What My Morning Journal Looks Like

History is littered with examples of successful (and unsuccessful) people who kept daily journals. It ranges from Marcus Aurelius to Ben Franklin, and from Mark Twain to George Lucas.

But what on earth did they write about?

Or perhaps you’ve seen examples of their writing and thought to yourself, “Goddamn, that reads like the Gettysburg Address!” and become demoralized.

In this post, I’ll show you what my raw morning journal looks like.


Because it’s easy to imagine our heroes as unflappable juggernauts, who conquer insecurity with a majestic mental karate chop every morning. This is, of course, an illusion. Most people you see on magazine covers have plenty of mornings when they’d rather hide under the covers all day long.

A while back, I bared my soul in a post about “productivity” tips for neurotic and crazy people (like me). I was overwhelmed by the hundreds of heartfelt comments, letters, and more that I received.

Many of you have since asked about my “morning pages,” so I’m oversharing again…

The Daily Struggle

Nearly every morning, I sit down with a hot cocktail of turmeric, ginger, pu-erh tea, and green tea. Next, I crack open this large-format paperback (pic from my Instagram):



To be honest, I never read the original Artist’s Way, which was recommended to me by many mega-bestselling authors.

More book consumption didn’t interest me, as I often use it to procrastinate. What I needed was a daily and meditative practice of production, like the tea ceremony. So, voila, I bought the journal. This “companion” provides plenty of context to be used by itself.

But why journal in the first place?

I don’t journal to “be productive.” I don’t do it to find great ideas, or to put down prose I can later publish. The pages aren’t intended for anyone but me.

Morning pages are, as author Julia Cameron puts it, “spiritual windshield wipers.” It’s the most cost-effective therapy I’ve ever found. To quote her further, from page viii:

“Once we get those muddy, maddening, confusing thoughts [nebulous worries, jitters, and preoccupations] on the page, we face our day with clearer eyes.”

Please reread the above quote. It may be the most important aspect of trapping thought on paper (i.e. writing) you’ll ever encounter. Even if you consider yourself a terrible writer, writing can be viewed as a tool that you can and should use. There are huge benefits to writing, even if no one — yourself included — ever reads what you write. In other words, the process matters more than the product.

Below is one of my real entries.

I’ve typed out the text below the image, as it’s easier to read.

Evernote Snapshot 20150114 141515


Woke up at 7:30am, before everyone else. Feels great.

It’s a Sunday, so I feel I can take it slow, which is probably the reason it feels great.

Why should Monday or Tuesday be any different? There are still people waiting regardless. Let them wait.

It’s funny how we work and aim and strive to get to a point where people wait for us, not the other way around. Cue Get Shorty!

And yet, when we arrive at this vaunted point, the masses of people (often rightly) incessantly knocking on the door, one after another, causes far more stress than when you were a mere peon (sp)! [I was unsure of spelling]

Is it because of the 100x more inbound, which decreases a feeling of self-directed free will? A feeling that you’re constantly choosing from someone else’s buffet instead of cooking your own food?

Or is it because you feel you must be defensive and protect what you have: time, money, relationships, space, etc.?

For someone who’s “won” through a lifetime of offense, of attacking, playing the defensive game conflicts with the core of who they are.


So… What’s The Point Again?

There are two ways to interpret the above journal entry, and they’re not mutually exclusive:

1) I’m trying to figure things out, and this might help.

For instance: I’ve realized conflicts between goals (become “successful”) and related side-effects one must manage (100x more inbound). I’ve also noted that my big wins in life have come from being aggressive, much like iconic coach Dan Gable, who’s epic rant here is one of my favorites of all time. But the fetters of even a modicum of professional success makes one feel like they have to play defense, or manage instead of conquer. This runs counter to my DNA, which leads to unhappiness. Therefore, I need to divest myself of assets that require “protecting,” or I need to better delegate this responsibility.

That all sounds pleasantly analytical. Aren’t we smart? But perhaps the real value is that…

2) I’m just caging my monkey mind on paper so I can get on with my fucking day.

