Sneak Peek: The New and Expanded 4-Hour Workweek is Here

The 4-Hour Workweek was first published April 27th, 2007.

I did my best to cover all of the bases when it debuted, but there were gaps. Though I included cases studies of families using lifestyle design, for example, it was hard to find more than a few the first time around.

Not anymore. Things have changed. There are more than 30,000 comments on this blog, hundreds of people have shared their successes and failures via detailed e-mail, and both case studies and experiments continue to flow in from around the world.

This doesn’t mean that the current edition doesn’t do the job — it does — but more than 40 printings and 35 languages later, a new and expanded edition has finally been completed

This new version includes all of the updates and additions that I’ve wanted to make for the last 2.5 years, including more than 50 case studies from readers, as well as 100+ pages of new content. Many of the “tools and tricks” resources have been completely revised to reflect testing with newer and better technologies.

The book publishes December 15th but is available for preorder here at a 30% discount. Why not get some X-mas shopping done early? 🙂

The graphics in this post are the new cover and jacket, which you voted on here. Thank you all so much for the wonderful input and conversation, both online and in real-life.

I learn more from you than I could ever hope to teach.

I hope you love this new edition as much as I do (larger font in second graphic):

Pre-order it here for 30% off the cover price, making it less than $15.

If you’re in media and would like to discuss exclusive interviews, stories, or segments, please email amy-at-fourhourworkweek-dot-com with “4HWW Media” in the subject line.

Have a beautiful weekend!


Odds and ends elsewhere on the web:

Tim Ferriss on TED – Smash Fear, Learn Anything

How to Tim Ferriss Your Love Life (from WordCamp 2009)

The Tim Ferriss Show is one of the most popular podcasts in the world with more than one billion downloads. It has been selected for "Best of Apple Podcasts" three times, it is often the #1 interview podcast across all of Apple Podcasts, and it's been ranked #1 out of 400,000+ podcasts on many occasions. To listen to any of the past episodes for free, check out this page.

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Comment Rules: Remember what Fonzie was like? Cool. That’s how we’re gonna be — cool. Critical is fine, but if you’re rude, we’ll delete your stuff. Please do not put your URL in the comment text and please use your PERSONAL name or initials and not your business name, as the latter comes off like spam. Have fun and thanks for adding to the conversation! (Thanks to Brian Oberkirch for the inspiration.)

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5 days ago

Hi everyone! I see that there’s an edition of the 4-hour week from Penguin Editorial (The 4-Hour Work Week: (Vermilion Life Essentials)).Does this edition contain the expanded and updated content as well?Thank you!

Team Tim Ferriss
4 days ago
Reply to  Cristina

Hi, Cristina –

Yes, the Vermilion Life Essentials edition is the expanded and updated version of The 4-Hour Workweek. Thanks for asking!


Team Tim Ferriss

14 years ago

Great news Tim. Absolutely loved the first version, and this one is definitely going to be even more remarkable.

Take care,


Jorge Moraes
Jorge Moraes
14 years ago

Just pre-ordered 2 books; one for myself another for my kitesurfer brother.

Can’t wait to meet you one day to say thanks in person for the first book.



14 years ago

Definitely pre-ordering this!! Looking forward to this read 🙂

14 years ago

Yeah, I borrowed a copy from a friend this week and liked it enough to order a copy, then saw on Amazon that the expanded version is hitting in December. Decisions, decisions. Well, I’ll probably get both. Thanks for the great tips!

14 years ago


Congrats, as if you needed another one on this thread. 😉

Being the persnickety type that I am, (and you may be too), I feel compelled to correct your bad Spanish. Perhaps you meant to say, “Gracias por todoS”?

Don’t let all of that reactivated Mand-a-reen erase your Spanish, no? 😉

New book in the works, pre-orders cascading in… Does this mean that the original 4HWW will be discounted?? 😉

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
14 years ago
Reply to  Grammarian

Hmmm… I was intending to say “thank you for everything”, but perhaps I mixed something up…


14 years ago

Can’t wait to see the updates. Pretty stoked. You must be pretty pumped on traveling for the book tour.

