Free $1,000 Travelocity Voucher and $10,000 Spots to Kimono

(Photo: Royce Bair)

Hello lads and lasses. This post is intended as a morsel, a sugar high and respite. Life is serious enough, so this post will require zero calories of brain power.

Not to worry, of course, as we’ll be back to our regular content with the next how-to post.

In the meantime, some goodies: the “Kimono” winners and a $1,000 travel voucher giveaway.


Congratulations, after much tallying and consideration, to the winners of the $10,000 spots to the “Opening the Kimono” event! Please keep an eye on your inbox for follow-up details:

– Sheila McCarthy (votes)

– Jacqueline Biggs (“wild card” views)

First, sincere thanks to all who submitted video case studies, even those who re-submitted old videos and therefore weren’t eligible. Second, HUGE thanks to Dustin “America’s Trainer to the Moms” Maher for making the “wild card” scholarship possible — you rock!

Three honorable mentions for the “wild card” seat are below (out of dozens of great videos), and one includes a pic of me drunk at my London book launch. Oh, Internet, you hurt so good T_T

Two of them highlight post-4-Hour Workweek (now 2,172 reviews!) travel adventures:


Alright, moving on…

I wanted to have some fun and get people traveling. “But I can’t travel… it costs too much!” is a common refrain. Partnering with a new start-up called PunchTab, I wanted to remove this barrier.

Here’s how it will work, as PunchTab explains:

Entering the giveaway is simple and takes only 30 seconds. Register by connecting to the giveaway widget below using Facebook. For each step you complete, you’ll earn a giveaway entry:

1. Like this blog post by clicking on the Facebook Like button (+1 entry).

2. Become a fan of Tim Ferriss on Facebook (+1 entry).

3. Leave a comment telling me where you’ll go and what you’ll do there (+1 entry).

4. Tweet about the giveaway (+1 entry).

5. Unlimited bonus entries by pasting your invite link everywhere you can. For example:

– For every friend who clicks the invite link you Tweeted in step 4, you’ll earn +1 entries.

– For every friend who then joins the giveaway, you’ll earn +5 entries.

Giveaway ends June 30, 2011 at midnight PST. Open to residents of North America.

Enjoy! Attack! Discuss!

The Tim Ferriss Show is one of the most popular podcasts in the world with more than one billion downloads. It has been selected for "Best of Apple Podcasts" three times, it is often the #1 interview podcast across all of Apple Podcasts, and it's been ranked #1 out of 400,000+ podcasts on many occasions. To listen to any of the past episodes for free, check out this page.

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Comment Rules: Remember what Fonzie was like? Cool. That’s how we’re gonna be — cool. Critical is fine, but if you’re rude, we’ll delete your stuff. Please do not put your URL in the comment text and please use your PERSONAL name or initials and not your business name, as the latter comes off like spam. Have fun and thanks for adding to the conversation! (Thanks to Brian Oberkirch for the inspiration.)

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13 years ago


If I were to win this voucher I would travel to Ibiza, Spain to see Tiesto play during spring break. And also partake in the Yacht Week ( ) with all of my friends.

13 years ago

I would go to Bali and spend a week with Tyler Tolman doing a juice fast and learning as much as I could about whole foods and food as medicine.

13 years ago

I would travel to Costa Rica! I’ve had a friend go and the experience seems amazing. A week relaxing and exploring seems in order 🙂

Danny G :-)
Danny G :-)
13 years ago

If I won, I would go to Cuba and learn to play AfroCuban street rumba. I would also learn to become an ultimate salsa dancer. I’d also find a way to help the communities I live in while there.

Carter Bailey
Carter Bailey
13 years ago

The next location on my list is Israel. We would go see all of the ancient ruins and sights! Plus, Israel is known as the “Startup Nation,” so I’d like to sneak in some networking while I’m there! Never hurts 🙂

13 years ago

If I won I’d head over to puerto rico to visit my college buddies then over to Afghanistan, which is where I’m originally from but have never gotten to visit since we left when i was one.

Mike O'Leary
Mike O'Leary
13 years ago

If I won, I would go to Congo, where some of my best friends are from, and learn the culture, food, customs, and try to volunteer with a local charity.

