TRIBE OF MENTORS — Sample Chapter and a Taste of Things to Come

The sample chapter is below, but first, to answer a common question…

Some people have asked how the new Tribe of Mentors (subtitle: Short Life Advice from the Best in the World) is different from my last book, Tools of Titans. They’re different in content but similar in format.

Differences — First, 90% of Tools of Titans was based on the podcast, and more than 90% of Tribe of Mentors has never appeared on the podcast. It’s a new cast of characters and all new material. Second, my reasons for writing Tribe of Mentors are totally different. Third… well, if you read the first chapter in this post, you’ll understand how much they diverge.

That said, I did keep the “snackable” short-profile format that worked so well in the last book, and the universe helped me pull off some miracles for Tribe of Mentors (e.g. Ben Stiller, Temple Grandin, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Yuval Noah Harari, Arianna Huffington, Marc Benioff, Terry Crews, Dan Gable, and many more). So, thanks, universe!

Enjoy the sample chapter below, and please grab the book at one of these fine retailers! Barnes & Noble | Amazon | Apple iBooks | Books-A-Million | Indigo  I promise it won’t disappoint.

If you want to hear the audio version, here you go (or click here to download):

Intro and The 11 Questions That Changed My Life

Now, on to the first chapter…


“The only true voyage would be not to travel through a hundred different lands with the same pair of eyes, but to see the same land through a hundred different pairs of eyes.”

          — MARCEL PROUST

“Albert grunted. ‘Do you know what happens to lads who ask too many questions?’

Mort thought for a moment.

‘No,’ he said eventually, ‘what?’

There was silence.

Then Albert straightened up and said, ‘Damned if I know. Probably they get answers, and serve ’em right.’”


To explain why I wrote this book, I really need to start with when.

2017 was an unusual year for me. The first six months were a slow simmer, and then, within a matter of weeks, I turned 40, my first book (The 4-Hour Workweek) had its tenth anniversary, several people in my circle of friends died, and I stepped onstage to explain how I narrowly avoided committing suicide in college.

Truth be told, I never thought I’d make it to 40. My first book was rejected 27 times by publishers. The things that worked out weren’t supposed to work, so I realized on my birthday: I had no plan for after 40.

As often happens at forks in the path — college graduation, quarter-life crisis, midlife crisis, kids leaving home, retirement — questions started to bubble to the surface.

Were my goals my own, or simply what I thought I should want?

How much of life had I missed from underplanning or overplanning?

How could I be kinder to myself ?

How could I better say no to the noise to better say yes to the adventures I craved?

How could I best reassess my life, my priorities, my view of the world, my place in the world, and my trajectory through the world?

So many things! All the things!

One morning, I wrote down the questions as they came, hoping for a glimmer of clarity. Instead, I felt a wave of anxiety. The list was overwhelming. Noticing that I was holding my breath, I paused and took my eyes off the paper. Then, I did what I often do — whether considering a business decision, personal relationship, or otherwise — I asked myself the one question that helps answer many others . . .

What would this look like if it were easy?

“This” could be anything. That morning, it was answering a laundry list of big questions.

What would this look like if it were easy? is such a lovely and deceptively leveraged question. It’s easy to convince yourself that things need to be hard, that if you’re not redlining, you’re not trying hard enough. This leads us to look for paths of most resistance, creating unnecessary hardship in the process.

But what happens if we frame things in terms of elegance instead of strain? In doing so, we sometimes find incredible results with ease instead of stress. Sometimes, we “solve” the problem by simply rewording it.

And that morning, by journaling on this question — What would this look like if it were easy? — an idea presented itself. Ninety-nine percent of the page was useless, but there was one seed of a possibility . . .

What if I assembled a tribe of mentors to help me?

More specifically, what if I asked 100+ brilliant people the very questions I want to answer for myself? Or somehow got them to guide me in the right direction?

Would it work? I wasn’t sure, but I did know one thing: If the easy approach failed, the unending-labor-in-the-salt-mines approach was always waiting in the wings. Pain is never out of season if you go shopping for it.

So, why not spend a week test-driving the path of least resistance?

