Tim Ferriss Scam! Practical Tactics for Dealing with Haters

Brute force seldom works with haters. Redirection does. (Photo: Deadstar 2.0)

I recently spent a week in Amsterdam enjoying bicycles, canals, Queensday, and… ahem… coffee shops. For real. Honest. The best coffee I’ve had in Europe has to be De Koffie Salon.

I also gave a short keynote at The NextWeb about how to deal with haters, protect yourself from (some) media, respond to FlipCams, and other personal branding self-defense 101.

Think you have crazy people contacting you or commenting on your blog? Me too. I share some of my favorite hater e-mails, Amazon reviews, and voicemails. It’ll make you feel better to hear the stories.

It is possible to learn to love haters. But it does take some know-how and tactical planning…

I elaborated on a few points in an interview in the Netherlands with Amy-Mae Elliot, who originally posted them on Mashable in her piece Tim Ferriss: 7 Great Principles for Dealing with Haters:

1. It doesn’t matter how many people don’t get it. What matters is how many people do.


“It’s critical in social media, as in life, to have a clear objective and not to lose sight of that,” Ferriss says. He argues that if your objective is to do the greatest good for the greatest number of people or to change the world in some small way (be it through a product or service), you only need to pick your first 1,000 fans — and carefully. “As long as you’re accomplishing your objectives, that 1,000 will lead to a cascading effect,” Ferriss explains. “The 10 million that don’t get it don’t matter.”

2. 10% of people will find a way to take anything personally. Expect it.


“People are least productive in reactive mode,” Ferriss states, before explaining that if you are expecting resistance and attackers, you can choose your response in advance, as opposed to reacting inappropriately. This, Ferriss says, will only multiply the problem. “Online, I see people committing ’social media suicide’ all the time by one of two ways. Firstly by responding to all criticism, meaning you’re never going to find time to complete important milestones of your own, and by responding to things that don’t warrant a response.” This, says Ferriss, lends more credibility by driving traffic.

3. “Trying to get everyone to like you is a sign of mediocrity.” (Colin Powell)


“If you treat everyone the same and respond to everyone by apologizing or agreeing, you’re not going to be recognizing the best performers, and you’re not going to be improving the worst performers,” Ferriss says. “That guarantees you’ll get more behavior you don’t want and less you do.” That doesn’t mean never respond, Ferriss goes on to say, but be “tactical and strategic” when you do.

4. “If you are really effective at what you do, 95% of the things said about you will be negative.” (Scott Boras)


“This principle goes hand-in-hand with number two,” Ferriss says. “I actually keep this quote in my wallet because it is a reminder that the best people in almost any field are almost always the people who get the most criticism.” The bigger your impact, explains Ferriss (whose book is a New York Times, WSJ and BusinessWeek bestseller), and the larger the ambition and scale of your project, the more negativity you’ll encounter. Ferriss jokes he has haters “in about 35 languages.”

5. “If you want to improve, be content to be thought foolish and stupid.” (Epictetus)


“Another way to phrase this is through a more recent quote from Elbert Hubbard,” Ferriss says. “‘To avoid criticism, do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing.” Ferriss, who holds a Guinness World Record for the most consecutive tango spins, says he has learned to enjoy criticism over the years. Ferriss, using Roman philosophy to expand on his point, says: “Cato, who Seneca believed to be the perfect stoic, practiced this by wearing darker robes than was customary and by wearing no tunic. He expected to be ridiculed and he was, he did this to train himself to only be ashamed of those things that are truly worth being ashamed of. To do anything remotely interesting you need to train yourself to be effective at dealing with, responding to, even enjoying criticism… In fact, I would take the quote a step further and encourage people to actively pursue being thought foolish and stupid.”

6. “Living well is the best revenge.” (George Herbert)


“The best way to counter-attack a hater is to make it blatantly obvious that their attack has had no impact on you,” Ferriss advises. “That, and [show] how much fun you’re having!” Ferriss goes on to say that the best revenge is letting haters continue to live with their own resentment and anger, which most of the time has nothing to do with you in particular. “If a vessel contains acid and you pour some on an object, it’s still the vessel that sustains the most damage,” Ferriss says. “Don’t get angry, don’t get even — focus on living well and that will eat at them more than anything you can do.”

