How to Breakdance 101: Unleash Your Inner B-Boy

An impromptu b-boying lesson at home after some Bulleit bourbon. Don’t drink and dance.

Breakin’ 2 did it. It was 1984 and I was convinced I would be a professional breakdancer. Alas, I was seven years old, and I looked exactly like this reader who left a comment on my tango instructional post:


I’m pretty impressed by your achievements in tango, but what about tips on your first love?

B-boying is a sport I’ve watched and attempted for years. Sadly, the minute I go from uprock to six-step I look like a two-year-old trying to find spilled jelly-beans.

I don’t know what to do. Can you offer any tips on learning how to storm floors?

PS: Nice freeze on the Jones Soda. I don’t know much about tango, but I do know how hard b-boying is. I’m from Seattle and I’m damn proud.

I didn’t rediscover breakdancing (aka b-boying, not to be confused with popping or locking a la Michael Jackson) until 1997 when I found a few scattered videos of breakdancing online. I download horrible written instructions, crappy 10-second video clips, and resolved to learn how to do my favorite move–windmills–before college graduation. Death or windmills.

Months of bruised hips and humiliation later, I was able to do them. It was almost all guess work and took far too long. I’ve since found better methods for building on basics in a logical progression.

In this post, I will teach you the basics of footwork. If you’ve ever dreamed of breakdancing (and who hasn’t?), this is enough to let you check it off the list…

– Six-step and six-step variations

– Basic flourishes that take 2-10 minutes to learn

– How to enter and exit footwork without looking like an idiot

First, a brief demonstration of what is possible with a mediocre build for breaking.

I am not a good breakdancer, and I’ve never claimed to be one, but I can do enough to use it for dramatic effect around untrained eyes. Assuming you have semi-healthy joints, you can learn how to do the following in 1-2 weeks, and I’ll teach you most of it in the next 10 minutes. This was on-the-spot, in dress shoes, at a conference after months of no practice, which goes to show how simple the moves really are:

Onward to How to Breakdance 101. I cut off my head, as the feet are more important:

This is enough to make an impression around non-b-boys.

Keep in mind that I now b-boy perhaps three times a year, and only for a few minutes at a time. These moves are not hard on the joints and will stay with you. Some other rules of thumb:

1) Thou shalt not break drunk or buzzed. Joints don’t like it.

2) Thou shalt not break on surfaces that might have spilled drinks. Ditto for joints and foreheads.

3) Thou shalt bring a second t-shirt if they plan on not being a sweaty bastard around others.

4) Thou shalt not break in public until reviewing video of themselves. Self-monitoring while breaking is not accurate. Mediocre breakdancing is more of a liability than no breakdancing. Take a few days to get the basics down before showcasing.

Have fun! It’s a great and unusual world to explore.

Here’s how the pros do it–take the time to watch this one:

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Kevin Kane
Kevin Kane
14 years ago

Pretty “fly” old school breakdance moves there Tim! You’ve got that natural flow!

David Turnbull
David Turnbull
14 years ago

Sweet. Always wondered when you were going to cover breakdancing. You seemed to have discussed everything mentioned in 4HWW apart from this. 🙂

Cameron Hurd
Cameron Hurd
14 years ago


Stellar choice for an article. This caught me pleasantly off guard, as most things here do, and I love getting a little insight into this, because you’re right. Who *hasn’t* thought of trying this before?

– Cam

14 years ago

Ha! What those guys do in the competition is insane! It’s a bit tricky I guess but I’ll start with the basics in your videos!

Excellent stuff as always Tim, keep up the great work!

David Walsh
David Walsh
14 years ago

Tim this post is so money. I started toying with break last year in the same way – poor vids & step-by-steps. Bruised hips and humiliation? Check, check. Windmills were the holy grail and every hint of progress felt like a lifetime achievement. Classic line.. “Mediocre breakdancing is more of a liability than no breakdancing.”