#2 is key.

Morning pages don’t need to solve your problems. They simply need to get them out of your head, where they’ll otherwise bounce around all day like a bullet ricocheting inside your skull.

Could bitching and moaning on paper for five minutes each morning change your life?

As crazy as it might seem, I believe the answer is yes.


Would you like more posts like this? Or never again? Please let me know in the comments (click here), or I’ll never know. Thank you for reading!

The Tim Ferriss Show is one of the most popular podcasts in the world with more than one billion downloads. It has been selected for "Best of Apple Podcasts" three times, it is often the #1 interview podcast across all of Apple Podcasts, and it's been ranked #1 out of 400,000+ podcasts on many occasions. To listen to any of the past episodes for free, check out this page.

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Daniel Brown
Daniel Brown
9 years ago

A lovely ray of hope and positive thinking to start the day with. Thank you for the thoughts. Mazel Tov!

Chelsea O'Brien
Chelsea O'Brien
9 years ago

Yes, please continue sharing posts of this nature. To me, like your previous one on productivity hacks, this post feels endearing. It’s also relief for those of us that experiment with different ways to harness the monkey mind in the morning.

9 years ago

yes. brutal lay man honesty sparks and talks to my soul. Thank you

9 years ago

Tim, did you pixelate something out next to the date?!?! Now I am dying to know what it is…

Robert B. Wujek
Robert B. Wujek
9 years ago


So cool to learn you’re a fan of Morning Pages!

I love them, but haven’t used them in a long time. They served me well years ago when I was just angry and frustrated, but maintaining a carefully-crafted nice guy facade. 30 minutes of dumping the darkness every morning provided an opening to experience gratitude for my truly blessed life, and to get present to my dreams and inspirations. Pretty powerful!

I’ve often thought about starting up again and I’m going to use the inspiration from your post to take action on that thought. Should be interesting because the anger/frustration are long-gone; I’m happy and grateful and really just curious now about how to be the best man and make the biggest difference I can in the years I have remaining.

Thank’s in advance, Tim, for the education and inspiration I know I will continue to enjoy from your generous offerings.

9 years ago

Awesome post. Keep it coming!

9 years ago

I love this post, thanks for sharing. I recently changed to journaling in the afternoon just to see how that turns out. Ever tried.

Gemma Garratt
Gemma Garratt
9 years ago

Thank you. This is a great reminder to get back to my Morning Pages. I find whenever I do them I find this stange feeling coming over me and I think, hmmm I’m feeling so calm today. Then I remember…I did my pages this morning. It’s gold. Thanks for sharing such personal stuff. It’s inspiring.

Merlene Campbell
Merlene Campbell
9 years ago

I truly enjoyed your blog….Also thinks happiness and peace come easily when life is flowing abundantly. But the law of impermanence promises that it can’t always flow this way, so nor should we expect it to.

9 years ago

Thank you so much for this post, Mr. Ferriss. I have added the Morning Pages ritual into my morning routine.

9 years ago

Yes Tim, please write more of this…personally, writing in paper anytime of the day proves the best productive way to store ideas to being carried out later.

9 years ago

Whats your exact tea recipe Tim I’m curious sounds like a lot of different flavors.

9 years ago

I find this type of self inquiry a necessary step in the evolution to a genuine lifestyle filled with more attuned choices and actions, and personal values, ones not borrowed from others.. doesn’t that sound higher mind cool? A more gritty response is yes please .. I am a 56yr old female, who has just been unplugged from the normal flotsam and jetsom of worklife (due to a graciously received freaking painful hip injury with no conclusive recovery time set) which is summarily leading me in a new direction. Instead of resisting (well I did for 3 months, egoic habits still fight on) I stamped my good foot down and “flipped it”, and practiced the ancient art of “accepting whatever life brings to your door next”, prepared to move headlong into whatever direction beckoned, minus all the conditioned “Should Be’s” that often judge and limit very harshly ones moments of decision. Being a long term meditator, self inquiry facilitator and life coach, this was my unique lesson for one… sitting in this gap, considering how one actively invites in one’s Muse, this illusive idea-phenomena that I have been reading and listening about from you for several years. Meanwhile, learning how to live paperless, travelling out west in Australia with my husband on rostered shifts for some cashflow, dunked firmly in a vacuum filled with juicy what ifs, and who knows, and why nots. Roll on…and keep the journal sharing going Tim. You are one of my chosen mentors online for this part of my journey. Appreciate the opportunity to share!

