Housecleaning and Clarifications: Blog Content, 4HB Corrections, Competition Winners, Slow-Carb Mistakes, and More

(Photo: Felipe Morin)

Holy crap. The 4-Hour Body (4HB) has ended up producing an avalanche of questions.

There are definitely a few gems hidden amongst the rubble, and more than a few typos were unearthed in the process.

This post — mostly how-to with a few bits of entertainment — is purely for tying up loose ends. I hope it helps.

Covered in this post:

The blog moving forward: 4HB content vs. 4HWW content vs. random topics

4HB Bonus Materials – If You Missed It

4HB Tools and Tricks – All Online!

Contest winners

Slow-carb clarifications

4-Hour Body – common questions and Q&As

Audiobook PDF downloads

4HB reader-generated goodies: desktop wallpaper, etc.

Media samples

4HB corrections and typos


The blog moving forward: 4HB content vs. 4HWW content vs. random topics

Some readers have expressed interest in more business-related posts, instead of physical-focused posts. Not to worry — there will continue to be both on this blog. In simplest terms, I write about what I’m most interested in (or passionate about) at the time. If you don’t find a post interesting, skip out for a bit and then check back in. I don’t expect anyone to read all of my posts.

4HB Bonus Materials – If You Missed It

The 4-Hour Body bonus materials have been up for a while now. If you missed them, all can be found here. Enjoy!

There are a number of forums and message boards for 4HB, including this blog and the reader-generated 4HBTalk.

For those interested, I’ll be experimenting with a private, paid forum (probably $9.95/month to start, but not sure) for 4HB. I’m going to test it with 100 people first. If you have any interest in being one of the 100 for $9.95/month, please fill out this form. My hope is that this forum can be a central troll-free and spam-free gathering point for people who are willing to test, gather data, and contribute to each other. I don’t want participants who ask others to Google simple questions for them. The price is a simple mechanism to separate out those who are most serious.

Regardless, information wants to be free. There are a ton of free resources and communities online, not to mention a 600-page book, that should be enough for anyone to make exceptional progress.

4HB Tools and Tricks — all online!

Ever wished all of links in the 4-Hour Body “Tools and Tricks” were online? You asked and I heard you — all of the resources links are now online here. Enjoy!

Contest winners!


Blog post: Have a Good Eye for Ads? Try the (Lucrative) 4-Hour Body Experiment…

Date: October 13

Winner: Salman Sajid (Congratulations!)

Prize(s): North Face Prophet 65 Trekking Pack (Retail: $319), A round-trip anywhere in the world Star Alliance airlines fly (or $1,000 cash), All 4-Hour Body revenue via ads on my site for two weeks (potentially every post ever written), using your Amazon affiliate code.

Notes: Here is Salman’s winning ad (he also won the smaller banner), based on click-through rate. I’ll be doing a longer analysis in a future blog post. The genius “Eat Like Santa, Look Like Jesus” ads, which I also used to great effect, was designed (visual and copy) by Conway Anderson. Amusingly, he and I randomly met on the Embarcadero sidewalk on the SF waterfront. He gave me his card “just in case” and here we are.


Blog post: “The Land Rush: 48 Hours to Claim $4,000,000 in Prizes” + “The 4-Hour Body is NOW OUT – Live Q&A Today, New Trailer, Free Books, and Much More”

Date: December 2010 (sadly, there were some great submissions who posted too late, like David Batchelor)

Winner: Camille. Runner-up: Roger P.

Prize(s): Free trip to the person who promotes The 4-Hour Body best this week. If you are the best promoter, judged by me and a panel of friends, you get to pick one trip of a lifetime… for free. I will almost definitely be in attendance: 8-Day Argentina Snow Adventure in Patagonia, or 10-Day Private Tour of India, including Miss India. Includes roundtrip economy airfare from and back to the U.S. Addendum: I’ll give the runner-up a round-trip anywhere in the world that Continental flies (or StarAlliance). Camille, you can also take this, if you prefer. No expiration date.

Slow-Carb Clarifications

I’m currently getting at least 500-1,000 questions a day via the blog, Twitter, Facebook, etc. about the slow-carb diet. Let me clarify a few things:

Do not eat the following, except for cheat days:


Sweet potatoes


Dairy (this includes cheese and yogurt of all kinds)

I mention cottage cheese at one point as a last resort. It is low in lactose, which is what you need to avoid. Ghee and cream (for coffee) should contain little or no lactose, hence you can use them. The same goes for effectively lactose-free, unflavored whey protein, etc..

[Note for the PubMed readers: It’s true that whey is partially (or wholly) responsible for the insulinemic response of most dairy, but avoiding lactose seems to be more directly correlated to faster fat-loss in the diet subjects I’ve tracked. Needless to say, avoiding all dairy is the simplest solution.]

SUPPLEMENTS: There is NO need for supplements on the slow-carb diet, besides magnesium, potassium, etc. in “Slow-Carb II.” PAGG is NOT necessary, so if you find it confusing, just omit it.

Post-workout carbs – If your goal is fat loss, and assuming you are not training for endurance competition:

– If you male and not 12% bodyfat or less, no post-workout carbs.

– If you are female and not 20% bodyfat or less, no post-workout carbs.

In the end, the point of 4HB is intelligent and responsible SELF-EXPERIMENTATION. I will not answer all of your questions, precisely because I want you to think for yourselves and figure it out. Hundreds of you have already done so. It’s not that hard.

The following will address 99%+ of confusion:

– If you have to ask, don’t eat it.

– If you haven’t had blood tests done, I don’t want to hear that the diet doesn’t work.

– If you aren’t measuring inches or haven’t measured bodyfat % with an accurate tool (BodPod, etc. and NOT bodyfat scales), I don’t want to hear that the diet doesn’t work.

– If you’re a woman and taking measurements within 10 days prior to menstruation (which I advise against in the book), I don’t want to hear about the lack of progress.

– On the critical 4-6 week window:

For people over 40 and women (especially after two kids), it’s quite common that the most dramatic fat-loss and weight change comes after 4-6 weeks on the diet. I have no explanation for this. Needless to say, if you haven’t done the diet for AT LEAST four weeks, please don’t post a comment about plateauing and panicking. I can’t give you meaningful advice without a ton of other supporting data (blood tests, etc.), and it’s physically impossible for me to respond to each person.

To reiterate: The entire goal of 4HB is to make you a self-sufficient self-experimenter within safe boundaries. Track yourself, follow the rules, and track the changes if you break or bend the rules. Simple as that. That’s what I did to arrive at my conclusions, and that’s what you will do — with a huge head start with the 4HB — to arrive at yours.

Do it for 4 weeks and then troubleshoot if you’re plateauing.

If you post a plea for help anywhere, include at least two FULL days of your meals and snacks so people can actually help you.

Most of those saying they’re “following the diet to the letter” are doing nothing of the sort. Reread “Slow-Carb II” in 4HB.

Last, I’ll repeat the basic approach to the unknown: If you have to ask, don’t eat it.

4-Hour Body – common questions and Q&As

Most of the questions you could possibly ask about 4HB or slow-carb have been answered, whether related to carb-loading for endurance, orgasms, or other. I’ve done a few Q&As over the last few weeks, and I encourage you to check them out — lots of good questions:

4HB Presentation and extended Q&A at Twitter Headquarters [VIDEO]

4HB Presentation and extended Q&A at Twitter Headquarters [AUDIO] (after clicking the link, just wait 45 seconds to download the file for free)

Borders Books Q&A [TEXT]

Presentation and Q&A at Google Headquarters (the preso is the same as Twitter, but the Q&A is different and starts at 18:00)

Audiobook PDF downloads

The PDFs that accompany audiobook downloads (which I have nothing to do with) are apparently really hard to find. Please note: on Audible and elsewhere, there should be a small download link on your purchase confirmation for downloading the PDFs.

4HB reader-generated goodies: desktop wallpaper, etc.

Just for the fun of it, here is some desktop wallpaper created by Cole Morgan.

Media Samples

If you’d like to see how you must compress your sound bites for television, here is a brief clip of me from The View. I REALLY want to get Barbara Walters huge on creatine. She’d look amazing with killer forearms:

I will also be on Dr. Oz this Monday (Jan 24), and it should be a much longer segment and worth seeing. Find your local times here. I’ve been on his radio show twice, and we’ve always had a good time digging into the details. He doesn’t hesitate to challenge.

4HB corrections and typos

Through the editing process, which included more than six passes of the manuscript and a team of copyeditors, typos inevitably ended up in 4HB. I’m thankful to you, my readers, for pointing most of them out. Here are those we’ve found so far. These are my notes sent to the publisher, so forgive the odd formatting, and most bolding has been removed:


“As I double-checked pg.280 of your 4-Hour Body book, I see that you indeed recommend 200 milligrams of the extract, however, the reader suggested that … it should, in fact, be 200 MICROgrams.”

TIM: I’m not sure how this happened, but he’s right. It should be “micrograms (mcg)” NOT milligrams. Please change to “micrograms (mcg)”


2) IODINE TYPO and add to biotin, PG 524

“Hello,??I noticed two typos on page 524:??* Iodine does not have a USRDA value of 1,500 mcg…it is actually 150 mcg.”

TIM: This is correct. Please change to 150 mcg. I don’t know how this happened, as it was accurate at manuscript stage. Needs to be “150 mcg”

“?* Biotin does not have a USRDA value of 30 mcg…it is actually 300 mcg.”

TIM: He is incorrect here, I believe, but we should still update, as Biotin does not have an USRDA. Put “(no USRDA)” next to biotin like a few others.??



“Under DAMAGE CONTROL you state that during your binge you consumed 1 tbsp cinnamon in your coffee. However under THE GLUCOSE SWITCH, when explaining types and quantities of cinnamon you stressed the importance of not exceeding 1.5 teaspoons a day. Which would mean you had consumed double that “safe” amount during your binge. Can you please clarify?”

TIM: “1 tbsp cinnamon” on pg. 101 (under “12:45pm”) is a typo and should be “1 tsp cinnamon”


4) PG. 26

“That is, if you’re a critical intervention patient, such as a morbidly

obese type 1 diabetic.”

