What My Morning Journal Looks Like

History is littered with examples of successful (and unsuccessful) people who kept daily journals. It ranges from Marcus Aurelius to Ben Franklin, and from Mark Twain to George Lucas.

But what on earth did they write about?

Or perhaps you’ve seen examples of their writing and thought to yourself, “Goddamn, that reads like the Gettysburg Address!” and become demoralized.

In this post, I’ll show you what my raw morning journal looks like.


Because it’s easy to imagine our heroes as unflappable juggernauts, who conquer insecurity with a majestic mental karate chop every morning. This is, of course, an illusion. Most people you see on magazine covers have plenty of mornings when they’d rather hide under the covers all day long.

A while back, I bared my soul in a post about “productivity” tips for neurotic and crazy people (like me). I was overwhelmed by the hundreds of heartfelt comments, letters, and more that I received.

Many of you have since asked about my “morning pages,” so I’m oversharing again…

The Daily Struggle

Nearly every morning, I sit down with a hot cocktail of turmeric, ginger, pu-erh tea, and green tea. Next, I crack open this large-format paperback (pic from my Instagram):



To be honest, I never read the original Artist’s Way, which was recommended to me by many mega-bestselling authors.

More book consumption didn’t interest me, as I often use it to procrastinate. What I needed was a daily and meditative practice of production, like the tea ceremony. So, voila, I bought the journal. This “companion” provides plenty of context to be used by itself.

But why journal in the first place?

I don’t journal to “be productive.” I don’t do it to find great ideas, or to put down prose I can later publish. The pages aren’t intended for anyone but me.

Morning pages are, as author Julia Cameron puts it, “spiritual windshield wipers.” It’s the most cost-effective therapy I’ve ever found. To quote her further, from page viii:

“Once we get those muddy, maddening, confusing thoughts [nebulous worries, jitters, and preoccupations] on the page, we face our day with clearer eyes.”

Please reread the above quote. It may be the most important aspect of trapping thought on paper (i.e. writing) you’ll ever encounter. Even if you consider yourself a terrible writer, writing can be viewed as a tool that you can and should use. There are huge benefits to writing, even if no one — yourself included — ever reads what you write. In other words, the process matters more than the product.

Below is one of my real entries.

I’ve typed out the text below the image, as it’s easier to read.

Evernote Snapshot 20150114 141515


Woke up at 7:30am, before everyone else. Feels great.

It’s a Sunday, so I feel I can take it slow, which is probably the reason it feels great.

Why should Monday or Tuesday be any different? There are still people waiting regardless. Let them wait.

It’s funny how we work and aim and strive to get to a point where people wait for us, not the other way around. Cue Get Shorty!

And yet, when we arrive at this vaunted point, the masses of people (often rightly) incessantly knocking on the door, one after another, causes far more stress than when you were a mere peon (sp)! [I was unsure of spelling]

Is it because of the 100x more inbound, which decreases a feeling of self-directed free will? A feeling that you’re constantly choosing from someone else’s buffet instead of cooking your own food?

Or is it because you feel you must be defensive and protect what you have: time, money, relationships, space, etc.?

For someone who’s “won” through a lifetime of offense, of attacking, playing the defensive game conflicts with the core of who they are.


So… What’s The Point Again?

There are two ways to interpret the above journal entry, and they’re not mutually exclusive:

1) I’m trying to figure things out, and this might help.

For instance: I’ve realized conflicts between goals (become “successful”) and related side-effects one must manage (100x more inbound). I’ve also noted that my big wins in life have come from being aggressive, much like iconic coach Dan Gable, who’s epic rant here is one of my favorites of all time. But the fetters of even a modicum of professional success makes one feel like they have to play defense, or manage instead of conquer. This runs counter to my DNA, which leads to unhappiness. Therefore, I need to divest myself of assets that require “protecting,” or I need to better delegate this responsibility.

