Stoicism for Modern Stresses: 5 Lessons from Cato

The philosophical school of Stoicism is, I believe, the perfect operating system for thriving in high-stress environments. For entrepreneurs, it’s a godsend.

Both Seneca and Marcus Aurelius have been extensively written about elsewhere (For my favorite resource, check out The Tao of Seneca). But what of Cato, about whom Dante said, “And what earthly man was more worthy to signify God than Cato?”

One of my favorite anecdotes of Cato is from Plutarch. I quote it often (see “Practical Pessimism“):

“Seeing the lightest and gayest purple was then most in fashion, he would always wear that which was the nearest black; and he would often go out of doors, after his morning meal, without either shoes or tunic; not that he sought vain-glory from such novelties, but he would accustom himself to be ashamed only of what deserves shame, and to despise all other sorts of disgrace.”

The following article was written by Rob Goodman and Jimmy Soni. At age 22, Rob Goodman became the speechwriter for Senator Chris Dodd, and then moved on to be the speechwriter for House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer. At age 26, Jimmy became the youngest-ever Managing Editor of the Huffington Post, reporting directly to Arianna Huffington to help oversee a global, 24/7 newsroom.

Both exemplify the power of Stoicism when applied to a world of modern noise.

Below are the five practical lessons they’ve distilled from Cato’s incredible career and legacy.

Enter Rob and Jimmy

Julius Caesar wanted to end him. George Washington wanted to be him. And for two thousand years, he was a singular subject of plays, poetry, and paintings, with admirers as diverse as Benjamin Franklin, the poet Dante, and the Stoic emperor Marcus Aurelius.

Yet, for all that, you’ve probably never heard of him…

We’ve spent the last few years excavating the life, times, and legacy of Marcus Porcius Cato the Younger, better known to the world simply as Cato. He was the senator who led the opposition to Julius Caesar in the last years of the Roman Republic, then killed himself rather than live under a dictator. He brought Stoicism into the mainstream. The Founding Fathers resurrected him as a symbol of resistance to tyranny. George Washington even put on a play about him in the bitter winter at Valley Forge.

Why does he matter today? Because at a time of crisis and calamity in Rome, Cato’s mission was to live life on his own terms, even (and sometimes especially) when those terms put him at odds with everyone around him.

Cato reminds us that there’s a thin line between visionaries and fools–a lesson especially important to entrepreneurs, authors, creative-types, or really anyone doing work that goes against the grain.

He remains both a shining example and a cautionary tale. Here are five lessons he can teach us about reputation, authority, fear, discipline, and legacies:

1) Master the power of gestures.

We talk about our times as the age of information overload, but public figures in all ages have had to compete to be heard. Ancient Rome was saturated with political talk: popular lawyers like Cicero consistently drew huge crowds, and the Roman people could regularly hear all-day parades of political speeches in the Forum. How could someone break through all that noise?

Cato understood that actions are far easier to “hear” than words. So he perfected a style of politics-by-gesture. He went barefoot. He wore his toga commando (then, as now, not the fashionable thing to do). He walked alone without the usual entourage of aides. He slept in the trenches with his troops rather than relax in a tent; he marched alongside them rather than ride a horse. He surrounded himself with philosophers, not political advisors. Just a second’s glance at him told an onlooker everything he needed to know about Cato. Those gestures, more than any vote cast or speech given, made his reputation.

[TIM: Not unlike Gandhi’s 1930 Salt March.]

Even his death at the end of Rome’s civil war was a statement against his enemies. One night, he retired to his room after dinner, and loudly called for a book—Plato’s dialogue Phaedo—and his sword. The Phaedo tells the story of the death of Socrates, a philosopher too principled to live, forced to drink poison by the political authorities. Cato wanted everyone to see the parallels. Then he gritted his teeth and disemboweled himself.

To this day, his gesture against tyranny speaks as loud as any book or speech on the subject.

2) Don’t compromise—ever.

The Stoics taught Cato that there were no shades of gray. There was no more-or-less good, no more-or-less bad. Whether you were a foot underwater or a fathom, you were still drowning. All virtues were one and the same virtue, all vices the same vice.

It is the kind of austere scheme that seems unreasonable to live by and almost entirely impossible for the flux of war and politics. But Cato made it work. He refused political compromise in every form, to the point that bribe-takers turned his name into an aphorism: “What do you expect of us? We can’t all be Catos.”

He demanded the same of his friends, his family, and his soldiers. He was infuriating to his enemies, and he could seem crazy to his allies. And yes, sometimes he took his adherence to principle down absurd, blind alleys. But he also built an impossible, almost inhuman standard that brought him unshakable authority. By default, he became Rome’s arbiter of right and wrong. When Cato spoke, people sat up straighter. When he was carted off to jail by Julius Caesar, the entire Senate joined him in sympathy, forcing Caesar to let Cato go.

Many in Cato’s day spent their fortunes and slaughtered armies in pursuit of that kind of authority. But it can’t be bought or fought for—it’s the charisma of character. His countrymen couldn’t all be Catos, but they could join whichever uncompromising side of the argument Cato was on.

3) Fear nothing.

On election day during a consequential race, Cato and his brother-in-law rose before dawn and set off for the polls. Both were on the record against the front-runners, men bearing grudges (and armies) against Cato.

They were ambushed. The torchbearer at the head of Cato’s party collapsed with a groan—stabbed to death. The light clattered to the pavement, and they were surrounded by shadows swinging swords. The assailants wounded each member of the party until all had fled but Cato and his brother-in-law. They held their ground, Cato gripping a wound that poured blood from his arm.

Their attackers were under orders to maim and frighten them, not to kill. The message sent, they fled through the streets. Cato and his brother-in-law were alone in the dark.

For Cato, the ambush was a reminder that if the front-runners were willing to perpetrate such crimes on the way to power, then one could only imagine what they would do once they arrived. It was all the more important that he stand in front of the Roman people, show off his wounds, and announce that he would stand for liberty as long as he had life in him. But his brother-in-law didn’t have the stomach for it. He apologized, left, and barricaded himself inside his home.

Cato, meanwhile, walked unguarded and alone to the polls.

Fear can only enter the mind with our consent, Cato had been taught. Choose not to be afraid, and fear simply vanishes. To the untrained observer, Cato’s physical courage was reckless. But in fact, it was among the most practiced aspects of Cato’s self-presentation. And it was this long meditation on the absurdity of fear—on its near-total insignificance but for our own belief in it—that enabled him to press forward where others gave in.

4) Use pain as a teacher.

