The Slow-Carb Diet Cookbooks — Available for 72 Hours

This will be my shortest post to date.

For fun (and karma), I’ve been quietly working to compile two cookbooks with simple and delicious recipes for The Slow-Carb Diet™.

Now, both volumes are done!


The Slow-Carb Diet™ Cookbook – Volume One

The Slow-Carb Diet™ Cookbook – Volume Two (includes recipes from Vol. 1)

Thanks to full-color printing through Blurb, the books are gorgeous. Volume 1 contains 50+ recipes and is printed in paperback to make it as affordable as possible. Volume 2 contains more than 80 recipes and is only available in hardcover.

They’re not inexpensive, but 100% of my proceeds are being donated directly to QuestBridge, which helps put the smartest, low-income students in the US into the best colleges. I don’t receive a single penny.

It’s a highly leveraged program, and some of the brightest minds in Silicon Valley are advisors. $25,000 covers the cost of financial aid applications for 2,000 low-income high school students!

I hope you love the cookbooks. The goal is to make The Slow-Carb Diet™ more effective and fun for you, all while changing the lives of 1,000s of students. As a test, these books are available for the next 72 hours only, ending Tuesday, March 22, at 6pm PST.

Enormous thanks to all of the contributors, including chefs, foodies, successful readers, and friends like Mark Sisson, Darya Pino, and Jaden Hair.

Rock on.


(For those interested, I plan on posting further updates on the official blog of The Slow-Carb Diet)


P.S. Would you like to have your recipe in the next printing, with full credit and link to the website of your choice? If so, please click here! Also, Learn more about the slow carb diet in my upcoming book.

The Tim Ferriss Show is one of the most popular podcasts in the world with more than one billion downloads. It has been selected for "Best of Apple Podcasts" three times, it is often the #1 interview podcast across all of Apple Podcasts, and it's been ranked #1 out of 400,000+ podcasts on many occasions. To listen to any of the past episodes for free, check out this page.

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Comment Rules: Remember what Fonzie was like? Cool. That’s how we’re gonna be — cool. Critical is fine, but if you’re rude, we’ll delete your stuff. Please do not put your URL in the comment text and please use your PERSONAL name or initials and not your business name, as the latter comes off like spam. Have fun and thanks for adding to the conversation! (Thanks to Brian Oberkirch for the inspiration.)

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13 years ago

Any chance at a giveaway on these??

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
13 years ago
Reply to  armymedic

Afraid not for now. That would defeat the purpose of the fundraising. I do, however, understand that they’re too expensive for many people, so no hard feelings if you can’t do it.



Ryan Mickle
Ryan Mickle
13 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

Hey Tim, an e-book version would be killer. Perhaps a good low cost option. 🙂

Hope you’re well.

Bonnie Edmonds
Bonnie Edmonds
13 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

Tim, I LOVE your book. However, I’M disappointed in my weight loss after 3 weeks being faithful, I’m down 2 lbs. I’d buy the cookbook, but why, if it isn’t working. I had my Walt read the diet chapter & he said I was following the directions. I’m 72 and not very active; sew a lot therefore sitting a lot. I take 9 minutes (3-min. egg timer 3 turns) cold showers. Could someone suggest what I may be doing wrong? I’ve lost over 100 lbs by lap band but don’t want anymore fills. I gained 18 lbs during the holidays and want to take it off; my size 8 clothes don’t fit. SOMEONE PLEASE HELP!

Lori Pryt
Lori Pryt
13 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

Just ordered mine … can’t wait!

I’m very involved in many non-profits … glad to see you are ‘paying it forward’!

13 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

Tim, referring to your chapter on “reversing permanent injuries”

That chapter is awesome, you’ve really done everything! However If you update it i have 1 thing to add! Research “Core stability movement patterns”

I had 2 chronic (2 years) pains in my left rhomboid and left external oblique. I tried most of the things in your book. Finally, After 2 years, 1 thing saved me. I had a P.T. I was working with go to a golf seminar (PTI) and Gray Cook and his team created this in the last 2 years or so.

1 of these exercises is the gayest exercise i’ve ever seen. The other is “Rolling.” This is the one that got my life back!!! It should be in your book. Here’s a link-

You make me feel obligated to live, please contact me with your opinion, Thanks,Matt

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
13 years ago
Reply to  Matt

Thanks so much, Matt! I’ll check it out tonight.



13 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

@Bonnie Edmonds, if you want an answer to your question your better off posting in the forums instead of the blog, you can find the link for the forum under the resources tab of the menu.

Dante Romero
Dante Romero
13 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

Is chicken liver allowed on the slow-carb diet? This has always been my preference over the other meats listed. Just chicken liver and fish.

I’ve cut it for the time because I believe in sticking to the plan, but could you enlighten me further?

Thanks 🙂

Carla Walker
Carla Walker
12 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss


I have followed your book for 6 months. I am 54 years old. I would like some support. The first 4 months I just followed the program exactly not worrying about amounts of the allowed food. Then I added additional trainings. I am doing 3 circuit training days, one day of softball, a day of light yoga and a walk or hike. My body is definitely having hormonal stuff.

I don’t want to critize your book but I have told many people to read it. I am a ritual person and find most days I eat the same thing as suggested in the book. The program has not worked. I started to measure the beans. Yes I eat beans usually with every meal. In 6 months I have dropped 15 lbs. I do have my cheat day. I take Cissus, green tea and other supplements. I drink the water with lemon when I first wake up and through out the day. Please help!

Are you making adjustments with your book? Do you feel you have made an error?

11 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

Hi Tim,

I have had the opportunity to embrace The Slow Card Diet, perhaps with minimum success. I am a 44 year young female 5’6, weight 132, 23% body fat with a goal of losing the last 5-7 pounds.

Tim, I just received my cholesterol results that are alarming to say the least as there is a significant spike in my results: Oct. 2011 Total was 206, HDL 70, LDL 132…Oct.2012 Total 266, HDL 86 and LDL 166. These statistics appear to potentially be linked to the excess lean meat consummation.

Do you have any recommendation as to methods to lower my cholesterol; I would rather not take medication.

Thank you,

Linda J.

11 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

where can i buy the book to see them online? I can´t find them printed in my country (guatemala). thank you!

12 years ago
Reply to  armymedic

Hi Tim

Can I use peanut butter instead of almond butter that you recommend in your book before meals?

12 years ago
Reply to  armymedic

I’m sure it’s a great charity, but like many folks today, i don’t have a spare $10,000 to spend on a cookbook. Any plans on selling a version for non-billionaires?

Rochelle Kopp
Rochelle Kopp
13 years ago

This looks so cool. But on the Blurb site, the preview for Volume 1 and the preview for Volume 2 are exactly the same. Also why is Volume 2 twice the price?

