The 30-Day Challenge: No Booze, No Masturbating (NOBNOM)

Both of these things are very distracting. (Photo: Shawn Perez)
Both of these things are very distracting. (Photo: Shawn Perez)

The short version: I’d like to pay you to not drink or jerk off for 30 days. Sign up here and get your monk on.

Sex is A-OK.

The longer version is below, which includes juicy details, more options for women, and some farewell-porn suggestions…


You know who you are, you filthy animals.

Secret bookmarks to Pornhub (“Discount airfare” – Ha!), secret folders labeled “Tax Returns” for when wifi fails, bookmarks for animated GIFs in case of slow connections (curtsy to Tumblr), Hotspot Shield for when you’re in countries that ban your cherished images (download it before you fly!)…

Oh, wait. Am I projecting again?

Yes, I’ve admitted it before, and I’ll admit it again: dudes watch porn on the Internet. Shocker, I know. All those guys on the magazine covers? They do it, too.

Less obvious, perhaps, is how dramatically your life can change if you quit porn and masturbation for a short period.

I did this for 30 days recently, and — oddly enough — I found it much easier and more impactful to quit booze for the same 30 days. Just a few of the benefits I experienced included…

  • A dramatic surge in free testosterone and sex drive. Dozens of my seemingly healthy male friends, techies in particular, have approached me over the years about chronically low testosterone. There are many potential causes, including late-night blue light, but removing booze and porn appear to open the flood gates. Research (example, example) shows that alcohol reduces testosterone levels. So…should you be dating more? Trying a little harder instead of wanking, watching Battlestar Galactica, and calling it a night? This will help motivate you.
  • Increased ability to focus and cognitive endurance. This goes along with increased “T” mentioned above.
  • Getting roughly 50-100% more done. When you aren’t nursing hangovers, chewing up 3-4 hours per night with friends, destroying your sleep with booze, or procrastinating with porn (you know who you are) — miracle of miracles — you get more done! A LOT more done. In my mind, this alone easily justifies a 30-day booze and porn fast. You’ll clear off that goddamn to-do list faster than Speedy Gonzales. And remember: sex is still allowed.

Join Me for Another 30 Days

Given how transformative this was for me, I’m inviting you to join me for another 30 days. After that, you can go back to your hedonistic ways. I enjoy porn, but I’ve concluded I can level up by taking breaks.

I’ll refer to our 30-day challenge as NOBNOM (NO Booze, NO Masturbating), as the acronym itself sounds pornographic. We gotta make this sumnabitch memorable.

Next steps are described below.

NOTE: If you don’t masturbate (a lot of women don’t but should), or if you otherwise don’t watch enough porn to care about abstaining, here’s another option:

NOBNOC — No Booze, No Complaining

For this version, please first read “Real Mind Control: The 21-Day No-Complaint Experiment.” Then, join the same NOBNOB challenge page to be part of the community.

Next Steps — Do It Now!

1. STEP 1 Join the NOBNOM goal page here. This is free, and it will keep you accountable to yourself and others.  This official challenge starts August 1st.  That means you get to go crazy on September 1st.  If you’re reading this another time, you can start whenever.  I’m sure people will still be on the page.

2. STEP 2 – If you’re really serious, up the ante and put some cash on the line. As discussed at length in The 4-Hour Chef, without stakes or consequences, about 70% of you will fail. So… choose not to fail.

Below are two options, and I earn nothing from either. I’d suggest doing both of them, if possible:

  • A. Create a betting pool with a few friends or co-workers. Each person commits $100 or whatever (enough to sting if lost, but not enough to bankrupt you) to the pot, and those who complete the full 30 days split the pot. Using this type of betting pool is partially how Tracy Reifkind lost 100+ pounds, so you can definitely use it on NOBNOM.
  • B. Get an accountability coach by clicking here. They’ll email you daily to keep you on track, and you get the first week free by using coupon “NOBNOM.” It’s otherwise $14.99 per week, so the month costs you $45. There are two coaches, and they have bandwidth for 200 people. The coaches: one is a former senior staffer from OneTaste (remember the 4-Hour Body orgasm chapters?). The other coach successfully stopped masturbating and is trained in accountability coaching.

3. STEP 3 – If you’d like to participate in 1-3 support meetings and private Q&As, sign up for my e-mail list and you’ll get the invites. I’ll probably host live video chats, 60-minutes long, and I’ll dedicate 15-20 minutes to the AA meeting-type stuff.  The NoFap page on reddit might also be helpful for some of y’all.

And that’s it!

How You Get Paid

I’m putting $1,000 of my own cash on the line, and Lift (which I advise) is putting up $500, for a total of $1,500.

