The Perfect Posterior: Kettlebell Swings and Cheap Alternatives

Tracy: 100+ lbs. lost with 2–3 sessions per week.

In The 4-Hour Body, I profiled Tracy R., a mother of two who lost more than 100 pounds.

The secret wasn’t marathon aerobics sessions, nor was it severe caloric restriction. It was the Russian kettlebell swing, twice a week for an average of 15–20 minutes. Her peak session length was 35 minutes.

This post will explain how to perform the two-handed kettlebell swing, and it will offer a cheap $10 alternative.

Beyond fat loss, this movement will help build a superhuman posterior chain, which includes all the muscles from the base of your skull to your Achilles tendons. For maximum strength and sex appeal in minimal time, the posterior chain is where you should focus. From “violent hips” for power sports, to the perfect ass for aesthetics, I suggest one starting point:

The Swing

Reps and Sets – Less is More

Long before I met Tracy, I met “The Kiwi” in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

In early 2006, he happened to be taking a private Spanish lesson in the same café where I was finishing the manuscript for The 4-Hour Workweek, and we quickly became close friends. He had competed in elite-level rugby in New Zealand but was equally proud, I soon learned, of applying his BSE in exercise physiology to perfecting the female posterior.

He told me the story over a bottle of Catena Malbec. His obsession started when he saw a professional samba dancer in Brazil balance tequila shots on top of each butt cheek in a dance club. Lamenting the lack of similar scenes in his own country, he set off on a mission to isolate the best exercises for creating buttocks worthy of tequila shots.

By 2000 he had refined his approach to a science. In four weeks, he took his then-girlfriend, an ethnic Chinese with a surfboardlike profile, to being voted one of the top-10 sexiest girls out of 39,000 students at the University of Auckland. Total time: four weeks. Other female students constantly asked her how she’d lifted her glutes so high up her hamstrings.

If The Kiwi could have answered for her, he would have said, “Add reps and weights to the swings.”

In 2005, my interest in kettlebells reinvigorated, I returned to the United States from Argentina and purchased one 53-pound kettlebell. I did nothing more than one set of 75 swings one hour after a light, protein-rich breakfast, twice a week on Mondays and Fridays. In the beginning, I couldn’t complete 75 consecutive repetitions, so I did multiple sets with 60 seconds between until I totaled 75. Total swing time for the entire week was 10–20 minutes.

I wasn’t trying to balance tequila shots on my butt cheeks. I wanted clear six-pack abs. In six weeks, I was at my lowest bodyfat percentage since 1999, and l’d reached my goal. I’ve since worked up to 50+ reps with the 106-lb. “beast” (video), which has directly transferred to 100-lb.+ gains in the deadlift.

The king of exercises—the two-handed kettlebell swing—is all you need for dramatic changes.

Here are a few guidelines:

• Stand with your feet 6–12 inches outside of shoulder width on either side, each foot pointed outward about 30 degrees. If toes pointed straight ahead were 12:00 on a clock face, your left foot would point at 10:00 or 11:00, and your right would point at 1:00 or 2:00.

• Keep your shoulders pulled back (retracted) and down to avoid rounding your back.

• The lowering movement (backswing) is a sitting-back-on-a-chair movement, not a squatting- down movement.

• Do not let your shoulders go in front of your knees at any point.

• Imagine pinching a penny between your butt cheeks when you pop your hips forward. This should be a forceful pop, and it should be impossible to contract your ass more. If your dog’s head gets in the way, it should be lights out for Fido.

75 total reps, 2-3 times a week, is the recipe.

Simple works.


Odds and Ends: An Appeal

George Bush 691 vs. The 4-Hour Body 427 –

Since the book came out, I’ve fantasized about having more Amazon reviews than George Bush. Now, it’s actually possible! The ask: If you’ve enjoyed The 4-Hour Body, could you pretty please take 30 seconds to leave a short Amazon review here?

I’ll toast some wine and do a thank-you video this weekend if I crush The Decider. Thanks in advance — it’s been an exciting few weeks, and this would really be the icing on the cake.