Charlie Hoehn
Charlie Hoehn
13 years ago
Reply to  Rochelle Kopp

We wanted to make Volume 1 as affordable as possible, which is why it’s in paperback. Volume 2 contains 30+ recipes, in addition to all the recipes from the first volume.

13 years ago

Do they contain 2 completely different sets of recipes? Or is Volume 2 equal to Volume 1 plus an additional 30 recipes? I ask because the book previews show the same recipes in both books.

13 years ago

Sounds great! One question though, how many vegetarian recipes are in the cookbook?

13 years ago

Just had a peek at the books, why are some recipes repeated? Also curious why one is softback and the other hardback?

Some interesting and great sounding recipes 🙂

13 years ago
Reply to  Johnny

Hi. book 1 = 50 recipes and is in paperback. this makes it the cheaper option of £20.

Book 2 = 80 recipes (50 from book one, plus 30 more) and is in hardback. this makes it the premium edition, and so is almost twice the price at £36.

13 years ago

Are these going to be eventually available in electronic format? I’m trying to buy all my books there to cut down on clutter

Eduardo Rocha
Eduardo Rocha
13 years ago
Reply to  Josh

I would love this in that format too.

Mainly because im in brazil, so its a lot easier for me to get a copy.

13 years ago

Do all of these recipes have the required amount of protein?

Sheraan Amod
Sheraan Amod
13 years ago

Thanks for this great resource Tim. I lost 12 pounds in 3 weeks on the Slow-Carb Diet after 18 months of continuous weight gain.

This diet is a winner, and the inclusion of beans and lentils make it much more manageable than the other (still very good) “Primal” diets out there.

I’m going to follow up on Josh’s question though – will you release this in eBook/PDF format for us technogeeks?

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
13 years ago
Reply to  Sheraan Amod

Hi Sheraan (and all asking about ebooks),

No plan at the moment for ebook format, but I understand that makes it hard for some of you.

I’ll explain the reasons another time (they’re not all ridiculous), and my apologies for the inconvenience.


Karla G.
Karla G.
12 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

I just got the 4 HB book for my hubby and myself. You mention wine and beer. What about vodka? I drink vodka with club soda and a fresh lime squeezed in. Is this only for a cheet day?

13 years ago

Is Volume 1 a Subset of Volume 2 (like it seems..) ?

13 years ago

Searching through the previews it seems there are duplicate recipes in each volume. “Eggs that taste as good as bacon” appears in both. One volume has 50 and the other 80. Is one a larger compendium that includes the other?

Charlie Hoehn
Charlie Hoehn
13 years ago
Reply to  Ed

Correct, Ed. Volume 2 contains all the recipes from the first volume, plus an additional 30.

13 years ago

I recently went on a gluten-free diet after I found out that I had an allergy. As a result, I have lost weight, especially around the mid-section.

13 years ago

On the sale site does economy postage mean surface mail?

13 years ago

Why is Volume 1 softcover, and Volume 2 hardcover, with no apparent options for alternatives for either volume?

Doc DeWitt
Doc DeWitt
13 years ago

Tim is a friggin GENIUS! He makes you anticipate what his next project will be and he NEVER disappoints. He is like Bradley Cooper in ‘Limitless’… go see it…you’ll agree.

Jamie AnneMarie
Jamie AnneMarie
13 years ago

Awesome! Thanks for allowing us the opportunity to help these students! (Trust me, I’m a scholarship kid that wouldn’t have made it through college without the help of beautiful spirits who cared for the future!)

Oh, and the recipes are going to be awesome too 😀

13 years ago

Dear Tim,

I realize you probably won’t read this directly, but I just wanted to say as a Questbridge award recipient and big fan of yours, this is really cool. Thank you for doing something to make a real positive difference in the world.

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
13 years ago
Reply to  Colin

Thank you for your comment, Colin! I’m VERY excited about QuestBridge. This is a starting point, but I hope to do much more.

All the best,


13 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

Hi Tim,

Colin is my son. The second Questbridge recipient in the family. Colin is helping me with the slow carb diet. He bought your book. I have lost 5 lbs but have stopped there and gain a little after my cheat days. I am 5’4″ and 136 lbs. I am petite, just trying to loose the tummy fat. How do I know if it is fat or just lack of muscle. I have had 5 children. Also, with my cheat days I feel like crap. I think I am allergic to the white foods. They make my heart race and I don’t feel good. I am starting to not want to do the cheat days but my son tells me I have to because I am a woman. Thank you so much for helping Questbridge. It is a wonderful organization!!

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
13 years ago
Reply to  Vickie

Hi Vickie,

It’s possible to do “cheat” day by just eating more of your usual foods, or by consuming yams, sweet potatoes, quinoa, etc. instead of junk food or processed food. I suggest trying that.

Best of luck and thank you for the kind comment!


13 years ago


I’m currently doing “The Last Mile”, question: should the pAGG stack be included on this one to?

Nate Day
Nate Day
13 years ago

awesome stuff, just saying… I want to see Tim Ferriss do this next ( since I can not post URLs just look up on youtube “First man in space – Sky Diving from the Edge of the World” 🙂 we all know Tim could do it, capture with state of the art cameras and thus produce quite possibly the greatest film and then tell people what its like to travel over 600 miles per hour through the atmosphere and what it is like to fall for 14 minutes.

I know this is does not appear to be related to the Slow-Carb Diet Cookbooks… or is it?

It is related because it is awesome and so is your products.

Alright, I am off here. I think I am just saying some silly things because I am in the transition period doing the uberman sleep schedule.

13 years ago

How about color correcting yellow toned photo under “Outsource Your Life”. Notice it’s been off-color for over a year. Can’t one of your virtuals handle that? Good luck on all the Ferris Industries endeavors.

Bruno Vettore
Bruno Vettore
13 years ago

But… if the “cheap” version have almost half the recipes and costs almost half the price… ahn… is it REALLY cheap?

13 years ago

I am curious about the charity aspect, specifically: “$25,000 covers the cost of financial aid applications for 2,000 low-income high school students!” What exactly does that mean? My first thought is that they are being helped to fill out an application. I don’t it isn’t this specifically, I just don’t like how most of these things work, nothing against this effort. If I wanted to put together a sort of scholarship, I wonder what it would entail.

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
13 years ago
Reply to  Dustin

Hi Dustin,

The problem is getting those qualified kids to apply to good schools. Those hard-working and intelligent students are out there (a lot of them), but they often lack the familial and social support that would encourage them to apply to the best schools.

Among many other things, QuestBridge organizes competitions with prizes to incentivize kids to fill out an application, which can then be submitted to many schools at once. Quite clever, and it works.

Hope that helps,


13 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

Thanks Tim. Even with all of the emphasis on education and college, I guess there still is a gap on the opportunities available for some students. My wife’s nieces, for instance, did not think that they would be able to afford school because of what their mother told them, but considering that there are four of them, they should be able to get a decent amount of assistance.

