8 Exotic Destinations You Can Afford

(Photo: Stuck in Customs)

This is a guest post by Tim Leffel, a travel destinations expert who has dispatched articles from five continents over a period close to two decades.

Think world travel needs to be expensive? Think again…

Enter Tim Leffel

Like an annoying house guest who keeps packing but doesn’t leave, this recession keeps dragging on. That downsized international vacation can still be exotic though—if you pick the right destination. Or if you really want to alter your finances for the better, move to one of these places as an expat.

The dollar is in healthier shape than it has been many times in the past in relation to the euro and pound sterling, but a trip to one of Western Europe’s capitals still feels like a shopping trip to Tiffany’s. Australia is not much better, and a trip to Japan could drain your whole life savings in a week.

Here’s a better idea: go someplace where your travel dollars are still worth a bundle.

Below are some of the best deals on the planet right now, destinations that are relatively easy for travelers and also easy on the wallet.

1. Egypt

Photo: Jungle_Boy

Despite having some of the world’s best-known monuments, Egypt struggles to fill its abundant hotels. With less-than-wealthy locals far outnumbering the tourists, it’s easy to find a bargain meal or a guide or taxi driver. (They’ll find you whether you need them or not.) Admission prices for the ancient pyramids and temples are reasonable, generally ranging from $3 to $14.

Sample deals: a first-class train ticket from Cairo to Luxor for $17; a Nile-view deluxe double room in Luxor for $60 with breakfast; a private room by the sea in Dahab for under $20; entrance to the Nubia Museum in Aswan for $4; a falafel sandwich at a Cairo street stall for 40 cents. There’s no great independent travel site for the whole country but Egypt’s official tourism site is better than most.

2. Indonesia

Photo: Erik K Veland

This Southeast Asian nation is one of the most diverse and attractive destinations in the world, with a long string of volcanic islands and a range of topography and culture. It could also be the best value on the planet, with cheap hotels going for $5 a night, often right beside great snorkeling spots. Bali is the most developed island, but even there you can find plenty of deals. On Java, Sumatra, and Sulawesi, however, it’s easy to branch out like an intrepid explorer or get pampered on the cheap in the most popular spots.

Sample deals: a double room with pool and breakfast in Yogyakarta, Java for under $20; a five-day small ship cruise between Lombok and Flores islands via Komodo for $200 per person including meals; a first-class train seat from Jakarta to Yogyakarta for $25; an hour-long massage for $8-$15; a day’s motorbike rental on Bali for $10. Indo.com has a good listing of mid-range hotels in Bali and some other areas while the official Indonesia tourism site has travel info and enticing photos of the diverse islands.

3. Mexico

Photo: Tim Leffel

In mid-2008, the peso was at 10 to the dollar. Now it’s close to 13. That’s a discount of more than 25 percent in a country that was already a deal. Plus Swine Flu followed by drug gang violence on the U.S. border has meant that travelers have tremendous bargaining power on hotels and tours. To find the best values, visit the historic colonial cities or beach areas where Americans don’t outnumber the locals. (As in places where there’s no Señor Frog’s in sight.)

Sample deals: a three-course lunch at a market stand for $4; nice hotels in centuries-old colonial buildings for under $75 double with breakfast and Wi-Fi; a round of Negra Modelos for five at nearly any bar, including gratis snacks, for $10; and some of the nicest deluxe buses in the hemisphere for $6 to $8 per hour of travel. It’s a big, diverse country, but here’s an extensive set of links and the best books on one page: Mexico travel resources from Travelers-tool-kit.com.

4. Honduras

Photo: Tim Leffel

Few people knew anything about this country until it was all over the news last year when the president got forced out of office. You can find fabulous deals on scuba diving packages on Roatan Island. This Caribbean island sits next to the second-longest coral reef in the world, and every hotel seems to offer attractive package plans no matter the season. On the mainland you’ve got tropical national parks, the rugged Moskito Coast, and Copán, one of the key Mayan sites in the Americas and a great little colonial town.

Sample deals: $35 white-water rafting trips; weeklong learn-to-dive packages with room, breakfast, and transfers for under $600; a cold coconut with a straw for 40 cents; and admission to the Copán archeological park for $10. For more info, see the Honduras Tips site or Roatan Online, or see more travel prices in Honduras here.

5. Guatemala

Photo: Tim Leffel

This is only a shade farther to fly than Mexico, but it is a truly exotic destination. The descendants of the Mayans still dress in traditional clothing in the villages surrounding stunning Lake Atitlán. The Spanish colonial buildings in the city of Antigua are older than anything left standing in our historic city districts. The sprawling archeological park of Tikal is the granddaddy of Mayan ruins, and still surrounded by jungle.

Sample deals: taxis in Antigua for $4; great hotels with a view on Lake Atitlán for $60 a night; a week of private Spanish lessons including homestay starting at $180; a zipline canopy tour near Tikal for $30; three pounds of bananas or avocados for a dollar. La Ruta Maya Online is the best resource for hotels, tours, and Spanish language schools.