Much more to come soon…

The Tim Ferriss Show is one of the most popular podcasts in the world with more than one billion downloads. It has been selected for "Best of Apple Podcasts" three times, it is often the #1 interview podcast across all of Apple Podcasts, and it's been ranked #1 out of 400,000+ podcasts on many occasions. To listen to any of the past episodes for free, check out this page.

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3 years ago

I can’t see this video ( either on this site or through the link (it says “your video is loading” but it never loads).

How can I access the video?

Thank you!

Team Tim Ferriss
3 years ago
Reply to  blakeflgilbert

Hi, Blake –

Thanks for the question. Please see this on YouTube at .


Team Tim Ferriss

John Elder
John Elder
12 years ago


Read Tim’s chapter on injuries, specifically the Egoscue part (pg. 306, I believe). The exercise Supine Groin Progressive would be HUGE for you. Let me know if you have any questions about it. I’m in the Egoscue clinic in Nashville, Tennessee.

12 years ago

So, I don’t understand. Are you supposed to do 5 reps at point A, 5 at point B, then 5 at point C? Or are you supposed to just be doing point C, and the rest is just to show you technique?

Ben Unger
Ben Unger
12 years ago

Great post, great books, great blog. I’m a fan. I noticed that you hesitated when converting kg to pounds or vice versa in your video. Working in healthcare, I frequently do those conversions in my head using an easy mnemonic. You can too!

Knowing that there’s about 2.2 pounds to each kilogram doesn’t help much. But that means you can break the conversion down in the following way:

kg to lbs:

(starting kgs + 10% ) x 2 = same weight in lbs

eg: 10 kgs plus 1 is 11. Multiply that times 2 yields 22 pounds.

eg2: 15 kgs + 1.5 = 16.5. 16.5 x 2 = 33lbs

lbs: to kg:

starting pounds divided by 2 and then take off 10%

eg: 40lbs divided by 2 is 20. Take off 10% (2) leaves 18kg.

The actual conversions are as follows.

1 pound = 0.45359237 kilograms

1 kilogram = 2.20462262 pounds

The above conversions rules of thumb are more than close enough for the gym. Most folks can add or subtract 10% and multiplying or dividing by 2 making this conversion easy with some practice.



12 years ago

So, I don’t understand. Are you supposed to do 5 reps at point A, 5 at point B, then 5 at point C? Or are you supposed to just be doing point C, and the rest is just to show you technique?

Janus Andersen
Janus Andersen
12 years ago

Do any of you guys bring the T-handle with you on holidays or travels? What do you use for weights?

12 years ago

Hi Tim – LOVE your book and your love of life. Am trying to incorporate as much as possible from the slow carb diet, but also remembering that its ‘better to do something badly than not at all’. So, Im not too hard on myself when things don’t go perfectly. I have switched to slow carb breakfasts – currently 3 egg whites, 1 yolk, lentils, kimchi and seaweed (loving it – all my friends think Im crazy – even making my own kimchi now) but my other two meals of the day are out of my control as my work involves being invited to eat at the homes of others, as well as the occasional restaurant. Of course, I try to stick to the principles as much as possible (nothing white, etc), no desserts, limited fruit – my question is – when I am served a meal like lasagne or pizza (with unavoidable carbs) what can I do at that time to help lessen the caloric/sugar impact? Will doing the exercises (air squats, etc) afterwards provide any benefit? Please keep up your interesting work!

12 years ago

Hey Tim

I have a neck and chest compression injury that are both still a bit sensitive although nearly cleared up after a couple of years of relevant therapies. I want to start the kettle bell training but Im a bit cautious- are there known risks or common injuries that come from the workout?

One day soon, I will be feeding my boyfriend shooters from my butt.


12 years ago

For the T-Bar Kettlebell, you can also purchase 3/4 inch end caps from home depot, to screw onto the 2 nipple pipes that connect to the T, forming the handles. This virtually eliminates the possibility of cutting your hands on the nipple treads, but I still wear gloves because the pipes left my hand with some kind of residue.

12 years ago


Thanks for this great forum. I do a lot of travelling and would like to bring the T-bar with me (without the weight plates of course). But does anyone have any advise to share regarding what to use as substitute for the weights when going abroad?