Cato’s early Stoic training was as hard and uncompromising as he hoped to become. He walked around Rome in unusual clothing with the goal of getting people to laugh at him. He learned to subsist on a poor man’s rations. He went barefoot and bareheaded in heat and rain. He learned how to endure sickness in perfect silence.

What was the point? Pain and difficulty could build endurance and self-control. Cato was drilling himself to become indifferent to all things outside the magic circle of the conscience. He could be ridiculed, starving, poor, cold, hot, sick—and none of it would matter. As the Stoic philosopher Epictetus taught: “Where is the good? In the will. Where is the evil? In the will.”

All of Cato’s practice paid off. Seneca, the great imperial Stoic, relates a telling story. Visiting the public baths one day, Cato was shoved and struck. Once the fight was broken up, he simply refused to accept an apology from the offender: “I don’t even remember being hit.”

5) Don’t expect to control your legacy.

No one in Rome was more skilled at building a public image than Cato. And yet, for all of his best efforts, at the moment he died he became the property of other people. Cato spent two decades as a politician. He has spent two millennia as a political object.

Would Cato have approved of being publicly humiliated by Caesar after his death, paraded through Rome’s forum on a billboard depicting his grisly suicide? Would Cato have approved of being cast as the star of an Italian opera, complete with a romantic subplot? Would Cato have approved of being turned by the Founding Fathers into a symbol of American democracy?

Who knows? Our guess is that Cato, irascible as he was, wouldn’t have liked any of it—because, at each step, Cato has been made to serve values and cultures almost totally alien to him, ones he never could have imagined. But that’s what you get when you’re dead—if you’re lucky. That’s what all of this vaunted “immortal fame” looks like.

Cato’s Stoicism told him that everything we value—our wealth, our health, our success, our reputations, essentially everything not between our two ears—is ultimately beyond our control. Even if you live such an exemplary life that people are writing books about you 2,000 years after you’re in the ground, you probably wouldn’t be happy about it, and in any case, you’d still be dead. Which proves better than anything what the Stoics taught: the only reward for virtue is virtue.


Cato didn’t have Caesar’s military skill, or Cicero’s eloquence, or Pompey’s boyish good looks. But he had something even more formidable: a determination to hold himself, and those around him, to an insanely high standard. He asked to be measured by a standard higher than winning and losing in Roman politics, and that’s why he still matters long after ancient Rome went to ruins. We should remember Washington’s favorite line from the Cato play at Valley Forge:

“‘Tis not in mortals to command success; but we’ll do more…we’ll deserve it.”


Rob and Jimmy’s book, Rome’s Last Citizen: The Life and Legacy of Cato, Mortal Enemy of Caesar, is effectively the first-ever modern biography of Cato. The writing is excellent, the stories unforgettable, and the lessons practical. IF you’ve enjoyed my previous writing on Stoicism or Seneca, you will enjoy this book.

The Tim Ferriss Show is one of the most popular podcasts in the world with more than one billion downloads. It has been selected for "Best of Apple Podcasts" three times, it is often the #1 interview podcast across all of Apple Podcasts, and it's been ranked #1 out of 400,000+ podcasts on many occasions. To listen to any of the past episodes for free, check out this page.

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Ben Foden
Ben Foden
11 years ago

Excellent article. I believe now more than ever people starting businesses, political campaigns, and creative projects need to have their standards pegged and held high lest they fall into the chasm of mediocrity.

In the same way standards must be always upheld, we risk always sliding backwards for lack of progressive action.

I am no Cato, but I am certainly working towards his ideals.

Thanks for sharing this

11 years ago

My problem with this as an entrepreneur, is that stoicism is mutually exclusive with catholicism. I am very grounded in catholic doctrine. Any other philosophy, albeit very useful, is not able to touch terra firma. For me, catholic truth wins over the perceived usefulness of other things.

11 years ago
Reply to  PJN

Catholic truth? What is truth?

11 years ago
Reply to  PJN

Why would you want to disregard all new information because you REALLY believe in one thing already? Thats a bad way to evaluate a new philosophy — a new business — anything…

11 years ago
Reply to  PJN


Your truth is what you decide it to be.

If Catholic doctrine fits, wear it.

If Cato’s stoicism fits wear it.

In either case don’t bother broadcasting it because it is nobody’s business but yours.



Arnie McKinnis
Arnie McKinnis
11 years ago
Reply to  Derek

Personally, I have problem with anyone that has to state they are something – regardless of what it is. I makes me wonder if they they really are that thing – including stating something like “I’m a man….”

11 years ago
Reply to  Derek

You are absolutely correct PJN. Thanks for sharing the catholic (universal) truth. Those that seek will find. It is funny watching others develop lifestyles surrounded and aimed at the achievement of pleasure. Those that seek pleasure suffer want. Someone actually honest with themselves in a true search for truth will find it. Those with pride, will never, and quite honestly don’t deserve it. They will not be able to see. In a society built around individuality and self gain it is true that we are not all that different. For if truth between us is relative, I would recommend that relative to the same proportion as my DNA is the same as yours 99.9%. Yes, some of our truths may be relative (i.e. our personalities, strenghts, skills, talents), but relative to the same proportion our DNA is the same. For anger, and resentment will enter the wicked who see truth, but joy and happiness will enter the humble who see truth. There is only one truth that transcends all cultures, peoples and quite honestly all the “differences” that we have. That is the universal truth. The catholic one.

11 years ago
Reply to  PJN

PJN, I find your dilemma intriguing. As I understand the catechism (superficially to be sure), our ethical decision-making is based on: intention, circumstances, and the objective nature of the action. I am not sure why that is incompatible with stoicism. I am more familiar with Epictetus than Cato, but understand generally that actions are to be valued against your ability to exercise your will. To me, this seems to indicate that you should be responsible for your intention (in Catholic language) to the extent that you have the opportunity in given circumstances, given that some array of actions might be categorically wrong. Maybe you can point to a blog post where you describe in detail where the problem lies?

