The 4-Hour Chef – Cheat Day Sample: Tequila Hot Chocolate

For those of you waiting on the iOS version of the free 4-Hour Chef teaser app, and for anyone who’d like a cheat day experiment this weekend, I offer the following: Tobacco-infused Tequila Hot Chocolate.

It’s absurd, decadent, and more delicious than you can imagine. Here’s the kicker: I usually hate tequila, so this was a revelation.

PLEASE NOTE: This is intended as a really fun DIY project and a rocking cheat drink, not as a time-saving cocktail. There are times for efficiency, and there are times to explore and enjoy life unhurried.

This is the latter, and it’s for FUN. Notice the last part of the subtitle for The 4-Hour Chef, which is “The Simple Path to Cooking Like a Pro, Learning Anything, and Living the Good Life.”

“There is more to life than increasing its speed,” as Mahatma Gandhi once said.

If you choose to tackle this challenge, share your experience in the comments!

Enter The Aviary

This spectacular drink was taught to me by Craig Schoettler, the executive chef at The Aviary in Chicago, without a doubt the most awe-inspiring “bar-less cocktail kitchen” in the world.

To set the scene: There are 30+ types of ice, and the customers are prevented from harassing the bartenders by a cage barricade. Perhaps you’d like an Old Fashioned served in an ice dinosaur egg? It’s prepared with a syringe, and you drink it after shattering the bourbon-filled casing with a miniature slingshot attached to the glass. Or how about a botanical-infused whiskey that changes colors like a chameleon over the course of 30 minutes? They have that, too.

Of course, you’d expect nothing less from the owners, who also run Alinea, the highest-ranked restaurant in the United States. Bartending through the lens of world-class chefs is otherworldly…

This recipe has been modified to fit a few standard measurements. This takes it from super insanely awesome (The Aviary) to merely very insanely awesome.

Want to see what all this looks like before you get started?

Here’s a video of my very first attempt, uncensored and unprofessional. It ain’t pretty, and that’s the point–even you, as a novice, can make something incredible if you’re willing to fumble a little. Below the video, you’ll find all the instructions you need:

As with all recipes, read through the entire thing before you get started or even go shopping! This will prevent hiccups and guarantee a better (and tastier) buzz.



945 ml / 4 cups Whole milk

40 g / ¼ cup Sugar

1 big pinch / ¼ tsp. Salt

1 Cigar (something cheap is fine)


475 ml / 2 cups Whole milk

40 g / ¼ cup Sugar

1 pinch Salt

100 g / 3½ oz. Bittersweet chocolate, such as Alpaco 66% cacao, chopped


90 ml/g / 3 fl. oz. Tequila, preferably Fortaleza Blanco

10 ml/g / 2 tsp. Fernet-Branca

MAKES: 2 drinks, plus enough cigar milk for more

HANDS-ON TIME: Approx. 20 mins.

TOTAL TIME: Approx. 1 hr. 30 mins., max (30-60 min. of letting the cigar smoke)



• A large baking pan or a roasting pan

• A smaller baking pan for the milk, sugar, and salt

FOR TIM’S GHETTO METHOD (seen in the above video):

• A largish cereal or soup bowl

• A large stock pot

• A candle lighter or butane/lighter torch


• A cigar

• Aluminum foil

• A saucepan or skillet (or both, if you want to melt the chocolate separately)

• An immersion blender, ideally with a cream-whipping attachment or milk frother

• Ice trays (for freezing extra cigar milk for later)

Now, How to Make It


Make the cigar milk foam. You have two choices: the standard home method or the Tim ghetto method.

Standard home method:

• In a baking pan, mix the milk, sugar, and salt.

• Set the pan inside a larger metal baking or roasting pan (choose a disposable one or something you don’t mind smelling like cigars).

• Split the cigar in half lengthwise and place it on a piece of aluminum foil in the larger pan.

• Light the cigar with a candle lighter or a butane lighter/torch, then quickly cover both pans with a piece of aluminum foil. Let smoke for one hour.

Tim ghetto method:

• Mix the milk, sugar, and salt in a largish cereal or soup bowl.

• Put this bowl inside a stockpot. I prefer a large and cheap stockpot (don’t forget to buy a lid!) that I use mostly for cooking sous-vide and lobsters.

• Split the cigar in half lengthwise and place it on a piece of aluminum foil at the bottom of the stockpot.

• Light the cigar with a candle lighter or a butane lighter/torch (remember canisters), cover the pot, and let smoke for 30–45 minutes. Thirty minutes is plenty, in my experience.

