The Tim Ferriss Podcast is Live! Here Are Episodes 1 and 2


Fuckin’ A–it’s finally here!

After fantasizing about starting a podcast for nearly two years, after being asked hundreds of times, The Tim Ferriss Show is now live.

Sometimes you have to stop over-thinking things, bite the bullet, and figure it out as you go.

To launch, I’ve posted two episodes that are vastly different.

Episode 1: Kevin Rose
Episode 2: Joshua Waitzkin

I have an important favor to ask, which I don’t do often:

1) Please listen to one or both episodes.

2) Then, PLEASE leave a review on iTunes.

I will read EVERY review and, based on that feedback, I’ll either stop or keep doing this podcast.  

If you seem to like them, I promise to do at least 6 total episodes in the next 1-2 months. And trust me: I have some amazing people lined up and ready to go. Constructive criticism and suggestions for improvement are welcome, whether on iTunes or in the comments below.

All that said, here are the first two episodes! I really hope you enjoy them.


I consider Kevin Rose one of the best “stock pickers” in the startup world. He can predict even non-tech trends with stunning accuracy…

Kevin is a tech entrepreneur who co-founded Digg, Revision3 (sold to Discovery Channel), Pownce, and Milk (sold to Google). Since 2012, he is a venture partner at Google Ventures. He’s also a hilarious dude, and this episode involves heavy drinking.

In this finding-my-feet episode, Kevin and I get down on a bottle of Gamling and McDuck while discussing, among dozens of topics: why Kevin would love to work at McDonald’s, how he kicked my ass on the Twitter deal, and — just a wee tad — biohacking.

Dive in, folks!

It’s the first episode of The Tim Ferriss Show!  Listen to it here, and please subscribe!

You can find the transcript of Episode 1 (Kevin Rose) here. Transcripts of all episodes can be found here.


Josh Waitzkin was the basis for the book and movie Searching for Bobby Fischer.

Considered a chess prodigy, he has perfected learning strategies that can be applied to anything, including his other loves of Brazilian jiu-jitsu (he’s a black belt under phenom Marcelo Garcia) and Tai Chi Push Hands (he’s a world champion). These days, he spends his time coaching the world’s top performers, whether Mark Messier, Cal Ripken Jr., or hedgefund managers.  I initially met Josh through his incredible book, The Art of Learning, which I loved so much that I helped produce the audiobook (download at Audible).

This episode is DEEP, in the best way possible.  Josh will blow your mind.

And for a change from Episode 1, I’m totally sober.  I’d be curious to know which Tim you prefer.

Listen to it here, and please subscribe!

You can find the transcript of Episode 2 (Josh Waitzkin) here. Transcripts of all episodes can be found here.

Show Notes for Episodes 1 and 2

Special thanks to my friend Ian for helping with show notes. Much obliged, kind sir.

These notes only partially cover the conversations, but they will give you a taste.


  • What makes a good wine bar?
  • The story of Kevin Rose: Growing up in Vegas, starting Digg, joining Google Ventures, and beyond
  • What makes Kevin Rose so good at predicting what’s next, spotting trends
  • The characteristics of winners. What makes a successful angel investor?
  • Hear the story of Odeo – The company that birthed Twitter
  • Tips on choosing angel investments

“What new app will find itself on the front screen of your iPhone?”

  • Dissecting the success of Philip Rosedale, Elon Musk and — the “Oracle of Silicon Valley” — Reid Hoffman
  • How to say no to an investment or pitch
  • Experiences and lessons learned running the roller coaster of Digg
  • Where is Kevin Rose world-class?  Which skills define his success?
  • The M7 chip on iPhone – An opportunity to build new apps
  • Learn more about My Basis, a biometric company that Tim invested in [Update: sold to Intuit for $100M]
  • Why Kevin wants to get a job at McDonald’s
  • Ideas and suggestions for the podcast. Where should it go, and how should it be different?