7. Keep calm and carry on.


The slogan “Keep Calm and Carry On” was originally produced by the British government during the Second World War as a propaganda message to comfort people in the face of Nazi invasion. Ferriss takes the message and applies it to today’s world. “Focus on impact, not approval. If you believe you can change the world, which I hope you do, do what you believe is right and expect resistance and expect attackers,” Ferriss concludes. “Keep calm and carry on!”


One of my favorite authors, Nassim N. Taleb of Black Swan fame, e-mailed me the following aphorism today, which was perfect timing and perfectly put:

Robustness is when you care more about the few who like your work than the multitude who hates it (artists); fragility is when you care more about the few who hate your work than the multitude who loves it (politicians).

Choose to be robust.

The Tim Ferriss Show is one of the most popular podcasts in the world with more than one billion downloads. It has been selected for "Best of Apple Podcasts" three times, it is often the #1 interview podcast across all of Apple Podcasts, and it's been ranked #1 out of 400,000+ podcasts on many occasions. To listen to any of the past episodes for free, check out this page.

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Comment Rules: Remember what Fonzie was like? Cool. That’s how we’re gonna be — cool. Critical is fine, but if you’re rude, we’ll delete your stuff. Please do not put your URL in the comment text and please use your PERSONAL name or initials and not your business name, as the latter comes off like spam. Have fun and thanks for adding to the conversation! (Thanks to Brian Oberkirch for the inspiration.)

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Matt Caulfield
Matt Caulfield
13 years ago

Thank you, thank you! I have had my fair share of “haters” in my time and often take it very personally indeed. This post has really helped me deal with those people and my response to them.

13 years ago

Hi Tim,

You inspired me with this post at the exact moment I needed to hear it. You’ve hopefully saved me from an emotional reaction to something that is best handled in a more response-able manner.

Many thanks,



[…] Timothy Ferris’ book The 4 Hour Workweek has spawned literally hundreds of offshoot “New Mobile Lifestyle” web sites. Creating a life that requires little work but produces lots of money is not a new concept, yet the book has intensely refocused interest in the concept, particularly in the on-line marketing world.  […]

Peter Farrell
Peter Farrell
13 years ago

Tim, forget the haters. I’ve been a fan of yours ever since you appeared in all those Colbie Caillat videos. Keep rockin’.

13 years ago

Good article, everybody is a hater these days!

Jeff Knize
Jeff Knize
13 years ago


My business partners and I talk about you all the time — yep, all good. You are doing it right and are an inspiration to millions.

I hate to be hated too but you have a strong belief and a purpose so the 1/1000 of 1% of Ferriss haters may exist but… they are overwhelmed by your raving fans.

Nice work on everything you do!



[…] just spat at you.  Timothy Ferriss, author of The Four Hour Work Week which I reviewed below, wrote a great post about this on his blog.  In that, there’s a video, check it out: […]

13 years ago

Hi Tim, you are adorable and very inspirational! Hey, why are you not on facebook, or are you??

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
13 years ago
Reply to  Oanaq

Thx for the comment! Yep, I”m there: http://www.facebook.com/timferriss

13 years ago

Few things I have to say to you:

1. First of all, your book (the 4-hour-workweek) inspired me. I had a period of time when I felt stuck: while looking at “career” opportunities it became obvious that more I’ll go up the corporate ladder – less I’ll have the time for myself. It was a-180-degrees career turn: I desided to be an entrepreneur.

2. To look from other point of view: I don’t have haters.

Maybe it’s just my imagination, but it seems that more I proceed with my dreams – the more respect and sympathy I get. Should I start worrying?

3. I think you’re my mom’s soulmate (I’m being weird but I had to take that out of my system) 🙂

Jack Ramos
Jack Ramos
13 years ago

i think many people do that because of the self-defense of them from what i called live pressure. it would be come from the environment, something or someone around them. and they looking for an “escaping” from the trouble that they seem. keep posting and rock!!

13 years ago

Loved the part “to only be ashamed of those things that are truly worth being ashamed of” struck a chord…

Nikolai The Good News
Nikolai The Good News
13 years ago

Great discussion guys!

My take on the topic is :

Fear of criticism or disapproval is the #1 cause why people don’t progress.

Nathan Greenlee
Nathan Greenlee
13 years ago

Good stuff Tim. “Tim Ferriss Scam!” is also a clever Judo redirect on the haters trying to get Google juice on those keywords. Instead of finding a hater site they will be steered to your site!