And so it began. First, I scribbled down a list of dream interviewees, which started as one page and quickly became ten. It had to be a list with no limitations: no one too big, no one too out-of-reach, and no one too hard to find. Could I get the Dalai Lama? The incredible Temple Grandin? My personal white whale, author Neil Gaiman? Or Ayaan Hirsi Ali? I wrote out the most ambitious, eclectic, unusual list possible. Next, I needed to create an incentive to encourage people to respond, so I sought out a book deal. I figured “Be in my book?” might help. From the outset, I told the publisher that it also might not work, and that I’d return the advance if so.

Then, I started pitching my little heart out.

I sent an identical set of 11 questions to some of the most successful, wildly varied, and well-known people on the planet with “Answer your favorite 3 to 5 questions . . . or more, if the spirit moves you.”

After hitting “send” dozens of times, I clasped my hands to my chest with excitement and bated breath, to which the universe replied with . . . silence. Crickets.

For 12 to 24 hours, nothing. Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. And then, there was a faint trickle through the ether. A whisper of curiosity and a handful of clarifying questions. Some polite declines followed, and then came the torrent.

Nearly all of the people I reached out to are busy beyond belief, and I expected short, rushed responses from a few of them, if I got any at all. Instead, what I got back were some of the most thoughtful answers I’d ever received, whether on paper, in person, or otherwise. In the end, there were more than 100 respondents.

Granted, the “easy” path took thousands of back-and-forth emails and Twitter direct messages, hundreds of phone calls, many marathons at a treadmill desk, and more than a few late-night bottles of wine, but . . . it worked. Did it always work? No. I didn’t get the Dalai Lama (this time), and at least half of the people on my list didn’t respond or declined the invitation. But it worked enough to matter, and that’s what matters.

In cases where the outreach worked, the questions did the heavy lifting.

Eight of the questions were fine-tuned “rapid-fire” questions from my podcast, The Tim Ferriss Show, the first business-interview podcast to pass 200 million downloads. These questions have been refined over more than 300 interviews with guests such as actor/musician Jamie Foxx, General Stanley McChrystal, and writer Maria Popova. I knew that these questions worked, that they could help me in my own life, and that interviewees generally liked them.  

The remaining three questions were new additions that I hoped would solve my most chronic problems. Before taking them into the wild, I tested, vetted, and wordsmithed them with friends who are world-class performers in their own right. These three often ended up indirectly answering the “big” questions.

The older I get, the more time I spend — as a percentage of each day — on crafting better questions. In my experience, going from 1x to 10x, from 10x to 100x, and from 100x to (when Lady Luck really smiles) 1000x returns in various areas has been a product of better questions. John Dewey’s dictum that “a problem well put is half-solved” applies.

Life punishes the vague wish and rewards the specific ask. Conscious thinking is largely asking and answering questions in your own head, after all. If you want confusion and heartache, ask vague questions. If you want uncommon clarity and results, ask uncommonly clear questions.

Fortunately, this is a skill you can develop. No book can give you all of the answers, but this book can train you to ask better questions. Milan Kundera, author of The Unbearable Lightness of Being, has said that “The stupidity of people comes from having an answer for everything. The wisdom of the novel comes from having a question for everything.” Substitute “master learner” for “novel,” and you have my philosophy of life. Often, all that stands between you and what you want is a better set of questions.

The 11 questions I chose for this book are listed below. It’s important to read the full questions and explanations, as I shorten them throughout the rest of the book. Special thanks to Brian Koppelman, Amelia Boone, Chase Jarvis, Naval Ravikant, and others for their hugely helpful feedback.

First, let us take a quick pass of the 11 questions. Some of them might seem trite or useless at first glance. . . . But lo! Things are not always what they appear.

  1. What is the book (or books) you’ve given most as a gift, and why? Or what are one to three books that have greatly influenced your life?

  2. What purchase of $100 or less has most positively impacted your life in the last six months (or in recent memory)? My readers love specifics like brand and model, where you found it, etc.

  3. How has a failure, or apparent failure, set you up for later success? Do you have a “favorite failure” of yours?

  4. If you could have a gigantic billboard anywhere with anything on it — metaphorically speaking, getting a message out to millions or billions — what would it say and why? It could be a few words or a paragraph. (If helpful, it can be someone else’s quote: Are there any quotes you think of often or live your life by?)

  5. What is one of the best or most worthwhile investments you’ve ever made? (Could be an investment of money, time, energy, etc.)

