How to Dominate Any Tradeshow, and Why Even Solo Entrepreneurs Should Try

Lance Kalish and Ido Leffler Yes To Carrots

Lance Kalish and Ido Leffler of Yes To Carrots

Intro by Tim

How do you build a multi-million dollar global business?

Well, you might start by visiting Israel and negotiating the rights to an unknown brand (Yes To Carrots)…found in 16 stores. Then, you might use cold calling artistry and Jedi mind tricks to get carried by Walgreen’s in its 7,000+ stores. Next, you might get your product into 25,000+ stories internationally and smile when you see Rosario Dawson using your goods publicly. Now, as the happy ending (of sorts), every 6 seconds in the US, someone buys a Yes To product!

But that’s leaving out the details, isn’t it? I hate business articles and books that do that.

I’ve known Ido Leffler, Yes To’s co-founder, for ages. I met him at a Summit Series event in Miami. His trademark hug was the first thing that caught my attention: inexplicably slow-motion and super gentle, as if he were cradling a baby panda. Of course, there’s his subtle Australian accent and persuasive (and deliberately less subtle) Israeli chutzpah. Who the hell was this guy? I’ve come to love him, but perhaps more important to you, I’ve come to love his methods. He deconstructs problems like Sherlock Holmes with a twist of Richard Branson…

His partner Lance is even more methodical. In many respects, he is to Ido what Steve Wozniak was to Steve Jobs. That’s part of the reason their partnership works. To paraphrase one of Yes To’s investors: “He [Lance] is the numbers guy, and he [Ido] is the pictures guy.”

This post by Ido and Lance explains their methodical approach to tradeshows. But why should you care about tradeshows, if you don’t already? I used tradeshows (e.g. SXSW, lounges at CES) to successfully launch The 4-Hour Workweek to the bestseller lists. You can use tradeshows to network with people who would otherwise never return your email or phone call.

Tradeshows can be — even for a solo entrepreneur — the best single use of time in a given year, and Ido and Lance know how to make it count.

For the full Yes To story, you’ll need to grab their new book, for which I wrote the Foreword. The book explains, step-by-step, how they went from selling out of a suitcase to building the second largest and fastest growing natural beauty brand in the US, with almost 100 unique products (or “SKUs,” pronounced “skews”).

It’s tempting to write that the Yes To story is a beautiful example of the American Dream. But that’s not quite right.

It’s the Australian Dream.

It’s the British Dream.

It’s the Indian Dream.

It’s the [fill in the blank] Dream.

Ido and Lance’s story is the dream of doers everywhere–the dream of making something happen, of creating something meaningful from nothing.

Have you ever had a job and thought “I could do a better job than this guy” while watching your boss? Have you ever thought of an invention for solving a common problem and asked “Why hasn’t someone DONE this yet?!?” If so, you’ve found the right teachers.

Before I hand the mic over to the Australians, I could say “May the wind always be at your back,” but that’s not how this game works.

Instead, I’ll recommend that you gird up your loins (figuratively), grab a cup of coffee, and prepare for an adventure.

Enjoy the ride…

Enter Lance and Ido

This post everything we know about how to extract the most value from a trade show.

Keep in mind that we threw together our first U.S. trade show booth with nothing but hope, good vibes, a modest budget, and a fortuitous Google search that led us to an amazing design firm in Israel and a builder in Hungary who were able to build our booth for pennies on the dollar.

Trade shows are absurdly expensive; save money on everything but don’t skimp on your visual presentation. Sleep underneath the registration table. Eat nothing but stale pretzels. Shave in the McDonald’s bathroom. But make sure that your booth looks fun, deluxe, well designed, and tells a compelling story. You need it to catch buyers’ eyes as they run past you to the established businesses in the primo spots on the convention floor. Trade shows are an incredibly useful weapon to get introductions to massive retailers, and no matter how much you think you know about international retail, there are always going to be retailers out there that you’ve never heard of and whose stores you need to be in. So give it your all. Presentation is everything.

Ido: When we first started Yes To we would attend the National Association of Chain Drug Stores convention in San Diego every year. It’s a huge deal; literally everyone who is anyone in health and beauty is there. We always had the same spot, year after year; and so did the guy a few booths down from us. Now, I admired our neighbor’s products. They were well formulated and effective. But I struggled to understand his approach to selling these products. Every year he had the same collapsible table, covered in the same tablecloth, with a dropdown backdrop showcasing his products. He wore a slightly scruffy suit and stood morosely at his table, rarely engaging with anyone he didn’t already know. In other words, he had a great product and a terrible presentation; his table looked cheap, he seemed uninterested, and no one was going to fall in love with cheap and uninterested. You don’t need ridiculous amounts of money to make an impact, but if you’re working with a minimal budget, you need to brings tons of imagination and effort and add something unique to your presentation. Don’t go with a little table and a pull-down sign at the back. You don’t need to spend a lot of money — just be different.