Sometimes it’s fun (albeit a bit dick) to go to clubs and covertly orchestrate a break circle, then watch everyone look around until they realize there’s no actual b-boys in the room.

14 years ago

Nice moves Tim.

Always wondered when you’d cover the topic of break dancing since it was mentioned in 4 hour work week. Nice videos too, except… where’s the big boom-box hiding?


14 years ago

…still waiting for that windmill. Pretty aggressive! I’m still trying to master the moonwalk.

14 years ago

Man I suck at breakdancing 🙁

14 years ago

My kids were mortified to learn I had done this when I was just a tad bit older than they are today. My wife, too, for that matter… Nice videos!

14 years ago

That is so cool! This is why I read blogs…

Rock on!

14 years ago

nice, Tim.

Are you in japan? im digging the minimalist room with the wood accents. Thanks for keeping the posts fresh and informative. To me, you and Seth Godin are irreplaceable in that aspect. Take care!


14 years ago

Finally! Been waiting for this for awhile. We share similar interests here and I’ve always wanted to see your take. Way to flow bro.

Carl Nelson
Carl Nelson
14 years ago

As a dancer I think it’s great that you introduce this aspect to more people.

I remember that tango article and always appreciate it when someone is willing to go out there and share their interest in dance to so many people.

Also, a nice break down of the six-step basic. I hadn’t heard the tip about the palm vs. the finger bend and will work with that a bit to see how it feels.

14 years ago

Wow, thoroughly enjoyed watching Lilou. Amazing talent. Thanks for showing me that.

Stephen Wise
Stephen Wise
14 years ago

If I ever wanted to hit up a football game and get free tickets, I’d throw down a cardboard box on the sidewalk, cause a hurricane from my windmills, and make mad tip money. Hell, they may even throw me a couple cold ones, to loosen me up a little.

Ebun Omoni
Ebun Omoni
14 years ago

Nice post! I’ve been breaking for a while and enjoy learning about other people’s experience and exposure to it

Also, I’m glad you included those 4 rules of thumbs to keep in mind. Anyone who breaks for long enough would have figured it out sooner or later but it’s always nice to learn from other people’s experience.

14 years ago

wahaha, brilliant. I’ll get right on it! Gotta show off how Mickey Mouse can breakdance at this Friday’s Halloween party!!

14 years ago

That is some of the funniest video I’ve seen in quite some time, particlarly the “locking” one. Why not just go to clown school?

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
14 years ago
Reply to  heuristic

Now THAT is a good idea 🙂

14 years ago

Right I now need a new hip.

Rick A. Griffith
Rick A. Griffith
14 years ago

That breaking competition was filthy. Nice tutorial too. I’ve messed around with this before myself but always found it hard to look cool coming in and out of the 6 step, good info.

14 years ago

Tim, you should stick with ballroom dancing 🙂

Nice post. Helping people to expand their lifestyle horizons. I like it.

14 years ago

Awesome Tim, I was waiting for this, my windmills haven’t connected yet and I’ve been performing bboying for two years haha

I may or may not be overcompensating on style lol

I’ve used the principles in your book to travel to France, where I’m currently at (on month 3 of a 4 month trip) and I’m currently practicing at Lilou’s stomping grounds (outside the opera at hotel de ville in Lyon)

Couldn’t ask for a better role model (you), especially as an adrenaline junkie

I’ve also used the principles in your book to get laser eye surgery to help me compete and to get rid of so much time consuming trash so that I can have days like yesterday where I bboy for 3 hours and take a break to skateboard for 4 hours.

Now, what I fear most: Muse creation


14 years ago

Awesome Tim. Great to see another how to post like this. Thanks.

14 years ago

Nice work Tim!

3 tips to take to you to the next level.

1. Keep your all your steps small, esp. your toprocking, it will make everything look neater and faster.

2. Stay on your toes the whole time, toprocking and footwork. esp for your “flourishes” at the front, don’t extend your weight too far, keep it right under your hips.

