Inside the Mind of Glenn Beck, You Find…Walt Disney and Orson Welles? (#69)

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“When I turned 30, I knew my life was at a crossroads. It was either over, or I was going to restart.”

– Glenn Beck [9:10]

The goal of my blog and podcast is to push you outside of your comfort zone and force you to question assumptions.

This is why I invite divergent thinkers and world-class performers who often disagree. I might interview Tony Robbins and then Matt Mullenweg. Or I might have a long chat with Sam Harris, PhD, and later invite a seemingly opposite guest like…

Glenn Beck.

This interview is a wild ride, and it happened — oddly enough — thanks to a late-night sauna session. I was catching up with an old friend, who is mixed-race, a Brown University grad, and liberal in almost every sense of the word. I casually asked him, “If you could pick one person to be on the podcast, who would it be?”

“Glenn Beck,” he answered without a moment’s hesitation. “His story is FASCINATING.”

He described how Glenn hit rock bottom and restarted his life in his 30’s, well past the point most people think it possible. Fast forward to 2014, Forbes named him to their annual Celebrity 100 Power List and pegged his earnings at $90 million for that year. This placed him ahead of people like Mark Burnett, Jimmy Fallon, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Will Smith. Glenn’s platforms — including radio, tv, digital (, publishing, etc. — get somewhere between 30 and 50 million unique visitors per month.

This interview is neither a “gotcha” interview nor a softball interview. I ask some tough questions (e.g. “If you were reborn as a disabled gay woman in a poor family, what political system would you want in place?”), but my primary goal is to pull out routines, habits, books, etc. that you can use. This show is about actionable insight, not argument for argument’s sake.

First and foremost, this is a story of entrepreneurship, and whether you love Glenn, hate Glenn, or have never heard his name, there is a lot to learn from him.

After listening to this (no tirades before, please), I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments!

You can find the transcript of this episode here. Transcripts of all episodes can be found here.

#69: Inside the Mind of Glenn Beck Is...Walt Disney and Orson Welles?

At one point in this episode, we discuss billionaire Peter Thiel, who was previously on the podcast. Here is Peter and my experimental “conversation.” We delve into his principles of entrepreneurship, building massive companies, value creation, and competition, among other things (stream below or right-click here to download):

Ep 28: Peter Thiel, Billionaire Investor and Company Creator on Investing, Business, and Life

This podcast is brought to you by 99Designs, the world’s largest marketplace of graphic designers. Did you know I used 99Designs to rapid prototype the cover for The 4-Hour Body? Here are some of the impressive results.  Click this link and get a free $99 upgrade.  Give it a test run..

This episode is also sponsored by The Tim Ferriss Book Club. In my book club, I highlight amazing books that I love. The most recent addition is We Learn Nothing by Tim Kreider. You can find all of the books at or here.

QUESTION(S) OF THE DAY: For you, what were the most valuable takeaways from this episode? Please let me know in the comments.

Scroll below for links and show notes…


Selected Links from the Episode

Show Notes

  • The story of Glenn Beck’s sole class at Yale [8:15]
  • Facing the dark periods, and how bedtime stories helped him identify his alcoholism [17:10]
  • How to avoid the temptations of the past [20:22]
  • On common misconceptions [32:15]
  • Suggestions for finding common ground during debates [37:45]
  • Glenn Beck’s most often gifted book [41:30]
  • Why Glenn has made the decision to be less divisive [45:30]
  • Advice for becoming great on radio (or in audio) [49:00]
  • “What controversial thing do you believe that few people agree with you on?” [53:30]
  • What to focus on when building a fast-growing company [1:03:00]
  • Why he sometimes asks people “How is your soul?” [1:15:05]
  • Morning routines and habits [1:17:50]
  • What makes Glenn Beck effective as the center of a $90-million+ organization [1:22:45]
  • “Who’s the first person to come to mind when you think ‘successful?'” [1:26:50]
  • Glenn Beck’s fascination with Orson Welles and the story of Citizen Kane [1:28:05]
  • On Walt Disney [1:34:25]
  • Glenn Beck’s advice to his 30-year old self [1:38:25]

Podcast Listener Questions (Submitted via My Facebook Page)

Matt Brand – “If you were to be theoretically reborn as a disabled gay woman in a poor family, what political system would you want in place?” [1:43:05]

Alex Kirby – “What are some of the things we can do to ‘rebrand’ capitalism and encourage entrepreneurship here (in the US) and abroad?” [1:39:35]

[Name sadly inaudible] – “If you were to leave people with one piece of advice, or a question they could ask themselves, what would that be?” [1:44:35]

People Mentioned

The Tim Ferriss Show is one of the most popular podcasts in the world with more than one billion downloads. It has been selected for "Best of Apple Podcasts" three times, it is often the #1 interview podcast across all of Apple Podcasts, and it's been ranked #1 out of 400,000+ podcasts on many occasions. To listen to any of the past episodes for free, check out this page.