13 years ago

I would take winter quarter off from school and travel to Mar del Plata, Argentina to learn to surf and work on my oil paintings.

Jarrod Heck
Jarrod Heck
13 years ago

I would finally learn indonesian and take my wife back to indonesia to visit her extended family. We would finish the trip by staying in a bodacious bungalow in java and start making babies so we could then have our own little village of rugrats.

13 years ago

Barcelona, learn Spanish and make a film.

Erica Rodriguez
Erica Rodriguez
13 years ago

If i win i will take this lovely gift and visit my boyfriend in Florida! We will be a long-distant relationship success story!! =)

13 years ago

If I won, I’d go to New York City.

Michael Glass
Michael Glass
13 years ago

I would take my about to be wife there for hunnymoon :D!

13 years ago

I would go to Buenos Aires…or Spain…or Vancouver…or Montreal…or keep dreaming up possibilities!

Curtis Goodman
Curtis Goodman
13 years ago

I would go to Ecuador to continue to study Spanish and finish my undergraduate degree requirements.

13 years ago

I’m go scuba diving in Sipidan with turtles and sharks =)

13 years ago

I’d go to Costa Rica and earn my Yoga instructor certificate whilst learning Spanish fluently.

I would then take my knowledge to Brazil and take salsa/flamenco classes that would complement my bellydance knowledge so that I could teach women here in the US how to fully actualize their feminine power through a beautiful, integrated, and global art form. (Their business would follow, naturally.)

I mean, could she balance tequila shots on each buttock while doing arm undulations? Teach them to be free of the need for a man’s undivided attention and you have given them the gift of personal autonomy.

13 years ago

Hosteling in Europe with my daughter for her Sr year grad gift.

Alexander Grgurich
Alexander Grgurich
13 years ago

I’d go to Paris. After seeing “Midnight in Paris”, I regret not taking the trip down there when I was in London this past December.

Lyna Tran
Lyna Tran
13 years ago

I recently picked up boxing and would like to learn different styles of fighting while diving into a completely different culture. Muay Thai in Thailand comes to mind. To pick up lessons on a beach shore would be ideal. But not to forget to check emails once a week and disconnecting your cell phone.


13 years ago

I’ll go to Seattle and Vancouver on my delayed honeymoon…in addition to the normal sightseeing, we’re going to go skydiving!

Ross Pontiff
Ross Pontiff
13 years ago

If I win, I will attend a 10 day meditation retreat. There’s not too many options within driving distance of New Orleans…

Ed Bunnell
Ed Bunnell
13 years ago

I would go to Ireland and look into my and my wife’s family history and hopefully meet some relatives.

Ben Long
Ben Long
13 years ago

I would travel to China and visit friends in Beijing

Nicolette O
Nicolette O
12 years ago

That would have to be some remote village in the Southern half of the South American Continent – so I could perhaps, make it to Antarctica as well.

Random, but you only live once!!!!

Jared Heldt
Jared Heldt
12 years ago

Maybe Japan, Germany or Thailand, Id like to train in some Muay Thai there.

12 years ago

I’ll go to Barcelona to explore the city and it’s culture.

Jessica Ruby
Jessica Ruby
12 years ago

I would travel with my Sweetie to Peru to visit Machu Picchu and study with Amazonian shamans!

12 years ago

I’d like to visit Iceland. Such amazing natural scenery from the photos I’ve seen.

12 years ago

Japan. To hike and bike in Hokkaido.

12 years ago
Reply to  Vanessa

I would do something like that, but I would travel ( bike ) Japan from end to end.

12 years ago

Either put a rebreather on my back and dive to over 300′ in search of new marine species in the remote Pacific or ski across the Greenland Ice Cap while it’s still here.

12 years ago

Boston or Florida. Would have fun no matter where I’d go with my wife.

12 years ago

i would fly to japan and explore the country by train

Joshua Millage
Joshua Millage
12 years ago

I would head to Seychelles and finish writing my book that you inspired me to write. It is about making big moves and why I moved to China to help build a Snow Ski brand.

12 years ago

I will use the voucher to go to my life long dream destination Indonesia… To Surf and just be in that wonderful place….

12 years ago

I have a bachelor party to attend in montreal…this will help!