  6. What is an unusual habit or an absurd thing that you love?

  7. In the last five years, what new belief, behavior, or habit has most improved your life?

  8. What advice would you give to a smart, driven college student about to enter the “real world”? What advice should they ignore?

  9. What are bad recommendations you hear in your profession or area of expertise?

  10. In the last five years, what have you become better at saying no to (distractions, invitations, etc.)? What new realizations and/or approaches helped? Any other tips?

  11. When you feel overwhelmed or unfocused, or have lost your focus temporarily, what do you do? (If helpful: What questions do you ask yourself?)

Now, let’s take a look at each, and I’ll explain why they appear to work. You might ask, “Why should I care? I’m not an interviewer.” To that, my response is simple: If you want to build (or foster) a world-class network, you need to interact in a way that earns it. All of the following points will help.

For instance, I spent weeks testing the order of questions for optimal responses. To me, proper sequencing is the secret sauce, whether you’re trying to learn a new language in 8 to 12 weeks, overcome a lifelong fear of swimming, or pick the brain of a potential mentor over coffee. Good questions in the wrong order get bad responses. Conversely, you can punch well above your weight class by thinking about sequencing, as most people don’t.

As one example, the “billboard” question is one of my podcast listener and guest favorites, but it’s heavy. It stumps or intimidates a lot of people. I didn’t want to scare busy people off, who might opt out with a quick, “Sorry, Tim. I just don’t have bandwidth for this right now.” So, what to do? Easy: let them warm up with lightweight questions (e.g., Most gifted books, purchase of <$100), which are less abstract and more concrete.

My explanations get shorter toward the end, as many of the points carry over or apply to all questions.

  1. What is the book (or books) you’ve given most as a gift, and why? Or what are one to three books that have greatly influenced your life?

“What’s your favorite book?” seems like a good question. So innocent, so simple. In practice, it’s terrible. The people I interview have read hundreds or thousands of books, so it’s a labor-intensive question for them, and they rightly worry about picking a “favorite,” which then gets quoted and put in articles, Wikipedia, etc. “Most gifted” is lower risk, an easier search query (easier to recall), and implies benefits for a broader spectrum of people, which the idiosyncratic “favorite” does not.

For the curious and impatient among you, here are a few books (of many) that came up a lot:

Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl

The Rational Optimist by Matt Ridley

The Better Angels of Our Nature by Steven Pinker

Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari

Poor Charlie’s Almanack by Charlie Munger

  1. What purchase of $100 or less has most positively impacted your life in the last six months (or in recent memory)? My fans love specifics like brand and model, where you found it, etc.

This might seem like a throwaway, but it isn’t. It provides an easy entry point for busy interviewees while providing readers (and me) with something immediately actionable. Several answers have already changed my life, boosting immune function, improving sleep, and much more. The deeper questions elicit more profound answers, but profundity is the fiber of knowledge — it requires intensive digestion. To keep marching forward in the meanwhile, humans (yours truly included) need short-term rewards. In this book, I accomplish that with questions that provide tangible, easy, and often fun answers — Scooby snacks for your hard-working soul. To get the heavier lifting done, these breathers are important.  

  1. How has a failure, or apparent failure, set you up for later success? Do you have a “favorite failure” of yours?

This one is particularly important to me. As I wrote in Tools of Titans:

The superheroes you have in your mind (idols, icons, elite athletes, billionaires, etc.) are nearly all walking flaws who’ve maximized one or two strengths. Humans are imperfect creatures. You don’t “succeed” because you have no weaknesses; you succeed because you find your unique strengths and focus on developing habits around them. . .  Everyone is fighting a battle [and has fought battles] you know nothing about. The heroes in this book are no different. Everyone struggles.

  1. If you could have one gigantic billboard anywhere with anything on it — metaphorically speaking, getting a message out to millions or billions — what would it say and why? It could be a few words or a paragraph. (If helpful, it can be someone else’s quote: Are there any quotes you think of often or live your life by?)

Self-explanatory, so I’ll skip the commentary. For would-be interviewers, though, the “If helpful…” portion is often critical for getting good answers.

  1. What is one of the best or most worthwhile investments you’ve ever made? (Could be an investment of money, time, energy, etc.)

