Random Episode 10: Kevin Rose and Tim Ferriss on Food, Top Picks, and More

In this episode of Random — lucky #10 — Kevin and I hit the streets of San Francisco to discuss food, recent learnings, and a few feature: favorite books, people, and websites since the last episode.

Show notes and links are included below, but one new order of business: we are thinking of having sponsors for the Random show!

Here’s the idea: we have room for just three (3) sponsors at $1,000 an episode each, and you get both screenshots during the episode with your website/logo, and we also give you a shout out at the beginning of the episode. The sponsorship will allow us to treat Glenn to some fancy new shoes and support his video habit, as well as open up uber-cool options for topics and experiments.

Interested? First come, first served, so let us know at earliest via email: amyatfourhourworkweekdotcom with “RANDOM SPONSOR” in the subject line.

That all said, here are the show notes and a bonus safari video…


Delivering Happiness by Tony Hsieh

Rework by 37Signals

Neverwhere: A NovelNeverwhere by Neil Gaiman





Reid Hoffman – twitter.com/quixotic

Marc Andreessen – blog.pmarca.com

“Angels vs. Venture Capitalists” article by Ben Horowitz


New Zealand


– Picton

Nevis – bungee jumping

– Queenstown

– Christchurch

Canyon Swing

South Africa

– Capetown

– Lions Head

Shark Diving Unlimited in Gansbaai

Sanbona Safari (Recommended Ranger: Salomon Munnik)

Bonus video – 3-minute tour of the Dwyka lodge safari tents:

Shoot Location and Misc.:

– San Francisco Ferry Building

SF Farmer’s Market (1 of the top 10 in the US)


Salt slab for cooking (delish)

Related and Recommended:

All past Random Show episodes


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The Tim Ferriss Show is one of the most popular podcasts in the world with more than one billion downloads. It has been selected for "Best of Apple Podcasts" three times, it is often the #1 interview podcast across all of Apple Podcasts, and it's been ranked #1 out of 400,000+ podcasts on many occasions. To listen to any of the past episodes for free, check out this page.

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Comment Rules: Remember what Fonzie was like? Cool. That’s how we’re gonna be — cool. Critical is fine, but if you’re rude, we’ll delete your stuff. Please do not put your URL in the comment text and please use your PERSONAL name or initials and not your business name, as the latter comes off like spam. Have fun and thanks for adding to the conversation! (Thanks to Brian Oberkirch for the inspiration.)

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14 years ago

Precurse… I ran DC training (a.k.a. Doggcrapp training) for 18 months but took some time off to do 5/3/1 for 6 months. Just started my 2nd blast back and the Widows are hatin on me 😉 At 42, I wish I did a lot more dead lifting when I was younger… it’s hell trying to catch up now!

hijack over, sorry Tim

14 years ago

It is always a treat when a new Random video appears in my RSS.

BTW Tim, I showed your site and my copy of 4HWW to my 19-year-old future step-son. I think he has been inspired, he spent all night last night reading the blog and didn’t sleep! I woke up in the morning to him asking me all kinds of questions about the different articles you have written. Keep them coming, it’s all been great stuff!

Josh Moore
Josh Moore
14 years ago

Hi Tim,

I may not be the first to mention this but, I can’t seem to find episode nine of Random on your blog. It jumps from 8 to 10.

Is there an episode nine?


Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
14 years ago
Reply to  Josh Moore

I think it might actually be episode 9, but I’m too lazy to change the number right now 🙂