BTW — I was a skeptic up until yesterday when I finally started reading “The Four Hour Work Week”. I had learned quite a few of the lessons that you teach on my own / the hard way. However, what truly won me over was Pareto’s Law. I knew about it, but hadn’t thought of how it applies to my life, very insightful. One day later I’m already seeing things through a different lens. I did not check my email first thing this am — a big deal for me!



13 years ago

Hi Tim,

You inspired me with this post at the exact moment I needed to hear it. You’ve hopefully saved me from an emotional reaction to something that is best handled in a more response-able manner.

13 years ago

I really liked this article, thank you for writing it. I am just getting into the blogging scene but I can see that this also can relate outside of the internet. Thanks again for writing this,


13 years ago

OK. All well and good but based on reading your book I have a few concerns.

1. The system you advocate relies heavily upon the exploitation of social inequities – mainly those existing between India and the U.S. I was struck by the Esquire ‘editor at large’ making the observation that “America is f*cked” but seeming to find no real problem with this. Instead of using his medium to highlight the damage outsourcing is doing to America, he enthusiastically embraces it. This allows him – presumably – to flutter about the world taking tango lessons or scouring the globe for the ultimate Borsch.

It seems a certain degree of willful ignorance and / or disregard for the consequences of ones actions must be maintained to make your system work.

2. What happens when India eventually approaches wage parity with the U.S.? Your so-called NR must either a) pray this does not happen or b) if it does, start casting about looking for another suitably down-trodden third world country to exploit….er, I mean “relocate operations” to.

13 years ago

In my opinion, fear of criticism or prejudice is the main cause why people don’t progress in their lives.



jaime cevallos
jaime cevallos
13 years ago

It sure seems to be that way, Sandra. But at the same time, I feel like people who fear those things also serve a “larger purpose.” They are meant to do the mundane tasks that the masses have to do. They don’t question, they just accept. Those who chose to be motivated by or all out ignore criticism tend to have a unique purpose – to invent, discover, teach, inspire. I see it as two different roles being played.

13 years ago

You have made me think seriously about this issue. I’ve done a print to read with a coffee. Thanks for this post.

Lyn Leon

13 years ago

There is nothing worse than jealousy, so people are very annoying and I pass their negativity

( sorry for my english )

Justin Cordingley
Justin Cordingley
13 years ago

Heh, been using my ‘business name’ (Well, more like internet handle) so long, I feel naked without it…

Anyway, I just wanted to say that I thought this was going to be a winner the moment I came across the title, and the material certainly didn’t disappoint!

Thanks Nathan Greenlee, that redirect comment is a very nice obversation!

Brian, in response to “2. What happens when India eventually approaches wage parity with the U.S.? Your so-called NR must either a) pray this does not happen or b) if it does, start casting about looking for another suitably down-trodden third world country to exploit….er, I mean “relocate operations” to.”

… I think that’s just a sign of the changing times. As the world becomes more connected, each country will slowly grow more towards parity in economy and lifestyle. So yes, eventually India will probably start to come on par for wages. The “so called NR” exist because of change, not because of stagnation.

Welcome to the digital age, my friend.

13 years ago

Just re-reading this. A corollary to number six:

“The best revenge is not to be like that.”

– Marcus Aurelius’s Meditations, Book 6, Meditation 6

Aumentar Visitas
Aumentar Visitas
13 years ago

Loved the part “to only be ashamed of those things that are truly worth being ashamed of” struck a chord…

Jim Schaum
Jim Schaum
13 years ago

At the time I am writing this (12/15/2010) this post has been around for a while. I happened to stumble across it and felt that I had to weigh in. As someone who has been in a bad situation this year, financially, physically, and emotionally, I have had a lot of time to reflect and to try and learn some new things. Some of the conclusions that I have come to are:

1) We are each responsible, to some degree, for the situations that we are in.

2) We all could be doing more to make things in our lives better.

3) If things are going to get better, it will only be through our own efforts.

As someone who has not lived up to my potential, I am going to make a concerted effort to change that starting today.

I met Timothy Ferriss last night at the launch party for his new book “The 4 Hour Body”. I only talked to him for a few minutes, but I can tell you he is the real deal. The guy is down to earth and completely laid back. He is an ideal that we should all aspire to. Keep up the good work Tim.

13 years ago

Sorry about above, that quote was off. (and it’s from Dr. Seuss): Those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind. Next time I’ll check before sending

13 years ago

In dealing with haters, surely we have to recognise that our most useful feedback can come from a few of our harshest critics- those we easily dismiss as haters. This is because the hashness of the criticism that we *feel* could be due to their feedback painfully conflicting with our own cherished beliefs.

