Sneak Peek: The New and Expanded 4-Hour Workweek is Here

The 4-Hour Workweek was first published April 27th, 2007.

I did my best to cover all of the bases when it debuted, but there were gaps. Though I included cases studies of families using lifestyle design, for example, it was hard to find more than a few the first time around.

Not anymore. Things have changed. There are more than 30,000 comments on this blog, hundreds of people have shared their successes and failures via detailed e-mail, and both case studies and experiments continue to flow in from around the world.

This doesn’t mean that the current edition doesn’t do the job — it does — but more than 40 printings and 35 languages later, a new and expanded edition has finally been completed

This new version includes all of the updates and additions that I’ve wanted to make for the last 2.5 years, including more than 50 case studies from readers, as well as 100+ pages of new content. Many of the “tools and tricks” resources have been completely revised to reflect testing with newer and better technologies.

The book publishes December 15th but is available for preorder here at a 30% discount. Why not get some X-mas shopping done early? 🙂

The graphics in this post are the new cover and jacket, which you voted on here. Thank you all so much for the wonderful input and conversation, both online and in real-life.

I learn more from you than I could ever hope to teach.

I hope you love this new edition as much as I do (larger font in second graphic):

Pre-order it here for 30% off the cover price, making it less than $15.

If you’re in media and would like to discuss exclusive interviews, stories, or segments, please email amy-at-fourhourworkweek-dot-com with “4HWW Media” in the subject line.

Have a beautiful weekend!


Odds and ends elsewhere on the web:

Tim Ferriss on TED – Smash Fear, Learn Anything

How to Tim Ferriss Your Love Life (from WordCamp 2009)

The Tim Ferriss Show is one of the most popular podcasts in the world with more than one billion downloads. It has been selected for "Best of Apple Podcasts" three times, it is often the #1 interview podcast across all of Apple Podcasts, and it's been ranked #1 out of 400,000+ podcasts on many occasions. To listen to any of the past episodes for free, check out this page.

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7 days ago

Hi everyone! I see that there’s an edition of the 4-hour week from Penguin Editorial (The 4-Hour Work Week: (Vermilion Life Essentials)).Does this edition contain the expanded and updated content as well?Thank you!

Team Tim Ferriss
5 days ago
Reply to  Cristina

Hi, Cristina –

Yes, the Vermilion Life Essentials edition is the expanded and updated version of The 4-Hour Workweek. Thanks for asking!


Team Tim Ferriss

14 years ago

Awesome, i will buy the new version and give the old one to a friend, whom it will hopefully help as much as it did me.

Jade Leonard
Jade Leonard
14 years ago

Hey Tim,

So excited about my pre order. My well-thumbed 4HWW book travels the globe with me, never leaves my side. I refer to it as my oracle.

Just the other day my partner and I were feeling like we’d lost our direction in our new journey and I pulled out and read your chapter on Filling the Void and we got right back on track.

Thanks so much for giving me the information, tools and confidence I needed to start living my dream.

You rock my world.



14 years ago

@Megan_Donovan Yep you are right the book is now showing for pre-order on … no 30% off or anything, but well worth the money anyhow.

And yes, I’m also looking forward to a new audiobook … now that the original one can be downloaded for free on ( … for USA addresses) I guess that a new version is in the pipeline?

14 years ago

Hi Tim,

I second the inquiry about the Audio book. Excited for the new book, just pre-ordered. The first one was amazing, as will this one no doubt be.

14 years ago


I take your point about the first edition.

Here’s a suggestion; is it possible to put up some of the most radical changes – even if they are just outlines/condensed under the passworded part of the website?


Dario Meli
Dario Meli
14 years ago

I will buy the kindle version the second it’s available. currently reading 4HWW for the first time and loving it.

Melissa McCune
Melissa McCune
14 years ago

@Dr. Christine Spurlock

I would love to hear your story. I you don’t mind sharing, please connect on Facebook or ASW under my name: Melissa McCune

14 years ago

Tim –

Upon completion of your first book, I have been working on numerous web ventures and appreciate all the valuable information it offers. Also, after watching your WordPress presentation, I decided to create a blog of my own. I appreciate the valuable information you have shared through your book and blog and look forward to reading this new version.

