to thank you from the bottom of my heart. Hope you understand how priceless and life-changing your work is, thanks again!

Daniel Launer
Daniel Launer
9 years ago
Reply to  Daniel Launer

*Shopify contest

9 years ago

Thanks Tim this was awesome! Jairek Robbins has inspired me to think BIGGER and get 10x results in my life. Would love to hear a podcast with Kobe Bryant.

Matt Miller
Matt Miller
9 years ago

Tim, I can’t believe it. You got Tony! There are two very specific people that have completely blown me away and radically changed my thinking/world for the better, Napolean Hill and Tony Robbins. Tony set me on a life changing path here in Japan and I am forever grateful to him. Thanks for this one.

Owen Malcolm
Owen Malcolm
9 years ago

Tim, I’d love to hear an interview with Michael Pollan, author and heathy food and farming activist.

Christopher Wachter
Christopher Wachter
9 years ago

Hi Tim,

this is obviously off-topic but have you considered ultraviolet blood irradiation (with ozone) or cannabis oil for dealing with Lyme disease?

I’ll admit that I haven’t done much research on either treatment, and there’s probably not a whole lot of sound science to back these suggestions up, but I’d rather embarrass myself a little if there’s a slight chance that this might help you.

David Walters
David Walters
9 years ago

Love Tony .. passion rules the day! Great show Tim .. as always.. 😉

Tom Zgainer
Tom Zgainer
9 years ago

What a fantastic time spent with great ideas shared by two of our best visionaries. They show quite clearly there is no reason to not think big and go big.

9 years ago

General Stanley McChrystal or Admiral William McRaven could be great interviewees.

9 years ago

Sweet episode! Can’t wait to hear about the development of this project.

Cadeaux Tendance
Cadeaux Tendance
9 years ago

Wow, Great post … It IS an amazing time to live ! I’ll be following that project. Thanks for sharing and for all the motivation you bring 🙂

9 years ago

Great podcast Tim! Enjoyed your talk with Ramit! Look forward for the show notes!

I’m curios, if you would go up on Richard Branson ‘s Virgin Galactica space flight? If you have a spare $1.2 million, you and 5 Readers can go up in space.

9 years ago

THIS IS A GREAT EPISODE!! Hope you could get Elon Musk next 😀

9 years ago

These amazing podcasts integrated into your posts have taken your blog to a whole new level! Congrats Tim! If I had an extra $2500 I would have snatched up that dinner bonus too! I can’t believe it’s not gone yet..

Renan Piccolo Colombini
Renan Piccolo Colombini
9 years ago

… I’m in awe that you managed to get Tony Robbins… would you share with us… how you did so?

9 years ago

It’s easy…

Step 1. Be Tim Ferriss

Step 2. Interview Tony Robbins


9 years ago

Psycocybernetics by Dr.Maxwell Maltz, opened my eyes to a new reality and changed my life.

9 years ago

Great podcast episode!

La Fiura
La Fiura
9 years ago

Okokok, check check! 1, 2… Here comes my hoverboard!

Jonny Miller
Jonny Miller
9 years ago

‘Intellectual gasoline’ sums up the interview nicely! The X-prize Indiegogo campaign is brilliantly executed (I’d love to see a similar post-mortem on Hacking Indiegogo for non-profit crowdfunding campaigns someday) and I plan to do everything I can to help spread the word. My only thought is that although $15m is amazing, surely this number could be BIGGER (for context the app Yo is valued at about $10m)

TIM, a fun challenge for you: when you are spending time kiteboarding with Sir Richard on Necker – perhaps you could pitch him and not-so-subtly hint that he considers contributing some of his modest $4.6Bn net worth towards growing and amplifying this incredible archimedes lever, which in turn would convince some of the bright Silicon Valley minds to focus on building software that actually makes a difference 😉

Jonny Miller
Jonny Miller
9 years ago
Reply to  Jonny Miller

I actually attempted to reach out to Richard myself through this post titled “A New Ideas Machine: creating a $1Bn global crowdfunded innovation prize ( – that was inspired by the Patagonia model of 1% for the planet. Although the post was written last year, looking back I don’t think that it would have been feasible until now…

Jonny Miller
Jonny Miller
9 years ago
Reply to  Jonny Miller

You have an incredible talent for ‘deconstructing projects of large scale’ and I think a $1Bn crowdsourced prize would qualify as a such a project (maybe even the one thing that you’re remembered for 200 years from now!)

