Potential Tactics for Defeating Cancer — A Toolkit in 1,000 Words

(Photo: Irina Souiki)

I’ve wanted to publish this post for years.

It will propose a few simple approaches for minimizing the occurrence of cancer.

With 19 billion capillaries in our bodies, on average, virtually 100% of us have microscopic cancers by the time we’re 70 years old, more than 40% of us by age 40. There’s a good chance you have pinhead-size cancers in your body right now. These “cancers without disease” aren’t typically a problem, as they can’t grow larger than 0.5 mm without a blood supply.

But if cancer cells get constant blood and glucose? That’s when you can end up dead.

That’s not where I want to be, and it’s not where I want you to be.

A Little Backstory…

While at the annual TED Conference in 2010, I learned that two close friends had been diagnosed with cancer. The year before, another friend had died of pancreatic cancer in his early 30’s.

This all made me furious and sad. It also made me feel helpless.

As luck would have it, TED in 2010 was abuzz about someone named Dr. William Li. His 24-minute presentation had introduced the crowd to “anti-angiogenesis therapy”: in plain English, how to starve cancers of blood. Dr. Li specializes in inhibiting cancer-specific blood-vessel growth, which ostensibly keeps abnormal growth in check. The simplest “drug” he recommended was tea. Drinking a daily blend of white tea (specifically Dragon Pearl jasmine) and green tea (Japanese sencha).

I started drinking the cocktail immediately, but it was just a first step…

In clinical trials, you see, anti-angiogenesis has been largely been unsuccessful. The father of the field, Judah Folkman, was brilliant, but his brainchild (Avastin) has been a disappointment. For about $100,000 a year of Avastin, one might extend lifespan by a month or so.

So, while I kept drinking my tea, I realized it probably wasn’t enough by itself. That said, it pointed me to new research.

I, for one, believe there are systemic causes of cancer with systemic treatments. This belief began with metformin experimentation in college (not recommended without doctor supervision), followed by reading the work and references of Gary Taubes, all of which has been reinforced by conversations with oncologists over the last decade.

All trails have led back to blood and glucose.

It’s also important to realize that killing cancer cells isn’t hard. Doctors have known how to do this for 100+ years. The real questions is: how do you exploit a weakness in cancer that is NOT a weakness in normal cells? Killing cancer is easy. Killing cancer while not killing non-cancer has proven almost impossible.

The below guest post is written by Peter Attia, M.D.. It explores a simple theory of cancer growth, which simultaneously shows how you can minimize it.

Peter is the President of the Nutrition Science Initiative (NuSI). Peter spent five years at the Johns Hopkins Hospital as a general surgery resident, where he was the recipient of several prestigious awards and the author of a comprehensive review of general surgery. Peter also spent two years at the National Institutes of Health as a surgical oncology fellow at the National Cancer Institute under Dr. Steve Rosenberg, where his research focused on the role of regulatory T cells in cancer regression and other immune-based therapies for cancer. Peter earned his M.D. from Stanford University and holds a B.Sc. in mechanical engineering and applied mathematics from Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario, Canada.

This post is designed to allow you to skim…or go deep. Here are the options:

  • The quickie (10-15 min) – Read the post but ignore footnotes. Definitely a good start if you’re in a rush.
  • The weekend warrior (30 minutes) – Read the post and footnotes, which provide an excellent intro to the science.
  • The semi-pro (60 minutes) – Read the post, footnotes, and at least one top-10 suggested articles. This will give you more of a plan and put you ahead of 90% of the people who discuss cancer.

Enter Pete

One night Tim and I were having dinner and the topic of cancer came up.

Personally and professionally, I have a great interest in cancer, so when Tim asked if I could write something about cancer that was: (i) interesting to a broad audience, (ii) not technically over the top, (iii) not my typical 5,000 word dissertation, (iv) yet nuanced enough for his readers, I agreed to give it a shot, in about 1,000 words.

(Before reading this post, you may find some value in first reading a previous post which sets up the context for this one.)