3. Have somewhere for your hands to go when they leave the ground when you do footwork, so they don’t flail in the air. touching your hip or head are good places to start

Great tip on the hands, some people use there fingetips if they lack the flexibility but it it’s risky. and you sped up jumping six step is called a three step.

All the best, nice work!!

Kool Keith

Noah F
Noah F
14 years ago

What a killer post.

I’m going to dedicate my entire day to this.

Just awesome.

Noah F
Noah F
14 years ago

I just wanted to add.

Tim, you’ve got some killer moves.

14 years ago

Consider it done.

14 years ago

I most probably will not try this at home 🙂 , but I appreciate your efforts to make the videos. The second video is a little dark though.

14 years ago

When are you guys going to do another episode of random?

Anna McMahon
Anna McMahon
14 years ago

I love breakdancing. I should say I love to watch people break dance. I have tried myself but I just cannot do it. It is probably because I’m a girl since most the people you see breakdancing are guys.

8 years ago
Reply to  Anna McMahon

Breakdancing is definately a male dominated culture but thats only because one large % of women who believe they can not do it simply because of their gender. Try it 😉

I am a girl and I have a been a competitive break dancing going strong for 5 years. Tims 4 hour work week gave me the inspiration to get back into after taking a year off.

Thanks Tim!

14 years ago

Brings me waaaaay back! Good stuff with the uprocking! Now you have to do a windmill tutorial. Make sure you include the different variations-nutcrakers, napoleans, eggbeaters etc. Lol! Tim, what’s the name and artist of the song playing in the background?

Chris Mower
Chris Mower
14 years ago

I used to dance quite a bit, but it’s been 8 or so years since I’ve really put on the shoes. Not sure if b-boying is my style, but it sure is fun to watch. Thanks for posting.

14 years ago

Are these videos on vimeo?

I’m in China now, and as I’m sure you know, China doesn’t like YouTube.

If they’re not on vimeo, any tips on bypassing the great firewall? Nothing seems to work very well these days.

Oleg Mokhov
Oleg Mokhov
14 years ago

“Music has just as much to do with movement and body as it does soul and intellect.” -Esa-Pekka Salonen

Hey Tim,

If you can walk, you can dance.

Music isn’t a separate object but the juice that energizes and flows through our body. Sitting motionless while music is playing is like only listening to movies without watching. You only get half the effect.

Like you, I’ve always been infatuated with b-boying. I have a few amateur-looking moves under my belt, and bust them out occasionally in public for some mood-lifting. These videos are awesome and exactly what I need: quick and effective methods to improve my moves without dedicating many hours to become a pro or something.

Thanks as always for your amazing 80-20-style resources,


14 years ago

Thanks for the excellent diversion. Your blog is always so much better than answering emails and reading the news! Now I am in the mood to play some “New Edition” or perhaps even watch “Flashdance.” (Remember, she throws in some breakdance moves at the big ballet audition!)

14 years ago

Wait a minute, you recommend trying this WITHOUT alcohol? Seems like it would require at least one shot of tequila.

Awesome videos. Those dudes got mad skillz.

14 years ago


Great videos! I’ve been hoping you’d do a post on this.

Any advice on doing the windmill? It is one of my life goals and I want to have it by the end of the year. The best video I found so far is here:

My problem is that my wrist keeps hurting from supporting my whole body weight. Also, do you recommend practicing this one on carpet or tile?


14 years ago

lol, I saw a bit of your dancing at the BizTech Conference. The B-Boy side of you was surfacing off stage 🙂 .

I’ll send a Flicker/Facebook link later on, so you’ll see photos from the BizTech Conference.

Here’s an awesome link, I saw weeks ago on a toddler break dancing, freak’n amazing.

Am in SF for the rest of the week for the Plug & Play Expo and SNAP Summit. Good times….

14 years ago

It’s always enjoyable when you talk about yourself.

14 years ago

That was a SICK DEMO at Nielsen.

No, it was “fresh”. 🙂

14 years ago

Personally I think break dancing is a little dorky,

but hey, I give you props for showing more ways to ‘live’

the lifestyle that one chooses!