9 years ago

Absolutely interview Eckhart Tolle please, he is the Tim Ferries of spirituality. I’m hoping – somewhat dubiously – for a 4 Hour Enlightenment.

Also, Louise L. Hay as she has transformed my life more than any other author.

Bassam Lamale
Bassam Lamale
9 years ago
Reply to  Toph

I agree. Tim, I would love your thoughts on The Power of Now or A New Earth.

9 years ago

Love the podcasts, and today’s podcast definitely lit fires, but I would like to see/hear: 1) interviews with successful women, 2) an interview with someone who is midway on their path to success (ie, not a ‘zillionaire’- the latter are inspiring but the chasm between relative newbies and these folks is so very broad, and 3) business coaches who offer quality coaching vs mass coaching programs to allow newbies to achieve a level that bridges the aforementioned chasm. My wish list for podcasts 🙂

9 years ago

Frank Kern would be a great person to interview. All best

9 years ago

Tim, can I give a little feedback?

Your resources are always really GREAT… but quite often I can’t read them all, there are TOO MANY INFOS packed into a single post, so I would need more than a day to read them all…

What about concentrating on a single tip or just 2-3 resources, something like an USP..? Maybe it would be more readable.

Of course, it’s just a tip.. 😉 it’s just a pity for me to skip over so much great stuff! 😉

Many thanks, pls keep up this great work!

9 years ago

Tim you asked who next to interview. The most interesting topic in my opinion is the recent scientific exploration of what happens to us when we die and the scientific debate currently happening in that space , ‘the Lazarus effect’ Dr Sam Parnia is the man to talk to. See the recent guardian coverage here.

As medicine improves we soon will be able to bring most people who die in hospital of cardiac arrest back from the dead.

9 years ago


Wow, I needed this podcast. i typically respond poorly to the typical motivational you-can-change-the-world stuff, but this somehow hit home. I’ve been in a funk for the last months, happy as an individual, but got this feeling of pointlessness of it all, and this shook me up.

Immediately after listening I went to the indiegogo page and pledged 25$ (motivational note for first-worlders: I live in Croatia and make about 9000$ a year as an associate lawyer, so if I can spare a few bucks…). I am surprised how good it made me feel, and I hope the campaign is a massive success.

Secondly, for future guests, my suggestions:

1. Nassim N. Taleb – no explanation needed, I think 🙂

2. Cal Newport – really cool guy, runs a popular blog on learning and impactful work, his book “So Good They Cant Ignore You” is right up your alley

3. Venkatesh Rao – author of Ribbon Farm blog, very interesting thinker

Thanks for the great episode! 🙂

9 years ago

Some one can summary ? I’m not expert english , so listen it to hard

Lou Vascek
Lou Vascek
9 years ago

WOW. Simply fantastic ! Not one, but two of the biggest, most influential minds and doers on the planet.

Tim, you do a huge service by offering these interviews. I have forwarded this to many people and urged them to listen.

I cannot say enough about how interesting and huge this is.

Please keep up the great work !

Brian Drury
Brian Drury
9 years ago

Hey Tim,

Great show and I love the podcasts, please keep doing them!

My recommendations for interviewees if you want to stay on the same path of positive thinking, thinking big, the power of visualization, and how we can overcome any obstacle if we put all our mind and energy towards it, I would recommend the following:

– Sean Stephenson

– Lisa Nichols

– Vishen Lakhiani

Sean overcame Osteogenesis Imperctus to become a world renowned speaker and author, Lisa Nichols is the first African American woman to ever to be the CEO of a company that has gone public (which she started herself), and Vishen started an internet marketing and publishing company called MindValley which sits in Kuala Lumpur and is redefining what “work” can be.

