Opening the Kimono® Event

(Photo: E. Murray)

The most frequent question I get is:

“How did you hit #1 on The New York Times bestseller list?”

Historically, I’ve answered with “That’s a long, long story.” If pressed further, I would explain that I couldn’t go into the details until I hit #1 a second time. Alas, in publishing and in life: once you’re lucky, twice you’re good.

Now, I can finally share the inside baseball of all I’ve learned (and witnessed) over the last five years.

For the first time, I’ll be deconstructing the biggest hits in publishing, including the preparation and execution of launches for my two books, both of which hit #1 New York Times:

The 4-Hour Workweek… (published April 2007)

#1 New York Times, #1 Wall Street Journal, #1 BusinessWeek

Called “The most surprising self-help hit of the decade” by Men’s Journal

More than 1,000,000 hardcovers sold in the US alone

Nearly four years unbroken on the New York Times Business Bestseller List

Sold in 35 languages, 60+ printings

An Amazon Top-10 Reader Favorite of 2007

AdAge “Best Product Launch for 2007”

Digital sales: 4.8% of total units

Advance paid: < $100,000 (signed before publication)

The media were kind in 2007, with quotes like “best self-promoter of all time” (Wired) and “branding wunderkind” (FastCompany).

But it wasn’t me. Not at all. It was due to process. To wit, the 2010 release of The 4-Hour Body:

The 4-Hour Body… (published December 2010)

Instant #1 New York Times Bestseller, #1 six out of the first eight weeks

Nearly 500,000 books sold in the first four months

Selling at FIVE times the rate of The 4-Hour Workweek

The #1 most-highlighted book of all time on Amazon (screenshot here)

[Note: The 4-Hour Workweek is currently #5, just below the Bible]

First business author to jump non-fiction categories and create another instant #1 hit

Digital sales: 30% of total units, 90%+ of which is Kindle

Advance paid (largely based on the proposal’s marketing plan): $2,000,000+

For the first time, I’m going to explain how my team did it all, ranging from flexible first principles and guidelines, to trench warfare and exact wording in pitches and partnership proposals.

It will be covered in a single seminar —


Repeat Engineering of #1 — The Future of Book and Content Marketing

Dates: August 19 – 21, 2011

Location: California wine country, confidential retreat location. Details sent upon sign-up.

Available spots: Limited to 200 people.

Policies: No media coverage, no Twitter, Facebook, or other coverage of the event, and no recording whatsoever.

Who is it for?

Authors — Increase both advances and bestseller probabilities

Publishers/Agencies — Know which authors to bet on, sign bigger authors or win auctions, and increase your homerun ratio

PR/Marketing Professionals — Attract and retain the best clients who believe digital execution is the future

Anyone who wants to compete with (and learn from) the newest generations of whiz kids, rather than be defeated by them.

This seminar is not about buying your way onto the lists or the latest social media fads, though we’ll explain how people do the former. This seminar is a roadmap for the rarest of recipes: a repeatable and ethical content-creation and launch process that will put your product at the top and keep it at the top.

In sum: We’ll cover all of the most important lessons I’ve learned (and witnessed) over the last five years — and discover how to find elegance in the chaos.

The experience will include exact details of:

  • Building marketing into content creation, and the value of working backwards
  • First principles and overarching strategies in a digital world: the core of testing
  • Timing of PR and phased outreach — exact calendars and e-mails
  • How to build a high-traffic blog in minimal time, plus fatal mistakes
  • Borrowing approaches from movies, and the art of the calculated tease
  • How and when to use pre-sales (almost no one gets this right)
  • Tools and tricks for project management without micro-management
  • Secrets of the “Lean Launch” model
  • Review copies and advanced copies — viral approaches
  • Uses and misuses of Twitter and Facebook (I’m an investor in both)
  • How to test high-leverage contrarian approaches without betting the farm
  • How to combine offline with online, and when not to
  • Dozens of real-world case studies
  • Special guests seldom or never seen in the book world
  • Much, much more…

It will also include fine wine, extensive Q&A opportunities to address your specific situations/challenges, high-level networking, and, of course, the beauty and wonder of wine country.

Once this event is sold-out, it is sold-out.

Cost: $10,000

Just like TED and similar high-end events, flights and hotel are not included, but numerous surprise goodies will be provided on-site.


To sign-up for one of the 200 spots, please fill out this form. If you are new to this blog and are wondering — who the hell is this guy? — here is a short bio.

I look forward to meeting you and sharing a glass of Malbec. This will be an event to remember.


The Tim Ferriss Show is one of the most popular podcasts in the world with more than one billion downloads. It has been selected for "Best of Apple Podcasts" three times, it is often the #1 interview podcast across all of Apple Podcasts, and it's been ranked #1 out of 400,000+ podcasts on many occasions. To listen to any of the past episodes for free, check out this page.

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Comment Rules: Remember what Fonzie was like? Cool. That’s how we’re gonna be — cool. Critical is fine, but if you’re rude, we’ll delete your stuff. Please do not put your URL in the comment text and please use your PERSONAL name or initials and not your business name, as the latter comes off like spam. Have fun and thanks for adding to the conversation! (Thanks to Brian Oberkirch for the inspiration.)

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Jason Soll
Jason Soll
13 years ago


Any student discounts? Either way, this sounds very interesting. Any chance the content from the event will make it on to your blog?



Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
13 years ago
Reply to  Jason Soll

Hi Jason,

Thanks for the comment. No student discounts this time around, but I appreciate the ask. There are no plans for this seminar’s content to be put on the blog, primarily because the content is a huge competitive advantage. I’m happy to share with a few qualified people willing to agree to not publicizing/sharing the event’s content, but I’m not quite ready to put it out to the world online.

Again, appreciate the ask — gotta do it 🙂

All the best,


13 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

is there anything you need at the seminar that I could possibly bring/give/find/research/ etc that would enable me a discount? I’m at med school right now and writing a bestseller is one of my long term goals and this seems like a once in a lifetime seminar. Alas, I’m in debt up to my eyeballs so I can’t afford that price tag.

Andrew Hill
Andrew Hill
13 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

Jason beat me to the question, go figure.

Tim, would you ever be interested in speaking to College Students in general at a reduced rate than your normal? I’m going to be the President of the Entrepreneurship Club at ASU starting next semester and would really love to have you, and what bigger stage for speaking to students is there than ASU? With that said, the club doesn’t have six figures to pay you so if you do student discounts at all let me know,



13 years ago

Great post Tim and thanks for sharing the metrics. I cannot attend the event sadly but keep up the great work!