9 years ago

I am a new blogger and after my first 10 posts, have been thinking of ways to be more productive/ consistent/ better idea generator. Although I keep all my notes etc on the mac, I’ve kinda always missed hand-writing stuff. I’ve been enjoying following the 10 ideas a day rule by James Altucher. Will surely add this to my morning routine! Thanks for sharing Tim! Big fan of your podcast too btw 🙂

Deb Quimby - Quackenbush
Deb Quimby - Quackenbush
9 years ago

You never know what will “flip” the switch on in a person…you have an audience so keep sharing.

Amber Magnolia Hill
Amber Magnolia Hill
9 years ago

I appreciate the intelligence, thoughtfulness, transparency, and humility in everything you do Tim. Thank you for this personal insight into such a simple and profound practice.

Natalie Gilday
Natalie Gilday
9 years ago

Absolutely beautiful. I think it’s fascinating that today’s leaders are beloved more for their humanness, than an arrogant comparison to ‘God.’ I believe you when you say that you want to help people with your books and blog. Thank you, I am inspired and encouraged.

9 years ago

Grear article Tim. I heard you talk about this and reading this article has inspired me to make journaling part of my morning routine. I really enjoy you “over sharing”. Has this been partially influenced by James Altucher?

Ian Villanueva
Ian Villanueva
9 years ago

This article put into consciousness various thoughts that have become stagnant inside my head. One would be the random urge to write my thoughts (which I constantly ignore) that would eventually force their way out of my head at some point of the day causing major “spacing out” moments. A second one would be the calming effects, as you pointed out, of putting your thoughts into writing. Thank you for sharing this because I really needed this (even though I never though I would) as a person who just want to get these conflicting thoughts sorted out before they cause havoc inside my head later in the day.


I love the line: “I’m just caging my monkey mind on paper so I can get on with my fucking day.”

9 years ago

I love it! I’m going to keep a journal also, if only to slow me down enough to smell the roses and coffee. Thank you for your insightful and humorous thoughts.

9 years ago

I find this pretty inspiring because I thought having a journal of what you do everyday is sort of lame especially when technology is now everywhere. Now I feel the need to buy myself a new notebook and just keep writing. Wonderful topic.

Jimmy Humble
Jimmy Humble
9 years ago

Your journal entry looks very similar to mine.

I’ve been writing in One Note for years just to do exactly what you’re talking about, get those morning cob webs out and get my day started. Keep up the good work, looking forward to meeting you one day for lunch.

9 years ago

Love the post- I’ve been sporadically journaling at night- when mornings now make so much more sense- I’m going to try it! …I use Penzu.com online since I travel more than not; you get one free journal.

I have about 10 so I went pro for $20 a year.

Annie Fong
Annie Fong
9 years ago

Brilliant idea. I’m getting the journal as guideline to expres myself on paper so I can get on with my day. Thanks Tim for this post.

Annie F, London,UK

9 years ago

Hey Tim,

I’ve been writing these morning pages for quite some time now and find it to be quite relaxing. Curious to know how writing these morning pages has affected your creativity?

José Antonio Cerrillo Soto.
José Antonio Cerrillo Soto.
9 years ago

Great essay Tim! Congrats for you amazing life you are designing!

I am learning tons of you and your path! As Tony robbins says. You are making The invisible visible! You still Have that energy for discover and acomplish that all of us had when we were kids.

Keep growing, keep dreaming!

