How to Write and Promote New York Times Bestsellers: Tim Ferriss and Jack Canfield

Jack Canfield, as co-creator of Chicken Soup for the Soul, has more than 500 million books in print. Among them, he can count 47 New York Times bestsellers. Jack also provide me with the early advice and introductions that got The 4-Hour Workweek published, despite 26 rejections.

In the above video, which was filmed as a livecast, the tables are turned. I was honored to be interviewed by Jack and Steve Harrison, the founder of Radio-TV Interview Report (RTIR). In this conversation, we answer questions such as:

– How do I make writing (which I find hard) easier?

– How do I minimize writer’s block and overcome it when it creeps in?

– How have I improved my own writing?

– How do I handle or even plan controversial content?

– Is all PR good PR? (Short answer: No)

– What have I learned from Jack?

– How do you introduce your content to so-called “influencers” (a term I still dislike)?

– How do you craft the pitch and make the approach?

– What advice would I give to someone who wants to write their first book?

– How does one become more action-oriented during the process, and throughout life?

– How does the philosophy of Seneca apply to writing and selling a book?…

I enjoyed the dialogue and thought some of you might find it valuable as a stand-alone post. That is why I put it up.

But for more context, the complete multi-day livecast was held to promote a program that Jack and Steve created called “Bestseller Blueprint”. As you know, I have never promoted “programs” on this blog and have no plans to start. Jack and Steve’s program is not cheap, nor have I reviewed it, but if you’re interested, you can find more information here.

What other questions about publishing or writing would you like to hear or see me answer, if any? Please let me know in the comments.


Odds and Ends: FastCompany Videos on Muse Creation, Testing, Prototyping, and Manufacturing

The Tim Ferriss Show is one of the most popular podcasts in the world with more than one billion downloads. It has been selected for "Best of Apple Podcasts" three times, it is often the #1 interview podcast across all of Apple Podcasts, and it's been ranked #1 out of 400,000+ podcasts on many occasions. To listen to any of the past episodes for free, check out this page.

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Comment Rules: Remember what Fonzie was like? Cool. That’s how we’re gonna be — cool. Critical is fine, but if you’re rude, we’ll delete your stuff. Please do not put your URL in the comment text and please use your PERSONAL name or initials and not your business name, as the latter comes off like spam. Have fun and thanks for adding to the conversation! (Thanks to Brian Oberkirch for the inspiration.)

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Daniel Gonzalez
Daniel Gonzalez
11 years ago

Wow Tim! You continue to amaze and awesome-ize! Thanks for all your awesome content!

Michael Hurd
Michael Hurd
11 years ago

Look forward to the results of the split test. Thanks for sharing both yours and Jack’s lessons on the blueprint that puts books on the best sellers list. Straight from the horse’s mouth so to speak.

Nomadic Matt
Nomadic Matt
11 years ago

Thanks Tim! This is great insight!

John Breese
John Breese
11 years ago

Too bad there wasn’t some kind law forcing writers with ambitions of self-publishing glory to study the story of what Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen went through to get to where they are.

Also, Tim, do you think you might ever do a piece on how Robert Kyosaki and Jay Conrad Levinson built their publishing empires? Levinson in particular is quite the case study.

Ted Nash
Ted Nash
11 years ago

Jack’ Assistant: Hey Tim can you promote Jacks new product

Tim: umm.. I dont really do affiliate promotions, it is not my business model and generally it decreases long term trust between my readers and myself.

Jack’ Assistant: This product is about writing books, you write books and your readers read your stuff cause they want to write books. Just tell them its an experiment….. so the ones interested will jump at it and buy and the non-interested ones will just think its another chapter in “lifestyle design experiments” and not hate you in the morning.

Tim: umm ok… . . will see what I can do. ..

11 years ago
Reply to  Ted Nash

I agree. Love your stuff Tim and have been following you for years but being associated with this type of product launch (no matter who is behind it) has just dented the long term trust you built up with me.

It wasn’t a conscious decision. It was a gut reaction. But maybe that’s because I’m VERY familiar with the internet marketing industry and what goes on inside it.

I realize this may be a case of you paying back some favors, when these internet marketers helped push your books to their audiences…or maybe you just need some quick cash 😉

I guess one opinion doesn’t matter. It how the majority respond. But associating yourself with this type of launch / industry really doesn’t help your brand, when there’s so many people out there online assuming you’re a scam already.

