How To Gain 20 Pounds In 28 Days: The Extreme Muscle Building Secrets of UFC Fighters

Nate Green's muscle building experiment

The following is Part 2 of a two-part guest post from Nate Green, who works with John Berardi, PhD, Georges St-Pierre’s nutritional coach.

Part 1 detailed how top UFC fighters rapidly lose weight before weigh-ins for competitive advantage.

Now, in Part 2, Nate shares how he gained 20 pounds in 28 days, using techniques an elite fighter such as Georges St-Pierre (GSP) might utilize to move up a weight class. This is a very, very comprehensive post.

If you’ve ever wondered how to quickly gain muscle — or how a GSP versus Anderson Silva super-fight could happen — you’ll want to print this out and refer to it often.

Let’s jump into the detail…

Georges St. Pierre vs. Anderson Silva: The Superfight

For the past couple of years, there have been rumors of a super-fight between current UFC Welterweight champion Georges St Pierre and current Middleweight champion Anderson Silva.

If the fight becomes a reality, it will easily be the biggest fight in UFC history.

Fans want it. Sponsors want it. UFC president Dana White wants it. The only people who seem like they don’t want it?

St Pierre and Silva.

And it’s easy to see why when you look at the stats:

St Pierre, who’s 5’10″, fights in the 170-pound division. Silva, who’s 6’2″, fights in the 185-pound division.

After reading Part 1, you know how elite fighters use weight manipulation to strategically lower their body weight before official pre-fight weigh-ins. You also know that they quickly rehydrate to get back up to their real weight.

In GSP’s case, that would be about 190 pounds. In Silva’s? 230 pounds.

So for the super-fight to go through, and for it to be a reasonably fair fight, one of two things would need to happen: either St Pierre would have to gain 20-30 pounds to move up a weight class, or Silva would have to lose 20-30 pounds to move down a weight class.

Both are very difficult.

In fact, it’s enough of a weight disparity to make even the most enthusiastic MMA fans chalk up the super-fight to a pipe dream, something that will likely never happen.

But here’s the thing: That kind of extreme weight manipulation isn’t impossible. Far from it.

In fact, it’s entirely possible to gain 20 pounds of quality mass in as little as 28 days.

That’s what Nate did recently with some help from GSP’s nutrition coach, Dr. John Berardi and Martin Rooney, a strength coach who regularly trains UFC athletes.

And in this post, we explore how a guy like GSP could gain 20-30 pounds in a short period of time, increase his power, boost his strength, and maintain his athleticism and (mostly) endurance.

And maybe — just maybe — these techniques will make this super-fight a reality.

Take it away, Nate…

Enter Nate

I recently decided to try and gain 20 pounds of quality mass in 28 days.


For starters, a lot of people in the fitness world don’t think this is possible without taking steroids. Fortunately, this isn’t true. With the right program and world-class advice, it’s attainable. I wanted to prove this beyond the shadow of a doubt.

Dr. John Berardi wanted a guinea pig to show exactly how someone like GSP could–if he wanted to–gain enough muscle to move up an entire weight class and take on a fighter like Anderson Silva.

I started the official experiment at 169 pounds and 28 days later, weighed in at 190.

This post detailed exactly how we did it.

Nate Green before muscle-building experiement

Here’s a breakdown of the strategies I used to put on 20 pounds in 28 days.

6 Strategies for Rapid Muscle Gain

[Note from Tim: Nate shares the exact meal plan and workout program after outlining the six strategies/principles. Again, after reading once, this is probably a post you’ll want to print out for reference.]


We kept things simple here. My nutrition plan was split into two different kinds of days: High-Calorie or Low-Calorie.

On my weight-training days, I ate more food. This ensured I was getting a huge influx of nutrients on the days where my muscles could put them to use. On the days I did interval workouts or took off from the gym, I ate a little less food. This helped me to add weight without adding lots of body fat.

It’s important to note that even my “low calorie” days still involved eating more food than I was previously used to. So, no matter the day, I was always in a positive energy balance. Except for Sundays. Which brings me to the second strategy.


Every Sunday I did a 24-hour fast to offset the inevitable fat gain that would normally come with an eating plan like this. The goal was for me to be in a caloric surplus – an anabolic state – six days per week, eating more calories than I burn which would lead to muscle growth.

And then I’d be in an extreme caloric deficit one day per week, which would help reset my insulin sensitivity, boost growth hormone secretion, and help stimulate fat loss while preserving my lean mass.


Making a big change is all about small incremental improvements. You try something for a little while, see how it works, and if you need to, make a small change and repeat the steps.

For this experiment Berardi started me off with a lot of food, enough to where I’d be in a caloric surplus and gain muscle. But he didn’t overload me as much as he could have. Not at first, at least. He wanted to leave a little wiggle room to make changes if needed.

In both Weeks 3 and 4 we strategically added more calories to help push me past a plateau when my weight stalled at 178 pounds. (You’ll see how we did that below.)


My weight-gain nutrition plan called for way more food than I was used to eating. So instead of focusing on counting calories — which would have been a nightmare — we turned our attention instead to making sure I was in a positive energy balance.

When you eat more calories than you burn, you gain weight. Dr. Berardi knew all I’d have to do to gain weight was eat more food than I was eating before we started the experiment. And that was easy to do, since I was eating enough to only maintain a 170-pound body.