Stephen Wise
Stephen Wise
13 years ago

“Once you’re lucky, twice you’re good.” ~ Congrats on becoming more than lucky!

David Kurkov
David Kurkov
13 years ago

Why start charging for information now when you never did before? Just a thought.

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
13 years ago
Reply to  David Kurkov

I charge when it’s worth it, but you’ll notice 300+ free blog posts. The seminar will only be worth it for a small subset of people, but for this minority, the price tag will be a small % of the results that follow.

Hope that helps,


13 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

1. I guess the question is not fair. Tim charges for information for a long time now. As in, the books are sold for money.

2. It’s really hard for me to understand the success of the second book. Only way I can understand it, is that you penetrated a completely different market and crowd. I’m one of the millions that purchased a hard cover of 4hww, and can say that the book is a life changer. A corporate guy for many years (still am), I am now working on a muse. What the book did, was to unveil a complete universe of tools, people and concepts I was never aware of.

The new book however, does not fill that specific painful gap in MY life (which probably makes its success more impressive).


13 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

just a thought, you don’t need the money – why not make it competitive, meritocracy style

13 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

Any chance the your next book willl be how to write and promote a book- containing content from this seminar? Just a thought.

13 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

A mental version of the 4 hour body would be better, i.e. a book that describes how to boost our brain in the same way as the 4 hour body describes how to boost our body.

David Kurkov
David Kurkov
12 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

Hi Tim,

I definitely understand now about the price. Thank you for all your blog posts (they have helped me in more ways than I can count) and thank you for your answer. I look forward to meeting you in the near future. Martial art fight in Moscow?


Lewis Howes
Lewis Howes
13 years ago

This sounds like a one time opportunity really and if anyone is thinking about coming out with a best seller (or wants to) then they would be silly not to attend this event.

13 years ago
Reply to  Lewis Howes

I agree.

12 years ago
Reply to  Lewis Howes

I agree! Soooo worth it!

David Kurkov
David Kurkov
13 years ago

btw. the reason I ask about charging now, is cause I’m 17 and really can’t afford it yet. Wish I could, I really am learning and want to learn from you. Anyway, Best of wishes!

Patrick Hitches
Patrick Hitches
13 years ago

Wow! I would love to come my man, but the 8K is a little steep for me at this time. I am sure there are plenty here who will fill the slots VERY quickly! I’m sure it’ll be a blast and well worth every penny.

If you read this and decide to have a “1 free slot competition” of some sort, I would love to partake in that :).

Keep rocking it my man,

Patrick Hitches

Chuck Rylant
Chuck Rylant
13 years ago

I’m just about to finish and launch my first book. The timing couldn’t be more perfect. I look forward to it

Nate Hutchison
Nate Hutchison
13 years ago

Dang. Wish I had $7000.

Tim, did you ever suffer from doubt? If you did, how did you get over it and proceed with action?

13 years ago
Reply to  Nate Hutchison

Its more than $7000, remember the hotel and the airfare is not covered…. More like a $12000 maybe. Tim would make a $2 million on this one.

But he has a solid head on his shoulders and probably wannabe best selling authors would benifit greatly from this event.

13 years ago

A gross of $1M – $2M for the weekend? Nicely done.

13 years ago
Reply to  John

Looks like he’ll be working only 2 hours a week after this event. Nice going Tim! 🙂

James St. James
James St. James
13 years ago
Reply to  AP

Hahaha. 2HWW – Nice job Tim. I’ve seen huge success following the free advice on the blog and in the 4HWW book. Principles are gold, but only if digested fully and integrated into your own approach.


13 years ago

How about a seminar on how to write a million+ dollar blog post? Wish I had the cash, I’m sure it would be worth it.

13 years ago

After you published the 4-Hour Body, I wondered what you would be doing next… And there it goes. Your ideas never stop, do they? 🙂

This is brilliant, Tim. You won’t let people stop talking about you, and that requires skills. As usual, bravo!

13 years ago

Sounds awesome. I now am frustrated more than ever that I’ve chosen a profession I love, but pays me pennies. I would give nearly anything to be able to afford this.

13 years ago
Reply to  Ian


Do you think the content in this seminar would be useful for people planning to launch a web or mobile app, or any other kind of product launch besides a book?

Or do you think the majority of the content is only valuable for book launches and could not be applied to launching, say, a mobile application or service.



Mike Roberts
Mike Roberts
13 years ago

Nice advance on the 2nd book, it’s wonderful to see hard work

pay off.

It makes me think of this quote “forget about the fruit and nurture the root”

it seems that most successful people in all walks of life, just take care of the most important steps and the “fruit” naturally grows. It’s nice to know that Any level of success can be easily replicated just by following simple steps.

Have a great event!


13 years ago
Reply to  Mike Roberts

I’m stealing that quote and putting on my monitor 🙂 Thanks Mike. And Thanks Tim for building such an awesome community!


13 years ago
Reply to  Sima

Ditto here. Amazing quote, Mike 🙂


13 years ago

Haha you’ve beaten the bible in the highlighted list… Awesome. You should consider starting your own religion Tim :p

But seriously congrats man! Keep going

Robert Longley
Robert Longley
13 years ago

I wish this is something I could realistically take advantage of. I can still appreciate this as a near perfect event offering. 7 figures, self qualifier due to price, virtually no investment risk or downside to organize, and doing something you would probably do without 200 people. Impressed as always.


13 years ago

I was guessing the price as I read down the post….

It suffices to say I was WAY OFF.

Sounds like a blast though.

13 years ago

Damnit Tim!

How about I trade you an advanced copy of my survival book this summer (promise it’s worth it )and an IOU for the $10K after publication? I’ve read 4HWW four times since picking it up in Feb and have purchased copies for the whole fam. Would give one a protuding body part to be there. Help a fellow Silicon Valley brotha’ out with an invite. Don’t make me start stalking wineries dressed up as a server! 🙂

13 years ago

Typo: Under PR/Marketing Professionals, you have the word “attract” with an extra “t”. 🙂 Wish I could shell out to make it. Don’t suppose this will be the subject of a giveaway?

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
13 years ago
Reply to  MsJ777

Fixed! Thank you, Ms. J. No giveaway planned at the moment, but you never know with me…

13 years ago

You should offer to go for free to a few young people – let them submit a paragraph on why it will change their life to attend or something like that.

That said, I can’t believe you’ll sell out – it’s just to pricey for what you’re pitching.

Finally, you should of course do it all in four hours, instead of three days.