This is also self-explanatory . . . or so it seems. With questions like this and the next, I’ve found it productive to give interviewees a real-world answer. In a live interview, it buys them time to think, and in text, it gives them a template. For this question, for instance, I gave everyone the following:

SAMPLE ANSWER from Amelia Boone, one of the world’s top endurance athletes, sponsored by big brands and 4x world champion in obstacle course racing (OCR):

“In 2011, I shelled out $450 to participate in the first World’s Toughest Mudder, a brand new 24-hour obstacle race. Saddled with law school debt, it was a big expenditure for me, and I had no business thinking I could even complete the race, let alone compete in it. But I ended up being one of 11 finishers (out of 1,000 participants) of that race, and it altered the course of my life, leading to my career in obstacle racing and multiple world championships. Had I not plunked down the cash for that entry fee, none of that would have happened.”

  1. What is an unusual habit or an absurd thing that you love?

I was first asked this when interviewed by my friend Chris Young, scientist, co-author of Modernist Cuisine, and CEO of ChefSteps. Before responding, and while sitting onstage at the Town Hall in Seattle, I said, “Oooooh . . . that’s a good question. I’m going to steal that.” And I did. This question has deeper implications than you might expect. Answers prove a number of helpful things: 1) Everyone is crazy, so you’re not alone. 2) If you want more OCD-like behaviors, my interviewees are happy to help, and 3) Corollary to #1: “normal” people are just crazy people you don’t know well enough. If you think you’re uniquely neurotic, I hate to deliver the news, but every human is Woody Allen in some part of life. Here’s the sample answer I gave for this question, taken from a live interview and slightly edited for text:

SAMPLE ANSWER from Cheryl Strayed, best-selling author of Wild (made into a feature film with Reese Witherspoon): “Here’s my whole theory of the sandwich… every bite should be as much like the previous bite as possible. Do you follow? [If ] there’s a clump of tomatoes here, but then there’s hummus — everything has to be as uniform as possible. So any sandwich I’m ever given, I open it up and I immediately completely rearrange the sandwich.”

  1. In the last five years, what new belief, behavior, or habit has most improved your life?

This is short, effective, and not particularly nuanced. It has particular application to my life reassessment. I’m surprised I don’t hear questions like this more often.

  1. What advice would you give to a smart, driven college student about to enter the “real world”? What advice should they ignore?

The second “ignore” sub-question is essential. We’re prone to asking “What should I do?” but less prone to asking “What shouldn’t I do?” Since what we don’t do determines what we can do, I like asking about not-to-do lists.

  1. What are bad recommendations you hear in your profession or area of expertise?

A close cousin of the previous question. Many problems of “focusing” are best solved by defining what to ignore.

  1. In the last five years, what have you become better at saying no to (distractions, invitations, etc.)? What new realizations and/or approaches helped? Any other tips?

Saying yes is easy. Saying no is hard. I wanted help with the latter, as did many people in the book, and some answers really delivered the goods.

  1. When you feel overwhelmed or unfocused or have lost your focus temporarily, what do you do? (If helpful: What questions do you ask yourself?)

If your mind is “beach balling” (nerdy Mac reference to when a computer freezes), nothing else matters much until that is resolved. Once again, the secondary “if helpful” question is often critical.


Since any greatness in these pages is from other people, I feel comfortable saying that you will love some of what’s here, no matter where you are in life.

In the same breath, I know you will find some of what’s inside boring, useless, or seemingly stupid.  This is by design and a byproduct of collecting very different people with very different life experiences from around the world. Out of roughly 140 profiles, I expect you to like 70, love 35, and have your life changed by perhaps 17. Amusingly, the 70 you dislike will be precisely the 70 someone else needs.

Life would be boring if we all followed exactly the same rules, and you will want to pick and choose your own.

The more surprising part of all of this is that Tribe of Mentors changes with you. As time passes and life unfolds, things you initially swatted away like a distraction can reveal depth and become unimaginably important.

That cliché you ignored like a throwaway fortune cookie? Suddenly it makes sense and moves mountains. Conversely, things you initially found enlightening might run their course, like a wonderful high school coach who needs to hand you off to a college coach for you to reach the next level.

There’s no expiration date on the advice in this book. In the following pages, you’ll find advice from 30-something wunderkinds and seasoned veterans in their 60s and 70s. The hope is that, each time you pick up this book, not unlike with the I Ching or Tao Te Ching, something new will grab you, shake your perception of reality, illuminate your follies, confirm your intuitions, or correct your course that all-important one degree.

