The New Book Unveiled: The 4-Hour Body (4HB)

Data crunching back to age 18. Three years of organizing self-experiments around the world. Thousands of blood tests and hundreds of case studies.

My new book is finally here: The 4-Hour Body.

I could not be happier with the end product. Truly, I am ecstatic.

If you want a minimalist guide to hacking the human body, this is it.

In each chapter (more than 50 topics total), I test everything on myself so you don’t have to. In “Reversing ‘Permanent’ Injuries,” for example, I tested the moderate options like over-the-counter supplementation and Feldenkrais, but I also imported stem-cell growth factors from Israel and had them injected. That was just for starters. The end result of that chapter? 90%+ of the injuries that plagued me for decades are now gone. I’m stronger and faster than I was at age 20.

If you want to know the two safe things out of 100 that worked abnormally well, I can tell you…

The 4-Hour Body is also designed to read unlike any diet or fitness book, which it isn’t. It’s more like a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure book for the human body, full of ridiculous stories, practical philosophies, and larger-than-life characters.

Here’s the back cover description:

THINNER, BIGGER, FASTER, STRONGER… which 150 pages will you read?

Is it possible to:

Reach your genetic potential in 6 months?

Sleep 2 hours per day and perform better than on 8 hours?

Lose more fat than a marathoner by bingeing?

Indeed, and much more. This is not just another diet and fitness book.

The 4-Hour Body is the result of an obsessive quest, spanning more than a decade, to hack the human body. It contains the collective wisdom of hundreds of elite athletes, dozens of MDs, and thousands of hours of jaw-dropping personal experimentation. From Olympic training centers to black-market laboratories, from Silicon Valley to South Africa, Tim Ferriss, the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The 4-Hour Workweek, fixated on one life-changing question:

For all things physical, what are the tiniest changes that produce the biggest results?

Thousands of tests later, this book contains the answers for both men and women.

From the gym to the bedroom, it’s all here, and it all works.

YOU WILL LEARN (in less than 30 minutes each):

– How to lose those last 5-10 pounds (or 100+ pounds) with odd combinations of food and safe chemical cocktails.

– How to prevent fat gain while bingeing (X-mas, holidays, weekends)

– How to increase fat-loss 300% using temperature manipulation

– How Tim gained 34 pounds of muscle in 28 days, without steroids, and in four hours of total gym time

– How to sleep 2 hours per day and feel fully rested

– How to produce 15-minute female orgasms

– How to triple testosterone and double sperm count

– How to go from running 5 kilometers to 50 kilometers in 12 weeks

– How to reverse permanent injuries

– How to add 150+ pounds to your lifts in 6 months

– How to pay for a beach vacation with one hospital visit

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. There are more than 50 topics covered, all with real-world experiments, many including more than 200 test subjects.

You don’t need better genetics or more discipline. You need immediate results that compel you to continue.

That’s exactly what The 4-Hour Body delivers.

Now The Real Fun Begins

Here we go:

1) The ask

2) Big media opportunities for you

3) An offer to friends in media.


I try not to ask for too much on this blog, but today I will ask a favor: if this book sounds interesting to you, please take a moment to order it today. I’ve never worked harder on something, it’s my sophomore act, and pre-orders are critically important in the publishing world.

The book is on-sale now but will ship on December 14th. Here’s why you should pre-order now:

– You will not be charged for the book(s) until they ship in December, but ordering (really like reserving) a copy now really, really helps me.

– What would make a better X-mas gift? My dad lost more than 70 pounds using two chapters. Please consider getting a few copies for your family, loved ones, or best friends. I promise that they will not be disappointed. Ordering now means you can’t forget.

– Last but not least, your help would mean the world to me. Pre-orders will largely determine how much support retailers give this book. It’s crazy, but only hardcover sales count towards the bestseller lists. If you’ve benefited from my last book or writing on this blog, I would really appreciate your help. This has been the biggest project of my life.

The 4-Hour Body is available on Amazon,, and these online retailers.