12 years ago

Hey Tim,

I’m just getting into 4HB and would like to try out a lot of the exercises. I’ve learned for a physical therapist that both of my knee caps are off center and that makes even standing and walking very painful. Do you have any tips on how to remedy this? Thanks


The Highlander
The Highlander
12 years ago


John Romaniello hipped me to the Tim Ferriss Phenomenon; I look forward to getting 4-Hour Booty, uh Body. I am intrigued with the take-no-prisoners attack on convention, as I think convention can be limiting and overrated. I am 47 years-old, a wine connoisseur, investment maven, history devotee, fitness enthusiast, and disciple of cool. Have you tried the Malbec from Bodegas Cavas de Weinert ?

Belle Santos
Belle Santos
12 years ago

Great! I love swinging kettle bells. Its one of my favorites when I train Muay Thai at gym, and the alternatives…. FTW! I don’t have bells at home and sometimes when I’m not in a mood to go to gym and in a mood to do a little exercise, I do look for kettle bells but sadly, only weights are available.

Thanks a lot for this! 🙂


11 years ago

Hi Tim (or any other trainers/gym goers with advice),

I recently read 4hb and was excited to begin working on kettleball swings. I put together a t-bell from home depot and started with the touch-and-go’s from points A and B. Unfortunately, I ended up having a pretty decent amount of back pain and I’m sure my form is reeeeally off. I looked up a bunch of videos on youtube and tried to copy them; I made a mental checklist including straight back, hinge at hips, minimal knee bend, etc.

I’m a 22 year old male around 5’8” with probably close to 22% body fat, so the fact that I’m experiencing back pain while doing the kb-swings probably means I’m doing them wrong. Are there any other CHEAP resources you can think of where someone can learn to do them right besides online videos? It seems like there’s something getting lost in translation, but I can’t seem to figure out what it might be.

Thank you, and please – comments from anyone who might have advice. Thanks a ton!



11 years ago

Hi there,

I’m very much interested in kettlebells and all the miracles one can achieve with them. I have two questions (I’m a 29-yr-old female in good shape):

1. I am myopic and have some retina issues which always stopped me from doing weight-lifting. Do you think kettlebell swinging is OK? If so, how much weight should I go for?

2. I am rather keen on swimming and water exercises. How could I replicate kettlebell swings in water? Is there a kind of aqua version for kettlebells?

Thanks for your help.


11 years ago


i’ve been doing the KB workout for about 2 weeks now. Is it bad if i eat breakfast about 10-15 minutes before doing the workout? I know you said you waited an hour. Also, is it bad if i do it more than 3 x’s per week? I do 105 reps right now, but want to get to 150-200 reps before long. Would you recommend weight training after the workout to stay toned?

11 years ago

It looks like I got into this discussion about 2 years late, but I just got the T-bar and started working with it a couple weeks ago.

Thing is, I don’t know if I’m doing it right… I seem to feel the swing in my biceps more than anything else. Also a little bit in my abs, in my glutes I don’t really feel anything.

Am I doing something wrong? Or is it just that my biceps are weaker and so working harder?

Thanks to anybody who can clear this up…

Craig Smith
Craig Smith
11 years ago

Tim since your book, I have seen more and more books about the kettlebell. Walmart is even selling them! I think you created a fad.

11 years ago

3 days into slow carb diet, and 1 kb session in the bag just now, 3×25 reps with 24 kilo bell, short pause in between each group of 25. that is some exercise, 5 minutes later, have just about got my breath back, and feel like my whole body has done a workout. elapsed time for the exercise, less than 5 minutes.

btw, breakfast for me these days is 2 hard boiled eggs, finely chopped and mixed into 2 or 3 heaped tablespoons of lentil dhal (very mild lentil curry) and heated. bit odd compared to usual fruit and yoghurt or toast, has taken a few days to get used to it but polished off today with no difficulty. same dhal curry very handy for adding to meals in place of spuds or rice.

recipe for dhal:

2 tbsp oil

12oz red lentils (soaked for 30 mins and drained/rinsed)

2 large onions, fairly finely chopped

2 cloves garlic, crushed

1tsp turmeric powder

2tsp curry powder

2tsp ground coriander

2 pints chicken stock (made from cube)

salt & pepper

heat oil, fry chopped onion until soft. stir in garlic and all spices and cook for 2 more minutes on a low heat.

add lentils and the stock, season, mix together, cover and cook gently for 45-60 minutes.

can be kept in the fridge for days, either zap in microwave or heat through on the stove as needed.

