The New Book Unveiled: The 4-Hour Body (4HB)

Data crunching back to age 18. Three years of organizing self-experiments around the world. Thousands of blood tests and hundreds of case studies.

My new book is finally here: The 4-Hour Body.

I could not be happier with the end product. Truly, I am ecstatic.

If you want a minimalist guide to hacking the human body, this is it.

In each chapter (more than 50 topics total), I test everything on myself so you don’t have to. In “Reversing ‘Permanent’ Injuries,” for example, I tested the moderate options like over-the-counter supplementation and Feldenkrais, but I also imported stem-cell growth factors from Israel and had them injected. That was just for starters. The end result of that chapter? 90%+ of the injuries that plagued me for decades are now gone. I’m stronger and faster than I was at age 20.

If you want to know the two safe things out of 100 that worked abnormally well, I can tell you…

The 4-Hour Body is also designed to read unlike any diet or fitness book, which it isn’t. It’s more like a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure book for the human body, full of ridiculous stories, practical philosophies, and larger-than-life characters.

Here’s the back cover description:

THINNER, BIGGER, FASTER, STRONGER… which 150 pages will you read?

Is it possible to:

Reach your genetic potential in 6 months?

Sleep 2 hours per day and perform better than on 8 hours?

Lose more fat than a marathoner by bingeing?

Indeed, and much more. This is not just another diet and fitness book.

The 4-Hour Body is the result of an obsessive quest, spanning more than a decade, to hack the human body. It contains the collective wisdom of hundreds of elite athletes, dozens of MDs, and thousands of hours of jaw-dropping personal experimentation. From Olympic training centers to black-market laboratories, from Silicon Valley to South Africa, Tim Ferriss, the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The 4-Hour Workweek, fixated on one life-changing question:

For all things physical, what are the tiniest changes that produce the biggest results?

Thousands of tests later, this book contains the answers for both men and women.

From the gym to the bedroom, it’s all here, and it all works.

YOU WILL LEARN (in less than 30 minutes each):

– How to lose those last 5-10 pounds (or 100+ pounds) with odd combinations of food and safe chemical cocktails.

– How to prevent fat gain while bingeing (X-mas, holidays, weekends)

– How to increase fat-loss 300% using temperature manipulation

– How Tim gained 34 pounds of muscle in 28 days, without steroids, and in four hours of total gym time

– How to sleep 2 hours per day and feel fully rested

– How to produce 15-minute female orgasms

– How to triple testosterone and double sperm count

– How to go from running 5 kilometers to 50 kilometers in 12 weeks

– How to reverse permanent injuries

– How to add 150+ pounds to your lifts in 6 months

– How to pay for a beach vacation with one hospital visit

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. There are more than 50 topics covered, all with real-world experiments, many including more than 200 test subjects.

You don’t need better genetics or more discipline. You need immediate results that compel you to continue.

That’s exactly what The 4-Hour Body delivers.

Now The Real Fun Begins

Here we go:

1) The ask

2) Big media opportunities for you

3) An offer to friends in media.


I try not to ask for too much on this blog, but today I will ask a favor: if this book sounds interesting to you, please take a moment to order it today. I’ve never worked harder on something, it’s my sophomore act, and pre-orders are critically important in the publishing world.

The book is on-sale now but will ship on December 14th. Here’s why you should pre-order now:

– You will not be charged for the book(s) until they ship in December, but ordering (really like reserving) a copy now really, really helps me.

– What would make a better X-mas gift? My dad lost more than 70 pounds using two chapters. Please consider getting a few copies for your family, loved ones, or best friends. I promise that they will not be disappointed. Ordering now means you can’t forget.

– Last but not least, your help would mean the world to me. Pre-orders will largely determine how much support retailers give this book. It’s crazy, but only hardcover sales count towards the bestseller lists. If you’ve benefited from my last book or writing on this blog, I would really appreciate your help. This has been the biggest project of my life.

The 4-Hour Body is available on Amazon,, and these online retailers.

Thank you!


Have you lost weight, gained muscle, or otherwise changed your body as a result of blog posts I’ve written? If so, you could be featured on major TV and in big mainstream media. Please e-mail your details and (important, if you have them) pictures to jenny.rabun-at-gmail-dot-com. No professional before-and-after pics needed, but something that shows your before and after appearance, even in normal clothes, is helpful to producers.

Ladies — that means you, too! Help a brother out, and help your sisters out, by sharing your stories!


I’ve made very few media commitments thus far. Do you have a column, show, mailing list, or blog audience? Would you like to do a feature, an interview, or post an excerpt? Please click here to let me know. There is a ton of material, including case studies, video, and pictures.

Upward and Onward

Thank you all so much for the last three years. It’s been incredible.

The best is yet to come 🙂


The Tim Ferriss Show is one of the most popular podcasts in the world with more than one billion downloads. It has been selected for "Best of Apple Podcasts" three times, it is often the #1 interview podcast across all of Apple Podcasts, and it's been ranked #1 out of 400,000+ podcasts on many occasions. To listen to any of the past episodes for free, check out this page.

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Comment Rules: Remember what Fonzie was like? Cool. That’s how we’re gonna be — cool. Critical is fine, but if you’re rude, we’ll delete your stuff. Please do not put your URL in the comment text and please use your PERSONAL name or initials and not your business name, as the latter comes off like spam. Have fun and thanks for adding to the conversation! (Thanks to Brian Oberkirch for the inspiration.)

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13 years ago


could you tell me ?

why Taiwan-Taipei no this book and new 4-hour ?

nice see u ^^


Matthew Bailey
Matthew Bailey
13 years ago

Not sure if anyone is reading this still but for those ordered 5 books, can anybody tell me if the bill from Barnes and Noble says “autographed edition” in the email bill?

I know I bought it when it said “autograph copies” but I didnt get notified about the Q and A so Im thinking something happened.