14 years ago

This is great, but I don’t like the color scheme.

14 years ago

Loved the first book. Keen to see the updates.

Am based in the UK though. When will it be available on Amazon here?

Jim Crawford
Jim Crawford
14 years ago

Durn. Just bought the first edition. Well, no matter. I like what I’m reading and will no doubt buy the new revised version, too.

14 years ago

Any translated versions coming out soon? (Brazil – portuguese?)


Michael Medlock
Michael Medlock
14 years ago

I’ve been putting off buying the book until an update came along. So roll on publication date. A couple of questions.

1. When will it be available in Europe?

2. Why are Amazon trying to sell the new version bundled with the previous version? ( I know, I know this is Amazon not Tim)

14 years ago

I guess it was fate I got a refund from Amazon on the first book purchase :-p Good Idea 😀

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
14 years ago

Fate can lead to a lot of interesting places. Truer words never spoken 🙂


14 years ago


You’re awesomely inspirational. I’m personally still seeking my muse but can’t wait to figure that part out. I just quit my job to go back to school based on your question of, “What would you do day to day if money was no object?” I’ve wanted to be a teacher forever so at 33 going back to finish up a few years of schooling to accomplish that.

In the meantime, considering other muse possibilities that would fit into the overall theme of helping children become more capable people.

Thank you for your inspiration! Can’t wait to get the updated version and the superhuman book when it comes out.

You rock!

14 years ago

I really loved the first book…a lot of it didnt really relate to me however one section did and made a massive difference to my live and business. Will you be releasing an audio book version?

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
14 years ago
Reply to  Andy

Hi All,

I’ve checked with the publisher, and there will definitely be a Kindle version. I’m still waiting to hear back on the audiobook…



14 years ago

I think, in the #comment-54747, Alex CC would ask, about when will avaliable the spanish version of the “The New and Expanded 4-Hour Workweek”.


Domagoj Rozic
Domagoj Rozic
14 years ago

Just finished reading the first version and loved it..

I see that you planned a trip to Croatia, did you do it?

In any case, plan next summer visit to Croata.

Based on the book, ill organize some great wine tasting, mma training with Mirko Cro Cop, vip ATP tour seats and book signing (no, without the last:)..

Not sure why it took me so long to pick it up, but it was a great read.

I was on a lucky stream and living global last few years, but got carried away in work for work sake. Book help to get me back on track..

Would love to meet and exchange ideas for “Becoming Superhuman” or life design.

Im in CA for the Virgin Galactic demo flight in December or just let me know for Croatia (currently im in living in Bogota, also an option)..

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
14 years ago
Reply to  Domagoj Rozic


Wow — do you really know Mirko Cro Cop? That would be outstanding, though I’d probably come back in a body bag 🙂


14 years ago

Solid, I’m confirmed for BizTechDay this week in SF. Far out colors on this book cover.

If I recall correctly, think I’m a ESFP on the Myers-Briggs Test.

14 years ago

Just preordered.

If you plan to release the audiobook, the guy that did the first edition was absolutely great, make him do this version as well.

Ryan Whiteside
Ryan Whiteside
14 years ago

What do we have to do to get our hands on this earlier?

14 years ago


First of all, a warning that this post is only tenuously linked to the new edition thing. Second, my apologies for the longwinded diatribe which follows. I have tried to avoid sending anyone on a search for background.

I have been working on a dreamline worksheet today, and after following a couple of the links from the worksheet download page, I wanted to see if I had completely misinterpreted things.

There is a blog about living the optimised four hour work week. I am sure you would be aware of it. I followed a track back to the blog via an article called expanding the dreamlining concept and noticed a link to the most recent article which states:

“in many ways the 4HWW concept has been shot given the urgency of making ends meet and scrambling to get whatever dollars are left to spend”

This article is now months old, and it has left me wondering whether the author failed to make ends meet and has abandoned the 4hww approach completely.