So how much food does it actually take to gain 20 pounds? I went through and added everything I ate in 28 days. Here it is:

  • 65 pounds of meat
  • 54 bananas
  • 84 scoops of protein powder
  • 72 pieces of bread
  • 36 sweet potatoes
  • 7 jars of almond butter
  • 5 jars of fruit jam
  • 8 jars of sauerkraut
  • 144 cups of vegetables
  • 36 pieces of fruit
  • 72 squares of dark chocolate
  • 8 bags of frozen blueberries and raspberries
  • 7 cans of coconut milk
  • 4 cartons of heavy whipping cream


Most guys think the training program is the most important part of gaining muscle. Well, most guys are wrong. If I didn’t eat enough food I could have trained as hard or as long as I wanted and not much would have happened.

Of course, the workout program is important. So Martin Rooney hooked me up with a variation of his Training For Warriors routine that he uses for high-level UFC athletes like brothers Jim and Dan Miller.

Here’s what it looked like:

Monday: Upper Body Strength

This workout focused on compound exercises and used heavy weights to build strength and target fast-twitch muscle-fibers, the ones most primed for growth.

Tuesday: Hurricane Day – Sprints

An intense total-body workout that promoted rapid fat burning and power development. Martin calls them “hurricanes” because the workouts are like a brief, powerful storm that create disruption in the muscular, cardiovascular, and neurological systems.

They’re also some of the hardest workouts I’ve ever done in my life. (I nearly passed out after my first Hurricane session; I took a 5-minute nap next to the treadmill.)

Wednesday: Off – Recovery

A much-needed rest for my muscles and mind.

Thursday: Hurricane Day – Energy Circuit

A brief, intense workout comprised of five unconventional exercises (like sledgehammer slams, medicine ball work, and rope climbs) all done in circuit fashion.

Friday: Upper Body Hypertrophy

A second upper-body day that used less complex exercises and higher reps to promote more muscle growth.

Saturday: Lower Body Strength

Just like the Upper Body Strength day, this workout focused on compound exercises and used heavy weights to build strength and target fast-twitch muscle-fibers.

Sunday: Off – Recovery

Another rest day.

So when you put it the weight-gain nutrition plan and workout program together, this is what you get:

Monday: High Calorie / Upper Body Strength

Tuesday: Low Calorie / Hurricane Sprints

Wednesday: Low Calorie / Off

Thursday: Low Calorie / Hurricane Energy Circuit

Friday: High Calorie / Upper Body Hypertrophy

Saturday: High Calorie / Lower Body Strength

Sunday: Fast / Off


We like to say “Supplements are supplements.” In other words, they’re ingredients you add to a smart eating and training program. They don’t replace them.

Despite what the supplement ads say, no guy has ever built a good body by taking a weird powder with a stupid name and doing nothing else.

For this experiment, however, Dr. Berardi decided I should use a few supplements strategically to maximize the amount of muscle I could build on such a short time-frame. With only 28 days to gain 20 pounds, I had to look at every opportunity to take in more calories.

The following surely didn’t “make the difference”. But they did help.

Multivitamin: Helps fix small decencies of vitamins and minerals and enhance energy metabolism. I used Optimen Multivitamin.

Protein powder: Makes eating large quantities of protein easier. I used Optimum Gold Standard Casein (for my Breakfast Pudding) and Jay Robb Egg-White Protein (for my Super Shakes).

Vitamin D: Even though natural sunlight allows our body to create Vitamin D, many of us are still deficient, which can lead to loss of muscle strength and mass and low levels of immunity. I used Vitamin D3 by NOW.

Creatine monohydrate: Helps regenerate muscle energy stores and can improve strength, boost performance, and increase muscle mass. I used Biotest creatine monohydrate.

Liquid fish oil: A key source of omega-3 fatty acids that helps improve mood and motivation while boosting fat-burning and dampening inflammation. I used Carlson’s Very Finest Liquid Fish Oil.

BCAA capsules: Helps reduce the chance of muscle tissue breakdown while stimulating protein synthesis, leading to better recovery and preservation of lean muscle mass. I used Optimum BCAA capsules primarily on my fasting days.

Greens powder: Veggies, fruits, algaes and/or grasses that have been compacted and distilled into powdered form and contain vitamins, minerals, fiber, and phytonutrients. All good things for a growing man. I used Biotest Superfood.

Peri-workout drink: Supplies essential amino acids to help re-build muscle and acts as a performance-enhancing stimulant. I used Purple Wraath by Controlled Labs.

Post-workout drink: A mixture of high-quality protein and fast-acting carbohydrates that helps your body recover and rebuild quickly. I used Universal Torrent.

The Weight Gain Menu – Weeks 1 and 2

Now that we know the strategies, let’s get to the actual menu.



Breakfast pudding

The following was all put into a blender and blended into a pudding.

2 frozen bananas, blended until creamy

1/4 cup of almond milk

3 scoops casein protein powder

2 squares high cacao chocolate

Side dish

4 pieces whole grain bread

2 Tbsp peanut or almond butter

2 Tbsp jam


3,000 IU vitamin D

1 tsp creatine in coffee or green tea

Immediately Pre-Workout

500ml water

10 grams BCAA’s

Sip During Workout

1L water with

1 scoop of workout drink

Immediately Post-Workout

1L water with

3 scoops post-workout drink

Post-Workout Meal

1.5lb any type of lean meat

3 cups of favorite veggies

½ cup sauerkraut*

2 large sweet or white potatoes

1 Tbsp Udo’s 3.6.9 oil

Anytime Meal

1lb any type of lean meat

3 cups of favorite veggies

½ cup sauerkraut*

2 servings of your favorite fruit

1 Tbsp fish oil

*Your body has a mixture of good and bad bacteria in it. Fermented foods like sauerkraut are rich in enzymes and help increase the amount of good bacteria in your intestines. You’ll notice my diet contained a cup of sauerkraut per day. That’s not in there by chance.