Maybe the other guy is right.

But the above only applies to a few sensible critics. Many haters are irrationally so.

And anyone who suffers from such haters should gain solace in recognising that a hater has not only failed to learn anything instructive from their object of hate, but are busy starting a life-crippling habit of negativity and venom.

Considering this, a victim of hatred can have sympathy for the hater!

People tend to dislike the source of their feeling of inferiority or envy.

So perhaps there’s a paradox: the more fame one has in educating others in how to succeed without too much effort (e.g. 4HWW), the more followers and detractors they’ll accumulate. With the detractors suffering from envy or feelings of inferiority in not achieving such succcess without much effort.

But it’s the “without much effort” aspect that gains the followers- a Catch 22.

Anyway, lets have pity for the haters in our [relatively successful] lives.

Todd I. Stark
Todd I. Stark
13 years ago

Karl makes a great point above. Enemies and non-participants are a major distraction, but friends who disagree are your most important source of learning I think.. To me the critical skills for the purpose of learning and improving (vs. just effective marketing) involve listening to people genuinely so that you don’t alienate critics, but then recognizing when someone is refusing to listen to you.

The redirection tactics apply beautifully when you no longer have a reasonable disagreement but a pissing contest or just lost cause. Plenty of those. My own concern is that many people I come across, assuming they have some sort of great product or brilliant idea, often get full of themselves and turn every response to critics into a display of supposed cleverness rather than an opportunity to learn. To me those folks come to legitimately earn much of the criticism as they start to listen only to their minions and develop a mini-“cult” mentality.

I really admire the people I’ve met who have learned to listen to the inevitable critics and respond constructively to them and sometimes even learn from them. That impresses me more than having a slick idea or product because it shows intelligence rather than just marketing cleverness. I do appreciate the clever redirections though when someone becomes a pointless distraction and refuses to be reasonable.

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
13 years ago
Reply to  Todd I. Stark

Hi Todd,

Thanks for the comment. I couldn’t agree more. Critics are a huge source of education, but it’s important to separate the useful (and insightful) from the armchair quarterbacks who are career skeptics. The latter often miss the forest for the trees.

Again, totally agree on your points.

All the best,


13 years ago


It’s unfortunate that we have to put up with the haters in the first place.

Hernandez Vilches
Hernandez Vilches
13 years ago

What is the best tattoo of everyone you know?

Ty Wagner
Ty Wagner
13 years ago

This is a great video Tim and I’m glad that you made this video. We all get detracted by the haters sometimes. We get rapped up into what they think and how they feel and sometimes question why they feel that way. The list you just gave will go on my white board for a while, untill it’s installed in my head for the long term. Especially for entrepreneurs. WE seem to attract a lot of haters because we seem to think on a differen’t creative plane than most “worker drones”. No offense to you 9-5er’s. I know it’s late but great post man…

Keep on and carry-on Tim!

13 years ago

I found a scam tonight with Ryan Blair’s new company. I threw up the whole scoop including the original Craigslist ad, their email correspondence, and a video they sent me. They promised $100,000 paid to those selected but wanted $499 paid to them. http://obsessedwithchris.blogspot.com/2011/01/scam-alert-ryan-blair-ceo-course.html

Suz deMello
Suz deMello
13 years ago

Glad the tats were fake–they really were appalling!

13 years ago

Hi Tim,

Today I met your blog and a bit of your life. This article I write, these 10 ideas that you are very good, especially the number 6 is something I have always defended and I agree 100% on what you comment. And as we say in my country (Spain) “the best appreciation is not to scorn,” I guess this topic already know.

Today I learned something else in life.

Thanks and regards

13 years ago

Hi Tim,

Very good thoughts, the truth is helpful and sobering. We live in a world full of jealousy and hypocrisy. No longer valued the good things people simplicity, humildaz, respect … but be prepared for today’s society.

Cheers, Lemon

David-E Cohen
David-E Cohen
13 years ago

Thanks Tim,

really great speech. I love the advices and points of view.

Especially the “live well”.

So, live well! And take care,


Sergey - Project management
Sergey - Project management
13 years ago

great post, can be applied to all areas of life. I loved the point six: ” Living well is the best revenge. “(George Herbert). Magnificent.