When I read through the original dreamlining post, I was further surprised to see that the dreamline included:

6 month –

Sold existing company for > $4M

Owner of second business (not to be disclosed)

Philanthropist, starting a new organization

Enrolled in Weekend MBA Program

12 month –

Owning an office building

A Patent

Generating most income from second business

Raised money for philanthropic organization

The author also included an 18 month dreamline which included:

Sold second company for > $10M

Generating positive income from office building

Head of philanthropy with large endowment

Started third company

Owner / buyer of multiple companies

Finished up MBA program

The justification for including an 18 month dreamline was:

“If I wanted to have lots of big, hairy, audacious goals (BHAG), then I needed to focus on the ones that I would get immediate benefit from if they were to succeed and push the bigger ones out when I can make the shorter term ones a reality.”

My question:

Would you agree that a dreamline which is so focussed on setting up businesses, selling businesses, and doing business work, is simply articulating a work for work sake attitude in a new way?


Is it possible that the dreamline itself contributed to a situation where the urgency of making ends meet overtook the urgency of living?

It seems to me that the authors approach to dreamlining would doom a muse from the start; that objectives that are based around building a building a big business and then selling it so you can do what you want are the complete antithesis of one of the central tenets of 4HWW – that by generating passive income, there is no need to wait for that one big windfall for retirement (I detest the sound of that word now).


Blair Slavin
Blair Slavin
14 years ago

I look forward to this new edition and only hope you make it availbe for Kindle upon release. I am trying to only buy Kindle books as much as possible to make it easy for traveling and easy reference so I don’t have to keep a library with me.

Aiselade Dionisio
Aiselade Dionisio
14 years ago

Awesome! Pre-ordered and will be shipped out to Australia in time for my Birthday! Can’t wait to read it Tim!

14 years ago

Hi! Just have to ask; what kind of shoes are you wearing on the mainsite pic (Ninja pose and club in hand.). Looks real comfortable. If anyone else knows, a response from you would also be greatly appreciated.


14 years ago

When will the book be published in the UK and can we benefit from the same discount?

14 years ago

Hi Tim,

Any idea about a UK release yet? doesn’t mention any date.

Will you also do an updated audio book?



14 years ago

That’s really cool, Tim! Thanks and congrats! 🙂

BTW, what about the next one? I’m looking forward for your conclusions of the traditional bodybuilding axioms challenging!

Doug Ledbetter
Doug Ledbetter
14 years ago

Can’t wait to get the new revised book. I’d like to get the audio version just like the original if and when it becomes available.

Jill MacGregor
Jill MacGregor
14 years ago


When your book originally came out, I was perfecting my own *70 hour workweek* so your 4 hour craziness did not apply.

Oh the difference a couple a years make!

Now I’m painting and writing and thinking–and getting your book!

Take Care,


14 years ago

Tim, thanks i was just wondering when you was going to update some of the material in the book! i clicked on the link and was about to go buy it this very second! until i seen the december 15th release date. Dang, i wish this was out already!!! anyway you can push the date foward? please! excuse me for being over excited but i need this in my life!

thanks again!!!

14 years ago

i want to pre-order but i’m not willing to wait for it to be delived by mail. Can you pre-order and pick it up at your local barnes n nobles? i would like to do that, but if not i’ll be purcashing it at the full price to avoid the mail delay.


Melissa McCune
Melissa McCune
14 years ago

Just ordered a copy for my CPA. Should make for some interesting 6am training conversations.

Lus Sebastien
Lus Sebastien
14 years ago

Hey Tim! any ETA on becoming superhuman? Early-mid next year??

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
14 years ago
Reply to  Lus Sebastien

September 2010! 🙂

Kelly J
Kelly J
14 years ago

So excited for this. I just amazoned it for December. Does anybody know if there will be any way that we can comment on the on the new tips and tricks section for ideas and feedback? On the blog somewhere possibly?

