Tim Ferriss: A Day In The Life


(Trouble viewing? See Tim Ferriss: A Day In The Life on Hulu. If you’re international, try using Hotspot Shield first.)

I’m often asked, “What does your typical day look like?”

In an attempt to answer this difficult question, I met up with Morgan Spurlock’s film crew for an episode of “A Day In The Life.” The full Friday we shot (I reserve Fridays for in-person meetings) reiterates a point I’ve driven home before: The 4-Hour Workweek is, and always has been, about using time optimally, not being idle.

It also shows how much I love my POS VW Golf, which is having its 10th birthday soon.

To clarify the intro, here’s a mostly complete list of start-ups I advise and have invested in [UPDATE 2014: Here is the most complete list of all my startups, which is kept up-to-date.]:

About.me (acquired by AOL)

DailyBurn (acquired by IAC)

Milk (acquired by Google)

Posterous (acquired by Twitter)

Foodzie (acquired by Joyus)


Uber (The Escalade in the above video was via Uber, which I use whenever parking will be a hassle.)


DonorsChoose.org (educational non-profit)









Schematic Labs (makers of SoundTracking)

Central Kitchen Restaurant (press)

Blue Bottle Coffee


DuoLingo (language learning)

Other investments, including late-stage and publicly traded, include:

Facebook (pre-IPO)

Twitter (pre-IPO)

Alibaba Group (pre-IPO)

SimpleGeo (acquired by Urban Airship)

Unsubscribe.com (acquired by TrustedID)

Digg (acquired by Betaworks)


Basis (acquired by Intel)

Would you like to work together? If so, watch the “Advise This!” video below and tell me about your company in the comments, ideally in 200 words or fewer. Stats are always helpful.

Look forward to checking it out. In the meantime, I have to wrap up The 4-Hour Chef!

It’s shaping up to be a fun one… 🙂

Odds and Ends:

WellnessFX Competition – Would you like to spend 30 minutes with me? I’d love to learn what you’re up to and see if I can help. WellnessFX, featured in the above episode, is sponsoring a giveaway for six 30-minute slots. Click here to learn more.

SXSW – “Advise This” Panel – So, what do start-up “advisors” do, exactly? How do you recruit A-listers to your cause? Or, better yet, how do you assemble and leverage the right team? In the below panel, Gary Vaynerchuk, Tony Conrad, JR Johnson, Chase Charvis, and I discuss the relationships between founders, investors, and advisors in start-ups. You’ll recognize the now familiar “14 minutes into my 15 minutes…,” which I say to keep my head from getting too damn big. It’s a Seneca thing:

The Tim Ferriss Show is one of the most popular podcasts in the world with more than one billion downloads. It has been selected for "Best of Apple Podcasts" three times, it is often the #1 interview podcast across all of Apple Podcasts, and it's been ranked #1 out of 400,000+ podcasts on many occasions. To listen to any of the past episodes for free, check out this page.

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Comment Rules: Remember what Fonzie was like? Cool. That’s how we’re gonna be — cool. Critical is fine, but if you’re rude, we’ll delete your stuff. Please do not put your URL in the comment text and please use your PERSONAL name or initials and not your business name, as the latter comes off like spam. Have fun and thanks for adding to the conversation! (Thanks to Brian Oberkirch for the inspiration.)

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Paul Vazquez
Paul Vazquez
12 years ago

Hi Tim,

ModelVP is a social modeling application for Facebook (and eventually mobile). Aspiring and professional models create profiles, load their portfolios, and create a living resume centered around their photographs within the app.

General Facebook users with the app can then explore the “ModelFeed”, a discovery feed which shows random photographs of models (filtered by model/photo attributes). Users can then provide feedback in the form of “liking” the photo, “sharing” the photo, or by “following” a model. To determine which models are shown in the ModelFeed, we are using machine learning algorithms to learn the users’ model preferences based on their prior actions (a la Pandora). At any time, users can view the photos they have previously liked/shared, or receive updates from the models they have followed.

Our initial revenue streams are in-app advertising and free-mium model accounts.

Future iterations include the introduction of modeling agency accounts, advertiser/brand accounts (people that hire models), and other artist accounts (photographers, make-up artists, etc.). We want to become the Elance for models. We will have the data to help advertisers find the best models for their targeted demographics.

We have secured $10k in seed funding and have started development, with a targeted beta release of July 2, 2012. Through collaboration with major modeling agencies, we plan to sign up 1000 models and 2000 users for the beta release. We intend to launch to the public in late July.

We are big fans of yours and are currently looking for both advisers and Series A funding. We’d love to tell you more about our platform!