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Comment Rules: Remember what Fonzie was like? Cool. That’s how we’re gonna be — cool. Critical is fine, but if you’re rude, we’ll delete your stuff. Please do not put your URL in the comment text and please use your PERSONAL name or initials and not your business name, as the latter comes off like spam. Have fun and thanks for adding to the conversation! (Thanks to Brian Oberkirch for the inspiration.)

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Karma Neff
Karma Neff
9 years ago

Absolutely fascinating interview. I love how hearing a person’s story makes us feel more connected with them and gives us better understanding when our views differ. This is a perfect example of that for me. I have a new respect for Glenn Beck.

9 years ago

I always find it interesting the those generally left of center (politically) readily cry out hate for those who align themselves to the right of politics…Nevertheless great podcast- full of insight and soul-hitting moments. There were times of deep exhale from your end, Tim, and believe me, I was right there with you.

9 years ago

Truth be told, I always thought Beck to be a bit pious. He changed my opinion today.

And respect for beating his demons.

Me, being someone on the cusp of personal reinvention, took this podcast and learned from it…

Thanks to you both.

9 years ago

I did not expect to be inspired and impressed with Glenn Beck today. Good god

9 years ago

Really interesting interview – I live in Australia and never watched Fox so I wasn’t familiar with Glenn Beck. I looked him up and I can see some of his politics are far off from mine!

Despite this he came across really well in the interview and I think Tim did an absolutely stellar job at a host. I disagree with other commenters that shunned this podcat, diversity is good – well picked Tim….. my hat is off for you 🙂

9 years ago

I’d be the last person on earth to listen to GB. Now I have a new respect for the man, the person. Thanks!

9 years ago

Awesome interview. Glenn is an amazing personality with so much integrity. He is a person I would feel

comfortable to discuss the ” state of my soul”. What struck me is that this interview came while I’m in the middle of B-School with Marie Forleo and I’m going through this “I’m not big and loud enough” self doubt circle. Another great podcast Tim, thanks so much for your ongoing inspiration. First your 4hourworkweek, then your podcasts that I thoroughly enjoy while driving with my 3 year old to and from work. Now I’m in the process of reading 4 hour body. Love how you go against the mainstream and ask the very questions I’ve been pondering about! Can’t wait to hear and read more of your stuff. ” Being out of my comfort zone is the only comfort zone I have!” 🙂

9 years ago

I found much of this interview to contain ideas worth emulating and felt it was overall quite excellent.

That being said, I’m left trying to sort out how it is that in Glenn’s mind he is adhering to the ideas he discusses.

To speak of spending the rest of his life bringing people together, spreading love, and reducing divisiveness and then to do the opposite of those exact things on his radio program baffles me.

I feel like either I’m missing something or he is a master manipulator and knew just how to position this interview to sway a new audience.

I would love a follow up statement or interview that addresses this point specifically as it seems to be a common thread in these comments.

Mike Smith
Mike Smith
9 years ago
Reply to  Andrew

As a long-time listener of the radio show, I would say that he probably separates Washington D.C. from the rest of the world. Outside of the political games of Washington he is focused on bringing people together and emphasizing love and community over political bickering and division. However, he has no problem with still being the fiery and highly-opinionated political commentator when focused on the Politics-Media complex. It’s a big part of what makes his show entertaining and I think he’s in a league of his own compared to other talk radio hosts.

9 years ago
Reply to  Andrew


What is it exactly that Glenn does on his radio show that you find the exact opposite of “bringing people together, spreading love, and reducing divisiveness?” I listen to every radio show I can via podcast and I don’t see the inconsistency you’re talking about. Having said that, I also think that spreading love and reducing divisiveness is not as important to Glenn as exposing corruption, telling the truth, combating the progressive propaganda machine, informing people that trouble is coming and helping people prepare for that trouble. That is what he is trying to do IMO in an inclusive and loving way.

