Thank You, Facebook Bankruptcy, and Late Christmas Presents

(Photo: source)

Thank you…

Thank you…

Thank you!

The last two blog posts have moved me more than any others, and the new expanded 4-Hour Workweek has hit #4 on The New York Times bestseller list and #3 on the USA Today Money list!

In a future post, I will explain exactly what I did in PR and marketing (including recordings and screenshots) to help it happen, but the reality is: you made it happen.

You all rock. For buying the book? No. For making this community what it is. For helping one another and sharing your stories and lessons learned. For teaching me more than I can ever possibly teach you.

This is my dream team.

I’m leaving for South Africa this week (first time to Africa!), but I wanted to try and express my thanks before I left. There are three things I’d like to start with:

1) Free signed books at Samovar in San Francisco

2) Free round-trip ticket anywhere in the world per the last post

3) 600 free books on Facebook (+ Facebook bankruptcy template)…

1) Free signed books at Samovar in San Francisco

There are roughly 100 signed copies of the 4HWW–including both hardcovers and paperback galleys–available for free at all Samovar locations in San Francisco. Please ask the manager on duty, and there is a limit of 2 per person. Alas, once they are gone, they are gone.

2) Free round-trip ticket anywhere in the world per the last post

The winner of the video case studies from the last post is…. Chuck Holton!

Here were the top 8 most-voted videos:

I loved all of them and felt that it was hard to vote for one, as lifestyle design is — by definition — personal. That which impresses the most people might not be the best approach for you to emulate, if your circumstances are different. For that reason, I would like to mail a thank-you gift to each of the initial 15 case studies who were finalists. You know who you are.

If you were one of them, please e-mail Amy your mailing address with the subject line as “Video Case Study – [your name]”.

Use the e-mail address you used to post your comment (Chuck, please do the same for now). It might take a week or two, but I will send you a thank-you gift for taking the time to share and teach.

In a word: incredible.

3) 600 free books on Facebook

Not long ago, I declared Facebook bankruptcy and moved things around. In fact, I started over from scratch. 1,200+ unread messages required it. Information Chapter 11.

The catalyst was an e-mail I received from Paul Colligan, which inspired me to finally take the leap and get things under control. To tame the beast. Find his group e-mail here, which you can use as a template if needed.

Here’s what I’m doing as a belated Christmas giveaway: changing things up.

My Facebook peeps never get any love — it’s always my blog readers and Twitter followers. This time, I’m giving away 600 books using what Facebook does best: getting people in touch. The first 100 people to do the following will be mailed up to six books to share (1 for each of their friends, and 1 copy for them).

The three steps are simple and fast:

1) Step one: Take a picture of yourself holding a copy of The 4-Hour Workweek (old or new) and upload it to the Tim Ferriss fan page, so I can easily find the pics and contact you directly. There are more than 100 photos I’ve put nowhere else, and dozens of never-before-seen videos are coming. If it’s a Kindle or electronic version, just show it on the screen and you’re all set.

The link is:

Having trouble uploading? Here is a tip from reader Cameron Hurd (Thanks, Cameron!):

…Try clicking on a fan photo, and then choosing ’see all photos’. The page will now have an ‘add photos’ link at the top. Or, once you’re logged in to facebook, click this linky-poo:

2) Step two: Tag 3-5 friends (no fewer than 3 friends and no more than 5) in the picture whom you’d like to give the new version of the book. They might be workaholics, travel lovers, recent college grads, people who hate the rat race, or even your parents or siblings. Be sure to tag at least 3 of your friends in the picture, but don’t tag more than 5 friends total. There are a limited number of books I can give away, and I want as many people to have gifts for their friends as possible.

