The Practicality of Pessimism: Stoicism as a Productivity System

This is a recent 5-minute presentation I gave at Google I/O Ignite called “The Practicality of Pessimism: Stoicism as a Productivity System.”

In it, I discuss the two most effective productivity techniques I’ve found since 2004, both borrowed from Stoicism. I include personal usage examples, as well as several from Seneca and Cato. The audio is quite low, so you’ll need to up the volume.

Ponder this: could defining your fears be more important than defining your goals?

Suggested and related posts:

Fireside Chat at Google with Timothy Ferriss

The Secrets of Super-Productive CEOs – QA with Timothy Ferriss (Inc. Magazine)

Stoicism 101: A Practical Guide for Entrepreneurs

On The Shortness of Life: An Introduction to Seneca

Stoicism for Modern Stresses: 5 Lessons from Cato

For those who’d like to taste the various approaches to this format, here are all of the Ignite videos in one uncut sequence. There are some outstanding speakers:

The Tim Ferriss Show is one of the most popular podcasts in the world with more than one billion downloads. It has been selected for "Best of Apple Podcasts" three times, it is often the #1 interview podcast across all of Apple Podcasts, and it's been ranked #1 out of 400,000+ podcasts on many occasions. To listen to any of the past episodes for free, check out this page.

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Comment Rules: Remember what Fonzie was like? Cool. That’s how we’re gonna be — cool. Critical is fine, but if you’re rude, we’ll delete your stuff. Please do not put your URL in the comment text and please use your PERSONAL name or initials and not your business name, as the latter comes off like spam. Have fun and thanks for adding to the conversation! (Thanks to Brian Oberkirch for the inspiration.)

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Alex Berger
Alex Berger
14 years ago

Great advice Tim, it really mirrors the difference between “if only” people and those who stop making excuses and go for it.

I just attended Ignite Phx 4 last week – can’t get enough of this format and the power/efficiency of the presentations. Very cool to see Google engaged in the program.

14 years ago

Regarding the topic of productivity and avoiding burn out, I’ve been looking at using methods of rhythm instead of balance. There is a book I found-very analytical- that speaks of balance being “like a pose we try to strike” but “rhythm is like a dance” I did a to-the-point review on the work @ on it, if you’re interested.

Tim, to avoid burn out, do you sort of take big breaks, or dance organic rhythms, or something else? Being such an inventive, busy, bloke, who globe-trots, you must implement something.

Thanks, for the insights.


Avi Solomon
Avi Solomon
14 years ago

Nice job applying the Stoic spiritual exercises. All the Philosophy departments in the world combined would be hard-pressed to equal your brilliant achievement!

Seneca’s letters are available for free here:


I’ve found it useful to read them one at a time at breakfast – my day passes the better for it:)

May Groppo
May Groppo
14 years ago

Ignite talks are very similar to PechaKucha Night, a worldwide event where presenters get to talk for 20 imagenes x 20 seconds each.

I organize it in Buenos Aires since 2006 and it is great fun.

Tim, if you happen to come back, let me know! If not, you can check the global web page as the event takes place in more than 211 cities worldwide now.


[…] So back to the title.  It seems like one of the strangest things I could say but wow it so is.  I was watching a 5 minute presentation on Stoicism and looking at our fears rather than trying to improve our motivation.  The practicality of pessimism: Stoicism as a productivity system […]


[…] much of his writing inspirational. If you would benefit from becoming more productive read his post The Practicality of Pessimism: Stoicism as a Productivity System. It features a 5 minute presentation in which he discusses what he considers to be the two most […]

Hope Hyder
Hope Hyder
14 years ago

Hi Tim,

The link to the q&a goes to a different article. Thought you’d like to know so you can update it.

this is where your link currently points: (it says that it’s your q & a but the actual article that shows up at this page is titled: 8 Tips for Managing Staff Through Hard Times)

here is the correct link to your article (named improperly but is your q&a):

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
14 years ago
Reply to  Hope Hyder

Thanks, Hope! That is a strange mix-up, indeed.

All the best,


Frank Harris
Frank Harris
14 years ago

Can someone answer tell me an outsource company that I can dedicate my business e-mail to that is not expensive and is reliable. Also what is the name of the Jamican outsource company Tim spoke about that uses Americans and is not expensive?

Best Regards,

Frank Harris


[…] be. Is it that bad? Another great advice coming from my favorite Tim Ferriss is the following: define your fears. Are you afraid of losing your job? Are you afraid of failing that exam? And if whatever you are […]


[…] Ferriss wrote an article on The Practicality of Pessimism, that mentioned on living the life that you had feared living if things go […]

Chuck Rylant
Chuck Rylant
14 years ago

HI Tim:

I really appreciate what you share on your blog. Your thought process and ability to articulate it is impressive. It’s rare that I come across someone that thinks about life and provocatively decides how to live instead of reacting to it as you do. I’ve learned a lot from you and you continue to cause me to question my own beliefs. It is refreshing to know there are others in life that enjoy continual learning, personal growth, and pleasure all at the same time.