Should be changed to “type 2”:

“That is, if you’re a critical intervention patient, such as a morbidly

obese type 2 diabetic.”


5) PG. 116, PAGG

The end result was PAGG.

Policosanol: 20–25 mg

Alpha- lipoic acid: 100–300 mg (I take 300 mg with each meal, but some

people experience acid refl ux symptoms with more than 100 mg)

Green tea fl avanols (decaffeinated with at least 325 mg EGCG):

325 mg

Garlic extract: 200 mg

Daily PAGG intake is timed before meals and bed, which produces a

schedule like this:

Prior to breakfast: AGG

Prior to lunch: AGG

Prior to dinner: AGG

Prior to bed: PAGG

Should be changed to (changes in bold):

The end result was PAGG.

Policosanol: 20–25 mg

Alpha- lipoic acid: 100–300 mg (I take 300 mg with each meal, but some

people experience acid reflux symptoms with even 100 mg)

Green tea flavanols (decaffeinated with at least 325 mg EGCG):

325 mg

Garlic extract: at least 200 mg (I routinely use 650+ mg)

Daily PAGG intake is timed before meals and bed, which produces a

schedule like this:

Prior to breakfast: AGG

Prior to lunch: AGG

Prior to dinner: AGG

Prior to bed: PAG (omit the green tea extract)



“Until further research concludes otherwise, I suggest using an

aged-garlic extract (AGE) with high allicin potential that includes all constituent parts, including S-Allyl cysteine.”

Should be changed to [changes bolded]:

“Until further research concludes otherwise, I suggest using an

aged-garlic extract (AGE) with high allicin potential that includes all constituent parts, including S-Allyl cysteine. If AGE isn’t available, unaged garlic extract appears to work at slightly higher doses.”


I currently use the following products. I have no financial interest in any of them:

Vitamin Shoppe— Allicin 6000 Garlic, 650 mg, 100 caplets (

Mega Green Tea Extract (decaffeinated), 725 mg, 100 capsules (

Vitamin Shoppe— Alpha- Lipoic Acid, 300 mg, 60 capsules (

Nature’s Life— Policosanol, 60 tablets (

Should be changed to (please just copy and paste the below):

I used the following products for my testing, but I’ll update links based on availability and reader feedback. I have no financial interest in any of them:

Allicin 6000 Garlic—650 mg, 100 caplets (

Mega Green Tea Extract— 325+ mg EGCG, 100 capsules (

Vitamin Shoppe—Alpha-Lipoic Acid, 100 mg, 60 capsules (

Nature’s Life— Policosanol, 60 tablets (


7) CHANGE “Heinrich” to “Henrik” on pg. 256, parag 3


8) PG. 15 — “500 scientific citations” needs to be changed to “300 scientific citations”

The Tim Ferriss Show is one of the most popular podcasts in the world with more than one billion downloads. It has been selected for "Best of Apple Podcasts" three times, it is often the #1 interview podcast across all of Apple Podcasts, and it's been ranked #1 out of 400,000+ podcasts on many occasions. To listen to any of the past episodes for free, check out this page.

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Comment Rules: Remember what Fonzie was like? Cool. That’s how we’re gonna be — cool. Critical is fine, but if you’re rude, we’ll delete your stuff. Please do not put your URL in the comment text and please use your PERSONAL name or initials and not your business name, as the latter comes off like spam. Have fun and thanks for adding to the conversation! (Thanks to Brian Oberkirch for the inspiration.)

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Jason L
Jason L
13 years ago

Hello to the 4HB community,

First off, thank you Mr. Ferriss for your tips and tricks covered in your book.

The fiancee and I are trying to make positive changes in 2011. Mostly organic produce, no artifical sweetners, slim to no dairy products, and this was all before 4HB. Now after Dr. Oz, 30g of protien within 30 mins, cold showers/ice baths and grapefruit juice + active squats prior to bingeing are nice little add-ons. We’re physically inactive but that will be changing soon.

To pose a question to the community-at-large, I am a sailor with the Canadian Navy and well don’t have great access to nutritional food on-board during sails/deployments. I try and substitute breakfast with protein powder (whey isolate or soy from VEGA) mix in a bit of Omega 3-6 oil and a scoop of Greens+ or VeggiePlus for the nutrients. I get around 33g of protein according to nutritional labels and try to drink water and tea (green exclusively). I stay away from potatoes as much as I can and eat mostly the protein option for lunch and dinner. Often there is salad and such available but covered in huge amounts of dressing making it virtually pointless to consume. Fresh fruit is available ranging from bananas to kiwis. Hardly any grapefruit juice.

So I ask of anyone who could provide any tweaks to this plan that’d be great. Couldn’t find a better place to post this request.

Good luck to you all on your progress, will post updates when they come available.

Peter Bold
Peter Bold
13 years ago
Reply to  Jason L

Hi Jason,

I would suggest getting rid of the soy protein powder.

All the best


13 years ago


In your book you mention a few resources designed to get women over their reservations about sex. I was wondering if you had any such resources for men?

Raised in a very strict religious family I have discover that there is quite a bit of shame / repression for me in this areas as well….


Chris Formosa
Chris Formosa
13 years ago

While tim’s book is great, i think its absolute crap that Tim recommends – 85% of products on that website are fraud. Any supplier can get “gold” status without any verification other than providing an address.

85% of suppliers on alibaba use address from manufacturing plants in china and then post fake products and then accept a western union money transfer.


13 years ago


Thanks much for the book. fabulous! I’ve lost 12 lbs, going for 8 more!

I found this fabulous book called “My System” by Muller. (free at google books). it’s written in the early 1900’s and it’s a classic masterpiece. suggest you check it out if you haven’t seen it. suggest you check it out in research for a follow-up book on how to maintain health and fitness. his routines regarding the skin as a body organ are really fascinating. i’m sure with your skills in figuring the least for the most gain, you could come up with a fantastic maintenance routine. all of his exercises don’t use weights. it’s a great read.

Keep up the great work!


13 years ago

Great stuff Tim. Just did 5 weeks of BR’s deadlift program (Effortless Superhuman)…Went from 315 1RM to 355 x2 reps and definatly added a inch or two to my vertical (never measured *sad face*) Unfourtantly I lost a couple pounds as well. (172 to 168 )

BTW I’m going to be giving the Geek to Freak a try. Planning continuing Paleo with the addition of atleast a litre of Goats Milk per day.

Question: Do you see anything wrong with doing IFing along with the Geek to Freak as long as I’m still getting the kcals in ? (16hr fast / 8hr feed)

Salman Sajid
Salman Sajid
13 years ago

Special Case for you:

My wife wakes up at about 6:30 to feed and change our baby. She’s up for about an hour and then goes back to sleep.

She’s doing what your dad did by having a protein shake within 30 minutes of waking up.

My question to you is, should she have the protein shake when she wakes up at 6:30 or when she wakes up normally later in the morning?

ps: btw, thanks for kudos. I hope my ad helped you sell some books!

13 years ago
Reply to  Salman Sajid

I kind of fit in on that special case too…I work a rotating shift of one week day shift, one week evening shift, and one week midnights.

I can handle the various recommendations about breakfast, lunch, lunch and dinner, but the question I have is regarding cholesterol. In the book you say that the body builds cholesterol between midnight and 4AM…Is that regardless of when the major sleep of the day is?

I’m starting today, and am very excited, this is the first fitness book I’ve read that makes sense to me.

Gregory Elfrink
Gregory Elfrink
13 years ago

Yo Tim,

I think first-time I’ve commented here, long-time fan, in fact you’re my biggest role model in the world of business and now fitness ; )

I haven’t picked up your new book yet, but should be here in the next week or so. Really looking forward to it man, read part of the first chapter at my local bookstore and found myself laughing at all the awesome stories.

You’ve outdone yourself Mr. Ferris ; )

I’ll let you know the results of me going on it. Want to lose 30 lbs of fat and gain 10-15 pounds of muscle to start off with, but I am pretty uneducated in the world of health & fitness at the moment, so we shall see how those goals change.

Take care man, be back soon to comment again!

13 years ago

Hi! I started the slow carb diet yesterday..and I am wondering about tofu (soy). I am not sure if this was already posted or not but can somebody please tell me if I can eat tofu as one of my protein sources?


13 years ago
Reply to  sssundae

From everything I read in the book Sundae, it is a bad source of protein on the diet and in general it should be taken in moderation. Check out 4HB page 545 in the book.

13 years ago
Reply to  sssundae

Do you best to avoid soy. Read the Meatless section in the back of the book. Soy does strange things to our bodies. Use unsweetened when protein. Tim lists some brands that won’t make you gag.

13 years ago

Wow! Barbara Walters was grouchy! What was her deal? It was like pulling teeth with her!

Biren Shah
Biren Shah
13 years ago

Hi Tim,

I’ve some good success (down 11lbs in 5 weeks), while cheating like hell. (I’m happy with the progress.)

I’m loving the weight loss, but I’m loving the feeling of being effective, being in control, and having weekly–or even daily–successes even more.

This week I’m doing a series of posts about what I’ve learned so far. Check it out if you get a chance:

Thanks for all the work–been really benefiting from it!


13 years ago

Great book! I’ve recommended it to all my friends, made my own kettlebell and am getting my six pack back!

Question on the protocol for increasing testosterone: In an effort to save money, I am buying the cod liver oil and Irish butter separately, but I couldn’t find how much butter to eat if it’s the Kerrygold. Do I just eat it plain along with the cod liver oil?

Keep up the great (and insane) work!

13 years ago


Just wanted to say I really enjoyed 4HB. Lost 2 inches at the waist and 10 lbs after 2 weeks. Oh, and great job on Barbara’s show. I found her reactions (and lack there off) quite funny. Will you be posting the Dr Oz segment? Can’t seem to find it any place.

Be well, Jack

13 years ago
Reply to  Jack


Here is a link to the Tim’s segment on the Dr. Oz show:

13 years ago


He empezado a leer tu libro… me parece increible, es fascinante como puedes cambiar tanto con tan poco; gracias por cambiar mi vida. Los mejores deseos, deberia nominarte para personaje del año o algo asi.

pd: pense que un poco de español te caeria bien 😉

13 years ago

Hey Tim!