The Taj Mahal booth

Yes To Taj Mahal Booth

Ido: What do we mean by different? We mean be bloody different. A few months after we shook hands with Walgreens on our online exclusive, I went to an industry conference in Hong Kong called the Cosmoprof convention. I’d squeezed Lance for about 200 percent more money than he thought we could afford; it was still a minuscule budget by the standards of a big trade show. We’d found an architect in Israel who designed a fantastic, modern, über-hip booth for us and the aforementioned builders in Hungary who were willing to build it for a fourth of the cost of Israeli contractors. Nobody knew anything about us except that we were the brand new company with the over-the-top, bright orange, sexy booth. The booth had a carrot structure that rose like an orange Taj Mahal over the rest of the exhibitors. The green fronds brushed the ceiling and could be seen from any point on the floor. We filled it with energetic young people, glowing with good health, who handed moisturizer samples and carrot juice to everyone who walked by. Basically, we were the party booth, and we were packed from morning to night. Turns out that our structure was ten feet too high and broke every rule of the convention center, but we managed to stall the demolition team till the last day. By the time the convention wrapped, we’d drunk our own weight in carrot juice many times over, but we’d also made hundreds of new friends and new contacts. Success. Now when we attend conferences we do it with an even more fantastic booth than we had at the last event. Other companies recycle their booths for decades. What’s fun about that! Sometimes the booth will have a Frank Lloyd Wright look to it, other times it will be futuristic, but it is always big, orange, and fun. No matter what, our booth changes every year and is always the one that people are talking about on the opening day of the convention. A first impression is always going to be the most lasting impression. There is a certain expectation that your booth and your presentation will reflect the reality of your business’s size and market share.

This is an expectation that we chose to ignore. Our booth reflected the company we planned to be in a few years, not the company we were at that moment. So you don’t need the biggest booth or the biggest budget. But at the same time, you can’t simply follow the norm of having a plasma screen playing a generic video or hosting a random giveaway or competition.

By the end of a trade show, people want two things:

• They want to be entertained.

• They want free stuff.

Yes To Carrots Booth Free Stuff

If you can make them laugh and send them home with a bag of goodies, then you have a reasonable chance of getting them to remember you. Think of a trade show as speed dating on a massive level. Every account in that convention hall has the opportunity to sit down with every buyer for three minutes. In those 180 seconds you need to find some way to click with them, make them laugh, give them an insight into your brand’s philosophy, put some samples in their hands, offer them a carrot juice and a key ring, and hope and pray that they felt the same little spark that you did. It always shocks us when we see brands not putting a 150 percent effort into a trade show. I feel personally offended when I see attendees sitting down and reading the paper or sneaking out early. What’s the point? Attending a trade show is a massive investment, especially if you’re a small company with a modest budget. Don’t slack off even when you see your competitors half-assing it. In fact, look at their half-assing as an opportunity for you to wow the retailers they are underwhelming.

The Master’s Degree of Trade Shows: Working the Show

Yes To Carrots Bus Paris

Lance: In our early days with Yes To we made a huge effort to attend the Cosmoprof convention in Italy. This was a biggie, and we put down a huge amount of cash to fly our team out, assemble gift bags, and make our booth look fantastic. By the end of day two, though, our booth was quiet; all the good-looking carrots, handing out juice, and the team couldn’t get people interested. For whatever reason our magic wasn’t clicking. “What the hell are we going to do?” I wondered. “This is a disaster.” “Why?” Ido asked.

“Because our booth is empty, and it’s been empty all day!” Ido laughed.“Mate, we built this booth to meet one person, from one account. I’ve met him, he loves us, and nothing else matters.”

Have goals. Be strategic. Know whom you need to meet and what kind of business you need to do with them. Identify your “whales,” the most important people you want to meet at a trade show. It’s critical that your team knows the names (and ideally the faces) of the whales on your hit list. Make sure they understand that if Mr. or Ms. Whale shows up, then they need to get your attention immediately. Trade shows are full of perfectly charming people who are lots of fun but essentially irrelevant to your business. If you are talking to one of these people, and you miss your chance to talk to the whale, then you are in trouble.

Ido: I’ve shamelessly run after a whale that got away; Captain Ahab would be proud of me! After all, this might be the only day your particular Moby Dick attends the trade show. Do not miss your opportunity to talk with them. Manifesto Rule Numero Uno: Turn the convention hall into a walking billboard about you and your brand. Conventioneers love tote bags. Why? Because there are tons and tons of free stuff to be had, and after about two hours they are going to need something to carry the swag in. We always order thousands of great tote bags. No cheap paper or thin cotton for us. Our bags are big, bright, and unique, and by day two we try to make sure that every single person in the hall is carrying one. Be shameless and be fun. Slap your logo on the bag, add some bright colors, and make sure that people instinctively smile when they see it. Have tons of product to give away at the booth, and give it away freely. Don’t be one of those guys withholding the good stuff for the “big guys.” Instead, be the guy with the product that everyone is using and talking about. Freely distributing swag (even if it costs you) is in your best interests; you want those walking adverts wandering the convention.

Yes To Carrots Booth Free Product

Try to stay in the hotel where the important people are staying, because you want to be able to interact with them in the elevator, in the bar, or at breakfast. A two-minute conversation in the breakfast buffet line can be invaluable if it creates a tiny bond or shared experience between you and an important buyer. Give yourself the chance to have that moment. These hotels are expensive, but it is so, so worth the extra cost if you are able to use it to your advantage. Always make sure you and your team have a uniform — and not a suit. Order some logo shirts, but make sure they are funny, not droney. Do something goofy and unexpected. Order everyone in the team those East Coast preppie trousers that are covered with embroidered whales. Have fun with it, but whatever you come up with, make sure it makes you stand out. You want to be a little bit different and also be comfortable, so don’t wear a corporate, uninviting suit. One caveat: It’s useful to have someone who looks more conventional in your booth. Some of your meetings will be with a person who needs the reassurance of seeing someone who looks a little square. Lance: At every damn trade show Ido sees me putting on my jeans and polo shirt and says, “I’m dressing cool, you dress like the accountant.”