Hope those recommendations help, keep it up because you motivate me and so many others like me.

Best wishes,

Brian Drury

Josh Hamit
Josh Hamit
9 years ago

QUESTION OF THE DAY: Start With Why – Simon Sinek, Think & Grow Rich – Napoleon Hill, The 4 Hour Work Week – not sure who wrote that one….

Bion Alex Howard
Bion Alex Howard
9 years ago

Hi Tim, thanks for hosting the shindig in chucktown last night. I had to dip out early while you were swamped with people so hopefully I’ll get to meet you another time. Can you do a podcast + manifesto blog post on what you’ve learned on the microbiome? I was thinking it would be fun to build an “engineered probiotic” startup. What are the healthiest strains of gut bacteria that might be used as the chassis for a microbial drug?

Bion Alex Howard

Chris Storz
Chris Storz
9 years ago

Great stuff as always.

[Moderator: link removed]

9 years ago

Tim, I have read your books and been folllowing you for sometime but I have to tell you – I LOVE your podcasts. They are such a highlight for me. I would have loved two separate podcasts with each of these gents. Any reason why you combined them?

Steve Trister
Steve Trister
9 years ago

Tim, THANK YOU for getting Tony and Peter together on this podcast. It was bloomin epic! I listened to it whilst in the car. You mentioned on the podcast with Remit (listened to Part 2 in the car before this one) that you’d received counsel from Mark Victor Hansen about some big life decisions.. well, hearing all 3 of you talk about making such a gargantuan impact in the world has expanded my brain to think waaaaaaay bigger than it already was. I’m at a crossroads about making some important “next step” life decisions. This has really helped me focus on thinking in terms of adding value to the world and also the kind of thing I want to be known for in 300 years time. Epic podcast. XPRIZE looks amazing. Off to Indigogo now 🙂

p.s this and the Remit one are the best I’ve heard yet. I’ll be listening to these multiple times!


9 years ago

Makers like these (Tim, Tony, Peter) keep me growing and learning…and I’m SO excited by the Global Learning XPRIZE. I heard Peter discuss the prize last month at the Social Good Summit in advance of the UN General Assembly. Chill bump moment…

9 years ago

Tim, I really like the transcripts of past interviews. Will you be providing them for all of them? Like this one? (:

Once I get out of corporate slavery I will know which book finally pushed me over the edge.

Kelly Ann Yeo
Kelly Ann Yeo
9 years ago

Hey Tim,

Thank you – that was a riveting interview!

I wanted to suggest interviewing Pamela Hawley from UniversalGiving next. It would be nice to hear from more women who are leaders in their field. I saw Pamela speak at Harvard Business School’s Dynamic Women in Business Conference previously. More specifically, I hope you get the chance to speak with her about how she has successfully married a business mindset with nonprofit goals.

Question of the Day: Definitely Susan Cain’s Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking has been a great resource for me!

9 years ago


Owen Malcolm
Owen Malcolm
9 years ago

Tim, a suggestion for your podcast is master chief instructor Tank Todd from New Zealand.

He is a world leader in CQB/CQC unarmed combat, a man of vast experience and ability.

He keeps a low profile due to his SF commitments, and may need a introduction. He is a gold mine of expertise in phsycological preparation for battle (wide applications ) and the difference between martial arts/sport fighting and true urban self defence/combat.