Breakfast pudding

2 frozen bananas, blended until creamy

1/4 cup of almond milk

3 scoops casein protein powder

2 squares high cacao chocolate

Side dish

2 pieces whole grain bread

1 Tbsp peanut or almond butter

1 Tbsp jam


3,000 IU vitamin D

1 tsp creatine in coffee or green tea


1.5lb any type of fattier meat

3 cups of favorite veggies

1/4 cup mixed raw nuts

½ cup sauerkraut

1 large sweet or white potato

1 Tbsp Udo’s 3.6.9 oil


1lb any type of fattier meat

3 cups of favorite veggies

½ cup sauerkraut

1 servings of your favorite fruit

1 Tbsp fish oil


I fasted every Sunday with the goal to reboot my insulin sensitivity and carb tolerance before another 6 days of big eating. The rules were simple:

Rule 1: Stop eating by 10pm on Saturday.

Rule 2: On Sunday, have 3 “meals” consisting of the following:

  • 1L water with 1/2 serving greens powder
  • 15g BCAA’s
  • 1 cup of green tea

Why have these fake meals? According to Dr. Berardi, we release a hormone called ghrelin about 30 minutes before our normal meal times, which stimulates hunger pangs and gets us ready for the upcoming meal.

So it was psychologically comforting to have some kind of eating routine. The BCAAs and greens powder made it feel like I was still “eating”, which helped curb those hunger signals. (Plus the BCAAs helped preserve my lean muscle mass.)

Also, the caffeine in green tea (or coffee) helped to liberate stored fats. This helped my body eat the “food” that was stored in my love handles instead of requiring me to actually have a meal.

Rule 3: Break the fast at 10pm Sunday night by eating 1 pound of any protein with 3-4 cups of veggies.

Nate Green's high calorie breakfast

Nate Green high calorie lunch

Nate Green dinner

The  Weight Gain Menu – Weeks 3 and 4

My menu on Weeks 3 and 4 followed the same base menu as above but we strategically added calories. In Week 3, we introduced a Super-Shake (basically a fancy protein shake) because by this time I was tired of chewing. Drinking a shake was much easier.

Here’s what we added:


High-Calorie Day Super Shake (Monday, Friday, Saturday)

  • 8 oz unsweetened almond milk
  • 2 Tbsp heavy cream/whipping cream
  • 1 scoop protein powder
  • Handful frozen raspberries
  • Handful frozen blueberries

Low-Calorie Day Super Shake (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday)

  • 8 oz unsweetened almond milk
  • 2 oz coconut milk
  • 1 scoop protein powder
  • 2 Tbsp cacoa nibs or 99% chocolate
  • 1 Tbsp favorite nut butter


We continued to add more food to my existing meals in Week 4.

Additions to High-Calorie days

  • 1 banana to my breakfast pudding (for a total of 3 bananas)
  • 1 chocolate square to my breakfast pudding (for a total of 3 chocolate squares)
  • 1 scoop Purple Wraath to my workout drink (for a total of 2 scoops)
  • 1 scoop Universal Torrent to my post-workout drink (for a total of 4 scoops)
  • 2 Tbsp nut butter to my breakfast toast side-dish (for a total of 4 Tbsp)
  • 1 Tbsp of jam to my breakfast toast side-dish (for a total of 2 Tbsp)
  • 2 Tbsp heavy cream to my Super Shake (for a total of 4 Tbsp)
  • 1 scoop protein to my Super Shake (for a total of 2 scoops)

Additions to Low-Calorie days

  • 1 banana to my breakfast pudding (for a total of 3 bananas)
  • 1 chocolate square to my breakfast pudding (for a total of 3 chocolate squares)
  • 1 Tbsp nut butter to my breakfast toast side-dish (for a total of 2 Tbsp)
  • 2 oz coconut milk to my Supe Shake (for a total of 4 oz)
  • 1 scoop protein to my Super Shake (for a total of 2 scoops)
  • 1 Tbsp chocolate to my Super Shake (for a total of 3 Tbsp)
  • 1 Tbsp nut butter to my Super Shake (for a total of 2 Tbsp)

These were seemingly small changes that made a big impact on how much weight I gained this week.

Workout Program – Week 1



3 sets jumping jacks x 10

3 sets pogo jumps x 50

3 sets of wide outs x 10

2 sets of 20 yard skips

2 sets of 20 yard side shuffle

2 sets of 20 yard carioca

2 sets of 20 yards backward run

1 set of fire hydrants x 8

1 set of forward hip circles x 8

1 set of backward hip circles x 8

1 set of side leg raise x 8

2 sets of band shoulder external rotation x 10

2 sets of band shoulder row x 10

2 sets of band shoulder extension x 10


Bench Press

Warm-up sets of 5 reps up to the weight of your 5RM (5 Rep Max)

Perform 5 sets of 5RM.

Weighted Chin-up

Warm-up set of 8 reps.

Second set with 25 pounds of 6.

Perform 4 sets of 6 reps with 6RM.

Weighted Dips

Warm-up set of 10 reps.

Second set with 30 pounds for 8.

Perform 4 sets of 8 reps with 8 RM.

Overhead Press

Perform 4 sets of 10 with 10RM.

Barbell Curls 

Perform 4 sets of 10 with 10RM.

Abs of your choice

(I did 3 sets of 8 reps of weighted crunches.)



3 sets jumping jacks x 10

3 sets pogo jumps x 50

3 sets of wide outs x 10

2 sets of 20 yard skips

2 sets of 20 yard side shuffle

2 sets of 20 yard carioca

2 sets of 20 yards backward run

1 set of fire hydrants x 8

1 set of forward hip circles x 8

1 set of backward hip circles x 8

1 set of side leg raise x 8

5 sets of quick steps for 5 yards

5 sets of high knees for 5 yards

Hurricane Category 2

Round 1

Sprint on treadmill at 10 mph and 10% grade incline for 25 seconds.

