How to Build a Large Audience From Scratch (And More) (#78)

TF_cowboySometimes, going weird allows you to go big. (Photo: My weird Instagram)

In this episode, I answer questions submitted by you all.

50% of this episode is spent explaining how I’d build an audience from scratch, if I had to start over today. The other ~10 questions/topics are listed below.

Do you like or dislike this type of episode? Please let me know in the comments, and I’ll do more or fewer based on that.

For the movie recommendations I mention (shorts, documentaries, etc.), click here to see the growing list.


You can find the transcript of this episode here. Transcripts of all episodes can be found here.


#78: How to Build a Large Audience from Scratch (and More)

If you enjoy the above Q&A episode, you might also like this episode, where I answer the question: “What would you add to The 4-Hour Workweek for 2015?”

Ep 49: Tim Answers Your 10 Most Popular Questions

Other questions I answer in this episode:

If you’re the average of the 5 people you surround yourself with, who are those 5 people for you?

Based on the self-experiments you conducted in your books, are there any habits you continue to implement on a daily basis?

What is the most important question you ask yourself everyday?

If you could make one new thing mandatory in the nationwide high school curriculum, what would it be?

Bruce Lee said “The successful warrior is the average man, with laser-like focus.” What methods do you practice to maintain focus and follow through to achieve your goals rather than getting side tracked, distracted, or discouraged?

With all the misleading information on health out there, what are the best/most reliable resources?

What are your top 10 natural supplements that you’ve found most helpful?

What are the things you’ve done to become a better writer?

What are your guilty pleasures for those times when your brain needs a rest?

What would you go back and tell your younger self?

Again, here are my answers.


For previous episodes of the podcast, including Arnold Schwarzenegger, Rick Rubin, Jon Favreau, and others, click here.

The Tim Ferriss Show is one of the most popular podcasts in the world with more than one billion downloads. It has been selected for "Best of Apple Podcasts" three times, it is often the #1 interview podcast across all of Apple Podcasts, and it's been ranked #1 out of 400,000+ podcasts on many occasions. To listen to any of the past episodes for free, check out this page.

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Comment Rules: Remember what Fonzie was like? Cool. That’s how we’re gonna be — cool. Critical is fine, but if you’re rude, we’ll delete your stuff. Please do not put your URL in the comment text and please use your PERSONAL name or initials and not your business name, as the latter comes off like spam. Have fun and thanks for adding to the conversation! (Thanks to Brian Oberkirch for the inspiration.)

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9 years ago

This type of episode (solo tim) works as a nice change of pace. Keep it up!

Adam Tankanow
Adam Tankanow
9 years ago

Hi Tim,

I loved this episode. Any chance you can post show notes like you do with your other episodes for quick reference to some of the books, movies, talks, etc. you mentioned?

– Tank

Jared B
Jared B
9 years ago

What is the meta-goal for all that you do?

Brad Costanzo (@BradCostanzo)
Brad Costanzo (@BradCostanzo)
9 years ago

Enjoyed this a lot. Hit home. Have to remind myself to focus on the 1k true fans and thinking of them as the tip of the spear that leads to more. I’ve been guilty of going too broad and getting frustrated with trying to target.

FYI, Read 4HWW in ’07, never looked back and constantly give you credit for shaping my current path. Keep up the great work.

9 years ago

Hi Tim, long time listener of your show and general lover of your work (congrats on finally getting the tv show out).

One thing that struck me about this episode was when you said “which of these if done make the the rest easier or irrelevant…” and then you went on to mention the lead domino. Anyone who has read The ONE Thing by Gary Keller would recognise that this concept is the cornerstone of the book and is almost identical to the way you paraphrased it.

I think it’s important to mention because there are some great ideas and insights in this podcast and some people may want to go deeper. Although you reference a lot of you own work in this podcast I think it would be good for your readers and listeners if they knew where your concepts are coming from, perhaps with a link on your blog?

Thanks for the podcast, the books, the tv show and everything else you do to inspire. Have an awesome weekend.

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
9 years ago
Reply to  brettworth

Hi Brett,

Thank you for the comment. For what it’s worth, I’ve used that question in public talks and presentations since 2007 when the first book came out. This is a distillation and implementation of the 80/20 principle, which predates both me and Gary by hundreds of years.

Someone did send me a copy of The ONE Thing a few months ago and I did skim it, so it’s possible that I absorbed the phrasing “lead domino” from there, but I’m not 100% sure.

Of course, whenever possible, I do offer attribution and credit, as I do often with Feynman, Seneca, Peter Drucker, etc. There is nothing to be gained by me skirting attribution, as it will always bring more headache than benefit with my audience!