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
13 years ago
Reply to  Randy

No selling out involved. Strict trade of value for goods. If I felt I could deliver $10,000 of value in 4 hours, I would shorten it, but there’s also the fun/networking/party aspect of this event which would be tough in one afternoon 🙂



13 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

I think he meant that he doesn’t think the event will sell out (that you won’t get 200 people to pay that much for it), not that you, Tim, are “selling out” for offering it.

-Marshall Jones Jr.

P. S. You could always condense everything into a 4-hour long DVD and sell that down the road. That’s an easy way to break into the movie industry… sorta. :>)

13 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss


I think Randy meant that he doesn’t think you’ll sell out all the slots – he wasn’t implying that you’re a sellout 🙂 So, hopefully there is “selling out” involved.

Best of luck.

P.S. Revenue and profit up 98% with 0 employees (and it’s fully scalable) using the principles in 4HWW. Gain 22 lbs and doubled strength in many lifts using kettlebells – all thanks to 4HB. Thanks for the inspiration!

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
13 years ago
Reply to  Zack

Congratulations, Zack! Those 4HWW and 4HB numbers are outstanding. Keep up the great work.

And, yes, one of the goals is absolutely “selling out” in that connotation 🙂


13 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

Errrr ……. “sell out” as in sell out event is what i took away, not “you’re a sellout SO…..”……

You must be thinking this is a fat loss post……….

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
13 years ago
Reply to  Roger

Haha… good point.

Tegan Haining
Tegan Haining
13 years ago

Wow…now this is something I wish I could attend…BUT unfortunately I live in Australia and won’t be able to make it there at that time…how would you feel about doing a seminar down here one day? Maybe you should come experience an australian summer and do a seminar here early next year!!! Yeeeehhh now that’s a great idea Tegan!!! ha ha

Guy Lawrence
Guy Lawrence
13 years ago
Reply to  Tegan Haining

I’m with you on that one Tegan… I have the pleasure of living on the east coast of Sydney, and it would be great to see you here at some stage Tim?

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
13 years ago
Reply to  Guy Lawrence

I LOVE Sydney. It could happen, for sure…

Andrew Roberts
Andrew Roberts
13 years ago
Reply to  Guy Lawrence

I would definitely go Tim if you do this in Australia. I would also love to know if there is a special for international attendees – as I would come to this if the investment was $7k including flights etc.

13 years ago
Reply to  Guy Lawrence

Looks like there’s some serious Sydney support. Let’s be fair – we’ve got some damn good venues for this too.

13 years ago
Reply to  Guy Lawrence

The Aussie dollar is strong at the moment. You could surely sell out here, Tim. Keep us posted.

13 years ago
Reply to  Tegan Haining

I would have to eat nicaraguan grass fed beef for 28 straight days to make that trip.

Matt Dorey
Matt Dorey
13 years ago

Just finished my book and am in the final stages of editing. Can’t wait to attend!!!!!!

Carmo Gomes
Carmo Gomes
13 years ago

So I have been doing your diet and while it is just the first week and I miss the bread and am looking for loopholes.

How is Socco on the diet ? It is made of Garbanzo bean flour and I use spray oil to cook. It does for my bread fix. I add some vegetables to it and pretend like I am eating pizza.

Carmo Gomes
Carmo Gomes
13 years ago
Reply to  Carmo Gomes

Sorry don’t want you going searching everywhere to what it here is a link

13 years ago

Dang 7 Gs? Well unless I can find 35 really desperate REALLY fat chicks w/$200 in the next 144 hours I guess I’m boned 😛

Sounds like a blast. Let us know if you decide to put a couple of those seats at the top of a $10-100 entry poker tourney or some such. Meanwhile have fun ruling the universe!

James Taylor
James Taylor
13 years ago

Huge fan Tim but I would have thought a win for you and an an exponential win for your audience would be presented at the end of this post.

I agree with a few of the posts above that there should be some sort of discount for students or even a chance to win a free pass for your loyal blog readers. What’s the extra 1 attendee that doesn’t shell out 7-10K when the other 200 are paying the hefty fee? Don’t get me wrong, I am sure the content is worth every penny, but can the rest of us get an opportunity to go even if the chances of winning a contests are slim?

This post just doesn’t seem consistent with the Tim we know.

13 years ago

You are absolutely brilliant. I’d happily pay if I could. I have learned more from your books and blogs than any other author. I wonder if I could ask on Donors Choose, project titled “new Career”. Keep it up…I can’t wait for your third bestseller!

13 years ago

I smell a new book in the works! I ‘m sure it will ge great!

13 years ago
Reply to  H.Ratteerree

be great!- Ha!- apparently I lose my ability to spell after a few glasses of wine! I blame you for telling me in 4HB to drink before bed! Drinking and then leaving comments is my fault.

13 years ago

I was like CaptiousNut … guessing the price all the way through … it’s actually much more reasonable than I thought! but I spent the $7K last week . . .

13 years ago

Tim, you are a genius and I appreciate what you’re doing. After the early adopters get a head start this will be a great dvd instructional course. Much success to you and everyone who signs on. If I had the money I would do it because, as you already know, you are a marketing god!

13 years ago

Brilliant! Wish I could attend, as I do with most of your events. Shame on me for not having worked hard enough thus far to afford the trip. I’m sure the content will be worth way more than the price.

Cheers, mate. I’m sure we’ll get together and enjoy Malbec another day. 🙂

Best Regards,


13 years ago


“appreciate the ask”

totally! My friend Paul Constante was just telling about how his son is in a band, and he asked for advice on Niki six’s facebook page, and Niki responded saying “go on kickstarter’ and he did, and because of Niki’s comment, they got all this traffic and got funded.

Henry Vargas
Henry Vargas
13 years ago

Hey Tim. Thanks for this opportunity. Even though I don’t have the money to make it yet, I am going to make it a goal to come up with the money before it’s sold out (because I am sure that it will sell out).

I’m going to shoot to make the $7K this week, but even if I have to come up with the $10K (if it’s not sold out by then), then I will. So looking forward to meeting you and am sure that it’ll be a life changing event for all who attend.

Thanks for the books by the way.

13 years ago

Submitted application…thanks for the opportunity to “try out.”

Ann Marie
Ann Marie
13 years ago

I have submitted my application. Fingers crossed, pins and needles!

It’s funny because just last week I was talking about how brands (and particularly bloggers/authors/personalities) can — and should — scale across multiple price points. I said, “For example, I would sign up for anything Tim Ferriss does.” I think so many people miss out on upselling. When we love you, we love you, and we want more.