David Turnbull
David Turnbull
14 years ago

Should’ve asked this in my original comment (more chance of you actually seeing it), but I noticed you seem to be wearing regular sneakers. Is that for any reason in particular, or do you only wear your Five Fingers on occasion?

14 years ago


Was reviewing the ustream video and noticed it was longer than the time I remembered so I skipped forward and the stream included you filming a portion of this video. With that being said how much time does a typical blog take to finish especially with video content.

Enjoyed the video stream a lot of great questions! Hope you do it again bring Kevin Rose along you guys crack me up !

Triston aka TDBRPH

14 years ago

wow! i am so happy i bookmarked your website after reading your book! i couldnt fall asleep tonight and this was probably the best randomness i could have ever stumbled upon before crashing. thanks for sharing! crazy moves!

14 years ago

By reading this point, I was instantly transported back to being a kid and how I was absolutely mesmerized the first time I saw Turbo do the ‘Broom’ Dance in Breakin’ (reminisce here For truly mind blowing skills, spend some time checking out B Boy Junior from France, words can’t begin to explain what this man does (here’s a little something to get you started….


[…] How to Breakdance 101: Unleash Your Inner B-Boy […]

Steve L
Steve L
14 years ago

Tim, love this post.

My inspiration for breakdancing came from Eddie in the Tekken videogame series. Out of all the martial artists he had by far the coolest moves. However, after a short stint in high-school meant to prove that white people can-in fact- dance my b-boy career has been put on hold.


14 years ago

oh mann, I’ve been reading your blogs on and off all day.

information overloadddd…..!

bahaa. This one made me smile.

Didn’t breakdancing start with Nazi soldiers??

Norman Dacanay
Norman Dacanay
14 years ago

you 4 commandments of breakdancing are epic

Norman Dacanay
Norman Dacanay
14 years ago

Hey I just realized that in the Redbull BC One video, it’s Ronnie from Supercrew, America’s Best Dance Crew season 2 winners

14 years ago

Did you or anyone on this blog get tickets to the BC One in NY City this year?? I completely forgot about it and the show is SOLD OUT!

Pete Freans
Pete Freans
14 years ago

“If you’ve ever dreamed of breakdancing (and who hasn’t?)…”

I had a thought about breakdancing approximately 15-20 years ago but I never dreamed of it.

14 years ago

Hello Tim

I am 31 and have been labor work 9-5 for all my live and the other day i came across your book at the library it was intersting so i took it home.

thinking about the universty students experiment where you told to to cantact at least three celebarty and have them answar 3 questions.

i decided why not contact Tim himself about this idea that was Burning me.

it’s about selling informational product, internet or tv. and i bleive it’s a great idea. i know you’re a busy man but would approciate if you would help me or mentore me on this one.



14 years ago

Last video is insane. You can’t do that when you’re sitting in a cube all day, and in front of one all night.

Alex T.
Alex T.
14 years ago

Very good way to break down the six / three step. I would LOVE to see a how to video on your mills. What I found with successful b-boying is start strong and end strong for your set and make SURE it is clean. If it fizzles at the end, you fumble over a move, or don’t stick a freeze it will totally disappoint.

I love your take on movement analysis and deconstructing, you really should do short videos on the different power moves with b-boying. It would probably make it a lot safer for those of us who just huck it and hope all goes well.

You should take a look at different interviews and videos on b-boy Krazy Kujo, he is incredible at deconstructing power moves and learning safer ways of executing power moves and flips. (After a failed attempt to land in the plank position from a front flip, he slammed his face on the ground so hard it caused him to lose his eyesight for a day… pretty commited)

Rose Jeudi
Rose Jeudi
14 years ago

Oh my, this is the most entertaining thing I’ve seen all week. You’re actually really good! To quote the venerable Paris Hilton, “That’s hot!”

Rose Jeudi
Rose Jeudi
14 years ago

BTW, Tim, in the 3rd video you move like a Capoeirista? Did you ever give that a go?