So here it is, in roughly 1,000 words…


In 1924 a scientist named Otto Warburg happened upon a counterintuitive finding.

Cancer 1 cells, even in the presence of sufficient oxygen, underwent a type of metabolism 2 cells reserved for rapid energy demand – anaerobic metabolism 3. In fact, even when cancer cells were given additional oxygen, they still defaulted into using only glucose 4 to make ATP 5 via the anaerobic pathway. This is counterintuitive because this way of making ATP is typically a last resort for cells, not a default, due to the relatively poor yield of ATP.

This observation begs a logical question: Do cancer cells do this because it’s all they can do? Or do they deliberately ‘choose’ to do this?

The first place to look is at the mitochondria 6 of the cancer cells. Though not uniformly the case, many cancers do indeed appear to have defects in their mitochondria that prevent them from carrying out oxidative phosphorylation 7.

Explanation 1

Cancer cells, like any cells undergoing constant proliferation (recall: cancer cells don’t stop proliferating when told to do so), may be optimizing for something other than energy generation. They may be optimizing for abundant access to cellular building blocks necessary to support near-endless growth. In this scenario, a cancer would prefer to rapidly shuttle glucose through itself. In the process, it generates the energy it needs, but more importantly, it gains access to lots of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms (from the breakdown of glucose). The atoms serve as the necessary input to the rate-limiting step of their survival — growth. The selection of cancer cells is based on this ability to preferentially grow by accessing as much cellular substrate as possible.

Explanation 2

Cells become cancerous because they undergo some form of genetic insult. This insult – damage to their DNA 8 – has been shown to result in the turning off of some genes 9 (those that suppress tumor growth) and/or the activation of other genes (those that promote cell growth unresponsive to normal cell-signaling). Among other things, this damage to their DNA also damages their mitochondria, rendering cancer cells unable to carry out oxidative phosphorylation. So, to survive they must undergo anaerobic metabolism to make ATP.

Whichever of these is more accurate (a discussion beyond my word count), the end result appears the same – cancer cells almost exclusively utilize glucose to make ATP without the use of their mitochondria. The point is: cancer cells have a metabolic quirk. Regardless of how much oxygen and fatty acid 10 they have access to, they preferentially use glucose to make ATP, and they do it without their mitochondria and oxygen.

So, can this be exploited to treat or even prevent cancer?

One way this quirk has been exploited for many years is in medical imaging. FDG-PET scans 11 are a useful tool for non-invasively detecting cancer in people. By exploiting the obligate glucose consumption of cancer cells, the FDG-PET scan is a powerful way to locate cancer (see figure).

Cancer Blog Images

You can probably tell where I’m leading you. What happens if we reduce the amount of glucose in the body? Could such an intervention ‘starve’ cancer cells? An insight into this came relatively recently from an unlikely place – the study of patients with type 2 diabetes.

In the past few years, three retrospective studies of patients taking a drug called metformin have shown that diabetic patients who take metformin, even when adjusted for other factors such as body weight and other medications, appear to get less cancer.

And when they do get cancer, they appear to survive longer. Why? The answer may lie in what metformin does. Metformin does many things, to be clear, but chief among them is activating an enzyme called AMP kinase, which is important in suppressing the production of glucose in the liver (the liver manufactures glucose from protein and glycerol and releases it to the rest of the body). This drug is used in patients with diabetes to reduce glucose levels and thereby reduce insulin requirement.

So, the patients taking metformin may have better cancer outcomes because their glucose levels were lower, or because such patients needed less insulin. Insulin and insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) also appear to play an integral role in cancer growth as recently demonstrated by the observation that people with defective IGF-1 receptors appear immune to cancer. Or, it may be that activation of AMP kinase in cancer cells harms them in some other way. We don’t actually know why, but we do know that where there is smoke there is often fire. And the ‘smoke’ in this case is that a relatively innocuous drug that alters glucose levels in the body appears to interfere with cancer.