13 years ago

Ordered one to Germany via Amazon – was supposed to be shipped “after Dec. 25th” – the pre-order confirmation read Feb …hmpff….I should then have it in China by March – good time to start with that into the summer 2011

13 years ago

Hi Tim,

congratulations on your new book.

I hope 4-Hour Body will be translated into Slovenian (like 4HWW).

Uživaj dan,


Aaron F Stanton
Aaron F Stanton
13 years ago

What happened to the signed copies? I know I preordered 2 signed copies through Amazon, but my order is gone and there’s no mention of that promo anywhere any more.


Aaron F Stanton
Aaron F Stanton
13 years ago

Ooops, never mind. I just found the order – it was through Barnes & Noble.

My bad!

Looking forward to it.

David Shephard
David Shephard
13 years ago

Fantastic news Tim,

I’ve been waiting for this book eagerly since you first mentioned it. Used the material in your previous articles and it works.

Pre-ordered via and put it up on Twiiter, FB and linkedin as highest personal recommendation.

Keep doing what you are doing.


Jeff Osborne
Jeff Osborne
13 years ago

Hey Tim,

Can’t wait to get a hold of my two copies of the book! I have been working the guinea pig project where we are taking a guy and testing all the theories on weightloss and health on him to see what is most effective for the average man to achieve results.

Wanted to ask if we can use some of the things from the book to test on our guinea pig and reference the book on our website. Don’t wanna step on any toes but we are really keen to get some great results.

Also your advise on what key indicators of success you would use? Other than body composition and performance based markers.



Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
13 years ago
Reply to  Jeff Osborne

Hi Jeff,

There are lots of variables and metrics to track in the book, so I think you’ll enjoy the guinea pig alignment. For sure, feel free to test whatever you like and report the outcomes. All I would ask is that you don’t post a ton of content from the book without before/after. In other words, only post the approach after you’ve spent some time on it.

Best of luck!


Gian Aguinaldo
Gian Aguinaldo
13 years ago

Hello Tim,

We are getting close to publication date so here is the comment I owe you. Michael Davenport, a colleague in your blog’s comments section, offered me one of his five copies. (Sadly, he did not make it to the video chat with you.) Would you prefer that I take him up on his offer? I understand that you are a very busy person and that you may not offer the signed copies again.

Let me know what you think. Let me know when you’ll be in Manila. Have you been here before? A nice time would be December-April to avoid the monsoon. Well, it really depends on what you’re after, if you prefer summer to the rainy season.



Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
13 years ago
Reply to  Gian Aguinaldo

Hey Gian,

Please keep an eye on the blog. There’s at least an 80% chance I’ll have a few extra copies. If you don’t see it in the next 10 days, please feel free to take Michael up on the offer!

I have not been to Manila yet.

Salamat 🙂



[…] The book I’ve been helping with for nearly two years is available for pre-order. It’s already hit #1 on Amazon’s Health and Fitness category and #1 overall on Barnes & Noble.  You’ll be hearing a lot more about it in the coming weeks. […]

13 years ago

I’ve ordered the book, I’m a bit skeptical, but the price is reasonable and if it delivers the results promised it’ll be well worth it.

13 years ago


I’m anxiously awaiting your book… you know the new yr is when alot of ppl get that weight loss itch. So sitting here in my sister’s bookshelf is “The Weight Loss Cure” by Trudeau and I flip through it to get to the meat of the matter. While I find a few similarities between his suggestions and yours from the blog, his protocol is 4 phases, phase 1 has 60 steps and phase 2 requires injecting yourself with hCG under medical supervision. Please promise me 4HB isn’t THAT complicated! I love the simplicity of the instructions in 4HWW, I really hope the same is true for 4HB.


13 years ago

Cool… awesome book, thanks for all your trials and we can learn the best from you. 🙂

13 years ago

This would make a great christmas gift!! especially after the overfed period during christmas. Thanks!

13 years ago

Hi Tim;

Devoured 4HWW after reading the blog for a few weeks and am eagerly anticipating the follow up. I’d like to second Andrew’s query about stem cells/ neural regeneration. It would mean a quantum leap in my personal quest for injury rehabilitation – and make for a great case study for the expanded edition of 4HB …

Thanks in advance!

13 years ago

Hey Tim,

I’m sure I’m not the only one wondering this:

Any plans on launching a 4 Hour Body Website?

I know you’ve got reasons and logic behind NOT launching one thus far, but I think the people here who own/promote their own products would dig an explanation as to what your marketing tactic is (web wise).

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
13 years ago
Reply to  John

Hey John,

More news on this soon 🙂


13 years ago

Hi Tim,

I was excited about pre-ordering your book for Christmas but Amazon UK are saying that it would not arrive before the 4 Feb!

I’ll keep trying.



13 years ago

Hey Tim!

Looks great, preordered right now. Thanks for finding out what all the other of us want to know 😉

Best regards from Denmark!

Christoph Dollis
Christoph Dollis
13 years ago

“15 minute female orgasms! On to Barnes and Noble now.. :)”

Really? Why. I want the 15 minute male orgasms.

13 years ago

Hi Tim! Are you going to publish that book in portuguese someday?? Your previous book was a tremendous success here! Bye.

Patrick I
Patrick I
13 years ago

Just pre-ordered simply because you asked…

Can’t wait to see what 4HB has in store for me!

13 years ago

Hi Tim,

Just listened to your interview with Eben. Awesome! Can’t wait for the book! I ordered three!


Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
13 years ago
Reply to  Anna

Thanks so much, Anna!

13 years ago


In your 3 minute slow carb breakfast video, , you talk about the effects of wine on life extension. Is this a topic you cover in depth in the 4HB? I’d love to see some of the info you have on the topic.

Great breakfast recipe too. I have a 3 month old and no longer have time to spend cooking and cleaning in the morning. Thanks to your recipe I can eat a delicious and healthy meal every morning. My wife loves it as well.

Keep it coming!

Royshell Hammonds
Royshell Hammonds
13 years ago

I just got my copy! I live in Paris and today I called WH Smith to ask to pre order my copy , then she said ” we have them in the back”, I took the metro over 30 mins before they closed. In the snow and rain.