I send you a big human hug!!

Take it easy Tim!!!

Wish you The best!!

Tony Cerrillo

From Guanajuato México! Marveleous city in México! You shoulders come visit!

9 years ago

Definitely helps, I have a cluttered mind and whether I write this at the start of the day or at the end, it puts my thoughts on hold and helps me focus.

9 years ago

Yes, more posts like a this would be appreciated

9 years ago

In 1999 I was reading Julia Cameron’s The Right to Write. She is amazing. I tend to carry an assortment of notebooks for a variety of reasons, and I couldn’t agree with you more. If there is some nagging thought bouncing around in your skull, put it down on paper and see where it leads. It might just go away.

I love your writing, Mr. Ferriss. The mindset you espouse is liberating and inspiring. Thank you for opening many interesting doors and inviting the rest of us to tag along and maybe try new things too.

Ray Rodriguez


Keith Claridge
Keith Claridge
9 years ago

This post has inspired me to evolve my journalling.

9 years ago

Hey Tim!

Read and was in an “Artists Way” workshop/group meetings…

Like to go deep 😉 at times…

The “Morning Pages” or “mind dump” I like to refer to is just that. Get it out! No proofreading, thinking too much, what have you… just get it all out and on paper. 1st week or so, don’t even read it again.

Then, start to read, and see patterns that may hold you back from the true you and what’s working, what you WANT to CREATE in you life 🙂

Re-word accordingly.

Then as you do your morning pages, you can start to be more in tune and aware of what’s spilling out and what you are consciously creating… Thus rewriting along the way… This is a process, weeks… month… at least till you get to 80/20 like you refer to…

Love it.


Kris zamzow
Kris zamzow
8 years ago

Awesome! Please continue! I get it!!!! And I was actually wondering if I was insane or going crazy or had dementia because of my crazy writing/thought process… Thank u!

8 years ago

You’re strange. And authentic. And I like you 🙂

8 years ago

Your posts,blogs,podcast ,etc change my outlook and help me everyday become a better person. Thank you

8 years ago


I find you inspiring, and I have just become reacquainted with you.(online of course 🙂 ! Your words resonate with me because you seem to live the life you teach. I have found myself in a big transition in my life looking for questions and answers. I will start journaling tomorrow and am very excited. Also thank you for the reminder it doesn’t have to be a sonnet. It just needs to be how we feel!

Anna Lombard

8 years ago

Congrats on the journaling! I wouldn’t bother with the original book by Cameron: it reads like an AA manifesto. Also, the version I bought off of Amazon was chockablock full of typos.

Also, I’d like to see more posts like this, please.

8 years ago

Tim, any plan to release something like SlowCarb Diet 2.0 or 2015?

8 years ago

At the core of all understanding, is a glimpse of what’s underneath…the daily chaos and one’s seeking to come to terms with it. I love your writing, and want more, if only to know I am not alone in my feeling that how I feel is not so relevant because my life is so little in comparison!

8 years ago

Hi Tim

So great to see you practice writing morning pages I discovered the artist way about 2 years

Ago I love It.don’t always practice but when I do it does really help! I truly appreciate your take on things I’ve purchased and read 4 hour workweek and 4 hour chef truly have enjoyed learning from you over the years. Thanks for the reminder today getting back to my morning pages!

8 years ago

For me, the morning journal is a space of daily gratitude and a space to sharpen my vision. Thanks for the blog, it is instructive to hear specifics of your daily practice.

Elizabeth Medina
Elizabeth Medina
8 years ago

I really enjoyed this post. I was reminded of how journaling DOES help clear my mind of all thoughts. I had forgotten how journaling made me feel like fucking superwoman just before I left for work. I also liken it to spring cleaning, throwing out the junk and preserving the good stuff on a daily basis in your mind. It’s about starting every morning fresh and free. Thank you Tim, I look forward to more posts.

Darren Huber
Darren Huber
8 years ago

Absolutely I want more posts like this. I’ve recently made the venture into journaling and it’s great to see an example.