But if you think that people in Washington can make better decisions than you can, if you think Government solutions are better than private ones, if you like being forced to do things or like forcing others to do things, if you think the national debt is no problem, if you think this current administration is the most transparent ever as it claims, if you think no corruption ever happens behind closed doors, if you think Russia and the Muslim Brotherhood are benign and don’t have espionage operations and political sabotage operations here in America, then you’re probably going to find Glenn divisive. But it’s the incorrect ideas that he is combating, not the people. Well, if you’re Harry Reid, a proven pathological liar you’re going to get blasted, but even then he hasn’t blasted Harry Reid personally, just the lying and lack of morals. The network motto of The Blaze is after all, “Truth Lives Here.” I recommend checking out the principles and values of the 9-12 Project which Glenn started

9 years ago

One of your best interviews, and one of the most interesting. Excellent. Keep up the great work.

suggestions for guests (I don’t tweet or Facebook):

-Seth Klarman, ray dalios, Howard marks, tiger woods, Phil mickelson, jimmy Buffett, Harry connick jr, Ben folds, Adam Carolla, Alton brown, Thomas Keller.


Abbey Ladwig
Abbey Ladwig
9 years ago

Loved this interview. All of it.

Michael Minton
Michael Minton
9 years ago

Amazing,again getting to where these podcast are all I listen to.Always cutting edge on so many different subjects-4hour university!

loren blackburn
loren blackburn
9 years ago

This podcast was fantastic. It is good to hear an interview with Beck that is coming from a non bias view. Thank you Tim Ferriss!

9 years ago

Best podcast I’ve listened to in a long time, and this is coming from a young African American woman from a liberal/progressive family. Everything that

I knew about Mr. Beck were opinions from others. This was the first time that I’ve heard him speak for himself, and I was amazed that he and I share some of the same beliefs. I would have never had this opportunity had you not interviewed him Tim. Thank you.

9 years ago


This has been my favorite episode thus far. What a fascinating and inspiring man. Thank you for conducting the interview and asking great questions!

9 years ago

I felt like Tim changed the most through that interview… It seems like he started out one way and kinda learned something halfway through and became a fan. One of the best podcasts yet…

9 years ago

Absolutely loved this candid interview. Honest, raw, no obtrusive agenda on either side; just a very high quality and insightful dialogue. I’m a big fan of your work Tim and have much respect for Glen Beck.

Nick Gianis
Nick Gianis
9 years ago

Phenomenal interview with Glenn Beck! Thanks for sharing!

Dave Truitt
Dave Truitt
9 years ago

I honestly found some common ground with Mr. Beck. Quite surprised. Great interview. Thanks, Tim!

9 years ago

Given content & the internet go hand in hand, podcasters & celebrities such as Glenn Beck & yourself are proving to be able to build a business online with content. As a angel investor, what do you think about investing in content plays, as opposed to consumer internet?

It appears VC still reframe from investing in content, but many famous tech-stars have been going back and forth in media & tech. Chris Sacca, said he started lowercase media to invest while talking to Jason Calacanis(mahalo, twist ext). Jack Dorsey is involved in Disney’s Incubator, and board of directors, Steve Jobs sold Pixar to Disney which he bought from George Lucas and talked about Apple’s journey with Itunes in his Book, and even you ventured into TV with your show & podcast.

Keep up the good work. ~/JOsH

9 years ago

This is the best interview with Beck I’ve ever heard.

Tim has really turned himself into one of the best interviewers going around.

9 years ago

Thanks for not assuming that all of your fans are liberal and atheist. A perspective that must a challenge to maintain living in the people’s republic of San Fran. Very good, fair, interesting interview.

Dave Posh
Dave Posh
9 years ago

This is a great interview. I am now 30 minutes into it and have already determined that it will be transcribed and put in [Moderator: link deleted].

Thank you Tim Farriss for an insightful interview.

9 years ago

Just a fantastic pair of voices, questions and reflections. Tim and Glenn – so appreciated. And you pull me into updating my news sources, as well as profound reminders as to authenticity and knowing yourself and where you’re at. Thank you.

9 years ago

What really interested me was his love for his audience and his routine. He seems to also carry a lot of stoic thought on adversity. These seem to be the same for many successful people. Thanks for the great questions you asked in this interview. Not a believer in his apocalyptic death cult silliness but I guess there is always a market for that for some people.