Connect with Kevin Rose: Instagram | Twitter | Website


Show Notes:

  • The origins of The Art of Learning.
  • What it takes to play 30-50 games of chess simultaneously (!).
  • About Josh’s focus on moving from world-class to world champion. How to cross the gap between the two
  • The many dimensions of Josh Waitzkin’s creative life:
  1. Family
  2. JW Foundation – The Art of Learning Project
  3. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) school with Marcelo Garcia
  4. Consulting for “Master of the Universe”-type financiers; what commonalities the best have
  • About the learning (and UNlearning) processes that distinguish the good from the great and from the elite
  • Insights on the strategic movement from Tai Chi to BJJ
  • About the profound kinesthetic intelligence of Marcelo Garcia and how he uses it to “navigate the world”
  • A deep understanding of what makes world-class performers tick and thrive

“If you can really train people to get systematic about nurturing their creative process, it’s unbelievable what can happen. Most of that work relates to getting out of your own way at a very high level. It’s unlearning, it’s the constant practice of subtraction, reducing friction.” – Josh Waitzkin

  • Strategies for aligning peak energy periods with peak creativity to achieve a relentless, proactive lifestyle
  • On Hemingway’s creative writing process:
  1. End the workday with something left to write
  2. Release your mind from the work – Let Go
  • Understanding cognitive biases
  • Understanding how to use specific questions for deconstruction (e.g. “Who’s good at this who shouldn’t be?”)
  • Core themes/habits that Josh teaches to top performers:

Meditation | Journaling | “Undulation” (Capacity to turn drive on and off)

  • How Josh Waitzkin meditates
  • Meditation styles: contemplative Buddhist sitting meditation, Tai Chi and moving meditation.
  • What Josh’s morning rituals look like
  • Why you should study the artists rather than the art critics.
  • Remember to love.

“The hero and the coward both feel the same thing, but the hero uses his fear and projects it onto his opponent, while the coward runs.” – Cus D’Amato, original trainer of Mike Tyson


“One of the things we have to be wary in life is studying the people who study the artists, as opposed to the artists themselves” – Josh Waitzkin

The Waitzkin Library:

The Tim Ferriss Show is one of the most popular podcasts in the world with more than one billion downloads. It has been selected for "Best of Apple Podcasts" three times, it is often the #1 interview podcast across all of Apple Podcasts, and it's been ranked #1 out of 400,000+ podcasts on many occasions. To listen to any of the past episodes for free, check out this page.

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Comment Rules: Remember what Fonzie was like? Cool. That’s how we’re gonna be — cool. Critical is fine, but if you’re rude, we’ll delete your stuff. Please do not put your URL in the comment text and please use your PERSONAL name or initials and not your business name, as the latter comes off like spam. Have fun and thanks for adding to the conversation! (Thanks to Brian Oberkirch for the inspiration.)

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solias roho
3 years ago

can you share RSS feed because I don’t use iTunes. glad to your podcats.

Team Tim Ferriss
3 years ago
Reply to  solias roho

Hi, Solias –

The link for the RSS feed is


Team Tim Ferriss

10 years ago

This is great. Please don’t leave it here.

From a constructively critical point of view: I agree that a somewhat more structured approach would be good. Rapid fire questions are great and they should come in the middle for pacing reasons, but they should separate two sections. I’d suggest you start with the personal questions, then hit the rapid fire and then really delve in depth into philosophy and technique. Maybe a 25%, 15%, 60% split.

Kevin we all know from the random show, that was a great start. Josh touched on something deeper on a personal level. Future interviews touching on various aspects of human potential would be absolutely awesome. And keep it relaxed, keep the swearing, keep it colloquial. “Real,” as you brothers across the pond like to say.

People I’d love to see would include Ed Cooke, but not necessarily just on memorisation. What about tools that have the potential to really help people advance: does he believe in photoreading, for example? What’re his views on Derren Brown (and dear god, find meet and interview Derren, he’s a class act above most others).

It’d also be great to hear of the Feynmans of our age. Most people wouldn’t be able to name a living scientist, unless they’re devoutly relgious or miliantly atheist in which case both groups name Richard Dawkins. But more than ever we have people pushing boundaries in ever increasing niches, and how their expertise relates to other things would be wonderul to hear. Make every scientist a Chris Hadfield – you’ve got the potential for that.

Also, “the lay experiments”, by which I mean average person, not sex. It’d be awesome to choose and take and mentor people from various walks of life. Take someone who works 70 hours a week minimum wage to support a family, and turn them into someone that has more freedom and more time. Do it in multiple countries with multiple backgrounds. People love hope and aspiration. Imagine being the podcast Paolo Coehlo. TimTimTalkTalkHelpGuideSuccessShare – and that would diffuse like ripples across a pond.