14 years ago

50 pages into your book. After 10 I paused and just let your philosophy marinate for a bit……… i suppose…. akin to an decadent, delicious glass of wine sipped slowly gazing over the fields of Tuscany, It was an experience not to be rushed. Your words, taken to their depths, require… pace. Now, due to my personal beliefs I have only borrowed books or bought used/thrift books online… for the last four years (I kid you not, I just put my self through a top ten law school to the tune of 8.5% interest rates thanks to a genius decision by congress in 2007, I am in student loan debt up to my tail)…… so the fact that this is the first “new” book that I have bought in about 4 years says volumes… I have a million things to say, but my first, is this… though floored by the content, inspiration and innovation of your work, I cannot believe that the only mode of contacting you is via twitter or posting on your blog (sounds impersonal considering you get 2K emails a week, no?). K, that being said, ironically, you challenged a group of Princeton students to contact “high & Mighty” professionals that would be impossible to contact in exchange for x round trip flight…. how would someone actually contact you if they didnt believe in the basic principles of Twitter? I have no idea what a tweet is, or the mere idea of twitter and the idea of acknowledging what someone does 24-7 seems to make my mind spiral into a swirl…. maybe I am archaic, maybe I am just stubborn, who knows…. but I find it disenchanting that your only form of communication is an electronic media outlet that basically lets friends know when one is food shopping, reading a book, drinking wine…. If you are tweeting, are you present in your surrounding and with those you are with? Moving past the tweet that i feel may or may not contribute to a dislocation of the cultural psyche and mass epidemic of attention deficit disorder….. 3 weeks before I bought your book I bought a one way ticket to thailand with plans to leave this country (with a JD from a top ten I have been waitressing and working for free for the last year at every pro bono shop in the local area… my american dream had gone defunct and I have over 150K in student loan debt)……… that being said, my mindset is more free now than it has ever been. i recently had an an amazing interview, a “hail mary pass” 12 seconds left to the round… an interaction ……. that almost made me cancel the entire trip abroad… then my flight from one city to another was delayed, I bought your book, and well… I didn’t cancel the trip to the southeast. so here i am writing on your blogpost bc you dont offer an email address (which has induced a south american temper tantrum at 3am on my end)…. and though I have a dozen odd questions for you…. I know there are no messiahs out there… if anyone is to find the answer, it has to be within the solitude or tsunami of themselves, without recourse to pedagogical diversion or white noise………… so I will ask you this…… do you feel you have become too “commercial”? and if there is the chance towards that leniency…. at what cost? to yourself, to those who admire you? Is this where you saw yourself 5 years ago? What you have to say IS profound………. but unless its music, i suppose I question words that make me stir or dance. anyway, that was one question, I dare not aim for 3 considering 2K emails a week ratio.

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
14 years ago
Reply to  dawn

Hi Dawn,

Thanks for the kind comment and thoughtful prose — and your question. I don’t feel I’ve become too “commercial”, as I think that could only happen if I let a desire for income drive me to compromise. I have a low-burn lifestyle and need no more money to do anything and everything. Not because I have $100,000,000 in the bank, but because I realize there is always a lateral option “C” for getting to where you want to go. There is no need for me to compromise for a few extra bucks.

The power and willingness to say “no” and walk is ultimate power, and I feel I’ve become comfortable with that in most parts of life. He (or she) who cares least, who is bothered the least, wins 🙂

Pura vida,


14 years ago

Wonderful ep. They’re getting really great because you’re having more fun. Your sense of ease with the camera and format is really shining through. I love the tangents. Thanks guys.

Toshi O.
Toshi O.
14 years ago

Kevin – you cant recommend books that aren’t out yet, not fair at all.

Anyway, I still have Jesse Schell’s The Art of Game Design still on my queue – anyone here read it?

solid vid.

Patrick Thomison
Patrick Thomison
14 years ago

Please use a different player than Vimeo. It plays horribly on Ubuntu. Great video otherwise.

14 years ago

Hey guys good show..

funny that you talk about being in the water with great whites while chumming.. and shark attacks..

Do you not think that you are promoting sharks linking people with food?

for a more natural experience:

You can see plenty of sharks south of durban @ aliwal shoal or protea banks.

Advanced dive certificate required tho… It was amazing!

Ive got a wicked biltong recipe (jerky) for springbok if you do manage to find some meat 🙂

14 years ago

Hola Tim,

Great episode! I love that you included culinary section to the show. Good food, some drinks, travel and books that almost covers the entire Maslows’ hierarchy.