12 years ago


Love the day in the life- couple questions

-What is the strap/harness you are using to sit Cross legged(Native American style) while meditating? I’m assuming it is for comfort?

-Have you done more research on Cissus? In the book you suggest the jury is still out and don’t advise using it for extended periods. In the show you take it- but lacking context I’m wondering if you are now taking it regularly, or what the deal is.

12 years ago
Reply to  bruce

If anyone like me searched by position(cross legged) versus action(meditate) to try and find what the straps Tim was using to meditate are called- he answered under meditate, it’s called the “nada Chair”

12 years ago

Thanks for sharing your day with us. I must say it was refreshing. I sensed a humility in you that I never felt before, or maybe I just wasn’t paying attention previously. 🙂 Thanks for making the world a better place.

Joe Timmins
Joe Timmins
12 years ago

Love how chill and normal Tim is in the Day In The Life vid. Cool and encouraging to see that he is so normal.

And from the second vid, I’ll def remember all of Gary V.’s f-bombs. 🙂

12 years ago

you are amazing, both you Tim and morgan guys, for making such videos…

Tim, once you talked about start-ups from investor side of the desk, and here is my quick story & question to you:

i have a trademarked design for commercial imprints (tshirts, mugs etc – click on my name to see details and image). i think i am a start-up, but i have no idea where to go with it and what to do next. as an angel investor, could you tell me under what conditions we might meet with you (or any other investor or entrepreneur).

you reply is golden, and your silence is understandable

with respect,


12 years ago

Hey Tim –

What’s the best way to get in touch with you. My company (Fortune 50) Is incubating a start-up that is focused on Social Commerce. I think you’ll be interested in hearing about the specifics.



John Ashworth
John Ashworth
12 years ago

As I understood from your instructions above, we could leave a succinct 200 word note about our start-up here for your review. I scanned and did not see any others, but I’m leaving mine anyway.

AccountableFitness puts the data at the core of managing your client and patient populations’ health and fitness more effectively. The statement I hear most often from fellow fitness studio owners is, “Wow, John. Nothing else like this exists out there right now.” And it’s true.

I have created an incredibly simple tool that holds the potential of finally providing the mechanism necessary to accurately document accountability and it’s relationship to a change in outcomes. And not just person by person, but in aggregate. As such, the product is extremely well positioned and the timing is perfect for becoming an integral part of the Accountable Care environment. As well as for tapping in to a very fine niche in the fitness industry.

I’m not leaving any other details. The idea is too good. If you’re interested in talking, please let me know. More information is available at:



12 years ago


I am developing a video game-based platform to teach engineering/science principles to college students. This platform will allow students to better and faster grasp complex concepts. It will also attract “non-traditional” science/engineering students into these fields of study.

I’d love to work with you because, based on your work, it seems that you understand that science education does not have to be painful, boring or reserved only for typical sci/engineering students.

A well-known textbook publisher has committed to market and sell this interactive platform to universities. (The publisher is forward thinking enough to see that remedial textbook-based education is dying).

We’re currently developing the prototype. Perdue University has committed to test it in their mechanical engineering classrooms. Your books/blog indicate that you are a perpetual student, who is very interested in the process of learning. Your involvement, on any level, would inspire the progress of this project, thereby benefiting every human being who wants to learn.

My PhD in combustion was with F.A. Williams at UCSD, who had Richard Feynman on his Caltech thesis defense committee (not quite like having dinner with Feynman but working with us would reduce your degrees of separation?).

Thank you,

12 years ago
Reply to  Masha

I love your reference to Dr. Feynman, and I agree that we need more than the same spirit killig pedagogical science education system.

John B
John B
12 years ago

Hi from Northern Ireland Tim – It was so heartened to know that someone as accomplished as yourself suffers from ‘serial activity focus deficit disorder’ – ie. getting something running and then wanting to achieve something else.

I love my teaching and I love my work @awakin and @surfsupni but I get a sense that their’s REAL desperation for re-thinking the way the world works at present – from your charity work – what would you suggest was the best model to follow for implementing true and lasting change?

Come visit sometime – Biggest Waves, best coastline and craziest but most honest people you’ll meet!

12 years ago


awesome videos, thanks!

I piked up when you talked about owning dudes in Chess with only 1 month of training.

Have you tried doing something similar with programming? I know you’ve mentioned in a few interviews something about learning Ruby On Rails and I’m surprised you haven’t written anything on hacking hacking.

12 years ago

Tunnelbear and other VPN solutions seem to require a Mac or PC for installation. Is there any way of watching the video in Europe with just an iPad at hand?