13 years ago

Fantastic as always Tim. I love your attitude before you life as you manage the challenges and help others understand your message.

Lance Mccarty
Lance Mccarty
13 years ago

Hey Tim,

Clever use of responding to Google searches, as this is what led me here! When I started to type in your name, the ‘instant search’ function popped up the word SCAM next to your name (and my curiosity was aroused).

My take away is that negative comments can either be starved of oxygen (by no response) or used in a positive manner – which is what you did here. Wish I could think of a negative comment to get a response to this post :), but I can only think of positive things to say….

Simple torsion
Simple torsion
13 years ago
Reply to  Lance Mccarty

Yes, very interesting way to see the life you have, Tim.


13 years ago

I like the way you deal with life..

13 years ago

# 5 Speaks to me the most and is the hardest to overcome. I think I get lumped into “that silly woman” category often enough. It bothers me more than it should — gotta fix that.

Hats off to Tim and Cato for the tip!

Plantas Electricas
Plantas Electricas
13 years ago
Reply to  Leigh

Maybe you can use that image in your favor. 🙂

13 years ago

So helpful! Thank you Tim!

13 years ago

I think that haters , themselves, are mediocre. if you think something sucks, and you take the time to talk trash about it, why not trying to do something better?. Why not lear from someone elses experience. This are selfish people who dont accept that someone eles can do things better than them.

Nikolai The Good News
Nikolai The Good News
13 years ago
Reply to  Erick

Great point – I agree- spend your time on something more productive than criticizing.

Comer Para Perder
Comer Para Perder
13 years ago

Hi Tim,

Killer blog post. I am going to implement the Comment Rules right away. 🙂 Especially on our high traffic blogs and will definitely be putting in a (Thanks to Tim Ferris for the inspiration at the end and add a link back to this page). And no I won’t copy yours 🙂 Great stuff.

Efren - Anuncios
Efren - Anuncios
13 years ago

I have to give you some serious credit for motivating me in some very positive ways. Thanks to your inspiration, I have created a pretty decent website and will be embarking on a trip around the world in 2011.

13 years ago

Putting “scam” in the title is just an awesome move! SEO in action! 🙂

Todd I. Stark
Todd I. Stark
13 years ago

I wonder if it is possible that that the conjunction of two remarkable and rare events takes place: (1) that an author isn’t perfect and cares enough about their content to improve, and (2) that someone actually has a constructive criticism. I think I’ve seen it from time to time but fleetingly and then it vanishes. Telling that both authors and critics seem to share this perception of rarity in my experience.

And virtually unknown is the critic or author who changes their mind as a result of being persuaded by constructive and accurate criticism.

To me personally that’s a more interesting state of affairs to address than the relatively easy one (in comparison) of dealing with people who seem to have nothing constructive to say and aren’t just delightfully fawning.

Todd I. Stark
Todd I. Stark
13 years ago

I have to admit, the title is brilliant. I was able to find this article again instantly just by searching on Tim Ferriss scam. Leo Babauta had some useful things to say about handling criticism that I liked also: http://zenhabits.net/criticism/

Juan - Vender Desde Casa
Juan - Vender Desde Casa
13 years ago

I finally watched the video – I see what tattoo in mention.

Thanks, Tim. This is excellent advice and is about to be posted on my office wall… 🙂

lopez- bajar de peso saludablemente
lopez- bajar de peso saludablemente
13 years ago

Jealousy is very bad. There will always be enemies. Just be yourself.

13 years ago

I stumbled across this video because I was looking for a source to help me deal with a boss who distorts reality continually, the best friend of the President of the company (so no help there) and is vicious and nasty. Ass-kissing and doing back-flips for her doesn’t work. I have to put up with it until I find another job. I don’t want to interact negatively with her. I have been using these tactics but they are very wearing; especially since she is making up lies about me to the president. I am a very positive person and always setting goals (and attaining them!). I am working in a job that doesn’t pay well but I love the mission of the work. I have all I really need but don’t need to work for a hater. I know she’s miserable and therefore wants everyone else to be miserable. I just need to ignore her and pretend her antics are invisible. Thanks for the support.

13 years ago
Reply to  Billie

You’re a victim. A nonintegrous victim. It’s not actually possible for you to comprehend the profound significance of this, but it is a very serious condition that you suffer from.

13 years ago
Reply to  Me

and the condition would be….

vuelos ultima hora
vuelos ultima hora
13 years ago

Stay calm and everything will fall under its own weight, trust in you be yourself.