All the best,


9 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

Hey Tim, thanks so much for getting back to me. It’s always a surprise and a delight to hear back from people you admire. I imagine you must have felt something similar when Mr Schwarzenegger and a whole host of your other guests got back in touch with you.

I actually had second thoughts about posting the comment as I absolutely believed that it wasn’t done intentionally. But still, I thought that sharing the book might be beneficial to your audience – after all, you do make an excellent point and it’s interesting how the book goes into more detail.

Thanks again for the awesome content.

PS – Just curious, what was your favourite episode of the podcast so far? I really enjoyed the recent episode with Noah Kagan, you guys really play off each other well.

9 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

Tim, you have repeatedly demonstrated your commitment to attributing work, and do a far better job at it than most people, especially given the amount of information you consume.

I too find the honesty of attribution very important intellectually, but unfortunately can seldom remember the source of key concepts. My brain seems wired to aggregate information instead of keeping things neatly siloed.

Andrey Y
Andrey Y
9 years ago
Reply to  brettworth

That is interested that you would mention that, Brett.

I also had that thought pop in my mind (after having real ‘The One Thing’ recently). But Mr. Ferriss and Mr. Keller different in one crucial and dramatic way, and it is this.

When you read that book, there is a connotation that you should be doing one thing, and doing it very well, and you should do this thing for decades if you are to be fulfilled in life. Tim’s forte (and correct me if I am wrong), it is more about being well rounded (being 90% an expert in 15-20 disciplines), rather a 100% expert in “The One Thing”. This is a dramatic difference in Gary’s and Tim’s mindset and it percolates throughout their prose and messages.

This is what I struggle with myself, being in a discipline where you need a long time sacrifice and 13+ years of advanced education, and my colleagues are interested in little else. I have literally been told to my face “you shouldn’t be focusing on traveling, or learning other languages, etc.” But, I digress.

Thanks for the recommendation Tim on that “Lady in # 6” by the way, super thought provoking.

9 years ago

God I’d love to have dinner with you.

9 years ago

Hey Tim!

Thanks for this blog post. Could you sometime please do something longer that would focus on building a business/audience from scratch in more detail? Could be in written form.

Best wishes,


Yatin Khulbe
Yatin Khulbe
9 years ago

I have been reading your blog for some time now. To be very honest, this is the first time, I am listening to your podcast series. I really like the way you have answered the question of the people

I really loved your small giants, 1000 true fans point. Ya, there are many companies who didn’t start with making a big audience. Their product gained audience for them. You have made one important point in which you have explained your choosing strategy of 3 to 5 niches according to your taste. Thanks for sharing your strategy behind your launch of the fourhourweek. And, next month, I am planning to buy your book too.

Large audience point is a concern for many bloggers. In this short journey of blogging, I have realized that different and useful content is more important. As you mentioned, long form must be the goal of every person. Long term investment is the best way to lead a fruitful life.

Thanks for this wonderful podcast, Tim

9 years ago


thanks for better than a graduate school education on lifestyle and taking control.

How does one determine how to price intangible products (presentations, training, etc)? What is your advice on the next step from Harry Beckwith’s “Selling the Invisible”?

Many thanks,


9 years ago

Would like more! This is a great show! I love it!

9 years ago

Great episode Tim, I would love one for every interview (at least).

I love this kind of wisdom pills, and being a reader of your work from the very start (and a fan!) I am happy to see how round you’re evolving.

Keep it up!!

Ricardo Gomes
Ricardo Gomes
9 years ago

Realy love this format, but then again I basically love every content you put out in any format 🙂

One thing I would like though is if you could somehow post here on the blog links to the stuff you talk about (like what you typically do for the interview episodes). People, like me, that listen to the podcast in situations where one can’t take a note would really appreciate it.

9 years ago

Love the episode. Maybe one of “us” loyal listeners will write up the show notes? I had hoped to check out the list of book and article recommendation.

Simon Dodd
Simon Dodd
9 years ago

Another great episode and perfectly timed for my journey to work after finishing the previous episode! I understand why you wouldn’t want to link to the resources here but it would be nice to have a “secret” link to the resources for those of us that have listened to the episodes… 🙂 Keep up the awesome work man and the new mic sounds good although I think there were a couple of points where you had it turned up too much and it started to distort 😉

Scott Raymond
Scott Raymond
9 years ago


I really appreciate this type of episode. Ever since 4HWW you have been THE source for what works and what doesn’t. Thank you for always sharing and giving us tools for success. I like these types of episodes because a lot has changed since 4HWW first came out so it is good to hear what you would do different, how you would build an audience now, etc. Your whys were great too. Thanks. Love all the episodes and I for one appreciate these type to serve as a break and get your personal advice.