Tyler McGill
Tyler McGill
14 years ago

Any chance of preordering in Canada? I can’t find anything but the original version on …

14 years ago

uhm, Rombauer Vineyards Zinfandel 2006 is delicious. I’m enjoying, hope you’re all having a fantastic evening. 🙂

Live it up!

14 years ago


Excited about the update.

Are you planning a book signing in new york any time soon ?

I’ll buy three copies if you are 🙂


14 years ago

@Ed That is certainly a lot of pressure to be put on oneself. I wonder why the guy abandoned the 4HWW concept 🙂

Matt Williamson
Matt Williamson
14 years ago

Tell me this time you uses URLs on the foot notes at least? Great book!

Megan Donovan
Megan Donovan
14 years ago

@Tyler You can pre-order the new version at here:

Megan Donovan
Megan Donovan
14 years ago

@ Greg I think the new version of the book in the UK will be available at the same time or only a few days later after the release in the US.

14 years ago

This comment is in response to Ed’s comment on dreamlining and the possibility of having a muse first be incompatible with a dreamline. I just wanted to comment that in the 4HWW that the dreamline is the first step towards realizing what a muse needs to be, not the other way around. At least that is how I see it. This makes a crystal clear objective of what the muse needs to be. This leaves the day to day stuff that isn’t neccesary for the muse off the table. Think Pareto’s law towards the dreamline on this. Just a thought.

14 years ago

Tim –

Read the first version from the library, and couldn’t put it down. I disagreed with your stoic outlook on life, but appreciated the fact that you actually wrote (and thought) about what it was that made you tick and undertake the things you have done. Most writers never do that in a book like yours.

I also took it upon myself to do a little research to see what others thought of your “motivational” book online at that time, and found that most people who HATED the book (or you, or both) seemed to not be willing to view their lives and the culture in which they lived as changeable. That is what I appreciated so much about the first printing of the book, and why I just pre-ordered the second printing.

People: it’s not as though Tim is a hyper-genius or even needs to be. It’s that he’s willing to do that which you aren’t. So get going, get out there, and change things for the better! (And buy the book. It’s worth the $15 for the hyperlinks alone, IMHO.)

14 years ago


Can’t wait for the new updated book…of course that means I will have to go back and re-highlight all the important notes from my original copy. Haha.


14 years ago


I can’t wait two months. I CAN’T! I need it now. I needed it yesterday. I bought one of the first copies and gave it the guy who installed my cable. (He had some pretty big dreams and I was feeling generous).

Then, I bought another copy and gave it to a friend who started his own tattoo shop. (It’s very sophisticated… don’t ya know?)

Which brings me to my point. The ass is going to fall out of my life on December 31st. I simply can’t read your new book and start a successful company in 16 days!

“Just get another copy of the ‘old’ version I hear you say.”

Well, I can’t! How can I when I know a new, improved version is alive and somewhere on planet Earth? It simply doesn’t jive well with my OCD tendencies. I will be reading the old version and thinking; “Damn!! What if there’s a faster way and it’s in the NEW book??? Damn! Maybe I should wait? No! I can’t wait, there’s NO time! Oh what to do…what to do?” AGGGGGGHHHHHHHH….

Isn’t there another way? A code perhaps? A contest with a code? A miracle? Something??

Desperately hyperventilating in Indianapolis,


14 years ago


Thanks Tim, hopefully this time I will get more done towards “lifestyle design”!


14 years ago


Perfect timing! Your book is my absolute favourite book of all time, and what’s a better Christmas gift for my closest friends than The New and Expanded 4-Hour Work Week? I’ve already pre ordered my copies from Chapters here in Canada.


PS do you know anyone who’s can fix a torn ACL, perhaps without reconstructive surgery?

Sean West
Sean West
14 years ago

Hey Tim,

Just bought two, one to loan out and one for me :-). Thanks for your ongoing efforts, you’ve changed my life in a big way.

P.S. just lost 30 pounds on a variation of your diet, and the internet muse is going well.