13 years ago

thanks…will keep my head down and my spirits up!!!!

13 years ago

Awesome information! Living well is the best revenge and amps productivity. Haters fade and fizzle while our goal is to rock an sizzle! Life is short and I have found it is best to stay happy, head up, smile and be proud. 100% total bad a**, concise message here my friend.

13 years ago

Absolutely right in saying: If a vessel contains acid and you Pour Some on an object, it’s still the vessel That sustains The Most Damage

Annia Keosavang
Annia Keosavang
13 years ago

Great post, thanks for sharing such informative insights on how to deal with criticism.

Keep it up!



Johann Abogados
Johann Abogados
13 years ago

This is a great advice, thank you very much. Nice information. Keep it up!



Martin Fernandez | Masajeador
Martin Fernandez | Masajeador
13 years ago

Very interesting and inspiring article indeed. I will let my Bloggers read this so is proabable I am going to mention this in my blog tim. Thanks. Article writers may learn how to express better, so this is usefull for my blog as an example.



Lucio Boda
Lucio Boda
12 years ago

Great information. It was very insightful.

Keep it up

12 years ago
Reply to  Lucio Boda

And now…I’m fired…they said, “You didn’t like your job.”…I’m like, “Hey, why didn’t you talk to me about that?”

So wrong. The Scarlett O’Hara of the project shot me down.and got her way…

Onward and upward and no more thieves taking my humanity away………

Seumas Graham
Seumas Graham
12 years ago

Great advice. My philosophy has always been to feel sorry for anyone who “pours acid” on others. Wish them well, since they are clearly being stupid. Also, avoid those who give you bad vibes. Life is too short.

12 years ago

Excellent advice, Tim. I just stumbled upon this article and I must say I really enjoy your advices and way of living.

12 years ago

good information, One of my favorite quotes is from the Dalai Lama: “Our enemies provide us with a precious opportunity to practice patience and love

Hacer un blog
Hacer un blog
12 years ago

Hey Tim! Ich wusste gar nicht das du Deutsch sprichst! 🙂 I saw in your bio that you are a “Speaker of 5 languages”. Impressive.

Ximena | optimizepress español
Ximena | optimizepress español
12 years ago

I read Dr. Wayne Dyer’s Pulling Your Own Strings about being “quietly effective”.

Don’t wrestle with negativity from the masses, but always think for yourself and act rebelliously if necessary. Wise words…

Thanks for sharing


Vinicio - Trabajo en Casa
Vinicio - Trabajo en Casa
12 years ago

The fake tattoo thing was funny, I didn’t think you had any tattoos after all those episodes of Random but you did take a long trip to China!

Alejandro Invertir en bolsa
Alejandro Invertir en bolsa
12 years ago

Anyone will always find enemies for free, and if the word enemy is exaggerated, at least we will find that envious people don’t wish us well things and will try to make our life impossible. It can happen at work or anywhere. But as Dale Carnegie said: “Nobody kicks a dead dog.” That is, if they are jealous is because we’re doing something good.

Lia Kalezic
Lia Kalezic
12 years ago

Hi Tim,

Please explain to me how it is that my husband (whom is in business with me)after having read your book is now so judgemental of everything that we have acheived over the past 3 years in business (he previously did furniture removal for a job, whilst I have spent 27 yrs in our industry at GM level) and he is now working a 24/7 work week to acheive and yet you are his Guru? I have read many books similar to yours in the past 27 years and outsourcing ain’t new. We are an online business and my husband refuses the idea of automating replies, so how is it that we can end up in arguments continually where you are apparently the ‘Be all & End all’ and I am now just a piece of outdated crap because I don’t subscibe to your tactics. By the way my company was drop shipping from local suppliers direct to customers 15yrs ago! Now My husband thinks we can have our Chines suppliers drop ship item bu item to anywhere in the world….I’ve got new for both of you….this ain’t going happenm and if you dealt with the people producing the products, as I do, you’d get your heads out of your arses and realise China ain’t interested in doing business on a ‘one order/one customer’basis!! They currently have no need to not in the foreseeable future will they!. There are so many things in your book that inspire the ‘average’ man and yet there is so much, in the way of reality, that you don’t cover. Inspiration is great, but unless you provide the vunerable with ‘day to day ‘ tools, your inspiration is actually their demise.