9 years ago

Thanks Tim — any chance you could have your podcasts turned into transcripts so folks can read them? I understand that it quite low cost, and would increase the proliferation of your ideas. Many of your fans are people with tight schedules who could read a transcript in 1/5th of the time it takes to listen to one.

Thanks and best

Aidas Rasimas
Aidas Rasimas
9 years ago

Tim, you know how I new you watched Jinx documentary?

You used a word “cadaver” in this podcast 😀

Actually watched “Jinx” after listening to your podcast. Great recommendation by one of your guests.

Great podcast. Thanks

Lisa Nielsen
Lisa Nielsen
9 years ago

More, more, more! Very helpful and appreciated.

9 years ago

Can you talk about your Lyme disease?

9 years ago

Hi Tim,

You’ve asked previously for suggestions on a good person to interview: John Keifer (of carbbackloading fame)! After listening to you and Rick talk about bulking, I thought, you should get John online. His method is completely different than ketogenic diets, but he has some pretty sound science behind him. Would be great to hear you both pick that apart. Adds to the contradictory nature of all things in regards to fitness and nutrition 🙂

9 years ago

Hi Tim,

The new mic is not the best… some distortion at points that I haven’t noticed in other podcasts.



Kevan H
Kevan H
9 years ago

Hey Tim,

I love what you do but can you get your podcast transcribed so I can read it while in class? Plus it would be good for your SEO.

Kevan H

Kathleen Kunster
Kathleen Kunster
9 years ago

You asked if we like this kind of episode: How you’d do it if starting again. YES, I like this kind of episode. There are always a few small details that come out that you might not have thought important – but which may be crucial for someone just starting out. And remember, there are always people who are just starting. Thanks so much for your book, which I keep lending to others who have brains but little money! And to for these blogs.

9 years ago

I enjoy these Q&A episodes. Please keep making them.

You tend to share a lot of useful resources every time you speak. I think it would useful to have similar show notes for these episodes as you do for others.

9 years ago

C’mon Tim. Lots of us don’t have time to listen to this. Publish a transcript so I can read it in 10 minutes. Aren’t you all about saving time?


9 years ago
Reply to  JJ

Oh, too bad for you, JJ. Please don’t listen to it. Don’t listen to any of Tim’s podcast episodes.

Don’t even bother typing a response so you could save 30 seconds of your precious time.

9 years ago

I like your tip on meditation, if you can do 5 minutes do 10.

Something I learned from Dr John Berardi for behavioural change (getting others to change but also yourself). Ask the question “On a scale of 1 to 10 how confident are you that you could do x for the next x days”.

If the answer is anything less than 9 or 10 restructure the task so that it is so easy you will be able to do it (small wins).

Great ep Tim keep it up.

9 years ago

Thanks, really!

What I realized from this podcast is that the product “ideation” process also includes:

*Identifying a group united by common interests and habits that you belong to, which until now may be undefined.

Meaning, you’re not just making a product, but you’re defining a group of people you’ll want to associate with and feel a sense of community with.

Pretty cool. And useful.

9 years ago

Kudos on this episode. Okay really Kudos on all the episodes. I have not hears one I didn’t love. You mentioned for relaxation you like juvenile novels. You might try some of Heinlein’s such as Starship Troopers, Farmer in the Sky, Space Cadet, Starman Jones, Tunnel in the Sky (think like Boy Scout Eagle Scout qualification), Have Spacesuit will travel, and many more.

On writing I will read the books you recommended. I came across a new one by Steven Pinker “The Sense of Style: The Thinking Person’s Guide to Writing in the 21st Century” So far I love it. He would make a great person to talk to in an episode. on intelligence squared podcast he talks about the book and good writing. (a very short synopsis of the book)

Keep up the great work. The only negative is that I have caught up to date on the podcasts and have to find something different to listen to during my long long runs.

Nick Horowski
Nick Horowski
9 years ago

Tim, I know it would be a big undertaking, but this type of podcast if done once a week or once per month could be legendary. I do love your podcasts and the interviews are always great with how you ask questions, but this is such a practical base, that I am going to follow it right now. Thank you very much

9 years ago

Tim, I’m looking forward to listening to this episode but before i do, I have another question that I’ve been thinking about for years – since I ready your 4- Hour Work Week book. You mention in the book that you got advice from quite a few bestselling authors on how to get to be a bestseller. What was that advice – can you go further in explaining it? Maybe you did in a previous podcast? Thanks!

9 years ago

Definitely enjoyed this kind of episode. Like others have said it is a good change of pace very so often.