Auckland Gyms
Auckland Gyms
11 years ago

Kettlebells are the only piece of equipment I use now (apart from the pull up bar). I feel 100x better. Those awesome Russians

11 years ago

I’ll try to be brief… 21-y.o. female, can’t lose weight — athletic, works out, does kettle bell swings, runs; also walks everywhere on a vey large campus. Doing the slow carb diet, and initially began losing some weight. Difficult to take protein with her everywhere, especially when a full day of classes, so it’s a challenge for a college student. So it began to not work any longer. Now add to this…

Recently diagnosed with a POSSIBLE thyroid condition. Taking a small prescribed dose of synthroid for a month or so pending follow-up blood test. No longer losing the weight. Could there be a connection, absorption issue, etc.? Very frustrating and hard to analyze. Doctors (who of course know nothing about nutrition) are not much help. Even an endocrinologist was pretty useless. Any help MUCH appreciated. Thanks.

11 years ago


On the T Handle I have found using athletic tape on the end works wonders. In fact what I did was put extra on the threading then went ahead and put a single layer of wrap all the way to the T joint. Holds up really well.

11 years ago


A Quick laundry list of questions on what is and isn’t allowed on the diet.

Yes or no or Sometimes:

Sweet potatoes




Corn tortillas

Whey Lactose free Protein powder

Almond butter

Peanut Butter



11 years ago

Would you or someone provide me some guidelines for how long one should continuously swing? It seems that swinging a very light kettle bell for 20 minutes straight is possible, but swinging a 25 lb or higher weight kettle bell continuously for 20 minutes is unrealistic for many people. So, when one sees references to 20 minutes of swings, is it the case that one swings for a period of time, rests, and then resumes swinging following by resting? Thank you.

11 years ago
Reply to  SP

Swinging 20 minutes continuously would be quite a feat. I usually do 10 sets of 20 swings with one minute of active rest between sets. So, 20 swings, then one minute of active rest, then 20 swings, then one minute active rest…and so on. Active rest can be anything that keeps you up and moving. I have an elliptical in my basement where I work out, so I just hop on it for a minute in between sets of swings.

This gives 200 quality swings, which usually takes about 10-15 minutes overall. I use a 53-lb kettlebell, but I started with a 35-lb bell.

For reference, I’m 39, male, and have been practicing kettlebells for a couple years now.

Check out Pavel Tsatsouline’s, Enter the Kettlebell book and/or DVD. That’s what I started with and continue to go back to to sharpen my technique.

Good luck.

11 years ago
Reply to  Jason

Jason, Thank you very much for your response. I found it very helpful (and reassuring). I also appreciated the specificity of the context (i.e. your reference). I am older than you and am working with a lighter kettle bell and want to avoid injury to so I am proceeding tentatively with a 12-15 swings and the resting until I can do another set or 12-15 swings. I continue along these lines for about ten minutes. The rest time is whatever it takes to catch my breath sufficiently to maintain what I think is proper form.

11 years ago

Awesome blog post, i have actually started adding kettle bells to my work out a 3 days a week because i read it in your book. i also started a personal blog where i track my own little tweaks in an effort to make improvements like the ones you talk about in the 4 hour body. kicked my soda and fast food habits and lost 10 pounds so far.

but I wanted to point out that the website you link to under “purchased one 53-pound kettlebell. ” no longer exists.

11 years ago

Dear Tim,

Would ezekiel bread be able to be integrated into the slow carb diet? I have been attempting to yield away from all white carbs which is harder than expected.. You also stress breakfast within 30 minutes of waking.. I have found that doing AM cardio on empty stomach aids in loosing weight, would this be an allowable method to incorporate into this diet ? or would one be better off to take a protein shake upon awakening then go perform the cardio??