I begged her to go back and look in the mailroom and get me one from the unopened box …..sorry:( , such nice people.

Read it on the subway on way home, 3 strangers asked me about it .

I will buy more copies to give as gifts to my American friends here, The next big ” best seller” in the USA , trust me on this.

Tim and the 4HWW is the reason I am in Paris , My life could not be more different then it was 2 years ago.

Thanks from me to you.

Success is nothing without your good health.

To good health! Cheers!

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
13 years ago

Thank you so much, Royshell! Merci beaucoup and holiday cheer from NYC!


Daniel Holt
Daniel Holt
13 years ago

This has been driving me crazy. Does a 12 rep max set involve type 1, 2 fast twitch, and slow twitch muscle fibers? I think it only takes one minute for type 2 to fully recover whereas it take 5 minutes for type 1 to recover. Am I right? Do you offer detailed information on this particular subject in your book? Does the 1-6 max rep range offer it’s own particular benefits not found in the 12 rep max range? Does plyometrics work out a different set of fast twitch muscle fibers other than the ones I just mentioned.

Thank You.

13 years ago

Just pre-ordered on Amazon

13 years ago

Tim Ferriss for President!!! Anybody else with me on that?? 🙂

Robert Longley
Robert Longley
13 years ago

Conceptually great idea, but I think the secret service would cramp his style.

13 years ago

No chapter on how to hack your body to grow your hair back? Darn!

Maybe you should do research on to why that really is, it’s an epidemic these days, so many young men going bald including myself. I think it’s tied in with diabetes and glucose levels. I don’t believe it’s genetic as doctors would like to say. I would like to know if there is anything that can fully grow the hair on my head back.

Aaron Trank
Aaron Trank
13 years ago

My order is suppose to ship tomorrow! I am excited to get the book and put it’s claims to the test! I will be vlogging my progress as I systematically test out the claims of the book! Fat to fit?? Lets hope so… Either way, Youtube will be seeing a lot of topless me.

Aaron Trank

Ed Marriott
Ed Marriott
13 years ago


Looking forward to the book. But why is it not available on Kindle? I thought you would support this form of media as having individual books lying around is not very 4HWW…..


Ed Marriott

13 years ago

Hi all…just bought the book!

Where can I ask a few questions? Im not sure about a couple of things in the simplecarbdiet…


Eduardo Casarini
Eduardo Casarini
13 years ago

Tim. I´m a e-commerce entrepreneur from Brazil since 1998 (we are the leaders in the segment of flowers and gifts online) and your books are very motivating. Love to think about the freedom that is to break the rules looking for better results, being skeptical when appropriated. I´m reading the Kindle version in my Iphone since yesterday. All the best. Eduardo

Tim W
Tim W
13 years ago

Tim, I’ve been following your book. On the diet and doing the kettle bell stuff. I also plan to do the suggested workout on wednesdays. I’m just curious, should I be running or doing some form of Cardio? I used to do cardio 4+ times a week. I’m at 22% body fat and looking to get down to 8% or so. Thanks for any input.

13 years ago

Already pre-ordered on Amazon uk, eagerly awaiting Feb release!

Just wondering if you will be releasing on Kindle too?

13 years ago

Hi Tim,

Doing well on the Slow Carb Diet. It’s only been a week, but already I have more energy. Beans, beans, beans…and beano! My husband has started using the diet, as well. Looking forward to seeing results. I’m using the kettlebells (25lbs) at the gym, but they only have 25lb, then 50lb. Guess I’ll use 25 until I’m ready to double. Just took my meaurements! Lost 3 total inches! Thanks!

Derek Gillaspy
Derek Gillaspy
13 years ago

Tim —

I’m officially past my first “eat anything you want day” for the slow carb diet. Fantastic results so far – 6-8 LBS lost in 7 days (depending on weighing in the AM or PM, before or after whizzing 🙂

I don’t remember this from the book, so thought I would blog and ask others – has anyone else felt like on their “free for all day” they actually didnt have the appetite for some of the old foods like ice cream, pancakes, and pizza that they used to? I set out yesterday to eat all of that stuff, but just couldn’t put it down.

Also, if anyone out there has come up with a succinct, crisp list of what workouts to do and frequency of each, that would be greatly appreciated.

I’m no webmaster, but I created the website that you see above (completely, 100% free) in order to share my progress and results with friends and family (for motivation purposes). If anyone is interested in the template, send me a note and i’ll fire it over to you.



13 years ago
Reply to  Derek Gillaspy

Hey Derek! Been checking out your progress as i just started this yesterday and feel like im gaining weight and wanted to see how it was working for everyone else! Congrats so far – are you still losing?

I have so many questions about the plan and whats good and what isnt but we’ll see how it goes!!

Anyway, good luck and keep your blog updated!!

Derek Gillaspy
Derek Gillaspy
13 years ago
Reply to  StuartC

Hey Stuart – Just updated again – It’s been tough to keep up since I got back from xmas vacation. They key is that I haven’t quit, I’ve just quit typing every single meal that I eat.

I’m back in the 170’s for the first time since the summer of 2009. I haven’t seen the 160’s since 2000, although I’m not sure that’s what my goal is. My goal is strictly body-fat %.

I find that all the “little things” add up – cinnamon, lemon juice, garlic, green tea, etc.

My Mom (50) and my dad (51) are both doing it as well. My Dad and I started xmas eve and my mom started New Year’s day. Dad is down to 188 from 202 and Mom is down to 118 from 125!

Tim’s Sh!t is the homerun of diets.

I would also admit freely that I’ve been about 70-80% disciplined because I simply have a hard time stopping at 2 glasses of wine. I also initially started out with “trash Tuesday” since that happened to be my “free for all eating day” the first time it came around.

I’m getting rid of “trash Tuesday” in favor of “Super Saturday” and looking forward to plowing a gallon of ice cream this weekend.