Joshua Purvis
Joshua Purvis
12 years ago

Hi Tim,

Great article and amazing to see how involved you are in so many companies. Would love to chat with you about an 8 person team start-up I have down here in Silicon Beach.

We’re entering a space that is well underdeveloped but will be soon exploded. To give you a brief description, we are a mobile app that enables its user to ‘pay on demand’ when they are ready to checkout from establishments that are connected to our service. We link consumers and suppliers through cloud based technology and provide digital promotions via the user’s mobile device. We converts our member’s mobile devices into point-of-sale (POS) system, which enables them to become their own cashier, streamlining their shopping experience.

Hope to hear back soon.


Josh Purvis

12 years ago

I always wondered what your days were like after reading Four Hour Week Week, but how do you have time to travel?

Erica Glessing
Erica Glessing
12 years ago

What makes you get into that place of “all is well” or “all is good” or deep happiness even as you search for new connectivities & insights. That’s my question! I sent Amy a like question. Have a beautiful Sunday in the city!

12 years ago

Really enjoyed the video Tim! Awesome you go to Mission Cliffs, I’ve climbed there and loved it!

Kevin Kunze
Kevin Kunze
12 years ago

While I might not be Morgan Spurlock, I’m a filmmaker working on Disconnect, a documentary about cell phone safety. We’d like to arrange a short interview with you about this subject because of his own personal experiences. We’ve even included footage of you already speaking about cell phone radiation and sperm damage in our extended trailer for the film:

But unfortunately, the footage and sound quality aren’t that great. However, since our film company is based in San Francisco we wanted to ask if you’d be able to do a 15 minute interview about your experience.

Other people I’ve interviewed for the film include experts at the World Health Organization, the International Agency for Research on Cancer, Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, Congressman Dennis Kucinich, State Senators Mark Leno and Leland Yee, and several doctors and professors at Yale, Harvard, Stanford, UCLA, UCSF, UC Berkeley and USC.

Thank you very much for your time. We hope you will help us raise greater awareness about this important global issue.

Magida Ezzat
Magida Ezzat
12 years ago

Ok this really shouldnt be that hard…. Why don’t you just post the video on YouTube?! I do everything on my iPhone as I’m on the move a lot and hub is along me to pay while Hulu is asking me to sign up it’s just all too hard! Please Tim give us a simplified approach?!

Barnaby Alkire
Barnaby Alkire
12 years ago

OLAY! Comment 260!!!

Timothy Freaking Ferriss,

Hey man I know you are going to recieve this message for that is amazing with technology. Not be creepy or anything we are going to meet in person one day because well it is destiny. I have photos of Haiti I want to show you of a scrap I made in 2008. A lot of my friends died in the 2009 Earth quake. And why am I posting all this right now. Well, it’s because I look up to you. You’re pretty incredible human being I have to say and for that we are going to meet in person some how some way. I’ll pay a million dollars to do it, too.

I hope you get this message. 😀

Xiaoping Li
Xiaoping Li
12 years ago

Hi Tim:

I have a start-up business idea and look for your advice.

Kuali Financial Systems (KFS) is an open-source software for higher education, by higher education. So far about a few dozens of major universities in USA have implemented KFS. The cost of each implementation is ridiculously high, typically multiple millions of dollars. The implementation takes ridiculously long time, typically multiple years. Moreover, a significant maintenance cost each year will be incurred after implementation. With this “traditional” approach, small colleges would not afford to implement KFS. We are forming a start-up company using a cloud-based model to host KFS for small colleges with 3000 students or less. Our goal is to let small colleges own KFS with a very affordable flat annual fee, without ANY implementation and maintenance costs. With ~1500 such small colleges in USA, we plan to sign ~200 of them in 5 years.

Thank you.


East Lansing, Michigan

12 years ago

Thanks for the video! Love the short duration of the workout, I am going to have to try that one!

Bill Solano
Bill Solano
12 years ago


This is very interesting stuff. When is the new book coming out.



12 years ago

It’s always said that its not healthy to work out on a day that you have blood drawn. Did you consider that?

Dave D
Dave D
12 years ago

Hey Tim,

I have found both of your books very helpful. What do you think about the 4 hour work day. Many people in today’s society cant swing the 4 hour work week but I personally am working toward my 4 hour workday and think more people would be able to adapt to that scenario. I would love to share more but would prefer to do so on a different platform. Let me know what you think!

Be Great,

Dave D.