Ido: That’s just because of your terrible taste in jeans. No, we need one guy who looks serious and traditional, and seriousness comes more naturally to Lance. Note: The more conventional, reserved-looking guy should not be the boss or, in our case, both of the bosses. Make sure that at least one of the founders or the CEO is wearing the more casual look, like everyone else. You want your CEO or founder to be fun and superapproachable. You don’t want him or her wearing a suit and sitting in one spot and looking like a monarch on a throne. Keep the boss approachable, and don’t create the impression that you have an impenetrable hierarchy. Buyers buy from people they know, like, and trust. Give them a chance to build that relationship with the head guy, even if it is the one and only time they will ever have anything to do with him. Always have a pen and paper, or an iPad, or a voice recorder handy. As soon as you finish a meeting, scribble down all the pertinent information: name, contact info, and any details you can recall. Small talk is everything, and six months later you may be glad you remembered that their youngest is playing ball at State, or that they grew up in an area you know well. Send a follow-up note to everyone you contacted over the course of the day, and every evening debrief with your team so you figure out who to delegate your new contact to. Keep the initial note brief; no one has the time or energy to read a detailed letter while the show is still running.

Once you are back home, give them a couple of days to settle back and then hit them again with an action-based e-mail. Always remind them who you are, and refer back to your notes. If you have a personal comment that feels appropriate, such as, “I hope John’s first day of school went well,” make it. Know how to cut your losses; if someone says, “I am coming back,” without scheduling an actual time to return and talk, it means they are never coming back, ever. Let it go. The minute the trade show closes for the day is the minute the real work begins.

Practice the fine art of thinking while drinking

Yes To Carrots Drinking Test Tubes

Lots of the important business at a trade show is done after the convention closes for the day. In order to get in on these opportunities, you need to be organized, aggressive, and targeted. Plan ahead. You want at least one after-hours social interaction with all your potential partners, retailers, distributors, press, and even your competitors. You need to start planning these social interactions months before the convention, so start calling and e-mailing and Facebooking well in advance of the show. Don’t be afraid to approach people whom you’ve never met or who feel “out of your league.” Everyone is in the same boat of wanting to connect with people and discover the next big idea before their competitors do. This makes it relatively easy to get a meeting at a convention that you might struggle to get in day-to-day life.

You are at that convention to build relationships and make friends, and the after-hours booze fest known as “cocktail hour” is a great place to do so. For better or worse, conventions are fueled by alcohol; this can be challenging if you don’t drink, but either way, it’s critical to be out there taking part. Conventions, especially the after-parties, can also be tricky if you’re not a naturally outgoing person. I have friends and coworkers who are great in the more structured environment of the convention floor but struggle with the after-hours socializing. It’s critical that you are genuine, relaxed, and unguarded, so find something about the evening that you enjoy. Go to karaoke. Laugh. Have fun. Say yes to after-dinner drinks and late-night drinks; late-night drinks is where you can form the strongest relationships. People are relaxed, they open up a bit, and you will have a really memorable shared experience to refer back to as your relationship develops.

Lance: Ido and I never sit together at these after-hours events. We spend plenty of time together as it is! You should chat and catch up with your partner only when you go back to your room to debrief. These after-dinner and late-night drinks are work, and we stick to our divide-and-conquer strategy. If I had a huge ego, this would be a problem, but the reality is that there is room for only one star, and in this setting the star is Ido. In this business you have to put away your feelings of insecurity. You don’t need to show them, particularly when you are trying to sell an aspirational brand. So I’m cool with Ido having the spotlight, and I use my time most effectively in supporting him as he makes these connections with the major players. At the end of the day, we both end up winning.

Be the most noticeable guy in the room

Ido Leffler Speaking

If you have a key account coming to a trade show, do whatever it takes to have him or her to yourself for the night. Don’t book the best restaurant in town. Book the most fun restaurant in town. The dinner is not about spreadsheets and marketing plans; it’s about eating great food, drinking plenty of great wine (or, in the case of some of our most “fun” accounts, getting blasted on shots of Jägermeister), and truly becoming friends with people whom you generally do not get to see outside of a corporate setting. There are going to be a few meetings that are a tougher “get,” and these are generally the very biggest companies at the show. If you’re struggling to get a meeting with them, ask around and find out if they are throwing a party. Yes? Great! Go and have fun and shake some hands. This is an infallible strategy — if you’re invited! If you aren’t invited, then you need to worm your way onto the guest list. The more exclusive the party, the more important it is to attend. So here’s our crash course in, well, crashing.

1. Ask your neighbors and customers what they are doing that evening; identify the big-ticket party for that night. Are you on the list? No? Then get working!

2. Find the best-looking and most genuinely charming guy or girl from your booth. Brief them on their objective and send them off to infiltrate the booth of the company hosting the party. Arm them with free samples and big smiles.

3. If that doesn’t work, find out where the party is, dress up, and tag along with a few other people that you know were invited and behave as though you own the joint (works 95 percent of the time). Effusively shake the host’s hand and thank him or her for the invite. Now that you’ve been such a mensch (gentleman) there’s no way they can kick you out!

4. Party like they are throwing the event just for you! Don’t act like a fool, but make sure everyone at the event knows that you are the life of the party.

5. Convince your most important suppliers/friends/staff to join you for after-party drinks at the bar in their hotel.

6. Look at your watch and realize that the conference floor opens in forty-five minutes! Run up to your room. Do fifty push-ups and drink three coffees.