Above all else, find a direction and keep it focused. The TFX were great (I’ve only seen three so far, UK brothers help me find more), and they were in a set direction. This podcast goes in another, the random show in yet another, your books in yet another. They’re the roots of the Ferriss Tree.

Evelyn Trasviña
Evelyn Trasviña
10 years ago
Reply to  Doz

I don’t have any mac device and I will love to listen your podcast 🙁

10 years ago

Evelyn, you don’t need a Mac device. You can download in iTunes, for example, which doesn’t require a Mac. Personally I use an app called iPP Podcast Player, and subscribed through there. It’s on my Nexus and my Galaxy S4. Not an Apple fan

Leslie Fritz
Leslie Fritz
10 years ago

Evelyn, you can download iTunes to other devices. Just go to iTunes downloads… I won’t leave the link or Tim might bitch slap my ass out of here 🙂 Anyway give it a shot and good luck!

Robin Zander
Robin Zander
10 years ago

Fantastic Tim and thank you. I especially enjoyed the interview with Josh. I’ve given away more copies of The Art of Learning than any other book. I really enjoyed you and Josh riffing on learning. It brought to mind what I’ve learned of cognitive biases and a lot of take-aways for my own work. I did a short write-up on why “The Last Three Movements” are so important on my blog. I realized the Peak-End bias is to blame.

In terms of constructive feedback (rather than just the jumping up and down in enthusiasm that you are pulling Josh out of the woodwork), I enjoyed the questions you had for Josh more than those for Kevin because they were so specific to what Josh is and does. But even so, many of the questions felt stilted. The preplanning almost got in the way of the flow of the interview. I much prefer sober to drunk Tim but that’s also just my bias in subject matter. I am interested in investing and inventing but I don’t remember nearly as many take-aways from Kevin’s interview. It wasn’t as relate-able or functional.

A final point: you are always authentic in your interviews. It is one of the things that I most admire about you. And I heard a level of deeper connection with Josh than I have seen/heard before. Not sure why, but if there are other people you connect with in that way, I’d like to meet them on the podcast, too! Thanks and rock on! -Robin

10 years ago

Hi Tim

I loved the podcast and wanted to drop you a review here because iTunes is just dreadful – that’s definitely not the only place people are listening to your podcast. Most people I know use Pocket Casts. Anyway, the podcast was fantastic and I’m really glad that the lighter tone of the first episode gave way to a really in-depth conversation with Josh. I think the test of a really great podcast (as opposed to just a good one) is that it’s something you know you’ll go back to and listen to again and again, and the second episode was definitely that. I really hope that you continue to do this – and it would be fantastic if you could get Neil Gaiman on the show!



10 years ago


I’m really sick of life and I don’t know what to do. I am now studying petroleum engineering at university but honestly I have no interest in it and as a matter of fact I hate mathematics and all this stuff and well you might ask how I got here, it’s a long story but to make it short I picked up this major for money and Now I really regret my decision. What I really like to do now is become fluent in English and finally an English teacher. In fact this is what I think about everyday. But there are some problems which I don’t know how to figure them out: the first thing is my parents and by that I mean that I can’t really tell them my plan and I’m afraid of it and I’m kind of thinking that I’m only wasting time going to university(I’m a senior). So I’m really confused and I don’t know how to confront it.

I’m sorry because this has nothing to do with this post but I only wanted to share this to kind of feel a little less stressed and more calm. I do like to hear your advice for my situation.


Tomas Ericsson
Tomas Ericsson
10 years ago
Reply to  mehdi

Give Eckhart Tolle a try

Aster B.
Aster B.
10 years ago

Instinctively my body says heat is very dangerous. But the health benefits are impressive. Sweating causes the body to shed toxins through our skin the biggest organ of all. I will often take a salt bath for 30 minutes and gain as much benefit as a 3 day fast. Feels good. The more muscle mass you have the better you can endure extremes. I give away a free body building report.

Joe Krez
Joe Krez
10 years ago

Hey Tim,

So I think the show was interesting, but I have 2 suggestions that could improve the show from a technical standpoint. These are non-content suggestions.