13 years ago

Why 72 hours Tim. Esp. if it’s not a ‘special offer’?

13 years ago
Reply to  matthk


13 years ago
Reply to  Dan

i.e. so we take action.

13 years ago

I see a lot of potential confusion with the titles Tim & Charlie.

Perhaps a better naming convention would have been:

The Slow-Carb Diet™ Cookbook – Volume One

The Slow-Carb Diet™ Cookbook – Volume Two (inc. Vol. One)

or… Just:

The Slow-Carb Diet™ Cookbook


The Slow-Carb Diet™ Cookbook EXPANDED!

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
13 years ago
Reply to  matthk

Hi Matt,

Great call. I’ll make this edit now. Sorry for the confusion!


13 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

You’re welcome Tim. 😉

(* blushes * like a 12 year old girl. Tim Ferriss took MY advice. Sweeeeet. )

13 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

Just received my cookbooks. Unfortunately I did not read that volume 1 & volume 2 were almost identical except for price & cover. While I know it was for charity I felt alittle disappointed and lighter in the wallet. Maybe I’ll turn someone else on to 4HB and give them the cookbook.

Chris Moeller
Chris Moeller
13 years ago

Sounds neat!

But didn’t you say you didn’t like cooking in the book? 😉

I usually just try to do typical recipes and eliminate, or substitute what is not a “slow carb” for one that is. That way you can have all your favorite foods, just substitute out the pieces you’re not supposed to eat with better ones! 😉

13 years ago

No electronic version? I don’t mind paying the hardcover amount, for a good cause, but my iPad is my cookbook! Apologies if I missed it…but really, is there no ebook option?

Thanks for all you do!


Andru Edwards
Andru Edwards
13 years ago

So…any chance either, or both, will be available as an eBook download so I can view it on my iPad rather than a physical book?

Toni Sonenszajn
Toni Sonenszajn
13 years ago

Thanks for all of the great information in your book, “4-hour Body”. I am just recovering from cancer surgery and it was a wake-up call to start taking better care of myself instead of everybody else. I will reccommend your books to all of my friends and hope that this cookbook will remain available again for all of us who just can’t do it right now. I am sure that the recipes are wonderful and helpful just like the rest of your information. Thanks again, Tim. An admiring fan.

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
13 years ago

Thank you for the kind comment, Toni. As it relates to cancer (though this is not medical advice), I’d highly suggest you take a look at Dr. William Li and this tea blend:

All the best,


13 years ago

$30+ for a cookbook is a ripoff! Learn to use a web browser people!

13 years ago
Reply to  Brad

Its for charity….

Ron Turner
Ron Turner
13 years ago

Just bought mine, Tim, this makes my cookbook library complete! Down nearly 40 pounds so far, another 10 to go… Thanks for all you do!

Aiselade Dionisio
Aiselade Dionisio
13 years ago

Hi Tim,

Just wondering if Volume 1’s recipes are the same as the soft copy giveaway during your pre-order 4hw promotion back in December? (I was given a link to download the slow carb cook book back then)


13 years ago

You need a RSS feed on your slowcarb blog.

Rich Wilson
Rich Wilson
13 years ago
Reply to  Susan

Hi Susan,

The RSS feed for the slowcarb wordpress site is available here:



13 years ago

Got Vol 1 – thanks Tim and Charlie!

P.S. it’s not being handled by Barnes & Noble is it???

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
13 years ago
Reply to  Skippy

Hahaha… no Barnes and Noble this time. They had their shot at fulfillment.

Have a great weekend!


13 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

I was hoping for a DVD. Why? Because I am so dangerous (started a fire in my apartment by mistake) and inept at cooking that basics are Russian Roulette.

Alison Moore Smith
Alison Moore Smith
13 years ago

I bought 4-Hour Body, started it January 1, and stuck with it religiously for over five weeks (exercise, too). Lost less than five pounds. Seriously disappointed.

Actually — finally — went to the doctor Thursday to see if there isn’t something wrong. (My history is long and in the post in my signature link, if interested.) He did say the initial tests showed insulin resistance — they are running other tests this week. But I would think that the 4HB diet would be even better than Paleo for insulin resistance.

Anyone in a similar circumstance find a way to kick the body into gear?

13 years ago

I was on this diet about 7 years ago in 2004. It’s actually a weight loss plan for morbidly obese patients awaiting heart surgery, that happens to work great for sugar fiends such as myself 🙂 I had at the same issue of not losing weight. My naturopath told me to do cardio exercise for 30 min 3x/week and that helped my system understand what to do. Also, I was on a host of supplements Floradix for Bs and Fe, digestive enzymes, chlorophyll etc

Grapefruit in the morning might help as well if you saw Tim’s Dr. Oz segment.

Nowadays I’m a lot healthier so as long as I eat the protein in the morning I can basically eat whatever I want though I have cut out fruit and opted for snacking on nuts instead. I’ve lost about 10 lbs in a couple months, which is good in my book, because I’m not very strict at all like I was and I’m 7 years older lol. I maintain a decent level of activity.

I hope that helps.If not, then the weight may have an emotional trigger. Fat is to protect us from the environment. If we understand that the world is safe and we have the coping skills to deal with whatever is put in front us we can let go of our need to be protected with fat.


Michael A. Robson
Michael A. Robson
13 years ago

In other news, I’ve never heard of Blurb, but.. wow, what a cool service!

And to Tim, thanks for your tremendous generosity.

13 years ago

OMG! I started working on a cookbook based on the 4-hour body principles this month for me and my friends. We are all putting the your book to ‘work’. They can’t cook and I am an Iron Chef Ninja. Give me 4 ingredients and I can come up with 10 minute meals that any urban brutes can make, or dish up gastronomical ‘show-off’ delights. Collective consciousness at work?

13 years ago

Karmic Kapitalist in action (

Great book, great cause, great idea.

A girl I met argued over 50c beers and $1 scallops that Bono should just give his riches to charity rather than raise money. But in a single concert he can raise $40 Million for charity. Why not use huge influence for good? Well Done Tim and other contributors.

Travelling and charity ‘musing’, so will wait till I’m holidaying home to grab a copy, so please make sure it’s available after the 72 hour test period to purchase. Will the proceeds still go to Questbridge at that stage?

Also, would like an answer to Aiselade’s question if possible.

13 years ago

Can’t put a price on the results this diet rapidly promotes. Already ordered, need some new s#it to eat!

13 years ago

When we will have 4hb in Spain?

13 years ago

Tim does it again!

OK – I get the structure of the offer, but have a hard time shelling this much for a cookbook. What about this – I offer to preorder/prepay immediately about half that figure for the ebook when it releases (I am guessing maybe 3-6 months). The funds can still get to charity immediately, ebookheads can get their format (and an offset).

What say?

13 years ago

If you can’t afford these books, just look the names that appear in the Table of Contents on google.