That all sounds pleasantly analytical. Aren’t we smart? But perhaps the real value is that…

2) I’m just caging my monkey mind on paper so I can get on with my fucking day.

#2 is key.

Morning pages don’t need to solve your problems. They simply need to get them out of your head, where they’ll otherwise bounce around all day like a bullet ricocheting inside your skull.

Could bitching and moaning on paper for five minutes each morning change your life?

As crazy as it might seem, I believe the answer is yes.


Would you like more posts like this? Or never again? Please let me know in the comments (click here), or I’ll never know. Thank you for reading!

The Tim Ferriss Show is one of the most popular podcasts in the world with more than one billion downloads. It has been selected for "Best of Apple Podcasts" three times, it is often the #1 interview podcast across all of Apple Podcasts, and it's been ranked #1 out of 400,000+ podcasts on many occasions. To listen to any of the past episodes for free, check out this page.

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9 years ago

I liked the email today’s

9 years ago

The need to journal grows as the demands on one grow. I have experienced this at epic life events, too. Marriage, births, promotions, deaths – all precipitate a mental storm that requires writing/journaling to keep the noise manageable.

9 years ago


9 years ago

Loved this post! Morning pages have been the single key to me getting my head clear each day to focus on my goals. In three, sometimes eligible, pages I dump all of my insecurities, anxieties, irritations, weird dreams, hopes and plans for the day on paper and without fail, I’m more focused and ready to conquer the world. So worth the time! To kick start the process, I downloaded the audio version of The Artist Way and listened to it on my morning walks. I noticed that my creativity flows now in delightful ways. Keep it up!

9 years ago

I sincerely associate what you’re writing, here.

It really helps to read that someone else is using this method.

John Morse
John Morse
9 years ago

Awesome post. Sounds like a great way to start the day. Thanks

Rick Groeninger
Rick Groeninger
9 years ago

The world needs a Dan Gable movie/book/docu filtered through Ferriss kaleidoscope.

“The 4 Hour Obsession”

I doubt that Dan needed (or needs) a journal.

9 years ago

Awesome email Tim. I will definitely be “R&D’ing! You fucking rock, can’t wait till you invest in my ventures!

9 years ago

I really like this post. It explains to me the benefits of journaling, and also shows me a glimpse into your personal journaling which further helps explain and show the benefit . I especially liked the last two lines about bitching and moaning changing your life. This might actually be useful to me. Thank you.

9 years ago

I have been doing morning pages for years and they do all of the things that you mention. I have issues with being consistant because I often work 13 hour days. but when i do them the i am a much more accomplished human.

9 years ago

This is great! It helps to know that you struggle with a monkey mind too. I’m a mom with two young kids, maybe not your target demographic, but we are all looking for ways to avoid distractions and focus on what really matters to us. Keep sharing, Tim!

Tim Durant
Tim Durant
9 years ago

More? Sure!

Kevin Jansen
Kevin Jansen
9 years ago

I am beginning this today. Mainly for clarity. I will share the results here!

Dick Spencer
Dick Spencer
9 years ago

Tim, I like this blog. Sounds like a good way to get your day going, to help get unstuck, minimizing writer’s inertia, etc. I’m going to buy Cameron’s book amd try it out. Thanks.

9 years ago

I like your blogs and am a little envious. I have the same think pattern as you do, but still have not figured out a muse yet. I like what I do, but I work too hard for it. I will still keep trying, thank you. Can you tell us what was in your $5,000 quarterly? I started with a new firm and couldn’t do it this year, but I wanted to.

9 years ago

Hi, keep going with this “morning journal” articles.

Rick Lindgren
Rick Lindgren
9 years ago

Love your thoughts about the journal and thank you for the Dan Gable reminder.

Very true very powerful.

Thank you

It pays to be aggressive and you can do so without hurting others but in fact with aggression you can help others.

9 years ago

Loved the journal entry email.

9 years ago

This was a great post and I might take up the habit. Does hand writing really make a difference verses typing?