1.) No offense to the sound engineer who made the intro and outro, I’m sure they are professional and are talented, but as someone who could makes audio clips/sound effects, it sounded very generic and uninspiring. You’ve got to think of the intro and outro as a primer that sets the mood for people’s emotions. I think as someone who has branded themselves as professional as you are, you need an intro and outro that all around just sounds better. I would be willing to make a new intro and outro for you and if you like it better, use it. I’d be willing to do it fro free- I recently returned from the Peace Corps and your books kept me sane while being gone for 2 years. If you’re interested in this, just contact me.

2.) You need to either get a better mic, use your software/hardware better or do some better sound recording techniques while you record your sessions. During the first interview your voice clipped a few times, which made me cringe because it’s very simple to stop this depending on what software you are using to do the show and also your mic techniques. Also, it sounds like you are in a highly reflective room, which doesn’t sound good. Use some thick blankets and/or carpets and reduce wall reflection by propping them vertically and underneath you.

Eli Gremont
Eli Gremont
10 years ago

Looking forward to these!!!! Just a side note, Tim: you can only find the Stitcher podcast if you search for Josh’s name, not yours. Kind of odd, I’m probably not the first person to post this, but wanted to pass it on.

10 years ago

Thanks Tim

Fantastic chat with Kevin. About time!



10 years ago

Sounds great.But having it only available in iTunes is a problem.

I am not able to enjoy it on my Linux. Would be great to make it more accessible.

Neil Taylor
Neil Taylor
10 years ago

Wow, episode 2 with Josh Waitzkin is one of the best podcasts I have ever had the pleasure of listening to. Normally I listen to everything at 2x but slowed this down and listened again it is that good. I wondered if Tim and Josh have ever experimented with Float Tanks as a way to achieve undulation?

10 years ago

Hey Tim I just had a chance to listen in on your podcasts and I have some constructive criticism for you…

One thing I would like to mention is that some of your questions seem to be very forced. I know it can be really difficult to ask questions at the right time in context with the conversation, but I would definitely suggest letting the conversations ‘air’ out a little and let it flow before you jump in and say something or shift the discussion. Let the other person fully complete their thoughts, pause for a second, then take the conversation in another direction if need be. It’s not always necessary to be in control of the conversation.

Other than that I felt like the podcasts were pretty good. I personally didn’t care for the lack of structure in the first podcast, but that is just my own personal preference and it seemed like you and Kevin are buddy, buddy so it makes sense.

10 years ago


Great podcast. I’ll leave a review on iTunes as well. I vote to continue these in the future. Will be back to listen to more.Thanks.

Clay Nichols
Clay Nichols
10 years ago

I searched for “The Tim Ferris Podcast” on Sticher (android app) and couldn’t fine it. 🙁

Also searched for it in Podkicker. No love 🙁

Eli Gremont
Eli Gremont
10 years ago
Reply to  Clay Nichols

Search for Josh Waitzkin or Kevin Rose, you should find them on stitcher that way

Anthony Talorico
Anthony Talorico
10 years ago
Reply to  Clay Nichols

look up “the Tim Ferriss show”

on Sticther,

10 years ago
Reply to  Clay Nichols

Make sure you put 2 S’s at the end of Ferriss when searching on Sticher or it will not give you a good search result.

Roger Kelley
Roger Kelley
10 years ago

Agree with other comments….. Random show is fun just to watch. I was playing cards on the tablet while just listening, so I vote for video as well. Prefer sober TTTT, but that is a minor preference. Android tablet, so I cant get itunes in my tablet, and wound up with stitcher to listen, which worked fine. Also agree with the abruptness if some of the questions seeming disjointed. Overall, I enjoyed them, but would have preferred a video, like a conversational format more than an interview. Good luck!

Nina Salerno
Nina Salerno
10 years ago
Reply to  Roger Kelley

Could be interesting if set in a context eg a restaurant over a good meal and the food becomes as important as the conversation.

Something to think about as a possibility.

10 years ago

I think I must be missing something. I don’t use itunes. How can I download this to a regular mp3 player and listen to it?

10 years ago

I’d love to hear it. Is there no way to get the podcast if you don’t use itunes?