6. Peru

Photo: Tim Leffel

Machu Picchu alone is worth the journey, but it’s just the start in this value-packed country. Inca ruins are scattered all around the Sacred Valley, and Cuzco is one of the most attractive cities in South America. There is also hiking in the Andes, admiring colonial architecture on the streets of Arequipa, trips through the Amazon, boating across the highest lake in the world, and flying over the strange Nazca lines.

Sample deals: Bus from Arequipa to Colca Canyon – $6; a big traditional lunch and a beer for $7; simple restaurant meal in the countryside $6 for two; entrance to the Inca Museum in Cuzco for $1.50; cheap single room or hostel bed $4-$10; airport taxi in Cusco $4. Andean Travel Web is an exhaustive resource site for trekking info, hotels that are a good value, and general travel info.

7. Thailand

Photo: ccdoh1

As with Honduras and Mexico, visitor numbers plunged when Bangkok was all over the news recently, so there are plenty of deals on airfare, tours, and hotels. This is a popular destination for travelers of all budget levels. Thailand continues to be one of the best bargains in the world in terms of hotel prices, and with a well-developed infrastructure, it’s easy to get around and see what you want to see, be it historic ruins, Buddhist temples, or tropical beaches.

Sample deals: a standard double at a true 5-star hotel in Bangkok for $250 or less per night—or a cheap place to flop down and sleep for 1/20th of that price; admission to the main ruins in Sukothai for under $2; a first-class round-trip sleeper train from Bangkok to Chiang Mai for about $40; a Skytrain ticket across Bangkok for about $1.30. The hands-down best travel resource for Thailand is Travelfish.org. They also put out some great iPhone/iPad apps on specific regions and islands.

8. Czech Republic

Photo: Tim Leffel

In much of Europe, prices in the big cities are often double what you find in the countryside. This is especially true in Eastern European countries like the Czech Republic, where vacationers on quick weekend breaks have driven up hotel and restaurant prices in Prague. In the smaller towns and cities, however, the country is one of Europe’s remaining great values. Castles on hill crests, some of the world’s best beer for a dollar or so in a pub, and winding cobblestone streets without crowds—Ye Olde Europe without the new Europe prices.

Sample deals: a room at the best hotel in town across Moravia for under $100 with breakfast; fully equipped hybrid bike rental for $25 a day; sommelier guided 12-bottle tasting at the Wine Salon of the Czech Republic in Valtice for $19; a train ticket from Prague to anywhere in the country for $12 or less. The official Czech Tourism site is excellent while MyCzechRepublic has good general info on different regions plus a message board. See more Czech prices outside Prague here.

To dive in deeper on any of these cheap destinations and see the current situation on the ground, check the message boards at LonelyPlanet.com and BootsnAll.com.


If you’ve ever fantasized about taking time off to globe-trot, I would highly recommend Rolf Pott’s Vagabonding. It is one of only two books I took with me when I traveled the world for 18 months. Outside Magazine founding editor Tim Cahill calls Vagabonding “the most sensible book of travel related advice ever written.”

I recently partnered with Rolf to release the exclusive audiobook for Vagabonding. For more on this incredible book, click here.

Travel writer and website publisher Tim Leffel is author of “The World’s Cheapest Destinations” and runs the Cheapest Destinations blog.

[This post is an updated version of an earlier article that appeared in the Boston Globe travel section.]

The Tim Ferriss Show is one of the most popular podcasts in the world with more than one billion downloads. It has been selected for "Best of Apple Podcasts" three times, it is often the #1 interview podcast across all of Apple Podcasts, and it's been ranked #1 out of 400,000+ podcasts on many occasions. To listen to any of the past episodes for free, check out this page.

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marjorie pamela villaruz
marjorie pamela villaruz
13 years ago

This is such a wonderful post. I love traveling. This just gave me new ideas on which counties to go to where in I don’t need to spend to much.Thailand would be the first country on my list. I’m so excited to see those country listed above.

13 years ago

I think it should say somewhere in there that the chances of you getting killed for no random reason in Guatemala and parts of Honduras are pretty Huge. I have family in both and They live in the city and friends of theirs are always getting their car stolen or shot and killed .

Wambui Wamutogoria
Wambui Wamutogoria
13 years ago

*fantastic* I will travel to some these destinations soon and hopefully dig up some more gr8 deals

Scott Asai
Scott Asai
13 years ago

Great info, I hope to hit some of these places soon!

Juniper Currie
Juniper Currie
13 years ago

I highly recommend Roatan, Honduras. You can go diving there for about $30/dive including gear. Absolutely beautiful. Check out the Whale Sharks March to April. Oh and you can swim with dolphins at Anthony’s Key Resort.