Jason Frazier
Jason Frazier
12 years ago

I really enjoyed the SXSW panel, especially your portion. Tony Conrad mentioned that you sent him an advisor contract that he now uses for all of his new advisors. Is there a template that you can possibly share? This would be a huge help for my company. Thank you for your time.

Chris Odell
Chris Odell
12 years ago


Would love to seek your advice for Datsusara. I think you know what we are about and as for stats I’ll say that in the first year I finally started doing it full time (2011), we did 200K+ in sales. I think we can do better if we expand.

As for what you would get besides some $ for the trouble, maybe we can design a backpack you’ll use again 😉

Oh and I’m going down to the Shark Tank casting call next week so it might be timely to speak with you.

GV# 831-222-0023


John Rarity
John Rarity
12 years ago

Hi Tim, how about hiking a portion of the Pacific Crest Trail with me for a fundraiser for the Pacific Crest Trail Association and the National Wildlife Federation?

Each mile you hike helps raise critical funds for trail maintenance and wilderness preservation.

Oh, and my goal is to cover the 2,650 mile journey in less than 90 days – not the record – but among the top three. Been using some of your Brian McKenzie material to prep! And successfully adapted your tips for gaining mass with a 45 lb kettle bell…

I have a couple of startups, EcoBeachHotels which led to GoStayPlay and just indie pubbed my first eBook, Working Beach Bum, last year.

I first ran across your title, 4HWW, through Mark Divine of SEALFIT,my coach and who I’m helping edit his second edition of 8 Weeks to SEALFIT. Also trained with Joe Stumpf there, a friend through my development of GSP.

Let’s hike together, Tim! I’ll be heading south from Canada to Mexico, leaving late July.



12 years ago


Are you a new Facebook multi-millionaire now from your investments in Facebook.

12 years ago

I really enjoyed watching the Ferris episode of A Day in The Life. What struck me watching TF’s day was that it was the day of someone young w/o kids. It made me think that I do indeed have some strikes against me when it comes to following the diet. I’ve recently completed my first year following the 4HB as a mother of two young kids. And don’t get me wrong–I am so grateful to have found the 4HB. It is the only *easy* diet I’ve ever followed. I’m super grateful to TF for his lovely gift to this world of ours where 1/3 of Americans are obese. But….I would love to know how other really busy moms make the 4HB work well in an integrated way (like, how to you cook for yourself and your kids/family so you can eat together?). I think the diet is great, very healthy and something one can follow for life. However, the combination of eating whatever I want once and week and eating foods that do not induce compulsive eating thoughout the rest of the week has resulted in my first experience — ever — of being really bored with food. There’s nothing I can’t have in excess (once a week) and nothing I really look forward to day-to-day. I find myself having to remember to eat (never experienced this in my life) and just wishing I could take a pill to fill up and feel healthy. If I follow the diet strictly (beans/protein/greens) for a whole week I become extremely hungry (w/o any real desire for actual food…very odd) and no amount of the 4HB foods will fill me upfor more than 45 minutes no matter how much I eat. Because my everyday is so harried and because I absolutely *cannot* be hungry (I would then be way too mean to my beloved children) I often eat a handful of nuts and that’s it. The nuts make me feel great, get rid of my hunger, and are incredibly easy. I don’t keep them in the house though…I always buy my handfuls in bulk at the co-op down the street (lest I eat 10,000 calories in a day). The bad news is I have plateaued and never lose weight. The good news is that I feel great, I’m never hungry, food is fun (one day a week). Also, I’m not worried about slowly gaining back a lot of weight (a real risk with Weight Watchers) since I don’t struggle too much to maintain my weight. I wonder if there might be a way to eat just one meal a day using nuts for the rest of the day? If I could get away with being that lazy about food, I would be so happy. I wish I’d found the diet before having kids since I feel I would have been able to really do it right back then. But, then again, I will probably be able to do it right a few years down the road when both kids are out of their toddler years.

12 years ago
Reply to  Alice

Hi Alice,

I wanted to respond you your comment, since I share in your challenge in eating slow carb while keeping a family with 2 kids happy!

I’ve been eating the slow carb way for 2 yrs now. My husband converted to similar way (primal diet) of eating a year ago, which made things A LOT easier when cooking for my family (he has a 6-pack for the first time in his life, that’s the motivator for him). So…

STEP 1: Convert hubby to your way of eating (if possible)

STEP 2: Buy a crock pot if you don’t have one. Life saver for a mom. Throw some meat, veggies and sauce together (takes about 15 minutes to prep and dinner cooks while you go about your day! Some great quick combos:

1) chicken (cut into large chunks)+potatoes+chicken stock (make sure it’s a good kind without garbage ingredients)+lemon juice+some herbs

2) pork stew meat + marinara sauce (again watch out for crap ingredients like corn syrup)+cauliflower+carrots (thick cut)

3) try your own combinations of meat+veggy+spice – you’ll eventually find something that you (and kids) love and look forward to eating!