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
11 years ago
Reply to  Robert

Hi Robert,

Thanks for the comment. This post wasn’t put up to repay any favors at all. I thought the video content would be of interest to readers, given the popularity of past posts/videos on writing (like mine with Ramit) and requests for more. The link stuff is just an experiment out of curiosity; I have zero need for the cash.

Hope that helps somehow!


Keith G Halligan
Keith G Halligan
11 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

Hi Tim,

just finished reading the 4hww, i loved it man, great information and it got me motivated again. Truly inspirational. If you ever need any new music to listen to, clue is in the name.. lol. 🙂

I call this an ‘experiment out of curiosity’ to. if you like what you hear dont be frightened to give me a review. I have found the promotion and marketing an absolute struggle and money drain, but one hell of a learning curve.. so any advice welcome.

Much respect,

keith G Halligan

11 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

I am at page 50 of your 4 hour work week. I am trying to have an open mind, but so far, all I get from this is you are able to make choices because you already have money that gives you that freedom. What do you tell a 50 something, whose ex husband bankrupt them thru gambling, and has lost everything and is living in a room in her mother’s house? Oh, did I also mention unemployed. You want a true rags to riches, try working with that. What advice or direction does zero start with?

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
11 years ago
Reply to  Ted Nash

Haha… Ted, there was no conversation like that. I’m not that easily pitched. I offered to do the interview, and the test was my idea and mine alone.

Shawn Weston
Shawn Weston
11 years ago

This is the post I was waiting for. Many thanks, Tim!

Thomas @ Mobile App Tycoon
Thomas @ Mobile App Tycoon
11 years ago

Awesome stuff! I hate it when people use the excuse that all PR is good PR…thanks for covering that!


Jeremy in Scottsdale
Jeremy in Scottsdale
11 years ago

Agree, that is a good point

Dan Schawbel
Dan Schawbel
11 years ago

Lots of great information here. The advice to find and get trained by experts is very helpful for people who want to accomplish great things. It’s easier than ever before to locate experts in your field. I still find a lot of people who are scared to reach out. There is an expert in just about every niche you can imagine and you can find their contact information online quite easily. The only thing that’s stopping you is you.

Jeremy in Scottsdale
Jeremy in Scottsdale
11 years ago
Reply to  Dan Schawbel

Hey Dan. Very true. Especially with blogs and twitter, its amazing how it makes it easier to reach out…this is how I have had several best selling authors interviewed on my blog.

Michael Gonzalez
Michael Gonzalez
11 years ago

Great post! I am writing an ebook, I will be using these tips. Thanks Tim.

Neil Skywalker
Neil Skywalker
11 years ago

Great stuff. The life of a writer isn’t as easy as most people think. I went from having a great travelling lifestyle to the life of a hermit while writing my book back home. With the help of my persistence I finished the book. It’s not a bestseller (yet) but as of last weekend i sold my first 250 copies (in 3 months)

My book is called Around the world in 80 Girls – The epic 3 year trip of a backpacking Casanova.

I was actually inspired to travel after reading the 4 hour work week.


Neil Skywalker

Steve Harrison
Steve Harrison
11 years ago
Reply to  Neil Skywalker


Your book has what I would call a very “mediagenic concept.” One of the best ways to get publicity is to go and do something interesting and then write a book about the experience. If what you did is sexy or controversial in some way — you’ll get even more publcity. Congrats on selling your first 250 copies!


Steve Harrison

Neil Skywalker
Neil Skywalker
11 years ago
Reply to  Steve Harrison

Hey Steve,

Well, there aren’t many books touching this controversial subject. I think you can count them on one hand but the subject also makes it hard to make it mainstream. I have the feeling that even a 100 hours a day isn’t enough to get the word out and major newspapers aren’t biting yet but all in due time I guess.

All advice is welcome.



Alexander (BLH)
Alexander (BLH)
11 years ago

Great content, Tim! Thank you!

Looking forward to reading your future post about the click-through rates

Luke Havard
Luke Havard
11 years ago

Tim, I have to say first – I really appreciate the wisdom you bring. Secondly, not that you need my approval, but you are the real deal!