Thanks for this inspiring post Tim….I love your blog!

Alex Wishart
Alex Wishart
13 years ago

Hey Tim,

On an unrelated note – muahaha – New Deadmau5 album Dec 7 YESSSSSS. “Sofi Needs a Ladder” is out now….soooo goooddddddd. I got it rockin on Sonos right now Woooooo

The music keeps my Paleo on lockdown and my crossfit in motion

Unce Unce Unce >>>{]-_-[}<<< Unce Unce Unce

Cheers from Canadia,


13 years ago

I got to do more traveling great places. Thanks Tim

13 years ago

Thailand is my next trip!

Auren Kaplan
Auren Kaplan
13 years ago

These destinations sound great; Honduras piqued my interest.

To me, the issue is more with affordable means of getting to these locations more than affording life while there. I’ve had $2/night hostels in Bolivia and I know budget travel. And I want to party on Ko Phangan like few others. But it still costs $1500 to get there!

Best regards,

Auren Kaplan

Matthew Needham
Matthew Needham
13 years ago

Hi Tim(s) great selection of places to visit. I’ve been to a number of them, but only ventured to Mexico in South America. It seems such good value and so stunning, that I really must take the time to check it out.

One place I’d add to Tim’s list is South Africa, especially the Garden Route. Amazingly beautiful, and execeptionally good value for money.

13 years ago

This would really help. I have my friends who are currently staying in singapore, and they were planning to visit other near countries, but still considering there budget. I could give them this list. I love to help them because they promised me souvenirs from every countries they will visit. Hope I could visit this countries in the future.. thanks.

Adam Mayfield
Adam Mayfield
13 years ago

Thailand is on the top of my list! Currently working toward a minimalist lifestyle with some online business mixed in. I’m so close I can taste it and first on the list of stops is Thailand.

Great list!

13 years ago
Reply to  Adam Mayfield

Adam, you won’t be disappointed. Awesome place to live. It’s got a bit more expensive than it used to be (see my comments above), but it’s still a heck of a lot cheaper than USA/UK etc. You would easily be able to supplement your online income with freelance English teaching there, if you needed to. All the best. (I’m retiring in 2012 and intend to spend a chunk of each year in Thailand – Koh Lanta here I come!) 😉

13 years ago

I agree that the you have enlisted exotic places. I am most intrigued with the place, Honduras. If given the opportunity to travel, I would like to visit Honduras first. Thanks for the information. This is very helpful.

Chuck Beretz
Chuck Beretz
13 years ago

I can’t wait to get started!

Juniper Currie
Juniper Currie
13 years ago

I’ve just bought your book Tim and I’m so excited to get started on my own Lifestyle Design Project.

These destinations will for sure be on my list of places to experience….I’ve already been to three of them. 🙂

Happy travels to everyone!

13 years ago

I’m interested in Peru, but have a question about getting there. My dad lived in that area when he was younger and he said that the flights in and out were really difficult because they would get canceled all the time and were very turbulent because of the altitude and weather. Also, I was wondering about getting altitude sickness. I would hate to get airsick or altitude sick and spend part of the time there recovering and not seeing stuff.

My questions are:

1.) Is it still hard to get a flight and are they still turbulent?

2.) How do you deal with altitude changes to keep from getting altitude sickness? Any tips?

13 years ago

@ Josh. I just got back from a quick trip to Vietnam with a one-year-old. While Vietnam can be hard work, the people just love kids, especially babies. The highlight of our trip, after the baby’s birthday party, would have to be the wait at the airport for our flights to and from Con Dao Island. Our baby was treated like a rock star – security guards, passengers, airport shop staff, even the bus drivers, squatted down in front of her to make her laugh, chased her round, took photos and gave her cuddles. It was great.

The island itself was a disappointment despite the wonderful press it’s gotten recently. Even so, we had a fabulous time.

@Tim, as a former journalist, all I can say about reporting on overseas conflicts is that media organizations have introduced so many cutbacks that there is no longer a Johnny-on-the-spot everywhere. So in defence of the reporters expected to cover several countries at once — they are stretched quite thin. And the old news adage is still in force – “if it bleeds it leads”.

Josh Crocker
Josh Crocker
13 years ago
Reply to  Robyn

@Robyn – Thank you for your response! I’d love to hear more about your trip with your 1-year old. If you have time, my twitter name is @josh_crocker.

Thanks again!


Tony K
Tony K
13 years ago

I will be doing a tour to Peru and Argentina next summer (and perhaps Antarctica as well), any good, less touristy but worth-seeing destinations in either countries? We will be backpacking and therefore have a lot of autonomy in turns of where to go.



13 years ago

Whoops, I think I mixed up my posts. Earlier comment was directed to Josh from this thread and Gary Arndt, the author of the “20 Things” thread, who had a category called “the media lies”.

(Note to self. Don’t post in a rush from work.)