12 years ago

Oaxaca- Huatulco…or put it towards a trip to visit the grandies in New Zealand

12 years ago

$1,000 for traveling? I would walk from Amsterdam to Jerusalem in 3 months. Half way in Istanbul I would let 3 friends fly-in to throw a party.

12 years ago

BRAZIL………when I was 11 years old I had surgery on both of my legs and ended up with 6 platinum pins to hold them in place and spent 2 years on a wheelchair and crutches….so I Prayed promissed that if I ever walked again I would get a cast of my legs and carry it up the hills of the Pneha Covent ( Convento da penha ) in Vitoria, ES in my homeland of Brazil. When I was 15 years old my family emigrated to Boston, MA, USA and to this day I have not been able to pay that promise. I am in my 30’s and would love to take this opportunity to Go back Home…pay my debt and hav some fun in the sun.

Good Luck to All…..specially to me.

12 years ago

I’d go to the UK to visit friends and see sights

12 years ago

I do not qualify to participate in this competition as I live in South Africa but never the less,

…my dream is to live 3 months in the year with my daughter in the USA and market an new product I am developing. Then I want to live for another 3 months in the year in Europe while marketing the products there while having great fun.

I am devouring Tim’s book The 4 Hour Work Week and plan to live an exciting life applying his principles.

Sally Lin
Sally Lin
12 years ago

To London England for Christmas. To visit my lovely friends there.

Touger Thao
Touger Thao
12 years ago

I would take my wife to Japan since she loves the culture, the language, and the people there. We would visit our friend who lives there and teaches English. His name is Jimmy:)

12 years ago

Argentina! por favor!

Anthony Vigilante
Anthony Vigilante
12 years ago

I would travel to Australia.

Valerie Meiners
Valerie Meiners
12 years ago

When I win anything to anywhere, it will be for a trip to Germany. This is so my husband can go too and on the way there, we can see a few other countries as well. And, I love Germany. PS Can you get there from Norway!! LOL!

Eddy Azar
Eddy Azar
12 years ago

$1000 to travel the world.

If I win, I’m going to Bali, Indonesia. I’m going to meet up with my friend Dan from TMBA, do some freework for him in exchange for the business knowledge I would gain watching how he operates, and create a floating restaurant off of the popular Bali beaches for expats and locals alike (anlong side pursuing other online businesses).

and if I don’t win you ask?

well I’ll just have to carve my own way there xD

12 years ago

I would go to Ecuador and use that as a starting point to explore all over South America this coming winter when the weather gets colder here in the U.S.

12 years ago

i would introduce my 2 year old to oaxaca’s zocalo

Sonny Dee
Sonny Dee
12 years ago

I would go to Hawaii for 2 weeks and live on the Awapuhi Farm, a completely sustainable piece of land on the Big Island. It is off the grid and exemplifies the simple life!!

12 years ago


If I won the voucher I would travel across South America, checking out the jungles, cultures, and food! I would climb mountains, canoe the Amazon, and practice my remote lifestyle skills 🙂

12 years ago

St John, USVI! Snorkel and hike!

Ezra Goldschlager
Ezra Goldschlager
12 years ago

My brand new (well, she’s been around for a few years, so *she’s* not new) wife and I will use this $1,000 for a honeymoon. In Singapore. 🙂 We realize the $1,000 won’t get us from LA to Singapore including lodging and food, but we would kick in some of the money received as wedding gifts to make this an awesome adventure. Thanks Tim!


12 years ago

Roatan. Fly under water and figure out how to reboot my life.

12 years ago

Amman, Jordan for a look a Petra and intensive Arabic.

Rick McClelland
Rick McClelland
12 years ago

I would take my well deserving family on a nice beach vacation for a week.

Especially my college age son who introduced me to Tim’s book and has me thinking in a new light.

Jacob Bear
Jacob Bear
12 years ago

I’ll organize an educational bike tour through Palestine, Israel, Lebannon and Syria–and invite Muslim and Jewish activists and leaders to participate.

Eric B
Eric B
12 years ago

I’ll go to Vegas and marry my girlfirend.