I highly rate Jack Canfield and I can understand with his guidance and that of others how you have been so strategic in the way that you have marketed your books. The content that you shared in the video was spot on, I appreciate the writing for a niche audience, this is something that I will definitely be focusing on from now on as I write my book.

I’m about to record around 10 separate videos for my Youtube channel, do you think its beneficial to record high value content to help promote the a book to bloggers to add value to their audience or write guest articles?

Personally, I prefer to watch and listen to someone sharing a concept rather than reading it, but I’m interested in hearing your opinion on this Tim.

Again, the wisdom you bring is greatly appreciated, big RESPECT Tim.


Brendan O'Meara
Brendan O'Meara
11 years ago

Love to hear insights from writers and authors, as I too am a writer and author.

People approach me at book signings saying they want to write a book, but they just CAN’T. I say 1) If you’re serious about it, I mean really serious, of course you can. How do you think I do it? You get your butt up at 4:30 AM and you do it. 2) Write 250 crappy, imperfect words a day. That’s one double-spaced page. At the end of a year, you’ll have 365 pages. That’s a draft of an entire book. Don’t think BOOK. Think JUST THIS PAGE.

Also, niche is the way to rich (I ain’t rich, but you get my point). Seth Godin’s “Purple Cow” expresses this and one other real important point. You’re best marketing technique in making a product or writing a book is make a damn good product or write a damn good book. The book needs to be great first, then you can worry about all the satellite tasks. Get your great book into the hands of innovators and early adopters (think bloggers), as Godin says.

Being a writer is also about fostering a writing community. You’re not alone. You’re sort of in competition, but not really, especially with the shrinking/evaporation of book stores.

All we’re doing is building sentences. That’s it. And I want Tim, I the commenters, all readers, all writers, to break it down and write nice sentences. We’ll all benefit. Trust me on that.

Thanks and write on!


Nathalie Lussier
Nathalie Lussier
11 years ago

Hey Tim! I love the Seneca concepts and recommendations. I think it’s awesome to be able to take action without the fear of failure, because the fear is much bigger than what might happen if it flops.

All around great writing tips, and it’s also great to hear about your writing process. Nice to know you’re still on your own journey too!

Graeme Long
Graeme Long
11 years ago

Hi Tim,

I can show you a way to blow the human potential into dimensions you can’t even imagine wink Feel free to call me canada 778 386 9113

You want a ride follow my facebook im blogging live


I’ve thought long hard how to write this so I decided to take and emulate the Tim Ferris’s Approach. As he set me free financially and radically with both his books i can only

nod and smile in total gratitude. Thanks Tim.

So day 24 Stats

Time awake from pervious sleep 40 hours with no sleep on plane: Slept 5 hours : woke up fresh. Anna Lovelight once commented I bet we don’t need as much sleep as you think. Well anna I can confirm indeed you were right.

The 24 hour day has gone out the window for me. Sleep now is just when needed.

Food: Seems I’ve turned instant vegan/vegetarian. I was on a heavy protein diet with Tim Ferris’s slow carb diet. I avoid all sugar and alcohol has no effect on me now. Have tried getting drunk on several occasions and it seems the increased atomic speed of my vibration of energy negates this. Well no more hangovers haha

Calorie burn per awake 30 to 40 hour time span: Guessing 6000 to 8000

Water: 6 /7 liters a waking session.


Day 1 of protocol I went upstream at full mind capacity for a long time and requested the full akashic record.

Day 2 was love with no attachment and unable to let go

Day 3 was love with no attachment: letting go process 9/10 hours achieving highest Samadhi state from what ive read. All yogic test say you have to be some god like ascended. Complete bullshit alert. Simple change of vibration so don’t fall for that mind trap. Never give your power away. Look out far and wide for spiritual teaching but any worship or idolization and you’re powerless.

Day 4 Downloaded Some type of Mayan ceremony for December 12th and 21st December: Still ponndering that one

After a phone call from a very wise angel we both understood my presence in south Africa. Patrick Gery l I’m coming to say hello in the Drakensberg mountain. Patrick Geryl has believed with immense thought that December 21 is end of the world by an earth crustal discplacement and full planetary POLE SHIFT. He is currently bunkered in and has been joined by 100’s if not 1000’s. I have to say i nearly fell for it myself after 5 years of research until the 4 day event reality wake up call.