13 years ago

Just finished chapter 13 BEYOND REPAIR/ KILLING YOUR JOB. In regards to the financial information Tim gives in this chapter there is an option that is not mentioned that would contribute greatly to increasing one’s options. And we have all understood stood that more options means more freedom.

My wife and I have been using this option since I left my job of 22 years to strike out on my own. We are subsidizing my business launch with the use of a private family banking system. We built up capital in this system and it is helping us get along until our cash flow improves.

Having a private banking system in place can greatly ease the risk if you have to kill your job. The capitalization period is generally anywhere from 5-7 years. Depending on how much you can save it can go faster. The money in the baking system is liquid and safe. It also grows tax deferred and can be used tax free.

I am available for further details should someone be interested in this option.

This really fits well with the whole 4 Hour Work Week mentality. In fact, I would go so far as to say that it seems tailor made for this!!


Gerard Iribe
Gerard Iribe
13 years ago

I’m typing this comment from Guadalajara, Jalisco. (Mexico). This is my second visit in less than a year. We just came back from the state of Michoacan, Mexico, and we leave for the state of Guanajuato tomorrow morning.

I only brought a backpack, my macbook, and $500 U.S. dollars. It’s amazing here, so I do not know why people are up in arms over the “drug war.” If there is one it has not reached further inland. Then again, i would never visit the border towns. I hate touristy towns.

Chapala was also pretty ballin’.

I will probably buy another airline ticket for my next trip here before I leave. It’s time to visit South Mexico like Tolum, Yucatan, etc… Maybe throw in Belize.

I will say that if you buy or reserve hotel packages to not do it from home (U.S.), because you will pay a grip. Get into Mexico and visit your local ticket agency. Agency brokers get tremendous discounts and will get you great deals on packages, bus tickets, tours, etc…

Our hotel and bus package to Guanajuato for a group of five cost us less than $90 per person at a 4 star hotel. The bus ride will be through ETN Turista which are pimp first class tour buses with only 24 seats (12 of them being single recliner seats), wi-fi, full service men and women’s bathrooms, and food, drink, movies, etc…

As you can tell, I love it here!

Si, se puede!

13 years ago

Brilliant, but one that I think should be on this list is China

(For anyone interested,

I just wrote about my travel photo expedition to Tiger Leaping Gorge in Yunnan at (not-for-profit travel photography site) photogees.com)

13 years ago

Even the most expensive European destinations can be quite affordable if you go in the low season and utilize traveler networks like couchsurfing and hospitality club.

My 1 month vacation in Finland with trips to Estonia and Sweden cost me less than $1000 including the airfare.

I found free places to stay from couchsurfing.com as well as friends I made on social networks, so the lodging cost was $0. Since I stayed with local people, we made the shopping trips to the lesser known discount shops and cooked at home. We also gathered fruits and mushrooms from the forests, which cost $0. Chipping in with the grocery shopping was about $150 or so for the whole month (buying in bulk from Lidl definitely helped!)

If you stay away from hotels and use couchsurfing, go grocery shopping and learn to cook local foods from your host, you will have plenty of money left over for sightseeing and shopping.

13 years ago


you should really check out Bahia, Brazil. The waves are awesome for all the surfers out there and the local culture is beautiful. Not to mention it is a very cheap vacation spot!

13 years ago

Hi, I am Santel, a blogger from Cambodia, I am happy to see the first photo because I am sure it is from Cambodia,

Cambodia is a nice country to visit too, you will see the remarkable Angkor Wat temples and nice people here,

8 years ago
Reply to  Santel

Yes, Cambodia is one of the best destination.

Frank T.
Frank T.
13 years ago

Great article Tim. Thanks! I often forget about Central America when thinking of the next adventure and this is a good reminder to put it back on the radar.

Roger Ost
Roger Ost
13 years ago

I love Egypt, but would you recomend it for female travelers?

13 years ago

Hi Tim,

Very useful article.

I remember a quote from you (I think it was in your 4 hour week) that you were once chased out of Taiwan by Taiwanese Mafia for trying to start a martial arts school. Is this right?

I hope this doesn’t scare tourists away from Taiwan, because I think it’s a must see in Asia. In particularly, the best place is Kaohsiung in South of Taiwan.

1. Excellent weather all year

2. Extremely safe with very little street violence or aggression (unless you want to open up a martial arts club)

3. Excellent food

4. Very relaxed pace of life

5. Amazing scenery, mountains, and activities.

Most Westerners come here as tourists or to teach English, but there are an increasing number of Internet entrepreneurs moving over here too. The cost of living / cash burn is very low, yet the quality of life is very high.

It’s also a great alternative to Mainland China for those wishing to learn Mandarin on a budget.


Jackeline Benitez
Jackeline Benitez
13 years ago

Yo he estado en este lugar y es increible pasar unas vaciones en Masca – Cortes, Honduras.. C.A.

alex - unleash reality
alex - unleash reality
13 years ago

nowhere in Africa?! and naw, egypt don’t count.