As far as getting bored with the slow carb food – you might want to try and experiment with different foods…What do you really look forward to on your off days?

If its salty stuff like chips/popcorn/pizza it might be because your not getting enough protein… sometimes craving salt actually means that you’re need more protein. You might try prosciutto meat, smoked salmon or sushi- I really look forward to those foods and they don’t break 4HB rules!

If you look forward to ice-cream/cake and other sweets on your off days (especially if you’re used to things w high fructose corn syrup) it might be a while until you “build up” your taste and start really enjoying things that are not overly sweet… some suggestions that work for me – dark chocolate (start with 65% dark or less if you hate it) and Banana Ice Cream – cut up 2 bananas and freeze them. After they’re frozen, but them into food processor with a splash of 100% vanilla. Blend until bananas start getting a soft serve ice cream consistency – stop food processor an enjoy!

Hope this helps and best of luck!

12 years ago

I’m not sure if Maneesh has mentioned it to you yet (I ran into him in Medellin recently) but I’ve got an odd-ball company MyFreeImplants.com that is already profitable (over $1.5M in revenue yearly). In short it is: crowdsourced fundraising for breast augmentations.

Now, I’m sure that’s not something you would want to get involved in, nor am I seeking to work with you on THAT particular project. It’s just an example of finding a niche, marketing the hell out of it, and gaining your freedom from the 9-5.

After watching the ADITL video above it only further solidified the fact that for me that you’re a great inspiration. I too share that exact same passion of advising startups and seeing them grow and succeed. It’s so invigorating! Yet, I still have that constant chatter in my mind for new and exciting biz ideas and it’s hard not to follow my heart and constantly want to build useful services to make peoples lives easier.

I’m currently on a cross country (and Canada) road trip after downsizing my personal belongings to only things that would fit in a small RV! But if you’re up for it, I’d love to meet up with you somewhere in the world! Holler. 🙂

12 years ago


Word on the street is you made around 2.5 million off the Facebook IPO today from your investments in the company….Nice.

12 years ago


What’s been your experience with Cissus Quadrangularis? Have you added this to your PAGG?




Craig Smith
Craig Smith
12 years ago

Aw the day in the life of Tim. Pretty normal life, right? 😛

So I think the next random show should be a day in the life of Kevin. What do you think?

Rick Evans
Rick Evans
12 years ago


I convinced my Mom to try the slow carb diet. Today is day 7, her first cheat day. She sent me a text this morning “I only took my waist measurement and weight when I started. 6 pounds lost. A full inch off my waist. How can that be? Is it for real?”

About 20 minutes later she texts me again..

“I just ate an entire bag of peprige farms Milano cookies. They tasted great and I just ate one after the other while I was reading. Now I feel terrible. I have an horrible head ache. I think I’m done with sugar for the day”

Michael Belk
Michael Belk
12 years ago

Your life looks pretty cool from here. Thanks for sharing. It looks like you are having fun?

David Campbell
David Campbell
12 years ago


I was wondering what sort of meditation you do?


Stan Berkow
Stan Berkow
12 years ago

Hi Tim,

Building an online platform that allows people to create and run social/interactive experiments geared towards helping individuals understand how best to be healthier. We’re crowd sourcing self-experimentation.

Releasing a beta in late June/early July.

Have funding to take us through 2012.

Based on the 4 hour body, would love to get into our platform’s specifics and get input as we finish beta dev.



12 years ago

Hello Tim, I admire what you have done with your life, glad I found your blog. I love that you are wiling to challenge the status quo not just for the sake, your life speaks for you.

As I’m based in UK I’m unable to stream some of the video’s is there a solution to this so we can enjoy more of your blog?

Many thanks


12 years ago

Hi Tim,

My company is a tool to make shopping online easier. The system combines financial and statistical concepts to allows for a more efficient and satisfying shopping experience. We use formulas to make decisions that will maximize satisfaction and minimize the cost to you for that satisfaction level.

It assigns a value to each product. The value is based on the products important features. This allows for you to be able to search products based on what the product is truly worth. A score is assigned and the system points out inefficiencies in price.

Thanks for your consideration.