Ryan P. Flynn
Ryan P. Flynn
9 years ago

Hey Tim, I’ve really loved the podcasts recently. Felt like the talks w/ Jon Favreau and Glenn Beck were both life changing, but I also really enjoyed this style as well. I took a full page of notes on the “Building an Audience” section, and the rapid-fire section was also very cool. I like how you’re experimenting with fielding questions in various ways (here, Periscope, etc.), and pieces like this really help settle me down, and get me thinking in a more healthy, and creative way. Thanks for all the great content! – Ryan

Matt Clarkson
Matt Clarkson
9 years ago

Great episode, Tim. I enjoy these one-to-one episodes and would enjoy more on building an audience too. Matt

9 years ago

Yes, Tim. I like the one-to-one format and would enjoy more on building an audience too. Matt

9 years ago

Aloha Tim,

I like this type of podcast but not more or less than the others. As far as the mic goes it’s a lot more crisp that, for me, feels less cozy and warm, and a bit noisy if that makes sense. But maybe that is an engineering thing more than a mic thing? I’m learning a lot about starting a podcast, thank you for the transparency and the exploration. It is very inspiring to know I don’t need a team and could pull this off with a minimal dose.

Mahal of,


9 years ago

Sorry meant to say Mahalo at the end there, 🙂

9 years ago

Is there a transcription of the podcasts? I understand why podcasts exist. I just find them tedious. I find the information fascinating. I’m just not that jacked on the witty banter.

Susie Hutton
Susie Hutton
9 years ago

Just finished watching “The Lady in Room No. 6”

How truly powerful and impacting that was, imagine if every human being in this planet took at leaf from Alice’s book!! Truly inspiring!!

Thank you Tim for the reccommendation, complete game changer for me. P.S An Tim you are friggen awesome by the way!! 😎

9 years ago

THIS type of episode!! YES YES YES! And thanks!

9 years ago


Among an already loyal audience, these “Ask Tim” episodes really appeal by building an even stronger connection. Your interview episodes are fantastic and full of actionable advice, but it’s fair to say that many of your listeners probably aren’t the Peter Thiels or Josh Waitzkins of the world (though they could be!). These guys are ahead of the curve on all things awesome… whereas many of us are still finding our feet. The 4-Hour Work Week was written as if for a friend who craves more but doesn’t know where to start. I find the same with this style of podcast. Absolutely keep them coming.

BTW, my un-trained ears can’t tell the difference with the new mic. Did you dump the Zooms?

Michal Zuber
Michal Zuber
9 years ago

Hi Tim, thanks for this kind of podcast. It’s great as the 15min videos. Keep doing these goodies 😉

Any advice to make daily reading a practice/routine? As a programmer I’m mentally dead in the evenings so I just watch some movie. The mornings I catch up with some friends/celebs/etc on FB, Twitter and read articles from subjects that I’m currently interested. With books I have a minor problem that a book describes very huge chunk of the subject that I’m interested in. For example I started reading The Art of Learning after the podcast with josh, but now I’m really into Copywriting thanks to the Noah podcast and TV experiment serie.

Jason Townsend
Jason Townsend
8 years ago
Reply to  Michal Zuber

Hi Michal,

I have been making reading a routine as well, and I find the following times work best:

1. First thing in the morning – read before you do anything else. Make it your first priority, and something that must be completed before moving on. Set a time (15 min works well) and aim to read for that length before leaving it.

2. Read during a meal – Obviously works best when you’re on your own, so I recommend breakfast or lunch. Reading over a meal also helps me slow down my eating, something I struggle with. Again, aim for 15 minutes of reading / eating.

Do this every day (or 5 in 7 will be easy to do) and you’ll see exponential progress with your reading.

Hope this helps.


Michal Zuber
Michal Zuber
8 years ago
Reply to  Jason Townsend

Thank you Jason, awesome procedure.

9 years ago

Hi Tim, I loved this episode! I vote for more episodes in this form. I especially find it incredibly rewarding to hear your thoughts about specific business questions (ex.: building an audience).

Tim McC
Tim McC
9 years ago

Hello Tim, will you be writing about your research into 60+ super fit dudes? Would love to hear what kinds of attitudes, routines etc these kinds of guys/gals got into to be where they are now.

Thank you, sir.

glenn auerbach
glenn auerbach
9 years ago


More than a couple people tell me I should be contacting you vis a vis authentic sauna and AUTHENTIC hot/cold therapy. I build saunas. I dig saunas. I help others with sauna. We could do something with your tribe and advance this gig. Call me or send fax or have an assistant email me if this resonates, cheers, g.