Cape Town represent 🙂 🙂 🙂

13 years ago

Dust If You Must

Dust if you must.?But wouldn’t it be better?to paint a picture, or write a letter,?bake a cake, or plant a seed.?Ponder the difference between want and need.

Dust if you must.?But there is not much time,?with rivers to swim and mountains to climb!?Music to hear, and books to read,?friends to cherish and life to lead.

Dust if you must.?But the world’s out there?with the sun in your eyes, the wind in your hair,?a flutter of snow, a shower of rain.?This day will not come round again.

Dust if you must.?But bear in mind,?old age will come and it’s not kind.?And when you go, and go you must,?you, yourself, will make more dust.

Remember, a house becomes a home when you can?write “I love you” on the furniture.

Author – Unknown.

Theo Lopes Garcia
Theo Lopes Garcia
13 years ago

Tim, what’s happened to the post about the sticker ?

It was rather rubbish but you did not need to delete it.

I was hoping to get an actual sticker…

13 years ago

Sure you can pay $5 a night for a place to stay in Bali, but you’ll be roughing it. I would suggest spending a little bit more and live at the standard you’re used to at home.

13 years ago

Tim, sweetie, did you take down your post with the sticker and the link to that fabulous video!?

I know people were kvetching about it but it’s *your* blog… and speaking as a gal, frankly, I don’t mind hot woman pics and such. And I ordered your new book. I hope to instruct my husband as to this purported 15-minute-female-orgasm technique accordingly.

Hope you aren’t despairing over nay-sayers. I find the spin towards body hacks/fitness interesting and look forward to seeing more. Ah well… guess you can’t please ’em all!

13 years ago

Great post as usual…I am dying for the new book to come out…!! Make sure it comes out on Kindle please 🙂

jason palmer
jason palmer
13 years ago

I did an 80/20 analysis…. left facebook, left all but 1 linkedin group, left all but 1 meetup group, left twitter and threw my phone away.

Thanks tim, your the best 🙂

13 years ago

To chime in on the part about Venezuela, visitors should change the currency in their home country before arriving to Caracas, as long as they know some Venezuelans where they live who will do it unofficially. The official rate is absurd and changing money at a bank, ItalCambio, ATM, or with taxistas at the airport will make your trip very expensive. Google Dolar Paralelo Venezuela before going so you see what the real exchange rate is. Almost all prices for anything you’ll want are based on that. Rum (get as much Santa Teresa as you can carry on the way home at duty free), beer, arepas, Chinese food, and fish at the beach is still reasonably price, especially if you use the Pound. Henri Pittier Park is gorgeous and wild, and Choroní is my favorite beach anywhere. Los Medanos & Coro are cool too. The best thing to do is go by plane to La Gran Sabana, climb Roraima if you can, and take the boat with the Pemon to the base of Angel Falls. And, Merida is always cool, fun, beautiful, peaceful, and affordable. Caracas used to be cool and now it totally sucks. I wouldn’t officially add Venezuela to this list, but it is (or was) cool and living there for 3 years totally changed my life.

13 years ago

Good info. I’ve been planning on visiting central America, but was thinking Costa Rica. Honduras may be a better option!

13 years ago

Thanks for the great info !! I have been to Thailand though , Last year :))

James Whelan
James Whelan
13 years ago

I gotta agree with all the guys saying China! Although that might have something to do with me running a kungfu school out there. It might not be the best place for eco tourism but for martial arts tourism there’s nowhere better 🙂

13 years ago

I’m glad to see Mexico made the list! I’m headed there for a month in a few weeks. It’s such an inexpensive and dynamic country. I’m surprised how shocked many were to hear I was heading there for a month. It will be my fifth visit there and I love it every time. I was just in Colombia- I highly recommend it as well. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!

Josep Ofertas
Josep Ofertas
13 years ago

Hi Tim,

We are great lovers of Spain and travel. Right now we are trying to travel to Asia, we believe that attracts us more than other destinations.

The India trip is recommended where you can find both desert and jungle, a highly recommended destination.

13 years ago

awesome Indonesia!!

i’m an Indonesin, an proud to be part of it 🙂

thx fr posting


[…] think outside the box, and covers a ton of topics. Part of my own inspiration for this blog was a posting Tim had on his site about exotic travel destinations you can afford. The point is, with the right […]

steve pieper
steve pieper
13 years ago


Reference Tim’s “The Truth” page (http://www.fourhourworkweek.com/blog/the-truth/). We’ve started a crusade called Vacation Wellness aimed at better living through stress reduction. Vacationers are 32% less likely (men) and 53% less likely (women) to have a heart attack, and up to 3 times less likely to develop depression. If interested, Google “Zoescent white paper” for more research information on healthcare cost reduction through employee vacations.