9 years ago

Nothing against Tim, keep the controversial interviews coming.

Concerning Glenn Beck, as other astute commenters also noted after listening carefully to the interview, Beck is a Classic Narcissist.

Love this gem: he is just so naturally great as a father, even as a black-out drunk, his bedtime stores are still the best. Gee whiz! What a guy!

9 years ago

I’m from South Africa. We have our own issues. Honestly, I did not know who Glenn Beck was before (well till after) the podcast. Fascinating man, interesting views and a clear view on the world. Loved the interview!!! I honestly do not know why everybody is up in arms about this. Thanks Tim. Much appreciated

9 years ago

How he portrays himself in the interview (“Why are we even talking about Gay marriage? There are more important topics… ” – paraphrase) and what he puts up as news-worthy on his websites (“Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson moved to tears over this fan’s story” or “21-Year-Old Wins Masters Golf Tournament With Record-Tying Score”) seem pretty contradictory.

I was disappointed to find the promoted websites to be just slight variations of the click-whores already out there.

9 years ago

Thanks for challenging expectations – great podcast.

Les Olson
Les Olson
9 years ago

While Glenn has questioned the “existence” of God, it doesn’t appear that he’s questioned his “belief system” in God (i.e., Spirituality vs. Religion). If Glenn would walk down that path, then he might find true enlightenment.

Bob Carocari
Bob Carocari
9 years ago

This was one of the best interviews you’very done.I consider myself a liberal, hate Fox news, and was prepared to hate Glenn Beck, whom I had never heard speak. I was impressed with his humanity and thoughtfulness, and thought you did a great job with the interview. It is nice to be surprised once in a while.

9 years ago

Thanks, Tim, for interviewing Glen Beck. I was quite apprehensive as I didn’t know much about him outside the “Fox wrapper”. Very interesting! I will have to look into him a bit more thoroughly. You do a marvelous job finding interesting people to chat with. Yours is a podcast I refuse to miss!


Jackie Ann Evans
Jackie Ann Evans
9 years ago

One of the best shows you have had Tim. I hadn’t really heard of Glenn Beck as TV was off my radar for quite a while. When he told you those really soul searching things about his life and answered your questions one on top of the other, all really tough, it was amazing to me that you didn’t say after he would finish, “Glenn, I’m inspired, I’m overwhelmed, even me, Tim Ferriss!” But, you didn’t, it was like…nothing, and you would just go on to the next question. I know you felt it though…great job!

Erik Chittick
Erik Chittick
9 years ago

Good interview, but it always interests me to know what makes someone choose a religion that they weren’t born into — especially what moves a person to follow the ostensible prophesies of Joseph Smith — and I wish you’d asked him about that. The conversation almost went there, but got sidetracked by something, and I’d have been fascinated to get that insight. Just a little monday morning quarterbacking. 🙂 Well, as long as I’m doing it, I would’ve liked to know if he had ever demonstrated the open-mindedness and capacity for shifting his opinions that he says he likes to see in others. He seems awfully proud of his idealogical journey, and pretty unyielding, and since he nourishes an environment of, shall we say, consistency of brand, I’d love to have seen some evidence of humility. So, when you figure out how to rewind time, please ask him the above.

9 years ago

Any off you who are surprised Tim would interview “someone like Glenn Beck” don’t really get what Tim is trying to do with this podcast.

Aaron Weir
Aaron Weir
9 years ago

I am not a religious person, I was expecting to not like this podcast that much even tho I am a big fan and listened to all the other shows. This is my favorite show and I found it very inspiring. I am still not a fan of the content Glenn B. produces but I am a fan of him.

9 years ago

LOVED this one. Every time I hear Glenn Beck off “stage”, I am impressed. Thanks for the genuine interview. Personally, would prefer you not apologize for it.

9 years ago

Great episode. Thank you!

9 years ago


thank you for this episode. I had no idea the man Glen Beck was until I tuned in! Great takenaways in this episode, and may I say sir your interviewing skills are growing with every podcast!!! Amazing

9 years ago

I do not really agree with Beck’s viewpoints (ok most of them). And to be honest, I didn’t really listen or watch him after hearing him the 1st few times. But after this interview, I was very impressed by him, his backstory and his personal ethic. This does not mean that I will agree with him, but it’s making me think I need to make an effort to hear more viewpoints that do not match mine.