11 years ago
Reply to  PJN

The Catholic Faith is the ‘pearl of great price’, and completes and synthesizes the works of the philosophers and ascetics the world over. No matter how suicide was ‘moralized’, by the stoics, I do not know….but no matter their justifications, it is objectively selfish and self aggrandizing. All the humility of Cato was to supplant his ego, and the tree (not being good), could not bear good fruit, and so resulted in the penultimate act of selfishness. ‘If you seek yourself, you will find yourself, but that to your own destruction’, (a Kempis). Despite all of this, I can still take from this article motivation towards more self-discipline, and the virtue of courage inthe face of adversity

10 years ago
Reply to  Conor

I wouldn’t say the Stoics ‘moralized’ suicide so much as they did not desperately cling to life. Cato was defeated in his attempt to prevent the republic from being overthrown, and judging by the rest of Roman history he would likely have been killed anyway. The emperor Marcus Aurelius hastened his death by refusing to eat due to grave illness; is this a mortal sin according to your “truth”? I say the sin is to cling to life with medications and machines, delaying ones death while claiming to believe in life everlasting. I also question your claiming to know the state of Cato’s soul.

I wouldn’t say that Cato’s suicide even represents Stoic principles, anyhow. The ‘sage’ would not have cared about the defeat (which was out of his control), and would continue to strive to act virtuously. You cannot judge the belief by the actions of one man.

8 years ago
Reply to  Conor

Cato did not take his life for his own ego but for the sake of the people of Rome. Had he allowed himself to be taken prisoner, he would have been paraded by Caesar down the streets as a trophy and as an example to everyone in Rome of what happens when you fight for liberty. Cato cared more for the Republic than he did his own flesh.

Out of curiosity, would you consider all forms of self-sacrifice to be suicide? What about the people who stayed behind at Fukushima as the power plant went through its melt-down. Were Jesus or Socrates committing suicide when they refused to escape from their unjust executions, even though escape would have been easier than the suffering that followed? Surely these acts were not acts of selfishness. There must be a difference between saving your own skin and standing up for something that is bigger or more important than oneself. Dante thought so of Cato in his Divine Comedy by not placing him with the suicides in Hell, but giving him a place of honor at the gates of Purgatory – the highest position of any unbaptized person in that greatest of Catholic epics.

10 years ago
Reply to  PJN

This does not make any sense, especially considering how much influence stoicism had on the formation of Christianity. The more important Stoic ideas are totally harmonious with Christianity. They believed in a singular God/force/essence that permeates all of existence. In fact, from John 1:1 “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God”, the ‘Word’ is translated from logos (greek), which was used to describe the Stoic concept of God (it is often translated as God in their works).

At any rate, the important part of Stoicism (over other philosophies) is that it becomes a way of life as opposed to a belief. All the reasonings about God/gods/nature/physics are not nearly as important as actually living the philosophy.

8 years ago
Reply to  PJN

The Catholics traditionally referred to Seneca as “Our Seneca” and Dante placed Cato outside of the Inferno at the gateway to the Ante-Purgatorio, indicating that he committed a form of martyrdom rather than suicide. Although there are areas where Catholics have taken issue with Stoicism, overall, it has had a tremendous impact on the formation of the Church and its ideas about the role of Providence in our lives. Like with Aristotle or Plato, the Church has always recommended that these texts be read and integrated so as to live a more virtuous life. As St. Thomas Aquinas argued, although the the Church has access to revelation, we should not abandon Truth when it is discovered through reason from other sources. Our reason can achieve great things even without the superadded light of revelation.

8 years ago
Reply to  PJN

Saint Paul, a Jew who grew up in a Greek colony, was heavily influenced by stoicism. Also, the idea of Nature (or Logos) which you can find in the writings of Marcus Aurelius, is an attempt of the stoics to find an higher purpose to one’s life.

I am catholic myself and, after years of practice, I concluded that Catholicism contains and perfects Stoicism, by giving life a even higher purpose.

Francois Arouet
Francois Arouet
7 years ago
Reply to  PJN

Catholicism is not philosophy or a search for the truth but a dogma and a superstition. I don’t see how one can conflate the two.

Allan Gregoire
Allan Gregoire
11 years ago

It would be great if we could drive home the lesson to be “ashamed of only that which deserves shame” during a child’s early years in school. So many children suffer from self esteem issues because of callous statements made by peers. If we could get the affected children to a place where they felt comfortable in their own skin prior to the abuse, it would do immeasurable good.

Jack Butler
Jack Butler
11 years ago

Great post Tim – love it when you bring your philosophical side in. Wondering whether you have ever read any Ken Wilber?

11 years ago

First post – im done.

11 years ago

Awesome post as always.

I have bought Letters from a Stoic by Seneca. I read a page everyday. I could read more, but I want to make sure I do not miss any word.

Thanks for introducing me to stoicism long ago.

Isaiah Hankel
Isaiah Hankel
11 years ago

The greatest lesson of stoicism, for me, is simply to live daily in a way that if you died in 24 hours you’d be happy with your attitude and pursuits for that day. That’s your real legacy. People stuff their lives with things they’re ultimately going to downsize and leave behind. Downsize now. Let flexibility and mobility be your master.

Jason Ford
Jason Ford
11 years ago

A great post. Mastering the power of gestures is such an important point that is rarely communicated so clearly. The legacy paragraph was enlightening as well. I was thinking about death today on my drive to Palo Alto (who knows why, the brain is tricky like that) and this paragraph resonated.

If you are looking to dive deeper into discussions on Stoicism I encourage you to check out A great community with big names who contribute to the conversation. Ryan Holiday was recent weighing in on some topics. He is the writer who introduced Tim’s community to Stoicism back in 2009 (

Matthew Derek Keenan
Matthew Derek Keenan
11 years ago


Thank you for sharing such wonderful thoughts and principles. I sometimes think that younger men do not hold such high standards for themselves. At 72 years, I was brought up to do so, by Jesuits, Dominicans, Marists and those great men and women in my masters courses.

You seem to me to be made of similar stuff and I bless you, Rob, Jimmy, Brian and others of your kind with the courage to dare to be the great men you were meant to be. You have my gratitude, Tim, for being able to follow your blog, to be challenged to continue to screw up the courage to even greater heights than I have yet accomplished.

11 years ago

Bless you Matthew Derek Keenan for sharing high standards of living, showing that rethinking and challenging daily is something you can do throughout life. I especially like the fact that you’ve linked back to Tim’s site with the “website” field!

David Kurkov
David Kurkov
11 years ago

Hey Tim,

Like Torumoy, you introduced me to stoicism. For that I thank you.

One question I always had about stoicism is how to handle feelings like joy or love. Does a stoic not let those feelings appear in his life or when they do, brush them off? Or is it learning to accept feelings of love but understanding they can disappear? How do you completely give yourself to the moment of experiencing a feeling but yet keep that in mind? Is it possible to be “in the moment”?

I’m looking forward to reading 4-hour chef. Best of wishes with it’s success!