Just started working out – I just go to the classes that my local gym offers for free (the Yoga girl is stunning ;), and I really need the flexibility.

I think Tim’s got it right – 60% diet, 30% exercise….10% supplements, etc.

i’ve also started the protein shakes religiously after each workout (within 30 minutes).

Hope this helps – keep sending the questions, and most importantly, EAT A BIG, GREEN, PROTEIN RICH BREAKFAST!

13 years ago

We have the book, but need a few questions answered asap–like by Monday!

Is unsweetened lite almond milk ok?

Tomato/pasta sauce without sugar ok?

Sour cream?



Does the meat need to be lean?

Chicken with skin or without?

Thank you!

13 years ago


I pre-ordered your signed copy of the 4hr Body back in September via Barnes and Noble’s website. So far they have sent me emails explaining that they are unable to ship the book, then a 30 day extension email. They list an expected ship date of December 14th, which has obviously passed. Of course I saw copies at my local store.

I have to assume, I am no longer receiving a signed copy as I would have expected those copies to have been done early on. Any ideas?

Anyone else experiencing the same issue? Congrats on the success of the book!

13 years ago

Anyone who employs Brian Orosco is a friend of mine.

Alexander Schaffler
Alexander Schaffler
13 years ago

Dear Tim,

I am half way through the book…thank you for the tons of stimulating material. I have one question though about stretching methods as I am sportive, but not very flexible and parts of my body, especially legs have short muscles or short tendons. Do you have any recommendation on 4hourstretching methods for more flexibility?

Viele Grüße,


13 years ago


Yes, similar thing here: (pre)ordered a signed copy on September 30th – B&N says the book has been shipped to Germany but still no 4HourBody Book here (I expected it to arrive before xmas)…don’t know what’s the reason for such a long shipping period…

…and Amazon bugs me to buy the book because I bought 4HWW through them and might like that one too…grrrr….


any Ideas what to do (besides ordering another copy through another shop, obviously)? I’d *like* to buy 5 other copies of your book as a gift for friends and familiy members, but I like to give presents that I like myself, which I assume but cannot truly say without actually reading the book… 😉

Anyway, congrats to the (in my eyes) very successful book launch – keep on hacking those lists!

Alles Gute,


13 years ago

So my husband and his brothers and wives and I all started the 4-hour body January 3rd. I am usually very active working out about 5-6 times per week for at least 30-60min. Per the book, I have taken that way down and have done just the KB exercises. I followed the diet plan to a T. On other diets (specifially a detos one I like that limits food to protein, veggies, and fruit, similar to the 4-hour body if you switch the fruit with beans) I usually lose 5-10 pounds the first week. One my first week of the 4-hour I lost 2!!!! Also, my cheat day was Sunday and I weighed this morning and I’m up a pound so really I’ve only lost 1 pound so far. WTH…what am I doing wrong? I have read the book over and over and am following it exactly. HELP!! Everyone else is having success except me!

karen s
karen s
13 years ago
Reply to  Cyndi

Hi Cyndi. I have not lost any weight either, but I did lose one inch. I follwed the diet without supplements PGG, and I have had a few cappuccinos. Have you started losing wieght yet? What change did you make? I think I need to cut back portions and start counting calories because I can’t figure what else to do.

let me know how you are doing.

karen s
karen s
13 years ago
Reply to  karen s

Hi Cyndi, Tim and all,

so, I have started losing weight. 6 pounds in three days! I wasn’t eating enough apparently. Not enough beans, specifically. I was travelling in India when I started the diet and couldn’t get beans at every meal. And, the beans I got had cocunut milk in them. So, now that I am home and am eating beans exactly as Tim describes it, the weight is coming off. Protein, beans and veggies at every meal. I was also able to get the supplements. I am not hungry because I can eat as much as I want. I was even able to have a glass of red wine at a party I went to. I am looking forward to my cheat day, but this way of eating is suiting me well so far.

Cyndi, relook at EXACTLY what you are eating and perhaps you will find something. Post your food and water intake and perhaps we can comment. It helped me when I did that on Tim’s blog.

Thanks for the great book Tim. and, thanks for the 4 hour work week, too! love them both as they have shifted my life!



13 years ago

@ Cindy: Yeah, I’m not having any success euther. Today I was back at exactly where I was last Monday. So unless I lose 6 pounds by the end of the week, it’ll be a bust so far…

13 years ago

I pre-ordered the signed copy in September. Got an email from B&N that it was shipped on December 14th. Paid more than the price of the book for getting it shipped to the UK but there is still no sign of the book!!!! Written to B&N, tried calling but no good.

Glad to know that there are few more unlucky ones like me.

13 years ago

I too pre-ordered the signed copy in September. However, I have not received any email about the order being shipped (it’s still listed with a Dec 14 expected ship date), but B&N did charge my credit card at Dec 15. I am unable to get through to customer service either by phone or email.

Any ideas of how to get through to them?

13 years ago
Reply to  Magnar

Never mind. I just received my copy after all 🙂

Karl Dennis
Karl Dennis
13 years ago

Hi Tim,

Congratulations on the success of the book. I prepaid for the hardcover book and ordered the kindle in the meantime, as I live in Australia and I knew that it would likely take some time for it to arrive – and I could not wait. 🙂

THE ONLY THING IS, I did not get a signature anywhere in the book. I may have misunderstood the original posting, though I wanted to check with you. I am sure you cannot go through all the books you sent out to find my order, but I purchased this item on October 2, 2010 and paid a lot for the international shipping. If it helps cut down time for this, my amazon order was 104-5159406-5234669. Its silly 🙂 though I am a fan, and I was kind of excited about that.

Please let me know if I made a mistake, sorry for the hassle.

Hope to hear from you soon. Bye for now. 🙂 Karl.

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
13 years ago
Reply to  Karl Dennis

Hi Karl,

B&N messed up a ton of orders, which has made me furious. I’m so sorry. Please keep an eye on your inbox.