Ichizu Wakabayashi
Ichizu Wakabayashi
14 years ago

This was a really fun post. Glad you enjoyed South Africa. When you’re in these neck of the woods again you should pop by Namibia as well! Sky diving above the skeleton coast, quad biking in the dunes, kayaking among the seals, whale spotting in Walvisbay – there’s nothing that compares!

Thanks for the tip on “Delivering Happiness” – it’s only coming out here in August 2010. 🙁

Cindy Swain
Cindy Swain
14 years ago

Hey Tim!

Loved post. Quick question for you. I quit my job, traveled the world, and have now been living in Italy for the past year where I am learning the language, writing a book and thanks the 4hoursworkweek, am looking to start my muse.

1) I want to create/distribute a English learning product via the internet, but specifically here in Italy because the product will be in English/Italian. If I use Italian manufacturers/distributors will I need an Italian Work Visa? (Currently I am here on a student visa, that allows me to “work” 20 hours a day which I already do.) Or, if I did all of the work over the internet, would it just be like I was in the U.S. “working” with an Italian company and wouldn’t run into any visa issues?

2) Or would you suggest to create the product in the states and then ship the product internationally to Italy as that is my niche market? (Although that seems like a waste of time/money)

Thanks Tim! If you or anyone else knows the process/rules for being able to create a product using foreign resources and how to use a loophole to get around filing for a work visa, please let me know! Your response and advice is greatly appreciated.

Best Regards,

Cindy Swain

14 years ago

Hi Tim,

In the next episode, I would like to see a talk about “making crucial decisions in life” and start talking about the minimalism movement and zen_habits blog kinda style 😉

looking forward to it

Ignacio Ribera
Ignacio Ribera
14 years ago

Maybe it doesn’t interest anyone, but if someone wonders why the art webpage is “We Make Money Not Art”, it might come from the quotation: “Making money is art and working is art and good business is the best art” by Andy Warhol 😀

Amy Im
Amy Im
14 years ago

I really like your random shows and book recommendations!

Please do more and more

-your fan from Seoul,Korea:)

Pooja Warier
Pooja Warier
14 years ago

Hey Tim

Writing to you to explore possibilities of me shadowing you for 1-2 weeks to learn and be inspired by you.

To introduce myself – I am a social entrepreneur. I co-founded UnLtd India (www.unltdindia.org), a foundation supporting social start-ups; Bombay Hub, a collaborative work space for start-ups and Journeys for Change (www.journeysforchange.org), that brings leaders from across the world to learn from some amazing changemakers in India.

I have been on a non-stop roller coaster ride of launching these three organisations since 2005. Recently I have been recognising that the things that make me come alive are ideas, making those ideas real, meeting incredible people, travelling and making the time to do things that I love like dancing.

Although I love all my ventures, I am also conscious that I am certainly not the person who would take them to scale. I have learnt that entrepreneurial energy and managerial energy are two very different things! 🙂

To come to the point, my plan for the next two years is to hand over my current ventures to amazing CEOs, spend time with people and projects/organisations who inspire me most in the world and to figure out how I can create a lifestyle that allows me to do all the things that make me come alive.

Since you have been able to do so many things that most people find it difficult to achieve in one lifetime, I am keen to speak with you/meet you/spend time shadowing you – whatever it takes to learn from your experience.

I wish I had a better term than ‘shadowing’. 🙂 All it means is that I am happy to fly to wherever you are, spend sometime with you which could include speaking with you, seeing how you manage your ventures, passions, hobbies etc.

I do realise that your schedule must be packed and that having a stranger accompanying you might not be feasible. But hey, there’s no harm in asking. As you say, ‘Whats the worst that could happen?’ 🙂

Looking forward to hear from you


14 years ago

Glad you guys loved New Zealand! Word of mouth recommendation about the country and what to do, especially from guys likes you is excellent way to increase tourism to the country. It is a beautiful, beautiful country. I hope you tell your friends about the South Island, I am so proud of coming from there.

14 years ago

That book sounds very interesting. I would like to make mistakes worth $250 million.