James Duffy
James Duffy
11 years ago
Reply to  David Kurkov

I highly recommend “Guide to the Good Life” by William B. Irvine. I have no affiliation with the book or the author, but it was my formal introduction to Stoicism and I recommend it to… anyone, basically. The book is written in modern language and helps you get a general idea of Stoic concepts before diving into Meditations or Letters from a Stoic (which take quite some time to digest for the modern reader). Or if you’re short on time, google “twenty first century stoic” for a three-part series by the same author on

The short answer to your question is that a Stoic allows himself to enjoy life’s pleasures, so long as he takes precautions against becoming enslaved by them. Stoicism is kind of the middle ground between the Cynics, who rejected all wordly pleasures, and the Epicureans, who sought to maximize the pleasure they experienced in life. It’s ok to take joy in things you find pleasurable, so long as a) they don’t cause you to experience less joy in the future (e.g. hard drugs), and b) you regularly remind yourself that they could, at any moment, disappear. The Stoics also recommended periodically choosing to abstain from pleasures. But the long answer is more complicated, so I would recommend you start with at least that three part series I mentioned above.

11 years ago
Reply to  James Duffy

I DON’T recommend starting with that book. The primary texts are easier to read and more practical

James Duffy
James Duffy
11 years ago
Reply to  Ryan_Holiday

I like it because for the uninitiated, it condenses the works of all the major Stoic players into a single book, instead of needing to read several just to get a basic understanding of what Stoicism is all about.

Which book would you recommend people start with?

David Kurkov
David Kurkov
11 years ago
Reply to  James Duffy

Hey James,

Thanks for the book, I’ll check it out. In practical terms, the way to remind yourself of the possibility of losing anything, is by occasionally practicing the absence of it? How would you practice it with family (parents, brothers, sisters) or people?

James Duffy
James Duffy
11 years ago
Reply to  David Kurkov

The Stoics employed “negative visualization,” which is essentially just taking a few seconds to imagine what your life would be like without those things / people. What this does is reset your baseline for happiness. It causes you to appreciate the people and things you might have been taking for granted.

An example is, when you’re with your family or friends, think to yourself that this could be the last time you ever see them. (After all, accidents happen, and friendships can fizzle out). If you think of it as the last time you ever see them, you’ll fully appreciate their company.

This “last time” exercise can be used for anything. When I sit down for a meal, I think to myself that this could be the last time I ever have the opportunity to eat this particular food. This causes me to consciously savor the food and its particular flavors, instead of wolfing it down while my mind wanders to other subjects.

I even use negative visualization to appreciate things like my ability to walk. I mentally teleport myself to a realm in which I’m unable to walk. When I return to my present body, I’m enamored by the fact that I have full control and function over my legs. I strut around with a grin on my face at my miraculous ability, something so trivial, yet an ability most people take for granted until they lose it. It also makes me want to take full advantage of my ability while I still have it, by running around, playing soccer, etc.

11 years ago
Reply to  James Duffy

I second (or third?) that recommendation. Apart from Tim, it was my introduction to Stoicism and I re-read my copy every couple months. Even if you do not ascribe to all the points, many will strike home, especially the tricotomy of control.

Rodrigo Urubatan
Rodrigo Urubatan
11 years ago

I could not find a better place to do it, so I decided to let a comment here.

Thanks for the great book, I’m starting some changes in my life after reading it.

I’ve already changed my job, I’ve already wrote two books and a third one is getting ready, and I’m starting to travel to know a little about the world.

And in a way, your 4HWW helped me on that.

Thanks again.

11 years ago

Not to be partisan but it is hard to take a book about Cato, one of the fathers of the libertarian movement, seriously when it is written by a HuffPo editor. In the same light, I don’t read books about bacon written by vegans. This comment also written by a former congressional speechwriter, because apparently that is impressive.

11 years ago
Reply to  Dude

Dude, cop out? Let’s look at the post itself. Does it add value? Does it present the man fairly? Are there lessons to glean from it? I think the answer is clearly yes (though I am biased because I have also read the book and it is quite good.) To me this not only makes the writer’s occupation irrelevant but by your standards, should make it more impressive.

In any case, Cato was a complex and conflicted figure. Perhaps it is appropriate for the authors to be similarly situated.

11 years ago
Reply to  Dude


There will be copies in libraries so there is no need to buy one.

An open mind reads what is written before judging the qualities of the author or his writings.



Jeff Nabers
Jeff Nabers
11 years ago
Reply to  Dude

Those were my thoughts exactly, and to be fair, perhaps these two guys NO LONGER work on those jobs that contradict the values they just wrote about. Perhaps they exercised those values in moving past those jobs. Maybe the jobs were listed as “credibility indicators” which had the opposite effect on you and me 😉

11 years ago

Whoa… that’s deep and very refreshing. It brings to mind a quote that I hold dear, that the late Jim Rohn always use to say:

“Character is more important than Reputation. Reputation is what people think you are, character is what you really are.”

Great post Tim!

Dave S.
Dave S.
11 years ago

Excellent post and it’s informative as it is inspirational. I’m looking forward to keeping #2 and #3 as my mantra for this week.

James Duffy
James Duffy
11 years ago

Badass. The way he lived his life reminds me of a quote from Seneca: “It is difficult to bring people to goodness with lessons, but it is easy to do so by example.”

Pre-ordered your book on Kindle. Most of my Stoicism comes from the teachings of Marcus Aurelius and my main man Seneca, with a bit from Epictetus. Cato I’m not familiar with outside a few anecdotes. Looking forward to it!

Jeff Nabers
Jeff Nabers
11 years ago

I don’t want to learn anything from somebody who learned how to “work” in politics or propaganda 😉

Jeff Nabers
Jeff Nabers
11 years ago

I don’t understand how anyone who works in politics or propaganda could be qualified to speak about “insanely high standards”

J. Delancy
J. Delancy
11 years ago
Reply to  Jeff Nabers

I work as a speech writer, I know it seems heretical but if I’m to stay at the top of this field I have to be well read and set high standards for myself.

Seriously, how many politicians do you think have read Ayn Rand or any other classic that they might quote from. These are exactly the guys to write this book because they spend time trying to incorporate Cato’s principles into the speeches of today.

Jeff Nabers
Jeff Nabers
11 years ago
Reply to  J. Delancy

Working for a Senator or other politician who is thwarting prosperity and freedom doesn’t magically become productive if somebody reads The Fountainhead.

Anyone who reads Rand and then goes to work in politics for the establishment wasn’t reading with their eyes open.