Mind: Only works when needed then turns off. No thought train no trickster. Multi tasking with right brained activities amazing. Multi tasking with left brain activities challenging LOL

Senses: Massive increase in awareness. It’s like I’m looking through 12d camera lenses, smell seems the same, touch seems the same

Sound: Can’t be in loud areas. Any load bar or children screaming like a school ground and I’m out of there fast.

No exercise now for 2 months i think. Body fat and muscle mass seem to have stayed the same. I did huge training for this beforehand. I have become much leaner .

I have immense energetic power at various times depending on what I’m focusing on.

Intuition is not stop from source.

Long term memory is improving very interestingly. Short term memory is a disaster at the moment. I have to super conscious when putting keys phones or anything important on me.

Reality Making: I think in the future permanently. This is advanced mind power. Everything I wish to achieve is done. I go through the detail, feeling, visualization. I pump this upstream all day beautiful people all day. Manifestation wow now this is where things are NUTS at the moment. And i mean NUTS. Law of attraction has been magnified X god know s what.

Thinking: I’m am very mindful of my thoughts but have next to no negative thoughts other than resolving issues or temporary blocks that may be in my way.

Mood: Calm and relaxed mostly. However peoples saboteurs affect me greatly so I either stop them dead when they go negative or start throwing up there negative energy or simply excuse myself. Cant be around negative people. YOUR UNLIMITED HUMAN BEINGS


Feelings: I LOVE ALL HUMAN BEINGS; find you all fascinating at the moment: Immense Love energy running through me hehe. Watch out planet earth

END GOAL Already done again in my mind. Change GLOBAL LOVE CONSCIOUSNESS. How, will be detailed in the next post.

Love you all…Spiritual Love Quantum Warrior.

Akashic records – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Theakashic records(akashais aSanskritword meaning “sky”, “space” or “aether”) is…See More

Write a reply…

Jeremy in Scottsdale
Jeremy in Scottsdale
11 years ago

Great timing! Very helpful. I am working with a few authors right now and will be passing on this great info. Thanks Tim!

11 years ago

I typically get gold brick out of each of Tim’s presentations and this one was “Write like you are talking to a close friend(s) after two glasses of wine as if you’ve solved a problem that may help them.”

I enjoyed the video, I was completely turned off by the presentation material. Please take this in the spirit that it is offered from somebody who believes your knowledge and experience could help a lot of people. Regardless of the value of the material, I feel like I am being sold the entire way. The material is structured to check off ethos, pathos, logos all then way down. I feel like someone is attempting to lead me without subtlety or tact (reminscient of an online ad, there’s bold fonts, promises of success for a one-time price of “x” or 3 easy installments,you can be me multi-miliionaire ).

Tim’s value is his authenticity and his desire to shake up the status quo. I’m sorry, conventional wisdom??? Let’s put that to the test, I’m going to fly to South Africa, rip out my muscle tissue in the name of science. Tim exudes impartiality and a desire to help people by presenting new theories and ways to approach life.

The “Bestseller Blueprint”, may have huge intrinsic value… but the way it was marketed in those links makes me feel that it is created to convert buyers for the sole purpose of profiting the owners.

Jack Canfield- I loved Chicken Soup for the Soul. You don’t need to make a hard sell on anything, everybody knows who you are… I’d listen to what you have to say in a heartbeat.

Tim Ferriss- Please don’t take a commission sale off of links to other people’s programs. I would rather you have a donate button on your page. I’ll give you five dollars everytime you teach something profound… it can be like yoga class! Would seriously hurt your image as the champion of the common man. The amazon links are different, those are products… these are ideals.

Steve Harrison- You appear to have a strong talent for finding and identifying authors with lots of potential, getting them in front of the decision makers, closing the deal and capitalizing on it. How does this program differ from your million dollar author program? Seems like you are the common link for all of these best-selling authors.

If you truly want to do something of value, create an online “school” to help budding authors make it. Divide it into automated sections that outline different stages, charge $500 for each section. If they each continue to hold merit, people will continue to purchase especially if it is relevant to what they are working on at the moment. Build it more as a credible institution where people can learn. Place a few of the free videos online to hook people. You already have the material and charge Steve’s $1200 fee for an hour to evaluate a student who has completed all three sections of the course material (this way you can weed out most people that haven’t put any time in). I would totally pay $1200 to have Steve evaluate a book offering for an hour.