Patricia Eastman
Patricia Eastman
12 years ago

Hi Tim,

I am working on a product that was developed by a mindbody integration expert. It is a completely nutritionally balanced rice protien smoothie. I would like to launch this product with the purpose of providing nutritional counceling, as well a creating something that could solve world hunger and be afforable at the same time. I am planning a trip to San Francisco next week and would love to discuss with you more about my ideas. My long-term goal is to create a series of companies that are focused on spreading health and prosperity to the world. I truely admire what you have done with the 4HWW and would love to have you involved in some aspect.


Steve Dempsey
Steve Dempsey
12 years ago

Hi Tim’s Blog Reading VA,

I’m sure you’re busy, so I’ll be brief. My small team and I have spent the last six months developing a system to sell our invention. From the beginning, we have focused on elimination and automation: Tim’s principles have been critical to our development.

We’re based in Dogpatch (SF) and invented the first luxury brand of designer bottle opener sunglasses, with or first sales starting this week. We were going to call them crackheads, but our A/B testing told us to stay away from drug references in the name.

If anything piques your interest, drop us a line.

12 years ago

Tim, I did my first blood draw yesterday testing for the following: DHEA, TSH (Thyroid), Estradiol, PSA (Prostate-specific Antigen), Triiodothyronine, Testosterone, Pregnenolone, DHT and CBC Profile. Basically hormone levels.

If you happen to see this and have some other blood tests you can recommend that are important I would appreciate it.

Take care.

Greg Jeffries
Greg Jeffries
11 years ago

Hi Tim,

So, let me start by saying 4-Hour Workweek changed my life. I’m sure most people that have read it would also agree…because it completely reframed my mind and how I could achieve what I’ve always wanted. I also really appreciate how you share in the book your actual resources you use, not many other self-help type books do that. They just give you a bunch of well written phrases that build you up, and 300+ pages left you have nothing you can actually go out and apply.

But just now, watching your video something clicked. I thing one reason I’m drawn to you is we’re a lot alike. With each of your books you’re conquering a portion of people’s lifestyle and is kind of leaving the next generation a solid plan to dominate life…and that’s exactly what I want to give back as well. Our children shouldn’t have to reinvent the wheel.

I have a similar vision. I consider it my life goal. I have many dreams, goals and visions, but I think at some point people who realized that it’s much better and awesome to give than receive have a huge goal that they want to achieve, something that they want to leave behind. For me it’s a learning center that teaches and gives access to everyone who wants to be helped the opportunity and knowledge to absolutely excel at life.

It makes sense in my mind but it’s a little hard for me to describe, but here’s a little something. So, first, I love learning, so there is going to be a massive library in this learning center. I went to public schools and we had required reading, which I hated because I didn’t see how this related to my everyday life. We learned about subjects which most of us will never use, so that discouraged learning and especially reading, until a few years after when I was in college, when I came to the realization that I need to teach myself the things I want to know if I want to get ahead in life. I want to encourage children and everyone that learning and reading is awesome and can be fun because you’re growing and developing yourself.

In the center I want children to be exposed to multiple languages, so they can become fluent and more valuable when going to other countries, etc. I want them to learn how to cook amazingly, maybe have some of the grandmothers in the community share their secrets that might not get passed down otherwise. I want there to be personal finance classes, and education on taxes, etc. because in most schools they never teach anything on these subjects. They just throw you out in life and you’re screwed. You have to learn through the school of hard knocks. I want their to be survival classes just in case people are ever in that situation – and who doesn’t want to be a little like MacGyver?

I want there to be a course on eating and healing your body naturally like with the Gerson Therapy. An exercise class, where you learn about your body and how to get and stay in optimal shape. And I would love for the center to funded completely by the community. For instance, the power could be supplied for free by the local power company, the water free by the city, maybe the architectural and engineering by a local business or company who wants to give back, etc.

I know it’s a ridiculous dream. I’m going to start small, but I will accomplish it. If you’re interested in this idea or have any input, definitely let me know. It would be sweet if you were some kind of a partner or advisor. I don’t have a way to contact you other than leaving this comment, so hopefully you’ll see it.

If not, that’s cool too. Really appreciate your efforts in helping others by the experiments and testing you do. Out of the people in the world I’d love to meet in my lifetime, which I can count on one hand, you’re definitely one.

Thanks for another awesome post.