Maybe if that person went to work for the Cato Institute, they could earn some respect 🙂

rob clemenz
rob clemenz
11 years ago


Which is the worst comment:

a) That is just stupid:

b) I am not interested, “thanks but no thanks,” I don’t want to meet (this jerk);

c) You will never make it with that idea;

d) “NO”


e) None of the above; negativity is FUEL.

Thanks! rob

Barry Welford
Barry Welford
11 years ago

Extremely thought-provoking since it is diametrically opposed to the philosophy I feel most comfortable with. However a great account nevertheless.

Given that I work in marketing, I adopt the customer-centric approach. So I’m always trying to see things from the other point of view, that held by my conversant or prospect. Help is defined by the recipient is my mantra.

Stoicism would seem to be a product-directed approach where you push for your own point of view, which may nevertheless be very well founded. I guess I’ll have to digest this a little more to find the appropriate combination that mates the best of both points-of-view.

11 years ago
Reply to  Barry Welford

You keep your stiocism for yourself and show integrity in the role of marketer by delivering as far above customer expectations as it’s reasonable to do, given 1. cost & time constraints and 2. the fact some people can never be made satisfied because of their psychological baggage, which you are not responsible for.

Cato was a thought-leader and positioned himself as such: other roles can be fulfilled with stoicism & integrity but without the necessity to lead others to follow as closely in your exact footsteps.

Todd S.
Todd S.
11 years ago

I’m glad that stoicism is becoming more mainstream, and am looking forward to reading both this and Ryan Holiday’s upcoming book. It’s awesome to see that he’s active here in the comments.

I too think that it’s misinformed to prematurely judge this book by the cover of its authors affiliations. Political parties, and the views which constitute them, are unimaginably varied. Not everyone fits into a cookie cutter partisan mold- the vegan bleeding-heart liberal versus the greedy conservative industrialist.

I personally lean libertarian, yet am voting Obama. Just because an individual backs a candidate or party doesn’t mean that the entity fully encapsulates their views. You vote for whoever is going to do the least bad. Mainstream politics is bullshit anyway. Kucinich vs. Ron Paul would be a real election. Not corporate shill #1 vs corporate shill #2.

Ditch the labels, think for yourself.

Jeff Nabers
Jeff Nabers
11 years ago
Reply to  Todd S.

I understand what you’re saying. The individuals in political parties are varied, yes. They are varied specifically in their intended METHODS for getting certain results (everybody wants maximum peace and prosperity, right?), and all the individuals in the big government party (with its two branches of Democrats and Republicans) disagree on their methods.

What should be paid attention to is that all of their methods yield opposite of intended results.

Freedom works better than force. Freedom doesn’t come from legislation (politicin’) it comes from NOT legislating (following the Constitution).

Disagreement on which way to implement the broken failed idea of legislating behavior has no bearing on results or reality.

You’re on the right track (leaning libertarian)… go past leaning and take a step! You can always go back, but most never do.

Try reading “Liberty Defined” by Ron Paul 🙂

Voting for one of the branches of the big government party finds an outlet for your frustrations to let off some steam, but it’s not a productive outlet and it yields no change. Changes come from the bottom up, not the top down. Go past voting for who will try and fail to implement top down changes, and instead learn how to change and improve our society by influencing and empowering individuals.

11 years ago

wow excellent article

11 years ago

excellent, thank you.

11 years ago

Looking forward to the book release, I actually have to thank Tim for helping me discover stoicism in the first article about it here – have been a fan since!

However, I am actually a little surprised how little material there is online about stoicism. Maybe I am looking in the wrong places though?

However, seems to be a fair few books on Amazon I am in the process of checking out.

James Duffy
James Duffy
11 years ago
Reply to  Pete

I mentioned this in a comment above, but in case you don’t see it, I highly recommend “Guide to the Good Life” by William B. Irvine for an excellent introduction to the subject. Or for a more condensed version, google “twenty first century stoic” for a three-part series by the same author on I think I originally read the three part series, was hooked, and picked up his book as a result. I’m not affiliated to the author in any way, but it was such an eye-opening book for me that I can whole-heartedly recommend it.

11 years ago
Reply to  James Duffy

I can second this recommendation. Great book.

Funny, I just read it this past week and then saw this article.

Mike Burngasser
Mike Burngasser
11 years ago

At first glance I’d love to join the mud slinging at political speech writers.

Who doesn’t love to hate politicians?

And come on, why not hate the news execs too?

The more I learn about government and political leaders, the more I realize they aren’t inherently corrupt evil people. In general, they’re all working toward the same goal of making a better future.

You may argue against their viewpoints, the laws they pass, or how they get elected.

But in 1000 years, people won’t give a damn about all that. They will look back on Barack Obama or George Bush or Bill Clinton and judge them like we judge the founding fathers today. Or Cato and Caesar for that matter.

I personally want to be nothing like Cato, but understanding a man with values that strong helps us understand ourselves that much better. And to get that much wisdom from a 15 minute piece of writing is certainly worth a round of applause. Great job guys.

Jeff Nabers
Jeff Nabers
11 years ago

I don’t think politicians are inherently evil people. But government is an inherently harmful form of organization.

A Senator doesn’t have to be evil to harm you. His laws don’t have to have evil intentions to oppress your business and life.

Laws and actions should be judged by their results, not their intentions. Laws and regulations generally yield bad results. Read the Constitution to find out what Founders set up for us. What we call “government” today claims to get their power from the Constitution, but if you actually read it (it’s only 6 pages) it very clearly identifies as a crime the 100,000+ pages of “laws and regulations” we have today.

We don’t have government. We have a mafia masquerading as government.

I think this post has some good ideas in it, but it’s a bit silly for it to be written by somebody who doesn’t practice them. Working for Senator Dodd cannot result from practicing the philosophies in this post.

10 years ago
Reply to  Jeff Nabers

Jeff (and others who grant this article only reduced credibility because of Rob Goodman’s career track) ~

The latest information I can find refers to Rob as “a former Congressional speechwriter”, and he took that job at age 22 – nearly 10 years ago. Can you honestly say that you haven’t clarified, shifted, or even changed your personal philosophy, or even your operating principals, since you were 1 year out of college (…no matter how long ago that was or wasn’t)?

Nikki Tilley
Nikki Tilley
11 years ago

Brilliant – can’t wait for the book!

11 years ago

Very interesting. I’ve heard you talk about Cato before. But now I’m finally convenienced to pick up the book.