3) Step three: Post reasons and a link. In the photo description, you need to do two things: explain to your friends why you chose them, and link to either the post of case studies or this Slideshare presentation. Feel free to write your own, or you can mix and match these templates:

1. I’m calling you guys out — you’re workaholics! In an effort to reduce your work hours and re-kindle our friendships, I want to give each of you “The 4-Hour Workweek.” More to come soon. If you don’t know what the book is about, here it is: [or]

2. Hey friends! I want to give you all a copy of “The 4-Hour Workweek” (which is why you’ve each been tagged in this picture). More to come soon, but I should have a belated Christmas gift for you 🙂 If you want a sneak peek of the book, check this out: [or]

3. Hello fellow travelers! I want to give each of you a copy of “The 4-Hour Workweek.” It shows you how to travel at 50% off, hire virtual assistants for next to nothing, and otherwise live like a king or queen overseas. The author is sending out a ton of free copies of the book. More to come soon. If you don’t know what the book is about, click here: [or]

Unfortunately, due to logistics, I can only mail books to addresses in the US. Shikata nai and lo siento mucho!

There are 48 hours.

The three steps must be completed by 12 midnight PST this Thursday, 1/7/10.

What then?

Nothing — that’s it. One of my assistants will contact the first 100 people via Facebook in a private message no later than Sunday (1/10), and you’ll be asked for your shipping address. The books will be shipped next week.

In closing, and this applies to all of you international friends as well:

The Tim Ferriss Show is one of the most popular podcasts in the world with more than one billion downloads. It has been selected for "Best of Apple Podcasts" three times, it is often the #1 interview podcast across all of Apple Podcasts, and it's been ranked #1 out of 400,000+ podcasts on many occasions. To listen to any of the past episodes for free, check out this page.

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Comment Rules: Remember what Fonzie was like? Cool. That’s how we’re gonna be — cool. Critical is fine, but if you’re rude, we’ll delete your stuff. Please do not put your URL in the comment text and please use your PERSONAL name or initials and not your business name, as the latter comes off like spam. Have fun and thanks for adding to the conversation! (Thanks to Brian Oberkirch for the inspiration.)

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14 years ago

Books are gone. Had a nice cup of tea, though.

Sam Holomua Chillingworth
Sam Holomua Chillingworth
14 years ago

Tim, South Africa was one of my around the world mini-retirement spots and I have a great tip for you.

If you leave Capetown and head on the Garden Route towards Jeffrey?s Bay you will pass over Bloukran?s Bridge. Stop. Have a beer at the little bar on the side of the road. Then suck it up and jump off the Highest Bungy in the world! It?s unreal. Tell them you?ve done it before and they?ll let you run off or dive backwards…

Don?t be a panty! 😉

Look forward to the pictures and blog post.

Big Aloha,


14 years ago

Glad I decided to really read the rules. I didn’t notice yesterday, but most of the other folks did what I did at first… just posted a picture of myself without the requisite tags and reasons/descriptions. What a great way to go viral! Tell at least 5 people why you think the book is great in a public forum. Very clever!

Valerie Cudnik
Valerie Cudnik
14 years ago

I am the only person out of over 200 uploaded pictures that actually tagged people…

14 years ago

Thanks, Tim! I hope my entry on Facebook wasn’t too late. I missed your last promo to get a copy of the upcoming “Superhuman” book. Can we pre-order it yet? If so, where?

Lisa Hallman
Lisa Hallman
14 years ago

I have both copies of your book, the new and the old. I am currently reading it and am really inspired. I hope to one day be able to give away a bunch of my books. Cause writing a book is on my list too. I’m working on Dreamlining right now. I think it’s great that you are giving your book away although am sad that us poor Canadians can not benefit. In fact, I think I might buy a few copies and give them away on my site.

Keep it up Tim, you are an inspiration to us all. As well as those who may have no choice but to work for ourselves.

Aitor Calero García
Aitor Calero García
14 years ago

Ohhhhh, come on, Tim. Only US delivery. We are one world ;). When are you going to think about us, poor rest-of-the-world people? I was about to take my picture..

Please, next time think about an international contest as well.

Saludos desde Madrid!!!!

14 years ago

Challenge To Tim Ferris – Free Round The World Tickets If I Am Wrong!

