How to Travel the World for Free (And Win $4,000+ Worth of Prizes, Plus a Private Q&A)

4HWW trip around the world

If you have any interest in travel, then the next two minutes of reading are definitely worth your time.

It’s been too long since I’ve done a giveaway. I’ve been thinking about a trip to Australia or Montreal, so perhaps you’d like a getaway, too?  By that, I mean a vacation of epic proportions. I’ve partnered with StackSocial and Bootsnall to offer you a free ride around the globe.  Literally.  And there are tons of runner-up prizes (see below).

For those of you who really want to win, here’s a shortcut: Each time you share your unique link, which you get upon signing up, you receive another five entries. So spreading the word on Facebook and Twitter vastly improves your odds.

Click here to sign up. Share it well, and perhaps I’ll see you on the road!

Grand Prize: The Tim Ferriss Round-the-World Prize (worth $3,355.95)

1st Runner Up: The High-Flying DJI Drone Prize  (worth $1,034.95)

All hail the DJI Phantom 2–the king of the drones and a true aerial photography trailblazer. The 1st Runner Up will take home a brand new DJI along with 7 or our top-selling tech essentials!

2nd Runner Up: The Tech-Savvy Tastemaker Prize  (worth $355.95)

Score the 7 gadgets you need this fall–all designed by top innovators, all best sellers. Power up outside with a solar battery pack, power yourself around the world with one plug, and carry it all in the stylish FYL Bag.

Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner…

To sign up, simply click here. And don’t forget, every time you share the page, your likelihood of winning increases.  Simple.

Hope to share a drink with you during your adventures.  One trip like this can change your life forever, so it’s worth taking 60 seconds to toss your hat in the ring.

Good luck and pura vida!

The Tim Ferriss Show is one of the most popular podcasts in the world with more than one billion downloads. It has been selected for "Best of Apple Podcasts" three times, it is often the #1 interview podcast across all of Apple Podcasts, and it's been ranked #1 out of 400,000+ podcasts on many occasions. To listen to any of the past episodes for free, check out this page.

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Comment Rules: Remember what Fonzie was like? Cool. That’s how we’re gonna be — cool. Critical is fine, but if you’re rude, we’ll delete your stuff. Please do not put your URL in the comment text and please use your PERSONAL name or initials and not your business name, as the latter comes off like spam. Have fun and thanks for adding to the conversation! (Thanks to Brian Oberkirch for the inspiration.)

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8 years ago


Love this plan, thanks Tim ! I am going to dream tonight 🙂

Marcus Grip
Marcus Grip
8 years ago

You are awesome, Tim! I will spread this like a virus. As much as I love to travel, I’m even more excited to a conversation with you. Thanks for doing great things and share some joy and adventures!

8 years ago

I’m same on this as marcus. I’d much rather just win a conversation with you than travel the world (haz family, lotza responsibilities and such) XD.

8 years ago

I agree I would love to have a conversation about how I can get away from the 9-5, be financially free and independent. Traveling the world would be cool but learning how to be able to do the kinda of things you do would be awesome.

8 years ago

Montreal..come to Montreal but only when it is warm..

Marko Zupanic
Marko Zupanic
8 years ago

One more great article from you 😉 I dream about travel around world couple years and every day I am closer to do that 😉 Thanks for you great tips!

Darren Smarslok
Darren Smarslok
8 years ago

Hey Tim,

Thanks for this great opportunity….traveling and getting to bend your ear. This is certainly coming at the right time to lift my mood. I’ll be sure to share this with the world!

Much thanks…..

8 years ago

I did it for one reason, and one reason only:

“1-Hour Private Q&A Session with Tim Ferriss”

8 years ago

I have sign up for one reason, and one reason only:

“1-Hour Private Q&A Session with Tim Ferriss”

8 years ago

I have been dreaming of a round the world trip. The sample route looks very interesting. Signed up and will be sharing the link as well.