I just wrote an email to Jill to enquire about translation rights to your book. I am an editor at a publishing house in Barcelona (we publish in Catalan and Spanish language) and your book fits perfectly in our list. I sent all the information to Jill – I hope to hear from her or you soon.

Best wishes,


13 years ago

NICE WORK TIM!!!! I’m a 25yr old chef/structural bodyworker livin in Kauai, and also back and forth between the NW and CA. Even with the travel I CRUISED THROUGH EVERY PAGE OF 4HB WITHIN 4 DAYS OF ITS RELEASE. FOLLOWING PROTOCOL. AMAZING RESULTS. HAD POOR DIGESTION AND MY METABOLISM IS REVIN NOW. EVERY PERSON I SHARE MY PASSION FOR YOUR BOOK HAS THEIR OWN COPY NOW. (wish i was on commission)




AND LASTLY, TIM (dont know why i haven’t heard any mention yet) WHAT THE HELL IS UP WITH USING A MICROWAVE?!?!? SO confused by this decision as health is most definitely a common priority for us. Knowing what I know about you I’m sure you’ve done your research…. so WHATS UP? : )

13 years ago
Reply to  Jamie

I was thinking exactly the same thing about the microwave…LOTS of research out there about the dangers of microwave!!

Nonetheless, LOVE the book! Thanks for being our guinea pig Tim!! 🙂

Alex CC
Alex CC
13 years ago

Hi Tim!!

Do you Know when the Spanish version will be aviable?


13 years ago

Hello Tim!

The 4-hour body will be released in Brazil? I already bought the first book, and I haven´t found the 4-hour body stores.

Thank you for your excellent work.

Igor (from Brazil)

13 years ago

1 question for anybody that can answer : It’s my third week on the slow-carb and I begin to have chocolate craving this week…I take 1 pill of Magnesium befor bed every evening so I must not be low on magnesium…Can it be a symptom ? and do you have a suggestion for me ?

Thanks all.

Peter Bold
Peter Bold
13 years ago
Reply to  Misryane


wich type of magnesium do you use and how many mg? If it´s the cheaper magnesium oxide, bioavailibilty is very low and you could be deficient, even when 1 pill a day.

I use magensium citrate (bougth in a 500 g container for 15,95 Euro) at the moment and will cycle back to the chelatet version by Biotest when I do harder workouts.

Dax Moy who wrote a lengthy article about the relation between magnesium and chocolate cravings also recommends the orotate and glyconate form.

All the best


13 years ago
Reply to  Peter Bold

OK thank you very much Peter !

I didn’t check what type of magnesium the pharmacist gave me…It’s magnesium chloride. I will try to take more pills as the recommanded quantities are 5 to 8 pills per day and see if there’s any change…

Again thank you very much 🙂


13 years ago
Reply to  Peter Bold

Hi Peter !

I was thinking that you seems to be in Europe so maybe you can answer me : I have a very hard time to find the PAGG and I definitively didn’t find the Athletic greens since they say that they don’t deliver in France. I found the CQ, ALA and green tea extract In England but still waiting for my parcel…it’s very very long…Can you tell me where did you find those if you’re taking them ? Thanks very much.


Peter Bold
Peter Bold
13 years ago
Reply to  Peter Bold

Hi Misryane,

yes, I am sitting around on Tenerife. I´m not using policosanol and ala, got the garlic and green tee extract from a phamacie and use superfood by Biotest instead of greens, thy ship to europe but it will cost you 70 $ for the shipping regardless of size.

All the best


13 years ago

I’ve only been on a diet/workout routine for just over a week using this book and i’ve lost 2 inches off of my waist. All i’ve really done is clean up my diet (no more frozen pizzas, no pasta, no Jack in the Box, more celery and broccoli and eggs) and i workout every other day using strength training and the ab exercises. I still drink milk sometimes and i haven’t cut out bread just yet. So the diet works just fine for me and i’m not even strictly adhering to it.

Nic B.
Nic B.
13 years ago

Tim, I have gotten a lot of useful info out of your book so far. As of 3/10/08, I had lost 75 pounds using exercise, a vegetarian (often vegan) diet, and prayer. I have kept the weight off but never really had a tight, toned look. Although I have not finished reading your book and have only followed the slow carb diet half-heartedly thus far, I have cut back on my usual workouts and added kettlebell swings to my exercise regimen. About a week ago, I had a scare and thought I was developing a tumor, as I had a hard lump on my right abdomen. I checked the left side for comparison, and I had one there too. I felt stupid when I realized what was going on – I am finally getting the abs I’ve always wanted. Thanks so much!

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
13 years ago
Reply to  Nic B.

Congratulations, Nic! Keep those abs coming!

13 years ago

Hi Tim,

I just read your post “How to Keep Feces Out of Your Bloodstream”. Any advice myself and other 4-Hour Body readers on good starchy ‘palaeolithic’ substitutes for the brown rice and quinoa on the “Geek to Freak” programme?

Many thanks,

Gareth 🙂

13 years ago
Reply to  Gareth

Yams, Sweet Potatoes are great starchy alternatives…

13 years ago
Reply to  Gareth

Hi Tim,

what would happen if i used the supplements from ‘geek to freek’ and applied them to the ‘effortless superhuman’ protocol? Would i still gain more mass than strength? Will i get slow twitch muscle fiber?

Your book has had a big influence on all my family and friends. Thnx a lot,


13 years ago

Hmmm, wish I had great news to report like so many people here but unfortunately I don’t. I’ve been doing SCD since 1/6/2011 and lost 9 lbs after the first week. Then after a free day Saturday that featured plenty of creme-filled cookies, I measured myself again on the following Tues to see I was back up 6 (net loss 3 lbs.) And now, just over 1 week later I am still down around net 6 lbs total – but not experiencing the kind of dramatic results or dramatic changes others are seeing.

Breakfast is two boiled eggs with spinach or broccoli or carrots or mixed vegetables (all originally frozen.)

Lunch is mixed vegetables and turkey sausage or chicken breast.

And dinner is normally the same as lunch. (with just a different vegetable carb source substitution.)

Canned beans have made cameo appearances in the above meals, and when they’re there the vegetable portions are reduced. But in general canned beans are HIGH in sodium (even the low sodium ones play these silly serving games where it’s 200-380mgs of sodium but the one small can is said to have 2 servings) so canned beans are not an important part fo the diet. Hummus is added to some meals but in moderation.

Snacks (before reading this post): was a mixture of plain unsweetened yogurt and cottage cheese. (If you’ve ever had plain unsweetened yogurt – you understand why.)

Fairly sedentary lifestyle at the moment, no exercise regimen or supplement schedule with the diet. I wanted to isolate the diet to see if it caused weight-loss and so far it’s nothing special for me. The 6 lbs of loss is pale in comparison to what I’m giving up as far as ignoring cravings for carbs which rarely occur, not participating in snack sharing, and staying away from eating out for now (too much temptation.)

I’m just interested in hearing your thoughts; I can’t conceive of any behavioral change between the 9 lbs down and now that can explain the lack of results.

13 years ago
Reply to  Dwight

Hi Dwight !

Did you take measurements of your arms, legs, hips and waist as suggested ? How many water do you drink ? Do you eat your breakfast upon waking up ?

I just began the third week of the SCD. The forst week I lost 3.74 lbs and 2 cm on arms, legs, and hips but not waist. The second week I took 0.66 lbs BUT I lost again 2 to 3 cm on arms, legs and hips and 3 cm on waist…The lbs is not really significant as a measurement of weight loss…As the SCD should enhance the muscles (muscles are weighing much than fat).

Finally, do you weighing the morning of your binge day ?

13 years ago
Reply to  Misryane

Hi Misryane,

I’ve not started taking measurements yet as I’ve searched without success for the Myotape that took me through a previous Body for Life 12 week cycle. It seemed less important to me to take the total inches measurement on SCD in this self-experiment though as I’m not exercising and therefore it’s unlikely that I’m developing new muscles and recompositioning my body that way. I’m using a bodyfat scale though with full body bioimpedance and the bodyfat has not been moving in addition the lack of weightloss. In fact the lack of bioimpedance changes success that the little weightloss I’ve seen so far is from water weight and not from fat.

Peter Bold
Peter Bold
13 years ago
Reply to  Dwight


was your first meal on the binge low carb, did you take grapefruit juice/lemon juice/ cinammon and lots of water with the meals, did you do the contractions, did you take PAGG?

Did you do another binge on 22-01-2011?

Try eating 3 eggs more for breakfast – your protein intake seem low.

Is cooking the beans at home an option.

All the best


13 years ago
Reply to  Peter Bold

Hi Peter,

I’m super hydrated – drinking lots of water one of the healthiest habits I have.

On binge/free day the first meal is the same 2 boiled eggs breakfast as every other day since it’s actually very convenient. No PAGG or cinnamon-spiking or contractions though. I’ll try the 3rd egg to see if it makes a difference, but so far my conclusions are starkly disappointing so I’m willing to try anything dietary at this point.

Peter Bold
Peter Bold
13 years ago
Reply to  Peter Bold


what I wanted to say was eat 5 eggs total for breakfast.

Even when not exercising you shoul get the tape measure – I once gained 4 lbs and lost 2 1/2 inches at the waist at the same time. Without the tape measure I would have been pretty discouraged as the bodyfat scale told me I was gaining fat too – they are not reliable.

BTW what are your stats age/heigth/weigth?

All the best


Jen Wardell
Jen Wardell
13 years ago
Reply to  Dwight

Sounds like you might not be getting enough calories honestly. I’d try to cook the beans myself if you’re worried about salt. And I’d cut out the yogurt altogether maybe.

And are you at all cranky or anything like that? If so, then it’s probably you’re not eating enough!

13 years ago
Reply to  Jen Wardell

@ Peter: I’m 5’10 (177cm’s) 30 y.o and 242 lbs at most recent check.