Tim – If you can stand mid way along Camps bay beach in Cape Town South Africa and do a slow 360 degree spin and not say OMFG this is the most beautiful place on the planet, I will finance your next trip.

You can then take a short stroll across the road to caprice and have a drink amongst some of the prettiest girls you are likely to see.



Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
14 years ago
Reply to  Mike


14 years ago

Hey Tim – Thanks for the new book and the latest blog posts. Love them all

Question: When is the Book Resources seciton going to be updated with the Tools and Tricks from the new book? I have the audio book and the paper back but need an electronic version for easy search/access

Mike Seely
Mike Seely
14 years ago

I loved the thank you video at the end. Very classy and unexpected.

14 years ago

SUCKS! I JUST FOUND OUT TODAY!. Dang had my picture ready to go. 🙁

14 years ago

I shoulda turned down my volume before watching that last video… Scared the heebee jeebeez outta me!

I gave a copy of your book to my gf, it’s opened up a lot of discussion. Thanks for the conversation piece.


14 years ago

had it ready to go until I saw the deadline. 🙁

14 years ago

Where in South Africa will you be? Are we, as fans, able to meet you ?? I am in Johannesburg.

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
14 years ago
Reply to  Johan

Hi Johan,

I’ll be in Cape Town. Keep an eye on Twitter at If I do anything, I’ll announce it there!



14 years ago

Hi Tim

Congrats on finally getting to Africa. SA is an awesome country if you hit the right places.

Just make sure that you support the right rugby team !

I`m a fan currently just starting my muse. If you are in Durban / Kwa-Zulu Natal and need any info or advice, please give me a shout.

It`s because of you that I chose the red pill


14 years ago

Hey Tim,

Awesome idea with the free book giveaway.

How many fans did your facebook page increase by with your book giveaway? It seems like a very interesting way of making a facebook page go viral…..

I am currently testing out some viral FB strategies of my own at the moment and would love to hear some feed back from you about this test.



ps. I watched your video above.. you are a mad man!

14 years ago

Hi Tim,

Just wanted to comment on your Yabusame ride. I thought you did an awesome job at it, but what amazed me the most was your japanese. It seemed flawless!!! It’s like you’ve lived there all your life. I would like to learn few languages fluently, but I’m not even sure where to start when it comes to learning a new language. If you have any tips please forward to the e-mail provided.

Not sure if you’ve done this or not, but it would be cool to see you practice some cutting techniques with a master swordsman. You definately have the warrior within and I would like to see how that turns out!

P.S. If there is a school on how to build balls or Koji – let me know! If not can you also make that your next topic!!

Take it light!


14 years ago

#4 on NY Times, wouldn’t expect anything less. Great job Tim! I saw that you mentioned…absolute life changer.


[…] (of Forbes Women Entrepreneurs Best Blogs fame) chats with Paul (of look who got on Tim Ferriss' Blog fame) about "going Mac" (and a few other things).  What does she think?  Will she ever go […]

14 years ago

Hi Tim

Just started reading your book last night and it’s totally inspiring!

Onto doing the exercises right now!

I just wanted to thank you for writing it!

All the best


Blair Bryngelson
Blair Bryngelson
14 years ago

Hey Tim,

Just wanted to let you know, I was super inspired from your book and after this contest I made a video to show my appreciation.

It has a couple hundred of your facebook friends’ pictures in it as well as some of your youtube video content and a great track by Kid Cudi called the Pursuit of Happiness.

Hope you guys enjoy it!

Stephen Nash
Stephen Nash
14 years ago

Tim –

Your book is one of the very few ‘useful’ books written in the last 10 years. Sure, there are plenty of interesting and insightful books too (Gladwell’s books, for ex). But yours provides a map for achieving the lifestyle one truly wants…and gives tangible, clear examples of how to do it.

Again, the word I use to describe your book is ‘useful’…a rarity in my experience.


14 years ago

Others starting to ‘get it’?

“The working week should be cut to 21 hours to help boost the economy and improve quality of life, a left-wing think tank has said. The New Economics Foundation claimed in a report the reduction in hours would help to ease unemployment and overwork.