14 years ago

Wow. 100,000,000. :O

I always wondered how much you had in the bank Tim, and I knew it was a lot – but I didn’t quite know it was so much I guess. I know you to be the type to stash your nuts away like a squirrel lol. I am surprised you use a bank at all, what are your thoughts on banks and money housed in banks.. etc vs alternative methods?

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
14 years ago
Reply to  Dain

Ah, I don’t have that much because I don’t need that much. Certainly not $100 mill! He is truly rich who needs the least — that’s my motto.


14 years ago

Cool that you were at the Ferry Building. My husband’s uncle is the one that maintains the clock…. he has a really cool clock shop there in San Francisco

Most cool. We visited just this past January.



14 years ago

Great random episode Tim. I have to agree with Kevin, noboday should be swim with great whites. But, if I were interested, is there anything like that in the US?

14 years ago


I have a request that I think could add a ton of value to the community you have created here. Instead of the current comment system, it would be great if this was more of a forum environment (e.g. Reddit comment section). I think the conversation threads would be an excellent way to share advice and experiences among those of us who are building muse-like, automated businesses. I know I would like to be able to pose questions to the group and respond directly to comments.


14 years ago

You & Kevin mentioned issues with BusyCal and looking for a calendar solution. I recently had to search for a new solution and found BusyCal from the same people who made BusySync. Use it with your Google Calendars for a great system. Best way to sum it up is iCal Pro.

Find it at: http://busymac.com/

Now what I’m looking for is an Address Book equivalent. Would love to find something that syncs Address Book or Google Contacts with Highrise.

14 years ago

Tim – read your book (multiple times) and I have an idea swimming around in my head for a product that I think will sell. My question for you is, when you had the idea for your suppliment, seeing as you’re not a chemist (as far as I could tell from your bio), how did you know you could create a pill that would deliver X results. Did you simply tell your contract manufacturer “I want it to this, figure it out”…?

Appreciate the help. Thanks to your book my husband and I are trying to uncover a way to suppliment a lifestyle that would consist of traveling the globe by sailboat. Thanks for publishing your testimony of lifestyle design.

14 years ago

Love your random shows with kevin rose, watched every esp of it! 🙂 keep up the cool work man!

14 years ago

Awesome show and I’m glad to hear that you are getting into mushrooms, Tim.

If you have the time, you should check out some of the things they’re using them for. Lots of people wouldn’t imagine, but it ranges from filtering water through mycelial webs, cleaning up oil contaminated land, natural pesticides, medicine, gardening, and so much more. Paul Stamets does a few good lectures and seminars on them.

Katie Joy
Katie Joy
14 years ago

Hi Tim 🙂

Thanks again for your content and contribution to the world.

I’m forever grateful for your inspiration.

In 2006 I made a ‘random’ decision/goal to:

“become a global citizen

with multiple streams of income,

and no anchor in any location”

Then in 2007, my life coach (who new my mission) advised me of your

book. When I read it, I felt:

“Thank God, someone has walked this path before me!”

In 2008, I retired. At 32 years young. I’ve been traveling the world for almost 2 years full-time, ‘working’ 4 hours a MONTH!

And my passive income has almost TRIPLED in that time.

I’m SO Grateful 🙂

Two things I want to say:

First, as an indirect comment without pointing out someone else’s address to you… well done for protecting your time.. and being hard to reach. The whole purpose of this mindset and lifestyle you teach is to master your life on your terms… including who you want to spend your time with. I feel you have gifted the world with enormous value in the delivery of your content via your book and this blog, that you owe no one your time…

(having said that, the next time I’m at my second home-base: San Fransisco – Redwood City.. I’d love to catch up for a coffee or wine and say THANK YOU in person… my shout! (Aussie term for saying I will pay ;)….

Second… you totally crack me up with your wine use… I love wine too.. my favorite ‘crack up belly laughter’ moment was in your “3-minute slow-carb breakfast” video when you swig the wine – at breakfast!! *LMAO*

Thanks for being so ingenious and entertaining..


Katie Joy :o)

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
14 years ago
Reply to  Katie Joy

WOW – nice work! I just wrote the book — you did all the leg work. SF’s a small town. I wouldn’t be surprised if we bump into each other.