11 years ago

Hello Tim,

I am very interested in taking up kettlebell exercises, any recommendations on a brand/name of kettlebell would be highly appreciated!

Many thanks.

11 years ago
Reply to  Sophia

Read “Enter the Kettlebell” by Pavel Tsatsouline. Dragon Door has the best kettlebells, but you may be able to find a decent one at a second-hand sporting goods store. My wife uses a 20-lb kettlebell. Make sure whatever you get is all metal. I’ve seen a lot with rubber coatings and even plastic handles. Those won’t work.

11 years ago
Reply to  Jason

Sorry, her kettlebell is 26 lbs not 20.

11 years ago
Reply to  Jason

Thanks for the advice Jason, will consider everything you mentioned!

11 years ago

“…it should be impossible to contract your ass more. If your dog’s head gets in the way, it should be lights out for Fido.” Ha, ha, ha! Tim, are you trying to master comedy also?

11 years ago

It’s a great workout and it takes only 20 minutes to finish!!

Feel much better since!!


11 years ago

how did I just catch this post…. You’re the man dude.

11 years ago

Thanks for sharing your info. I truly appreciate your efforts and

I am waiting for your further write ups thank you once again.

10 years ago

Should the critical mass (A/B) workout be incorporated in addition to the kettle bell swings on separate days or is it in a supplement for the swings? I’m just confused because the B doesn’t have kettle bells.

Annapoorna Rajan
Annapoorna Rajan
10 years ago

Is this ok to do for someone who’s not exercised at all in the last couple of years? And who has a belly which is looking more like a 3-4 months pregnant woman’s! Will this help in reducing that fat and tone up everything else? Thanks.

10 years ago

In 4-Hour Body you write that maximum fertility should be the bar for measuring health, even if you aren’t trying to have kids. I agree. In the Critical (M)ass section, though, you describes a case study in which a woman comes down from a perfectly healthy ~24BMI to a 19BMI, which according to the Nurses’ Health Study, is below the maximum fertile BMI for women. (21BMI is the peak fertile spot, if I remember correctly).

What gives?

10 years ago

Thanks for sharing this great information. I shared it with a friend of mine and he cautioned against potential shoulder issues and I said from my reading it’s ok if proper technique is used. It feels good that much I know, thanks again!

Stewart Whicker
Stewart Whicker
10 years ago

To save money could I use my six year old son instead of a kettle bell, Just kidding. I am looking at an exercise that what improve my flabby butt and the kettle bell looks fun. I will give it a go.

John Wilmans
John Wilmans
10 years ago

Hi there. First off, where can I go to do a BSE in ladies butts? Secondly good article. I have just got started with Kettlebells after a life time of Barbell work and running. I’m finding them fantastic! I’m aiming to start the 75 swings on Monday and see how it goes.

10 years ago

Hi Tim.

I am planing to do at least one day per week of kettle-bell into my routine.

Will this replace a leg workout?


Michelle B
Michelle B
10 years ago

One of the midwives at our office shared this technique because of your post and it has helped greatly thank you.

10 years ago

I absolutely love the 4-hour body. I’ve recommended this book time and again. Thank you Tim for writing it and thank you Tyler for recommending it!

Steve carve
Steve carve
10 years ago

I loved your blog. I am very impressed with the kettlebell training. It gains more and more popularity day by day. Thanks for sharing.

10 years ago

I’ve been reading a lot about the kettle bell swing and how great it is for your lower back glutes and hammies… question is what would be the best weight to use if I’m looking for maximum fat burn and butt building without adding bulk to my legs? I have a 15lb KB and just purchased a 30lb KB a few days ago…..I was told for the fastest results you should swing decently heavy….ie the 30lb purchase……is that too heavy or about right? It doesn’t overstrain my back or shoulders when I swing it so I’m hoping that it was a wise purchase…. Also if I was to do a 20 minute session every other day how quickly should I start seeing results and weight loss? I’m looking to drop about 25lb in two months……any suggestions?