Whatever you do, please abandon the sales letter. Demo the two ideas side by side (or a different idea), see which gets more click-throughs. Regardless, I bet you attract people with more potential to be successful through the “school” method.


Regardless of intent, “Bestseller Blueprint” appears to be profit centric for the creators versus value driven for the consumer.

11 years ago
Reply to  Kenji

For examples of other similar sales styles, google “gettingrichwithebooks”, even starts with “Dear Friend,”

Steve Harrison
Steve Harrison
11 years ago
Reply to  Kenji

Thanks very much for the very candid and indepth feedback on our marketing. I will definitely consider your suggestions. Your point about giving free videos is a good one. Perhaps you didn’t realize that we actually do give away three high content videos already. The Bestseller Blueprint Course is much more detailed, step by step, and up to date than my Million Dollar Author program which came out in 2005. Thanks again for taking the time to sharing your thoughts.

11 years ago
Reply to  Steve Harrison


Thanks for the response. Why am I writing such a long reply… I hate to see wasted opportunity.

Honestly, no, I was unaware there were additional videos. To put it bluntly: nor would I have cared or wanted to watch them after glancing at that material.

As a consumer, I’m constantly bombarded with advertisements on a daily, sometimes hourly basis. As an intelligent consumer, I filter those messages based on the judged veracity, alignment with my interests and value compared to competing products.

Unfortunately, your marketing material has a similar tone and format to a

slightly higher equivalent of what I would term junk or spam mail. Why would I waste time watching what could be an infomercial? If it walks like a duck, and talks like a duck… I’m not going to waste additional time verifying that it is NOT a duck.

The only reason I watched the video that I did (which I found informative and enjoyable), was because it was on Tim’s website.

Don’t get me wrong, your recipe works and you’re obviously making money.

Hypothetically, I would estimate this (please feel free to contradict if you

have differing empirical data but I’d imagine you’re more of the “testimonials” sort of guy because empirical data would be discouraging):

*50% of your students do not complete the program because life gets in the way or they’re too ADD- life is hard. Not your problem.

*30% of your students don’t have the right skill set for writing. Let’s be

honest- writing is hard. Two pages a day as a goal says it all.

*17.5% of your students are okay writers, they make a little money (<$50k per year annualized average). Not everybody makes a ton of money right away. This gets them jumpstarted, maybe 10% of these get in a good hit in the next 10 years.

*2.4% – Motivated, hard workers, good writers, make between ($50k to $100k per year annualized average)

*0.099999% – Have a blow-out hit ($100k to $300k best-seller list and then fall to 2.4% range of $50k to $100k).

*0.000001% – Have multiple Jack Canfield sized hit.

I would say those would be phenomenal numbers. Tighten your net by building a better sales interface. Weed that 50-80% out with bite-sized programs (<$500) so they're not burning a whole ton of cash and focus on developing the guys that have a lot more potential to make more money.

Everybody wants the "easy" life which is what makes your program so appealing. Sub-$3000 is disposable income for a lot of people that are writing books but a lot of those people are never going to make it.

The odds are higher than average that I'd like to write a book at some point in my life but I would never choose your program because it is too similar to scammy material. I'll likely search for the material online first, decide it's suspect and then engineer meetings between potential muses for mentorship.

Ps. To all those "Woo, it's Jack Canfield, buy it already" coolade drinkers… your statistical odds of you just saving your money and becoming a millionaire over a 30 year period are far higher than you blowing your cash on bunch of programs promoted by successful people. Most of these best-seller books are a crock of regurgitated material that are slightly different. Nothing in this program material convinces me to buy it or differentiates it from other material other than Jack Canfield.

There's a lot of pepole that accidentally fall into their muses as a result of working hard and/or doing things you love. Find something you love to do and if you see a better way to do something, capitalize on it.

Opportunities are usually disguised as hard work, so most people don't recognize them. – Ann Landers

I'd wager what Tim considers fun and being Tim, most of the rest of you would consider as "working your ass off". If it were easy to replicate Tim Ferriss, there would be a whole lot more of him.