9 years ago

Yes, more of these! I’m so not your demographic except that I’m a professional writer, but then also a 45-year-old mother of five with kids ranging from 25-2. Yet, I’ve been reading your blog since 2008, love the TV shows, and find the podcasts astounding. I even enjoy tea time with Tim. I’m not the tip of the sword but have recommended you to my husband, older sons, my social media people, and many friends. Why? You push excellence, you broaden people’s visions, you provide practical, applicable tools, and you expose your heart and struggles in a way that shows you care. So please keep going! And by the way, I’m usually a novelist or collaborative writer/ghostwriter, but this weekend I’m finishing my first screenplay with a longtime friend after decades of dreaming of it and false starts. I know the podcasts inspired that. Oh, and you can get yours done too! 🙂

Andy Losdos
Andy Losdos
9 years ago

Tim, fantastic podcast. While I have been superficially aware of your output for some time it is only today that I have taken the time to visit the website. I have a batch of your Horse Urine ™ tea concoction at the ready and having made notes on this recent podcast I am going to attempt to put some of the ideas about building a blog into practice. I did however wonder if I had understood your framework and wanted to give you a brief outline to confirm.

– Topic – Travel Hacks

– Sub topics – Green/ethical, Budget, Language

As I understand it, I am to begin producing long form content of which my first article is going to be a study in the relative merits of train travel vs all other forms. The article will include personal case studies (London to Madrid), a brief look at the science of carbon emissions, and a cost/benefit analysis. The website is already up and running and for the last month or so I have been paying for content to be written in the form of a “7 best Y’s in Z” article. A terrible opening salvo, and one which I intend to move on from swiftly. If my assumption is correct I wanted to understand how I begin now targeting my chosen 1000 market. Take the example of the sub genre of green/ethical travel. I have identified the website as a great resource. At this point how do I begin to bring in the audience?

9 years ago

Great post. 3 days ago I’ve watch a seminar you gave in France, you talked about the same article of 1000 true fans by KK. The 3 niches thing I didn’t know about, but it’s some refreshing thoughts.

About volunteering work or getting a job that will get me close to my goal, maybe I can volunteer 1 week at Penguin Uk to get a book publishing deal? I think publishers will always look at your platform, that’s why some persons with notting interesting to say get big book deals. I’ve started a blog now, but I’m not expecting to be in the top 1000 blogs, I will continue with my work (I work 12h per day, I earn good money and only work 6months per year), and probably I will self-publish sooner or later. I know you say the smart way is with a publisher, but maybe I’m not that smart. And I don’t live in the US not even in the UK. I live in Africa most of the time, and here things are different. Anyway keep going with these posts, very informative and helpfull! Regards

9 years ago

I loved this episode! It actually helped clarify some confusion I have had about the process of coming up with a product/muse in chapter 9 and 10 of The 4-Hour Workweek.

I’ve enjoyed the podcasts with Noah Kagan and Ramit Sethi quite a bit as well but I would really love to hear further discussion of your process for selecting and generating a muse on the podcast in this short, direct format.

Andy Bettisworth
Andy Bettisworth
9 years ago

Hi Tim. Great episode, especially the ask 3 questions methodology for better definition.

Do you have a happiness index? You are great about measuring things you want to improve and I was wondering if you’ve attempted something similar to the Happy Planet Index for yourself.

Kind Regards,


9 years ago

I love the Q&A epis Tim – thanks!

9 years ago

New mic sounds awesome!

Matt Miller
Matt Miller
9 years ago

I always appreciate these type of episodes Tim. More please.

Also, I think you should interview someone like Jim Morris. He’s an interesting person. or Shia LeBeouf because he is who he is and I think he’d be a very interesting interviewee regardless of what anyone thinks about him.

Daryl Manderville
Daryl Manderville
9 years ago

Love your podcasts! I’ve been threatening to go comment on them individually, but just wanted to give you an all-round “keep up the great work”!

9 years ago

Loved it!

9 years ago

I absolutely love the topics that you tackle on the podcasts as they are so powerful, but being a visual rather than audio person, would so so appreciate if you included a transcript along with each podcast! Thanks!!

Elena Ward
Elena Ward
9 years ago

Long-form takes time, patience, and knowing exactly what you’re talking about. We all want to consume that kind of information but we don’t want to create it ourselves (for various reasons, not always out of laziness). Of course we would like to reach out to people who can resonate/validate/interact with our thoughts, and that’s how you get your audience. And not just any audience, mind you, but audience who will willingly engage with you, recommend your work, etc. All in all, don’t pull off a “Twilight: Breaking Dawn 1 and 2” on your work just to get a few additional payviews, when you can have a single, properly put-together, well-written reference piece people would love to bookmark and link to for years to come.