Thank you!


Have you lost weight, gained muscle, or otherwise changed your body as a result of blog posts I’ve written? If so, you could be featured on major TV and in big mainstream media. Please e-mail your details and (important, if you have them) pictures to jenny.rabun-at-gmail-dot-com. No professional before-and-after pics needed, but something that shows your before and after appearance, even in normal clothes, is helpful to producers.

Ladies — that means you, too! Help a brother out, and help your sisters out, by sharing your stories!


I’ve made very few media commitments thus far. Do you have a column, show, mailing list, or blog audience? Would you like to do a feature, an interview, or post an excerpt? Please click here to let me know. There is a ton of material, including case studies, video, and pictures.

Upward and Onward

Thank you all so much for the last three years. It’s been incredible.

The best is yet to come 🙂


The Tim Ferriss Show is one of the most popular podcasts in the world with more than one billion downloads. It has been selected for "Best of Apple Podcasts" three times, it is often the #1 interview podcast across all of Apple Podcasts, and it's been ranked #1 out of 400,000+ podcasts on many occasions. To listen to any of the past episodes for free, check out this page.

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Comment Rules: Remember what Fonzie was like? Cool. That’s how we’re gonna be — cool. Critical is fine, but if you’re rude, we’ll delete your stuff. Please do not put your URL in the comment text and please use your PERSONAL name or initials and not your business name, as the latter comes off like spam. Have fun and thanks for adding to the conversation! (Thanks to Brian Oberkirch for the inspiration.)

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13 years ago

If this book is even half as good as the 4 hour wrok week then I’m buying it. I loved your first book and can’t wait to read this one.

Buddy Brewer
Buddy Brewer
13 years ago

Ordered. Looking forward to the book!

Alexandra Whatton
Alexandra Whatton
13 years ago

ORDERED! I can’t wait for my signed edition! (And my new body!)

Thanks for everything, Tim!

13 years ago

Ask and you shall receive…Just Pre-ordered 2 copies.

13 years ago


I’ve followed your weightlifting and diet advice with good results. Can’t wait to see a deep dive into some of the other topics covered in your book.

Best of luck with the book. You deserve it.

Matt Ringstad
Matt Ringstad
13 years ago

I appreciate all that you do. Thank you Tim.

‘Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.’ ~Buddha

(I can’t wait till Xmas for my five signed copies.)

13 years ago

Hello Tim,

Would you consider this bending/breaking the law of line extension?

I’m a big fan, ordered 2 copies for my dad and I.

Matthew Bailey
Matthew Bailey
13 years ago

also ordered another 5 books. What are you doing to me? First I ordered 100 copies of your last one, now another 5. Plus your sending me one for the first 100! GeeZ hahah Keep up the good work man! Hope we meet up for a brew sometime

13 years ago

Great marketing we can observe here. Publication world is facing a challenge especially in the digital world.

Take note when Tim said book was sold on ebay for 4 figures. That is a social proof.

Then, he gave a deadline of 5 books ordering by Thursday and there is only 3000 signed books. That is a scarcity.

Read a book by Robert Cialdini on science of persuasion. It is a fantastic book.

Purchase a book few hours ago and I decide to buy other one 5 minutes ago.

13 years ago

So excited, about this! As a teacher your first book has helped me in so many ways by bringing new adventures to the classroom. I especially love using the Cheshire Cat Quote, referenced in your book, to inspire and motivate my students:

“Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?” [asked Alice]

“That depends a good deal on where you want to get to,” said the Cat.

“I don’t much care where –” said Alice.

“Then it doesn’t matter which way you go,” said the Cat.

In addition, strategies from your book, and your many kind supporters, have helped put over $1800 in supplies and technology in my classroom through I am a huge fan of your work, can’t wait to read this book, and am glad that I can support your educational efforts, like you have supported mine.

Best Wishes!