The entire spectrum of human emotion and experience can be found in this book, from hilarious to heart-wrenching, from failure to success, and from life to death. May you welcome it all in.

On my coffee table at home, I have a piece of driftwood. Its sole purpose is to display a quote by Anaïs Nin, which I see every day:

“Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.”

It’s a short reminder that success can usually be measured by the number of uncomfortable conversations we are willing to have, and by the number of uncomfortable actions we are willing to take.

The most fulfilled and effective people I know — world-famous creatives, billionaires, thought leaders, and more — look at their life’s journey as perhaps 25 percent finding themselves and 75 percent creating themselves.

This book is not intended to be a passive experience. It’s intended to be a call to action.

You are the author of your own life, and it’s never too late to replace the stories you tell yourself and the world. It’s never too late to begin a new chapter, add a surprise twist, or change genres entirely.

What would it look like if it were easy?

Here’s to picking up the pen with a smile. Big things are coming. . . .

Pura vida,

Tim Ferriss

Austin, Texas

August 2017


Get Tribe of Mentors at these fine retailers!  Barnes & Noble | Amazon | Apple iBooks | Books-A-Million | Indigo

The Tim Ferriss Show is one of the most popular podcasts in the world with more than one billion downloads. It has been selected for "Best of Apple Podcasts" three times, it is often the #1 interview podcast across all of Apple Podcasts, and it's been ranked #1 out of 400,000+ podcasts on many occasions. To listen to any of the past episodes for free, check out this page.

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Wayne T.
Wayne T.
6 years ago

Wow it reads like you have another hit book on your hands! Can’t wait to read all the responses to the brilliant questions you put forth.

Sibo Hlabangana
Sibo Hlabangana
6 years ago

Hey Tim,

I have to say I’m sold! I went to Amazon ready to click ‘buy’ (or order since it’s out in November) but saw there’s no kindle version:-( I hope there will be at some point.

P/S I discovered your 4HB book last week and started the diet this week. I feel great and can’t wait to see results. I’ll skip the ice baths though lol.

Sibo Hlabangana
Sibo Hlabangana
6 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

Great, thank you!

James van der Klip
James van der Klip
6 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

Hey Tim, I’m getting an “unavailable to purchase” on the Kindle Edition?

For information I’m on and am visiting the page from New Zealand.

Mark Lim
Mark Lim
6 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

Silly question.

On the Amazon Hardcover, it says pre-order and save $40.

On the Kindle link provided by Tim it just says ‘This title is currently unavailable for purchase’.

Is there no way to get the pre-order discount for a digital version of the book?


Warmest regards,


6 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

Is there an audio book available? If not, is there one to come out? And when? I checked the links for purchase and it wasn’t available.

Ben Greenfield
Ben Greenfield
6 years ago

Cool. I’ll order now, primarily to see what absurd thing the Dalai Lama loves. 😉 Keep me posted if you want to come on the podcast to chat about any big health, nutrition, biohacking or fitness tips you gleaned from this one Tim. Happy to do some recorded brain-pickin’.

6 years ago

Ready for it. 2017 was better than 2016 mainly because of ToT. Also looking forward to reading the ~2% of the 1 star Amazon ratings –they’re hysterical.

Alec Sorensen
Alec Sorensen
6 years ago

I like your thought-first approach to personal performance (asking the right questions and thinking about sequencing). I tend to live in the world of ideas, but if I’m going to find my way to execution, I usually have to find some question or truth that resonates and slowly optimize small, consistent habits around that.

I also enjoy the eclecticism. If it’s non-fiction, I’d much rather read a variety of lean “billboard” answers than a sprawling book with one point of view that beats a dead horse like it’s got a vendetta. With all the info on the internet, the introduction to so many quality ideas serves as a great vehicle for knowing what to dive into next.

6 years ago

Thanks for sharing Tim – looking forward to this book and may you have an amazing next 40 years (and beyond!)

6 years ago

You’ve referenced that you are a saver of quotes. Would you ever share your list or your top ten?

6 years ago


I’m a long-time listener/reader and have a brief story to share.

Over the past three years, inspired by you and your network of titans/mentors/friends, I discovered life in a way I never knew existed.