This may also explain why most animal models show that caloric restriction improves cancer outcomes. Though historically, this observation has been interpreted through the lens of less ‘food’ for cancer. A more likely explanation is that caloric restriction is often synonymous with glucose reduction, and it may be the glucose restriction per se that is keeping the cancer at bay.

Fortunately this paradigm shift in oncology – exploiting the metabolic abnormality of cancer cells – is gaining traction, and doing so with many leaders in the field.

Over a dozen clinical trials are underway right now investigating this strategy in the cancers that appear most sensitive to this metabolic effect – breast, endometrial, cervical, prostate, pancreatic, colon, and others. Some of these trials are simply trying to reproduce the metformin effect in a prospective, blinded fashion. Other trials are looking at sophisticated ways to target cancer by exploiting this metabolic abnormality, such as targeting PI3K 12 directly.

To date, no studies in humans are evaluating the therapeutic efficacy of glucose and/or insulin reduction via diet, though I suspect that will change in the coming year or two, pending outcomes of the metformin trials.

EDITOR’S NOTE:Though it might seem premature to some, let’s make this actionable. To reduce glucose, consider following a diet (way of eating, really) such as The Slow-Carb Diet, Paleo, or any diet that induces ketosis. Many of the most influential researchers in the US, in addition to following ketogenic diets, take slow-acting metformin as a preemptive measure. NOTE: This should NOT be done without medical supervision.


I’ve been absurdly blessed to study this topic at the feet of legends, and to be crystal clear, not a single thought represented here is original work emanating from my brain. I’m simply trying to reconstruct the story and make it more accessible to a broader audience. Though I trained in oncology, my research at NIH/NCI focused on the role of the immune system in combating cancer. My education in the metabolism of cancer has been formed by the writings of those below, and from frequent discussions with a subset of them who have been more than generous with their time, especially Lewis Cantley (who led the team that discovered PI3K) and Dominic D’Agostino.

• Otto Warburg

• Lewis Cantley

• Dominic D’Agostino

• Craig Thompson

• Thomas Seyfried

• Eugene Fine

• Richard Feinman (not to be confused with Richard Feynman)

• Rainer Klement

• Reuben Shaw

• Matthew Vander Heiden

• Valter Longo

Further Reading from Tim — A Top-10 List

There is a deluge of writing about cancer.

Below, I’ve suggested a top-10 list of articles as starting points. Some are for lay audiences, some are technical, but all are worth the time to read. Here you go:

Looking for articles to pass to your parents, or to read as a lay person? Read these, in this order:

1. Non-technical talk by Craig Thompson, Pres/CEO of Sloan-Kettering

2. Science piece written about cancer (for non-technical audience) by Gary Taubes

Have a little background and want the 80/20 analysis, the greatest bang for the buck? Read this:

3. Relatively non-technical review article on the Warburg Effect written by Vander Heiden, Thompson, and Cantley

Peaking on modafinil during a flight to Tokyo? Want to deep dive for a few hours? Here are three recommendations, in this order:

4. Detailed review article by Tom Seyfried

5. Review article on the role of carb restriction in the treatment and prevention of cancer

6. Talk given by author of above paper for those who prefer video

Want four bonus reads, all very good? As you wish:

7. Moderately technical review article by Shaw and Cantley

8. Clinical paper on the role of metformin in breast cancer by Ana Gonzalez-Angulo

9. Mouse study by Dom D’Agostino’s group examining role of ketogenic diet and hyperbaric oxygen on a very aggressive tumor model

10. Mechanistic study by Feinman and Fine assessing means by which acetoacetate (a ketone body) suppresses tumor growth in human cancer cell lines

Afterword by Tim

It’s my hope that this short article offers hope. Moreover, it’s intended to offer actionable directions for those dealing with cancer or fearful of it.

Note a few things:

  • I am not a doctor, nor do I play one on the Internet. Make medical decisions with medical supervision.
  • This is a 1,000-word primer and therefore simplified. It’s not incorrect, but it is not comprehensive either, as it would impossible to digest for most people. Be sure to read the “further reading” above if you’re serious.