Ryan Biddulph
Ryan Biddulph
8 years ago

Hi Tim,

Beyond awesome. I’ll share it for my journeying buddies, and as a guy who’s circled the globe for 53 months straight, goodness gracious you can travel the world through many ways and means. This contest is one of them. So is house sitting. We’ve lived rent-free in: Fiji, NYC, Bali, Nicaragua, and coming up, Costa Rica, over the past 16 months. Lodging for free in kick butt spots. Thanks so much for sharing with us dude. You rock. And keep up posted on where you’re headed; would love to meet up with you.

Pura Vida,


Marcus Grip
Marcus Grip
8 years ago
Reply to  Ryan Biddulph

Sounds cool Ryan, where do you get in touch of house owners for the sittings? Let me know if you need tips on Costa Rica 😀

DJ Nico
DJ Nico
8 years ago

You should visit Halifax, Nova Scotia instead Montreal Tim. I could show you around. Your book changed how I plan my life (well partly) and I’m grateful for putting something concrete on paper that kinda formalized my thinking. Dreaming about trip around World but for now I’m doing mini trips when I pass Atlantic ocean to visit parents in Europe and utilize budget air carriers (Ryan Air, Easy Jet, Wizz Air, Berlin Wings, Pegasus, etc) for cheep flights. Now I have collection of carrion baggage that is matching to criteria of above carriers. As well I learned a lot about what to wear to pack as much practical things and still travel light. Anyway… Great posts here. This is my first comment but I reading lots of your blogs.



8 years ago
Reply to  DJ Nico

I’m from Montreal and I lived in Halifax for 5 years. Both great cities, but I tell all my American friends that if they had to choose one spot, to visit Newfoundland – it’s an experience like none other.

veronica oleson
veronica oleson
8 years ago

I discoved you last Wednesday, and have not put down 4hour work week. I’m nearly finished and work and go to school full-time. :).

You have some incredible information.

yalcin kaya
yalcin kaya
8 years ago

Great timing for a sweepstake! I am planning a year long trip around the world starting in couple of months. Hope I win! Universe, bring it to me!

8 years ago

Would love to win this Tim! I’m working as a freelance designer and working on a startup at the moment, this would be the most kickass way to meet you, see the world, and learn a ton. Fingers are sincerely crossed!

8 years ago

Can’t help you with this because I concur with Essena O’Neill on the fact that social media is an artificial world that is for those who have nothing better to do with their time, except of course for the advertisers and promoters of social media who are in it for the money.

Essena O’Neill is not only an attractive young woman, but a highly intelligent person who has had the courage to sound the tocsin against social media, seeing it for what it really is, a huge fairy tale world of pseudo friendships.

8 years ago

Tim, great idea. You are awesome! The one hour would fly by I could talk to you for hours. Thanks

Brendan Wetherall
Brendan Wetherall
8 years ago

Great contest! I am surprised at the comments on giving up a chance to travel the world for a conversation with Tim. C’mon people I mean the guy is awesome but the world is…Well the world! It’s F****** amazing! I think Tim himself would agree haha. Good luck everyone!

Ms Jensen
Ms Jensen
8 years ago

A lot of flashing lights and baubles but, underneath all that, what’s in it for you, Tim? Very vague on the details except ‘sign up here’. Who and what are StackCommerce that inspires you to want to give away all this stuff? An hour of your time is probably more precious than any of the goodies that were donated for this comp. Just wondering – are we selling our private information to the devil, here? It must be worth a lot

Ms Jensen
Ms Jensen
8 years ago

A lot of flashing lights and baubles but, underneath all that, what’s in it for you, Tim? Very vague on the details except ‘sign up here’. Who and what are StackCommerce that inspires you to want to give away all this stuff? An hour of your time is probably more precious than any of the goodies that were donated for this comp. Just wondering – are we selling our private information to the devil, here? It must be worth a lot?

8 years ago

Very cool,Tim. For a second I thought you were going to talk about travel hacking around the world. I just wrote a book about how I traveled to 7 continents in 4 months for $ 241 in flight costs. Keep up the great work.