Since then, I left a lucrative career working in professional sports for an incredibly rewarding and exciting career in building a lifestyle holding company’s investments and ideations portfolio…all through self-taught knowledge from your podcasts, books, and the many “rabbit holes” of referred knowledge you shared with us.

Thanks for everything man. Hopefully this makes its way to you one day. You’re an inspiration!

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
6 years ago

Thanks so much for the wonderful comment! Congratulations and nice work! I wish you great success and many adventures.

Pura vida,


Tarique Sha
Tarique Sha
6 years ago

would be great if u share ur learning journey

6 years ago

Fantastic first chapter, Tim! Looking forward to pouring over this like I did – and continue to do – with ToT

Louis Chew
Louis Chew
6 years ago

Tim, you’ve spent a lot of time interviewing people and curating their answers. But a phrase of yours has stuck and I think many people consider it essential to your identity:

“It’s a short reminder that success can usually be measured by the number of uncomfortable conversations we are willing to have, and by the number of uncomfortable actions we are willing to take.”

It’ll be great to have something that embodies this in the book.

6 years ago

Thanks Tim for keep looking and sharing the Meaning of Life.

Phil Weiss
Phil Weiss
6 years ago

Tim! Yes!

I love your philosophy that asking the best questions is the most important skill. I can’t wait to be a sponge to all the actionable advice in this book!

6 years ago

Well, Tim. I turn 60 soon and I am still clueless. LOL though I have challenged myself more as I age.

6 years ago

I wonder if Eric Ripert has any checks and balances specifically for staying humble?? And do you?? Also specifically what is the most fulfillment inducing thing that you (from all your endeavors)! Thanks so much and thanks for spreading out inspiration:)

6 years ago

سلام تيم

Thank you for having the courage to reveal and share! I am a long time listener! Thanks to your work, I have had many cool thoughts. I have come out of dark times! I have expanded my business and now have a second location in Los Angeles! I wanted to write about something you said a while back on one of your podcasts. I listened to it on the plane flying back from Greece last month and it still comes into my mind! It hit home for me because I had similar thoughts. I would love to ask you about it in more detail but here are my thoughts! Regarding mental health and wondering if you were manic depressive, and supplements… Tim you are a genuinely unique guy. Your brain works differently as seen by the way you design your thoughts and formulate questions. When people with insatiable mental appetites take a moment to bask in their power and the greatness of the world it seems as they are losing it! Which is not the case. The mania is just your soul calling you to wake up. Depression is your brain conserving energy to recover! Honor that. I hope that by now you have fallen in love with yourself. I hope to meet you one day for tea.

6 years ago

one of the best emails I got from you, I answerd the quastions! got me back to my “why” and the reason I like to read your emails, thanks again for sharing the your tips to the universe lol.

Sankar Velayudan
Sankar Velayudan
6 years ago

Hi Tim,

I just finished reading the four hour work week. Great actionable ideas and I am about to take a mini-retirement in 10 days.

The lifestyle design ingredients in your book are Time, Income and Mobility which are the first 3 letters in your name. Seems too good to be a coincidence :).

I wanted to express my gratitude to you for writing this book and wishing you all the best for the Tribe of Mentors. Keep rocking…



Brad Houston
Brad Houston
6 years ago


I have been cramming all of your podcasts into my brain Matrix style ever since I was introduced to them. Thank you for your curious, intelligent, honest and entertaining dialogue.

You are a master of conversation and asking great questions. I hope to be able to replicate your skills one day.

Keep cranking out the good work.



6 years ago

Hi Tim,

ever felt like your professional life and your personal life are not in sync?

I hope you can give me some short and good advice – from the outside life couldn`t be any better. I do have a lovely wife, a sweet little baby boy, a solid career and a good social environment. However somehow I do feel as my professional life is not in sync with my personal “purpose” anymore.

Although my job performance is within the top 5% I started to wonder whether I`m doing the right thing. I can`t really articulate what`s wrong but it feels like my professional life and my personal purpose of life are not aligned at all anymore. It`s not really fun showing up at work. I still do what I`m used to do but I`m missing the “fire, the passion.

Any idea what I could do to get out of this whole?

6 years ago

Already pre-ordered Tim. Can’t wait to start reading it. Thanks for still putting this stuff out mate.

Deepak Pradhan
Deepak Pradhan
6 years ago

Wonderful and very interesting, as your endeavours have always been. Waiting for the book in India. Hope to see the Audio Versions of your books.