9 years ago

This is wow i love those questions

9 years ago

Love these kind of quick Q&A episodes. Thumbs up and more please!

Nick Reed
Nick Reed
9 years ago

Thanks Tim – I won an Oscar for producing THE LADY IN NUMBER 6, a film nobody wanted and a film everyone me not to make. Follow your gut. A 109 holocaust survivor and classical pianist taught me more and changed my life more than anyone in my whole life. Thanks for two thumbs up. We have so much to learn from our elders, lets embrace them, learn from them, not isolate them 🙂

Phil David
Phil David
9 years ago

Hey Tim, just letting you know I really like these short solo podcasts. I consume and enjoy nearly all of the content you put out, and these random solo episodes are a nice change of pace. Regarding the microphone, the audiophile in me is curious which make and models you used previously and for this episode. I listened to a previous episode for a few minutes to gauge the mic response then switched over to this one, and in my professional opinion the old mic is the better choice. The new mic seems to pick up more plosives (bursts of air when making p,t,k,d,g, and b sounds), mouth noise was more noticeable (lip smacking, swallowing, etc.), and perhaps even a bit more sibilance on the ‘S’ sounds. Some of this could be remedied by backing off the mic a bit, but I have a feeling you’re used to being close up. There’s a deepness to your ‘podcast’ voice likely caused by the proximity effect, that I personally find soothing. I’m happy to be your sound guy if you need one. 🙂 Keep up the great work! You have opened the door for me to improve my life in countless ways. Thanks

Thom H Gibson
Thom H Gibson
9 years ago

Hey Tim. New mic sounds clear, but a lot proximity effect boominess and plosives. Maybe try having the mic a little further away and with a pop filter. Happy podcasting 🙂

9 years ago

I like this type of episode, but wish that the show notes actually mentioned your answers. I listen while driving, and hope that if something piques my interest I’ll be able to find out more from the show’s notes.

Michael Beahon
Michael Beahon
9 years ago


This episode was an excellent demonstration of you providing feedback and mentioning some of your 1,000 lead dominos who were up-voted in the Google question voter (name fails me). Episodes like these create a much more intimate relationship with your students.

To counter Brett’s observation of giving due credit, it seems to me you do this incredibly well which has allowed me to easily search for and find the “original” works. From the marketers perspective it seems that where “B” teamers may think you may have missed an occasional citation, the allies tend to realize what a magical job you have done with this in terms of metadata and SEO.

I appreciate the time you have spent cultivating and summarizing your approach. 3 classes away from my undergrad and 2 years into my first business and the $1.99 4HWW iBook has proven the most effective tool/resource to date. Your work is a great tool for the transitioning veteran community.



Robert B
Robert B
9 years ago

I’ve read the 4HWW and since then have been trying to follow. Is there a text file I can read? Deaf people or hearing impaired do not so well with Podcast.


9 years ago

Hey Tim,

I usually don’t comment but you mentioned you were having lots of joint issues (tendinopathy, neuropathy, etc) – as you recover from lyme disease. I can empathize with that.

I’ve basically traveled the world trying all sorts of innovative treatments for my own joint pain issues. If you want a list of some stuff that may not be on your radar, feel free to e-mail me [Moderator: email address removed].

Jordan Alexander Jones
Jordan Alexander Jones
9 years ago

Why, why, why? The perfect formula for defining the true objective. Thanks Tim, you’re the shit.

Floyd Dillman
Floyd Dillman
9 years ago

Barnes & Noble is now taking pre-orders for Buckminster Fuller’s “I Seem to be a Verb” and promising shipping in early July. And it only costs $12.20. I wonder if they decided to reprint it after you did the podcast?

Ryan Covel
Ryan Covel
9 years ago

For Tim and any readers who wish to add input,

Some huge advice on starting to make an audience if that is what you wish. And I understand you suggest targeting pages or outlets to get to appear ubiquitous as you say, but how is it that you suggest you actually start your initial interactions is with 1000 fans? Is it blogging? Videos? Tweeting? What do you find most efficient to get the initial contact?

Colin M
Colin M
9 years ago

Thanks Tim. I really enjoyed the episode. I’ve got to at least partially disagree with your comment that to become a better writer, you ask a lawyer to review your work. Most lawyers that I have worked with pay great attention to detail, but lack any process for their writing and editing and frankly, often don’t think about writing style and clarity. We were just never taught this in law school. And even those who were, we encounter archaic writing by judges and in law firm templates every day. Maybe you have found some great transactional lawyers who think about and take pride in the documents they generate and revise. These are few and far between, so hold onto them.