Have you stumbled upon any novel science/treatments related to cancer? Please share in the comments below, if so, as I’d love this post to become a living resource.

Many thanks for reading this far.



  1. A collection of cells in our bodies that grow at roughly normal speeds, but that do not respond appropriately to cell signaling. In other words, while a collection of ‘normal’ cells will grow and stop growing in response to appropriate messages from hormones and signals, cancer cells have lost this property. Contrary to popular misconception, cancers cells do not grow especially fast relative to non-cancer cells. The problem is they don’t ‘know’ when to stop growing. 
  2. The process of converting the stored energy in food (chemical energy contained mostly within the bonds of carbon and hydrogen atoms) into usable energy for the body to carry out essential and non-essential work (e.g., ion transport, muscle contraction). 
  3. The process of converting the stored energy in food (chemical energy contained mostly within the bonds of carbon and hydrogen atoms) into usable energy for the body to carry out essential and non-essential work (e.g., ion transport, muscle contraction). 
  4. A very simple sugar which many carbohydrates ultimately get broken down into via digestion; glucose is a ring of 6-carbon molecules and has the potential to deliver a lot, or a little, ATP, depending on how it is metabolized. 
  5. Adenosine triphosphate, the ‘currency’ of energy used by the body. As its name suggests, this molecule has three (tri) phosphates. Energy is liberated for use when the body converts ATP to ADP (adenosine diphosphate), by cutting off one of the phosphate ions in exchange for energy. 
  6. The part of the cell where aerobic metabolism takes place. Think of a cell as a town and the mitochondria as the factory that converts the stored energy into usable energy. If food is natural gas, and usable energy is electricity, the mitochondria are the power plants. But remember, mitochondria can only work when they have enough oxygen to process glucose or fatty acids. If they don’t, the folks outside of the factory have to make due with sub-optimally broken down glucose and suboptimal byproducts. 
  7. Aerobic metabolism is the process of extracting ATP from glucose or fatty acids when the demand for ATP is not too great, which permits the process to take place with sufficient oxygen in the cell. This process is highly efficient and generates a lot of ATP (about 36 units, for example, from one molecule of glucose) and it’s easy to manage waste products (oxygen and carbon dioxide). The process of turning glucose and fatty acid into lots of ATP using oxygen is called ‘oxidative phosphorylation.’ 
  8. Deoxyribonucleic acid, to be exact, is the so-called “building block” of life. DNA is a collection of 4 subunits (called nucleotides) that, when strung together, create a code. Think of nucleotides like letters of the alphabet. The letters can be rearranged to form words, and words can be strung together to make sentences. 
  9. If nucleotides are the letters of the alphabet, and DNA is the words and sentences, genes are the books – a collection of words strung together to tell a story. Genes tell our body what to build and how to build it, among other things. In recent years, scientists have come to identify all human genes, though we still have very little idea what most genes ‘code’ for. It’s sort of like saying we’ve read all of War and Peace, but we don’t yet understand most of it. 
  10. The breakdown product of fats (either those stored in the body or those ingested directly) which can be of various lengths (number of joined carbon atoms) and structures (doubled bonds between the carbon atoms or single bonds). 
  11. (A type of ‘functional’ radiographic study, often called a ‘pet scan’ for short, used to detect cancer in patients with a suspected tumor burden (this test can’t effectively detect small amounts of cancer and only works for ‘established’ cancers). F18 is substituted for -OH on glucose molecules, making something called 2-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose (FDG), an analog of glucose. This molecule is detectable by PET scanners (because of the F18) and shows which parts of the body are most preferentially using glucose. 
  12. Phosphoinositide 3-kinase, commonly called PI3K (pronounced ‘pee-eye-three-kay’), is an enzyme (technically, a family of enzymes) involved in cell growth and proliferation. Not surprisingly, these enzymes play an important role in cancer growth and survival, and cancer cells often have mutations in the gene encoding PI3K, which render PI3K even more active. PI3Ks are very important in insulin signaling, which may in part explain their role in cancer growth, as you’ll come to understand. 