Thanks, Tim

John William Johnson, CEO, LMT, MFCC
John William Johnson, CEO, LMT, MFCC
11 years ago

interesting article. you always get me to thinking and i thank you for that.

this is the first article i can think of that i don’t much agree with. It’s this kind of absolutism that has us paralyzed as a society right now. the essence of brotherhood and community is to find the common ground.

that being said, this is indeed one form of leadership. it reminds me of Bush, who was famous for saying “you either with me or against me”. Or the decades of jingoism where being an American meant that Mexicans should stay in their own country.

And not feeling? god that sounds horrible to me. Might as well be a robot. Don’t feel any fear; right. Don’t feel anything, that’s a great way to get along with people.

The prefrontal cortex is the most recent part of the brain; and it takes a certain kind of atmosphere to develop. And that atmosphere seems to have been absent in Cato’s life. Things like compassion, and empathy.

So maybe we should beat the crap out of our kids so the world can’t ever hurt them. That was my father’s idea of parenting. I can’t say it leads to a happy life.

But it sounds like happiness is irrelevant. What’s more important is the since of individualism at all costs.


These are my thoughts having read the article; sorry i don’t have the time to do some research to back up my opinions. My humble opinion is that Stoicism is not completely about what’s in this article. My sense of the philosophy doesn’t concur with the spirit of this article.

J. Delancy
J. Delancy
11 years ago

I’ve written a post called “What I Learnt From My Mother” on my blog that incorporates some of the ideals of practical stoicism. At first blush Cato seems extreme, so I understand why you might shy away and see the negatives.

My mother’s philosophy was never as divorced from daily considerations. Don’t let this one excerpt on Cato sour your views towards a highly useful mental state.

All The Best

Peter Ch
Peter Ch
11 years ago

I can highly recommend Encheiridion by Epictetus – one of the essentials of stoicism.

Available here:

Geoff Quartermaine Bastin
Geoff Quartermaine Bastin
11 years ago

Great post. For those who want an easy-to-read but well researched historical context for Cato Tom Holland’s ‘Rubicon” is excellent. On the Stoics, the base text is by Epictetus, a slave who was tortured, then freed and became a teacher – he really formalised the stoic ideas – the text is actually by one of his pupils. If you read him, Marcus Aurelius and Seneca, you’ll have the guts of Cato….:))

Zolotarev Roman
Zolotarev Roman
11 years ago

Hello Tim, I from Russia. Recently read your book 4-Hour Workweek . Steep book. I carry out of the job, and I want to interview you. Don’t you mind? Fix time also date convenient for you!

Charles Tutt
Charles Tutt
11 years ago

Excellent post and great comments too!

Anthony Mychal
Anthony Mychal
11 years ago

Excellent stuff.

11 years ago

Fantastic post !!

Darien Brocco
Darien Brocco
11 years ago

Truly exceptional. Second to time, Integrity may be the second most impossible thing to recover. As such, I think Cato would save the trees and offer it on Kindle.

Bob F
Bob F
11 years ago

Great article. I was looking through some older posts on your blog just yesterday on stoicism for inspiration and was excited to see this post today. Master the power of gestures is a great piece of advice. The best leaders always lead by example setting the bar for everybody.



11 years ago

This is great stuff. I’m glad you write articles about Stoicism. I read Letters From a Stoic right before the 4 Hour Work Week, and because you quoted Seneca I liked you. It is fascinating that the Stoics write things/advice that is universal and timeless (except for the stuff about how to treat your slaves). your articles are good reminder to keep referring back to them.

Matt Harrison
Matt Harrison
11 years ago

Thank you for the article, Tim. Added to my favorites, I’m definitely going to revisit these lessons into my Personal Improvement Plan.

I don’t see how this could go against someone’s philosophies of beliefs, like other commenters have mentioned. I feel there’s something to be learned from anything: philosophy, culture, science, art, even religion, like in your older post when AJ Jacobs went biblical for a year. You can learn from others and experiences and schools of though without adopting them as your own.

“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.” -Atistotle

Again, good post, glad you shared. Really looking forward to the 4 Hour Chef!

Ara Bedrossian
Ara Bedrossian
11 years ago

Mindfully taking action, not because everyone else is doing it, and not trying to be different, but because of what you thoughtfully believe is right. I think Stoicism is a powerful place to starting building your character. And Cato is a powerful man to emulate. He sounds like a bad-ass, with a brain.

Michael Langford
Michael Langford
11 years ago (that’s not an affiliate link) is a great modern day guide to stoicism. Talks about what they were trying to say more than what the translations of 2000 year old thought literally say, giving context and focusing on the exercises and why’s of ancient stoicism.

11 years ago

‘Yet, for all that, you’ve probably never heard of him…’

hipster Tim 😀

Maarten van der Laan
Maarten van der Laan
11 years ago

I find the stoic philosphy to be very primitive and paradoxal. It seems those guys tried to desensitize themselves, to gain more self-control through hurting themselves and manipulating how they felt. This is not cool. It’s like beating yourself up for no reason. No wonder Cato would go berserk for his enemies, his moral highground seems almost ironic.

This doesn´t mean there are no important lessons there, but Cato´s story exemplifies there is a difference between greeting your neuroses with more neuroses and suffering (desensitizing) and greeting your neuroses with an open heart and attention, with both very different results.

Rebecca Behling
Rebecca Behling
11 years ago

Seems rather Buddhist-like to me, excepting the suicide part. Admittedly, I have “skimmed internet knowledge” only of Stoicism and western lit knowledge of Buddhism, but I appreciate the call to personal truth both seem to proffer. Guess I’ll have to add a few more books to my nightstand.

Thanks for the post. It served up a much needed recalibration.

11 years ago

Thanks for this followup, Tim.

Ian Robinson
Ian Robinson
11 years ago

The way Cato is described above reminds me of the way Ernesto Guevara was portrayed in the movie Motorcycle Diaries.

I’m reminded of the scene where the doctor asks about Ernesto’s opinion of his manuscript. Ernesto lays into the doctor (who had taken him under his wing and taken such good care of him) finishing with “…I think you should just be a doctor and leave the writing to real studs like me.”

The doctor says, “damn you boy.” Then he gives Ernesto a hug.

Honesty, though brutal, is the best policy.

Gordon Richter
Gordon Richter
11 years ago
Reply to  Ian Robinson

That was brutal. It was like an honest punch in the stomach. He knew Ernesto was being honest with him. Great example. Thanks for sharing that.

11 years ago

Amazing article… Those great people are good example for us, we can learn from each one of them something very important, each one of them had his own success secret, combining all these traits together makes a Super-Man.