7. Repeat every night till you are ready to cry with exhaustion.

8. Go home!

Treat your booth with love, and it will love you back.

First, make sure you have lots of products to swap at the end of the show! Your spouse/partner/roommate will be very happy because you can barter your stuff for other people’s stuff. Second, all conventioneers love getting products for free or in a barter. They’ll give it to their friends, or even better, give it to their family members, and there is nothing more effective than a buyer’s family liking the product. Most trade shows end in the early afternoon of the last day, and most trade show rules stipulate that all attendees keep their booths fully open till the very last minute of the last day of the trade show. But that last day is hard; you’re exhausted, and all you want to do is go home and sleep. You suddenly realize that consuming nothing but coffee and pretzels for four days is a questionable idea. By noon the convention floor is almost empty, with only a few people running around to wrap up last-minute deals. The temptation to put up your “closed” sign and slip some teamsters $500 to make your booth go away is HUGE.

Yes To Carrots Booth Pillows

Don’t do it. As much as you may be sick of the sight of your booth by the end of an event, always treat it with respect. Remember that you are going to want to use parts of it again, so don’t just hand over the job of tearing it down to a couple of guys loitering around the coffee stand. Always make sure you know who is going to pull the booth down and where it is going to go. Make sure your original builder has supplied some kind of plan for safely packing and shipping the booth. We ended up flying two men over from Hungary to pull down our first booth; we reckoned that the additional investment was worth it if it improved our odds of still having a beautiful booth for the next trade show.

Third, and equally important, squeeze every drop of value out of that show. The last day is generally quieter and slower and you never really know who might show up at the booth. If the last day is very quiet, it can be a good time to start following up on the people you and your team met during the show. Make sure you speak to the show organizers to secure you the same or a better location for your booth for next year. (If you forget to do this, you may end up wedged in between the line for the toilets and the rubbishy food outlets. Not good.)

The Multibooth Philosophy

Yes To Carrots Inside Booth

After a show, our booth is shipped back to a storage facility, which is a little like the government warehouse in Raiders of the Lost Ark. We have various booths in storage crated up and ready to go. Our philosophy is to never show the same booth twice at the same convention or trade show. For example, the Taj Mahal Carrot will never go back to Hong Kong, but it will do very well at Las Vegas. The goal is to keep things surprising and fresh. You want people to be curious about what you’ve done differently from last time, and by rotating the booths we maximize the chances of our important accounts seeing something new every year. You may not have the budget for this; if that’s the case, then get creative. Keep the same basic shell, the same colors and overall design philosophy, but change things up a little. Have fun, but make sure your aesthetics align over the years. You want to surprise people, not confuse them.

Getting people excited about Yes To was the easy part. The hard part was everything else! Even while we were circling the world on the Trade Show Express, we had to deal with the nuts and bolts of actually manufacturing and shipping ever-increasing amounts of product. Now, remember how we talked about how partners have to work well together, in good times and bad? Another one of those bad times is coming up right now.

Additional Resources

Trade Show Directories and Tips

  1. 2012 Top 250 US Trade Shows
  2. Trade Shows, Exhibitions, Conferences & Business Events Worldwide
  3. Exhibitor Magazine’s Exhibit Design Awards
  4. Exhibitor Magazine’s Sizzle Awards
  5. 22 Tips on How to Operate a Trade Show Booth
  6. Exhibitor Central – Tradeshow Tips
  7. Barzilai Design (our exhibit design firm)


  1. Evernote (for note taking)
  2. BuildASign (for signs and print)
  3. Chimpadeedoo (for capturing leads)
  4. Square (for collecting payment)
  5. Cafepress (for schwag)
  6. InternMatch (for finding booth staff)

For the detailed story of Yes To’s improbable rise, including the stupid mistakes, near fatal catastrophes, existential crises, and fancy sales footwork, check out Get Big Fast and Do More Good: Start Your Business, Make It Huge, and Change the World.

The Tim Ferriss Show is one of the most popular podcasts in the world with more than one billion downloads. It has been selected for "Best of Apple Podcasts" three times, it is often the #1 interview podcast across all of Apple Podcasts, and it's been ranked #1 out of 400,000+ podcasts on many occasions. To listen to any of the past episodes for free, check out this page.

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Comment Rules: Remember what Fonzie was like? Cool. That’s how we’re gonna be — cool. Critical is fine, but if you’re rude, we’ll delete your stuff. Please do not put your URL in the comment text and please use your PERSONAL name or initials and not your business name, as the latter comes off like spam. Have fun and thanks for adding to the conversation! (Thanks to Brian Oberkirch for the inspiration.)

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10 years ago

Tim, you had me at dominate! And it ended with excitement! You are so

Amazing! Thanks!

10 years ago

There is no other resource, that gives away such excellent, free and motivational info in existence. Thank you to Tim, Ido, and Lance!

Hey…has a winner for the Tim Mentorship with Tim and Noah been chosen?

Thanks again!

Ido Leffler
Ido Leffler
10 years ago
Reply to  Chris

Your Welcome!!!

10 years ago

Great advice guys! Thank you!

Ido Leffler
Ido Leffler
10 years ago
Reply to  Omar

Thank you!!!

David Hennessey
David Hennessey
10 years ago

Hi Tim, Ido and Lance,

This article inspired me in a very different way. My mind started to think about how the concepts can be used in a professional speaking environment.