Jump off treadmill and perform the following:

1 x 20 regular crunch

1 x 20 table-top crunch

Repeat from beginning for a total of 3 rounds.

Rest 2 minutes before moving on to Round 2.

Round 2

Sprint on treadmill at 11 mph and 10% grade incline for 20 seconds.

Jump off treadmill and perform the following:

1 x 20 knee-grab crunch

Repeat from beginning for a total of 3 rounds.

Rest 2 minutes before moving on to Round 3.

Round 3

Sprint on treadmill at 12 mph and 10% grade incline for 20 seconds.

Jump off treadmill and perform the following:

1 x 20 bicycle crunch

Repeat from beginning for a total of 3 rounds.




3 sets jumping jacks x 10

3 sets pogo jumps x 50

3 sets of wide outs x 10

2 sets of 20 yard skips

2 sets of 20 yard side shuffle

2 sets of 20 yard carioca

2 sets of 20 yards backward run

1 set of fire hydrants x 8

1 set of forward hip circles x 8

1 set of backward hip circles x 8

1 set of side leg raise x 8

5 sets of quick steps for 5 yards

5 sets of high knees for 5 yards 

Training For Warriors Circuit 

Complete each station of the circuit for 1 minute for 5 total minutes. Rest for 3 minutes and repeat.  Rest for 3 minutes and perform the last round for 30 seconds each station.

1. Rope

Begin standing holding one end of the rope in each hand. Start by performing 10 double arm swings by bringing the arms up and down as violently as possible. Then perform 10 alternating swings by bringing each arm up and down one at a time. Then perform 10 rotations by bringing each arm up and out to the sides and back down. Once all 30 reps are completed as fast as possible, start back at the beginning for the allotted time.

2. Kettlebell Swing

Begin standing with the kettlebell in both hands. Swing the bell between the legs. Extend at the knees and hips and swing the bell forward to shoulder height.  Repeat for 10 reps.  Then perform 10 more reps using each arm (single-handed swings). Once the 30 reps are completed, start back at the beginning with two hands for the allotted time.

3. Medicine Ball Slams

Begin holding the medicine ball in both hands overhead. Fire the ball into the ground as hard as possible. Recover the ball and repeat for as many reps as possible in the allotted time.

4. Sledge Hammer Swings

Begin facing the tire with both feet forward holding the hammer. Bring the hammer back and over one side of the body and hit the tire as hard as possible. Return the hammer over the other side of the body and repeat for as many reps as possible in the allotted time.

5. Ladder

Begin standing inside of the ladder with both feet.  Jump and land with your feet outside of and forward one box. Jump your feet back into the box and repeat for the length of the ladder and back.  Once completed, begin running with high knees using one foot in each box, down and back the length of the ladder. Once this second set is finished, perform side steps through the ladder using two feet in each box down and back up the ladder.  Once the third set is completed, start at the beginning and complete as many reps in the allotted time possible.



3 sets jumping jacks x 10

3 sets pogo jumps x 50

3 sets of wide outs x 10

2 sets of 20 yard skips

2 sets of 20 yard side shuffle

2 sets of 20 yard carioca

2 sets of 20 yards backward run

1 set of fire hydrants x 8

1 set of forward hip circles x 8

1 set of backward hip circles x 8

1 set of side leg raise x 8

2 sets of band shoulder external rotation x 10

2 sets of band shoulder row x 10

2 sets of band shoulder extension x 10


Close Grip Bench

Do 3 warmup sets of 5 reps.

Perform 4 sets of 8 with your 8 RM.

Cable High Pull

Do 4 sets of 10 reps after a warmup set.

Band Triceps Pushdown

Do 4 sets of 15 reps.

Cable Rows

Do 4 sets of 8 reps with 8RM.

Dumbbell Curls

Do 3 sets of 8 each arm.

Abs of your choice.

(I did 3 sets of 5 reps on each side of half-kneeling chops.)



3 sets jumping jacks x 10

3 sets pogo jumps x 50

3 sets of wide outs x 10

2 sets of 20 yard skips

2 sets of 20 yard side shuffle

2 sets of 20 yard carioca

2 sets of 20 yards backward run

1 set of fire hydrants x 8

1 set of forward hip circles x 8

1 set of backward hip circles x 8

1 set of side leg raise x 8


45-degree back raise

Perform 1 set of 10 with bodyweight.

Perform 1 set of 8 with 25 pounds.

Perform 1 set of 8 with 45 pounds.

Perform 1 set of 8 with 70 pounds.

Barbell Squat

Do 3-4 warmup sets.

Perform 5 sets of 8 reps with 8RM.


Do 3-4 warmup sets.

Perform 5 sets of 8 reps with 8RM.





Same as Week 1.


Bench Press

Warmup sets of 6 reps up to the weight of your 6RM.

Perform 5 sets of 6RM.

(The goal is to use heavier weight in last few sets than Week 1 at 5 reps.)

Weighted Chin-up

Warmup set of 8 reps.

Do second set with 25 pounds for 8 reps.

Perform 4 sets of 8 reps with 8RM.

(The goal is to use heavier weight in last few sets than Week 1 at 6 reps.)

Weighted Dips

Warmup set of 10 reps.

Do second set with 30 pounds for 10.

Perform 4 sets of 10 reps with 10RM.

(The goal is to use heavier weight in last few sets than Week 1 at 8 reps.)

Overhead Press

Perform 5 sets of 6 with 6RM.

Barbell Curls

Perform 5 sets of 8 with 8RM

Abs of your choice

(I did 3 sets of 10 weighted crunches.)