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Glyn Turner
Glyn Turner
7 years ago

Please make this post mobile friendly. The colour combination make it very difficult to read

Kevin Dutcher
Kevin Dutcher
7 years ago

Entelev/ Cantron / Protocel was developed to exploit this, by Jim Sheridan. http://entelevhome.net

7 years ago

There’s an event being organised in Paris, where top researchers and scientist from all around the world will meet to discuss different metabolic cancer therapies. September 21st 2017. Looks very interesting. [Moderator: link removed]

James Tuffield
James Tuffield
7 years ago

Right now, a company is working on a chemo drug called VAL 83. It is in piii clinicals at MD Anderson for Glia Blastoma (brain cancer) and it was found that the drug alkylates at a location on the DNA that stops cancer and more importantly, is uneffected by the MGMT repair enzyme. The reason I mention this is it is a sugar! Small molecule that methylates and makes it through the blood brain barrier. It makes perfect sense that the drug would be taken up quickly by cancer cells. The company if anyone wants to do a bit of digging is Del Mar Pharmaceuticals.

Ed Craske
Ed Craske
7 years ago

Very stupid and misleading article, very disappointed Tim.Many different types cancer and actually a diet high in meat is linked to many forms of cancer, so Paleo and high fat not so good. Read Dorian Yates believed cannabis cured cancer,which is also very dangerous as many young people are influenced by the information famous people put out.Please be involved as a scientist yourself before handing out misinformation from cranks.Peoples lives could be in your hands.

Tsu Huey
Tsu Huey
7 years ago

Hi there, I am trying to offer a new perspective of looking at cancer. Many of the research done these days are aimed at looking for new therapeutic options. I honestly think it would be better if we can prevent it firsthand. I am a medical student who is highly interested in solving pancreatic cancer because I once observed a patient who ate right, exercised, did not abuse alcohol diagnosed with terminal stage pancreatic cancer. She did everything right. I wonder what went wrong?

And so I started reading more, and realised there wasn’t much information available about the risk factors of pancreatic cancer. Earlier diagnosis is still unachievable. I recalled the work of Prof. Harold zur Hausen in finding the association of Human Papilloma virus in causing cervical cancer, which eventually lead to the work of a preventive vaccine (Gardasil, Cervarix).

I think you should check out the work of Prof. Patrick S. Moore and Prof Yuan Chang (University of Pittsburgh) in viruses causing cancer too. The million dollar question is: which viruses are involved? Throughout the years, better techniques were developed, aiming at improving the sensitivity and specificity of viral detection. I personally am suspicious of viruses from the food we eat. (This part is not proven scientifically yet). For example, poultry viruses and viruses from beef, those meat we consume each day. I wonder what happens when meat is undercooked. Frequent exposure to these items? Could it cause latent infection and transformation of our genes by these viruses? The pastries, desserts we eat, the cream from uncooked eggs. (These are all hypothetical questions).

If we could detect these viruses, and work on preventive vaccines. It would save many lives.

If you are interested, do read on the following articles:

1. Why do viruses cause cancer? Highlights of the first century of human tumour virology: http://www.nature.com/nrc/journal/v10/n12/abs/nrc2961.html

2. Preventing cancer with vaccines: progress in the global control of cancer.


I have more to suggest for reading. If anyone is interested, let me know.

6 years ago
Reply to  Tsu Huey

I’m a recent MD. I’ve also looked into this. Dr. Gregor on nutritionfacts.org has done a lot of videos on the association of poultry and oncolytic viruses. Mere cooking doesn’t kill these viruses. Poultry is the worst meat one can eat. Better to avoid meat completely as meat causes IGF-1 release which has a strong association with cancer over the long run.