Thanks, Tim, for the work that you do. You’ve already improved my life massively several times over. And I’ve only been reading your books since December. Looking forward to more.

13 years ago

Awesome! Such a great idea. I’m on the edge of my seat for your next bestseller!

David Adams
David Adams
13 years ago

Well wishes on the session, Tim.

I would like to be there, but best thing I can do is the preparation to be ready that the next opportunity like this appears. That I wasn’t ready when this one did is evidence one that I need to do a better job implementing what I already should have learned!


13 years ago

Wow! This so exciting!

Even though I will be unable to attend…I’m not yet ready Somehow it still makes me feel giddy with joy for your “15 minutes of fame.”.

May you continue to ride it hard, and leave a blaze of true glory!

13 years ago

Hi Tim,

I had an inspiration to let you know that there is a cryosauna in los gatos ca, knowing you are from the bay area and knowing how much you dig cold water. This is colder, -130 degrees celsius, -202 degrees fahrenheit. Have you heard about it?

Hasani X
Hasani X
13 years ago

Sounds good, I look forward to scrapping the money together. I may have to sleep at motel 6, but should be worth it.

13 years ago

I do believe I smell Parkinson’s law with the price gradient there :). $10,000 is such a stupid price, but what’s even crazier is that, without a doubt, those spots will be GONE-very, very soon.

You’ve made yourself quite a valuable guy. It easy to find someone who is the very best in their field, however it’s increasingly rare to find someone who is an expert in such a diverse spectrum of sometimes seemingly unrelated (all very interesting) fields. You’ve certainly got some time on your hands Tim, and for that, I envy you.

Keep up the good work.


Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
13 years ago
Reply to  Chase

Thank you for the very kind words, Chase 🙂

13 years ago

Hi Tim,

Sounds really interesting, but about the:

“Policies: …and no recording whatsoever.”

Maybe I’m nitpicking but can you have your journal/laptop there to make notes? Haven’t hacked my memory yet.

Best, Rob

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
13 years ago
Reply to  Rob

Hi Rob,

Note-taking is totally fine, but sharing those notes online later is not. Likewise, sharing with a small internal team at your company is fine, but repurposing the material online or elsewhere in the public (or for commercial purposes) is not. There will be an NDA to cover for the latter.

Hope that helps!


Olivier Roland
Olivier Roland
13 years ago

Application filled. Thanks for the opportunity, I was wondering for years why you didn’t do seminars or others form of courses as it’s obvious you have a great list of potential hungry customers 😉 .

Yes, it’s not 4HWW, but doing a seminar is fun and exciting, isn’t it ?

David Sohn
David Sohn
13 years ago

Hi Tim,

First of all, thank you very much for writing a such a incredible book.

I am a person who is in desperate need of getting biopuncture due to my chronic muscle injury from a car accident from almost 6 years ago. I am having a pain pretty much everyday on my shoulder muscles, and started having sever muscle imbalances. I got to know about biopuncture from your book and I really do believe it will help me a lot.

The problem is that I can not find someone who does bio puncture practice in Chicago Illinois. I have called Chiro Medical Group in California to see if I can get any help, but because it has to be a serious of injection over couple weeks, they did not recommend me flying out to Cali just for the treatment but suggested to find someone in Illinois who does the practice.

I did internet search and found one person who practice biopuncture in Peoria, IL, but I am not sure if it’s going to be exactly the same treatment as the one in SF, Cali. I could not find anyone in Chicago area.

I live in a city called Champaign, 2~3 hour drive from Chicago, but I am willing to make my trip to the doctor’s office only if I can find one that does the reliable and proper biopuncture.

Could you help me out with finding a place where I could get the treatment please?

I would greatly appreciate it if you would.

Thank you very much.

Thank you.

13 years ago

Wish I could afford this seminar. Is there any chance you could one day write a post about breaking into a franchise? What I mean by that is; there’s a franchise I really wanna get in to; but, the requirements are $750K net worth and I think $200K liquid and some experience owning and running the same kind of business, but I don’t meet those requirements but know I would do great. Would you happen to have any advice for a beginner or are there people out there that council on these topics?

13 years ago

Tim, i realize this comment does not relate to this article, but since it’s your most recent i think i’ll have a better chance of getting your attention. I usually hate when people are dumb about asking you questions, but i really want this problem to be solved.

I have been slow carb since january third, and i’ve lost 28 lbs. My girlfriend wanted to try it, and has been on it for three months as well. the only problem with that is that she hasn’t lost any weight. she started out at 5’0″ 112lbs with 30% body fat on an omron BI scale. (i know they’re not the most accurate, but it’s the best we can do) she’s been doing it all this time using unflavored isopure for breakfast because she hates eggs. she’ll sometimes add some sausage with the breakfast. her lunch will be a dennisons 97% fat free chili, or a tasty bite madras lentils, or the beef broccoli that you posted. she gets a lot of the food she eats from what i eat, so neither of us understands why she hasn’t been losing weight like i have. in the past two or three weeks she has been drinking more water, and she still says it isn’t helping. her lack of progress is discouraging her, and i dont’ know how to help. she doesn’t see results, and is deciding to give it two more weeks, and if it doesn’t work, she says she’ll stop. i thoght at first it might be because she didn’t have much weight TO lose, but now i just don’t have any answers.

I sincerely hope you can help me out, as i know what you’re saying works, and i think you could help us out.

also, i extend an invitation to others to help me out if possible. the forums up online for the diet are questionable at best.

Thank you Tim, and fellow readers. I hope you decide to answer me, if not, i understand.

13 years ago
Reply to  Ryan


Don’t worry about what the scale says. Measurements are a much better indicator. For simplicity’s sake, measuring her circumference around the navel is a fairly good indicator of body fat.

You said she is using isopure for breakfast (it would really be best to see 2+ days of her diet to check adherence). Whey isolate is around 130 calories – I presume she’s drinking this in water, not in milk, as milk isn’t allowed. 130 calories for breakfast is insufficient and I suspect that this will slow down her metabolism for the day – she needs to eat a more substantial and balanced breakfast, including protein (25-30 grams), carbs (from beans), and fat (from the protein source or add fish oil). Without seeing more about her diet, it’s tough to comment further.

A few points to reiterate from the book: no bread, rice (including brown), cereal, pasta, tortillas, fried food with breading, quinoa, yams, potatoes, dairy (including cheese, butter, and yogurt of any kind), no artificial sweeteners. Eat a lot of veggies.