10 years ago

This might be a very stupid question. But if you need to do 50 repetitions but need to choose a weight that allows you to do 20 but not more then 30. How do you do that ? Do you do 2 times 25 repetition and take a break inbetween and if so how long of a break do you take ?

Matt NZ
Matt NZ
9 years ago

Kettlebells are pretty much all you need for a very simple home gym. Those crafty Russians were onto something!

9 years ago

I know this post is a few weeks old, but I’m going to starts dying the kettlebell workout this week. I’ve done them once in a while, but with lower rep, and as part of a broader workout. Going to try mainly just doing the kettlebell swings and probably some ab workouts.

The Bibleman
The Bibleman
9 years ago

First off your post is misleading. Tracy dieted as well as worked out with kettlebells. Second, she did and still does a LOT more than 75 swings twice a week. I did 75 swings twice a week with a 53 pound kettlebell and NOTHING changed in my body. Absolutely NOTHING! I hate people who post misleading information just to promote a book.

9 years ago

Hi, Tim.

I’ve been following you a lot and I can say you REALLY have changed the way I see the world, thanks a lot for that!

There’s only one thing that I am very worried about, that is hair loss. This is why: I started doing a kind of mixture between the principles I found on Occam’s protocol and “Building the perfect posterior”, you see, I have an aspirin-like butt (flat with nothing more than a line in the middle, lol) and I wanted to make it grow, so I started doing only 1 set of 50 reps-t-handle swings to failure, 2 days later I added 5 lbs. doing again 1 set of 50 reps to failure and so on for one week. On the next week I did the same, but now resting 3 days, eating like it’s my job, I saw super great results! … But the problem is that sadly, when I took showers, I noticed I was losing hair. I had had hair loss problems before, but I had managed to control it (even re-grow it) very successfully with finasteride (taking the minimum effective dose of 0.5mg per day), minoxidil and ketoconazole, but because of the side effects of finasteride I quit it, I had seen no significant hair loss since then (3 months or so) (I think it was because I was keeping my testosterone levels down by not doing not working out), but then, when I started working out again to build the perfect posterior after the motivation that came from such groundbreaking information and (I think a lot of testosterone that came from the workout too), I noticed I was losing hair again. I now feel like I have to choose between hair or a decent butt, and that sucks, because I really want a perfect posterior but I want my hair too. What do you think?

I trust your work and I haven’t looked for any advice anywhere else because I trust you over other people when it comes to get great results in the least amount of time. I’m VERY interested in knowing if you have done (or plan to do) research on hair loss, If you have or will, I’d be VERY happy to know!

Thanks in advance.

Brendan Jackson
Brendan Jackson
9 years ago

1″ wide hitchpin will work for a kettlebell too if you can find one with a good handle on it. you can buy them at hauling stores like tractor supply just be sure to find one with a good handle. I liked them a little better than the “T” kettle bell. They’re designed to quickly hitch trailers to vehicles so I imagine it would take quite a bit of weights to break one.

9 years ago

The 53 lb kettlebell link appears to be dead.

9 years ago

Kettlebells appear to be pretty simple implements. Is there any real difference between a cheap one and a more expensive one? Are there any features that might make one better than another? Thanks.

8 years ago

I realize KB swings are excellent for your entire backside, abs, shoulders etc but do they do much for your triceps/biceps? I’ve always done more exercises than just the swing (turkish getup, windmills, figure 8’s etc) but was inquiring exclusively on the swing in regards to the bicep/tricep.

8 years ago

I know you were biting your tongue when Charles Poliquin was dissing the kettlebell swing 😉

Matt Dillon
Matt Dillon
8 years ago

Hey Tim, Just wondering how long I should be doing my swings for? 80 swings would only take me 5-10mins tops, should I be somehow be doing them slower?

8 years ago

Regarding guideline #4: it is impossible to do a swing without the shoulders going out past the knees. If you can manage it please post a video.

8 years ago

Hi all,

Does the kettle bell have to be 53lbs? Should I start with a smaller weight and work my way up? What is ideal and best for results?

(I’m 5’6″ and weigh about 120lbs and only really use 5-8lbs weights haha..)