Jon Grey Davies
Jon Grey Davies
14 years ago

Brilliant! Pre Ordered two. One for me, one for my son who can’t get his head round ‘conventional’ work. Frustrated at having to wait until December 21st though in the UK. I loved the first book can’t wait for the new and expanded edition.

14 years ago

nice! can’t wait to see all the new goodies you’ve added.

14 years ago

Did any 4HWW peeps see this in the Post?

This wasn’t news to me–this kid obviously has the money and wants to free his brain for more important things. I fail to see how this is “insulting” or a sign that rich kids can’t do anything for themselves. Sounds like smart thinking. Maybe he’s a devotee of Tim’s? 🙂

14 years ago

GREAT to see so many appreciative comments (I haven’t read them all obviously – but a 3 minute scan shows we’re all on the same page here).

The ROI of this book is an absolute no-brainer:)

Thanks Tim, looking forward to receiving mine from Amazon soon.

14 years ago

Hi Tim! First of all, THANKS for sharing your knowledge!! Do you know when the Expanded Version of 4HWW will be available in spanish?

Melissa Mitchell (Neuhaus)
Melissa Mitchell (Neuhaus)
14 years ago

Well.. Tim Ferriss… I was looking in the bookstore the other day and was pleasantly surprised to see your picture in the back of this book. I haven’t put your book down since and am learning a great deal from you! Haven’t seen you in a while.. So glad you are doing amazing things.. Always knew you would.

I am sure you don’t have time.. but I would love to hear from you..

Melissa Mitchell (Neuhaus).. your long lost buddy…

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
14 years ago

Wow, Melissa! It’s been aaaaaages! Hope to reconnect soon… best off the blog, of course 🙂


Jason Grubb
Jason Grubb
14 years ago

Awesome… can’t wait to get the new book!

14 years ago

Read the first edition when it hit the shelves and am finally ready to put some of it into play for me. Looking forward to this edition.

14 years ago

This is great news. Since I already own two copies of the first version, I better order the new version as well.

This has of course been mentioned a lot in the past, but as you write you could not have found all these success stories just a few years ago, so your book definitly changed the game.

Joe Targus
Joe Targus
14 years ago

Merry Christmas! Can’t wait to reread and get primed. My brother borrowed the last copy and I never saw it again. Great timing!

14 years ago

You are the King of Self-promo & Buzz, Tim. You’ve squeezed your popularity and innovative Life Style design concepts to the max capitalizing with some new info. now. Hope it works well for you. It’ll boost your overall profits for your muscle book in Sept for sure. Smart.

I’m still hoping for a book on Stoic philosophy from you that helps balance life purview and telos. That’s more of my predilection. Any chance of that happening?


14 years ago

“Hmmm… I was intending to say “thank you for everything”, but perhaps I mixed something up…


No, it’s just a quirk, I think. Maybe a more informed Spanish speaker can explain. For now, I’m guessing that “everything” is considered to be plural, there for it’s “todoS”.

Piet Broekharst
Piet Broekharst
14 years ago

Dear Tim,

I read your book (dutch translation). I really am enthousiastic about your tips. I was also very touched by the poem of the sick girl in the last chapter. I wanted the original text, and searched for it. I instantly found out this was a poem of David L. Weatherford, used in a chain letter. I think you should have mentioned that in your book. See the website of break the chain on this.

Maybe you didn’t know this. That’s why I post this comment so you can correct this in next editions or translations?

Thanks, still enjoying your book though!

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
14 years ago

Hi Piet,

Thanks for the comment.

Perhaps the Dutch version wasn’t corrected, but the current version of the 4HWW attributes this to David, whom I’ve spoken with. Sorry the correx haven’t made it to Holland!


14 years ago

Hi Tim,

I love your book. I am actually writing about you in a forum at Rutgers regarding meaningful work and work life balance. I just clicked away to copy the link to your book for my fellow classmates. Thanks to your advice, I am now working from home 3 days a week and I’m no longer a slave to my email and telephone! I am accomplishing so much more in my life.

Thank you!