Here’s how you get it:

1) You must complete the 30-day challenge (Aug 1-31, 2014) on the NOBNOM goal page I’ve linked to throughout this post. We’ll audit this.

2) You must put some of your cash on the line, using one of the above listed approaches. It shouldn’t be enough to hurt you, but it needs to be enough to motivate you.

3) You must leave helpful feedback, tips, and/or encouragement for others, on both that page and in the comments below.

After the challenge, the Lift team, my jury of magic elves, and I will choose the three (3) most helpful people, and each will get $500 USD. Bam!

Get excited and get on it.

So, What Are You Waiting For?

If you’ve been feeling less than super-productive, slightly lethargic, or mildly depressed, do this 30-day challenge. If you simply want to level-up your life, do this 30-day challenge.

At the very least, it’ll make you conscious of automatic behaviors.  Things you’ve done for so long that you know nothing else.

If you’re like me, once the fat starts melting off and you’re feeling like a different person, you’ll say to yourself:

“Holy shit, my baseline for the last 10 years [or 5 or 15 or whatever] has been fucked! I totally forgot what it feels like to live clean.”

Perhaps living clean ended for you after high school, or even before, as it did for me. Why not get reacquainted for 30 days?  Chances are that it’s been a while.

Here’s the first step.

A Parting Gift

If you need a last hurrah before 30 days of being a good boy or girl, here are a few options for party time:

  • A bottle of 2011 Ménage à Trois red. It’s delicious.
  • A viewing of “Momoko and Anjelica,” available through Ze Google. It’s also delicious, and DEFINITELY not suitable for work.
  • A chaser of club soda with lots of lime. You might be having lots of these, so get friendly.

Welcome to Thunderdome!  You’ll thank me later.

See you on NOBNOM central.

Pura vida,


The Tim Ferriss Show is one of the most popular podcasts in the world with more than one billion downloads. It has been selected for "Best of Apple Podcasts" three times, it is often the #1 interview podcast across all of Apple Podcasts, and it's been ranked #1 out of 400,000+ podcasts on many occasions. To listen to any of the past episodes for free, check out this page.

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Comment Rules: Remember what Fonzie was like? Cool. That’s how we’re gonna be — cool. Critical is fine, but if you’re rude, we’ll delete your stuff. Please do not put your URL in the comment text and please use your PERSONAL name or initials and not your business name, as the latter comes off like spam. Have fun and thanks for adding to the conversation! (Thanks to Brian Oberkirch for the inspiration.)

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9 years ago

Whats your reasoning that women should masturbate more?

9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Women have to train to have orgasms. It is not as easy, in general, for them to be stimulated in the right way to orgasm. The more they do it the better they are tuned to the stimulation they need.

9 years ago
Reply to  thubten2001

Women could become acquainted with their orgasm I agree, but I don’t think that’s the same as women should masturbate more..

9 years ago

Well damn, reading all of that, made me realize that these 34 days that i’ve been making daily videos of my nofap journey has been actually about nobnom journey, didn’t know there was actually thing called as this, i’ve taken this on a whole different level tho, i added no sugar, no cigarettes, no junk food and no negative thoughts, and damn these results already on day 34 are insane, i’m feeling the best i’ve ever felt, i’m so creative and full of life, i truly feel like i’ve been reborn, which is why i’ve created my own thing called as rebornin90days, i’m going to speak about this nobnom in my tomorrows video, because after reading this page it hit me why i’ve been feeling so productive as of lately, good stuff man, keep it up 🙂

Gary Torrence
Gary Torrence
9 years ago

Actually an early adopter on this. I have had some good streaks but ended up eventually failing. For several reasons I have decided to quit using reddit nofap. Currently on day 149.

8 years ago

Exactly a year ago, Tim introduced me to this no pmo and I hv really struggled by finally overcome the pmo. Frequently relapsed, but then one month i finally quit..

Gone thru brain fog,anxiety,mood swing once i quit pmo, but finally overcame it, Learned meditation,exercis again and finally got into clear presence of mind. No more mood swings and anxiety. Walking the gud path of life

Tim’s 4hr body and work week in 2011 onwards aalso helped me then and now.

Thanks Tim for all the good positive changes you brought in my life.

Keep experimenting and discovering more


8 years ago

Thank you for the inspiring and illuminating practice. I’ve been porn free with limited matsurbation for a few years. My sense of well being, romantic connection, and life overall are radically improved. Men in our society could benefit from more open discussion about these issues. There is so much untapped potential and opportunity that gets clouded with over my our contemporary relationship to sexuality. Heedlessness is a word I like to consider. This applies to booze too.