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
14 years ago
Reply to  Rose Jeudi

Ah, you spotted it! Yes, but poorly and a loooong time ago 🙂


Luis Merino
Luis Merino
14 years ago

I’ve been around 30 min of practice now and I still find somewhat difficult to transition from step 4 to 5 and from 5 to 6, I end up somewhat off. So Tim, any tips? 🙂

14 years ago

At one minute into this video you can see Shaq break dancing – all 7’1″ and 320 lbs. 🙂

14 years ago

While dancing, do you reflexively come up in a guard position? See “101 part 2” at around 1:30 for one example, if I’m not misinterpreting your movement. That habit will pay dividends the next time ninjas attack while you’re break dancing 😉

I also thought of Capoeira while watching your demonstration. Also at moments Bagua and perhaps another Chinese/Indonesian art during (what looked like) some nice triangle steps. But sometimes it’s hard to tell where a cross-influence exists and where the human form is just the human form, and so it tends toward certain patterns of movement.

tom reid
tom reid
14 years ago

Dude, my daughter wrote on the cover of your book 4 hr “(home)” work week. Got some serious inspiration for her to pursue this. Care to connnect w me on a muy GRANDE thought that it lead me to?

tom reid
tom reid
14 years ago

ademas, su concepto es totalmente intementable en la profesion de segurancia, pero a crecer pasado mi nivel presente nesasita mas T (tiempo)?!

Leon Terra
Leon Terra
14 years ago

I must say Tim, your two instructional videos had more logic in it than most of the DVD’s I bought and the barrage of questions to the local breakers in the beginning years of me trying to be a professional bboy and compete in one of the “Battle of the Year’s” in Germany. But that was almost 10 years ago. My skills have, fumbled a little since my journey.

Now, stalls and power moves have taken over, as well as Korea coming up representing bboys worldwide.

I love the fact that you still continue dancing for passion’s sake and that helps to shake things up on my end too.

One DVD that might help people that I got a while ago was “Breakdance Step-By-Step.” I watched that the most, other than both “Breakin'” movies and “Beatstreet.” Talk about old-school.


14 years ago

I want to know what your favorite b-boy music is…

14 years ago

Tim, I love you (seriously, let’s make babies) but what the hell is up with those bell bottom jeans?!

14 years ago

Those popping and locking videos are freakin’ incredible! The first track on that locking video is pretty sick too. Wow.

Barry Rabkin
Barry Rabkin
14 years ago

My co-worker was reading your blog and emailed this to me last night. I’d bet money you are the best breakdancer to grace the new york times best seller list, and the best one at the nielsen conference as well. I’ve been breaking since 2003 and I’m inspired to see a respected authority proudly repping their bboy style.

I saw your videos, they were a great jumping off point and I enjoyed them. Tim with your permission I also wanted to offer your readers further breakin’ education our site as a resource. We have plenty of free video previews to learn from even if you aren’t interested in buying any dvds.

You can specifically learn how to Break here;

You can learn other styles, like Popping, Rave dance, or Club dance here:

Hope the free videos previews help you guys take it to the next level. I say we form a new crew, “BBoy Bloggers United”, anyone want in? We’ll dominate at the next wordpress convention 🙂

Walker Campbell
Walker Campbell
14 years ago

Good stuff.

The b-boys in the video at the end reminded me of how much I still love Hip Hop. Even when (mainstream) rappers are struggling to say something new, b-boys are doing their thing the world over.

Thanks for the ill post, Tim.

Curtis Chambers
Curtis Chambers
14 years ago

Fascinating post. I am not a fan of anything, though, that can cause injury to the brain. You have seen the recent publicity on football head injuries. I would just think holding your breath that long would have to be hard on the brain. It almost reminds of the choking game that kids play.

I am very impressed with David Blaine, I love his magic tricks, his early TV specials were incredible, and I have lamented the fact he has put so much of his energy into these feats of body endurance in recent years. Freezing himself in ice for days, etc.