Gabriela | postres faciles y rapidos
Gabriela | postres faciles y rapidos
12 years ago

Buenos días:

Antes que nada disculpen que estoy escribiendo en español en un blog que es en inglés. Lo que sucede es que no escribo bien en inglés y me parece una falta de respeto escribir con faltas ortográficas.

De todas maneras, quería decirles que me encantó el video y además excelente post.

Muchas gracias por el aporte

12 years ago

I agree with Chris Mower: it seems like a lot more than 10% find ways to take anything personally. Living well is indeed the best revenge; although it probably leads to more negativity on the part of the haters.

Lisa Gergets
Lisa Gergets
12 years ago

My followers do so because of who I am – human, approachable, transparent. The people who don’t follow me because of who I am are simply dead weight. Who needs ’em? Onward and upward!

Trigliceridos Altos
Trigliceridos Altos
12 years ago

Very cool! Will have to share this info to a few others!

Vale - Trigliceridos Altos
Vale - Trigliceridos Altos
12 years ago

Great advice. My philosophy has always been to feel sorry for anyone who “pours acid” on others. Wish them well, since they are clearly being stupid. Also, avoid those who give you bad vibes. Life is too short.

Christian Comunidad Beta
Christian Comunidad Beta
12 years ago

Fuck you Tim Ferriss! You’re a sham and a scam and a sham and a scam and a sham and a scam!

I’m going to keep my uptight, 8 hour day, miserable lifestyle and finally retire at age 70 and you can screw your four hour work week because I lack the brain cells to understand half of it (*sob*).

Sincerely, a hater 🙂

12 years ago

would be nice to deal with the enemies but I find it is very expensive !!!!!!!! greetings!!

Dani | Fontaneria en Castellon
Dani | Fontaneria en Castellon
12 years ago

Excellent advice, Tim. I just stumbled upon this article and I must say I really enjoy your advices and way of living.

Shawn Lyons
Shawn Lyons
12 years ago

I’ve limited my hater mail readings to once a month and im working on outsourcing

all readings to my agent soon. Ha.

Tim shady
Tim shady
12 years ago

Great post. As am SEO guy, I get a lot of “reputation management” requests. The best way to defend yourself online is to outrank people for (insert your brand here) “scam, complaints, rip-off). Clearly Tim is on this one as he’s got his title tags working for him.

Good stuff as always Tim.

Daniel posicionamiento
Daniel posicionamiento
12 years ago

well, haters are gonna hate, what are you gonna do? the best advices ever about that topic here in this great article: “Living well is the best revenge.”

Alex - distanciometro
Alex - distanciometro
12 years ago

So true! Luckily I don’t have too many haters, but there are definitely a few who struggle to understand the Ultimate Lifestyle philosophy of living and continuously try to reinforce the current status quo. Bless them!

Matt Dye
Matt Dye
12 years ago

Great post Tim, very clear and concise. I totally agree with you that it is best to focus on the impact of your core group, and I like the Roman history my friend, great stuff!

12 years ago

You experience things and teach us your process through those experiences and for that I thank you. You have taught me to work to become an expert at my passion and the more I learn, the more I try and pass to others. Keep it up TF, keep it up!

Jeremy Grenemyer
Jeremy Grenemyer
12 years ago

Tim thanks for sharing this video. There were plenty of takeaways in it that I identified as useful to me. In particular how (and when) to respond to negative comments online.

Your approach to establishing rules for comments posted to your blog and your strategy to stamp out negativity are like a breath of fresh air.

I wish more websites followed a policy that emphasized keeping things friendly instead of allowing everyone to have their say and then moderating after the fact. The former is much more likely to establish community than the later.

12 years ago

Excellent article and the information is easy to understand, thanks a lot this kind of blog

11 years ago

Hater is not a word.

Gerry Dorrian
Gerry Dorrian
11 years ago

Brilliant tips – I will start putting these into action. Thank you!

Mauri - Dietas efectivas
Mauri - Dietas efectivas
11 years ago

I liked point 4, I think that’s where I have more work to do now.

Great post

Wawan Kurniawan
Wawan Kurniawan
11 years ago

Extremely good views, the real truth is beneficial and sobering. Tim thanks for sharing this video. There had been plenty of takeaways in it that I identified as helpful to me.

11 years ago

I totally agree with Monty, life is to enjoy it and put aside the problems.

11 years ago

It shows that you follow your own advice!