Looking forward to quitting the 9 to 5 and living the surfer/traveler lifestyle of my dreams.



14 years ago

Hi Tim,

There are those who say that your proposed lifestyle is a selfish, egocentric lifestyle, what do you think?

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
14 years ago
Reply to  Michael

I’d say they haven’t read the book.


Sysy Morales
Sysy Morales
14 years ago

I’m not the kind of girl who squeals… but I just did over your new and expanded version of the 4 Hour. Felicitaciones!!! Te he mencionado en mi libro asi que te dejo saber cuando salga. Believe me I owe you. Great work!

Michael O
Michael O
14 years ago

Can’t wait for the new book. Less than a month away now.

Goran B.
Goran B.
14 years ago


Mirko Cro Cop is waiting for you and I’m expecting to meet you before 🙂

Well, any ETA when you are arriving in Croatia?


bridget s
bridget s
14 years ago

hi tim!

just finished your 1st book… thanks for sharing your life and writing it.

i just jumped on here to read some more about your upcoming book…but am confused… i thought you only check your email once a week and your comments back to people on this board are like every couple of days. – is this you, or are some of your outsourcers answering these posts -hahaha

i’m looking forward to the 2nd read : )

congrats on a full life!

14 years ago

I want to date you, you rule. I teach art and operate on a lot of the same principals, teaching my college and grad students to learn anything to feed their work. I am 30 years old and a hot full time professor! Keep up the awesome work!

Chad Bozarth
Chad Bozarth
14 years ago

Well, I am definitely looking forward to this release. I told my mom that I wanted this for Christmas, however knowing me, I will most likely buy it the day it comes out…I don’t think I can wait until Christmas. Thanks Tim!

14 years ago

Hello everyone, I am Italian, from what I understand will be released ‘an updated version of the book? Even in Italian?

After reading your book in Italian, I am organizing my life according to your book, I hope

Hello Tim!!!

Southpat Sue
Southpat Sue
14 years ago

This is awesome! I can’t wait to read the new version of the book that inspired my digital nomadic lifestyle! I already have a yurt that I live in on people’s rooftop terraces in Buenos Aires, and live like a rock star, only working hours per week. I’ve had so much free time, I started taking intense Argentine mime classes!

Thank you, Tim!

14 years ago

Hi Tim,

Read the first edition two weeks ago – on a business trip to Buenos Aires, how fitting is that!! Pure coincidence – or was it? Quien sabe, pero estoy seguro que el libro me va a cambiar la vida – a lo mejor.

Would like to see if you have expanded your South America recommendations to include Chile? Perhaps the safest and most stable country in that part of the world… have you checked it out? We live in southern California but are considering relocating to Chile – seems an excellent alternative to California without the headaches and elevated cost. I refer especially to the central region with its Mediterranean climate. (Won’t even miss the earthquakes!)


Just pre-ordered the Kindle version and it will be released on Dec 15, just like the hard copy version. My Kindle is buzzing with excitement and anticipation (esta bailando arriba de mi escritorio!).

Feliz Navidad!

P.S. If you ever need any Swedish language lessons… jag kan hjälpa dig med det! Lesson 1: God Jul och Gott Nytt År!


14 years ago

There will ‘also the Italian version of the new book?

Waiting for a response from someone thanks.

14 years ago

Hola Tim! Donde puedo conseguir la nueva versión expandida de tu libro en español? Actualmente tengo “La semana laboral de 4 horas” pero me gustaría comprar la nueva edición.

14 years ago

Is there going to be a new “expanded and updated” audiobook too?

14 years ago

Will this appear in spain in spanish?

14 years ago


Will the 2ed also be released in the UK on the 15th December?

Amazon UK states: “Currently unavailable.

We don’t know when or if this item will be back in stock.”

Do you have any info from your publisher regarding this?

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
14 years ago
Reply to  MikeB

Hi Mike,

I’m not sure, to be honest. Best bet would be to ask Vermillion, who publishes it in the UK…

I’ll get on them if I speak with them.

Thanks for the comment,


14 years ago

I loved the first book, can’t wait for the this one!

I loved the idea of mini retirements so much, that I am willing to offer offer my house in the Mayan Riviera to anyone that can convince me they deserve it. Follow the link to facebook and drop me a line there…

Scott Barrington
Scott Barrington
14 years ago

Sounds great! can’t wait to get a copy.