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
13 years ago
Reply to  Ramona

Thanks, Ramona! You’ll like the next post 🙂


Chris Busbin
Chris Busbin
13 years ago

Hey Tim,

Congrats on the new book. The last one changed my life, and is still doing so as I continue to develop my ideal lifestyle. As a professional ballroom dancer and martial artist (mma), I am very interested to see what you have to say on the topic of health and fitness. I have pre-ordered. Thanks for all the inspiration!-Chris

13 years ago

Ordered my 5… can’t wait!

Lewis Howes
Lewis Howes
13 years ago

I just bought 5 copies, and will probably buy another 20 or so before xmas as I’m going to want to give a lot of these out as presents! Pumped for you Tim, this is going to be extremely successful!

13 years ago

Very disappointed that the shopping cart seems to be stuck. No matter what I do it won’t let me move to the check out page. Customer service seems to be closed too. Hope there’s still a signed copy left tomorrow morning! Looks like a great read!

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
13 years ago
Reply to  Sharon

Hi Sharon,

I’ll check on this! I’m sorry for the confusion.



13 years ago

Ordering now

If I ran across both these books at the same time, not knowing content or author, this new one sounds a lot more intriguing.

Well done!

-and just got my iPad copy of 4 hour work week for on the road


Mark Mathson
Mark Mathson
13 years ago

Looks interesting. If it is half as good as some of your blog posts on this blog then it will be a treat.

I found out about this post from Lewis Howes, so thanks to him.

Best regards.

Lao Tzu
Lao Tzu
13 years ago

Congratulations, Tim. I hope this book is as successful as your last one.

13 years ago

Congrats! Just ordered 5 with 4 minutes to spare..

Rens De Vent
Rens De Vent
13 years ago

Hi Tim,

When will those who have ordered 4 or more books of the 4HWW expanded receive a copy of the book?


Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
13 years ago
Reply to  Rens De Vent

Hi Rens,

You should have received an email from Amy. If not, please email her at amy-at-fourhourworkweek-dot-com.



13 years ago

Want to read it asap. Hopefully is the book also to get in Bangkok.

Ciao Michael

13 years ago

Tim I want to order a signed book of yours but I live in Northern Ireland and they dont ship to Uk couldn’t help a Guy out

13 years ago

Pre-ordered a copy to Austria! I had finally success losing weight following your blog post “how to loose 20lbs..” by avoiding carbs, especially bread, pasta and everything that contains refined sugar. 13kg (~28lbs) in three months. Looking forward to reading your new book!

13 years ago

Ordered my copy now. Will be arriving just in time, no doubt, to help with those Christmas indulgences.

Rik A Griffith
Rik A Griffith
13 years ago

Don’t know if this has been said, too many comments. I will read reguardless because your my favorite author. Honestly, don’t like the title, but can respect that it will sell well. Sounds like a great book other than that. Honestly I think you have the status to make a title better than that. But can’t argue I guess you are the best selling author, and not me…

If I didnt know your work and saw it on a shelf I’d never pick it up but I guess in selling to the masses it is the title that works.

In either case, looking forward to the book congrats on your second book! lets hope it can cause a buzz like the last …

Tjerk Dijksterhuis
Tjerk Dijksterhuis
13 years ago

Super. I want to order it, but the Barnes en Noble site is giving me a hard time. Maybe because it is an International order? Suggestions? (The sales process won’t complete on the site).

Chris McCracken
Chris McCracken
13 years ago

OI just ordered the book. Like other internationals, the shipping was a bit much. However, even when the costs are added up, it’s still less than I’d expect to pay in an Australian bookstore.

Since it’s relevant to MMA people, when I get it, I’ll put a review on my site.

If it’s as good as the first book, it’ll be a great review

Alex Wilson
Alex Wilson
13 years ago

Hi Tim, I ordered 6 books and was charged the full amount. (though I actually prefer just to pay it now anyway) Just thought I should give you a heads up.

Also what will the phone discussion cover? Will we be able to submit questions?

Joanne Wright
Joanne Wright
13 years ago

Pre-ordered book but as in UK not available till Feb 2011 – guess I get to pig out and lie on the couch till then – result!