@ Jen – the 32 fl oz of plain yogurt which I bought after reading the longevity part of the 4HB will be gone by the end of the next free day. Fruit smoothies galore will be the cheat meals of choice – so far I’m thinking pineapple, banana,and mango but no final decisions yet. I’m slightly cranky – but that is due to the fact that old habits are fighting back. I used to eat cereal as a snack food in lieu of Danish cookies, Entemanns (spelling?), any type of cookies, etc. Now that yogurt and cottage cheese to a large extent are gone – I’m not sure what to do for a snack. A high protein pudding seems like an option to try; and I’ll try to add more beans/legumes to see if I’ve been eating too little.

I’m forming a theory based on some more careful investigation that the reason for the weight-loss plateau is due to barbecue sauce. Which sounds crazy but it’s the only change that is consistent daily since the plateau that can explain the slow down. The leading brand of BBQ sauce which I use [very liberally] has the very first ingredient listed as “high FRUCTOSE corn syrup.” Which according to the FDA guidelines that I Googled means it is the most ‘predominant’ ingredient in the sauce. Given that we know fructose spikes insulin resistance and the fact that I’ve been having the sauce at least twice a day to pour over the veggies and chicken — I think we have a culprit. Only testing will confirm but it’s the only everyday change that makes sense to me so far.

13 years ago
Reply to  Dwight

My suggestion for cooking your own beans for the next day is to get a thermos type flask. I have a one litre, double layered one. Before i go to bed i pour in as many beans as i want for the next day, fill it with boiling water, and seal it up. Next morning, perfect beans!

13 years ago

Can you please recommend a low carb / high protein shake to drink in the mornings? I can’t seem to get down 30 grams of protein in food form that early. I know you mentioned unflavored whey protein. Any specific brands or types? Thank you!

Peter Bold
Peter Bold
13 years ago
Reply to  Kendra


I used ESN Micellar Casein and Metabolic Drive Low Carb Formula by Biotest.

Both contain sucralose but it didn´t seem to slow down my fat loss.

All the best


13 years ago
Reply to  Peter Bold

I use IsoNatural. It has NO sugar and all of the protein is sourced from the US. There are no artificial flavor, no sugar, no sweetener and no color added.

It tastes kinda like nothing. I add cinnamon and vanilla extract. Hope that helps =D

13 years ago

With the slow carb diet, can I lose fat without losing weight?

I’m 5’10” and 140 lbs.

I do not need to lose any weight but getting rid of the

belly fat would be nice.

Can this diet work in this way?

Peter Bold
Peter Bold
13 years ago
Reply to  John


I believe that people with a very low protein intake can gain muscle when not exercising, when they switch to a diet that higher in protein.

If you add resistance training you should be able to do this body recomposition by burning the fat and building some muscle.

All the best


Keith Leslie
Keith Leslie
13 years ago

I loved the View interview, can’t wait to see the Dr. Oz segment. I missed it, but hopefully can find it on here at some point?

Vasco Patrício
Vasco Patrício
13 years ago

Hey Tim (and fellow 4HBers),

I’m having a real hard time measuring inches. I can’t find a consistent way to do it. Sometimes I measure more tightly and get lower values, sometimes I measure more loosely and get higher values.

Also, sometimes I measure a bit off from the spot (a bit up from the mid-bicep or down) and the results go bogus.

I’m measuring in centimeters, so maybe in inches the difference is lower.

Just wanted to check if anyone has been having a similar problem, and how did you deal with it.


13 years ago

Hi Vasco,

What’s important is that you choose a way to do it and do the same eache time. So you can decide to measure tightly everytime wich I think is more easier…To find the spot to measure I agree that it’s hard sometimes…If the result of my measurement is really strange I just take another one…

Hope this help you 🙂

Peter Bold
Peter Bold
13 years ago

Hey Vasco,

nice to hear from you again.

You could try measuring the same spot 3 times and take the average. This is recommended for calipers too.

All the best


Vasco Patrício
Vasco Patrício
13 years ago
Reply to  Peter Bold

Good idea. Thanks Peter !

13 years ago

I found a retracting tape measure (like the retractable rolls for handyman, but softer/gentler) at Jo-Ann Fabrics.

It also has a hook on the side for holding the loose end (properly placed for accurate measurements).

All you have to do is loop the tape around what you wish to measure, place the end in the hook, and press the retract button.

This will give you consistent technique for each measurement.

(re keeping location of measurement consistent, not sure. maybe find some skin blemish that you can use for reference?)

13 years ago

Hi Tim

I was diagnosed with insulin dependent diabetes one month ago. I had 3 gestational diabetic pregnancies….so was pretty much high risk for this. Still I was devastated and determined to find a way to combat the weight gain and long term side effects. I found your book 2 weeks ago and have been doing the 4 hour body diet for one week. I am still taking lantus (long acting ) insulin, but have been able to give up the short acting insulin. I have lost 5 pounds already and looking forward to more. I weigh 184 lbs and am 5′ 5″, so have a ways to go! I love the food plan, and it seems to work well for me. I realize I won’t be able to do a total cheat day every 6 days, but will enjoy some carbs (fruits) on that day. I just received the PAGG supplements 3 days ago and am taking them now. I was wondering if you had encountered any other diabetics in your research and have any additional tips? I am a RN and work 12 hour shifts and find that I have so much more energy with this way of eating.



Peter Bold
Peter Bold
13 years ago
Reply to  June


maybe you could try doing a binge without carbs, by raising protein and fat intake, to not worsen your medical condition.

All the best


13 years ago

LOL….it look’s as though your new book has opened up can of Q&A worms.

BTW Tim, what kind of protein do you suggest, whey or casein?, what kind of shoes are you wearing on page 258 of your book?, Who cut’s your hair?, Do you prefer Nike or Adidas?, Should I drink water after 10pm on Thursdays?, Should I drink milk on Tuesday’s?, how many pushups should I be doing on Mondays?

13 years ago

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13 years ago
Reply to  Misryane

Sorry my child took control of my PC lol…

Consuelo Gonzalez
Consuelo Gonzalez
13 years ago

I am contemplating buying my first pair of Five Toes Running Shoes, however, I am extremely flat footed. I’m not an extreme runner, but do get out 3-4 times p/wk & average about 15-20 miles p/wk. Are these shoes fit for someone with flat feet?

13 years ago

I seriously wouldn’t start running in Vibrams, if you are a runner you are traditionally used to heel striking because that is how your shoe encourages you to run. To go straight to Five Fingers without working towards bare foot running will damage your feet, seriously. You need to work up to running in the Vibrams.

13 years ago

Just a note – muscle does not weigh more than fat – a pound of gold and a pound of feathers weigh a pound – the gold takes up less space than the feathers just like muscle takes up less space that fat.

Laura Brody
Laura Brody
13 years ago

I love your books. My husband & I are both approaching 50 and are trying to lose 20lbs each on the slow carb diet. We have a couple of questions:

Myoplex (ready to drink for the AM) – which one? Low carb? Regular? Skip it altogether?

Our 13 year old (skinny) son wants to gain weight. He gets “high” when he has casein (milk) – what supplement do you suggest for him? Everything I have looked at contains milk products.

Sukie Baxter
Sukie Baxter
13 years ago

Curious that women over 40 notice the greatest changes after 4-6 weeks on the slow carb program. I’m wondering if it takes that long to regulate hormones, especially estrogen. I know legumes are noted in Ori Hofmekler’s book The Anti-Estrogenic Diet as being a great defense against environmental toxins that act as estrogen in our bodies, so perhaps this 4-6 week period is a bit of a cleansing/rebalancing phase?

13 years ago
Reply to  Sukie Baxter

Interesting! More reason to eat lentils! Thanks for sharing. =D

13 years ago

Hey Tim!, ive been doing the slow carb for a few weeks now, it has worked, fine, even though ive taken a relaxed aproach.

my question is more regarding on spot reduction, basically manboobs, i have a set of them, and i cant seem to be able to get rid of them, im 29, im about 89 kg, but when i was a teen after my first real weight loss, i was 70 kg, even then i had them, so, losing weight seems to not be the solution, ive thought of surgery, i dont want any, maybe is a hormonal thing, since i put on my weight prior to puberty,

right now my goal is to be a 32 pants size, but if things are easy enough, i might even go for my sixpack.

great book!!! hope you can answer.

13 years ago

So I’ve followed the slow-carb diet and lost 30 lbs and put on 10-15 lbs of muscle in the last 3 months and didn’t even follow it strictly (my binging period often prolonged to 36-48 hours). So I was pretty impressed with your work. I’m 23 and have a degree in biochemistry so you’ve pretty much inspired me to engage the bodyhacking lifestyle. I now spend a lot of time reading articles and tweaking the variables to meet my needs all while eliminating excess. I’ve been employing your testosterone theories for a couple weeks and it definitely seems to be doing the trick though I haven’t gotten my new levels tested. (My original levels were low, though I suspect the reasoning was that when I originally started the slow carb I erroneously tried to lower my fat/cholesterol consumption to extreme levels as well).

Here’s my actual question. I’m 23 and on the weekends usually go out and party hard with my friends. How do I counteract alcohol’s testosterone lowering abilities while I do this? I’ve so far been experimenting with taking about 50 mg of Zinc before I start drinking but it doesn’t seem to be enough. I figure if anyone knows the answer to this its you. Keep up the good work my man.



13 years ago

Sukie…I think your assumption is right on. Hormonal women need much more patience. Period 🙂 I am blown away with the positive hormonal shift I’ve been experiencing with lentils/beans 4 times a day. Seriously, first time EVER to have a painless cycle. And well Libido is well too!

As far a environmental toxins, that’s really interesting too, would explain why I’m feeling much more resilient and not so affected by pollutants as much.

I’ll have to look up how long Dr. Schwarzbein’s program usually takes as far as balancing hormones and thus producing the results!

13 years ago

Thanks for the update.

13 years ago


The book is amazing, I’m totally addicted. As someone who always wants to know “why,” this book gives me all the info I could want and more.

I have one question though. Can you have sweet potatoes on non-cheat days? they aren’t white, but they sure are starchy.

Thanks, and keep up the good work!


Peter Bold
Peter Bold
13 years ago
Reply to  Audrey


sweet potatoes have roughly the same glycemic index as potatoes.

I guess you should avoid them too.