9 years ago

Awesome read. Always been intimidating with journaling but seeing it from your perspective I can now see a lot of personal advantages. Quick question in regards to meditating and journaling. Is there an advantage of doing one over the other first?

9 years ago

Awesome post. I’ve always been intimidated my writing and reading how it benefits you from your perspective really helped. It’s something I’m gonna work into my morning routine. A question did come up in regards to meditation and journaling in morning routines. Is there any advantage of doing one before the other?

9 years ago

Love this post Tim!

I always do something similar to the 5 Minute Journal. As you don’t write that much an it is more about focus for the day.

But now I am wondering which approach is better…

Troye May
Troye May
9 years ago

I find that a few minutes walking (not exercising or gym) on your own every morning does the same thing. I usually go for a hike up Table Mountain with my dogs (or just around the block, through a park if you dont have a mountain).

Thanks Tim. Good read.

9 years ago

Great post. I think and feel the same way. I just don’t have the guts to post these thoughts publicly. You are a braver person than me.

Honestly, and I know you probably won’t see this, but you have influenced my life in many positive ways. I was introduced to your work based on my intuition. I was in my local library and was drawn to your book, “The Four Hour Chef.” I learned to cook, followed your podcast, read all your books, and the ones you recommended, and was turned on to many other masters in the world. Thank you for that.

I know that I have been created to be a leader, such as you have. I’ve struggled with the thought of applying for your ‘managing editor’ position. I know I have the credentials you are looking for, but I still, despite helping others achieve their goals, still have self doubt. But, I guess my intuition led me here, after reading your post. I want to tell you this. I know I can do the job. I may not have been brave enough to apply before, but your words on this blog post have compelled me to reach out after all. :).



9 years ago

I think there are many versions of you and I like them all but the vulnerable side may be the most inspiring to those who need to really think about identity, purpose, or the big and small questions of life. There is a lot to life. Cover it all. From any angle as long as it is sincere, truthful, and vulnerable. The last word may be more important than performance.

Ben Sweet
Ben Sweet
9 years ago

Hi Tim, great post again!

Creating a morning routine to allow for overall awesomeness is something i’m focusing on right now. The teachings of Hal Elrod in his “Miracle Mornings” book is an inspiration and also promotes writing or scribing in the mornings like you do. I was hoping you might share with us a little bit about other aspects of you morning routine and specifically what you do to plan and prep for a successful morning routine.

Have a great day all!

9 years ago

Tim, thank you for sharing the moments you have with your self. What you are doing is incoraging me and many others to accommodate a healthy habits. I have been inspired by you and what you share many times such as meditation has been part of my mornings for an year now. I have been thinking about journaling but often concern about time as my routines are increasing. However, I am eager to give it a go. So thank you Sir. Stay amasing.

9 years ago

thnx for sharing so msny things. What this journal concerns it’s my understanding this is a way to digest things mentally/emotionally, more aware who you are and what drives me, which is one key to feel better/happy. Thnx to remind to such things, one of the ‘ secrets ‘ in life to use and discover. Probably this is a way to get the unconcious part more on the surface, to get aware what normally is overseen. it’s mostly a matter of knowing ‘ how to ‘ and realise it’ll work for you. “To be or not to be?” Great days are partly. made by this, have a great one😊

Johannes V.
Johannes V.
9 years ago


Thanks for sharing this part of your personal writing. I appreciate the candor of opening up personal sides on your learning PROCESS to share with your readers/listeners.

I am impressed by the quantity of quality of hints and learnings your put out.

You asked for feedback and I would encourage you to provide more insights like the one on morning journals on your blog as well as to provide more “in-between” essays on your podcast. These in-betweenisodes always highlight in a condensed way practical hints and thoughts.

Looking at the sheer quantity of your output, I would vote two topics as my top-picks for future in-depth commentary or inclusion into the Q&A podcasts.