Bridget Aboussafy
Bridget Aboussafy
10 years ago

Hi Tim! I love your work, it’s always thought provoking and fascinating. However, having no apple devices and being an entirely Android user, I’d love to have access to the podcasts through literally anything else other than iTunes! I see some people have found it using Stitcher, so I’ll try that this evening and have a listen. I’m looking forward to hearing you talk with Kelly Starrett as I also follow his work to which has greatly helped me with my athletics as your work has also done. Given your personality and creativity, I’d love to see you do literally Years of podcasting, all in depth and digging deeply into the subject matter. There’s plenty of podcasting fluff out there, so hearing you get into the nitty-gritty details with people will be fascinating and keep me coming back for more episodes. a note on the frequency of future episode releases – please do more than one per week! If you were on 3-5 times per week that would be really great!

10 years ago

I have tried to leave feedback on iTunes but it doesn’t seem to be working.

Love your new podcast show!

Josh is so articulate and insightful, truly brilliant. Thanks for introducing him to me. I have recommended this podcast to three people so far.

I am looking forward to future shows.


Arman Assadi
Arman Assadi
10 years ago

Well done, Tim. Excellent job on both episodes. Episode 2 with Josh was amazing, I really enjoyed it. He has a fascinating perspective. I would love to see more interviews like that (similar structure and conversation).

10 years ago

I prefer you sober and the podcast with Josh was awesome! I vote for more podcasts, I will listen!

10 years ago

Listened to episode 1.

Good podcast. Long but interesting and informal format is different. However could probably be edited to the more useful parts. Also, listening to drunk people is only interesting if you’re drunk as well. One or two glasses to get it going is good but three or four becomes less enjoyable as you slur and have difficulty getting your words or thoughts out.

Jeff Perosi
Jeff Perosi
10 years ago

Such an amazing podcast! It enriches my life listening to these. What was the name of the nicotine patch like health tracker talked about when Kevin and Tim mention mybasis?

10 years ago

Tim, this podcast is exactly what I’ve been looking for. It’s interesting, you learn stuff and it’s wayyy better than listening to the top 40 on the radio every day in the car.

Based on your chat about meditation with Josh I am very keen to start. What books would you recommend to help get started?

Thanks for all your content – awesome stuff. And I’m a proud owner of all 3 of your 4H books!


10 years ago

For those who do not possess iTunes (like myself), I have found a way to access the podcast without using iTunes.

Click on this link and although it does not look pretty, it will get you the audio. Enjoy :)!

10 years ago
Reply to  Julian

The feed URL worked very well. Thanks!

Bernhard Marks
Bernhard Marks
10 years ago
Reply to  Julian

Thanks. This is the link that is supposed to be given next to the iTunes link so that everybody not-using iTunes can subscribe and use what ever podcast player they like.

10 years ago
Reply to  Julian

Sterling work. Much obliged.

10 years ago
Reply to  Julian

thank you F**K APPLE, and F**K iTUNES

10 years ago

Nice job Tim. I look forward to more episodes, with as wide an array of guests as possible (high performers from various fields).

One suggestion: Try a few episodes where Kevin and you jointly host a podcast with a guest. Would be an interesting dynamic. I think he could balance out your analytical approach with a bit of free flowing right brained approach.

10 years ago

Seems you have to download a program to listen to these (itunes or Stitcher), that’s a shame because I’m going to have to pass. What’s wrong with old fashioned mp3 download?

Matt K Gelgota
Matt K Gelgota
10 years ago

Hi Tim: Dropped a 5-star Review on iTunes for you.

Off to a great start!

USP talk: Your approach to deconstruction is what you do best. While you have managed to borrow some great “canned” questions from other interviewers that have high entertainment value, I’m here for the Tim Ferriss show. Getting high caliber guests is awesome (I’m sure you’ll continue to do so **cough** Neil Strauss **cough**), but I’m more interested in YOUR method of breaking down unfamiliar topics and getting to that Pareto 20% that produces outsized results.

The really powerful takeaway for your audience, more than just the interesting and entertaining information found in each episode, is learning how you do what you do best. You have the opportunity with this podcast to model your deconstruction process for us in each interview. For that reason, I think more unfamiliar topics and guests you don’t already have a strong relationship with would be riveting, though I’ve loved the guests so far.