If you review her diet and she is following it exactly, I would explore exercise next. I would recommend the speed walking that Tim outlines in Effortless Superhuman. Walk 7.5 minutes at full walking speed (you should have an overwhelming urge to start running, but resist it), then turn around and walk back. For best results, do as follows: wake up, get directly out of bed, do the 15 minute walk (7.5 minute out, ~7.5 minutes back), then Slow Carb breakfast immediately after (must be within 30 minutes of waking).

If all this fails to produce results after 4 weeks, seeing a doctor for blood tests would be in order.

Good luck!

13 years ago
Reply to  Zack

Well about the diet adherence, she’s had the protein powder for breakfast every day for at least 2 months. usually JUST that, because she doesn’t like most breakfast foods that aren’t full of carbs. and the other meals really are like 90% of her food. maybe she’ll have a chicken and broccoli, instead of beef, but it’s not very diversified. I think you might have a point on the low calorie count for breakfast though, That’s one thing that has worried me about it. Thanks for the advice.

Katie @ Wellness Mama
Katie @ Wellness Mama
13 years ago
Reply to  Ryan

Hi Ryan,

I’ll offer the advice I can, though without more details, it is tough to pinpoint anything. I’ve found that many women have a tougher time with slow carb than men do, especially to lose weight. Hormonal factors can also play a really big role for women, so a thyroid/adrenal/hypothalamus imbalance could be causing the problem. Also, it sounds like she isn’t getting enough fat in her diet, in my opinion. We need a lot more than current dietary guidelines recommend, and this factor is important for women especially.

For me personally, I did much better on a low-carb high fat way of eating, without needing the beans at all. For me, even the carbs in the beans made weight loss slower. If she is interested, she can check out my site for more specifics (a lot is geared towards women), but it might be worth trying a diet of protein, veggies and good fats (meats, coconut oil, butter, olive oil, avocado, lard, tallow, etc) without beans, fruit, etc for a few weeks and see how she does. This helped a lot in my experience and might work for her as well.

Hope that helps some!

13 years ago
Reply to  Ryan

Hi Ryan,

I’m wondering how your girlfriend is feeling on this new diet. Besides being discouraged about the weight not coming off as she wants, how is her mood and thinking. Does she have more or less energy. These are also considerations besides weight loss. If there is improvement in these areas this is a good thing? No? If not then there is more to consider.

Also ask the question again on the facebook, there are often folks who are more in the know about the subtle nuances of the program that I’m sure will be happy to help.



Morten Klint
Morten Klint
13 years ago

Is there a winetasting included? Hopefully with some Cali grape varieties. It´s not that I don`t like Malbec, but…

13 years ago

Hi Tim and the world

Although becoming #1 book-seller is not my thing right now I would surely love to hear some of the principles that you learned AFTER the 4HWW. Even more (maybe an idea for a future post), I would be interested in another post on negotiation.

Best regards


13 years ago

Hey Tim, I know how much you appreciate the ask:

Can I get on this for free? I’m in the UK, so could you fly me out, with 2 nights lodging, perhaps at your house, if not, at a local hotel?

13 years ago

Sounds like an amazing event. Though people are shocked by the price tag, I do believe it will sell out. If I had the money and the need for it, I would be in there in a heart beat.

You’ve provided so much great free content just here on your blog that I believe the information you’ll be giving out there will be well worth the cost of admission.

Advocatus diaboli. Uhm, Gerald
Advocatus diaboli. Uhm, Gerald
13 years ago

Even two times isn’t necessarily a charm. Where’s the A-B testing? 😉

If you had done it under a pseudonym, achieving the same kind of buzz without the follower base you already had, it would be worth even more to learn how you did it than you ask now. Given the mass of adoring fans post-4HWW, I’m not so sure anybody else could replicate it, no matter what…

Chiao Kee
Chiao Kee
13 years ago


I don’t drink!!! I have ADD!!! (ADD = Asian Drinking Disorder). Having said that, I have thought about that question for a long time. It is my lifelong dream to be the #1 New York Times Bestselling Author.

My question now is, will these strategies be easily implementable abroad? (I live in Melbourne, Australia).

I await with baited breath.

13 years ago

Tim I’m a fan and an admirer (how rarely feel that way, with the size of my ego!) so I mean this in the most constructive way: doing a $?? pay-per-view or live webcast would’ve exposed your wisdom to so many more people. No NDA but your wisdom crashes thru the zeitgeist regardless, and a construct that restricts dissemination to raise revenue isn’t necessary with sheer number of people who would have paid less.

The question also isn’t how many people are a legitimate fit for this topic, it’s how many bloggers conceive of themselves as such. You want to encourage them anyway, I suppose. Even if you limited your event to the US (and why would you?) what percentage of people who read your books would pay to be part of this, and bring their friends?

I imagine an larger gross wouldn’t have swayed you in itself, but it would have been a foregone conclusion imo. And a larger audience will never cheapen a message, and exclusivity makes the meat of it no more valuable.

You must know that for most people, including the 200 people who will attend your event, experiencing the T.F. mojo live, right now, is as big an attraction as the subject matter. Hell you are the subject after all Tim. Plus, the heightened exposure of a broad, live event would befit Tim Ferriss: The Next Phase, whatever that will be!

Forgive my familiar tone and presumptuousness please. Really a small point in the bigger picture. Congratulations and my very best to you Tim.

13 years ago

Holy crap, you’re a rock star!

Rob Bence
Rob Bence
13 years ago

You can also learn how to make $1,400,000 in three days ;). Not jealous or bitter just very impressed!

Love your work, its well deserved

marin todorov
marin todorov
13 years ago

hi tim, isn’t that kinda “make the rich richer” kindof event?

thought you’re up for the small guy in a way

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
13 years ago
Reply to  marin todorov

Hi Marin,

I do a lot for the small guy, but I also do projects for specific groups. For me, it’s not one or the other; it’s both, just at different times.

Hope that helps somehow!


13 years ago

Congrats Tim,

Brilliant idea, and actually UNDERPRICED for the blueprint if you think about the upside potential when implemented.

You are a machine! I appreciate that you are still grounded enough to take heartfelt input from your true fans…

Well done!


13 years ago

Form submitted. I have no intentions of writing a book, however I think your execution for the 4 hour body launch was genius. I’m certain that many of the tools and tricks that you will teach will be applicable beyond publishing.

Price is what you pay, value is what you get.

Anders Kjaer
Anders Kjaer
13 years ago


Really wish i could attend. I live in Denmark, so the distance is keeping me away. If there will be some kind of “tour” – and it will be in London or Berlin i would go for sure!