Interesting sidenote: Dr. Mike Roussell stated in an article, that certain red skinned potatoes have an significantly lower glycemic index if you let them cool down, before eating them (potatoe salad).

All the best


13 years ago

It’s been two and a half weeks on the SCD. Sadly no real difference to report.

My meals are simplicity itself.

Half a can of beans, 2 ~ 3 boiled egg whites or chicken, and heaprs of spinach (raw) per meal, 4 to 5 times a day. plus about a liter of cold lemon water. Substitute meals with protein drink when packing meals is not an option. (only happened once)

AGG 3 times a day, PAGG before bed.

Cheat day is Saturday.

That’s it!

We are talking a lot of food here. dozens of eggs and bags of spinach a week. For the first time, eating is… Work! 🙂 Reading through the book again in case I missed something. any comments will be appreciated

By the way, has anyone find or made a video featuring the “Cat Vomit” exercise? I searched youTube and well…. It almost ruined my meal. Would you point me in the right direction ? 🙂

Thank you

Sukie Baxter
Sukie Baxter
13 years ago
Reply to  David

Hey David,

Hard to say what’s going wrong with no starting point. What are your goals?

One thing I notice here is you’re not eating any fat, or not much at all. Fat is critical for hormone production and some people in particular need higher levels of dietary fat for energy and/or weight loss. Maybe try adding some healthy oils like hemp, including egg yolks, or putting some olive oil on your salad and see where that takes you.

13 years ago
Reply to  Sukie Baxter

Hi, Sukie !

Life without a little mystery is unremarkable, so I’ll be keeping my weight loss goals close to the vest. 🙂

Thank you for your suggestion to include more fats in my meals. I must have missed that detail in the book. I’ll experiment with some olive oil.

13 years ago

You NAILED that interview man. Even with the old broads interrupting every 17 seconds. Nice work.

13 years ago

Hello Tim,

Question about creatine. You talk about taking creatine in the book, but how should one take it? The reason I ask is because all instructions recommend mixing in with sugary water or fruit juice, which obviously adds sugar and fructose to the diet. So how do you recommend taking creatine? Can it mixed with just plain water or a warm green tea?


Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
13 years ago
Reply to  Eugene

Eugene, water is fine, especially if you use Kre-Alkalyn.

13 years ago

Really enjoying the book so far, but my biggest complaint is my morning coffee.

I usually drink about 3 cups before noon, and like to add half&half plus a couple of aspartame packs. Really worried this is going to curb the fat burn, though.

There must be a way to sweeten and cream my coffee, right? And don’t give me that cinnamon talk, that doesn’t do anything. HELP!!!

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
13 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Three cups before noon will kill you, broha. Or at least your adrenal glands and/or thyroid, among other things. I’d suggest taking the suffering for a bit and not doing sweetener, which will just encourage you to continue what you’re doing.

Sorry, but that’s the hard line! To quote Adam Sandler and Co.: You can do it!

The Other Tim

13 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

Wait a second…are you saying the COFFEE will kill him or the sweetener? I don’t remember reading anything in 4HB that said coffee was off-limits…

13 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

I don’t think Tim’s saying that coffee is off limits, or shouldn’t be consumed. I think he’s just saying that 3 cups before noon is a LOT of coffee and won’t do you any good.

I’m a massive Coffee lover and spent a year perfecting my espresso (which proper italian baristas will laugh at – as it probably takes 20 years to perfect espresso) with which to make (another agaonised cry from italy) cappuccinos. Which I’d have about 4 or 5 a day.

I went cold turkey on it, because I can’t face it without the milk, which is banned. Instead I really look forward to my coffee on a Saturday morning, and resulting head rush!!

Vince A.
Vince A.
13 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

Tim F:

I’d like the same clarification: Are you saying that the coffee will kill him, or the sweetener? I drink all my coffee black/non-sweetened, but definitely have around 3 cups before noon. I’m already having great results, but if I can tweak the amount of coffee I drink (or when) for better results, I’ll definitely suffer though it.


Shawn Johnson
Shawn Johnson
13 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

I also drink 16 ounces of black coffee a day. Clarification would be appreciated. How many cups of yerba mate do you drink per day, Tim?

13 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Unsweetened Whey might help. Also I would check out switching coffee. I know that might sound strange – but I have an assumption that you are drinking ‘ok’ coffee. Try uping your game and drinking amazing coffee – just less of it.

Some brands to try (not associated – ie no $ for me in the suggestions!)

You can get all of these online

Blue Bottle

Four Barrel (excellent decaf)


Ritual Roasters


Also if you want to try and switch to tea – it is going to need to be strong and spicy. Try Red Rooibos at Trader Joes.

Keep up the hard work!! It will pay off just hang in there!!

13 years ago


Come and join the Facebook Group to discuss challenges and achievements, food and question you may have about the diet…advise others and inform yourself from other’s experiences….

The link:


Vanessa (and the FB Group)

13 years ago

There are so many companies using your name in their advertisements now.

Kathy Crawshay
Kathy Crawshay
13 years ago

Hi-I just brought your book The 4-Hour Body home and I love it! It makes so much sense!

One problem that I have is I can’t seem to eat eggs anymore? I get a terribly upset stomach. It started in my 50s.

Anyhow-you do go on about how great eggs are for you-I agree-is there anything else you could suggest to eat to take the place of the egg???

I do take enzymes.

Thank you for any answer you can suggest, with limited time onyour hands, now that you are so famous!

13 years ago

Hey Tim,(or anyone else that can help)

I was feeling a little hungry this afternoon(2 hrs after lunch)and did not feel like cooking so I had a vanilla flavored protein shake(sweetened with sucralose 2g carbs) and a Table spoon of Almond Butter. Was this an acceptable meal replacement for the Slow carb Diet?


13 years ago

Quick shout out from Scotland, youre a fucking legend, keep it up big man.

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
13 years ago
Reply to  Kit

Thanks, Kit! I have to get back up to the Highlands 🙂

13 years ago

I bought some kefir since I wanted the good belly bacteria, but will it induce a high insulin response like other dairy?

13 years ago
Reply to  Danielle

I think no dairy is no dairy. We used to drink a lot of kefir – and if you look most of it has LOTS of sugar (especially the fruit flavors).

I think you can take probiotics in supplement form. I don’t know any particular brands but I am sure whole foods carries a variety.

13 years ago

Hi Tim,

First, a question: What have your experiences with fat loss been with taking fish oil? Dr. John Berardi/Precision Nutrition are big proponents of this.

Second, I’m 2 and a half weeks in, and this is why I love the slow carb diet: I have cut my workout time in half, I haven’t starved myself and I have lost over 5lbs. What an improvement in lifestyle!

Thank you,


Thomas M
Thomas M
13 years ago

Hi Tim,

I was wondering if you could comment on two things that I was curious about.

First, would I be wasting my time by trying to do some combination of the slow carb diet combined with the occam’s protocol weight method? I have no trouble with the foods in the slow carb diet (heck, I love them) but at 200ish lbs, and a decent amount of body fat, I could stand to shed a bit. Hitting about 200 g of protein a day isn’t a problem for me, esp with a shake or two tossed in the mix, but should i worry about creatine monohydrate having adverse effects on the slow carb diet?

Secondly, What kind of leeway do you have with cheat days? By that I mean is it possible to shift it a day forwards or backwards in the layout of the week. i.e. my normal cheat day is saturday, but I know i have something on Sunday that I wouldn’t rather use it for, can i switch to Sunday for that week, and maintain slow carb on that Saturday?

p.s. I Love the 4 hour body book, I’ve got all my roomies turned onto it, and I’ve got my sights set on my family next. It is probably the most inspiring and fun read I have ever come across. Thanks!

13 years ago

I loved the Dr. Oz interview! I learned why grapefruit is in every diet I’ve ever done and why the extreme weight loss diet I was on insisted on bacon and eggs in the morning.



Sly C
Sly C
13 years ago

TIM: Technical question here.

When I use Whey Protein (1 shake in the morning and one protein bar in the PM) my liver enzymes jump to the roof. As soon as I stop they go back to normal… doctor doesn’t know why, I guess my liver has hard time to break it down… I am trying hemp protein and will test for liver enzymes again and will see… have you heard of that before? I read a bunch of forum on that but never find a medical rational for that…


Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
13 years ago
Reply to  Sly C

Hi Sly,

I don’t know the cause of this. I would definitely see a specialist if it’s a medical issue per your doctor. If it’s BUN or creatinine, it can sometimes be related to training, which perhaps increases/correlates to increased protein intake?



Sly C
Sly C
13 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

Thanks. The only variable here is the whey protein intake. I was weight training the same frequency/intensity. The 2 blood tests were done couple weeks apart.

My wife had the same elevated liver enzymes using the same protein… and back to normal after stopping using it… Protein was good quality (as good as protein can be..)

13 years ago

Hey Tim,

You mention lactose as being the ingredient in milk that minimizes fat reduction, have you ever experimented with Lactaid which is lactose free?

Eric G
Eric G
13 years ago

I did have a general health question about some vitamins you recommend. I have always been interested in increased testosterone, I like the animal like feeling (usually achieved after a good lifting session or a particularly intense orgasm). I have also been interested in increasing adrenaline, but haven’t found any safe ways of increasing that.

With that said my primary goal is fat loss and I am currently your PAGG protocol. What I was ultimately wondering is if it is safe to taker all those vitamins in conjunction with the “long-term and sustained” testosterone protocol? Thanks for your time

13 years ago

On yogurt – I’m confused why you explicitly include it in the exclusions on this post but then say that cottage cheese is a “last resort” because it is low in lactose. An earlier commenter asked about a 24-hour fermentation cycle for yogurt, but fundamentally, all yogurt is cultured dairy and yogurt’s fermentation is the cultures gobbling up the lactose. All good, plain yogurts should be low in lactose – lower than cottage cheese, which isn’t fermented at all.

Casually searching, Trader Joe’s 2% Greek Yogurt, my personal favorite (they know me at my nearby TJ’s, I buy 2 cases at a time) has “5g Sugars” in 1 cup; I assume all that sugar is lactose since there’s nothing else added. By contrast, searching for “cottage cheese” on livestrong’s nutrition database shows 6g sugars per cup for a variety of cottage cheeses, including some generic lowfat and also Horizon Organic’s whole milk cottage cheese (so fat inclusion doesn’t seem to impact sugar residue much.)