Ken Kozak
Ken Kozak
13 years ago

I just pre-ordered it. Thanks Tim, can’t wait to read it!

13 years ago

Hey Tim,

I am awake in the middle of the night with cold symptoms, perusing your blog to find out how to contact your assistant, since I didn’t see a response from you regarding how to send you proof for the Q&A since I can’t get a screenshot.

Do you happen to address in the book any little known hacks for getting over colds quickly, or better yet, avoiding getting them at all? Small children in the home make typical strategies basically useless :-).

That would be worth the price of the seven books I bought, all by itself, if I don’t end up getting the Q & A!

Nice to see you have lots for women in there, per your comments, since there are some differences.

Looking forward to the “crowd tracking” of results we will all be doing following your book.

I see in your last post above mine that you posted the email address for Amy. I’ll forward the purchase emails to her, and that will probably take care of it.

I hope you reached your goal by midnight!

Michael Solarez
Michael Solarez
13 years ago

Thanks TIM… I just pre-ordered 2!!!!

I can’t wait to read it and listen to the audio version 🙂

13 years ago

Oh, I forgot a question about sleep: Why do you prefer the full night monophasic over the two hours total through polyphasic?

Perhaps I can get that one in on the Q&A and not have to wait for the book :-).

Pete Williams
Pete Williams
13 years ago

Hey Tim… Congrats man.

More on ‘completing’ the writing process, than anything else…

I’m just putting the finishing touches to my new book as we speak; ended up getting a ghost-writer in to put the finishing touches on it… it ‘grind/resistance’ began to beat me – so I understand wholeheartedly when you talk about “not being a writer”

I’m 8 days away from the marathon I mentioned in the ‘Cold Remedy’ video. It’s been an interesting journey training for the race – I’ve tried to learn a lot about my body during the process; so the new book really intrigues me.

3hr 17m is the goal – wish me luck 😉

If a way I can help promote/market the book on any level, crosses your mind, shoot me an email and I’d be happy to help.

13 years ago

Hi Tim,

Do you cover any information on cartilage regeneration? The cartilage in both my knees is wearing off. Any help would be welcome.



13 years ago

Hi Tim, I just checked my PayPal Account, and I have already been charged for the 5 books I ordered plus shipping.

Do only credit cards not get charged?

Or is something wrong?

Thanks from Germany,


Chris Parsons
Chris Parsons
13 years ago

I picked up 2 copies! Can’t wait to check it out.

Bob F
Bob F
13 years ago

Pre-ordered Weds night! I wish you much success Tim

Dan Cugliari
Dan Cugliari
13 years ago

You’re a legend. Hope you do well with the launch x

13 years ago

You are right, very much love the “next” post, just wished I was in SF to see it with everybody. Will shoot my sister an e-mail, hopefully she will be able to make it out! Take care!

Megan Snedden
Megan Snedden
13 years ago

WWRSD…….What Would Richard Simmons Do? j.k….excellent book, look forward to picking it up!

13 years ago

Hey Tim, just ordered 3 copies.

Is there anyway you can post a book excerpt on muscle gain prior to December?? I’m currently involved in a work place competition that ends on December 1st and would love to test it out!!

Congrats on the second book and best of luck!!

Kelly Jewett
Kelly Jewett
13 years ago

Pre ordered the signed version. Can’t Wait!

Tom Arnold
Tom Arnold
13 years ago

Lost 120lbs 5-years ago. 20lbs have snuck back on. Looking forward to reading your book to take them back off again (and maybe a few more). Currently at 185, 5′ 10″, and looking forward to getting to 165lbs with some lean muscle mass.

Book is ordered (actually, ordered 2!) and looking forward to reading it! Congrats on your latest work.

Monir M
Monir M
13 years ago

Tim, I was off in Costa Rica and just got internet access. Just ordered on Amazon. Any chance for a signed copy? thx, Mo

13 years ago

Tim – Just pre-ordered and finally manned up and bought the updated 4HWW so I can save on super saver shipping.

