Announcing "The Influencer 100," Apps, and Start-up News

Tech influencer Kevin Rose giving me love in Okinawa.

This will be short. Several quick and very fun updates:

The 4-Hour Body® app is now live, as is the stripped-down The Slow-Carb Diet® App. Enjoy, and please provide feedback in the comments! NOTE: iPhone coming up… sign up for the beta here.

– I am working with an incredible new start-up called I’ll be sending out boxes of physical products I love to subscribers every three months (details coming soon). In addition, I’ll be sending my 4x/year packages to the “Influencer 100™” — 100 friends of mine who all create tipping points.

These 100 include top tech “influencers” with audiences of 1-10+ million, star professional athletes, A-list Hollywood actors, “Midas List” venture capitalists, and much more. Nowhere else can you get the captive attention of people like Kevin Rose (tech) and Chase Jarvis (photography/entertainment) at once, just to name two.

Would you like to get your product (physical, not digital) in front of the top tastemakers in the US, these “Influencer 100™”? Just fill out this form and let me know.

Other start-up opportunities:

BranchOut is hiring a Search Architect. Over 25 million users. Big Data. Raised $49 million. Huge opportunity! Email for job candidates to apply: jobs (at) branchout [dot] com

CrowdFlower – Use the code TFMR0512 with our new crowdsourced photo moderation app at and get 5000 images moderated for free. Use the code TFSENTI to get early access to our crowdsourced twitter sentiment app at

Stealth Mobile Commerce Startup – Looking for iOS, Rails, and/or Haskell hackers. Small, highly technical/product oriented team (4 engineers). YC, top-tier VC-backed. Send your Github to missionhackerhouse (at) gmail [dot] com

DailyBurn – For a 30-day free membership exclusive to readers of this blog, visit this page.

The Tim Ferriss Show is one of the most popular podcasts in the world with more than one billion downloads. It has been selected for "Best of Apple Podcasts" three times, it is often the #1 interview podcast across all of Apple Podcasts, and it's been ranked #1 out of 400,000+ podcasts on many occasions. To listen to any of the past episodes for free, check out this page.

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Comment Rules: Remember what Fonzie was like? Cool. That’s how we’re gonna be — cool. Critical is fine, but if you’re rude, we’ll delete your stuff. Please do not put your URL in the comment text and please use your PERSONAL name or initials and not your business name, as the latter comes off like spam. Have fun and thanks for adding to the conversation! (Thanks to Brian Oberkirch for the inspiration.)

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12 years ago


Maneesh Sethi
Maneesh Sethi
12 years ago

Hey nice! This app looks awesome! Glad to see you’re starting to branch out into new products 🙂

Bob in San Bruno
Bob in San Bruno
12 years ago

Any time table on the apps availability in iOS?

Farid Behnia
Farid Behnia
12 years ago


Working hard on them…

You can sign up here for beta testing The 4-Hour Body App for iPhone:

All the best,


12 years ago
Reply to  Farid Behnia

This was my question too. Thank you Farid!

Michael Gonzalez
Michael Gonzalez
12 years ago

Fantastic! Downloading the app now, hotspacho!

JD Pruitt
JD Pruitt
12 years ago

*Checks iOS App Store for apps*


Mike H
Mike H
12 years ago
Reply to  JD Pruitt

Double DOH!

12 years ago
Reply to  JD Pruitt

Infuencer is right. Disappointed its only on Android. Y’all were iPhone/Apple crazy until Kevin jumped to Google. (typed on an iPad). Hey it’s all good but wish it were available on both. Whats that all about?!? Peace

Farid Behnia
Farid Behnia
12 years ago
Reply to  Andrew

Not Kevin’s fault. 🙂

iPhone coming up… Beta sign-up:

Farid Behnia
Farid Behnia
12 years ago
Reply to  JD Pruitt

@JD and Mike,

iPhone beta testing:



Ryan B.
Ryan B.
12 years ago

Congrats Tim! Looking forward to the App(s). looks pretty awesome as well! Thanks for the info and great content, as always…

12 years ago

Yo Tim,

Nice. I am curious – who and what are the other “categories”? Give us a bit more of a teaser dude.. I am mainly curious about the VC’s you have on board. The other category I am interested in is Marketing (Hoping to see Joe Polish in there some where).

See ya around.


Nomadic Matt
Nomadic Matt
12 years ago

Great! I look forward to the app. I also love the picture of you in Japan! I just came back from there. I love the country – it’s magical there.

Adam Dunn
Adam Dunn
12 years ago

Hey Tim,

Love it! What perfect timing! I just submitted my brand new product through your form (easy process), and it went through like a champ!

Thanks again Tim, I read every post, and work to put it in action, and find myself spreading the Gospel of Tim (Nice 4th book title, eh?)

Please look for my name in your submissions :).


Harper Wall
Harper Wall
12 years ago

The app I’ve been praying for! But no way to use it on my iPhone. Oh well, maybe someday.