I’m surprised it’s not higher, since nothing in the processing of cottage cheese should eliminate lactose, whereas the yogurt fermentation does.

Can you clarify why you explicitly single out cottage cheese as an acceptable (if last-resort) dairy, and explicitly include yogurt on the list of exclusions? Like I said, I eat a lot of yogurt, so if there’s a reason it’s particularly unhealthy I’d like to find out sooner than later! 🙂

I found the book very inspiring – thanks for writing it.

13 years ago
Reply to  Brian

Just saw the other posts that came through in the same block as this one on dairy and MarksDailyApple reference. Never mind!

13 years ago

I started the slow-carb diet 4 days ago. I have never been so excited and pumped in my life for a food regiment and splurge in my life. I am a 26 year old 380 pound man keeping track of my weight and measurements. Lets do this.

13 years ago

Hi Tim,

Thanks for writing your books and keeping this blog.

Four Hour Body makes a lot of sense and I really like the ice idea and I think the slow carb diet is pretty easy.

Any way, if you’re ever in Vegas and you want to go rock climbing, let me know.



13 years ago

Tim – My wife and I have been on the slo-carb diet for about a week now and it is somewhat hard for us to get to 30 grams for breakfast…we’ve been doing 3 scrambled eggs, lentils, and 2 tbl spoons of almond butter…would there be anything wrong with 4 oz. of hamburger instead of all this?

Also, is it fine to eat olives?

Brutus Tobias
Brutus Tobias
13 years ago

Hey Tim,

Thanks for what is, hands down, the best diet/fitness book on the market. 5 Weeks in and dropped 30lbs but more importantly (to me) is that I have gone from a 42 waist to a 38 and can even wear a lot of my 20 year old 36 jeans! I have gone from 245 lbs (5ft 5in tall 40s male) to 213 this morning! Oh, and BTW, I am doing this for my health and am not interested in being in a male swimsuit calendar so I follow the one cheat day advice but I also occasionally eat a mozzarella cheese stick. My goal (which I WILL reach) is 180 to 185 which is my 22 year old weight when I was in the US Army and on a heavy routine of lifting weights and running. Thanks so much for the book, its the best I have ever done.

13 years ago

I have been on the Slow-Carb Diet for 1 1/2 weeks now and so far so good. My sugar cravings are just about non-existent, but while I had amazing energy the first couple of days, my energy level has dropped. Has anyone else experienced this? I am drinking close to a gallon of water a day. Is that enough?

Also, have you researched about Hypoxi training? I have tried a few sessions and it seems interesting. Not sure about the results yet.

13 years ago

DOWNWARD MOVEMENT YEAH!! I didn’t measure at first – bad on me, I have measured since and will compare on Saturday. This is technically week 4 for me, but I had a do over after blowing week 1. I hadn’t lost anything – I know measurements and all. But I have lost 2 lbs in the last 2 days. I wonder if it is that over 40 thing? I am 47 – who cares!!! DOWNWARD and DOWNWARD is my new motto!!!

Thanks Mr. Ferriss

13 years ago

Just wanted to add a note from personal experience on the Slow Carb diet. If you are like me with a borderline low thyroid (but not on meds), eating a lot of broccoli, cauliflower, and beans can lower your thyroid function even more. I felt like I was in slow motion and was ticked because I was following the diet to the letter. When I realized what was going on, I backed off the veggies that can interfer with the thyroid. It was a very good lesson to learn.

Susan K
Susan K
13 years ago
Reply to  Kristina

Kristina, Interesting to read. I’m in that kinda situation w my thyroid, would like to know more about it.

What should I eat to elevate thyroid function? Any ideas?

Mr. M
Mr. M
13 years ago

You should make 4HB a lifestyle not a quick fix!

– The question is: What is your ultimate goal? Short-Term or Long-Term?

– The fact that 4HB gives you the pathway to get fit in one month with the minimum effective dose of work out, DOES NOT mean that it will last forever if you don’t make it a habit.

– Yes, you can lose a lot of weight in one month, but you can certainly gain 2 times more in the same amount of time, EASILY! So if this is not for you, don’t waste your time!!!

– If you are suffering with the proposed diet and see it as a huge sacrifice, stop whining and telling that it does not work! You chose the wrong way already.

– If you want easy results, just pop some pills and go back to the ice cream bowl. There is nothing wrong about it, it is your choice, EVERY choice has advantages and disadvantages, just choose what is the best for you. PLEASE DON’T STAY IN THE MIDDLE.

– WHY 4HB worked for me? I’ve always loved chicken, meat, fish, beans and vegetables… meaning that for me there is no sacrifice on the proposed diet. I’ve just separated the other part of my diet, that I ALSO LOVE (Ice Cream, Pasta, etc), to Saturday. For me it was not about reinventing my diet, JUST REORGANIZING IT.

– There are several other options to get the exact same results, the reason I don’t choose them is because I can’t make them a sustainable lifestyle. SO PLEASE DON’T LOOK FOR A NEW AND COOL DIET, LOOK FOR A SUITABLE LIFESTYLE THAT WILL MAKE YOU HAPPY AND HEALTHY. That’s sustainable.

– Pasta and Ice Cream have never tasted so good! You eat less frequently, you enjoy more! (enough said)

– First understand what you want, then you try to find a solution! KNOW THYSELF, don’t be a cynic. If you think this is a lifestyle for you, do it EXACTLY how it is indicated, don’t cheat, don’t whine, JUST DO IT!

I have no affiliation with Tim Ferris, I am not writing this for his benefit, he did a great job and his work speaks for itself, I am writing this FOR YOU!

Be happy, break the rules you don’t like, and be yourself!


Mr. M

13 years ago


First off you rock. Thanks for challenging the status quo. I really appreciate your work and I believe that it could come to shatter some of the most predominant beliefs in the physical preparation world.

I am writing for two reasons, the first is to ask a few questions and the second is to offer two observations of my own. I will start with the latter.

I would recommend that you add two disclaimers either on the blog or in the next addition that I feel are important.

1) You might benefit from a disclaimer/description of niacin flushing.

I know that it is not suppose to happen with time-release niacin but I have experienced this effect, and have heard that others have too. It doesn’t happen all the time and is really easy to counteract (small amount of aspirin or Advil taken about 10 min prior to ingestion). I can tell you from personal experience that it is kind of a scary experience. I thought I was having an allergic reaction. Some people freak out so much that they are hospitalized. From what I have read it is not really dangerous but it is something that I think should be mentioned, if only to save people the worry.

2) It might make sense to add at some point a disclaimer or some kind of blurb regarding the effects of increased arginine consumption and Herpes Simplex Virus outbreaks. Arginine is known to cause outbreaks in people who have the disease (roughly %80 of the adult population). The diets you describe in the book are very arginine intensive. Red meats contain a fair amount as do fish and poultry, however almonds and some other nuts are extremely high in arginine and people with HSV 1 or 2 are told to avoid them. There is some evidence that lysine levels helps to prevent outbreaks and I would think that recommending those with the virus following your program to supplement their diets with lysine to counter-act the affects of the arginine.

Which brings me to my first question:

1) To the best of your knowledge is there any reason why lysine would negatively impact the results of your programs? I am guessing not but I figured I would ask the master.

2) I was wondering what is your opinion on training age and its relationship to physical training. By training age (as defined by Ian King) I am referring to years consistently engaged in a directed physical preparation program. Consistency is the key as you can loose years off of your training age by not, you guessed it, training. The only time you sort of address it in the book is when you recommend that athletes not use the methods outlined in Occam’s Protocol II. When I used to train varsity athletes the effect that training age had was clearly visible. Those who had been resistance training longer simply could adapt far faster to the regimen than those who hadn’t this always led the “older” athletes to plateau sooner than the “younger” athletes. Real age was generally not a factor as frequently a freshman with a much longer history of training would outpace seniors who I had trained for four years. It was not really a genetic thing either as it usually didn’t matter how good of “shape” someone was in. Also as someone with a really high training age (as defined by Ian King) I can tell you that I have generally required more tweaking in my programs so that I don’t plateau quickly when training for size or strength. For the latter I used a protocol based on the Westside barbell approach of training variation.

3) I was also curious as to your opinion of Westside Barbell’s approach. In the book you mentioned Westside’s founder and some people who train that way but I was surprised to find that you didn’t speak to the method at all. Anecdotally, I added 100lbs to my max on the bench and 150lbs to my max squat in 12 weeks (while admittedly attempting to pack on both muscle and FAT weight to protect my joints). I haven’t tried your method but as of now the Westside based approach has been my most successful.

4) I know you object to counting calories or carbs and I love that, however I was wondering if there is a top end limit for sugars per day for the slaw carb diet. What I mean by that is, almost everything you have said was fair game to eat has some sugar content and while all are low for this regimen, some have more than others. (ex: plain almonds are listed as 2grams per serving and honey sweetened are listed as 3grams per serving). I would hate to be sabatoging my progress by somehow exceeding a maximum surgar intake when I am restricting myself from all the foods I REALLY want to eat (btw I liked chocolate croissants before, but now after reading the book and restricing myself during the week I CRAVE THEM… thanks a lot ? )


I know you are literally inundated with questions and opinions so I know the odds are that you wont read this but if you do I would love some answers or opinions for the things I queried you about and what you thought of my recommendations. So thank you again for the book and the blog and I wish you the continued success you deserve

Be well


I want to point out that I have no association whatsoever with any of the people or programs mentioned above.

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
13 years ago
Reply to  Dave

Thanks for the comment and suggestions, Dave. I agree on the niacin flush — it can be scary. I’m just not sure where to include the disclaimer, honestly. In all cases, to your questions, I am running and will just hit two:

– I take L-lysine regularly and has seen no ill-effects.

– Louie and WS Barbell are incredible. I completely agree with most of their approaches, some of which are similar to “Effortless Superhuman.” If it’s working, keep it up.

All the best,


12 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

Thank you for these comments on the niacin flush!