11 years ago

This was good article at a time where I’m starting to get to grips with stoicism. I’ve just started the Seneca book and have found it a little heavy lifting at first but this may be because it’s very different to my usual reads.

I’ll be re-visiting this post and the others on stoicism as soon as I get through the book.

Very inspiring!

Ara Bedrossian
Ara Bedrossian
11 years ago

Thanks for the recommendation, Geoff, I went out and got Rubicon.

And thanks Ian, I am going to check out Motorcycle Diaries.

Dave K
Dave K
11 years ago

“Don’t compromise—ever”

That’s just bad advice. While that can make sense for certain core beliefs, there are many other areas where it is simply counter-productive and foolish. Marriage is the first that comes to mind.

robert clemenz
robert clemenz
11 years ago
Reply to  Dave K

Agreed ~ “Never Compromise” was the only big throwaway in the entire post. Never say never.

Ara Bedrossian
Ara Bedrossian
11 years ago

Dave K, I felt the same way when reading that. I think of that advice in this way: We may compromise our actions, but not our values. We take a hit on integrity as a consequence, but we don’t live in this world by ourselves. We are all faulty and need to accept and deal with that in our dealings with others at some time or another. We could cash out as Cato did, but I personally want to live in this grand world with all its comedy and sin and discovery. As far as I know, this is all we’ve got. The ultimate compromise, maybe, but the end does justify the means in this case.

Rod Freeman
Rod Freeman
11 years ago

Fantastic post. Sometimes I think we get glimpses of people like this in our modern day, but they aren’t nearly the same colourful characters (Ron Paul comes to mind) as this ancient Roman was.

Teaching yourself how to be embarrassed only by what is worth being embarrassed about. How interesting… I wonder what the standard was by which he judged that? I’m going to have to buy that book.

11 years ago

“Don’t compromise—ever”

We have a group of politicians that are being demonized by the liberal media for not compromising. Now we have two people, a former speechwriter for Senator Chris Dodd and a Managing Editor of the Huffington Post, saying that we should not compromise — ever. Which is it, fellas?

11 years ago

I’m trying to think of what Stoic value Chris Dodd exemplified when he did the waitress sandwich with Teddy Kennedy.

11 years ago

Hmmm, I can only judge from what I quickly read at lunch time but I have to agree with previous comments from John William Johnson and others.

I find some statements rather “dangerous” when in the wrong hands.

“no shades of gray. There was no more-or-less good, no more-or-less bad”. One’s perception of what is right or wrong depends on so many “external factors” that I find it dangerous to promote a “never compromise” mantra. How can one be sure that his own version of the “truth” outweighs someone else’s? Cato will have had a good mental framework in order to create his own guidelines, but so many people’s lives are ruled by dogma/doctrine that it is dangerous to extrapolate Cato’s thinking out of his own actual context.

The other “lessons” were interesting though.

11 years ago

I really want to give you a high five for all the tips you have given through your blog and your books. Keep sharing the knowledge… THANKS! 🙂

Dean Soto
Dean Soto
11 years ago


Love when you talk philosophy (and… yes I’ve never heard of Cato sad to say). While I don’t agree with a lot of Stoic philosophy, the idea of being indifferent to fashions and trends that come and go is a great idea. Likewise, fearing nothing is key to anything that is worth doing or having. Don’t plan on wearing a toga commando anytime soon, but love this post.

11 years ago

“no shades of gray. There was no more-or-less good, no more-or-less bad”

In the first instance we should ONLY apply stoicism and this kind of thinking TO OURSELVES – stop looking into the other guy’s integrity, because that’s not stoicism, that’s “I’ve found an established philosophy which I can use to feel superior to others, at last!” which is a common human failing and can only be harmful to you & your society.

Only when we’re comfortably living this way close to 100% of the time are we even slightly mature enough to start having educated opinions on other people, and we lack integrity again the moment we fail to consider that everyone starts out with different parents, different levels of health, self-belief, intellectual ability, and so on.

The danger of finding a really good philosophy that works for us is that we come to think we are godlike – and that all other people MUST be re-made in our image, or suffer in some way for refusing. I see this everywhere, no more so than in current American political debate online.

11 years ago

YES! More practical philosophy Tim! I miss these blogs and the original Tim I came to know.

11 years ago

Hi Tim,

absolutely nothing to do with your last post…Keep reading anyway!

I like to join the challenge your Princeton students have mastered so well…

Tell you some of my life story – in a nutshell- don’t worry, to ad to your:

It’s- Possible – Stories!

I was born and grew up in Germany…bit of a misfortune with the family I got plonked into, though…to say the least!

Quit my well paying job in Germany at the age of 30 yo and moved to Spain to become a surf teacher. I din’t know how to surf that well, but it all worked out in the wash!

Then ended up being a tourist guide on one of the Canary Islands..wish I could add photo’s!

Then the BOMB:

Some unforsaken virus got me and long story short…the medically very low key Island turned into a disaster.

Flew home to Germany with my last dollars/ pesos!

In the meantime I was pretty close to say “Adios” to life in general, climbing from hyper healthy to wheelchair material.

Finally the breakthrough…the virus found.

I learned it was just a matter of days until I would have died, instinctively I did the right thing:

My biggest item on the Bucket List had been to sail around the world.

So I did!

Hardly being able to walk, found an unpaid crew position on a 37″ Yacht and sailed for 2 years almost around the world.

Got stuck in Australia, as it is a pretty awesome place and started 2 new careers that are really fun to have and pay everything I need!

There you have it!

Anything is POSSIBLE.

I love you to make a positive comment on my facebook page, if you could:

Sabine Steiner FabHealthFit, Australia, Brisbane ,please!

Thanks already for taking the time out of your busy day to comment on my page..

Love your work

Sabine ( Cheeky Monkey)

11 years ago

What would it take for me to be able to reach/potentially meet Tim Ferriss?

Rick Evans
Rick Evans
11 years ago
Reply to  Janey

A deathmatch!

Zolotarev Roman
Zolotarev Roman
11 years ago

And as your information diet. You spoke what to read harmfully. And read books.

Gordon Richter
Gordon Richter
11 years ago

Thanks again for being an awesome guide to these amazing examples. Just being aware of these principles has changed so many thinking processes of mine for the better. When I do worry and draw up imaginary worst case scenarios of what might happen in any given situation and then none of it materializes I take note. Eliminating things that I worry about daily. Working on building a stronger mind and body. I want to be my best for myself and my two teenage sons. My first real interest in any philosophy was sparked by your guest post with Ryan. What I have learned solely off of your posts on the subject and reading Seneca I would find it hard to put a price on. Oh, and by the way, thanks for helping me lose 30 lbs. The fat is gone. I just need muscle now haha. I went from 185lbs to 151-156. 6ft tall. Thanks Tim.