Elizabeth Medina
Elizabeth Medina
8 years ago

Thank you for over sharing and inspiring me.

8 years ago

First, nice handwriting! Away from the horrible unemotional most seen in Americans. Second, your obsession with spelling is not justified: you write correctly, even in a very informal book like your journal. Journals are not meant to be long but to collect the thoughts, feelings and mood of the day. Well done, my friend!

susan w
susan w
8 years ago

Thanks, I needed that. The empty journal is waiting for me to kick butt and finally begin!

8 years ago

I love this! I often forget to do what really matters in the morning.I’m good about getting in a workout after a couple cups of coffee, but not so good about meditation and journaling is an extension of meditation. I did both this morning (one before and one after my run) and today has been much better than most. My head is clearer. I’m better able to focus on my tasks.

8 years ago

How about writing before going to sleep. I found out that I can sleep better after I put my thoughs on paper, because this helps me to enter in a meditative state, the thoughs are on the paper, not on my head anymore

Todd Crowley
Todd Crowley
8 years ago

Love it.

Mario M
Mario M
8 years ago

Awesome post Tim! This is the exact reason I am such a fan. You take the difficult to understand or daunting task that I would normally be to overwhelmed to know where to begin and you put it in layman terms so to speak. Thank you for the honesty and opening up to show how you truly spend your morning routine. Just like you I am always looking at successful people’s routines and especially the morning routine.


Scott yost
Scott yost
8 years ago

Yes more entry’s like this. They are awesome and stir up all sorts of great ideas. It is fun getting in your head. Lol. But you already know that

Tanner LaMarche
Tanner LaMarche
8 years ago

This idea of writing down thoughts first thing in the morning, not to make a checklist necessarily but instead to just get some thoughts in order is a marvelous one. I have been taking your advice to do the same and since then it has drastically helped with the anxiety I feel towards starting any new day that I know will involve work. This along with many of the suggestions you have made via your books and podcasts have changed my life on so many levels. Thank you Tim Ferris, I strive to be the best human being I can due to your insight.


Tanner LaMarche

8 years ago

Nice post. It’s good to see more of your personal side through this post. I admire you. I will meet you someday.

Mariann Jelinek
Mariann Jelinek
8 years ago

I like the comments; journaling was how I survived my husband’s death, remaining (relatively!) sane despite losing the love of my life. For me, it was having a place — the journal — to “contain” my grief, allowing me to go on with a nearly normal life, eventually. I didn’t have to mourn constantly, because I had a place where I could, and did. It also provided a way to figure things out, on paper, with a bit of objectivity despite the overwhelming emotions. I’m intermittent, now, 20 years late; but I do go back to daily discipline, from time to time. Thanks for sharing!

Aaron Hayes
Aaron Hayes
8 years ago

Awesome post, I’ve recently started doing this and wish I would have years ago.

Wesley Slaght
Wesley Slaght
8 years ago


I really appreciate posts like this. Mainly because it helps people to understand that they’re not alone in the world. At least that’s what it has done for me. Anyone can promote all of the positives and successes they experience, but I think it’s the sharing of authentic struggles, feelings of doubt, and real-life challenges that enables people to relate. It’s inspiring. Thanks, Tim.


Pardeep Goyal
Pardeep Goyal
8 years ago

I was looking for such post for many days. I started writing journal few weeks back but I was not sure what to write about.

I normally write my experience of my day because I write in the evening. Often I write why I am doing what I am doing and some learning’s.

Please write similar posts so that I can learn more.

8 years ago

I have been writing nightly since I was 10. I have more than 40 full books of various sizes. Some times I wonder what the point of all that ink and paper is. What is it doing there? What is it doing for me?

The answer in part is to change the question: What have all those pages done? While I wrote them I was taking advantage off all the things Tim points out in this post. Getting it out. Some times pages at a time are checked off to-do lists. Other times they are multi page explorations that have helped me make life changing discoveries.