Ps, used 4hw as guidelines for my freelance dj-career. I make my living by dj’ing 2 hours per week.

Jonathan Manor
Jonathan Manor
13 years ago

I honestly thought this was about getting naked. “Opening the kimono and baring it all???”

Tylor Skory
Tylor Skory
13 years ago

As an aspiring author with lots of ideas on combining the power of the Internet with modern day publishing teqpchniques, I would a LOVE to attend this and hear what you have to say. Unfortunately, as a college student, I don’t have 7k sitting around. Hopefully someone will break your NDA and summarize it in a blog post 😉

Shawn F
Shawn F
13 years ago

Any thoughts on an East Coast seminar, Tim?

Chris Brisson
Chris Brisson
13 years ago

Oh Tim… If there’s one-time I sure wish I would have saved a chunk of money for a rainy day, it would definitely be for this. A hefty sum that would return a universe of wealth.

Not this time, but if you do it another time and my rainy day fund is “there” – count me in. Sounds like an amazing opportunity.

13 years ago

Great content, so if anyone converts proven guidelines into action well, I am sure it´s worth the money.

I think I´d rather wait for Tim´s next book “4 hour marketing” 😉

Teri Turpen
Teri Turpen
13 years ago

Launched my muse last week after reading 4HWW and your blog. I would be happy to donate goodies for your event, just let me know. Thanks for all the inspiration!

Darin Steen
Darin Steen
13 years ago

Hey Tim,

I am training Dr. Mercola’s ceo and management team right now. But I had to step away and comment cause I am so excited about this post. I am going to use it for my book. In fact, I already hired a guy to spear head this info.

So thanks so much. This post is worth million’s of $$$$ to me.

One side note;

Shawn Phillips (Bill Phillips Brother), myself, Skinny Vinnie – Vince DelMonte, and possibly Monic Brandt (she is smokin) are putting on a live event;

How To Work Out Less & Get Best Results

I immediately thought of you. Would you or your followers be interested in helping us with the event. It is going to be huge!!

Thanks for your consideration,

and keep rockin!!

Darin Steen (the Chicago Kid – Drug Free For LIfe Body / Life Builder )

Rhonda Lane
Rhonda Lane
13 years ago

The seminar/retreat in wine country is a bit out of my range, but I’m not bummed.

I’ve got Tim’s blog, Amazon/B&N accounts, some Google “game” and prior membership in other genre fiction author groups.

With a little bit of time, reading and imagination – plus enthusiasm – my skill tool box will grow along with my page count.

Pretty sweet.

13 years ago

Tim, does the price include accomodation, meals, etc?

13 years ago

I think the price is very reasonable IF the methods shared are very precise, reproducible, and are a combination of common marketing methods and the use of timing.

I suspect this will be the case as this seems to be Tim’s standard operating procedure.

Some of the first things I’d like to hear if I was seated in the seminar is, “O.k. Here’s exactly how you do this. Step 1: Do this thing first…. Step 2: Wait for xyz response and measure it, if it reaches xyz then do this…”

Heavy on precise methods and implementation and light on theory.

But here’s my point: If you are seriously considering a run for the #1 slot or even just a moderately successful book launch how can anyone complain about paying $7,000 to sit in a relatively intimate crowd and learn the fundamental formulas for potentially doing the same?

Seriously, where are you possibly going to find this expertise anywhere else? This guy just defied the odds twice in a relatively short amount of time in a formulaic manner.

Not to mention have a chance to network with highly motivated industry pros and aspiring authors in the process?

I’m not a shill for Tim – I haven’t read his latest book yet and I’ve never commented on a blog post by him before – but this just seems like a stellar deal for someone who is dead serious about being a successful author.

I paid over $300,000 to learn from an expert once. In order to learn his secrets I had to agree to pay 50% of all my profits over two years from what he taught me. It was the best money I ever spent. I was very successful.

Tim’s seminar seems like a bargain. (Unless you know your book is going to suck – then there may be no point to the exercise;)

Alex Mauskop
Alex Mauskop
13 years ago

Tim, I enjoyed both of your books. Loved that you mentioned magnesium in the 4-hour body – it has been my area of research for 20 years; most doctors do not appreciate its importance. I developed an over-the-counter headache drug, Migralex which contains magnesium and another “miracle” drug, aspirin. It works for all kinds of headaches, including hangover, so considering that your event is taking place in the wine country I would be happy to provide free samples to all of your attendees.



Anthony Dream Johnson
Anthony Dream Johnson
13 years ago

Sold out by the end of the day. Kudos Tim. Keep kicking ass.

Scott Thomas
Scott Thomas
13 years ago

Tim, I love your books and your blog, you’ve been an inspiration to me both personally and professionally in more ways than I can possibly express … thank you for everything.

One question … is there a 4 Hour Money Book in the works?? I’ve only seen one post on your blog about investing, and I believe your allocation is roughly 5% angel investing and 95% fixed income. If so, I’d love to hear your thoughts on fixed income … do you use bond funds, munis, etc? Absolutely no equities?

Thanks for everything Tim, and show me the 4 Hour Money!

13 years ago



Brother, i’d happily pay the 7k now and the 10k if it didn’t sell out (but it will probably within two weeks…).

I’ve got apps in production with immediate follow ups…I’ve got a book in production…new home…Money is flyin’ out the door right now!

I don’t have the cash right now, but I would do just about anything to go!

Give me some kind of alternate means of attending/paying/whatever…

I’ve learned more from your work than in any other medium over the years. I’ve been inspired over and over and have gifted copies of both books to friends and relatives since I read 4hww. I’ve read and commented on the blog since inception, and i’ve volunteered for guinea pig studies…I’m in…Just let me know what I can do to grab a spot under the circumstances, and i’ll go for it.

Here’s what you’ve inspired so far…

1. Started my first muse with a blog that is gaining regular subscribers and readership due to good, useful content and great free stuff. (Not posting the URL per the rules… 🙂 )

2. Completed one book. (A freemium book with better content than existing for sale books in the space.)

3. 3/4 completion on second book to be sold through web/self publishing.

4. Created a licensing partnership with a huge membership site to provide mobile applications for their content. (Would’ve never even thought this possible before 4hww…You wouldn’t believe the story if I told you, but I can prove it!)

5. Moved my family into my wife’s dream house through a highly “4hww” style negotiation and contract process that’s so “outside the box” that the attorney is surprised and can’t believe i’ve got it on.