Same as Week 1.

Round 1   

Sprint on treadmill at 9.5 mph x 10% grade for 25 seconds.

Jump off treadmill, grab a 65-pound barbell and do the following:

Push Jerks x 10

Close Grip Snatch x 8

Repeat from beginning for a total of 3 sets.

Rest 2 minutes before performing Round 2.

Round 2   

Sprint on treadmill at 10.5 mph x 10% grade for 25 seconds.

Jump off treadmill, grab a 65-pound barbell and do the following:

Wide Grip Bent Over Row x 10

High Pull x 10  

Repeat from beginning for a total of 3 sets.

Rest 2 minutes before performing Round 3.

Round 3  

Sprint on treadmill at 11.5 mph x 10% grade for 25 seconds.

Jump off treadmill, grab a 65-pound barbell and do the following:

Biceps Curl x 10

Cleans x 10

Repeat from beginning for a total of 3 sets.

Curl into a ball and try not to throw up.




Same as Week 1.

Training For Warriors Circuit 

Complete each station of the circuit for 1 minute for 5 total minutes. Rest for 3 minutes and repeat. Rest for 3 minutes and perform the last round for 30 seconds each station.

1. Farmer’s Walk   

Begin standing holding a heavy dumbbells in each hand with the elbows extended. Walk for 20 yards down and back as many times as possible in the time allotted.

2. Sandbag Drag   

Begin facing the sandbag while gripping the bag with both hands.  Drag the bag backward for 20 yards, using a toe-heel foot contact. Repeat for the distance as many times as possible in the time allotted.

3. Hand-Over-Hand Rope Pull 

Begin standing with the single rope in each hand. Pull the rope to the hip with the far hand and then grab further down the rope with the opposite hand. Repeat for as many times as possible in the allotted time.

4. Prowler Push or Sled Push

Begin using the high grip on the Prowler. Taking as big of steps as possible, push it 20 yards. Run around to the other side and push it back using the low grip. Repeat for as much distance as possible in the allotted time.

5. Tire Flip 

Begin facing the tire. Bend down and grab both hands under the bottom rim. Using the legs, lift the tire onto one side while keeping the elbows extended.  Turn the hands over and push the tire down as hard as possible. Run to the opposite side of the tire and flip it back to the other side. Repeat for as many reps as possible in the allotted time.



Same as Week 1.


Close Grip Bench

Do 3 warmup sets of 5 reps.

Perform 4 sets of 10 with your 10RM.

Cable High Pull

Do 4 sets of 8 reps after a warmup set.

Band Triceps Pushdown

Do 4 sets of 20 reps.

Cable Rows

Do 4 sets of 8 reps with 8RM.

Dumbbell Curls

Do 3 sets of 8 each arm.

Abs of your choice.

(I did 3 sets of 6 reps on each side of half-kneeling chops.)



Same as Week 1.


45-degree back raise

Perform 1 set of 10 with bodyweight.

Perform 1 set of 8 with 25 pounds.

Perform 1 set of 8 with 45 pounds.

Perform 1 set of 8 with 90 pounds.

Barbell Squat

Do 3-4 warmup sets.

Perform 5 sets of 8 reps with 8RM.


Do 3-4 warmup sets.

Perform 5 sets of 8 reps with 8RM.





Same as Weeks 1 and 2.


Band Bench Press

Warmup sets of 5 reps up to the weight of your 5RM.

Perform 5 sets of 5RM.

(I used mini-bands. Here’s a video of how they work.)

Alternating Grip Weighted Chin-up

(One hand using a overhand grip, and the other hand using an underhand grip.)

Warmup set of 8 reps. (4 reps with each grip.)

Do second set with 25 pounds for 8 reps. (4 reps with each grip.)

Perform 4 sets of 8 reps with 8RM. (4 reps with each grip.)

Weighted Dips

Warmup set of 6 reps.

Do second set with 40 pounds for 6 reps.

Perform 5 sets of 6 reps with 6RM.

Overhead Press

Perform 5 sets of 5 with 5RM.

Barbell Curls

Perform 4 sets of 8 with 8RM

Abs of your choice

(I did 3 sets of 10 of reverse crunches.)



Same as Weeks 1 and 2.

Round 1   

Sprint on treadmill at 9.5 mph x 10% grade for 25 seconds.

Jump off treadmill, grab a 65-pound barbell and do the following:

High Pull x 10

Bent-over Row x 8

Repeat from beginning for a total of 3 sets.

Rest 2 minutes before performing Round 2.

Round 2   

Sprint on treadmill at 10.5 mph x 10% grade for 25 seconds.

Jump off treadmill, grab a 65-pound barbell and do the following:

Close-Grip Snatch x 10

Repeat from beginning for a total of 3 sets.

Rest 2 minutes before performing Round 3.

Round 3  

Sprint on treadmill at 11.5 mph x 10% grade for 25 seconds.

Jump off treadmill, grab a 65-pound barbell and do the following:

Cleans x 10

Repeat from beginning for a total of 3 sets.




Same as Weeks 1 and 2.

Training For Warriors Circuit 

Same exercises as Week 1 but with different time parameters  Complete each station of the circuit for 30 seconds for 2.5 total minutes. Rest for 1 minute and repeat. Do 4 total sets.



Same as Weeks 1 and 2.


Incline Barbell Bench Press

Do 3 warmup sets of 5 reps.

Perform 4 sets of 10 with your 10RM.

One-Arm Dumbbell Row

Do 4 sets of 8 reps after a warmup set.

Cable Triceps Pushdown

Do 4 sets of 12 reps.