Remember Houdini died after letting himself be repeatedly hit in the stomach.

14 years ago

No posts for half a month Tim? Something must be in the works…

14 years ago

@matty G

‘EES busy with a badass book on fitness that I really, REALLYREALLY want to be a part of!

@ Tim Ferris

Timmay! Any plans to “Tim Ferris” standup comedy? I’m a comedian, and success takes a longgg time. A lot of people do it 2-3 years before they even get PAID. I’m sure you could smash that.

“I don’t want to be seen in the public eye as a comedian.”

Well, you could keep a low profile by rejecting television gigs and just quit right after you achieve a goal…like “Get offered $10,000 for one gig.”

14 years ago

Nice videos.

Dude, you are like a Swiss knife. Is there something you can’t do?

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
14 years ago
Reply to  TomGreenwald

Basketball 🙂

14 years ago

Is a certain amount of body strength required? Though I’ve lost about 60 lbs, im still overweight some and am having a hard time getting down the concepts, about how many times a week do you practice and for how long to really get it?

Chris Puckett
Chris Puckett
14 years ago

ElectricBoogaloo. I had about 12 pair of parachute pants. My pleather MJ knock off Thriller jacket was dope. I met one of my best friends to this day in the 5th grade lunch line after I was new to the school and he said there were some good break dancing lessons nearby(1986). I could moonwalk like a m-fer on rollerskates.

Chris Puckett
Chris Puckett
14 years ago

@tomgreenwald great site man. I used to race MTB xc cross country, BMX way back, road racing, crits, track, etc.. BW exercise are great, I will def be checking in.

14 years ago

Thank you a great read I will certainly be back to study future updates. It must take you a lot of time to produce this site.

Brad W (The Party)
Brad W (The Party)
14 years ago

Tim, just letting you know if you’re ever in Knoxville, TN, cover and a few drinks are on me if you want to dance at my club. I’m the crew leader of Club Level 10’s breakdance performers. We have 5 to 10 bboys every weekend. We’ve got a stage and a great lightshow. You’ve got some good moves. I know you can afford and find much better coaches than me, but if you want to learn any power moves (which are kinda my thing), stop by and I’ll do my best to show you some stuff you can use, cause I can tell you’ve got the athleticism for it. My real job is as a personal trainer, so I can usually get you going on technique for windmills and flares and stuff in no time. Keep breakdancing. Liked your book btw.

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
14 years ago

Thanks Brad! If I end up there, I will do so!

Tim “Wish I could do air flares” Ferriss

Jared Heldt
Jared Heldt
14 years ago

Im having some problems with it, do you have to have a certain physique or not? Im having some problems with the kick through on some parts, ive been at it for some time too

Brad W (The Party)
Brad W (The Party)
14 years ago


You really don’t need a specific physique to do it, but that’s not to say it doesn’t help. I’m about 5’5″ and built like a typical Asian (despite being white). No doubt Koreans dominate the power scene, but I’ve seen plenty of tall guys do flares and harder moves. I think with most power moves, a requisite is failing a couple hundred times until you get that one rotation. Then fail trying to get two for a couple hundred times. When you get two, you’ve got the move and it’s just a matter of practice.

Go to a gymnastics place and use mushrooms or other special training equipment that they have for pommel horse and parallel bar flares, then take it to the floor.

Alf Pretzell
Alf Pretzell
14 years ago

Hello Tim,

how are you and where do you come from? In my opinion you overdo it with the 4 hours per week, but 10 or 15 would be o.k.! I invest 20 at the moment.

You are a good breaker… I am not bad as well…

The ones beneath you are excellent (the pros and friends) – here the music by James Last “Weekend-Törn” can be heard for completion. I can build on this – I am a skilled biophysicist and interested in mind-body-environment relations. This dance in this context is important as far as I see. My theat cue is “adequate culture”. Please always stay alert if danger might happen and do not drink too much – maybe only spicy or fruity if you know the origin and how it is made.