Gaby handyman
Gaby handyman
11 years ago

Wow good advice Tim , thank you for share with us , you are amazing , I ike this post , Very nice .

Dave Small
Dave Small
11 years ago

Great Stuff – thanks for sharing that with us “would be” writers. I’d love some links to the books you recommended in the podcast that helps your craft.


11 years ago

OMG. This is THE BEST POST You’ve put up yet. THANK YOU SO MUCH.

11 years ago

Great stuff!

This had some really useful insight that I will put to use in my own blogging/writing adventures!

Olivier Roland
Olivier Roland
11 years ago

Great Tim ! I’m writing a book and this information will be really useful.

And of course, I clicked on the affiliate links, I think it’s normal that you get a percentage of the revenues if I buy something since I would not have discovered it without you 😉 .

11 years ago

Hey Tim,

I’m so much interested in your opinion on self-publishing. You’ve touched the topic once, for a brief moment in an interview, but you’ve never really discussed it in depth. Waiting for that topic to appear on your blog!


11 years ago

Tim, Great post – always love the advice & helpful content you share.

Posting affiliate links can be tricky. I’ve wondered why you’ve haven’t provided more affiliate links in the past since your readers trust your suggestions so much, but also respected you because you didn’t since some affiliates can get so “spammy.” Still when there’s good content, it should be shared & always good to test.

In this case, I would have gladly clicked on your affiliate link (since it is a topic I’m interested in) … but I clicked on someone else’s last time Jack and Steve came out with this program & I bought it (for the record, yes, the intro videos are to sell the program, but the program itself is good – I enjoyed it, learned a lot & recommend it to others.)

Why did I invest? Earlier this year, I had an idea for a book & wrote, published & promoted it & hit #1 on the Amazon Best Sellers list in our category just 10 days after the idea (I know that’s not hard to do now & was not nearly what you did with #1 NY Times, but was a start). Still, it was your comment “I’m not interested in having a best seller for a week, but for years” that inspired me invest in this program to take it to the next level.

Actually, I thought about offering a bonus (on how to use the latest automated marketing tools to promote books) with my own affiliate link, but haven’t done that yet.

Anyway, this was a long way to say, while not part of your test, I would have clicked on your link and thanks as always for the inspiration! ~ Patrick

Chad Barnsdale
Chad Barnsdale
11 years ago

Hey Tim,

I quit my job last year to work full time on my own site (thank you for the useful, practical information, and the inspiration as well) and I’ve done a fair bit of affiliate linking since I left. In my experience, most of one’s readership doesn’t really care one way or the other, but I have found that other webmasters are extremely reluctant to use affiliate links, even if they actually are interested in buying the product. I find that rather amusing, and I’m guessing it’s rooted in some primal desire for dominance.

Anyway, some food for thought.


11 years ago

Great tips Tim! I always wanted to start a blog about microstock, but was stalling it thinking its so laborious.. Maybe I will finally start one soon.. Thanks!

11 years ago

ok tim are you outside listen to me, i was thinking i need this to learn how to market my book…………scary me

11 years ago

“This is a test….affiliate…non-affiliate…”

The smartest sales pitch I have ever seen.

On a different note, every time I have purchased a new out-coming book that became a “best-seller” directly from the author, I have received them in twos or threes. With all those efforts these “best-selling” authors go through to make themselves “best-sellers”… I feel I would have some pain in the “integrity area”. Maybe I need to do some tapping??? Eh? Well, such is the nature of business I guess.

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
11 years ago
Reply to  Ana

Hi Ana,

There is a lot of bullshit in making “best sellers” — couldn’t agree more. Most CEOs buy their way onto the list. For $250K, you can hit most bestseller lists for a week.

But… it’s easy to discount all of them and throw the baby out with the bathwater.

To do it 47 times, or to keep a book on the lists for YEARS (4-Hour Workweek) unbroken, requires a different approach entirely. That’s the approach I condone and recommend.

Hope that helps,


Jeremy in Scottsdale
Jeremy in Scottsdale
11 years ago

Tim, I don’t believe you could have the reputation you have by using gimicks in getting to best seller list. Why wouldn’t you put affiliate links, I appreciate how much great info you put here. You also put value first to your audience like you explained in the writing process of the book. Keep up the good work.

Really like your mentor videos.