Ah, wine. It’s good stuff 🙂

Pura vida,


14 years ago

tim, I too, rarely buy new books. I have been slowly absorbing the outsourcing chapter. crazy to me. i read before i sleep and was dreaming of indians in cubicles all night…..as a mother, i am overly eager to outsource my entire existence. i feel like the business i run, my household, would fall apart without me when all i want to do is attend a lengthy spanish speaking school, gain fluency, and then travel all over the world. Anyhow, there are few women on this site, and i don’t know why. your charm comes through in your book, you are quite easy to watch. if i were single, my only goal would be to accompany you out of the country.

14 years ago

Hey Tim,

I am in an exciting pickle! ..and I need your advice! I just got accepted to Chiropractic school out in Chicago this upcoming fall and I am finishing my undergrad at JMU this May. My brother and I started a 4hww-esk business around health information products that makes us money when we aren’t around. With super limited capital our progress has been slow for our first few months but we have basically no expenses so the margins are like 98% (nice) ..with the learning curve flatting we are now starting to make a big push at expansion and may even be able to fund my whole med school tuition over the next two years..even while I’m there studying a 13413432 hours! Hows that for the negative hours work week?? lol

The REAL question comes with what should I do this summer with limited money? Should I try and set up an awesome adventure like traveling somewhere through crafty negotiations or further spend effort to grow the business. Or both I presume. Any suggestions are great since this is like my last summer before I go into the “real world” of 27 credit hours a semester for the next 10 semesters till I graduate! haha yay healing! (but I’m a healthoholic so its actually fun for me lol)

All the best my man,


Johnny Jen
Johnny Jen
14 years ago

Hey Tim, Iike the new format of the show, it makes it flow better instead of being a bit too “random” and drawn out -long. and I think it’ll be cool if ya’ll get some sponsors! Good luck with that.

By the way, I just bought the expanded version of your 4hww book and can’t wait till my next mini-retirement down to Utila, Honduras to read it. =)

I read the 1st edition while doing an 18-month mini retirement in Thailand and it helped me tremendously.


14 years ago

Glenn, ace work m’man!

david brundage
david brundage
14 years ago

WHOA! multiple camera angles are blowing my mind! good accent to an already enjoyable video!

14 years ago

You guys should make a “Random” iPhone app so I can watch them on my phone.

Daniel Penner
Daniel Penner
14 years ago

hahaha I get a kick out of you guys! Hilarious.

14 years ago

Glenn, ace work m’man!

14 years ago

Most cool. We visited just this past January.

14 years ago

Great content as usual Tim. What strikes me about the shows and your blog is that you are open, honest and have a direct manner which is rare unfortunately today. That being said I found Kevin misleading in this video promoting his girlfriend but calling her his “friend” http://www.summertomato.com. No disrepect towards her I’m sure she is lovely person and her blog has some good content. I don’t find anything wrong with promoting your significant other open and honestly. However, it’s disturbing to me that he couldn’t be open and honest about his true relationship with her since he preaches about open and honest communication and envisions a world that is all connected. Because he wasn’t upfront it’s planted a seed a doubt in my mind now questioning his true relationship with every person, website etc that he promotes.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Lara Jane | Ultimate Lifestyle Project
Lara Jane | Ultimate Lifestyle Project
14 years ago

Great video as always guys – very entertaining, inspiring and gave s a bit to ponder on over dinner.

Keep up the great work.


14 years ago

Hey Tim, Great show. By the way, BJ Fogg at Stanford University hinted that you might be a guest lecturer at some point. I look forward to seeing you in class if you can make it. Your new book on hacking the book promises to be every bit as good as the first. 🙂


Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
14 years ago
Reply to  Gaju

Tell BJ to give me a call!



14 years ago

Very interesting video here with lots of great content. My first time here.

I am also a fan and colleague of Darya of Summer Tomato.

I agree about the mushrooms and not adding water to them. I am a mushroom forager/hunter, as well as a cooking teacher. You want to cook them until they are dryish or add butter. (I personally don’t use it so I’d add a bit of olive oil.)