Shamir Relé
Shamir Relé
9 years ago

Hey Tim, some more feedback here on the mic, no pun intended: Sounds good overall (besides the distortion in parts, which people have already mentioned) …additionally, you may want to use some kind of pop-shield. The P’s are often breath heavy.


Shamir Relé
Shamir Relé
9 years ago
Reply to  Shamir Relé

…Tim, I would also love for you to EXPAND and go more in depth about audience building, particularly from the initial question in this inbetween-isode.

9 years ago

This was great. Thanks for sharing

Michael Wooten
Michael Wooten
9 years ago

Love these Podcasts. Like you being the interviewee. Keep up the badass work

Andy P
Andy P
9 years ago


in response to if we like this kind of episode.

Would be interested in these any time you have a cluster of good questions from community.

There are a boatload of us trying to do what YOU do (learning/experiencing broadly, teaching efficiently, highlighting tools while maintaining personal life) but in our own niche, and you are the top authority in that way for many of us.

9 years ago

Hi Team Tim. Great episode. I rarely, if every, go to the website after podcast, but the content was so motivating I wanted to structure some actions off the back of it.

Sorry, but the experience has been poor on here. All I wanted was an easy way to get a few of the answers/transcripts/links mentioned. I was forced to sign up just to get transcripts and then the PDF is uselessly big for my purpose.

Hopefully this is constructive and you can alter the user experience accordingly.

Of course, virtually everything in the TF brand is excellent, but one can always improve.



9 years ago

A really worthwhile 40 minutes that I have spent listening to this. Thank you. I need to listen to this every couple of weeks.

Shawn F
Shawn F
9 years ago


Thank you for your hard work and dedication to providing the most unique and beneficial content. I am more specifically impressed with your ability to ask really good questions to your quests. The questions you ask your quests seem to bring out the most deep and meaningful answers. So my question to you Tim and what is your process for coming up with these amazing questions. Thank you.

8 years ago

Super helpful Tim-more just like this please! Unlike other podcasts that are more on the ‘entertaining anecdote’ end of the spectrum ( like the first full length Arnolds for instance- which is fine) – this one is super concentrated life skills,tools, practical data-no chaff or fluff. Would not have guessed you of all people were opposed to supplements (i had impression you had a life extension drug regime for instance) but am pleasantly surprised to hear you encourage a relationship with food as medicine, medicine as food. On that note however it is indeed helpful to view supplements as medicine. See them as a healing aid, a prescribed medicine. Food can’t cure depleted adrenals or nerve/ tissue damage or..etc. Follow a professionals support to tune into the specifics.

I am told that horses will not eat dehydrated greens supplements however 🙂

Tim PLEASE remove your ‘I’m a diet coke whore etc’ pro aspartame comments from future 4HB editions! 🙂 artificial sweeteners are seriously the most toxic substance ever consumed en masse in history of humanity. It is cumulative and responsible for so many degenerative conditions. But no one makes the link cos it can take years to show up. Whether it affects weight gain or not will be the least of ones concerns. Take the 30 day no artificial sweeteners challenge and watch mental emotional and physical health improve. There is a ton of info available on this for folks to read up on. Eat quality food, be minimal with supplementation-great- but such a lifestyle is eroded by the toxins in all soft drinks (bone and cartilage eating phosphoric acid for instance, and toxic hydrogenation) and the variety of artifical sweeteners out there. Learn their names, learn what numbers your country uses to identify them, and avoid!!

8 years ago

Sorry about being a bit ‘anti’ but is with the genuine desire to be kind and helpful. Nice point about human growth hormone, the correct hgh should be labelled ‘recombinant’.

I wished to express my concerns about hormone supplements. We don’t understand the mysterious workings of the endocrine system. You’ve said you enjoy melatonin Tim for treating jet lag. I have really appreciated how helpful melatonin is. But medical professionals naturopathic and conventional have warned to stay away from it. Why? Because melatonin interfaces directly with whats called the conducter of the orchestra, the master of the entire endocrine system-the pituitary gland. We DON’T KNOW what such direct tinkering can do. Apparently melatonin artifically triggering the pituitary sets off a major cascading domino effect, a major chain reaction all through the hormomal system. The implications of this are not necessarily visible or apparent. We might have the symptoms of jetlag or insomnia cured but meanwhile a major malfunction (sorry had to quote Full Metal Jacket 🙂 is the tsunami taking place in our systems . what lies beneath? I’m told there have been many published medical papers on exactly this phenomena- the serious hazards of dosing with melatonin. ( and hey, I’m as alternative as it gets, certainly not disrespecting natural therapies)

8 years ago

You mentioned you know a few 60+ year old people that are in great physical shape. I’m 60 but I could be in better condition. Can you put me in touch with some of them?