Daniel Holt
Daniel Holt
13 years ago

It would be awesome if you ever made a 4 hour body video DVD to demonstrate how you go through your 30 minute workout, stretching and all. Obviously to show all the alternative exercises and other types of fitness other than weight lifting that you mentioned in the book, and how to go about that throughout the day. You did a good job of talking about it in your book, only 155 pages into the book, but it would make it so much easier to process it if I saw you perform your routine and daily fitness tips on video. I’m also interested in seeing your tempo, pacing, etc.

13 years ago

hi all, an update here from me. My fiancee and i started this diet to help us lose weight and get back in shape for our August wedding. Over the last 5 years we’ve been together we have gained serious weight!

My fiancee and I started this diet on Monday 10th (took weight and measurements on Sunday however). FYI i had a starting weight of 230.4lbs. On Saturday 15th i had my cheat day and wanted to establish Saturday as my regular cheat day. Between the 10th and the 15th i ate generally the following:

Breakfast – 2 hard-boiled organic eggs, 2-3 slices of bacon, water, multi-vitamin & 2 digestive aid supplements.

Mid morning – black coffee (2 cups)

Lunch – Big salad (balsamic vinaigrette) with chicken breast (montreal seasoning), lima beans, raw carrots.

Supper – Chicken or steak or fish, edamame beans with sea salt, salad or veggies.

A couple of things/comments (both positive and negative). I had more energy on this diet (after day 2) than i have ever had in my life – my fiancee struggled a bit for the first 4 days. We did NO exercise (actually, 2 mornings i did the 60 seconds of light exercise Tim recommends). We ate very big portions of each component of each meal. We drank a lot of water. The diet is not as cheap as the book states. Through my food choices we ended up doing a lot of cooking. It requires pre-planning.

After all this i lost 7.2lbs in 5 days! I am stunned. Delighted but still a bit wary because… I had only a very slight reduction in body fat %…. my tummy seems bigger/bloated than when i started and i dont know why.

My fiancee lost just under 6lbs!

Overall though this seems to really work. I have introduced some minimal exercise this week (purchased wii fit plus and will actually start using my treadmill regularly!).

I am seriously lazy but this diet is easy. And it gets results. i will update here next week.

13 years ago

Oh! One final question – Tim why are you playing with a hurling stick in your photo at the top?!?! Thats quite random! (Im Irish but moved to Canada a few years ago-thats why i recognise the hurley!)

Robert Longley
Robert Longley
13 years ago

I’m finding that just about any recipe that is normally served over rice does quite well over mashed cauliflower. It doesn’t absorb flavors that might be in flavored rice dishes, but if the recipe is over white rice, you probably won’t notice a huge difference – other than the carbs.



Bryan Harris
Bryan Harris
13 years ago

Hey Tim,

I am trying to apply some of your suggestions from the 4HB. I have started the PAGG stack, as well a many techniques from the Slow Carb Diet.

I am wondering what workouts you would recommend. I want to do some combination of ‘Occams Protocol’ (A and B workouts) combined with some performance excercises of ‘Effortless Superhuman’. How do I combine these 2 different workouts into one regime?

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
13 years ago
Reply to  Bryan Harris

I would do Effortless Superhuman first for 4-8 wks, then shift to Occam’s. They don’t combine well at the same time.

13 years ago


I hope this message finds you well. I know you are extremely busy, but I could use a little help.

The 4HB is great, but I need some clarification.

I have begun the diet and it is simplistic and tasty. Can you use Athletic Greens as a substitute for your veggies?

I struggle with the workout (I question is the workout is enough). If I do more than the MED do I risk jepordizing the results?

Lastly Supplementation; Do you only take the PAGG and Super Cissus RX during binge days? If not, do you have a schedule that you could please post or send to me?

Thank you

13 years ago

Thanks Tim – i’ve been on 4HB for 8 days and am already down 14lbs!

I’m in a weight loss challenge that ends in 2 months and am also training for my first Ironman triathlon.

I’m confused about this section “Mistake #7 – Hitting the Gym to Often”

are the only risks over eating? I’m used to training 2+ hours a day for my triathlons… can i still swim bike and run or should i just stick to the ABCs?

i’m looking forward to trying your 5k to 50k protocol after the weight loss program. thanks for any advice you can give – i’ve already convinced a dozen friends to buy the book..

13 years ago


Got your book from a friend and it has been great. However, I have started to see a plateau in my weight loss and can not seem to figure out from what. I have gone over you mistakes section and the only thing I can think of is that I am unable to eat a meal right after waking, I can get a shake in but I can not eat for another few hour do to my work schedule. I have also switched from 4 meals a day to 3 and back to see if that spiked anything, and nope. I have lost some inches and not lbs # but have stopped losing in the areas I still need to cut few more inches on. Just looking to see if you have an idea or anyone has a thought to kick the loss back on track. Thanks!

Derek Gillaspy
Derek Gillaspy
13 years ago


Someone replied to a post I made, and now I can’t find it to return the favor. Your blog is somewhat hung up on Sept 30th, 2010, with only the most recent post at the top??

StuartC posted this Jan. 11th at 11:38 PM

Author: StuartC


Hey Derek! Been checking out your progress as i just started this yesterday and feel like im gaining weight and wanted to see how it was working for everyone else! Congrats so far – are you still losing?

I have so many questions about the plan and whats good and what isnt but we’ll see how it goes!!

Anyway, good luck and keep your blog updated!!


I wanted to reply directly to his thread, but cannot find it. @webmaster – how do we look at blog history?

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
13 years ago
Reply to  Derek Gillaspy

Hi Derek,

It’s hard to search for comments specifically, but you can search the blog post title at the top right of the blog.



Daniel Holt
Daniel Holt
13 years ago

You’re book is over 500 pages long and it’s spread out, so a video to put everything into perspective with cycling routines and putting the information together would be very helpful. You’ve got to go back to various chapters and try to memorize important details that work very well as a whole, but are spread out so it’s not the easiest to digest.