Coach Kip
Coach Kip
11 years ago

Wow loved the video on Muse, what a great sum up of your ideals and the ideals of the Four Hour Work Week. Thanks for posting the video. I am not a real big YouTube follower but I do know they have great content. Thanks for sharing.

Jeff Nabers
Jeff Nabers
11 years ago

Dear everyone giving Tim shit about promoting something that could change your life…

You are generalizing and it may cost you your freedom! If you’re an avid follower of Tim you know he doesn’t promote stuff for the sake of promoting. He promotes stuff that he really believes in.

Do some people in internet marketing and other niches have scammy stuff?


Do all?

Hell no. Are you kidding?!

Generalizing is dangerous. I used to NEVER opt in to “squeeze pages” (those pages to enter your email to get a free report or video). I thought they were all scams.

One day a 60-yr-old employee of mine showed me one and said “this dude is legit.” And I paid over $30,000 for products and coaching from that guy over a period of about 3 years. I worked my ass off implementing what I learned and I had an ROI of 6,600% and counting.

It changed my life. Nearly every bit of freedom and every $100,000 that comes my way I can thank a few expensive coaching programs for.

Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater!

If you haven’t launched a profitable muse yet, my BIGGEST piece of advice is to go out there and spend some serious money on a critical few of the most value-packed EXPENSIVE programs out there. Expensive = investing in YOURSELF = commitment = required ingredient for success. Until you’ve spent 30% of what college tuition costs on real-world direct coaching and mentorship programs, you haven’t even really tried education in my opinion.


I hope the results of this experiment are that you see promoting high value, big ticket offers (that you really believe in) as something that:

– Polarizes people into paradigm-shifting, life-changing conversations and attention

– Attracts people who are serious enough about success to invest in themselves instead of complain about an offer

– Gives people excellent choices. Anyone can see a pitch or promotion and make the choice not to click or buy, but anyone who complains about that is perhaps unlikely to be a case study of strong benefit from reading and subscribing

Happy action-taking everyone!

And if you haven’t taken much action yet, might I genuinely suggest buying an expensive program recommended from someone you trust!

11 years ago

Thanks Tim, you are indeed very inspiring for the unrealised dreams of a million people….how many people on this planet want to write a book, or dare to write a NY T best seller? It’s a universal aspiration. I took out a small slice of action, thank you, write 2 pages a day! And, I adore Bird by Bird, a writer’s treasure but also a map for life. Thanks. One thing I don’t get…why you don’t have a share button to Linkedin? I;d love to share your video interview on LI but no button makes it harder. Thank you for continuing to demand that we all Live the dream.

Matthew Trinetti
Matthew Trinetti
11 years ago

Thanks for this Tim, really appreciate you sharing.

11 years ago

I think if you asked Tim, off the record and after a few glasses of wine, what he thinks of the “Chicken Soup” books he would admit that they are the type of motivational, inspirational but seriously-lacking-any-practical-application, self-help crap that he would not waste his time reading.

Lauding Jack Canfield for selling millions of books is like lauding “Rosetta Stone”, “The Secret” or the Twilight Books for selling millions.

Commerical success is no indication of quality.

11 years ago

This is a very useful post.

11 years ago

TIM….i just have one word for u…u are always amaaazzziiing…your book,,,your reviev..all just good stuff..but i have one question that have been for along time i could’t answered it…maybe u can help me…my question is about instant branding…i mean how to create instant branding that people should be needed along time to well known their product

11 years ago

Tim, this is fantastic, always such great content.

Ben Hulme
Ben Hulme
11 years ago

Tim – you really know your stuff. I would like to interview you for my website sometime if you could hit me up that would be great! Thanks Ben

Tony Meade
Tony Meade
11 years ago

Hey Tim!!

I’ve loved your work ever since the 4HWW… I think I have a first printing.

Here’s a request: I’m a musician, and while I’ve been able to apply a lot of your principles to my life in general, I’ve had a hard time applying them to my musical life. I’d like you to write a post about how to apply what you’ve already taught, or any new thoughts, on the marketing of original creative arts, and achieving success as an original artist. I use the term “artist” because I think that it would also be helpful to other people who create original works, such as novelists, painters, filmmakers, etc.