If you have ever been to a traditional conference with speakers presenting in the regular way and then you have been to a Tony Robbins event there is a difference. Then there is your next level up. I am thinking of how I can mix in the ideas you presented into my next speaking engagement to create a truly memorable event. I want to ignite people in attendance to want to book in advance for the next event, gear them up to have a great experience as well as great information. This can be done.

Thank you all for sharing and inspiring.

Enjoy a wonderful day,


Ido Leffler
Ido Leffler
10 years ago

We always try to engage the audience make them smile and leave them feeling like they have been to a great show (hopefully with great insights)

10 years ago

Seeing all the cool new stuff at trade shows is good enough for me. Until something sparks my imagination, I’ll run rampant with this information.

Thanks team!

Ido Leffler
Ido Leffler
10 years ago
Reply to  Benny

Thanks Mate!

Ryan Fleming
Ryan Fleming
10 years ago

Love it. This gives me so many ideas!

Ido Leffler
Ido Leffler
10 years ago
Reply to  Ryan Fleming

Thank you!!

Navid Moazzez
Navid Moazzez
10 years ago

Awesome, so inspiring. Thanks for sharing this with us!

Keep up the amazing work!

– Navid

10 years ago

What I reassure myself everyday is that successful businesses have moved from the conventional (sobriety, black suits, and other standards). What you guys describe here is the actual way to succeed in the business world.

Take your prospects out to a funny restaurant, befriend them, and have shots. This way you create long-lasting relationships!

10 years ago

Awesome post. Good work guys. Very inspiring. *from fellow Israeli

Ido Leffler
Ido Leffler
10 years ago
Reply to  David

Bevakasha (Your welcome 🙂

Mark Ward
Mark Ward
10 years ago

Hi Guys,

Thank You,Great advice I was just at Websummit with Kevin Rose and almost every start up looked the same, pitched the same and only the corporate booths had the appeal like Yes to Carrots.

This was another great post, your network/friends is amazing and I see a common thread of supporting each other at the right times.

We are learning from one of the best marketers in the world.

Thanks for all your hustle


Ido Leffler
Ido Leffler
10 years ago
Reply to  Mark Ward

Thank you, so happy to loved it!

10 years ago

We’ve used their products for a number of years now – they’re awesome for kids and adults with sensitive skin.

One of the slightly bittersweet things about their much deserved success in the US market (well done guys – you totally deserve it!) is that their products are a little harder to find in Australia now.

Couldn’t agree more about being strategic about who you want to meet and how you’re going to meet them at trade shows – they’re such an expensive things to participate in if you fail to have a plan. These guys show that they are the most profitable ventures if you have a plan and stick to it!

Ido Leffler
Ido Leffler
10 years ago
Reply to  LA

Thank you so so much! (btw- the best place to find the products in Aus is Priceline :-))

Eliza Cross
Eliza Cross
10 years ago

“Presentation is everything.” I so appreciate you taking the time and effort to share so many specific, actionable ideas and examples regarding how to be memorable at a busy trade show. I will never tear down early on a Sunday afternoon again! 🙂 Great article.

Ido Leffler
Ido Leffler
10 years ago
Reply to  Eliza Cross

Our pleasure!! Thank you!!

Dane Rose
Dane Rose
10 years ago

Hi Lance and Ido,

Thank you for your article. What interests me are the specifics you’ve left out. I don’t think it’s hard to dominate a trade show with amazing design, great staff and give aways. That’s the easy part. It’s budgeting so that the orders exceed the cost of dominating the trade show that interest me. How much was your booth that cost 1/4th of the Israeli bid? How many orders do you think the booth brought in on that show and what’s the profit margin on the product that you use?

I’m also interested in what businesses you think lend themselves to tradeshows vs. books, as a marketing vehicle? I’ve always done terrible marketing my landscape company at trade shows, spending as much as $30K but then I wrote a book for $100. and made $250K in the work the book generated. I’m naturally more keen on books as a result, but it could be that your business does better in trade shows. Have you done trade shows for all types of businesses?

Thanks for any details you want to offer.


Ido Leffler
Ido Leffler
10 years ago
Reply to  Dane Rose

Great comment!! The big Taj Mahal booth cost around 50K for the booth and an other 30K or so for the space. The ROI was in the Millions, so it is safe to say that it was worth it. I do agree that their are many great tools to build a business, in the beginning for our industry Trade shows were our way to level the playing field.

10 years ago


I hate to use this forum as a way to promote myself, but I feel I could help your followers. I can help with any of the Schwag and signage. My clients have found it much easier to deal with me, a real person, rather than trying to do everything themselves through an online website. Think of me as your promotional marketing assistant. It can be intimidating to look on a website with 1,000 plus products and know where to start. I can help steer you in the right direction. My pricing can normally beat the major online sites as well. I have been following your work since my friend gave me the 4 hour workweek many years ago! If i can ever help one of your followers it would be a great opportunity.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions. Thank you!

10 years ago

Inspiring story and bad ass tips on trade show domination. Going to implement a bunch of this stuff at my next conference 😉

Ido Leffler
Ido Leffler
10 years ago
Reply to  Vinay

Thank you!!!

mark greenman
mark greenman
10 years ago

Ido and Lance, thank you for this wonderful article, it’s informative and inspiring. I will definitely keep these strategies in mind- I’m just starting out now, but by same time next year I hope to be building my own tradeshow Taj and lashing my liver with after hours cocktails per your recommendations.

Will be snagging Get Big Fast tonight from amazon.