8 years ago

oh, our Tim is back. fun, real talk, giveaways, adventures…

8 years ago

Hey Tim,

How exactly does sharing the contest page increase our chances? I don’t see a share link on the page, so I am not sure how I get bonus points for that.

8 years ago
Reply to  peterpurdy

Never mind. It took a while for the contest email to show up. Feel free to delete.

Darren Smarslok
Darren Smarslok
8 years ago

Love this!! Traveling around the world AND getting to talk to the Maestro himself?

Anika Morjaria
Anika Morjaria
8 years ago

Insane Giveaway. This would be an absolute game changer!!!! <3 sharing the hell out of this!!! – Thanks Tim!

8 years ago

Along with others, I’m more interested in the 1 hour with you. Of course, who would say no to a ’round the world trip.

Thank you, Tim, for all you do.

Good luck, all!

8 years ago

I am thinking Indie would be even better if I could add in other ways to travel ie. I would love to bike from Lisbon to Monaco maybe even Venice. Also, very keen on sharing a drink as well.

Sean E Keener
Sean E Keener
8 years ago
Reply to  amy

G’Day Amy,

Indie supports overland segments for biking, walking, trains, driving or whatever suits you:

8 years ago

Hi. I’m not getting credit for my twitter follow or tweet.

8 years ago

Greetings to anyone!

Am I right that there is no 4 hours work week forum any more? I would like to participate in some conversations about doing business and so on. Please, can anybody help?

Sorry for the offtop, didn’t find a way better than writing here…

8 years ago
Reply to  Daniil

It was shut down and my guess is because 1. it required too much time and energy to moderate- imagine how much masturbational promo and advertising it must have received – which Team Tim could have better spent on Team Tim and 2. Instead of getting Tims audience to focus positive time and energy toward Tim and his works, ie this blog, it focused energy away from that. Subtraction. A big detour. Not a good audience builder AT ALL

These were my educated guesses why it was not a good idea to keep it running. Fair enough

8 years ago

Greetings to anyone!

Please, can

Sebastien Night
Sebastien Night
8 years ago

Hi Tim,

You might remember me from the Charity:Water contest – the “Go France” effect. (How did that contest end by the way ? Did we win ?)

I love how you structured this new giveaway. Simple, effective, and great prizes.


Paul Lewis
Paul Lewis
8 years ago

As a father of four, this would be quite a shock to the whole family. I promise I’ll come back.

8 years ago

The trip, the Q&A, etc. make this an offer I can’t refuse. I only hope I win. 🙂

8 years ago

Thanks. Just signed up.

Hey Tim… Saw your Zion National Park thing in 5 bullet. I just did an L.A. to S.F. road trip/day hike tour. Took the loooong route up through death valley, then through Yosemite.

You should do it in reverse, to Vegas then fly back home. The entire drive through Death Valley is super epic/beautiful & any day hikes are nice and empty of tourists. [Moderator: link removed]

Jim Bond
Jim Bond
8 years ago

Thanks for this.

Tim. I saw your Zion National Park thing on 5 bullet… I just did a road trip/dayhike tour from L.A. to S.F. I took the loooong route up through Death Valley and through Yosemite. Yosemite is Yosemite & the entire drive through Death Valley is super beautiful & epic. Any day hikes you do out there won’t have a lot of people around either. Posted a couple vids here, but they barely scratch the surface…

You should go reverse from S.F., Yosemite, then down Death Valley, to Vegas & fly back! It’ll be a sub $1000 trip you will never forget.

8 years ago

Hi Tim, completely of topic question, but I would like to know what you think of mms ( miracle mineral solution).

8 years ago

Hey Tim,

I really like your posts lately that seem to be diverging from tech a bit. I think a lot of young people in the tech realm have the same thoughts but are afraid to admit it. You should write “4 Hour Soup for the Techies Soul: How to use tech without becoming a user” Funny, philosophical, pragmatic, etc. Good Luck!