9 years ago

‘What happened? I actually don’t know.’ – the most powerful 2 sentences in this episode. Curiosity, honesty and humility is what I love most about the Tim Ferriss Show. Learning more from it than I ever did in school.

Victor Björklund
Victor Björklund
9 years ago

One of the best episodes so far. I do not agree with all Glenn Becks personal opinions but I have so much respect for his open mindness.

9 years ago

Of all your podcasts–this is one of my favorites for two reasons. 1) Only knowing of Glenn Beck from his Fox days, was not a fan. Not sure where I sit now, but the questions asked and his responses were surprising and has opened my thinking a bit. What struck me most was how he responded. It’s clear he’s digging deep and trying to stay as authentic as possible–not many people do this in interviews. 2) You Tim–this interview felt different from the ones you do with folks you have long admired. While you seemed less comfortable, there’s a genuine curiosity that really shines through. And loved the questioning of your own political leanings at the end. All-in-all an impactful interview!

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
9 years ago
Reply to  Leah

Thank you, Leah 🙂

9 years ago

I think is was the best interview that you have done, to date. I was so fascinated by the content of the podcast… I plan to listen to it again. I rarely ever do that! Glenn Beck is not who I thought he was.

Joey B
Joey B
9 years ago

The part where Glenn describes how he was extra creative when he would drink, and he would tell his kids stories about three mice named Inky, Blinky, and Stinky who would run from Thomas the Cat seemed fishy to me. If you Google this, you see a post in a form from 2006 where a guy tells a story with the same characters. Does this seem strange to anyone? Glenn Beck always sets off my bullshit radar.

9 years ago

I didn’t know much about Glenn Beck before, but this interview really touched me to my core. He really made me look into myself deeper and ask some hard questions. I feel like I grew up after finishing this. Thanks for the great listen.

9 years ago

Glenn Beck got me into reading years ago before he became who he is today. He is the reason i’ve read so much. I probably would of never come across your book the four hour workweek. I would of never searched amazon for business operations and happened to find your book and all the different rabbit holes you’ve taken me down. I must commend you on the interview. Even though I feel I know who Beck is, your questions uncovered some great nuggets of info

9 years ago

I have watched and listened to Glenn Beck for 9+ years and GB has inspired me and taught me a lot about history, news, that was never taught in public school. Glenn has a fascinating success story.

He also he brings together current events, and explains the information from a high-level perspective that tells the story, connecting the dots, of where the country is headed. He brings in the experts in the subject matter being discussed and often he’s ahead of the curve and belittled often when he’s out in front, but he’s been right each step of the way. With the leading premise of “question with boldness, and to seek the truth as the truth has no agenda, and the truth shall set you free.”

Glenn is very relate-able, and contrary to the deceptive, untrustworthy mouth pieces of the left-leaning media that are an echo chamber for a totalitarian control and a praetorian guard for the left, Glenn respects his audience and knows American’s want to be told the truth.

We all want to be successful, in what ever career or way you define success for one self. The country that has made success possible that has been a beacon of light for the rest of the world has been America. The greatest economic system that has brought hundreds of millions of people out of poverty than any other economic system in the history of the world is free market capitalism, which embraces liberty, private property, and your pursuit of your own happiness. And what’s being pushed today, more socialism which leads to communism, an often tried and fatally failed ideology.

Glenn is a capitalist, I am a capitalist, and free market capitalism and freedom are intertwined, not driven by cohesion, cronyism, and collectivism

or any other -ism; Freedom and Liberty are not an ideology, it is nature, mans nature is to be free. The Constitution of the USA is the document that limits the powers of the federal government to what they can not do to the individual, and States, and says here is what you can do to promote individual liberty, accumulation of your own private property, in pursuit of your own happiness.

Tim I commend you and thank you for interviewing Glenn Beck, as I read your blog post many people of your audience have not listened to or watch Glenn before on his The Blaze TV show, perhaps as he has been portrayed in a poor light by other media outlets. The more people are open minded to listen, the more they are surprised to find he is a genuine good guy that made it from hard work, pursuit of an idea, and he never gave up.

This country was founded on the entrepreneurial spirit, your book 4 hr work wk surprisingly taps into the entrepreneurial spirit, however more people need to really understand and embrace the foundation of America and the Constitution was founded upon a free market economy. We live in a post Constitutional period now, but we need to turn towards free market capitalism and have tens or hundreds of thousands or even millions of entrepreneurs like Tim Ferris for generations to come be inspired and have opportunities to pursue,

9 years ago

UGH. That man has done more damage to this country than any other living man, except maybe Dick Cheney. He’s the father of the Tea Party, the great divider, a psychopathic liar, you must know that. Yeah, he needs his god, because what he’s done is unforgivable, and with his ‘loving god’. he can pretend he’s in the clear. Man, he’s got some nerve.