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
14 years ago
Reply to  Kelly

Nice work! 🙂

14 years ago

HI Tim

Just wanted to say thanks for everything. I now have an office out of New York that does my stuff and have taken myself out of the equation. Most people think im crazy but i think they are just jealous because i am only 21 and have more free time than them. I cant wait for the new book 🙂 and never would have gotten to this point without your book.


Ps can u hurry up with the becoming superhuman lol because im just as exited 🙂

Sammy Chow
Sammy Chow
14 years ago

I want to watch trial by fire online but I cannot find anything other than the preview. Is there a way I can access it?

Rolf Siebelink
Rolf Siebelink
14 years ago

Hi Tim,

Looking fwd reading the new version. Your first release became an instant hit here at the Dutch Microsoft Office. Actually, some of your priniciples have been officially incorporated into the workstyle of me and my collegues. Here at Amsterdam Schiphol we actually build a brand new office around some of your ideas. That’s because the company’s vision on the new way of work shares some similarities with your principles.

Just to give you one example: Officially I’m not required anymore to physically attend at meetings 🙂

Let me know if you are planning to visit Holland and I will gladly show you around there and if you wish I can have you tell there about your book.


Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
14 years ago
Reply to  Rolf Siebelink

Wow – thanks, Rolf! I’ll be in Holland next April for The Next Web conference! Hope to see you there.

All the best,


Rolf Siebelink
Rolf Siebelink
14 years ago

Hi Tim,

Just let me know if your (undoubtedly busy) schedule allows you to have a vist at our office that was partially build around your principles when you land at Amsterdam Schiphol next April and I will gladly make it happen.

I guess that your vision, also mostly shared by us here, has made quite an impact: Our CEO Steve Balmer was pretty amazed when he visited our office last week 🙂

BTW, it’s only a 3 min travel from the Schiphol Airport 🙂


[…] Sneak Peek: The New and Expanded 4-Hour Workweek is Here Sat next to a young guy in Starbucks the other day who was reading this. Tim Ferris is Dan Brown for the young and aspirational!? Posted by Andrew Filed in Links […]


[…] Ferriss der Autor des Buches 4-Hour-Workweek hat auf seinem Blog eine aktualisierte Version seines Buches angekündigt, das auf Deutsch unter dem Titel […]

14 years ago

Hello Tim,

i just wanted to ask if the expanded and updated version will be released in germany, too? I can`t find any information on that.

Thank you.

Oh, and your book is awesome!!!

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
14 years ago
Reply to  Marcello

Hi Marcello and All,

Thanks for the comments and questions. For France and Germany and all other countries: the new and expanded edition should be published in these places, but it will depend on the foreign publishers, so feel free to drop them a note 🙂

All the best,


14 years ago

Hello Tim,

I’m French and I read the first draft of your book. I loved it. I have reread several times. Can you tell me when will be published a French version of this new edition?

Thank you

Ergest Xheblati
Ergest Xheblati
14 years ago

Hey Tim, don’t know if you knew of this book: “The 168-Hour Week” by Kevin Hogan. He’s one of my favorite writers.

14 years ago

I have heard great things about your first book. I look forward to getting this new version when it is ready.

However, for those of us in Canada, the link you have above doesn’t really work. If I order from I can qualify for free shipping, but from, I don’t. So, I can’t really order through your link.

Thanks for contributing to great motivational literature!



Donovan Glass
Donovan Glass
14 years ago

Congrats Tim. Look how far we’ve come!!


Matt Handal
Matt Handal
14 years ago

Duh! I just bought the old version and sent it to a work contact!!!

I highly reccomend your book!

14 years ago

Heya Tim! Kinda found this expanded version on Amazon and wrote a post on it

Gave the book cover a little life by cleaning out the pixelated noise from the image. 🙂

Comes with a 80×80 thumbnail too.

Besides that, I now got something to look forward to this year’s end! Can’t wait.

14 years ago

i would ask what the catch is but i’m sure you would say, buy the book. so i will.