Farid Behnia
Farid Behnia
12 years ago
Reply to  Harper Wall


True, someday soon. 🙂 Sign up for beta here:



Zack Stratford
Zack Stratford
12 years ago

Filled out the form! Look forward to hearing your response!


12 years ago

soooo not related and I apologize.. but i heard you mention in an interview that you were discontinuing taking krill oil. can you tell me why? Ive been downing the stuff like crazy so wondering what you know that maybe I don’t. thanks a bunch!

12 years ago

Very nice – the app looks great! Also excited about the other start ups your working with!


Farid Behnia
Farid Behnia
12 years ago
Reply to  Thomas

Glad to hear that! Please send us more feedback and spread the word. 🙂

Mark Anthony
Mark Anthony
12 years ago

Great update Tim.

12 years ago

Cool, can’t wait to try out the new app!

Natasha Pecor
Natasha Pecor
12 years ago

Ah – so THIS is the blog post that kept me waiting at the office. 🙂

Farid Behnia
Farid Behnia
12 years ago
Reply to  Natasha Pecor


12 years ago

Neat! I’ll have to check out those apps.

The first time I saw the photo I thought you had your hands behind your head at finger-gun-point. I didn’t see that your friend was smiling either. Needless to say I had some amusing alternate theories as to what an article titled with “The Influencer 100” could contain.

Jason Ford
Jason Ford
12 years ago
Reply to  Katie

Katie, I thought the same thing! “Influencer 100” I wonder what… wait, is someone holding Tim at gun point… is that Kevin Rose holding the gun?? What on earth is this post about? *click*

12 years ago
Reply to  Jason Ford

What I liked is that he trademarked it.

Andy Dunn
Andy Dunn
12 years ago

So just to echo the other posters, any ETA on the iOS versions of the apps ? Thanks Tim.

Farid Behnia
Farid Behnia
12 years ago
Reply to  Andy Dunn

Hi Andy,

Thanks for your interest. I can just say: Soon…

Meanwhile, you can sign up for the beta here:

All the best,


Andy Dunn
Andy Dunn
12 years ago
Reply to  Farid Behnia

No problem Farid, have signed up for the iOS beta now. I’d be more than happy to help with the testing and coding if need be 😉


12 years ago

App availability announced and it’s not on iOS? You rarely see that these days.

12 years ago

Tim, you are looking pretty large in the photo. Have you been working towards gaining more muscle lately?

12 years ago

Can’t wait for the iOS release (hopeful). I’m sure it’s a great app knowing the quality of your work, just don’t have any Android devices to actually see it. 😉

Caleb Osborne
Caleb Osborne
12 years ago

Great idea with the apps Tim.


1. What company did you work with to develop them? Another one you advise … connection … or straight up hired someone?



12 years ago
Reply to  Caleb Osborne

Parsida AB is the company listed as the app developer and in earlier comments Farid Behnia seemed to be answering questions as though he was the developer.

Richard Hanley Jr.
Richard Hanley Jr.
12 years ago

Tim, you are the man.

Do you ever sleep?

12 years ago

iOS app should always come first. Just the way it goes.

12 years ago

I really love the subscription box model. Peopl love surprises so much, I’m sure it’ll be successful, just like the others in other industries.

The application of the model is very attractive.

Jason Ford
Jason Ford
12 years ago

Hi Tim and community,

I went to to sign up for Tim’s quarterly shipments, but he wasn’t listed as a “contributor”. Am I missing something or is he not setup in the system yet? Seems like this blog post was a bit… premature.



P.S. Anyone Android folks out there download the app yet and have a review? Interested to hear thoughts before putting down 10 greenbacks.

Farid Behnia
Farid Behnia
12 years ago
Reply to  Jason Ford


We’re #35 in the top paid apps in the US (below 10 in some other countries) so I believe the answer is yes.

You can try the app for 15 minutes and refund if you don’t love it.

All the best,


12 years ago

Usually…it’s us ‘Droids who are waiting oh so patiently in the shadows for the app to be available as the iPhone massive are away having their fun…I don’t want to gloat, but it sure is nice to see an Android app out the door before Apple.

I’ve splashed out the wonga…feedback in a month 😉 looks funky although Tim’s not on there…….yet.

Farid Behnia
Farid Behnia
12 years ago
Reply to  El-Shig

Looking forward to the feedback 🙂

Joe Timmins
Joe Timmins
12 years ago

Tim, your blog is the best on the internet for consistent examples of People Makin’ S**t Happen.

Love it.

12 years ago

The idea sounds like a souped up version of birchbox – which I think is quite successful – and I think quarterly will be too!

12 years ago

The curiosity is killing me! What is the story behind this photo? What did you do to annoy Kevin?!

12 years ago

The app looks great!

Farid Behnia
Farid Behnia
12 years ago
Reply to  Seven

Thanks Seven! Look forward to more of your thoughts.

12 years ago

Tim – I don’t see you as a contributor on Quarterly?