Congratulations on your success. I admire you, dude.

Best regards!

11 years ago

Hi, Tim!

I never imagined how love haters. Pont 6 is the best for me because haters only want to provoke, most of the times.

“Don’t worry, be happy!”

Thanks in advance!

Iain Taylor
Iain Taylor
11 years ago

Hey Tim,

This post has inspired me more than ever.

I have followed many of the lessons from your books especially “4 Hour Body” – it transformed my fitness and has made it sustainable, as in my fitness routine has become a solid part of my life.

Having read the points above I am ready to “go public” – as all-to-often I have feared “haters” so much that I choose not to proceed. Looking forward to sharing my progress with you soon.



Alex Kei
Alex Kei
11 years ago

right now I am dealing with a situation similar to this. In my case with the phrase “Alex Kei estafador” (the spanish phrase for “Alex Kei Scammer”)

It is disappointing that some people try to use your name to say bad things you never did. But I guess that’s part of the human nature.



Jugo Verde
Jugo Verde
11 years ago

I’ll never understand why some people are concerned with criticizing the success of others and do nothing, absolutely nothing to get yours. Dogs in the Manger: “I eat or stop eating”.

Some time ago, I read in a book: “The obstacles appear, when you take the view of the target” =) Good day.

Robert v.
Robert v.
11 years ago

Love your haters, they’re you’re biggest fans. -Akon

11 years ago

very helpful information. OK, 1000 fans. that makes sense. thanks for your advice. great video.

11 years ago

Really significant statements that apply to more than just media haters.

To be fair, the most significant part of that whole post, for me, was only 2 words. But those 2 words really stood out at this time in my life….LIVING WELL.

It’s probably going to be seen as stupid by many people, and even more will laugh at me for say it, but I really needed to hear those words today.

Thank you for all the help Tim.

Keep everything going. You’re awesome.

10 years ago

Why are you making fun of someone who most likely has schizophrenia or something? Maybe it was a prank call, but if not, he has mental problems… =/

10 years ago

This is the first time I have seen my grandmas words in print. If I didn’t know better I would think you had known her. Her words, the ones I was smart enough to listen when she was talking which she did very little talking, have made me very sucessful. Keep up the great work.

the blue rose on facebook

Jimmy Naraine
Jimmy Naraine
10 years ago

This post is truly amazing. What I really like about you Tim is that you can convey a lot of information in a very concise, easy to digest way.

Keep raising the bar

Jeree Petrie
Jeree Petrie
10 years ago

I’ve spent my life caring deeply about what others think of me and being devastated that I am not liked. Criticism paralyses me. Hatred makes me feel as if I am less than human. As a result I have spent a lifetime trying to avoid being criticized and disliked, yet, since I am of an artistic bent and therefore ‘not as other men’ I can’t be like them and yet I fear to be myself. As a result I have achieved nothing and have gradually become more neurotic and depressed. In other words, a failure.

I may have the heart of a lion, but I have a skin of tissue paper. Not a happy combination.

Your words hit home like slaps in the face from a friend trying to wake me from a drugged sleep. I will pin them to the wall of my study. I have a few years left in me, and I’m nothing if not a trier. Thank you.

Shannon Harmeling
Shannon Harmeling
10 years ago

Dear Tim, Last night after midnight I Googled dealing with haters and came across your blog here and the video. I’m a small time community neighborhood civic association President who VOLUNTEERS HOURS of my heart and time to my hometown. I love it. I serve on various city Boards, and I am learning all about urban development and public service. I am by no means perfect but I have a vision to make my City better for all, and I am focused on my neighborhood. Inside of 18 months to two years I now have my own “hater fan club.” Its been hard to see things twisted or blatantly lied about online and in my neighborhood. The neighborhood board was already struggling but our Board of Directors and Leadership TEAM have turned things around big time — and the haters have only gotten more loud and manipulative… With all that “ruffage” said, your video especially brought the issue into clear focus me, encouraged me and gave me a better way and even mentality of handling these things. I am asking my entire Leadership Team to watch this. Thank you for you conciseness and addressing this issue in a way that you take away key points and even feel better about it. It is much needed in a world where haters want to ruin the good other’s do. Oh, and by the way… loved the tat sleeve in the video! Wear it more often! Shannon Harmeling, Lake Ridge Civic Association, Inc. Ft. Lauderdale Web site is currently being designed, but we are on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/lakeridgecivicassociation/