Whether the intent to codify your method comes through explicitly or remains seemingly organic to the listener, if you put some serious thought into delivering the 4-hour/TimTimTalkTalk 😉 method through your process you won’t have to create another product, book or course (though I hope you still do), your can teach it right here.

Travis Wright
Travis Wright
10 years ago

It’s hard not to be motivated and energized by Waitzkin. At first, you may want to write him off as a super-genius, whose skills cannot be replicated by others who feel more “average” than anything. However, the focus should be on HOW he learns and progresses. If you follow that template, you can become a master in those areas that you have a natural knack for. I will never, ever, be good at chess but I can still become a phenom in other areas 🙂

10 years ago

I hate that I have to download / use stitcher. Why can’t you make this available via the internet @ large so us Android (DogCatcher PocketCast) people can listen?

10 years ago

Dude, by far you’re best when sober. Be smart about it…

Ryan P. Flynn
Ryan P. Flynn
10 years ago

Hey Tim,

Night and day between Episode 1 and 2. Josh is obviously a master of the subject, and it was a definite treat to listen to him. I think your line of questioning was more natural and it was obvious that you were talking about your passion.

The segue into meditation was fascinating and unexpected, and the ideas of addictive habits, intensity of thought, and daily routine were deeply impacting to me.

Overall, loved this podcast and am going to chew on these ideas for a while myself.


Ville Paalasmaa
Ville Paalasmaa
10 years ago

Great podcasts!

I really like your way of doing interviews.

Wonderful guests too.

One tip for the sound quality (Sorry for being a primadonna):

The “s” sounds are really sharp, hissy and just pop out in a bad way –

blowing wind on the mic kind of way.

Can you change the angle of the mic, height of the mic, use a pop filter or just do the old school pencil trick for the mic (tape a pencil on the front of the grille of the mic… you can google this).


Ville the primadonna

10 years ago

Hi Tim,

A quick idea. Please, include transcripts. I think there are companies you can easily outsource it to. I have seen auto-generated transcripts either on the Mixergy podcast or Robb Wolf’s Paleo Solution. That would very very cool.

Your questions are totally awesome! Overall I feel that I would be even better if you challenged your guests much more instead of agreeing with them most of the time. Just something to think about 🙂

Juan C. Goveo
Juan C. Goveo
10 years ago


I feel like a stalker…ahem..I’m just putting in practice the teachings in your book “The 4Hour workweek” about contacting someone important and a person that I admire and ask a question…

Besides reading your books, I listen to your podcasts and I like particularly the 2nd one with Waitzkin and I want to start meditating. Can you recommend a book or audiobook about meditating?

Nota; Obviamente esto lo va a leer otra persona, eso no importa..después q me den una buena recomendación.. 😉


Juan C Goveo

Puerto Rico

10 years ago

Would be great if you could like to mp3s – the link to itunes handicap you. I saw a few requests here already. Thanks Tim!

10 years ago

Can you just say you went to Princeton? By ducking it you attribute more importance to it than it deserves. It is goofy to say you went to a boarding school in New Hampshire rather than saying I went to a boarding school in New Hampshire called St. Paul’s. If you are going to talk about your bio, talk about your bio.

10 years ago

Great show… Listening on Stitcher… Looking forward to listening to more

10 years ago

Hey Tim, how can I play the podcast on my android device or at least download it as mp3?

10 years ago

Hey TIm, Let’s hear Cal Newport.

Aric Mitchell
Aric Mitchell
10 years ago

Fantastic first show. I was about to ask for a list of all the questions you asked Kevin, and then spotted them in the notes. Keep. It. Up.

Mark A Carbone
Mark A Carbone
9 years ago

Josh was amazing. Listening to this podcast hooked me to your show. Thanks for seeking out people who have mastered parts of life. I learn more in those 1 hours than I could have hoped. Great job!

Michael Maruschke
Michael Maruschke
9 years ago

Any chance to get this podcast as mp3 in the future? (iTunes is a no way….).