9 years ago
Reply to  Cassie

Please google something like ‘the worst of Glenn Beck’. You might be shocked. A truly rotten soul, and you let him off the hook.

9 years ago
Reply to  Cassie

Well, yes. Ultimately, that’s what makes this interview so interesting. Here is a man who was making $2 million a year or more, wielding incredible influence, and he’s telling his life story as if he was somehow a pawn/addict who broke free and now lives a life of authenticity. Actually, he’s a self described ‘Act’ who knows how to say what an audience wants to hear…AND he figured out how to make a lot more money doing so by working for himself instead of a network. All the talk of principles and values is the curtain, and behind it, if you listen, you can hear what he wants: your attention, your recognition, your interest. That’s all it is, but he’s a master at gaining it.

Brett Sammons
Brett Sammons
9 years ago

This is insanity. Tim is clearly patronizing this guy. This man is the LARGEST HOAX on the world ever possible. Walt Disney/Orson Welles?? Are you fucking kidding me?? 100 Million Net Worth? Please. DO NOT take this personally. The world is NOT ending. Please Tim, you have been a major part of my life for years. Tell me this was a War of The Worlds Hoax. If not, I have lost ALL respect for you.

Brett Sammons
Brett Sammons
9 years ago
Reply to  Brett Sammons

This podcast seemed edited like no other. I can imagine dealing with someone worth 100 million can make things happen. The second you said Aldous Huxley, and he said “No, Orson Welles.”, I shit my pants. Nothing from that point on meant shit. At the 54:00 minute mark, you fucked a lot of peoples lives up. End of the world bullshit. If you stand by this podcast, and not that you agreed, but present it as an entrepreneur and not fact. I have friends in EXTREMELY dark places because of some bullshit like this. If you can take the word of 2 of the best sci fi and fiction writers of all time as REAL, GFU!!! Figure out the abbreviations. I am more than open to hear responses.

Peter Schwartz
Peter Schwartz
9 years ago

I dunno. This is not a question of being open to opposing views or being tolerant or finding the nugget of truth or wisdom in an opponent’s perspective.

Listening to bits of this interview, it’s clear Glenn Beck had many “reasonable” things to say. But to come away with this view of him is simply to ignore everything else he’s done, which is considerable and appalling. Awful. Destructive. Hateful. And if he did all those things, but underneath it all was just a radio professional who’d found his entertainment niche and an underserved demographic, then he’s truly despicable. Obama hates white people? Give me a break. That’s not just wrong, but demagogically wrong at a deep level. That wasn’t “an opposing view,” that was garbage given a microphone. Remember the white man’s version of MLK’s march on Washington he ran where he analogized his “movement” to MLK’s? Deeply ignorant and offensive. All his chalk talks on his show? Jesus effin’ Christ. The guy did SERIOUS damage to the public conversation.

I have no problem with Tim doing an interview like this, but it left me thinking Beck was even more of a charlatan, happy to pull the shade of ignorance down over the eyes of his “fans” while he scoops up their hard-earned dollars and laughs his way to the bank. OF COURSE, he won’t say that! He won’t even hint at that. Maybe he’ll have a revelation and ask for forgiveness and do a 180. Who knows and who cares. The only thing he’s really competent to pontificate on is how to become a millionaire demagogue because, everything he says here to the contrary, that is what he’s done. In spades.

Aaron Hinde
Aaron Hinde
9 years ago

Great interview as always Tim. Glenn came across as the real deal. Can’t fault a guy for having enough balls to actually stand up for what her really believes. I definitely agreed w/ him more than I disagreed. Switching my registration to Libertarian now.

Cody McKibben
Cody McKibben
9 years ago

found the interview fascinating, though I must admit Beck is one of those I can’t ever quite pin down for sure as to whether or not he’s playing a character 24/7. anyways, enlightening, impressive interview.

I also found this very interesting and compelling – from Andrew WK:

Rebecca Rachmany
Rebecca Rachmany
9 years ago

One of your best interviews ever. Thank you.