• Later, to de-stench your stockpot, just clean it out and leave a bowl of white wine vinegar mixed with peppermint oil inside, covered, for 1–2 hours.

Step 2

While the milk is smoking, make the hot chocolate base. In a saucepan or skillet, combine the milk, sugar, and salt and bring to a simmer.

Step 3

Remove from heat and slowly add the chocolate. I like to put the chips in a separate skillet and slide them in. Do NOT add them by hand, as scalding milk can splash upward and Phantom of the Opera your hands. Stir until chocolate is melted, then cover and set aside.

Step 4

Foam the cigar milk: Pour the milk into a saucepan and heat it to just below a simmer or a light simmer. Use an immersion blender—ideally one fitted with the cream-whipping attachment or a milk frother—to blend until foamy. No attachment? Just blend for 45 seconds, then wait 2–3 minutes for the bubbles to surface.

Step 5

Combine the tequila and Fernet-Branca into one of your serving cups, then pour half of it into the other. You can use a scale, but I just eyeball it. Into each cup, pour about 7 fluid ounces (210 milliliters) of the hot chocolate base and top with some of the cigar milk foam.

Serve warm and love life.

If you don’t finish the cigar milk, freeze it in ice trays to surprise future guests with unusual iced coffee.



The 4-Hour Chef is available for a limited time at 50-80% off list price. Read all the details of the book and learn more here (as well as download the free app for Kindle Fire).

The Tim Ferriss Show is one of the most popular podcasts in the world with more than one billion downloads. It has been selected for "Best of Apple Podcasts" three times, it is often the #1 interview podcast across all of Apple Podcasts, and it's been ranked #1 out of 400,000+ podcasts on many occasions. To listen to any of the past episodes for free, check out this page.

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Comment Rules: Remember what Fonzie was like? Cool. That’s how we’re gonna be — cool. Critical is fine, but if you’re rude, we’ll delete your stuff. Please do not put your URL in the comment text and please use your PERSONAL name or initials and not your business name, as the latter comes off like spam. Have fun and thanks for adding to the conversation! (Thanks to Brian Oberkirch for the inspiration.)

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12 years ago

Good one. Will give it a go!

Jonathan Goodman
Jonathan Goodman
12 years ago

I like the Ghandi quote. He epitomizes the need for patience and grace when starting a movement. I think a lot of us can take his lead nowadays.

Interesting recipe. I love my kaluha and hot chocolate on a winter day so this could work.

Sheila Viers
Sheila Viers
12 years ago

Awesome! I LOVE innovative cocktails. Can’t wait for the book — already pre-ordered.

12 years ago
Reply to  Sheila Viers

Hey Sheila. Nice to see you on here! I know looks super cool, right?

Arturo Iglesias
Arturo Iglesias
12 years ago

This looks amazing, and a good way to impress a date. I can’t wait to try it on cheat day.

Susan Kitchens
Susan Kitchens
12 years ago

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. [Sigmund Freud] Other times, it’s, well… whoa!

Ryan England
Ryan England
12 years ago

That was fantastic. Going to give it a try, just have to find a cigar shop.

Could you lick anymore things in that video?

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
12 years ago
Reply to  Ryan England

Haha… something I picked up from pro chefs. Honestly, I was AMAZED at how often they use a 2 oz spoon (the same one, mind you) to taste *everything* that goes out the door.

Ryan England
Ryan England
12 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

Usually, when I do taste what I’m cooking, I’ll go through half a dozen spoons or so; but if the pros are doing it, I guess I can give my dishwasher a break.

Also, do you have suggestion for the Lactose Intolerant?

Or should I just suck it up and take a lactaid?

Gabe Anzelini
Gabe Anzelini
12 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

I would try coconut milk as it tends to act like whole milk in most things.

[Personal name]
[Personal name]
12 years ago

Fun fact – Fernet’s original formula was changed post-Prohibition to bring down opiate levels.

12 years ago

Hilarious–love it! Tech question though–what kind of camcorder did you use for the shoot? Seems to do pretty well in low light.

12 years ago

Tim! I just knew there was going to be some cocktail fun in this book! I went to Alinea right after it opened before it became a mega-hit and it was absolutely the most profound dining experience I have ever had. It’s a Ferriss restaurant if I’ve ever seen one! Let me ask, did you do any collaboration with Wylie Dufresne for this book? He seems like your kind of chef (mad-scientist type). Best of luck and I cannot wait for this book!