Laura Wood
Laura Wood
12 years ago

I would go to Indonesia, besides all of the beautiful things, and cultural experiences, I would like to use my time there to help others, perhaps by teaching or helping the sick or disabled. I hoped to one day join the Peace Corps, but I believe I would like to do it on my own, and spread the love and help in my own way.

12 years ago

I will go to Croatia (this is my ethnic background) and stay for 3 months while doing my coaching practce from there!

12 years ago

I’d go to Spain and attempt to immerse myself in the culture and history… And then pony up some of my own cash to do some adventurous things such as canyoning, ATVing, bungee jumping, and partying in Ibiza!

matt geyster
matt geyster
12 years ago

punchtab is pretty cool

Derrick Q
Derrick Q
12 years ago

If I win, I’m going back to Haiti. After the flight is covered, all remaining cash goes to the 18 children – their school fees and medical supplies for the year.

Kelly Saponaro
Kelly Saponaro
12 years ago

I would love to go to Europe. I have only been off the East Coast once in my entire life so while I would be pretty game to go anywhere, i have always wanted to go to Italy. It has always seemed like such a far fetched idea to me though, but to experience the lifestyle there would be amazing!

Erik Truby
Erik Truby
12 years ago

I’d go to Ireland, but as to why, I’m hoping to find out while I’m there.

12 years ago

Tikal, climb ancient mayan pyramids.

12 years ago

I will ride my bicycle all around New Zealand!

12 years ago

I would go to Tanzania and stay in a resort on the islands of Zanzibar .

Chris Schuering
Chris Schuering
12 years ago

My wife and I are in the process of adopting from India. If I win the voucher, we will use it for airfare to India to bring home our child.

12 years ago

My dream vacation is to go to meet the Nature’s Wisdom in: india, Bhutan, Borneo, South West Africa, Gabon, and radiate the good energy back to people around me. Namaste and blessings to You, reader.

12 years ago

I would head to the UK. First stop: London, to go see Tennant and Tate in Much Ado About Nothing.

12 years ago

I would use the money toward a trip to Peru. While in Peru I would climb Machu Picchu and visit coffee plantations.

12 years ago

I’ve been in 49 of our 50 beautiful states….one left to make it an even 50…I’ll be flying to HAWAII for sun and sand… adventures on water, air and land

12 years ago

I would take my wife on a surprise trip to Rome to celebrate our 11th anniversary and the discovery of her becoming pregnant – mini-retirement style. Timeless carelessness and a chance to renew the spirit!

Otherwise – Toronto to both join in a Systema Russian Martial Arts Seminar! We both love that too and what fun!

12 years ago

I would use it as an opportunity to finally learn how to surf. While I live 20 minutes from the ocean where I live, I want to go someplace known, particularly west coast or Hawaii or wherever, for it’s surf culture and be totally immersed in it and cap it off by getting lessons.

Since I am able to remote work, if I *had to*, I’d be able to get in some work between surf lessons and, possibly, dance lessons. However, the less I must do, and the more I want to do, the better!

I would also use the voucher when I can use it as a reward for losing 100lbs*. While I’m not there yet, I have I figure 6-7 months until I reach that goal thanks to the 4HB…which should give me plenty of time to figure out exactly what else I’d like to do while I’m surrounded by surf culture.

*I was once at my ideal weight after losing 100lbs 7 years ago, gained it all back in the past 2 years. Pre-4HB and pre-4HWW, now I’ve got my bearings in order and carving the life I want, not the life I’d haphazardly fallen into.

Judi Henderson-Townsend
Judi Henderson-Townsend
12 years ago

Having been all over the world (went to Bali in March), I want to appreciate places in the US that I have neglected. This California Girl would get in touch with her Southern roots and expose her New York City born and raised husband to a side of the USA he has never experienced.

I would go to Memphis, Tenn see the National Civil Rights museum. Then I would take a train or a MIssissippi riverboat cruise to New Orleans. If time permits, I would visit Savannah Georgia and Tybee Island. Each destination offers a different side of Southern living (and southern cuisine)

Kym Rudolph
Kym Rudolph
12 years ago

Hi Tim

A friend mentioned your book and I have read about half way and gut forced to do something out of my confort zone and repeat a message by not what or how or why but now. Normally not crazy, hah hah!!!