Best wishes

13 years ago

Nice videos. Hope this free videos previews help you guys

Alf Pretzell
Alf Pretzell
13 years ago

Hello Tim,

one more advice to you from my point of you:

Do NOT try to be cool or sly – you are cool, that’s cool.

But do not try to command this to others – they do other things and are not like you!! My advice is: Listen to your fears and then try to formulate briefly and manageably (a little neologism 🙂 for you the causal structure! I am a bit the opposite of you ;-I

Best wishes and thanks to you – you are really “cool” (and by “doing your thing” a B-Boy like me!)

13 years ago

Hi Tim, wondering if you’re taking part in this.

13 years ago

they got a really happening b-boy scene in Japan

13 years ago

im 10 years old and im mad at windmilling sort of anyway i like your tutorial videos they are really good :]if you don’t believe im 10…then that’s alright.

13 years ago

It’s nice to see video of you breaking. After you made the mention of creating break circles by lying on the dance floor in 4HWW, I wondered how much training you had. I’d like to see what your powermoves look like, but you definitely have a lot of style.

Breaking and parkour are at the top of my To Do category on my dreamline. I’ve only been doing it for about a year, but I’m up to about 5 rotations with both my windmills and headspins. I’d like to go study it in France as soon as I graduate college and get my muse worked out.

Alf Pretzell
Alf Pretzell
13 years ago
Reply to  Stover

Hello Stover,

the 5 rotations with both your windmills and headspins is much more than I can contribute here. I can fall down in an appropriate manner. That’s all for the moment.

Please keep on breakin – as yu know it’s important

13 years ago

I think I would seriously hurt myself trying to pull this one off. I’m sure some people have tried it while they were under the influence. I would hate to see the results.

13 years ago

hiya…found ur site while researching for my speech class. had to be something that i’m passionate about and can explain to the class. googled – how to break and found you. not too shabby really. u break the 6step down pretty good. i can agree with ur standard rules except for #4. don’t be scared…just bust what u got. peeps are around to criticize which helps. also the adrenaline helps kick things up a notch. coming from my small town of pc bch fl…all we have is club lavela. not exactly prime breakin area…but it helped us out. u either have a love for it and just go with the flow – or u stand on the side lines wishin someone will push u out. take that leap wether ur good or not – i love to see people try and help them to learn while in the process.

one luv!! keep it going!

Jackson Lin
Jackson Lin
13 years ago

Hi Tim

Since I’m a fellow bboy entrepreneur and my life is now FREE working a job thanks to your 4 Hour Work Week book, I thought I had to share this with you.

I noticed you posted the Red Bull BC One clip on your blog.


There’s a bboy that looks IDENTICAL to you and was in the finals of the 2010 Red Bull BC One battle against Neguin! The bboy, who looks like you, or should I say, IS you, is called Just Do It. He’s from Holland.

Here’s a clip of him:

When I watched the battle, I swear I was watching you!

Seriously, check it out!

He looks like you in every aspect!

I nearly pooed my pants!

I was like “OMFG Tim Ferris in the Red Bull BC One finals”!

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
13 years ago
Reply to  Jackson Lin

Hahahaha… man, I WISH! Nice find. Neguin is INCREDIBLE.

Jackson Lin
Jackson Lin
13 years ago

Hey Tim

It’s amazing how much you have changed my life!

My name is Jackson “I CAN airflare” Lin, here’s a clip of me doing some airflares:

In 2007 I came across your book, the 4 Hour Work Week. It got my attention because:

1. You were a bboy.

2. You were not working a dead end loser job, like most bboys.

3. You went to breakdance in Taiwan (my parents are Taiwanese).

4. You hated your job and your bosses too.

I was like wow, this Tim Ferris guy must be my long lost brother!

We had so much in common!

After listening to your 4 Hour Work Week audiobook like 5 times… this is what happened after.

In 2008, I started looking for the “Muse” to fund my life. I tried a lot of things ranging from MLM to options trading…

But they weren’t what I was looking for…

So I looked towards internet marketing, because you mentioned about making money through the internet in your book.