Bent-Over Reverse Fly with Dumbbells

Do 4 sets of 8 reps with 8RM.

Dumbbell Curls

Do 3 sets of 8 reps.

Abs of your choice.

(I did 3 sets of 8 reps on each side of half-kneeling chops.)



Same as Weeks 1 and 2.


45-degree back raise

Perform 1 set of 10 with bodyweight.

Perform 2 sets of 8 with 45 pounds.

Perform 2 sets of 8 with 90 pounds.

Barbell Squat

Do 3-4 warmup sets.

Perform 5 sets x 6 of 6RM.


Do 3-4 warmup sets.

Perform 5 sets x 6 of 6RM.





Same as Weeks 1, 2, and 3.


Band Bench Press

Warmup sets of 8 reps up to the weight of your 8RM.

Perform 5 sets of 8RM.

Weighted Pull-Up

Warmup set of 8 reps.

Do second set with 25 pounds for 8 reps.

Perform 3 sets of 6 reps with 40 pounds added.

Weighted Dips

Warmup set of 6 reps with 25 pounds added.

Do second set with 40 pounds for 6 reps.

Perform 5 sets of 6 reps with 80 pounds added.

Overhead Press

Perform 4 sets of 8 with 8RM.

Barbell Curls

Perform 4 sets of 10 with 10RM

Abs of your choice

(I did 3 sets of 12 of reverse crunches.)



Same as Weeks 1, 2, and 3.

Round 1   

Sprint on treadmill at 10 mph x 10% grade for 30 seconds.

Jump off treadmill, and do the following with light weight:

Cable Row x 10

Cable Triceps Pressdown x 8

Repeat from beginning for a total of 3 sets.

Rest 2 minutes before performing Round 2.

Round 2   

Sprint on treadmill at 10.5 mph x 10% grade for 30 seconds.

Jump off treadmill, and do the following with light weight:

Cable High-Pull to Chin x 10

Repeat from beginning for a total of 3 sets.

Rest 2 minutes before performing Round 3.

Round 3  

Sprint on treadmill at 11.5 mph x 10% grade for 30 seconds.

Jump off treadmill, and do the following with light weight:

Cable Lat Pull-Down x 10

Repeat from beginning for a total of 3 sets.




Same as Weeks 1, 2, and 3.

Training For Warriors Circuit 

Same exercises as Week 2 but with different time parameters  Complete each station of the circuit for 30 seconds for 2.5 total minutes. Rest for 1 minute and repeat. Do 4 total sets.



Same as Weeks 1, 2, and 3.


Incline Barbell Bench Press

Do 3 warmup sets of 5 reps.

Perform 4 sets of 6 with 6RM.

One-Arm Dumbbell Row

Do 4 sets of 8 reps after a warmup set.

Cable Triceps Pushdown

Do 4 sets of 10 reps.

Bent-Over Reverse Fly with Dumbbells

Do 3 sets of 10 reps.

Dumbbell Curls

Do 3 sets of 8 reps.

Abs of your choice.

(I did a basic plank for 3 sets of 30 seconds.)



Same as Weeks 1, 2, and 3.


45-degree back raise

Perform 1 set of 10 with bodyweight.

Perform 2 sets of 8 with 45 pounds.

Perform 2 sets of 8 with 90 pounds.

Barbell Squat

Do 3-4 warmup sets.

Perform 5 sets x 10 of 10RM.


Do 3-4 warmup sets.

Perform 5 sets x 8 of 8RM.


Girth, Body Fat, and Performance Metrics After Gaining 20 Pounds

Nate Green after muscle-building experiment

So let’s say Georges St Pierre wanted to put on 20 pounds to move up a weight class to fight Anderson Silva. (Granted, he probably wouldn’t do it in 28 days.)

What would happen to his performance? Would he get slow and fat? Or even more powerful and agile?

We can only speculate with GSP, but here’s what happened to me.

Baseline After Weight-Gain
Weight 169.6 190.2
Girth Measurements
Neck 15.25 15.38
Shoulder 48 49.25
Chest 41.5 44
Upper Arm 14.75 16
Waist 31.5 32.25
Hip 38 39.5
Thigh 23.13 24.25
Calf 15.5 15.38
Body Fat Measurements
Mid-Ax 2.8 3.8
Cheek 2.8 5.7
Chest 2.8 4.7
Ab 7.6 3.8
Subscap 5.7 7.6
Triceps 2.8 3.8
Suprailiac 2.8 4.7
Knee 5.7 2.8
Hamstring 3.8 4.7
Calf 9.5 6.7
Body Fat (%) 3.03 (probably ~6) 4.1 (probably ~7)


Expected: We were confident every part of my body would increase in size, and for the most part, that was true.

Surprised: My calf measurements actually went down. We believe it had something to do with the resultant fat loss from doing the Hurricane sprint days.


A quick note about the body fat test: We used calipers and a 10-site skinfold test. All measurement days were done at the Missoula Underground Strength Training Center and performed by trainer Mike Scialabba.

When testing body fat with calipers, there’s always a 2 – 3 percent margin of error. Mike, who’s done this same test on hundreds of his clients, ended up with skinfold measurements that indicated the obviously wrong numbers of 3.03 and 4.1 respectively. Adding a 3% margin of error, the real numbers were probably more like 6-7% and 8-9%.

All of this to say, my body fat percentage went up, but very minimally.

Surprised: I expected to gain more body fat than this (but was pleasantly surprised that I didn’t). Also, while most of my individual sites increased, there were a few that went down (ab, knee, calf). Those were three of the places that had the highest body-fat percentage on the initial Day 0 test.