Your first book was a life changer, i’m expecting nothing less from the second one.

Congrats on finishing and I know you’ll go bestseller even faster this time around!

13 years ago

Thanks 😉

What are the terms for getting a signed copy?

Just pre-ordered through amazon.

Ryan F
Ryan F
13 years ago

Just ordered two copies. Excited to actually read what it has to say.

jason palmer
jason palmer
13 years ago

cool,will buy it asap

13 years ago

I got your first book and really liked it.I will buy this too but am not sure about the pre-order,I live in Turkey and Amazon charges a lot to bring books here,I should find some other way.

Joel Ohman
Joel Ohman
13 years ago

Just pre-ordered – looking forward to reading it!

13 years ago

Tim- A big fan of yours, great results with the 6-day/1-day ‘no white’ diet.

Small issue. I ordered your book IMMEDIATELY, through the link you provided, as I had been looking to do so since you first described it. But…

They charged my card. Right away. As in, IMMEDIATELY.

Might want to clear that up for the folks, or modify your text. No worries, just a thing. Still, a big fan.

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
13 years ago
Reply to  W42hit

Hey Whit,

I can finally explain it! Please see another “Tim” and his comment. It authorizes but doesn’t charge, so not to worry. Thank you, though, for the comment and order!



Mirian Dias
Mirian Dias
13 years ago

I guess the 3000 signed copies are sold out! Can’t get the signed edition any more 🙁 sniff sniff

13 years ago

Congrats on your new book, Tim.

Cool to hear you have tried Feldenkrais, because I love it. If you say you love it too, I’ll buy your book. 😉

13 years ago


This is from Barnes and Noble in regards to charging of credit cards………..

“Dear Customer,

Thank you for contacting Barnes & Noble.

When you place an order through our website, your credit card is

authorized for the amount of the order, which puts the funds on reserve.

The charges are not made until the order ships. If your order is

cancelled for any reason prior to shipment, we immediately release the

authorization. However, depending on the bank that issues your card, it

may take 2 to 5 days for the funds to be unreserved, a process over

which has no control. Please accept our apology for

any confusion or inconvenience in this matter.

Visit and click on the options that appear in the upper

right-hand corner to view information about your order.

We look forward to your next visit.



Customer Service Representative

Barnes & Noble

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
13 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Thanks so much, Tim! Great explanation.


Joshua Hallford
Joshua Hallford
13 years ago

Preordered the book. Can’t wait to read it. Thank you again.

Mark Kennedy
Mark Kennedy
13 years ago

Tim, I look forward to receiving my copy of the new book. Just ordered!

13 years ago

Got the order and I can’t wait to get it. Thanks, Tim!

Orlando Piedrahita
Orlando Piedrahita
13 years ago

Hey Tim,

Just pre-ordered your book to support all your efforts. Looks like another New york times best seller.

13 years ago


even though you have never answered one of my emails or tweets I still applaud your exercise of being a “free man”. You don’t seem to swallow any dogma without running it through your own highly tuned BS sensors first. This free thinking and spirit are to be applauded and encouraged. Good work. I still would appreciate 120 seconds of your time to ask a few pointed questions. Book is ordered and I cant wait. I know people who have used your first book to inspire them to create millions. Thanks.

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
13 years ago
Reply to  joe

Hey Joe,

Thanks for the comment, so consider this your first answered 🙂 Best to include your questions in the next one and I’ll try and do my best.



Sam Moore
Sam Moore
13 years ago

Hi Tim,

Big fan, and I’ve just preordered from Amazon UK (I live in Scotland) – is there any possible way to speed up the estimated release date they’ve given as February 2011?

I appreciate this may be beyond your control, but waiting almost an entire quarter longer for the UK release doesn’t seem right when it’s the same book as the US release (i.e. doesnt need to be translated!).

Either way I’m looking forward to reading it!


13 years ago

Are all the signed editions sold out? it says not available on Barnes and Noble.