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
12 years ago
Reply to  Adam

Wylie is a genius. I will have a fun cast of characters in this book 🙂

Matt Votsikas
Matt Votsikas
12 years ago

Probably not the place for this, but I would really like to know if the new book will be available for pre-order in the UK?


Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
12 years ago
Reply to  Matt Votsikas

Hi Matt,

I’m not sure, to be honest, as the foreign rights are totally outside of my control. I’ll check!

All the best,


10 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

Tim, I’ve ordered your book in Italy and it arrived all good!

John "Widgett" Robinson
John "Widgett" Robinson
12 years ago

Just wanted to say: +5 points for making “Phantom of the Opera” a verb.

12 years ago

Wow you’ve somehow managed to combine three of my favorite things: hot chocolate, cigars, and tequila =)

12 years ago

Wow, I can’t wait to serve this over the holidays!

12 years ago
Reply to  LEAH

Sounds great for the holidays and I have some great recipes also using can pumpkin that is put into ice cube trays to freeze. I’m sure the tequila can be added for more flair. Also a recipe making a smoothie with Egg Nog.

I’m reading your book right now. Thank you.

12 years ago

Already pre-ordered the book and I’m going to try this bad boy out on my Cheat day this Saturday. Thanks Tim!

12 years ago

Any suitable substitute for the alcohol?

David Kurkov
David Kurkov
12 years ago

Very Cool Tim! Will be sure to try it.

Saw Prograde Supplements on your shelf. What are your thoughts on its quality?



12 years ago

Hi Tim!

Thanks for the recipe!

In the video, I noticed you mentioned you were having a difficult time foaming the milk despite it being whole milk. My days spent working as a barista have taught me that whole milk is actually the MOST difficult kind of milk to foam. The lower the fat content, the more stable (and abundant!) the foam will be. The obvious exception is heavy whipping cream. Not sure of the exact science behind this, but might be worth looking into/attempting again with nonfat or low-fat milk. If you do, would love to hear about your findings!



Anthony Mychal
Anthony Mychal
12 years ago

Definitely an interesting recipe. I don’t know about the whole cigar bit, but it sounds delicious.

Chef Mark Garcia
Chef Mark Garcia
12 years ago

Hey Tim!

Great to see that you are circulating with and taking inspiration from some of the true Culinary Innovators instead of the latest round of cheftestants making the rounds on the reality shows!

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
12 years ago

Thanks, Chef Mark!

12 years ago

Great recipe, and the classic house of a mad scientist! What kind of things are growing in your “jungle”? Herbs/spices/veggies?



Tim Sjoberg
Tim Sjoberg
12 years ago

Some things that could help with the foam:

1) Angle the glass so you’re actually getting some air in (kinda like your lifting out except less likely to mess)

2) Adding some Soya Lecithin causes things to foam better and the foam to be much more stable (a la fancy restaurants)

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
12 years ago
Reply to  Tim Sjoberg

Good advice! Thanks, Tim! I’ll try both next time…

12 years ago

Interesting twist to a classic Holiday beverage. “Cigar Milk” sounds a little wierd, but why not!

Alex Fallbreak
Alex Fallbreak
12 years ago
Reply to  Toki

I love that you didn’t cut out how the foaming didn’t work the first time around. I think it makes people much more likely to try stuff out when they see that you also experimented a little yourself.

My dad has the Nespresso Aeroccino (100 buck milk foamer -.- ) and I will definitely use it to make this drink with my brothers.

Viele Grüße aus Deutschland!

Matt Gargan
Matt Gargan
12 years ago

I assume that the 4 Hour Chef is going to be SCD orientated?!

Cant wait!

As you are unsure of when it will be available in th UK, might just have to pay for the postage from the USA.

12 years ago

Just a few ideas that might make your videos even better:

– Use a simple camera light. You are a little underexposed at some points.

– Use a lavalier mic instead. The sound is best, when you are close to the mic which is best done with a lav mic, when you talk.

– I’m not sure, but maybe you could switch off the Automatic Gain control to minimize background noises. But maybe it’s just that loud in there.

– Upload the video in HD! 😀

I know that’s not the point of the video, but that’s just what I noticed becoming an independent filmmaker myself at the moment.

Apart from that, cool video! I’m excited to see your marketing voodoo this time. We already speculated how you’ll turn a book about cooking into a secret weapon. 😉


George Gritsouk
George Gritsouk
12 years ago

Hi Tim!