Many of these are exactly from recipe websites. eg the Omelet Muffin is from Mark’s Daily Apple. They even used the same pictures from the website.

But please do buy the book. The book would be a great collection of recipes in one place and would make a great item on your coffee table.

Sal Jumat
Sal Jumat
13 years ago

Nice one Tim. Awesome complement to the 4 hour body! I’m wondering what was your diet in preparation for the RKC course?

13 years ago

Tim, I love you! You are genius. Godspeed and Pura Vida to you!

13 years ago

Hey Tim,

I just perused the cookbook sample and believe I saw cheese, sweet potato, and raisins listed as ingredients in some of the recipes. I didn’t think those were allowed on the slow-carb diet. Are they?

Nathan Brown
Nathan Brown
13 years ago
Reply to  jo

Jo, I was just about to say the same. Tim, I think things like this are really important to address as it can add to readers confusion; people will take inclusion of an ingredient in this book as an indication that they are ok to eat, but the examples Jo brought up clearly are not.

Were the recipes reviewed at all before inclusion? I ask because the Chicken & Spinach Dhansak has made it into this new volume unchanged from the free book you released before, despite having turmeric missing from the ingredients, and no mention of spinach within the recipe whatsoever!

These criticisms aside, love the recipes, and think stuff like this is essential for keeping foodies like me on track!

Thanks for your continued efforts Tim.


Charlie Hoehn
Charlie Hoehn
13 years ago
Reply to  Nathan Brown

Nathan- I was the creator and editor of the recipe book. I’m not sure how I failed to notice that the Chicken & Spinach recipe was missing spinach altogether, but I did. That’s my mistake.

As for the ingredients that don’t mesh with Slow Carb, I omitted them when I thought they’d clearly disrupt the diet. For instance, some people included tons of fruit in recipes they submitted, which I removed. But cheese is listed in the book a few times as “optional.” In future editions, for clarity, I’ll have to eliminate 100% of these ingredients to avoid confusion.

– Charlie

John T
John T
13 years ago


Great idea! This is like perfect timing for me. I’m down 49 lbs and 12 inches dice 12/20/10. I’ve also got 11 friends on the SCD.

Thanks for the book again, thanks for the tweet, and thanks for the new lifestyle.

And now I am anticipating sow variety in the kitchen! Cool!

13 years ago

I am looking for ideas, trying to ” engineer my muse ” I am dedicated to the slow-carb diet and am very creative with my own recipes, I am told my creations are fantastic! Does anyone have ideas how I can create a muse with my chef skills?

Eric DelGrego
Eric DelGrego
13 years ago

Hey Tim,

The cookbooks look fantastic! And I love that you’re donating to such a worthy cause. I just have one humble suggestion. In 4HWW, you recommend that people check their email only once a week. But if they do, then some of your most dedicated fans will miss out on this offer. I think it would be wonderful if all of your special offers lasted one week, instead of just 3 days. Not sure if I’m the first to make this suggestion. Just a thought. Keep being awesome!


13 years ago

Hi Tim, awesome book. I got an ebook from you with some recipes, I forgot the name of that one but I tried couple recopies and need to open it up again.

Regarding the new blog, is there a way to email subscribe? I don’t have an RSS reader or any of that fancy stuff. I like email updates. 🙂

Zuzanna Pasierbinska-Wilson
Zuzanna Pasierbinska-Wilson
13 years ago

This will teach me to check out your blog once in a while. I almost missed it! My Volume 2 is on its way to the printers. Yay! I’ve read the book between surfs in Costa Rica, meaning: it must’ve been good, and starting to follow it properly tomorrow. Can’t wait!

13 years ago

Why do you have a section for entrees and none for mains? Isn’t an entree a smaller meal before you eat your main meal?

13 years ago
Reply to  Will


Will wrote: “Why do you have a section for entrees and none for mains? Isn’t an entree a smaller meal before you eat your main meal?”

Will, in (most) of the US, the word entree seems to have lost its true meaning (the small dish before the main meal) and now usually implies the main meal. (The reason for this strangeness is explained nicely in the Wikipedia article below)

The US uses ‘first course’, ‘appetizer’ or ‘starter’ instead of entrée, and the UK uses ‘starter’ (unless you’re in a VERY good restaurant, then it’s entrée). In Australia – a true multicultural nation with ‘proper’ multicultural food to match – as well as kick-arse coffee (let the flames begin!) we use it as the French do, to indicate a small dish before the main course.

Hope this helps,


13 years ago

Oh dilemma and a deadline! How cruel – so what have I gone for? I really don’t want buyers remorse so I went for the full thing! I’m sure it’s going to be tasty!

With this and Mark Sissons new Quick Cookbook I hope I’ll have plenty of ideas.

Really exciting!


Scott Honea
Scott Honea
13 years ago

Hey Tim, will you post the background and results for your 72 marketing test? Interested to see what you are looking to find out.

Totally unrelated – have you done your ultra yet?


13 years ago

Are you no longer accepting Slow Carb Recipes? I have a GREAT, high-protein 3 minute snack that I would love to share with everyone…

I just tried to submit it and it said the form is no longer accepting uploads…


Kara Sorensen
Kara Sorensen
13 years ago

Thanks Tim. I’ve known for decades that I need to be low carb. I didn’t have words for it, just knew I didn’t need many carbohydrates and felt good when I listened to that. This was before I got my nutrition degree(s) & while the food guide pyramid rolled out across the nation.

Now I teach my Acupuncture & Acupressure patients about this, but they often need resources for recipes, etc. I can only do so much. I’ll recommend your books as they look helpful and I’m a fan of veggies for breakfast! It can only get better from there, yes?

Kara Sorensen

Paul Cunningham
Paul Cunningham
13 years ago

Tim, you’re recipe submission form doesn’t seem to be working. So here is a cracking, simple recipe to share. pm me for a photo for your next book if you like!

Dead Quick Stir Fry

This is a real quick stir fry, with loads of flavour from just a few simple ingredients. I find myself making this at least twice a week in some form!


King Prawns

Pepper (yellow or red)


chilli (fresh or puree

ginger (fresh or puree)

garlic (fresh or puree)

lemon juice (fresh or from a bottle)

mixed salad leaves (suggest spinach, watercress and rocket)

balsamic vinegar/ EV olive oil dressing


refried beans


1. Chop the vegetables into strips

2 Heat up a wok with a little grapeseed oil in it.

3. Add onions and stirfry for a minute

4. Add prawns, then the chilli, garlic, ginger and lemon juice. stirfry for another couple of minutes

5. Add the rest of the veg and give a good stir (or flip if you’re nimble enought!). continue doing this frequently for about five minutes.

6. At the same time, prepare a bed of salad leaves on a plate, and drizzle some balsamic/oliveoil dressing over it. Microwave/heat the refried beans, and add a spoon (or two) of it plus guacamole and salsa onto your plate.