8 years ago

going on 12 years with no booze. 4 years no jerking. Most productive years of my life. Plus, in the mind of “mindfulness”, much more present (i believe).

Brian Self
Brian Self
8 years ago

Hey All:

I’m gonna go for it starting February 1st. I’ve already tried long periods without alcohol and a few days without porn and it always provides better sleep and definitely makes me feel more grounded, confident, and energetic.

Going for 30+ days though would be a whole new level and experience – my hunch is that this may very well be a breakthrough game changer in moving forward in my challenges with women/romance and my career.

8 years ago
Reply to  Brian Self

Are you on ? There’s a NOBNOM group that’s very helpful. Maybe I’ll join you!

Brian Self
Brian Self
8 years ago
Reply to  bukkalevy

Yup bukkalevy I’m onnit. Joined up yesterday and will starting on the 1st – hope you join up man and best of luck!

Jessica Torres
Jessica Torres
8 years ago

Hey Tim! Nice post 🙂 I enjoy your podcasting and I go back between yours and Jared Head’s Oil Spill podcast for motivation, career success, and living your passion. Can’t wait to view more of your episodes!


Steven G. Ryan
Steven G. Ryan
7 years ago

I am also going to give up all news sites – to be honest, I think that will be harder (npi) than drinking or fapinization. I am trying to take back my life and these are great recommendations. I am also really impressed with everyone’s openness about the “situation”.

Woo J. Hwang
Woo J. Hwang
7 years ago

A little late for the contest (by 2 years) but I’m starting on July 25, 2016 and will do the 30 day challenge for my favorite author / the mentor I’ve never met.

Woo J. Hwang
Woo J. Hwang
7 years ago
Reply to  Woo J. Hwang

Made it past today (25th). Quite frankly, if I don’t post daily I won’t be able to commit. July 26th is another day.

Woo J. Hwang
Woo J. Hwang
7 years ago
Reply to  Woo J. Hwang

Today is the 27th. Three strong days. Yay! It’s like I have my own section in Timothy Ferriss’s website that nobody knows about.

7 years ago
Reply to  Woo J. Hwang

7:22 p.m. July 28th. Still on a roll, although I’m irritated.

Woo. J. Hwang
Woo. J. Hwang
7 years ago
Reply to  Woo J. Hwang

Today’s the end of the 29th already. Feel like giving up, have blue balls, but I’ll keep it going for 30 days. On Tim.

Woo J. Hwang
Woo J. Hwang
7 years ago
Reply to  Woo J. Hwang

1:56 a.m. Saturday July 30th ended the streak. (5 days) The killer was trying to watch super hard core porn while trying the NOBNOM challenge. Will try again starting July 30th.

Woo J. Hwang
Woo J. Hwang
7 years ago
Reply to  Woo J. Hwang

The first two days were not tough. Starting the third day, I started to watch porn, just to see if I could orgasm without touching myself and to test my willpower. I started to go crazy. After two days of watching during night, I succumbed. It was a bad idea. I feel somewhat relieved but ashamed at the same time.

I will try the 30 day challenge again, this time without any pornographic material. I will honestly post my progress here. Although nobody seems to comment here anymore, it is a challenge to myself. I will get my thirty day streak – the longest streak I’ve had since probably I was 12-13 – or I am not a Timothy Ferriss fan. I will do this for myself just to show that I am not less of a being than everyone else on this site who finished it.

I swear before Timothy Ferriss’s moderators and all who witness.

Please comment (if anyone’s looking).

7 years ago
Reply to  Woo J. Hwang

28th is only four days and I feel like very frustrated.

Woo J. Hwang
Woo J. Hwang
7 years ago
Reply to  Woo J. Hwang

Today is August 2nd. Again on a 5 day streak.

Woo J. Hwang
Woo J. Hwang
7 years ago
Reply to  Woo J. Hwang

End of August 6, 2016. On a 6 day streak.

Woo J. Hwang
Woo J. Hwang
7 years ago
Reply to  Woo J. Hwang

What I meant to say was August 3rd was the 6 day street. It is now the beginning of August 4th. I am, out of necessity, adding another rule: no suggestive images or reading, no porn, no suggestive youtube or internet surfing. Beginning of a 7 day streak.

Woo J. Hwang
Woo J. Hwang
7 years ago

On a 11 day streak. Today’s the 14th. I have a date with a girl today. NOBNOM Works!

Woo J. Hwang
Woo J. Hwang
7 years ago
Reply to  Woo J. Hwang

Actually the 14th would make it a 17 day streak. Sorry.

Woo J. Hwang
Woo J. Hwang
7 years ago

Actually, looking at my records, the 14th would make it a 17 day streak. So I have 13 days left to complete my challenge.