9 years ago

Tim! Thanks for aggregating such exponential mental power! I’m in! I’m entering the contest and will begin assembling a stellar team! I am all about multiple-intelligence and accelerated learning, and have always wanted to make an impact in Africa. I handed you a copy of my book The Hiphop Driven Life: A Genius Liberation Handbook at Panera Bread in NYC on 5th Ave at your 4 Hour Chef book singing…I had all 3 copies of your books to sign! I’ve been absorbing Tony’s material since 1999. As an audo-didact as well, after abandoning two colleges, taught my self to rap and have written over 1,000 pages of poetry. Not sure if you remember when I said “Hip Hop Meets Tony Robbins” Here we are! I’ve been dedicated to “Putting a DENT” in the Universe of Education ever since I wrote a 72 point categorical analysis of what’s ‘wrong’ with our schools in “Bayo vs. The Board of Education” in that section of my book back in 2005, Ironically I just crafted a new brand NEW ultimate vision for my consulting and coaching business and I posted a link to Diamandis Book “Abundance” which I read and was inspired by in 2012. Then I was on Facebook of all places tonight, and saw the link to this blog post! The magic of Thinking BIG becomes even more miraculous when GREAT minds converge for one AIM! Reticular Activating System In FULL effect! Let the games begin! ~ Bayo

9 years ago

Maybe an unorthodox answer, but Robert Greene – 48 laws of power really impacted me. Not necessarily on actively going out and doing things, but making better decisions along the way and having greater impact and influence.

Top 3 people I’d love to see you interview:

Gary Vaynerchuk

Eben Pagan

Robert Greene

Loved this interview by the way, I never thought this combination was possible.

When I saw this one get published it was actually the podcast I got most excited about till now.

9 years ago

The story about you not wanting to learn the alphabet without a good reason is very telling: it shows that you were “challenging assumptions” even at Kindergarten!

9 years ago

Hey Tim,

Thank you for your contribution to this world…

I know how awesome you are and was wondering if you could do me a favor.

You’ve just done that podcast with Peter Diamandis and have also just watched him on a doco called “Owned and Operated”

And in his talk No.8 on his list of some of the most important things that he seems to be thinking about is artificial intelligence…

I have invested in a company called

A man by the name of Alan Metcalfe says he has Artificial Intelligence.

Can you please check him out here

Id love to know if it is for real

Keep being awesome

9 years ago

Tim. I listened to your recent podcast reviewing ‘lessons loosing $1m…’. You ask listeners to buy the book through the link to Amazon. I live in the uk / Italy and when I clicked on the link I went to the U.S. version of Amazon. I checked this on a number of your links and the problem appears site wide. I am not too sure how much of your traffic is outside the U.S. but I suspect you are losing the income we/they could generate for you. I had the same problem with ‘thewirecutter’. Keep up the blogs – they are wonderful. I met Jim Collins at a book signing when he was promoting his investment books years ago: he gave great advice on life and investing. You might want to check out his book too.

Guilherme Nunes
Guilherme Nunes
9 years ago

Hey Tim

the podcasts are belong to the best content over the web, the diversity of the interviewees is also great.

On thing which hit me though is that you used to make fun of Tonny Robbins “Ouuuu Tonny Robbins”. That’s a small thing and we’r all adults but I think it would have been appropriate to clear that up in public and evtl admiting inpropriate behavior.

Call me crazy but that’s what I woud have done..

9 years ago

Love the big thinking being shared here. It’s inspiring and contagious.

Nina Salerno
Nina Salerno
9 years ago

Thanks Tim for the great podcast. I’ve been a big fan of Tony Robbins. And yes he is a peak performance strategist, way more than a motivational speaker.

Man’s Search For Meaning is one of my favorite books.

9 years ago

This show brought tears to my eyes. The Global Learning X Prize is a truly inspiring challenge. Tony Robbins speaking on growth as a source of adding value to ones life really touched me. My think bigger books besides the 4hrWW include The Ringing Cedars of Russia, Black Elk Speaks, Autobiography of a Yogi and almost any African American Slave Narrative and WWII Holocaust Survival Narrative..and many more.

Ben Piorkowski
Ben Piorkowski
9 years ago

Great interview Tim!

9 years ago

Tim, when is your random show is coming. Even podcasts are blasts, randoms with kevin are my favorite, inspiring, fun.