8 years ago

Well the prizes seem nice. But with potentially many millions of entries chances of winning are minute. What concerns me is whats in this for Tim, and the data mining company? Tim we can trust but no some NSA style corporation. Theres virtually no disclosure as to the why. Just ‘give us all your private information for free’. Bit of a bait and switch. Those prizes don’t cost very much to Tim or Stackcommerce, and they were possibly donated by companies anyway for promo, but if everyones personal info is worth $5 each to a data corp. well you can see thats an absolutely fortune. Again I remind you of your actual chances of winning. Sorry Tim. I’m feeling let down. I feel sad. I don’t dig what you’re doing here. Integrity, ethics. I’m sad 🙁

8 years ago


You’re 15 minutes is up.

8 years ago


Joep van der Poel
Joep van der Poel
8 years ago

Hi Tim,

This is an awesome giveaway! The reason I started diving into your content was because of your approach when it comes to travel, I stayed for all the amazing value you deliver about life hacking in general. I am an enthusiastic traveler myself and step by step trying to apply your four hour work week to my own life.

Keeping my fingers crossed for the world trip prize, although a meet and greet would be invaluable!

Thanks for sharing this!


8 years ago

Not only an amazing opportunity for those who enter, but super smart marketing!

Sitting at my 9-5 job playing around with the ATW flights, which has made me realise where I REALLY want to visit. Having rarely ventured outside of the EU, I’d love to see Indonesia, Vietnam, Japan, San Fran, New York, Iceland….

Where is everyone else interested in visiting?

8 years ago

Wow not sure if more excited about chances for the trip or the Q&A

8 years ago

A very catchy title! I can not not click it and read the content. I’m going to share this.

8 years ago

Great Article I will star to take action to make this and travel. Thank you

Jim Krenz
Jim Krenz
8 years ago

Thank you so much Tim!

Jason Randell
Jason Randell
8 years ago

When will the winner be announced? I have wanted to do this for years now and literally pawns the entire year photo document I building the business from 1 credit card : )

Nicholas Lepesh
Nicholas Lepesh
8 years ago
Reply to  Jason Randell

Is this closed? Have you announced winners? If no, I think it would be cool to do a podcast and talk to each of them particularly the Grand Prize Winner.

8 years ago

Hi Tim,

I’m getting an error message for the stacksocial link:

“Oops! It looks like the page does not exist.”

Has the competition ended?


Tillman Givens III
Tillman Givens III
8 years ago

I want to do this very badly but every time I go to sign up it says the page no longer exists


How do I sign up ?

Seth Bowles
Seth Bowles
8 years ago

Hello, I just started reading the book and had a couple questions. So, how does one go about this lifestyle? How do you work so much less and enjoy life more throughout instead of just at retirement? This sounds so appealing, but how? Also, how does one do this if they are raising children?

8 years ago

Anthony Bourdine is my favorite go to guy. my bucket list would be to travel with hime and taste the dishes of the world. my dream would be fullfilled.

8 years ago

Was this a scam to get free publicity? I mean no disrespect, it’s just many people would like to know an update of who the winners are and there hasn’t been a response.

8 years ago

Your blog is too cluttered

8 years ago

Can Nigerians participate?

6 years ago

Seasonal jobs are a great way to travel for free- if you’re willing to work, you’ll be making an income and will usually have housing and food provided by the company. It makes it easy to move from place to place when you’ve got built in accommodation and a community of travelers to live and work with.

[Moderator: additional text and link removed.]

Dr Rohan
Dr Rohan
1 year ago

Hi Tim I am interested in being a part of your podcast. I practise Ayurveda in London for last 20 yrs and try to help many.can I be a part of your podcast. thanks

Kevin Sheffield
Kevin Sheffield
23 days ago

What is your process for planning your ski trips? I am a former Navy Diver who is currently using the gi bill to study outdoor adventure leadership. My passions are surfing and bc skiing and I am trying to figure out how to best position myself to facilitate these amazing experiences for others.

Thank you.