Ann Walker
Ann Walker
11 years ago

Okay, first, I would find a way to meet you on the moon, if it gave me the opportunity to bounce an idea off you! Out of total frustration for the mind numbing amount of time it takes to edit and label and share digital pictures and preserve them, I have crafted a superior way of doing so by stealing all the best features from photo sites, blogs, and apps. I do not have a physical or digital product, only an architectural layout of how it would operate. It took a long time to piece together what I have, even though it may not sound like much, I know it would be useful. “Each day acquire something that will fortify you against poverty, against death, indeed against other misfortunes as well; and after you have run over many thoughts, select one to be thoroughly digested that day” ? Seneca, Letters from a Stoic ( I hope your thought is, “Wow, I need to contact her.” 🙂

Fred Dempster
Fred Dempster
11 years ago

So the gun… what is it? have a friend looking on cheaperthandirt for it and not quite clear in the vid … if something for later, cool. okay .. thx

Raymond Macalino
Raymond Macalino
11 years ago

Found this article in a LinkedIn newsfeed today that I thought lends itself to the last part of your Day In The Life vid on how you use music to write.

Study of the Day: Why Crowded Coffee Shops Fire Up Your Creativity


11 years ago

Hy Tim:

I want to know if i can do the low carbs diet. I m a triathlette and i training a lot. Your diet is compatible with a hight training?. thank you very much. Receive a cordial greeting.

Isaac Tanner-Dempsey
Isaac Tanner-Dempsey
11 years ago

I know everyone’s wondering what your are working on it would be awesome to hear about it I see in your introduction your have a passion for learning languages have you tryied using this service http://duolingo.com/ it’s meant to be quite powerful and it’s free. I would like know how you go about learning a new language

Corinne Price
Corinne Price
11 years ago

Dear Tim,

I’ve been following the 4-hour body diet for a month now (June 7th to July 7th) and I’ve only lost a few pounds or so and maybe half an inch, although I can wear some clothes again that I had previously outgrown, which is good.

Still, I’m pretty discouraged because I lost those pounds the first week, and after that, nothing. I reviewed the “common mistakes” section and increased my morning eggs from 2 to 3 last week, but it didn’t help.

I am grateful I’ve stopped gaining, since I had been steadily gaining since menopause 3 years ago, even though I wasn’t eating more or differently. I had always been fairly slender before that, but no more.

I really need to lose another 20 pounds. I find this diet to be awfully hard, and despite eating until I feel full at each meal, I feel awful on it most of the time, which I attribute to withdrawal from chocolate. I only feel more or less okay on binge days, when I indulge my chocoholism with about 2 oz. of 70% chocolate and eat lots of fruit.

Do you know if this diet has worked for other post-menopausal women?

I’ve been keeping a food diary. If you (or someone else who is knowledgeable) could review it and make suggestions, that might help. Any ideas?


Corinne Price

Corinne Price
Corinne Price
11 years ago


One more thing: I just read through all the previous posts and came across a description of exactly what I mean when I say I feel awful all the time on this diet even though I eat until I feel full. Alice wrote, “If I follow the diet strictly (beans/protein/greens) for a whole week I become extremely hungry (w/o any real desire for actual food…very odd) and no amount of the 4HB foods will fill me up for more than 45 minutes no matter how much I eat.”

I’m glad to find out I’m not alone in experiencing this, except that I actually wish no one had to experience it. Advice anyone?

Corinne Price

rob clemenz
rob clemenz
11 years ago

On my first visit, my new trainer recommended you and I have to say you have made Hurricane Isaac a Godsend. Who knew! Powerful stuff. Following you fo sho.

11 years ago

Hello Tim Ferriss,


We’re an entertaining YouTube channel that teaches men that you don’t have to be an asshole or George Clooney for girls to find you attractive. It’s working because in just one year we have over 300,000 YouTube subscribers, an active social media reach, and a subscription product which is set to make over $400,000 at the end of the year.

We would not only like to thank you personally (4HWW), but to also listen to us as our brand is spectacularly out-there, entertaining, unpredictable, tenacious, and as infiltrated a niche which is primarily exclusive to the general public (it took us a few years to study this market). We would fly to San Francisco or wherever he is for even as little as 30 minutes for a quick bite to eat.

Tell us a date, time, and location where we can meet with you: we’ll be there asap.

You are awesome for your patience and understanding!! Please do not hesitate to contact me at the e-mail I’ve provided.

Talk to you soon!



Andrew M.
Andrew M.
11 years ago

Hi Tim,

My team has developed a device for rifle shooters that provides objective feedback and insight into each shot.

Briefly, our device is like golf swing analysis but for rifle shooting. Instead of capturing movement data from your body, like in a golf swing, we capture data from your rifle and a downrange sensor when you shoot.

The device was built to make hunters, target shooters and military personnel better shooters. We saw the competition at the most recent Shot Show in Las Vegas and they don’t come close in functionality, practicality or cost.