The think tank said people were working longer hours now than 30 years ago even though unemployment was at 2.5 million. The foundation admitted people would earn less, but said they would have more time to carry out worthy tasks…”

14 years ago

I’d like to thank you for writing the 4-Hour Work Week. I’ve been unhappy at my job for quite some time now. After reading your book, it gave me a kick in the behind to start doing something about my dissatisfaction. There is no right timing for the important things. I don’t want to be one of those that only dream to do and never get to do, so I jumped in head first. I mentioned a little bit of this on my website hope that’s ok. Thanks again being an inspiration.


14 years ago

The things you share…are well received. I enjoy all your positive energy. Keep it up! 🙂 and again Thank you.


14 years ago


Why facebook?

Please next time make the same in )) its new aggressive socialnetwork which grow up from russia and going all over the world

Finaly deliver your new book to snowy Russia, and now I have chance to share your new vision to my friends.

By the way, I’m trying all that you share in your blog, and all that have positive feedback in my life, I’m poosting in my blog on russian language( soon will be swiitched to separated name), so now you have embassy in Russia ))

Keep in touch!


14 years ago

Hi Tim – I am working on starting up a website after reading your book. Thanks for the inspiration! Can you recommend a web designer to build my website?



Rob Barrett
Rob Barrett
14 years ago

Hey Tim and All,

ALERT about a company that has be come a SCAM that is mentioned in the GREATEST BOOK Ever. Contact any Celebrity is a SCAM SCAM. I signed up for the trial, after reading “THE” book, 4hww. found the addresses to be common every day one’s you can get from a good internet search. BUT, 7 days later, my CC is billed for the full price, user name and password STOPPED working, and no one there will return my CALLS or EMAILS. NO ONE answers the phone, and now my BANK is saying the only way to stop and AUTO DEBT is close the account. The hassle here is INSANE. DO NOT USE THEM.

TIM – The Book has give me more good advice then any other media in my life for business and personal time management. Thanks for all the great info. If you reissue the book, again ( I read both versions) I would take these guys out.

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
14 years ago
Reply to  Rob Barrett

Hi Rob,

I’ll check on this. Thank you.


14 years ago

Hey Tim!

I just watched your seminar about haters, and it’s good stuff. Now, I’m not a professional (I’m at high-school xD) who runs a website (that’s the people you’re basically making it for, right?), but I discovered a few truths myself already. For instance, I recently cut my hair quite short after having long hair for 2.5 years. The next morning I got a lotof negative reactions from the guys in my class, giggling when they saw me and such. Only the stylish “alphas” complimented me, so I just intuitively knew I didn’t have to care about the losers with poor haircuts who would never have the balls to make such a big change on their physique. I actually embraced (like the gladiators in the Spartacus series must ’embrace the pain’) the mockery. Another example was yesterday when a top wussy was saying negative things about me, which is very likely because of my sudden increase of success with girls (as I said, he’s the biggest wussy with women I know so he’s getting none). I found that negative reactions often come from people who are insecure and envy you. I think I’m going to check out your book. Also, thanks for the video and keep them coming!

Santa Claus
Santa Claus
13 years ago

How did it go?

[personal name]
[personal name]
13 years ago

What an amazing offer, just a pity that I missed it, going to go add you on FB anyway so that I don’t miss out AGAIN,

I am really enjoying your posts and gathering some vital information and learning a great deal in business. Finding it all very exciting indeed.

So a big thank you to you

Best regards


LA Ian
LA Ian
13 years ago

Hi Tim – Thanks for the inspiration!

Maxwell Dickow
Maxwell Dickow
10 years ago

Thanks for your post on the travel industry. I’d personally also like to include that if you’re a senior thinking about traveling, it can be absolutely crucial to buy traveling insurance for golden-agers. When traveling, seniors are at high risk being in need of a health emergency. Buying the right insurance cover package to your age group can protect your health and provide peace of mind.