Rob S.
Rob S.
14 years ago


I’ve reread the first book five times now – I can’t wait for the revised edition. Thank you for all your insights, and congratulations on a job well done (again).

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
14 years ago
Reply to  Rob S.

Thank you so much 🙂


Andre Kibbe
Andre Kibbe
14 years ago

Just wanted to echo Tricia’s comment on wishing you’d release/redo the “How I Beat the Ivy Leagues” product. Do you have any quick general principles on the method, or resources you could point to online that reflect your approach?

14 years ago

Looking forward to the new examples.

I need more juice

14 years ago

This is cool.

I am working on getting out of the rat race and it is much easier than I thought. I was very skeptical and even angry after reading the book. I thought this book was written for elitist looking for a way to fill their little empty lives.

But I realized that my life was empty, despite being filled with “obligations”. I figured that I was angry at myself for being a fool and living the great lie called “The American Dream”. From today’s news headlines, I realized that life was only fair for those who took charge.

I stopped working hard and worked smarter. I am on the path to great success.

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
14 years ago
Reply to  Yadgyu

Congratulations on taking the leap, Yadgyu! Keep it up and you’ll find that many things get easier…



14 years ago

Hey Tim

Will the revised version have any advice for college students?


and I still listen to the classic SXSW audio 🙂

Rafal Pikul
Rafal Pikul
14 years ago

Hi Tim,

How to pre-order the book in England?

I couldn’t find it on



ps. THANKS for your first book, it’s great! 🙂

14 years ago

Hi Tim, I bought your book this summer on suggest of an Italian blogger…you just gave a big positive push to my attitude and make me start an inner change. I premise my working and sentimental life are socially “enviable”…….. BTW It was like an explosion in my head and heart. I read there printed on the paper all that things that I well knew but never had the courage to say to myself. It’s difficult as you wrote…..tremendous difficult to admit and thinking that could be a different way to live your life…but your book gave me the strenght to stand up from my lazy comfortable life and begin think different….seeing a lot of situation more clear and getting tha sometimes….ok a lot of time is much easier tha you think. You helped me to open again my horizon…thank you

When you come to Italy you have your house in Florence

Casa mia è casa tua.

Waiting for the italian version of the Expanded edition.



14 years ago

Can’t wait for the final version. September 2010 – what do i do so long?

14 years ago

Awesome! I cannot wait for the new version in my kindle.

Corrado Arcilesi
Corrado Arcilesi
14 years ago


I credit much of my success to you and your writings. Thank you very much for providing me with the much needed wake-up call that got me back to business and back to success and enjoyment of life. You are only 3 years older than me but have taught me quite a bit about what it is to enjoy and manage THE HELL out of your time here on this rock. I firmly believe you will go down in history as one of the great motivators of our time.

Corrado Arcilesi

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
14 years ago

Thank you so much, Corrado, for the kind words.

Have a wonderful week,


Scottie Duncan
Scottie Duncan
14 years ago

I am really looking forward to reading the new book… can it be pre ordered in the UK as it took me 4 weeks to get it through a major book store in Scotland… it was well worth the wait though.


Scottie Duncan
Scottie Duncan
14 years ago

Hi Tim, I loved your book, and I think I will may go back and read over it again, maybe I did not move away from all the other ‘personal growth’ stuff that I had in my book shelves…

I have recently launched a blog site to try and promote a bio based product that safely cleans without harming the earth, people, animals etc etc… I know roughly where I can make money, but it’s just at that stage where its all fears that are stopping the whole thing from even strating, it’s like a rabbit in head lights kind of thing…

It’s funny cause i am trying to make a differnce in my life, as well as in the world around me, but fear is the factor that is stopping me from moving to another level.

i am sure loads of people have been there and done that, but I don’t seem to know where to start… does it all sound a bit silly?


14 years ago

just saw gary vaynerchuk in a video talking shit about 4hww… apparently he hasn’t read all the success stories.

tim was nice enough to tweet a link and give recommendation, interesting way to show thanks for a favor…

it’s in the video for his ‘vook’…

tim, im sure you’ve seen this. has he apologized?