I love that you pass on the idea of using herbs and spices, and agree that growing your own is best and most affordable. Not so great if you’re busy traveling, though, as they need some attention. Dried works best then.

As a Registered Dietitian, I do a whole talk on using herbs and spices for flavor and tremendous health benefit. Especially important if you are eating meat — the wild cows or otherwise.


Joshua Black
Joshua Black
14 years ago


This is a very powerful model to use to get your message out there. It just shows everyone that is trying to start their own business so that they can achieve the freedom that you have, that it is all possible.

I can’t wait for the next episode. This blog and your book has been a true inspiration to my business and my personal life as well.

-Joshua Black

14 years ago

Sweet video. I appreciate the show notes. Thanks!

14 years ago

Tim, I’ve shared your book/website/style with the important people in my life – personal trainer, best friends, and the co-workers I like (haha – “current” co-workers 😉

I caught myself listening to the audio version for the 4th time while traveling, and when I share your ideas, the people I enjoy the most love them – while the people that cause me the most stress or live in fear think you’re crazy (or polluting my brain haha). How can freedom be crazy?

As I’ve begun transitioning my life, following your advice, I’ve been looking for ways to trim down anything holding me back (from weight, to co-workers). I just saw an add for scottevest… all the pockets and none of the baggage for travel, litterally – check it out Tim, I think it would be your style.

Thanks again for the informational antioxidants for my life!


Leroy | For the Kids
Leroy | For the Kids
14 years ago

Hey Tim, as an old lifter myself now 45 years old, I remember that post about the Trap Bar (I prefer to call it the Shrug Bar). It took me very little to lift over 400lbs with this, I’m a skinny hardgainer.

For those who don’t know a 500lbs trap bar deadlift while impressive, is achievable for someone who has lifted as long as you have, please…now if you talk about the straight bar…not so easy, I would crown you king if you achieve that.

Matt Lake
Matt Lake
14 years ago

Great video.

It’s funny, I’m actually watching this from an internet cafe in Queenstown, New Zealand. It really is a beautiful place… I also did the Nevis bungy a couple of months ago.

I was probably here when Kevin was.

And the next trip I’m planning is to South Africa… so overall great travel recommendations!

Keep up the great work and looking forward to the new book!


14 years ago

Did he really just say he ate the shit out of some lamb? ;-p

Tim T
Tim T
14 years ago

Inspiring book. I think I know the answer to my question…but here goes.

Short of exiting the practice of medicine, is there any way to achieve NR status as an MD in private practice? I have long been contemplating getting out of the practice of medicine, have developed a product (and am half ass marketing as medical practice consumes me), and have discussed with my wife. While I know it gives me the “expert” title for many venues, 13 years of education seems tough to walk on.

I am so close to doing it. Any advice?


Tim T, MD

Dennis Wakabayashi
Dennis Wakabayashi
14 years ago

“Have you heard about Mojofiti.com? http://www.mojofiti.com

is a website where anyone can get an international blog and every entry, email and group is translated into 28 different languages for free. It’s awesome, finally a world without language barriers!”

Vasco Patricio
Vasco Patricio
14 years ago

Great video.

I guessed Kevin’s book from the moment he posted about it on his blog some months before. Haha.

Love Danielson
Love Danielson
14 years ago

Hey Tim,

i was wondering if you have ever tramped around in travel? i mean as in no money (or at least not a lot) and little luggage, camping out, the works.

into the wild style. seems your a big traveler anyways, it’s different.

Zach Turner
Zach Turner
14 years ago


You travel a lot and seem to have no intention of settling down any time soon. I travel 75% of the year for work and for pleasure. I’m getting to the point of really stressing about finding a girl and starting a family cause I know it’s something I want to do, but there’s still so much left to discover. What are your thoughts on that? Got any plans for family and kids or is that not a priority for you?

14 years ago

If you’d like to visit Africa please do not consider South Africa as “Africa”.