Daniel Holt
Daniel Holt
13 years ago

Hi Tim,

I just ordered the expanded 4 Hour Workweek and your new 4 hour body and look forward to receiving them in December. I just started looking into you and hope I can apply your fruitful knowledge.

Will you be writing another book on the subject that is directed to specific sports such as bodybuilding or even just a continuation of this new book?

I’ve personally had to stop lifting weights and went back to just yoga/calisthenics. So I hope this book can give me insights to what I was doing wrong with the weights. My torso region, my arms, and several other places are very tight and I just don’t know why. I’m probably 25-30% bodyfat at 275 pounds. I’ll be cutting out 30 pounds in November.

Does this book offer any yoga like stretches or breathing protocols. Does it offer cross training advice? I’ve been trying to put together my own workout plan but the one Casey Viator did looks to be optimal. I’d probably take out the leg raises but keep in the full form squats myself. His Arthur Jones routine was 27 minutes long. You’ve probably included less weightlifting exercises and included a longer resting period, so I’d like to see how that works out when I try it. My best guess is it’s always easier to start out fresh with a good plan. I have to undo a lot of the wrong strategies I had been doing all these years.

I’ll post my blog just in case anyone wants to see all my strengths and weaknesses. It’s in no way an advertisement.

13 years ago

Hey Tim,

Ich hab grad mein Exemplar bei Amazon Deutschland vorbestellt, aber die Lieferung ist erst im Februar 🙁

(Hope you still speak german 🙂 )

Beste Grüße!!!!


13 years ago

Hey Tim!

I just made my first online purchase(besides flights) ever, and it was your new book(pre order). I am so stoked to get rid of my belly that decided to grow over the last few months.

Thanks for the 4-Hour Workweek too! I’ve bought it twice, and recommended it to everyone I know. It inspired me to start my own online muse which I am doing, but it’s definitely been a grind. Programmers charge a lot these days.

Keep it real huh?

If you’re ever in Vancouver, BC get in touch and we’ll burn one. :0

Kind regards,


13 years ago


Thank you! My knee is feeling a lot better after taking emergenc, glucosamine, and MSM and its only been about a month! I cant wait for your book to come out. I was away from my computer for a bit too long and unfortunately missed out on the signed copies. I plan on ordering 5+ books for friends, family and everyone! I know plenty of people who would love a book or two for Christmas!

I don’t see anything about this teleconference that everyone is talking about anywhere. Is this still available? And does ordering from one website help you out more than the other?

All the best,


Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
13 years ago
Reply to  Jeremy

Congrats, Jeremy! Hope you feel better. If you ordered the 5+ copies (or will soon), no worries. It did expire, but just email the receipt to jenny.rabun-at-gmail-dot-com and mention I said it was OK to add you to the teleconference list.

For now, Amazon is probably best.



13 years ago

Nooo there’s no Add to Cart button anymore! Have I missed out on one of the 3000??? Damn me not setting up RSS on your blog Tim 🙁 🙁 Fancy doing some more meditation signing for New Zealand biggest fan??

Daniel S McClintock
Daniel S McClintock
13 years ago

Tim, doesn’t appear to be a way to order anymore…are you sold out??

cheri riley
cheri riley
13 years ago

I left a comment last night…ordered 6 books was hoping to get on the call but took the screenshot with my ipad and then couldn’t figure out how to attach it to the contact form. Got it now on my PC but the link is gone..anyone out there..would still like to take advantage of that call even though I would have bought the books anyway! Best gifts ever but that was the idea..right.

13 years ago

Hey Tim, I bought 5 copies through and sent the screenshot in, but I haven’t received an email. Will I be getting one soon to get in on the Q&A?

13 years ago

I take it, that because BN doesn’t have an option to buy the signed version, ISBN-13: 9780594036197, that there are no longer any signed versions left to buy?

Sadness ensues!

None the less, I will still be pre-ordering a regular version, just a bit disappointing, considering that I bookedmarked the link/gotmyhopesup/got my card out and everything, heh.