See you on the beach…

13 years ago

Wondering in which of these locations I can find reliable high speed internet to work from? I need to use my phone (magicjack) and a VOIP phone as well, so at least 4 MB download and .5 MB upload, reliably…

Any ideas?

13 years ago

This same author has a guest post on his blog now called “6 places to live for super-cheap.” Except for one of them where you’ve got to walk down the valley to find an internet cafe, they could be good places to plop while your muse is getting revved up: http://travel.booklocker.com/2011/01/04/6-places-to-live-for-super-cheap/

Erik van der Wal
Erik van der Wal
13 years ago

Thank for this great post! I have been to Thailand for the last couple of months and I really loved it! The islands are amazing! I got your book during a visit to San Diego and it changed my life ever since.

Thanks for your sharing your knowledge!


Keith Brodhead Jr
Keith Brodhead Jr
13 years ago


Why is this not working? I’m four weeks into this and I gained 1 pound…help? What am I missing. I’ve followed your advices to the letter…

Someone help…


Troy Martin
Troy Martin
13 years ago

Tim, you and your savey readers may know about this site but I just discovered it. I am not connected to this site in any way; just thought I would pass it along!

Numbeo is the largest free Internet database about cost of living worldwide!

John Cross
John Cross
13 years ago

What kind of Bioelectrical Impedance device do you recommend? A handheld unit or scale? I read somewhere it’s good to use both because the electrical current doesn’t traverse your entire body (e.g. A bioelectrical impedence scale doesn’t reach your upper body…). I’m not sure if this is true or not ….

Matt Iowa
Matt Iowa
13 years ago

A fun way to dip your toes into the water is taking in Puerto Rico.

Easy (cheap) flight, English speaking. I would recommend staying in Ponce on the South side of the Island but historic rooms in San Juan can be had for cheap. They are tiny rooms but my wife and I had no problem with that. The roof top breakfast was included.

The island can be crossed in 2 hours of travel by car. So in a week you can really get a feel of the place while never being away from the main city.

I don’t know about the surf there but we hiked the island interior and shared food with the locals.

Like I said. It’s a great way to get your feet wet.

13 years ago

All great suggestions- Have to give a shout out for a personal fave- Vietnam!!

13 years ago

The post is just so incredible and amazing. It gives me a knowledge that these countries are awesome to visit not only that it is affordable too. You even gave us the cost of expenses which is very helpful. I am planning to travel abroad to have a relaxing moments and this post is exactly what i am looking for. There are incredible things about traveling that is just so great especially when it is your first time to travel on that place. Taking off to fresh and exotic destinations to experience the great sights, sounds, views and tastes of an completely diverse culture can really be an enlightening experience. Traveling can be quite interesting as spending time in a different setting can open up a world of original terms and experiences for you. The countries you have mentioned above are the countries that has a beautiful culture to acknowledge to. Thanks for sharing this to us Tim. I really appreciate the informations. 🙂

Ryan Chua
Ryan Chua
13 years ago

So many places to think of, so many places to plan to go to, so many places to spend your next vacation.

Hmmmm… If I have the chance, I think I’d go to Egypt. Why Egypt?

Well… Egypt is the real deal, Its history speaks for itself. In my opinion this is where it all began. When step foot on Egypt, you’ll definitely feel that you are indeed human and even if you weren’t there when it all happened, you will surely feel that you are a part of its history. What do you think?

But of course, the most important thing before we go these exotic places. I think you should first try to at lease visit the different spots in your own country. You shouldn’t be a “foreigner” in your own country. Try to live the sights and sounds of your country. After that, when you finally get the chance to go to other countries, you’ll surely feel that your are indeed in a different place.

Ryan Chua
Ryan Chua
13 years ago

So many places to go to, so many places to plan where your next vacation will be.

I think Egypt would be a nice place to go to. Why Egypt?

Egypt is the real deal, this is where it all started, its history, its sights and sounds. We are all a part of Egypt’s history one way or another.

But come to think of it, before I plan on going to Egypt. I should try to visit the different exotic spots in my own country first. Because if I don’t have to chance to do that, I would feel like I’m a foreigner in my own country. How about you? have you done that lately? If you haven’t, well, now’s the time.

13 years ago

traveling the thing I would like to do before I die..

Traveling may be expensive but I thing is for sure the experience and the fun will truly be cherished that you can no longer think about the money you’ve spent.. Never ever forget one thing before traveling: CAMERA!!!!

13 years ago

I was all eyes to go to Hong Kong, since everyone I know are going having their vacation trip there, however this blog helped me think that there other places in Asia that I should visit aside from going with the usual trend.

13 years ago

Great post! Made me wanted to pack my bags and go!

Been to Bangkok once and I say I really enjoyed my trip there. I stayed in a posh hotel near Sukhumvit for about $33 a night because I shared with three friends and they provided us with an extra bed.