R. Stature
R. Stature
9 years ago

Wisdom is the ability to decipher between what is real and not real. Glenn Beck on this show shared some really interesting stories but failed to disclose that he is the modern William Randolph Hearst, Bernay’s etc. He’s a very intelligent spin doctor, but unlike Buckminster Fuller or Aldous Huxley his overspecialization will render him friendless and obsolete due his over specialization/egotism/lack of human empathy. Islam pulled Christianity out of the dark ages, I don’t think it’s too bright to demonize the very culture that lended its mathematics to the world, plus islamaphobia is dead thanks to Elon Musk and the decentralization of power. Murdoch, Beck, Koch Brothers are on a sinking ship, and I’d hate to see Tim on the same one. 😉 Tim you are in silicon valley, interview more people with solutions rather than slimy spin doctors. Namaste.

9 years ago

Loved it. was great!

9 years ago

Tim, (and assistants), I’m linking to this interview from a LinkedIn article and I’d like to use the picture you have here as well, with photo credit to this site. I’m unable to find a way to contact you, so I apologize for being so public about it.

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
9 years ago
Reply to  arritola68

Please hold off on using the photo, as you would need Glenn’s permission. Thanks!

Peter Carson
Peter Carson
9 years ago


I was really disappointed in your interview of Glen Beck. I respect your curiosity in his success, however, Glen Beck produces content like The Blaze that is extremely divisive and contrary to many of the things he said in your interview. Glen talked about love in the interview but the content he puts out is not love, its purpose is to incite people with closed minds who are angry that the world is not longer white and all Christian. I wished you would have done more homework before the interview and challanged him on the content of the Blaze.

Thanks for letting me express my opinion.


Theresa Allison
Theresa Allison
9 years ago

His success aside, if viewed from the lens of the 4HWW, Glenn Beck is the polar opposite of how most people would want to run their business. His explanation of the “sock incident” was very telling when he said that you just have to realize that your life is no longer your own. The reason I purchase your books and listen to your podcasts is so that I don’t have to live in that kind of self imposed prison. Excellent podcast as always, Tim.

Daniel S.
Daniel S.
8 years ago

I find it VERY interesting that those so vehemently critical of Glenn Beck have nothing concrete to base their disdain off of??? @miles, @David Howe, @JustinM. (You claim “he’s a hypocrite and a liar” but give no examples? Funny enough that’s the kind of thing Glenn Beck is against, disagree, but don’t name call… That’s pretty childish? I’m guessing your hate and intolerance are from a place of well-intentioned dogmatic liberalism, but if you were to step back and listen to what you all are saying you would see that your actions are exactly that of those people you claim to hate to much. Those who make claims and accusations out of ignorance). Glenn simply doesn’t like ignorant sheep. He’s supportive of WHATEVER your beliefs are, just be able to back it up with logic and facts. *****Notice how most ALL the people who listened to the podcast came away respecting the man, some liked what he had to say!? All the people with negative comments haven’t pointed out ONE THING from the show that would be remotely worthy of the hate they propagate through simple ignorance. I’m guessing these are the same people who called those at his D.C. rally “Ignorant racists,’ no? But what is racism, but not the whole judging people based on their prejudices? Seriously, if you all could hear what you sound like outside of the Bay Area or Brooklyn, you’d see how harmful your intolerance is to the progress of our nation and the world.

