How to Surf Life: Attorney Turned Surf Guru

(Photo: envisionpublicidad)

Many a false step was made by standing still.

-Fortune Cookie

Named must your fear be before banish it you can.

-Yoda, Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back


Twenty feet and closing.

“Run! Ruuuuuuuuuun!” Hans didn’t speak Portuguese, but the meaning was clear enough—haul ass. His sneakers gripped firmly on the jagged rock, and he drove his chest forward towards 3,000 feet of nothing.

He held his breath on the final step, and the panic drove him to near unconsciousness. His vision blurred at the edges, closing to a single pin point of light, and then… he floated. The all-consuming celestial blue of the horizon hit his visual field an instant after he realized that the thermal updraft had caught him and the wings of the paraglider. Fear was behind him on the mountain top, and thousands of feet above the resplendent green rain forest and pristine white beaches of Copacabana, Hans Keeling had seen the light.

That was Sunday.

On Monday, Hans returned to his law office in Century City, Los Angeles’ posh corporate haven, and promptly handed in his three-week notice…

For nearly five years, he had faced his alarm clock with the same dread: I have to do this for another 40-45 years? He had once slept under his desk at the office after a punishing half-done project, only to wake up and continue on it the next morning. That same morning, he had made himself a promise: two more times and I’m out of here. Strike number three came the day before he left for his Brazilian vacation.

We all make these promises to ourselves, and Hans had done it before as well, but things were now somehow different. He was different. He had realized something while arcing in slow circles towards the earth—risks weren’t that scary once you took them. His colleagues told him what he expected to hear: he was throwing it all away. He was an attorney on his way to the top—what the hell did he want?

Hans didn’t know exactly what he wanted, but he had tasted it. On the other hand, he did know what bored him to tears, and he was done with it. No more passing days as the living dead, no more dinners where his colleagues compared cars, riding on the sugar high of a new BMW purchase until someone bought a more expensive Mercedes. It was over.

Immediately, a strange shift began—Hans felt, for the first time in a long time, at peace with himself and what he was doing. He had always been terrified of plane turbulence, as if he might die with the best inside of him, but now he could fly through a violent storm sleeping like a baby. Strange indeed.

More than a year later, he was still getting unsolicited job offers from law firms but by then had started Nexus Surf, a premier surf-adventure company based in the tropical paradise of Florianopolis, Brazil. He had met his dream girl, a Carioca with caramel-colored skin named Tatiana [bottom right here], and spent most of his time relaxing under palm trees or treating clients to the best times of their lives.

Is this what he had been so afraid of?

These days, he often sees his former self in the under-joyed and overworked professionals he takes out on the waves. Waiting for the swell, the true emotions come out: “God, I wish I could do what you do.” His reply is always the same: “You can.”

The setting sun reflects off the surface of the water, providing a zen-like setting for a message he knows is true: it’s not giving up to put your current path on indefinite pause. He could pick up his law career exactly where he left off if he wanted to, but that is the furthest thing from his mind.

As they paddle back to shore after an awesome session, his clients get a hold of themselves and regain their composure. They set foot on shore, and reality sinks its fangs in: “I would, but I can’t really throw it all away.”

He has to laugh.


Excerpted from The 4-Hour Workweek, Chapter 3: Dodging Bullets – Fear-setting and Escaping Paralysis

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Kaye Cabatingan
Kaye Cabatingan
11 years ago

I have so much respect for people who followed their dreams and disregard what other people will say. It is you who holds your self, it will only be you who can reach your dreams and there is no one except you who can decide for who you wanted and what you wanted to become. People who survives from great heat of their routinized job does not mean that they gave up easily rather they take a leap to travel and reach their goals in life. It takes courage and planning to become the person you want to become. It takes determination and perseverance. Nevertheless, these are possible if you know for yourself what you want to achieve. Most of us wants to achieve something but when you ask them to elaborate what they wanted in life, they won’t be able because they are not sure. Know yourself better, and know your dreams. List down your dreams in life and see it everyday, It will keep you going and going until you reach your destination. Thank you for inspiring me. Your words are my fuel to keep me going.

11 years ago

Dude I have been at two law schools and can say law really does suck.

I think it’s sad how youth are brain washed to go to college and pile on mountains of debt all to live as someone else’s slave until their dying day. High school and college kids I can say at age 30- think hard and don’t live someone else’s dream you’ll hate yourself if you do. Let the haters hate but pick something you live to do everybody’s do worried about retirement but in this crazy 1984 world who knows what crap they’ll sell the masses in 20 or 30 years so instead of waiting to be screwed by the man down the line live today. If I cold inspire just one 18-24 y/o with thus post it has made it worth posting. Screw their plastic dreams they try to conform you too it’s so not worth it.

Jimmy Naraine
Jimmy Naraine
10 years ago

This is one of my favourite parts of the book! I remember reading it for the first time and fantasizing about going to Rio de Janeiro. Eventually, I ended up in Rio and actually re-read this part on Copacabana/Leme. It may seem crazy, but I have to admit… I found that situation absolutely magical!

Justin Gordon
Justin Gordon
8 years ago

Tim, giving up your career, for your passions like surfing, is no longer necessary given the ability to work for REMOTE-FIRST companies like mine, “ShakaCode” (google it if this appeals to you and you might want to join such a REMOTE-FIRST company!). We’ve embraced a lifestyle where creativity anywhere matters, and any time zone and location in the world is fine. Thus, combining remote first software development plus surfing (or other great outdoor action sports) is ideal.

8 years ago

I used to think that this sort of hedonistic life is what I wanted…to fly away to some tropical paradise and spend my time fornicating with beautiful women, doing some pleasurable yet overall meaningless activity like surfing.

As I’ve reflected more on my life I realized it’s better to spend it in a purposeful wayon something that I truly care about (my community, science etc). I believe that unless he finds a new meaningful purpose in his Brazilian location, after awhile of just pleasuring himself, he will get bored.You can’t eat chocolate cake breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Tom Garney
Tom Garney
8 years ago

I’d like to respond to Gary. I know how you feel my friend. I spent the last 15 years sitting in a cube, doing work I am good at, but hate. I to struggled with the question of how to make a transition like this work, and I finally think I have the answer. I’m pretty lucky in that I was able to last long enough to get teachers retirement. I still had 4 more years to go to get full SS, but I filed on my 62nd birthday and took the 75% amount. Now having said that you may think I am set for life, but even with this steady income I don’t have enough to really hang it up totally. So here is what I think is the process (based on my personal experience) Step 1. Gather as much secured income as you can. (If possible). Step 2. Even if you can’t achieve step 1. Find out what you are most drawn to doing. This is your inherent talent. Add knowledge and skills and grow this talent into a strength. Step 3. Take a deep breath and LEAVE. My retirement party is June 1st. For the past year I have been developing my talents as an artist and plan to close the income gap by making and selling art. (Could that fail? Sure, but I won’t be working in that damn cube any longer. ) I’ll be doing what I want to do and that is the key to self liberation this article is speaking about. You don’t necessarily need to run off to another country to get a rewarding life, you can get it right here. ( just look at what Tim is doing) The trick is getting out of that job you hate, and go find something you love that inspires you, that you will look forward to getting out of bed in the mornings to do. That’s all there is to it. In the immortal words of a great motivator: Just Do It, Do It Noooooowwwww!!