An example of what I mean… If you’re writing a book or creating a product on language learning, there’s a good chance that there are people out there will be looking for something like the information you’re offering, and if you’re positioned correctly, people seraching the internet for that information will find you.

However, with original artworks, unless someone already knows about you, no one will be looking for you. So, how does one overcome this? Is there a hack/shortcut that allows the ball to start rolling without having to labor in obscurity for decades hoping to get noticed? Is it best to focus on relationships with those who have a forum for exposure over trying direct marketing techniques that aren’t really applicable to creative arts?

This is a post that I know that I would personally love, and others as well.

Thanks for everything you do, and I can’t wait to get my pre-ordered copy of “The Four-Hour Chef”.

Tony Meade

Jason Born
Jason Born
11 years ago

Tim – I need your advice.

I’m a part-time writer. My first work, The Norseman Chronicles looks it will sell about 10,000 copies this year. At the current rate it will do about 25,000 in 2013.

Goal: To move to an annual rate of 150,000 in the coming four weeks.

Can you please offer 3 steps to get me there?

Peace my friend.


11 years ago
Reply to  Jason Born

Jason, I am doing some coaching with a friend on how to market ebooks online at those type of numbers, would that help you?

Is this a paper printed book or ebook?

Jason Born
Jason Born
11 years ago
Reply to  Jeremy

Hi Jeremy – it’s both printed and electronic. About 95% of the copies sold are via kindle. The remaining 5% have been split evenly between nook copies and paper copies. Books are getting great reviews on AMZN (fear not they are not friends) and selling well without any real marketing at all.

11 years ago


Thanks for posting, I must say the interview was very informative. You hit on some keys that I needed to hear and put into action. Your blog is sharp and I love the content. My brother discovered your information the other night and he immediately sent me your info.

Your info is helping me get into high gear, and will help me complete my manuscript in the next few days. I am all in at this point to create the life that I desire. Again thanks and Damn Good Stuff!

Judi Bola
Judi Bola
11 years ago

Look forward to the results of the split test. Thanks for sharing both yours and Jack’s lessons on the blueprint that puts books on the best sellers list. Straight from the horse’s mouth so to speak.

Anton Volney
Anton Volney
11 years ago

Great post Tim! It’s amazing how small this world can be…and how one connection can turn everything around in such a big way!

Chloe Hodder
Chloe Hodder
11 years ago

This was so helpful. I also find that ‘storified’ content is so much more fun to write than typical content. I would love to hear you talk more about content creation from the inception. I see that your content comes from what you’re interested in, but I jump around from inspiration to inspiration, fire starting and not not following through to completion. Looking into outsourcing the non-inspiring parts thanks to the 4 Hour Work Week.

Well I came here to procrastinate some more, but I can manage two pages of crap, so will get onto that 😉 Thank you so much!

Shane Byse
Shane Byse
10 years ago

Just started reading your book The 4.H.W.W I especially admire the fact you had to find a 27th publisher before getting published.How do you keep up with current reading trends so as to give your readers topical content.I am just starting on the blogs to help my affiliate websites.Cheers Shane

10 years ago

Great to hear you and Jack share your experience and wisdom about writing and publishing. BTW can you put a video on the “Price of fame”? Like every coin has two sides, I suspect that the fame that comes along with writing a best seller comes at a price. What are the downsides of fame? Do you get approached by a lot of strangers seeking favors? How do you handle those requests? How do you make new friends, or do you just keep old friends who you know aren’t with you just for your fame? Any tips for authors who write under a pen name and want their work to succeed, but at the same time dislike personal attention or fame? It would be nice if you could make a video on this topic. Thanks for all the great work!

10 years ago
Reply to  Kanna

BTW Tim, if you still suffer from occasional insomnia like you mention in the video, do check out my free Guided meditation and deep relaxation audio linked on my website. Hundreds of people have left comments on YouTube saying it’s helped them relax and recharge during the day and fall asleep at night. Do give it a try! Peace.

10 years ago

Jack Canfield & Tim Ferriss are two people that have made the most impact in my life bar none.

James Jean-Pierre
James Jean-Pierre
9 years ago

Nice, didn’t know Jack was a mentor for you. I’m a big fan of jack, I do a lot of listening to his speakings. This information can take someone a long way if they just use it right and follow the footsteps of true success. Keep up the good work Tim.