Ido Leffler
Ido Leffler
10 years ago
Reply to  mark greenman

Your welcome and Thank you!!!

Chris What?
Chris What?
10 years ago


I’ve only skimmed through this post, and maybe I don’t really have the right to say this, but it seems that now with the experience, the contacts, resources, and know-how you have, you are ready to take things to the next level and become a (USD) billionaire. Not for the sake of having an excess amount of money or to keep up with the Joneses, but I’m sure you’d fund some awesome and inspiring projects with it.

I’m feel kinda like the guy before the 4HWW who once told you “Why not write a book about it and be done with it”? [Not that I hope you’re ever “done with it”]

Along the same lines, why not demonstrate that it is possible to become a 4 hour billionaire and create a worldwide “WTF??” response.

I believe in you. Good luck 🙂

Chris What?
Chris What?
10 years ago
Reply to  Chris What?

Oh, and here’s an odd phenomenon I’ve been noticing… Many folks that have major breakthroughs or do crazy things, whether entrepreneurial or otherwise, seem to be doing that at the age of 29, for some reason. Is that cause 30 is a scary number? How was it for you. I certainly feel that pressure right now, being that age myself, as I haven’t accomplished anything sensational like all you guys… yet 🙂

Betty Rocker
Betty Rocker
10 years ago

Thank you so much for sharing guys, I found this article incredibly helpful. Even though I’m not selling physical products, going to Internet marketing conventions is a similar experience in many ways.

The hardest part for me has been the after part and the drinking since I stopped drinking. But I get it!

Ido Leffler
Ido Leffler
10 years ago
Reply to  Betty Rocker

Thank you!!! Very often it is me drinking a club soda with some lime (aka- mock vodka soda!)

10 years ago

Tim, you been experimenting with localisation in your posts?

This one had a very Irish feel to the language.

Or maybe you’re subconsciously want to come back here?



10 years ago

Very interesting. Already bought the book.

Ido Leffler
Ido Leffler
10 years ago
Reply to  Seven


Doug Rader
Doug Rader
10 years ago

Absolutely wonderful information Tim. Keep it up man!

Ido Leffler
Ido Leffler
10 years ago
Reply to  Doug Rader

Thank you!!!

Ben Pavlovich
Ben Pavlovich
10 years ago

Wow I just learned about a local trade show coming up when this popped up into my life. Very convenient and coincidental Tim. Awesome resources at the bottom as well.

Ido Leffler
Ido Leffler
10 years ago
Reply to  Ben Pavlovich

Thank you!!!

Rick Calvert
Rick Calvert
10 years ago

Tim you are a genius man. You Ido and Lance just earned the love of every show manager in the world.

Sending you an email asking permission to repost this on our event blogs 8).

Ido Leffler
Ido Leffler
10 years ago
Reply to  Rick Calvert

🙂 Thank you!!!

Allyson Brusstar
Allyson Brusstar
10 years ago

My first reaction to the end of this post was…


So now I’m going to have to invest in another great book, oh no.. lol

Nothing like giving a nibble to a starving child.

Yours trully,

Info hunter and gather.

Ido Leffler
Ido Leffler
10 years ago

hehehe!! enjoy the read!

Chris W
Chris W
10 years ago

Lance and Ido,

After reading this awesome post I downloaded your audiobook around midnight, and ended up listening to it for 4 hours straight (irony*, Tim?). I’m kind of an ADD type, but having experienced that reminded me that it’s the content that matters, not my reading/listening skills. If I’m not truly interested in something, it’s extremely difficult to pay attention (how the hell did I make it through college?!).

Apparently, for successful entrepreneurs it all seems to boil down to excellent communication skills, and the ability to tell an inspiring story, which you obviously have and do. Aside from that, did I mention the story itself is beyond captivating? I’m absolutely blown away by what you’ve achieved, without neglecting your family or being unethical – in fact, doing the very opposite – and that’s extremely encouraging, even for a wantapreneur like me.

Thank you,


P.S.: I’m probably not the first to notice this, but Ido, your name sounds like a positive and actionable mantra (“I do”), and seems to resonate with your brand “Yes To”.

*Speaking of which, the last time I had that experience was with the 4HWW at a B&N in Santana Row in 2008. Before I even purchased my first copy, I found myself reading most of it in one sitting (quite literally, sitting on the floor, and I took a bunch of notes in the process, which I usually never do). You guys really speak to me!

Ido Leffler
Ido Leffler
10 years ago
Reply to  Chris W

Love love love it!!! Sounds like something i would do!

Chris W
Chris W
10 years ago
Reply to  Ido Leffler

🙂 I just noticed now that my girlfriend has been keeping a Yes To Grapefruit Facial Scrub in the bathroom (I had no idea). Stuff smells so grapefruity I feel like eating it 😉

10 years ago

now this is really funny….

I visited the Cosmoprof in Bologna (2010) and The Cosmoprof in Hong Kong (2012), because I am a wholesaler. So that name is quite familiar… What I am also very familiar with is the builder from Hungary who built their booth.

I made a contact with them on a trade fair last year in Austria (where I come from). Their name is EKI Creative.

It’s really cool to read about them in this post.

I would like to connect with you!

Ido Leffler
Ido Leffler
10 years ago
Reply to  Daniel

So cool!! thanks for that!!!

10 years ago

…aaaand I would like to know if they already put their products into the CPNP database. Very important for Europe.