In the video you mentioned that you use the weights of the ingredients to measure out amounts, and convert from volume – straight out of a chemistry lab (love it). That said, you’d have to do a whole bunch of calculations beforehand, since the density of most (I looked up milk, sugar and ethanol) foods is not 1g/mL. Do you keep all your recipes with amounts in grams?

Todd Kuhar
Todd Kuhar
12 years ago

Looks interesting. I am going to use my unlit grill outside for the milk and cigar instead of a stock pot. 5 o’clock can’t come fast enough. Thanks Tim and happy holidays!

12 years ago

One tip for the foam – you can add a 1/2 teaspoon of granulated soy lecethin to the milk when you heat it and this will create a really nice foam as you stick blend it. The foam will also stick around longer on top of the drink + it is a little bit healthy.

12 years ago
Reply to  Chris

Grant Achatz has another milk based one where you take popcorn and add to the milk, heat it up to near simmer, add the 1/2 teaspoon of the soy lecethin granules, strain and then stick blend to get the popcorn flavored foam – very cool stuff. Goes great on top of a white russian or kahlua drink.

12 years ago

so the recipe is not something I’d try but I do like the idea of lumping all vices into one glass. however, the line that really resonated with me was “There are times for efficiency, and there are times to explore and enjoy life unhurried.”

Isaiah Hankel, Ph.D.
Isaiah Hankel, Ph.D.
12 years ago

I rushed through this but couldn’t get the drink foamy without the milk frother attachment- is there a ghetto way to do this? Fortunately, the drink still tasted great. I’m in the middle of an experiment to determine how many of these drinks I can have and still write coherently. Either way, I win.

Looking forward to the new book.

12 years ago

After thousands of years, food and drink can get so boring, so same-y. Nice to see people still inventing insane concoctions and others (like yourself) bringing them to the masses. Can’t wait for the book!

12 years ago

Just a question. It is ok for a diabetic or someone with insulin resistance to do the cheat day whole-hog?

12 years ago

Hate cooking

Never touch something that has more than 3 ingredients in the recipe

12 years ago

Want to taste the coctail but I don’t drink at all((

My boyfriend will love it!!!

Thanks for new tequila coctail recipe!

12 years ago
Reply to  Kate

I see

12 years ago

I totally laughed when you touched the cast iron to your lips. Sin, indeed! I’m guilty of my own kitchen sins, but I don’t think I’ve ever been tempted to touch cast iron to my body.

You could probably get a good foam from the immersion blender, but you’d have to lift it in and out of the liquid in order to incorporate the air (since that’s how you make a foam). Don’t know. Haven’t worked with foams a lot. I know you can definitely use a cheap blender to make one, since nice blenders like Vitamix tout the fact that they won’t incorporate air like cheap models.

Love your shirt, by the way. Where did you get it?

12 years ago

Looking forward to the next cheat day recipe! and the IOS app I want to see the exploding cow! Hurry up Tim!

12 years ago

You think a milk substitute would work for it, or maybe goat milk would work? I still have a cheat day but Its stuff that i know I don’t have a problem with as I’ve had a food anitgen test done and one of the things im sensitive to, is cow’s milk. I preordered the book right away when I saw it for a discounted price, which is such a good deal for a hardcover book, especially when I found out in the book you will be teaching meta learning which Is something I’ve wanted to learn/know for so long.

12 years ago

Curious how much nicotine carries through in the cigar milk. Assuming it’s not much… But it sounds like a fun blend of psychoactive substances. I might have to try this sometime.

12 years ago

Hey Tim

Definitely trying this tonight as it’s my cheat day.

Can’t wait for the new book I’ve already preordered the hard copy.

Quick one: where do you get those great T-shirts from? In another segment you had a “grass fed” one. Love to know where I could get them from.


Ron H.
Ron H.
12 years ago

Props for the “I *cart* Street Food”!

Did you go to the street food festival in SF a few months back?

Andrew Baber
Andrew Baber
12 years ago

Reminds me of the course that Thomas Keller made for Anthony Bourdain at the French Laundry – Marlboro-infused coffee custard (with foie gras)

“I certainly didn’t expect the thing to taste good. Goddamn the man, it was good. (He’d actually used the tobacco from a very decent cigar, he told me later.) Best of all, after I’d polished off my plate, I felt a very welcome, much-needed nicotine buzz.”