Aaron K
Aaron K
14 years ago


I’m looking forward to your next book, SUPERHUMAN. I’m hoping/requesting/giving you a tip on talking about supplements, which is something most serious GENERAL health/diet books lack. A lot of “body building” books discuss them, but that’s a specific audience. Specifically, if you have any information on cycling supplements correctly, I’d love to learn about it. Shoot me an email if you need a test dummy (I’m a male sexual health author who is always experimenting on his body).

As a side note, I want to give you kudos on expanding your audience. Most business experts would suggest that you stick with one audience and keep building that (in your case, entrepreneurs). A health book, of course, has a much larger group for you to reach out to (ALL people think about their health at some point, many more than others). When you say this book is going to be much BIGGER, I don’t doubt you – the math is in your favor 🙂

NOTE: This is probably in the wrong section, but I figured since it relates to your books this will due.

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
14 years ago
Reply to  Aaron K

Thanks, Aaron!

14 years ago

Will the book be available at borders Dec 15th? and if not when?

Diana Carrasco
Diana Carrasco
14 years ago

I finally got in move and ordered it, can’t wait to read it. When I read the original beginning of this year …. so many things finally made sense and everything became clear, I can say I have never been so inspired and illustrated before!

If you ever make it or feel like making it to Madrid, Spain you know you have some fans here 🙂

Thanks for the constant inspiration Tim.



[…] path to self-actualization. I’ve read tons tons and tried to live by dozens. But, this book, The 4-Hour Workweek, Expanded and Updated, the one with over 100 new pages of cutting-edge content, looks different. Its got a hammock and a […]

Jo Allen
Jo Allen
14 years ago

Hiya, awesome book – I want to get it for a friend! Your site says it’s been translated into 35 languages? Does anyone know where I can find a Hindi version? Thanks! JA.

14 years ago

Hi Tim, I already have The 4 Hour Workweek v1.0 and La semana laboral de 4 horas, but I would like to know where I can find “La semana laboral de 4 horas, Expanded and Updated”, is it available for preorder? Please post a link!

Saludos desde Mallorca!

14 years ago

have you planned a date for the italian version of the Expanded edition? Cannot wait!!!



14 years ago

You know, I thought this was rubbish, but I am using the premise provided and have been making appx $1200 per day in one muse that really takes about 12 hours per week.

I am about to start a second muse, to supplemen t as my goal is 5k / wk in 2009 and 2010, I’m looking for $15k per week in 2011.

Have 3 muse going now, two in flight and one about to start in January. Looking at an ideas for a known and exiisting market is harder than just coming up with an idea without the market. Incredible, sell it before you spend one red cent.

European trip this summer into the fall.

Ryan Noronha
Ryan Noronha
14 years ago

I hate you Tim. I had a secure future ahead of me, and I left my job, reasonably well paying professional career all because of your book. Best thing I’ve ever done!! Cant wait to get the updated edition – havent ordered it off Amazon as I dont want to wait a day to get it. I feel like an excited lil kid.

I was wondering if you might be able to put up a blog post where people could post their ideas or muses as case studies..

I have two muses on the go at the moment – and a third on the way and wouldnt mind sharing, as I’m sure there are a lot of people like me who would like to share their stories and listen to others living the 4HWW..

here’s to 2010 being the year everything changes..

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
14 years ago
Reply to  Ryan Noronha

Hi Ryan,

Thanks so much for the comment! I will absolutely put up such a post. It’d be really fun to see what people have come up with 🙂

Pura vida,


14 years ago


Just spoken to Waterstones in Picadilly, London (“Europe’s largest bookstore”). Apparently they had no existing plans to order it in but after speaking to the buyer for the business section they are going to order some in for both their business and careers section.

Likely date it will be in stock is mid January. I’m sure you can get it quicker online, but for anyone who would rather wait until it’s physically in stock, and is near London, then there you go…

Loved the first book, really looking forward to the updated version.


London, UK

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
14 years ago
Reply to  Felix

Hi Felix,

Thx for applying some pressure! I’ve tried to do a lot for overseas but — ultimately — I have no power and few contacts. The int’l publishers have been VERY slow to get on the ball with updating the book. In the end, it’s expensive to revise and publishers are cheap as hell.