It has very little in common with the rest of Africa

Zach Turner
Zach Turner
14 years ago


You travel a lot and seem to have no intention of settling down any time soon. I travel 75% of the year for work and for pleasure. I’m getting to the point of really stressing about finding a girl and starting a family cause I know it’s something I want to do, but there’s still so much left to discover. What are your thoughts on that? Got any plans for family and kids or is that not a priority for you?

thanks in advance for your reply 😉


Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
14 years ago
Reply to  Zach Turner

Hi Zach,

I definitely want the family, but I’m in no rush, perhaps a benefit of being male. Rushing leads to bad decisions, but I’m sure it’ll happen once I find the right girl.


14 years ago

Hello Tim Ferriss

I live in the UK mostly and not heard of you until I came across your blog, purely by accident this week. If I succumb I may buy your book… perhaps…. although it looks like ‘Delivering Happiness’ may be worth investigating too.

Your Random show was highly entertaining and you and Kevin come across as a nice pair of lads with a real lust for life. I have a mini (tiny, very small, even microscopic) crush on you. Perhaps you could give me a cheeky rockstar wink on the next Random show? Yes?

Cheerio (thats english for goodbye) x

Luis Merino
Luis Merino
14 years ago

Tim, haven’t you been filmed somewhere else lately aside from Random, I believe I’ve seen you before…


Chris Peacock
Chris Peacock
14 years ago

Nice episode Tim, as always!

Hope you guys work your way over to Scotland at some point. We have a kick ass farmers market in Edinburgh right beneath the castle.


14 years ago

Great post. Always loved the random series. Especially with extra mushrooms.

Giovanni Mattucci
Giovanni Mattucci
14 years ago

Hy during your video you guys mentioned syncing up your calender with iCal and Google Calendar, as well as the Calender for the iPhone.

On Google they give you step by step instructions to sync Google calender with your iPhone using Microsoft Exchange. All without having to use some third party app.

Heres the link:http://www.google.com/support/mobile/bin/answer.py?answer=138740&topic=14252

Hope this is somewhat useful!

14 years ago

Tim, the show is great, as always!

Is this the “montreal steak rub” you mentioned?


I am in need for some good meat seasoning. It’s hard to find a good steak rub in europe, so I’m gonna order it if you confirm it’s that one.

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
14 years ago
Reply to  Antek

That’s the stuff, Antek.


Mike T Nelson
Mike T Nelson
14 years ago

Good episode guys! Loved it!


A 500 lb deadlift is possible for many, although not common and a great goal to shoot for indeed. I love the deadlift.

Keep us updated on your progress and anything I can do to help.

Rock on

Mike T Nelson PhD(c)

Jana Martin
Jana Martin
14 years ago

Hi Tim;

Absolutely love your Random Show!!!

Also, wanted to tell you that recently after hearing that my hubby’s plant is closing in a year, I decided to completely follow your advice and jump off the 9-5 track.

I sent out 20 inquiries to VA’s overseas and within an hour got 3 responses. I couldn’t believe the cost and quality of these applicants. If it wasn’t for you or your book I never would have considered doing this.

Youre amazing – Keep up the great work of inspiring us!


Marian Schembari
Marian Schembari
14 years ago

Aaaahahahahah! Omg. I’m pretty much obsessed with you guys.

Ben Coe
Ben Coe
14 years ago

Tim~ Don’t know you, but from what little I know of your fast-paced learning, and childhood interest in superheroes I think you will love this episode of This American Life, especially Episode 2. http://www.thisamericanlife.org/radio-archives/episode/178/Superpowers

14 years ago

Hey Tim & Kevin,

May I suggest BusyCal to replace iCal?

It syncs between multiple users, iPhone and Google Calendar, has tons of features that are missing in iCal. It syncs so beautifully, I wonder why Apple can’t manage to get it right.

John Chaffee and Dave Riggle, the develpers, were the ones responsible for making NUD (Now Up To Date) way back.

I was skeptical about at first, but after using it for just a couple of days, I don’t think I can go back to iCal.

Hope it helps a little , let me know what you think.

All The Best,


P.S. If you’re a gmail user, I’ve totally switched to Mailplane.