9 years ago

When Tony starts talking, he seems unstoppable. The wealth of knowledge that he has cant probably keep up with the ability of spreading words through his mouth but he’s doing the best that his physiology allows him to 🙂

I am amazed that he read 700 books in a matter of a couple of years! Feeding 20 million people is also insane.

Tim, you really know how to pick your guests. Keep them coming man!

9 years ago

Beyond inspiring! I remember seeing Tony about 10 years ago in London, life changing event.

9 years ago

Among all the other great book suggestions… two books that really changed me (being somewhat introverted and short winded) was Critical Conversations and the somewhat clinical book Motivational Interviewing by William R. Miller and Stephen Rollnick.

Nina Salerno
Nina Salerno
9 years ago
Reply to  JJ

Let’s keep the book recommendations going. I love to add to my reading list.


9 years ago

Way to THINK BIG Tim! You three are the kind of people I feel I should be spending time with. So many intriguing ideas that I can apply right now. The results the three of you have produced are absolutely incredible.

9 years ago

I love the podcast. Your introductions are far too long though.

9 years ago

“This podcast is brought to you by 99Designs, the world’s largest marketplace of graphic designers.”


I wanted to to take a moment to thank you for this Podcast, but more so for the sponsor. Let me explain. My wife is a currently a Graphic Designer for the marketing department of a local community college. Over the last two years there have been some tremendous, and not so positive changes that have occurred. She is now at a point of departure with this organization, but has been wondering what is in the future. I am an avid listener and reader of your material and it has stretched me to look at many things in a new light. I emailed the link to 99Designs to my wife thinking that as you have inspired me this may inspire her. She was skeptical at first, but I insisted that she give it a shot. So far, she has submitted two designs and been rejected both times, but it has energized her in a way I have not seen in a very long while. She told me last night that she feels, for the first time, in a long time, she is being challenged by this site do better and a higher quality of work than her current employer does. The future does not seem so daunting to her now. For this I thank you and thank 99Designs.


Moses Yoon
Moses Yoon
9 years ago

Awesome interview. Keep them coming.

9 years ago

I like this interview but there’s about a zillion educational apps in the app store right now. You could buy every kid in Africa a Hooked on Phonics setup with the prize money. There’s also Khan Academy. The literacy problem doesn’t seem to be about hardware as much as the hutzpah to do the distribution. This seems like years of doing apples to make orange juice. I’m just confused that top leaders don’t know this can be done on Youtube on the cheap? Splain it to me!

9 years ago

Keep up the good work Tim. These interviews are dense and of maximum impact. I just came across Morten Lund, he seems to be an interesting character and I think you should interview him. He’s been involved in 100+ startups including Skype. A number of failure and lessons too, that we all could learn from.

Gigi Griffis
Gigi Griffis
9 years ago

Tim – thank you SO much for this podcast episode. I had never heard of the XPrize before and I’m totally amazed. Will be sharing it like a madwoman and donating before the deadline. Thank you so much for bringing it to our attention!

Anzhela Shurina
Anzhela Shurina
9 years ago

Amazing show with Tony and Peter! I loved it. Got a few business ideas that I’ll be working on next couple of months so huge thank you Tim!

On the side note, I’m relatively new to the website and community. My reading appetites have increased dramatically since I started listening to podcast regularly.

Tim can you tell me how long does it usually take you to read a 350 page book? How many hours?

Did you do any speed reading course?

Also Tony mentioned him being quite a fast reader, what are his speeds/techniques? did he learn any speed reading? can you ask him that? 🙂

It takes me approx. 6 hours to finish a book, want to cut that in half at least. any recommendations?

9 years ago

Hey Tim!

I’ve got your next podcast guest:

*Walter Isaacson, arguably the best serial biographer out there today.

And he’s got a new book to promote.

I’ve noted something in your latest podcasts:

*Has your spoken word become more fluent? Do you feel more fluent in the English langage? Might be hard for you to notice. But could be related to your latest practices.

Notes on the Ohanian podcast:

You mentioned a potential book.