Thank you,


8 years ago

What do you think about Charles Poliquin and what his thoughts are on KB swings?? I just listened to your podcast (twice) with him (amazing by the way) and as a crossfitter, I’ve been rethinking KB swings and the harm they might do.

8 years ago


What about the comments that Charles Poliquin made on your podcast about the possible negative effect of the swing on the back, causing eventual disk issues? Should people with back problems avoid doing the kettle bell swing? I personally have a herniated disk and am real conscious about aggravating it.


Tony Maddalone
Tony Maddalone
8 years ago

As a former college strength coach i cant tell you how often and how annoying it is to see everyone slaughter the kb swing…THANK YOU for showing it correctly and not showing the incorrect method (squat swing)

Sandi Sherar Frank
Sandi Sherar Frank
8 years ago

Love, love LOVE the results of the kettlebell swing!! Read the 4-Hour Body when it first came out and have since bought copies for five friends–as always, well-written, accessible, conversational, witty…with amazing out-of-the-box approach and results. HIGHLY recommend!

Chris McClymont
Chris McClymont
8 years ago

The link “purchased one 53-pound kettlebel” is broken

8 years ago

Best $25 investment ever!

Hey Tim I listened to the Charles Poliquin interview and he mentioned that the kettlebell is not so great for the spine. What are some common things you’ve heard of that causes people to injure themselves while doing this exercise? If any?

8 years ago

When I try to seeing the kettlebell back between my thighs, I can’t avoid it smacking me in the legs without having an absurdly wide stance (I’m female, 260 lbs, 5’8″, carry my weight in hips/thighs). How can I do the basic swing?

8 years ago

Hi Tim, I’m a fan. Thanks for the post. Can I suggest that “cheap alternatives” be removed from the title here though? I don’t believe they’re mentioned on this webpost.

I’ll go back to the book where I think they are mentioned.



8 years ago

A Questions, 75 reps are 75 swings? i started doing them but i fell like it´s not much.

8 years ago

How many weight I will use at the beginning?

John Crawford
John Crawford
8 years ago

Tim, You have such a nice blog, very insightful, I accidentally came across it searching for kettlebell workouts charts. I appreciate your good work, it resonates with what I do on daily basis – swing kettlebells 🙂

7 years ago

I use a jug filled with water when I am in the pool and get resistance up and down. I also use a dumbbell at home.

Lindsey Palmer
Lindsey Palmer
7 years ago

Russian (up to eye level) or American (above head) swings? And what weight do you recommend for goal weight for female (as reference I did ~45 nonstop Russian with a 30lb after a pretty hard workout this am), 35 lbs or more? Thanks!

7 years ago

Hey Tim,

I like your out of the box thinking even though kettlebells aren’t really that expensive (especially in regard of their benefit).

The weight distribution might not be that great though.

7 years ago

Hey Tim / everybody,

I’m wondering if there is any reason you’re choosing to do the kettle bell swings right after breakfast besides preference in when you choose to work out?

I’m usually in the habit of breaking up my afternoon with a workout. I find that I eat less during the day if I work out later too. Would be great to hear if theres some sort of study you’ve done or heard of into this!

7 years ago

Hi Tim,

I’m so ready to start the kettle bell swing workout, however, I can’t find recommendations on your website or in the blog about what an average, not out of shape but not ripped, woman of 27 should start with weight wise? 8kg? 12kg?

Thanks so much in advance for any advice.


7 years ago

I tried doing Kettlebell Swings a few years ago, but for the life of me couldn’t effectively “explode” on the upswing. I recorded myself and put it online for constructive criticism, and not matter what I tried I was told I was lifting more with my arms than exploding upwards. Any suggestions?

7 years ago

Hey, I don’t know what size/ weight of kettle bell to use? How does the different weights even work? I’m a female and about 8 stone and looking to tone up. Thanks

7 years ago

“In four weeks, he took his then-girlfriend, an ethnic Chinese with a surfboardlike profile, to being voted one of the top-10 sexiest girls out of 39,000 students at the University of Auckland.”

Awkward sentence. Like he got a new pony trained for the ring.