Kiraz S.
Kiraz S.
8 years ago

I really enjoy the podcasts that you present your own opinions and life style. When I first listened to your interviews on different platforms, the first thing I noticed was that every sentence that comes out of your mouth has some knowledge in it. Many so-called experts out there drive around words. You deliver nothing but quality knowledge. And you have a great way of explaining things. So please keep them coming!

It is hilarious when you start the podcast with that high pitch voice “hello my sexy kittens.” Then we heard a dog barking in the middle. Made me laugh even more. haha! I was wondering what I will hear next. Monkey? 😛

Anyways, thank you for sharing this great podcast.

PS: I have been truly obsessed with True Detective 1st season, like thousands of others. It would be superb if Woody Harrelson joined your podcast.

All the best. xx

Jason Townsend
Jason Townsend
8 years ago

Hey Tim.

I like this form of podcast. The defined structure is great, and the shorter timeframe is better as you can “get it over with in one shot” rather than having to pick up where you left off and gather your thoughts in that direction again.

Or, as you might put it, longer episodes interrupts my chunking… 😉

As for the content, you discuss some excellent topics and they resonate with my current journey a lot, especially the daily habits. My journal writing really picked up a notch when you did the awesome podcast with Pat Flynn of Smart Passive Income, and discussed the importance of a morning routine. You both talked about the impact morning journal writing had for you both, so I looked into it further.

The “Five Minute Journal” that you recommended is an excellent book. What I like more is it’s method, having a structured, “answer these questions” approach which you can look back on and make comparisons and track progress with your thoughts. I must admit I’ve never purchased the journal (I like to keep things electronically) and instead I use a similar structure within a notebook in Evernote.

Having my journal electronically means I still get the benefits of journal writing (planning my day, reflection and acknowledgement, clear my thoughts, re-align with purpose, action steps for the day, and more…) AND it goes with me everywhere (I use Evernote on my phone) so I can make no excuses to fill it out. If I ever need to refer to my notes, then I pull out my phone and there it is!

Have you tried an electronic journal, or do you prefer to keep free-hand logs of your thoughts still?

I’d like to thank you for sharing insight about your morning routine, as I know it has benefited me immensely. How do I know? I’ve been doing it so long that when I decide not to, my day is less effective, my mind is more jumbled than ever, and I get to 5pm and ask myself “where did that day go!?”. With a morning routine (which includes journal writing), I don’t get that. I’m sure you can attest to something similar.

Keep up the great work. You’re an inspiration to many.



8 years ago

A good perspective. Keep it up 🙂

8 years ago

I just found your site and I’m downloading your podcast now. Would love more on building and growing a blog. Blog basics would be wonderful to hear about or see too. If you’ve already done this please let me know.

Ben Austin
Ben Austin
8 years ago

This was fantastic!

Thanks for sharing

8 years ago

Liked it: concise content. clear audio. Disappointed though that Lady in Number six is not still available on Vimeo. Also you do a lot of stuff i do that works so happy to find that out as well.

Peter Steinberg
Peter Steinberg
7 years ago

Awesome episode Tim.

My question is a corollary to building a large audience. I was recently interviewed on a podcast and enjoyed the process immensely. What strategies and tactics would you propose to continue being a guest that others would seek/how can you create opportunities to ask to be a guest on someone’s show?

6 years ago


I loved this episode (listened to it multiple times). However, I just listened to The 3 Critical Rules of Branding and I fucking loved it! I cannot believe you didn’t create a post for it ?! 😀

Hope you don’t mind me leaving feedback here on a different post but it was so refreshing to hear you define branding and debunk it. Thank you for elaborating on category creation. Do you think about creating a unique category with every post/podcast you do? Or do you simply look at it from a higher level: my podcast is long form focused on self-improvement/productivity, etc, and then subject matter doesn’t matter so long as you’re creating content you enjoy and that you think is helpful?

I host a podcast called [Moderator: name of podcast removed] (High intensity training and HIT Business) and I’ve started writing blog posts about bodyweight HIT and my own experience. They seem to resonate with my audience well, but I do not think I am creating a new category here: HIT bodyweight blog posts. But I think I have created a new category in terms of my podcast (don’t know of any high intensity strength training podcasts ala Arthur Jones and Doug McGuff).

If you get time, I’d love to learn your thoughts. Equally, appreciate you get thousands of comments so completely understand if you can’t reply and really looking forward to your next episode in this context. I LOVE the inbetweenisodes even more than the guests in most cases!