And here are the performance metrics:


Baseline: 405 pounds

After Weight Gain: 475 pounds


Baseline: 28 inches

After Weight Gain: 31.7 inches


Baseline: 8 reps

After Weight Gain: 15 reps


Baseline: 9 minutes and 32 seconds of sprinting at 8mph, working up to an incline of 8%

After Weight Gain: 7 minutes and 38 seconds of sprinting at 8mph, working up to an incline of 6%.


Baseline: 3 minutes and 11 seconds of sprinting at 8mph with 6% incline

After Weight Gain: 3 minutes and 14 seconds of sprinting at 8mph with 6% incline


Expected: We expected to improve performance dramatically in all three of my non-endurance tests (vertical jump, 225-bench, max deadlift).

Surprised: No surprises here.


Expected: I wasn’t too sure what to expect here, honestly. I felt like I was in better shape than on our baseline testing day, but I didn’t know if my short duration Hurricane sprint training (25 second sprints) would translate to better endurance.

Surprised: What surprised me about both the VMax and the TMax was that I actually felt like I had more endurance. However, I was much heavier and I felt it during the endurance testing. Perhaps I didn’t have enough time to adapt to my new body weight.

Now, this is something GSP may not have to deal with, since he’d likely gain weight over a longer period of time and his body would have more opportunity to adapt.

Closing Words

During each phase of my experiments, I pushed my body to its physiological limits.

I ate as much as I could for 28 days straight. I fasted for a full 24 hours multiple times. I purposefully dehydrated myself and robbed my body of water. I lifted heavy weights and sprinted as fast as I could.

I proved that it’s possible to for a regular guy to gain 20 pounds of (mostly) lean mass in a month. That it’s possible to then lose those 20 pounds in a week. And that it’s possible to gain them all back in a day.

In the process, I hope I’ve demystified the process of muscle building, weight cutting, and rehydration. In the end, there’s no voodoo and witchcraft here. Just the right advice, expert guidance, and a ton of hard work.


For more about Nate and his writing, check out his blog. And for more on Dr. John Berardi and his work, check out Precision Nutrition.

Additional resources: You can download the entire weight-gain nutrition plan Nate used here: Muscle-Building Nutrition Plan. And you can download the entire training program he used here: Muscle-Building Workout Program.

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7 years ago

What was your caloric intake on your high and low days

7 years ago

Thank you for a very detailed program! When I started the program i was 126lb, after I finished the program i only gained 14lb. I didn’t gain all the 20 probably because I did everything the way its written exept for the workout drink and a bit less vegetables. But I’m still very happy with 14 lb in just a month… I was never able to gain more than a pound in a month before! Thank you again.

Bill C
Bill C
7 years ago

How did you prepare those vegetables pictured? they look delicious. What all was in that mix?

Crazy Bulk
Crazy Bulk
7 years ago

Badass Post bro!

I like how detailed you are with your workouts for building muscle in your body, the crazy results are obviously showing.

I’m probably going to copy these workouts exactly as they are so I can get a ripped body like that, but I wanted to ask a question.

Do you use any supplements in your daily routines that have helped you in your muscle bulking results?

If you do what kind of supplements?

Thanks for the info again bro, keep posting quality content like this.

Lukáš Kratochvila
Lukáš Kratochvila
7 years ago

Very interesting article! But eating 1-1,5 lbs (450 – 650grams) a day, total of 65lbs (29kgs) of beef in one month is kinda challenging for me, when it goes down to money. Can I substitute the meat with something cheaper somehow? For example, cow milk, yoghurt, cottage, cheese, other diary products? Thanks in advance.

7 years ago

I would like to know if there is a cheaper way to do this as well. I don’t have that kind of money – saving for a mustang.

Garry Singh
Garry Singh
7 years ago

Well written insights.

Any idea how much can it cost ?

I mean per day or say for month (meal + supplement).

I live in India.

7 years ago

I fluctuate from 177 – 180. I want to hit 200 and I will be happy with that! if and when I hit 200, I will then decide if I want to hit one more goal at 210.

7 years ago

In response to gaining 20 in 30. You did everything perfect.

The fasting part was interesting. As a former High School Wrestler

145lbs weight class. I could bench 315 6 reps and squat 405 8reps. I

have small bones with fat muscle bellies. Gifted with perfect genetics.

As a Bodybuilders I used the same depletion method Here is the funny part I wrestled that weight class all four years as a freshman I had to drink as much as possible to make weight. I got the wholly hell beat out of me by seniors. I didn’t have a chance. Our coach was crazy we trained at least 5 hours everyday. By my jr yr. I started making up new take downs I had learned everything. No one had a chance. I had become a killer. It felt like I was wrestling girls at tournaments I would pin my bracket in under .05 seconds. I literally got

Disqualified for unnecessary roughness. I arm bared this dude and slammed him to the side of the arm bar. He had no arm to break his slam into the ground I had it tied up so his head bounced. I still train to this day. Anyway your program littered with old school strategies brought back a lot of memories and

I thank you for that. Great article. I can’t lie I’m going

to follow your program but tweek it a bit. Keep them coming.

6 years ago
Reply to  DWFJ

DWJF, that’s incredibly strong (I’m assuming drug free). Well done. What was your 1 rep max bench and squat? I reckon you would give some powerlifters a run for their money!

Jeremy ogaz
Jeremy ogaz
7 years ago

Can you do this for 2 months??

7 years ago
Reply to  Jeremy ogaz

I did this in 2015 for 2 months and 19 days and went from 135-140 to 180 hardest part is eating at first at least.

Myles Haynes
Myles Haynes
7 years ago

Couple years late hah but would this weight program be beneficial for strong safety playing football?