I love eating Thai food street and it’s so cheap you could get authentic Thai meals at 30-45 baht. I too loved the iced tea at 15 baht!

We went to Pratunam Mall too which was heaven for us girls – got a bag at 120 baht! cheap!

After all the shopping and tours, I got myself a foot massage for 100 baht! Heaven! 🙂

I wanna go back there!

By the way, you should try the bungy jump at Pattaya! 😀

Logan Parker
Logan Parker
13 years ago

Very exciting. I want to spend the next several months or years travelling. This is great inspiration for where I might actually go.

Angel Bernal
Angel Bernal
13 years ago

Hi Tim! I just want to add another on your list. I think Philippines should be there. Have you tried visiting the Philippines? We’ve got great tourist attractions which is why I cannot understand why our tourism is not flourishing. Why don’t you give it a try? 🙂

13 years ago

I will be going to Bali in August, although getting a bit crowded its still got alot of charm and plenty of areas away from the crowds, give lombok a thought also its alot slower paced than Bali and has some awesome beaches and cheap hotels.

13 years ago

hey tim, i just wanna ask where this Spanish lessons including home stay is in Guatemala. i’m really interested in exploring Guatemala and at the same time learning Spanish, too. i’m planning on going there mid-June this year. your feedback’s badly needed. thanks! great choices!

12 years ago

Hey Tim, I love your suggestions! Here is a personal invitation to visit Belize! Come enjoy swimming with the sharks and rays at Stingray Alley off San Pedro. Kick your shoes off when you boat into laid-back Caye Caulker. And Belizeans are awesome……so much hospitality! Remember when you plan your next vacation visit Belize! looking forward to see you Tim!

12 years ago

Nora I would love to know more about the family exchanges.

12 years ago

I have another good one to add… My friends and I were in Santorini, Greece last summer (Greek Islands) and even though they are on the Euro everything was still extremely cheap. This is a tourist destination that in much of the past has been a little pricey but with the current trouble Greek’s in makes for some amazing bargains on places to rent. Also – food, drink, etc are also nicely priced compared to the rest of Europe.

Gay Aida
Gay Aida
12 years ago

My parents have been to thailand and malaysia.

My older sister has also been to malaysia when she went to Australia and she says it’s totally amazing. Their totally clean and has great spots that you should visit. It was a shock to my sister when it seems that it is just ordinary for people there that they wear a lot of gold.

Thailand on the other hand, my mom says they have great beaches.

Great list here Tim! I would also recommend my country the Philippines! Though you’ve heard a lot of my country, just don’t go to the south (in mindanao).

12 years ago

Hi guys,

and help, help, help :D. I need to fly to Brasil, Rio de Janeiro at the end of August and I could use any tip or advice as to how I can get lower rates. My leaving point is Brussels.

All the best to everyone and thanx in advance!


Nomadic Samuel
Nomadic Samuel
12 years ago

This is a good list of places to consider traveling/backpacking to that are affordable; however, aside from possibly select areas of Indonesia, the rest of the list are places firmly cemented on the tourist map & not really what I would consider as ‘exotic.’ A destination that I recommend where you’re going to really feel like you’re traveling as opposed to being just another tourist or typical backpacker, is Bangladesh.

12 years ago

Hi Tim,

Excellent post, and 8 destinations that tells us parecesn me wonderful places to travel and visit. From them I have been luckily in Thailandia, we did a tour, Bangkok (city with a lot of pollution), Chiang Mai is quieter and less polluting, giraffe women visited the necks is impressive with

Tim, I’m from Spain, I would like to ask if you know the ¡¡¡San Fermin festivities !!!!!! ??

a pleasure


12 years ago

Great list. Interested in the countries Indonesia, Thailand & Honduras, this will be on our next travel list.

Allison Jones
Allison Jones
12 years ago

Great article! These are all great places to visit and still keep that budget – love it!

12 years ago

Italy and Spain are now quite cheap as well. And if you’re after a Mediterranean setting, I think Malta is your best bet for budget and luxury. I stayed there last summer and the locals were telling me that b&b and hotel prices were half of what they have normally been in the past.

11 years ago

That was a wonderful exotic places you’ve posted!

11 years ago

I need a male partner to visit any of these places

O Joseph P
O Joseph P
11 years ago

Great conversation.

By chance, can we have an updated top eight list, as things change (economy and civil unrest) and so on.

Much appreciated.

By the way, I am jealous of your travels, as well as many other posters on this blog….. if only.

Cheers 🙂

11 years ago

Check out Sheraton or nicon noga nigeria

11 years ago

Tim, Tim, Tim, Tim, Tim, Tim, pág. 474 , viajar gratis por todo el mundo, uno de mis sueños, dónde tengo que ir a veros para comprobar lo fácil que es??????