7. Once the stirfry is cooked thoroughly, spoon over the top of the salad

8. Enjoy!

Any of the meat or veg can be substituted with your favourites, keeping the rest the same to create a very different dish… eg

Strips of beef with onions, mini corn cobs and corgette (Zucchini)

Chicken with onions, Mangetout, Pak choi.

if you’re not a fan of refried beans, then adding tinned beans either to the stirfry, or as a side is great too.

active time 7mins

total time 10mins

Charlie Hoehn
Charlie Hoehn
13 years ago

Paul- Thanks for the great recipe! The form is working again, so if you have any more recipes, please submit them through there.

– Charlie

Orville Chomer
Orville Chomer
13 years ago

They should not be called volume one and volume two. The names imply two sets of different content. The second book should be called “The Slow Carb Diet: Expanded Edition”

something like that. Or else your are going to get some people P.O.d who decide to buy both volumes and find out they only needed to buy one (not everyone who buys them will read this blog post right)?

Liz Gebhardt
Liz Gebhardt
13 years ago

Tim –

I am ready to order. Just would like to know what % of recipes in the big cookbook are vegetarian or come with recommendations to substitute meat for a non-animal based protein.

Congratulations on this and also excited to learn about QuestBridge.

13 years ago

Hi Tim,

I tried to contact you through Amy which didn’t really work out…

I just wanted to ask you to take a quick look at my german Blog. I posted the link of the blog in my username.

I would really look foreward to a short response via email. Tell me if you like it or what I could improve.

Thanks a bunch


Gina Mo
Gina Mo
13 years ago

I tried to Chaunk it with you Tim but alas the form didn’t like me…oh well just email me if you want to know how to make the most amazing beans, lentils, dal ever in less than 10 minutes and if you have four burners on your stove, four ways, if not well C’est la Vie!

Josh P
Josh P
13 years ago

Hi Tim,

I’m a supporter of all your published work so far but even if I don’t need to lose weight (gain more muscle perhaps) would this book still be for someone like me?



PS, I gave out signed copies of 4HB at Christmas parties this past year and they were a huge hit, everyone loved them!

13 years ago

I’m glad I made a visit to your blog yesterday and found those books. To be honest I’m a cookbook fiend, especially for low carb/primal type recipes. I bought the second one since well it has the first book included as well. It was a bit hard to pay $56 or so for it, but I’m sure it’s worth it. Glad it’s in hardcover too, it just feels more like a cookbook when it’s a hardcover. Would have been great as an ebook too though, I think you’d get much more sales that way. Oh well, hopefully I’ll have the book in my hands within the week. Thanks!

13 years ago

Everything looks amazing. My diet is so plain when following the Paleo guidelines. This will definitely help mix things up. Thanks!

13 years ago

Hi Tim,

I LOVE that you are donating the proceeds to encourage kids to continue onto higher education! It’s a story I know too well as my parents, who are from HK, didn’t attend high school due to the fact that they had to go work full time to help support their families. After they came to the US & I was born, financially it was a struggle for them & to be honest, college was the last thing on my mind when I was in high school. I was actually thinking about where I should apply for a job after graduation to help my parents, partly because it was an unspoken given (ironically, continuing the tradition I suppose).

Luckily, I had counselors who stepped in & helped me apply to various programs, so that I would have the opportunity to attend college (a scary prospect, since I wasn’t in that mindset at all). That being said, college opened up a whole new wonderful world of learning & opportunities (studying abroad in England for a year, backpacking through Europe, etc.) and I realize these experiences that served to expand my world, never would have happened without help.

I am eternally grateful to all of those teachers & counselors who saw that I had more potential than I saw in myself at the time and wanted to say how wonderful it is that you are doing this, because sometimes a bit of outside intervention is needed to help you see what you never realized possible.

Just thought I’d share. Keep up the great work that you do and keep building up those karmic points! 🙂


James Taylor
James Taylor
13 years ago

Hey Tim,

Would love to send you my recipe. Dropped 2% body fat in 3 weeks eating the stuff. The form is no longer accepting any uploads though. Where can I send it?


James R Taylor

Charlie Hoehn
Charlie Hoehn
13 years ago
Reply to  James Taylor

Hi James- I have no idea why the form wasn’t working, but it should be accepting submissions now. Please try again!

– Charlie

James Taylor
James Taylor
13 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Hoehn

Thanks for the reply Charlie. It seems if you enter too much text in the yield field you might get a non descriptive error that says the form is not accepting any more uploads.

Figured this out and submitted the form successfully. Thanks!

13 years ago

Didn’t fine another way to ask question, so I’ll try here

I’m 5′ 7 1/4″ (171 ?m), 146 lbs (65.5 kg), white woman, 32 years old. I need to loose 6 lbs. Two weeks of slow-carb diet (exactly as described in book) give me absolutely zero effect. From this morning I started “Last mile” from Tim. Hope it can help. But… I’am absolutely shocked by size of portions. 4 ounces of chicken or fish – it’s tooo much for me six time a day. And I caunted one meal as 400 kkal. It means I’ll have smth like 2400 kkal per day? My normal amount is smth like 1500… So I’m little bit scary. But I try it till next week.

I just don’t know – may be this high protein diet is for bodybuilers only?!

13 years ago

Tim I would like to see a slow carb restaurant open up. prob be the healthiest restaurant in any city!

my question is if I am working out everyday, doing one-two body part/s per day (ie biceps and wrist,) and not more than 5 exercises at 2 sets each part and doing 6min HIIT (30 secs at 6 speed and 30 secs at 15 speed), am I doing too much?

i have seen good improvements and my body fat is at 15% and while my weight hasnt dropped (1.75 cm and 75kg), my chest, biceps all have more definition.

13 years ago

FDar a high protein diet is what you’ll usually find in a low carb eating. It keeps you full longer and it’s better for you in general. It’s not a “bodybuilder” diet, everyone needs protein. You’ll realize how much easier it is to maintain a lean figure if you eat the proper amount of protein. When you eat low carb you have to eat high protein and high fat, which is better for you anyways, in order to have the energy. If you drop carbs, fat will go up. If you drop the fat, then carbs usually go up. They’re sources of energy.

Rob Vanstone
Rob Vanstone
13 years ago

Hi Tim,

Sorry you must tire of always going back to 4hr body stuff….

I am on my second stint of slow carb, I did 4 weeks (no supplements), had a week off (I say week off, I still ate ok avoided many carbs that I used to eat and didnt do a binge day). This 4 weeks I am trying it with the PAGG stack, just to see…

I am sticking pretty religiously only had 1 little wobble consisting of a bottle of wine and then some chocolate…sorry!

Weight loss has been good, first stint 98.4 – 93.2, I am currently 91.8 after first binge day of second stint, aiming for 85ish.