These topics are:

– How to really master faster reading (your existing blogpost was a bit over my head)

– Going deeper into the the concepts of how you break down a learning topic into Lego-size building blocks (e.g. a language, or any other topic) by using your approach in the 4HC; the intro into the meta-skill was good but could be expanded.

Thanks for sharing with us.

Greetings from Duesseldorf, Germany.


Rachel Henke
Rachel Henke
9 years ago

You’ve inspired me to restart Morning pages. Have done them on and off for years. Personally I find journaling more therapeutic than meditation. Thanks for sharing yours.

Florian K.
Florian K.
9 years ago

hey, thanks for sharing, and sure – bring on more.

I have been writing morning pages for a couple of years, but stopped.

I´ll try it again. I´d love to read full three pages of yours though – or do you not care about writing a certain amount of pages…

I found this to be helpful, cause on a bad day, or on a really good one, I might just stop after one page

All the best


Paul clough
Paul clough
9 years ago

Your only truth is giving your own personal story.

You’re keeping things real

Thank you


Karen McCall
Karen McCall
9 years ago

This post is a winner. Yes, keep posting from your morning pages. It is interesting to note even when you have it “made” a whole new set of skills are required, as growth continues, just on the next level. And using paper and pen to let monkey mind rant allows one to see with a new perspective, and perhaps cut to the heart of the matter. For someone who longs to grow more efficient this ia a great way to start.

Sherry Uribe
Sherry Uribe
9 years ago

You are brilliant and driven and funny. I am waiting for your book (4HB) to arrive. I am teaching myself to speak Spanish after taking extensive notes on your thoughts of learning a new language. I am indebted to you for what you have shared. God bless you.

9 years ago

Hello! Im reading your posts avidly tho’ i protect my privacy here 🙂 I really enjoyed your post about journaling. I am often ashamed to let any monkies loose on paper – the things Im pursing are esoteric and academic and so, and I find I expect myself to rise above the mundane ecen in the most private life of journaling. Reading this makes me thunk its goid to have a set, allowable space for the neuroses, banalities and so on. ai note that ecen though this is your space for that, you still focused on your pursuits in life- hm! Anyway- YES I am definitely reading!

Michael Sanders
Michael Sanders
9 years ago

Hi Tim, I enjoyed the post about journaling and look forward to seeing more like it. I found it to behelpful to me as I’ve attempted journaling many times. I thought that the morning pages was more of a 20 to 30 minute task and that felt completely overwhelming. What you’ve shown here simplifies it immensely.

Thank you,


9 years ago

This is exactly what I needed to read this morning. After the Toni Robbins podcast I have been compelled to alleviate stress by establishing a morning routine. The following week I listened to Hal Elroad talk about the Miracle Morning and helped me set the foundation for my routine.

Now, after 2 weeks practicing and applying what I am reading in 4hrWW, my stress levels have plummeted, I’m sleeping much better, my energy is through the rough, I’m much more efficient at work and have goals set for the future.

Your sample journal entry was a great example and let me know its OK to basically have pen diarrhea all over my journal–I’m just getting all the shit out of my head before I start my day.



Ross C
Ross C
9 years ago

I love this post. Reminds me of what I used to do and why I need to restart

9 years ago

Yes! Although let’s be real. My morning pages are going to read like an elementary school kid’s. In special ed. And not like yours. But after putting it off for ever because I didn’t like how imperfectly journal pages came rolling off my pen, you’ve convinced me to return. More posts like this, pretty please 🙂

J. Smash
J. Smash
9 years ago

Keep these coming. It is rare to be able to get inside the mind of successful entrepreneurs but even more rare to have their mechanics and tactics explained as you do.

9 years ago

Thank you for over sharing. I would love to see more posts like this! Thank you for reminding me that the process of writing is more important than the product. Do you keep all your journals? Do you ever review them? I have been finding it very interesting to read my entries from one or two years ago on the same date because it gives me an idea how far I have come or where I am still stuck. I would like to keep my journals around for sentimental reasons but, I would also like to let them go to not become a hoarder. Thoughts? Thanks for your awesomeness!