Ah, we can only do our best 🙂

Thanks again!


14 years ago

Love it. Got this one too. The first totally changed my life. Literally.

Honorable mention of you here:

14 years ago

Just got the new edition in the mail!!!!!!

14 years ago

Did you do that deliberately Tim???

I’ve just received an email from Amazon (, who have despatched my book – YIPPEE – just in time for Christmas!!! Can’t wait to get stuck into it and plan out the best year ever for 2010. Thanks as always mate!

14 years ago


I just read version-one a month ago and then learned of version two. I ordered two copies immediately. I just received them yesterday and mailed the first copy off to a good friend who is right on the edge of making that leap — as a Christmas gift. I can’t wait for him to get it! It’s going to blow him out of the water!

WOW! This book is fun!

The funny thing is…I work with a couple hundred people and I could only think of that one friend who would even “get” your teaching. I guess we are weird breed. I like it!

My favorite line (this week): “Why are we doing this like retards?”

I laughed till I cried when I read that. I have soooo been there with the whole cold call thing. Yikes!

Anyway, Nice job Tim & thanks for your work.


14 years ago


I just got my book in the mail today! To my surprise, it is much BIGGER than the first edition. It was definitely worth buying a second time. I can’t wait to delve into it.



14 years ago

Hey Tim

Congrats on the new book!

Just curious, why an expanded version instead of book 2? Any marketing strategy to that? Care to share in your next blog post?

Keep rocking.


14 years ago

Located in Australia here, and got the shipping notification from Amazon the other day. Looking forward to it arriving soon as I loved the first book.

Kevin Kelley
Kevin Kelley
14 years ago

Tim, ever since I read the USA Today review of your first book way back in 2006, I was hooked. I’ve read it cover to cover multiple times, and recently purchased the Expanded edition. My orginal edition audiobook CD’s are nearly worn out, and I now have the perfect muse for automating my income. One QUESTION: when can I get my hands on the Expanded Edition audio cd?

I spend alot of time in Chicago traffic and your book motivates me every time I read or listen to it. Thank you for inspiring me to break free from my cubicle dungeon.

14 years ago

I bought the first book and Audible download.

Trying to get the

New version Audiobook.

Your blog link goes to Audible.

I can’t download because it says I already have the book.

The time of replay of the audiobook suggests that it is the old version.

In case you didn’t already know -it seems they are cutting off some goodwill sales and causing annoyance as there is no indication that the new book is available and that the old is the only one-plus there is no offer for Upgrade.

I would like the new version for audio as I’m about to listen to it again as i’m sure it will influence me again to make better decisions in areas of my life.

If you can tell me when it it actually available in audio and how I can get it would appreciate it.

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
14 years ago
Reply to  Roderick

Hi Roderick,

Thank you for the heads up. I’ll check on this and report back on the blog.

All the best,


Jason Koertge
Jason Koertge
14 years ago

Definitely my favorite book too! The new one is ordered and will be at my home next week. can’t wait.

14 years ago

They don’t carry this book at Cover-to-Cover on Castro @ 24th. Thank goodness it was at Phoenix on 24th. You, the local Noe boy should tell them that your book should be carried there! Uncool.

Stephanie Watson
Stephanie Watson
14 years ago

I read your first book, and I am going to order the rewrite as I love to read case studies. 🙂

While I don’t outsource work to India due to your book I do outsource to other work from home moms and that works for me. I am able to work less, and play more, and I like that.

Well, Play is something that is individual, for me it is going to Graduate School to get a Masters in Human Environmental Sciences with a concentration in Interactive Technology. 🙂 (so I am strange)

I could not have done this without your book, and without some other great Moms out there who are supportive of me. I just never thought of the value of outsourcing until I read your book, even though people essentially outsource to me! lol Go figure.

Thanks! Good work!

14 years ago

My 2 biggest heros, Ferris Bueller and Tim Ferriss…….hey, are they related ?

Scott Cejka
Scott Cejka
14 years ago

When will the new version be available in Japanese? Or will it?

Mark Nolan
Mark Nolan
14 years ago

Wow over 100 new pages, way to go Tim, I can’t wait to read all of the new pages and the many success stories. Keep on rockin’ … thanks!