My question really is I don’t seem to be going down much in body fat percentage as measured by my scales (every morning at the same time as soon as I wake up…I started around 31% and this morning I was about 30% (after 5 weeks of the diet). Am I expecting too much?

Cheers, I enjoy your writing style and while I am still sceptical of what’s going on it’s pretty interesting to try.


Dan in SF
Dan in SF
13 years ago

This website generates a list of recipes from a list of ingredients to include or exclude.

Does anyone know of others like this?

13 years ago

Brilliant! Loved (and starting to live) the 4 hour workweek, just about to kick myself into shape with the 4 hour body – perfect timing, I’ve got a fridge full of veg, and was wondering what on earth to do with it…

Thanks Tim, your books have serious life-changing potential!

13 years ago

I JUST finished reading the section on slow-carb from your book. I’ve been doing low-carb for about 3 months now and this sounds far easier to follow (and less bathroom runs). These recipes will help a lot as I’ve been trying to figure out how can I use this diet with P90X. Thanks Tim!

13 years ago

The omelet muffin sounds kind of good, a little bit different but that’s the idea. I agree with the comments about the digital format, would be much better for myself and I’m sure others. Looks great though, Tim.

13 years ago

Just bought my copy! Excited to try some new recipes and also to help support QuestBridge.

Tom Jackson
Tom Jackson
13 years ago

I’m sure the cookbooks are great & it’s certainly a worthy cause – just not crazy about the idea that the people who will benefit probably couldn’t afford the books.

Let’s be careful not to make good health & nutritional information “elitist” but open to all.


13 years ago
Reply to  Tom Jackson

Tom, I applaud your caring spirit, but I think you miss two mighty big points:

(1) In almost EVERY case, the beneficiaries of this form of fund-raising (i.e. “a proportion of profits will be donated to blah blah blah”) cannot afford the book/product/meal/event/raffle which is being used to raise the funds and promote the cause. That’s the point. Those who CAN support those who CAN’T. Nothing elitist about it!

(I for one don’t want to raise money for someone who can AFFORD lifestyle books! 😉 esp. in Australia, where I live, where books are often more than twice as expensive as they are in the USA).


(2) The programme Tim is supporting will give these students a chance at a better life, and a better income. And they in turn, will (hopefully) partake in fund-raising events just like this, and help others less fortunate than them! It’s a circle of kindness. Cool!

AND LET’S NOT FORGET….. this isn’t even a “proportion of profits” fund-raiser. Tim is donating ALL THE PROCEEDS. As Tim said: “I don’t receive a single penny.”

If that’s elitist, then I want to be an elitist scumbag of the highest order. 🙂

PS: I can’t afford this book, but have encouraged others to buy it.

Why can’t I afford it? because I gave up everything – job, girlfriend, friends, work contacts, belongings – to rush back to Aus from Scotland to be my Mum’s carer during her difficult, final 6 months battling lung-cancer, and I’ve struggled to rebuild my life since Mum died. But people, not unlike Tim, have helped me along the way, and made it just that little bit easier through generosity of spirit, time, and money. We need more Tims and less petty fear of abstract nonsense.



13 years ago

Hi Tim,

I’ve been following the diet for 3 weeks now, and I’ve … gained weight! About 5 pounds (I started at 125 pounds and am 5’4.) I usually have peas, beans and turkey/egg for breakfast, mexican food for lunch (with no rice, tortilla nor cheese), and about the same thing for dinner. I snack on almonds (just a handful of them), and exercise at least 3 times a week. For my cheat day, I have bread in the morning, some ice cream in the afternoon, and pizza for dinner. Never really went crazy.

I wouldn’t mind the weight gain if I could associate eat to muscle gain, but it’s not the case: I can definitively tell I’m getting heavier ….

Could it be because I drink diet soft drinks?

I’m getting really frustated and upset.

Any comment will be greatly appreciated!


Gina Mo
Gina Mo
13 years ago
Reply to  Gillian

You didn’t say your age, so that could be the case. I am 53 and I just look at food and gain weight. Something to do with estrogen and the thyroid blah blah. Anyway, this is what I discovered.Yes, only drink one diet drink a day, I cut mine with Perrier so it lasts longer and isn’t so sweet. You have to take a good vitamin, it’s a woman thing, seriously it really helps. I have to measure. I know. It would be nice to be like Tim, that athletic monster, but we have the wrong equipment. We like to keep fat. And get a kettleball. I have days when I’d like to heave that sucker at my husband who loses weight lifting a paperclip but what can you do, again the damn hormones. 1/3 a cup of beans is considered a serving, so you could have 2/3 at breakfast and lunch and probably be OK. Dinner is really iffy for me. If I eat beans, dal or whatever I eat 1/3 only. If I am stuck I eat none. I track everything like a weirdo, or Tim haha. But it helps because I can see what happens. Did you measure? I gained weight but lost inches first month. At 53 I feel very excited to lose 4-5 lbs a month-ARGH! My husband drops 20 and he is older.So not fair. We excercise like nuts and do not have crazy DGW days…it’s not fair but we do get to have babies and wear pink and purple eyeshadow…hope this helps- hang in there do not give up, our bodies are different! SLOW carb is good- and slow haha.

Liz Gebhardt
Liz Gebhardt
13 years ago
Reply to  Gina Mo

Yes – often so much harder for women to loose weight. In past 30 days I have been working out hard and consistently. While have lost ZERO pounds, I have lost 3 1/2 inches off my waist – and similar losses on other body measurements. So figure there are body composition changes going on.

13 years ago
Reply to  Gina Mo

Hi Gina and Liz,

Thank you for your input! I’m 30 yo, and exercise regurlarly. Since starting the diet, I also included the use of a kettle bell (of 20 or 25 pounds, 3 times a week). I try to eat enough calories every day to keep my metabolism high, and also because I feel that otherwise the 4HB will only be a normal low calorie diet …

I wish I had lost inches or body fat % but it’s not the case …

I’ll try to limit the diet drinks to one a day or none. I’ll give another week, and if there’s still no change for the better, I’ll just conclude the slow carb diet doesn’t work for me. So upsetting when some of my friends lost so much weight on it!!!

13 years ago

This is a great idea! I actually thought you were not really interested in cooking and good food Tim…(looking at your slow carb breakfast on youtube…) funny, to see how you always and again create something new. I love the not-for-own-profit approach as well.

I will post this on my German blog on the 4-hour body as a way to do two things: learn to cook slow-carb and improving English.

13 years ago

Why is the cost of these cookbooks so high?

13 years ago

I am a 59 year old man, not particularly out of shape, but I was heavier than I wanted to be. I have been working the 4 Hour Body for 8 weeks and I have gone from 194 to 173 and I LOVE it!

The question is “What’s Next?”. What is the maintenance plan to maintain the weight I am, still eat well, but not as regimented as on the plan.