Which led me to find Mark Ling at the end of 2008, and affiliate marketing.

Fast forward to 2010.

Now I have a muse making me more passive income than my friends working as lawyers full time!

It’s AMAZING how much things have changed.

Your book was the starting point that changed everything for me.

In fact, I even blog about how your book affected my life on my internet marketing blog:

Seriously, we should start up a bboy crew “The 4 Hour Work Week Bboys”.

We’d be AWESOME!

We’ll go and battle our previous employers and totally serve them!


Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
13 years ago
Reply to  Jackson Lin

Jackson, those airflares are GREAT! Thanks so much for the comment, and congratulations!

Until we meet in person (I can only offer some footwork),

Tim 🙂

Alf Pretzell
Alf Pretzell
13 years ago

But the windmills are something I will endeavour. If possible without headspins – my hair is and was always a bit hedgehog-like. That’s why.

Mark Roland
Mark Roland
13 years ago

Haha, I tried some of those moves last night and crushed my elbow really bad.

Probably should have listened to you Tim and didn’t try to start doing things buzzed. WHOOPS!

Alf Pretzell
Alf Pretzell
13 years ago
Reply to  Mark Roland

Mark be careful – the windmills are something one could endeavour in a step-by-step manner doing breaking, the headspins in my opinion are not necessary. I think you will loose control including your head. Already as a child I avoided the headspins. As far as we know with this part of our body we think – I do not recommend it as biophysicist. Neither heavy head balls.

Alf Pretzell
Alf Pretzell
13 years ago

… but keep on breaking carefully – this street art breaks up too strict day-by-day moves…? That’s why. I try to think in this way and try to separate windmills and headspins here as well… it’s not easy that’s for sure ;-I

Alf Pretzell
Alf Pretzell
13 years ago

I think you know I like careful trying in a non-Don Quixote manner – which should be allowed … not?!

Good bye here to all – leave this nice B-blog ;-I

13 years ago

are you gonna post a tutorial on how to windmill? im 10 years old and i cant figure out how to windmill! it is soooo frustrating.

Freddie Vanausdal
Freddie Vanausdal
13 years ago

gracias for this post, you should check out some of relentless’ tracks. they are an electro band based in San Francisco!

12 years ago

Bboying is not a sport, not an acrobatic practice like a circus… it’s a Dance and a Lyfestyle.

It’s the only dance of Hip Hop culture, it’s one of the 4 elements of HipHop: mcing, writing, djing and breaking.

Now people, please, learn that is not a collection of trendy moves that you can show to your friends and girls at the next party after watching 2o 3 videos…learn that is required time and will to learn this dance. Learn that is about knowing yourself through self-expression, expression of your personality and emotions through one of the most amazing dance in the world.

Learn that one has to learn first the basic and the foundations like every field of knowledge in human things. So i decide to post this video for you who are truly interested:

This is the only dvd made up with knowledge, passion and very good tutorials

“This is a dance” means the connection between music and the dancer, it’s not about kicking in the air some strange and aggressive moves =)

12 years ago

I think you know I like careful trying in a non-Don Quixote manner – which should be allowed … not?thanks for info..

Alf Pretzell
Alf Pretzell
12 years ago

Hello Tim,

I like “The concept of mini-retirements is introduced,”

Everything is worth being at least figuratively investigated, but Don-Quixote excluded possibly.

I don’t like institutional “Knattern am Wind” loss sailing close to the wind, you know well everything missing professionality and cognitive adequacy should be adapted. I like striking sail – then the work I imagine – whenever such a case should become feat obvious (here I refer to mere hermetics alike). Possibly even if you warn, and not seduce or irritate others like you seem to point to a fact with your mini week – even in this case against Knattern am Wind all should play the trumpet to the best possible extent, try hard to play a recognizable, loud bobby harmony (here I refer to officials as well) and think again about respective well known. I recognized your ideas however and agree to the – good – concept above…