*The book that needs to be written, by you or anyone else, is the one that convinces tech people like Ohanian why they should care about physical performance.

He even said that his biggest interest is learning. Yet he’s on the “waffle diet”.

It’s ridiculous.

To most people, the question about physical performance is like you in kindergarten: “Why should I learn the alphabet?”

In short: How to optimize mental performance.

(Writing, language, meditation, fasting, etc)

*Write the book you’d give to Ohanian that would bring him up to your level.

4HB doesn’t do this well enough. It doesn’t convince people that physical performance = mental performance / rate of learning.

Also, loved the podcast with Diamandis and Tony Robbins.

But I have an issue:

*I don’t like the podcast format of a conversation between 3 people.

You don’t get the same immersive study of one person: his background, practices, causes and effects.

And it becomes competitive, with the person getting the least airtime becoming bored. I noticed the same thing with the Justin Mager + Kelly Starret episode.

Allround a lower quality conversation.

Stick with ONE guest at a time.

9 years ago
Reply to  S.K.

*Reading this could result in a product that is massively impactful, contributes to your legacy, and is EASY for you to make.

I’ve elaborated on what I wanted to say and refined it:

(Below I’m just telling you about the information product I would have wanted when I was 20. I think you’re the best person to write it, which is why I’m posting here.)

*Write the definitive guide you’d give to someone to improve mental performance.

My definition of mental performance is:

*Effectiveness: Having clarity of thought that is directed, useful, and problem-solving.

This doesn’t require physical performance.

It’s the use of your language (i.e. communication with yourself and others) that translates into actions with desired consequences.

*Efficiency: Rate of learning. Neural health in general, extending to the rest of the nervous system, not just the brain.

Most of your teaching already does this. But the information is spaced out, not “positioned” in an attractive way, or is hard to digest.

For example: Learning is an unappealing word to many. While “excitement/fun/being incredible smart” gets a more positive response.

Another example: Books of 500 pages can be overwhelming to many, no matter how appealing the title is.

*The book could be as simple as a 100 page guide, where you dedicate 20 pages or 20% of pages to teaching mental performance in terms of effectiveness, and 80 pages, or 80% of pages to teach mental performance in terms of efficiency.

(To really encode the 80/20 principle into the reader.)

(The shortness would also be a positive differentiator on the market, and a new challenge for you as a writer.)

The book could be divided into experiments or exercises that you have the reader perform, 10 pages devoted to each.

(20 pages dedicated to improving effectiveness = TWO experiments for the reader: What two exercises would you have someone perform to 10-50x their effectiveness?)

Why? Because that’s one thing that has made your other books special: it’s text that transfers directly to life. Information that you can apply instantly.

*Being very short is what’ll make the book special. The brevity is required to remove all potential for overwhelm and take someone who’s busy/normally doesn’t read/considers themself incapable or even dumb, and come out the other end transformed.

In short:

How would you compress your operating system (encompassing diet, exercise, language and clarity of thought) into 100 pages and encode it into a reader?

Just compress it all into 10 exercises you’d give someone, of 10 pages each.

9 years ago

Inspired me enough to give to the Xprize. Thanks… If possible, I would also like to see you ask people that you interview what Podcasts or other media outlets do they derive information. While I do read as often as I can, Podcasts (in my case) are a great way to absorb critical information when time is short. Perhaps there are even more efficient modes of absorbing new material. Just a thought…

9 years ago
Reply to  Lee

Neural technologies. Imagine your thinking being hooked up to the web.

Just give it a few decades.

9 years ago

Thanks Tim,

your podcast inspired me to build a team in Germany/Europe and compete for this new X-Prize Challenge. Everyone interested in joining please contact me.

Please keep up the good work Tim!

9 years ago

Incredible podcast. I didn’t know a thing about the guy, now I’m totally sold! Thanks!