Jeff D
Jeff D
13 years ago

Thanks Tim. Glad to help and lose weight at the same time. I bought 2 of each due to confusion of labels or impatience by too frequent web purchaser. Hopefully, two is better than one for the kids. Thanks for the inspiration.

Matthew Harmon
Matthew Harmon
13 years ago

This is great! I just started reading the 4 Hour Body. This will be a nice addition to the book, finding good recipes can be a pain in the ass.

Gina Mo
Gina Mo
13 years ago

I tried to submit my Chaunk recipe tips but alas I was rejected. Seriously I can make like 5 types of dal to die for in 30 minutes or less that last you all week…and are delicious. Chaunk is where it’s at! I hope you honor the Chaunk in your cookbooks! If not, well, I’ll have to gather the will to try again..but I have Punjab , Madras, Guilty Gringo etc. recipes that are lovely…

I am off to Costa Rica to have a medical tourist vacay,thanks to my husband who lost a tooth!(a front one) . You inspired us! Muchissimas Gracias!!

13 years ago

On the last video I saw with you and Kevin Rose you seemed interested in the possibility of making money from iphone/ipad apps. This cookbook seems like an excellent opportunity for an app, and perhaps add some how-to videos.

Sommer Collier
Sommer Collier
13 years ago

Just ordered mine…and five of MY recipes are in it! So excited~ thanks for the opportunity Tim. 🙂

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
13 years ago
Reply to  Sommer Collier

Thank YOU for helping put this together, Sommer! 🙂

All the best,


Riley Harrison
Riley Harrison
13 years ago

Well if one is interested in healthy living and helping others, the buy decision is a no brainer. It’s a win win decision.


13 years ago

any chance this might get pushed out a little longer. I want to buy this but just can’t right this second. thanks!

13 years ago

Hello, I am into the 4 H B diet for my 4th week with not so good success…the weight is absolutely like cement and not getting the hint! I am 51 years old, 2 years into menopause and need to connect with others like me to find out if my stats are like theirs…or what they did differently.

please help me connect with others like me!

Thank you,


Gina Mo
Gina Mo
13 years ago
Reply to  Patty

I wrote to a gal voicing similar concerns a few posts earlier; but here goes my 2 cents. 53 year one of these days menopausal, pause already! OK we are not like Tim- sniff. But this does not mean we throw the baby out with the bath water! The slow part is dead on based on my experiments of one- we need high protein complex carbs i.e. beans! Why? because they help with the insanity of cortisol gone mad in our besieged menopausal bodies. We need shortcuts because we are probably at the height of our careers juggling the kitchen sink of womens lives, kids, parents, husbands, career, retirement , college, steps, lovers (haha) etc. SO we need a plan we can live with that is slow to digest, not insulin crazy, we need high protein because we are trying to rule the world and we need patience. I measure, I graph, I track, I weigh, I obsess granted, but it works( slowly oh so slowly ) and at this point I have teeny victories. We are not on a “diet” this is how you will eat forever. I have decided to have a love affair with dal, of which there are tons of varieties, spices-no calories there, and my kettleball, I also take a womans supplement that really really helps and I do lots of yoga. 1/3 a cup of beans at each meal is a good start. Add another 1/3 if you are hungry. When a plan says no weighing or measuring my anti authoritarian nature acts like I won the lottery and I will eat TONS- seriously I can eat my husband under the table…so I have to learn what a “normal portion is” and I track every little thing. I also walk an hour a day, ride my bike about an hour to and from yoga and do an hour of yoga and lose about 4-5 lbs a month. Yup. And I friggin kettleball. It’s love hate. I hate it but my metabolism loves it…hang in there, we only slow down more. We are fat storage units. Men are fat burners. The Yin and the yang, the dang yang (!) but power to the Yin! Oh and dal may be my husband but asparagus/spinach are my mistresses.

Liz Gebhardt
Liz Gebhardt
13 years ago
Reply to  Gina Mo

Agree with you Gina. If there is enough interest (and “customer demand”) based on blog comments, perhaps next version of Tim’s book (or even a mini-Blurb book ‘add-on”) might include more info on women and hormonal differences that may effect the timing of weight loss. Just have to stick with it – like you say.

13 years ago
Reply to  Gina Mo

@ Patty, Gina & Liz — I’m 30 and cannot (and would not) discount the hormonal issues postmenopausal women encounter when losing weight, but periodic bouts of weight gain from anti-inflammatory/steroid meds have given me a lot of experience with stubborn weight.

From my experience, legumes are useful for staving off fatigue, extreme hunger and ketosis symptoms, but they do limit the rate of weight loss.

If a well-hydrated, non-overtrained person with normal thyroid function is not losing weight eating protein+non-starchy veggies+legumes, then the carbs are the culprit, and I don’t think being male or female changes this.

On the other hand, including legumes prevents me from seeing a person eating a bagel and thinking 1) I would gladly murder them if I could eat it without breaking ketosis and 2) I need another nap, during which I could expect lurid dreams about starchy foods. That was a near-daily occurrence on the VLC way of eating I used to lose weight after my first stint on prednisone.

Soup, crock-pot recipes and big batches of stir fry in the fridge/freezer are the only shortcuts I’ve found for whole-food eating. Precombined foods almost always include a processed corn or soy product.

Best of luck to you!

13 years ago

Since you are publishing this yourself, how about considering a volume III, with only the vegetarian recipes? I’m a vegetarian and I hate buying cookbooks where I know that I won’t use 75% of the recipes. But if I could but just the 25% that I could use, I’d be a lot more open to buying new cook books!

Liz Gebhardt
Liz Gebhardt
13 years ago
Reply to  Sarah

Tim – I agree with Sarah (but I did go ahead and buy Volume 2 already). I would be happy to volunteer time to help put together vegetarian and even vegan version cookbooks with you and others if there is demand for such. Thanks again.

13 years ago
Reply to  Liz Gebhardt

If you’re getting good results with a veggie/vegan 4HB modification, perhaps you should do your own blog recipe project.

For most people, eggs and lean poultry are absolutely fundamental to carb-restricted ways of eating, and I don’t see how a person could comply with the soy and dairy prohibitions on a vegan mod of 4HB. The book’s data set is not from a vegetarian/vegan application of these ideas, so it would seem misleading to imply equivalent results.

Gina Mo
Gina Mo
13 years ago
Reply to  Liz Gebhardt

Liz, could it be the 4 hour Bit-ch? I actually was going to buy that domain but realized it would upset my dog. As for veg/vegan I will do a day or two sans meats when the arthritis gets unbearable, seems to calm things down gives me a meat breather and I push past the plateau for the next 1/4 pound loss….my husband is now down 20 today and I hover around 9 ish. Sigh.