I do my writing mediation at the end of the day. Helps me fall asleep. Morning would be good too, but I’m already running out of places to store these things.

Great post, thanks Tim.

8 years ago

My morning journal writing began in the 70’s as a way to try and connect with something – anything – in a world I was not prepared for. It then morphed into a subversive if-anyone-read-this-I’d-be-arrested narrative; after that it was a way to vent privately. I wrote mostly about people I didn’t have the nerve to tell what I thought of them to their face – mostly ranting about co-workers until I “got” that they were reflections of myself. Somewhere after 20 years of this the narrative began to take shape as if I was talking to someone I hadn’t met yet. Now that I’m 60 I realize I cultivated a civil relationship with myself that found a voice in everyday living and I have a lovely little chat every morning over coffee with a self I have come to love and respect. Upon reflection, I’m not sure I would have even lived through a lot of my life without getting up and writing it out in the morning. I wrote myself into being.

8 years ago

Good article – I like it.

8 years ago

Are your journals scanned and backed up in case of fire, flood, theft or fading?

8 years ago

Great post

8 years ago

Thanks for sharing! Not only your “technique”, also the specific thoughts from the specific day chosen. It’s interesting as I sometimes asked myself the following question (I like to write, and – obviously – to write something that might even interest other people as well): If I had the chance / “a wish” and could be like Tim Ferriss, Maria Popova or another great and successful blog-writer, would I do it? The obvious answer is NO WAY YOU ARE ASKING THIS QUESTION – YEAH MAN, the not so obvious is the answer where you look into all those expectations from all of your fans, and thereby the loss of freedom and other things related to that.

I have come to the conclusion that you are still my hero, Ferriss – but I wouldn’t wish to be you (another point is that you don’t have a Tim Ferriss in your life …. the rest of us does – thanks :-)).


8 years ago

Thank you for sharing this…

8 years ago

This practice has the same benefit for me, but I mostly do it during the day when I am feeling confused. It is even more powerful when I am panicking.

Now I realize that doing this exercise every day, and not only when I feel bad is probably going to help me having greater days.

Thanks Tim.

Julia C
Julia C
8 years ago


These posts are exactly the kind I seek out. They appeal on many levels; understanding personal success, character and it’s impact on that success, and what other ‘successful’ people have found to be solutions in the daily battle against their own DNA!

I have kept a diary since I was 9 years old (now 35) and understand what you mean by the process being more important than the end product. Due to doing this, I do feel that I have a fairly sophisticated understanding of my strengths and weeknesses, not that this always helps in managing myself!

In times of darkness I write more, and I do find answers through it. I don’t always write everyday, and often just when I need to, ranging twice daily to twice a month. Occasionally looking back at my scrawling, I can even tell my state of mind from my handwriting, not even needing to read the content!

Thanks for the personal aspect to your posts, can’t imagine how hard it must be to press the publish button on some of them!



Kimberley Barker Nightingale
Kimberley Barker Nightingale
8 years ago

Hi Tim! So funny, I was sitting writing my own “Morning Pages” at a wee hour of 5:30am on a Sunday. I couldn’t sleep because my heart is broken over someone who I had dated over the last few months decided to go back home to Europe. After struggling for sleep the whole night, listening to Mother Natures lightening and thunderstorm overhead, I knew the only thing that would make me feel better is if I got up and put pen to paper. I have been writing the Morning Pages ever since I was reunited with my Fourth Grade Sunday school teacher when I was in my mid thirties. She asked me what I wanted to do with my life and I said, “I want to write Romantic fiction.” “I have dated so many men, there has to be stories to tell.” And so, she introduced me to the Artists Way. I bought the book and immediately fell in love with Julia Cameron’s work. I have many of her books and in fact, two of them sit on my night stand and are looked at each evening before I go to bed as they comfort my soul.

I started the Morning Pages practice as soon as I learned of it in the Artists Way. I believe it’s been well over ten years now that I have been writing them. And what’s funny is people at times know that is a practice of mine and have asked if I would share them. I graciously tell them that they are my very private and sacred writings and I do not share them. And I haven’t .