Brad West
Brad West
7 years ago

I am following this plan and I am on a very intense workout routine. What is your opinion on eating before an early morning workout. I never have tons of time to eat before my workout and my dinner the night before is always big. Before I started this plan I always fasted from my last meal at night until after my workout, either 730 am or 1030-11 am depending on the day. I was wondering if that is going to be detrimental to putting on size. I am also a VERY hard gainer if that makes a difference. Great program, as detailed and insightful an article as I have ever read, exactly what I need. Looking forward to your response.

5 years ago
Reply to  Brad West

This seems 2 years late… Sorry, I’m not the person to ask really, but from the nutrition and medical classes I have taken, I can offer a little advice. Feel free to check my advice by looking things up on google.

From what I gather, it doesn’t really matter when you eat that day as long as you take in the nutrients you need. There is a lot of debate on this, but the main thing is don’t let your schedule get in the way.

When I do this I will not have time to eat a full meal before my workout so I am planning on eating after. However, I WILL EAT IT NO MATTER WHAT! So don’t worry about the when of things. Just do the things it says.

That’s my two cents.

Marley Yeong
Marley Yeong
7 years ago

So basically eat alot. The part about liberating stored fats on the fasting day seems like psuedoscience though. Your bosy has more than enough glycogen stored to get through that day without needing any fat. This is also why it takes 3-5 days to go from glucose to ketones. One possible adaption to this diet: fast every morning to reset some hormones instead of an entire day; to make life more pleasent.

Nayeem Shaikh
Nayeem Shaikh
6 years ago

I’m a skinny guy,i have six months lifting experience,but i couldn’t put on a pound of muscle so far,If i follow the above routine,Will it work for me,Will i be able to gain at least 15 pounds of muscle in 28 days?(as i’ve heard u can’t put on more than 2 pounds of muscle in a month)

Ania Łukaszczyk
Ania Łukaszczyk
6 years ago

So true. I agree with u as a trainer that it is of course possible.

6 years ago

Amazing transformation…you could have improved the body fat readings by using a dexa scan before and after. I can’t see abs in the second set of photos, though abs were quite clear in the before shots. Ordinarily, I would expect more than a 1 percentage point increase in bodyfat for abs to disappear. Either way, well done!

Claudiu Badea
Claudiu Badea
6 years ago

Hi There, I love red wine/beer…where at what times can that be included without impacting the 28 days programme and it’s results?

Joshua Elijah Molina
Joshua Elijah Molina
6 years ago

How much was all that together im on a college budget

6 years ago

When you say post workout meal and the anytime meal it is under high calorie days. Low calorie days have breakfast lunch and dinner. I’m confused whether you ate more than 3 meals a day or if the post workout meal was a lunch or dinner? Just trying to clarify. Thanks

Johnathan J Rios
Johnathan J Rios
6 years ago

Appreciate all the info. Very helpful. I actually started from overweight to lean… Then decided to bulk up. There’s going to be pros and cons to whatever fitness level your trying to achieve. Very precise. – Johnathan

[Moderator: link removed.]

6 years ago

Interesting read. I’ve been 150 my whole adult life. If I followed all the food plan, I would be broke every month :). Are there videos available for the exercise portion of this?

6 years ago

Nate, at the end of the article you say:

“I proved that it’s possible to for a regular guy to gain 20 pounds of (mostly) lean mass in a month. That it’s possible to then lose those 20 pounds in a week. And that it’s possible to gain them all back in a day.”

Can you go into a little more detail about this? What happened when you returned to eating how you did before the experiment?

5 years ago

Hi, I am planning on trying this program this summer add some muscle. I have always had a lot of trouble putting on weight and stumbled across this “program” so I thought I would give it a go. Is this something that you would advise against?

5 years ago

Conveniently enough, I have the time this summer set aside that I can attempt something like this. I’m hoping my situation will allow me to follow this program exactly and that I will have the discipline at that time to do it. I know this is possible because in 9 weeks of Army Basic Training (maybe less than that even) I gained 20 lbs of muscle I never knew I could have. This is very good information and I can’t wait to try it! Thanks Tim! I’ll reply to my comment later this summer to update how it goes

harry gaur
harry gaur
4 years ago

As diet plan is must for bodybuilding and to make our body in good shape and stay fit diet plan is required.Thank you for writing such a great topic.

4 years ago

Hey most of the supplements you posted Doesn’t post to Australia do you have substitute for them

Kai Brown
Kai Brown
4 years ago

Is there a longer term muscle gain program (2-3) months that is similar to this plan?

Frank Gibson
Frank Gibson
4 years ago

Hope this post hasn’t aged too much in 2020 but I’ve a question about this workout
How do you perform X rep max sets by the same amount of reps?
I mean how long you need to rest between sets to get that?

4 years ago

What a lovely article ❤️

3 years ago

Hey Dr, do you think I can still do my daily routine of 400 push ups a day with this program?

Navid Mostafavi
Navid Mostafavi
3 years ago

Can somebody please explain the excessive consumption of the BCAA capsules? 10 grams? As in 10 capsules of the mega-size BCAA capsules by Optimum Nutrition? On the back it says to consume 2 capsules before and/or immediately after workout. And then you also mentioned to consume 15 on Sunday while fasting? Could this much consumption of BCAA be harmful at all?

2 years ago

Hey Dr. Bernardi,

little late here, but thanks for the plethora of information!

How would one integrate a regular/daily routine of working the heavy bag into this routine?
I would like to implement this regime, but reduce the amount of food intake a bit (and maybe training) with the goal of gaining 20lbs in 2-3 months. Ideally, still training 4-5 days a week but keeping my daily routine of boxing the heavy bag morning.

Any suggestions?


2 years ago

Thank you for all this amazing detailed information. It was much needed