Sjors Provoost
Sjors Provoost
14 years ago

Not sure where you’d prefer me to post this, but I found a small glitch in the Kindle version:

@ Locations 1880-88 / 6771 (the puppy close) the quotes after “vs.” are missing. I.e you can only see the “bad example” quotes, not the “good example” quotes.

14 years ago

Looking for readers of this book in the New Orleans & Baton Rouge area.

Want to form a Mastermind Group and exchange ideas.


Rolf Siebelink
Rolf Siebelink
14 years ago

Tim, are you sure that this new version it’s already available in other languages like Dutch, Spanish, etc? Because bookstores do not have these editions in their ISBN database.

If not so, when do you expect your new version to be available in other languages?

Lucy Atkinson
Lucy Atkinson
14 years ago

Hi Tim/assistants 🙂

I am in Australia and would REALLY REALLY REALLY love tobuy a copy of the 4HWW on audio book … why the US/Canada restrictions? Can anyone let me know where I can get an audio copy in Aus?


[…] not caught on to this brilliant man yet, then jump on board immediately!  Check his blog, read his book, find him on Twitter, whatever floats your boat – just follow him. He truly redefines what it […]

Tracy Farmer
Tracy Farmer
14 years ago

Tim –

Currently reading the expand version of 4HWW. Love it!.

This is more of a curiosity question than anything else. Before I read 4HWW I was reading Getting Things Done by David Alan. I’m curios what you think of his approach for time management?




[…] camera) just so could get into the conference center to meet Tim Ferris, who gave me a copy of the 4 Hour Workweek and signed it […]

Martin Baker
Martin Baker
14 years ago

For fans in the UK, don’t sell the new expanded edition but I found it for sale at very happy with the price and free delivery.

George Speckart
George Speckart
14 years ago

I have read the book and it seems to me it boils down to “start a profitable business where you can get someone else to do all the work.”


So how do you do that? Yeah, yeah, something I love. What if what I love is sleeping, watching movies, and spending time with my family? My point is, how do you find an idea that people will spend money on? Why is there no information on THAT? THAT would be the information that would really help.

14 years ago

Changed my life….now I am trying to help my employees utilize the principles….thanks…keep it coming…more, more, more!

Jhet aka Juliet van Ruyven
Jhet aka Juliet van Ruyven
14 years ago

Dear Tim:

Bon dia mi amigo nuevo! not even sure of the spelling. I believe it’s 2am now in my 3rd week trip to South America from Canada. Was in BA, Rio and now Salvador on my way to Manaus then the amazon. My first time to do such a thing like this and i feel like a multimillionaire many times over. I’m on the second chapter of my life (could mean a lot of things -, cancer scare survivor, status change and shall I say I’m not a spring chicken anymore although lately I feel really still am)

Love traveling and doing the things now that I was not able to do when I was in my younger years – (lack of funds) Nothing will get on the way and absolutely nothing can stop me now. A friend literally put the earphone into my ears and let me listen to 4HWW audio book. Dont worry I’ll get my own hard copy at the soonest. Oh la la it’s about time I hear your message. I’ve been using these lines lately “when the student is ready the teacher will come” – Thank you so very much for sharing your gifts to the world. Hope our path will meet someday! You brilliant (digital age) soul. I’ll check in often that is for sure. Hugs Juliet aka Jhet

Michael Beals
Michael Beals
13 years ago

Tim Ferris-

In my eyes, you just became one of my most favorite people on the internet. I just started reading your book and it has totally reshaped the way I view my unfolding life. I am currently 18 and am going to UCLA to play volleyball next fall. Before I read your book, I dreamed of the high paying job, probably like most other young adults, thinking that it was the correct path in life. My outlook on my future career started to come to me after reading “The 4 Hour Work Week”. No longer do I just want to climb the corporate ladder. I want to find a job, low or high paying, that truly excites me every day and is challenging. Hopefully it includes building awesome buildings, the outdoors, and lots of social interaction. If I enjoy life like I am GOING to, I will not forget who inspired me to do so.