Excerpt from A Cooks Tour: (google books)


12 years ago

Well, NOW I am truly inspired, – not after 4 hour work week, not after 4 hour body, but after 4 hour – the goood liiiffee. This drink is it for me. I personally think – what some call luxury – is just the beginning for others..

Survival at bare minimum, – is very painful, I am not motivated to maintain this .. But actual living, that is a whole different story..

Thanks again..

But, still, – please, tell me you are looking further, deeper into foundations of human life… foundations of human health, human feelings.. etc

12 years ago

Sounds delicious, cant wait to give it a go.

Thank you

12 years ago

Tim, love this video. Love to see that you cook pretty much like the rest of the real world. MESSY!!! Looking forward to seeing some more faux pas in the kitchen. Please continue to update & entertain.

For the milk frothing. You can just get yourself a milk frothing attachment thing. Its not expensive. And will save your impatience.

12 years ago

Ohhh man. I wish I hadn’t quit smoking a while ago.

Any ideas for nicotine-free, cigar substitute that is legal?


Rhonda Swan
Rhonda Swan
12 years ago

I have always been a hot chocolate and peppermint schnapps kind of girl for the holiday’s but this one sound interesting.

Looking forward to the new book Tim, I have been on the 4 hour body on and off for a year and the food selection is getting a bit boring, excited to see some new ideas to put into place with my 4 hour body regime.

Obrigada my friend,

Rhonda Swan (Unstoppable Family)

K.J. Southall
K.J. Southall
12 years ago

SM, survival at the minimum need not be painful at all. It can indeed be a good life.

Small tasty treats may add something to a minimalist base of a good life, but I feel often in life we find the urge to compensate for the perceived pain of minimal baseline survival by adding a treat.

I prefer the outlook of life as it is, baseline survival, being an amazing opportunity whose pains are actually gifts, and small tasty treats being a gift on top of that gift.

A subtle, but not insignificant, reframe..

Cathy Cawood
Cathy Cawood
12 years ago

I might just have to try that!

For a long time when I was a kid I wanted to be an explorer. When I learned that everywhere had already been explored (it wasn’t true, but I believed it) I was very disappointed. So thank you Tim for opening up brand new vistas for exploration – and starting my day here in Japan with something to smile about.

I wonder where you can buy cigars in Kyoto…

12 years ago

Sweet. I just figured out how to make a cigar infused custard pie. Thank you.

12 years ago

Totally of topic, sorry!!!

I’m a long, long, long time appreciator, and would be grateful to get a response from you (as most will).

A few days ago I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis (ugh!), it was confirmed with two sets of blood tests preformed 45 days apart.

The blood tests showed a very low amount of Vitamin B-12 and a severely low amount of Vitamin D.

I’ve been a dancer and a yoga practitioner, and nowadays I swim – TI 5 times a week.

Up-on receiving this news, I started my research.

Problem is, I have paralysis analysis – TMI and was hoping to get your take on the subject if you will.

To be clear I’m looking for nutrition and lifestyle-sports advice, as I refuse to take drugs at this point.

Thanks in advance.


Sig Kappel
Sig Kappel
12 years ago
Reply to  Sakira

My Grandma cleared her’s up with Juicing – mostly carrot juice.

Marshall Jones Jr.
Marshall Jones Jr.
12 years ago
Reply to  Sakira

Juiced carrots and apples go a long way. So do coffee enemas. Look into the Gerson Therapy for more info. My dad has RA, and went from taking chemo medication and struggling to get up and down stairs to living at about 90% of how he was before RA. He’s on a pretty strict diet/routine, but he’s not on medication anymore.

-Marshall Jones Jr.

David Kurkov
David Kurkov
12 years ago

Hey Tim!

Just tried making the recipe via a hybrid of both styles – AMAZING! Best hot chocolate I ever tried – I’ve tried a ton!

Like Tim said – make sure you use the best whole fat milk you can find. It turns out like more of a chocolate mousse (bite…savor…pause….repeat) than a liquid (gulped down) drink.

Thanks for an awesome way to enjoy the holiday!

Vsevo Luchyevo!


12 years ago

Tried my hand at making a non-alcoholic version. Full recipe & reasoning for the flavors linked to in my name.

This was incredibly tasty (though probably nothing like to the real thing) and I probably got lucky with the mixing

For the Cigar Milk

4 Cups Vanilla flavored Almond Milk

6-10 drops liquid smoke

2 dashes fancy smoked paprika spice

1 dash cayenne pepper

ground fresh black pepper.

I used a milk frother & added the ingredients after it had begun to froth. Real smoked options (paprika/mushrooms) I contemplated are in the link.