I had this happen for the first time a couple of weeks ago. I was lying in bed going to sleep and all of a sudden I felt my ears, neck, and then chest and arms start to go incredibly hot and prickly. Even my knees eventually.

Quite scary actually.

Assuming it was an allergic reaction to something, I tried eliminating different supplements and switching proteins etc with no clear result – the “effect” seemed totally random (which makes sense since after eliminating niacin, it would take longer to get to saturation point again and experience the flush once reintroducing it, hence no immediate result).

So good to know it’s normal.



13 years ago

Took the plunge today and ordered a skinfold caliper and measuring tape. I also broke the news to my fiance that the days of sandwiches, cereal, tortillas, tortilla chips and other starches being our “go-to” foods are over. I’ve read and re-read the slow carb section and I’m ready. I’m cleaning out the fridge and pantry then stocking up on meat, legume and veg over the weekend… Monday, it begins.

Thank you, Tim.

Dave P
Dave P
13 years ago

I tried to donate blood, both as a good citizen and because 4HB mentions this as an easy way to maintain lower iron, and possibly increase longevity.

Unfortunately, since I visited the Mayan ruins in Tulum less than a year ago (they are outside of Cancun, and awesome), I cannot donate for a year since the trip. The risk of malaria is too great, according to the CDC guidelines.

BTW: Playa del Carmen also makes you ineligible, which is a real shame – it’s certainly the best beach I’ve ever visited. Oh well.

Tim, how is it that you donate blood with all the travel you do – esp in Latin America, and Brazil in particular?

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
13 years ago
Reply to  Dave P

The donation centers in Playa del Carmen won’t ban you for being in Playa del Carmen 🙂

13 years ago


In your google interview you suggested intermittent fasting, or hunger, for heightened cognitive ability. It seems sensible, back in our days in Africa we’d have to crank-up our brains to find food, otherwise we’d die.

Can the same apply to abstaining from sex, specifically orgasms, to aid fat-loss? If our ancestors weren’t regularly mating, or having orgasms, would their biochemistry shift to result in say, an increase in muscle mass and/or fat-loss to make themselves physically more desirable and more able to find a mate?

Hmm, it’s time for me to investigate!

13 years ago


Found a new research article today which links increasing obesity in western industrialized countries to heated homes during winter:

You should take it as a proof of your ‘Ice Age’ theory!

13 years ago

could someone please please please verify if i can drink/eat anything lactose free? (this diet is something i think i can do…the only time it rocks being lactose intolerant 😉 thanks!

Peter Bold
Peter Bold
13 years ago
Reply to  carolyn


I guess the effects of diary without lactose on insulin would be the same as the lactose is split up into glucose and galactose in these products.

Tim, do you have more information about this?

All the best


Peter Bold
Peter Bold
13 years ago
Peter Bold
Peter Bold
13 years ago

PhD Tim Ziegenfuss on the physique enhancing effects of ALA.

13 years ago

Anyone else having the funky brazil nuts issue? Seems like the shelf life is obscenely short. After a few days they go from fairly bland to somewhat moldy tasting (unpleasant but not enough to forgo the T maximization). I’m not at all versed on the finer points of brazil nuts… so maybe that’s normal? I thought about roasting them but read that pre-shelling already takes its toll on selenium levels.


I was a 4HWW fan from the get and devoured the 4HB the second I got it in my hands. I’ve been actively experimenting since – many thanks for the ideas and motivation. Excellent work!

13 years ago
Reply to  Michael

Keep the nuts in the fridge they stay fresher longer.

13 years ago

🙂 I just love the explosion of activity your book has opened up! Book sold out in Borders when I went… got it elsewhere. Local dexa scan man is starting to get bookings from people, from the book (he’s been quiet for 3 years) I can only see this book / experimentation growing… out of control in a good way. Must be a wild ride Tim. Enjoy, and thanks. The book I like a lot, but it’s more the inspiration and follow on action that seems to have sparked a wild fire which is awesome.

13 years ago


42 yo Male. 16days on the diet. No measurable change the first week. After 14 days 3 inches lost overall. At start Body Fat was 19% weight was 200 lbs. I plan to retake weight and BF measurements at 4 weeks. In second week upped breakfast from two eggs to three eggs, also added more water. Intentionally not adding exercise to see impact of just diet alone. Will add Kettlebell routine starting week five. May also start ice therapy week 5. Will keep posting results.

13 years ago

Tim and staff,

Have any of your experimented with the supplement

“Tribulus terrestris”? It is supposed to increase

free testosterone but I can’t find any studies

or experiments that document how effective

it can be.

I would love your feedback.

13 years ago

Tim, just wanted to drop you an update: 15 lbs lost. Started January 3rd. Less than 4 weeks! Thanks man! Here’s to even more…

13 years ago

I put Stevia in my coffee. Is that bad?

13 years ago

I get sick with something that requires steroids a few times a year. The weight I gain from the steroids attaches to my gut and takes up squatter’s rights. Can you recommend/suggest something to avoid the steroid weight gain?

Thank you,

Jason Palmer
Jason Palmer
13 years ago

Charging for questions seems a good idea, paypal works well.

80/20 is often 90/10.. I know someone with a hiking company and he makes plenty of cash while others do guided hikes for free and have vast numbers turn up.

George Bernard Shaw said that only a fool writes for free.

I myself just prefer books, they give me a break from the computer.

Having implemented ideas from the 4 hour work week book I have plenty of spare time for long walks, am trying a diet of fish,fruit,vegetables at the moment but will look out for the body book, I like to keep things very very simple or i get confused.

Michael Davenport
Michael Davenport
13 years ago

As some others have noted, I never received my pre-ordered signed copies from Barnes and Noble which is poor form from B&N (with terrible after sales service). Thankfully, Charlie (who is a legend) sent me some replacement books last week. Tim, the book is fantastic – well done.

I strength train (low reps, heavy compound movements) and have had great results using a liter of milk a day on a paleo diet but hate the excess fat gains. After just one week on the slow-carb diet at about 3,000 calories a day:

Body weight: 82.0 -> 82.5 kg (plus 500 g)

Body fat: down 1.5% (down 1.25 kg)

Total lean mass gain = 1.75 kg in one week!

I can tell my body fat has gone down: more veins on my arms, less around my belly. In one week – this is the fastest change I’ve ever seen.

Thanks Tim.

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
13 years ago

Thank YOU, Michael, and thanks be to Charlie 🙂

13 years ago

I hate to say this but my life is slowly getting devided into pre-Tim-Ferris and post-Tim-Ferris.

Is there a supplement that cures this 🙂

All the best,


13 years ago

I’ve been on the slow carb for 3 weeks, and lost a little over 10lbs. Slow progress for the last week ish, so going to have to start experimenting, as I’ve been pretty diligent.

Suspicion I’m not getting enough calories.

Bodymetrix Pro arrived today, so looking forward to getting some more useful data.

Tim, I;m carrying a lot of fat (250lbs), over what period of time will the bodymetrix give me useful feedback. Eg. Is it possible to measure a change in fat / muscle on a daily basis, or do these figures vary too much, and need to be weekly, etc? Any pointers specific to Bodymetrix in your experience would be gratefully received.

13 years ago
Reply to  Simon

PS. I meant, I weight 250lbs.. not I’m carrying 250lbs of fat! 🙂

13 years ago

I hope no one minds, but I am just going ask the question again:

So, Tim, this is probably a stupid question, given the fact that we’re not supposed to have yams, but:

Can I eat konnyaku on the slow carb diet? When I lived in Japan for a month, I fell in love with the stuff. It is basically a jelly-like substance made of yam starch, but has little to no nutritional value (1-2 grams of carbohydrates, 6-15 calories at the most per serving, and no sugar).

And there’s more! But it’s a new question.

Can I eat pumpkin seeds and almonds if I watch my intake? I don’t actually snack on them randomly. I have a few seeds/almonds (less than 1/4 cup of either) with some tofu if I am hungry between meals, and the fat in the seeds and the protein in the tofu usually tide me over until my next meal.

13 years ago

As an attorney, if I made this many editing errors for a client’s contract or pleading, I would be fired. I have to disagree with other commenters that the corrections should be hailed as a proactive follow up. I enjoyed 4HB, I’ve been doing the SCD and it’s great. However, in my opinion, this post did you more harm than good–it shows how poorly edited the book was, demonstrates glaring ambiguities in Tim’s work, and makes me question some of the validity of the writing. Not to mention that I bought several copies and helped him get on the NY Times Best Seller list…I feel a bit cheated.

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
13 years ago
Reply to  Gabe

Hi Gabe,

If you ever publish a book through a big publisher, you will realize that is ASTONISHING the book didn’t have 10x more typos in it. That’s a fact in this business. I’m sorry if you were disappointed, but I did my best, and I view it as my duty to share corrections with my readers.



Tom Robinson
Tom Robinson
13 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

Hi Tim,

I want to counter Gabe’s comment by saying I think it is absolutely brilliant that you published typos and corrections here on your blog. I just got my copy of 4HB, and the first thing I did was to come to the blog to see if there were any important updates. I have already annotated my copy with the changes you posted here, so I am that much ahead. How many other books have I bought that this has happened with? Exactly zero. Your book contained typos and needed corrections. I know that because YOU told me that. How many books do I have that contain errors that I don’t know about? Who knows? I much prefer your openness and desire to see that your readers have the most accurate information you can give them.

I am looking forward to getting deeper into the book. (I am a longtime 4HWW fan, and it has improved my life immensely.) I just have one question for you though… Can we get you to tackle government? I think your focus on discovering and refining what really works and chucking all the rest is sorely needed in Washington! 😉

13 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss


13 years ago

Hello Tim

Have you heard of Art DeVany, Like you, he has just had a book published.

It shares some similar themes to yours as well as differences. He looks at health and fitness from an evolutionary perspective. Again, like you, he puts forward some interesting ideas. If you haven’t it may be worthwhile looking at his website

13 years ago

Question for all – I saw one post about the potential benefit to a ALA supplement that included Acetyl-L-Carnitine as well. Any science/self-experimentation behind this? Any issues with the PAGG regimen? Love your thoughts…

13 years ago
Reply to  RMW


13 years ago

Started SCD on 12/26 at 212lbs. Yesterday, after one month, I am at 192lbs for 20lbs lost as advertised. I have lost two inches on my waist, I haven’t done any bodyfat measurements before or after, but am confident that I have kept all my muscle and probably have gained some.