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
14 years ago
Reply to  kyleschen

Hi Kyleschen,

Wow. It is an interesting way to show thanks for the favors he’s asked, including cover quote, tweets, etc. I’ve sent an email to his publisher asking that my quote be taken off of the book.

Thanks for the heads up. Sad, really. If crushing it makes you do that to your “friends”, I’m not sure I want to crush it.


14 years ago

i’m glad to see you’re getting your name off the book. although he has some interesting points, the book overall doesn’t have anything new to say to anyone who already understands social media… he won’t be around long

Arron Lorenz
Arron Lorenz
14 years ago

I’m pretty surprised at the rift that is growing between Tim, and Gary. I think that Crush It is just a different form, and a different methodology. It in my opinion doesn’t overflow onto the FHWW.

I enjoy both books very much. I just pre-ordered the expanded edition of FHWW, and just received my second copy of Crush It for a friend.

Seeing this kind of infighting without any sort of explanation is getting disheartening. I hear from Tim, and from Gary all the time the engagement is crucial, and that it needs to be “True” / “Real”. Like I said I’m not sure what is going on but someone is going to need to step up and resolve this.

I guess I just don’t understand how we go from having Tim on the front page of the book. To commenting on the blog that Tim has contacted the publisher to have his name removed. I hope everything is well Tim, and I hope that two of my mentors are not warring.

14 years ago

I think that clip is Gary just getting over-excited. He just doesn’t realize sometimes what he’s saying when he’s on his “passion” flow – he even admitted to this on one of his key note speeches. I don’t think he meant what he said (who knows), but he definitely needs to apologize.

Anyways your book has definitely helped me in getting things done. Haven’t started my an online muse yet though – my main goal now, but man the comments on here make me wanna re-read those chapters again. Can’t wait for Dec 15 woo

14 years ago

have you planned a date for the italian version of the Expanded edition?



14 years ago


I have a favor to ask when the new version comes out:

Narrate the audiobook yourself!

In my opinion, the author is best-qualified to convey the meaning of his work to his audience, and provides a better experience for the listener.


14 years ago

I’m so very glad to see a new copy of this out, it’s about time it got updated, I know the first one I got really changed my perspectives on a lot of things , it was well worth its weight in pure gold.

Bob F
Bob F
14 years ago

Good luck with the new version Tim!

Great article in the Times this morning about changing attitudes towards work and life in Japan with the younger generation.

Nidal Ghobar
Nidal Ghobar
14 years ago

i was going to buy the first one, but now i think ill have to wait to buy the updated one, thnkx

Christine Spurlock
Christine Spurlock
14 years ago

I am 33 and retired. Retired meaning I don’t have to be anywhere at any particular time. I read your book for the first time just about a year ago. I was making great money, but my time was not my own. Now my husband and I often forget what day of the week it is, because their are no work days!

Thank you,

You’ve changed my Life!!!

Dr. Christine Spurlock

David Singhiser
David Singhiser
14 years ago

This is great! I’m looking forward to the new edition, but it will have to be on a Kindle. I’m leaving for Thailand and Uganda in December.

Thanks for the first edition.

I’m living the way I want to now!

14 years ago

Congrats Tim,

I just found and purchased your book yesterday. Where have I been? Sheesh. Anyway — can’t put it down. Now you’re created a delimma in my day — I have arrived at work knowing that I need to focus on only those things that will allow me to be “very effective rather than merely efficient” and I cannot find enough to do… yet I have to stay here till 5. (Note to me: find a way to sneak to the car and read more of Tim’s book!)

Off to order the new version for Christmas gifts! I’ll be a hero!


Corey M
Corey M
14 years ago

Somebody bought stacks of “Crush it”, and set them out on a table at work. I took one of them home despite the strong odor of douchebag, solely because of Tim’s quote on the cover.

Tim, you’ve gotta get your name off this book, guy. I can’t think of another way to describe the ‘book’ while staying cool like Fonzie.