For the Tequila

3 fl Oz Ginger Beer (Reed’s or Cock N’ Bull)

For the Fernet-Branca

1 tsp Worchester Sauce

1 tsp Sangria Senioral (non-alcoholic)

chamomile sleepy time tea bag

2 bay leafs

19 essential oils, herbs & spices:

(sri lanka cinnamon, ginseng, echinacea, sage, mhyrr, saffron, st. johns wort, small sliver of mushroom stock cube)

(essential oils: lemon, lime, fennel*, peppermint*, wild orange, citrus blend,

frankincense, basil, lemongrass, roman chamomile, cinnamon bark, clove bark, )

Rod Waynick
Rod Waynick
12 years ago

As a barista, I can give a couple tips about milk.

If you have an espresso machine at home, you can get much better quality foam by using the steam wand. Just steam the milk like you would for a latte or what have you. Steaming the milk will give you a much finer quality of foam than blending like you did.

Steaming also heats the milk, so don’t heat before you steam. Otherwise you’ll get scalded milk (not fun or tasty).

I would also imagine a shot of espresso being delicious in this drink as well.



12 years ago

sounds awesome. if i am feeling ambitious i may try this for my holiday party.

good luck with 4 hour chef!

Karl Botha
Karl Botha
12 years ago

Hi Tim, sorry to post here but this could be one of the story’s in your new book?

I have all your books and would like to try and loose 30kg of fat in 30 day’s and was wondering if you could help me? I think if we incorporate all the 4 hour body weight-loss techniques, exercise and testosterone booster with cold water baths I could drop the excess 30 kg of fat I have collected 😉

I weight about 120kg now and I think 90kg in a month would be an amazing story! I am 184cm and at 90kg I would still be over weight according to my BMI but with the added muscle I think it would be fine.

Have a few other questions for you if you have the time? Thanks – KB

12 years ago

Hey Tim

How many of these do you you need to get drunk?

Essie B
Essie B
12 years ago
Reply to  Zarm

depends on how much tequila you add and how much you can handle!

Camila Prada
Camila Prada
12 years ago

The “Charlie, time to pause” part killed me (I’m dying to use the term LOL here).

12 years ago

Help, I’m bummed. My husband and I have been following the 4 hour body plan for 8 weeks, and have lost very little weight. I lost 15 inches & 5 lbs over the first 3 weeks but have stalled out now. My husband has lost about 10 inces and about 8 lbs and stalled out. I keep re-reading the book chapters and ‘common mistakes’, but can’t figure out why we are not losing more fat. We have really stuck to the plan which is easy with ‘cheat day’. I always (and sometimes my husband) start the day with a whey (30gram) protien smoothie (sweetened only with stevia) also containing avacado, red lentils, green tea, & spinach.The other two meals follow the guidelines. We are totally committed but becoming discouraged. My husband’s weight issues are prompting his doctor to threaten the medifast diet if he doesn’t lose more weight. Please advise… Thank you!

Jeannie Landis
Jeannie Landis
12 years ago

Love that you posted about The Aviary – timely as I just got back from another trip to Chicago and had the pleasure of experiencing “The Office” while I sipped on “Pappy’s” that was served over the largest ice sphere I’ve ever seen! Mr. Achatz has done so many great things with The Aviary and Alinea and “Marlin” was extremely gracious and accommodating.

Can’t wait to try this recipe.

Thank you

Leonard Irwin
Leonard Irwin
12 years ago


Thanks for this great drink just in time for the holiday. Again you provide value beyond!!! Thanks again and looking forward to the 4 Hour Chef

Happy Holidays


12 years ago

Hey Tim,

had to laugh, as always watching this vid. Am living in Holland currently and thinking of a little tweak to the cigar…wink wink nudge nudge say -no-more say-no-more. Whacky tabacky milk and sugar+chocolate= yum. Thanks and see ya in A’dam.

Joe Aswan
Joe Aswan
12 years ago

A good drink recipe. One thing I have realized is that there are PLENTY of drinks, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic, that are not bad for you and can actually be very healthy. In particular drinks high in fat are pretty good for us, especially if they are non-alcoholic.

For instance a smoothie made of coconut milk or heavy whipping cream provides a great base of healthy calories, and if you feel like adding rum or some other yummy alcohol it probably won”t kill you. Mark Sisson talks about this a lot, and the book “Fat: The Weight Loss Secret” gives some great example of drinks that taste great and are actually good for you albeit the alcohol content.