Cheers Kym Rudolph


At 31 years old, TED perceives he IS the incredible hulk AGAIN, facing his childhood BULLYING fear.

“Not what you do but how YOU do it?”

FEAR is ONLY perceived in YOUR MIND, but unfortunately can be misdirected by bully’s ego.

1 TIM was actually given against all odds his being, BORN premature and lived, that’s INCREDIBLE!

Lucas King
Lucas King
12 years ago

i live in seoul now, but i would go to new york and take a course in picking up women.

12 years ago

I’d like to go see Venice before it sinks/disappears completely!

August Guang
August Guang
12 years ago

I’d go to Seoul, Korea. Since I’m in Hong Kong right now, it won’t be too expensive, so with the money left over I’d make another trip to a different part of Asia during winter break. (I go to school in LA)

Why? Well my significant other will be in Korea all next year for a job, heh. If I get this money then for winter break I’d like to travel with her somewhere else in Asia. That’s specifically why Korea though, otherwise: obviously to be a tourist! I managed to travel Thailand and Hong Kong this summer, I’d love to see the rest of Asia too!

12 years ago

With no doubts, I´m going to spend some time in Timbuktu (Mali) after severeal days through the Niger.

12 years ago

My dream vacation will be hawaii with my wife for the honeymoon we never get to go and rekindle back our love for each other. Just hold her hand to walk the beach and relax in each other arms watching the sunset with the ocean breeze will be just perfect

Chad Shahan
Chad Shahan
12 years ago

I would take my wife to Alaska for our Ten Year anniversary which was last year… but who’s counting? We were fortunate enough to see Alaska 4 years ago, but it was between seasons. Would love to see it in the summer. Thanks, it felt good just to think and write about. Gives me chills!!

Allison Shahan
Allison Shahan
12 years ago
Reply to  Chad Shahan

That’s the best idea I’ve heard all day. I would love to see Alaska in the summertime, with you!

12 years ago

When I win, I’ll visit Monaco and the Le Grand Casino in Monte Carlo. I work in the casino industry and am obsessed with the history of casinos.

Jess arbour
Jess arbour
12 years ago

I WILL go to Australia and unveil the truth in self made destiny. stepping closer to the meaning of life for me: love/ friendship, experience, growth/ change…

Melissa Stanton
Melissa Stanton
12 years ago

My husband and I would take the kids to Costa Rica where we spent our honeymoon 10 years ago.

Aviv Vana
Aviv Vana
12 years ago

If I win I will take the wife and kids to NY and set up a few Lunches with top entrepreneurs.

George Mihaly
George Mihaly
12 years ago

Amazing contest!-My trip will* be to South America where I will become fluent in Spanish (teaching Yoga in Spanish will be the ultimate test) and become a performing DJ/dancer Namasté -George-

12 years ago

I would take my family to Columbia to learn about where they came from and explore an amazing country.

12 years ago

I would travel to Big Island Hawaii to take photos of indigenous folks there

12 years ago

I’d go to Switzerland to explore my family’s history….with my sister of course!

Coren Smith
Coren Smith
12 years ago

I will go to Japan to study Ninjutsu with Grandmaster Masaaki Hatsumi in Nodashi

12 years ago

London to see Ralph Fiennes in The Tempest

12 years ago

I would go to Australia because I’m missing cold weather.

12 years ago

I’d head to Europe with my wife flying business class for the first time ever.

Michael Cherry
Michael Cherry
12 years ago

Go back to the U.S.A and tick off 3 more states from my list. – spend time in New Orleans, tourism is 1 part I cant assist with the ongoing recovery.

Stephen Adamowitz
Stephen Adamowitz
12 years ago

I would take my girlfriend to Spain and it would be glorious. Tim, keep doing your thing.

Melissa Luck
Melissa Luck
12 years ago

Chalet Martin in Gryon, Switzerland. I dare you to go too, and you’ll understand why :]

12 years ago

Thailand so I can master Thai cuisine

Drew Grgich
Drew Grgich
12 years ago

I would probably head to Las Vegas with my wife. Vegas, baby!

12 years ago

I would go to Spain for a couple months with my wife and two kids!

Thanks for the contest Tim!