There is one other reason that I am contacting you Mr. Ferris. I know that you love travel, and so do I. I have been to New Zealand, China, Spain, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Costa Rica, Nicaragua and many of the fifty states (thanks to venturous parents). Looking back, I remember getting sick because the water quality wasn’t up to par with the quality we get in the states. I’m bringing this up because I currently work for this new company called “Get the Bottle.” We specialize in selling 25 oz. stainless-steel filtered water bottles (the exact specs and features are on our website if you want more info) that a Renaissance man like you could greatly benefit from using. I’m just trying to expose you to something that you could end up using every day and is really cool.

Once again, I just wanted to thank you for educating the world on your desirable and attainable lifestyle. You have no idea the impact you have on me and the rest of your readers.

Michael Beals

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
13 years ago
Reply to  Michael Beals

Thanks so much for the comment, Michael, and congrats on UCLA! Great school. I’ll check out the site, and you should also check out

Pura vida,


13 years ago

Hey Tim, I’m really hoping that you see this comment and can respond. It’s been exactly 1 year since I discovered 4hww. I love the book and have read it through at least 5 times. I make natural bath and body products and I’ve spent the last year trying to find a way to turn this business into a successful muse. I’ve concluded that I need help from the source. Do you have any suggestions? I’d really appreciate a little direction. Thanks in advance!

13 years ago

Hello, what happened to the Kindle version? It is no longer available on Amazon 🙁

Or maybe it’s because I live in Europe?

13 years ago

Hey Tim and whoever else reads this. I wasn’t sure where to ask questions, but this looked like a good place. I am a sophomore in high school interested in starting an online business. My question is: how do you find a product to market? It would seem every idea I’ve had has either been done already or is unrealistic for my situation. If you had any tips on product creation, that would be fantastic. Thanks.

13 years ago
Reply to  Caleb


Even if someone else is “doing it” already it’s okay. Think about why one thing sells better than another — Marketing. Lots of companies sell the same items.

Find something you’re passionate about that you want to promote, then be the best marketer you can be to promote it.

13 years ago

I just finished reading the book (expanded edition) and I think it’s awesome.

A couple of typos I noticed:

page 172, footnote 31, 3rd line “getting though” should be “getting through”

page 323, footnote 88 “just serach” should be “just search”

There is another one which I lost track of. I made the mistake of committing to memory. Sorry.

13 years ago

Hi Tim,

I have been working step by step through the automation chapter of The 4HWW, and I am looking at the rate cards of different magazines. It’s been a couple years since the book was released, so I was wondering if I should still be looking for magazines that charge less than 5K for a full page ad, or if I should go a little higher (like 6K or 7K).

Obviously, the cheaper the better, but I found a few that I like that are in the 6 to 7 range. What do you think?

Thank you,


12 years ago

I have this book and the nook version. I enjoy going back to read from time to time. Must admit though I am still working on developing my muse. The checking emails twice per day has really saved me on time! Thanks Tim!!!!

12 years ago

Here is the voice from another side of the pond.

I bought Kindle version yesterday evening (well, let’s consider this as my tiny contribution to making Tim NR). I did not finish it yet and I cannot say I don’t like it, actually I do: it is motivating, it provokes alternative thinking, it’s giving some practical advices, it’s fun…

But there is one major fault: this is a book written by American for Americans (or citizens of any other prosperous country, yes, slightly hit by crisis but still prosperous).

There is nothing new in the idea of becoming New Rich by exploiting dirty cheap labor of other people, pharaohs in Egypt did this ages ago, the only difference is that modern technologies allow you to hire people, who happened to be born in countries with undeveloped economies, without bringing them to your country.

John Doe in your book makes his $100 per hour while working 10 hours per week only because somewhere there is a bunch of people who are working the rest of the week, earning say $10 he generously pays them, putting their long hours to ensure Jonh has his long leisure times. Can they “escape 9-5”?

Your VA has to check emails every five minutes in case there may be errand from you. Does she/he have a luxury of checking them only twice a day?

“Live anywhere” or “travel worldwide” are nice advices, but how far your travels would get you, if you did not have American passport which does not require visa to most countries of the world (or visa can be easily issued)?

What your ‘success story’ would be if you would live in the country where the priority of most of the population is to find a job paid enough to buy food and to pay utility bills? For most of people here buying a nice pouch for iPhone or where to park a car is not a problem at all because there is no iPhone and no car, and I don’t think someone would buy into Neural Accelerator.