Daniel S.
Daniel S.
8 years ago

@ Cassie, anyone can go to “I’mf*&” and find what they want to hear, that’s not difficult. If you base your opinions on 10 second sound bites taken out of context and put into whatever context the producer wanted them to be in then you’ve got bigger problems than what Glenn Beck says or does… I’m really shocked at all these people that claim to hate him so much? He is his own man, and that at least, should be respected. If you disagree with what he says, and I’d LOVE to hear an HONEST critique of his views from one of you, based NOT on some left-wing bloggers assessment but your own. The simple fact that those not corrupted by the hate mongering of the left seem to find him VERY reasonable and interesting should be a red flag to those of you who are insistent that he is the anti-christ? A LOT of far left leaning people respect him, and do business with him because he is not motivated by anything other than finding the truth, and if the truth is found in his “opponent” then so be it, he’ll have no problem conceding. I’ve heard him do it multiple times. He’s said on many occasions that what he said in the past was wrong, or misguided, but not because it was hateful, but rather because he simply changed his mind based on fact. It’s freeing to break the chains of the dogmatic left, it really is, be your own person. Don’t let OTHER people tell you who you can and who you cannot like. This has always been SUCH a mystery to me, why the left hates Glenn Beck so much? Personally, I think it was solely because he was doing something no other person this side of Hollywood has been able to do since… Maybe Reagan. He brought people together and those that didn’t want those people coming together had something to lose from that, so what did they do? Well call him and everyone he associated himself with a racist? Notwithstanding he and Mr. Luther King Jr.’s niece I believe she is, are VERY good friends and did the MLK day gathering in the Mall together. PLEASE! Just think for yourself, and if you all get anything out of this interview, let it be that! That’s all Glenn wants, he just wants people to think for themselves and become educated. In this day and age, there is NO reason to be ignorant, you have a myriad of resources at your fingertips. Don’t fall victim to the medias very limited interpretation of the World around you. Find out for yourself, and just when you think you get it, look again, bc chances are, you’re missing something. You always have to peel back another layer, bc it’s not only the facts, but how those facts are interpreted often times that make the difference. Be educated, learn to learn. That’s Glenn Beck for those of you too busy having a panic attack about what you might hear that would disjoint your worldview and couldn’t listen to the man, in his own words. The most awful thing is that those that did listen have heard such horrible things about him from their “political” buddies that they are ACTUALLY considering that maybe he’s just trying to pull a fast one on them? That he IS this bad person, but this was all a show, after all, how could so many liberals hate him so much unless he was the anti-christ after all? You’ve been duped. The world is not necessarily the way your Freshman English-Lit teacher lead you to believe, and you should be upset about that cause that education was expensive.

8 years ago

Walt Disney did not kill both of his parents (as mentioned in this podcast). His father lived through the gas leak. Just mentioning this to point out that captivating story tellers don’t always get the facts right. This was an interesting conversation and slightly stressful to get through. It was like a weird mix of truth with some twisted spins thrown in here and there. Hopefully people will not take everything at face value. Tim did a good job remaining neutral for the most part.

Michael R Szarley
Michael R Szarley
8 years ago

I am profoundly disappointed that you would give a platform to Glenn Beck, your justification attached to the interview is insulting. You should have done this interview sooner – I would not have purchased or followed anything you produce.

Now, how about a ‘nice’ interview with some neo-nazis, or the Westboro Baptist Church?

Danielle M.
Danielle M.
8 years ago

Thank you so much for this episode! It was so refreshing to hear a different point of the view than the mainstream.

Jack Dahl
Jack Dahl
8 years ago

Glenn Beck is an outstanding man, whose ambition and ‘man’s man’ approach to family, God, and country have made significant difference to millions.

If you haven’t already, check out Mercury One (dot org) and The Blaze. I respect Tim Ferris even more for getting this man’s much-needed perspective.

8 years ago

Thanks Tim. This is one of the best podcasts I have came across. Glenn Beck is awesome.

Tiago Tav
Tiago Tav
8 years ago

Couldn’t finish the episode, seems like a hypocritical speech of the devil trying to save face due to regret.

8 years ago

Glenn Beck is all about being an upright person doing the right things. This, unsurprisingly, is hate bait to many of the Tim Ferris crowd. Mr. Ferris probably means well but he comes off as kind of creepy. And his followers, unsurprisingly, come off as people I’d rather not associate with.

7 years ago

Just Listened to entire Glenn Beck interview – cant help feeling he is disingenuous.

6 years ago

I enjoy your Pocasts immensely and have to commend you for stepping out to interview Glen. I bet he surprised you with who he really is. He is closer to my liking than some of the very liberal leaning interviewees that tend to show up. Saying that, I always learn something about or from them I can relate to. You do a great service showing us who these people really are and not how our divided country portrays everyone as left or right. We are all the fabric of America and need to both listen to and be heard. Good job, Tim. Keep at it.

Isabel Nkiessu-Guifo
Isabel Nkiessu-Guifo
6 years ago

I would love apart two, now is the time. Glen Beck was an oracle!

Ben Gaskin
Ben Gaskin
1 year ago

I wish the intro written blub said who Glenn Beck is. something something celebrity something something entrepreneurship. Here’s what Google says when I searched for who is Glenn Beck:

Glenn Lee Beck is an American conservative political commentator, radio host, entrepreneur, and television producer. He is the CEO, founder, and owner of Mercury Radio Arts, the parent company of his television and radio network TheBlaze.

None of which is in the blub.