I am Aranab
I am Aranab
6 years ago

Fuck man! You gotta stop churning out books thiiiiiiiiiiis thick this often and podcasts thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisssssss long! I am unable to keep up. I am yet to finish Tools of Titans. On top of it all, you are also suggesting books and blogposts!! Please slow down. I wanna learn and expand and use these pieces of knowledge but even before I can comprehend and utilise them you have yet another awesome shit in the pipeline and I get stressed cause I do not know when I will read when I will apply and when I will meet you!

Dennis Ulrich
Dennis Ulrich
6 years ago

Hi Tim,

Could you get “best in his field” Todd Hodnett on the show? He teaches long range shooting, could be interesting how he deals with pressure of having to hit your mark and calculating the path the bullet has to travel for hitting the target even when the spin of the earth affects the shot.

6 years ago

Love all of your work Tim.

Very Insightful!

Excited to read this one!

Torsten Kohnert
Torsten Kohnert
6 years ago

HI Tim, love your books. Is it planned to translate that book into german language?



6 years ago

Tim, I THOROUGHLY enjoyed Scott Glenn in The Leftovers. He is iconic.


6 years ago

Can you please, please make audiobooks of Tribe of mentors and Tools of titans‽

Love you(r) work /julia..

6 years ago

Hello Tim,

Much of what I have seen you do over the years is distill knowledge into things that are easily understood and consumable by everyone. This is fantastic, and using this format has allowed me to reflect on many areas of my life and build a personal rubrik for success. Have you ever thought of creating a public rubrik for success based on all the research you have done over the years?

This would have a great secondary effect beyond framing a path for people to pursue their goals. That would be the creation of a dataset. If thousands of people were able to populate a rubrik for success, then the anecdotal information would then become data points. Those data points could then be analyzed by a deep learning tool like TensorFlow to find the hidden associations that would be difficult to find otherwise.


Daemon Behr

6 years ago

Can you publish your Tribe of Mentors podcast to Google Play Music? See here: . iTunes is hard to use for android only users.

Thanks in advance!

Sarah Armstrong
Sarah Armstrong
6 years ago

I received this book from my oldest son for Christmas. As I unwrapped the package, he said to me “You have always bought me things that inspired me to do great things, so I thought I would return the favor.” Of all the gifts I have ever received, the combination of your book and his words will stay with me forever. We have compared notes on various contributors and their respective TED talks (some of which we didn’t realize we had in common) and as a result have taken our relationship to a new level; less mother/son and more adult/adult. Thank you for putting together such an inspirational book!

Bo Sills
Bo Sills
6 years ago

I received my pre-ordered copy of Tribe of Mentors on November 20, 2017 and just finished it today (January 9, 2018). Long story short: thank you, Tim…well done! Your timing was excellent…for me, anyway (just turned 60, widowed in 2014, retired from aerospace engineering and defense in 2015, married to high school sweetheart on St. Patrick’s Day 2017, and resetting the clock in early 2018 for the coming decade of ages 60-70). Your book and the many insights it offered helped me more than you can know. I’m treating it as a working tool: annotating, highlighting, referencing, etc…I’m probably paying Amazon’s light bills off my book orders alone!

6 years ago

Chapter1 was amazing! Ordered the book and anticipating arrival.

6 years ago

Hi! Thanks for writing the book, I’m planning to ingest it no matter what!

But I’d really prefer an audio version, so are there any plans for a “Tribe of Mentors Audio Book” in the (foreseeable) future?

(Sorry I know the question came up already, but seemingly was never answered. I’m sure many others would appreciate an answer, as I would!)

Kasia Korostynska
Kasia Korostynska
5 years ago

I’m guessing you haven’t got around to making Tools of Titans an audiobook. Please.

5 years ago

I’ve loved Neil Gaiman since high school! And his wife. I love that he’s your personal white whale.

5 years ago

Hi Tim, I recommend few books and my gut seems to think m this one is epic. I have 30,000 LinkedIn followers and over 150,000 on my subscriber list. Can you send a promotional copy my way? [Moderator: address removed.]

Simon Brooke
Simon Brooke
3 years ago

Hi Tim
Really enjoy your videos and the sample chapters of Tribe of Mentors.
I would like to know if I can use your questions to interview people from my community and post blogs with their answers.