My Morning Pages have served so many things over the years. They are first and foremost, a spiritual practice much like Julia Cameron says. They are a time for me to shed tears, to celebrate personal victories and a time to let ideas flow through me. The funny thing is that they have become such a part of my life that my day feels a bit off balance on the days that I don’t make the time for them.

I write them in “ye old fashioned” composite notebooks like kids used to have in school, way back when. It kind of spoke to me to write in these as it reminded me of the early days of writing when I was a young girl.

I have many of these books accumulated over the years, safely tucked in boxes for nobody’s eyes but mine. And the interesting thing is that I have not looked at back at them to read them through. I might have glanced at a few but not in depth and I don’t linger on the page. I just keep writing them, knowing the Universe/God hears my innermost thoughts, whether they are tears or screams of joy on a page.

I admire your work and have read many of your books Tim. I hope to be as successful as you are in your writing and blogging as I do believe we all have our gifts to share with the world. You have shared yours and so many people have gained huge benefits because of it. For this I thank you.

So in closing, today as I write my Morning Pages to be grateful for the wonderful blessings that this person has brought to my life, he has departed for Europe during the time I have written this. The storm of last night has past and the sun is beginning to show its face on the beautiful maple trees in front of the window in my office. I am reminded of that quote in Psalms that says:

“Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.” Psalm 30:5

Kevin Basham
Kevin Basham
8 years ago

This is super useful, I’ve started doing this in an ad-hoc fashion but should make more of an effort each day. Do you keep your journals for a period of time? Or do you throw them away after maybe 1-2months ?

8 years ago

Loved the post. Mo am going upstairs to journal right now.

8 years ago

Thank you Tim! Yes please… I would like more posts like this!

8 years ago

Want someone to dictate your morning thoughts to? I’m here.

Migle Landin
Migle Landin
8 years ago

Yes! Please post more like this. U may have just saved my sanity or perhaps even life 🙂

I recently started painting when i cant contain myself and writing when i conot paint… It is my therapy. The rift between my mind and vast space where it likes to roam and the box where i reside, work and hate to stay is ever increasing… The morning writing may b one thing that may make me more clear and at peace. Thank you.

Sam Hayes
Sam Hayes
8 years ago

Hi Tim

Interestingly I have only recently discovered The Artists Way a couple of months ago and have found it to be a revelatory experience. I think part of the beauty of it is the simplicity of the technique, just getting the pages done in a stream of consciousness style. I’m loving it and happy to discover it is being so widely and effectively used.

Regards, Sam.

Fabien Snauwaert
Fabien Snauwaert
8 years ago

Tim, I’m very surprised you’re not keeping your journal on the computer. This lets you browse through it and retrieve key ideas you’d written in there; or, resume working on a sticking point you’ve got, without wasting time figuring out where you left off the last time you worked on it. Also, it makes it easier to reread older entries to get perspective on things.

I’ve been keeping a journal since 2003. It let me get out of a depression and proved, indeed, much more effective than a therapy. Since then, it’s helped me make tough decisions (traveling around the world for 3 years) and build a viable business working remotely. It’s even helped me learn languages! (Hungarian, English)

Today, I write a lot less in it than I used to but write a whole lot in a `WORK LOG` to keep track of my business and “think on paper.”

8 years ago

Perfect for me this Sunday morning

8 years ago

To me, writing in a morning journal is a great way to start cleaning out the closet of all the things that you really need to confront. Great article, Tim.

8 years ago


8 years ago

Awesome post, thanks for the insights into your daily routine and the WHY behind it all. More and more I keep getting the same message: it’s not the result, it’s the process. Thanks for all work and sharing. It’s been making a huge difference in my year/life.

fred sauriol
fred sauriol
8 years ago

Empty your head like your bowels.

Not only is it necessary but mostly essential to a balance life. Thank Tim.