So yeah, if the “signed” option on BN isn’t available, the regular pre-order won’t be signed, right?

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
13 years ago
Reply to  Karen

Hi Karen,

The signed editions have sold out, but there’s plenty of Tim in every copy of the regular versions as well 🙂

All the best,


13 years ago

Tim, can you please stop being such an a-hole?

Not only did you write that best selling first book of yours and keep an active and successful blog, but now you have to release a second book that is sure to be a huge success as well? I mean come on, stop making guys like us, who never quite seem to find the right balance of perspiration to match our inspiration, feel crap about themselves. I could have written this new book of yours, I mean, I could have, if I was writing a book, but now you’ve gone and done it. So selfish.

Can’t you lose some of that self confidence? Maybe if you had a secret perversion along the lines of tipping old people’s wheelchairs over or something I could get behind you.

Until then you are just a successful, insightful, driven, probably nicely interior decorated, a-hole.



13 years ago

I have just ordered my copies after arriving home from work. Really looking forward to the information that you have to share. Thank you Tim and best of luck on the new book release.

13 years ago

Hi Tim,

ordered my 5 copies yesterday and had them shipped to my us-forwarding address. Do you have to be especially wired for those 15 minute orgasms? Please don’t keep us poor girls waiting untill christmas! Allthough it would be the greatest present ever, grin…

13 years ago

Hi Tim,

I preordered, and am psyched. I am intrigued by “reversing permanent injury.” At 36 and after some time in the NFL, I’m feeling like my body is conspiring against me with arthritis and torn labrums and such. Should I keep my expectations for this book in check, or do you think you’ve come across some genuine revelations that can help me regain some of my prior ability?

Also, I am ground zero at work for recommending 4HWW, and my old boss even loves it!

Much success!

13 years ago

Just pre-ordered a copy. Looking forward to those 15 minute orgasms and totally reshaping my body.

Tom Kitti
Tom Kitti
13 years ago

Just pre-ordered a copy. This is the most anticipated book of the year for me.


Special K
Special K
13 years ago

Tim – Any great dreams while on the Uberman?

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
13 years ago
Reply to  Special K

Crazy dreams, right? Pretty nuts when you jump right into REM from waking state. Lots of transfer.

13 years ago

I am curious why it was promoted on BN for the signed copy. Today, the link sends to

Why not continued with BN promoting the unsigned copy?


Jeff Ali
Jeff Ali
13 years ago

Hi Tim, Good Luck with the new book. I’m not sure if I’m one of the lucky first 3,000 who will get a signed copy but I pre-ordered it from B&N anyways because you asked so nicely. The 4-Hour Work Week is awesome (I tell everyone about it) and I have a feeling The 4-Hour Body will be even more enlightening and inspiring. I just wish more people would read your book so they’d stop wondering why I have so much free time to do what I love (chuckles).

Jeff Ali
Jeff Ali
13 years ago

Hi Tim, I just saw the link you posted earlier that goes direct to the signed version and clicked on that then clicked on hard cover and ended up with this as my order:

My order says this

The 4-Hour Body: An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman

Timothy Ferriss


ISBN-13: 9780307463630

Online Price: $14.58

Can you tell me if this will be a signed copy? The page previous to the check out says (Sign Edition) but on the order page it changed to (Hard Cover) so I’m just wondering if I should expect the signed version or not.

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
13 years ago
Reply to  Jeff Ali

Hi Jeff,

If you ordered from the “signed edition” page, you’re all set! Thanks so much.

To those who have asked, the signed edition was only on the “signed edition” page at Please note that the book on Amazon is unsigned (but the content is the same, of course!).

All the best,


13 years ago

I can’t wait, Tim. Good on you for the “body:” hack and the “female orgasm” hack, too. I am hoping you or your people will reply to my facemail about coming on my “Everyone Wants to Have Better Sex” radio show and podcast to talk about the ORGASM ideas. It’s my mission to help people all over the planet to have better sex.