What is your heart rate elevated to after having each PAGG and how many hours does it stay there? What is the heart rate elevated to during and after your 30 minute workouts, how long does it stay there? What is the heart rate elevated to after the exercise sessions after each meal and for how long does it stay there?

13 years ago
Reply to  Daniel Holt

I don’t think the point of PAGG is to elevate heart rate – unlike ECA – which sped-up heart rate thanks to caffiene – PAGG focuses on leveling insulin levels . heart rates will vary from person to person depending on intensity – mine goes up to 178 during very hard aerobic and/or kettlebell sessions.

Daniel Holt
Daniel Holt
13 years ago
Reply to  Shane

Are you sure PAGG doesn’t elevate the heart rate? If you find it’s over 90 beats a minute after taking in PAGG then your heart rate is definetely elevated. The heart rate would likely be elevated after doing jumping squats following a meal. How long it is elevated is the question. This would show great evidence of how such great amounts of weight loss is possible while only lifting weights an hour a week, and I assume no running. Maybe some sprinting too, I think that’s apart of Tim’s plan. Women, where weight loss is much more difficult because they’re usually much lighter than guys and carry far less lean body mass, are saying they’re losing 20 pounds of body fat in just three weeks following this plan. I can see that being possible with elevated heart rates and putting on more muscle at the same time, and supporting the growth and consistancy with plenty of complex carbohydrate intake.

13 years ago


I started reading your book. I haven’t finished it yet and forgive if the answer to my question is in the book. You’re such a detail oriented person and this is a huge book. Do you work in the calories burnt from reading this book into any of you diets or weight loss programs? If not you should…HAHA!

Keep up the good work because it is much appreciated!!!


13 years ago

I’ve just recieved in Russia my pre-ordered in october copy and i am so sad that haven’t found your sign inside.

Simon W. Jackson
Simon W. Jackson
13 years ago

On my first cheat day! Looking forward to it!

..although this Peppermint Mocha Cappuccino doesn’t taste as good as i remember it :/

Daniel Holt
Daniel Holt
13 years ago

The orange mocha frappuccino never gets old.

13 years ago

First off appologies for TMI but has any one had GI issues on this diet? I’ve been following all of the slow carb rules and have seen amazing results. But I’ve also had stomach pains and diarrhea for the past 6 days. I can’t tell if it’s th diet or the supplements or a stomach bug or something else. My energy levels feel good and I’m also taking a probiotic to help. I’m wondering what I can do to fix things without ruining my diet with bananas or rice. Any suggestions?

Varghese. Mohan
Varghese. Mohan
13 years ago

Hey Tim read your article published in Gulf Times News Paper Doha Qatar and can u help me by suggesting how can i get these two books shipped to Doha Qatar.. Thanks

13 years ago

Hey Tim,

I first heard about your book on doctor oz and no offense i just believe that it is just a bunch of mobo jombo cause out of the 7 years i have been learning everything to know about weight and your body nervious systems and just would have to get more info about your studies and the results and even results way after the stuidies was finished

Keep it real

karen s
karen s
13 years ago

Hi Tim.

I really like the book a lot. I bought it on my way to india, I followed the slow carb diet for 2 weeks in India and referenced the book almost daily. I wasn’t able to get all of the supplements there, but I did have alpha lipoic acid 150mg with each meal. I have been enjoying eating this way, but unfortunately, I have not lost any weight yet. I did lose just under 2 inches. I thought I would have lost more by now. Frankly, I am eating pretty big portions (because you wrote “eat as much as you want”) but it is all nice fish, veg and legumes that you have on your list. I am trying to figure out what to change. I did have two cappuccinos—so perhaps that compromised it with the dairy? (I couldn’t resist). I also did yoga for 3 hours daily as I was on a yoga teacher training course and did the air squats and push ups. I can’t imagine I was doing too much exercise. Maybe too little? just for reference, I am 76kg and 5’7″. so, I have at least 12kg to lose. not obese, but have a fair bit I’d like to lose. I would appreciate any insight you might have.

thank you.

13 years ago

I love the book but I have a question. I am sleeping better than I ever have since starting 4HB. However, I now wake up one time per night to urinate..then go right back to sleep. Has this happened to anyone else ?


Juan Pablo
Juan Pablo
13 years ago

Hi Tim,

Some news about the spanish edition?

13 years ago

Hi Tim,

I just bought your book today after seeing your segment on Dr. Oz. This is great!

I am wondering if there is an alternative to grapefruit juice — to open muscle receptors (aside from air squats). I am concerned about the grapefruit interaction with medications.

For example, will lemon juice work?

Thank you,


Ed Marriott
Ed Marriott
13 years ago

@ Susie

NO. The ingredient in grapefruit juice that effects medications is precisely what makes it effective. Lemon juice doesn’t contain it

Amit C
Amit C
13 years ago

Prehab aka injury prevention chapter question.

Hi Tim,

Brought the book when the contest was on. prehab is the 1st approach from the book I am following

Is the test done only for C&L or other exercises too?

btw, the chapter is a bit confusing to navigate.



martin cosgrove
martin cosgrove
13 years ago

bit of a legend there tim

Robert Longley
Robert Longley
13 years ago

It’s a little slower going for us over 40 (cheating doesn’t help either. Lots of bad habits to unlearn ) but so far I’m averaging just over a pound a week. I’m about 20% of the way through the book and I’m about 20% towards my goal. Perhaps there is a connection 🙂

13 years ago

can i fine The 4-Hour Body in indonesia ? ….hhmm

4 Hour Triathlete
4 Hour Triathlete
13 years ago
Reply to  odays

odays – just order it online

13 years ago

After hearing Matt Mira (@Nerdist) has had a ton of success on your regimen, I thought I would go out and buy this book to see for myself.

I have had your book for a couple of weeks before starting it up to make sure I fully understand what the plan of attack is for weight loss. As a scientist myself, I thought it was quite well researched (vastly better than most journal articles that I’ve come across), and somewhat easy to read for the layman.