Tina Carrelli
Tina Carrelli
11 years ago

Timely for me to read this. We’ve been building a company for several years now and readings like this help to get to, yet another next step!

Mo Mastafa
Mo Mastafa
11 years ago

“Fear can only enter the mind with our consent”. Love it…

Thanks for sharing

Adam Musial-Bright
Adam Musial-Bright
11 years ago

Great Post Tim. Stoicism is the right approach to filter the constant every day noise around us and help us to focus and stay patient.

Mike Weeks
Mike Weeks
11 years ago

It reminds me of some of the processes in modern NLP that are designed to enable the user to have choose precisely the emotional response to the context they’re in, regardless of how ‘ bad’ that context is.

Has any modern day writer, extracted the patterns/processes from the philosophy?

Aryan N
Aryan N
11 years ago

Great Post. “The only reward for virtue is virtue” – not winning or losing. Success is a poor measure of virtue.

Matt Westerburg
Matt Westerburg
11 years ago

I’ve very much enjoyed reading about Seneca and Cato. Their form of practical philosophy is quite refreshing. Before this I had a negative opinion of philosophy. I saw them as tackling scientific questions with the wrong tools that required far too many assumptions.

I’ve just now started reviewing the material Timothy has put out. Quite fascinating to say the least. One thing does surprise me though. Cato seems to have a lot in common with many of Ayn Rands characters. Essentially he is like any of the protagonists in her books. It surprises me a bit that there is no mention of her works. I think she provides a more modern explanation of these philosophies. Although I can understand not mentioning her simply because she is quite controversial.

PN Wash
PN Wash
10 years ago

Stoicism is truly a very powerful and often useful doctrine. But it ultimately fails to satisfy the human spirit. Read Samuel Johnson’s Rasselas. In it is a famed stoic philospher who has dispensed his stoic wisdom for years, then suddenly a beloved child has died. He falls to pieces. Johnson is saying that stoicism is fine as long as it’s someone else’s dead child. That is true. Stoicism can help in heavy traffic or with annoying neighbors, but when you come to the ultimate test, it fails as all human schemes must. The only one who can take you through the worst test is God.

9 years ago

Hi Tim

I’ve been off Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc for over two years now, making contacting you far more difficult!

I love your content am striving towards a more outsourced life, although working as a Skydiving Instructor does make this slightly challenging!

On the topic of Stoic readings, incase by some freak chance you haven’t already read it I wanted to recommend the poem If by Rudyard Kipling.

Thanks for all your work and dedication.

Jordan Wilcox

Hugh Gentry
Hugh Gentry
8 years ago

I remember that one too where he hid in the fridge to gain a surprise attack on Inspector Clouseau – not now Cato!!

8 years ago

The books Imperium and Lustrum by Robert Harris are also excellent novels (based on the life of Cicero) about this whole time in history, with great illustrations of Cato at work. Great reads!

8 years ago

This was wonderful, thank you!

John Orpheus
John Orpheus
8 years ago

Cato was a completely impractical dude. His lack of flexibility is a vice not a virtue. Try living like that for one day and see what happens. I believe that the late Republic produced many more admirable figures than Cato.

Jacob Stoeltzing
Jacob Stoeltzing
8 years ago

Hey Tim, I know that you’ve expressed that your on an extended break from writing books, but your insights on Stoicism are amazing and this stuff needs to get out to more people. Would you ever consider writing a book on living Stoic for a future project?

Sondra Ann Turnbull
Sondra Ann Turnbull
7 years ago

Thank you for crafting an excellent read from complicated subject matter. Some of these kinds of discussions leave me confused. But at the end of your article, I am feeling thoughtful and centred.

Liz Z
Liz Z
7 years ago

I found this helpful, I was looking into some controversial personal growth tactics used by Russian seminar groups. This helps to understand why they would embarrass people publicly.

Matthew Garth
Matthew Garth
7 years ago


I think you would really enjoy reading Ralph Waldo Emerson’s essay titled “Experience”. It’s only an hour if you want to listen to the audio instead:

The first few pages are a bit abstract but quickly he reveals what he is up to and it is a very insightful and stimulating look at Life. “Self-Reliance” is a great essay and so much more widely known, but this one is just as good. There are many elements and insights in this little tome that I suspect will remind you of the Stoics and perhaps even of your own philosophy .

Enjoy and thanks for the 4 Hour Work Week!

Francois Arouet
Francois Arouet
7 years ago

Tim: New here and great stuff but psst, many people actually do prefer to read print on paper. Why no print format? The article is only 5 pages but a print out is over 35 pages. I really don’t want to read, let lone print, 30 pages of comments.

David D
David D
7 years ago

Brings to mind the fact that you have to listen to the people, about your product, yet you have to be unshakable in your beliefs? Where do you draw the line between constructive feedback, and haters?

sam blake
sam blake
7 years ago

Which book format version of Stoicism is preferred for a first time reader?

7 years ago

The more I read about stoicism, the more I like it. Are there any direct, underpinning philosophies… I guess, what I’m asking, is what is our “purpose” distilled into one message. I came up with something the other day, which sounds rather simple–asking ourselves: “Is this good?” before taking any actions. [Moderator: blog mention removed.]

Is there anything the Stoics would say to that?

Philip Gheszelbash
Philip Gheszelbash
6 years ago

Hi Tim, you said this was the best place to contact you so here I am. I’ve decided not to send you an email because of all the videos I’ve seen of you being annoyed at emails. Anyway. Do you have any articles on Stoicism and health/food? I’m launching a blog called [Moderator: blog name removed.] soon and am having various Stoic authors contribute to it. You’re quite fond or should I say indifferent to the philosophy and so if you have any articles on Stoicism and health/exercise/discipline that I could post on there, then that would be cool.

All the best,


Hussein Horack
Hussein Horack
6 years ago

The only reward for virtue is virtue… love that. It also says in the Quran: “Is the reward for goodness aught but goodness?” So true.

Thomas Greaney
Thomas Greaney
6 years ago


Have you listened to History of Rome by Mike Duncan? Totally worth a check. Basically learned Cato was kind of a Hypocrite.

2 years ago

Waste no more time arguing what a good man should be……… be one.