8 years ago

I don’t read you often but this has connected a few loose strands of my life for me.

8 years ago

Great post Tim! I’ve been writing the morning pages for 5 years now. Great brain drain 😊after just a few days I found myself more peaceful,relaxed and centered.

8 years ago

Yes! Thank you, I always enjoy anything you put out!

Hai Minh
Hai Minh
8 years ago

I hate posts like this

8 years ago

yes, more please

8 years ago

Cool idea, I might start writing my own journal ; )

8 years ago

Some of you gave cons and pros regarding paper vs eletronic but do you think it is age related? I’ll explain: I’m 41 and if I had my choice I would choose tha Pencil and paper and I would say it is becuase of the habit, the long habit of using paper and pen/pencil. I can’t get used to writing things on the pc. so do you think that someone who is now 10 to 15 would choose the same medium or choose the electronic one (given the time in say 5 to 10 years from now), since those ages were really born to pc’s and tablets and cell phones?

what are you’re thoughts?


8 years ago

Thanks for this post.

Denis F. Laurent
Denis F. Laurent
8 years ago

Thanks for this post.

8 years ago

Great ideas for getting centered. Would love to see more.

Lucia Whalen
Lucia Whalen
8 years ago

I am wondering how you fit morning pages into your morning with meditation? When I first embarked on the artist way, I was committed to the 3 pages, which I found to be a time sinkhole when in conjunction with my morning TM. Also, writing right after I woke up (before meditating) didn’t feel great.

When do you find is the best time to do your page?

Laney Rada
Laney Rada
8 years ago

Like! Keep it coming. Also have Artists Way. Your podcast guests are excellent!!! Since I never found a place to send this message…I am a strong follower of yours. The 4 hour body ‘diet’ does not address a menopausal woman and did not work. Did it “by the book”. Dexa scan, ice baths and all, for six months. I’m happy to be a guinea pig anytime.

8 years ago

Hi Tim. I’ve just started a journal, i found myself inspired by Jim Rohn. I found this post awesome to read and it motivates me to keep going! Big thanks from the netherlands 🙂

8 years ago

Thanks alot! I get alot of motivation from your work sir, greetings from the Netherlands

Will Axe
Will Axe
8 years ago

Yes the more specific on topics the better. I felt after reading what I’ve always suspected was true (but never followed the thought all the way through to articulate it) that keeping a journal has it’s own value and primary purpose beneath the surface (though it’s not overtly sought out/executed) e.g, side effect and true value is in #2.

8 years ago
Reply to  Will Axe

Thank you Tim for your ongoing inspiration

Leigh Anderson
Leigh Anderson
8 years ago

I stumbled upon you today on Twitter. I am fascinated.

8 years ago

Reading your journal helps me not feel as crazy since I journal in a similar fashion.

8 years ago

Thank you Tim!! I have been struggling with my morning pages because…well honestly I had let the critic’s voice in my head take over. My expectations about what I needed to write about every morning were getting crazy and this helped so much. Thanks again!

8 years ago

Love this post! I’ve never kept a journal for a couple of reasons. Now, I will try it to see if it changes my life too. Do you keep your journals or do you discard them?

8 years ago

This is perfect. I think a lot of us are still very intimidated to sit down and put something on a piece of paper for various reasons. Showing us that it doesn’t necessarily have to look nice or make sense to others is a wonderful relief. I’d love to see more. Thanks for sharing Timbo!

Tony Lisotta
Tony Lisotta
8 years ago

No question Journaling is important. I need to get back to doing it. What I have been doing which is impactful is writing down these topics and answering them (from the 5 minute journal on iTunes/iPhone) daily:

1). Three things I am grateful for

2). 3 accomplishments that would make today great

3). Daily affirmations

amanda nutt
amanda nutt
8 years ago

I’m willing to give this a go – every morning I wake with clenched teeth, a headache and a mind stuffed full of junk. Sometimes I manage to fight my way, blindly, through this suffocating weight. Most of the time I don’t.