I am currently on day 2 with my wife. I hope this works out-I know I want to drop 20 and my wife does too. (But will be happy with 10-15 if I’m honest). So far, although hungry at times, I will continue on with the experiment to see what changes (if any) appear in the mirror. I am optimistic on the plan, I do quite miss whole wheat bread/oatmeal, skim milk, and fruit for breakfast.

What are your thoughts on using a bit of BBQ sauce?



12 years ago

im wating for the spanish version. When we can have it?

12 years ago


I am wondering what you would recommend for me- I have suffered from migraines every day for 2 years now, and have not found anything that has helped. My brother suggests I try your diet, but maybe change some things around as I am not trying to lose weight, just cure my migraines. What would you recommend? Thanks for any help!

Tristan Azcona
Tristan Azcona
12 years ago

Great book! I’ve ordered my copy and I should have seen this sooner. Well it’s never too late and I look forward to learning a lot of neat stuff!

12 years ago

Hi Tim. Now, when I talk with my friends about testosterone, or hormones, or even perfecting my Sleep is really cool to watch how sorprised they are…

They look at me like a -GOD-, and after a a few minutes of ejoying my “knowledge”, I tell them that I learned it from your book. 😉

That Book is amazing… 200% recommended for any man on this planet!



12 years ago

Hi Tim. I just finished reading the eBook (well the parts that I needed) and today have started the slow carb diet, as well as the PAGG stack, and the cold therapy. I’ll also be trying some of your tips in the sleep section (I also have severe onset insomnia).

Right now, I’m 245 lbs, hoping to get back down to 185 lbs. (I’m 5′ 9″).

Wish me luck!

BTW, the cold therapy bath is painful, but I feel so good afterwards! I never knew!

12 years ago

Hi Tim,

I just wanted to let you know I mentioned your book in my latest blog post. My son introduced me to your book and ideas. Both my husband and I have lost weight.

Also, we are happy about your involvement in the Questbridge program. Both our son’s are Questbridge recipients and we are so thankful they are in college!

Thanks for everything.


12 years ago

Wow…You imported stem-cell factors and injected them into yourself. i must say that was bold research. And Holy Cow you gained 34 pounds of muscle in 28 days without steroids. Enough said…I’ve got to read this.

Stuart Thomas
Stuart Thomas
12 years ago

I really like the post to shared with all of us. I have seen your book “The 4-Hour Body” and I am very impressive and inspired from this book and I want to buy ASAP. Please suggest how to make possible….

12 years ago
Reply to  Stuart Thomas
11 years ago

Hello Tim, I´m your reader from Brazil. i´d ask if you know something about how to increase the height?? I was looking on the internet and found a lot about this subject, but nothing that seems to be true. There is a person here in Brazil that says that you can grow in stature through especitic exercises. I´d be very happy to know your opinion about this subject. A hug from a friend of Brazil!!

11 years ago

I found this book very useful thanks tim.

Daniel Holt
Daniel Holt
11 years ago

I read your book and thought it was very good. There are key things about nutrition/supplementation and learned from it and feel your book is pivotal for athletics. I’d combine several of your different workout and exercise protocols together to get the combined results, which would still be a very short condensed routine compared to most workout protocols. People can lose lots of bodyfat in a short period of time following your book. I do wish you expanded on eating on a budget while bulking, and the principals of eating while on a budget. I hope you make a condensed book for nutrition, supplementation, health, workout, and fitness knowledge of a guide to follow much shorter than this book, like 100 pages that also explains what key supplements and foods to consume as this book recommended a ton in each chapter. It offered lots of interesting research and sources to go no other book talks about so a must have for people into top quality health and fitness. You should have charged $100 for the book as I would have paid that much for it. It’s that good.

Daniel Holt
Daniel Holt
11 years ago

Such as expanding on the science and principals of macronutrient composition for losing fat, maintaining bodyweight, and bulking muscle or even losing fat and bulking with muscle at the same time. The precise amount of calories in the precise ratios, when to time eating meals for fat loss, for the amount of lean body mass a person carries under the different heart rate ranges. The science of a carbohydrate food plan under the different heart rates for exercise and the science of ketogenic dieting. And also the spin of ketogenic dieting with the slow carb approach.

You can go see a specialist to get your legs lengthened by up to 8 inches, you might be able to do the arms too. Don’t know about the whole body though. It may or may not look good. I have a lot more potential as an athlete with my stocky legs than if I were to get them lengthened, as it’s considered genetically gifted to be built like this. You can acquire a lot more strength with stocky legs. Taller guys are weak because they don’t have nearly as much strength or core balance so they’re easy to topple and their hits are very weak. While they have greater range their hits are weak and you can just get inside of them easily unless you’re borderline retarded. Only way then they can beat you or intimidate is with a supernatural curse that cheats you over and defeats the points you make. But then they’re garbage for doing that and they know it. It’s good to acquire great strength and athletic ability for competitions, for health, and to open yourself up to future oppurtunities. I’m 5’9″, stocky, and have broad shoulders with a build that was naturally bigger than most people. Most guys, even tall ones, are very weak and I’m stronger/have more usable strength than 99% of guys naturally with good training. Strength itself isn’t usable unless you train yourself how to use it with one peice strength, explosive lifting, anaerobic/aerobic training, and heavy power lifting along with bodybuilding and yoga/stretching.

Daniel Holt
Daniel Holt
11 years ago

I can beat up 99% of guys (including all the tall ones) with Tim Ferriss’ types of training, and I did very similar training before I read the book so the book was very familiar to me. I’m sure Brock Lesner, David Tate and highly trained mixed martial artists with usable strength and skill could beat me but they spend hours and years training for it on top of being huge, strong, and having lots of physical strength they developed through lots and lots of steroids, but they had lots of natural ability too. Some of those guys in MMA that are physically weaker I could pummel even if they trained for years. Some guys are physically bigger, sometimes even stronger, but they don’t train balance, flexibility, or even how to use their strength in the cateogries I listed in the previous message so I could still wipe the floor with them.