6. Contacted 3 of my heroes via email with exchanges in all cases. (Doesn’t sound like much, but I would’ve never even attempted until 4hww…Most recent was NNT…He’s hilarious, and a genius.)

7. Improved my already verrrrra niiiice…ahem…love life through 4hb…No details, but my loved one thinks I am a savant…(Ok…I didn’t tell her about the 4hb section, but she’s totally benefitting!)

8. Took my first mini retirement for an entire month in Panama…Unheard of in my life before. (My gravatar was a pic of me in Casco Viejo…Don’t know if I’ve still got it on there.)

9. Won a writing contest put on by one of my all time heroes (Laird Hamilton).

10. Inspired three business owners to change their course of action using 4hww principals to be more successful. (One large MMA gym owner in Las Vegas, One fitness professional, and the big website owner.)

Dude…This is just off the top of my head, and all while working as a firefighter/paramedic full time for my city, being a devoted husband/dad, and loving the adventure of it all.

What can I do? Try me…

Paul C.

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
13 years ago
Reply to  PPC4

Paul! Dude, you’re freaking KILLING it! Congratulations. I’ll noodle on this a bit…

Kia kaha,


Eric DelGrego
Eric DelGrego
13 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

It looks like other folks made similar comments, but I think it would be awesome if Tim waived the price for just one of the 200 spots. (Of course I fully support charging for material. I just talking about one spot.)

After the event sells out, have a contest where community members submit a short blurb on how they have used 4HWW, the blog, the community, etc. to change their lives, and how they would benefit from the material & opportunities presented at this conference.

As part of the contest, people could also submit photos or videos detailing their businesses, mini-retirements, etc. The entries could turn into a future blog post for Tim as well as inspiration to the rest of us community members.

Knowing Tim, he’s probably already planning on doing something like this. I know if he did, my man Paul would definitely be a front-runner.

Justin Mitchel
Justin Mitchel
13 years ago

This sounds awesome… Why not make this into a book? Or like Ted, make this content available for free online! I know you want to Tim.

13 years ago

If Tim dies next year and I didn’t sign up, I’ll never forgive myself. This is an extraordinary guy and the people who will be at this event will surely be interesting as well. I consider this an investment for the book I’m about to launch and myself. Regards from Belgium. PS: I’m not rich.

David Siteman Garland
David Siteman Garland
13 years ago

This is going to be a FANTASTIC opportunity for a select group of people. I’m going to make sure to spread the word on it.

Nothing is better than hearing from the horse’s mouth…not that you are a horse Tim…um you know what I mean.

13 years ago

Increase the PRICE! $10k min.

It’ll draw more quality and serious people who will take action on the valuable information and insights. Usually networking is worth even more.

See you there.

13 years ago

$1.5m – $2m gross for a 3-day seminar. Not bad. And repeatable. And well earned. Incredible.

Jason M
Jason M
13 years ago

Tim, Will guests receive a copy of the marketing plan you provided for the 4 hour body?

13 years ago

Just a comment.

That “opening the kimono” VC lingo phrase makes me a little queasy everytime I hear it. It evokes a strange blend of machishmo, sexism, racism, and orientalism.

Good luck with the seminar, though.

Mr. Miyamoto
Mr. Miyamoto
13 years ago
Reply to  John

Just to clarify, kimonos are worn by both men and women.

13 years ago

“If you are new to this blog and are wondering — who the hell is this guy? — here is a short bio.”

I visualize some heart pounding movie trailer music ending with that line.

Bad ass way to finish the post, mate.


13 years ago

How about the ol’ time barter: 100%, completely bad ass custom drum set for a seat at the event ? ! ! ? ? ! !

Of coarse, you’d have to get your neighbors approval first 🙂

Anyhow, great idea Tim. That info is literally priceless.

13 years ago

Tim, Why can’t you post a condensed summary of it in video format for subscribers or those that pay to watch it. For those of us interested but too far away (or too poor to afford) it would be a great addition.

steve ward
steve ward
13 years ago

hmm nicely done, high-level networking i like that part as well too bad that i will not be able to attend. Something that bothered me lately i noticed that 80% of systems can not be used by most people.

i think it has a lot to do with how much a person i can process, for instance if i was going to bestseller list party? i would be doing only two things

1) get that 1 HIGH lvl network person that it (gives me focus)

2) take away that 1Thing that will help me in writing a book

beyond that, everything else is a bonus what do you think Tim? group?

Tony Kwan
Tony Kwan
13 years ago

Not enough piggy banks to break at the moment to pay for this- but sounds like a very interesting event.

Any of these proceeds going to a charitable cause?


Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
13 years ago
Reply to  Tony Kwan

From this specifically, no, but I’ve already donated six figures from 4HB royalties to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, and I’ll be doing a lot more.

13 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

Right on bruddah. Because I know you like it here in Japan too. A good cause is sending some this way as well.

Congrats on both your books and this too. If I only had the means to make it back to the states I’d attend in a heartbeat.

Erik Ciccarelli
Erik Ciccarelli
13 years ago

Tim – This sounds great. After reading the info on the post I was excited to hear what some of the comments were. Seem’s like everyone is more concerned about the cost than the information provided…

Keep doing what you’re doing. We’ve all benefited

“You’re known by the people you turn down, not who you except.”

Matt Riddle
Matt Riddle
13 years ago

What about the author-hopeful seminar for the middle class on down? Any suggestions? Sounds like an excellent experience but there’s no way I can touch the $7,000 pricetag. Any one-day, errr., 4-hour workshops with parred-down content & price possible in the near future?

Mick baker
Mick baker
13 years ago

Wow this really has my juices flowing. My brother and I have 3 supplement stores in sydney and have gotten the 4HB approved for our stores and the other 37 franchised stores around the country. We sold our first 24 books in a week and a half then the book supplier ran out. Luckily we have more copies coming this week. Really want to make it. Will you be sharing anything about how you started bodyquick?

Beat regards


Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
13 years ago
Reply to  Mick baker

Hi Mick,


I won’t be focusing on BodyQUICK in the seminar, but there’ll be plenty of mingling time and we could chat about it then.

All the best,


Mick baker
Mick baker
13 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

Ok Awsome. Look forward to chatting and trying some malbec

13 years ago
Reply to  Mick baker


Where are your stores? I’m in Sydney and am looking for a decent supp. supplier for my own needs. Always keen to meet up w/ fellow fans as well.



Mick Baker
Mick Baker
13 years ago
Reply to  Laurence

Hey Laurence

GNC LiveWell in Bondi Junction, Rockdale and Kings Cross. Drop by, it’d be great to have a chat.