14 years ago

Please continue to do more of these!!!!!!

David Bridle
David Bridle
14 years ago

You should try going to Sikumi Tree lodges in Zimbabwe for a real safari.


Just down the road from Victoria Falls. An amazing place.

A high voltage wire, that can’t be turned on, and being high in the trees are the only things separating you from the animals.

Great experience. Very humbling.

14 years ago

Hey Tim,

Are you worried that the site you recommended will use your travel information or sell it?

James Grummell
James Grummell
14 years ago


Your videos are a constant source of inspiration and motivation for me. The clip of the Dwyka Lodge is amazing! You truly are living life!

It motivated me to plan a trip to Japan next February and to compete in a Kendo tournament.

Finally I wanted to share a link you might enjoy as I have seen from your blog and book you are a fan of languages. The Foreign Service Institutes has released a lot of their language courses for free.


Thanks again for everything and keep the videos coming!


Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
14 years ago
Reply to  James Grummell

Congrats, James! And thank you for such kind words. You will LOVE kendo in Japan.

Ganbare 🙂


Jana Martin
Jana Martin
14 years ago

Tim –

I still haven’t finished all the way through your new edition of the book but just wanted to let you know that I have hired two VA’s within a week and woke up this morning to emails from one telling me that the research she had given me was done. The other VA emailed me telling that she had completed two ebooks that have been sitting on my hard drive for a year and half.

I am seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. THANK YOU!

14 years ago

Tell Kevin i can send him some Rooibos tea if he really wants some as i live in South Africa

14 years ago

Another great random vid, keep doing these guys. Awesome stuff

14 years ago

Great show guys! I love the Ferry building, I used to work several blocks up Market. What equipment is Glenn using to film? I saw a SLR?

Yen Hoang
Yen Hoang
14 years ago

Great video! Thanks for keep sharing random, cool & useful stuff. Have you heard of this tasty all natural Vietnamese brown rice noodle soup called Happy Pho? I came across the founders at Wholefoods San Mateo when they were giving out samples. Totally delicious stuff! Tastes just like the Pho I had when I was traveling in Vietnam, has organic green tea in the noodles, and cook in 10 mins.

Michael Ashcroft
Michael Ashcroft
13 years ago


First time I’ve ever posted, so a big thank you is in order. Your book and blog have had a massive impact on my life – amazing stuff. Thank you so much.

Now, hopefully I can help you out a little.

With respect to your reliable 500lb deadlift… there are two coaches in San Fran that I couldn’t recommend more highly – Kelly Starrett and Adrian Bozman. Apart from being stellar in their own right, I believe they’ve both spent some time learning from epic powerlifter Louie Simmons (no doubt you’ve heard of Louie).

Kelly is also a first rate Physical Therapist – you may, in fact, discover there are some mechanical or impingement issues holding you back from lifting heavier.

They both work out of San Francisco CrossFit.

I’m sure you can find some outstanding help there that will assist you in crushing your 500lb target in no time.

Hope that helps and again, many thanks for all your amazing work.



Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
13 years ago

Thanks for the comment and kind words, Mike! I’ve actually met up with Kelly and agree that he’s a very, very smart dude. Thanks for reading!

Nicholas Bester
Nicholas Bester
13 years ago

Awesome show, glad to see you enjoyed South Africa. In terms of a better safari experience (which does cost quite a bit but is definitely worth it) go to Sabie Sabie. Its a private reserve in the Kruger park. Probably the best place to go to see South African wildlife. Remember that for next time 🙂

There is also a massive bungee jump in the Western Cape province at Bloukrans Bridge. I believe its one of the highest if not the highest bungee jump in the world.

I’m a South African and am yet to do 2 things which you have done. Shark cage diving and Climbing Lions head. I’ll add that onto my to do list this year :p

By the way The four hour body is awesome, will look at purchasing The four hour work week at some point this week.

Thanks for all the useful advice and happy new year



13 years ago

I found this site after reading the 4 Hour Body and was surprised at how much great content there is. I think I’m going to be spending a lot of time here for the next while!