Ayudante de Tim , gracias, gracias,gracias,gracias,gracias, tank you, merci beacoup, grazie mille, gràcies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sascha Shamkin
Sascha Shamkin
11 years ago

I am turning twenty one in may I am a female and love exotic places exspeshlly if they have exotic animals of any kind. I think I want to go to Egypt but we do not have a lot of money to spend it would only be my mom and I going. Does anyone have any advice on how to find the perfect twenty one birthday trip of a life time if so can you tell me and if you know how much can you tell me that to?

Thank you

Sascha Shamkin

11 years ago

Study spanish in Guatemala in a city call Quetzaltenango or Xela (shiela) as a short name I was there for three months I was paying $100.00 per week included a room in a family home and two meals! and $10.00 extra for laundry! Many americans and europeans come to this place for learn spanish! and there is much to see!! I loved it, be back in june for another period of time!!

Patti O'Connor
Patti O'Connor
11 years ago

Help! My 17 year old daughter and I (60yo f) want to travel to a non-western country over her 10 day February school vacation. This sadly does not leave enough time for Asia/Indonesia. We had planned on Morocco but after reading lots of posts on other sites, it seems a bad idea, mostly due to the extreme harassment. We live in Massachusetts and are city savvy. My goal is to give her a good exotic travel experience where she can learn about another culture and see first-hand some of the income/lifestyle disparities in other parts of the world.

11 years ago


Beatriz Subastas
Beatriz Subastas
11 years ago

Costa Rica is something of another world, a paradise on earth. I stayed there for 3 months and I changed my mind about everything that matters. Actually I live in france now but I hope that being a professional photograper someday will allow me to live there, I really need to be in a closer contact with the nature.

Emma Pieters
Emma Pieters
11 years ago

Of course Indonesia is affordable. In addittion you can also visit the world heritage status there. For further information, chek this linkhttp://indonesiagetaway.blogspot.be/2010/11/indonesian-tourism-world-heritage.html

10 years ago

Great info. Will defiantly help people like me who is always travelling around the world. And this blog has all necessary info with budget so, this is really going to work .. 🙂



Alexander Miller
Alexander Miller
10 years ago

Thanks for the interesting places to travel. I liked it.

10 years ago

Also visit yosemite national park this is awesome!

10 years ago

I see you mentioned Egypt in your blog, Egypt is part of Africa Tim, in your book 4hr workweek, you recommended not to go any country in Africa. I think you so wrong by saying that. lots of great place to discover in the motherland, by the way I love the book

10 years ago

This article is very useful, especially about exact money information. When I have a extra time, I want to go Egypt. Thank you for your information.

10 years ago

I’d love to go to the Czeh republic and want to visit Hungary. 🙂 I’m planning to go Europe in this summer or next year. I wil visit those 2 countries 🙂

Thanks for valuable information 🙂

10 years ago

Thanks for your information. It’s a good information for me because i would like to go to Egypt in this summer, so i am going to find important information.

I’m Thai and I recommend you guy to go there. It’s very beautiful place.

10 years ago

I have to agree with Mexico. Whenever we are looking for an affordable getaway from here in the US we grab a cruise to Mexico. The food, water, and tropical excursions are wonderful. – Steve

Tim Leffel
Tim Leffel
10 years ago

I’m the author of this post. Can you please change the blog link in my bio to the correct URL? It moved to its own domain in 2013. It’s linked to my name here. Thanks1

10 years ago
Reply to  Tim Leffel

Am looking for a family getaway for next year – hubby is 50. Children will be 11, 9 and 7, Want it to be WOW, once in a lifetime for everybody…. what would you recommend? Don’t know where on earth to start!!

Thank you

10 years ago

Interesting list. A good selection of cities that are not in that top tier of tourist destinations. Thanks for sharing.

9 years ago

I Dont know if you can consider Czech Republic as an exotic destination i have been to prague and it’s not exotic at all..

Dan Nolen III
Dan Nolen III
8 years ago

I was in Mexico yesterday and the exchange rate is now more like 16.7 MXP to 1 USD. Check the safety situation in Guatemala or Honduras. This article was originally written about 5 years ago, from what I can tell.

8 years ago

wtf? czech republic is not an eastern european country – it is central europe.prague is more in the west than vienna. how can you compare a country that has higher gdp than Portugal or greece with honduras or guatemala? you are total socio geographic moron

8 years ago


The Mexican peso has continued to slide and is now closer to $17.50:$1 rate vs. the $13:$1 rate you mentioned above. Even more reason to go to Mexico!

Fernanado Manuel
Fernanado Manuel
8 years ago

Lares Trek is an exciting alternative to get to Machu Picchu, enjoying wonderful landscapes.

[Moderator: links removed]

8 years ago

Honduras is recommended like its Disneyland. In fact, Honduras has the highest murder rate in the world and the US Embassy in Honduras advises extreme caution when traveling there. And American and European travelers to Egypt are targets of crime and even terrorist factions. This so called travel article needs to provide more realistic destination assessments.