Sean West
Sean West
13 years ago

Hey Tim,

You replied to one of my comments once, and said that you thought I had alot to share. I want to become a more powerful positive force in the world, and from what I see this is the best way. If need be and you want help with something, I will work for free to learn and change the world and continue to live off my muse. I’ve done the muse, the travel and alot of the physical stuff and now I have some ideas about education and “the entrepreneur’s disease” I’d like to share.

I don’t want to write another Four Hour work week just the way you didn’t want to write another E-myth, but I have another fundamental four and a fair bit of experience for a just turned 24 year old and will start pitching publishers when I feel I’m ready. I’m going to keep doing things for a while, and I figure if I live my life at the intersection of trying to go to Stanford and publishing a bestselling book, I’ll be a better person and societal contributor even if neither happen. I hope one day they put me up there with you.

Sean West
Sean West
13 years ago
Reply to  Sean West

If you ever start a publishing house (or you know, the X-men), I’d definitely like to apply 🙂

13 years ago

Hey Tim and All-

My comment never came out of moderation, but I think this is a huge opportunity if you’ve got the cash. I can honestly say there is no other event i’d rather attend to further my entrepreneurial endeavors than this one. Someone commented that its sold out? If so, awesome for those of you going. The cost is a pittance compared to the value…

Now…After the event when you fly out from SF (I was a Paramedic there for a few years)…Hit up ChaChaCha (If they’re still open) and have the Sangria, go to Bepples in the Marina for pie, and try to find the blue’s bar between The Condor and The Savoy. Bono’s pizza is also awesome if you’re in a carb loading way.



13 years ago

You know, as I was thinking about this even more, I realized that not only will this be awesome for the people who attend, but it also pumps up the content already on the blog.

I’m interested in writing (marketing, really) a best-seller, but I can’t make the event. Instead, what did I do? I go back through the archives, making notes on what Tim’s said so far. I’d guess that at least 50% of the high level advice is already on this blog somewhere. Tim’s calculated, but I don’t think he’s been “saving it.” In a video interview, he even said that he’s told us how to do it. It’s just that no one does it.

All that to say, I value the sneak peeks Tim’s already given all the more because of this event. Awesome job with that, Tim.

-Marshall Jones Jr.

Michael Ellsberg
Michael Ellsberg
13 years ago

Hey Tim– Great seeing you on the boat man! My self-education book is coming out from Penguin September 29th, which gives me about 1 month from the end of the seminar to launch date. Does the seminar have material that can be implemented in that time frame (if I’m willing to haul major ass during that month?) Or does most of the material require a much longer lead time?

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
13 years ago


Nice to see you, too, man. I think it could help, even given the timeframe. That said, you know how to reach me before that…

Talk soon,


13 years ago

Hi Tim,

Just wondering if you would ever do such a seminar during the week, say Mon – Wed, or Wed – Fri. I’m asking because I keep Shabbat and would love to attend this workshop but can’t due to it being over Shabbat (Friday night/Saturday).



13 years ago

Tim, I write to you from Tijuana, B.C. Mex. , there is probability that you do not know it.

I would enormously like to attend, easily I can arrive in my car.

For economic reasons it is impossible to me to go, but that to request a discount has inspired to me to continue working the next seminary to be there.

Your book is my second favorite of all my life, change my life..If someday visits my region ( Tijuana ) Welcome


Excuse by my English but I am learning.

13 years ago

Hi, Tim, when are you going to confirm the applications (for the people who signed up)?

13 years ago


Thanks for offering the seminar. Looks really interesting. I would like to attend and I have just submitted my application.

The 2 questions on the form about costs and income were a bit confusing. They were both easy to provide an answer to but I was unsure about how the information would be used. I thought, oh well, it is my responsibility if I can afford the seminar and if I think it is worth the costs. So I submitted the application.

Then came the second surprise. The auto-response included the following: “We will be reviewing each application individually, and will award those who (A) applied earliest, and (B) are not going to experience financial hardship from this offer.”

(B) suggest that you will evaluate if applications will experience financial hardship. How is that done? I would think that my finances are my responsibility. Did I miss something?

I should maybe add that I did not ask for discounts or other special treatments, but only provided a few honest facts as answers to the questions.

I am looking forward to the response to my application.



Kyle Morgan
Kyle Morgan
13 years ago

Hey Tim,

I’m really sad because I would love to use this information for marketing myself in my DJ career, but there’s no way I can afford that price tag.

Is there any possible ways to gain access to this information if I sign forms not to tell a soul?

I don’t have much to barter, unless your interested in learning how to DJ along with playing with me live in a a busy nightclub in Canada?

Matthew Needham
Matthew Needham
13 years ago

Reading a number of these comments has brought a smile to my face! Becuase I think people missed a few numbers from your opening section. Advance paid for 4HWW <$100k, Advance paid for 4HB $2m.

With those kind of numbers a $7-10k investment has got to be good value.

I guess, the people who are wanting it for free, don't have the story/idea to sell that would make it a best seller…

Just sayin…

Sadly I can't make it, due to other commitments, but I'd definitely be there if I could.

As for the people who want the stuff for free, read this blog, there's plenty of ideas already shared about the book launch, you just need to put the work in to figure out what you need to do.

13 years ago


Please don’t turn into Eben Pagan

$7k for a weekend, seriously?

I’ll pick up the DVD a year or two from now.

I know how these things work…

13 years ago

Let’s see…

Cost of event (saying you get in early) $7,000

Cost of marketing the book, etc (if following Tim’s plan) $25,000 (estimated, not sure on that)

Time to write book: Add your hourly wage times number of hours spent

Taxes: Everyone has to pay them, but depends on your income from the book

Income (if you get Tim’s advance): $100,000 + royalties

ROI: Depending on the final figures, that’s $68,000 in hand (estimated), not including what you’ll earn from royalties, speaking engagements, future book deals (especially after making NYT bestseller), buzz across the globe, consultations and whatever else will line your pockets with money.

Sounds like a good deal to me…

Dustin Maher
Dustin Maher
13 years ago


This is the first time I have ever commented on a blog post of yours. Been a big fan of both books. Your principals have helped me grow to high six figures and I have a book coming out in about 8 or so months. I am signing the contract with the publisher next week.

I am surprised by all the negative comments about the price, this info I know will be great, because of all the value you have provided in the past years on this blog. If someone sells just 7,000 more books than they would have normally sold, it has paid itself back.

The quality of the person attending will be awesome since they value education and most likely have had some successes already.

I can’t wait to meet you and learn from the best.