I’m 44 years old and it worked like a dream for me. I’ve been pretty strict on the diet and even though I indulge in carbs, sugar and beer on cheat days, I don’t overkill the portions. I think that’s important to sticking to the lack of carbs during the week.

The SCD agrees with me so I’m going to keep it up to try to get down to middleweight (185). I’ll let you know when I do. The local Moe’s and Chipolte restaurants are appreciative of this program.

Now that I’ve hit the 20lbs lost, I’m going to start plugging cardio 4 times a week. My goal is to be mountaineering sub 185 this summer.

Thanks Tim!

13 years ago


I enjoyed both your books very much and just finished 4HB. I am going back on a slow-carb diet (also very similar to the anti-candida diet because it flushes out candida and other toxins that thrive in the colon). The first time around I found it extremely effective only after 20 days, especially for banishing the ‘stubborn 5 lbs’, improving oily skin and increasing energy.

Despite the great content in the slow-carb section I have 3 questions I can’t seem to find answers for:

1) Quinoa/buckwheat/amaranth are not grains and are very high in protien, so why are they only limited to once a week on binge days?

2) What is your take on “flours” that are not made from grains: sorghum, fava, buckwheat, etc? Since there is no gluten in these products and they are not highly processed (read: bleached/coloured) can they not be used in order to make sugar (and yeast) free breads/pastas/pastries?

3) The anti-candida diet requires that no fruit, sugar or yeast of any kind is allowed. Many proponents of the diet; however, suggest that low-sugar fruits (pomegranate, rasperries, blueberries, blackberries) are fine to eat given the low amounts of fructose in them (esp when considering 1/2 cup of pomegranate may have less sugar than 2 tbsps of many condiments (soy sauce, ketchup, thai chili sauce). If certain sweetners/portions of sugar are allowed on the slow-carb diet, why can’t these types of fruits be included?

Anyhow, great job on the books and look forward to the next!

Tyler Kling
Tyler Kling
13 years ago
13 years ago

Hello Tim,

As you wrote consuming 30 grams of protein within 30 minutes of waking up can help fat loss as well as consuming ~500 ml of ice water on an empty stomach. Can I just mix it and drink a cold 0.5L protein shake? Currently I drink a coffee with cinnamon, then take a combo of chromium picolinate,omega 3 and calcium+magnesium with ~500ml of ice water on empty stomach. I just bought a nice whey protein and was wondering what would be the best.

Thanks in advance

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
13 years ago
Reply to  Adam

Yes, totally fine to mix the cold 500ml with unflavored whey. I often do that.

13 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

Adam, MIx it with unsweetened cocoa and some cinnamon.

13 years ago

Has anyone tried using cissus quadrangularis? I read that increases testosterone levels and may cause acne and body hair growth. Definitely don’t want any of those, but curious to see its anabolic effects.

13 years ago
Reply to  Sanchali


I’ve used cissus quadrangularis in the past to deal with joint pain when training for a tri. It worked wonders – in less than a week. I didn’t notice anything that would hint at a significant increase in T nor any side effects.

13 years ago

Hey Everyone,

I’ve recently started this diet but have a few questions.

1. Are beans a must for the diet to work? I’ve been having 2 eggs in the morning without beans… same goes for dinner… usually protein based.

2. Should each of my meals be 200 calories? Is it a problem if I pick up a fajita plate at baja fresh and down everything.

3. Will it harm me if I don’t have beans on a regular basis, but have it every day or two?

4. I read in the book that working out too much can harm you. I typically run about 2 1/2 miles a day and do a few 5/5 weight exercises after.

Thanks in advance for the help!

13 years ago

Can someone please clarify for me Occam’s Feeding. I know in the book it says it’s nearly identical to the Slow-Carb Diet, only you now add a starch such as brown rice or quinoa, but I need more help than that.

For example, Tim says his favorite meal for mass is macaroni, tuna, and turkey/bean chili, but macaroni isn’t part of the Slow-Carb Diet so why is that allowed? Similarly I don’t know why milk is allowed when it isn’t in the Slow-Carb Diet or “starch” rules.

What foods (and why) are you allowed to eat that are high in calories, besides chicken, beef, fish, pork, eggs, and beans?

Peter Bold
Peter Bold
13 years ago
Reply to  Ryan

Hi Ryan,

the high calorie meal with macaroni is best for gaining mass, not for fatloss. If you want to gain more mass and keep fat gain low, try using fast acting carbs pre-, peri- and post workout and keep the rest of the day slow or low-carb.

For more calories without carbs you could add macadamia oil, coconut oil (for cooking as it stays stable at higher temperatures), olive oil (add after cooking), coconut milk, natural almond or peanut butter.

All the best


13 years ago

Hi Tim,

Thank you so much for sharing the slow carb diet. I have been following it for three weeks now as best as I can without inciting my family to revolution (so maybe 80% of the time). I have lost 1lb/week so far with NO hunger pangs. Although I would love to be losing faster I can’t complain at all because it is so painless!

Next week I will have my bodyfat checked again and we’ll see how that is (I already know it is improved from the measurents!). I was glad to see your note that after two children I can expect slower results – I had already noticed that my body reacts differently now. If results do speed up after four weeks I will be shouting the results from the rooftops!

Best of all, I discovered through cutting out dairy that I am actually lactose- intolerant. No-one needs to hear the details (!), but that alone has changed my life, AND I lost three inches from around my waist in the very first week.

I love that the slow-carb diet is so easy to follow. No fancy cooking and no salads that leave me starving an hour later. Thank you.

Jason Pruitt
Jason Pruitt
13 years ago


It has to be asked: The Slow Carb Diet and EPIC levels of farting with the beans.

I’m talking: “Should I get the Guinness World Records on the phone?” levels of flatulence here.

Any suggestions?

A B-PAGG stack perhaps? (The B is for Beano.)

I’m asking for a family friend (I, of course … do not fart.)

Thanks Tim


13 years ago

Tim. You are simply the man. Keep it up.

13 years ago

Is it okay to move your binge day around a day or two from time to time? My friends are guest bartending at a local pub for charity this Monday, and although my normal binge day is Saturday, I am considering bumping it to Monday this week so I can have a few beers for charity. Is this a bad idea?

13 years ago


I’m very much enjoying the Four Hour Body, specifically the chapters on swimming, the perfect posterior, injury rehabilitation, and Occam’s Protocol. I have already seen dramatic results in the swimming department and I’m excited to experiment with many of your other findings.

You do a great job supporting your findings with research and experimentation, but when it came to your assertions on soy consumption I found it largely lacking in specifics and supporting documentation. Please understand that I’m not writing to dispute your assertions, only to request more in-depth details as to how you arrived so strongly at your conclusion that soy is indeed harmful to our health. This is an issue that’s important to me because like many others I consume a fair amount of soy, and right about now I’m fairly confused as to whether I should continue. Here are two questions that I had after reading your sections on soy:

1) Do you lump all soy products together, such as organic soy products made from whole soy beans vs. genetically modified soy products? There is an abundance of literature that contends organic, whole soy bean products are completely safe but genetically modified products cause the problems that you cite in your book.

2) You cite that you reviewed a large body of literature that found soy dangerous. Who conducted these studies and where can we find them?It seems for every study that discusses the dangers of soy, there is a large body of literature that supports soy consumption for health benefits from major research institutions and universities.

A small sample are found in this article from the Huffington Post:

Also it appears that you depended on findings sponsored by the Weston Price Foundation, which I was led to believe has strong ties to meat and dairy farmers (please correct me if I’m wrong). If so, is this counterintuitive to your chapter on”Spotting Bad Science” and the question of whether the funders have a vested interest in a certain outcome? A similar thought also crossed my mind when you cited the Swiss Federal Health Service. I know nothing about this agency, so again correct me if I’m wrong, but would there be a possible conflict of interest considering Switzerland is known for having a rather robust dairy industry? There’s no proof and its just my own conspiratorial thinking, but of all the state agencies that might have a problem with soy…i’m just saying 🙂

So I’m rather confused about soy and I suppose many of your other readers are as well. I know you’re a busy guy and you’re out there promoting your book, but when you get a chance we would really appreciate it if you could get more in-depth about your findings on soy in a future blog post. I think its a worthy topic considering how large the industry has grown in this country. Thanks and congratulations on all your success!

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
13 years ago
Reply to  david

Hi David,

There should be at least a few references in here that will be useful:

Hope it helps!



13 years ago

I find it interesting that beef (51) has a similar insulin index score to cheese (45), popcorn (54), and apples (59), while baked beans are much higher (120) and yet beans are recommended. I wonder why dairy is so detrimental to weight loss when beef also seems to induce an insulin response disproportionate to its carbohydrate content. I’m not arguing with the empirical results of Tim’s diet program, I am just struck by how little we still understand about why certain foods dispense us toward fat gain and others do not.

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
13 years ago
Reply to  Colin

Colin, agreed on how little we know. I’d be curious to see the glucagon responses of cheese, popcorn, and apples vs. steak and beans, for sure. Beans are, on some level, a mystery to me still. But including them makes compliance with the diet at least 3x higher.

13 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

Hi Tim,

There is comparatively little data on glucagon induction by different foods, even compared to insulin data, which is paltry compared to the data on blood glucose. I suspect you are right and that this could be a wild card the current data available to us does not take into account. Keep up the good work

13 years ago
Reply to  Colin

Aren’t baked beans are full of sugar?

Julia P
Julia P
13 years ago

Tim – I love how you are putting the individual in control of their own destiny. You have provided amazing research and laid it all out for anyone to go after. Thank you.

I have a question for you – do you have any suggestions for those premenstrual days where cravings kick in and bloating and discomfort take over? For the most part I don’t crave anything and even my cheat days are somewhat boring but there’s a day or 2, a day or 2 out that will kick my arse. Thoughts?

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
13 years ago
Reply to  Julia P

10 grams of BCAAs (Google it) per meal to stave off cravings. Enjoy!