Ido Leffler
Ido Leffler
10 years ago
Reply to  Daniel

I think so.. will check with my team

Tim Hoyt
Tim Hoyt
10 years ago

One gift you can give someone that is memorable and creates word-of-mouth as they share it with their friends is a personal photo or video that you take and send to them. This is a no brainer at B2C events but also works surprisingly well at B2B trade shows since people like to share a fun photo (maybe of themselves next to a Carrot costumed guy) with their kids.

At a B2B trade show you can get great results interviewing attendees with a big professional microphone and then giving them a private link to their video which they end up deciding to share a surprisingly high percentage of the time since everyone likes to appear smart to their colleagues back in the office. [video]

10 years ago
Reply to  Tim Hoyt

That’s clever–It gives the other person something to anticipate. Lots of variations come to mind. Thanks for sharing, Tim!

Ido Leffler
Ido Leffler
10 years ago
Reply to  Tim Hoyt

:- )Love it

10 years ago

I thought I’d just take a quick break from filling out 3 different applications for trade shows to check the ol’ rss feed….YOWZA!

“I feel personally offended when I see attendees sitting down and reading the paper or sneaking out early” – totally agree. We make it a point to reach out to every person walking by our booth – did we just pay 5 figures to sit back and wait for people to stop by? No way!

A couple of other points I’ve learned from my first few tradeshows:

-Don’t setup your booth the day before the show starts – your flight will inevitably get delayed, your material will get lost, or it will take 10x the time to setup. Give yourself one extra day to get things setup.

-Have order forms ready to go (seems juvenile now). People will be ready to order at the show – take these orders right away or lose them forever in the sea of follow up e-mails.

-Buying carpet (1st timers) is not worth it – bring carpet or foam tiles. Don’t worry about being comfy on your feet, you’re going to be moving and shaking anyway. Same goes for the chairs or tables – don’t rent it, focus on getting your product in front of people and getting a conversation started.

-(recommended in this post) Have brochures, schwag, something to give the buyers so they can show it to their superiors

– ALWAYS get a business card. If you invested the time in talking with someone don’t let them walk away without getting the follow up info. If they don’t have a card, write down their info….always follow up.

My one follow up question – do you guys ever have any ROI number in mind? Any target booth budget depending upon the attendance list?

Looking forward to reading the book!

Ido Leffler
Ido Leffler
10 years ago
Reply to  Greg

Great points!! To answer your qu: Yes we always think what is the possible ROI for an event and invest accordingly.

Nahyan Chowdhury
Nahyan Chowdhury
10 years ago

This was a wonderfully insightful read. We’re planning our second tradeshow booth, so this comes at the perfect time. Thank you.

Some Takeaways for me:

“First impression matters” – it’s obvious, but it actually made me think about the impression people get when far away from the booth. Not during a direct interaction.

“Who are your whales?” – I knew them in my head, but need it on paper. And start building up to the live interaction via online introductions and shoutouts.

“Bags” – After 50+ awkward moments being asked “do you have a bag to carry this (the apparel we sell)”, you’d think we’d have solved it for this year. Well that and so much more…startup life :{

“Team uniform” – I’m the “proper” guy in this case

“Set up meets” – and chill sessions.

Ido Leffler
Ido Leffler
10 years ago

Thank you!!!

10 years ago

Ido and Lance I have been looking for that kind of Trade Show Directory for months now! Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Also, thanks to all (3) of you for the article. Extraordinarily informative.

Questions, how much should be saved up to provide a proper presentation of your product? Is it normal to have to do a Kickstarter campaign to raise the money for a great booth, swag, intern help, hotels, etc? Will I puke in my mouth when I see this price tag?

No matter what though, again, thank you for this insight. 😉

Ido Leffler
Ido Leffler
10 years ago
Reply to  Gigi

Thanks!! it really depends on the product, event etc, we usually take it from our marketing budget.

10 years ago
Reply to  Ido Leffler

Right on. Cheers!

10 years ago

Great stuff, and you can apply this line of thinking to any aspect of your business. Do something fun and different and people will love you for it!

Ido Leffler
Ido Leffler
10 years ago
Reply to  Ben

Thank you!!!

10 years ago

Fantastic article. Tim, thank you so much for sharing. I just ordered five copies of the book, one for myself, four to give to different members of my staff.

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
10 years ago
Reply to  John

Thanks so much, John! Hope all is well with you 🙂

Ido Leffler
Ido Leffler
10 years ago
Reply to  John

Thank you!!!!!! Hope you love it!!

Michel Bowman
Michel Bowman
10 years ago

This post inspired me a lot. And I must say. Export your contacts to Car GPS with the travel Web APP. Optimize the benefit of every trip by identifying your contacts along the route and maps their locations online.

Ido Leffler
Ido Leffler
10 years ago
Reply to  Michel Bowman

Love that idea!! Thank you!!!

Brent Estabrook
Brent Estabrook
10 years ago

Drinks and Karaoke!? i am well on my way to becoming a convention superstar!

Another great post,

Thank you Tim, Ido and Lance.

I have been continuously collecting these articles and Evernoting them… it is like my personal reference guide to success


Ido Leffler
Ido Leffler
10 years ago

Your Welcome!! Thanks!!

Toni V. Martin
Toni V. Martin
10 years ago

Another Cosmoprof veteran here! Stoked to see a beauty brand featured on 4HWW, and so impressed that Lance and Ido shared this much of their strategy with the community. Definitely picked up tips for my clients in this space and look forward to seeing Yes To! in Bologna next year.