7 years ago

This was great, especially when used in the workout routines provided in the book. I used this still today to prevent injuries. More and more I see colleagues who are getting injured and often times they blame the heavy pistol belt we carry or the fact we sit down for long hours. While those activities are detrimental, this read was a life changer for me and I think it has prevented me from falling victim to some problems other people get.

6 years ago

You never know when you will inspire somebody. I have read and reread portions of the book many times, but your message reaches me this morning in the midst of negative self-talk about not doing enough kettle bell work for it to be effective. The next step would be to skip it today, but I got just the nudge I need to do the right thing from Tim this morning. Keep up the good work.

Tara Deeva
Tara Deeva
6 years ago


Read 4 hour body…done the workout below about 7-8 times in the last 4 weeks…I added a slow 20 minute swim twice a week as well….I’m a size 4 on top-looks like 19-21% body fat, lower body is a size 6 looks like 28-30% body fat.

Upper body feels and looks better than I was at 26…pre 2 kids..

The kettles are great for the arms but legs are in no way a match to my upper body…cellulite…saddle bag.. thighs is a problem !!!….

What is the sister exercise for the thighs that has the same fab results as the kettle bells for the upper body ?

My workout :

30 secs Hip flexor each side

30 kettle bell swings (15 kg weight)

30 glute activation raises

20 flying dogs

120 kettles ( 15kg weight) with breaks for 60 secs till 150 kettles (in total) in 20-30 reps each time

20-30 air squats

1 minute plank front

30 sec plank front

15 Myotatic crunch

15 cat vomit

6 years ago

what dod you think about classic competition kettlebell snatch?

[Moderator: link removed.]

what is better snatch of swings?

Eghosa Orumwense
Eghosa Orumwense
6 years ago

Hi guys! Please I’ve never used kettlebells before, I’m about 5’4″, what kg should I start with?

6 years ago

Just tried this workout for first time, using 20kg plate. Did 1 x 20, 1 x 20, 1 x 20, 1 x 15 (=75 total) with 1 minute breaks (last set 2 minutes). Each set took 50 seconds to complete so with breaks entire workout only took 7 1/2 mins, which is a lot less than Tim’s total swing time. Am I missing something?

6 years ago

Physical exercise is one of the activities to nourish the body, as well as shape the body to look more attractive. Many people are doing the exercises in the fitness centers, including me. Usually I prefer kettlebell tools to shape my body and also lose my weight with a treadmill. The purpose of using this tool is the flexibility and concentration of body formation of the abdomen. [Moderator: link removed.]

5 years ago

Thank you for the article, very interesting. I want to ask, is kettlebells very powerful for my belly bunny diet program? Ah, this really sucks having a belly like 2 months pregnant. I lowered my weight without knowing what sport is very powerful to form my body. [Moderator: website removed.]

5 years ago

Very fond of this exercise tool, I really get really good benefits. Ketlebell can be used for us who want to form a better body, this ballast tool is very useful. I use it to remove fat in my stomach. My stomach is really not good so I have to do an diet program for this. [Moderator: website link removed.]

5 years ago

Kettlebells work great with Tabata style training as well – 20 secs on / 10 secs off for 8 rounds or 4 minutes total. Cleans, swings, and squats all work great.

Metabolic Fitness
Metabolic Fitness
4 years ago

Great to see this site again when researching kettlebells. I think Im going to go back to basics.

E's Web Design
E's Web Design
4 years ago

Hi, I have just finished your book and gone through all pdf’s but I am confused. Am I supposed to choose one or the other, between ) the Critical (M)Ass: The Kiwi’s Complete A/B Workout; and b) Occam’s Protocal. Or, am I supposed to put the two workouts together, i.e. am I adding the Criticial Mass Kiwi workouts to the Occam’s A/B Workouts? If so, is there any place to get the whole thing together, everything you should do?

3 years ago

great article Tim, thanks for posting!

3 years ago

Are there any alternatives to kettlebell swing to activate the same muscle groups without a kettlebell?

3 years ago

Hi Tim, I am a female 5’7 120lb. I have a slim body type but would like to get fit and tone up. I struggle to gain weight and I do not want to lose weight. Will this kettlebell exercise still work for me? Thanks!

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