11 years ago

Still the health concerns mar the overall positive sides of this economic growth as people take their health problems as the cost of

development which is indeed pretty higher. Before you apply

heated gadgets onto your hair, protect your hair with heat protectant sprays and

also serums. Black hair has a distinctive composition that makes it sensitive to breakage.

All-natural oils such as olive, coconut, and avocado oil can be used as wonderful hot oil treatments for

hair. * Apply oil unto your hair – Run your fingertips

through your hair and rub it in an even way.

Sara Morgan
Sara Morgan
11 years ago


I’ve been trying to follow the 4-Hour Body for several months now. I am a pesco-vegetarian and therefore, chose to eat tuna right from the can from the category protein. However, I am worried about the amount of mercury I am consuming and wanted to know if Tofu would be an acceptable replacement.

Thank you,

Sara Morgan

10 years ago

Is this plan safe for women during pregnancy?

Stewart Whicker
Stewart Whicker
10 years ago

The 4 hour body sounds like a great intelligent book. I will get my wife to order it on her kindle.

10 years ago


Looking forward to find time too to read it!

10 years ago

I am engrossed in reading the 4HB! I would like to follow the eating plan and bingeing plan :), but am wondering if fresh coconut water is considered allowable?? I am currently living in Bali and don’t want to give up my coco habit! Thank you!! TJH

Chris Gosch
Chris Gosch
9 years ago

Have you looked at Paleo Diet and Crossfit in comparison to the 4 Hour Body? What do you think. They don’t like legumes – I’m a bit torn

m. murray
m. murray
9 years ago

Reading and re-reading the book and have been slow carbing for three weeks. Today is my second “cheat” day, and I feel disgusting. If this is some sort of cheap psychological trick, it is working. I think I might be too grossed out to get it done next Saturday. Is there such a thing as a MED cheat? Help!

9 years ago
Reply to  m. murray

How’s the 2 weeks been?

Are you using the recommended supplements?

How about breakfast?

Today’s my first cheat day and I totally feel what you mean.. Ok I did cheat during my first week with popcorn but week 2 will be using spartan strictness 🙂

9 years ago

Thank you for the awesome book Tim!

I bought it on kindle but now want to order the hard copy. Is there a rebate or discount since I’m Ordering the same book ? I think you mentioned something like that in an interview.

Question… About the 30grams

You recommend in your book 4 Brazil nuts and 1tbs or almond butter to fulfill the 30grams.. As an option.

When I checked the labels it seems 2 tbs of almond butter (trader joes) has around 7

And 6 Brazil nuts has 4grams of protein.

And I’ve checked several sources online and they confirm the same.

I’m confused.. Pls Help..

Thank you

9 years ago


5 weeks ago I dislocated my shoulder while hiking. Probably should get it x-rayed and MRId to find out something is torn and I need surgery, but I really don’t want surgery.

Have been doing some rehab exercises but came across your pages on Active Release Treatment.

I know there’s a website where I can find a local practitioner but I also know you’ve at least been in the Phoenix area a few times–thought you might have a good recommendation.

For a guy in Phoenix, is there anyone here you’d recommend for me to try active-release treatment on? I really want to do this and do it right.



Tim DeVorse
Tim DeVorse
9 years ago


I’ve been doing the slow carb eating for 3 weeks and seem to be stuck at 222 lbs. I’m 59 years old, 5′ 10″. I start the day at 5 AM with a coffee and protein powder drink, while downing the recommended garlic, green tea extracts, etc. Then I take my dogs for a brisk mile walk and then have breakfast- sautéed cruciferous or spinach, legumes and egg whites. Then a meal every 4 hours or so, until bedtime, then a casein drink just before bed. I have just started light workouts with 25 lb kettlebell, 75 swings 3 sets of 25 each while I work on proper form. Any help would be appreciated.

My son and I want to do the John Muir Trail next year, but I need to get to a realistic weight.

Tim DeVorse
Tim DeVorse
9 years ago

Holy crap, could you possibly arrange the comments to make it easier to access the most recent ones, without having to scroll through 4 years worth, day by day!?

David Winzer
David Winzer
8 years ago

Hi Tim, I REALLY hope this finds you.

The only two weight programs that ever worked for me (albeit in two different ways) were Occam’s Protocol and Crossfit. I was wondering what you think might happen if I “blended” them:

I’ll be following Occam’s diet and rest/recovery schedule exactly, but with Crossfit instead of the Occam’s workout. I know this breaks up the 5/5 cadence and the one-set-to-failure parts, but adds some other benefits:

1. Increased growth hormone release from full-body, high-intensity training,

2. Actually gets me to the gym. I like the social environment and friendly competition, but I find solo workouts to be mind-numbing and demotivating.

My goal is NOT maximal mass gains, but a balance of mass, energy, and mood. Crossfit nailed that when I was going five days a week on a 2000 cal/day diet, but that was before Occam’s Protocol made me realize the importance of MORE rest and MORE food (4200 cal/day on Occam’s, gained 19 lbs. in two weeks before “life” made me stop the program).

So how much SUCCESS will result from adding Occam’s Diet and Rest to ordinary Crossfit, versus how much FAIL will result from removing the 5/5 cadence and 1-set-to-failure parts from Occam’s? More importantly, are there any DANGERS to this experiment I’m not seeing at the moment?

(My other plan was to do Occam’s by the book, and supplement with Crossfit in the a.m. of workout days as a warm-up/growth hormone stimulant. But that sounds like a recipe for hurting myself.)

Thank you very much for your time.

5 years ago

Where in the book does it say how to maximise genetic potential within 6 months? All I see are anecdotes about Casey building muscle insanely quickly and Tim doing what was supposed to be genetically impossible. None of that tells me how to maximise my genetic potential.


5 years ago
Reply to  liveinthemind

Correction: the blurb says it’ll show you how to reach your genetic potential within 6 months. Was that the “effortlessly superhuman” workout, or something else?

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