9 years ago

Before reading this my wife suggested daily journalling to me. I’ve been doing it successfully for the past week. The days that were my most productive were the days I was the most honest. So thank you for this edification of what has become a fantastic process for me. You have fundamentally altered my life by making me more willing to explore. I want to thank you for that.

9 years ago

Thanks Tim. I’ve never considered writing in a journal before reading your post. How often/when do you reread your entries? Over the holidays I found this “assignment” while trying to understand some of my behaviors. It’s been eyeopening (and difficult) writing down my thoughts.Still working on it, but thanks to your post, I can dig even deeper. Thanks again. http://www.livestrong.com/article/14711-handling-pride/

Ian Harrison
Ian Harrison
9 years ago

This is exactly the kind of right to the point post I like, Tim. I’ve been avoiding journaling as part of my morning ritual because of all the crazy nonsense coming out on paper and now you’re saying it’s the whole point of the process: to brain dump all that’s ping ponging around, so it’s not plaguing us all day. It’s a bit like the Capture process in David Allen’s Getting Things Done. I’m grabbing my journal, some Chaga mushroom tea, and here I go.

S King
S King
9 years ago

Thanks for the honesty and sharing. Please continue.

9 years ago

Thanks for the great post Tim. I really like the mix of sharing your personal habits along with the underlying ideas behind them. I know you have mentioned the 5 minute journal previously so has the journal format you talked about in this post replaced the 5 minute journal or do you use them together?

9 years ago

I agree with you Tim. Sometimes trash thoughts knocked out of the saddle. But, as I remember, no one else to go ahead, except myself. I do not drive these thoughts, give them a talk. And, by the method of getting SCORE feel right my way.

9 years ago


2 books have changed my life and made me know I wil have success. 1st is By Robert Pirsig. 2nd is 4HWW. 5 years ago I was madly scribbling notes from 4HWW while waiting in a FedEx Kinkos for a print order. Still have those notes. A few years later I reserved a copy at my local library. I still listen to it on audiobook in my car as I drive 11+ hours per week. Your podcasts are my latest delight. I get to learn and try out the techniques of other giants as well! There is just so much there. 

Thank you for making your brain available to the world. You have helped me resolve an immeasurable number of problems and healthier in mind, body, and spirit..Steve G.

Lisa Daum
Lisa Daum
9 years ago

Thank you for this post. I read The Artist’s Way (twice, actually) back when it first came out and did morning pages for years. I believe it was the reason I came up with my best business idea and had the confidence to follow through on it. (I opened a hemp store in 1995 and sold it in 2013.) I’ve been struggling to come up with another (good) idea ever since. You’ve reminded me to try Morning Pages again. I need to do it. It does always make a person feel better. It would probably help to work through the book again too.

9 years ago

Love it.

9 years ago

Yes Tim, I did like it.

One of the reasons I read your blog is prods like this that inspire or motivate the kind of action needed to move forward in an area(s) of my life. Will try to include some gratitude along with the bitching & moaning for balance.

Thanks again.

Dan stock
Dan stock
9 years ago

Thax for the confirmation that others hare monkey brains in the morning too.

9 years ago

Learning and yearning !

9 years ago

Hi Tim,

Thanks for sharing your thoughts, ideas and insights on journaling. We appreciate your efforts in contributing to our knowledge and growth. Keep these posts coming…



9 years ago

Thank you, Tim. The daily journal post is insightful, gives guidance and direction. Helpful. More, please. Stay well, calm, healthy and happy. You are well respected, admired and appreciated.

9 years ago

I took a creative writing class and one of our main “assignments” was to write morning pages every day. Our prof insisted we stick to three pages every morning which is what Julia Cameron suggested in her book “The Right to Write.” I tell you, I hated every moment of the task. I had a very hard time pulling three pages worth of thoughts out of my head first thing in the morning.