9 years ago

Question 1: Easily Secrets of Self Made Millionaires by Adam Khoo. He followed up with Secrets of Millionaire Investors. Some online tools he mentions are now outdated but the insight and steps (now done with alternative tools) led me to double my income, add value at work so that I could gain more freedom and learn to invest easily and wisely (I average ~15% annual gains with ridiculously low maintenance). Even though it’s not well known in America and the tools are a bit dated, I would never have been where I am nor even picked up 4HWW if I hadn’t read Adam Khoo, and I recommend it all the time.

9 years ago

Hey Tim, Loving your podcasts! A while ago you provided a transcript of the interview with Tradesy founder Tracy DiNunzio. The transcript was extremely useful for me since I have a hearing impairment… I know transcripts can be time consuming to make but there are some decent tools to save time such as transcribe ( Please excuse me if you already knew about this. If you could consider continuing to provide transcripts with your podcasts it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

9 years ago

Great interview and so blessed to have just heard that. I was actually looking for the interview about Tony Robbin’s new Money book and found this beyond inspiring one. Great way to start the morning with some great hot tea !

For future interviews,

I would love you to interview the interview Tom Robbins, actually his book Villa Incognito is actually very entrepreneurial and inspired my own business.



Keith Brawner
Keith Brawner
9 years ago

I work with open source learning technologies and would like to help. Here are some open source development resources for people looking to compete in the education X Prize. This list should give you enough to start from:

Generalized Intelligent Framework for Tutoring comment

Advanced Distributed Learning Training and Learning Architecture (

Gooru Learning (

DataShop online transactional repository (

edX (

Tim, If you are serious about getting this thing started, I’m happy to help.

9 years ago

It was great to hear about the intersection between entrepreneurship, social conscience and education. Now you`ve got me really thinking about what I can do to make a bigger difference.

9 years ago

Really really good stuff here !

I know you ask a lot about morning routines and as a physiotherapist, here are mines to get pumped up :

1.Sunrise simulator

2.Move my joints in all their range of motions (3min)

3. 3 Yoga Posture to strech out my whole body while I visualize my perfect day (3min)

4. Bring blood to my extremities and other really quick breathing techniques from the russian marine prep (introduced by Scott Sonnon – Tacfit Commando). This part boost my energy like crazy (7min)

5. Haka (2min). This is the reason the neighbours think I’m a crazy mofo I guess. But I can live with that 🙂

So as a human guinea pig, why not give a try for one day.

If you need to shower, Cortisol increases you body temperature so no cold but warm shower in the morning.

It’ll be awesome if you could interview :

-Mark Divine (SEAL Coach) on how to be tough (without killing your body)

-Keith Ferrazzi on how to really reinforce you relationships cause in his book, he talks a lot about how to get new ones.

-Brett McKay (AOM) on how men should behave in our modern society of dandys/metrosexuals

-Richard Saul Wurman or Harry Marks

As Mark divine said : “The only easy day was yesterday” so keep on rising Tim but still keep it fuckin’ sexy ! (Or simple, I’m confused).

Thanks a lot for what you’re doing.

Ronnie C
Ronnie C
9 years ago

Another great podcast Tim!! During the discussion on illiteracy, made me think of flying over Afghanistan and thinking about their 96% rate. I am now looking for ways to get involved. Thanks again and have a blessed week!

9 years ago

What an impressive group of guys! You, Peter, and Tony are amazing. I have a challenge for Peter Diamandis. He is trying to move society forward through private technology, but what is often broke in america is governance. Tim, you often reference the problems: 1) institutionalized corruption e.g., politicians carrying water for interest groups and are being rewarded with campaign contributions; 2) all or nothing attempts to change market dynamics for interest groups; 3) An inability to craft and compromise on public policy that addresses the long term needs (including innovation in government); and 4) A political campaign system that values the negative more than the positive.

Can Peter help solve our governance problems through an Xprize? I think he can. Here is one idea to consider. What if there was a $100 million (prorated for population per capita) dollar Xprize for the first state where the Governor, Legislature, Congressional delegation, and majority of local government elected officials sign an ethics pledge stating that they will not accept campaign contributions from interest groups or companies that have legislation affecting interest group or company interests. Yes this would be ending corruption through bribery.