Woo J. Hwang
Woo J. Hwang
7 years ago
Reply to  Woo J. Hwang

Wow! As of today I completed the 30 day challenge. Once I got in the routine of it, it wasn’t really that hard. Every now and then, I got in a semi-aroused / confused state, but I somewhat enjoyed my state.

Guess what I’m doing when I get off of work …

Woo J. Hwang

Woo J. Hwang
Woo J. Hwang
7 years ago
Reply to  Woo J. Hwang

Starting another 30 day challenge starting 9/3/2016. NOBNOPNOM. (No booze, No Porn, No Masturbation). The last challenge gained me approximately $2,500 additional savings.

Woo J. Hwang

7 years ago

I know a guy that lost 30 pounds in 30 days from not drinking beer. Now that I think about it, not only did he cut the calories BUT had the extra energy to exercise!

Talib Hussain
Talib Hussain
7 years ago

Hey Tim, I wanted to write a thank you letter for all you have done for me, but since you are not checking email, I thought I would focus on one area you helped. I came across NOBNOM after the fact, but still decided to do the 30 day challenge. I did it January 2015 and January 2016. I would do it again January 2017, except I don’t Masturbate anymore and rarely drink. I am now learning about Taoist and Ayurvedic sexual practices and it is really blowing my mind. Both talk about how ejaculation is literally blowing away our power. My love making life has been awesome. Sex is so much more enjoyable, my intuition/six sense is off the fucking charts and my dreams are nothing short of a Murakami novel. So, thank you. You are one of my virtual board members for my business and life.

Nofap Dude
Nofap Dude
7 years ago

Nofap is awesome. I am on Day 188. Feels amazing

7 years ago

Why wouldn’t sex be included, is this not about ejaculation?

7 years ago
Reply to  Matt

It’s about self control and breaking habits.

Lukas Manczak
Lukas Manczak
7 years ago

I’m 35 years old, healthy man and this is disgusting and really shameful that so many guys here can’t exist without masturbating. Where is your men’s, husband’s and father’s dignity? What type of responsible man are you going to be if you manage your sexuality in this way? You are talking about the habits? You will never be happy in the marriage if you masturbating now, as the masturbation is a habit of ego-sexuality, focusing on yourself and only the pleasure aspect and the sexual relation is not only the [leaseure but mostly the relationship, communication and responsibility fo the other person. Instead of mindfulness and meditation, I recommend you a good theology book…sorry guys but this what you are writing is very low, stupid and I’m so angry about it…

6 years ago

This is basically a bigger version of The Contest” from Seinfeld. Love the idea and have incorporated this into my life.

5 years ago

I took nofap challenge long back and it continued for 43 days.

But this strategy is surely going o help me more and make it at least 90days.

Thanks Tim.

5 years ago


Was this an actual challenge in 2014? Wow, this is quite something, however, is nearly impossible to actually prove right or wrong.

5 years ago

It’s quite complicated haha.

James S
James S
5 years ago

Just posted this on my LinkedIn – it’s business related because productivity, right? Lol. Thanks for reminding me of this, Tim. You have a great social media post rescheduler. [Moderator: LinkedIn link removed but appreciated.]

Chappond Appond
Chappond Appond
4 years ago

‪Hi can you please review my ebook please? If you can,please reply. Thank you in advance ‬

4 years ago

how can i participate in 30 days no masturbating challenge ?

4 years ago

Ok , I see that this is a site that is about 6 years old. Men may not get it but women actually don’t want you to have an orgasm. I mastered this years ago. It is completely your control.

They go nuts, I just channel the energy to other things. Somehow manage several girlfriends at a time. I send them away saying next time I want you to show me something new. (plant the seed) It is a trick, as there is not anything new they can show me, but they try.

Oh well, I am sure I will get flamed for this. But worked with many of the so called men guru dating advice people. Just my own thing. I decide when I want to release. Gave up drinking 25 years ago.

luie hindi
luie hindi
3 years ago

Amazing !

Such great timing, was actually planning on doing NOM for 30 days to see the real effect on testosterone in my blood work. Got the “before” bloodwork done yesterday. This challenge just makes me look forward to doing this even more.

[Moderator: link removed.]

thalyson silva
thalyson silva
2 years ago

muito bom este desafio, adorei essas estrategias! me sentir muito mais melhor logo após os 7 primeiros dias.

2 years ago

1 year and we go for two years…

Roslyn Walker
Roslyn Walker
9 months ago

Looks like I’m 9 years too late for this challenge! I’d love to see it offered again this year. Why wait for the new year? All the social support, and friendly competition, is exciting.

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