I like the idea of writing for five minutes much better than writing three pages. I get less “write, write, write” and “blah, blah, blah” if I don’t have to fill three pages.

Bart Obrochta
Bart Obrochta
9 years ago

Great article Tim… I journal quite a lot and it is very helpful to release those thoughts from your mind. I don’t do it first thing in the morning, I do it actually several times throughout the day and sometimes I even wake up in the middle of the night to release some thought of my mind, it’s usually the ones that won’t let me sleep, lol… BTW, just finished reading The 4 Hour Workweek… thank you for a great book… finally read it after it being on my book shelf for over a year. Once I started reading it, I couldn’t put it down… once again, Thank you.

9 years ago

Great post, very helpful.

9 years ago

Hi Tim,

Excellent post, especially for someone who struggles with missed opportunities to effectively capture ideas daily (maybe I need to utilize that voice memo app!) Morning pages are not only great in theory and practice, but seeing a post like this from someone that many people respect and admire is super encouraging. My favorite part was “the process matters more than the product.” Not overthinking, but still capturing is another form of meditation really. Keep up the honest work! — Jason

Spyros Maniatopoulos
Spyros Maniatopoulos
9 years ago

Yes, more posts like this please!

9 years ago

Thanks for sharing the simplicity of your morning pages. Makes me feel better.

Do you mediate before or after the morning pages?

9 years ago

I love this! Will add to my morning routine. Q: Why did you stop drinking coffee? Also, why add turmeric and ginger to your tea (and how do you incorporate it – as a powder, bagged, etc.)? Thanks!!

Benedict Westenra
Benedict Westenra
9 years ago

Love this.

Andy Firth
Andy Firth
9 years ago

I love these sort of posts Tim and would like to see more. I think people can really relate to these sort of personal posts and find inspiration from them knowing that someone of your level thinks and feels like we often feel. It’s great that you open up like that and I personally would like to see more and how you deal with these sort of things. I have just read the ‘Essentialism’ book by Greg Mckeown and it is really me help making decisions and I thought of this when reading your post. Cheers Andy

9 years ago

Great one. More of that plz. Thanx

9 years ago

I like this post. Is there any other way to deal with the monkey?

9 years ago

I am coming up on 4 years straight (I’ll hit that milestone in March) of journalling every day. I write mine at night because I have trouble going to bed – that monkey mind thing keeps me from giving up on a day. I use writing as my capstone on the day, where I can work through whatever happened that day and go to bed with a clear slate. It has been incredibly valuable to me.

PK Kuhl
PK Kuhl
9 years ago

Yes more journal post I’m a night journal writer & not habitually will try morning …

9 years ago

Yes! more!

9 years ago


Great post! This has really influenced me to start writing again. Really appreciated it!

Tim Smith
Tim Smith
9 years ago

I like this kind of post. It helps me in my daily struggles, and keeps it real.

Angela Lynn
Angela Lynn
9 years ago

You need to clean up your potty mouth to keep some of us.

9 years ago

Great post. It is nice to learn routines from successful, established people. It could end up being a bes practice for someone else. Like me

Wendy Hodson
Wendy Hodson
9 years ago

Yes please, I’m reading your 4 Hour work week at the moment, actually re-reading it and doing all the recommended exercises. Have made great adjustments, thanks for the help – you are truly responsible for me being able to free up my time at age 55 (urgh – you could have been born a little sooner). But I’m excited for the next 55 years – I am a young 55 (well I think so) – also just bought your 4H Body Book – so will get to reading that in the spare time I’ve created. Writing my morning journal not a habit yet. Still finding it a bit of a pain – but will persevere

9 years ago

Intend to put it into action,keep such posts coming !!