John King
John King
6 years ago

Out of interest Tim, do you take slow acting metformin at all?

Or are you relying on nutritional intervention such as ketosis, fasting and exogenous ketones?

6 years ago

Out of interest Tim, do you take slow acting metformin at all?

Or are you relying on nutritional intervention such as ketosis, fasting and exogenous ketones?

6 years ago

Some people say that Soursop Graviola can cure gastric cancer. If you read the reviews on Amazon for this in juice or tea form there are people swearing this cured their gastric cancer. I did some research on this; did not find much evidence on its ability to cure cancer but did find a few studies that suggested long term use of graviola can lead to Parkinsonian symptoms.

6 years ago

Curcumin and Cannabis oil

Steve Laubly
Steve Laubly
5 years ago

“Cancer – Step Outside The Box” by Ty Bollinger is a plethora of research all in one book…Highly recommend!

Rick S.
Rick S.
4 years ago

Great information. An important part of coping with a cancer diagnosis is recognizing feelings and emotions. Treatment that deals with our emotions and relationships can help people with cancer feel more upbeat and have a better quality of life. I think the power of the mind can control serious diseases. So always be positive in life.

[Moderator: additional text and link removed.]

Brian Reynolds
Brian Reynolds
4 years ago

Tim, would love to see an update version of the article, I remember you saying that you learned that you would have to drink huge amounts of jasmine pearl tea.

Its a very relevant article, actually you could post this article with updates once a year at least its that relevant.


Brian R

Dublin, Ireland

4 years ago

Certain foods such as fruits, vegetables, and meat can affect your health and lower the risk of certain diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. The same these edible foods work for cancer and help to reduce its growth.

i read article about this:

[Moderator: link removed.]

research said that certain disease from different vegetables. and cancer killing diet to prevent and also reverse cancer.

every person awar to other about cancer is curable and how to exist it.

Charles Pugh
Charles Pugh
4 years ago

Thank you so much! My Dad has clear cell renal cell carcinoma and I found his genetic mutations via years of researching journals, it turns out ampk, p13k, mtor and prmb1 are among the key mutations. You are so on the money with fasting, insulin reduction and metformin. Thank you for your brilliantly worded piece. This is going to save lives, you should be proud of yourself! Feel free to reach out if you know anything of ccrcc, my dad is battling so hard. Thank you!

Ziran – nature/natural (that which is of itself/self-so).


E Taylor
E Taylor
4 years ago


Hope this finds you. I know many people who have died from following Dr’s recommendations for cancer treatment. I have met several who have cured themselves by just changing their diet, some as late as stage 4 where the Dr. told them to go home and die well. If you are interested I can send you a link.


4 years ago

Hello !
Thanks for a great blog. The guidelines are so beneficial.

4 years ago

thanks for sharing

Clara Bird
Clara Bird
3 years ago

I highly recommend the book, How Not to Die, by Michael Greger, MD. He shows how reducing / eliminating animal based products is the most effective change you can make to prevent and reduce cancer.

April Shoemaker
April Shoemaker
2 years ago

Thanks for the info. I would also look at the Budwig Protocol by Dr Budwig for curing cancer.

2 years ago

Great article thanks for sharing this great article

1 year ago

There is a book “the Iodine crisis” that was written by a journalist who started by realizing cancer rates in Japan was very low. Japanese have high amount of seafood and therefore iodine in their diet. I would take the approach of doing everything that is likely to work and has minimal cost and removing variables rather than isolating it to one variable and introducing it as the only change since producing results is more important than finding out why. It particularly showed positive results with breast cancer and thyroid. Iodine also treats radiation and may mitigate some damage of people undergoing radiation

So slow carb diet and cinnamon to reduce insulin response and increased proteins and vegetables and iodine. ANY fats should be as monosaturated or polyunsaturated as possible, focus on increasing mitocondria and eliminating free radicals, meditation, laughter, fistful of placebo pills, belief changes and whatever else in addition to whatever you determine alone with proper medical advice.