I predict I will find a new 10x book soon; maybe the 4 hour work week if I can put it into practice. So far, “Sex at Dawn,” “Outliers,” “David and Goliath,” “The Desire Map” and “Adapt” because they all opened up my mind to the idea that there is a more insightful way to look at the world or myself.

Wendy Reese
Wendy Reese
9 years ago

I listened to this episode about a month ago and it’s really stuck with me. This morning, my friend and I were talking about her teen daughter who is struggling with image, depression, self-worthy. Just a few moments ago, my accountability partner posted that her sons school had been closed due to a threat against the school. I started thinking about this and wondering if in your idea of revamping the education system, what role will be simple life skills for how to be confident, value yourself, listen to your intuition and inner wisdom, courage to be authentic (or at least discover that true north), to meditate and be physically active, to know your body? Heck, even how to do basic finance (now I am thinking Ramit) and marketing yourself. I hope you take these into consideration. I adore your show, how you show up in life, and how much you inspire me!

Randy Rayess
Randy Rayess
9 years ago

Highly recommend having Marc Benioff, the founder and CEO of Salesforce, for a podcast. He is brilliant and is actually good friends with Tony Robbins.

Marc Charette
Marc Charette
9 years ago

On the subject of thinking big, you might enjoy sharing this with your followers:

This is loud and clear motivation to the idea that “I can’t stop thinking big”

… and if you just want to listen (and I do recommend 🙂 )

Great interview – thanks for sharing.

9 years ago

Hi Tim, thanks so much for all the great resources! I am absolutely blown away by Peter Diamandis. He exudes a can-do attitude that is so infectious.

I have a question for the geniuses who inhabit your blogosphere but first I will give you the three books that I often gift to others:

When Things Fall Apart by Pema Chodron

How to be Rich by J.Paul Getty

and I too love Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl

So my question: I own a tiny beach house in Huatulco, Mexico. I borrowed against my apartment to buy the land, took out a second mortgage to build and 8 years later I am finally renting. I wanted to create an Epicurean garden for people to come to relax, read and create without the distractions of phone, tv and internet but guess what? Apparently wifi is all the rage. People are always asking about this but because my house is so remote it has to be satellite. Very expensive.

So I’m putting together a Kickstarter site to see if I can fund the wifi during February which will allow professors and whomever else to make their spring/summer plans.

My problem now is what to offer for a reward. I am thinking along the lines of gift cards for Jamba Juice, Pier One, Havaianas etc. Things with a beachy vibe.

Does anyone have any great ideas? I plan to go live with this on Feb. 1st.

Thanks so much again for all you do.

Kathleen Leachman in Vancouver, BC

Stu Holmes
Stu Holmes
9 years ago

After listening to the pod a while back, I got inspired to take up the Global Learning XPrize challenge. I’ve found a team and have so far met two other contenders inspired by this episode. Hopefully we can do this community proud, by making an impact on the competition.

8 years ago

You forgot “Stranger in a strange land” from the list of book mentioned 🙂

8 years ago

Interview Ravi Zacharias of

8 years ago

This recording is strange. I can hear you inhaling sharply in my headphones in between every sentence. Not trying to complain but really hard to listen to.

7 years ago

Tony Robins great speaker.

7 years ago

Looking for review/feedback on Keith Harrington’s infomercial business. We were recently approached by them but they are not one of the 3 that Tim mentions in his book. I’m curious if there is a reason or if those other 3 are better? Was not something we were actively seeking but the concept is intriguing having heard their pitch. Thanks

Bosko Ivic
Bosko Ivic
7 years ago

Interview Julien Blanc, he was a ‘victim’ of a media scandal and the “most hated man in the world 2014” (or anyone) from Real Social Dynamics. That would be an aaaaamazing podcast.

Christopher Faria
Christopher Faria
3 years ago

Tim, Tony, Peter 🙏💐🎆