Stephen MacLennan
Stephen MacLennan
9 years ago

Thanks Tim, really enjoyed reading this. Love how frank you are, none of that “leaders are perfect” BS. Everyone has flaws and ways to cope, and I really appreciate you openly sharing yours

9 years ago

Dear Tim,

thank you for sharing your journal entry. I agree journaling helps to clear our minds and the process is more important than the product. Myself I prefer to journal in the evening – clearing my mind before I go to bed. In the morning I prefer to do some energization exercises, then meditate for a while which helps me a lot to clear my mind and get into the flow of the day.



Joe Nimrichter
Joe Nimrichter
9 years ago

Seems like a logical way to get on with your day, I may have to give it a try. I do a ton of “inner monologing(probably not a real word).” This way I never tell my clients how I really feel. Unless it’s time to fire their dumb asses!

9 years ago

Nice post!

9 years ago

Tim, Great post. i like the fact your willing to reveal the realities of your life and your own honest battles to achieve your best. big respect!

I got the artist way in the mid 90s and have irregularly dipped into writing a journal ever since. I concur Its a great tool to rationalise some of the chaos that floats through our minds, and riff any anything trying to decide. Keep up the great work

sandra Hoermann
sandra Hoermann
9 years ago

More posts please. Very helpful and entertaining, productive side-reading during my day.

Calvin Iszard
Calvin Iszard
9 years ago

I write a lot of stuff down – your post gave me a good reason concisely and as always on the mark. Thanks alot.

9 years ago

Great post, definitely like the personal aspect. As you said, we are bombarded constantly by books and articles of successful people, their morning routines, and their perfect lives. These kind of insights certainly give a positive perspective. I’d love to know how you prepare your tea cocktail?

9 years ago

I like the idea of morning pages. I have also found great value in you advice to not open email first thing in the morning. Rather to plan out your morning the night before and focus on that task.

I really enjoyed this email and would appreciate if your could brain dump your strategies more often

Black unicorn
Black unicorn
9 years ago

I have always judge myself hard enough so stopped writing my journal. I felt it wasn’t good enough what I did or planned to do.

I will give it another shot.

Thanks for oversharing!

David Heasman
David Heasman
9 years ago


Don’t know how but heard about this thing called 750 words every morning. I thought heck, I’ve always wanted to be a writer. Couldn’t hurt to do this. Started writing 750 words every morning on my laptop. My god it was painful. Initially there were rants and raves of “Oh my god I don’t know what to write, god-damn it’s painful.” But after a while it got easier. And when I hit that magical 750 words in the morning, something magical happened. I would feel accomplished. Like I’d done something with your day. When you’re a 2nd year University student who constantly procrastinates and whose daily feeling is that of being hungover, this is a BIG deal. I got more creative, the censor in my head got turned off, and I had a collection of short stories that to this day I value. I however stopped for reasons I can’t remember.

(Dec 2013 to Now)

Saw Tim’s Instagram photo of the morning way. Thought “hey wouldn’t it be cool if I got into the habit of writing in the morning again?” I remember feeling productive and creative at the time. Thought “Screw it, let’s do it”, and got started. Speed read the beginning of a digital version of The Artists Way to get a feeling of Julia Cameron’s philosophy of the Morning Pages, and got on with it. Also set it up on Lift. My routine: get up in the morning, make a cup of tea, put on my GoLite, write 3 handwritten A5 pages, and press the check on Lift. Cue, Routine, Reward. Habit hacking 101.

Now something magical’s happened. I’m way more productive. I’m excited for the days to come. Mental clarity increasing. Actually tackling my problems. But more importantly, I feel like I’m actually achieving something. And for someone who felt helpless for a few months that changes everything.

Cye Courtois
Cye Courtois
9 years ago

Keep it up Ferriss.

9 years ago

I agree. The AM scribbling seems to clear the brain. and I ALWAYS use pen and paper. Sitting in front of a keyboard leads to checking this one thing… and then another thing… and pretty soon you’re in full-blown work mode. Going primitive is the better way to wrestle the demons back into their kennels.