13 years ago

/sigh this is the 2nd time I’ve come to an American blog to find out about a Canadian site thanks 🙂 lol

You should have had Colin post about his Questbridge experience. Then launch into the details. I was sad about the headline too 🙁

I hoped for something like $1000 for dinner or about $1/recipe? Deciding on the perfect fundraiser for students 🙂

Take care


13 years ago

Just ordered my Copy..

Thanks Tim, For creating another valuable way for us to Donate and yet receive a reward in return.


Christian K
Christian K
13 years ago

BTW add me to the “let me know when you have an ebook version” people. 🙂

Who the &*$# wants papers books!?! Actually, I wonder how many people are buying the book in paper form simply because there is no “e” option.

(Oh just read that and it sounded angry or something. Totally not the case.)

13 years ago

I already bought my copy, but anyone who can’t and is looking for recipes, try any South Beach phase one recipe and omit dairy. Love 4HB, but this diet isn’t that revolutionary.

13 years ago

Hi Tim,

Sorry as I have a question that is unrelated to this post, but is relevant to the 4HB. I’m struggling with cervical spine degeneration/herniation as well as stenosis. This is causing spinal cord compression and serve pain in both my shoulders and intermittent numbness in both arms/hands. I’ve seen 3 spine surgeons and 1 alternative therapy specialist. The surgeons all want to remove 2 of my discs and fuse 3 of my vertebrae together, ultimately eliminating me from most of the activities I enjoy today (in particular brazilian jujitsu). The alternative “non-surgical” therapy specialist tells me “I’m too far gone” for any type of disc rejuvenation therapy. But I refuse to believe this…..I’m still in my mid-thirties!

So my question is did you have any success with biopuncture or prolotherapy for your cervical degeneration issues? I saw that the Egoscue method was listed as a “fix” for cervical issues but I was hoping there was also some injection therapy techniques that also resulted in localized healing.

Thanks so much,


Jared Meacham
Jared Meacham
13 years ago

Damn just missed it! I have about 4brazillian ways to cook lentils and am sick of every one of them I’m hoping you have something cool in there for that. I’m sure it sold well and hopefully earned a ton for the fundraiser. It’ll be interesting to see how it sold as well just to test the market. Can’t wait to buy a copy, party on!!

Leonid Liu
Leonid Liu
13 years ago

Hi Tim,

I’m another QuestBridge Scholar who was thrilled to see the scholarship featured on your blog. Both QuestBridge and your blog have been transformative for me: QuestBridge for sending me to Wesleyan University on a full-ride and your blog for laying the foundation of how I work out and use my time. I owe my success to both resources.

If you decide to write more about QuestBridge or your work with education reform, I’d gladly share my own experience with the program. Thank you for this fundraiser. The money really is going toward something worthwhile.

All the best,

Leonid Liu

David Walsh
David Walsh
13 years ago

Is it just me, or is the book not available on Blurb any more.

Maybe I’m missing something, but it’s not showing up in the links, or a search on Blurb.


Brian Boulay
Brian Boulay
8 years ago
Reply to  David Walsh

I see it, although it is listed for $10,030.99(!)

Mike "Ambassador" Bruny
Mike "Ambassador" Bruny
13 years ago


I was wondering if you speak to those who are on the road and how to maintain the good eating habits or better yet, suggestions for some of the fast food locations.

I live outside of Boston and usually drive 1hr to get to networking events. I’m hitting up several events in one night and find on the drive home I am hungry. Stopping at the rest stop, there’s usually a store and McDonald’s. I haven’t been able to make the healthiest of choices to stay on the slow-carb diet. Can you help a brother out?

Thanks in advance for your thoughts.

Your Ambassador and fan,

Mike Bruny

13 years ago

Hi Tim (and the world)

This is a bit (more .. ok, ok! … completely :P) off-topic but it’s been itching me to give you a hint about this from the first time I’ve come into contact with you Tim. Your karma-enhancing move here gave me the opportunity to come forth.

Back then when I was 16-ish I came across (through my brother) someone I consider to be my first truly mentor (with Tim being the second) – this man: (I couldn’t find the English version of the site but since Tim can handle German it’s good enough, sorry for you others) and his first two books. Later I managed to get hold of the rest (and he’s still writing – Yay!), all twelve. In short – this book changed my life, I’m not talking about the – You Can Be the Man You Always Wanted to Be in 5 Easy Steps. No. He helps people see the Bigger Picture, not just the Big Picture. Most important of all it helped me understand why stuff happens.

I bet you all wondered why is this world the way it is, why some get to be born rich, while others feed on garbage … something seems to be screwed up … really, come on we were supposed to be ‘equal’ … good deeds have to bring good rewards, good people live and die of old age happy in their beds etc… why is this not happening, is God not doing his ‘job’?

However you can understand that, you can learn to see the real going of things and, most importantly you can start to be a better Man. As far as I’m concerned I’m the last man alive to say the above – I literally have it all in my face yet I’m a lazy good for nothing f^^& that doesn’t know what is good for him. I hope you all can do a better job than me.

For the record: I’m in no way connected with the man in question. He is no preacher for a spiritual liberation movement, nor an ascended guru from heaven above, he’s an ordinary man doing what we should all do: extraordinary things. I don’t get any cookies for posting these words (maybe some karma points, hopefully), I’m just trying to be a good citizen of our global village and tell you all what worked for me.

Thank you so much for your time.


PS: beware of the trap – reading those books with your rational mind is like using algebra to explain art, you can only go so far with it. Try to feel them with your heart. Works faster and much better 😉

13 years ago


In the new book you say to not eat Navy beans, I would like to know why this is. I am in the Navy and will be stationed overseas, we eat alot of Navy beans in the Navy, how can I get around this. I also think it is not very patriotic of you to disregard Navy beans.

Gina Mo
Gina Mo
13 years ago

Thanks Lauren for the thoughts. I am very interested in the potential of NSAID usage causing stubborn weight loss. Years of distance running and maternal arthritis cause me to reach for Diclofenac at times. I think hormonal fluctuations are really the key issue but can’t prove it. The data is so crappy. But one does read about the effects on the thyroid of menopausal hormone sputtering, and my eyebrows fall out every so often so I am guessing it’s the darn hormones, not the beans. Still unless you want to delve into thyroid meds..yech…one last tidbit. It may be hard to lose weight with a hypo-thyroid but a hypo thyroid is linked to long life…so I am now going to have a nap and one of those sexy starch dreams!

Greg Duchon
Greg Duchon
13 years ago


I was wondering if future versions might also include suggestions for ordering from common restaurants or fast food places? I know its not too difficult to pick the right foods when ordering, but I think there are many times when people (myself included) don’t realize that certain restaurants have options that would work or are plain just unaware of good places to eat when following the slow carb diet.

13 years ago

Hi! My copy of the 4-hour body check came in the mail today – extremely excited! Had a quick browse and this is JUST the book I have been looking for for years.

Regarding the cookbook – is it still available to buy?