Sam Sinclair
Sam Sinclair
9 years ago

Finally Tim has taken the plunge! I really liked the informal format and the first interview with Kevin Rose is hilarious, partly because Tim sounds reasonably wasted 15 minutes into it! The longer duration is a great idea; I loved going out to walk the dog with my headphones on and found the depth and detail of the interview really enjoyable.

Interview 2 was more polished and professional (i.e. not drunk!) and Josh Waitzkin was a great subject. I bought his audiobook off the back of this interview and I loved it; the level of mastery / flow states he describes near the end of the book in retelling his experiences at a martial arts tournament are literally incredible; it is amazing to see how huge a part psychology plays in competition at the highest level.

Great job and keep going!

9 years ago

great podcast…amazing interviews

My request…… Cal Newport Please

Jen D
Jen D
9 years ago

Hey Tim.

Just finished all 25 podcasts since your live Q&A. Love them!!!

The only thing I’d like to see is more casts with bada$$, inspirational women; I feel like we are faced with a unique set of challenges in redesigning lifestyles, starting businesses, getting in shape etc.

On pooch cartoons and awesome history- I don’t know if you’ve seen Mutts comics or the Drunk History shows but I think they’re pretty cool 🙂

9 years ago

Re wine drinking and discussion of alcohol, a request for Tim to please read and discuss Allen Carr’s EasyWay to Contol Alcohol. The subject is handled in a very different way than one would think – that is, addiction is 100% mental. I am dying to see how this book effects Tim and his comments after the experience. I am not affiliated with Allen Carr organization. This book is a game changer!

Chrisitne Gerardi
Chrisitne Gerardi
9 years ago

Tim, your comments on meditation made me attempt it again because I too have had the same experience of getting angry at not being able control my thoughts and then getting angry at getting angry, etc. It’s good to know that if you keep at it, it will improve. Great podcasts, books, blog, etc. I enjoy all your extensive information that you chose to share for the benefit of all. Thanks.

9 years ago

Quantified Self movement is about unheard of around my area save for pedometers. It is 100% at infancy. In my opinion, the movement will peak when we each can self test for diseases reliably (that allow for it) without ever going to the doctor. We are still far off from having this mainstream, but the movement is faaaaar from it’s peak.

For Tim, I think it may be perceived as far along since he has been part of the movement for so long. However, it is still very early and this movement includes Kurzweil’s ideas of “transcendent man”.

9 years ago

Tim, very grateful that you decided to do these podcasts. More than that, I really appreciate the fact that you take the time to write the show notes. I have found these to be invalunable. Thank you and I hope the podcast continues for a long time.

9 years ago

Hi Tim and thank´s for awesome podcasts! Love them. Now, I hear you mentioning something about what gives you the great sound in the pods. But I don´t hear well enough. Could you please tell me what soft and hard ware you use to get that great sound of yours?

Keep up the good work!

9 years ago

Tim that Chevy Nova / “no va” thing is a total Urban myth!

9 years ago

Tim: thanks so much for these podcasts. I’ve really enjoyed the depth and detail you go into with your guests.

I’d like to suggest some follow up guests for you to speak with, and to hook you and Josh and Marcelo up with (depending, of course, on how deep you’d like to go). One of them is Feldenkrais trainer Jeff Haller. I mention him because of Josh’s comment about Marcelo ‘always working in transition’, and the ability to specify very high criteria for the activity. This understanding is something Jeff has cultivated directly from the principles that Feldenkrais taught from. Feldenkrais’ definition of “good posture” is that it is the state which allows us to move in any direction without hesitation or preparation. This is the ultimate standard and one I think Josh is speaking of in his work with Marcelo: that the ability to move to the next position, based on your ability to sense the possibilities and support in the moment allows for an insane level of both creativity and performance. Jeff can make this stuff incredibly concrete, detailed and viscerally testable for your listeners. Another person is a colleague of Jeff’s, Ellis Amdur. Ellis is an very high level martial artist and scholar. I think a conversation with both or either men would lead in a very positive direction. I’m also happy to speak with you. I’ve mentored with Jeff for the last 8 years and am a dedicated Feldenkrais teacher and movement consultant in New York City. Happy to provide you introductions if you are interested.

Again, really enjoyed the conversations.

Andrew Gibbons

8 years ago

Do you have transcripts? I’m not one for listening for any length of time when I can scan and read what is useful to me. Thx.