You say that at the beginning you did not have any advantages comparatively to you fellow countrymen. Maybe you did not, but the fact you was born in America gave you advantages comparatively to many people born in poor countries. There is no any personal achievement or personal fault in this, this is sort of inheritance based on the inequality exiting in the world.

I am the one to whom people like you outsource their activities, my earnings are pretty well but not even close to NR. To earn what I have now, I have to put all my 80+ hours a week, all my energy and intellect, and (at this point you may laugh) “I can’t really throw it all away” because I have obligations to other people who depend on me. I don’t have too many options too (see above). You are just lucky little of us have. What would you do if all of us, inspired by your book, would suddenly retire?

So, Tim, please admit that the assumption is wrong that this book is for everyone. The book is good and there is some good stuff at this blog too, but this will work in certain circumstances, for people leaving in a few specific countries of the world, people with no ties and no responsibilities other than their leisure. This is not a silver bullet and this is not applicable to everyone – for some this would work, for most it would not.

My apologies if something is grammatically incorrect, English is not my first language, but I hope you get the point.

12 years ago


I bought this Audio book 4HWW. I wanted to say that I’m an audio book fanatic, it lets you make hour long drives in the car pay off and become productive. There is a down side though. You list several sources of information (names, places etc.) in the book and it’s virtually impossible to write it all down as fast as you can speak, and certainly not while driving. You should include some of this info in a small pamphlet. I’m not cheap, but I have no intention of buying the paper version and laboring through 450 pages looking for all the referenced information. I know, it’s more work for you but it’s good for your customer. And besides, you only work a few hours a week- I can’t see why you can’t put in an extra hour to perfect your audio products lol…

12 years ago

Tim, fancy releasing a kindle version of 4HWW?

Judi Bola
Judi Bola
11 years ago

Really looking forward to this. I bet the case studies will be inspiring and spur new ideas for all.

11 years ago

I’m wondering about the part where you make Dreamlines and you have to pick something you want 6 months from now and then you have to choose something to do today, tomorrow, and the next day to make it happen. What if what you want 6 months from now is something that you’re requiring money to do anything about today? What are your three things, then? Or, what if (as was the case in one of Tim’s examples) it is something you can’t control? (Tim wanted a “Smart and Gorgeous Girlfriend). Thanks in advance for any responses.

Allison Tuffs
Allison Tuffs
11 years ago

I have your book and would like to complete the Dreamliner using your automatic calculator, but can’t find it on this site. Can you please send me the link for it.

Many thanks, I’m excited about the prospect of a new beginning

11 years ago
Reply to  Allison Tuffs

Here you go, Allison:

About half way down the page there is a link to a sample 6 month dreamline. Below that is the link to the dreamline worksheet download. You can actually fill that in. My only warning: I had trouble opening it at first because I didn’t have Microsoft Office set up. Doesn’t seem to work with any other Excel-type program, at least for me. (It’s an Excel doc)

10 years ago

My thought was for books that seem to have made you quite the Guru on lifestyle changes and has had a profound affect on millions of people….. Why not offer all 3 books in a Fancy (leather wrapped maybe ? idk) bundle case that could be ornately displayed within one’s dwelling!

10 years ago

I need help calculating my TMI the 4HWW says the blog-site will help but, I dont see any forms here. Please help me.

Thank you

Please email me with help if you have time after the comment

9 years ago

Tim, I bought the a first edition copy in 2010 and about 6 months ago, lent it to someone – never to be seen again. I’m considering going out and buying another copy, much of the information is still relevant, however, we are now 6 years past the 2nd Edition release and I’m sure there must be plenty of great insights and advancements out there that we just don’t know about. I think it’s time to put pen to paper on this project again.

By the way, it was great listening to my friend a few weeks ago who I had convinced to read the 4HWW. He was really excited about it, taking notes along the way as he read. He had recently started up an industrial equipment leasing company and was loving the extra time and flexibility had made for himself through outsourcing all his tedious data entry tasks to a personal assistant from an Indian company.

Anyway, I won’t keep you any longer, you have writing to do.



6 years ago

I am loving this book! Thank you!