The inventor has a PhD in Aerospace Engineering and, as a side business, runs a manufacturer and retailer of precision rifles. If you have Apple TV, our wireless guy is primarily responsible for building the remote. The rest of the team brings extensive military and technology experience.

Also, my apologies for the timing of this comment – seems I’m a little late to the party.



11 years ago

Hi Tim,

I’ve tried to view your video using Hotspot Shield first but Hulu tells me that I can’t view it because I’m using an anonymous proxy tool. How can I view it?



PS: I’m a fan!

Marcus J Freed
Marcus J Freed
11 years ago

Tim – great programme. Thank you for sharing your process. I’d **love** to hear more about your process of learning – perhaps you could do a blog post on it soon? Whether it is learning a new language, a new skill or otherwise – great to hear how you do it.

Do you have a shorter path than Malcolm Gladwell’s 10,000 hours to excellence?

Christian Selvaratnam
Christian Selvaratnam
11 years ago

Hi Tim, what sunglasses are you wearing in the film? Thanks.

11 years ago

The sunglasses appear to be Clic Magnetic Sunglasses, but I could be wrong.

Derek Keepers
Derek Keepers
11 years ago

Hey Tim. Wasn’t sure where to put this, but I know you get a lot of questions about doing The Four Hour Relationship. I agree with your response in that some things should not be optimized. However, I read John Gottman’s Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work (no affiliation) and it is packed with 80/20 stuff for relationships. Perhaps you could point people in that direction. it worked for Kel and me.

J D Ellis
J D Ellis
11 years ago

Recently saw “a day in the life” and it was excellent to see a typical day. Quick question, I noticed your new “MED” of strength/fitness was a partial dead lift. I love to use partials, can pull lots of weight, build toughness, etc.

Any chance I can get you to elaborate on why/how etc?

11 years ago

Dear Tim, could you kindly consider uploading this and other videos in a way that fans like me who are outside of the USA can view them, please? Thank you in advance ! (FYI. I live in Paris, France)

11 years ago

Tim, maybe you can update the post so that this Vimeo video is embedded in the post. All the best.

Ron Hori
Ron Hori
11 years ago

Love the content.

Hate the commercials.


Louise F Montgomery
Louise F Montgomery
11 years ago

I want the Wellness minutes…the linked page (copied text below) leads to a promo page that says this deal is closed.

WellnessFX Competition – Would you like to spend 30 minutes with me? I’d love to learn what you’re up to and see if I can help. WellnessFX, featured in the above episode, is sponsoring a giveaway for six 30-minute slots. Click here to learn more.

paki maganu
paki maganu
10 years ago

If so, watch the “Advise This!”

Josephina Blesofsky
Josephina Blesofsky
10 years ago

Argh… Its not it’s.|

Victor Miron
Victor Miron
10 years ago

I know you like personal assistants. I’m building appFavorit.es, personal assistant for personal relationships. Would you be our advisor? https://angel.co/appfavorit-es

9 years ago

Hey man,

I, from India, can’t watch the video. It says “it can only be streamed within the United states.” Is there any way I can watch this video?

Josh Ludin
Josh Ludin
9 years ago

Hey Tim – I’ve actually come across Quarterly.co numerous times. I’m also in the subcomm space and would love to connect and share ideas. I’m thinking about putting together a detailed eCourse on building subcomm businesses, and would love to bounce a couple ideas off you!

Pari patel
Pari patel
9 years ago

Amazing Video.

8 years ago

2015, only streaming in the US is like… only available on AOL…wtf, youtube anyone?

8 years ago

My friends have created an innovative and practical app and have over 350k free users to date. They have a strong monetization model. They’ve won several competitions and awards for tech/innovation. Still taking investors, afaik. Co-founder has very strong track record with startups. I’m happy to connect you if of interest. Sully

8 years ago

Video Can be only streamed in the US.

That’s so unfortunate for the other people who do not live in the US like myself …

Can you do something about this Tim ?

Joel Semeniuk
Joel Semeniuk
7 years ago

Tim – your video seems only stream-able in the United States.. not happiness.

7 years ago

Episode “Tim Ferriss a day at the range”. Shame he didn’t see his student closing one eye to fire at the target. That’s what not to do. If your cross eye dominate, you need to learn the technique to keep both eyes open for increased field of vision and successfully hit your target.

4 years ago

Hey Tim, absolutely loved the 4 hour work week. It’s helped me focus on building my artificial grass installation company tremendously. Feel free to check it out if you’d like. [Moderator: link removed.]

My next question is how do I scale this the right way? I’m looking to double the about of employees as I have the work and reputation to do so. We are by far the best artificial grass installation in Denver by far.