Peter Michael
Peter Michael
8 years ago


In the iTunes page, the list of audios only show 100 items, so the Episodes 1-3 doesn’t show anymore. In the iTunes app, it only show 50 itens.

Am I doing something wrong? I just wanted to download to listen the podcast while driving. 🙁

Angie K
Angie K
8 years ago

OMG! I love your show and I finally listened to the first episode. Ha. Way to kill it!

8 years ago

I’m always late on the bandwagon, but really love your podcast and 4 hour work week is set to change how I look at life. One thing in the first episode about unschooling… I am on board with the idea. I don’t see how it precludes great mentorship during our most formative years. Not sure you are understanding what unschooling is. I too think back gratefully on those couple of teachers that really affected me, but now I have a feeling that had I had the option of self directed learning, perhaps I could have had even more such mentors, not less! recommended reading: John Holt- Teach your own. My oldest son is now in public Kinder. We’ll see how it goes as I’m still working on convincing my husband that unschooling is the wave of the future. Thanks for your work, it’s making a difference in my life.

8 years ago

Hi Tim, Your early mentor Coach that John Buxton who is the Head of Schools at Culver Academies? I know you spoke there, so I’m putting two and two together (and I knew he was a wrestling coach). Also, I was fortunate enough to attend Culver (being a townie) and fully understand your enthusiasm for what a great motivator he is. (This has to be the same guy)

In this episode you asked Kevin who you should interview in future shows, well, you should interview Buxton. I’m sure it would make for a great conversation that we would love to listen in on.

Thank you for your time and keep up the great work.

8 years ago

Hello there,

Where can I find a Undulation guide? A how to?

“Undulation” (Capacity to turn drive on and off)


Chris Gutierrez
Chris Gutierrez
7 years ago

Tim – could you please add download links for Ep 1 & 2 so we android users can listen?


7 years ago

This show is a Very very close copycat of Rich Rolll podcast. The intro, when it says deconstruct…etc…

This TF show is a copy / RR version but taking out the sport aspect.

7 years ago


I’ve just undergone the Buttonesque experience of discovering your podcasts in May and listening to them in reverse order.

I started with your Scott Adams Podcast and worked my way back from there to episode one, which I finished two nights ago.

Some thoughts:

1. Your skills as an interviewer and storyteller have improved greatly, and the show was already engaging from the get go. Nice job on honing the format as well;

2. If I had to pick a guest I’d most like to see return than that guest would be Samy Kamkar. I’d love to see him back once a year and talk about his latest projects and perhaps the latest security issues that people should be concerned about;

3. I’d like to see some chefs on the show. Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall, Adrian Richardson, and Marco Canora would be the holy trinity for me. A Podcast with all three perhaps. Jamie Oliver would also be a fantastic guest. He has great stories and his contribution to promoting healthy food awareness and getting men back into the kitchen can’t be overstated.

Keep up the great work. I look forward to changing direction and catching with all the Episodes recorded since May.


Michael Park
Michael Park
7 years ago

Great podcasts, I love the first one especially. I have been listening for about a year now and have started to back track through all the old ones now.

7 years ago

Awesome show, wonderful stuff Tim tim

Shawn Dexter
Shawn Dexter
7 years ago

This was one of the better podcasts on learning out there. Great stuff, Tim!

Ally McNulty
Ally McNulty
7 years ago

You are a badass!

7 years ago

Hilarious episode!

I’ll take the PR honesty advice with me from this episode and off course I will ALWAYS be signing my digital documents by using my the penis signature from here on out, ha ha!

6 years ago

Hey Tim, I just started very late to listen to your podcast on Spotify. I love it! Thank you for your time and passion you put into this. I sadly can’t leave you a good review on iTunes because I don’t have ITunes. But I wanted to thank you anyways and thanks for the show notes!!! How awesome! I searched for the books and didn’t find anything, so it was awesome so see them listed here.

6 years ago

For those Android folks, I was able to download Joshua’s podcast via Google Play Music.

5 years ago

Great content 🙂 Amazing

Marilyn Fuentes
Marilyn Fuentes
4 years ago

Thank you for your effort!

1 month ago

Ainda não falou inglês. 🙁 Disponibilize os áudios em Português ( Brasil), Tim.