Rob Spencer
Rob Spencer
13 years ago

Hey Tim,

I’m just curious since you talk about Stephen Key in 4HWW if you’ve bought his new book “One Simple Idea”? I preordered it as well. Now I’ve got 2 books I can’t wait to get my hands on.

13 years ago

Just a comment…

but isn’t the internet cool?

I wanted a book signed by an author, but instead, because of the internet…

I get a direct response to a question about the book, from the author.

The internet + Tim= awesome. ^_^

13 years ago

Something is lacking in the transfer of your lifestyle design. Not everybody has you IQ, emotional intelligence, attitude and enthusiasm. You tell great stories but this does not empower people.

It is not enough to just read the words of Tim, you have to model the way he thinks (a la NLP) also! See “Do as I think not as I say: reverse-engineering the mind of Tim Ferriss” in Interesting Times #5.

13 years ago

Hey Tim,

do you allready know, when the German translation will be printed?


Stephen Y.
Stephen Y.
13 years ago

Haha Peru worth checkin out. If you ever want to go to a shamanic healing center, shoot me an email. I can recommend you to one of the best in the area. One of the most incredible experiences I´ve gone through. The medicinal plant that you take, Ayahuasca, will show you sooooo much about yourself that you didn´t even knew existed within you. It pretty much reveals in detail everything that you have thought and felt about in your past, present, and future. Can´t wait to get back home and apply everything that I´ve learned. Again, thank you for giving me the knowledge to experience this and many more journeys to come. Whenever I meet you, I have quite a nice gift to give you. Take care!

Mike Arone
Mike Arone
13 years ago


Pumped about the book’s launch. I look forward to your unique perspective and findings.

Keep, well, keepin’ it real–I am sure it will not fail to inspire.


13 years ago

Hi Tim,

is it possible to pre-order your new book to Germany? I really need it 🙂

13 years ago

Pre-order done, congrats on the second book.

13 years ago

Preordered to Canada! Tim, what are your thoughts of the applicability of the methods to an intermediate powerlifter? At 155lbs, I have benched 215, squatted 240 and deadlifted 355 conventional.

13 years ago

Welp, it’s finally here! Crap.. December?! oy!

Thanks for contributing Tim. This helps greatly. I’ve already purchased 3 copys of 4 hour work week for family. I’ll probably purchase 5 for family and friends this time!

-John Behringer

Jonathan K
Jonathan K
13 years ago

What if we preorder on

13 years ago

Ordered my copy to Germany immediately, glad to be able to give something back.

13 years ago

Hey Tim,

will there be anything in the book on reducing/preventing male pattern baldness?

looking forward to reading it.

Susie Wyshak
Susie Wyshak
13 years ago


I’ve never been one to have a guru or idol, but you may very well change this – between the way you live your life, your talent and hard work for distilling your knowledge and experience into such meaty books and blog posts (I am going to read the new expanded FH Workweek on Mt Tam today), and now the Body book. I’m down for the challenge and with the mid-Dec. ship date, well what perfect timing for a call for worldwide new years resolutions to all change our bodies with the book at once.

Nice work walking the talk and being the talk.


13 years ago

Tim, are the emails coming for the Q&A?

13 years ago


Looking forward to receiving the book. Wanted to order the Audio version also on Amazon, but it does not mention who the narrator is. A sample audio clip would also be great.

Christina Mellott
Christina Mellott
13 years ago

Looks like you’re already #32 on the Amazon books list — very nice. I’ve ordered mine & can’t wait to get the signed copy.

BTW, I met a friend of yours in Denver the other day — he calls you Timmy. LOL

13 years ago


I’ve been looking forward to this for a while. I’ve ordered my copy and can’t wait to get it.

Loved your first book, which was extremely insightful. Am almost done with the expanded version, which a plan to read over again. Then on to your newest book.

Great work!

Thanks for everything and keep it coming!

Jerry T

13 years ago

Pre-ordered. Stoked to read this!