Cam Collins
Cam Collins
12 years ago

Very cool Tim. Can’t wait to try out the Tequila Hot Chocolate!! I am actually an occasional cigar smoker and I’d never heard of this concept.

As a “muse” project I developed a cooking video contest site with a friend. We are going to post the December contest on 12/6 which as you might expect is Holiday themed. All our visitors need to do is FB “Like” it from our site and that counts as a vote. You get the FB cred! Our typical model is a cash prize at the end of the contest for the video with the most Likes.

Love the 4-Hour Chef idea and would even be happy to toss your teaser up on our Featured Videos page.

I like the fact that you shot the video uncensored and unedited. We strongly recommend that our visitors chill out about making the perfect video and just shoot the damn thing and upload it. Here’s the site:


Ramon Rubio
Ramon Rubio
12 years ago

Hey Tim, next time you’re trying to figure out how to foam the milk faster just juse a blender and put it on whip. It does miracles and you won’t have to wait around to heat it up in a pan.

12 years ago

hey tim,

I am willing to learn Spanish(self-taught), however I have no one that I can speak it with daily. If i follow your method daily, orally and academically will i still be mediocre?



12 years ago

What helps in creating foolproof foam is tilting the container of milk so the emulsion blender can whip in more air.

If you want to go the extra mile, dissolve a sheet of gelatin after infusing the milk with cigar smoke. That will strengthen the bubble structure so the foam will have longer staying power.

Looking forward to trying out the cigar milk! Got me thinking about creating a derivative dessert from it… will keep you posted!

12 years ago

So sad I didn’t get a chance to go to Aviary this weekend. Great experiment and kitchen Tim.

12 years ago
Reply to  Will

Great! Make me wish if I can have cocktail at the eve of New Year celebration 🙂

12 years ago

Very cool Tim,

Gotta try this with the guys….. 😛

And I need a good book to learn cooking….. Left home recently and my skills are base. Looking forwar dto beginning my experimentation with you rbook.

Cheers and have a great new years…..

12 years ago

Hi, Tim.

Is there any substitute for aluminum foil? I try to stay away from using it when cooking/heating things.


Essie B
Essie B
12 years ago
Reply to  David

I would say try putting the cigar on a heat resistant (oven-safe?) dish/bowl should work. It will be more of a hassle to clean up afterwards…. and could possibly leave unwanted smell

Essie B
Essie B
12 years ago

Dear Tim, love the video but I was laughed seeing you struggle to make the cigar-infused milk frothy. In The Netherlands we like to use a whisk during the last seconds of boiling milk, which we use for hot chocolate or cafe au lait.

here’s some links to amazon’s whisk collection. Sometimes with cooking you don’t need electic gadgets, as much fun as they are lol

you can get them in every silly design possible

12 years ago

Michele, you didn’t tell us how much you eat on the cheat days but I recommend you reduce bingeing on the cheat days a little. The book tells you that you can eat whatever you want and that there are not limits, but in my experience the diet works much better if I don’t overdo the cheat day. I stopped losing weight after a couple of weeks at first, but then I tried eating only cheat meals or “cheat halfday” and my weightloss started again. I eat SCD style in the morning and then in the evening I can have pizza and snacks. It’s not much harder but the effects on the diet are huge. Hope it helps!

12 years ago
Reply to  Kim


Thank you so much for responding! We’ll cut down the amount we eat on bingle days and see how it goes. On binge days, we usually eat a 4HB breakfast as usual, then have sushi for lunch and some kind of Italian food for dinner… We’ll switch to one binge meal on binge day; probably lunch followed by a 4HB light dinner. And fruit for snacks. Thanks, I’ll let you know how it goes!

Michele 🙂

Nico Granelli
Nico Granelli
12 years ago

I can’t buy (or preorder) the kindle edition 🙁

12 years ago

The drink looks good, but for your problems with the foam. But I’m glad to be able to help out with that one, take your milk, whole, skim, hot or cold, and just beat it in a French coffee press for 20 seconds or so. Your resulting foam will be stiffer and hold it’s shape longer than the foam you get through a steam attachment from a cappuccino machine, no other ingredients necessary, and a decent press can cost less than $10 (in a pinch, it makes coffee too).

12 years ago

Can this be made ahead of time for a party and then reheated?

Steve [Dine Mates]
Steve [Dine Mates]
12 years ago

I have eaten spiders, drank snake blood, and tried other odd delicacies, but I thought the tobacco infused milk sounded disgusting. After reading all the way through and watching the video I think it’s worth a try.