Ido Leffler
Ido Leffler
10 years ago
Reply to  Toni V. Martin


George Austin
George Austin
10 years ago

Great advice as always…..thanks for discussing trade shows!

Ido Leffler
Ido Leffler
10 years ago
Reply to  George Austin


10 years ago

Lance and Ido know what’s up. People want to be fascinated, so if you give them something unique and interesting, they’ll be more likely to give you some of their attention.

Chet Holmes (in his book) talks about some similar strategies for trade shows that can help you focus on getting noticed. Great post, their booth looks sweet.

Ido Leffler
Ido Leffler
10 years ago
Reply to  Dave

Thanks Dave!! Love it!!

Jen Zeman
Jen Zeman
10 years ago

Immediately after reading this article I ordered “Get Big Fast and Do More Good”. I’m only on page 3 and so in love with Ido and Lance! 😀 Thanks Tim for posting this. I’m sure their book and their business practices will greatly influence how I build my own business.

Ido Leffler
Ido Leffler
10 years ago
Reply to  Jen Zeman

Thank you!! We hope you love it!!

10 years ago

Wonderful post. I do pass by ‘Yes to carrot’ products in the drugstore but have never tried them. After listening to such an inspiring story I am definitely going to try them.

I think I will adopt the ‘unique booth’ to my industry which is software ERP application. I know we can’t do anything over the top but I am willing to push the limits!

Ido Leffler
Ido Leffler
10 years ago
Reply to  Swathi

Thank you!! We hope you love the product!!

Mary Campbell Gallagher, J.D., Ph.D.
Mary Campbell Gallagher, J.D., Ph.D.
10 years ago

Fantastic post, from a fantastic book. Such idea, such inspiration. It blasts us introverts a couple of feet out of our shells. I ordered the hardcover plus the ebook for 99 cents, started the ebook, received the hardcover and finished it in a day–and yes, I do have a lot else to do, but I was riveted. Thank you!

Ido Leffler
Ido Leffler
10 years ago

Thanks Mary, it means a lot to us!!!

Jaleel Hamid
Jaleel Hamid
10 years ago

Interesting post – I might have to read it again.

10 years ago

Great article! Love the insights. Went to the solar show in Munich a couple of years ago. It was a amazing! There were some fascinating booths, and others that defiantly need to read your book!

Would love to see the domination first hand if you are ever looking for volenteers for the booth I have my hand up.

My wife raves about the baby products to all her friends (13 month old son).


Ido Leffler
Ido Leffler
10 years ago
Reply to  Aric

Thanks Aric!!!

Kathy Steirly
Kathy Steirly
10 years ago

Ido and Lance –

Congratulations on your brilliant book!! In all my thirty+ years of mass retailing, the YES TO team always tops my list of favorite success stories. I hope I’m correct in thinking I might even have been one of your early and favoriite “whales”….

All good wishes to you and your families and much continued success!


Ido Leffler
Ido Leffler
10 years ago
Reply to  Kathy Steirly

Hi Kathy, wow… So so excited to see this comment!!! For those reading this post, Kathy is one of the most incredible people that I have ever had the pleasure of working with (she makes plenty of cameos in the book).. And was most definitely a whale!!!! Kathy, please please email me, so i can send you a sign copy of the book!!!!

Much Love


10 years ago


10 years ago

who’s the booth builder in hungary? we are based un USA and looking forward to go to our first trade show as exhibitors.


10 years ago

Great tips and a good reminder that trade shows can be valuable even for solo entrepreneurs- thanks for that point!

Angeli Yuson
Angeli Yuson
9 years ago

Tim and Ido, another fellow Aussie here! You have inspired me to attend a trade show and make it fun and exciting! Your booth looks amazing and the tips were really useful

Christian McNally
Christian McNally
9 years ago

Brilliant piece, amazing story and an approach that not enough people have. Congratulations and thank you for sharing.

9 years ago

Hello. Two things caught my eye in your article. First, the part about starting out of a suitcase, the stage I feel I’m now in with my company. And second, the end where you wrote about accumulating orders that you would now have to manufacture. I have booked my first trade show for this July. I’m at a point where I want to grow but don’t know how to scale. What if this trade show yields a lot of orders. I worry about how I would fill them all. Your article left me wanting to more on that topic.

9 years ago

Oh my gosh this is a very long one.thank you for a very insightful and knowledgeable article that reminds me of the old days and gave me loads of valuable tips. Back in the day there I was with my husband who is a exhibition designer by the way,whom Told me to have a semi decent exhibition stand is going to cost me a fortune. I love you antidote about you your competitor who is quite clueless, although we weren’t like that but we weren’t the doing all the things that you mentioned. Although we might not go back to the exhibition game, but it’s in Mundesley valuable tips for others.however I must add, don’t do an exhibition unless you’ve got hundreds of thousands, even then you should contact all the buyers and make your way before that

Timothy Carter @ Nimlok
Timothy Carter @ Nimlok
9 years ago


If this doesn’t encourage, motivate and inspire people that from the solopreneur to a large budget company can dominate their upcoming trade show.

Working for Nimlok, we see thousands of unique and eye-capturing trade show displays from all types of businesses and budgets “to be the guy noticed in the room” amongst the show floor.

I’m going to be sharing this one on our website.

Epic post!


8 years ago

What is the name of the company that build your booth from hungary?

8 years ago

I sure will be more successful in this business world with the passion and hard work I have in this line of business. And, you inspired me more after reading this post. Thanks!

yuki he
yuki he
7 years ago

Love it! this gives me many ideas. Thank you for your sharing~