[…] Ferriss has discussed pessimism as a productivity system, but a constructive use of negativity goes beyond just productivity. According to The Law of […]

14 years ago

For a simple approach to setting goals and being more productive, you may want to check out, a very nicely built web app designed for tracking goals and todo lists, and supports time tracking too. It’s clear, focused, easy to navigate, worth a try.


[…] lives. There are countless proposed solutions on how to quell our fear(s). Tim Ferriss believes in identifying them, and well, I have. As I type these words I am facing a particular fear: writing a blog. In writing […]

George Resch
George Resch
14 years ago

For what it’s worth, I have to respectfully disagree. I think people’s subconscious fears hold them back enough as it is. To bring them to the surface on purpose for practical use is doubling up on an already unfortunate circumstance. If I’m being honest with myself about what I’m capable of, there is nothing but love and action that are going to get me where I need to be. Fear and hesitation have played too big of a part in my life already. I’m fully prepared to move on without them and see what happens and where I can go. There are not enough dreamers out there as it is.

13 years ago

George, Tim and the world

I too have to respectfully disagree with you. Writing down your fears and looking for ways to minimize their (possible) impact is not something that will empower that fear. On the contrary, as other have commented, once fear is named it loses a lot of it’s subconscious ability to paralyze our actions. Pre-planned actions in case those fear manifest themselves are a must and these are actually school-taught entrepreneurial methods of doing business (the SWAT diagram). And that’s a point of support for those who advocate goals should be defined in tandem with fears. Once you know what you want and what may go wrong you are able to prepare in advance and get yourself a ticket to Success Highway.

Since I started reading Tim’s blog your comment is the first to contain THE magic word: love. Following on that I have to say I find it funny how out there you guys go from positive visualization to negative vaccine-like visualization, and who knows what may come next, in order to adapt your paradigm with the reality. I hope (and actually feel) that someday the answer will come to you.

I am curious as to what is your paradigm Timothy. Are we the result of some random accident? Are we a part of some Divine Creation Plan? Were we planted here by aliens? Is there a higher purpose in life or we should just get the best of it? Is happiness one of your fears? What are your fears Timothy, can you share them with us? You wrote in your book that no one can define happiness and therefore it’s useless to talk about it, wasn’t the American Dream about finding happiness? How do you think we should relate to the others – family, friends, complete strangers?

Thank you very much for your time


PS: On a meaner ( 😀 ) note – am I the only one that thinks the first speaker from the Ignite conference video has some ‘real’ reasons to want to lose his ‘fragile’ body? He reminds me of one of Tolstoi’s fables.

Andrew McGilly
Andrew McGilly
12 years ago

great talk Tim! keep calm and carry on! I love it!

Itay Neta
Itay Neta
12 years ago

I’m wondering if Tim, or anyone else, could please help me to understand the meaning of this sentence. I don’t mean to be anal or fixated, but it seemed significant… At 5:32 of the Google Ignite video, Tim says: “undervaluing the things that are easily obtainable.” Does this go back to the 3rd part of the list with all the things I can do to get back to the status quo?

Or just tell me to let it go. Either way. 🙂


Jimmy Naraine
Jimmy Naraine
10 years ago

One of the best pieces of advice you’ve ever given. Kudos for a great speech.

9 years ago

this is general comment about this site: i dont see any sign of tim’s ideas on selling and marketing. should be a top topic here, because not much happens till some sales are made. i read one comment somewhere, that people are more persuaded by fear of losing something than promises to get something. is that true or just a hypothesis by tim without proof? so if it’s true, i need MORE ideas like that, posted on this site, about how to sell better. as an ent, one of my top talents/skills is selling, because i restrict it to things i really believe in, because they are really desirable to anyone almost, eg a cure for cancer, etc.

so where is the marketing advice on this site?? – thanks – paul

Anna Karina Dos Santos
Anna Karina Dos Santos
8 years ago

Hi Tim,

I would like to thank you for that video.

Looking forward to watch more like these.

8 years ago

I was introduced to Stoicism because of this video few years ago.

It changed my life for the better.

Thank you Tim!

8 years ago

I was introduced to Stoicism because of this video few years ago.

It changed my life for the better!!

Thank you so much Tim!

8 years ago

I found that stoicism resonates with me more than western religion. Thanks for introducing me to stoic philosophy Tim!

Jason Palmer
Jason Palmer
8 years ago

Get a man in india to watch them and send you a summary email.

Mira Howard
Mira Howard
8 years ago

Hi Tim,

I have a question about manufacturers. I’ve been through the steps of your book, but in looking for a manufacturer, it is really important to me that I use ethical company. I don’t want to contribute to a culture where they have to hang nets outside windows so people don’t die when they try to kill themselves because the working conditions are so terrible. Any tips?