12 years ago

Seems like you already had a few before shooting this video 🙂

12 years ago

Tim, since you’re a chocolate nut and a red wine nut, I’d love to see your own recipe for “chocovine” in the book!

12 years ago

You could use an espresso machine steamer to both heat the milk and make your cigar foam.

12 years ago

Using heavy whipping cream in place of the milk made for awesome cigar whipped cream (and easier than making bubbles with the milk).

Baileys irish cream tasted good in place of the tequila.

Great drink Tim.

12 years ago

Haha, great video :- )

Might give this a shoot. Not sure how well my body is going to react to it though.



11 years ago

Hey Tim!

Great thing! I´ll try it on my next “everything´s allowed day” 😉

By the way thanks for your books – I´m in the process of changing my life! Can´t wait for The 4 Hour Chef (when is it available in germany?)

I had a little idea for a gadget that suits The 4 Hour Body and The 4 Hour Chef – is there a way to send it to you safely 😉



Ryan Scharfer
Ryan Scharfer
11 years ago

Hey Tim (or anyone who can help me out) — I am enjoying the “scrambled egg” section of 4 Hour Chef now, and I was wondering why you call for both a non-tasting oil (grapeseed) and a non stick pan? What is the purpose of the oil? Greetings from Germany. Ryan

11 years ago

FYI, Skim milk froths easier than whole milk (but I’d still go with whole milk).

Also, cold milk froths easier. I usually stick it in a container in the freezer for a bit before trying to froth.

11 years ago

Lemongrass geniousity!! I do not know if this is the place to put this that you might see, or care! but! I know you said that lemongrass you did not see the price of choking and (something else) worth it, so you used other flavors.

I store it in the freezer, like with my ginger, and then just grate it with my zestysmallergrater and its like a beautiful snowfall, not fiberous or chokey at all! (same with the ginger!).

Thought I would share, in case it was helpful to anyone.



11 years ago

Love it! I’ve used hot chocolate mixed with vodka before. It was the only mix in the house that I could think of that I wasn’t allergic to at the time. It was good on ice. I will have try this recipe, however, I will definitely have to find a substitute for the cigar. I just cannot fathom the use of a cigar in food/drink. My hubby on the other hand would probably love this! – chocolate and cigars? Oh yeah!

10 years ago

I love cigar while sipping hot

10 years ago

Ahaa, its gkod conversation on the topiuc of this piece of writing here at this

web site, I have read aall that, so at this time me also commenting here.

10 years ago

Going to give this a try at my Brazilian buddy’s annual Christmas Eve party (also a Cuban cigar & tequila “enthusiast”). Normally i make Leite de Onça (Jaguar Milk) but the smoked milk…wow, it’s on.

If you are sending out a final 2013 newsletter; could be cool to link to this for all the Christmas & NYE parties coming up ?

love you man !


Ann M. Tejero
Ann M. Tejero
9 years ago

Really?? me too i hate tequila but i do love chocolates. I want to try this. maybe i will learn to love tequilas after i made this kind of cocktail.

Antoine C.
Antoine C.
9 years ago

Okay, tried my best to follow the instructions to the T but fell short. Didn’t have the right bittersweet chocolate, the cigar didn’t light and smoke the way I needed/wanted it to, didn’t turn out the way I wanted. But you know what? I didn’t care. I stepped out by faith and tried something different, foreign and difficult. And though it didn’t pan out the way I thought it would, I learned a lot and still got a nice buzz. I love stuff like this; things that make me step out of my comfort zone and try new things. And if I fail, so what? Another learning experience. I might try it again but I love learning new things!

Rosie Bent
Rosie Bent
9 years ago

really awesome and informative blog especially for the food lovers

8 years ago

Hey guys – just be careful with the tobacco!

Nicotine is toxic (, with a likely LD50 of 6.5-13mg/Kg, or 500-1000mg for an adult. For comparison, Sodium Cyanide and Arsenic Trioxide are around 15mg/Kg. A large cigar can contain up to 400mg of nicotine.

It’s not likely in this recipe that you’re going to end up with that much nicotine because you’re burning the cigar – but a lot of folks are soaking tobacco these days for cocktails, and that’s probably not a good idea.

nw brickman
nw brickman
8 years ago

nicotine is poisonous – I have been told that one pack of cigerettes in water can kill you? This recipe= sounds dangerous- cheers