9 years ago

It was a surprise to find out that you do morning pages! Now I’ll no longer wonder whether the half-hour is well spent. My three pages are usually filled with monkey mind/windshield wiper stuff so I can get on with my day. At the times when I’ve stopped doing them, it was because I was stuck and got tired of writing the same things about something I couldn’t seem to change. Overall, though, I find the practice to be contemplative and clearing and a safe repository for everything from prayers to rants to dreams. Speaking of the latter, I’ve built my life and career on long shots, and the managing editor opening has made my morning pages. I have visions of grandeur that I made your shortlist and imagine how the course of my life would be changed. I guess that’s actually a dream and a prayer. Anyway, I like all the different types of material you share. Each is helpful, inspiring and/or entertaining to me in some way.

Stephan Bendall
Stephan Bendall
9 years ago

Hi Tim,

Have you tried and compared against journaling at night? I have always done them at night and found they were great for quieting my mind and letting it focus on the important stuff overnight as opposed to the “monkey brain” stuff. Would be interested to know your thoughts on this as I have yet to try a morning journal, but I do use Tony Robbin’s “Hour of Power” process pretty consistently which likely has a similar effect.

With gratitude,


9 years ago

Great post! Yes, more like these please! I am the student here so teach me!

Wesley Slaght
Wesley Slaght
9 years ago

Tim, PLEASE keep making posts like this. They are so helpful. Sometimes I think I’m going crazy and get caught up in my own little world. It’s great to know that I am not alone. And that others that I look up to experience the same things. Thank you.

9 years ago

With so much clutter and worry running through my head I often feel I am not creative, thoughtful, or even good at remembering things. It definitely leads to substandard production with everything. Great tip! Thanks!

Marshall Wirig
Marshall Wirig
9 years ago

I really enjoy writing and I think it is not only therapuetic but also helps me to develop my writing skills, which have a long ways to go. Thanks for the post Tim, I really enjoy your blog.

9 years ago

Awesome man. Journaling has always been a way for me to unload my mind so that I don’t have all these thoughts just sitting in my head all day. Many of them just need to be acknowledged so that my mind can give the day it’s undivided attention. Thanks again for sharing!

Adam Herb
Adam Herb
9 years ago

What an insightful and pragmatic post! Some times it seems thinking about life gets in the way of doing life( I’m sure that is a quote from someone). I personally find this style of journal to be very effective at simplifying my mental space for doing more life. Similar to a “Kata” in martial arts, simple movements with profound real applications. Writing a journal also strikes me as a survivalist tool for minimizing the impact of the possible by mentally preparing for it. Please continue to write these types of posts as they seem to me to be the most genuine. Cheers.

9 years ago

Tim doing what Tim does best – simplifying what most believe as “daunting”.

Like you mention here, I’ve heard that many successful people journal every day.

Someone recommended the 5-Minute Journal to me, which I committed to for a few days but the problem with using a book that tells you to journal is that it limits the creativity and uniqueness that our minds are comprised of.

Because of that, I found myself trying to answer the questions it asked me rather than brain-dumping what I was ACTUALLY thinking.

In other words, I was trying to paddle upstream rather than with flow.

But I love what you do, because I never thought about this (seemingly) simple task of unloading the “caged monkey”…

Thanks, Tim!

Matthieu Chauveau
Matthieu Chauveau
9 years ago

Good one, I don’t journal daily but do it as often as I feel like it and it’s always helpfull. Nobody’s an “unflappable juggernauts”

9 years ago

Hey Tim,

Is the journal you write in the 5-minute journal that you spoke about before? Or is this a separate journal and you write in the 5-minute journal as well?

Also, what is the caffeine content of your tea? Did you switch from coffee to tea in the mornings, or do you still drink coffee? And if you did switch, can you tell us why?



Jonathan Chung
Jonathan Chung
9 years ago

Pretty cool insight into journaling. I always thought of it as a way for self-proclaimed self-help gurus to feel righteous about their morning habits, but to think of it as a way to get thoughts out of your head to move on with your day is useful and reasonable. Thanks for sharing.