12 years ago
Reply to  foj

Nor Kevin Rose :/

12 years ago
Reply to  foj

Very nice

12 years ago sounds awesome, and it’s a great looking site. I couldn’t find subscription rates though?

12 years ago

Please tell me Kevin Rose doesn’t own 7,831,928 patents! Because the wave of failure and defeat that would overcome me would not be surmountable.

Ali V. Tehrani
Ali V. Tehrani
12 years ago

Hi Tim!

Loved the App. It’s quite handy and seems to work smoothly while keeping me committed to the workouts. Thumbs up!

I guess we’re lucky to follow the blog, cuz I told about this to my colleagues at work today, but they couldn’t find any links to the app on your website?! I sent them direct link anyway;)

tom mcgee
tom mcgee
12 years ago


Stay Fly - lifestyle blog
Stay Fly - lifestyle blog
12 years ago

Why don’t you have Google+ button?

J Clot
J Clot
12 years ago

Hey Farid! It sounds like you have the lead on this, so…

Tmobile, Samsung galaxy S, software version 2.2, downloads well and looks good!

I’m curious about the “strategery” behind the decision to go with Android first rather than Apple.

I’m faced with a similar choice.

Nice work!


Farid Behnia
Farid Behnia
12 years ago
Reply to  J Clot

Thank you J.

Play off your strength and start with what you already have in your hand.

Also, depending on your app features, beware of Android fragmentation.

Please leave us a review if you feel like it! 🙂

steve league
steve league
12 years ago

i was inspired by your book 4 hr work week.

can I recommend it in my new booklet that I’m writing for my

subscribers ?


steve league

12 years ago


Tried to register for the 4-Hour Body Beta, but would appear the UDID isn’t available in the UK iTunes Store.



Andy Dunn
Andy Dunn
12 years ago
Reply to  Jordan

Hi Jordan,

The UDID is the unique device identifier for your iPhone. The easiest way to find this is to search for ‘UDID’ in the app store and you’ll find a couple of free apps which will tell you what the ID of your device is.

Hope that helps,


Farid Behnia
Farid Behnia
12 years ago
Reply to  Andy Dunn

Thank you Andy!

india Dekho
india Dekho
12 years ago

Fantastic! Downloading the app now, hotspacho!

Farid Behnia
Farid Behnia
12 years ago
Reply to  india Dekho

Look forward to your feedback!

12 years ago

Get your product in front of The Influencer 100…clever way to find more companies you want to invest in.

Brandon Davis
Brandon Davis
12 years ago

Hello Tim,

I was brought to your book by wave of Michael Hyatt. I just finished reading/listening to Platform. He mentioned your book in his and I figured I would go ahead and read it. I was wondering if the book once purchased came with an audio version? I look forward to hearing from you.


-Brandon Davis

12 years ago

W00t! I am glad the Android users get the first jab for the Four Hour Body apps. Usually the Android users have to wait because the developers release the premiere apps to iOS users first due to its market size.

However, I would love to subscribe to your product package. When can I sign up. I subscribed to few contributors at It is going to be an awesome package and creativity triggers out of this experience.

12 years ago

Hi Tim, do you think you could have a one-day-a-week binge day like you advocate in 4h Body if you consumed super clean foods the other days, even if the diet during the week was moderate to high in carbs, such as fruit, rice and potatoes?

12 years ago

It was amazing technology is clearly had been striving for more achievement now, so why not subscribe with this new influencer 100? looks so incredible that makes me astonish!!!

Georges Lelong
Georges Lelong
12 years ago


Hope the new app will be there soon!

Jessica Volke
Jessica Volke
12 years ago

I know your super busy, but I just wanted to tell you that I read your book the 4hour work week, and it changed my life! i’m 25 years old, and i’ve traveled all over the world (14 different countries and counting), and lived in china for 2 years! right now i’m back in the states and workking about 20 hours a week, but i got lots of exciting things planned! i just started my own blog to kind of follow what i’m doing. like i said, i know your busy, but if you would get a couple minutes i would be forever grateful if you could checkk it outt and let me know what you think! thank you so much! 🙂

jessica volke

12 years ago
Reply to  Jessica Volke

useful free startup shit?

This is what makes Tim Ferris – Awesome.

12 years ago

Tim, It seem to be an overwhelming post because I know now what should I do. I’ll try it later… It is a very interesting post!

Chris T.
Chris T.
11 years ago

Congrats on the new apps! I will be testing “the Slow-Carb Diet” app soon.

Farid Behnia
Farid Behnia
11 years ago
Reply to  Chris T.

Look forward to your thoughts

11 years ago
Reply to  Farid Behnia


In spite of radioactivity, do you still visit Japan?

I’m very impressed.

Jason R.
Jason R.
11 years ago


Are you still going to be a contributor on I’ve been looking for you on there since you posted this article but have yet to see you as a contributor I can subscribe to. Any update on when you are going to start as a contributor on there would be great so I know when to look out for it. Thanks.
